#{Aur Headcanon
mahi-wayy · 21 days
Like how did you forget him?????
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• General • Romantic [both sfw and nsfw]
A/n : you do realize srk has done one iconic/lovable character after another. there are only so many I can remember and do.
he has adhd.
him becoming a video game programmer wasn't well recieved by his parents. while his mother does come to eventually accept it as he saw success in his career, his father died before he could witness his son being a successful man.
learnt how to be happy on his own very early in his life.
he met sonia in london and then they ran into each other back in India too before he eventually started seeing each other.
adores his hair. don't touch it without permission.
he can cook but I am not eating it the way he does.
he stress eats but his metabolism just shakes the excess fat off very easily.
gets nervous in crowd.
can't hold his liquor very well as we all have seen.
he is a giggly and insane drunk.
he and sonia love each other of course but thing they don't see eye to eye is lifestyle.
he isn't used to routines and him having adhd doesn't also let him be happy in a routine. she is more leaned into having same routine so it's not a mess.
another reason prateek doesn't believe his dad died of drowning was because he was good swimmer.
he eats the weirdest food combos.
has a very dad coded fb and insta. once g.one took over they got weirder.
can fall asleep anywhere.
often gets scolded, for spending too much time infront of a screen and damaging his already weakening eyesight quicker, by sonia.
he was alive when ra one dumped the car in water, he tried to swim up but his body wasn't capable after the shot it took.
wanted to see prateek one last time as he lost consciousness and eventually his life in the water.
makes the first move but messes it up.
buys flowers, books, chocolates.
dances on the street just to make his partner smile.
sings for them whenever he feels or they feel like it.
handmade gifts.
self cooked dinner dates.
long walks as dates.
sleeps as the small spoon.
he is service top.
good obidient boy.
really good at eating his partner out.
is shy about being a loud moaner.
whimpers and begs.
likes being overstimulated.
sensitive side of neck and thighs.
tags : @mayakimayahai @warnermeadowsgirl @vijayasena @voidsteffy @jkdaddy01 @rambheem-is-real @allari-ammayi @mellaga-karagani @ulaganayagi @ahamasmiyodhah @ranisingnewyetagian @myvarya @toomanyfanficsbruh @harinishivaa @chaliyaaa @tumharisakhi @ramcharantitties
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
Ways they would go about revenge:
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An overwhelming and devastating catastrophe of power. Akin to a inexorable natural disaster. Whatever innocents may get caught in its wake are not considered, do not even register to Aur. No, the only thing he would be capable of thinking of is the burning desire to make the other person pay.
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Take the pain and turn it into resolve. He'd be the chessmaster-- think (and M.DZS spoilers here I guess) N.ie H.uaisang. He doesn't have to be the one who dealt the final blow. The target of his rage doesn't even have to know that it was him who orchestrated it. None of that matters so long as he gets the front row seat to watch them suffer and fall for daring to cross him.
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She's patient, and revenge is a dish best served cold. She doesn't mind waiting months, years until the perfect moment to make the blade sinking into the back of the one who wronged her the most satisfying it could possibly be. Forget the platitudes of "an eye for an eye," revenge is sweet.
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Honorable even in his anger and rage. He's the type to immediately challenge the other to a duel to the death, and he truly will fight an honorable duel to the very last breath-- be it theirs or his.
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A nightmare made real. Agony taken and tripled, no quadrupled. For as long as he draws breath, he will be hunting down his target. Possibly even after. There is no clever plan or strategic wait, when he is on the tail of the target of his vengeance, he is a pyrrhic maelstrom that will destroy anything and everything in his way. He doesn't care. Why should he care? The only thing that matters in the world anymore at that moment is seeing them at his feet choking on their blood, broken, and screaming for a mercy that will not be granted to them.
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A murderous rage without any thought behind it. She is the type to pick up the nearest sharp object and stab. She sees red. And repercussions? She doesn't care she doesn't care she doesn't care--
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Methodical and eerily calm. One may think they managed to wrong him and get away with it, but behind his still facade is a man now with nothing left to lose. He's immediately creating his plan to completely annihilate his target and every single thing they hold dear, no matter how innocent. That means nothing to him after all. No taunts, jabs, jeers, or anything can pierce through to him in the midst of his vengeance, for what is there left inside of his to strike now? The only thing he cares about is their death. And he will personally see it through. He's going to kill them. It's not a grand declaration, nor some oath. It's simply a statement of fact.
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excarow · 2 years
You know what? I am now going to believe that the reason Wild (the man who was a Royal Knight, and hinted at to be one of the best) has no concept of dangerous actions and consequences is because his 100 year nap just blanked them.
Like usually amnesiacs still remember common sense, even if they don't know WHY that's common sense (something about different parts of the brain and memory?) But Wild just got a full on hard reset. His body knows what to do, but his brain simply does not.
This would explain why he has no hesitation in climbing the towers or fighting lynels or hinoxes but mainly I think it would be funny to imagine the rest of the Chain having to explain just how things are just incredibly dangerous please for fucks sake don't do that Wild
And for his response to be
"idk get good??? Don't get hurt??? I'm not really seeing the issue here"
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
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Eriskyne comes off 'older than they look.' And that's not just because of their diligence. They are physically older than what they technically are. This is because of the area that Eriskyne had been sent until their slow introduction to the Court. While non-gentry do live in the forest, there are still sections that can belong to the gentry...and there are areas where the world, the space, gets wonky.
The area Eriskyne stayed in a crossroads between these. As such, it was a time dilation where they experienced more years than outside the estate. Initially, as a child, they didn't fully grasp this but had some suspicions due to the aging of their caretakers, normally humans. Eventually they were able to ask and find the truth. So they are aware of the time dilation they have lived through and how to manage it so that they aren't aging or missing dates when they return this place that they could supposedly call home.
Most of their company within their home are their caretakers, which, again, are normally humans. Eriskyne does not usually care for them but play nice since they are usually checked in on through them. However the one place that is considered theirs is their 'lab.' It looks like a hybrid of an apothecary and a regular laboratory. There are shelves and racks with beautifully arranged powders and liquids. There are also herbs and plants from the Seelie wilds that are drying or also in vials in its own place. They tend to have a cauldron as well as other heating sources. They also have source to water from the lab.
No one is in there because usually the intruder doesn't know what is being done and touching it could be benign or it might burn you or poison you. So they do away with that issue altogether and have no visitors allowed.
Though there has been bouts of nonhumans visiting. Most were uneventful. Usually the odd non-gentry fae that came out this way and usually their caretakers shoo them off. They do tend to allow the various creatures around have their leave of the 'yard' as such they tend to come and go. One being they recall was a being that was both distinct yet indistinguishable. As green as Eri was to the Seelie, they could tell she was ancient. However it seemed she had no interest outside of occasionally cropping out nearby the area. They were curious but not willing to make that distance. Their instinct told them no and they followed it
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thetopichot · 10 months
•°♧ Auron Fluff Alphabet ♧°•
2/7 of the Yuuriboys. I'm working hard over here with these. These fluff alphabets are quite a creative workout for my writer's brain. However, this one was easy to write since I don't stop talking about this motherfucker. He's just too fine.
Anyway, enjoy!
CW: Suggestive
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A = Abundance Of Love (Are they a loud lover that loves to express their love in many ways or are they a quiet lover that loves those quiet, intimate moments?)
This man is absolutely a quiet lover. As much as he wants to show everyone that you are his, the distance must remain between you two during office hours. However, when he does have you all to himself, you KNOW that man is gonna treat you right. He's more romantic than he says. He says that he's not a romantic type, but bro is holding you & telling how beautiful you are. Like, STOP LYING.
B = Brave (Were they the first to confess? If so, how did the confession go?)
Yes, he was & he genuinely thought that the confession would go worse. Maybe he was worried that you wouldn't like him. He does stay in his ivory tower alone, so he never got the chance to take an interest in anyone. When he saw you, though, he switched up real fast. Luckily, the confession went well & he was honest to god RELIEVED. I guess his ivory tower will be less lonely now.
C = Control (Do they take the wheel of the relationship or do they let someone else do the driving?)
I feel like he takes the wheel of the relationship. His whole story is basically about how one loses control & gets back on their feet afterwards, so expect him to take the wheel. Another thing is that he has this huge thing with taking care of problems without being asked to. If anything gets in the way of him or you, he will handle it accordingly. That is what he is supposed to do as his role in almost everything. Well, that's how he put it.
D = Dreamboat (What do they find attractive in their partner(s)?)
People would say that confidence is quite an attractive trait & they are right but listen, consider this; optimism. I feel like this is quite a controversial answer, but I feel like he likes more than just confidence. He likes a different kind of confidence. It's the fact that no matter the situation or who they are. You always find the best in things & the best in people. You believe that there is something more than meets the eye & he admires that. You see him more than just a cruel crime boss. You see him as him & he loves you for that.
E = Empathetic (If their partner(s) was in a not so good mood, how would they cheer them up?)
He's not really good at comforting people since he comes off as extremely blunt. However, that doesn't mean he isn't willing to try. He can try to comfort you with his words, but I feel like he would rather just hold you & listen to your rant. You ranting about your feelings & him holding you while you do that makes him feel like he's pretty decent at comforting. He's much more of a listener in rants.
F = Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Naturally, Auron would push people out of the way if they got in the way. However, you're not just people. You're his darling & the one thing he hates more than anything is to lose you, someone he cares about deeply. He probably was the one who initiated the fight since I know that man is stubborn & he will hold his ground, but there are more important things than pride. He is the first to apologize & he genuinely feels real fucking bad about it. He hates getting in arguments with you, but please reassure him that it's normal to get into arguments & that he doesn't have to push people away afterwards.
G = General (Random Fluff Headcanon)
Okay, I've been talking about this ALOT because it's important to me that I have this concept imprinted inside your hippocampus. I keep thinking about that one ATSV scene where Miles has this art page of Gwen. Are you seeing where I'm going with this? Auron just looks through your sketchbook to see an art page of him in there. He just looks at you & smiles. "I missed you, too." This is a bit self-indulgent jahqniajaiai
H = Home (How would they feel living with their partner(s)?)
He loves the idea of it. As much as he enjoys being alone, it's nice to wake up next to someone you love dearly. He's not safe from being domesticated & to be honest, he would let that shit happen. It could be your idea or his. It's up to you. In the end, just hearing your voice every morning is just soothing. LET HIM BE HAPPY GODDAMN IT 😤
I = Idealistic (What's their personal preference in a special someone?)
He doesn't take interest in timid people. He wants someone who knows exactly what they're doing rather than someone who isn't sure about their decisions. He wants someone who gets the job done. At the same time, he just wants someone a little more than that. Someone that just understands him. So throw that shit all into one quality & you get someone that is preceptive.
J = Jealousy (Do they get protective of their partner(s) when someone flirts with them?)
You bet your bottom quarter, except he doesn't really show it. He's cool, sorta calm, & collected. He's not gonna shout at them as maybe simple as a harmless flirt such as compliments like "Hey, you look very nice today." If they made you uncomfortable, on the other hand, he will be handling it. He ain't fucking around. If he gets jealous, it really depends on when we are talking about. If it's before you got together, then yes. VERY. If it is after you got together, not as much. You belong to him & he will prove the whole office if he has to.
K = Key To The Heart (What is something that will make them fall in love instantly?)
Bro fell in love the first time he saw you. He noticed that you dressed nice & how you were confident about getting the job. WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? He was HOOKED. It was love at first sight. I WISH I WAS MAKING THIS SHIT UP & I thought that I was DOWN BAD.
L = Luxurious (Do they spoil their partner(s) rotten? If they do, how do they spoil them?)
He is rich. You already know. However, I'm not gonna leave ya guys hanging with just that.
He likes to make his gifts very personalized for you. It's why he asks for your measurements, such as your fingers for getting rings or your ahem ahem NECK for uh suggestive reasons that I shall not disclose because we don't do NSFW here. So, I'm leaving that up to your imagination. Anyway, he does enjoy spoiling you mostly for him, though. There are some outfits that he wants to see you in. 😳
M = Marriage (How would they feel about getting married?)
I feel like he would like the idea of it. Of course, like anybody else, he would be a bit nervous about it. He's nervous because of how important this feels. It's something he HAS to get right in his eyes. So expect that man to plan this shit for MONTHS. This man might even rehearse before purposing to you. When everything falls in line, he does all of this fancy ass shit. He has this personal driver prepared to drive to a special location. I'm talking about a red carpet to the limo, then it takes you out of the city to a cliff that has a gazebo. You can see that fine ass man waiting for you & then you hop out of the limo. You see a trail of red roses & red candles lit.
You follow it & you meet your man all dressed up to the NINES. Like bro is dripped the FUCK out. Then he goes on to this speech on how much he adores you & how much you mean to him. Of course, the fine ass man gets on one knee & goes:
"Will you marry me?"
Bitch, YES.
N = Nobility (How honest are they to their partner(s)? Do they hide anything?)
As much as he trusts you, he does hide things. However, that doesn't mean he lies to you. He's unmoved by truth, but this truth is truly moving his ass. He did tell you that he is a criminal who killed more than one guy, but I feel like that as much he can tell you. The more you know, the more in danger you will be. He doesn't want you involved. He would rather you be unaware & safe than to be knowledgeable & in danger.
O = Overwhelmed (If they were in a not so good mood, how can their partner(s) help them out?)
Honestly. When he is stressed, he's definitely telling you not to worry about him. He always says that "I'm fine, rook. You don't need to worry about me." but in reality, this man needs comfort more than anything. During office hours, you could check in on him. Trish might find you suspicious for constantly going into his office, say, 6 times within the same 2 hours. Or a better, less suspicious way is taking care of him at home. Tell him to cancel whatever he's doing for the night & take a break with him. Of course, it's not gonna be that easy. However, persistence is key. He'll give in & just put his head in your lap. He enjoys the warmth that comes from your thighs, especially when you play with his hair. He might even fall asleep.
P = Passionate (What is something to them that means a lot to them that only their partner(s) knows about it?)
His writing. That's something he almost never shares with anyone. The only people he has shared it to were Charlie & of course, you. He finds his writings very important to him since they reveal ALOT about him, especially how he feels. Most of his writing recently has been about you, so he wants to keep his writing private. Bro is like me fr because I'm nervous when I show people my headcanons, so he's not alone.
Q = Quirky (Something silly that they do.)
On Auron's character design stream, Yuuri mentioned that Auron would own a multipen & I'm going add onto that. Auron owning a multipen reminds me of that kid in class who would write in a pretty font & make it cute when literally the topic is the most disturbing thing ever. That was Auron & still is.
R = Romantic (What is their love language?)
Call this man the Pokémon master because this bitch caught them all but if I had to pick a one, this might be controversial answer, acts of service. Just hear me out.
Auron does things for people without being asked to & never complains about it. He fully accepts the responsibility of taking care of everything & everyone, which leads to his love language being acts of service. He does go a bit too far & neglects his own needs because I believe that he doesn't see himself as a priority & there are other matters that are more important than himself right now. Please take care of that man because he needs someone to see him as a priority rather than something that can be pushed to the side for later.
S = Sublime (What is the best gift that their partner(s) can give them?)
He doesn't really ask for much besides your time & all of your love in return. He's not interested in getting gifts & he probably wouldn't want you to get him one since he's rich. Plus you do just fine as a present but you say fuck it & get him a gift anyway. The first idea was to get him a book, but that would be too obvious. You want something little more meaningful. You decided to somewhat write a half decent poem about how much you appreciate him. It's not the best writing in history, but he's enjoys that you put love & thought into it. That's enough for him.
T = Touching (How do they feel about PDA?)
Yeahhhh, probably not. He isn't really too fond of PDA, especially during office hours. He doesn't wanna look like he plays favorites, in my opinion. After hours is a different story because you two are alone & he has you all to himself, so he would rather that.
U = Undeniable (Did everyone know about their crush on their partner(s)?)
Nope. He is quite phenomenal at being discreet, plus who would anyone in their right mind would take interest in the boss? IT'S US ACTUALLY SUAJNAAUJA
V = Visionary (What do they want their future to look like with their partner(s)?)
My first initial thought was "Maybe, he might give the crime thing." but oh sweet Louie from 5 minutes ago, there is no fixing this man.
Although, I think he would want to move away from the city & go into this warm, cozy setting he's been writing about. I doubt he would give up the crime thing since that's his responsibility & a thing that was passed down from Faust's dad to him, but who knows, maybe he might pass it down to someone he trusts. Maybe he might become a writer & just enjoy his life with you. We may never know.
W = Wacky (General Fluff Headcanon. Again.)
I like to think the way he sleeps is just wrapping himself in a blanket burrito. I dunno I think it's funny. Crime boss in a blanket burrito is the most fire thing ever.
X = Xaroncharoo (Yes, that's a word. Look it up. In a domestic sense, what are they exceptional at in the home?)
Cleaning. He's making sure this house is fucking NEAT. Everytime I think about him cleaning, I think about those moms that clean the houses like hell because company is coming.
"I don't care if we have to throw everything out, rook. I want this place to look like a new mediterranean fusion restaurant by noon."
Y = Yearning (If their partner(s) went out to get something without them/went off to work, how would they feel about it?)
Z = Zonked (How do they cuddle?)
Jokes on you, you goober. You guys already work together as it is. So it's not a problem because he can just watch you from the cameras. However, if you went by yourself without him? He's probably getting you an escort to take to where you need to be. You insist on like, "Hey, I'm totally fine. I can just drive there & when I get there, I can just call you." or "My friend can pick me up, " & all of that. In the end, you have an escort to take you to Weis. He may not look like it, but he does miss you when you're gone.
Head first in his boobs. That's exactly what we're doing. He would probably hold you on top of him while you just enjoy the warm comfort of his boobs.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath ☆ミ
🩷 - Let's fucking go. 2 down & 5 more to go. This shit is definitely gonna take all of November & maybe December, too. This is probably one of the most biggest writing challenges I have worked on yet. However, it's good to get my writers brain going.
Another good news, I'm a sibling again! I have another sibling now & she is so silly. I'm happy to have another one, even though being the eldest sibling is such a pain in the ass. You just gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes.
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Poetic Names in Dunmer Culture
I have a notion about Dunmer naming conventions that my little linguist brain keeps coming back to, ever since I learned that Vehk, Seht, and Ayem are the "poetic" forms of Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Almalexia's names. It got me thinking: what if regular Dunmer have poetic name forms as well?
I think it would be interesting if they had them as a version of a nickname, but with more specific and honored meaning, something that indicates not just familiarity but a bond worthy of poetry, something that you have to earn the right to call someone.
The House Dunmer of course can call their gods by these names because the Tribunal love to brand themselves as servants of the people, who all have a closeness with and reverence for their gods. Basically, it's acceptable because religion things. Also love how this makes saying "B'Vehk" roughly the same as saying "sweet Jesus" lol.
But like with normal people, I imagine it functions similar to getting to call someone by a nickname, except way more intense. Like you're either close family members, ultra bffs, lovers, or people who went through some shit together (e.g. soldiers who fought together, rivals who destroyed each other's lives, etc.). That's right folks! It doesn't have to be a bond based on love! It can be hate! Because it's the Dunmer, so of course. It just has to be Significant. Like Victorians calling each other by their first names but kicked up a notch. Or like going "bestie!!!!" (affectionate) or "worstie!!!" in the most deadpan way possible.
Anyway, so here's where we get to the linguistic part of this sociolinguistic headcanon. There are clearly conventions to how a poetic name is formed, based on the data given to us by the gods' names. The process is (usually) this:
Keep the initial letter of the original name. If the initial letter is a consonant followed by another consonant, the second consonant is considered part of the initial cluster and doesn't count towards #3. If the initial letter is a vowel other than a, the first consonant or consonant cluster remains as part of the first letter and doesn't count towards #3.
Add a vowel/diphthong by taking the final vowel/diphthong of the name and alter it according to specific patterns.
Add the second consonant. If the second consonant is the same as the first letter, use the final consonant instead. Y never counts as a consonant for this. Certain consonants must be altered according to specific patterns.
Vowel/Diphthong Changes:
a -> e, eh aa -> a, ah e -> e, eh i -> e, eh ii -> i o -> a, ah u -> u y -> e, eh ia -> ye ea -> ya ie -> ye iu -> yu ay -> ae ey -> ae ae -> a, ah ue -> u
h follows a vowel when the final consonant is k, m, n, or t
Consonant Changes:
b -> v c -> k d -> t th -> t
Poetic Name Examples:
Drelyth -> Drel Vavran -> Vehn Indrasi -> Indres Alarue -> Aur Tremona -> Trehm Ervynu -> Ervun Naryu -> Nur Aymillo -> Aymal Thathas -> Thes Llaals -> Llas Nethis -> Neht
That should give you an idea of how it goes. There are probably exceptions to these rules, and of course a lot of the poetic names are going to be the same, but there are lots of real world names that share nicknames, so I'm not bothered about it.
Also! I think this is exclusive to House Dunmer, and it's not something the Ashlanders do, because I think it started with the Tribunal.
I think Dunmer do have more conventional nicknames sometimes, but they're usually used by non-Dunmer or family members in a super casual way. I almost think of it like using -kun in Japanese when it's between Dunmer.
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tokillamockingbird427 · 7 months
Crack headcanon
Keegans' favorite hoodie, often dubbed the "comfort hoodie" or the "safety hoodie," is the one he stole from Rorke when he was 17.
(He felt guilty wearing it after Ajax’s death, couldn't touch it after Elias’s, and burnt it after Logans kidnapping.)
It's massive on him, made of some thick fabric, and somehow always smells nice. Yes, the perfect comfort hoodie. He simply vanishes inside it like a cute little turtle whenever he so pleases. Beware the long sleeves: He slaps people with them.
(OUGH AUR NAUR... EVIL!.... I like it!)
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
#— “oh teri” . . . maine exam paper khola, aur uss ne meri khol di ・⁠・⁠・🥭﹏. ๑:(❛⁠ 🪔
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p — DESI!OT5 × (FEM) DESI!READER | g — crack, fluff, desi!au, reader is implied to be desi but it's more on the members, just headcanons | w — lingo used is tailored towards a desi audience
A/N — y'all I needed to. call me cringe. but I need to get beomgyu as a desi out of my head okay. I'm sorry. I love this sm. so please, make some noise for the desi boys guys.
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openly unshareef but a bit gullible. probably gets in a lot of trouble solely because he can't cover himself up. he'd freeze up anytime he's confronted about any of his shenanigans. you'd definitely see him playing cricket with the maila boys in the galis, and would probably do a dramatic dive towards the side walk when a car passes by, honking. screams “Y/N, THIS IS FOR YOU!!!” and terribly misses the chakka, then screams “THAT WAS SO OBVIOUSLY WHITE!!!” to hide his embarrassment.
hates chai tho, thinks hating it gives him personality. sucks at math, always in the principal's office for “talking back” to the old teacher. is actually really smart, so his grades aren't really slipping that much.
would tell you he's planning to play cricket professionally, but we all know he's a bit all talk. brings you ghajras and tells you it was from his mom so he doesn't get in trouble with your dad. speaking of which, he goes around claiming “l/n chachu is my best friend!!!!” but can't look the man in his eyes and say hello.
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he looks shareef as hell— isn't. doesn't really do much to get in trouble, just steals his brother's car and takes it out for a drive at 3 am. texts you really late at night asking if you want to drive around. when you refuse and absolutely “BREAK HIS HEART” (he'll be fine), he takes yeonjun with him. and because you weren't there to smack the back of his head, he doesn't see the big ass depression in the road and gets stuck. calls you AGAIN, crying at 3:30 am, freaking out and going “THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!!!” you can hear yeonjun trying to calm him down in the back but both of them are scared they'll get caught by the police and then will be detained overnight. soobin's very dramatic.
is really annoying sometimes. bold asf tho, definitely looks your dad in the eyes and shakes his hand whenever he's around. your dad would say “stay away from soobin I don't like him,” and then proceed to immediately befriend him when they realize they watch the same drama serial that's trending.
big foodie too, calls you and tells you he's bringing home crates of mangos with his friends and gives you an extra one whenever summer hits. his friend would ask him, “dude, where do we keep these crates?” and soobin, who's never been to your house EVER, goes, “tsk— follow me.” and walks into your house unannounced and unaware. wears a white kurta with gold accents because white represents, “purity, y/n. I'm a pure boy.” drops stew on his clothes moments after.
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the real “stay away from him” wala boy. he's the talk of the town. no one knows how he manages to do it.
acing school, really fucking street smart, barely home most of the time. probably listens to a lot of punjabi. probably also curses in purely just punjabi. he's the kid that would probably post stories of driving in the rain or something 😭
all the girls in the shaadi hall have eyes on him. really good with kids too, but super fucking annoying, so you'd probably see a kid every few hours running up to their mama and crying, “BHAI HIT ME!!!!!”
acts really chichora because he thinks it's funny. would steal flowers from the bouquets in shaadi halls for all the younger kids in his fam, but save you the best one. gives you his aalu when you eat biryani together. super sentimental too, would randomly break into a poetry during a random conversation that has nothing to do with poetry.
cracks a lot of dirty jokes too, again, because he thinks it's funny. eyes you shockingly when you eat the paani puri with one whole bite after he struggles to. asks how you're better with your mouth than him, and gets a smack right on his nose. on a related note, starts a “paani puri or gol gappe?” debate with you, and picks the side you're against solely because you're against it. can't have you winning, now can he?
loves it when it rains. calls it relatable. you'd probably get a call when the sky starts getting darker and asks if he can dance in the rain with you. wears his best black kurta (he has 5) whenever you two hang out. looks very attentively into your hands when you get mehendi done, and ask if you had his name written somewhere in the designs. gets disappointed when you don't.
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probably the most religious out of the 5. the annoying type in group hang outs that threatens he'll snitch, but never does. a cute geek. probably studies computer sciences.
ironically also a gym rat. gym buddies with beomgyu. has abs but you can't see it until beomgyu dumps a bucket of water on him from the balcony and drenches him completely. and you're like, “oh.” gets shy when beomgyu forces him to wear a compression shirt for the gram 🔥💪 is the Athlete Of The Year 3 years in a row. sports captain, too.
always visiting the principal's office, but not because he's in trouble. knows the principal &staff really fucking well because he's an athlete. fist bumps the principal in the halls, gets shot weird looks before the principal eventually returns his fist bump.
the kid who probably has a lot of writing on his t-shirt on the last day of school. areas of his face smeared with ink from a pen soobin accidentally broke. all 5 take a picture with the principal on the last day of school. forces the photographer to take an extra silly one of just the principal and him. refuses to give his sports captain sash back.
helps you study during the winter break. complains when you don't understand it immediately. threatens that he'll tell “l/n aunty you're constantly on your phone.” but really rewarding & generous once you begin to ace the topic. promises you he'll treat you to food (and keeps his word.)
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called kamal a lot. is a sweetheart. grew up bringing flowers for his teachers every morning. really good at language arts. writes the poetry beomgyu randomly starts reciting.
plays basketball because “the body needs varzish.” forces you to play with him after he misses many hoops on purpose. goes easy on you until you piss him off for “being bad.”
your parents absolutely love him and start internally crying when they realize he may be in the friendzone. brings fruits for your mom and a pirated video game for your brother everytime he visits. loves to tease you for losing in a video game you've never played before.
accidentally walks on you when you're adjusting your clothes. screams so loud mama thinks he slipped in the bathroom. apologizes a lot even though he saw like nothing. tries to make it up to you while you're making chai— ends up distracting you so bad it spills over the pot. absolutely dizzy and doesn't know what to do.
to make it up to you (and maybe to spend some extra time with just you), takes you to those local malls where it reeks of chalia and fresh cloth, and there's a million tailors stitching clothes. would probably get scammed so fucking fast before you start yelling that they're going way off price. confused asf, realizes maybe he should just let you do the talking, while he carries all the stuff the two of you buy for the wedding coming up.
probably hears a lot of, “wow, he's so pretty,” from a million aunties whispering to each other there. gets shy super fast.
begs you to buy something that he wants to pay for because he feels so guilty for the chai and walking in on you, even though you're absolutely refusing. sneaks away while you're arguing with a tailor, buys a pair of gold baliyaan for you.
then gives the jewelry to you while you two are sitting in the car, and proceeds to earn another affectionate smack when you realize he got scammed bad for them.
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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Hi Again!
Sorry I’m making another request I REALLY love your writing lol but what do the goth kids react when you show affection someone else infront of them
Also again sorry for asking more I really loved the Lolita goth one you made because I requested dir I was very happy I kept on stimming with joy
\(⁀▽⁀ )/
Hello Friend! I’m so happy my writing brings you so much joy! Don’t ever feel bad about requesting anything, I love these kinds of asks!
I’m sorry this took so long to write, but I take Saturdays and Sundays off from writing so I don’t get writer’s block!
I hope you enjoy it! I didn’t write a romantic portion for Firkle because even though I’ve aged them all up, he’s still a minor in my headcanons.
Without further ado
Goth Kid Jealousy Headcanons:
- Michael doesn’t necessarily get upset when you show affection to other people
- He knows that you have other friends or an S/O
- Plus, as a friend, he’s not really a hug kinda guy
- So when you two are hanging out and you’ve dragged him to go shopping with you, he doesn’t get disheartened if you happen to run from him for a few minutes to go talk to someone else you know
- He just stands off to the side until you come running back over
- It does scare him because he thinks you’re gonna leave him to go hang out with someone else
- But just reassure him that you’re not gonna leave him like that, and everything will be A-Okay!
- Henrietta is also not an touchy person
- But, she does get attached faster than the others do, so her jealousy comes out of left field sometimes
- If you happen to see one of your other friends while you’re out with Henrietta, you’ve learned to just wave at them from afar instead of rushing over to go speak with them
- Henrietta really does feel bad for making you feel like you can’t go say hi, but she’ll never admit that it makes her jealous when you turn your attention away from her
- Hell, if you had brothers or sisters, you couldn’t even hug your siblings without her boring holes into the back of their head
- It doesn’t take long for her to get over it, though. She’s working on it, you just can’t mention it or else she’ll argue that she’s not jealous
- Pete’s a clingy little shit
- He likes hugs, platonic hand holding, anything that involves being close and near you
- He’s had a lot of friends that just left him in the past, so when you came along and managed to stick, he damn aure was gonna make sure you stayed
- So don’t be surprised if you guys are walking around town, and you see someone else you know
- You run over, giving your other friend a hug and catching up for a minute before returning back to your pock-marked friend
- And Pete is just angrily staring at you, giving you a passive aggressive attitude immediately upon your arrival
- He’ll complain for a bit, but gets over it after about an hour or two of huffing and puffing
- Poor guy will be the death of you
- (Maybe intentionally 😬)
- Firkle doesn’t show it, but he is also a clingy little shit
- He rarely shows emotion for anything
- Except that one time you unintentionally had another guest when he came over
- So you both had gone over to your house for the weekend and your cousin had unexpectedly come over
- You saw Firkle everyday, and only saw your cousin once in a blue moon
- So you didn’t end up spend all of your time with just Firkle, instead inviting your cousin to do whatever it was you and Firkle had planned to do
- He did not like that whatsoever, so with a few thinly veiled threats to your cousin while you weren’t around, you were shocked when your cousin stopped their visit short and went home
- You shrugged it off, going back to Firkle, none the wiser that his jealousy was the reason that they had left
- Jealousy is practically this guy’s middle name if you’re in a relationship with him
- He doesn’t want you looking at anyone, doesn’t want anyone looking at you, doesn’t want you talking to anyone, yadda yadda
- He always brushes it off, claiming that he is not jealous and that you can do whatever the hell you want
- So when you tease him by saying things like “Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if I hung out with (whoever you want to put here lmao) today instead of you?”
- You gained joy in watching his jaw clench as he basically forced himself to shake his head
- He feels bad quickly if he sees you giving attention to someone else, so please give him a smooch and hold him closely
- Tell him you love him and you’ll never love anyone else and he relaxes into putty
- Don’t break his heart please, I don’t think he can take it!!
- Remember when I said she was a jealous friend?
- Well… Good luck to you being in a relationship with her
- She’s so super clingy and she doesn’t care if it shows
- If she notices you looking at someone else for even a second too long, she’s planting kisses on your hand, your shoulders, intertwining her arm with yours, doing everything she can to not-so-subtley claim you
- She loves to give you hickies or mark you everywhere with her lipstick without your knowledge
- You can’t grocery shop without people looking at you weird for having purple lipstick marks on your forehead and cheeks
- Henrietta knew they were there before you left, neglecting to tell you and feigning innocence when you come into your shared homewith your cheeks ablaze, embarrassment taking over you
- She’s such a stinker 🙄
- Don’t even think about looking at someone else behind his back
- He always finds out.
- Always. Finds. Out.
- And you pay for it when he invites you over and you don’t get to leave for up to 3 weeks.
- Of course he doesn’t force you to stay, but he’s so good at guilt tripping that you can’t say no.
- He’s sweet and insecure, please don’t hurt him
- He’s been hurt so many times in the past, please just hug him tightly and let him cuddle with you to his heart’s content.
- He just loves you a lot and he doesn’t want you to leave him for someone who he thinks is actually worth your time
- Give him a big ol forehead smooch and reassure him as much as you need to. He’s tender, just love on him
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polutrope · 6 months
for the Sensory Headcanons: 1, 6, 12, 17 for Húrin
Their most visually striking feature
The overall shape of him. He's canonically not tall, so this is noticeable among the people of Hador. But he's broad and solidly-built, and his lack of height by no means diminishes his power or impressiveness.
Some of their favourite flavours or foods
He's the kind of person who loves the experience of food, but he especially enjoys savory-sweet flavours like meat marinated in / glazed with fruit juices and syrups.
Their feelings on physical touch
He loves to show and be shown affection by touch, but it is not essential for him. Because his wife and son generally do not like physical affection, he is understanding that not everyone will be as comfortable with it as he is.
What their voice sounds like
He can project his voice incredibly well (Aure entuluva!) and if he's impassioned or tipsy, he naturally becomes very loud. But in day to day speech he keeps the power of his voice contained, which ends up giving a rich texture to his speech; though he speaks evenly, staying within a predictable range and volume, you can sense the strength and excitement simmering beneath.
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spaceagebachelormann · 10 months
hi i’m stealing this from @solutopia <3
she did colours! but i’m associating my moots with artists instead for funsies!
also i couldnt put all of y’all cause some of u i haven’t spoken to enough to have a proper opinion :( but if u wanna be in part 2 js start sending me asks and i’ll be able to quickly make observations abt u!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @juneberrie — LIZ!!! my silly pookie <3 ur so so silly and u make me feel like i can talk abt my interests without being judged or made fun of which is something my friends growing up didn’t give me, ilysm and ur artist is laufey
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @isitoversnowtvs — JAS!!! my wife <3 ur such a cutie and even if our music tastes are different i still thinks urs is really cool and unique and i love it and u sm ! ur artist is taylor swift
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @cannibalizedyke — MERE!!! my favourite frankenstein girlie <3 ur so bad at roblox /aff. but that’s okay cause ur really sweet and i love bothering u out of nowhere and u kinda remind me of lizzie hearts. ur artist is marina
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @renqiisnce — DAL!!! pookie bear ilysm. ur music taste is actually amazing and ur opinions are always so right. i’m mailing u peter criss. ur artist is kiss.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @cau-lee-flower215 — LEE!!! ajsjejendjsndn u always have the best and silliest thoughts and ur so cool and ily <3 it genuinely makes me so happy everytime we talk ur so creative! ur artist is elton john
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @lunarluvbot — CHERRY!!! ugh you /j. ur so silly and match my energy perfectly and ur so fun to talk to and u let me rant abt peter pevensie for hours at a time. ur artist is madonna
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @lunarfleur — MICK!!! i love u. ur such a nice and genuine person and so fun and interesting to talk to and i wish we were closer </3 but ilysm and ur artist is elvis presley
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @madwickedawesome — JUNO!!! my absolute favourite person to bother. ur so fucking funny and i love playing roblox with u and u shoukd dm me on discord more often. ur artist is mischa bachinski debussy.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @sluggmuffin SLUG!!! RAHHHH u have the best fulton thoughts (so does lee and mick) ajakaksjajsj. ur such a cutie patootie and we should become super bsfs do u have discord. ur artist is the beatles
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @solutopia — SOLANA!!! we dtm but ur so sweet and ur themes are always so gorgeous. ur such a beautiful person even if i don’t know what u look like and i have a lot of respect for u! ur artist is beabadoobee
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @presidentroarie — AUTUMN!!! my first mutual on tumblr! i love u sm and even when people don’t agree with u on sophitz ur so accepting of it and don’t judge them <3 i’m so glad we’re friends and i love u! ur artist is bob dylan
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @inkluvs — IVY!!! ur so pretty omg? and ur so sweet and ur fics and headcanons are amazing and even though we don’t talk a lot when we do it’s so silly and i’ll be giggling <3 ur artist is julie london!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @faerieroyal — DOLLY!!! the only person who understands my love for adam and mr hyde,, literally my older sibling figure. ur so sweet and supportive and i feel so comfortable around u!! ur artist is ella fitzgerald
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @orangelovesyou ORANGE!!! my favourite ricky artist <3 such a silly and kinda babies me a little but i don’t mind!! so nice and silly and fun to talk to <3 ur artist is lady gaga
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @homeofhyperfixations — PERSE!!! i havent talked to u in so long :( but ur so creative and so nice and i love hearing about ur ocs and their lore and love interests it’s so interesting <3 ur artist is alice in chains
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @luckynature — BELLA!!! ur so funny omg? we should talk more pookie <3 i barely know u but u remind me a lot of ocean for some reason? also tammy? idk why !! also ur artist is weezer
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @moonlarked — AUR!!! my favourite hamlet lover! all ur hamlet thoughts and opinions are always so right and cause of u i now actually understand a lot more of hamlet then i did before <3 ur artist is type o negative
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @shefollowedthestars — NOVA!!! guys nova is the sweetest person to walk this earth. everytime we talk i live in fear of someone hurting ur sweet soul in anyway because u absolutely don’t deserve that. i heavily associate u with calm vintage music so ur artist is skeeter davis
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @doyouknowwhoyouare13 — NYX!!! ur so funny ily! i kinda forgot all of our interactions cause my memory is absolute shit but i always start giggling when thinking of u cause i remember u being really funny <3 ur artist is falling in reverse
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @starstruckwillows — JESSIE!!! omg i also need to talk to u alot more? ur so cutie patootie! one of my most favourite moot writers on this app /srs. ur artist is beyoncé
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @janesociety — JANE!!! pookie u always have rlly pretty themes and i love it! ur also super super nice and amazing and fun to be around! ur artist is the smiths
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @herrscherofsentence — JADE!!! ur hyperfixations are so cool! and i love all of ur names sm and the asks u send me always make me start giggling to myself cause they’re so funny! ur artist is tv girl
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @larsgoingtomars — SOPHIE!!! i genuinely love ur shifting stories so so much. and i absolutely love talking about bowie with u and u make me feel like i can talk to u about anything without being judged which i adore! ur artist is metallica
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ @sp1rit-realm — HANNAH!!! i’m ngl i used to be scared to talk to u cause u seemed rlly cool,, but i’m glad i did cause that one james thought u sent me still has me twirling my hair over him. ur artist is guns n roses
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vikasgarden · 3 months
randomly generated headcanons.
click the link to get some random headcanons for your muse.
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Vika is constantly singing for no reason.
Vika is smart but also very stupid.
Vika is tumblr famous.
It would not take much for Vika to turn evil.
Vika has a pet dog.
Vika is a horrible liar.
If Vika likes someone, they will give them a pretty rock.
Vika can't sit in a chair properly.
Vika doesn't own a single pair of matching socks.
Vika cringes at their middle school yearbook photos.
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tagged by: @fireburial (thx!) tagging: @heartofglass-mindofstone , @narbenherz , @dragonul-de-aur , @verflcht , @vasted , @vcnenum & You!
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arcxnumvitae · 1 month
The praise k.ink club:
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birdy-bat-writes · 2 years
Tu Maan Meri Jaan
Jake Seresin x Desi!Reader Headcanon + The Dagger Squad and Maverick
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A/N: Hey Guys! So, @girl-in-the-chairs-void and I sort of slipped into the topic of conversation of a Jake getting married to a Desi woman and we both were so in love with the idea that we came up with this. I want to thank you, Pav, for always helping me break out of creative blocks and always being there for me in general. And ofc, I also want to thank you for working with me to create something that can desi and brown girls in this fandom can relate to. To all you, We hope you love it! Now, even I sometimes forget some of the terms that are used for Indian wedding functions so I’ll try to drop a quick explanation in parenthesis after specific terms 😊 But if I miss anything or you’re confused, just let me know in a comment and I’ll be sure to explain it.
Also, A few months ago I saw a reel on Glen’s Instagram of him at Nick and Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ Diwali party so here’s that 😁
I completely melt at the thought of Jake getting married to a South Asian bride and they make the wedding half Western and half South Asian.
I feel like he’d already just love the parts of your culture that you share with him. When you go to plan your wedding, he’d already be down to do a multiple-function, multi-day wedding and his sisters and parents would be so excited.
When you first started dating, he didn’t understand the things you whisper to him in your language. 
He makes it his mission to learn a little bit of your language without telling you. So, when you speak to your family or friends and it’s mostly them teasing you two, he knows but doesn’t mention it until later.
Like on the reception he just whispers “meri jaan” My life or something sweet in your ear as the Pandit (Priest) officiates it. 
All the little kids calling him the various names for “uncle” and you’re feeling so proud and holding them all close to you, he looks at you so softly, getting the kids to leave the stage as they scurry off after hugging both of you.
Jake on a horse, riding his way to your house with the Baraat, and being a natural because he’s no stranger to horse riding.
Him seeing you in the wedding lehenga for the first time and just forgetting how to speak.
You are not expecting to be as speechless as you are when you see him in his wedding outfit. And he would tease the hell out of you about it.
His dirty blond hair glistening in the harsh light coming from the camera man and seeing the rest of the squad in traditional desi clothes is the cherry on top.
He had his hands in the air as the dhol and drums (a traditional drumset that plays live at weddings) echo loudly, mimicking some of the dance moves your father or brother may have taught him.
He gets down on one knee as he approaches the stage where you stand, a ring in hand, maybe saying a few sentences in your language that has you crying.
“Main aur kisi ke bare main kaise soch sakta hoon jab meri duniya mere samne hai?” Basically how can I think about someone else when my whole world is in front of me?
Also, I headcanon sometimes that Jake loves to dance and his whole family really enjoys dancing at the wedding. It usually take a glass of wine or so to get him loose but the man can dance.
They drag him onto the stage and what people don’t know is that he has been practicing his moves.
If a lot of Punjabi families are there, then we know we got the booze flowing and as soon as the songs come on, he is going at it.
You are laughing and giggling in your chair as you watch him do bhangra or any other type of dance that he has up his sleeve.
You’re just like, “Babe…. where did you learn to dance like that? When did you find the time to learn this?” “Well, I am a Seresin, Darlin’.”
The wedding vows go like this: 
“The things I do for you my love, but today, I wanna dedicate this day, not to us; but to you. Because my heart has been so full of you that I simply cannot call it mine anymore. My soul has been bewitched and my mind has been taken over by every thought of you. I am a mere reflection- a shadow of you. There was a quote in this movie we watched on our third date: om shanti om (apologies for the pronunciation); you said it was your favorite movie growing up and you cried when shah rukh khan said; "Itni shiddat se maine tumhe paane ki koshish ki hai, ki har zarre ne mujhe tumse milane ki saazish ki hai. So today as our worlds gather around us to witness this beautiful moment, I want to say to you; mujhse shaadi karogi?”
To which you just laugh and say “We’re already married, dumbass” while tugging him up to kiss him and whisper, “A thousand times yes.”
The food, omg, okay. So, in your 5 year long relationship, you have never seen him enjoy pani-puri as much as you do at your own wedding. He happily ate them whenever you went out to eat at an Indian restaurant or made him eat Lamb Karahi (for my Pakistani girls out there), he ate it with a smile on his face, but usually, all he could feel was his mouth going numb at the spice.
But now, he is just gobbling them down. The shocking part? He’s eating them with the spicy water.
You’re shocked because he can handle more spice than you almost. And when you mention it he’s like “Baby you know I like it spicy”😉😉
Every daal or butter chicken or biryani that is brought to the table is just eaten, mostly by him.
When you taste the things yourself, the spice is there but he hasn’t picked up his glass
When you look at him, He just shrugs and says “I’m hungry.”
And you’re already reaching for water now and again.
Rooster and Javy are borderline crying.
And you keep giving them dahi (yogurt) to cut the spice because even you’re starting to
Even Phoenix can handle her spice, but Jake is surpassing that level and your mom is impressed to say the least.
Rooster watching hangman eat straight spicy biryani like 👁👄👁️
The Mehendi (a wedding function in which the bride, groom and guests’ hands and somethings feet are decorated with ethnic temporary tattoos” and Haldi rasam (a wedding function in which a yellow paste made from turmeric is applied to the bride’s and groom’s skin) has you thinking he looks absolutely adorable.
The yellow pastes make his skin glow and while everyone is admiring him all the young girls and aunties eyes are on him, he is just admiring you from the corner of the room as you get the haldi all over you.
You don't notice his eyes on you through the thin curtain until your mother whispers to you: “Everybody’s watching him, but he’s only been looking at you”
If there is haldi left after the ceremony you and Jake just attack Mav and the squad with it. 
And the aunties probably have something to say about how he’s just completely all over you, but you two don’t even care. You’re already too far gone into the bliss of your wedding preparations and traditions that nothing seems to affect your mood.
He’d probably really enjoy the fact that your wedding outfits reveal the midriff if you wear a lehenga. For each function that you wear one or even a sari, he probably really likes being able to feel your skin on his when he puts his arm around your waist.
Maybe if you decide to have a destination wedding in the house you rented, he shows up late at night at your door in a beige or black kurta that your mum made him wear, a few buttons undone from the top, hair a little messy.
He was up with your male family members playing antakshari (a card game often played at celebratory occasions).
If it’s in India, he takes you to a late-night drive to eat ice cream. You introduce him to paan and chai, two common late nigh street foods.
You threaten him that if he ever calls chai, chai tea, you will divorce him. 
When you get back it’s dark and late enough that no one else is awake, he quietly slips into your room as you both try to take in the last few days, barely having a moment to yourselves, as he just stays there and holds you until you drift off to sleep and when you do, he gives you a kiss on the forehead before slipping back into his room.
There’s a tradition where the brides name is written in the groom’s mehndi, and the groom’s name is written in the bride’s. When it comes to him trying to find his name in your hands, it takes him time, but he finds it hiding in the side of your pinky, because when you are nervous you hold onto each other’s pinky’s in a crowded room. It was a small thing you guys used to do before you had started dating.
If you've hidden his name as well, he finds it immediately but takes his name pretending like he didn’t see it just to play with your hands longer.
Yours is hidden in a kaleidoscope of stars and things he’s got on his palms and wrists, it’s in a moon shaped piece that has another thing written under it “mera chaand” My moon.
Phoenix shows up in the most stunning outfits and turns out she has dressed up every single one of the dagger boys.
It came as a surprise to you when she helps you with your jewelry, having known about many uncommon things about the certain things you were putting on.
She manages to take the boys away from you as you are getting ready for your main ceremony.
You both keep a Polaroid of the two of you getting ready, hair and makeup done, mehndi pristine, bangles on, jewelry pretty much all on and your outfits are on the hangers. Standing with arms around each other in tank tops and shorts and it’s the funniest sight. It's a memory you’ll cherish forever with your best friend.
Dude, can you just imagine Javy, Rooster, Mickey and Reuben all lifting the kids at the wedding in the air and pretending like they’re flying fighter jets.The kids are just like “I love Reuben uncle!” And “Jake maamaji is my favorite”.
After the wedding ceremony everyone’s making jokes about how y’all are probably going to get it on but you’re both so tired that you just fall asleep.
Before you do, Jake helps you take off your jewelry.
He counts the huge amount of bobby pins in your hair, the pile is bigger than your head. His eyes are wide by the time he is done taking out the last one. 
“Do you have anything else hiding in your skull somewhere? How did your head not fall?”
“Yeah, now you know why I’m so tired, I’m carrying twice my head’s normal weight.”
You let your clothes just fall to the floor but being the neat freak that he is, he goes to pick them up and put them on the hanger. He groans at the weight of it because it is just so heavy.
“Babe, how were you walking in this? Are you a bodybuilder?”
“Damn, Jake, I thought you navy officers were strong. Can’t even carry a dress??” He glares at you playfully.
He will not stop referring to you as Mrs. Seresin for ages.
You both lay down and just take in the past few days.
He says “Goodnight Mrs. Seresin”. You both just let yourselves fall asleep in like oversized shirts and underwear because you’re too tired to find anything else.
The next day you choose to have a little Western wedding party reception.
And he didn’t know what you were going to wear so when he sees you in a white wedding dress, he loses his mind. Bonus points if it’s Jake’s Mom’s dress.
Mrs. Seresin loves you, and seeing you make her son so happy, just fulfills her life mission.
You look angelic in it.
You remember when he had teased you about how when he gets married he’d take the Garter off with his teeth like some people do and I feel like even if he didn’t, he’d tickle up your leg a little as he took it off with his hands. 
He lets his hands roam around a little longer than needed, announcing that he can’t feel it until he disappears under your dress. He has is in his mouth as he reappears from under your dress, secretly giving it a sniff before tugging it into his pocket.
You get so flustered because your mother and his parents were there too.
Your father would be so mad, as most Asian dads would be in this situation.
Jake's mom might spontaneously combust; “Doesn’t this boy feel embarrassed?”
and the aunties will go feral. You don’t even care though because you’re way too in love with the man in front of you. But everyone had a good laugh over it, it was cute how in love you two are.
You cut cake and toss the bouquet.
Rooster just cuts through- like the diva he is and catches it.
Maybe giving it to your sister or a cousin of yours he’s been eyeing…
And everyone just tells stories from them about how you made naval aviators fall in love with the brown women in your family. Because it’s a common thing for a lot of matches to be made at desi weddings. They’re usually so big; friends and very extended family are invited from both sides and over the 3-7 days you all spend together, it’s not uncommon for some people to exchange numbers or so.
Like it all started there for everyone.
You and Jake take total credit for all the matches that were made.
Even phoenix, she saw your distant cousin that she got along with when your wedding ceremonies started and as she gets to know her; you stumble upon them on the rooftop on a late night, wrapped up in each other’s arms, a blanket around the two of them
Bonus points if you and Jake caught them there together and you all agree to just never mention it because you two weren’t supposed to be there either.
Imagine rooster giving the bouquet to your sister.
Like that man has been following her around the entire time the wedding ceremonies. It’s like a classic trope in a Bollywood movie.
One night, you’re looking for your earring which you’re convinced you sister took. And you walk into her room and he’s just there, minding his own business, chilling on his phone and he just jumps seeing you walk in, trying to explain.
Jake doesn’t even realize that rooster is involved with your sister until he sees them dancing. He just turns to you and is like “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” And you’re just sitting there, smirking. *I know what you are dog meme*
According to Punjabi tradition, you have to wear a red set of bangles after the wedding as a sign of being a newlywed woman. 
According to tradition you need to keep it on until you have kids or like at least for a year. 
It’s not even a year after your marriage that Jake comes home to find your wrists empty of the beloved bangle set he’s so used to. Oh. Oh.
He knows what it means. The empty wrists have him staring, and he’s dying to ask whether you took it off because of discomfort or if there is bigger news behind it. 
After an hour of pondering, he gives up his patience and asks you. 
“Oh, I was waiting until later to tell you this but…” 
You drag him to the nearest seat, sitting him down as you sit opposite, burying your hands into your cardigan pocket and around the plastic stick that felt  a little too heavy now that you were face to face with him. This is what you had been trying for, it's good news. The warmth in his eyes encourages you to let it be, that this was the right time. 
You place the pregnancy test in front of him, he picks it up to inspect as his face lights up with joy that you had only seen the day you got married. In a flurry, he just picks you up and spins you around. You're screeching for him to put you down, but he refuses, burying his face into your stomach as you laugh.
When he does put you down, he makes you sit on the couch with him as he bends down to your stomach; “Hey there champ, you gonna give your ma trouble for the next few months huh?”
@glorified-red Thanks for always supporting me :) @startrekfangirl2233 @darkheartcherry @jstarr86 @alchemxx @keenmarvellover @the-romanian-is-bae @forever-sleepy-sloth @emorychase
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to my taglist:D
Tagging some friends just because :) No pressure to interact!
@roosterbruiser @callsign-fangirl @roosterforme @tongue-like-a-razor @startrekfangirl2233 @arson-tm @roostersrooster @bussyslayer333 @blue-aconite @roosterschick @roosterscock @lunamoonbby @roosters-slut
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Tu maan meri jaan; a string of headcanons
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A/n; I wanna thank @birdy-bat-writes for this amazing string of head canons, you are truly an inspiration to us all. This little thing is dedicated to all my brown girls and desi’s who long for the representation on any platform. I want you to know that just because there is no opportunity available, doesn’t mean you can’t make an opportunity for yourself. I hope you like this as much as I do <333
Jake seresin x desi!reader (feat. The dagger squad + Maverick)
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I completely melt at the thought of Jake getting married to a South Asian bride and they make the wedding half Western and half South Asian.
Like on the reception he just whispers “meri jaan” My life or something in your ear as the Pandit officiates it.
All the little kids calling him the versions names for “uncle” and you feeling so proud and holding them all close to you, he looks at you so softly, getting the kids to leave the stage as they scurry off after hugging both of you.
Jake on a horse, riding his way to your house with the Baraat.
When you first started dating, he didn’t understand the things you whispered to him in your language.
Him seeing you in the wedding lehenga for the first time and just forgetting how to speak
He makes it his mission to learn a little bit of your language without telling you. So when you speak to your family or friends and it’s mostly them teasing you two, he knows but doesn’t mention it until later.
You are not expecting to be as speechless as you are when you see him in his wedding outfit. He doesnt stop teasing the hell out of you about it the entire night.
Dirty blond hair glistening in the harsh light coming from the camera man and seeing the rest of the squad in traditional clothes is the cherry on top.
He had his hands in the air as the dhol and drums echo loudly, mimicking some of the moves your father or brother may have taught him.
And then at the reception, you decide to change into a white dress. But he doesn’t know. So when he sees you he’s breathless all over again.
He gets down on one knee as he approaches the stage where you stand, a ring in hand, maybe saying a few sentences in your language that has you crying
“Main aur kisi ke bare main kaise soch sakta hoon jab meri duniya mere samne hai?”How can I think about someone else when my whole world is in front of me?
Maybe he sings a song or two; a song from your favorite bollywood movie, something he spent months practicing and getting the emotions right so he doesnt end up crying halfway. The lyrics are dedicated to you, Ofcourse. And as he brings you onto the dance floor you notice the mic in his hand shaking. But you slowly wrap your hands around his and sing the song with him as it closes out.
It’s no secret that Jake loves to dance and his whole family really enjoys dancing at the wedding.
They drag him onto the stage and what people don’t know is that he has been practicing his moves.
If a lot of Punjabi families are there, then we know we got the booze flowing and as soon as the songs come on he is going at it.
You are laughing and giggling in your chair as you watch him do bhangra or any other type of dance that he has up his sleeve.
You’re just like “….where did you learn to dance like that?”
“When did you find the time to learn this?” “well, i am a Seresin, darlin’”
The wedding vows go like this:
“The things I do for you my love, but today, I wanna dedicate this day, not to us; but to you. Because my heart has been so full of you that I simply cannot call it mine anymore. My soul has been bewitched and my mind has been taken over by every thought of you. I am a mere reflection- a shadow of you. There was a quote in this movie we watched on our third date: om shanti om (apologies for the pronunciation); you said it was your favorite movie growing up and you cried when shah rukh khan said; "Itni shiddat se maine tumhe paane ki koshish ki hai, ki har zarre ne mujhe tumse milane ki saazish ki hai.” (I have tried so hard to get you, that the entire universe has brought you to me.) So today as our families gather around us to witness this beautiful moment, I want to say to you; mujhse shaadi karogi?” (Will you marry me)
To which you just laugh and say “we’re already married dumbass” while tugging him up to kiss him and whisper a thousand yes’.
The Mehendi and Haldi rasam has you thinking he looks absolutely adorable
The yellow pastes make his skin glow and while everyone is admiring him all the young girls and aunties eyes are on him, he is just admiring you from the corner of the room as you get the haldi all over you.
You don't notice his eyes on you through the thin curtain until your mother whispers to you: “Everybody’s watching him but he’s only been looking at you”
He loves the way your hair shines in the light.
If there is haldi left after the ceremony you and Jake just attack Mav and the squad with it.
The aunties probably have something to say about how he’s just completely all over you, but you two don’t even care. You’re already too far gone into the bliss of your wedding preparations and traditions that nothing seems to affect your mood.
He’d probably really enjoy the fact that your wedding outfits reveal the midriff if you wear a lehenga. For each function that you wear one or even a sari, he probably really likes being able to feel your skin on his when he puts his arm around your waist.
Maybe if you decide to have a destination wedding in the house you rented, he shows up late at night at your door in a beige or black kurta that your mum made him wear, a few buttons undone from the top, hair a little messy
He was up with your male family members playing antakshari.
If it’s in India, he takes you to a late night drive to eat ice cream.
You introduce him to paan and chai.
You threaten him that if he ever calls chai, chai tea, you will divorce him. He swore he would never mispronounce a single thing again.
When you get back it’s dark and late enough that no one else is awake, he quietly slips into your room as you both try to take in the last few days, barely having a moment to yourselves, as he just stays there and holds you until you drift off to sleep and when you do, he gives you a kiss on the forehead before slipping back into his room.
Then when it comes to him trying to find his name in your hands, it takes him time but he finds it hiding in the side of your pinky, because when you are nervous you hold onto each other’s pinky’s in a crowded room. It was a small thing you guys used to do before you had started dating.
If you've hidden his call sign as well, he finds it immediately but takes his name pretending like he didn’t see it just to play with your hands longer.
Yours is hidden in a kaleidoscope of stars and things he’s got on his palms and wrists, it’s in a moon shaped piece that has another thing written under it “mera chaand”
Phoenix shows up in the most stunning outfits and turns out she has dressed up every single one of the dagger boys.
It came as a surprise to you when she helped you with your jewelry, having known about many uncommon things about the certain things you were putting on.
She manages to take the boys away from you as you are getting ready for your main ceremony.
You both keep a Polaroid of the two of you getting ready, hair and makeup done, mehendi pristine, bangles on, jewelry pretty much all on and your outfits are on the hangers. Standing with arms around each other in tank tops and shorts and it’s the funniest sight. It's a memory you’ll cherish forever with your best friend.
Dude can you just imagine Javy, Rooster, Mickey and Reuben all lifting the kids at the wedding in the air and pretending like they’re flying fighter jets.The kids are just like “I love Reuben uncle!” And “Jake maamaji is my favorite”.
Phoenix teaches the girls how to fight, defend themselves and kick the boys in the balls.
They manage to experiment their kicks on the squad and even though the girls don’t hurt them enough, they pretend to topple over in faux pain until Phoenix hits Rooster in the balls and he actually does double over in pain as everyone around him just laughs it off. He tries to smile through the pain for the sake of the kids but Phoenix knows that she hurt him where it hurts. All the kids think it’s hilarious because they think it’s fake and Rooster is just trying to smile through the pain.
After the wedding ceremony everyone’s making jokes about how y’all are probably going to get it on but you’re both so tired that you just fall asleep.
Not to mention the fact that he will help you take off your jewelry.
He counts the huge amount of bobby pins in your hair, the pile is bigger than your head.
His eyes are wide by the time he is done taking out the last one.
“Do you have anything else hiding in your skull somewhere? How did your head not fall?”
“Yeah now you wonder why I’m so tired, I’m carrying twice my heads normal weight”
He’s just shocked but damn he is proud of you and probably does a hands down thing after you pile up your outfit, heels and everything and make him pick it up.
He groans at the weight of it because it is just so heavy.
“Babe, how were you walking in this? Are you goddamn bodybuilder?”
“Damn, Jake, I thought you navy officers were strong. Cant even carry a dress??” Him glaring at you playfully.
“I am Mrs. Seresin now, aren’t I? So that automatically makes me strong, like your mom.”
Him melting at that…
He will not stop referring to you as Mrs. Seresin for ages.
You both lay down and just take in the past few days.
He says “goodnight Mrs seresin”. You both just let yourselves fall asleep in like oversized shirts and underwear because you’re too tired to find anything else. Wedding clothes left on the floor.
Maybe you end up getting shared last names, and you correct him that “it's Seresin-L/n”
The next day you choose to have that little western wedding party reception.
And he didn’t know what you were going to wear so when he sees you in a white wedding dress he loses his mind.
Maybe it's Vivienne Westwood (rest in peace queen), bonus points if it’s his moms dress.
Mrs Sersin loves you, and seeing you make her son so happy, just fulfills her life mission.
You look angelic in it
and then midway you might change into a more traditional one
You remember when he had teased you about how when he gets married he’d take the Garter off with his teeth like some people do and I feel like even if he didn’t, he’d tickle up your leg a little as he took it off with his hands.
He lets his hands roam around a little longer than needed, definitely announcing that he can’t feel it until he disappears under your dress. He has is in his mouth as he reappears from under your dress, secretly giving it a sniff before tugging it into his pocket.
You get so flustered because your mother and his parents were there too.
Your father would be so mad, as most asian dads would be in this situation.
Jake's mom might spontaneously combust; “Doesn’t this boy feel embarrassed?”
and the aunties will go feral. You don’t even care though because you’re way too in love with the man in front of you.
You cut cake and toss the bouquet
Rooster just cuts through- like the diva he is and catches it.
Maybe giving it to your sister that he’s been eyeing…
And everyone just tells stories from them about how you made naval aviators fall in love with the brown women in your family.
Like it all started there for everyone.
You and Jake take total credit for all the matches that were made.
Even phoenix, she saw your distant cousin that she got along with when your wedding ceremonies started and as she gets to know her; you stumble upon them on the rooftop on a late night, wrapped up in each others arms, a blanket around the two of them
Bonus points if you and Jake caught them there together and you all agree to just never mention it because you two weren’t supposed to be there either.
You didn’t even know the girl swinged that way but seeing Phoenix follow her around like a puppy dog has you feeling good about your best friend.
The food, omg, okay. So in your 5 year long relationship, you have never seen him enjoy pani puri as much as you do at your own wedding. He happily ate them whenever you went out to eat at an indian restaurant or made him eat Lamb Karahi (for my pakistani girls out there), he ate it with a smile on his face, yet all he can feel is his mouth gong numb at the spices.
But now, he is just gobbling them down. The shocking part? He’s eating them with the spicy water
You’re shocked because he can handle more spice than you, somehow.
He manages to not throw up later that night, because he usually used to get an upset stomach during your last trip to South Asia.
When you mention it he’s like “baby you know I like it spicy”
Every daal or butter chicken or biryani that is brought to the table doesn't last for more than 5 minutes on the table, mostly eaten by him.
When you taste the things yourself, the spice is there but he hasn’t picked up his glass of water to take a single sip.
When you look at him, He just shrugs and says “I’m hungry” while you’re already reaching for water now and again
Rooster and Javy are borderline crying, and you keep giving them dahi.
The moans Jake is letting out just be eating the daal and roti has you choking on your food.
Even Phoenix can handle her spice but Jake is surpassing that level and your mom is impressed to say the least.
Rooster’s in awe, watching hangman eat straight spicy biryani
Oh Rooster,
Imagine Rooster giving the bouquet to your sister though, like that man has been following her around the entire the wedding ceremonies, it makes you think of the classic tropes in Bollywood movies.
Then one night, you’re looking for your earring which you’re convinced you sister took, you walk into her room and he’s just there, minding his own business, chilling on his phone and he just jumps seeing you walk in trying to explain that they haven't done anything besides hang out while leaving room for jesus. Its the funniest sight as your sister suppresses her giggles.
He is doing this one performance with her, where she throws the flower at his ass as part of the act.
Even Jake doesn’t realize that Rooster is involved with your sister until he sees her slingshot the flower and wink at Rooster, which has him blushing- hard.
You’re grinning from ear to ear because you know and Jake just turns to you and is like “are you seeing what I’m seeing?” And you’re just sitting there, smirking.
Jake is a softie and if you’re Punjabi, you have to wear a red set of bangles after the wedding as a sign of being a newlywed woman.
According to tradition you need to keep it on until you have kids or like at least for a year.
It’s not even a year after your marriage that jake comes home to find your wrists empty of the beloved bangle set he’s so used to. Oh.
He knows what it means, your mother had filled him in on this Rasam as well when he was told he wasn't allowed to see you until the day of your wedding.
The empty wrists has him staring, and he’s dying to ask whether you took it off because of discomfort or that there is bigger news behind it.
After an hour of pondering he gives up his patience and asks you.
“Jaan? Where’s the Chura?” “Oh, I was waiting until later to tell you this but…”
You drag him to the nearest seat, sitting him down as you sit opposite, burying your hands into your cardigan pocket and around the plastic stick that felt a little too heavy now that you were face to face with him.
This is what you had been trying for, it's good news. The warmth in his eyes encourages you to let it be, that this was the right time.
you place the pregnancy test in front of him, he picks it up to inspect as his face lights up with joy that you had only seen the day you got married. In a flurry, he just picks you up and spins you around. You're screeching for him to put you down but he refuses, burying his face into your stomach as you laugh.
When he does put you down, he makes you sit on the couch with him as he bends down to your stomach; “Hey there champ, you gonna give your ma trouble for the next few months huh? ”
Your pregnancy was hectic to say the least. A few weeks after you announced it, Jake was deployed, thankfully he got home just in time to help you through the last five months of it.
Your cravings consisted of kheer and achar mixtures and a bunch of other weird foods that you forced him to make.
As tradition asks, he took you to your parents’ house as you approached the end of your pregnancy. You ate every single dish your mum presented you with.
The delivery was tough as most are, he was there to support you through it.
You're pretty sure you cussed him out in your mother tongue multiple times.
Just like that your beautiful daughter was born.
She is absolutely beautiful and all Jake wants to do is protect the two of you from the world, his two best girls.
A few months into parenting has the two of you exhausted to say the least. Your parents come over all the time, you siblings try and teach the infant words that you’re pretty sure she cannot pronounce at this age.
But before she turns a year old, you mimic the sounds of your mother to try and teach her to say “Maa”
To which Jake tries to teach her to say “papa/baba”, that has your heart melting when you stumble upon the two of them eating and him repeating “baba” to her.
@jaaneymann @love-strawberry @shurisneakers @we-out-here-simping @brekkers-desigirl @happypopcornprincess @tongue-like-a-razor @bussyslayer333 @blue-aconite @littlebadariell @ravenhood2792 @dempy @crthurston @fandomunite2107 @fandom-life-12 @elicheel @arson-tm @startrekfangirl2233 @roosterbruiser @roostersrooster @whoreforseresin @desert-fern
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nekhnona · 8 months
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(Please for the love of god READ THE PINNED POST ON MY PROFILE)
Hey overwatchers it's me again. You'll never escape
heres a drawing of necrofriggian mei ::] or as i like to call her... Frostburn Mei (since necrofriggians can control either ice or fire (or both) depending on the type of necrofriggian they are (normal like big chill. Or evolved. Like ultimate big chill.). If u wanna draw her the tags right there ^_^ make aure to use it so i can see it teehee
About her... she can cloak although its just a hood on her head, she prefers being clothed since she feels more comfy this way, although like typical necrofriggians she also just has a cool cloak on without them Funky Clothing Items, but only when indoors. she can also freely manipulate her body temp (much like any other necrofriggian in my headcanon) but prefers to stay cold ::] so silay
Im gona conk out now. Good nite nekhnona fanbase
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