#Space Avians
ant1quarian · 7 months
Different kind of Avians, and lore
Simplified :]
(Avians = Violence Mentioned)
Humans are dumbasses who wanted to kill all of the Avians
Thing called "The Unsettling" forced the Original Avians (Ancestors?) to flee.
Different Avians went to different places, since they're a highly adaptable species.
Humans burned Avians with fire.
Original Avians - Also known as "Ancestors"
Rumoured to have been completely massacred and/or fled and changed to become a different subspecies
Is actually still a genuine species- they're just far more stealthy, and far stronger.
Wings and tail and resemble different birds.
Live in flocks, with a Pastor as their leader.
Ignis - Fire Avians
After The Unsettling they left to an island that humanity has not touched
Can control fire to a degree
Are practically made of fire- their SOULs let off flames
Higher-than-normal body temperature
Extremely territorial
Live alone, but are stronger than Ancestors.
Cosmos - Space Avians
After The Unsettling they broke all possibilities and left to the stars
Mainly solitary creatures
Made up of literal stardust
Very pretty
Wings and tail covered in stars and nebulae
Have their own magnetic fields, gravity, and atmosphere.
Their SOUL is their CORE- and is referred to as their "CORE"
Different Cosmos have different kinds of atmosphere- not all are human-inhabitable, so don't get too close until they've told you you'd be fine
Break through other planet's atmosphere when they enter it, often letting a small amount of solar radiation peek through.
Can fly faster than the speed of light on the "Stellar Currents" of space
Tend to live around the edge of black holes
Also uh. Are technically immortal. Murder-able, but won't die until something takes them out.
.... at least 13ft tall
Aquavian - Sea Avians
After The Unsettling they went into the sea
Seawing (WoF) kind of wings and tail
Webbed hands
Territorial, live in schools
Can still fly
Has some degree of water manipulation
You don't see them until too late
"Ancestor" Sanses:
Classic - Carrion Crow
Red - Golden Eagle
Axe - Harpy Eagle
Killer - Australian Magpie
Dust - Peregrine Falcon
Blue - Blue Jay
Milord - Black Swan
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blighted-lights · 3 months
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staring dead-eyed into the distance as if witnessing some unseen tragedy. au where ravage was in the mines pre-war and met megatron before meeting soundwave. what if. what if ravage was with megatron from the start. what if.
this is the only thing i'm gonna be thinking about for the next few days sorry (more thoughts in tags)
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godbirdart · 1 year
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「 commission 」 for eeehh_hhhh 💫
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tlactl · 1 year
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salvage break
artfight attack for @aevris
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wolven91 · 7 months
Bird Culture
From over Moisés's right shoulder, the perfectly curved, black, sickle-like claw darted in, and with pinpoint accuracy, sliced a portion of the squidget meat off the larger section in one smooth movement. Moisés flinched, taken by complete surprise by the intrusion which gave the apparent thief enough time to stab the small slice with the point of the claw and retreat. The human had thought himself alone in the apartment's kitchen, overlooking the station's fight dome in the center of the station’s habitat sector, whilst he prepared the evening meal.
Only now that said meal was under assault before it went in the slow cooker!
"Ey! No!" The human shouted turning to his right and slapping the appendage with a hand as the black scaled arm and hand retreated, only to see the exact same thing happen, only this time on his left.
Moisés turned back to the cutting board and snatched up his knife, to spin around and wield it at the offender who had already skipped away with a lightness in their step and a flap of massive blue wings that made it seem that gravity was merely a suggestion to them.
"¡Oy cabrón! If you eat it all before it goes into the pot, you don't get any when it's done!" Moisés admonished in faux anger.
Breelu merely smirked at Moisés, the miniscule sky-blue feathers that lined the delicate scales around the edges of his beak pulling back and up in a grin. All the while the ill begotten meat was dropped into the waiting black beak with a victorious flourish and a clack.
Moisés stuck his tongue out at the avian and turned back to the meal, aware the avian couldn’t copy the gesture. The meat was just the last of the ingredients to go into the pot, everything else was already in and waiting to be stirred together.
Having done all that, then putting the lid firmly on and preparing the timer, Moisés sighed and hung the kitchen towel off one of the cupboard door knobs. His tasks for the day were done. At least until it was time to wash up the pot after they had eaten.
"Right. give that a few hours and it should be ready." The human explained out loud, more to himself than to anyone else. Moisés always wanted to ensure that Breelu had a meal waiting for him when the avian returned home. Nervous of the station, Moisés hadn't quite gotten to the point of getting a job yet. But living with Breelu offered the human more than just a communal room. In return the human ensured the avian had a clean, tidy home to return to with a hot meal waiting for him.
Two long, strong arms appeared from around each of his shoulders and met over his stomach, the taloned hands touching his midsection through the thin material of his top. The man could feel the series of pinpricks where the talons rested. A feathered head pushed its way into the crook of the man's neck and two huge blue, white, and black wings encircled them both; blocking out the kitchen and the rest of the world. The short, straight beak leant down to touch against his chest and pulled him backwards into the feathered chest of Breelu.
"Thank you." Uttered the alien honestly, his baritone voice rumbling against Moisés’s back.
Moisés adored it when Breelu did this. He felt safety in the protection of the avian's embrace like no other. Tension the man didn't realise he had in his shoulders, was sapped out of him by the alien and his body sagged with another sigh as it all eased. Only this time his sigh was one of contentment.
Moisés couldn't help himself as his face pulled into a soft smile at the touch of his roommate. They weren't a 'couple', at least not yet. He hadn't asked the larger, eight-foot tall, winged biped out yet and Moisés had the distinct feeling the alien was waiting for him to make the first move. It wasn't only a few months ago that Moisés had been quite certain that he'd never consider a male as a partner, yet here he was; feeling quite safe and at home in another male's hug. They weren't even human!
Opening his eyes though, his current world was about a foot in diameter and ended at a wall of beautiful feathers that shimmered in the overhead light of their home. This world was far more manageable than the universe outside of the four walls of their apartment. Moisés reached out a hand and gently ran his fingers down the inside of Breelu's wing. His fingers trailed through them, feeling their delicate silky feathers tickle his digits. 
"Man. Where can I get wings like these?" Moisés asked quietly with a wistful tone. It was rhetorical of course, but as with all things; Breelu wanted to give Moisés everything and anything.
"Oh, that's easy. Watch this." Breelu whispered directly into Moisés's ear, tickling it with the point of his beak. The two black scaled arms that were draped around Moisés from his shoulders, retreated and instead appeared around his middle, lifting the human with the same effort one might give to lifting a small bag of potatoes.
Moisés made a small noise as he was picked up with ease by the larger alien and was reminded quite definitively just how much stronger the creature was. The pair, although it was more Breelu doing the walking, moved to the full-length mirror in the hallway that connected to the walk-in entrance that Moisés had to use when not carried by Breelu.
"Hands behind your back." Breelu instructed and Moisés complied. The avian had a firm, but always warm tone. Despite the colours being so close to a bluejay of old, Moisés always felt Breelu's normal voice would have fit a bird of prey back on Earth.
Placed back onto the floor, Breelu ducked his head behind Moisés and held his arms beneath Moisés's armpits whilst pinning the man's arms behind his back with the alien's feathered chest.
"Tadaa!" The alien chirped, gesturing with one of his scaled arms at the mirror. The feathers only began on an avian's arms after the elbow, below that were the fine soft scales that made up their feet and around their eyes and beaks. Those arms presented the mirror in front of them both to Moisés.
The man looked into the mirror and paid attention to what he was being shown.
Ignoring the only partially hidden eight foot tall alien behind the human who was currently trying to hide, what Breelu had done was present Moisés with what he would look like, if the human had the magnificent wings of Breelu. A grand set seemingly sprouted from Moisés's shoulders and were extended as far as they would go in the space of the hallway. It was a magnificent display and if Moisés didn't pay attention, he could fool himself into believing he had wings.
The human couldn’t help himself, but stand just a little bit taller as his chest came out and his back straightened. In kind, the wings flexed, the long primary feather displaying to their maximum. 
The immediate sense of freedom and brilliance blossomed within Moisés's chest. It warmed him like a newborn sun that warmed the sands of a distant and grateful world.
Breelu's arms reached up and held Moisés's cheeks as if they were his own arms and held the human's head, in either shock or joy.
From behind Moisés came a muffled voice that had taken on a familiar, if not mildly mocking,  accent.
"Oh my! Look at my beautiful wings! They are the most beautiful wings on the station! I sure hope my roommate touches and preens them again! 'Cos I sure do love it when he does that!" The muffled tone and accent the avian had put on was a very poor copy of Moisés's but clear enough that the human understood this was supposedly the avian mimicking him. Moisés couldn't help but grin and roll his eyes with a shake of his head.
Breelu's huge head appeared over Moisés's shoulder once more.
"Aww you're totally right, you *do* have the nicest wings on the station and everyone knows that avians love to have their wings stroked by someone they trust." The avian replied to himself, once more rubbing his feathered head against the side of Moisés's, who couldn't help but giggle and laugh whilst trying to squirm from the avian's grip. He didn’t try hard. 
"Come on, let's go to the sofa and I can tell you about my day?" Suggested Breelu, straightening and gently touching the smooth curve of his talons to Moisés's cheek, stroking it lovingly. 
In short order, the pair were back in the main room. This was where their entertainment system was, plus it was connected to their kitchen so the slow cooker gently released a delicious smell throughout the home. 
What dominated the room was a massive ‘sofa’. 
Moisés had never seen a ‘sofa’ this big before, but it wasn’t designed for humans in mind. It was capable of holding no less than three ursidains as well as a handful of the smaller races. Avains varied in size as well, so it was always wise to plan for more, rather than less when it came to guests. 
What this meant for Moisés however, was that their living room, had what amounted to a double super-king mattress that both he and Breelu could stretch out on and still struggle to touch each other. 
Granted that wasn’t the problem at the moment. When they had approached the sofa, Breelu had picked Moisés off the floor and with one heavy flap of his wings (which sent the book that the human had ben reading flying) had lifted the pair into the air when the avian had released the man. 
After a brief ‘flight’, Moisés landed and was immediately set upon by the avian who took great delight in landing on top of him and pinning the human to the sofa beneath the avian. It was all fun and games, one that the pair had done before. The human would struggle and attempt to escape while the avian would eventually need to grab his wrists and pin them back down onto the sofa. 
Moisés was breathing heavily from the exertion while Breelu merely watched him with a cool stare and a smirk to the side of his beak. 
“You know one day I’ll be able to struggle free. I’ve been doing press-ups!” The human declared proudly. 
Breelu’s smirk merely deepened. 
“And you think I’d let a prize like you just ‘go’?” The avians head leaned down into the crook of the human’s neck once more, the tiny feathers tickling his exposed skin. Moisés looked away, blinking his eyes closed as he focused on the sensations. 
“No… I’d chase you… Hunt you… You’re too rare for me to just give up…”
The beak nipped at the exposed flesh causing a cascade of goosebumps to flow down and around the man’s body. Moisés bucked his hips involuntarily, but Breelu happily ground his own back down, pushed against the tightened material of the man’s shorts. 
“I…” The human started, only for his voice to catch. Breelu pulled his head away, but brought his wings out and down over the pair of them. It muted the station, the hum of it’s engines and the rattle of the air filters. The black scaled forearms and hands gently, so very, very gently cupped the human’s face.
Gone was the intense ‘hunting’ voice of Breelu from moments ago, for when he spoke now; it was warm and loving. There was no better way to describe it then it being the voice of a lover. 
“Whatever you want to say… you can say it my darling… I can take it… I will not abandon or harm you… Even if you cannot promise the same…” The avian promised, as he gazed down at the human longingly. The man felt undone and exposed, yet all the while, the protective wings created a fortress for them both. 
“Breelu… I… I love you…” Moisés admitted. 
Breelu’s beautiful blue eyes closed at hearing these words and for a brief flash, Moisés feared the worst, until a single tear welled up in the corner of the avian’s eyes. 
“I’ve been so desperate for you to say those words…” The alien uttered in such a whisper, if not for the wings, even this close; the human may have missed them. Breelu’s taloned hands caressed the human’s face as his eyes opened up once more.
“I love you too my Moisés.” Another slow blink, and another tear appeared, trailing down the side of the alien’s face across his feathers and an unbroken bead. 
The man reached up, and the avian leant down, so that with a tiny thumb, he caught the tear and wiped it away. 
“Can we lay here? Just for a bit?” Asked the humans. The avian actually squawked as a ‘bark’ of laughter burst from his feathered chest. 
“I would like for nothing more, my Moisés.” Replied the alien, as a heavy, feathered chest leant down and covered the man from chin to belt. One of the wings folded out and covered his legs whilst the other created a canope for the pair as the avain laid across and next to his human. 
Moisés fell asleep to the sensation of the alien slowly using his talons to gently scratch his chest in lazy circles. All the while, the bright blue alien whispered such happy thoughts and sweet nothings until the human fell into a sleep that was reserved for only the most happy and content. 
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vanadiumvalor · 11 months
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[☀️SOLAR HOUSE | Pose Sheet | Uranus]
I cannot say it enough when I say I'm so blown away by the reception I've gotten for Solar House in the past few days (especially on Twitter)! I'm so incredibly thankful for y'all's support!
So here's some extra planet bird for you to enjoy! <3
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zeyan · 4 months
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Fetch, the Kenku Cleric
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suzythesilkie · 1 year
Jeff the Space Cadet (Lesser Florican)
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People said he looked like a space kind of guy
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nmb725 · 2 months
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Space Cock (Chicken)
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kavaeric · 2 years
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Paintings of Rhea-on-Saturn, 2018 and 2019, as well as its sector seal. The second largest moon of Saturn, and its most populated in the Light Era. Commentary below the cut.
This was not long after I figured out the general vibe of Light Era as we know it today, with its focused on a more nuanced and relaxed aesthetic in scifi while incorporating my long-lost Asian heritage.
Someone in a worldbuilding community mentioned how it would be easier to just dome parts of a moon and terraform it rather than trying to do that to the whole thing. While I liked this idea of the Terrans being a bit more frugal, I didn't really like the idea of "domes" in Light Era. Instead I opted for massive trenches with a flat transparent roof, which could also help to serve to modulate Rhea's double-length day and night cycle.
Contrary to what some people might think, I do actually do a substantial amount of background research when approaching my topics in Light Era—here I went as far as to determine the angular size of Saturn in the sky of Rhea so I could accurately depict how big it might actually look.
As for the emblem, I think I did my typical sketch-a-bunch-of-stuff iteration process for it, but admittedly it was only like four in before I saw what I knew what would be the final thing. A home run of a flag.
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ariannashteyn · 8 months
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Hiraeth - Avian!Reader x Sanses
Featuring: Ccino, Reaper, and Fresh.
Beware, there will be lots of violence, and from this point onwards you are proceeding at your own risk :]
There's a lot of Avian lore there, and I can confirm that I do genuinely have other Sanses being alterni-fied into these species.
Like my Avian Sanses also have a Cosmos (Space Avian) version.
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fornaxter · 1 year
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Space station pit stop
Art commission for Stargazerbird on Twitter.
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shroompunk · 1 year
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straight to the stars
ID: Illustration of an anthro bird man in the cockpit of a space vessel. He has a colorful eyeball in his beak, and is wearing goggles on top of his head covering where eyes might have otherwise been. His outfit is very ragtag and put together, and his jacket is open revealing colorful top surgery scars on his chest. He is surrounded by complex and whimsical controls, including a piano keyboard that he's playing with his right hand.
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unhumansworld · 11 months
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intro to this account:
- safe space for otherkin and therians
- fictionkin doubles can interact
- anti-discourse and sfw interaction
- kff or copinglinks are accepted here
- questions will be answered on the blog and sign offs logged in this pinned post
Taken Stars: ☕️, - - -
my pronouns are he/him/his
i am a pigeon therian , night kin and looksee kin
my sign off is ‘☕️’
Stay safe Stars <3
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wolven91 · 5 months
Breelu & Moisés - Birthday Surprise
Despite the steep incline, Moisés found that he was barely out of breath, yet he still had a mildly concerning light headedness about him. He hadn't been able to shake the faint vertigo all morning, but he'd honestly expected to feel worse from the hiking. Moisés took a moment to rest, although found that he still didn't need to 'catch his breath'.
Breelu was waiting for him up ahead, his magnificent blue and white feathers with the black highlights always captivated the human, he was surrounded by shin high flowers, that parked the edge of the winding path up the mountain. The flowers were upside down, the petals protecting the plant.
Having already asked when they had first started their journey, Breelu had explained that the flowers open at night and tiny insects that light up make it a sight to be seen. The young man had made a mental note to come back here before they left the avian home planet and went home.
"Nearly there." Breelu offered, as Moisés trudged the few steps that separated the two.
"So, is this not, like a popular place?" Asked the human as he gazed across the gigantic forest treetops.
The avian home world capital was as alien as any city had come before. The avian home was covered in a genus of trees that put red woods to shame. Their whole city was built within the bows of these colossal natural towers. The air was warm and clean with only areas of necessity demanding that they clear the forest for landing pads and energy plants.
Moisés had joked that he'd never guessed that Breelu was an 'elf'. The joke missed unfortunately as the translation came across as 'fae' which, thanks to the draconians, translated as slang for humans.
"Of course this is popular. This is one of the most famous pillars in the area." Breelu retorted as he looped a scaled arm around Moisés's shoulders where a taloned hand slipped beneath the human's arm and held him to the avian's fluffy hip.
"How come we haven't seen anyone then? We've been walking for a good hour, and no one's passed us, either up or down."
Breelu's laugh echoed off the rocky wall and into the tree line that was abuzz with its own life. A large blue, white, and black wing buffeted Moisés causing dirt and wind to pick up ever so slightly. The human flinched and briefly raised an arm to defend his face, but the wing merely hovered there.
Until the penny dropped.
"They fly up don't they?" The young man asked, rather sheepishly. He had often fallen into the trap of thinking Breelu was a human, just a taller, feathery human. But that wasn't the case. Breelu's claws and sharp beak were an evolution as a dedicated hunter of the sky. All avians thought with the concept of a 3D space. They were not tethered to the ground by something as mundane as gravity.
"At least you're pretty." The large avian chuckled, jovially jabbing Moisés's bruised ego.
"What else do I-" But the human's words were lost as they finally made it to the top of the spire of rock. The spiralling path had finally deposited them high up into the sky were the trees that grew in the lower areas fell away. A threatening gust assaulted the pair, but Breelu weathered it stoically while his arm and wing caged the human in place. Moisés didn't falter with Breelu's firm hand supporting him.
The human was awed by his uninterrupted view the world.
There was no other word than 'awe' to describe the unending sea of trees that covered the planet from pole to pole. To his east, was the Haratooa Mountains, the wood pillars there were thin and whistled as the winds blew through them apparently, whereas to the south was the great forest sea, not a 'sea' in the sense of open water, but the forest there grew in a continent sized basin. The deeper one walked, the closer the trees grew and the darker the world became, until one made their way into the subterranean world of the aracnae.
The avains ruled the skies, whereas the aracnae ruled the ground and all that was below it. Whilst the avian home world was large, it was hollow; two species called this world home and shared it as such.
"This is amazing." Moisés whispered.
"Happy birthday Moisés." Whispered Breelu back, squeezing him into his hip once more while the human hugged him back, rubbing his cheek into the silky soft feathered of his loving partner.
"This is the best present." Declared the young man happily.
"Oh. Well. this. isn't your present?" Explained Breelu haltingly, suddenly more concerned that the avian may have missed his mark with his idea.
"It's not? What.?"
Breelu revealed a harness, already placed on the mountain top inside a bag that Moisés recognised as Breelu's.
"I thought you might want to go for a trip?" The giant birdlike alien offered gently.
"Are you sure? I know with me, we're too heavy for flight. It's a strain for you." The human retorted, not wanting to tire his lover out. This view was good enough for him, he didn't need to go any further if it was an effort.
"On the station, yes. But here? Above the thermals from the underground lava runs? Moisés, would you like to know what it's like to truly fly?"
== 0 ==
A mere ten minutes later, there was a human strapped to the front of a crouching avian, so the shorter of the two could stand on his own feet. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face as he looked out over the sheer drop of the mountainside. If he fell right now, it wouldn't be much of an issue; the path down was only about ten or twenty feet down.
"I'm going to shove off from the edge to clear the mountain, so it's going to be a sudden jerk first, okay?" Explained Breelu helpfully.
Without asking for permission, the avian coiled in an almost imperceptible manner, before his powerful legs exploded outwards, launching the two into nothingness. The weakened gravity of the planet still pulled at the human, but the harness held him in place as the avian at his back wing's opened and he was pulled soring into the sky.
Moisés could feel the heat of the thermal updraft washing over him despite only seeing the mountain fall away and treetops everywhere else. His fists gripped the straps of the harness has the man's heart fluttered in fear and panic as he eyed the ground nervously.
"Chin up!" Called Breelu directly into his ear, over the wind that deafened him to most other noises.
Obeying the human lifted his chin and saw the horizon.
A beautiful rainbow of colours as a foreign sun with strange wavelengths played with an alien atmosphere. The human's eyes watered from both the wind that stung him as well as the beauty that assaulted his senses.
Moisés felt the curve of Breelu's sickle-like claw tickling his fingers, gently easing his grip until the scaled arms took his hands and spread his arms wide.
With his chin up, his arms spread like wings, the young man discovered the sensation of flight and was immediately in love.
A euphoric sense of freedom washed over him as Breelu gently steered them along the valley, following the invisible thermals that raised the pair up and into the sky.
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