#{Emil Headcanon
fijiwater33 · 5 months
The next day after Anya sees Loid and Yor have their first kiss:
Anya: Guys! I saw my parents kiss last night!
Ewen: Eww no one wants to hear about grown ups kissing.
Emile: And who cares my parents kiss everyday
Becky: Yeah Anya my dad kisses my mom every night. Why is it such a big deal?
Damian: Moms and Dads are supposed to kiss each other?
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shylittlefr0g · 8 months
Do you guys think that Anya probably knows a LOT of forensic cases because of Yor or maybe Loid as she get older? I mean, I totally believe her probably understand things like fingerprints or how to clean up blood, out of nowhere.
I can totally see her grabbing something that Becky grab on the table and take it off all the fingerprints possible with her handkerchief.
"Oh shit! Quick, someone give me a lime and Sodium bicarbonate! I have to clean this mess before my dad finds it!"
"This? This is nothing, but really guys! I need to clean this, I can't return home with blood on the shirt again, my dad is going to be angry!"
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t0bey · 5 months
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some headcanons ive formed over the years that i rlly like,,
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silkenedstars · 3 months
Blade Lineage Sinners and Love Languages
Specifically, the love languages that they prefer from their s/o.
₊✦Limbus Company | Sinners x gn!reader | Contains minor spoilers for Canto 3!!✦₊
Additional Notes: Unedited, kurokumo version should be out hopefully soon;; Also RR4 was super easy.
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˚₊✦ Quality Time ✦₊˚
Yi Sang is not one for words, not anymore. His heart had gone cold from the bitterness of that day and yearned for revenge. He would keep everyone at an arm's length, so long as it meant that he would achieve his goal one day.
However, one thing that he could never deny himself was your presence.
Though he might not be one for affection – not that he minded if you were to initiate it – and certainly not one for gifts, he could never deny the way your presence would soothe his wounded heart whenever you joined him on his patrols.
Listening to your voice was calming. Listening to you rambling about any matter would, more often than not, ease him into a rest without nightmares haunting him.
If the two of you weren't fugitives, if neither of you had joined the Blade Lineage, if the Blade Lineage didn't fall apart as badly as it had, then Yi Sang would've loved to take you to his hometown for a trip. The two of you walking side by side silently and taking in the nature around you would be the ideal way for Yi Sang to show his appreciation towards you, but alas, those days would never become a reality.
The most he could offer were those patrols you joined him for, and for the time being, that was enough.
Perhaps, in the distant future, he'd get the chance to take you to his hometown.
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˚₊✦ Gift Giving ✦₊˚
Faust kept every single item that you gave her inside a safe.
It didn't matter to her if the item was an expensive jewel that cost you a leg and an arm to buy, it didn't matter to her if it was something you spent days making just for her, nor did it matter if it was something you saw off the side of the road and decided to bring back to her for a variety of reasons.
Every single second you spent thinking about her was a precious second. Each one filled with beauty that was dedicated to her.
This kind of affection was a treasure, for sure. Faust might not be able to reciprocate your feelings besides offering you her presence and a cup of tea, but she would gladly offer her life if it meant that you got to live, even if it was just a second longer.
If there was a kind of gift she prefered over the others you gave her, though, then it would have to be the accessories as well as the rare outfits that you got her.
It was a shame that she couldn't wear them– the accessories in fear of them getting stolen the moment of her death, and the outfits in fear of ruining them with blood and cuts. But if she could, then she wouldn't hesitate to flaunt them around; showing others how much your cared for her and how she was yours.
It was a nice thought, but one that she couldn't make reality.
So for now, they'd stay in her safe where no one could take them away.
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˚₊✦ Physical Touch ✦₊˚
Don adored it when your fingers trailed over her battle scars.
She loved it even more when you kissed each and every single one of them.
Someone as great as you showing her affection via the scars that were her pride and joy?
She thanked every fixer in the City for allowing this to happen to her, swearing to repay their blessings – and your affection, of course – as much as she could.
And repay, she did.
Putting on her most chivalrous act, every morning she'd greet you right outside your room; kneeling down before you and bringing your hand to her lips for a brief kiss, giddily waiting for your reaction.
She refused to leave your side, offering you help with every single little thing. It wasn't because Don thought you wouldn't be able to do these things yourself, no, but because she so desperately wanted to be your knight and help you as much as she could.
The one thing she loved offering the most was her blade.
Not just because she loved fighting for you, as a chivalrous knight would for royalty, but also because of the way you'd treat her after a battle.
She melted each time your calloused and scarred hands cupped her face in them, nearly squishing her cheeks as you praised and scolded her at the same time.
She gushed over the way you nursed her wounds for battles when she was especially careless.
And she swooned over the way you'd kiss her cheeks and call her your knight, so much so that she wouldn't be able to stop thinking or gushing about it for days straight.
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˚₊✦ Physical Touch ✦₊˚
Meursault was so, so tired.
Between the Kurokumo Clan that effortlessly cornered them and the occasional assassins sent by S Corp, Meursault had been completely exhausted. He couldn't take a small break either, not when it could mean death for every single person depending him.
So it meant that much more whenever you hugged him while he was working, or when you cuddled him during the few moments of rest that he got. The warmth of your body was soothing, and he never had it himself to not wrap an arm around you and pull you close.
Holding you in his arms was the best way for him to relax and get back to planning with a clear head and fresh perspective. And if you were to help him plan things? All the better.
The only problem was that his neutral expression seemed to scare you away from being affectionate, and him trying to smile seemed to make things worse for some reason.
Oh, Wings, how could he solve this little issue?
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˚₊✦ Words of Affirmation ✦₊˚
To claim that Sinclair knew what he was doing would be nothing short of a lie.
He had no clue what he was doing, especially not in the battlefield where something seemed to overtake him; leaving him confused, scared and filled with doubts whenever it left his body.
So he appreciated it so, so much when you reassured him.
You didn't compliment him like the other members did after a battle, instead easing his fears and telling him that he wasn't a senseless murderer like his irrational mind said he was.
Despite being the obvious, those words meant so much to him.
And so did your smiles and the way you said "you can do it!" or "you'll be okay!", they all meant, so, so much.
When he first joined the Blade Lineage, he used to be so meek; too blinded by his revenge for Kromer to realize what exactly he had become a part of, and too much of a scaredy cat to leave when he saw what he was capable of in his first battle.
Had it not been for you and your soothing words, he didn't know where he'd be right now. Making the same mistake he did with Kromer, probably.
But he had you now, you and your soothing words. Every time he hesitated, you were there to encourage him. Every time he doubted himself, you were there to reassure him. Every time he needed you, you were there for him.
That was all he needed.
...Well that and the way you'd squish his cheeks whenever you thought he looked cute.
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˚₊✦ Acts of Service ✦₊˚
Outis had been stuck doing things that others were telling her to do for so long, so it came as a surprise when she woke up one morning to find a breakfast already prepared for her.
At first, she was uncomfortable, demanding to learn who it was that decided to make her breakfast, and stammering a little when she found out it was you. While taking care of others wasn't a task that bothered her that much, she knew full well how much energy and effort it took to do exactly that. It was a thankless job more often than not, and sometimes way more difficult than it needed to be. Not to mention that someone being in the exact position as she used to be was upsetting, even if she didn't show it much.
However, the moment she realized that you were doing this as a way to show your affection as opposed to seeing this as a chore you had to do, her tune quickly changed.
What started as breakfest in bed turned into you helping her with her chores, and while she told you off at times to make sure you got rest, she appreciated every little thing you did for her and she made sure to thank you for every one of them.
If you ever needed her, she'd be right there, be it for something big or small.
You got gravely injured during your last battle and need someone to nurse you back to health? No problem, she'll gladly help you.
You need to get something from a shelf that you can't reach? No problem, she'll get it for you.
You want someone to hold your hand because you don't want to get lost in a crowded area? No problem, she'll just carry you.
She might get a little overbearing, but she's doing it to repay your love for her; to let you know that she'll be there for you if you ever need someone. She means well, even if her smile makes her look like she's scheming your downfall.
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privarot · 2 years
arrancars reacting to you kissing them for the first time
listed: grimmjow jaegerjaquez, ulquiorra cifer, coyote starrk, tier harribel, nelliel tu odelschwanck, di roy rinker, cyan sung-sun, emilou apacci, franceska mila rose and szayelaporro granz
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
his first thought is that you are incredibly bold to put yourself anywhere near his mouth.
though, it also runs through his mind that maybe you are trying to eat him.
however the second your lips find his, he’s confused and oddly enamored by it. he will not know how to kiss you at first. you will absolutely have to teach him how it works and he WILL get addicted to the way your mouth feels on his.
you’ve created that monster, now deal with the consequences.
he’s a bit bitey, so be prepared for that, but he’s actually quite loving when he kisses you. he pours all the emotions that he has a difficult time voicing into that one bit of physical contact. plus, he just really likes how warm you feel against him.
he becomes eerily good at it, too. he knows all the ways to fluster you and he'll make sure to do it every time so he can tease you about how easily you fluster under his attention.
feel free to kiss him anywhere at anytime. he will drop everything he is doing to kiss you back, and then grin wide when he pulls back, his thumb running across your bottom lip while he leans close to you. (may i mention that he would get quite touchy-feely?)
“give me another?”
Ulquiorra Cifer
much like grimmjow, he thinks you’re brave for coming near a hollows mouth, but unlike grimmjow, he initially thinks you are… not smart for it.
he doesn’t know how human affection (or affection at all) works, cut him some slack here.
he will awkwardly stand there stone-faced until you lean back. then he will question the hell out of you to try and figure out why you just did that and why he liked it.
he’s a very good learner, so he’ll pick up on it fast. he can and will catch you off guard the first time he initiates a kiss. you’re mid-conversation with someone else when he walks by, stops to press a chaste kiss to your lips, and then continues on with his day like nothing happened.
it’s safe to say that he has no shame and does not care for people seeing brief displays of affection. you are his, yes? they should know.
brace yourself for when he nonchalantly tells you he likes how your lips taste. he has no tact. and then he'll be confused as to why it flusters you so.
though, he does become oddly quiet after you kiss him. he has a hard time finding the words to tell you how it makes him feel. he's just a little flustered.
Coyote Starrk
he is… confused to say the least.
you laid one on him while he was about to take a nap before rolling over to take one of your own.
suddenly he is very awake and very perplexed as to why his chest feels so tight all of the sudden. he lays there until you wake up, watching as your chest rises and falls with your unconscious breaths.
the second you’re up he wants to know why you did that. he wants to know what that means. much like ulquiorra’s curiosity but much less monotone. rather, the poor guy looks like he may cry (out of happiness, i promise).
he was alone for a long, long time, and he still struggles with that lonely feeling, so to know that you did that to show your affection for him… it fills whatever replacement he has for a heart with joy.
he wants you to kiss him all the time now. he can’t sleep without it. he takes to kissing across your knuckles while you tell him about your day, and when you return that love with a little peck to his lips, he offers you a fond smile and asks you to lay down with him.
expect lots of sleepy kisses while he's settling down for a nap with you bundled up in his arms.
Tier Harribel
she is much more collected than the boys have been.
she blinks slowly at you; confused and yet intrigued by what that meant.
tier is used to forms of affection from tres bestias, but never this (consider a poly, mayhaps). it is needless to say that it fascinates her a bit...
but also... she adores that look on your face as you leaned in to kiss her.
if you catch her in her natural state, she is ever so thankful for the presence of her mask on the lower half of her face. her cheeks turn a darling shade of red when your lips hit the teeth of her mask. if you've caught her in her resurrección, you're blessed with getting to see that blush. she tries to ignore the way she can feel her face grow warm.
regardless of her initial fluster, she will want to return that kiss. imagine sharing soft kisses with her when no one else is around, her hands carefully cupping your face as she brushes her lips across yours.
she can't think of anything better than being here, enveloped in your arms and watching you squirm under her affections.
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck
oh boy does she squeal.
she is immediately enamored.
"aww, y/n! do it again! do it again!"
she crushes you into a hug and then covers your face in kisses, giggling the whole time.
she hasn't been kissed before, either, but she knows that whatever you just did to her made her feel incredibly happy and she demands to have more of it.
you can expect a ton of kisses from her constantly now. it doesn't matter where you are, who is around, or what you're doing; nel will bounce right over to you and lay a big kiss on your lips. or all over your face. either works.
she thinks every inch of you is stunning and will show you that by kissing all of you. she wants you to feel loved and appreciated, so you will get lots of this. especially if you are feeling down.
also, she'll scoop you up while in her resurrección, arms wound tight around your waist while she trots around and kisses you with loud "pop!"s.
Di Roy Rinker
this boy turns red.
his entire face. all of it. and then down his neck to his shoulders and chest.
he stammers for some kind of response, his one visible eye blown wide. you'd just put your mouth with his! don't you know that's dangerous for hollows? he can't believe that you did something so daring but...
he's absolutely overjoyed. he looks at you with the softest expression he's ever wore. and he looks at you like that all day. you'd really done something like that because you loved him, huh? done something so vulnerable just because you wanted to show him some affection.
he's too bashful to directly ask for another kiss for a while; trying to play a little bit of his "tough guy" act and make it seem like he didn't like it as much as he did. he doesn't need to know that you can see right through that.
however, after a few days of being unable to sleep well and staring blankly at the ceiling, remembering the feeling of your lips against his, he'll cave. he'll come to you, hands fidgeting in front of him, and ask ever-so-sweetly for you to give him another.
he'll turn that same shade of red every time you kiss him, but he can't bring himself to be embarrassed about it.
Cyan Sung-Sun
she finds it adorable.
you pulled her arm down and away from her face just to get a quick peck in before putting everything back in its spot.
her eyebrow slowly arches and you can see the smugness reach her eyes.
while she doesn't really understand the meaning, she can see every ounce of how flustered you are and therefore must tease you for such. she thinks that embarrassed little look on your face is very, very cute.
"aw, are you nervous, y/n? that was so sweet~"
prepare yourself for her sneaking up on you to give you kisses now. like i said, she absolutely adores that look on your face and wants to see you turn all red for her.
she'll wait until no one is looking to lower her arm and lean over to give you a kiss or two. then she'll chuckle quietly to herself as you stammer and turn your head away.
if she's feeling especially playful, she'll hook her hand under your chin and make you turn your head back to her again so she can kiss you just a little more.
you are at her mercy with this one.
Emilou Apacci
she flusters immediately.
but of course, she tries to save her pride by smacking a hand over her mouth and demanding to know what you were thinking.
her eyes are absolutely huge and you can see the blush creeping up and across her face.
once you've explained it to her, she'll (very poorly) retain that attitude with a little "oh." she doesn't want to admit that she liked how soft you felt.
nonetheless, eventually she will cave. unlike di roy's shy request for more, she will demand it out of you; arms crossed and lips pressed into a pout. however a kiss will wipe that pout right away and you'll get a smile from her. especially if you start kissing her face in rapid succession.
"okay! enough, enough!"
while she giggles and holds onto your arms.
those kisses will bring her out of a foul mood near immediately; any stressor long forgotten.
she's an absolute sucker for you.
Franceska Mila Rose
quite like sung-sun, she finds it very cute.
she can tell just from how you're acting that it means a lot to you, whatever it was.
she doesn't overreact or anything of the sort, but if you were to look at her ears, you'd see the tip of them turn red. plus, she smiles so sweetly at you for it that it makes it well worthwile.
she'll ask you to teach her how so she can reciprocate your affections.
she's one to kiss you randomly no matter who is around and looking, too. she doesn't care if someone sees or points it out. what's wrong with her loving on her partner?
she loves when you kiss other parts of her, too. she's very proud of all the muscle she's built herself to have, so when you press feather-light kisses to her arms, she can't help but to puff her chest out in pride.
she's pretty touchy in general. she always has one arm slung around you, whether it's your waist or your shoulders. kisses just add more onto that. she wants you to feel loved and appreciated in the same way that you make her feel.
Szayelaporro Granz
to say he's interested is an understatement.
congratulations, you've just unlocked yourself hours of explaining physical affection to him; the whys, hows and what ifs.
he wants to know any and everything about it. and then he wants you to teach him how to do it. all the ways to do it.
he tries anything he can think of to see how you'll react. you're going to have to tell him that he cannot just shove his tongue into a kiss immediately. teach that man some sense of humility, for the love of all things holy.
he feels like he's won a prize whenever he figures out something new that flusters you. he likes it best when he can pull you close to him (in his lap preferably) and run his fingers under your chin, so you have to tilt your head to meet his eyes. he'll tease you immensely for all of it.
he'll treat it like an experiment sometimes, but other times you can just tell that he wants to get a rise out of you. if you look deep enough into his expression and intent, you'll find that he likes the kisses just as much as you do in a more affectionate way than his teases.
how absolutely precious of you to want to touch him so.
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
headcanons for dating Kyoya from Ouran? Iirc he was one of my crushes when I first watched the anime as a kid and I always thought his glasses were so cool
Dating Kyoya Ootori Headcanons
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He's the kind of guy who says he'd want someone low maintenance, who'd let him put work first, but then you meet his friend group and realize he's full of shit and does need the balance of someone clingy, loud, and high strung. It's comforting to him, familiar.
He could plan a date if you wanted him too, and it'd be classic and romantic and expensive with every little detail and moment planned out, but all of it would be pure "what the internet said a good date would be". It'd be better to tell him what you want to do as a starting off point, and he'd go from there
Gifts are a lot like his date planning as well, he'll get you anything you ask for but if you don't tell him directly what you want, you're getting whatever the top google results for Good Gift for Romantic Partner is. He won't get you something you'd hate or wouldn't use of course, but he figures if you wanted something specific you'd tell him.
All of this changes of course when he's feeling petty. One of the other hosts call him out for being so passive in his relationship? He'll change his tune, get you something perfect you didn't even know you needed until right then, or plan a date to somewhere you'd always wanted to go but never actually considered. He knows you better than anyone else, even yourself, and he can prove it when provoked.
You're probably the only person who could convince him to put down a project before 2am, or even better the only one who could wake him up before noon on a day off and survive the encounter without a verbal lashing. Though you probably still can't actually get him out of bed without good reason.
If he was ever mean to you in the morning he would probably be rather mortified, and would spend the day trying to make it up to you, subtlety of course. Please don't take anything he says before he's fully awake to heart.
He has thousands of photos of you on his phone, btw. And on Tachibana's phone. And a few on Honda's. And maybe a couple on Aijima's as well. He can't help himself, he just wishes to capture every beautiful moment he has with you. He's considered equipping Honda with a professional camera to capture beautiful moments of the two of you together as well. He is the best of the staff at photography.
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poedays · 2 months
Gael’s listener had his name tattooed on their shoulder (by Gael himself) and got it laser removed a year after they broke up.
Sorry guys I’m drowning in Gael thoughts and had to unleash one of them. 🫡
I love these guys already.
(Also Mr Sparkles over here better make a reappearance, Altair please)
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vanillsposts · 1 year
hc that after a while, damian will sometimes sit with anya at lunch; when Becky is home sick or just can’t attend that day - and his friends question it every second, but all damian can say is that “even people like her should not sit alone.”, which just makes anya roll her eyes - but then when she reads his thoughts; all she can hear is “she’s so cute, that’s why I can’t let her sit alone!” - and she just looks even more annoyed; which causes Damian to grow frustrated and confused. And thus, their entire dynamic until Damian realizes it’s not pity he feels for Anya - but something else.
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jamethinks · 9 days
One of my favourite headcanons (that I came up with, of course) is that not only is Melinda a good cook but she also loves cooking. Food is her love language, she is always cooking up a storm.
It's obviously based on her making Damian breakfast after the bus incident and now we have additional lore of Jeeves suggesting she cooks for him again. Bit the way I see it is that she didn't just do it to be nice she did it to provide him with a sense of comfort and an attempt to bond with him (even if she dashed immediately).
In the early days of her marriage, before tragedy (Damian) struck, she used to cook for Donovan all the time. At first, he would tell her not to, and she should focus on other stuff, but he actually really enjoyed her cooking and preferred it over all the top chefs in the world. He would actually travel for hours to get home and eat her food. He was really stubborn though and refuse to just flat out ask her to cook but she knew. Then he got the lobotomy (Damian)...
And when they were babies, she would cook everything the boys. Every meal they ate was hand-made by her. Demetrius actually got sick when he had to start eating the maids cooking and refused to eat the food provided by the dorm. She stopped doing it while Damian was fairly young, so he doesn't remember it much. Nowadays, she mostly makes desserts and pastries and give it to Jeeves to deliver to them and tell him not to say she made them because she's scared the boys would come looking for more. Only Demetrius can tell the difference. Damian, the dumbass would go home and compliment the chef for the amazing cookies he sent, and he would just be like yeah sure lil dude.
And I can imagine Yor finding this out. She finds a distressed Melinda cooking up a storm and is just in awe like this what she meant when she said she was the first lady. Then melinda gets all shy and flustered because she doesn't really think if her cooking skills are as anything special. When she first hot married, it was essentially the only thing she could do for Donovan, and it made her feel worthless and would even tell herself he was only eating to humor her. But then Yor just goes ballistic over her food because it's just so damn good and is begging her for lessons. Of course Yor Can't Cook Forger just fucks everything up and it scares Melinda but also comforts her as she realises maybe she does has a talent or two. Or maybe Yor is just a really really bad cook.
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yorusposts · 2 years
I’m gonna focus my attention in one of the lackeys here.
Ok, I had this idea a long time ago and I’m sure other people thought what I gonna explain because of the comments I saw on Twitter, for example. So, in order to explain it with my own words, let’s see this scene from episode 7 in the anime.
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Exactly, that’s the scene where Anya apologises to the second son and Damian gets his love filter and confirms (here rather us 'cause lil Desmond is a tremendous tsundere) he has a crush on her. So of course he is blushing so bad because he’s looking at her as the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. However… if you can see…
He’s not the only one blushing. One of the lackeys, on his side, has a little blush too. And we can see it a bit better here:
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We know Ewen don’t give a damn, so he looks serene. Of course Tomato Desmond, I mean, Damian is redder from head to toes. But look closely and you can see sweat on Emile's cheeks' left side and a little blush on the right.
And if we look at this next scene from the chapter 3 of Spy x Family anime Part 2:
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Nothing bout one being redder than the other one or anything. NOOO!!! The two of them: the one whom we know has a crush on her and denies those feelings and the other whom we know almost nothing about and the mangaka could create a big drama with. GOSH!!!
In addition, look now at this video here (credits to this account on Twitter):
Of course, Damian reacts when he heard his crush's name, but then… second later… Emile does the same. He could’ve stay looking at the other names like Ewen is doing, but no… he turned and even speaks to her first, even though it was a bad comment, but he did it. Gosh.
I think Endo could surprises us in the end and I know, I’m aware this is a very crazy idea, but think about it (based on what I read on Twitter): until now we all know Damian is the only one who has a crush on Anya. However, what if Endo add a new love interest or something? As far as we are aware of, the mangaka (and the anime) focus on the little details, and we indeed saw little details for an Emile with a possibly crush on Anya. I don’t know if we’ll see more about this in the future, but I’ll still have this hypothesis.
Imagine: Damian realising there is another one who is interested in his crush. He’d act as if it’s not of his business while in his thoughts he’s having a battle with himself because he wants to know who’s the person to warn him to stay away from her, not knowing that the person in question is one of his closest friends. Again. GOSH!!! DRAMA!!!
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fijiwater33 · 4 months
Since they were always fighting through Anya and Damian; Becky makes a bet against Emile and Ewen that she’ll get a stella in academics before they do. Anya and Damian make a truce because they’re curious on how this is going to play out.
The E boys are confident they’ll win and get her to admit their intellectual superiority to everyone in their grade. Unfortunately they’re blindsided because Becky gets a star in an essay writing contest. Becky decides to be a merciful winner and says they don’t have to admit their loss on one condition.
That weekend Anya and Damian are invited to Becky’s house for a tea party among royalty. Queen Becky shows them all the snacks at the table that Princess Emile and Duchess Ewen are present at. Damian sees this as karma for saying they’ll all run in their underwear if he gets a bolt. Anya just enjoys the crunchy cakes and says that the boys have nice dresses.
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borealtwilight · 13 days
ok wait. wait wait wait wait. consider.
emile having more of a disconnect irt his heritage than his peers of noble team, because he was one of the handful of orphans who lost their parents not to the covenant, but to insurrectionists, and as a result he was raised by his older brother. only speaks the odd phrase or three in another language ( i haven't got a HC yet for what his ethnicity might be ).
and his big bro didn't have a lot of time to teach him about everything their parents would have taught them in regards to their history, where they came from, their family and stuff. bc his big bro was trying to parent emile and also look after himself.
and he looks at kat, who also lost her parents prior to her homeworld being attacked, and who was raised by her grandmother. it's something they can relate to each other with, to a degree; neither one of them has many memories of their parents as compared to the other threes. but kat has more ties to her heritage than him because, well, her grandma had the time to teach her that sort of thing.
and he looks at carter, who although isn't entirely conversational in the language, who he relates to because they're both older, even if carter's older only chronologically, spits out the odd sentence or two in isixhosa. and he feels something that might just be jealousy.
and he looks at jun, who was orphaned years before his planet was ever touched by the covenant, and doesn't speak much of which family he was raised by; they might have more in common than he does with kat. and he thinks here, here's someone i can relate to. but the sniper has an accent that's thicker than kat's, and he speaks in two languages other than english, not just one.
and then there's rosenda. and thom. and all other members of noble team, spartan-iiis all. some more similar to him. some less so. some speaking two or three languages. some speaking only english.
and jorge. big, soft, gentle jorge, the only spartan-ii. taken from his parents, his family; got lucky enough to be trained on his homeworld, as opposed to his peers, the other spartan-iis. lucky enough to be stationed there with noble. and perhaps it's jorge he's most jealous of, of all noble.
and emile looks at himself, and wonders, "why couldn't i have that?"
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How the sides would help you if they knew you were stressed academically:
Would tell you to take everything slow and break it all down into tiny chunks that you can manage
Is a hypocrite because he always overworks himself, but he won’t admit it out loud
Would tell you to take 30-40 minute naps in between study time just to make sure you don’t get burnt out
Sets a strict time for you to begin and end studying/homework/assignments and gets a little annoyed when you push to procrastinate, but ultimately understands and leaves you alone until you’re ready to start the work, gently reminding you about it every hour or so.
Would stay in the room with you while you study because for some reason his presence makes you feel better; which he doesn’t understand, but he goes along with it to help you out anyway.
Interrupts your studying to show you something he found online that he thought was funny
Tries not to make too much noise because he doesn’t want to bother you too much
Helps you through different grounding techniques if you get too stressed and then makes you take a break so you don’t get too anxious over the amount of work you have to do.
Brings you water and snacks to make sure you take care of yourself
Doesn’t really bother you that much, keeps his door open to listen for the sound of typing and pencil scratching paper to make sure you’re working so he doesn’t have to go all “dad mode” on you for procrastinating
Hates to see you procrastinate because he cares so much about you and knows that if you put everything off it’ll stress you out even more
Accidentally nags at you a bit too much when you take breaks because you still have more to do, so Logan has to tell him to back off as kindly as he can
Obnoxiously sings showtunes from his room until one of the others eventually tells him to stop because you’re trying to get work done
Peaks his head into your room occasionally to see if you’re finally done so he can go back to belting songs
When you take breaks he comes in and you take turns picking a Disney movie to watch and wait until it’s over to start studying again
Suggests you cheat instead of studying
If you say no, he try’s to bribe you to do it anyway by giving you money (idk it just sounds like something he would do 😭)
If you still say no, he sits somewhere in the room and reads until you take a break or are done working
If you say yes, he takes both of you out to some fancy event to hang out
Would literally not let you get anything done because he’d be doing the dumbest things to make you laugh
Barges in and out of the room because he “forgot something” even though in reality he just wanted an excuse to see you
Eventually gives up and lays on the floor in the middle of the room, spread out in a starfish position and falls asleep waiting for you to finally take a break or get done working
Would bring you lots and LOTTTS of coffee to help you stay up to get more stuff done
Would probably go out shopping with you after like an hour of studying because, in his words, “you already did so much, you deserve it!”
Would probably contribute to you being distracted and procrastinating but not on purpose, he just really likes spending time with you.
Sleeps in your room while you work/study into the early hours of the night
Would probably forget you were studying and blast music really loudly from his room
Would play lofi in the background while you studied and refill your water bottle every now and then.
Drapes a blanket over you and places a pillow under your head after you fall asleep from studying so late
Would also bring snacks every now and then
(This is my attempt at coping with academic stress lol 😭)
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s4nnyside · 14 days
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i don’t know when i will finish noble team in their entirety but have the first three rocking their attire 😌🙏
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ohnomysoul · 1 year
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I like him a normal amount (lying)
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
🏳️‍🌈 for rosé, york, grandma and eugene from drawtectives
I unfortunately don't have any thought for Eugene because I don't think he himself knows (some kinda non-binary mayhaps?)
But the OTHERS I got you! Season 3 SOON!!!!!
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Rosé - Bisexual with a preference for Women, Trans Woman, She/Her
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York - Aroace, Queerplatonic, Cis man, He/Him
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Grendan - Pansexual, Genderfluid, any pronouns (canon!!!)
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