#Someday I can spill the beans
urbandokkalfar · 1 year
I can't give deets and have to be vague af because yeah but a company is breeding cats and dogs and testing things in foods and using ai to convert behavioral data via 'smart collars' to activate and alter dna.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
i need more sucrose i beg
just a crumb, any fact or a random blurb i beggggggg
My original idea for Dentist Reader was that they were scared off of candy as a child 2005 Willy Wonka style, but someone left this comment.
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So here's a drabble with both meshed into one.
Yan Candy Person Shop Owner + Dentist Reader
"You have one final chance to get out of my office before I have you dragged out in handcuffs."
If that damned sheriff would actually do his job for once- The worst part about moving to a smaller area was the local authority's instance on solving issues between yourselves. Your hands may have been filled with new appointments, you aren't blind. You've seen that lazy excuse for an officer waltz gleefully out of that accursed candy store, twiddling suckers between his lips.
Hard candy and bite sized balls of chocolate spill out onto the floor of your lobby as the confectioner urges the candy bowl from their hands into yours.
"Gumdrop...." That awful nickname... It's almost more annoying than their crocodile tears when you call out their behavior in public. "Just one little nibble, that's all I'm askin'. Let's start with something simple. Butterscotch? How about a peppermint? A gumdrop for my sweet, compassionate gumdrop?"
Your foot taps impatiently against the carpeted floor. Must you go through this same song and dance every day? Sucrose lets out a nervous chuckle, placing the bowl on your desk as they hop to their feet.
"If you won't have any for yourself, at the very least your patients might enjoy a sweet treat after everything you put them through. Dental work can be scary business- A smile every now and then would help too."
"Alright. Fine- I've got too much paperwork to deal with to argue with. If you had any sense, you'd be behind the counter- At. Your. Shop."
"Feisty~" Sucrose purrs, tapping your nose with a giggle. "That's what I love about you. I'll drop by during your lunch break to check on you. Don't miss me too much, Gumdrop!"
Grabbing the tails of their apron, Sucrose bows before turning on their heals - practically skipping their way out of your office. With them out of your hair, your focus redirects to the bowl of candy sitting on your desk. Lollipops and hard candies were one thing, but some of the mix would only cause more harm than good. Caramels, jelly beans, taffy.
Your fingernails clench around the edge of the table- the roar of an engine scaring you off before you dare to go further. Fearing being caught, you brisky march over to the windows; shutting the blinds without a second thought. Returning to the desk, you make certain your chair faces the window as you take your seat - snatching the first brightly colored wrapper that catches your eye.
You make quick work of pealing the candy free, folding the wrapper into a neat folder and tucking it into your pocket. You've never seen taffy shaped quite like what they've done before- Maybe someday you'd swallow your pride and ask Sucrose how they they sliced their candy into perfect miniature hearts. Easing back in your chair, you pop the candy into your mouth - chewing as all your fears from the past melt on your tongue along with the rich, cherry flavor.
"Knock, Knooooock~ Hey, Gumdrop. I think I forgot my....."
Hand deep in the candy bowl, the taffy hits your stomach like a brick as you swallow - the confectioner's eyes growing wider by the second.
"G.....Gumdrop?!? You're eating me sweets?! Out of your own free will? Eeeek! I knew you'd come around someday! I'm so happy! Let me lick the sweetness from your lips, my angel!"
You keep from your chair as Sucrose pounces- keeping them at distance with your foot as they make wild grabs for your face with their hands.
"Don't deny our love any longer, my sweet! You love my candy yet you claim to despise it so you must feel the same way about me- You're too cruel! Kiss me, you beautiful heart-breaker!"
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impala-dreamer · 7 months
Tell me a story about reader trying to hide something from Spencer Reid (fluffish)
A Not-So-Secret Secret
Spencer Reid x F!Reader
Fluff and Secrets and Pregnancy Revelations
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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It was like trying to play tag with God. You took a step, and he followed. You turned a corner, and he was there waiting. It was fucking impossible. He seemed to be everywhere at the same time; his light brown eyes forever following you around, detailing and documenting every odd move and every evasive answer. It almost made you feel sorry for the serial killers he interviewed and every suspect he’d been in contact with.  
While you were becoming increasingly infuriated with his passive observational skills, you were still determined to keep it all a secret. Soon, you would make your little announcement, apologize for being so moody the last few weeks, and give an excuse for all the seemingly random running out of rooms you’d been doing in the early mornings. Soon, you’d sit him down and spill the beans; pray that he’d be OK with it all. Soon. But trekking through the damp woods of Vermont while looking for an UnSub was neither the time nor the place. 
Even though he was a few yards ahead, you could somehow still feel him watching you. It was as if he had eyes behind his head, or, at the very least, a bit of ESP that transcended the physical limitations of the human body and let him watch you no matter where he was. The internal workings of his mind were surely a sight to see. Maybe someday, you mused, you’d put him in an MRI machine and map his genius in real-time. 
Fallen branches snapped under your boots and the fog chilled your bones. The FBI windbreaker you’d grabbed instead of your usual wool coat was not enough to stave off the dampness. Pausing for a moment, you cupped your hands and breathed into them, hoping to take the frozen sting off of your fingertips.
Spencer heard your footsteps stop and spun around instantly. 
“Are you OK?” His voice was low but his concern carried easily through the trees.
A deep breath squared your shoulders and you prepared to resume your hike. “Absolutely,” you replied with a wink and a smile. 
He knew you were lying. He always knew. What he didn’t know, you hoped, was why. 
To your left, the heavy flapping of wings caught your ear, and you turned to see a large black bird taking flight. You followed it upwards, watching its impressive wingspan darken the sky as it ascended. As it faded into the gray sky, a line of smoke appeared about half a mile away. A chimney. The scent of burning logs floated by on a cold breeze and the smell turned your stomach. Quickly, you dropped your face into your hand, desperate to hide your gag. 
Spencer was a foot away when you straightened back up. His eyes were narrowed, his lips drawn into a tight pink line. He let his hand hover over your shoulder, unsure if you’d allow it to land. 
Clearing your throat, you brushed him off with a reassuring but fake smile. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not.” 
Damnit. “Spencer, if I say I’m fine, I’m fine.” You crossed your arms and tried to stand your ground but another wave of nausea struck you. The wretch clicked in the back of your throat and you swallowed it down, hard. “Let’s go,” you insisted. “I’m freezing.” 
He sighed. “I told you to wear a sweater.” His hand fell lovingly on your shoulder. “You know, the weather in this area this time of year can-”
You cut him off harshly. “I do not need a lesson on the weather patterns of New England, Spencer!” 
He flinched at your tone and slowly curled his fingers as he lifted his hand away. He frowned and nodded thoughtfully. “Sorry.” 
Your heart sank and you cursed every wayward hormone and chemical in your body. “No.” You shook your head and sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just…” Moody and terrified. Starving yet nauseated; freezing yet sweating… “I’m cold and I wanna get back to the hotel. This is getting us nowhere.” Did I mention I’m gonna throw up if I have to keep smelling that fire? “Let’s just hurry up and do what we came to do so I can go home. OK?” Also, my feet hurt and I’m a little dizzy.
He studied your face for a long moment and then nodded. “Let’s just go. We’re only a mile from the car and I doubt we’ll get much further before you pass out.” 
His words flowed in one ear and out the other before spinning around and slapping you in the face. You jolted. 
“Uh, what?” 
“You’re shaking and you’ve gone a little pale.” His hand returned to your shoulder. The weight was reassuring but his words had you on edge. 
Do you know? You stared up at him, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I said I’m fine.”
His other hand pressed gently against your cheek and you melted into the comforting warmth. “You should probably eat something too. I have saltines and water in the car. It’ll settle your stomach.” 
Son of a bitch. “Not hungry,” you fibbed, “but thanks.” 
A gurgle from your stomach told otherwise and you gave up. Tiny tears welled in your eyes and you sank into yourself a bit. Busted. Found out. Betrayed by your own gut. 
Spencer smiled sweetly. “You know I know, right?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Well, I do now.” 
He pulled you close and kissed the top of your head. Wrapping your arms around him, you settled your head over his heart. 
“When were you going to tell me?” he asked. 
“I don’t know, when my water broke?”
He laughed. It vibrated through him. “Why were you afraid to tell me?” 
With a sigh, you pushed away to look up at him. He was handsome and messy and you wanted to punch him in his stupid perfect face for being so smart. “I wasn’t afraid, I just… wanted to… I don’t know, I mean, we never talked about kids or anything but-” 
He stopped your ramble with a kiss and held your face gently in his hands. “It’s a good surprise,” he whispered. “We’ll figure it out, OK?” 
His smile was honest and you relaxed. “OK.” 
“But seriously, I need to eat something or I’m going to puke all over you.” 
The walk back to the car was somehow easier. Perhaps it was the relief of not having to hide anymore, or maybe the prospect of crackers ahead. Either way, it felt as if you were floating over the dead leaves. 
“I did hide it pretty well though, didn’t I?” 
He laughed under his breath at your query. “Yeah. Pretty good.” 
Who’s lying now?
“When did you figure it out?” 
Spencer pushed his glasses up a bit and looked off towards the big black SUV waiting at the edge of the forest. 
“Few weeks ago,” he admitted. 
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You left the pregnancy test on the sink.” 
Son of a bitch…
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hischierswhore · 2 years
Your piece with Christian trying to get the reader back was so cute! Could you possibly do one with Mason? His planning to propose to the reader and let’s his sister in on it but they don’t know that Summer heard them. Next time Summer sees the reader she’ll all like “can i be your flower girl” “you’re going to make a pretty bride” Then it’s Mason dying in the corner because his niece is going to ruin the surprise
i'm gonna marry you
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pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
TW: none
“I want to propose to Y/n” Mason told his sister as she sat across from him on the couch.
“I mean, I think it’s about time. You’ve been together for what- 5 years now?”
“Yeah. I’ve known that she’s my person since we met, but I didn’t want to rush into a proposal and then get my heart broken” Mason confessed to Jaz.
“Mase, I’ve seen how happy you make that girl, and how happy she makes you. I think you’re at a point in your relationship where there shouldn’t be any doubts about your feelings for each other” Jaz spoke, leaving Mason to nod.
“I have the ring already… I just need to plan when & how to do it”
“Well I can’t exactly tell you when, but if you need help planning it, I’m always here to help” She smiled at him.
What they didn’t know was that right behind the wall was Summer, listening intently as she was playing spy & got invested in the conversation. She may be young, but she sure as hell understands what a proposal is.
A few days go by, and Summer is over at you & Mason’s house once again since Jaz had a date planned with Sam. Summer was running around the house, with Mason chasing after her. You were watching the scene unfold from your spot on the couch.
Summer ran into the living room and straight onto your lap. She seemed worn out, so you carefully picked her up and took her to the spare bedroom, which had essentially turned into her bedroom as it was decorated to her liking.
As you put her down, her little eyes fluttered open.
“Auntie Y/n?” She spoke
“Yes, Summer?”
“When you get married to Uncle Mase, can I be the flower girl?”
Mason stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he heard your conversation with his niece. His eyes practically popped out of their sockets when he heard Summer speak.
“Sure, princess” You kissed her forehead.
“You’re going to make such a pretty bride” She smiled up at you.
“Thank you, angel” You brushes the hair out of her face slowly as she fell asleep.
Mason hoped Summer wouldn’t ask anymore questions or discuss the topic anymore, as he didn’t want her to spill the beans before he could actually propose.
Mason quickly rushed out of the room and acted like he was in the hallway. You walked out of her room and shut the door quietly.
“Your niece is on another level today” You laughed as you walked into Mason’s arms.
“What do you mean?”
“She was asking me questions about marriage, like if she can be the flower girl. Was just a bit out of the blue” Mason slowly rubbed your back before picking you up and carrying you back to the couch.
He playfully threw you on the couch, causing you to let out a loud laugh.
“Love, you have to be quiet. Summer’s asleep” You flicked him off as he laughed quietly.
"You know I'm going to marry you someday, right?" He said as he traced lines up and down your arms.
"Yeah?" You fingers fiddled with the beard he was growing.
"Yeah" He smiled at you.
You pulled away slightly and looked at him for a moment.
“I love you, Mase"
"I love you more, love"
"Not possible!" You shouted, which caused Mason to begin tickling you like a mad-man.
"So when's the wedding?" Both of your heads snapped to the living room entryway, where Summer stood with a big smile on her face and her teddy in hand.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
hi! been a while, hope you took care of yourself!
can i uh, ask pt 2 on therapist!reader? where the reader eventually reveals that they're the benefactor?
(also reader has a silly reason behind that: it's because they have NO idea what to do with their money and has a crush too 🤔)
Yes, I have, thank you! Here you go!
Sparda boys + V x Therapist!Reader headcannons part 2
Note: This is a sequel, part one is here.
¤ Dante ¤
-After a long time of secretly supporting Dante, paying off his debts and always keeping his pockets lined with cash, you decided it was time for the big reveal.
-You arrived at Devil May Cry and asked to see Dante, and while he was a little confused as to why his therapist was paying him a personal visit, he was glad to see you all the same.
-You guys talked for a bit, then you decided to reveal the truth, that you were his secret benefactor.
-Dante was shocked, to say the least, but he was so grateful for everything that you've done for him.
-Of course, you also confessed your crush, to which Dante responded by giving you a very big hug.
-He couldn't care less about the money, he was just glad to have someone so caring and kind as his partner.
■ Vergil ■
-You literally just showed up on the street and confessed your love for him as well as the fact that you had been secretly sending him money all this time.
-Vergil was beyond shocked. He'd hoped it would happen someday, that his secret benefactor would reveal themselves, but he never thought it would happen now!
-He fumbled with his words for a while before thanking you for your assistance.
-Then he just stood there awkwardly while you wondered whether you should kiss him first or wait for him to make the move.
-You ended up leaning in at the same time and bumped your mouths together awkwardly before pulling apart and kissing properly.
-Vergil has long forgotten about your money and is now blushing the same color as his bruised upper lip.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't think this would happen, but here he was, standing outside Devil May Cry while his fucking therapist confessed their feelings.
-Said therapist also revealed themselves to be the secret benefactor that had been supplying Nero with an abundance of money.
-When he asked why you decided to tell him this, he wasn't prepared for your response.
-You apparently ran out of things to do with your abundance of money and had a burning crush so you decided to just spill the beans.
-Nero's not complaining, though, it's nice to have that mystery solved.
-You can forget about your money, though, just shove it in the bank and let it rot. Nero is more focused on spending time with you anyway.
● V ●
-V didn't really care whether you, his mysterious benefactor, decided to reveal yourself or not.
-He was showing his gratitude already by leaving treats for you to take home.
-Even though you had been very careful not to get caught when retrieving said treats, you got bored of playing ninja after a little while and decided to divulge the truth.
-He was confused as to why you would do this, but happy to receive this knowledge nonetheless.
-Upon learning of your rather stupid reason of exposing yourself,d V couldn't help but laugh. You were bored with your money? That had to be the strangest thing he'd ever heard from an ordinary human like yourself.
-Well, it doesn't really matter. Now that he knows who has been continously sending him money, V is sure to pay you back (pun intended) tenfold.
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jacaeryssworld · 2 months
request guidelines!
status: only open for the weekend (7/27-7/29). will update status as needed
i am also a university student & working part time so i may not get to everyone’s request or be super fast in posting. please be patient <3
rules! —
please specify who you want in the request (ex. jacaerys x fem!reader). also include any kind of features you want the reader to have, like if they’re velaryon or stark
please include the genre of the request (fluff, angst, etc).
you can be as detailed as you want. but if it is really long & detailed, it will take me longer to write up & get out so please keep that in mind. include what you think will be important or vital to the plot.
you can request modern!au things as well!
i don’t do smut but can do suggestive themes. im not comfortable writing full blown smut, so please don’t request it. maybe someday i’ll be comfortable enough to write it
if you don’t know who i write for, take a look at my masterlist! i may update who i write for as time progresses :)
i will not write about sexual assault, very violent themes, etc.
you can ask for an imagine, blurb, or social media for the modern au!
i am mostly comfortable with writing afab!readers & gender neutral readers/characters. i will try my best to do amab if you really want it <3
i can decline your request if i do not think i can do it justice or it is something i do not think i can personally write. please do not take it to heart. i will reply to your request & offer it up to any other HOTD writers that may be interested
if you are interested in hearing more about my ocs & their love interests, ask away! im more than happy to spill the beans on my lovies & let you guys in on the “behind the scenes” info :)
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adorethedistance · 2 years
Media Day - Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing (?), the word “psychopath”.
Words: 659
Summary: What a great day to be an aspiring photographer on media day when your model keeps flirting with you.
A/n: I caved. 
“One nitro cold brew you psychopath,” I say to my boss as I set his Starbucks order on our little tech cart, careful to avoid spilling on anything.
“Why am I a psychopath?”
“You’re drinking a nitro cold brew. That’s, like, the second biggest red flag drink you could get.”
“What’s the first?”
“Vanilla bean frappe.” John shakes his head whilst switching lenses on the biggest DSLR I’ve ever seen.
“You’re drinking an iced drink on the literal ice.”
“Iced drinks are for the girls, gays, and ‘they’s it’s inevitable,” I say, grabbing a fresh battery for the camera. John places a smaller lens on the body before removing the strap from his neck. He then extends the object to me in invitation.
“You want to be a photographer someday, right?” I nod slowly. “Show me whatcha got, kid.”
A small smile is the last little encouragement John gives me before handing over the camera. Okay, game time. As I turn to ask John who’s next, I hear the familiar sound of someone running onto the ice.
“Hey, John.”
“How ya doing, Z?”
“Can’t complain. Who’s this?”
“This is my PA…”
“Y/n,” I offer my hand to shake. Holy shit he’s beautiful.
“She’s gonna grab some headshots of you before we record anything.”
“Can I have you stand on that ‘X’ for me,” I gesture to the markings on the ice and he gently skates over to it. Knowing John’s process after hearing it all day, I begin to instruct him as John had with the other guys earlier in the day. “Actually, I want to try something… Could you kneel on the ice for me?” Trevor smirks and complies.
“Anything for you, princess,” he teases with a wink. I brush off the remark, rolling my eyes,
“Hush.” John laughs at my response and Trevor’s defeat. He doesn’t seem phased.
“Keep your body facing the net and turn only your head to look at me.” Trevor follows my directions and looking into his sea-glass eyes through the viewfinder stops me in my tracks. I need to focus but the way he’s looking at me gives me butterflies. Long dark lashes frame his light eyes that glisten like the shimmering ice beneath us. Nothing but the sound of faint, shallow breaths exists between us. The studio lights on the ice create a soft halo around his head; small flyaways cath the lighting to then hold it around his face like a beautiful painting placed inside a magnificent frame. He is Michelangelo’s David.
“Chin down,” I instruct before snapping the picture. The shot appears on the monitor behind us and I look back to see John inspecting the headshot. It’s a damn good shot and john knows it too. I smirk and snap a few more just for good measure. “Small smile, mmm not like that.”
“What do you mean not like that?”
“Has no one ever taught you to smile?”
“Apparently not.”
“Okay so you take your little finger and bite down on it horizontally and that’s the distance you should have between your teeth when you smile.”
“Oh really?!”
“Yeah, your teeth shouldn’t tou-” I cut myself off, “You’re fucking with me.”
“No, not at all!” I pause skeptically. I truly can’t tell if he’s being sincere or not.
“Just smile so I can take the goddamn picture.” Trevor laughs at my frustration and I seize the opportunity to snap some pictures. “Perfect.”
“These look great, Y/n. I’ll take it from here,” John says as he picks up the videography camera to grab some action shots. I move away from Trevor as I begin to switch the lenses, knowing John will use this camera again for the hyper-close-ups. “Thank you,” John says only to me before approaching Trevor to give him direction.
“Looks good, Z. Your smile has really improved!” He teases.
“Light work when I have such a good view.”
“Stop flirting with my PA!”
A/n: I know I used to not like Trevor but lately he’s been kinda fine and I see it soooo I’m coping by writing. Also I’m not enthralled with the Z fics that exist right now (of course I’ll still read and appreciate them) so I did what I always do when I’m in this predicament and that is write my own. Probably more to come with the way things are going right now.
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londondungeon2 · 5 months
//NOT written by me
//a bookmark on my work Schism/ on AO3 that i copy and pasted here bc i want to keep it (in case it gets deleted i’ll cry)
//i’ll probably ask the writer for permission to use this as a sequel someday
A story in which Floyd sees his brother interacting with someone who isn't there, calling the air by MC's name, and that freaks him out a little because he doesn't know what's going on. Just lying in bed pretending to sleep but with one eye open, poking over the top of his pillow as Jade apologizes and sobs and gets his heart broken night after night. Slip in a bit of 12 Dancing Princesses with Jade and MC both getting worn down but neither willing to say anything about the ghost of MC's sorrow between them. Floyd just watches his brother slip from his bed over and over until eventually, he grows desperate enough to metaphorically follow him.
Floyd asks MC, spilling the beans about the spector and Jade's nightly habits, and MC explains the ghost camera and how it works. Floyd sneaks the camera out to take a picture of his brother to see if he can use Jade's specter to get a clue. That night, he encourages Jade to sleep over at Ramshackle and Floyd sits awake with the picture he took of his twin, watching it in silence like he's stalking prey. It's only when his eyes drift closed to sleep that Jade steps out of the frame, working to make Floyd sleep 12 Dancing Princesses style. Warm lavender tea on Floyd's bedside table, tucking in his brother, pulling off his shoes... Floyd is pissed on waking up and he can't tell if it was the picture or his actual brother that put him to bed. He rips up the picture and tries again that next day, and the same thing happens- real Jade leaves, Floyd dozes off briefly, picture Jade comes to take care of his brother.
The third night, Floyd wises up and pretends to fall asleep early. Picture Jade comes and Floyd catches him in the act, smirking, but the picture is unhappy with this development. Floyd converses with the picture and over the course of the conversation, the duo establish that Jade and Floyd cannot lie to each other and that extends to picture Jade too, picture Jade and Floyd care for each other because IRL Jade adores Floyd and vise versa, and that picture Jade doesn't want to answer Floyd's questions because he doesn't want to hurt his brother. Floyd surmises aloud from this alone that he isn't enough for his brother anymore. Picture Jade is stricken by this and Floyd nods, heart crumbling as he absorbs this info and the confirmation. The picture sadly admits that he forgets sometimes how clever Floyd is but then something like this happens and he's reminded all over again why he picked his twin all those years ago. This hurts Floyd too.
Floyd asks the picture why he isn't enough anymore and the picture explains that as people grow practiced in love, it's common for their hearts to expand to accommodate more people. For those who struggle with this, a bit of stretching, willfully putting your heart in the line, can help it grow. Teaching yourself empathy by picking it up from others can also make a body love a little more broadly. For Jade, it was all three and it wasn't easy but it was 100% worth it. Floyd isn't enough because Jade has made space for MC specifically. Floyd is perfect as he is and he fits his role in Jade's heart perfectly, it's just that Jade himself has changed.
Floyd admits quietly that he himself hasn't changed at all and sadly, picture Jade agrees. A Jade without MC can never be as happy as a Jade with MC. But- Jade hesitates, then takes the plunge- a Jade without Floyd could never be happy at all.
As Jade is making this statement, though, he's turned away from Floyd, busying himself with making tea. As such, Floyd can't tell if it's a lie and something bitter sinks in his gut. Floyd at this point starts trying to pick apart picture Jade and actual Jade, something in him desperate to be able to discount this as not actually Jade because then maybe it'll hurt less. He lurches forward and hugs picture Jade from behind and the picture drops the teacup, startled.
Floyd admits sadly that he doesn't want Jade sad, Jade calls Floyd a silly eel and says that he's actually rather happy. He's glad he's loved and that Floyd is affected because it's proof Floyd loves him. He admits softly that Jade- actual Jade- needs reminders of that sometimes, especially now. That all hurt aside, Jade has been chosen and will continue to be chosen.
It knocks Floyd for a loop for a moment that the picture, which has been blurring with real Jade in his mind, is now differentiating between them and he steps back. Jade smiles and thanks Floyd for caring, apologizing for hurting him then explaining that MC has regrets and Jade's struggling with knowing he's hurting his loved ones.
Ah, an eel's dilemma- hurting those they care for by loving too much! So possessive, so hurt to know they aren't first in the heart, so hurt that they think this way at all because they know it hurts others. Jade asks Floyd to be there for him, hugs his twin, and vanishes.
Floyd meets up with Jade the next morning, smiling, ready to put his heart on the line to support his twin.
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atsucry · 1 month
Take a Break
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synopsis: Hange is a little too immersed in their study of titans.
Hange Zoë x gn!reader
my only warning is that this might be a little ooc
tags: no smut, fluff
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You and Hange have been doing well in your relationship, but lately, they've been cooped up either in their office or in a tent near the captured Titans—Sawney and Bean, as Hange calls them. They loomed over their desk all day, surrounded by scattered papers filled with doodles and writings. You worry that they'll stress themselves to death if they keep going like this—not that you disapprove of their passion or projects, far from it.
Determined to bring Hange back to reality, you march toward the camp with a lamp in hand, your hood pulled over your head. It's already past seven, and they haven't retreated yet—too focused on their research to even remember to do so.
As you approach, there were two massive marquees made especially for the Titans. Their groans rumble from within, they sleep like any other creature. You continue on to find Hange. It’s obvious where they were; a singular tent has light spilling out, and you can hear their fast murmuring from within.
Pulling back the entrance to face them, but their back is turned to you. Their hair tousled, likely from pulling and tugging at it out of frustration—that’s your best guess.
Hange jerks their head toward you, surprised, though their face also holds a sorry look. They turn fully to face you.
"Ah—Hi!—Hey…" Hange starts.
"...I apologize, but…I really can't leave this alone—"
"There’s always tomorrow," you say, knowing that convincing someone like Hange won’t be an easy task. "Come rest for the night."
"Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Plus—" the scientist turned back to their work, "It's not that this research is being forced on me, this is my passion and I choose to spend sleepless nights to understand these creatures." Hange beckons you to have a closer look at their discoveries on paper.
You close the curtain behind you, giving the conversation a bit more privacy.
You step a little closer before speaking out,
"Even the most passionate people let their projects rest. That spark isn't going anywhere, you understand this, yes?"
"Of course I do but—"
"That drive you have will eventually lead to your doom someday. And then who else would be suitable to fill in your role if you did? Let it rest."
They seemed to mull over your words for a bit. Hopefully, this will knock their brain back into place—without all the parts littered around in that skull of theirs. Leaning back into their desk, they prop themselves on their elbows and sigh in defeat. Taking a seat, and massaging the bridge of their nose.
The usually eccentric and intense squad leader stood in front of you, in the calmest state you've seen them in. Maybe not the calmest but the quietest.
"I'm sorry…if I worried you there." your partner spoke up, looking you in the eye as they said this. "But if that's what you want…I can't exactly refuse anything from you either." they said giving a lighthearted chuckle at the end.
"...So, will you?"
"It wouldn't kill me to take a break once in a while! Let's go."
They'd gone back to their energetic persona, pulling up their hood and grabbing the nearby handheld lamp, turning off the previous desk lamp to drown the area in darkness after keeping all of their things in one box.
"Titans really are incredible, aren't they?"
A sigh of relief escapes your mouth, glad that you'd have been able to persuade them into setting everything down.
Before retreating back to the barracks, Hange had to say goodnight to their titans, of course.
"Goodnight, Sawney, bean!"
You gave a warm smile, facing you, hange did the same.
"Titans really are incredible, aren't they?"
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Note: Gusy this is my first fanfic im so scared. This is obviously not proofread so...
RAHHGGAHH writing romance feels new to me idk idk how to portray romantic feelings all that well so im jst experimenting for now...
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shostakobitchh · 10 months
Hi! I I just saw your post about having the worst weekend, and I hope responding this quickly isn't creepy.
I just wanted to reassure you that whatever happened isn't indicative of your worth, nor of how people should and do act. However, I totally get feeling like the world is awful and shitty because it so OFTEN is, and sometimes you just need to scream about it without being told why you're wrong.
I really hope this isn't too much, but I discovered aim & ignite a few weeks ago and have never gotten around to leaving a review/message saying how much I've become obsessed with it -- you've filled a decade-and-a-half long itch for well-written Snape daughter fanfic, and you've crafted it so magnificently. The thoughtfulness that has gone into changes to canon, the gradual development of Snape and Ariel's relationship, the realistic treatment of how children would act and how responsible teachers should act -- it's all so, so, good, and a par example of how fanfiction can transcend its original material to stand on its own. All of this is to say that I wanted to tell you explicitly that you've had a positive impact on someone else's life, as something concrete to hold onto when you're feeling shitty.
Lastly, I have to confess that I love aim & ignite so much that I, uh, made (agonized over) a playlist for it?? Or, for Snape and Ariel's relationship in it, rather. A lot of the songs are originally romantic in context but I hope it's obvious that's not how I chose to view them for this lol. You might have your own already but here's a link to it if you or any other readers would be interested: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7bUqtJ7XcjmNKQ8ux1pwit?si=8e4b5d5e33af4950
Sorry for this super long ask!! I hope you have a better week!
hi! please know that I have read this message multiple times since I got it in my inbox; I just haven't been in the right headspace to sit down and write back how grateful I am for it. it really was a huge pick-me-up these past few weeks <3
I'm so happy and grateful that the story has been something you've been looking for and has met your expectations; I too have searched far and wide for a Fem!Harry story where Snape is the dad and never really found anything that felt like canon. Fluff is great and all, but the best part of Snape is that he is SO BAD at trying to be good. All I see when he's thrust into the role of parent is a dumpster fire that somehow ends with a mildly-adjusted child he would fucking kill for, and vice versa. it's such a fucked-up mess; snape is the catalyst for the events of canon (he spills the beans about the prophecy) and sets this whole plot into motion. I love the idea that he inadvertently does this to his own child. it's like, just SO GOOD.
I bookmarked your playlist when I read this message and have been making my way through it! music is 98.7828% of what inspired me to write this story, so I LOVE when people send me what music the story evokes for them.
I made a playlist a little while ago on Spotify as well, I'll link it here in case you or anyone else wants to take a listen.
thank you again <3 <3 <3 inboxing is never creepy, btw! reader interaction is all that keeps me going, somedays <3 <3 <3
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 months
Hey I wanna thank everybody both for listening to me last night when I made my post but also asking for evidence of what was said on the BWW directly. It's a little hard to strum up all the screencaps and evidence of the nastiest shit said there without just reading through(what remains) of the forum threads yourself. I personally have never fangled with any kind of webarchive or wayback machine-thing and it shows. People have better stomachs for it than me- because even w there's a lot of people just shooting the shit or being right in accusations made abt Viv we're all making to this day, I'm really compounded by the attitude of the mods and owners of that site [BWW] as a whole. They're all admitted antiSJWs and one guy unicornically quoted Saargon of Akkad. They're the kind of people that I personally don't have the stomach to be around considering what it is they say, but obviously some people have stronger wills than me and can ignore them.
Point being, of everything I've been able to find: the specific forum posts and Viv and co's responses to said forum posts that majorly crossed the line are (I think) lost to time. So it's hard to 100% find them for you all.
I remember once in like 2020 or 2021 there was someone who had a whole Google Doc abt Viv and they showed her speaking about 'the pic' w Gooseworx chiming in- but I can't for the life of me find said document. That document, wherever it is, was where I saw the confirmation from Viv and Goose that, indeed, one BWW user did send her 'the pic' as well as other zp r34. Said doc was abt the op airing their greviences with Viv after they thought she made a mean caricature of his oc as a dead pelt in one of her drawings.
I know it happened and I'm 100% positive to have seen that user (he had a viv-styled sihlouette of a fox profile as his icon at the time; maybe he changed it if he hasn't finally been just run off the site) admitted to it on the BWW himself that he sent her that. I also have the strongest memory of that not only being in existence but then other users being rightfully disgusted and saying shit like "wtf now Viv's NEVER going to believe us now" I mean, if you want more dirt based on my anecdotal memory of the place as it was when it was 'thriving'.
I can tell you A LOT of that: anecdotes - stuff I know I remember but I have no concrete proof to show besides that. And I know that's frustrating, both to critics and fans. It's because of that that I just want to say I'm thankful and happy for the people in the critical tag to not only hear me out on that matter but also ask me up front what I 'know', for clarities sake. I just think it's good to be transparent and aware of the actual vile shit that's been done in Viv's life without excusing her behavior. I advocate what I've seen but only as spectator to the drama and not directly taking part in it.
I hope someday the people who were taking part/know the full deets can spill the beans on what I DON'T know happened when they're fully comfortable with it. That includes Viv herself, by the way.
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
Katy I'm over here dying (again) so I hope I can spill the metaphorical beans to you.
I plan on doing a Hobie cosplay, the entirety of it and let me just say I am so excited / terrified to begin. There are so many pieces to his costume as well as his guitar. I have about ... nine months? To put this altogether, and I'm debating whether or not to post my progress on some form of media. Because hey, everyone loves Hobie and Hobie cosplays so why not?
Inspiration has literally hit me after rewatching Into The Spiderverse because not only do I want to start even though I still have supplies I need to buy but now I want to write and I have a couple projects I'm working on already and now I can't sleep and I want something sweet and- you get my drift.
I get you, my love, definitely. like there's so much stuff u wanna do but it gets too overwhelming and you just want to just do but instead you sleep lmao
I haven't done any cosplay (i want to someday tho!) But I also understand being too nervous/terrified of making the cosplay bc I don't blame u it's very daunting! But i gotta say, if you want to do it so badly then do it! Take it one step at a time, start off with the easiest thing to make then go from there! Make it one by one then you won't realise that you've made a lot of progress already! You've got time, lovely, you can do it!
You can post your progress if you really want to! It's your blog and no one can say otherwise, do what makes you happy and you might help someone who also wants to make a Hobie cosplay by uploading your process. Atsv has inspired me a lot too but that inspiration can be overwhelming at times when all the ideas are rushing into your brain. Also writing the things you need to do will help u feel more organised and feel less overwhelming. All I can really say is take it easy, do one thing at a time and rest when you need to!
You can do it, I believe in you! (And go have that something sweet! You deserve it ❤️) ly 💕
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exmcrtis · 8 months
💭 ondine/koda
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"seeing you around town still freaks me out a bit, if only because i'm having a hard time not spilling the beans to absinthe that i met you. i'm scared to approach you in public just in case other people are watching, because i know that means you won't be safe just like i'm not safe. but i can already tell that joei loves you, and it's hard for me to keep her away from people that are her family, especially because i have to do it all the time. i just hope that, someday, i can actually sit down and talk to you the way i want to, because i'd like to have you in our lives."
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toushindai · 1 year
3 and 4 for the ask meme!
3) name five things that are NOT going to happen next
The Gerudo lieutenant Ganondorf just framed for something he did is not going to spill the beans on him
Ganondorf is not going to stay politely in his cell
Rauru is not going to be ready to face accusations of his own entitlement (I'm cheating with this answer. whether he's ready or not he's gonna have to anyway)
Zelda is not going to do. anything really. I'm sorry but this fic isn't about her. I'm having enough trouble even beginning to figure out why she (and possibly Mineru) haven't realized what's going on between Ganondorf and Rauru even though 100% of the servants have
Sonia's not going to set a date for Ganondorf's execution though tbqh at this particular moment in time she probably really wants to, given that Ganondorf is continuing to make her husband miserable
4) name five things that COULD happen next, logically
There are any number of ways Rauru could react to the Gerudo lieutenant telling him "actually I trust you even less than Ganondorf even though he just framed me and here's why;" I've not pinned down his exact reaction yet. He might honestly just. leave? Or he could make her arrest more stringent--an actual cell, instead of a heavily guarded so-can-I-sweet-talk-you-into-betraying-your-chief normal room.
Depending on what the fic needs, Rauru could go contemplate his daughter & the kind of legacy he's building for her, what kind of bridge he is being from his Zonai ancestors into the future he will someday leave to her.
Ganondorf could suggest that Rauru torture the lieutenant he scapegoated for information. Not sure that's an emotional beat I currently need but it's definitely one I considered earlier.
"All your servants know we're fucking" could become a relevant emotional beat. Strong possibility of this one, actually, I just have to figure out what it achieves (other than "makes Rauru feel bad about himself" because as much as that's presently one of Ganondorf's favorite things to do, it's also very well-trod ground at this point in time), and if I keep it I think I need to make an edit to chapter one to introduce it as a tension earlier. That's fine!!!!! Chapter one needs one billion edits. It's fine.
The Zonai folklore story I made up (the Hero of Dragons) could come up in the last antagonistic-philosophizing-before-sex scene or it could not. I don't know. I don't know. The problem with having made this up is that, with it established in my mind, it's something I can casually bring up when it's tangentially related, but for it to have any kind of resonance with a reader it actually needs to be full-on incorporated and I don't know how consistently I can do that. hh. the first draft has to EXIST it does not have to be GOOD yet. which is a relief because. it's not
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foolscapper · 2 years
So you got comics I can buy it what? Why aren’t you drawing for the weird nerds we worship? Like professionally?
Are you? Cuz I won’t spill the beans.
I just think you should probably be rich so you got more time for whatever makes you so good at art.
Do you listen to Make It Then Tell Everybody podcast? Cuz I would listen to you be on it
fsdgkjbubrubrbb-- Oh my goodness, you're way too kind!!! 😳 Thank you so much. Tragically I have a full-time gig (read: boring desk job) and just do art on the side, but maybe someday......! Until then, I'm always more than happy to draw stuff for you guys!
I definitely have to get back to more frequent work on The Black Parade comic; I've been such a slouch, so thank you for the comic reminder! Maybe once that's done, I'll ship it off to Princess Way as a token of my appreciation for all the work the band's inspired, haha.
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kylermalloy · 2 years
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by @evanescentdawn—thank you, dearest! ♥️
1. A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart
Air rushes from his windpipe, thrumming across his vocal cords in a discordant hum he can’t suppress.
What is it about this man that takes away all of Levi’s self-control?
2. the boy king
Elijah’s mouth opens on instinct. As he leans in to close the space between them, Niklaus takes a step back.
Elijah feels his lips twist in anguish. He takes a step forward, following his brother with desperation in his mouth.
Right where Niklaus wants him.
3. How to Steal a Heart of Iron
Ed dropped his own gaze, unable to meet Al’s eyes any longer. He would accept responsibility, but he wasn’t sure he could look the kid in the eyes as they died.
A light touch on his face startled him. Al brushed a hand, feather-light, against his cheek. “Don’t blame yourself. Please.”
4. Here, beneath my lungs, I feel your thumbs press into my skin again
Ed smells his brother before he can see him. Red overlays his vision, and a growl bursts from his teeth before he can stop it. Winry’s almost done with his automail, and it’s all he can do not to scramble to his half-assembled foot.
He needs his brother. His Al.
5. Like I’ve never seen the sky before
Al’s hands go to his face, to brush away the incriminating moisture, but it’s too late. Tears run in a steady stream down his cheeks, choking him and hitching his breath into stutters.
6. A Rush of Blood to the Head
“C’mon. After all, blood is one of the greatest fashion statements.”
“For you, maybe,” Al muttered. “For me, it just means I’m a messy eater.”
Ed was seized with the desire to lean across the table and kiss his brother’s warm, blushing cheek.
7. Liebes Tagebuch
Ed’s face was flushed, his lips moist and bright pink. He looked nearly the same as when he’d gone to the tavern and had too much to drink.
He wasn’t drunk now—his legs were steady as he carried Al into their shared bedroom. Ed laid Al gently on his bed—Al registered dimly that his things were strewn about on his bed, certainly not how he’d left them.
He’d have to have a talk with Ed later about poking through his private things. Later. Someday.
8. Dream a Little Dream of Me
“You are…so beautiful.”
Al’s cheeks flush delicately with a color Ed desperately wants to taste. “You’re just saying that because we’re here. Because I’m not real.”
9. Hawk Vision
Ed has never seen Hawkeye speechless before.
Finally she manages to spit out a strangled question. “What is—what’s wrong with him?”
Hurt spills over Al’s face. His lower lip trembles.
Ed grips his brother’s hand as tightly as his quivering muscles will allow. “It’s a long story. Put away your gun and we’ll tell you.”
10. Stitch by Stitch
Sam turned his body around fully, leaning toward the cage now. “Hi,” he breathed, unable to hide his pleased smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” He raised his hand in a half-wave.
Tagging: @laertez, @konekowrites, @gey-beans, @lilxxbrainrot, @whitedahlia13, @aeruthien, @raphaelstories, @caranfindel, @stilesssolo, and anyone else who wants to play!
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