lepetitdragonvert · 10 months
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Cendrillon / Cinderella
Quatre contes de Charles Perrault
Artist : Édouart de Beaumont
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heresse-klesz · 8 months
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Dessins d'échauffement
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Donne moi ta main et prête moi la tienne
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cecileappert · 1 year
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Une Souris et sa plume
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disfunctionalmixer · 9 months
okay i love being in small fandoms and communities cuz we don't stir trouble or have problems, but i need fucking friends to talk to about these things
no cuz seriously i need people to appreciate some canvas webtoons as much as i do
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fidjiefidjie · 8 months
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“Chat timide🐈 fait souris effrontée.” 🐁
Proverbe irlandais
Source :redd.tube
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unteriors · 5 months
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NW 9th Avenue, Souris, North Dakota.
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vhscorp · 2 years
Quand tu souris, on dirait que le monde entier s'embrase autour de toi, moi y compris…
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Souris MB Thursday May 11th 1972 1345CST by bill hooper Via Flickr: Grain empties from Winnipeg pull past the station before it backs down to doubles its train into the east yard. During the steam era all grain originating south of main line moved through Assiniboia, Weyburn and Souris to Winnipeg. Also coal from the Estevan Coal fields moved through Souris making it a major terminal with over 20 crews based here.
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nuctoria · 4 months
My Sister
Clara didn’t usually roam away from her home, she preferred to stick to places she was familiar with, but Alisha wanted to go exploring. She didn’t mind joining since she’d be with her big sister and they both knew how to protect themselves, plus they told their dad so he wouldn’t worry.
What she didn’t expect was for Alisha to suggest a game of hide and seek and then go hide because she was too eager to play. Now she had to run around in an unfamiliar part of Evershade Valley and try to find her ghost sister without getting lost herself. This wasn’t fun at all.
“Alisha! Alisha, come out, I give up! I don’t want to play anymore!” shouted the bat girl as she looked around, waiting for Alisha to answer and come out. But there was no answer.
“Come on, Alisha, we need to go home soon! Stop hiding already!” Clara shouted again, more annoyed that she wasn’t getting a response.
She paused when she heard a nose to her left, her ear twitching towards that direction as she turned to look. The bushes from that side were moving and making rustling sounds, making her a bit nervous.
“Alisha, is that you…?” Clara said, more quietly and a bit nervous. She really hoped it was Alisha but given the smell, it wasn’t her.
She sniffed towards the bushes and grew surprised. Why was the scent so familiar?
Finally, something walked out of the bushes, a girl. Another bat girl like herself.
Clara stared at her in wonder, the girl staring back at her warily, assessing her and growing tense at the notice of Clara’s wings and fangs. Clara slowly raised her hand and waved softly, the girl watching before repeating the movement with more hesitance.
“Hello, my name is Clara. What’s yours?” Clara asked the girl softly. She could see that she didn’t trust her and didn’t want to scare her off by accident.
The girl didn’t respond, however, tilting her head to the side in confusion before moving her hands in strange motions.
Now Clara was the one feeling confused but only for a short while as it hit her. She was speaking in sign language. Clara looked at the girl nervously and shook her head apologetically, she didn’t know sign language. The girl stopped and signed before thinking. 
Clara quickly got an idea and looked around on the ground before picking up a rock and kneeling down on the ground. She then used the rock to write her name on the ground, moving away afterwards and motioning the girl to read. The girl stepped over to Clara and looked at what she had written. Once done, the girl looked at Clara and reached her hand out, using the rock handed to her to write her own name. Souris.
Clara smiled happily and bounced on her heels excitedly. She let Souris keep the rock and found a stick to write something else.
‘Your name is really pretty. Nice to meet you!’ was what she wrote.
Souris finally smiled back shyly and wrote next to Clara’s writing, ‘Thank you, nice to meet you too. Your name is also pretty.’
The two girls spent endless time writing on the ground and asking each other questions. Where was the other from? How old were they? What’s their favourite food? Have they played fun games the other knew? On and on they went with countless questions, wanting to learn more about each other and their lives. It was so much fun!
Finally, after a short break to rest their hands from all that writing, Clara got too curious and asked, ‘This may sound weird but your scent is very familiar. Who are your parents?’.
Souris was surprised by that question and wrote down the names of her parents. Haru and Chauvey.
Clara frowned a bit. That didn’t seem right, she didn’t know these people or anyone with that name. She had a hunch but really hoped that this wouldn’t be the case.
Clara got her stick and held up a finger at Souris before drawing something on the ground. Souris watched patiently but grew more tense with each line drawn as the picture came more into shape. Into a familiar person. Antasma.
Souris glared and hissed angrily at the drawing, startling Clara and making her hastily rub the drawing away. Souris quickly calmed and reached for Clara, worried she would scare her away, but she paused when she saw that this wasn’t the case. Clara was looking at Souris sadly and with sympathy, but why? How did she even know that horrible person?
Clara looked down at the ground and started writing something, shocking Souris when she read it. ‘I was a mistake of his too’. Souris looked back up at Clara and pointed at her, to which Clara nodded. They were both failed children of the same man.
Souris felt bad and offered Clara a hug, which was accepted, but Clara didn’t seem sad for herself. She let Souris know that she didn’t care for Antasma or even knew him, she just knew who he was to her. They spend another hour with each other, talking about how they came to be and opening up to each other on the matter. Once they moved past that, they talked about their families and how their lives have been being raised by people who loved them. Souris told Clara about her home in the Flowardin Kingdom and her parents, Haru and Chauvey. Clara told Souris about her life with her own dad and sister, Luigi and Alisha, how kind he was and all the things she’d been taught. None of them even realised how dark it was starting to get.
But all good things must come to an end as Clara paused her writing from hearing her name being called in the distance. She knew that voice, it was her dad! She turned to Souris and offered her to meet her family since they were close by. Souris thought about it, unsure if she should agree since she wasn’t sure if they’d like her but after some reassurance from Clara, she agreed. 
Clara held Souris’ hand and shouted after her dad and sister, leading them to her. Luigi was first to find her and rushed over to his daughter so he could hug her tightly. He’d grown so worried for her, asking her where she’d been and why hadn’t she flown above the trees to find her way home. Alisha was next to come over and apologise for making her play hide and seek in an area she didn’t know but also scolded her for running off like that and scaring them both.
Clara calmed them down and explained what had happened before introducing them to Souris, who stayed behind Clara and waved nervously at the two. Luigi calmed down and knelt down so he wouldn’t frighten the poor girl and greeted her back, paused when told by Clara that she was deaf and started using sign language. This surprised Souris and made her very happy, moving her hands rapidly as she signed to Luigi. Luigi chuckled and continued chatting with her this way.
Clara was happy they already got along but was also a bit jealous, asking her dad to teach her how to sign. He happily agreed and taught her how to sign three words he knew she’d use often. Once Clara got the hang of it, she turned to Souris and signed what she learned.
‘Hi, my sister’.
Souris smiled happily and tackled Clara into a hug, excited to be officially called her sister. The group chatted some more and got to know one another before Luigi offered Souris to take her to her parents, not wanting her to go all alone in the dark, especially in the place they were in. Souris agreed and was taken to her parents safe and sound.
It was hard for the sisters to say goodbye to one another but they promised to write to each other often. Even better, their families agreed to visit one another so they could see each other again! 
Before Clara left with her dad and Alisha, she gave Souris a little gift, a little necklace she made with string and a pretty rock she found a while back. Souris loved and treasured it dearly, hardly taking it off and maintaining it the best she could.
The girls couldn’t wait to see each other again. Souris would have her own gift ready and Clara would work as hard as she could to learn sign language for her sister.
For my sake, I hope you like this. @darknadaworld
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francepittoresque · 5 months
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EXPRESSION | Quand le chat n’y est pas les souris dansent ➽ https://bit.ly/Expression-Chat-Souris En l’absence du maître, ceux qu’il gouverne en profitent pour faire ce que bon leur semble
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
I present the ever perceptive mouse, Juleka as Souris Blanche
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Touched up the proportions, the coloring, and giving her the black lineart treatment.
Here's the original:
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vespasien · 7 months
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Il a été reconnu qu'aucune sourie n'a réussi à être réparée par un étudiant (même ingénieur).
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Bonne nuit
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gwladsas · 28 days
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bearbench-img · 2 months
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マウスは、コンピュータやノートパソコンなどのデバイスの操作に用いられる入力装置の一つです。 マウスは、コンピュータの操作を直感的で効率的に行うための重要な入力装置の一つです。多くの人々が日常的に利用しており、コンピュータの利便性を高める役割を果たしています。
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