#Something about ''it made her fear for her little friend. Was Silkie a predator?''
beyondthetemples-ooc · 2 months
I just spent approximately an hour intermittently debating with myself whether it's spelled Silky or Silkie.
The mutant silkworm Beast Boy, and then Starfire, kept as a pet.
I can't remember how it's spelled in canon. I decided on "-ie" because it looks more like a name as a diminutive descriptor, rather than just being the straight-up adjective.
tl;dr I'm doing it! I'm writing Teen Titans fanfic again!
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blueparadis · 2 years
❝ 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ❞ + YUUTA OKKOTSU
+. CWs : afab-reader, exs to fwb to lovers,fake dating,college au, smut, mature language, slow burn, hurt with comfort, mutual pinning, mention of unprotected sex, branding, exhibitionism, manhandle, dom Yuuta, switch reader, predator play. wc : 1.4k type : oneshot
+. SYNOPSIS : your ex-boyfriend Yuuta thought it would be comfortable to have you as his girlfriend just to satisfy people's curiousity but he really had something else entirely in his mind.
+. NOTES : this is a part of bftd collab hosted by @cyancherub and @chaos-night & happy belated birthday to my little rockstar <3
+. tap here to read more of my works.
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“So...what now?”, Yuuta asked shoving his hands into his pockets without meeting your gaze.
“I don't know you tell me”, you exclaimed in a low tone walking past him.
Yuuta extended his arm blocking your way, without touching you. As he turned his gaze towards you, his silky pitch-black hair strands lingering over his forehead, he spoke the oddest.
He said he would continue his arrangement with you since it was him who dragged you into this just because his friends pushed him asking about his partner; no other name popped into his head other than yours. It's such a curse.
It's not like you can't hold his hands, hug him in front of the people, kiss him on his soft cheeks; after all, he isn't just some random stranger, he is your ex-boyfriend. You knew him inside out and that drilled a hole in your heart thinking even if you wanted this to end, you can't have him back as you had him before, a boy who smiles like a sunflower.
“So, you two are together now?”, a brunette enquired while you were busy with your final touch of revision before the exams. Looking up to her face, your translucent orbs searched for him. Yuuta who was standing along with his friends behind Rika at the corner of the room waved at you.
‘I — I don't know. has he ever been mine? Totally? Irrevocably? How long has it been since I didn't look him in the eye and said how much I love him...I still do I —still love Yuuta… the pool of thoughts became stagnant as you couldn't fathom what made him come back to you, so broken and vulnerable, so lonely and yours.
“Keep him safe for me too. I couldn't do it, I couldn't...”, Rika's words perforated through your skin igniting something that you've never felt before. Was it envy? Or was it the fear of losing him again? “Rika, don't disturb people just because you're prepared for your exams”, Yuuta spoke dragging a chair in front of you, sitting across it while resting his face on the headrest.
Rika, the girl who bruised your boy, the girl who cursed his soul with hopelessness. The way he talked to Rika didn't bother you or at least you think it didn't. Maybe it was because of his body scent or the way he was seated. Nah! Scratch that, you just wanted to taste his lustrous lips and you did. And when he took you like a moth to the flame palming your face you immediately pulled back, mouth opened ajar accompanied by irregular breaths.
You watched his pupils roam over Rika's gestures. She scoffed staring at you and you immediately ran out of the room, feeling disgusted by yourself. Even though it was Yuuta who made you so vulnerable, who has been an eyesore since the day he walked out of your life, you still couldn't blame him.
The following week was more disastrous. If you had known that continuing this oh-so-mutual arrangement would denote your emotions like a time bomb, you would have happily sublimed from his life.
But for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to do hurt him, as Rika did or maybe you wanted to have his attention crawling back to you, maybe it would be a lot simpler if you just talked it out with him. But there was so much silence between the two of you and it widened the gulf of loneliness furthermore.
“Kiss her!— Kiss her! —Kiss her!— Kiss her”
While everyone was enjoying watching you two being lovey-dovey as Yutta chuckled nervously. Putting a forced smile to get along with this useless facade you pondered just when all these would end, these half-ass gestures just to satisfy people's curiosity. Yuuta who swiftly scooped you in his arms, bringing close to his face diving his fingers through your locks had you surprised. “Sorry”, he mumbles before dashing his lips onto yours. Each suck was so desperate so was his grip around your waist that was a little too hard making you squeal.
The unified noise jammed your ears as he pulled out and licked his lips, a grin laced his face.“ Excuse us, ‚ guys, will ya?” he exclaimed dragging you out of the karaoke, finally stopping in the dark alley. His hands were still grabbing yours as he peeked through the turn to check if anyone was following them or not. You couldn't help but chuckle at his gesture. The sound of your happy cackle made his heart beat faster than he thought it just jumped into his ear.
“Fuck! I'm not sorry for this”, he hisses as he pressed you up against the wall, sucking your lips. Your hands were held by one single grip above your head while the other made its way into your underwear. As his fingers exploited your outer folds, his teeth danced onto your neckline making you moan.
“we should get out of here, 'katsu”, you gasped as he pulled out. He raised one of his eyebrows at you being impressed at your forward behavior. “Thought you didn't want this!”, he whispered. His breath hit your lips as his slick wet fingers brushed your lips. “I do now”, you mumbled.
That was a lie. A lie because you didn't want to make decisions anymore. For once, you wanted to be there where life would take you. And it took an interesting turn.
“That was fucking awesome”, Yuuta pants hovering over your naked body, resting his head on your boobs. “Yeah, amazing! I mean even better...”, you added catching up your breath. He props up his face towards you watching your features while your arm rested on your forehead blocking your vision. He wonders how long has it been since he watched you from close quarters. He places a kiss on your cleavage with a pop sound gaining your attention making you wonder how long has it been since you made him smile.
“I won't be going to college tomorrow.”, he said getting dressed. You didn't ask him why and you didn't want to since it would ignite the old flame. He adjusts his belt, his back facing yours while his eyes watched you through the mirror. He turned around, resting his hands on the messy bedsheets he leaned for a kiss but you averted it making him giggle.
He said, “I'm not gonna bite you, whispering into your ears: until you ask me too” you narrowed your eyes thinking what just ticked him off, your Yuuta whom you left in the blank pages of your diary. He kissed your cheeks and disappeared.
He disappeared for days, probably weeks. You didn't keep the count because last time it made you utterly hopeless. But now, you couldn't read him. You couldn't get why he has to pretend when people aren't around. Was he being watched? Nah! That's silly. Submerging in those thoughts you stared at the basketball court searching for his jersey; hope doesn't die even if you kill it, it always stabs you back.
“Both” and you jolted in surprise, losing your balance about to trip but a familiar touch saved you. You adjusted your skirt, tucking the shirt properly through the disarrayed area. Yuuta was silent. You looked at him for some explanation but he was still silent. Turning around you started walking. “It's not like we're dating”, he speaks making you freeze. Yeah, of course; the talk you hated the most, the starting line that you didn't want to hear from him.
You couldn't bring yourself to turn back as you could hear his footsteps getting louder syncing with your every heartbeat. He places his arm around your shoulders, “Last time, I didn't ask you out...we were just together. So, this time I will make the difference, a good one!” “well good luck with that”, you reply interlacing your fingers with his earning a pout from him.
“But first, let's just make it official that we're together.”, he says making you gawk in shock at him. You thought he was joking, maybe being a mean tease to your emotions but you were mistaken. “I — I love you Yuuta.”, you blurted out without thinking to which he chuckled and said, “about damn time, baby”
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minshookie · 3 years
CEO!BTS Reaction to:
You flinching during an argument.
| !warning! | violence, unhealthy relationships, abusive relationship, yandere Bts, choking and sexual topics 18+, dubcon, oral [fem receiving & giving], strong language [Jimin has a potty mouth!!!] rough play.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
| Requested [requests open]
A/N | the amount of time I’m taking to get these request done correctly is embarrassing i apologize. I hope you don’t mind that I turned this into a whole reaction and that it’s not fluffy...lmk if you’d like me to change it I certainly will.
Forgive me for mistakes, though this is edited.
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Kim Seokjin...
“Ok well what was that out there?” He spoke ominously back turned to you. “I- we-.” Laughing at your lack of response, he cut you off. “You fucked up that’s what it was hun.”
“Come sit on the desk, I want to see you apologize for making me look like an idiot.” He spat the last part like it was disgusting on his tongue. Already in deep trouble you decided to follow directions for once.
Turing smoothly in his office chair, you could see the resentment in his eyes. “Go on.” You swallowed thickly, his angered glare drying your throat. “I’m sorry for....correcting you during today’s meeting.” He scoffed, “there was nothing to correct!”
“Jin you can’t always be right, if you took that agreement, you’d never hit anything close to pro-” “who’s the boss? Hm? Who’s name is on this desk you have your tight ass planted on?” Mistakingly you let your eyes roll out of pure annoyance.
“Well excuse me?!” He leans forward quickly out of his chair, causing you to fall opposite of him. Pens poke at your back, his name plaque digging into your arm. Evilly he grins in enjoyment. “Found your place yet?, you seem afraid...afraid I’d hit you?” Wide eyed you nod, trapped like a mouse under its predator. Every inch of confidence stripped as he glared deeply into you. “Good.” Before you could even process his statement, you were harshly distracted by his rough hand landing across your cheek. Your head turns the other way as your right cheek tingles and burns. Chuckling he grips your chin forcing you to look at him.
“Find your place, and if you’ve forgotten it, I can help you find it...just like that,anytime.”
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Min Yoongi...
Watching in envy, you pushed miscellaneous papers into the shredder. What a bitch! You saw her watching Yoongi all day just waiting for him to go to his office. So she could prance in there, thong up her ass, low cut shirt...the works.
“Yah! Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” Jumping in fear , peeking down you found out what you’ve been shredding. He shoved you to the side turning off the shredder. “All those papers we needed for next week’s evaluation and review meeting...” you looked from the shredder back to him shrugging nonchalantly. Already having Somebody in your boyfriends office flirting him into hard on, the last thing you need is more work. “We’ll go fucking print some more of them.” He demanded his face stiff. Jin never liked you, maybe you’ll have Yoongi fire him.
You walked holding the last remaining sheet fully intact for reference, did Jin really think you were going to the copy room? What a dunce. Ignoring the meeting in progress light you pushed the heavy door open. “Hey y/n I’m sorry we’re in the middle of something.” You could tell he was just laughing at something a tint of red on his cheeks. Him kicking you out...this should be the other way. This hurt. “Me?” You gasped. She turned her silky hair fanning. “Y/n when we’re done I’ll come find you Alright?” She spoke a little above a whisper.“Don’t speak to me.” You glared at her walking further into the office. Obviously she’s confused about her rightful place, and Yoongi is too.
“You, get out.” She stretched her eyes looking back and forth from you to Yoongi. “Now.” “Min you can’t let her kick me out.” She scoffed, “I’ll speak to you later alright.” He smiled warmly,She got up storming from his room. “Yoongi what exactly was that?” He sat back in his chair. “A meeting.” “A meeting with what her left tit?” He closed his eyes harshly at your vulgarity. “No a meeting with your colleague about her position.” He offers the seat in front of him, gladly you take said offer.
“But what you did was uncalled for.” Laughing he leaned forward onto the table. He beacons you to follow, leaning forward you fall right into his trap upset he gripped your face making your cheeks squish. “Don’t ever come back in my office acting this way again, understood?” Nodding the best you could. “Huh? Understood?” “Yeah!” He let go leaving a ache in his wake. Before going back he reached for you again instinctively you pull back as if he was going to strike you. “Hm, I don’t treat you that harsh but I will...keep testing me.” He finished, only coming close to fix your hair.
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Kim Namjoon...
Another day held the same daily routine, wake up Joon, cook breakfast, clean get dressed and head to work, work, eat lunch in Joon’s office, work,go home, and restart.
Today Joon had lunch delivered, practically throwing his money like confetti paper, much to the delight of his employees. Both of you sat on the floor of his office, enjoying the home style take out in silence. Without noticing all your attention was being absorbed by your phone. “What’s so intriguing kitten?” Your fingers stopped in their place “just texting a friend.” You looked at him through your lashes before going back to typing. He closed his take out container, he finished his meal and sneakily proceeded onto yours. Surprised by your lack of protests he spoke again.
“Oh yeah? And whose this friend?” He mumbled still chewing. “Someone I might know?” You nodded in response, unsatisfied he got up going to wash his hands in his office restroom. “Their name would be helpful y/n.” Just from his tone alone you could tell he was nearing impatience. “He works here, I’m just helping him...explaining how the log in system works he’s locked out at the moment.”
Joon no longer cared for their name and you knew it. “Oh ‘he’?” You nodded, he came drying his hands with his initialed towels. “New guy...Choi?” You looked up fully for the first time in a while. “Yeah, Soobin.” He nodded,Sitting in his desk turning to some papers. Nothing left to say you looked back down at your massages. “I’d like you to eat though, I don’t want you going hungry.” He ordered you around like a father and you obeyed.
Chewing, you almost choked as Soobin sent a joke that you weren’t ready for. Joon raised a brow, “a funny one huh? Let me see.” He looked down at you hand out flat. Your eyes went doe, there is no way your letting Joon read this vulgar joke. Soobin would be out of a job just as quick as he got one. “C’mon let me see, don’t make me take it.” Maybe he’ll laugh about it too, you gave up the device.
At first he squinted before his eyes grew wide. “ ‘This copy machine looks like the one from those cheesy office pornos....let’s make one?’ Y/N this is who you’re waisting your time on?” Rolling your eyes you went back to your meal, annoyed he didn’t find the harmless joke amusing. “Joon he was joking, it’s not like he knows I’m dating someone.”
You felt wind brush past you and a crashing sound occurred from behind, startled you made eye contact. “I had half the mind to throw that piece of shit at your head.” His angered expression taking you aback, you must’ve forgotten Joon is the extremely jealous type. “Go get it, bring it back to me.” Slowly turning trying not to take your eye off of him, you retrieved the shattered phone. Harshly he took it from your hands. Tapping before turning it to you, “block him.” You flinched at his sudden hand movement. “Don’t flinch away from me, block the bastard, before I’m the one bending you over the copy machine.”
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Jung Hoseok...
Slouching in the pool chair you observed as the other women splashed and paddled around like children. You don’t usually go to these types of things, and neither does Hoseok. But this time it was important, he was here solely to kiss butt with his new business partners.
He practically forced you to put on your swimsuit, fully planning on walking you around like a show dog for the evening. Crossing your legs you brought your straw to your lips. You’d planned on getting in the pool, but apparently you weren’t good enough for the other wives...or affairs in the pool at the moment.So to spare the embarrassment you decided to watch.
“Enjoying yourself?” Hoseok came behind you patting your head softly. “Hm I guess.” You placed your drink away. “Hobi I’m ready to go. home.” You pouted, his hand still on the chair he came to your side. “Home? We’ve just got here an hour ago.” Nodding at his true statement you turned to look at him. “Yeah...and now I’m ready to go home.” Rolling his eyes he squatted to your level. “C’mon baby, go make a friend in the pool, splash around yeah?”
“No, I’m tired.” He groaned putting his head on your shoulder. “Y/n, boo don’t be a brat, you wanna go inside, wanna find a bed for you?” “Hm will you stay with me?” He looked over his shoulder, “ah Bruce wants to talk cuts and coverage a bit more, I can show you to a ro-” “nooo hobi!”
Panicking he pinched you to lower your volume. The party in the pool ceased and all eyes were on you. You’d learned how to cheat the system,It usually didn’t take much pouting from you to get your way. “c’mon get up.” He pulled me roughly by my forearm almost making you trip over your feet. He pulled you into the spacious home, up the stairs and into a hall. “Here let’s go in this room hobi.” You could tell by the look on his face hobi didn’t come to rest.
“Do you get off on making me look like an idiot?” He spoke close to your face. “Hey, I told you i wanted-” he covered your mouth with his large hand. “I don’t give a fuck what you want, now shut up and get in that fucking room.” Meekly you followed his order. “I’m sorry hobi.” “Ah I said shut up!” You stood in the middle of the decretive room, “down.” Down on your knees before him he looked down disgusted.
“Now make my cock hard so I can teach you how to use your loud ass mouth correctly.” Hesitantly you leaned forward, he groaned loudly reaching for you making you backwards in response. “Quickly, and don’t you dare run away.” He grabbed your hair, now under his full control.
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Kim Taehyung...
“Mm how does it feel being my right hand lady?”
“Well seems like I’m on top of you right now.”
“I love how smart you are baby.”
Taehyung had recently promoted you to his secretary, now you can’t help but be in his office all day. Dreamily he looked up into your eyes as you straddled him. “Round 2 huh?” He huffed making you giggle, “let’s not indulge Taetae.” You nipped at the shell of his ear, he gripped your ass tightly. “What else do you have to do, I distributed your work along all the employees you’re here to have fun!”
“Well the phone has been ringing like crazy let me answer at least one call!” You climbed off, your skirt still scrunched around your waist your panties to the side. “Ahhh the baby wants to feel like a big woman go on answer.” Smiling with accomplishment, you picked up the phone. “Hello this is y/n y/l/n, answering for Kim Taehyung.” It was actually another secretary on the line you took notes as he spoke. You felt so responsible you knew Taehyung would be proud, you looked over to see his approval only to find him not there.
Confused you held conversation, until you felt something warm glide along your thigh making you Yelp. “Ah I’m sorry, Mr Lee, repeat that?” In fear you looked under your desk, mischievously Taehyung winked at you. You went back to the conversation, as he lapped your heat. You were already so sensitive you wouldn’t last a minute more of this. “Stop it please Tae.” You hissed pressing the phone to your chest. He did the opposite, penetrating you with his longest digit. Curling his finger and assaulting your clit, if the lewd sound of slurping could be heard by you you knew it could be heard over the phone. Quickly you hung up, very upset you squeezed his head between your thighs.
“Cumming baby?” “No, quitting.” He pulled back confused “what?” You fixed you panties, pulling your skirt back over yourself. “I asked you to let me do one thing, and still you couldn’t keep off of me.” He crawled from under your desk. “Who was on the phone?” He asked dryly, you looked over your notes. “Mr Lee.” “Oh, he calls everyday for his boss they have nothing to offer so we have nothing to give.” You nodded making a note to avoid his calls. “Anything else?” He shook his head going back to his desk with a deep sigh.
Oh good grief, you huffed falling back into your chair, you’ve gotten upset with him and now he’s going to mope around. “TaeTae, please understand I do actually want to work, we’ve talked about this.” You spun your chair to look at him, he looked at you inquisitively. “Maybe you should go back downstairs, I don’t want to distract you.” You could feel your eyes stretching. “Tae! No it’s not that serious.” “No no, your cubicle is still empty, the largest one.” You crossed your arms. “You’ll get the raise you just won’t be here honey...maybe I’ll offer the position to Sana.” He turned from you to go in his computer. “No, I’m not going.” “Bye Y/n see you tonight.” He mumbled nonchalantly.
“No Taehyung.” He gave a grim chuckle. “Stop being hard headed, go fetch Sana for me will you....love you.” “No kim Taehyung, this is MY job!” The phone rung and you picked it up, “hello this is-” He came pulling the phone from you slamming it to hang it up you flinched harshly. “Y/L/N, I won’t ask you agin, get out or do what I promoted you here to do.” He looked into your eyes devilishly. You complied removing your skirt, playtime was over, you sadly knew your place. “Perfect girl.”
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Park Jimin...
“I’ll beat your ass come here. Now.” You stood in his office doorway, fear quaking over you. “Y/n...now.” he leaned on his desk looking you up and down. You walked in to what seemed to be your demise. “The door, close it, lock it.” “Mr Park please.” He got up walking behind you and slamming the door before walking in front of you again. “Where the fuck! Were you.” You looked at him, head fogged unsure of an answer. “I-I Mr Park...I’ve been here at work since 3 AM actually...before you got here.” He laughed lightly.
“I didn’t want your schedule, I know your damn schedule, the meeting today’s meeting.” You toyed with your fingers, “OH...oh Mr Park I forgot you needed me I’m sorry h-how did it go?” “We fucking lost the deal, the information you dug up is what we needed and you were somewhere in LaLa land.” He dug his hands into his hair. “C‘mere.” He sat on the leather couch that decorated his office. “Please Mr Park, I’ll stay late and I’ll beg for another meeting date.” He shook his head “no, c’mere.” You stood still pleading with your eyes. “I’ll drag you by your cheap blow out, bring your ass here.” You shuffled to him, he pulled your dress bending you over his knee.
He pulled your dress up, “Mr Park what will your wife say?” You began to tear up, why would he choose you to give his violent love to. “Ha, she’ll say “fuck me harder” later tonight why?” You shook your head refusing to respond. “Look into the mirror.” You obliged. He pulled his hand up just stoping before it hit you causing you to shudder a jerk violently. “ Do you fear me y/n?” You nodded almost sobbing. “I’ve trained you well...head up...be a big girl.”
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Jeon Jungkook...
The whole building was draped in a gloomy mood as Jungkook stalked about looking for something to nitpick. Earlier today you and Jungkook had a falling out on the way to work about how close you were getting with one of your male coworkers. And said coworker that just happened to be your cubicle neighbor. He rounded your area multiple times, chastising said coworker, sending him on errands and putting him down again and again.
Seeing how it was affecting the newbie, you finally turned to Jungkook. “Mr Jeon, can I speak to you.” “No.” He turned quickly before going back to chastise the frightened employee. “Slip up again, and I’ll make sure you’re looking at a deep fryer for the rest of your life Kang.” He whispered just loud enough for you to catch it.
“Mr Jeon please, for a minute.” He clears his throat leaving your area. Your face grew hotter by the minute, you got up going to talk to your distraught friend. “Hey, listen he’s all bark and no bite what do you need help with?” You smiled warmly remembering how it felt to be new in a place like this.
“Well every time I answer the phone and start the question pro-” a heavy hand lands on his and your shoulder “who said this was a social hour y/l/n” a sigh came from deep inside of you. “ Damn it Kookie-” “who? Excuse me?” His eyes widening. “Jungkook- Jeon- I’m sorry...I’m sorry Mr Jeon.” He eyed the two of you “hm...kang get to work, y/l/n you too.” He began to walk away. “Y/n I’ll send you an email, I really need help on this.”
“Email her I dare you.” You spun in your chair “Mr jeon please! He’ll never get better if I don’t.” He rolled his eyes taking off his glasses, “what was he trained for if he can’t use the damn computer?” Everyone in the office was watching the dispute. “Pft I was trained on any of this! I had you holding my hand the whole way why can’t he?” He started waking the other way, his face glowing crimson. “Get in my office, now y/n.” You sat turning to your work. “No Jeon. I won’t.” “Y/n you can come to my office, or clock out and go home for the rest of the damn month.” All eyes on you like this was some cheesy tv drama, you got up following him.
Once in the safety of his four walls you stood hands on your hips “why kookie, why you being a Jackass?” He turned to face you, anger evident. Swiftly he pulled you by your shirt “talk to me like that outside of this office space the way you did today one more time, and you’ll be begging me to fire you. Yeah?” You nodded earning a open palm slap to your cheek, “yeah? Open your slutty mouth like you did for Kang, am I understood?” “Yeah kookie.” Another slap, your cheek began to burn. “Yes Mr Jeon.” He lifted his hand making you flinch in his grip. “Lovely girl, now get out there, and leave Kang alone or else.”
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thesunandseonghwa · 4 years
Shadows and Angels | Part Ten
chan x reader / changbin x reader 
warnings: none 
see here for glossary of terms used
Chan was many things, but he had never thought himself unkind, it was something he had drilled into himself since he was a child.
He would never become like his parents.
He was raised on so little love; he had a family name to uphold before anything else. Regardless, as a child he vowed to never let his heart become some cold, hard thing. He would always hold on to the best part of himself and in the same way he’d cling to the best parts of others. Perhaps that’s why Changbin and him were destined to be Parabatai. They were the two sides of one coin, him and Changbin. Truthfully, he trusted Changbin’s judgement more than his own sometimes. He trusted him more than himself too.
And yet, his blood was on fire and he’d dropped Jisung’s unconscious body with a resounding thud against the wooden floor in complete and utter shock at what he was seeing.
You, the girl he thought he loved wrapped around his parabatai. You stumbled forward off the table fixing your dress as you did, hair wet and dishevelled.
He hated the way your small, desperate voice tugged on his heart, “Chan, I’m so sor-“
He held up a hand to silence you, “We have a mission to finish,”
“Chan, please-“ Changbin began, reaching for his arm. Chan shot him a look he didn’t know he had in him and he instantly backed off.
Changbin stepped back, you shoved Changbin's shirt that he had wearing into his hands. Chan could see the tears that threatened to fall, the way you were no doubt tormenting yourself in your head. As if you could be made to feel the torment Chan was feeling.
“Jisung’s awake,” Yeji said in bated breath, Chan kneeled down to where the blue haired half Seelie he’d once called brother sat against the wall.
Felix was in danger, he needed to save him.
He needed to focus on something. Anything to take his mind off what he had just seen. The betrayal he felt hurt more than the heartbreak and it threatened to consume him whole if he didn’t.
“Oh, you’re going to pay for this,” He spat words filled with venom, his gaze filled with sinister intent. He surveyed the room and each and every one in it like a predator and its prey, “Help yourselves and take her to the queen and maybe she’ll show you mercy,”
Chan met Jisung’s gaze, behind all that malice there was something else. Maybe fear, maybe something entirely different. Nothing much had changed about the boy, he still looked like the kid he’d known since he was a child. Him, Changbin and Jisung. A trio so unlikely and confusing. The only son of a famous Shadowhunter family, the son of a family filled with disgrace and a cast out half-breed. They’d been like family, made promises to never let each other fight alone, be each other’s support whenever it was needed and above all never betray each other.
“Felix was your friend too, Jisung, I know you care about him too,” Chan pleaded with Jisung, “You never wanted to be here, I’m sorry that I didn’t fight hard enough to keep you with us we were like brothers and we promised to never betray each other,” He dared a glance to his Parabatai, he knew that he winced at that and he hated how much he felt happy that he did.
“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” Jisung laughed dryly, throwing his head back. He stood up with some effort and Chan’s hand instantly went to his weapons as did everyone in the room, “How’s that Shax demon bite healing up?”
“He’s fine, no thanks to you, you dick,” Changbin barked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I noticed,” Jisung said, his eyes running over Chan like he was no more than a minor inconvenience, “I must say, she’s quite well versed in the art of fucking around with little Shadowhunter boys’ hearts, like mother like daughter I suppose, ”
It was a matter of seconds before you had bounded forward, pulling a blade from Chan’s holster at his side and holding it against the Seelie boy’s neck, “Don’t you dare speak about my mother, make fun of me all you want but my parents sacrificed everything for me,”
“Over my dead fucking body,” Changbin muttered under his breath, Chan supposed no one was supposed to have heard it but he did. They could agree on that.
“A pity then that you’re going to amount to nothing just like her,” Jisung chuckled, a finger pushing the blade away from his neck ever so slightly. You replied by pushing it closer to his neck,
“Give yourself up to the queen if you want to honour them so badly, save Felix and everyone else you love, I’ll bring you to her myself,” Jisung taunted you.
It was somewhat heart-warming to see Changbin care so much for something, someone again. For so long, it seemed like the only thing he lived for was killing. Killing demons, killing everyone involved with his father’s death like some avenging angel and Chan often worried that once there were no demons left, no more villains or bad things…
But of all people why did it have to be you?
There was nothing else Changbin seemed to want to live for, yet he was wrong.
Chan had seen the way Changbin would look at you when he thought no one was looking.
“You know you could simply just renounce your claim to the Queen’s throat,” Jisung said in a matter of fact tone as he stepped back from your blade and promptly plopped down on Yeji’s couch much to her audible disdain.
“Renounce my claim? Is it that simple, no hidden death clause or what not” You asked, curious,
“There will always be a price to pay, something or rather someone's gotta give and all,”
Chan and Changbin exchanged worried glances at the look in your eyes. The way you were calculating your losses in your head, Seelies could not lie but they could speak in riddles and something about that answer seemed much too simple. Jisung wasn’t telling the whole truth.
“What is the price?” Changbin asked, his lips pressed into thin line and his features marred by the intensity of the glare he regarded Jisung with.
“I assume we’ll find out when we get to the Queen’s court, no?” Jisung beamed back at Changbin like he was exchanging a funny joke.
“Jisung, explain the price,” Changbin urged, stepped forward as if he meant to attack the boy. Chan stuck an arm out in front of him to stop him.
“You don’t know what she’ll ask me to give up to ensure my good word, do you?” You sighed in annoyance.
“I don’t indeed, she could ask you for anything and you should probably hurry and get a move on because Felix has…” Jisung glanced outside for a second, “A few hours at best I think,”
“I have to do it, I have to renounce my claim, I’ll give up whatever she asks of me,” You looked at Chan with those eyes of yours, you had already made up your mind. You were going to do this whether he liked it or not.
“But what if-“ Changbin began but was cut off by you,
“My parents died trying to keep me safe, I will not let someone else die because of me, no one,” Your words were laced with a steely conviction that showed in your posture and tone of voice. ”We’re going to the Seelie Court, we are going to save Felix and I am going to renounce that which is my heritage,” You stated and no one dared to challenge you. It was almost like that royal blood in you was showing.
“Well, that was terribly dramatic and if that’s all, could you all please get a move on and get out of my house?” Yeji smiled in the most unnatural and fake way possible, “Change into something more appropriate, why don’t you, girl?”
“So, can we untie my wrists and let me go now?” Jisung gestured to his bindings, “They’re honestly starting to chafe,”
Changbin made his way to Jisung, Jisung rolled his eye at him, “Can’t someone else unti-“
Jisung didn’t get to finish his sentence as Changbin had knocked the boy right out of his seat on the couch and out cold
“That’s for Chan and Felix, asshat,”
“Chan…” You had placed a gentle hand on Chan’s arm, breaking him out of his train of thought, “If you’d just let me explain-“
“We have a mission to finish,” Chan said simply once again even if it killed him to see the way your face fell as he moved away from you without so much as a glance. He couldn’t deal with this right now, it simply had to wait, “To the Queen’s court, then?”
You nodded, “I’d better put something else on,”
He couldn’t disagree with that, the dress you wore which was presumably Yeji’s did little in the way of covering you. The silky material clinging to your every curve and most likely terrible to fight in.
And oh, he hoped and prayed that a fight was not going to happen. Technically they were already breaking laws just being here and he was in no mental state to fight. He drew on Changbin’s strength more often than he’d like to admit and he needed that moment of clarity simply to face him before heading into any fight but right now he could barely look at Changbin.
He was about to let the girl he loved walk right into the lap of danger in hopes of saving his other closest friend and he didn’t even feel like he could talk to the person that was supposed to be like his brother about everything he felt.
He had always thought that there was an immense strength in being soft but right now, he hated that fact about himself. 
taglist: @synnocence
(please let me know if you’d like to be on the taglist x)
Sorry about the shorter part!
 I’m writing finals so I’m taking a bit of a break for now to focus on that. I will be back in about three to four weeks <3
what are your thoughts on the chan/yn/changbin dilemma? are you rooting for changbin or hoping everything works out with chan? 
thank you for reading so far!
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 16: The Forbidden Forest
The breath of fresh air was like finally stepping out of an exam. Your brain turned back on, you could remember an answer you couldn't ten minutes ago, and they finally weren't surrounded by walls! There were no buildings, no castle, for once the lack of human civilization felt right...then Remus really looked around and saw where they were, and had to fight back the urge to scream.
The dark trees towered over them all, some pressed so close together it was as if they were hugging, others spaced almost evenly, as if someone at some time had actually intended to plant them. There were all different species as well, weather of magical properties or simply the transitions of very many years introducing new to this Forbidden Forest. The Marauders knew them all, not particularly by name, but of what could be inside them. They each could have taken a quick look around and pointed which direction Hogwarts was, how to navigate to a manticore den if one were suicidal enough, contact the centaurs or even go chasing after some spiders. They also knew what else would soon be in this forest, that only appeared once a month.
Remus had been feeling sick since this all took off, and not for the same reasons as the others. After he'd told his friends about his secret, they soon didn't even have to ask when the full moon even was, they could keep track of it themselves. Not by looking to the stars, but the werewolf himself. His body, so physically tied to the endless cycle, seemed conditioned itself to run in phases. When a new moon, Moony was at the peak of health, as bright eyed and laughing along with anyone. The heavier the orb became, the heavier his eyes grew, the paler his skin got, as if the curse itself were to match.
Ignorant as they'd been of the true meaning of time in all of this, they'd all kept a careful eye on him through every time jump, and none really liked what they saw. That last potions class, the last clear marker of anything they had, meant only four days tell a full moon again. Remus had been so quiet and withdrawn it could have been that night. Through several bunts across this universe though, they'd gotten so lost and muddled it was impossible to keep track of anything, let alone something so far above they couldn't even see.
Now all four looked up, but the thicket of branches was as revealing as a ceiling, and their friends luminescent pallor could still mean anything.
Then Lily did scream.
At first she'd simply thought it was a pile of snow. That was wrong though, there was a slight chilly breeze creeping through, but it had the taste of spring tease, not nearly cold enough for a whole mound of undisturbed pile so breathtakingly unpigmented.
The tangled legs, silky mane, and spiral horn had formed next. She'd started forward in concern, her mind offering up a foal sleeping. The deep silver of blood dripping still warm from its neck was the last click.
To the others credit, no one ran. They all had wands out at once and tried to draw closer to each other even in this circle of mistrust, but as one by one they all saw the same, a deadly silence fell as surely as this mythical creature.
Potter spoke first, inching towards her and hissing, "Evans, get away!"
It was true she had seemed to land nearest the mare, she could have reached out and touched the alabaster hindquarters.
"And go where," Regulus uneasily demanded.
Pettigrew shot a glance at him, and immediately turned on the spot and tried to shoot some purple jet of light into the darkness. It, like every spell before, simply vanished with no visible trace of ever being there, but the moment he stepped in the same direction, there again was an invisible barrier blocking them from stepping out of this clearing.
"Okay, well, at least whatever did it isn't in here with us," Frank offered, straightening from a defensive position near Alice and doing a quick 360 to confirm there was nothing lurking nearby. Shadows were aplenty, but certainly whatever had done this would have attacked at their arrival...right?
"Lily, come on, please get away from it," Potter insisted, the genuine fear still there finally sinking through her shock. Carefully, still on hands and knees like she'd landed, she backed away as far as she could, unintentionally putting herself right beside Potter as she stood, the book in her hand though none had seen it before.
"It was right by her heart," she muttered, running her hand uneasily over the cover and looking up at him. Then just as quickly, she turned and walked away, over to Alice and Frank, flipping through pages for her place and reading the chapter title without surprise, she'd figured that out all on her own.
James watched her go before turning eyes back on the unicorn. They didn't see many running through the Forest, though they weren't shy creatures, as they had no natural predators. One had even come across Moony, but though he'd stared it down, he'd instead continued right back to putting his nose to the ground after some griffins nest still five miles out.
Regulus spoke what all of them still couldn't get past, "what could have done this?"
Even those who hadn't taken Care of Magical Creatures knew a thing or two about this beast, for Professor Slughorn stressed when using their hairs or horn shavings in potions classes how valuable they were, and the only part they'd use in class. Even Professor Flitwick had once treated them to a lecture when one student asked about the wand core. Everybody said the same thing. They were a purely good and innocent life, and to slay one for any reason was a curse. To continue the act, to drink the blood as something had clearly done...it was unheard of.
For the first time, none of them had really stopped to consider the fact that though all people had vanished during their time of this, what about other things? If the unicorns body could still be here, than very likely what had done this could be as well.
With that lovely thought in mind, Lily read with more unease than she ever thought a book could do, about Harry getting something silly like a detention. The Marauders at least were momentarily distracted from everything by wondering just what Harry had done with their cloak, surely the boy wouldn't leave it up on the tower forever!
They did feel for Harry of course, and even more for Neville when he got dragged into all this for doing the right thing. McGonagall's punishment was admittedly ridiculous, but now that the others were distracted but the Marauders could just shrug off something so silly like losing house points, they kept on track with their friend who may be facing a very real problem soon.
Throughout all of these time jumps, any one of them could have been during a full moon, and none of them could do a thing about it. Knock out the other four so they didn't realize what, or who, was happening and transform? Protecting all of them while in some enclosed space!
This was so far the only solution James had thought up, and Remus hadn't a chance to tear it down then in their common room, but he did now where hopefully the wind snatched away their words better than the Quidditch team acting a prat to Harry.
"This just isn't safe! I nearly killed someone last time, I won't let it ever get that close again!"
"That was my fault," Sirius hatefully pointed out, tense and looking nearly as sick as Remus at the reminder, but he had to make this clear. "You're right Moony, it won't ever go that far again because we'll make sure it won't, none of this is on you!"
"What do you want us to do anyways?" Peter demanded with a little huff, he couldn't be on look out forever, he'd already seen Frank grow suspicious of them at least once. "You keep griping about this, but I don't hear you coming up with any ideas." Then, at a much more conversational tone of voice, "Glory, Harry would be the one to come across Quirrell at a time like that."
The others had to quickly play catch up to what they'd been listening to in the background, but clearly no one else noticed, so their inane chatter to each other about all Harry's varying luck was given no more thought than the whispered conversation.
"Wait, what's Harry doing out on the grounds for his detention?" James did turn and look at Evans fully again, glancing to Peter and really feeling like he'd missed something, but the other shrugged with no more clue than Filch was giving.
Then Remus slumped to the ground, looking utterly exhausted and likely to faint any moment as it seemed his own worst fear was going to play out in Harry's time at the exact moment it was here.
They were all admittedly thunderstruck at such a punishment, but the fact that it was taking place with Hagrid made them think that somehow the gamekeeper had pulled this off himself. Likely feeling bad for getting the kids into this, in his warped mind he probably thought he was giving them a treat.
Alice just snickered at the young Malfoy, and how Filch was no help at all. "Honestly, any decent teacher would have just told what you should do when facing a werewolf, not him though."
"Wouldn't be Filch if he didn't traumatize one kid a year," Frank agreed.
Remus tried to keep breathing evenly that they were just blowing this off, that surely the teachers wouldn't have them out there during a full moon...but there was no longer a werewolf on those grounds even trapped safely away, so what if they didn't care about such things anymore? Filch nor Hagrid were denying a full moon tonight!
News of the unicorn brought them up short at least, all eyes turning back to the very same.
"Please," Potter begged, "someone tell me that we're just getting an unpleasant first hand look at this thing! Let the record be broken that we aren't where Harry likely will wind up!" His voice was near screaming at the end, and Sirius shifted uneasily from rubbing Moony's shoulder to patting James, now both looked likely to vomit.
"See, he's going in with Hagrid," Peter tried his best to keep looking on the bright side of this. "Nothing in this forest is going to mess with him!"
"Nothing in the forest now," Remus said hoarsely, the others were just pleased he was still bothering to make conversation. "Twenty years from now? Clearly something got in."
"Do we need to separate you two next?" Sirius snapped.
"Yes please," Remus bitterly grumbled, glancing again at the heavens like he hoped they'd swallow him up.
"Moony, listen," Sirius crouched down beside him, James and Peter striking up a loud conversation about what they hoped ate Malfoy as a distraction. "Nothing's going to happen, alright! Time's been a bit screwy around here lately, I know, but that has to mean it's also working on our side! No full moon," he finished, practically breathing in his ear by the end, "and Merlin help it if there is one, we won't let you hurt anyone, not even yourself, just like always."
Remus turned to face him, and in the practically non-existent lighting all he could really do was trace his face. Their noses were inches apart, and that electricity seemed to snap between the two again. Remus couldn't help it, he believed him. He could still vividly recall that look of shock, the horror only just setting in as Sirius told him what had happened, and then he'd gone all defensive and tried to play it off like another joke. This time his expression remained open and sincere, which was all Remus had wanted to see the past month. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed right then not to kiss him, his hand twitched involuntarily anyways and brushed against Sirius fingers.
Padfoot just smiled and let them stay overlapped like that, it was dark enough nobody would notice.
James paused in describing the details of bowtruckle eye removal as he glanced between the two, certainly sensing something, but he was just so happy they were even speaking to each other again he didn't press them for whatever that was.
Of course Malfoy ruined the whole thing, all of them jumping in shock at the red sparks and wanting to pull that blond head off for doing that to Neville at a time like this. Maybe it was just because they saw the danger right in front of them, but it felt even more suicidal than facing down that troll for Harry to be going off alone now!
Sirius would even take Norbert back! This was something that could actually kill the kid, again!
Indeed that seemed exactly what was about to happen! Whatever monstrosity that was drinking unicorn blood and then turning its attention on that little boy was as good as dead if the centaur hadn't arrived.
Lily couldn't help but sink to the leafy ground herself as, whatever that thing could be was run off. For the first time, she'd really felt invested in that danger, had wanted to shield and protect Harry from this! All of the other situations he'd either gotten himself into or she hadn't believed a danger was there, she'd either just seen Potter in her mind being an idiot or trusted Sev wouldn't let anything happen. Now though, that little boy was just doing a detention for the school, one he'd gotten while helping a friend, and this was by far the most heart stopping thing to become of that!
The night just couldn't end there. They got more information from Firenze than anything else so far, none of it at all pleasant, and all putting a much larger scope on this problem.
Regulus hadn't even been sure how he'd felt about the demise of the Dark Lord because of this Boy Who Lived. He'd spent his whole life up until now wanting nothing more than to join the prospering future of the Death Eaters, but in fact the world seemed to have gone on without the Dark Lord. Now though, from the word of a centaur, there was absolute proof this was no glory for money as they'd all believed before. Now it made sense why Dumbledore wanted that Stone right under his nose.
The Dark Lord was trying to come back, and he seemed determined to kill Harry to do it.
Lily nearly pissed herself all through the conversation of Harry catching up his two friends on all of this. She'd barely given herself a moment to even admit how invested in this story she'd slowly been before it was all slammed down on her with pure adrenaline. A world without You-Know-Who was so far just a fairy-tale in this future, now just as quickly it was all about to be stripped away? She had no clue how Harry was being so calm about this!
The end note still managed to hold its own surprise, though at least it was a decent one. Getting his cloak back could only be a good thing, right?
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miriredsteel · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Pt. 1 - An Old “Friend”
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Fear. Fear beyond measure. Terror that was so deep it felt infinite, never ending...and ancient.
    The world was blurred, fuzzy...as if awakening from a long night of drinking heady wine. A strange, deep thrumming seemed to constantly be present within the realm of sound, the sort of deep base that reached deep into your guts and set panic to galloping through the blood. And the bite of cold, the sting of copper in the nose, as if surrounded by dried blood...it was all overpowering, and yet it was nearly impossible to drag one’s awareness up from whatever depths she’d fallen into.
    A groan escaped her throat as the fingers of unconsciousness slowly released her, awareness sinking in like a blade into flesh. Confusion joined the strange panic thumping in her veins; where was she? What had happened? She couldn’t-
    With a chink, Miri tried to move, to stand, to roll over but something stopped her. Her arms were held out from her by dark, cold chains, their weight evident upon her delicate wrists. The feel of the cold metal then became apparent around her neck as a great choking collar that sat to keep her head forcibly upright. A large shackle sat around her waist, which was then chained to the ground, keeping her kneeling on the cold, dark stone.
    “Wha….?” She asked groggily to no one, her mind still trying to come back to her.
    As her eyesight adjusted further, she saw bars surrounding her, the same sort of metal as her chains. All around her was that horrible thrumming, like a river, except whatever was rushing was certainly not any water she’d ever heard. And the screams...the screams were the most wretched and tortured sounds she’d ever heard. Each one seemed to shoot through her like an arrow, making her gasp and lurch in physical pain.
    My mental wards- She thought, feeling the panic spike in her chest.
    “Oh you’ll find those chains are quite unbreakable, dearie,” A deep, throaty, voice practically purred from somewhere to the Lady’s right.
    Something in the cadence of speech, in the saccharinely sweet “dearie”, made a shiver spider walk up Miri’s spine. Familiar. It seemed so familiar and yet she couldn’t seem to place where she knew it from. The shackle at her neck kept her from turning to look at the person speaking, causing pain to shoot through her neck when she tried.
    The voice tittered, followed by the soft padding of well made shoes walking across a hard stone floor, accompanied by the gentle swishing of silky fabric.
    “Do try not to struggle too much, dearie. You’ll only hurt yourself further,” The voice was so sweet, so filled with the mimicry of concern you’d almost have believed it. Almost, except for the razor edge that seemed to crawl along the underside of each sugar coated word.
    Giving up on the movement, Miri instead let her eyes dart to her periphery, finally able to glimpse through the bars the figure speaking before her. The figure was tall; much taller than any human she’d have known, with ashen grey skin and long, white hair that had been coiffed up into an elaborately braided updo around their head. Their face was wide and round, like their figure, and almost abundantly so. Long, pointed ears gently peered out from beneath the elaborate hairdo, dangling with gaudy gold and red bangles, while a deep red ruby pendant hung around their throat and into the valley of a ponderous chest. 
    The gown they wore was of dark wine reds, deep coal greys and white ruffles, finely made and perfectly tailored. Their hands were folded neatly at their waist, long dark nails that shone in the strange light, seeming both perfectly manicured and deadly. 
    Familiar…     “It really is quite rude to stare, Lady Redsteel,” The figure chided gently, as if they were a teacher and Miri a naughty student. Something about it made the Lady’s blood boil. “Or is it Clearwater once more? I can hardly keep track these days.”
    “What...do you want with me?” Miri bit at her, regretting even that short question; her throat felt as if she had swallowed sand, dry and scorched.
    The figure tittered again, the sound once more sending chills up Miri’s spine.
    “Oh all in due time, dearie, all in due time.” They answered before reaching through the bars to tilt Miri’s chin upwards.
    The figure -a woman surely- had blood red eyes that bored into Miri in such a way that she was certain she was trying to peer into her very soul. A row of sharp teeth gleamed in the eerie light as she seemed satisfied with what she saw, before releasing the Lady’s face.
    “For now...it is my great honor to welcome you to your new home for the foreseeable future,” The woman purred, the wretched joy eeking out of her feeling like oil over Miri’s flesh. She felt sick. “I do believe you are going to be an excellent addition here.”
    “Where…?” Miri began, again, regretting the question. Light she’d have done anything for-
    A canteen was suddenly pressed roughly to her lips before her head was tilted back and cool, clean water poured down her throat. The relief it brought was short lived as the clawed hand that forced her head back gripped at her hair viciously and forced her to drink without a breath. It wasn’t long before Miri was choking, spitting up the water and coughing it out of her nose, nearly drowning in it.
    “Now now, dearie, you’ve had a very trying journey, you really must save your energy,” The woman cooed, malice dripping in every word. “Can’t have you collapsing from exhaustion before your first session, now can we?”
    Miri could only sputter and cough in an attempt to breathe. The woman laughed; it seemed so childish and yet the sheer joy she took in Miri’s suffering made her flush with fury.
    “As to where you are, well I suppose you were rather addled upon arrival. Didn’t even put up a fight when we shackled you,” The woman gave her chains a shake for good measure, the motion sending waves of pain through Miri’s arms and neck. “And you did put up quite a fight with the Forsworn; they reported that they nearly dropped you five times with how much you were kicking and screaming, till you passed out...oh...somewhere over the Maw? I suppose the change in planes just got to your little head,”
    Miri felt the blood drain from her face. “...the...the Maw?”
    Again, that horrible, high pitched tittering. “Oh you silly little goose. That’s just where you came through, not where you are,”
    The woman seemed to take delight in Miri’s confusion and fear. “I...I don’t-”
    “Where the veil was broken, so now stands a door,” The woman raised her hand with a flourish to the ceilings of whatever horrible place they were in. “A door...to my new existence. And your new home.”
    Once more, those clawed hands tilted her head up so Miri could look the woman eye to eye. The intense malice and hatred she felt in her gaze was painful and it made Miri weak.
    “No…” Miri gasped, feeling tears sting at her tired eyes.
    “Yes!” The woman responded, overjoyed. “Revendreth will surely make good use of you, dearie. And I for one am honored to be your warden.
    “Now, I really must be going, Lord Denathrius is expecting me. But before I do,” The woman stood up to her full height and gave Miri a horrid smile, like that of a predator that was eager to play with their food. “A little taste of what’s to come.”
    She reached out her clawed hand, the ruby pendant at her throat glowing with a horrible, red light. Dark, blood red energy coalesced around her fingers and swirled to a point at Miri’s chest, the Lady helpless to stop its approach. Upon reaching her, Miri lurched, feeling all the air rush out of her.
    Every regret, every mistake, every sorrow she’d ever known was suddenly rendered in painfully stark detail and wrenched from her very soul. A horrible scream rent the air as she saw the look in her children’s eyes as she was spirited away, the last moment Dev walked away from her, the expression on Rhett’s face as he was led away to the gallows, the weight of Aldarion’s body as he died in her arms.
    “Yes, Mirianda,” The woman’s voice seemed to fill her head, purring and cloyed and malicious. “You will relive every single horrible thing you didn’t stop, every mistake you lived to regret. And I will reap that suffering as a scythe reaps the grain.”
    It was only then Miri realized the scream was her own, tearing at her throat with such pain and agony she was certain she would die from it. The woman seemed to be pulling her suffering straight from the center of her soul and into her hands before it seemed to slowly coalesce into the ruby pendant.
    When the pain finally stopped, Miri fought to keep from blacking out, though oblivion would’ve been a relief, a mercy. Instead, she clung to her consciousness, her breath shaky and arduous, trembling from head to toe. Every part of her ached, and a deep throb of despair seemed to have blossomed where her heart was.
    “Aaah...delicious,” The woman hummed, curling her hands and sighing as if she’d just taken a sip of fine wine. “His lordship will be pleased.
    “Do get some rest, dearie,” The woman then turned on her heel with a flourish as two massive metal doors swung open by an unseen force. Miri tried to look outside, to get a bearing on her surroundings, but her head still spun with the attempt to even stay conscious.
    “I want you well rested for your first...real...purging,” Her final words were heavy as the doors shut behind her with a metal clang and Miri was left alone in her cell.
    Reality seemed to be suspended for a few brief moments, before the screams around her once again began to claw at her mind, tearing open her own freshly created pain and exacerbating it. Gritting her teeth, the Lady tried to fight off the sorrow, the despair, the hopelessness.
    But she was so weak...so tired…
    Alone, confused and frightened...Mirianda wept, her cries joining with the countless lost souls within ruins of Revendreth, drowned out in the cacophony of suffering and torment. Just another agonized soul to add to the oppressed creatures within the decaying landscape.
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twin-branded · 4 years
The fall of the light, the start of the endless night
// Large piece of backstory writing under the read more! Warning: It is graphic, and I dare say not for the faint of heart. Big TWs for violence, heavy gore, and slow death, take caution friends! To those of you who press on, hope you enjoy~
- Mod Nova
This was it. The final battle of an eternal war waged since the beginning of time- the blinding light, against the all consuming darkness. Eons of this ravaging dance echoing, revived in the essence of both parties, and wearing thin in their physical forms… One blow, is all it would take, for any of the three combatants. The twin vessels ascending to chase the light, and the Radiance perched at the very peak of her prison in dreams.
In the sea of darkness that tailed the young gods in their ascent, hundreds, thousands- no, millions of their fallen kin, their silvery white eyes all in a piercing glare towards the sun herself. A crowd of the most bold, or perhaps the most raging of all the dead slithered from the safety of the shadows, chasing the light aside their living siblings, so small, and yet- so horrifying. The very darkness she had always fought with, honed into such tiny, powerful creatures… Mere children, capable of rending apart their older kin that kept her prisoner, and assaulting her.
But even as the darkness closed in; the light refused to die. As injured as she was from their cold steel fury and scorching, wrathful magic- she could tell, they wouldn’t last long themselves. Cracked, shaking, void oozing from their shells despite their persistence- the goddess screamed in outrage and defiance.
“NO! Mere shadows will not overtake me! The void may hunger, but the pathetic Wyrm's spawn cannot compare to the burning light!!”
In their path, another barrage of scorching beams. They almost stumbled in their scramble to reach the Radiance, almost fell- but there was power to working in pairs. One would always catch the other, until so threateningly close, they split up- one lunging for the Radiance, yet barely coming short of reaching her.
Shot after shot, taken at the tiny shadow. The child of darkness stumbled, exhausted no doubt; a chance to end one of them, once and for all in their weakness-! … But that was only one, struggling, trembling before the light’s might, trying and failing to pull themself up with their nail. The other- damn it all, the Wyrm’s wretched spawn took up their father’s scheming mind! There was only the time for a hastily fired blast of light, and her aim failed to strike true- unlike the twin vessel’s nail. Barely leaping past the attack, the child drove the weapon directly between the goddess’ eyes, earning a horrendous roar of rage and pain- the death knell. The mark of her sealed fate.
In an instant, the situation so dire shifted- no longer was this an agonizing game of chase. The Radiance had nowhere to run… The sea of darkness closed in, as both vessels suspended in the air on either side of the doomed light. Disgusting, cold tendrils of void lashed out from below, trapping the goddess’ wings- beginning to tug on her, trying to wrench her down into the Abyss. As the Hollow Knight rose from the swarm of shades to join the much smaller assailants, the Radiance writhed in her restraints; shrieking at her seal, her living prison with seething hate.
Though to blight, was now an understatement. Perhaps an act of opportunity, or one of sheer spiteful vengeance, the Hollow Knight reached for her- sinking his claws into her face, digging lithe fingers underneath immortal carapace. A roar of pain ripped from the Radiance’s throat as the shade proceeded to rend her face open, blinding light pouring from her inner godly core. An assault from above and below, already bad enough- but it escalated, as if her practical assassins had not already ravaged her enough. Another tendril suddenly whipped across her bleeding face, stinging and leaving a golden mark. Then another, from the opposite side- a pattern immediately repeated as the twins lashed at the prone goddess over, and over, and over.
Any other being, a beat-down would have been enough. But no- this wasn’t even CLOSE. Every strike from the twin shades, exhausted, agonized, and utterly furious, bearing down harder and harder. More and more frustration, and pain, infused into every blow- years of undeserved suffering, created in cruel and unusual manners, abandoned to the Abyss, slaughtered senselessly and repeatedly! Every part of the world against them for no reason, just innocent children, forced into a horrifying, desperate struggle for their lives, constantly being torn apart and yet, never allowed the sweet release of death. All of it was her, this massive, insane monstrosity of a goddess, cursing their kingdom, their family, forcing them all to exist and die for no good reason! To suffer and cry out with nothing to ever listen! ENOUGH! ENOUGH!! Finally, the Radiance’s voice was no longer alone, the seething shades screaming in wordless, raw emotion as they continued to bloody and ruin the goddess’s form in their wrath.
As the Radiance was mercilessly beaten down, beginning to be dragged down by the tendrils wrapped over her wings… One of the two even found it in themself to speak;
"You, you are the answer I have sought after all this time! You both sparked reason for and yet condemned our existence, and it is time you face retribution for it all!! You will not be forgotten, you will SUFFER, YOUR LIGHT WILL BE DEVOURED!"
And that was no empty threat, though how the Radiance would’ve wished it so, if she had known how all too literal that was about to be. For they were not done with her yet, even as the savage whipping stopped, since having made her face and mane a bloody mess, even ripping out clumps of her silky fur.
No, this was far, far from over.
Hazy… Dark.. So dark. Not even the trickles of light from her exposed core could illuminate the world around her, as weary, pale gold eyes fluttered open. There was… Nothing, it seemed. And yet, in this cold black expanse, the Radiance felt anything but alone. She could not see the countless in the wings, staring her down, but she could sense their unholy, unnatural presence. She could not find the two that put her here… But there was an unsettling chill creeping down her back- a feeling never experienced before, yet somehow, internally she could still find the words for. As if it were instinct, to know this situation, this sensation… To know that she felt like prey, that could not lay eyes on her looming predators.
Though exhausted, aching, beaten down- something told her to get up. To push herself off the floor, to run, to fly, somehow try to escape. A rising need, going, and going, the want to scream building in her throat- of terror, of want for help, ANYTHING. Yet no matter how these urges overwhelmed every thought and want…
Nothing happened.
Just a mere moment ago, she was hardly able to open her eyes- but now, they were wide, glimmering with dying light as a surge of panic sunk in. Every part of her was SCREAMING to move, to get away, to scream and shout and cry- mentally thrashing, like a wild beast in a cage-!
… And yet still, nothing happened. She didn’t move… She couldn’t move. Not held down, not pinned… But paralyzed. There was no toxin rushing through her veins, but there was fear. Primal fear, of the unrelenting darkness that surrounded her on all sides.
Chilling shocks ran through her body, causing her to shiver. A sudden wet, cold, goopy sort of sensation on her wingtips- as if being dipped in some sort of icy slime. But then it turned sharp, stinging, burning in the center of it, like a cut had been made. Followed soon, by a sickening, echoing crunch in the darkness- the first sound she’d heard in an immeasurable amount of time down here. It was so small, and brief, yet it felt like thunder roaring in her ears.
Then there was a pause. Silence, the cold retreating, whatever it was… Notably sticky, as it pried away, almost feeling as if it did not want to let go.
Because it didn’t. Even though there was not much to note at first, the texture wasn’t the best, not much to speak of in terms of energy yet… One bite would not sate them even under normal circumstances. If anything, only getting a brief taste to little satisfaction made them hungrier. The cold, wet sensation of little void tendrils creeping back up, before two much larger, eager bites were taken of the goddess’ wings. Another sickening crunch echoing out to pair with each one, followed by another brief pause- the shades didn’t move back again, but they needed a moment. Something changed… They’d each bitten deep enough to draw out orange, sickly blood. And for the first time, something new hit them- flavor.
The overwhelming sweetness would’ve easily sickened normal bugs- but to rather hollow creatures, being potent enough to make them actually detect a strong taste? That was enticing. Enticing, exciting- they wanted more. As if their exhaustion hadn’t already made them ravenous, the introduction to something new had them focused on nothing else but food. And food… There was plenty of.
The pauses stopped, as bite after voracious bite was ripped from the Radiance’s wings- and it didn’t take much longer for the situation to click. The pain, the cold, the sticky grasps, the gut wrenching noise, the worst possible fate known to bug kind was suddenly befalling her. Being eaten alive. Slowly, steadily, being able to feel the starving shades chewing through her wings, working their ways deeper, and deeper on either side.
The horrific paralysis only felt worse as time seemed to be slugging along. Adrenaline surged through her body, screaming more and more to do something, anything- shake the ravenous little monsters off, fight back, to scream and wail through sheer terror and pain. It almost felt like she was screaming, as her throat strained, and heavy, rough breaths were forced out of her lungs- but there was no sound. No sound but that of the gut wrenching chewing, her body being slowly torn apart.
Mouthful after mouthful, while nothing but sheer and utter disgusting horror to any onlookers, was delightful mess to the Radiance’s attackers. The massive moth’s blood was delicious and energizing- soon, also nicely joined by a distinctly salty taste as they got to the more meaty parts of her wings. Their seemingly endless hunger made them want to rush- consume more and more, as fast as possible. Yet… In this dark realm, with their greatest foe in a trembling, tasty heap before them, this was different than anything else they’d ever known. There was no danger. No urgency. No… Greater quest to rush to work on, this was it.
For once in their lives, they had all the time in the world. All the security they could ever want… And the best meal they’d ever had laying in front of them. There was no need to rush, and have such a moment end too quickly. They could slow down, savor it, enjoy this new concept of flavor that their typical diet of soul never provided.
Though, taking time to savor didn’t mean not consistently taking bites- there was an awful lot to chew through, and they still felt painfully hungry. Perfect really, all the more room for the dense bases, right where wings met fluff-covered chitin… And nerves. Lots, and lots of nerves.
In curiosity, other shades had begun to creep closer, but all of the vessels reeled back as the Radiance let out a shrill, agonized scream. Finally, she managed to move, heaving and wheezing as blood gushed from the sloppy, shredded remnants of her wings. She had no way to push herself up- but she couldn’t just lay there! She had to think fast, the reaching tendrils of those little monsters were already grasping for purchase in the open wounds. Losing any of what little protection she had was likely to only make it all worse… But she couldn’t competently move her legs with that armor on, not while she was in this shape. After a rough and hardly effective attempt to shake off the twins, the Radiance frantically kicked off the metal armor covering her legs- whether the resonating sound of it clattering to the floor would attract any further possible attention, or scare it off, she couldn’t tell.
But moving, sitting up, struggling to get to her feet- that would not save the dying light. The young, rapacious gods shrieked in anger at this meager defiance, lashing tendrils acting like whips geared at her legs. Or… One leg, rather. Young, but not inexperienced in dealing with things much, much larger than themselves- and if they could break just one, she’d be down for good, paralyzed or not. However, it seemed there was a hope- a hope that one good sharp kick might put an end to this, they had been just as weak as her!
Though unlike the Radiance, the vessels had been feeding. Renewed by the flesh and blood they had stolen already, while she was further weakened by it. Kicking out only let them catch hold of the struggling moth, yanking and twisting until the goddess lost her balance. Sinking their vile teeth into the delicate joints, rapidly rendering the limb useless. The searing pain ravaged her mind as the pair devoured her body, her vision swimming, though with the overwhelming darkness sight was already a lost cause. Her stomach twisted and turned, the pain and disgust at feeling and hearing them eating away at her beyond nauseating- a tad ironic, how the only thing keeping her from purging her system was her own lack of eating for the last century or so, while something else ate her alive.
How long had passed, now? Minutes? Hours? Maybe even days, it felt like the most miserable, disturbing eternity. Broken, defeated, once again all that broke the silence of the Abyss was the squelches, squishes, and crunches of godly flesh and carapace being consumed. Though for a moment, their meal had been interrupted- overall, the twins were still having the time of their lives, digging in deeper and deeper. They were bloody messes, only really pausing their feast to occasionally reach up with their claws and brush off a clump or two of matted, stained moth fluff.
Said fluff was… Quite a problem, actually. Almost her entire body was covered in it, and while wings, carapace, and flesh were all game- mouthfuls of fur didn’t sound nearly as appealing. In fact, the accidental bite into it here or there was getting quite agitating. The pair stopped a moment to go to each other, and perhaps plan a way around the obstacle keeping them from the sweet insides of their prey.
As disgusting, morbid and torturous as their feast was, there was still a hint of something softer, behind those egregious maws and soulless white eyes. Their voices now merely soft, gentle chimes as they communicated, trills and chips back and forth- had any part of her numbing mind been able to focus on something other than the agony, it would’ve driven home a shameful point. At these years of struggling and brawling with the Pale King… And she was defeated, mauled, being actively devoured- not by the Wyrm. But by his spawn, mere children. Did he know what horrors he had created? Was the Wyrm aware of the power and hunger even such small vessels had?
… Maybe that’s why she had begun to sense the pale light in her domain of dreams. Maybe he was hiding, so he didn’t suffer this very same, twisted fate. Dull, hazy, drifting thoughts, the quiet and soft noises were a respite from the sounds of her flesh ripping and being consumed…
Though, the time to ponder anything was over. Another wave of searing pain left the Radiance’s mind spinning, ripping an incoherent scream of pain from her lungs. The gaping wounds where her wings had once been left openings for the pair, who were busy sinking their claws and tendrils in. Messily rasping away flesh with any grip they could get, and stuffing it into their mouths to feed their outrageous appetites. For a few moments, the scraping and ripping of flesh stopped, almost numbing cold taking over the wounds- yet despite the slight relief from the pain… Something still felt very, very wrong.
An icy, squirming sensation starting piercing into her body, not doing anything to remedy the nausea, the feeling like her gets were already twisting and writhing into knots. Everything was getting so hazy, and hard to process though… What that sensation meant didn’t even really click, until the pain spiked in an all new area- her abdomen. If her organs hadn’t been literally twisting around, now they were being twisted, ripped, rended away from each other to be consumed.
There were a few tremors that could be felt from within the goddess’ massive, increasingly hollow form… Muffled, weak sobs. Before absolute silence, and stillness. The blinding light inside her heart waned and weakened, to a barely illuminating glow- a spark, then extinguished as the ravenous maws of her killers snapped down around it. Brutalized in combat and absolutely savaged in the darkness, the ancient goddess would at long last dream no more.
Even with the Radiance’s overdue passing, the pair of shades would be taking their sweet time. A goddess did not need to be alive to give them energy, her very flesh and blood imbued with powerful essence. Still ripping, tearing, rasping away every morsel of divine flesh they could, from head to toe. They had no concept of time here- it could’ve taken hours for all they knew to strip her entirely, and there was no care. There was even the care to stop and drink the blood that had pooled in her empty carapace, so, so sweet and energizing… Not a drop wasted, save for what had miserably stained and matted her fur.
However long it took, after they were finally done- the twins finally felt content, and for good reason. The most amazing feast of their lives just thoroughly savored, their life-long purposes of destroying the light completed, their wounds and exhaustion long since mended and overcome with their massive meal of pure god essence. A success and reward long and painfully earned, their pleasure and pride expressed through chirps, trills and chimes, back and forth to each other. With all said and done, the sated shades drifted over to their elder brother, snuggling up to the Hollow Knight. They were met with gratitude for slaying the Radiance, for the soon to come freedom once they made their way back to the temple to retrieve their shells… But as the pair passed out in the larger shade’s arms, undoubtedly ready to sleep off some of their meal- the appreciative look faded, to previously hidden horror.
While the sleeping twins were blissfully unaware, it did occur to the knight… It was taboo to eat other gods, and for good reason. Aside from the sheer brutality of what was just witnessed, there was worry for the inevitable consequences. Worry for what was to come, if their appetites had reached to the divine.
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kandyrezi · 5 years
red sky at night;
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fandom: the gray garden
characters/pairings: yosafire/ivlis
summary: “some things were simply so much more divine when broken. it was only a matter of time until the only thing on her mind was him. and only him.” | word count: 1.5k
warnings: strong hints of noncon and depression. slight lemon. proceed with caution!
far, far above the ground floor from all the commotion, strange faces, and servant demons, in a private area only select few were allowed to enter. the small ounce of light bouncing off the red sun that reflected from the window in shapes of four small squares, giving the room a much warmer hue. anything but, it felt suffocating to the one it reached, wrapping itself around her throat until she felt nothing but the smothering heat from all around her. the chain attached to the bedpost giving not a lot of room to move around only added to this feeling.
ghastly and slowly losing color in eyes of the small demon, with her legs tangled around the white bedsheets, bathing the rest of her skin, the bruisings and claw marks becoming more visible to the naked eye.
choosing to focus on what’s on the other side of her assailant, whom she heard pacing as his feet clicked against the ground, then he seemed to stop momentarily after a little time passes once the door shut behind him again, allowing nothing to interrupt.
“do you miss them?”
it was the first thing he’d said to her once stepping into the bedroom, then shifting his weight onto the mattress, freeing himself of the charcoal coat around his shoulders. she felt him inch closer, closer. after being called to deal with some inconsequential business by one of his subordinates, he’d still have to go back soon, but having some time to spare until then; and he had no intentions on letting it go to waste.
ivlis was glad to find the small demon still where they’d left off earlier, her half-naked form tangled in the silky sheets in an attempt to, and ultimately not accomplishing much by trying to hide in the covers. a simple collar to match her eyes around her neck as well, chained to the bed wall. just to be secure, of course. the fact she looked lovely wearing it and fit perfectly was simply an added bonus.
despite not having much will or enthusiasm to talk, not in the way that she normally would in conversing someone’s ears off - not that time though.
but the word left her lips before she could think too much about her current predicament.
despite being turned the other way, she could feel the grin on his face, as he sat still on the bed, looking at her slightly disheveled disposition; knees brought close to chest and arms wrapped around her waist.
“your friends back at the gray world. i wonder whether or not they miss you.”
yosafire turned her body ever so slightly, thighs no longer pressed together to properly glare up at him.
“you… you took me away from them! what do you think?!”
the first few words came out a bit scratchy, her throat still a little raw from screaming earlier, no intentions on wearing out her energy anytime soon it would seem, still able to raise voice a few octaves above the one she usually talked to him with; somber and oh, so hostile. despite having been quiet for some time the past few weeks, the fire never ceased cease to burn in her veins; hatred shone in her fatigued eyes that had dark, crescent moon-shaped circles underneath them, as she gazed back at him from where she lay next to him.
the flame devil’s lips quirked upwards just a bit; despite the time that has passed, the young demon before him still hadn’t let go of her fiery attitude even after losing something she held near and dear to heart, to an extent anyway. pitiful, but admirable. keeping a brave facade was useless if the smell of fear lingered in the air and clung to sweat-welled skin like venom for everyone to spot in the dark.
(he wondered briefly if it reminded him a little too much of himself, but he pushed those thoughts at the back of his head in an instant.)
“my, such bravery all of a sudden, my pet. and how do you plan to resist me, exactly?”
making himself more comfortable, supporting the weight of his upper body with his elbow whilst his unoccupied hand reached for the sheets, slowly pulling it from her hips, exposing slight view of her pink panties, rest covered by a white blouse, for now at least.
“...or have you forgotten your place already?”
ivlis reached to graze his sharp finger across her rosy cheeks, but the instant the rough texture made contact with her soft skin, she pushed it away with the back of her hand, shifty turning her head away from him.
“wh-what do you want from me?! stay away!”
inching away to get as much distance as possible, yet her attempts at resistance were nothing short of amusing, if also incredibly pathetic. choosing a more abrasive route that time around, the devil grasped her chin in between his thumb and index finger, forcing her eyes to make contact with his own and keeping her in place to cease her senseless writhing. the rose-tinted glasses were off; he found himself being harsher on her whenever she had them on for a reason he couldn’t quite explain. an influx of rage-infested emotions burned within him whenever he gazed at them – almost as if in his mind, he were looking at someone else, pretending to be at his mercy, obliterate any sense of dignity and pride left.
“what do i want?” licking his lips, momentarily gazing at the wall behind her, until he reached some kind of epiphany in his thoughts, then his eyes wandered down at her like predator to prey. “well... isn’t that obvious?”
grasping her thigh with his large, scaled hand, he yanked her body closer as the chain attached to the wall would allow, making her squeak in surprise. angling her so she lay on her back properly and pin her down against the soft surface, fingers ghosting over her skin, moving higher up, slowly, teasingly.
“as a matter of a fact, what i want right now… i’ve already gotten it, haven’t i?”
letting his scaly fingers slip into the edges of her underwear, as yosafire suddenly felt the fabric ripping, until it was completely torn and nothing but small ribbons beneath her legs. forcing a gasp from her throat, instinctively trying to press her legs together, but the hand in between them kept her thighs separated.
“you and your little friends didn’t have the power to stop me before and you certainly don’t have it now. resistance is futile, after all, yosafire.”
shuddering slightly at hearing her name being said as if it were a warning or a threat, yet not rattling her enough to falter the glare on her flushed face, poorly masked dread clear as the sun.
some things were simply so much more divine when broken. he couldn’t help but admire his handywork, sculpting the smaller demon around his hands and bending her to his will, no place left untouched no matter how much aversion he was met with in return. it was only a matter of time until the distant memories of her friends in the other world would become nothing but vanishing silhouettes, a fruitless hope to cling to; and he would pluck away every single one of them, until the only thing on her mind was him. only him.
“you made your choice, and with that...”
nipping at her bare skin and leaving faint red lines across them, sharp teeth grazed across pulse through her blouse, enjoying the way it was rapidly speeding up. it took every willpower in him to not rip off the fabric, separating the last barrier between their two intervened bodies. but he wanted to savor this moment, savor it for a long time.
what had happened, it had been feeble victory in the end, but by the direction his plan had gone, there was no winning a losing war. tricking the small demon into thinking her devil was dying to get her to comply with whatever he’d asked, it didn’t accomplish the goal he’d went to the other world for originally, but it had been victory enough for him, for now.
the light that reflected through the window had angled in the time that passed through the session, with the small demon no longer being the main focus of the red sun, having drifted over to the edge of the bed.
hearing him leave the room, all she could do is await his return once again. yosafire went back to hiding her face in the sheets, trying to ignore the pulsating wetness between her thighs or not touch the fresh marks on her skin, her shoulders and neck specifically, instead pulling the covers over them as much as her willpower would allow her to. his words echoed in her head even after the room was quiet once again and no one else there but the smiling faces of her friends at the back of her thoughts.
‘you’re mine. and i’m never letting you leave.’
the humid air no longer suffocated her, the cold air instead prickling at her arms and legs, bringing more attention to all the damage than wanted left all over her.
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stories-everywhere · 6 years
One Shot: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Murder
(Roman’s P.O.V)
It’s a lovely day with the snow falling slowly around me as I take a nice walk through the white covered forest. I make my way down the path with a smile while humming a nice little tune as I ignore all of the fresh specks of red that are staining the pure white snow behind me.
-It's beginning to look a lot like murder... Everywhere you go- I sing to myself with a smile on my lips as I make my way down the snowy path I’m on as it leads back towards Virgil’s home.
“You look so cute in that sweater! Will you wear it more often for me?” I turn the corner to see Virgil and one of his childhood friends with him, they seem to be… flirting with ‘my’ Virgil.
-Virgil's bothersome childhood friend is flirting with him again... She wants him, but I'll never let him go- I continue on with my song lowly so that they don’t hear me, I will just have to come up with different ways to get rid of them so that they won’t still my beloved Virgil from me.
“Same old Chaos... she’ll never change.” He mutters with a fond sigh leaving him as he watches her leave with a shake of the head as he walks opposite way then his friend. I narrow my eyes in thought before follow after him from a safe distance so that he doesn’t notice me just yet.
-It's beginning to look a lot like murder... Lots of blood and gore- I sing in a really low tone of voice so that it’s almost as if I’m humming the tune as I think of all the things I can do to her.
“Oh, Roman! I didn’t realise that you were out here.” Virgil’s voice pulls me out of my rather dark thoughts, I look over at him to see that he has a sweet smile along with a curious look.
“Yeah it’s a really beautiful day so I thought why not enjoy it while I can, no?” I reply to his question with a small smile of my own and I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up in a light blush.
“You sure that’s not the only reason you came out today?” He teases me with that sexy smirk of his making its way onto his lips as he takes a step closer to me with a raised eyebrow as well.
“You caught me, I just wanted to see my amazing boyfriend in the snow.” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist to pull him closer, now he’s the one that starts to blush at my words.
“Roman!” He exclaims while trying to hide his face in my chest making me smile with a chuckle as this is where he belongs in my arms and I will make sure that it stays this way… forever.
“What? All I speak is the truth, I won’t lie to you Virgil.” I say with a smile still in place, I look down at him before he leans back ever so slightly so that he can look up at me through his bangs.
“You really mean that?” He asks me still unsure, I tilt his head up before I lean down and give him a sweet kiss that has him wrapping his arms around my neck in the hopes to deepen it.
“Of course I do, love.” I tell him once we pull away from the kiss for needed air and I notice with a rather wide mental smirk that his cute blush has gotten slightly darker than it was before.
“You are such a dork, Ro.” He mumbles rather fondly as he buries his head back into my chest without moving his arms from where they currently resting and that’s around my neck.
“But I’m ‘your’ dork right?” I asks him with a light chuckle leaving me again while gently putting emphasize on the word your, he smiles before leaning up to give me a soft peck on the lips.
“Yeah you are, Ro.” He agrees warmly before I pull him in for another kiss and he melts into it without a fight, I tighten my grip around his waist so that he is against me with no space.
-But the prettiest sight to see is Virgil beneath a tree... The boy I adore- I sing to him in a soft tone after we pull away from each other slowly as we once again need the air to breathe. His blush darkens even more which I find rather cute before he can say something his phone vibrates, he takes out his phone and has a look at the screen with a glare before letting out a dark sigh.
“Looks like I have go and look over my younger siblings…” He trails off while he puts his phone back into his pocket, as much as I love spending time with my boyfriend this might be helpful.
“I actually need to do some errands for my parents as well so I better let you go but I will see you soon ok?” I tell him sweetly and he nods his head with a bright smile instead of the frown that was there before. I pull him against me for the last time today and give him a passionate kiss that he returns eagerly I trace my tongue over his lips lightly in the hope to gain some entrance.
“Ro…” He lets out a light moan allowing me to enter and explore his wet cavern before we can get any further then that Virgil’s phone vibrate again, we pull away with irritated sigh.
“I better let you go.” I tell him with a sad toe in my voice and he nods his head, he gives me a quick peck on the lips before making his way back home to look after his younger siblings.
“I’ll call you later, Roman!” He calls out to me before he is gone from sight, I make my way down through the forest thinking of what I can do now that Virgil isn’t here to make out with.
“Hey Roman what you doing?” A familiar but really cheerful voice asks from behind, I turn around to find that it’s only Patton making his way over to me. An image of him and Virgil together pop into my head as we all know that Patton has a small crush on Virgil and I can’t let that happen.
-A rusty pipe made of lead and a blow to the head... Will take care of Patton- I sing lightly with a dark look in my eyes as I pick up the rusty pipe that I had hidden in a close by bush.
“Roman… why do you have that pipe?” Patton asks me with a nervous tone but I don’t answer him instead I swing the pipe with all my strength and hit him in the head. I drop the pipe and once I am sure that he is dead I hide his body so that no one can find him… at least not yet.
“What now?” I mutter to myself with a confused tone in my voice as I continue on my way down the snowy and windy path with a slight bounce in my step wondering what else I can do.
“Hello Roman how are you this fine day.” Logan’s voice asks once he seen me as he makes his way over from the opposite end of the path, I narrow my eyes as did he at one point date Virgil?
“I’m fine what about you?” I ask him still with my eyes narrow in thought and I slowly make my way over to the axe that I have stashed in the hollowed out tree that is right behind me.
“I am good, I was wondering if you have seen Virgil at all today. I was hoping to talk with him about some things.” He says and from the tinting of pink on his cheeks I can only guess what he wants to talk with my boyfriend about, I skip the axe out and hide it behind my back.
-A shiny sharp axe and one glorious whack... To eliminate Logan- I lift the axe back still with my eyes as he could steal Virgil back from me before I bring the axe down on him like firewood.
“Rom…” He starts to speak with a confused but slightly scared tone while turning around to face me as he must have seen the glint of the sun coming off of the axe but he doesn’t finish.
-Oh, golly, I can hardly wait for school to start again- I drag both dead bodies towards the winter cabinet that my family uses and dump them in the furnace to burn, once I make sure that I have no blood on me at all I leave the cabinet with a bright smile on my lips… now where is Chaos?
“I need to tell Anx…” I hear a female’s voice mutter, I turn to the sound to find that Chaos staring right at me wide eyed, I give her a wide unnerving smile before I make my way over to her.
-It's beginning to look a lot like murder... Everywhere you go- I sing out as she runs away from me and I follow after her as I can’t have her telling my precious Virgil all of these things I did!
“No! Stay away from me, you monster!” She yells out to me in a scared and freaked out voice but this just makes me smile even wider if possible as it will be so much fun ‘playing’ with her.
-Well, I could send her straight to hell, or just get her expelled... Stab her quick, or gut her nice and slow- I sing in a soft and low tone almost as if I’m talking about the weather and not thinking about murdering another human being as I pull out my favourite hunting knife. She runs blindly in the hopes of getting away before running into a large mountain wall with no way to climb.
“Please! Please let me go! I promise I won’t say anything to anyone especially Virgil!” She begs me with wide scared eyes as she has nowhere else to run but I ignore her begs of mercy.
-It's beginning to look a lot like murder... Killing is an art- I sing with a dark and silky tone as I slowly make my way over to her much like how a predator will with their cornered prey.
“Roman please! I promise that nothing I’ve seen here will get back to Virgil! I don’t want to die! I beg of you to spear me!” Chaos continues to beg me to let her live as the tears stat to flow from her eyes and down her face in rivers but I don’t care about what she wants.
-Won't you please stop your struggling? You know I just want one thing... To carve out your heart- I am now in front of her with a soft smile I lift her head to look at me with me empty hand, Chaos looks at me with hope in her eyes before they widen in pure fear as I thrust my knife through her chest with my smile still in place but it’s so much darker now.
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an-anaemic-pen · 5 years
Project Phoenix Chapter 14
The Routine
The Manifestation || The Power Play || The Green-Eyed Fly || The Middle of The Night || The Alternative || The Attic || The House || The God of Mischief || The Kill || The Night || The Collar || The Training || The Week Without A God of Mischief
Summary: Kate’s a normal teenage Midgardian girl; except there’s a Loki in her attic, and now S.H.I.E.L.D.’s after her, and also, she has powers. Apparently, she’s meant to save the world.
She just wanted to finish school and maybe fall in love—at least she’s accomplishing one of those.
Relationships: Gen, F/M (Loki/Original Female Character)
Rating: M (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage if you squint bit—nothing occurs while characters are underage, Sexual Content)
Mood: Timelapse, Illumina Anthology
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The heavy feeling of sleep weighed on her. Kate barely noticed the slight nudge she received.
“Kate,” the voice said. It was silky.
Kate groaned. “Saturday,” she grumbled.
“Well, I beg your pardon, I thought you’d want to see me.”
Kate did her best to crack open her eyes. Above her head lay a lean face with cheekbones like no other. She smiled, desperately dragging herself out of sleep. She lazily raised her arms. “Hug me.”
Leanna laughed, half-picking-up her upper body to allow her sister to hug her.
Kate smiled. “How’s college?”
“How’s the significant other?”
Leanna dropped her back on the bed and Kate sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. When she finished the little ritual, Leanna had her hand held out. Kate looked down and saw a ring, pretty and golden with a small diamond in the center. A smile spread across her entire face. She squealed a little. “Congratulations!”
Leanna laughed and smiled. “We were taking a walk around campus one night, and he took me into a gazebo with little lights and proposed, and it was the most romantic thing ever.”
“Have you started planning yet?”
“We’re going to wait until after I graduate to really start the planning so I’ll hopefully have more of a solidified job. James said he wants to marry me, so he put a ring on it in case we ever get in a fight.”
“That’s kinda adorable.”
“I know.”
Kate giggled with her sister, aware of the shadow looming by the closet. She got out of bed, stretched, and expanded her mind. She’d gotten better at it through the week and could not do it while also focusing on something else. Can training wait?
She heard Loki sigh in her mind. Of course.
Thank you.
Leanna and her went downstairs, Jake not bothering to get up because it was so early. Loki had receeded after their little exchange, and Kate didn’t feel him following her, so she relaxed. “Since you’re apparently a master of romance, could you give me some advice?”
Leanna cooed. “Who’s the boy?”
Kate bit her lip nervously. “He’s a bit older, and we met online—”
Leanna cut her off with a wave of her hand. “He’s a predator.”
Kate set to making breakfast. “No, we’ve video chatted, and I’ve even met his mom briefly. He’s who he says he is.”
“Okay, and?”
“I dunno. I’m just emotion-ing, and I’m not used to something other than numb, and then I met him, and it’s not all numb all the time.”
Her eyebrow rose as she grabbed one of the waffles from the box and ate of frozen. “What kind of emotions?”
Kate gave her a look and began to toast her own waffles. “I can’t tell whether its anxiety or butterflies. They feel the same.”
Kate shrugged.
“How old is he?”
Leanna’s eyes went wide. “Kate, oh my gosh!”
“That’s two years older than you!”
“And? How old is James?”
“We’re adults.”
Kate gave her sister another look. “Uh-huh.”
A comfortable silence settled over them. “I like your hair.”
Kate smiled, playing with it. “Oh, thanks. I got it done a few days ago at the salon after my shift.” She almost began to believe herself. After a week’s worth of nothing, she could believe it had all been a dream.
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Leanna had gone out for lunch with a few friends from home. Kate ventured back up to her room and shut the door behind her. Jake had left at some point, she noticed, as she closed the curtains and looked around. She could not find the God of Mischief. “Loki?”
Something roughly grabbed her by the back of the head, yanking her by the hair so she was looking up at Loki’s angry face. In his hand, he had a foot-long chunk of hair still tied by a rubber band. About eight inches of it were brown, but the rest was a pure silverish-white.
He spoke through gritted teeth. “What did you do?”
He outright reaction was to hide, run and hide, but she smothered it and met his rage. “I got it done at the salon?” She hadn’t meant to phrase it as a question.
His grip was starting to hurt. “Lies,” he hissed. Loki let go of her head, shoving her so hard she almost fell.
“What the hell, man?!” Kate exclaimed, holding her head where he had grabbed her hair so roughly and praying he hadn’t ripped any of it out. As far as she could tell, her hair was alright.
Loki stormed a few feet, and Kate hoped the barrier was still keeping others from overhearing any of their goings-on. If not, she would have to weave quite the lie. “Did I give you permission to use seiðr without me near?”
Kate scoffed. The fear was gone now, replaced by a temper Kate hoped could match his. “I didn’t know it was a privilege, Your Highness.”
He whirled around, his lip twitching. “Yes, girl, it is a privilege to use seiðr. Do you know how few are able to? How few Asgardians are able to, let alone mortals? Do you know what danger you put yourself in?”
Much to her chagrin, Kate shrank away. What had she done? “Apparently not.” He voice dripped venom. “Why don’t you educate me?”
Loki took a deep breath. “Were you near any cameras?”
He’s worried about that? “No, I wasn’t. I made sure to cover them up before I attempted anything.”
“Good.” Kate could practically feel him patting her atop the head. Perhaps he actually was via sending out some sort of ghost hand. “I must keep you safe.”
Kate raised her eyebrows. “You’re the one who made me have powers.”  She didn’t need anyone to ‘keep her safe.’
“You already had them, I merely awoke them.” And just like that, his fury had disappeared. He vexed Kate, just turning emotion on and off like that. “Now, take up a fighting stance.”
“I am going to teach you hand-to-hand combat.”
Kate didn’t know any actual hand-to-hand combat other than what she’d seen while watching The Karate Kid. She took a stance, and Loki frowned.
“Pivot your left foot slightly—no, the other way—now, move your right forward slightly; place your left foot back where I told you. Raise your hands a bit and space them out more. A little more—less than that. Stop! That’s perfect.”
“It feels more uncomfortable than perfect.”
“I suppose you’ll just have to deal with a little discomfort, now, won’t you, little Kitten?”
“We’re starting that again?”
He smiled a sly smile. “Oh, would you like me to call you something else? How about smár Ketlingr?”
Kate gave him a look. “Is that just your version of ‘little kitten?’”
She could have sworn she saw him smile genuinely. “You’re getting better at figuring out my native tongue.”
Kate rolled her eyes. “You didn’t insult me, you said a word, then said it in another language. That’s easy.”
He scoffed. “Very well. I won’t compliment you.”
Her lip rose. “Am I gonna do anything or just stay like this?”
Loki looked down at her. “Well, while we were talking, you lowered your hands. I could very easily punch you in the nose at the moment.”
“You could do that anyway.”
“I suppose you are correct.”
Kate’s mood had soured due to his outburst. She’d been excited to feel that cold rush ripple through her body, but now all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and not exist for a little while. She’d forgotten just how terrifying he was.
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It took most of the afternoon for Kate to figure out how to channel her emotion. Loki had to lend some of his own anger—she didn’t even want to know how he did that—and she was able to shoot a few icicles into the target.
He had been right; it wasn’t long before he stopped siphoning his power, and Kate was exhausted. She flopped down on her bed and sighed. Sweat moistened her back, and she almost wanted to take her shirt off—just let the cool air conditioning be on her skin. He, in comparison, looked completely unhindered.
“Hey, Loki?”
“Yes, mortal?”
She blinked and stared absent-mindedly at the ceiling. “You tried to take over the world, right?”
“Yes, mortal.”
“So, why aren’t you in prison?”
Kate heard him sigh. “Must I remind you I am called silvertongue?”
A content silence fell over them. Kate’s eyelids felt heavy. “Are we going train tomorrow, too?”
“I don’t see as to why not.”
She hummed and rolled to her side. “Why are you so angry?”
“Rest. I will be here when you awaken.”
“Can’t you answer my questions?”
He shushed her and patted her head. Sleep was inescapable, and before Kate could even speak another word, she succumbed to the spell Loki had cast.
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Sunday was the same, except for that Loki was in his Marvel form. Kate woke up, she ate breakfast and spent the morning with her Dad and siblings because it was Father’s Day, then the afternoon was spent up in her room with the God of Mischief.
“Why aren’t you imprisoned?” He still hadn’t answered her question, no matter how much she badgered him.
“Concentrate your anger.”
“Why aren’t you imprisoned?”
“Don’t let your stance slacken.”
“Why aren’t you imprisoned?”
He looked slightly ticked-off. “Must you be so incessant?”
He groaned. “If I answer you, will you stop asking questions?”
He gave her a look but sighed in resignation. “I have been given a… reprieve, of sorts. The Allfather and his courts are trying to figure out what to do with me. If I wasn’t who I was, perhaps I might already have a sentence, but I simply bide my time at the moment.”
“So, they just, like, let you walk around on the planet you tried to take over?”
He laughed. “Oh, no, darling. I sneak away. That is why I can only stay for a few days at a time.”
“Why haven’t they decided yet? Wasn’t that like twenty-twelve or something?”
He shrugged. “Five years is not long to the gods. I’m kept on a tight leash for now, but I am certain I can persuade Mother to shorten my sentence.”
Kate nodded her head in thought. “Can you stay until tomorrow? I don’t have any school since it’s summer and I’m not working until Tuesday, so we could hypothetically smoosh in some training time.”
Apparently, her speech was funny. “Perhaps. Now, concentrate.”
She did as she was told, focusing the energy jittering through her. She’d carbo-loaded about a half-hour ago so now she was really feeling the cold as it bounced through her like microscopic waves of sound.
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Kate woke up in a cold sweat. Jake was at her feet, and Mars wasn’t in the room. She carefully got up, pacing the room back and forth and focusing on her breath. Her legs trembled, so she sat down and began to rock.
Loki’s shadow appeared from somewhere, and he came nearer to her. “Are you experiencing anxiety?”
She wanted to spit out some sharp retort (it was quite obvious what was going on), but she could only manage a weak “yes.”
Loki sat down beside Kate, staying as far away from Jake as possible and awkwardly wrapping his arm around her. She accepted the comfort and leaned her head against his shoulder.
Kate knew she’d regret it in the morning, but at the moment, she let herself be weak and closed her eyes. She breathed in his scent and let herself be, even if just for a little while.
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Loki stayed until Monday evening. When Kate went running in the morning, he followed her as a bird, flittering from branch to branch in the trees as he followed her and Jake. She traversed all three cul-de-sacs, much to Jake’s dismay, and collapsed on the couch when he got home. You’re getting stronger, Loki commented as he turned into something akin to a ghost.
Kate knew she was the only one who could see him. Thanks. I try. She chugged some water while Jake lapped at the water bowl. She could feel herself weakening from the training and desperately needed a break.
She wished she hadn’t asked him to stay.
After her run and a bit of mental training, he recognized her fatigue. He nodded to her, whisking himself off to what she assumed was Asgard.
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The week went on and Kate started a little project with Jake. Now that he was getting into a shape that wasn’t tubular, Kate wanted to play with him more often. He wanted to play more often, as well, she noticed.
She worked on the little wooden jumps and hoops in the evening, her dad helping her cut the wood and sand it down until it was smooth. Amidst Loki’s comings-and-goings, they worked on the project and had it finished in just a week and a half.
Kate brought out the little set and placed it in the yard. In her hand was a baggie of kibble and at her side was her dog. It took a few million times for him to get it, but by the next Saturday, she had something to show to Loki.
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Saturday morning she woke bright and early. Well, bright was an overstatement. Loki nudged her awake before the sun had even fully risen.
“What?” she grumbled.
He chuckled softly in her ear. She knew he was trying to make chills run down her spine, and it was working.
“On Asgard, you liked to watch the sun rise. I thought I might grant you that pleasure.”
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and blinked up at him. “You woke me up for the sunrise?”
He stood to his full height, walking over to the curtains and opening them. “Who knows when you may get to see one again?”
“Tomorrow? You know, when the sun rises again?”
“Would you like to wake you then, as well?”
“No thanks,” begrudgingly, she pulled herself out of bed. She didn’t want to get up, but Loki had gone through the trouble of waking her up, so she was going to get up for him and watch the sun rise.
It was beginning to get hotter every day, and Kate had worn an old t-shirt to bed. It covered what needed to be covered, but just barely, and she wasn’t wearing pants underneath. Loki looked away until she had a pair of shorts on.
He cast an illusion over himself and followed her out of her room, walking down the stairs and outside. Kate sat down on the driveway and looked eastward. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, and her view was blocked by trees, so all she could see what the purplish sky bleeding into the darkness.
“Can other people see you?”
“No, being the only one will just have to suffice.”
She laughed. Loki was already worming his way into her routine, and, after a mere two weeks and a day, he felt normal. Well, maybe not normal, but normal enough.
Kate smiled to herself. Friend, she thought. I was a rather incomplete notion, but it was enough for her.
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She stood out in the yard, whistling at Jake until he jumped over the jump. It wasn’t at all high—it couldn’t be since he was a corgi—but he acted as though it was a struggle. Kate whistled again, and he hopped over the second jump. He easily went through the double set of hoops, then followed the little trail of kibble through the tunnel she’d bought at a yard sale.
Loki looked genuinely impressed she’d trained the beast to do something upon command.
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He left Sunday evening, and Kate spent the week lounging around, mainly. She’d wake up, eat breakfast, go for a run, rest, maybe try some magic that wouldn’t drastically affect anything so Loki wouldn’t notice, then relax.
Leanna flew back to Virginia. The fall semester hadn’t started yet, but she had to go back for work and to be with James. Kate had already set to teasing her sister about their puppy love.
Max’s nightmares ceased, so Kate was sleeping a little better. Her dreams were now filled with the adventures Loki told her about.
He told her about Asgard’s golden palace and the rainbow bridge and the sweeping forests. Of course, she knew what they looked like from movies, but only to an extent. He told her of the halls and secrets and of the paintings she could only imagine.
He told her of the Nine Realms and the politics of each of them—the Jötnar were the most interesting since they were one of the only realms other than Midgard to have factions of people.
But, this dream was… different. She didn’t know what the act looked like, only knew how it worked mechanically, but she felt her mind very, very heavily implying what was going on.
When Kate was finally able to pull herself out of the dream, she was blushing profusely. It took her a moment to realize her own hand was stuffed between her thighs.
She peeled her palm away from her underwear—of course, she hadn’t worn at least shorts to bed that night—and stood up. It was far from being light out and the house was silent. She went into the bathroom, running the water and washing her hands overly-thoroughly before rinsing off her heated face. When she stood, she almost expected Loki to be standing behind her and startled when the mental image she’d created didn’t match reality.
“What the actual heck,” she muttered to herself and went to bed.
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It took her all week to forget the dream and having Loki return on Saturday certainly didn’t help.
Even when he wasn’t there, she could call upon her cold now. A few icicles still drained her of any and all energy, but she could summon it if need be.
Loki seemed to pick up on her change in behavior, no matter how well Kate thought she was hiding it. “Are you alright, Ketlingr?” He hadn’t stopped calling her that since the first time.
“Yeah, just jumpy.” She hoped it would be enough.
“And why is that?”
“Really?” He sounded far too intrigued. “What kind of movie?”
“A scary movie.”
He tisked. “Darling, you know you can’t watch those; you have panic attacks for weeks afterward.”
“I get those anyway.” Kate sat down on her bed and threw her head between her legs, collecting her hair into a generalized bundle and tying it up. Her roots should have started growing back in by now, so she planned on asking Loki if he could show her how to cast some sort of illusion.
Once her head was back upright, he reached down and fixed a few of the fly-aways. He even retrieved a bobby-pin from her dresser and pinned them down, all without her even asking him to.
Alright then, she thought. “Is there some sort of spell we could cast that would make it look like I have brown roots?”
Loki cocked his head. “There is, but you wouldn’t have the strength, and I’m not wasting my seiðr on such a trifle.”
“If it’s such a trifle, it shouldn’t cost you too much, right?”
“Casting enchantments across realms is surprisingly tiresome, girl.”
She raised her lip at him. Thankfully, he hadn’t felt the need to collar her as of recent.
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Sunday came and went as always, as well as the rest of the week. On Saturday morning, Kate awoke to find Loki nowhere. She casually looked around the house, but he was nowhere to be found. She raised her eyebrow and decided to treat the day as she normally would. Perhaps he is simply late?
After her run, she showered, and the God of Mischief still had not shown up. Kate settled down to sketch out of boredom when he suddenly opened the door to her bedroom and strolled in as if it were normal.
“I was wondering where you were—on another adventure?” Loki’s gaze was somber and Kate’s relatively-happy mood deflated instantly. “What’s wrong?”
“I must tell you something.”
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