#{Amara Headcanon
krislgfox · 28 days
Just some lil doodles I made in magma with my pookie
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(Guess my fav pressure character)
Some lil attempt at drawing Sebastian(with my lil headcanons, and I also a bit forgot how his clothes looks like)+ lil interaction(?) with Amara
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(Amara and Seb have sibling like relationships just in case)
And some lil drawing with Wall Dweller(I don't remember how they looks like and how to write their name right + ft my roblox avatar) + some Squids(me and my pookie calls them like that)
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Nevermoor Fun Fact #18:
Lambeth Amara is the shortest member of Unit 919.
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boxdstars · 20 days
Of the Crossed Wands quartet:
Lucan is the brains, despite being just a kiddo he understands the technical ins and outs and lives for dueling in the same way people cheer for Quidditch — it’s thrilling and fun.
Natsai is a wild card, perhaps doesn’t have the flashiest overall skill but her wandless feats mean she can outmaneuver her opponents in tight situations. She’s never left totally open because of this, she doesn’t need her wand to kick ass.
Sebastian is considered the best duelist for a reason, ever on the offensive always taking every opening he can. But he’s more than brute force, he studies for a reason — always strategizing — always thinking. One should be cautious if they are ever forced wand to wand with the young prodigy.
Amara will do anything to win. Anything. Sportsman be damned. Designed as an NPC to challenge the player for a reason, a secret post game boss you can’t protego spam and unforgivable your way out of.
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beauzos · 5 months
i understand why people say, like, that Amara can always channel Dhurke as needed for Rayfa or Nahyuta or Apollo or whatever, but i'm also like... would they not prefer for him to rest. cause like, it seems clear to me based on the way it's talked about in 6-3 that there is a sense of guilt in summoning the dead from their eternal rest to deal with MORE bullshit in the land of the living.
i don't think Dhurke would mind, confusing as it is for him, but i think Nahyuta would. idk. it's not like he doesn't want to see his dad. there's so much they haven't talked about, so much that Nahyuta wished he could have told his dad, wished Dhurke would have had the time to forgive him maybe, etc etc. but after 6-5, after Amara gets out of the hospital and they're off to the races trying to overhaul this country, i just think Nahyuta in particular would get this feeling that the ship has sailed. he can't keep clinging to the past, though it'll be a long time before he ever forgave himself for not talking sincerely with Dhurke one last time before it was over.
he had his shot to reconcile, he missed it, and that's something to reckon with. i think it just isn't something he feels is worth continually dragging Dhurke back to the living world over, though one could also chalk it up to a discomfort and unease with finally facing everything and talking it out. there's no telling that Amara wouldn't force the subject and channel Dhurke anyway, but, y'know.
Im not saying these kids don’t deserve closure, but I sort of think the lack of closure is the point to me? That they had to find closure through the trial and through their own actions, I guess? They could channel Dhurke one more time but I just don’t think that’d be the end of it if they did. Let the man rest. it's the least they owe him, even if it's hard to accept. otherwise, you're just picking at the scab forever.
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revnah1406 · 6 months
🌕Amara X Sparrow☀️Wedding headcanons💍
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Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton
Amara Thompson
(the green brush means how it actually went 🥰)
I know there's still a long journey in their love story but I talked about this with a few mutuals on the discord server and I can't stop thinking about it hahahaha! My babies getting married 😭😭
So here are a few cute Headcanons about her Wedding!🥰🧡✨
They started to talk about getting married a Year later after Amara moved to Zermatt (Switzerland) with Sparrow. They also mentioned it on their first anniversary. First it was casual, talking about the advantages of getting married and fantasizing about how amazing it could be.
After a couple months Sparrow started to think about it more seriously. Talked with her siblings and her mother looking for advice. Of course their family was more than supportive and excited.
She wanted to keep things small, simple, but make it personal. She knew Amara liked small jewellery, nothing too showy. Sparrow wanted to make the ring all by herself, to give more personal value, so she asked for advice from her closest friends, Aly (@alypink ) helped with the design, Damien (@kaitaiga ) helped to forge and weld it, Anna (@applbottmjeens ) helped with the proposal, how to prepare the perfect moment.
Sparrow would lie if she said she wasn't nervous. She decided to propose during a hike. She woke Amara really early and prepared breakfast... Being more romantic than usual. Amara complained about going for a hike and offered staying at home, she wasn't the most enthusiastic person about hiking. So the possibility of cancelling the plan made Hannah really nervous but she managed to convince Amara, promising she will massage her feet and back for hours once they return home.
When they got to the top of the mountain, with the beautiful swiss mountain landscape, Sparrow knelt in front of Amara and showed a beautiful handmade ring made with pyrite (gold was more expensive and harder to work on).
"Amara, my love. Hey look at me. I know I know sweetheart." Sparrow got even more nervous when Amara started crying, she had to hold her hand to steady her. "You already know this. And you know I'm awful with words. This is just a little reminder that you are everything to me. With you I forget all the bad things. You showed me how it feels to be truly loved, and showed me how to truly love you. I just... wanted to climb one more step with you, together..."
Amara's knees were clearly shaking. "I can't fucking believe you made me do this in sweatpants and fucking hiking boots Han..." She shook her head, trying to assimilate what was happening.
Sparrow chucked. "So is that a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes you dumb idiot!!" Amara wasn't angry, far beyond that, she was too happy, too anxious, too excited she didn't know how to process all those emotions. Sparrow got up and put the ring on Amara's finger, now her fiancée.
The Wedding was six months later, during spring. Amara planned everything with her mother in Law's and Aly's help. She knew Sparrow wasn't very good at planning big events, and Hannah would always like what Amara proposed.
In the end the Wedding was on the mountains, that was Sparrow's only wish. A small one, with friends and family. It wasn't very traditional, they got married civilly two days before the wedding, so Hubber (Sparrow's captain in the Swiss Armed Forces) could make oficial the union of both women in the ceremony.
Hannah's father took Amara to the altar. The stoic man cried and had no fear of showing it. He kissed Amara's forehead before handing her to his daughter. "Your parents would be so proud of you"
Tora (Sparrow's dog) proudly brought the rings to the altar. And after an emotional speech from Hubber Sparrow could kiss Amara and name Amara her wife.
The ceremony was amazing. The after party was even better.
The Wedding night was so sweet, full of kisses, necking and love.
When it was time to organise the honeymoon, Amara had to fight with Sparrow. Hannah wanted to go to Nepal, to show Amara the big 8000s. But Amara refused to climb one single rock during her honeymoon. NUH UH. So she offered to go to Japan, and visit Kyoto, Amara's mother's native city.
They spend a few lovely days there and Sparrow learnt more about Amara's family.
A couple months after the honeymoon Hannah decided to retire from the military.
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mogtober day 5! I am so bad at choosing favorites I love all of unit 919. I wanted to draw Lam though so here she is! i'm a lam glasses believer she most definitely has glasses.
under the cut (for eyestrain) is a version with my interpretation of her radar abilities, how all the prophecies and stuff would look.
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i also forgot to sign this version
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gaymars97 · 1 month
So i’ll just go ahead and drop a few borderlands body temperature headcanons so if youre interested they’re right under the cut ⬇️
- Some siren powers influence the body heat of its user. Trance users tend to have a body temperature way above average, though they still aren’t hotter than Walk users, who are walking furnaces. Lock users and Leech users, on the other hand, both have very low body temperatures.
- This is pushes even further for born sirens (I could go on for whole paragraphs about my headcanon that folks who were born sirens should be special but that’ll be for another post) and sirens who enhance their abilities with eridium frequently. Therefore, Lilith is scorching hot while Maya is freezing cold, and don’t even get me started on the Calypsos. (hyperboles)
- Shift doesn’t have much of an effect on it’s user’s body temperature, however, due to the years of constant exposure to eridium, Angel also has very cold body temperature.
- I don’t really know much about Steele, but seeing her whole « cold » motif, one could assume what my opinion is on that.
- Krieg is the ignition point on the triangle of ignition (hyperbole). Very high body temperature due to the experiments and the constant setting himself on fire thing. (Hot x cold Psyren real)
- Folks from Pandora tend to have body temperature above human average. Also, Salvador has high body temp, even in Pandoran standards.
- Gaige’s is above average (Hot x cold Gaigel also real)
- Axton’s is also hotter than average, although it’s closer to average than Gaige.
- If there is something human/alien under that suit, Zer0’s body temp is significantly below average.
Sorry that’s all from me. I just. Really love the vh2s. And sirens.
Feel free to reblog with your own hcs, i’d love to see em! /nf
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incorrectnevermoor · 11 months
hihi it’s been awhile (a few days but like that’s close enough)
anah and morrigan know how to sew, morrigan not very well but anah shares a few pointer, anah knows how to sew because of the nuns
also for some reason i used to imagine lam as pale, silvery blonde, grey eyes????? i just?? ignored the description??
Anah’s stitches are clean, precise, almost medical in nature, no matter what material she’s sewing.
She finds it almost therapeutic, in a way, the repetitive motions and attention to detail. If she focuses enough, you can’t really see the stitches. She hides them within the patterns on the fabric, threading and unthreading seams to near-perfection.
Mog likes sewing. She really does, but she’s mostly self taught, having to stitch her own ripped clothes more often than not, lest she be berated for doing anything other than sit perfectly still. She evolved from clumsy stitching, meant more to hold things together than look pretty, to sturdy, if a little uneven, mending.
Anah and Mog probably bond over that, at least a little. Morrigan probably started giving embroidering a shot, just to have something to do, maybe to understand the Art Of Weaving better, to have something physical to liken it to. Anah would help, hesitant at first, still not entirely convinced that Morrigan is part of her team, the little family that Unit 919 is supposed to be. But they’d learn from each other, share little jokes, soft spoken conversations as they sew and embroider, side by side.
Perhaps they weave a friendship.
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winwin17 · 1 year
Some random quirks that I came up with for the different members of Unit 919:
1. Wearing mismatched socks on purpose - Hawthorne
2. Always takes cold showers - Thaddea
3. Has a phobia of cotton balls - Francis
4. Has a pet rock - Morrigan
5. Lactose intolerant - Lam
6. Loves hugs - Arch
7. Excellent at Scrabble - Cadence
8. Afraid of stickers - Anah
9. Sniffs Sharpies bc they like the smell - Mahir
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givemogahug · 11 months
mogtober day 20- family
Once a year wunsoc has like a parents/guardians evening and Jupiter takes a day off work so morrigan can show him around because her family thinks she's dead.
And morrigan brings lam along with her because her family is in the Republic too.
Morrigan sneaks them down to sub 9 and Jupiter shows them little secrets in proudfoot house that he discovered as a scholar.
And it's just so f l u f f y lol
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acorn4848 · 1 year
Liv Amara fanart♡
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boxdstars · 7 months
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This post rewired my brain this morning it’s all I can think about. It translates to Amara so well.
One of my favorite hc’s for her, is that as Chief Auror (and later Auror Commisioner) she really has no respect for most people, titles or not. She shows up to a fancy MACUSA or M.O.M conference and doesn’t let them kiss her hand as you would usually do for a lady, she keeps them in her pockets. If you’re lucky she might shake it. She addresses these men informally - first name exclusively. She is top dog (pun intended), even if she’s in the room with the Minister himself.
I love that she is unpalatable, I love abrasive women who are unabashedly themselves. I how how much of a destructive force she is, flawed and imperfect and often callous.
And you know, she’s a lesbian. Because obviously. The only gaze she caters to is the female one. I made a character I want to see more of, and in this fandom specifically.
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beauzos · 6 months
Amara is a really interesting character to me. she acts so fucking strange that i honestly thought there was a high chance that she was the ultimate bad guy in Turnabout Revolution lol. i don't know what they were going for with her honestly. i wanna explore her more in my writing eventually. because i can't give any of these characters a happy ending i can't help but feel like Amara and Nahyuta would butt heads, like, a lot. not that they don't love each other, because they really do, but i feel like they really would not understand each other.
Nahyuta grew up in a totally different world than Amara. his lived experiences are wildly different from hers. they'd probably argue about Dhurke, what he'd want, who "knows" him more, they'd argue about what the best thing to do for Khura'in is (which i feel Nahyuta wouldn't mind-- he shouldn't be able to do whatever he wants as regent, so he appreciates a dissenting opinion), they'd argue about Rayfa, about him and what he's doing with his life, so on. i feel like Amara would have very particular ideas of what she wants, thinks, and expects of Nahyuta, and Nahyuta is very much so... not what she expects, i think. like, she knew him probably a little as Nayna, but i don't think she ever really knew him.
and Nahyuta canonically doesn't talk about his feelings or what he's thinking and is very private, so he's not easy to know because i imagine he's still mentally on guard with basically everyone in his life because it's what he's used to. and he's not the beau ideal of a prince or leader. he's just a guy who grew up dirt poor in an isolated world suddenly thrust into great political power at the center of his nation. Amara probably has lofty expectations for her kids, and she's probably spent a long time daydreaming of what it'd be like if they could all be together again, and finding it not exactly as she expected, probably becomes rather upset.
i also think that Nahyuta gets along extremely well with Rayfa after they get used to each other, and i think that would mess with Amara too. that Rayfa connects so easily to Yuta, but she can't seem to connect with either of hers, even though she raised Rayfa the whole time! it's a lot of frustration and missed connections that no one is certain of how to fix. Amara means well, but i just get the vibe she's naturally overbearing and she'll keep running into walls with Yuta (and Rayfa, though they get along a lot better than her and Yuta) because of that.
and i can also see how it might feel so gutting that she and Nahyuta are so different and so constantly at odds when he resembles her so much. i'm sure people have always compared them and in the brief times when she was able to be in his life as a kid, i think she had high expectations of having a daughter child that is like an extension of herself-- and she hasn't yet let go of the idea of that. but Nahyuta is nothing if not his own person post-SOJ, so it'd be a struggle. on the opposite side, Nahyuta has always struggled with feeling like he's in Amara's shadow-- he looks nothing like his father, acts nothing like his father, and must constantly be compared to her because of his looks, this woman he never got to know, this woman who has almost never truly been in his life. he doesn't want to be compared to her.
what a mess.
i wanted to explore that frayed relationship a bit in Rebel Killer, but there was no real time, so i just kinda hinted at things being kinda awkward with them. but you know i'm kind of enamored with how awkward, unpleasant, and strange it'd be between them despite their best efforts bcs of the fic i was planning about Nahyuta and Amara when Yuty was a kid. i'll get back to that eventually, but i do wanna show what their dynamic is like post-SOJ eventually too, because i imagine it's very weird and hard for them to make sense of. they're trying, but they just can't understand each other quite yet.
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wrenwinchester · 9 months
Oh look at that, I am alive. Anyway…
So I had to pause my rewatch of supernatural near the end of season 10 because I couldn’t bring myself to watch Charlie die, so until this week I hadn’t watched since like late October. Which was fair cuz I had school and whatnot. Anyway, I’m watching again cuz I’m sick and I don’t know what else to do with my time. Anyway. Here’s my new head canon.
Ever since I watched Swan song the first time I just “knew” Chuck was God. Confirmed in season 10 episode 5 when he showed up at the end, but. My brain has made a new connection. And I think we’re wrong. I think Chuck is wrong. And I’m going to explain why.
1) I think Chuck thinks he’s God, but biblically speaking, God doesn’t have an opposite. Amara’s existence proves this point.
2) Genesis 1:3 “God said “Let there be light,” and there was light.” Chuck is the light to Amara’s darkness, one can’t exist without the other.
3) in episode 9 of season 11, when Dean was talking to Amara about her history with her brother and he mentions daddy issues something along the lines of “whoever Daddy loved more…” and her response is “there was no father” or something like that. And like. Supernatural is definitely the kind of show to follow the “God is a woman” which I have no problem with. So no Dad, they’ve got a mom.
4) so, God built the world, and she left, but Chuck took over and he created people. (Evidenced by the original Adam hating him). I’d even buy that he created the angels. We know how they worship him. And call him Dad, but I still don’t think he’s God God. You know?
5) and probably the most damning of evidence is that Chuck and Amara came into being at the same time. And again Biblically speaking, God was alone at first.
6) Death is older than “God” referencing the guy who created humans and angels. But he can’t be older than God right? I mean. Come on. If there’s nothing to die, Death can’t exist. And we know Chuck and Amara can die. (See season 15). So… anyway.
TLDR: Chuck isn’t God, God. Because the light and darkness were created and Chuck is the Light to Amara’s Darkness.
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kitsumidori · 1 year
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This took so long! And the reason was that I keep getting creative burn-out.
I've been wanting to do a headcanon post for the main siren character's (excluding the Calypso's) and this took way longer than I thought it would.
Key note
Along with the tattoos, another noticeable trait is the elf-like ears, each in different shapes and lengths.
Like in cannon, only 6 women can become sirens. There were instances of fake sirens which were women using make up to make tattoos and fake elf ears.
Sirens have a slightly longer life span than most humans, likely due to their demi-god status.
For now, I don't have a lot of headcanons for Sirens specifically. If I have more ideas, I'll update this.
She gained a slight mutation due to both the Eridium usages and the forced ejections by Jack.
Freckles because she looks cute with them.
(Also I remember her vaultlander figure description called her the most powerful ginger in the world)
Hates Scythids. When she and her team first encountered them, she immediately jumped on Bricks shoulder and refused to get off until those "cockroaches from hell" were gone.
Was caught one night having a secret tea party with Butt Stallion (In her defense, she wanted a pony since she was 7).
Immediately adopted Angel once the whole Jack is dead thing settles down.
She's terrified of heights (somewhat cannon from her Runner dialog) mainly uses her wings for combat.
Before she came to Pandora, her hair was so long, that it was starting to trail behind her.
She cut it to her main style shortly after arriving at Pandora.
Did at one point consider going back to Athenas, but after Ava's situation with those monks, she ultimately decided to stay.
Has the biggest ears out of all the other sirens, but doesn't like to show them.
Axton did call her Dumbo once, she suplexed him and no one dared to call her that again.
Has a surprisingly strong sense of smell (somewhat cannon in the Wam Bam dlc where she was able to sense Hammerlocks moustache)
Loves mangos, like REALLY loves mangos. Give her a basket full of them and she'll die for you (medaforicly)
Angel (TW: mentions of abuse)
The scar on her left eye was from Jack trying to install an Echo Eye on her. Her body rejected it and Jack didn't even bother to remove it.
When Lilith found out, her silent fury was loud enough to scare a flock of Raks.
Struggled with eating without throwing up during her recovery, took her awhile to eat solids.
Pre-rescued: Jack would constantly put make-up on her not only to cover the bruises he gave her, but to also cover her freckles, a trait she gained from her mother.
Similar to Lilith, she gained a mutation from the Eridium usages, but her's is more noticeable due to years of constant Eridium ejections.
A lot of her clothes were hand-me downs from Lilith
Her Phasesight powers were originally Steele's. However since Steele never chosen a successor, her powers were given to Tannis.
Used her illusion ability to hide both her tattoos and her ears.
Acts as Angels crazy aunt, to which everyone is surprised that those two got along very well.
Is BBF (Best Buff Friends) with Krieg, Brick, and Mr. Torgue. The four did an arm wrestling contest that ended in a draw between Amara and Krieg.
Loves gummy candy, especially ones with fruit juice in the center. Moze would usually have a tin with her whenever she's with Amara.
(Speaking of which, don't leave a fruit drop tin alone with her, she'll devour them all in one sitting)
Ok I really doubt that Amara can even summon wings, but let me pretend because Amara with multiple wings sounds cool!
Her parents died not because she accidentally leached them, but because the monks of Athenas wanted to take her with a bullshit excuse that there's a great evil coming.
They didn't believe the monks, which caused them to take her by force.
It ended with the monks killing her parents, and Ava leaching the monks.
Has a pretty big appetite, likely due to her siren powers.
(But more like she'll sneak into the kitchen at 2am to steal food kind of appetite than draining people's souls)
Total cringe fail. But to be fair, she's 14, and 14 year olds are allowed to be a little cringey, as long as it's harmless.
Her siren wings are based on the wings Troy uses in his boss fight.
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galaxofmuses · 4 months
🚢 For Sonic and Amara :3
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𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑷𝑷𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻 // Accepting!
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do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between ( what specifically? )
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: I think so far the potential is there, but hopefully that inbox message went through cuz that would be the starting point to develop the ship more. If it did not just let me know and we can figure it out! <3
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