#Sonsal Celebration Year 2
ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonally Headcanon Prompt Masterpost.
Before the Sonsal Celebration Week, Year 2 hosted by @gojira007 for their @boundforfreedomsonsal blog, I began posting a series of Sonsal/Sonally headcanon prompts to help get folks stoked as well as just have some fun. Here is a master post showcasing all three series of prompts with my answers being under the cut. Since this is tied to the blog, I’ve nixed the NSFW prompts in the first set and will make a second post for those by themselves without tagging in the blog.
I can’t wait to see what others respond, while some of y’all did, it seemed like my third series of prompts flew under the radar as nobody replied to them. Oh well, I probably didn’t tag them right XD. In any case, enjoy the goodness! My answers will be below the cut.
1: Pet Names? 2: Habits as a couple they develop together? 3: Favorite ways their significant other shows their affection for them? 4: Their least favorite trait about the other that often causes occasional friction? 5: The moment they fully realized they were in love with the other?
6: How the marriage proposal goes and who asks first? 7: Kids, if yes how many? 8: What would a normal non-eventful evening at home for the two be like? 9: Adoption! Yes/No, Why? 10: Their Anniversary approaches! What would each do?
11: Favorite Vacation they took as a couple? 12: A special gift they gave the other that really touched their heart. 13: Sally’s pregnant, how do they handle the pregnancy ups and downs? 14: Parenting, how do they tackle it together? 15: Which of them is the parent to freak out most when their kid/s get into the dating age? 16: Who starfishes the most? 17: Oh no, one of them is sick, how do they handle tending to their loved one? 18: What do each of them do to ‘cool off’ when they have an argument they can’t seem to reach a compromise over? 19: The Wedding, big, small, or do they just elope? 20: Speaking of weddings, time for one of their kids (or their only child) to get married! How do they handle it?
21: GRANDCHILDREN!! Their kid(s) just made them Grandparents, what kind do you see them as? 22: The years come and go, as they leave their youth and start to get into the years between 50-70, what are they up too, where do you see them in their retirement years? 23: Time to host a family reunion (including extended family like the FF crew) 24: Awwww they’re having their 50th wedding anniversary, how do you see it going? 25: As with every life, there is death. One of them has passed, how does the other handle it? (for context this is under the assumption old age or something related did them in versus a sudden death by accident)
1: Aside from the ‘Sal’ nickname Sonic has always given our favorite Princess; I personally see a few unique nicknames between the two crop up over time as their romance blossoms. Sonic being the quip-meister he is mixes affection with a bit of humor giving us ‘Honey-Munk’ or ‘Fiery Red’. Sally naturally isn’t one to not give her own spin in kind with titles such as ‘Greeny Eyes’ or ‘Hunky-Hog’. Both aiming for endearing but also teasing the other with cheese when not using more ‘traditional’ romantic pet names like honey or darling. Keep them both on their toes.
 2: When sitting together and they have a free hand, they instantly go for a hand-hold on reflex. Another one I see them developing is little touches or pets of affection; another ingrained reflex after a time. Say Sonic is about to walk away, he gives Sally’s hair a little playful pet and flick. Another instance is either of them giving the other a quick peck be it greeting, leaving or they have a mutual eureka moment.
 3: Sally finds that as much as Sonic’s spontaneous behavior can be exasperating, it can also be endearing when applied in certain ways. Like a back or shoulder rub here and there, when she’s stressed. Pick-me ups when she’s down in the dumps and as corny or awful some of his ballads are, the effort is endearing for Sally. On Sonic’s end, he enjoys Sally just going on runs with him. No mission, no need for any ceremony, he just pops over, asks if she wants to hang, she agrees and they run off and just, enjoy the day. Probably make out somewhere in private too XD.     
4: Stubbornness is something both suffer from and their own unique flavors of it can be the force that drives them up a wall. Be it Sonic’s impulsive behavior, or Sally being too cautious, if they don’t see eye to eye, sometimes it takes a while before they reach a compromise. Sometimes it comes fast, others, not so much and when it doesn’t both need space to cool off.
5: This varies from continuity to continuity, but ultimately I feel the mutual feelings of love blossomed naturally and so organically neither truly grasped it until something just happened to push their feelings from the back of their mind, and into the foreground. Whatever this catalyst was it shakes them up into realizing their lives could easily snuff out one day and the regret of not saying the deep-down feelings they have to one another, causes one or both into a confession and it spills from there into ‘daaw’ territory.  
6: I myself see Sonic being the one to ask. Not so much out of a traditional romantic gesture; but it’s his nature to grab life by the horns and juice and jam onward. Once he sets his mind to it; he goes for it. Whether he actually plans a nice romantic moment or something more subtle is up in the air. Whatever and however it goes, Sonic is the first to ask. 
 7: Assuming they want kids (and I believe they do), I honestly see them being happy having however many they wish. In terms of planned children, they’d aim for one and go from there. Given they would only think to have children would be after the war, depending on how busy they are with any rebuilding efforts or in Sally’s case, running a Kingdom, would probably factor into their mindset of however many kids. I could see Sonic envisioning a big family, but happy to settle for one, to two or three once the ‘new baby shine’ wears off. Sally would want to be sure she could actually spend time and help raise the children so I see her being practical about the number of potential kids from the get-go.
 8: I honestly envision the two just, vegging to some degree. They could lie on the couch together and cuddle all night and call it a win, or the bed if they wanted to fall to sleep afterward. Whatever the status of the world, and their part in it; they just enjoy being home together and doing something together, mostly to relax. Cuddles, reading books together, bathing, cooking, sex, exercising, playing with their kids if they have any. So long as they (and any family they may have) can spend it together; that’s all that matters.
 9: Yes, even if they do have kids of their own, I can see them adopting, either before or after marriage even. Heck especially in story settings where Tails’ parents are not around; he’s instantly adopted as the first kid.
 10: Both of them are actually very good at remembering Anniversaries, and both have equally cut it close due to forgetfulness or busy schedules but they never outright forgot and had nothing to show for it. Sonic likes to make Sally breakfast in bed, given she’s often the busiest of the two and could use some TLC. Sally in turn usually wants to handle lunch and for dinner, they pick a mutual haunt and eat out. They often do a small gift exchange, be it something homemade or an item that caught their eye that screamed ‘this belongs to my beloved’. If and when kids come into the picture, usually they’re drafted into helping with surprises by one or both parents.
 11: Having lived in the Great Forest for most of their lives; the two have always had an affinity for nature. While some would love a ritzy stay at the swankiest hotel at Casino Night (they did that once and did enjoy themselves), in terms of vacation they truly enjoyed? Their world-tour camping Honeymoon; short and sweet they traveled around finding locals to enjoy Mobius’s natural beauty and spend a few days or a week in said locations. Just them the wilderness and, well all the stuff Honeymooners do ^_~.
 12: Sonic found Sally’s picture album during a raid on Robotropolis early in his active FF career. He stumbled across a warehouse where Robotnik kept mementos taken from the Royal Family as ‘gloat trophies’ and so Sonic liberated what he could carry. For the first time since the coup, Sally had pictures of her Father again as well as memories from their childhood she thought lost forever. She never forgot this. In return, Sally on a whim had Nicole stealth hack the Robotropolis network for misc files and found Uncle Chuck’s entries from when he was Minister of Science. The gem of this was, among his work files, was his special chili-dog techniques and recipes saved on file. While the actual science files went to Freedom Fighter use, the personal entries were given to Sonic who could once again recreate the magic his Uncle used to treat him too. Suffice to say in both cases, kisses were had even if in my mind this all happened before they got together.
 13: Pregnant Sally is both downright amusing, terrifying, and full of aw and d’aw. To Sonic, it’s a balancing act as he is trying so, very hard to do right by Sally. She needs rubs, he does it however long she needs. Cravings, he cooks them or rushes out to get it if she’s craving a particular take-out item. He hugs her when she has crying fits; tries to keep a cool head when she’s upset for no reason. Mainly, Sonic just tries, and yes he will put his foot in his mouth from time to time; but this is one of those events in his life where he focused on the nth degree. Sometimes to Sally’s annoyance and speaking of whom; it’s well a roller-coaster for her. Her body is changing and her hormones wreak havoc on some days. While never as vain as Sonic can be, Sally feels her self-esteem for her appearance dwindle at times, and she especially hates her mood swings. Most notably the ones where she snaps at Sonic, which often takes her back into the same kind of depression she felt when Sonic was assumed to have died and usually ends up crying and apologizing to him profusely. Thankfully Sonic’s presence and support help her weather everything and the end result to her makes the pitfalls ‘worth it’.
 14: Sonic is the ‘fun stay at home Dad’ while Sally’s doing her Queenly duties. That said, Sonic isn’t a slacker at keeping their child(ren) in line. He’s permissible to degrees, but even he’s matured enough to know there’s a fine to tow between being ‘friends’ with your kid and ‘being a parent’. Sometimes he can get over his head, but usually, he can either remedy the issue or he thankfully has Sally to back him up. On Sally’s end, taking cues from her Julayla and Rosie’s book on childcare, she tends to miss lessons with free-form playtime. Letting her children grow and figure things out, while always being within reach to help, and impart advice willingly whether she’s asked too or not. While often tired, Sally adores playtime with her child(red), and however many they have, she never wants to miss out on anything if she can help it. This is a factor both she and Sonic share as they desperately want any child or children they have to know they’re loved and have the security of their parents and loved ones around at all times. While each has their own path in parenting, they both prefer to work together than at odds as neither like arguing in front of the kids (even if it does happen from time to time but they try to avoid it).
 15: Both to a degree, each has their own hang-ups of concern whether the child is male, female or they have kids of both genders. Given some of their own romantic miseries during their teen years; they worry about any child of theirs going through anything of the same or really any heartache even if it may be inevitable. However they both don’t want to be overbearing; BUT, both insist on meeting the girlfriend/boyfriend post-haste once they know that’s on the table.
Also yes, they are the types who will discreetly threaten the significant other with bodily harm (even if it’s in pure jest) if they cause their child any grief.
 16: They share this one, sometimes one, the other, or both the same night. Depends on who’s the most exhausted. XD
 17: Sonic HATES being sick and waited on; so he tries very hard to play it off and handle himself. Sally will have none of that and threatens often to tie him to the bed if he resists too much. After a spell, Sonic begins to accept and even enjoy some of the pamperings. Sally accepts when she’s ill she needs to rest, but she still tries to get work done. Sonic has often caught her with Nicole’s hand-held or some kind of paperwork in bed to his displeasure. Sonic is instantly into caregiving when she’s sick and at times can be overbearing in pampering Sally. Something she has a love/hate thing about.
 If they’re BOTH sick, they compromise and lie together in bed, finding cuddling the other to be it’s own soothing balm to whatever is afflicting them.
 18: Sonic falls back to his go-to-thing; running. He goes on a run, however long to cool off and think in private as he ponders on the source of their friction. Sally tries to distract herself with some sort of brain-focusing tasks like a puzzle or a good book while mulling over the argument in her head to try and draw conclusions on why it went south and if she or Sonic were in the right or wrong. Eventually, Sonic returns from his run, and Sally puts away whatever she used to cool off and they both sit down and talk it over, eventually working things out and making up for any hurt feelings.
 19: No matter how they slice it, given Sally is a Princess, there’s gonna be some sort of big deal ceremony. I do see both Sonic and Sally wanting just a small wedding for their friends and family; especially if they opt to marry before the war ends. Then they’ll save the BIG SHOWY ceremony for after the war. Mostly if they can get away with postponing it that long. XD
 On the flip-side, if the story has Max still being a pill about Sonic being Sally’s squeeze; elope, no questions asked. ^_~
 20: Assuming the future-in-law is worthy of their child; they will jump for joy and be happy for their kid. Sure they will have some ‘giving away our baby’ jitters, but ultimately their child’s happiness trumps all discomfort they may have. There will be some crying but it will be tears of joy, and if anything their child having a wedding and moving on in their own life would be a great joy in of itself. It would be another symbol that whatever they suffered in the war was worth it. If just so their child could have a safe and peaceful world to grow up and live within; to find their own life and love. No greater joy can a parent hold for their child, especially these two.
 21: Once the two stop joy-spazzing over the news, you can expect them to be front and center Grandparents. The parents may have to pry the newborn away from them for the first couple of visits. Knowing how to take care of a newborn can be stressful they along with their in-law’s parents will help split babysitting duties and just enjoy being able to spoil the kid rotten and playfully hand them back to the parents when the going gets rough. Not that they won’t step up, but I feel every new Grandparent doesn’t have that moment of ‘now you see what I went through, ha!’. In any case, they are the type who will be as available and active in their grandchild(rens) life as much as they can be.
 22: Age does not slow them down much; maybe in the physical (despite what Sonic says), but these two will be firecrackers even as their fur dulls and greys. Some aspects of old-age will hit them hard, not just in that both are usually very active people, but some genetic ticking time bombs or perhaps past physical trauma from the war years have caught up with them. Sonic will take getting ‘slow’ the most, as running has been his ultimate expression of freedom. Sally will take bouts of forgetfulness hard given how organized and reliant on her mind she is. In this they will lean on each other more, their devotion and love pouring through ever stronger. Sally forgets something, Sonic has it written down and encourages her to keep a pen and paper on hand to jot thoughts down. While Sonic can’t run forever, what running he still can do, Sally encourages. If he’s truly not able to run, then they’ll walk together hand in hand and ‘pretend’ they’re zipping around the city. There will be a lot of sitting together, hand in hand, and since their kid (or one of them) has assumed the throne; they have a lot of freedom to do whatever fancy comes their way. They simply relish the fact they lived long enough to enjoy this stage of life when living to be an adult seemed like such a far off dream.
23: I envision sometime over the years as a Memorium for its role in giving the survivors of Robotnik’s coup, and serving as base and home for the Freedom Fighters and a second home for the people of Mobotropolis; Knothole is rebuilt in its original state. Feeling both nostalgic as well as the importance of Knothole to their history and that of the planet after the war; Sonic and Sally opt to host reunions there. Something about walking through the old village (even if it’s a recreation) just feels nice and getting to show their kids and grandkids where they came from feels right. I can see them alternating on Angel Island as well given its importance in the grand scheme of events as well. Plus who doesn’t love the view from the island?
 24: If anyone insists on a big party, they nix it. Only their family and closest of friends that are still around are invited. Being in their 70’s by this point, they prefer simple, and so there’s food and cake, and all the videos and photo albums out to reminisce, tell stories and enjoy life while they still can. Sonic being Sonic will at some point call attention and, with some effort, get on one knee and recite his proposal and marriage vows to Sally again, reaffirming his love which still burns ever brighter. Touched and while happy-crying, Sally will take his hand and affirm her vows as well as her own affirmation that her love for him still burns the same as ever. As they go to bed after the party, both Sally and Sonic cry joyfully as they hold one another. Feeling blessed at having lived the lives they have, and looking forward to however many they still have.:
25: There are a few ways I see this happening. If one of them expectedly passes before the other; the grief will be monumental. Having lived together as long as they have, experienced what they have, and enjoying a deep bong of love few can, losing their significant other will be a blow that they probably won’t recover from. I would expect within one or two years’ time, a combination of the grief and just not wanting to live on without their beloved will see whoever survived won’t make their sweetheart await them long in the here-after. Another scenario is if one of them catches a terminal illness, and they can prepare for it; Sonic and Sally will both make the best of what time they have. With the deadline closing in, whoever is not ill, I can see making arrangements so that once their beloved is about to pass, they will be given a legally approved injection to end their own life. While some of their family may not fully approve, for the most part, such a thing is understood and nobody objects.
 One way or another, they will be together, in the next life as they were in this one
 [The last one was admittedly a tad sad, but well as they say life ends eventually, and I felt like making the prompts feel like an evolution of their relationship like I did in the fanfics for the celebration week prompts.]
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Last year, I got it into my head to do a Sonic/Sally Week on a complete whim, because even all these years later, these two remain my Ship Of All Ships, and I wanted to celebrate them.  In the year since, the blog I made for that Week-Long Event has in fact become Tumblr’s #1 Resource for All Things SonSal, much to my delight.  So, with our first anniversary on the horizon, I thought it was time to get back to our roots, as it were, and thus do I announce
This year, the event will run from SUNDAY, AUGUST 16th, TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 23rd.  You can participate either by submitting directly to this blog, or else by tagging your post with any of these tags: #boundforfreedom, #sonally week, and/or #sonsal week (make sure to include at least one of these tags within the first five tags of the post so that they will show up in Tumblr’s Search).  If your submission is not reblogged here within 24 hours, please message either this blog directly, or the blog runner, @gojira007​
All mediums are welcome!  Fan art, fanfiction, headcanons, whatever you can think of…as long as it’s about showing some love for Sonic x Sally, it’s welcome here, so long as it follows our rules, which you can read here: https://boundforfreedomsonsal.tumblr.com/aboutrules
In addition to this year’s new prompts listed below, you are also free to use last year’s prompts as well, which you can find in our Prompts archive here: https://boundforfreedomsonsal.tumblr.com/prompts
If you aren’t able to submit in time for a day’s prompt, don’t worry about it!  We’ll continue to accept submissions for all prompts starting from the day the new prompt is introduced onward. 
If you want to begin preparing in advance, our new prompts are listed below the cut.
I look forward to seeing what everybody has to offer, and I’m very eager to share my own SonSal Love too. ^_^  
Day One (Sunday, August 16th): “REUNION”
Day Two (Monday, August 17th): “DOUBLE DATE”
Day Three (Tuesday, August 18th): “SURPRISE”
Day Four (Wednesday, August 19th): “CHOICE”
Day Five (Thursday, August 20th): “ALTERNATE UNIVERSE”
Day Six (Friday, August 21st): “HURT”
Day Seven (Saturday, August 22nd): “PEACE”
Day Eight (Sunday, August 23rd): “PROTECT”
29 notes · View notes
ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonsal Celebration Day 6
Day Six of the celebration of best furry couple by @boundforfreedomsonsal continues! Admittedly I’ve been watching eagerly for this day as this was honestly the first of the prompts I worked on. Having finished reading @archiesoniconline ‘s fan-project version of issue 249 and 250 (in which Sally was deroboticized huzzah) and the signs of Sally dealing with the obvious aftermath; I was inspired. Add in inspiration from a few pages of Glitcher’s Sonic Retold series, and well I had material to work with. I recommend if you want to see a faithful fan continuation of the pre-reboot Archie-Sonic era give ASO, a shot or even pay Glitcher’s DA page ( https://www.deviantart.com/glitcher ) a visit. Since the old comics are never going to see an official revisit we fans are the only ones who will see our beloved characters flourish so give these guys and other fan projects a looksie! Also the lovely, AMAZING art work provided for this prompt was by the amazing @foxinadress​  seriously this amazing artist deserves praise. I recommend not only giving his Tumblr a visit but check their various art platforms and Patreon.
One last Author note; there is some pushing of the PG-13 as per usual, but at this point you guys expect that from me. XD Also while this takes place in my little Sonic fic-verse, it’s out of chronological order, taking place between the Double Date and Surprise prompt episodes.
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Looking out at the forest beyond Sally Acorn didn’t seem to pay mind to the setting sun, nor did she react to the sounds of the far off cheers coming from the city nearby. There was a lot to celebrate, between the Deathegg being put out of commission, for Naugus being exposed and dealt with, everyone was in a party mood. As much as she didn’t care to dwell on it, the Princess knew a chunk of the celebration was for her own safe return after spending a few months as Mecha Sally.
A few horrible, painful months where she felt like she was trapped inside her own body, unable to do anything but the screaming impulses of Eggman’s whim. She’d be lying if she didn’t thoroughly enjoy seeing his shattered expression as he fled from the Deathegg as the vile creation was torn apart by explosions before crashing into one of his bases it was poised above. It almost made up for the hell she endured.
Yet that joy felt somehow hollow still and it bugged her incessantly. She was back home, her friends and family safe, the Kingdom was safe, and yet… Sally couldn’t fully feel right. She did not feel like she deserved to be there, enjoying the celebration with everyone else. The squirrel-munk hated how she felt, not when her friends, and especially a certain Hedgehog, fought like hell to get her back. Closing her eyes Sally felt the raging memories she tried to suppress coming back. Of her time as Mecha-Sally, from being used as a tool to harm, maim, and kill her friends. Thankfully the latter never happened, but plenty of the former happened; and then there was the recollection of when she was weaponized.
A deep shudder ran through her as she curled her legs closer to her chest, her breathing reaching almost hyperventilating levels as she tried to fight down the terror and panic. By the Neo-Walkers, the Almighty, and any Deity that truly was out there, it was like watching someone dismember you and be AWAKE through it all! In lieu of blood was oil, and yet every part ripped out might as well have been an appendage or organ! While a Robian was made of wires and metal they still had a ‘core’ representing their life-force. When Eggman was taking her apart and enjoying it, her ‘core vitals’ went crazy as if even as a machine her body and true mind knew of the violation being done to her. She nearly died just because Eggman wanted to be sadistic as he prepped her to be a killing machine against all she loved.
Even a week after being deroboticized, she couldn’t shake those vague but potent recollections. Sally was able to suppress and bury most of her trauma by focusing on deposing Naugus before he took the Kingdom down with him, but now that she was left alone to her thoughts; she couldn’t drown it all out.
So lost in her own mind, her ears didn’t even twitch as a familiar ‘sonic-boom’ echoed nearby, signaling the arrival of a certain someone. The flag on the pole she sat beside on the hill of FF Headquarters, began to wave and bob from the sudden gust of wind, along with her hair and vest. Yet Sally didn’t truly seem to pay attention any until a warm hand, gently settled on her shoulder.
“Yo Sal, you okay?! You’re shaking all over!” A concerned voice uttered as the hand moved from her shoulder, and now two entire arms began to gently wrap around her, pulling her into the lap of the owner of said arms. At the feel of his warmth behind her back, Sally instinctively nestled against him, and let out a shaky breath. “I-I’m okay Sonic, jus-just a little chilly is all.”
“Bullshi-er-baloney…” Quipped back the fastest Hedgehog alive as he self-censored himself from uttering a more potent and crass choice of phrase. As he gently rested his chin atop her head, Sonic softly began to gently sway his body, rocking Sally in their embrace as he sought to help her deal with her woes. “You can’t pull a fast one over on me, I know you Sally, and this?” He gestured to her entirely. “This ain’t the wind giving you chills.” His usual jovial tone was dialed all the way to deep concern as his hands remained locked around her waist. “Talk to me Sal, please talk to me.”
Swallowing hard, Sally none-the-less tried to ease his concern with false-assurance. Not easy when those emerald orbs looked at her like that. She loved his eyes but the way he looked at her with concern and love, it almost made things feel worse because she didn’t want him to worry about her. “It’s just a little shake, and bad memories I’ll be fine-.” Interrupting her, Sonic kept his tone even, but a firmness trickled in. “Sally, don’t play this off. Now isn’t the time to pretend you’re not hurting. We sent Naugus packin’ and Egg-butt is still reeling from his toys being broken. Right now the only thing this Hedgehog cares about is the well-being of the woman in my arms. You, numero uno, the one and only Princess Sally, Acorn. The woman I love.” His hand traced along her cheek, making her lip quiver. “You’re hurting, let me help you Sal, right now we have nothing to worry about but us right now. Don’t shut me out, not this time, or ever, please. Now’s the time to let it all out because we dunno when we might get another break.”
His pleas tugged at her heart-strings, his devotion and love for her making her feel wonderful; yet awful at the same time with how her conflicted mind felt. Yet those words she didn’t know she needed to hear, eroded what resistance had been left in Sally. She crumbled like a dam that had burst after too much neglect. Turning her body in his embrace, she buried her face into his neck and sobbed, and just gushed, everything in her spilling out in tandem with the hot tears, leaking from her eyes. “I still remember being weaponized, being taken apart piece by piece, Eggman not caring if he nearly killed me in the process. I saw my own limbs and other pieces just, discarded as he smiled and hummed to music!” A deep shudder ran through her body as she clung to Sonic even more. She began to hiccup but kept talking. “Then he sent me out after everyone… I wish it was a blur, but every image is potently burned into my brain! I remember being used against everyone… I-I almost killed you, my brother, Lupe, Antoine, everyone I cared for and loved… How I managed to not kill anyone I don’t know!”
Shaking her grip on him tightened as more hot tears rolled from her eyes, matting the fur of his shoulder and neck. “When I wasn’t out in the field he made plan out methods to attack the Kingdom, or how to use my knowledge of my friends to use psychological warfare to break you all… I was even tasked to come up with methods to-to assassinate everyone!” Her voice grew hoarse as the lump in her throat got worse, along with the hiccuping. “I made fifty plans for you alone…” 
Deep, burning anger, filled Sonic as much as his desire to comfort and console his best friend and love of his life. The latter won out, and so he mentally filed away his desire to race to wherever Eggman ran off too for the time being and pound his face into jelly. A rage that surpassed the killing desire he felt when fighting the original Robotnik one last time just burned in him, to the point it scared him. Mentally berating himself, Sonic tried to refocus his mind. Sally needed him, and not off fulfilling a vendetta. With one hand, he began to rub up and down her back gently, as the other rested against the back of her head; stroking her auburn tresses as she sobbed against him. “Oh, Sally…” Sonic wanted to make the pain all go away, but knowing he couldn’t just snap a finger and do so, the Hedgehog continued to cradle Sally in his arms.
Sonic was known for his fast-talking, use of quips, and using humor to play off the more dreary elements of what was going on. Keeping upbeat and focusing ahead and ready to move on without looking back much. This was not one of those times he could be flippant on the issue. Yet he wasn’t sure what to say, could he really say anything that could make it all better, even a little? He had to try. “That wasn’t you though-.”
Sally’s tear-stained face pulled away from Sonic’s chest, sending him a glare that could kill, if she didn’t look so emotionally wrecked. “Don’t bull-crap me Sonic Hedgehog, I remember doing all those things!! Me, all me! Eggman let me keep my free will so he could use my tactical prowess and memories and-.”
Interrupting her, Sonic let a low growl leave his throat as he shook his head fiercely. “That wasn’t you Sally Acorn!! I’ve been roboticized too, and I know how that song and dance went!” Shaking his head he placed a soft kiss to her forehead as he held her close still. “Buttnik didn’t give my mind as much leeway as Eggman gave you, but I wasn’t some common bot-job either. Point is you’re still programmed to follow their rules. Just like Robuttnik made me do as he wanted despite any freedom of tactical thinking he left me.” He grit his teeth trying to suppress both his memories of that time and his growing anger. 
“The same applies to you being made to follow that- that, F**King Egg-face’s orders!” He cried giving in and cursing, using a word even he rarely uttered which caused Sally to gasp and stare at him in shock. Something Sonic took advantage of to press on with his words. “Even if you were given some mental free-reign Eggman still wanted dominance and control, meaning he was still using you like a puppet. You were still doing things you did not want to do deep down, because the Sally I know, the Sally I love would never do any of that of her true free will.”
Lip quivering Sally sniffled again, her grip on him tightening some. A fresh wave of doubt, both of her current crisis and old ones creeping into her mind. “Sonic, why? Ho-how could you still love me after all I did? All that I put you and the others through-?”
He interrupted her again with a kiss, soft, and quick, after breaking it his hands gently frame her face. “Because I can, because I do love you, and want to help you through this. Just like you did for me after I was roboticized and used against you all. Remember I wanted to die, but you not only turned me back but helped me deal with the aftermath.” Gently ‘booping’ her nose, he flashed her one of his soft smiles. “I still owe you a makeup date since, well the last one got interrupted by all the blow-out from the Nicole paranoia.”
Softly hiccuping for a moment as she tried to compose herself, Sally found herself slowly smiling if just a thin one. “Even if your girlfriend is a mess? Sonic I-I don’t know if I can trust myself, even if a part of me knows you’re right…” Laying her hands over his, she shook as another wave of doubt and sadness took her. “That was still me, what if what I went through woke up some nasty side of me, a part of me that willingly became a monster to-to ‘get the job done’?”
Firming shaking his head, Sonic leans in, his nose touching hers as his emerald eyes stare into her soft blue peepers. “Then the monster’s gonna have’ta deal with having me around to poke her or wag a finger in her direction. That said I don’t think there’s a monster, just the most amazing woman ever doubting herself. I understand some of what you’re going through Sal, and what I don’t I’m still here to help you along the way. We’ll get through this together like we always do.”
A true, warm, and wide smile crept onto Sally’s face before outright overtaking it. Leaning closer, her forehead, and his touch as she let herself be lost in his emerald gaze. “I don’t deserve you.”
Making a ‘hmm’ of deep thought, the hedgehog just flashed his trademark cocky smile back at her. “Hmm, judges say that’s hogwash. I think the Princess deserves nice things.”
Sally lifted an eyebrow, her mouth quivering as she barely withheld making a ‘snerk’ sound. “So you’re a nice thing?”
“Ten out of ten agree, when you go Sonic, you don’t go back.” He chimed in a sing-song, cheesy tone. Just happy to see her expression lighting up.
A happy laugh left Sally’s lips as she slid her arms around his neck. “I’ll give you that, I’d be lying saying otherwise.” Leaning closer, still staring into Sonic’s eyes, Sally craned her head to the side still leaning in. “I still think I don’t deserve you-.” “Sal-.” She put a finger to his lips. “However, I am very, very happy that you still love and want me even with all my flaws, and baggage.” “Like I’m not flawed-?” She interrupted him again, “Not finished, the bottom line is- oh screw it! I love you too, now kiss me!”’ Deciding words weren’t enough and anything else she said would be a mere retread of words already spoken. She removed her finger from his lips and closed the distance. Planting a big, ol’ wet, and hungry kiss against the Hedgehog’s lips. To which Sonic’s only response was to make a surprised if pleased sound and eagerly return the kiss. Each tightening their hold on the other as the sun fully began to set, and soon the sky lit up with fire-works from the celebration in the city. Almost as if to mirror the setting sun, giving way to the moon and the night; their kissing grew more passionate. Simple lip-to-lip meshing gave way to dueling tongues and their grip on each other began to pet and rub at the skin under their fur, as a heat grew between them.
Shrugging a shoulder, Sally let her vest start to fall off. Noticing this, Sonic started to grasp the article to help slide it back in place, but one of her hands grasped his wrist to stop him. “Don’t.” She pleaded, heat in her voice, her still tear-wet eyes opening to look into his. “I need you Sonic, I want to feel you all of you, kissing me, holding me, on me, in me…” Her soft words carried a mix of soft pleas from the inner turmoil she still felt; intermingled with a sensual huskiness that underlined her desire to be loved and make the pain go away.
Any argument about being out in the open, died without Sonic even uttering the thoughts. Certainly, the concern of being walked upon was there; as far from prying eyes as Freedom Fighter HQ was, they were sitting on top of the grassy hill on top of it. Anyone could wander by and get, well one hell of a show. 
Sally’s loving, needy gaze, and soft pleas killed any objections as Sonic, helped her remove the vest and their kissing resumed. It was probably in their favor that the fireworks show went on as long as it did, dulling out sounds, a pretty distraction and if both Sally and Sonic were, to be honest, ambiance to the oldest dance they were engaged in without a care in the world besides each other.
Robotnik couldn’t destroy them, and neither would Eggman, they would endure as long as they had each other.
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonsal Celebration Year 2, Day 7
On the seventh day of the Sonsal celebration hosted by @boundforfreedomsonsal we have the prompt of peace. Something I’m sure many of us would have loved to have seen the Freedom Fighters get to enjoy when their respective series came to an end. Sadly the screw-ups of Archie Comics, Ken Penders well being Ken Penders, and a little of Sega’s own mishandling caused us to never truly see Sonic, Sally and Co. have their day of peace canonically. Luckily we fans can fix that.
“...It brings me great pleasure to formally announce the end of the war started by Julian Kintobar, aka Dr. Robotnik, and perpetuated by his counterpart Dr. Eggman. Any and all allies of the two Empires created by these evil men have also been dealt with, leaving no one seeking to resume their mantle. Not only has this long, and difficult conflict finally over-.” Pausing in her speech, Sally took a lungful of air, but her smile never waned, as she also purposefully dragged out the pause to reign in the audience more. “All the nations of Mobius, be they any species of Mobians, or Humans have signed a hopefully lasting peace accord to not only end any potential future conflict but bring all the peoples’ of Mobius together as they never have before.” Despite prepping herself to keep her emotions in check, Sally found her eyes moisten but she kept a straight face, save for the smile widely forming as she couldn’t hide her joy. “We don’t have to live in fear anymore, and our world is truly free from tyranny. Everyone gathered here or not, thank you for your contributions. Now… LET’S CELEBRATE WE ALL EARNED IT!!”
At Sally’s last words, the crowds gathered before the stage in front of Castle Acorn hollered and cheered. After ten-plus years of living in fear of an evil scientist and his armies; the planet Mobius was free at last. Watching her people be happy made Sally’s heart glow with a warmth she didn’t know she needed. Bowing her head she turns from the podium and walks over to where her friends waited for her; especially a certain Hedgehog with a matching wedding band on his finger just like hers. As she wiped her eyes Sonic took a few steps to meet the distance, instantly his arms were around her for a hug and their lips met for a quick, but sweet and loving kiss.
Once it broke, her dear childhood friend, lover, and husband all rolled-into-one flashed one of his well-known grins. “Way past speech Sal.” “I started to nearly cry at the end.” She giggled, rubbing her eyes some more. “You’d think after all my practice I could have nailed it better.”
A familiar hand rested on Sally’s shoulder, with a soft southern drawl reaching her ears. “Aw heck Sally-girl, so you started to mist a little. Nobody will blame ya’ I mean fer’ Pete’s sake you did just announce the end to a nearly thirteen-year war we’ve been fighting since we were kids.”
Bunnie’s husband, Antoine moving to stand beside his wife, and as always holding her hand, gave a nod with his own smile. “Oui, as my dear beloved put it, no one would be zee upset at you being over the joy with the war’s end.”
Moving over a young two-tailed fox wrapped his arms around Sally’s waist, giving a squeeze before looking up so his gaze could meet Sally’s. A smirk mirroring Sonic’s adorning his face. “I think what we’re getting at Sally is, you did great, so don’t think you messed up the speech for getting misty-eyed.”
With a loud, merry chuckle Rotor merely crossed his arms as he walked closer himself, the old gang gathering once again. “I think I’m going to have to stand by the others in saying you did great Sally. Personally, even after my stint as a council member, I’d have choked up half-way through that.”
Unable to help herself, Sally giggled, enjoying the banter as she looked at her husband and friends with a playful smirk. “What is this, pick on Sally after her speech day?”
As if on cue, Nicole materialized from a nearby emitter, and reached over to pet Sally’s head. “Maaaaybe, we all just love you and wish you still are too hard on yourself. Your speech was lovely, to the point, but also if I may add, the start of the tears I think helped the audience accept this was ‘finally’ over.”
Looking at the faces of her dearest friends, Sally internally acknowledged they were right, and simply held her arms out. “Freedom Fighters… one last group hug? As a team?”
Without a word, the band of friends all formed a group hug with Sally at the center. A multitude of emotions coursing through each of them as their bond as friends and Freedom Fighters held them together and steered the course of their lives as much as the war that forced them to grow up so fast. One by one, not an eye was dry as happy tears began to leak from everyone and their mutual holding of one another tightened but never enough to cut off oxygen.
“D-do you think now that the fighting’s over we won’t see each other much anymore?” Murmured Tails in a soft voice as the thought crossed his mind. It was one that briefly flared when they first thought they won after Robotniks’ defeat. Of course, now things were so different than it was back then. He had his parents whom he was still making up for lost time with. Rotor still had family in the Tundra waiting for him. Sonic, Sally, Bunnie, and Antoine were married and could now start their own lives. Nicole was probably gonna be busy since she now had a bio-nanite living body and could have her own life beyond the administrator of the city and the nanite colony.
Reaching over, Sonic ruffled the head-fur of the fox he deemed his little brother affectionately. “Heck to the no there li’ bro. We all might do our own things for a bit but we ain’t gonna just treat the other like strangers.” Eye twinkling he eased from the group hug to wrap his arms around Tails and give him an affectionate noggie. “Plus don’t forget you’re big brother to Manik and Sonia. That means you’ll see us plenty since Sal and I are also on tap babysitters from time to time like you are.”
This seemed to assure the fox while smiled and wiped his eyes, his expression much cheerier now. “Heh, good point, us big brothers gotta help teach the li’ sibs right?”
“That’s the spirit!”
Giggling, Bunnie smiled at the scene of brotherly love and looked over to Antoine, a crafty, yet loving gaze sent his way. “Now that we know no boogie-man is gonna pop outta th’ ground. I’m all for enacting our plans for extended second-honeymoon Sugah-Twan.”
At the mention of this idea, the coyotes’ eyes twinkled as he held up his wife’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Oui, oui  my love, I am how do you say..? ‘All-in’ on this idea.”
The rabbit’s own eyes sparkle with love and plans, lots of future plans. “Maybe we could start planning for our own li’ brood?” When her husband’s only response was to blush but nod his head vigorously, Bunnie laughed and leaned in to kiss him. “I love you, ya’ you big sweetie!”
“Going for kids already?” Inquired Rotor with a raised eyebrow, and a smile.
“We’ve been discussing it a lot, and frankly being a Mom is something I wanna be, so why not?” Bunnie giggles, her cheeks flushed as she rubbed her belly longingly. “I got all mah parts flesh again, and we don’t gotta fight, so dreams and rest of our lives here I come!”
“Speaking of extended honeymoon’s…” Sally walks over and hugs Sonic from behind. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Nodding, Sonic rested his hands over hers around his waist. “Yeah, we didn’t exactly get to have one. Just a long weekend to ourselves.” Rubbing his chin, Sonic began to ponder on where they could go. With the planet free now, sans any areas in need of rebuilding the sky was the limit.
Then a thought hit him, with a grin he urges Sally to follow him. The two make their way over to another group of friends who were like they had been, celebrating. “Yo Knux’!”
Hearing his nickname, Knuckles the Echidna looked away from the discussion he was having with Vector and Julie-Su. Spying the Hedgehog and Squirrel-munk coming his way. “What’s up Sonic?”
“Can Sal and I borrow your island for our proper honeymoon?”
“Excuse me?” His spines bristled mostly on reflex to anyone mentioning doing, well anything with his island.
Knowing how easy it was for Sonic to antagonize Knuckles without trying, Sally interjected. “What he means Knuckles, is could we visit Angel Island and just… have our honeymoon there? We’d stay out of the way, we’ve just never, been there without some crisis going on. All the different biomes and vistas just scream to be explored and enjoyed.”
“Plus given it flies over the planet the views off the edge are gorgeous.” Quipped Sonic, who now clapped his hands together and bowed his head humbly. “C’mon Knux it’s the perfect place for newlyweds to get lost and have a good time.”
Covering her mouth, Julie-Su snickered. “Oh, you bet it is.”
Picking up on this, Sally smirked widely. “Oh? Maybe you can give us some tips?”
Running with the topic, Julie kept on still smirking widely if her cheeks were now a bit pinker. “Well, not per se Knuckles and I’s make out spots but I can recommend some. Although one mutual spot I must, ‘must’ recommend is this tiny waterfall that has a small spot where an overhanging rock creates this gap big enough for two people to stand inside without being constantly pelted with water. Hmmm..” Her cheeks brightened and her body fidgeted with the memory. “Nothing like standing under the falls with your man behind you, wailing-.” Putting a hand over his ears, Vector turned away, loudly and in a very grumble-y voice chanted. “La-la-la-la I can’t hear youuuu!”
“Walkers alive Julie!” Knuckles exclaimed his muzzle beat red as he gently grasped his girlfriend by the arm. “I don’t think anyone needs to know those details!”
Both Sally and Sonic snicker, and yet also mentally filed away this idea and would get the exact location from Julie later. Refocusing, Sonic reached over to pat Knuckles on the shoulder. “So joking aside, whaddya say Knux? It’s your call but it’d be a way-past cool favor. You know we won’t disturb anything nor go where we shouldn’t.”
“Please? We’ll owe you and Julie.” Sally added, trying to sweeten the deal with the cute-eyes routine and a pouty lip.
After just staring at the two with his usual impassive expression, Knuckles let out a long sigh but then smiled. “What the heck, sure. Consider it a done favor anyway since you guys helped bail me and the island out a number of times-OW!” At a sudden pinch, he looked at Julie. “What was that for?”
“They were gonna owe us a solid and you dismissed it? Knuckles, honey, my one and only…” She cups his face, and pinches his cheeks. “You always accept being owed a favor back! Think about the possibilities!”
“Ow, ow, ow sorry!”
Laughing, Sonic waved a hand. “Consider the favor still on, and thanks a million!” He insisted, figuring he should offer if to help Knuckles out of his situation with Julie in thanks for letting them stay on Angel Island.
“You won’t even know we’re there! Promise!” Sally quipped, giving both Echidnas a hug. “Thank you so much!”
Rubbing his nose, Sonic couldn’t help but smile as he looked around at his friends and the gathered crowds all celebrating. It took a long time, and probably more sacrifices than he would have liked, but finally, they had peace.
He closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer to the fallen, those he knew and those he didn’t. He wasn’t a religious sort but the departed were owed respect. He hoped they could rest easier now, just as those still alive could now truly live their lives to the fullest.
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonsal Celebration Year 2, Day 4: Choice
Here we go again; prompt number four for day four. I hope everyone is enjoying the fun we’re having with the Sonsal celebration hosted by @boundforfreedomsonsal and hope you all look forward to the rest of the celebration prompts as they come!
Choice: “Nrghh, I can’t make up my mind Sal!”
Sitting in the chair by her desk desk in their bedroom; Sally continued to dry her hair with a towel, while another was wrapped around her figure. Craning her head towards Sonic as he stood by a full-length mirror, with two different dress coats in hand. A small smile curls on her lips as she instantly figured out his problem. “Having trouble deciding on what suit to wear Sonic?”
Turning to face her, the hedgehog’s expression was that of a childish pout, two clicks away from blowing a blood vessel. “I don’t do clothes besides my gloves and shoes on principal, but now I gotta wear a monkey suit. Pants and a shirt and jacket, man it’ll drag me down! Plus, I dunno which of these things looks good, they’re both fancy as heck!” He ranted, holding up, each suit and jacket pair to place emphasis on his points.
As she finished tying the towel around her head, she got up from the chair and walked over her main squeeze, eyeing each outfit as she spoke to him sympathetically. “I know a fancy dinner isn’t your thing, but it’s a dinner with both of our parents and my brother and his family. A family get-together and celebration of our recent good fortunes.” Gently she brought a hand up to run through his head-quills, allowing herself a content smile as he made a soft murring sound and closed his eyes. Obviously enjoying her handiwork very much. “Your Mother’s pregnancy, my Father’s health taking a turn for the better, your Dad being deroboticized, the recent victories.”
“-Getting you back.” He added, opening his eyes, his gaze looking upon her with slight concern. When he didn’t see the ‘dead dread’ in Sally’s eyes, relief flooded Sonic. That was a sign Sally was slowly making progress recovering from the mental distress of that ordeal. Often times bringing it up, she would get quiet, nervous, and starting to relive events in her mind. Putting the two outfits on small hooks on the wall, he turns to face her and takes her hands into his as their eyes meet again. “You good Sal?” He inquired gently, wanting to confirm things were alright regardless.
With a wry smile and a nod, Sally leaned in so their noses brushed together. “I’m good hun, the nightmares happen less and less, and I don’t, start having vivid flashbacks from just bringing it up.” Inching closer, she kissed him, looking deeply into his emerald orbs seeing the worry and love in them for her. “You don’t need to be on eggshells around me with that topic.”
Squeezing her hands the speedy hedgehog let himself chuckle. “Just checkin’ Sal, I know you’re no pushover, but a Hedgehog worries from time to time.”
“Worry no more my love, now as for your outfit woes…” Looking over at the choices, she points to the right one. “That one.”
Eyeballing the outfit, a simple black pair of slacks, and matching sports coat with a white button-up shirt, and a solid red tie. “Why that one?”
“It’s nice and the colors compliment your blue quills and your tan fur.” She replied, reaching up to run a finger along his tan-colored muzzle. “Plus, it’s simple, no extra frills, but stylish, at least I think you’ll make the suit look good.”A laugh erupted from Sonic’s throat, unable to help himself at her compliment. 
“Well, do make cool, look cool so I’ll take your word for it.” He smiled, wide and knowing he was full of bull, to which both of them enjoyed a long chuckle and a hug. “Thanks for the assist hun.”
“Anytime.” Kissing his cheek, she walked over to her own dressing area and removed her towel around her figure. At the wolf-whistle coming from her boyfriend, she looked over her shoulder. “Behave, you’ve seen me fully unclothed plenty of times.”
Waggling his eyebrows, Sonic flashed one of his trademark cocky grins. “Doesn’t mean I ever tire of it. Especially with that tail wagging at me.”
As if to defy him she shook her booty and even wagged her tail, but held up a hand, wagging her finger in a ‘no-no’ gesture. “We have dinner in a few hours. I want to get ready in time. So this time my dear Sonic, fight the urge to jump me. I’m doing the same if it’s any consolation.”
Crossing his arms, the blue hedgehog sighed dramatically. “Oh, aaaalllright. I guess I can not jump my beautiful, smart, sexy, amazing girlfriend this once.” After playfully sticking his tongue at her; to which she had a good laugh, (which made him smile inside) he turned away and walked out of their bedroom to let her finish her ‘fancying up’ without giving into ‘temptation’. 
He wasn’t that bad, well most of the time he wasn’t. Maybe, occasionally he let his ‘lower brain’ do the thinking. After all, who could resist that fluffy tail wagging at them? He sure couldn’t!
“Oh Sonic, you have it bad.” He chuckled to himself, smiling and stopping in the middle of their shared living space, and just, admiring their relatively new home. Not long after his Mother announced her pregnancy; Sally and he had a sit-down and talk about the other… thing that happened that day. Specifically being busted for having a ‘sexy sleepover’ at his folks home. Suffice to say, they were a bit gun-shy about it happening again, and both cringed if there was a repeat concerning Sally’s folks instead of his. Sonic rather liked not being on Max’s bad side, and undoing any respect he gained from both her folks in general nor did they want to wear out any welcome or leeway his parents were already giving them.
So they made a choice and opted to get a home together. Of course, Nicole built it via her nanites, but they both had input on the interior set up and design. It wasn’t much, but it was theirs. The only real hurdle was doing so without stirring up any hubbub with their parents, well more Sally’s than his given their traditional sensibilities. His folks as expected instantly supported the idea, so it was down to a discussion with the Acorns. Suffice to say, Sonic was gobsmacked when Sally and he explained their plans to Max and Alicia, neither objected and gave their blessing.
“All I ask is you keep loving and protecting our daughter as you always have Sonic, and yes you can have our blessing.” Max had said plaintively as if the topic was a simple affair. Alicia chimed in her own words of blessing, and well, boom, here they were. To this day Sonic was still unsure what happened to improve his standing with Sally’s folks but he was grateful for it. Having their own home; felt like a big step in their lives, and one both of them were ready to take.
Oh sure, they had some small arguments about this and that, habits both had that got on the other’s nerves, or each having a preferred method to solving a home issue. Yet for any bickering or actual argument they had, to Sonic it felt like they came out of it wiser, and closer. Cleaning the house, making meals together, tending to the small garden outside, even decorating felt new and another experience to strengthen their bonds. Not to mention the privacy was nice; they could walk around practically naked without care if they wanted, and well the improvement of their sex lives could not be understated.
They’d only been living together for two months now, but it felt longer and, almost magical in how soothing having something that was ‘theirs’ to call their own. Everything gave Sonic optimism about their future co-habitation. In fact, as such optimism swelled in his chest, he walked over to a small alcove and reached into a vase and retrieved a small black box hidden within it. Opening the box, he admired the simple, forged re-sized power ring topped with a special gemstone he recovered on one of his adventures. Closing the box he looked up towards the doorway to the bedroom, wondering if he should wait a bit longer, or make the choice and ask Sally the big question now?
The hedgehog’s answer came almost instantly as his brain seemed to work in tandem with his heart. Smiling, he holds the box behind his back and walks back towards the bedroom. “Hey Sal, got a second?”
“What is it Sonic?”He smiled as he strode in, his tone playful. “Oh, nothing much, just a question I’ve been burning to ask ya’ hun.”
That night, Sonic not only got a resounding ‘YES!’ to his question; but the two were, a little ‘late’ to the dinner party, but luckily for them, they had a proper excuse that made the celebration that night, all the more memorable.
Author Notes: I admit this one gave me some trouble and I found myself kind of ‘adding’ to the actual ‘choice’ into several choices. The first choice being Sonic’s outfit, then the choice of the two acquiring a home together, as well as making the leap to being a live-in couple together. Lastly, Sonic’s deciding to propose to Sally that night.   
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day 2: Mystery
Day two has come for the celebration of one of the best furry OTP’s ever~. @gojira007 ‘s celebration blog @boundforfreedomsonsal of Sonic and Sally continues and here’s my second entry. Enjoy all~
Sonsally Week, Year Three!!
Day 02: Mystery
Foreword: This episode is still set in the Archie-Verse depicted in my fics of last year and day one’s story. This one is set some years after the fall of Eggman, when peaceful times finally settled on Mobius for the first time in ages. Of course, peace doesn’t always equate to ‘easy’, especially when babysitting two spirited scamps.
“Sonia, Manic- WHERE THE FREAKING BLEEP ARE YOU?!!” Shouted an irate, and clearly frustrated blue hedgehog as his right eye twitched something horribly. Standing in the town-square of the rebuilt Knothole Village, his gaze shifting back and forth from the trees, and the various huts of the quiet village. While mostly destroyed during one of Dr. Eggman’s devastating attacks; the entire village was rebuilt as it was during the war era of fighting the original Robotnik. With a few Eggman era buildings kept, and one or two new additions. Knothole was mainly a tribute to the village that sheltered the survivors of the fall of the original Mobotropolis, and became home of the resistance that would become the Freedom Fighters. Mostly a standing all-may-come museum to pay homage to the place that started as a Royal Retreat/shelter, but became so much more. A few of the huts were still livable, home away from home for certain members of the Freedom Fighters who occasionally would return to Knothole with their families to celebrate and remember those days.
Today, it was host to a game of hide and seek, giving the two instigators of the game a plethora of hiding places. One that was driving the elder brother of Sonia and Manic Hedgehog, one Sonic the Hedgehog, former hero of Mobius, crazy!
After tapping his foot rapidly for a scant few seconds, Sonic cupped his hands together again and shouted as loudly as he could manage. “MANIC! SONIA! FOR BLEEPING FRACK’S SAKE YOU BETTER GET YOUR BUTTS OUT WHERE I CAN SEE EM’! AIN’T FUNNY NO MORE!” It really wasn’t, Sonic nor his lovely wife, had agreed to hide and seek, but his two younger siblings opted to begin a game without anyone’s consent.
A voice soon called to him, followed by familiar footsteps. “Is there a reason you’re using frack and bleep? Is that a new sibling code of some sort Sonic?”
Speaking of lovely wife’s, there she was. Turning to face his wife, Sonic shrugged with a sheepish expression. “It was censor myself or risk using words I don’t think Mom nor Dad would care for two nine-year-olds to repeat.”
“That is probably for the best.” Agreed Sally, with a tired sigh as a hand went to her rounded stomach. She wasn’t far enough along in her own pregnancy; her movements were not hampered; but the extra weight of the two passengers in her belly was sapping her energy. “Whew, I’ve just been walking but I feel ready to kick back.”
Concerned, Sonic walked over and touched her shoulder. “All the more reason I’m not too happy they started this ‘game’ when I made it clear you can’t be as play-happy as usual because you’re pregnant.”
Shaking her head, Sally reached over to place her hand over his, giving an assuring squeeze as she managed a smile. “They’re just kids, it’s alright Sonic. They probably just want to get some last playtime with us before I’m truly an invalid.”
Sonic had to admit she had a point but his ire was not fully dissolved. “Maybe, but this is still too much. Even Mom n’ Dad told em’ to not get carried away.”
Smirking, Sally lifted an eyebrow as she glanced at her husband. “Sonic, they’re ‘your’ siblings. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There seems to be an innate sass-o-meter in your family. Pushing buttons seems to be something of a religious doctrine.”
Opening his mouth to counter, Sonic slowly shut it, frowning deeply. “... Fair nuff, but I still say you’ve rubbed off on them if we’re going for sass influence.”
“ME?!” Sputtered Sally, an incredulous frown, forming over her face. Beautiful blue, eyes narrowing almost dangerously. “How pray tell, do I count as a bad influence toward Manic or Sonia?”
Smirking widely as he got her goat, Sonic yanked the chain more, counting off with his fingers. “Well again, you’re the Queen of Sass and not just the Kingdom. When you gotta be right, you will argue til’ the cows come home. Plus you’re good at being playful when you want something, Manny’s baby-of-the-family routine is killer thanks to watching you. N’ Sonia’s all about emulating her Sis-in-law’s fancy mannerisms, and silver tongue. Just the other day she was in trouble and convinced Mom to let her off the hook light with a buncha big words she got from you.”
Almost mirroring Sonic, Sally opened her mouth, then closed it as she thought better of it. “...Touche’, but that doesn’t excuse the bad habits you’ve given them love-of-my-life.”
Laughing, Sonic gave her a big, if careful hug. Letting her have that one as, one it was true, and two, he knew jerking her around too much with hormones a-flame was a bad idea. “Of course, of course, but they also picked up on my coolness factor.”
“Truly…” Replied Sally in a dull, drawl that spoke volumes of how little she believed that. “I just hope our own bundles give us something of a break compared to these two. I can see why your parents are all-too-eager for us to babysit when we can.”
“Knowing us, they’ll drive us insane cuz they’ll be just like us in ways, but we’ll love em’ anyway.” Sonic mused, placing a hand to her belly and leaning in to kiss her gently. Sighing in a content manner, Sally melted into the kiss and hug, feeling a bit of the weight of impending motherhood ease off her shoulders to a degree.
Almost as if on cue, a duo of childish voices are heard uttering, “Eeeew gross!”
Instantly, both Sally and Sonic broke the kiss, angled their heads upward, and pointed as they both cried out in triumphant unison. “AH-HA! THERE YOU TWO SCAMPS ARE!”
“Aw crude!” Muttered Manic, as he and his sister clung to one of the large tree branches, quite a ways up that was connected to one of the tree house type huts.
“Well we gave them the ghost for a good twenty-minutes I’d say we won.” Stated Sonia in a rather faux-haughty manner. The more purple-blue of the two, whipped back her-pink hair? Wait, Sonia was blonde! Plus some of her fur looked more magenta-purple now?
In fact, why was Manic’s fur and quills more of a green-ish tinge than the light-blue they should be? Not to mention that punk-esque quill style... Eyes narrowing, Sonic let go of Sally, zipped into the hollowed out large tree with a hut built around the base. With the same speed, he charged up the ladder within the hollowed out tree, allowing him to come out at the point where the tree-house hut was, and lean out where the landing gave way to a natural, thick tree branch. 
“Oh no, you two did not!”
Putting on the best coy, innocent face he could, Manic twiddled his fingers together in a playful manner. “What’re you talking about Big-Bro?”
“Seriously Sonic, you need to use clear, concise words.” Snickered Sonia.
“You both dyed your hair and fur!” Sonic pointed between each sibling. “Mom’s gonna have kittens!” Growled their elder brother as his mind swam with images of a none-too-pleased Bernadette Hedgehog glaring at her son and daughter-in-law.
Arms crossed, Sally tapped her foot, in a manner not unlike her husband. “You two sneaks lost us to go and do the dye-jobs yourself didn’t you?”
“Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe.” Both twins chorused.
Sighing Sally frowned more. “Manic, Sonia, you do realize your Mother and Father are going to tan the crap out of your hides. They both told you, neither of you could have such radical dye jobs until you were fifteen, thirteen at the earliest if you both proved responsible enough! Plus, Manic, sweetie, why are you intent on making yourself look like Scourge?!”
“Hey!” Manic cried indignantly, a pout forming on his lips. “I just like the color, it’s not my fault Sonic’s scrub of a doppelganger had the same color-job! It screams ‘me’! Plus I don’t have sharp teeth or those evil eyes like he does, plus my quills are cooler lookin!”
“I’ll give you that li’ bro, on the being cooler looking thing, but dam-er dang it!” Sonic grabbed his own head-quills, mussing them up some in frustration. “Urgh Mom n’ Dad ain’t gonna let us watch you two ever again if you pull crap like this again!”
“He’s right.” Sighed Sally, rather dramatically. “We’ll be seen as so irresponsible they will forbid us from ever seeing you again!” She put a hand to her heart, and the other against her head. Truly, piling on the dramatic flair. “They may even question if we’re fit to be parents ourselves and have our babies taken from us.”
While Sonia rolled her eyes, Manic’s went wide as panic took over his earlier nonchalant attitude. “R-really?! We don’t want that!”
“Manny, bro she’s trying to guilt us!”
“Well it’s working! I didn’t wanna get them in that deep of trouble!”
“Manic she’s the QUEEN!! Mom and Dad can’t do jack to her!” His (slighty) older twin argued, seeing her partner-in-crime was about to fold.
“Wanna bet?” Sonic crossed his arms, smirking fully as he saw the sliver of doubt in the two’s eyes. “Mom can be scary when she wants and Dad, Dad is aaaaaaaaaall about the ‘subtle, quiet big stick’ kind of approach.”
Now even Sonia was doubting if they’d gone too far, especially as it pertained to how much trouble this might land her and Manic. Maybe she underestimated her ability to talk her way out of trouble. “M-Maaaybe we got a little carried away?”
“You sure did you two scamps, now if you come with me down the tree, we might ‘might’ convince Mom and Dad to let you both stay the night, and we can wash out the dyes and treat your fur so they never notice.”
Nodding as they both climbed fast, but still safely across the branch to Sonic. The two younger hedgehogs cling onto his legs. “We give, we give!!”
“Smart choice!” Laughed Sally from the ground, smiling at the won tag-team victory of talking the kids into doing their bidding. “If you two behave onward, there might be my special ice cream sundaes after supper.”
Maybe handling kids wouldn’t be so hard after all? Sally thought before speaking aloud to them. “Cross my heart!”
“N’ you know Sal’s promises are good as gold.” Quipped Sonic as he guided the two once they stood up towards the ladder down to ground level. “Also, expect to help do some chores as further punishment for this stunt.”
“What?! Oh come on big brother-!”
“Nope, nada, don’t even try to talk me down Sonia!” Sonic cut her off as he coaxed first Manic, then Sonia to climb down the ladder. “Sal’s gotta take it easy and I need help doing this and that.”
“But you guys got a staff at the castle to do stuff!” Pipped Manic, his voice echoing through the hollow tree.
“It keeps us honest to do our own chores.” Quipped Sonic, watching them both get halfway before he started down the ladder himself. “Plus if you want us to keep quiet about the dye-thing-.”
“Oh fine!” Both younger hedgehogs huffed, giving up arguing.
“Being a big brother has its perks.” Chuckled Sonic to himself as he made his way down. Maybe in a few years, Sally and he could return the favor and foist their own kids on Manic and Sonia to babysit. Oh the payback will be sweet!
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonsal Celebration Year 2, Day 8
The final day is here; and this one took me a bit to figure it out but here we go! I’ve enjoyed the celebration hosted by @boundforfreedomsonsal this year and look forward to more events to come. I honestly haven’t felt a drive for my solo writing like this in awhile. Sure I’ve had some projects cooking in the wings but they’re slo-mo going for various reasons. Maybe I just needed an injection of my favorite furry couple to light the fires? XD  In any case, enjoy and can’t wait to hear what’cha all think.
Flipping her book to a new page, Sally’s eyes began to read over the new lines of the beginning paragraph. The curl of a smile began to form more as she read on with the book. Said book was actually was not the full release novel. Wanting to encourage her friends’ new hobby, Sally had offered to be a beta-reader and thus the manuscript was in her hand; a manuscript that Nicole had already bound as a book to ‘sell the experience’, a rather cute gesture Sally appreciated since she did enjoy the ‘feel’ of a book in her hands. As she moved to the next page, she softly chuckled. “I think Nicole is channeling you into the male love interest, he reminds me so much of you Sonic.” The book was actually a thriller but there was a romance subplot, and Sally couldn’t help but notice two of the lead characters channeled Sonic and herself. There was another female character who seemed to be trying to romance both, and this made Sally raise an eyebrow as that character felt like a fusion of Nicole and Bunnie. Was Nicole just being creative or was she projecting something into her hobby?
With the book obscuring her view, she didn’t see Sonic but could hear him walking back into their bedroom from the adjacent bathroom, having finished brushing his teeth. “Oh? So how does this fictional guy remind you of moi?” He playfully inquired, his footsteps softened as the bed shook, indicative of him crawling onto it from the bottom edge.
After she finished scanning the current paragraph, the skin under her fur began to blush as a ‘love scene’ started, and again she had to wonder if Nicole was somehow psychic or if she could ‘see’ things through the nanites regardless of her wishes; or in a worst-case, ‘Sally-did-not-want-to-believe-it’ scenario, a voyeur. Especially since the scene described the two characters slipping into a utility closet for a ‘quickie’; which invoked a memory or two Sally had of Sonic and her doing similar things. Shaking her head, she dismissed such a crazy notion; it wasn’t an uncommon romantic story set-up, so that was probably the case, making her feel silly for even considering Nicole would have peeped on Sonic and her.
“Long and short of it sweetie, he’s got your flair for ‘smooth style’ as you put it.” She answered her husband, moving to the next page. Suddenly she felt her nightgown being pulled up past her thighs and belly, making her lower the manuscript and stare at her husband with a slight frown and raised an eyebrow. “Sonic, what are you doing? I’m not in the mood.” She flatly told him; and she wasn’t despite the slight spicy turn in the novel she was prereading.
Looking at his wife, Sonic put a hand to his chest fur as if wounded by her accusation. “You think I would start being frisky without checking with my wife? For shame Sal!’ He ‘tsked’ and wagged a finger in the air. “Much as I enjoy lovin’ on you, my goal is to do this.” With that statement said, Sonic then laid his head on Sally’s four and a half month pregnant belly. His ears began to twitch as he nuzzled and listened for any sounds or signs of movement within. A hand rested along her belly where his head was not resting, slowly, softly stroking in tender circular motions. The expression on his face was a mixture of pride, love, happiness, and something, Sally could not put a word to it; but it made her heart melt seeing her beloved husband so, in-love with the lives growing inside of her.
Smiling Sally put a bookmark between the pages of the manuscript and set it on the nightstand, content to just watch her husband rest on her belly. “You can’t get enough of that can you?”
Flashing his own smile her way, he made a sound that was just joyful as his cheek nuzzled her swollen-with-child belly. “They need to hurry and come on out.”
“Three and a half months at the least Sonic, you can wait a little longer. Not that I don’t wish they could hurry from time to time myself.” Sally couldn’t help but giggle some at his impatience but ultimately she also sympathized. She wanted her little bundles in her arms as well. So far she was enjoying her pregnancy; the highs and lows together even if the lows were sometimes unbearable. Sally was someone who liked to be in control of her faculties, and her hormones making her irrational at the drop of a hat was not entirely her idea of fun.
Still, the upside outweighed that, but she would be happy to not have her bladder kicked every half hour! After a moment’s debate, Sally gripped her nightgown bunched up just under her chest and pulled the article off and cast it aside.
Craning his head, Sonic sent her a playful smile. “I thought you weren’t in the mood?” Laughing she playfully smacked his arm. “I’m not, I just got a hot flash, and well- these!” She gestured to her chest which had gained some growth. “They felt too confined, and urgh heavy! How much milk does my body think I need to produce?!”
Unable to help himself, Sonic laughed as his lovely wife hefted her breasts while looking out of sorts with the recent hormonal developments. As she pouted at him, he waved a hand apologetically in the air. “S-sorry Sal, just watching you juggle them around is too damn funny! P-plus if I may be frank it’s kinda probably a thing since you’re having twins. Remember how much my Mom got bigger in the chest when she was pregnant with Sonia and Manik? Plus if our kids have my metabolism they’ll be hungry suckers.”
Pouting she quickly if carefully stops hefting her chest and crossed her arms. “The next time ‘YOU’ have our child. I am making it a royal decree. Let’s see how much you laugh with the back-pain, bladder control issues, cravings, and hyper mood-swings.”
Snorting Sonic sat upon his knees, a hand still on her belly. “I kinda lack the equipment Sal, so decree all you want.”
As Sally opened her mouth to make a retort, she slowly closed her mouth, then opened it again but yet as before closed it as she could not think of a solid argument. Pouting in frustration she threw her hands up in the air. “Fine you win this one.”
Having dealt with her mood swings enough, Sonic could see she was one-foot in the midst of one; hence her insistence he carry the next kid despite being a biological impossibility. Moving his hand from her belly he scooted down the bed toward her upper half and gently slid his hand around one of hers and squeezed. “Hey don’t frazzle yourself hun, I just got one over ya’ this time. No big.”
“I know, it’s just mildly annoying when my hormones make my mind or mouth run away without a clear thought.” She murmured, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her free hand. Looking his way, she smiled warmly. “I appreciate you putting up with me when I get out of sorts.”
“Hey fair’s fair, you put up with me.” He winked, which as he hoped got her to laugh. “There we go, have a chuckle hun, let the bad vibes out of your system. Plus heck if you really don’t wanna do this again we don’t have to have anymore kids.”
She nodded, looking thoughtful as she pondered this. “Suppose we do?” “We can adopt.” He pointed out.
Sally couldn’t help but consider all angles; “Suppose I lose my mind and want to be pregnant again?”
Sonic shrugged, “Stuff to consider when we come to that bridge Sal. Right now, just focus on these two. I have a feeling they’ll keep us busy and on our toes well enough. Whatever we decide we decide together.”
Unable to not smile, she brought his hand to her lips and kissed it. “I love you, and thank you for putting me at ease about those future thoughts.”
“S’what husbands are for right?” He chuckled kissing her back before moving back towards her belly. Once back in place, Sonic resumed resting against his wife’s belly, planting a warm kiss against the lump housing their children. “Mama and Daddy kicked all the bad guys butts for you before you were born, but we’re gonna protect you still when you come into the world.” He coo’d, as he continued to massage his wife’s abdomen which had a soothing effect on Sally as she relaxed against her pillows.
“Damn right we did, and mmmm, don’t stop.” A low moan of contentment left Sally as she found her eyes fluttering. She guessed it was time for bed after all. “...I want… I want to give them the best lives we can Sonic. That’s all I want for them.”
Glancing her way, Sonic slid a hand up to wrap around hers, squeezing as he then moved up the bed, now laying beside Sally and kissed her softly. “We will, that’s always gonna be the plan Sal, they ain’t ever gonna go through the crap we did, nor will they question if we love em’.”
Nodding softly as her eyes fluttered, Sally squeezed his hand, then moved her arms around him to pull him against her side like he was a cuddle toy. “I hope we’re ready, I want this but I worry I might not be good enough-.”
“I worry too Sal.” He gently interrupted, kissing her tired eyes as her sleepy expression grew across her face. “I worry too, but I know we’ll figure stuff we go together. Like we always have.” Nuzzling her cheeks, he reached down to pull the covers over her so she wouldn’t catch a cold. “Sleep sweetie, I love you.”
“Mmm love you too my sweet Hog’.” Sally murmured before sleep fully and utterly claimed her. Leaving Sonic to kill the light by the nightstand before he curled back against her, watching her sleep as he lets his own body relax. Sleep would come for him eventually, until then, he wanted to keep watch on his wife and unborn children.
Even in peace, he would keep protecting. It’s just how Sonic was, and always would be.     
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