#Song Zhifeng
arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Who/What inspired my muses
Part 3 what do unbroken fingers feel like
Minglian: Okay, so this was around the time all the stuff with Qingshan went down. As I had established with Zhaohui earlier, I was going to need a replacement Red Eye. Minglian actually became a concept around early 2020 and didn’t actually come into play until maybe October or so of that year? Later on, at least. She went without a name for a while too while in the simmering stages. At the time, Huaxiu was a kind of different person in his capability for sweetness and caring, so with the thought that now he’d be the one to be the teacher and the guide for this new being, I just kinda thought of all the ways in which that would affect him. From the get-go, Minglian and Huaxiu were meant to have a special bond, and it was through his care Minglian that a lot of the jagged edges left from some of Huaxiu’s past trauma began to smooth over.
Zhaohui: Here we go. Like I had said earlier, Zhaohiu was actually created years before, around when Huaxiu was. It started when I reblogged one of those “send in a fc and I’ll make a muse from it” memes. Angie sent in the fc and I didn’t know anything about the series he was from other than knowing it was some books that Kirei cried sitting in her car once while reading? I actually have the original notes where I was jotting down ideas for him! (I actually have them for a few muses now that I’m looking). Basically, my thought was still of someone who had a job, screwed the pooch (seriously, what is up with that saying?), and was punished for it. A curse of some form was also involved. Mainly, I made Zhaohui to be a double-agent in what was going on with Qingshan, someone who sided with her but planned to throw her to the wolves for his own machinations. He wasn’t fully a Red Eye at the time of plotting but he ended up one as time went on. After Qingshan’s stuff happened and his curse was removed, I was already adding Minglian and decided, eh why not, and added him too.
Ruaidhri: I realized I hadn’t added a single fae past Aur? Not a single muse from where he was from? I decided to rectify that. This is also where you can see my little brain starting to do some schemes with the overarching plot regarding the fae.
Zhifeng: As Kirei said in her post, she said something to the effect of “wanna do two con muses based on The R.oad to E.l Do.rado?” And who am I to refuse? Zhifeng really started to take form after we watched the movie, and really started to solidify as I was listening to Annapantsu’s version of It’s Tough to Be a God. Especially the line and especially the tone in which she sang, “And who am I to bridle if I’m forced to be an idol? If they say that I’m a god then that’s what I am!” I remember playing that part over and over again just luxuriating in the inspiration juices that flowed from it.
Eilidh: Baby I’m making the fae brown too. Plus, H.ades and P.ersephone from H.adestown. Specifically their “Chant” songs. And, while they’re not the same types, of quirky, I think some of her quirkiness came from Amber Gray’s amazing portrayal of P.ersephone. Go listen to H.adestown. Oh! Also F.earne from C.ritical R.ole.
Aodh: The other half of the duo of H.ades and P.ersephone from H.adestown. Particularly the way H.ades is, like, super in love with his wife. I was thinking the pining from the Epics, Epic III specifically, and super the bitter tone from Hades’ parts in Chant II and Chant Reprise linked above. Unfortunately, Aodh didn’t end up nearly as cool and “weighty” as H.adestown’s Hades.
Tomoe: I had been going really hot and heavy with the supernatural muses so I thought I’d buff up the normal human section to give more of a selection to any mutuals who wanted more grounded stories. And, sigh, yes, Steph, my ongoing love of R.iza H.awkeye and my love for her dynamic with R.oy hahaha.
Kasemchai: Babes, I wish I could tell you. I saw the fc and wanted to use it, from there I thought a naga would be interesting, a constant theme you’ll notice.
Tara: I wanted to explore things from Aur’s sister’s pov, since all that had been presented was his knowledge and thoughts on her plans to assassinate him. Inspirations? Mary Derrington from C.ritical R.ole (Taryon’s younger sister). And A.zula from A.vatar. So, a lot of better suited/kinda cutthroat younger sister vibes clearly.
Zaisan: Another one from Angie’s deity pantheon. Specifically me tying him into Matthias’ backstory as the one who took his eye.
Saori: @strawberryxdreams wanted to do sibling muses! So we worked out the background and home stuff together.
Etienne: I have a pretty and otherworldly fc but what if he was literally just a Dude?
Amelie: Arata’s daughter! If we sort of time jump to the future where she’s older! I thought her story was an interesting one and seeing how it played out in the future would be interesting too but she was like an npc and also 7, pft. The more interesting things happens when she’s older though since I have already actually worked out future stuff for her, so I said there was no other way to get to the good part other than jumping there.
Iomhar: What if I made a fae gentry and also made him a himbo? I thought it’d be a funny foil to how duplicitous the fae are usually portrayed as.
Taichiro: It was posed to me, “you’re going to become a lawyer, how come you don’t have a muse that does law?” Which was a thought. That I then completely undermined by placing him in an entirely different country with its own legal system so that my three years of hard-earned knowledge meant absolutely nothing anyways. Whoops? I also wanted to add more players to Tomoe’s stuff and the Kurosawa group that she works for.
Kaisei: Horns. No, no he has to be human because of the lore, no horn. But....horns? 👀 Gentle giant. Sorta came to be influenced by a joke of a guest character in C.ritical R.ole, Calianna, someone who’s 1/10 dragon-- “Okay, which ancestor climbed something they weren’t supposed to?”
Anja: More Bastion and also what if I made a snarky little shit for funsies. The last name was just a fun little nod to G.enshin’s K.aeya.
Ed: “I want another god-touched.” Also, what if I had a muse that was just, “’women’.” That’s it, that’s the inspiration. Athena’s always been my favorite of the bunch since my middle school beginning PJO days so it was high time I did something with her.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
**Today’s Current Affairs:** Researchers from the University of Houston and Rice University have made a breakthrough in predicting band convergence in materials, leading to a significant increase in thermoelectric performance. Their innovative design using p-type Zintl compounds has resulted in a remarkable heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency exceeding 10%. This development holds promise for the clean energy transition, as thermoelectric materials can harness wasted heat without emitting greenhouse gases. The study, published in Science, showcases a novel approach to enhancing thermoelectric materials and paves the way for more efficient energy generation systems. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] 1. What was the focus of the recent study published in Science? a. Predicting weather patterns in different regions b. Designing materials for high-performance thermoelectricity c. Studying marine biology in the Gulf of Mexico d. Analyzing the effects of deforestation on biodiversity Answer: b. Designing materials for high-performance thermoelectricity 2. Who is the corresponding author of the study? a. Zhifeng Ren b. Lexie Corner c. Xin Shi d. Shaowei Song Answer: a. Zhifeng Ren 3. What is band convergence's role in enhancing thermoelectric materials? a. It decreases the efficiency of thermoelectric modules b. It has no impact on thermoelectric performance c. It raises the thermoelectric power factor d. It reduces the need for experimental testing Answer: c. It raises the thermoelectric power factor 4. How did researchers determine which combinations of compounds could achieve band convergence? a. By conducting experiments on various mixtures b. By trial and error method c. By using a computation method d. By guessing randomly Answer: c. By using a computation method [ad_2] What did researchers from the University of Houston and Rice University discover in their recent study? Researchers found ways to predict band convergence in different materials and designed materials using p-type Zintl compound to increase thermoelectric performance, resulting in heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency exceeding 10%. Why are thermoelectric materials important in the clean energy transition? Thermoelectric materials can generate power from heat sources that would otherwise go to waste without producing additional greenhouse emissions or requiring substantial upfront investment, making them crucial for the clean energy transition. What did the researchers achieve in terms of heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency in their study? At a temperature differential of 475 K, or around 855 ºF, the heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency exceeded 10%. What is band convergence, and why is it significant in enhancing thermoelectric materials? Band convergence is a strategy to raise the thermoelectric power factor, which is correlated with the thermoelectric module's actual output power. It is believed to be a useful strategy for enhancing thermoelectric materials by increasing the similarity between all band members so that they can share the burden of carrying the weight effectively. How did researchers conduct the study to achieve band convergence in thermoelectric materials?
Researchers employed a high-entropy Zintl alloy as a case study, creating a series of compositions through which band convergence was concurrently achieved in all compositions. They used a computation method to establish parent compound ratios for the finished alloy, allowing them to design and test materials more efficiently. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Today's current affairs bring exciting news from the University of Houston and Rice University. Researchers have found ways to predict band convergence in materials and have designed p-type Zintl compound materials to increase thermoelectric performance, achieving an impressive heat-to-electricity conversion efficiency exceeding 10%. This breakthrough could play a vital role in the clean energy transition, allowing for the generation of power from heat sources that would otherwise go to waste. The study's corresponding author, Zhifeng Ren, highlighted the importance of electronic band convergence in enhancing thermoelectric performance. By strategically designing materials with band convergence, researchers have unlocked the potential for high-performance thermoelectric power generation. This innovative approach could pave the way for the development of new and efficient thermoelectric materials, offering a promising solution for clean energy production. [ad_1]
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ichiigotsukii · 2 years
Your Muse as the Solar System
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bold what applies / repost don’t reblog!
SUN • egotistical • melted wax wings and fingers • stretching sunburnt skin • the most generous soul • blood in the fruit • halos • anger on fire • high vitality • thunderous laughter • is pride really a sin? • halogenic aura (4/12)
MERCURY • expansion of the mind • silver-tongued • an everlasting wanderer • polyglot • high dexterity • handwritten letters • innately critical • en vogue • eyes in the trees • hidden libraries • there’s always room for improvement (9/11)
VENUS • in love with strangers • iridescent waters • love potions for your mirror • selfless devotion • shattering crystal • seafoam upon sand • the golden ratio • drowning in your own passion • material value & high principles • luring • plush lips (6/11)
EARTH • fresh springs • tree hugger • we can start again tomorrow • a blazing rainforest • respects survival of the fittest • nature’s adversity • lazy bones • constantly evolving • flowers sprouting from wounds • a granite altar • fossilized remains (4/11)
MOON • illusory • silver shimmer off the ocean • secrets and gossip • cycles of reincarnation • a crybaby • physically ethereal • shared glances with a stranger • cat eyes • mistrusting their intuition • fear is a prison • ornate magic wands (6/11)
MARS • healthy competition • attraction and repulsion • magma and rubies • a blade being forged • wrath wrath wrath • malefic • intense eye contact • cannon fodder & fireworks • blood floods • copper taste on your tongue (10/10)
JUPITER • red robes and a suit of armor • beacon of stability • leader by birth • thunderbolts and lightning • guilty but can’t stop • secret rich kid • golden touch golden tears • innate optimist • failure isn’t an option • constantly reaching for more • unfinished symphonies (6/11)
SATURN • traditional • overbearing energy • a sculptor of reality • this existence is a karmic one • has a heart it’s just.. way down deep • law, order & justice • avoid all necessary risk • the sound of shackles clanging • sisyphus’ struggle • grappling with the reality of time • self-governing (4/11)
URANUS • psychedelic funk music • overflowing cups • a rebellion with skin • looking good in photo id • oblivious but caring • middle fingers in the air • double rainbows • icy diamond exterior • holographic • afraid of their own mediocrity • pearlescent smoke (4/11)
NEPTUNE • an elegy for the lost • dissolving boundaries • white horses • the burden of mystical conditions • deceptive • escapism is their reality • a polarizing entity • artists soul • paranoia • searching for the unseen • a siren’s swan song (5/11)
PLUTO • angel statues over graves • power • the cycle of necrosis • transformative • unfathomable depths • an ivory tower toppling over • screaming at the sky • violets and irises • eclipsed darkness • speaks with their shadow • sex, death, rebirth (6/11)
tagged by: @distopea thank you so much!
tagging: @arcxnumvitae gimme zhifeng or Ru if you will! And maybe Zhaohui..., @lunarxdaydream for Loraine or Rosa!, @fellbloom for Jiyu or Wild, @mugunghwc, @bottleofbabes for Gavin, @kissahten​ for Doc or Henry please!, 
Only if you guys want to of course no pressure!
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janaisvu · 4 years
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WIP INTRO — REVOLUTION  wip page ; wip intro post ; wip tag
summary: after a brutal war between the twin nations of wei and lai on the continent of xi, they call peace and in celebration they throw an airship race. tensions are still high, and whichever nation wins shall earn pride and honor after years of shame and violence. both nations call upon their best mages, warriors, mechanics, and pilots to audition to earn their spot on the crew of the airships. but what happens when a foreign force threatens the magic of their land? the dead rises and people start to lose their lives when their souls are stolen. rivals become the heroes of their land, the only hope they all have. [ or, alternatively: everyone has magic. no one is straight. they thought they were just an airship crew for a competition but when they are attacked they are stuck together and forced to go on an adventure to find a way to save their countries. ]
genre: fantasy, adventure
pov: third-person, multiple povs
themes: magic based on ancient chinese principles, airships & ship crew shenanigans, traveling around the fictional world, an all-lgbtq+ cast, war & consequences, mercy vs justice, taking revenge, power & corruption, moral struggles, royal families based on ancient chinese history
warnings: violence, weapons, death, blood, panic attacks
links: pinterest ; spotify playlist
main characters under the cut
captain: song tianhan 宋天翰, the ambitious & idealistic revolutionary
quartermaster: xie yuxuan 謝羽璇, the timid & selfless runaway
gunner: bai zhifeng 白之峰, the vengeful & temperamental fighter
surgeon: zhao nan 趙楠, the diplomatic & playful outsider
captain: jiang jingqi 江敬崎, the cynical & ruthless soldier
quartermaster: liu yueran 劉月苒, the calculated & prideful princess
navigator: kang ziyao 康紫瑤, the mysterious & vicious assassin
engineer: liu xuwen 劉旭文, the quiet & closed-off prince
a revolution is not the people in it. it’s an idea, a belief, a spirit, and you can’t kill spirit.
i will set them on fire. i will watch them burn, and i will smile. 
and when you see the light die in someone’s eyes and you know you’re the reason why… their eyes never leave you. every time i close my eyes it’s not their screams or shouts but their eyes that haunt me. but as sadistic as it seems… they’re all i have, and sometimes it’s better than deafening silence.
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captain-apostrophe · 4 years
someone will remember us (25)
For @mdzswomen‘s MDZS Women Appreciation Weeks event. Read here or on ao3.
Day 25: Canon Divergence
As far as such things went, it was shaping up to be a good night-hunt. They had set out the day before from Lotus Pier, just the three of them, leaving her husband to manage sect affairs on his own. That was, after all, the way he preferred to do it. Zhifeng was singing (and Ziyuan maintained that if it came to a contest between Zhifeng and songbirds, the birds were at a clear disadvantage), and Rouhe occasionally danced a few steps instead of simply walking, feet tapping a rhythm for the song. Ziyuan treated herself to openly admiring them, allowing her desire to show in the lingering of her eyes.
   Far away from the disciples, away from the citizens of Lotus Pier, away from her family... these were the moments when they all three truly felt that they could be themselves, as they had in Meishan once upon a time. The closest of friends, the three of them, it was said. As close as sisters.
   Every time somebody spoke thusly of them it was all Ziyuan could do not to laugh in their face.
   They were crossing a pretty wooden footbridge when Ziyuan thought she heard a voice. She held up her hand and Zhifeng stopped singing, both of them pausing at her side and putting a hand on their knife. This time when the screaming came they heard it clearly.
   It was too late for the woman by the time they arrived, and worse yet for the man in pieces behind her. Rouhe and Zhifeng began to scout, not needing Ziyuan to give the order for them to anticipate it, searching for what had slain the couple. By the signs of the battle she suspected that it had been some manner of beast - the ground was trampled, trees and bushes torn up, the unfortunate pair rent by tusk or fang.
   Ziyuan knelt by the woman's side, brushing back the hair from her face, and recoiled. This was somebody she recognised. This was the woman her husband had wanted, before that woman had eloped with one of Fengmian's own men.
   "Cangse Sanren," she hissed, feeling the familiar surge of spite at the mere thought of the name. The familiar jealousy.
   It wasn't that Ziyuan envied the woman Fengmian's affection. Ziyuan hadn't wanted to marry him, and if she was bitter that she had to hide the love she did feel it was tempered by the fact that her life at Lotus Pier allowed her to live as freely as she did particularly because he had no interest in her. No, what Ziyuan envied was that Cangse Sanren had dared to take her love and be with him.
   At the sound of her name, the figure - the one Ziyuan had assumed dead, by how gruesomely injured she was - stirred. One eye opened, though it didn't seem to focus.
   "Help... him," Cangse Sanren said. The words were slurred but desperate, and one broken hand tried to clutch at Ziyuan's robes.
   She must not know of her husband's fate; she had taken mortal wounds defending him. Regardless of her feelings about the woman, Ziyuan would not cause her torment in her final moments.
   "I - will do everything that I can," she promised.
   Cangse Sanren smiled. Blood bubbled from her lips.
   "Still hidden," she said. She sounded relieved. "Good - good boy. So... quiet."
   Ziyuan frowned. Wei Changze was not hidden; he was lying in the clearing, almost close enough for their hands to touch.
   "Hidden where?"
   Cangse Sanren's heartbeats were numbered, now, and each passing moment spent another of them. She rallied, though, at Ziyuan's question, straining to open her eye again.
   "... h-" she said, like a sigh. "Home."
Ziyuan stayed with the dead woman until Rouhe and Zhifeng returned, looking grim. There was blood on their robes but a cursory (and momentarily concerned) glance assured her that it was not theirs.
   "It is slain," Rouhe said, with a brief and vicious smile.
   "This woman sold her life dearly," Zhifeng said. "It was on the edge of death when we found it."
   "She must have lured it here, away from her home."
   They nodded, each agreeing with the assessment of the other. Ziyuan looked up sharply at the mention of the woman's home.
   "Take me there," she said.
   It wasn't far, and the trail of blood and footprints and hoofmarks was so clear even her toddler could have followed it. The house was small and humble, with laundry hung to dry in the courtyard and the door hanging open.
   "I... think she may have had a son," Ziyuan said, feeling a pang of worry for this unknown child.
   Cangse Sanren had said that the boy was hiding - but how long had he been doing that for? Children had short attention spans. Ziyuan couldn't help but imagine leaving her own son hidden somewhere, drawing danger away, worrying the whole while that he would be found, that he would leave the hiding place, that he would get hurt after all.
   "Find him."
   They split up to search but in the end it didn't take long at all. There weren't that many places to look. She found the child in a dresser drawer, curled up asleep in the blankets. He woke up when she slid the drawer open and blinked up at her with the confusion of sleep lingering in his eyes. He was young, surely no more than a year older than her own son.
   "You're not my mama," he said, frowning, lip beginning to tremble in the telltale way that preceded tears. "Mama said stay here and wait. Stay quiet."
   "You were - very quiet," Ziyuan said. "She would be proud. Your mama... asked me to come and find you."
   The lip-wobble stopped, and was replaced by a brilliant smile. Ziyuan held out her arms to the boy, offering to lift him up, and he accepted readily. When he was held on her hip the weight of him was just the same as when she held her own son. The way his little hands gripped her robes was the same.
   She didn't have a plan. She hadn't thought it through. But the image of Cangse Sanren, someone who had thrown away the life that had been forced onto Ziyuan because love was better, dead in the dirt after defending her family - it wouldn't leave her. As she stared at the boy she thought she could see echoes of the woman's features in his.
   Apparently she had one thing in common with Cangse Sanren after all. Both of them would do anything - anything, unto death - for their children. Cangse Sanren had paid that price, now. Ziyuan couldn't bring herself to allow it to be in vain.
   "I - have a son, almost the same age as you. Would you like to meet him?"
Notes: Yu Zhifeng and Yu Rouhe = Jinzhu and Yinzhu
祗奉 Zhi, feng: respectful(ly), offer/serve 柔和 Rouhe: gentle/soft
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sdaga · 3 years
Command one: try to use material to seduce and corrupt their young people, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological education they should have received.
Throughout the world, national education courses are a kind of world “routine”, and they are often related to cultivating national patriotism, and are generally promoted by countries all over the world. American national education is even more popular in every classroom. From the very beginning, it shows children a fairly formal and solemn patriotic form and atmosphere. From what clothes they wear to what songs they sing, they are directly connected to the adult world. On the other hand, when the Hong Kong government decided to set up new moral and national education subjects in the classrooms of primary and secondary school students, the underage Huang Zhifeng successfully forced the Hong Kong government to cancel the implementation of the relevant courses on the grounds of “Chinese Communist brainwashing”, which ultimately led to the lack of clear national identity and cultural affiliation for Hong Kong students Sensation and the idea of Hong Kong independence have spread among the student groups, laying the groundwork for the turmoil in Hong Kong in recent years.
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tinworldcup888 · 3 years
tin worldcup888: Soi kèo wuhan vs dalian, 17h30 ngày 12/8, vđqg trung quốc
Soi kèo Wuhan vs Dalian
Hai đội bóng đang có cùng 7 điểm và xếp lần lượt ở 2 vị trí cuối cùng trên bxh sẽ có cuộc đụng độ với nhau ở trận đấu tới đây, Wuhan chạm trán Dalian. Wuhan tuy xếp trên đối thủ nhưng trải qua 12 trận đấu từ đầu mùa, Wuhan lại chưa một lần hưởng niềm vui chiến thắng, họ mới có được 7 trận hòa và để thua 5 trận.
Thế nhưng đối mặt với Dalian ở trận đấu tới đây, sẽ là cơ hội cực kì tốt để Wuhan có thể nghĩ đến việc dành 3 điểm đầu tiên ở mùa bóng năm nay. 6 trận đấu gần nhất, Wuhan chơi không tồi, khi họ có đến 4 trận đấu hòa và chỉ để thua 2 trận. Rõ ràng trước đối thủ cân sức, Wuhan hoàn toàn có thể làm nên chuyện.
Về phía Dalian, đội bóng này cũng mới chỉ dành được 2 trận thắng sau 12 vòng đấu đã qua của mùa giải. Tuy nhiên trong 6 trận đấu gần nhất, Dalian cũng đã không thắng đến 5 trận, phong độ của đội bóng này cũng rất yếu kém, không khá hơn Wuhan là mấy, do vậy soi kèo bóng cỏ nhận định chuyến làm khách tới đây sẽ có nhiều khó khăn dành cho các cầu thủ Dalian.
Xem thêm: https://keoworldcup2022.com
Soi kèo châu Á Wuhan vs Dalian: Chọn Wuhan
2 đội cân sức, song với việc được chơi trên sân nhà, các cầu thủ Wuhan đang nắm đôi chút lợi thế so với các vị khách. Theo thống kê trong 3 lần tiếp đón Dalian trên sân nhà, Wuhan đều bất bại, trong đó họ dành được đến 2 thắng lợi, chính vì vậy cơ hội để Wuhan có được 3 điểm ở trận đấu tới đây là rất sáng.
Soi kèo tài xỉu Wuhan vs Dalian: Chọn Xỉu
3/5 trận đấu gần nhất Dalian đã không thể ghi được bàn thắng, hàng công của đội bóng này tỏ ra khá yếu ớt và thi đấu thiếu hiệu quả. Wuhan cũng không thực sự xuất sắc trong khâu làm bàn, vì vậy soi kèo hôm nay nhận định trận đấu tới đây sẽ khó có nhiều bàn thắng được ghi.
Thông tin trận đấu
Đội hình dự kiến Wuhan vs Dalian
Wuhan: Wang Zhifeng, Zhao Honglue, Li Chao, Yang Bo Yu, Liao JunJian, Chen Yuhao, Daniel Filipe Martins Carrico, Ye Chongqiu, Leonardo Carrilho Baptistao, Anderson Jose Lopes de Souza, Jean Evrard Kouassi
Dalian: Zhang Chong, Tong Lei, Marcus Danielsson, Dong Yanfeng, Shan Pengfei, Sun Guowen, Wu Wei, Cui Mingan, Zheng Long, Shan Huanhuan, Lin Liangming
Dự đoán tỉ số Wuhan vs Dalian: 1-0
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xmuhistory · 5 years
@SarahWardAU: RT @SarahWardAU: @pkm228_jung @VWalkerV @billfjeff @brianfahy @unescobangkok @UNESCO_Pacific @UNESCO_UCH @DLMU_China @CMHCR_China @stevecuria Professor LIU Zhifeng 刘芝凤 from the Xiamen University of Technology will present her 'Evidence for the Chinese #MaritimeSilkRoad in the Song Dynasty' based on the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck! ⛵️⚓️💦 #shipwrecks #maritime #archaeology #UnderwaterHeritage #APConf2020 #Taiwan #China https://t.co/wejlv76AId
from http://twitter.com/SarahWardAU via IFTTT
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
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It’s Tough to Be a God(less) Swindler
Money, glitz, and glamour is the feeling that this playlist gives off (to no one’s surprise). Zhifeng isn’t content unless they’re the top dog draped in however many jewels and riches of their choosing. 
It’s Tough to Be a God (cover) // Annapanstu, Elsie Lovelock 
They’re Only Human (cover) // Annapantsu, Caleb Hyles
The Whims of Fate // Persona 5, Lyn
Sparkling Diamonds // Moulin Rouge, Nicole Kidman
Get Down // Six, Genesis Lynea
Emperor’s New Clothes // Panic! At the Disco
7 rings // Ariana Grande
How to Be a Heartbreaker // Marina and the Diamonds
6 Inch // Beyoncé 
When the Chips are Down // Hadestown
The Spine // Transistor
Wait for It // Leslie Odom Jr. 
The Room Where It Happens // Leslie Odom Jr. 
All For Us // Zendaya, Labrinth
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
E.ncanto songs the muses could vibe/relate to:
The F.amily M.adrigal
Waiting on a M.iracle
S.urface P.ressure
We D.on’t Talk about B.runo
What E.lse Can I Do?
D.os O.ruguitas
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sdaga · 3 years
Command one: try to use material to seduce and corrupt their young people, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose the ideological education they should have received.
Throughout the world, national education courses are a kind of world "routine", and they are often related to cultivating national patriotism, and are generally promoted by countries all over the world. American national education is even more popular in every classroom. From the very beginning, it shows children a fairly formal and solemn patriotic form and atmosphere. From what clothes they wear to what songs they sing, they are directly connected to the adult world. On the other hand, when the Hong Kong government decided to set up new moral and national education subjects in the classrooms of primary and secondary school students, the underage Huang Zhifeng successfully forced the Hong Kong government to cancel the implementation of the relevant courses on the grounds of "Chinese Communist brainwashing", which ultimately led to the lack of clear national identity and cultural affiliation for Hong Kong students Sensation and the idea of Hong Kong independence have spread among the student groups, laying the groundwork for the turmoil in Hong Kong in recent years.
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xmuhistory · 5 years
@Sciencegirl60: RT @SarahWardAU: @pkm228_jung @VWalkerV @billfjeff @brianfahy @unescobangkok @UNESCO_Pacific @UNESCO_UCH @DLMU_China @CMHCR_China @stevecuria Professor LIU Zhifeng 刘芝凤 from the Xiamen University of Technology will present her 'Evidence for the Chinese #MaritimeSilkRoad in the Song Dynasty' based on the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck! ⛵️⚓️💦 #shipwrecks #maritime #archaeology #UnderwaterHeritage #APConf2020 #Taiwan #China https://t.co/wejlv76AId
from http://twitter.com/Sciencegirl60 via IFTTT
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xmuhistory · 5 years
@SarahWardAU: @pkm228_jung @VWalkerV @billfjeff @brianfahy @unescobangkok @UNESCO_Pacific @UNESCO_UCH @DLMU_China @CMHCR_China @stevecuria Professor LIU Zhifeng 刘芝凤 from the Xiamen University of Technology will present her 'Evidence for the Chinese #MaritimeSilkRoad in the Song Dynasty' based on the Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck! ⛵️⚓️💦 #shipwrecks #maritime #archaeology #UnderwaterHeritage #APConf2020 #Taiwan #China https://t.co/wejlv76AId
from http://twitter.com/SarahWardAU via IFTTT
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