#Sorry I don't have much to say I'm very tired atm lol
rosie-kairi · 11 months
Man the way KH brainrot has me going insane, especially khux and having ven shoot up from top 5 characters all the way to number 1, like he's the most tragic character and I can't get over it (i will fight anyone who says its not ven they're wrong).
Like in unchained x he's likely 8 years old, no wonder he always considered himself not very good and didn't have friends. All the keyblade wielders are preteens and teens none of them want to train a 8 year old from the ground up which sucks because we know by bbs he's actually very strong and a talented wielder.
Then we fast forward 2 years to union x and it was only recently pointed out to me that has he not replaced strelitzia he likely would've fought in the keyblade war. He narrowly escaped dying as a child soilder at 10 in war and the universe saw that and decided to make his life worse for it. Because then we find out the original darkness took advantage of him and the guilt nearly ate him alive he was willing to let his own surrogate brother strike him down as righteous justice. But when that didn't happen he then willingly jumped into a fight he knew he would lose to save his friends at 11 years old. Ven is a baby! He's too young for all this! And then he never sees his friends the only family he's ever known again! What the fuck!
And then the poor kid gets screwed over even more because a maniacal old man has been obsessed with his visage his whole life and he gets trained tortured for a year and when xehanort can't mold ven into his perfect weapon he just straight up murders him! Ven is only 12 and this is the second attempt on his life! He barely survived and then gets placed in the care of his old friends grandson that he does not know or remember and then is almost killed by him (god poor ven the memories are too painful to bear) and then he's lied to about losing his new friends and forced into a fight to the death. Once again Ven willingly enters a fight he knows will end badly for him to save his friends and he's 16! That's 4 murder attempts now!
And then poor Ven is left in an enchanted coma for 12 years since radiant garden doesn't fall for another year and then 9 years go by until KH I and then Sora goes to sleep for a year after COM, and then when he finally wakes up it's to fight in the war he barely escaped from as a child.
And only now post Melody of Memory he reaches 17 by a miracle but it seems the fortellers and MoM are the new big bads so I can only imagine what horrors wait for Ven. Poor kid barely escaped childhood and has had years of his life stolen from him like Ven cannot catch a goddamn break and he lives rent free in my head I think about his overarching story too long and I can feel the madness set in.
Totally!!!! Nothing but bad times are coming for this kid in the coming saga. There's the stress of looking for Sora, of course, but then after everyone let's their guard down DARING to believe that they'll get some peace and quiet for once in their lives THESE assholes with the animal masks and the unbelievably strong keyblades show up and Ventus recognizes them somewhat. And then that leads to him slowly getting his memories back and he remembers what happened to him in the past. He'll collapse from the weight of it all!!!
Ventus is so. Everything to me. I think he's probably my favorite character in the "mainline" series proper. You can fit SO much horrific experiences inside of this little blonde boy
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pitynostars · 9 months
ok so first things first, i loooove gatwa's doctor so much already. if nothing else, i love the masterclass in acting he's putting on, his expressiveness is so impressive. he brings a very fun energy to the role
the church on ruby road has me feeling a bit mixed as well. the plot was kind of meh, and i didn't like how in the alternate universe ruby's mum was just so mean without her. it didn't make sense. like what makes ruby so special, hm 🤨 what's this one white blond baby got that all the other babies in the world don't 🤨 i know the point was to show how much ruby meant to her mum, but like. there are other ways to do it than have a complete 180 in characterization.
i'm honestly not super interested in the mystery of ruby's parentage (which apparently seems like it will be a huge thing unless they're just making stuff up to fake us out, in which case, good on them). but i don't want it to be some big reveal i'm sorry 😩 especially not because if it is, people will bend over backwards to say how great storytelling it is when they'd never say that if moffat did a plot like this. i hadn't even considered the possibility really, when i'd first watched it, i thought it's just not that deep, but maybe i'm wrong. the people who are theorizing that ruby is rose and tentoo's daughter are sooo funny though like
ur only saying that because she's blond and we all know nobody on this show can be blond without being related to The Blond(tm) 🙄
that literally means they abandoned their kid. yes. such good parents 😫
i also feel like we didn't....really get to know ruby that well? i'll reserve judgement to give them more time obviously, and millie seems very green (not a judgement on her, and she and ncuti seem to have a lot of fun energy together) so there's still time and there's a lot of time in general for the stories to get going, and it had to do double duty as a christmas special and an intro episode for both new doctor and new companion so like, my feelings may also change with time. anyways those are my thots for now
yesss i was sold on gatwa very quickly i just hope he doesn't become 10th doctor rehash number 2345932853845 i am so tired. give him something new. also praying him and ruby don't have a romance angle there were a couple of moments in CORR i was like. GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN.
CORR plot being meh i agreeee but also xmas specials plot is a lot of times like a wafer and as someone who watched it quite roasted ngl i kinda appreciated it 😂
YEAH omhg tho with ruby disappearing and her mum (i want to say carla??) completely changing as a person??? i get that the point was supposed to be like one little change can make such an impact etc etc as well. but also i was just like. .... ok but what about the other kids wasnt good enuf ???? maybe i'm a cynic lol. but fr have another MORE kids on the wall bc she's trying to fill a gap she doesn't know is from what !!!! IMAGINE.... especially with it being sort of set up as a doctor/companions parallel oh my god
nooo oh my god i know what you mean about rubys parents i like that theyre setting it up as a counter to 13s "it doesn't matter i'm good as i am my past doesnt define me" etc. but i really want it to not be interesting. i want her parents to just be like. normal people who had to make a hard choice lol. oh my god. i just realised. we're gonna go thru a fucking rey star wars arc with her im gonna lose it byee... imagine she ends the series like "im ruby doctor" :) i would quit watching.
but yeah 100% it's gonna be a big thing. atm i dont care but i guess we'll see and hope they do something interesting with it.... prayers she's an alien tbf
rose and tentoo would be terrible parents tbf i said what i said.
YEAH i know what you mean i feel like that about gatwa too i think its hard making the first intro for both an xmas special because it has to be kinda silly and rompy so you cant rlly get too into the grit of the characters?? still reserving judgement on them both, but its taken me a while to warm up to like. everyone in dr who since bill--- wait i take that back i loved bel in flux from like her first scene but she's not a doc or companion.
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bexfangirlforlife · 11 days
911 episode 71 (5×11) first watch notes:
Ok, since I prefer odd numbers to evens, I'll do one more and make it five eps for my binge today.
She is gonna fly away accidentally for sure
Oh she didn't (yet)
Who are you random blonde guy?
Ugh I didnt need to see this
Buck loving the music 😄 he is so puppy coded
So weird to see Eddie there. It does not fit him. I mean he looks great in those clothes, but... you know?
Lol the montage showing how Eddie is growing more uneasy the longer he has to do the same routine 😅
Aw family dinner with Buck 🥰
Very tired
A Buddie kitchen scene 😁
Buck saying "You don't need to pretend with me" to Eddie 🥺🥹
It's gonna delay explode any second now
Yup there it is
Eddie you look sooo bad. (The eye rings (? shadows?) I mean)
Omg wait is that Arielle ... something?!?!
Looked it up. Yes it is Arielle Kebbel aka Lexi from tvd / one of the girls from John Tucker must die / Lindsay from Gilmore Girls!!!
Aw Eddie, don't feel excluded
It feels so weird to not have Chimney here for such a long time
Oh. My... Buck and (idk her name) being there just the two... I was about to say "why can't she be his girlfriend instead of Taylor" earlier... are they... gonna do something with these two...???
Oh damn I feel tension there... oh the looks
Buck notices too
Whooo boy
I'm sorry that I'm not mad about this. Like at all. 🫣
XD Hen getting Buck home
So was it that guy who planted the bomb?
Sounds so obvious though
Dammit I was routing for the trash yard guy when they were fighting outside
You didn't deal with your trauma, Eddie
Just to make it clear: I do feel sorry for Taylor, she does not deserve to be cheated on.
That being said, I don't care much for her relationship with Buck and like I've said many times before I don't feel chemistry between the two and I'm not a big fan of her so that's why I'm not mad at all that what happened happened, because it means we're slowly approaching the end of their relationship...
I literally "🤦‍♂️" when Buck asked her to move in instead of being honest
I enjoy the Hen & Buck talks we get atm
"I'll never have to see her again" he said, which makes me think she is probably gonna be a new team member
Oh and there is Bobby saying he has an announcement
Yep there she is
Ngl she looks soo beautiful right there
Idk how others see it, but I really like Lucy so far
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delurkr · 1 year
Hey sorry for sending in another ask so soon but I was wondering what your headcanons for the Clarke Family where Personality wise?
And what ages do you think the kids were adopted?
I'm getting vibes that Anthony and Megan were adopted old enough to remember being adopted but that Tanya and Dennis were too young to remember when they were, if that makes sense.
No problem with another ask! If I ever need to let them sit and marinate for a while I will 😄
So ok about their personalities, some of these opinions might be less obvious than others but I try to base this kind of thing on all the doubles in each set (this will not be brief lol).
Now to get this out of the way, James was drunk in his scenes and that's not a great determiner of someone's true personality. That said all the J's are pretty angry in general so he certainly has a temper. We know he's social, spending time with "the guys" and apparently being "well loved at work" like the game says, and he has a ton of anxiety, very much a worrier. Definitely extroverted as well as expressive (whatever he's feeling, good or bad, everyone else will hear about it). Relatedly I feel like he can be pretty demonstrative with his affection for family and friends when he isn't coming unglued from stress. Protective (read also: possessive), impatient, and intense, literally not a shred of chill whatsoever.
Anne is tired ya'll 😅 She can be nosy and critical quite like Angela can and has no time for mushy stuff but clearly it stems from a lot of concern for her family. She cared enough to appeal to Rev Carson for help in handling Megan, but unless she's desperate I definitely see her as the self-sufficient, suck-it-up-and-don't-air-our-dirty-laundry type (she's totally down to hear about other people's dirty laundry tho). Also very exacting, self-assured, and tells it to you straight (without being asked) and expects you to do the same; she's fully convinced that she can fix the entire world if everyone would just do what she says (tbf she's usually right). Probably too stressed out to be seen as much fun these days but she can be super funny when she wants to (her wit isn't always at the expense of other people).
Somehow I don't have a ton to say about Tanya atm but there's a lot to go on based on her scenes and the other T's. She has her flirty ways and a lot of the time likes to keep things lighthearted and casual, and, like Taylor, canonically makes jokes to lighten the mood when things are intense (but only when she isn't the one causing the drama). Unlike Taylor though, she keeps her insubordination on the down low in public, so older people who aren't her parents love her (not that her parents don't love her 😂). Hardworking and cooler than like, everybody; popular and effortlessly good at whatever she cares to do. Also secretive to the point of being deceptive but she keeps secrets to keep things easy, she doesn't purposely cause harm but she's too sensitive to bare her soul often.
Dennis be angy and suspicious 😁 He isn't likely to go looking for a fight but he defends his territory like a bulldog when it's threatened (his territory could be anything from the bathroom at 9 o'clock on Saturday mornings to a box of cheerios on top of the fridge but he'll usually let you know what's his as soon as he claims it). Routined and doesn't like new things unless it was his idea. Tries very hard to be cool. Literally though he'd go to the ends of the earth for people he loves (and he'd do it like, on a unicycle and wearing a clown nose if Megan requested it). 1000% a mama's boy too, you cannot change my mind. Anne will swear up and down that she doesn't play favorites but there was only one kid who got to lick the cake batter spoons without having to ask and his name did not start with T, A, or M. Picked her flowers all the time when he was little too (he's in between stages now but he'll be back around to giving her flowers in a few years or so).
Anthony is just so utterly inoffensive lol, and he manages to be that way even while being his snarky little self. Tends to be oblivious to what's going on, like sure he'll notice changes in people's attitudes or in his environment if you point it out but he won't understand what it means until it doesn't matter anymore (or, thinking of the situation with Megan, sometimes not until it's too late). I say it's partly where his anxiety comes from, the awareness that things can crack and fall apart before he's caught up on there even being a problem. Daddy's boy for sure, he and James are almost exact opposites and, like Abraham with Joseph and Andrew with John, they just click. Introverted, clearly very compassionate but doesn't trust his own instincts with so many more dominant personalities around. Definitely the mediator in dumb sibling squabbles (it's a coin toss whether or not they listen to him) but on the rare occasions he musters the courage to insert himself into any more consequential situations he just might surprise folks into taking him seriously. Chronic baby brother, having to snip at people's heels or wear them down with his big eyes like a puppy to get them to pay attention. A little bitter about it too lol but he does what he has to.
Now I already had a post about the M's personality lurking in my drafts and it gets the job done, so time for a little copy paste:
Mary and Megan speak quite assertively in a lot of their scenes, I'm thinking for example Mary's "Liar!" line to some of the most powerful and well-respected adults in her community and the way Megan gets down to brass tacks in confronting Anne about her parent's conversation or the way she boldly tries to get Dennis's attention, even though I'm sure it's nothing new for her to get brushed off most of the time. I'll point out that M has fearful and withdrawn moments too but it's almost always triggered by Carver/Carson, with the contemporary little girl being the exception: she is entirely that way after all that happened to the other M's (I know she's more of a device than a character but the little girl's shyness is a big contrast to how outgoing Mary was to Andrew and Angela in the first flashback). So yeah I love the assertiveness we're shown and I wanted to point it out, because I see her boldness and outspokenness as more her real, healthy self and I very much appreciate that side of her because there isn't just one type of person that gets manipulated or whose needs get disregarded.
And another thing, unfortunate as it is, is that it reinforces the response the other characters (and the player) have to the M's acting out, just like we see in the game. They don't see her behavior as something new that signals a problem since they can fall back on "she's always been a troublemaker but she's even worse now." (For the most part. Joseph has his moment of "nah Mary wouldn't do that" and Tabitha and maybe David can't wrap their heads around her intentionally accusing them, but it's important that even while Abraham and Anthony try to keep her from harsh punishment they of all people don't put it past her to have done whatever she's accused of.) Also it makes me even madder at Carson and Carver because I can see her being such a delightfully spunky little force of nature if they could just, you know, not exist to torture her.
I don't think it all got my point across very well, but on to the adoption thing. There's different ideas in the fandom that I like but this post I wrote forever ago is kind of my baseline and my reasoning hasn't changed.
Um, the end 😅 Round of applause if you got this far 👏👏👏
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snkvnks · 2 years
"Open Diary" by finnsonlyprincess || mike wheeler x fem!reader
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paring (💌) : mike wheeler x fem!reader
warnings (🩰) : fluff 🐑 and light angst. lmk what i missed (not proof read btw)
summary (🍧) : ever since 6th grade, you had a crush on mike wheeler; you've promised yourself to take that secret to your grave as it would most likely ruin you guy's friendship severely, but one day when mike was over at your house, he was snooping around your room after a few minutes of snooping, he found your diary. would he find out?
(a/n) : sorry this is bad lol , still pls enjoy this lovies! 🦢💋
lower case intended (⛸)
Indiana, Hawkins, 1986
~ 7: 45 am ~
"mike! what the hell are you doing up in my room?!" you shout from upstairs as you fix yourself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen, mike stumbles to put your diary away, stuffing it underneath a random pillow on your bed. "nothing (y/n)!" mike shouts sounding nervous, you hear the nervousness in his voice, however, you chose to ignore it as you sit down at the table to eat your breakfast.
~ a couple of minutes later~ :
~ 8:59 am ~
"(y/n) hurry your ass up, we're late for school!" mike tells you in a stern voice, he goes upstairs to drag you from the bathroom where you were still doing your hair . "god wheeler, i swear if you do that shit again, you are so dead." you say in a serious tone emphasizing the word 'so'. both of you were closing in at the school entrance, you hop of your bike and so does he, you and mike walk into the school , once you reach your class you hug mike, " i got to get to class, see you later mike." you say with a smile on your face , he lets go of you and says with a smirk "don't miss me too much (y/l/n)." blushing and smirking you say "i won't miss you at all wheeler." he chuckles at this then he starts walking to class. if only he knew that he just left you with a thousand butterflies in your stomach.
~the next day~ :
you were laying your head down on mike's lap on your bed , you were totally calm and drifting asleep if anything, but soon enough that all comes to an end when mike pulls out your diary and says "hey (y/n), guess what i found yesterday." he starts , smirking like he usually does it's nothing new to you. you clearly see what he was holding, your diary was in his hands and at any moment, he could find out that you have a serious crush him, you jolt up from his lap to sit up attempting to snatch the diary away from his hands however, you fail miserably "micheal wheeler you better give that shit back to me , right now!" you snap at him, he smiles and says "and what if i don't? what will you do?" you roll your eyes at this "what are you even hiding from me, princess?" he says in a joking flirting tone, you were beyond flustered, next thing you know he opened up your diary and started to read it "dear diary, i was overjoyed to see my best friend mike wheeler today and also know as my long time-..." you just spaced out because the next few lines would go into detail about how much of a crush you have on him, you were very embarrassed to say the least. after he finished the whole paragraph, it went silent , mike was just starring at your diary and you had your face buried into one of your pillows, the silence was becoming unbearable so you decide to say something, "hey uhm-" you were cut off "(y/n) ... i don't we should be friends anymore, sorry but i just don't like you in that way.." before you could get a word in he just up and left.
it's safe to say that you were crying a lot that night.
(a/n) : 1) sorry this was so short and it was shit, I'm very tired as of late, but i will get some rest after i post this. 2) do any of all want a part 2? 3) this was saved in my drafts so i don't have to write all day. 4) love yall xx💋
requests 💓:
open atm <3
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jaderimehardt · 8 months
Quick and short post because I'm insanely tired but I want to post an update.
I stumbled upon a video on youtube the other day and it has sparked a lot of motivation in me to draw again, on a physical medium- pencils & paper (as opposed to an art tablet).
She's a really good teacher and her tips are great.
The video:
I went on a bit of a vid watching spree, absorbing several of her vids afterwards. I have sooooo many of these materials already from past hobbies so that's a plus.
Not just that but RedBubble decided to mail out another e-mail saying they increased the fee cost of their tiers, yet again. So that's been under my skin, nagging away at me a bit.
Today I decided to do something about it after mulling it around in my mind for so long. It's been half a year at least now? And I haven't been able to make up my mind on what to do?
Well I opened an account with Printful and I've been slowly making the conversion over, integrating it with my Etsy shop (yeah I know, Etsy isn't much better but it's the lesser of two evils).
It's tedious and my head hurts. I feel drained. I haven't even touched the edge of the iceberg where my designs are concerned. There's still so many more to go... ☠️
And I haven't even converted or altered any to fit their templates yet. I'm just uploading over my transparent PNGs! This is going to be one heck of a ride. But once it's done... it's done. And I'll be happier for it.
RedBubble, you better hope people are not as determined and angsty as I am cause you're going to lose hella people if they are. You guys screwed up.
Like, I thought you screwed up before, but man you dug yourselves a grave this time. You better go and lie in it.
Just to give perspective, for an Artist in "Redbubble Standard" tier who earned a 25$ paycheck in a month used to get charged an 11$ fee. That's 43%. Couldn't change their tier. It progressively scales worse, and all us RB sellers thought that was bad.
Now with their new system, that they tried to phrase and play off as "We're only increasing it by a dollar" bologna, is significantly worse.
If you make 25$ a month in "Redbubble Standard" tier, you get charged a 17$ fee. That's 67%. And it continues to rise at an insane rate- bordering the 70% range.
They're greedy. They don't care for artists. They deserve to lose all of the artists under their site because they clearly don't listen to feedback from the very people who are the structure and foundation of their website; that being the artists AND the buyers.
The buyers are just as furious with these changes as the artists. They openly voiced it so when these tiers were introduced and most these buyers ARE the artists themselves.
But anyways, I'm going to sleep 😖
I have more things to post tomorrow, for another 12+ hours, most likely 🫠
Sorry for the rant, lol 🙃
(If you're looking for my RB stuff, I took it all down. I have like 10 things posted on my Etsy shop atm and way more things to come- like stickers. Lots and lots of stickers, cause apparently people like stickers, lol.)
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amistytown · 2 years
Hello Noelle ♥️♥️ How are you doing?
I'm stopping by here to say that I'm doing okay and I hope you're doing good too. Sorry for the absence :') I'm facing a very overwhelming phase in my studies rn and I don't have the energy to go online atm ㅠㅠ
But I just want to say that I've done my proposal defense and the assessor was very impressed with my knowledge on my study (Considering I'm doing a thesis about blood glucose and that assessor is like an expert in this field, receiving such compliments made me feel very appreciated :'))
How are you doing? Is your job treating you well? Are you sleeping well? Are you enjoying your coffee every morning? I wish I can run over to your house and hang out together physically. Or just enjoy our time together by baking cookies or just watching any movies 😂 Giving you virtual hugs from afar
Here's a picture of Nemo sleeping to make your day. She's currently 6-7 months old now 💕 She's a very good girl (with occasional playful bites here and there sometimes). She likes to cuddle and enjoy playing with anything she can bite on 😂
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Han 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm so happy to hear from you!!! Sorry, it took me so long to respond. I constantly feel tired and overwhelmed and am much slower than I used to be 😞
I'm sorry you're overwhelmed. Don't apologize for taking time for yourself. I know you're dealing with a lot, and I wish you the best with your studies. I hope you're able to take care of yourself the best you can and have a support system you can rely on. I wish I could make sure you're getting enough to eat, drink, and sleep, and be there to give you a hug and make you strawberry milk when you're having a rough time.
That's wonderful 🥹 I'm so proud of you!!! You should feel appreciated and proud of yourself. You've come so far and are doing an amazing job! I'm sure you put a lot of time and effort into your work and it paid off in the end.
I'd love to hear more about you and your days when you have the time! I enjoy getting updates from you 🥰
I'm doing all right, thank you! Work is going well. It doesn't pay well, but it's the first time I don't feel like a complete outsider lol. And being around books inspires me to write and work on my own projects. I've been dealing with a lot of fatigue lately that is getting in the way. I'm not sure if it's purely mental or physical or both. I plan to see a doctor at some point. Other than that, I am enjoying my coffee every day and playing as much Obey Me and Geshin Impact as I can. Still simping over Levi 24/7 🤣
I also joined a collab for Levi's birthday and have been writing a piece for that, which feels nice!
Omg, I wish we could hang out too 😭 I'd give you the biggest hug!!! I wish I could give you one right now! Chilling out and enjoying each other's company sounds so nice. I'd love to make cookies and watch a movie ❤️
Aw, Nemo is still so precious 🥹 Look at the cute face!!! Now everyone can see Nemo and melt from how adorable she is. I'm so glad she's doing well, and that you two have each other. Feel free to send pictures of Nemo whenever you want. She's too cute for words!!!
Thank you for stopping by! It truly made my day to hear from you. I miss and love you 💕
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cosmojjong · 2 years
thank you so much for the translation, i appreciate it :) i didn't know there was a longer video, you don't have to translate it but could you please post the link? i also wanted to ask if you've subbed any of jjong's concerts, i want to ask for everything from his performances but i don't want to be greedy lol
sorry for replying now - you're very welcome and no worries! i remember it being longer because i was watching the broadcast that day, i actually translated it for you so long post incoming again [check below for the translation]
i haven't subbed his concerts (mostly because there are very few hd clips) but if you have any in mind, let me know! i have a channel as well where i post subbed clips. though my problem atm is that i cannot use any subbing softwares so, unless someone's able to help me, i can't encode subs into vids :( but it's not being greedy, if i can 'brush up' an old memory and share what he's saying i'm more than happy to do so.
kb: shinee's back [sings] no need to mention it, right? shinee, who've been shining for the past nine years! bling bling, the self-luminous diode shinee! kibum, jonghyun, taemin, jinki: hello, we're shining shinee!
kibum: that's right, we've already gotten to our fifth studio album ^^
jonghyun: yah, incredible
kibum: the title track's 1of1- please introduce it, onew-ssi!
jinki: okay! just like the title [suggests], you're able to feel that 'back to the 90s retro feeling' in the lyrics. [the lyrics] are conveying a one and only love to one woman.
kibum: woah.. one woman? who is it?
jonghyun: [here he says a word that frankly i'm not sure i'm hearing right. if it's the word i'm thinking off, he's saying that's a direct/strong enquiry]
jonghyun: of course shinee's 1of1 is [talking] about shinee world! yuuuup, taemin-ssi's got something ready for shinee world who's watching the first reveal of shinee's comeback stage, doesn't he?
taemin: yeah! we have a limited edition, a limited signed edition of our album, we're giving this tape to a person.
kibum: wow, you guys are so good [at mcing]
jinki: we are! and secondly, we have a energetic shinee performance. our energy's going to explode this one time, too!
kibum: cool cool, then i'll say a few words, too.
kibum: yup, taemin (today's guest and mc, the dance god, the dance prince) said he'd show you guys the highlight of the choreo taemin: of course, yeah kibum: please show it taemin: i will! [starts dancing] kibum: [tells him to hurry with his moves] shinee: [they imitate the opening bit of 1of1] kibum: hold up- why.. how are you overdoing it like this? (as in, why are you twisting it lol) taemin: it's like this though? jonghyun: isn't he pretending to be too cute? kibum: alright, alright taemin: i really like the choreo kibum: anyway, you guys saw taemin's dance [jonghyun: yes yes] kibum: didn't you guys also hear a wolf sound coming from somewhere earlier? jonghyun: that was my voice. i can't just sing one time after coming all the way here! kibum: i see. jonghyun: [sings 1of1 and wiggling, sooooo cute] jinki: before seeing shinee's comeback stage, which will illuminate the hearts of k-pop people- taemin: let's first take a look at sf9 (a 9-member group who was set for official debut through a survival show)!
that's it, apologies if there are any minor inaccuracies or typos, i'm a bit tired today but enjoy ^^
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im so sorry if this is annoying but wHen is obvious part 5? me and my friends refresh like everyday lol
You're not annoying please don't worry, I love hearing stuff like this because it gives me the motivation to keep pushing!
But I am about to be annoying because I have no solid answer for you and I hate doing time frames and then not sticking to them.
Basically I'm on placement at an equine hospital for the next two weeks and they are run a lot more like human hospitals than anything else so its early starts, late finishes, nights on call and it's easily the most complicated placement I've ever done. Bottom line is I'm pretty tired and have very few free hours atm.
If it helps I have a rough list of what will get done next, I don't know the order because I work on what's giving me the best vibes lol but the next three things being published on this blog are DEFINITELY:
Obvious Part 5
Flat Spin Chapter 6
A Max Verstappen smut request
Having said that I haven't even started Obvious pt 5 yet so I can safely say it will be at least another 2 weeks unfortunately. I'm so sorry to disappoint but thank you so so much for your patience and loyalty to this fic!!
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merry-kuroo · 3 years
My Top 10 Webtoons (2020-2021)
So, it’s been one year since I started Webtoons/Manwha. At first I downloaded the app to read Tower of God, then I started reading more stuff and now I’m deep into Webtoon hell lol. Anyway, I just wanted to share my Top 10 series...tbh there’s a few more I wish I could add to this list, but I’m not done reading them yet.
So...here :)
Sorry for any typos or any incoherent thoughts. I'm very very tired :)And there are spoilers for some of these series.
1.) Back to You
Honey B has the prettiest art oh my God. 😍
I’m a huge fan of time travel stories where the protagonist is trying to save someone else. In Hanyoung’s case, she decides to save the boy she was in love with Jaehyun.
I really don’t have much to say about this except that I really enjoy it, and things have been going too smoothly in the story atm and I’m expecting something bad to happen at any second. 👁👄👁
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2.) See You in my 19th Life
Lee Hey is incredible. This another story where the art is gorgeous, and I like the story in this one a lot more. The progression of Seoha and Jiuem’s relationship is really sweet 🥰. I’m curious to see how Jieum’s sister and Seoha react when they find out who she truly is...I don’t think it’ll go well :’)
A Good Day To Be a Dog is another awesome series by them which I recommend too, but I like this story a lot more.
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3. The Remarried Empress
The Remarried Empress is about a cool, sophisticated, intelligent woman who has to deal with her cheating idiot of a husband😡, and his mistress...who is also a idiot...and manipulative 🙄
But it’s okay because Navier has Heinrey and everything will be okay!! Hopefully...lol. 😅
This was one of the first stories I started reading when I downloaded the Webtoon app. I wasn’t too sure at first about continuing it, but the drama and Navier’s comebacks were so good that I had to keep coming back twice a week to read new episodes.
Navier will keep winning and she will get everything that she deserves 🥰
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4.) Let's Play
Hilarious and relatable...Let’s Play 🎮 is definitely a story near and dear to my heart. I’m very excited to Sam’s growth in season 3!!
Look, just go read it. Then you’ll know why it’s in my Top 5 haha.
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5.) My Deepest Secret
MDS is wild as hell 😳, but at least Yohan is there 😅 Season 3 has been fantastic so far, and I’m kind of scared of how the series is going to end... I don't know what kind of life Emma can have at this point.
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6.) Siren's Lament
Lyra, Shon, and Ian my loves 🥰😍💕💞💚💙💛
Siren’s Lament is a beautiful story. I have a lot of respect for the author being a student and working on this at the same time haha. Props to her for managing that!
I don’t know too much about Sirens, but reading this made me want to read up more about the lore surrounding them. Siren’s Lament did a good job of adding its own unique twist to the lore.
10/10 recommend
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7.) Tower of God
Yeah, boi. The anime left off on a cliffhanger, then I realized we weren’t going to get a season 2. So, I decided to read TOG from the beginning because I heard that some things were skipped in the anime (and yes quite a bit was different and a few scenes were cut).
I’m currently at the Workshop Battle. Team Sweet and Sour are my favs, but I have a feeling something bad will happen to them 😥
The amount of episodes is still daunting to me, but I know I’ll be caught up one day. 🥲
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8.) The Kiss Bet
The Kiss Bet is really cute 🥰 The second season was definitely an improvement. Each chapter left a smile on my face, and I impatiently waited for the next one.
I was rooting for Patrick, but now I ship Sara and Oliver ahahaha. I’m super excited for season 3 because the drama is going to be soooo goooood. I want to find out more about Oliver and Joe’s family situation or at least see their mom.
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9.) Nice to Meet You
NTMY gave me a boost of serotonin every week 😁. Like no joke. I had a big ass smile on my face after finishing a chapter. Every chapter was just tooth rotting fluff. Wyn is best boi, but it sucks that he’ll be suffering from second boy syndrome in the upcoming season 😢
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10.) unOrdinary
At first I didn’t like unOrdinary...I’m not to sure what happened, but all of sudden I became obsessed with it and began binge reading it.
The fight scenes were awesome and I’m excited to see the Wellston students take down the authorities and Ember. I’m glad John is a lot better now because damn it was hard seeing him so destructive. Hopefully, things will be okay for him and Seraphina now (I doubt it. Too much is up in the air).
My favorite trio - Remi, Isen, and Blyke...I love them and they are in so much trouble rn. I wonder how they’ll get out of it.
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Honorable mentions:
- SubZero
- Flow
- Her Bucket List
- I Love Yoo
- Midnight Poppy Land
So yeah those are my Top 10! I hope to do another list next year because I'm sure the rankings on this list will end up changing 🥰
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
hello noxia toxia its me again
so i was thinking about hikakao cuddling (as i always am, due to the fact i am insane) and i really like the idea of them snuggling post canon, like as adults
like maybe theyre home from college for a break and they dont see each other very often bc theyre busy and go to different colleges so they missed each other a lot. i imagine they call and catch up super often when school is in, maybe even just silently do schoolwork together on call so they can have company, but it just isnt the same sometimes yk
so when they see each other again theyre really clingy with each other, and even though they think its probably a little silly to be cuddling again after everything, theyre too exited about being together again to care. so they snuggle in bed and watch movies or a show or something, talking and catching up, real cozy...and then they fall asleep like that snuggled up together (actually writing a fic similar to this concept atm lol)
or maybe well after college, one of them (either of them could be either role but im gonna say hikaru for this so itll be easier to write) gets some sad news or something bad, nothing super tragic just something that makes him not want to be alone. so he calls kaoru like 'kaofruuuuruuuuuu can u come over i want company pls:(' and of course kaorus there within minutes. seconds even. if there was traffic hed literally just take his private helicopter and fly over there instead even if its like less than a mile away like the rich dude he is. anyway hes there and he hugs hikaru and keeps him company, letting him vent and cry on his shoulder and all that. hikaru gets really tired from all the emotion, and hes snuggled really close to kaoru for comfort, so he just falls asleep there. and kaoru doesnt want to disturb him, so he keeps holding him and just sleeps kinda awkwardly and in his clothes so he wont wake hikaru. and even long after he wakes up the next morning he lets him sleep for however long he needs to just because he knows he needs it. im so sane and normal about them i am i am (foams at the mouth)
im so sorry this is so long i was just rambling, i literally have so many of these
anyways i LOVE THISSSSS I need to write my own hikakao college au <- so much angst potential. The idea of hikaru and kaoru going to different colleges, while not super realistic (?) in my head, is SO cute when they finally reunite... I can see though them often having to split up bc work is so busy in their adult life, and getting thru their catalogue would take ages if they worked side-by-side so to get thru it faster and more efficiently, they have to work by themselves... so Hikaru may be out in Spain and Kaoru is in America.
Which makes, like you said, their reunions so heartfelt...
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I mean, same guys who do this. Of COURSE they're gonna be dramatic after a WEEK of not seeing each other.
After a week of not seeing each other (because lets be real, they would be meeting EVERY weekened no matter where or what. Kaoru is in England? Hikaru is in Australia? Doesnt matter! One of them is flying over on a private jet gdi) they would smother each other in hugs and maybe even a kiss on the cheek if im bold to say and they'd just... cuddle. Talk and goof around like they were in middle school again, bc really, they're immature brats at heart.
(Btw?? I'd LOVE to read your fic!!!! I'm sure it'd be so cute!!)
If something happened while they were separated you bet your ass the other would be there in a heartbeat. Doesn't matter if Kaoru is in the middle of a Super Important Business meeting in America, he'll fly his ass home to Japan later that night to comfort Hikaru.
Your prompt also reminded me of a similar idea i had, about how they deal with each other getting nightmares... tbh I don't think Hikaru dreams often; Kaoru is the one who dreams almost every night (and talks in his sleep). And I think Kaoru used to get nightmares a lot as a kid, to which Hikaru would feverishly calm him down (he had a nightmare once about that fucked up scene in Cinderella 3 with the corrupted pumpkin carriage and the humanized Lucifer... iykyk)
But as they got older, Kaoru never really... stopped getting nightmares? He just got better at hiding them. In highschool, he'd wake up in cold sweats sometimes from really vivid dreams. No longer are they childish fears about a scene in a movie or being chased by a monster. His dreams focus on him losing his friends, his brother; people in his life leaving him. Things he worries about in his waking life; things he believes are going to happen one day. Except, in his nightmares, they happen in the worst ways possible.
He doesn't tell Hikaru about it, usually. Not because he thinks Hikaru would make fun of him or something, but because he doesn't want Hikaru to worry. He only wants Hikaru to be happy. He wants Hikaru to be free and live his full potential - if Kaoru told him he had nightmares about Hikaru leaving him, what would that make Hikaru do? Stick even closer by him. And that's the exact opposite of what Kaoru wants. So, he says nothing, pretends nothing happened as he uneasily falls back asleep, hoping he'll forget what he dreamed about...
And though he doesn't tell Hikaru, Hikaru sort of knows. Not the full extent of course, but... Kaoru can get pretty loud in his sleep. He doesn't toss and turn much (that's Hikaru's thing) but he speaks, and it can be loud and frequent. Usually, it's funny things Hikaru will tease him about if he happens to overhear it; nonsensical silly shit like "Please don't eat us, Usa-chan!" murmured sleepily and Hikaru will have to hold back a giggle to not wake him up. But then sometimes it's not so funny. They're very clear, scared pleas. In his asleep state, they're barely intelligible, too. Just whispers of "Please don't go" "I'm sorry" and "I don't want to be alone". Sometimes he sounds like he's going to cry. Sometimes he looks like he's going to cry. And that's what really scares Hikaru the most. He doesn't say anything, either - he doesn't know how to - but he always holds Kaoru in his arms close to his chest when he hears him make these noises, and soon enough, Kaoru will go quiet and resume a relatively peaceful sleep.
They'll talk about it someday... just not right now.
...I'm totally normal about them too, anon. I promise. I promise.
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ersatzangel · 3 years
I wish I knew the words to say to help you find comfort, find strength. To discover what path is best for you without risk of further pain and hardship. Alas, I cannot. You are not alone is inadequate. I am here for you, is meaningless when neither of us knows how to help. I hear you, though, never doubt that. And for every person who speaks, five more would echo, if they could find their voice. \\ Much collaboration has moved to Discord. For better or worse. In addition to further lock-downs causing emotional burn out, school restarted in America. So, many students are trying to find balance again and are behind on reading, blogging, participating. Typically, a writer is most unsatisfied with the craft right before a burnout or an evolution; be careful.
Thank you so much, anon! I really appreciate it. Honestly, just you sending this means a lot - it's very easy to feel invisible and alone and this helps me to not feel that way
At this point, I think maybe I need to quit fandom completely for the time being? I'm not sure - I don't know what else I'd do with my time lol
It bums me out how much of fandom is on Discord :( it was such a bad place for me! It really triggered all my insecurities and was very overwhelming. I deleted my account and, while I get FOMO (so many events I miss out on because I don't have discord) it was best for me I think??
Honestly, I've not been satisfied with my work in what feels like years! D: And it's not much fun either (another reason I'm thinking about quitting/taking an indefinite break). But that's very true!
Thank you again - I hope you're having a lovely day, or whatever time it is for you <333
Sorry if this doesn't make sense! I'm very tired atm
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merry-kuroo · 3 years
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I posted 8,782 times in 2021
658 posts created (7%)
8124 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 12.3 posts.
I added 3,980 tags in 2021
#fan art - 739 posts
#jujutsu kaisen - 533 posts
#genshin impact - 433 posts
#daiya no ace - 419 posts
#diamond no ace - 393 posts
#jjk - 330 posts
#attack on titan - 299 posts
#mha spoilers - 291 posts
#bnha spoilers - 285 posts
#manga - 258 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#one of my great grandfathers recorded his race as ethiopian so it'll be interesting to see if that's true once the results come in
My Top Posts in 2021
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128 notes • Posted 2021-04-01 01:27:41 GMT
I didn't need my heart today 💔
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137 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 19:16:14 GMT
We got Touma confessing to Taichi, but at what cost? 😰
I am so worried about Touma because of the rumors and I don't want his final months of high school being spent ostracized by everyone 😪
And then Touma apologizing for falling in love with Taichi really cut deep.
Why did I think Blue Flag was gonna be a cute wholesome manga about a trio? My heart's been broken almost every chapter 💔
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159 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 20:43:43 GMT
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169 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 13:28:40 GMT
My Top 10 Webtoons (2020-2021)
So, it’s been one year since I started Webtoons/Manwha. At first I downloaded the app to read Tower of God, then I started reading more stuff and now I’m deep into Webtoon hell lol. Anyway, I just wanted to share my Top 10 series...tbh there’s a few more I wish I could add to this list, but I’m not done reading them yet.
So...here :)
Sorry for any typos or any incoherent thoughts. I'm very very tired :)And there are spoilers for some of these series.
1.) Back to You
Honey B has the prettiest art oh my God. 😍
I’m a huge fan of time travel stories where the protagonist is trying to save someone else. In Hanyoung’s case, she decides to save the boy she was in love with Jaehyun.
I really don’t have much to say about this except that I really enjoy it, and things have been going too smoothly in the story atm and I’m expecting something bad to happen at any second. 👁👄👁
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2.) See You in my 19th Life
Lee Hey is incredible. This another story where the art is gorgeous, and I like the story in this one a lot more. The progression of Seoha and Jiuem’s relationship is really sweet 🥰. I’m curious to see how Jieum’s sister and Seoha react when they find out who she truly is...I don’t think it’ll go well :’)
A Good Day To Be a Dog is another awesome series by them which I recommend too, but I like this story a lot more.
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196 notes • Posted 2021-07-12 03:56:21 GMT
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