#Sorey for rant
mikaikaika · 8 months
Dude I'm so emotional about Charlie singing a rap lullaby to Sunny. As a person whose favourite egg was Flippa since the start (and still is) - watching Charlie do the same thing he did for her in the initial days means so much to me. There's so many things to be said about how Charlie is a completely different person than he was at the start of this journey. Life, choices, and, circumstances have all let him to a stage where he even if he tries to improve, everyone and everything around him is serving as a reminder of the mistakes he's made. On top of that these reminders are also serving as a knife being twisted in the already rotting away scar of his grief.
And yet, in this scenario now when he is emotionally down and his self esteem has been shot down all the way to hell - he doubts himself and his actions so much regardless of the intentions he carries. Now here comes Sunny like a whiplash - this little bundle of joy whose jumping around and wanting to be with Charlie and it's despite of knowing all the things she has heard multiple different people tell her - she still approaches him with the same love in her heart and the same shine in her eyes as the diamonds she carries.
However, this time instead of falling into his spiral of self-hate and becoming a catalyst to the destiny he fears, this time he tries to try despite his doubts and it's all for this Sunny who looks at him like he's her world and who kills someone just to be with her dad. And oh he sings for her the same way he sang when he originally felt the feeling closest to this. And maybe just maybe her love for him might end up helping him love himself a little bit more.
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nostalgic-muffins · 9 months
ok i love streamer levi. its great, its perfect, its wonderful. but hear me out. vtuber levi.
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igneouswyvern · 7 months
the zestiria timeline baffles me to no end because i know all the camlaan stuff takes place 17 years before the events of the game and i know it has to be that way because that's the only way for sorey and mikleo to have originated in camlaan. and yet. what do you mean heldalf has only been living with his curse for 17 years. what do you mean the celestial record is 21 years old. what do you mean camlaan has only been around for less than 30 years. in my head all this stuff takes place on a waaaaaay larger scale like heldalf should have been wandering the earth in solitude for at least a century right? you're telling me it only took him 17 years to give into the malevolence? what a loser. and the celestial record felt like an ancient book from a time long past when they were nerding about it in the beginning of the game. you're telling me it's barely older than sorey and mikleo themselves? and you can't just go around calling a village that existed 22 years ago and was lived in for only 5 "the origin village." like nah that thing has to have been around for at least 50 before you go calling it something as dramatic as that. idk. in the two-and-a-half-years in between playing zestiria i forgot all the lore and i had it in my head that shepherds were like a once-every-one-hundred-years deal and michael was from like ages ago and all this stuff was ancient as hell. and it feels so silly to me that it was all so recent
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gertritude · 8 months
I binged🏴‍☠️ hazbo hotel like an hour ago and the songs and voice talent are insane. They carry the show. I especially liked the ones with alistor. Maybe I'm cringe but I find him very fun
There are nitpicks I have with it but overall I didn't find it too bad except for the horrendous pacing and way too many characters. Slow the fuck down
The post I accidentally deleted was actually about the poor pacing - specifically, I was a little peeved at people who excused it because "they might not get another season!" Like, if you're only getting eight episodes.... Then I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to start cutting plotlines and characters. I'm so extremely baffled by the decision to include what seemed to be every idea the creator ever had for the series in one season. Is it because they decided to have it be canon with the pilot, while also not including the pilot with the season and just kind of assuming you watched it...????
Also anon I am so sorry but alastor is the character that works the least for me. The writers want u to think he is so cool and scary and badass but he isn't. He's like if Jeff the killer and fandom bill cipher had a baby. One of my least favorite character archetypes/personalities in general. His design is terrible. Sexymancore but no sexy. The writers made him associated with voodoo solely because they thought it was spooky and it pissed off every actual practitioner of the religion. As if that all wasn't enough, he even has an undercut under that fuckass bob. I think his voice is cool and the general concept of "old timey radio demon who hates modern tech" is good, but these are the only bones I can throw him. Why does he have to be in two of the really good songs. My OC Mordred would kin him that is how goofy he is to me
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eyluvu · 4 months
I do really like Rick's small realistic (idk how to describe it) details, like-
The nightmares are a plot point from the very beginning, but apart from that there's mentions of panic attacks which is so important to me- theres NO way these kids are that brave all the time. And the getting seasick trope in HoO. And the feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. Like these books are so joyful but there's no sugarcoating and making the kids seem super powerful all the time like many other people do. Its subtle signs that these things happen to even demigods, you know? Very sweet
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rose022 · 2 months
im gonna fight im gonna fucking fight. why does my college require an app with bluetooth to get into your room thays so fucking stupid. i hate the modern reliance on apps. literally for what. what if someone doesnt have an ios or android. what if someone doesn't have wifi or data. what if someone doesnt have their phone on them. what if their phone is dead. literally so many reasons this is stupid.
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pro-memoriia · 2 months
I'm gonna cry. I was gonna go out with friends. I got ready. Like, panicking about shit. Washed my clothes, got everything I needed, pushed through my social anxiety. And it's the wrong fucking weekend.
I did all that shit in a rush for nothing. I feel so fucking stupid. I'm the only one of us who made that mistake.
And one of my friends is angry with me for it.
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enjolraspermettendo · 3 months
So, I have 4 exams days away, I can't sleep at night because of fucking mosquitos that are eating me alive, I've developed a huge and horrible stress rash all over my chest and under boobs which honestly is getting bad despite treating it, mosquitos fucking decided to bite me on the fucking rash and on the edge of my healing tattoo, I can't fucking wake up in the morning because I spend my nights being haunted by mosquitos and during the day I have no fucking Braincell left alive to actively study, so my stress gets even worse because I am going to fail thes exams so bad and I end up crying at 3am while looking for the fucking mosquitos
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torotits · 1 year
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rosedosed · 1 year
🌻 🌻 🌻 !!!!!
1. There’s Talks about two friends and me moving in together and though I’m a little careful (I’ve seen many friendships torn apart after becoming roomies) I’m CAUTIOUSLY VERY EXCITED!! I currently live in a small studio apartment with very little interaction between the housemates and I love a little personal space but Bro I Miss being having roommates. I don’t mind getting most of my social kicks from going out and meeting people but going on holiday I’m always hit with how pleasant it is to live with a whole bunch of friends around me at all times.
2. Jumping off 1^, I’ve also noticed I benefit a lot from having people around me as an artist. Art and writing (my big passions) are incredible but they’re also very SOLITARY experiences. I’ve noticed that many artist-influencers (especially on tiktok) are really good at editing their videos to make it seem like art is a quick, fun, relaxing and social process, but in practice art-creation takes fucking hours and usually those hours are spent in isolation. As much as I want to draw for the rest of my life, I notice that sitting hunched over a tablet for half a day without having people around me to pull me back to earth when I get too lost in the sauce just isn’t super good for my mental health, so I cannot wait to move into a home with palz and Exist & do Art Together
3. Now that I’m already monologuing lets make it 3/3; I notice that many artists stop drawing as much as soon as they leave high-school/adolescence. This is super understandable (adult life is busy as hell) but many of them (me included) are a little sad about it. Here’s what I’ve done to remedy this a little bit & keep drawing consistently as an adult;
Figure out why art appeals to you, figure out why you gravitated towards art, why you need it, and then listen to that need. If you create art to tell stories; tell stories. If you create art to make money; sell merch or take commissions. If you create art purely for yourself; DO THAT. If you wanna retain a hobby make sure you still do it for you. And if you find out that you don’t really feel the need to create art anymore don’t you dare resent yourself for it that’s fine. You’re not defined by what you create, you’re defined by what drives you & if creating art doesn’t drive you that’s totally fine you can do whatever you want forever! 💖
Find your Artist Identity Sweet Spot. I, for example, don’t find the life of a full-time freelance artist appealing. It sounds stressful and not suited to my needs, that’s why I combine it with two other part-time jobs and never refer to myself as an artist in a commercial way. What’s more, I try to make space for art as a social activity to meet my extroverted needs. Live drawing! Collaborations! Art-dates! Figure drawing! The lifestyle of the solemn solitary artist just doesn’t suit my golden retriever ass no matter how much I thought it had to, and the sooner I figured that out the sooner I could work to fit art into my life more comfortably. Don’t try to fit some arbitrary artist mold. It doesn’t exist and it’s only gonna make you sad. There is no The Artist, there is only YOU; THE ARTIST.
Speaking of you; draw for YOU I cannot overstate this enough. Appeal to YOURSELF and you’ll always have an audience. Cringe culture is FAKE. Online art discourse is a BLACK VORTEX. Following your passions is BASED and you have to do it RIGHT NOW. I’ve been unabashedly drawing SELF-INDULGENT TTRPG CONTENT for an audience of 7 for the past 2 years and I’m so in my own front-seat about it. I’m much happier than I was trying to appeal to ppl who only appreciated my art when I deliberately tried to cater to them. I promise; if you feel like people’s expectations are limiting you in what you truly want to do; there’s people out there who will truly appreciate your work and trying to cater to those who don’t is only gonna piss you off in the long run. Draw whatever makes you happy I don’t give a fuck what it is as long as it makes you happy.
Sorry for talking so much here’s a picture of a mural I saw yesterday
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socialc1imb · 2 years
He eepin
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damiemontclair · 2 years
Not my little sister (unintentionally) rubbing it in my face that she is picking up figure skating again when I have just been forbidden from doing any and all sports aside from swimming crawl literally last week... "want to go buy skates with me?" "want to come skate with me this afternoon? We can grab you rental skates" "finally picking up my skating passion again after 10 years"-instagram story... I had to explain to her that I couldn't, and even then she still tried to convince me to go anyway. Like asking enough times would suddenly make it ok. I want to scream. Do you think I don't want to? Do you think I haven't been thinking about it for years now? That I haven't looked into lessons? Do you think I'm just saying no over and over again because, what? You're the one asking? Do you think it doesn't hurt me to see you go do what I wish I could but never got around to and won't be able to do for at least a year or two or maybe more? Maybe ever?
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pauein · 2 years
Every day i want to be That Guy about something that a bunch of people will disagree with me about but im being so brave about it <3
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jimposts · 2 months
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igneouswyvern · 7 months
every day i live in anguish over the pendrago arc of zestiria because i am and always will be of the opinion that sorey should have been the one to kill cardinal forton and not rose
listen i understand why they made that choice. i understand why they waited to make the drama of sorey's first kill in the final battle with heldalf. i understand that rose is the assassin and it tracks for her to be the one to do the dirty work and it makes sense for her to not want the shepherd to have to do that. i get it. i understand. however. i simply think sorey should have been the one to do it
it's such a turning point in his character arc as he learns that some people can never be saved and sometimes the death of one is what's best for the rest of the world. it's what makes him start to realize that he can't be the hero of every person ever. and that maybe death is better for the individual than living the way they do. and we can see it impact him (briefly). but can you imagine how much more he would have been impacted by it if the blood was on his hands. in the game he grapples with the fact that he wasn't able to save her. but imagine if he also had to grapple with the fact that he was the one who took her life. can you imagine what that would have done for his character
and i mean i would have understood if he was too pussy to do it, like he hesitated and wasn't strong enough to go through with it and rose had to cover his ass before he got himself killed. but like no. he was standing there, knife in hand, winding up for the kill and she just jumped in and did it instead. he was resolute, he knew what he had to do, he was fully prepared he was fully ready to deal the killing blow. and rose stole it from him. listen you can't just show him holding the knife, preparing to stab her, and cut to black and play a gross stabbing sound effect and NOT expect me to go wild imagining what could have happened when the lights came back on.
and okay maybe it's just me being sadistic and wanting to make sorey my punching bag. i do love doing that. but you have to understand where i'm coming from right. how much more interesting his character arc would have been if he'd had to be the one to make that kill. and that whole sequence and what follows just convinces me that the writers were too afraid to hurt sorey too badly. they wouldn't let him kill and his signature tales-protagonist-depression-arc lasts all of two minutes before he's back to cheery and nerdy and optimistic sorey. please. please i'm begging you im on my hands and knees please hurt sorey please cause him emotional damage please let him feel like shit for more than 10 seconds i am pleading with you zestiria writers give me this give me this one thing
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randomladdo · 9 months
Ik no one reads my social posts. Idk why I amek em, guess to vent without self depreciating too much cuz ill feel embarrassed?? Idk , who knows. I hate that I'll never have a close relationship. The one person that like the same things u do, the one u could talk to for hours. The one u can trust and feel safe with just talking about ur interests or anything without it being called cringe. I hate myself for feeling jealous when I see groups of ppl talking to eachother, being close to the hip and I'm just....alone. my roommate that I've known for 12 years didn't even feel as close as that. Were still best friends bur it's hard to talk about ur interests when he thinks it's cringe to gush or cry over a character, or anything that's basically me fanboying and infodumping. The one person I could groomed me and threw me away like I was hot garbage. I just want to know what's wrong with me. What am I doing wrong, what do I need to change?
I just don't want to be alone with my thoughts anymore. I don't want to make up pretend scenarios of me or an OC having fun with characters the way I see ppl do. I don't want to make up pretend scenarios of hanging out with real ppl. And I can never escape this, not even while doing that. Having aohantasia, all u see is darkness when u close ur eyes and try to "imagine" something. I can make audio sort of, but that's it. I have to stare out into my life while trying to escape even for a moment, so I basically never can. I'm stuck in this. I'm stuck to being alone and being hated for being too hyper and annoying and because of my stupid adhd and anxiety ruining my life. I wish I could pick up social cues, I wish I could talk to ppl and be able to make those close friends, ones that won't hurt me.
I'm so tired of this feeling in my chest
If anyone's reading this. Sorry to ruin ur feed, I'll delete l8r when I'm not in this mood
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