wolven91 · 3 days
Drifting - Part 11
“I am not one for politics. They make my scales itch.” Bemoaned Zeet as he walked ahead of Qik and Casper. His mobile platform moved and wandered without input from him as he stood upon it, grimacing at the two larger creatures. They had just left the boardroom where Casper had potentially just signed his body away if this went wrong. 
“I would have thought we would have got more usable data from you by informing you and letting you just *work* with us.” The blue geckin continued, musing out aloud. Casper couldn’t help but grin widely, pleased by the geckin’s seemingly honest distaste for the situation. 
Zeet was an engineer. A nerd. A geek, through and through. He cared about the machines he designed and made. The plots and schemes of others mattered little to him as long as they didn’t cross his wants and desires to improve on his designs. The geckin made an odd croaking throat noise. Casper spoke up.
“Let them work themselves into an early shed then, me and you are going to make a mech that’ll go down in history.” The young man offered, hoping to caress the geckin’s ego.
Qik grinned as well as he did when he blatantly hit his mark perfectly. 
“You think?! Oh! Oh ho ho ho! Just think! First ‘no drift’ pilot in one of *my* machines making headlines. But we need you to succeed. Fame goes both ways, ah?” Zeet pointed out, before adopting a focused look, crossing his arms and touching a finger to his mouth. The two far larger creatures shared a glance as both of them felt themselves disappear to the geckin’s perspective. 
“You’ll need survivability…” Zeet mumbled to him. “Heavy is always best for survivability, but it means taking the hits. Your agility shouldn’t be slept on. Light is just as good, if you don’t get hit.” The geckin snapped his head around to Casper.
“You stopped getting hit all the time?” The tiny creature demanded.
“What do you mean ‘all the time’? She got me *once*!” Casper shot back, thrusting a thumb sideways at Qik who remained silent, although her strut became more pronounced as they discussed her ‘perfect’ kill shot.
Zeet merely grinned at Casper and he was reminded that a grin from a geckin was *not* the same as a human grinning. Zeet was admonishing the human, not sharing in a joke.
“Once was enough. If we capitalise on your speed, you will be light, but weak; you will not survive errant hits! Anything above superficial damage could disable your points or even your whole rig if it’s a bad hit!” The geckin hissed. 
“I was showboating.” Admitted Casper. “I let my guard down. My fault. I won’t jeopardise your work again.” The human spoke seriously and with respect at the older engineer who squinted at him as the walking platform approached a door that slid aside without hesitation. The geckin waved a hand, dismissing the thought, seemingly satisfied with Casper’s devoted tone.
The group entered a room that was quite obviously Zeet’s workshop. Ignoring that it looked down on a hanger bay with a skeleton of a rig hanging in the centre, as Casper looked around the room, he learnt of Zeet’s personality. Messy, but devoted.
Mech and rig designs covered an entire wall which was dominated as a workboard. Pens, stylises and measuring tools were scattered everywhere. A large 3D printer squatted in one corner and was covered in tiny, intricate models of various shapes and sizes. Some were of arms and legs of disembodied mechs, and others were tiny replicas of the whole thing.
“Huh… I think you’d get along with some of us humans.” Casper mentioned, crouching to observe the intricate details of one particular model. It was beautifully designed all the way down to sleek lines showing where the various bolts would connect armour plates together.
“After yourself, I would very much like to meet more humans. I suspect if I could get my claws into one that had a history in mech design, fictional or not, we might share ideas…” Zeet offered before clapping his hands and holding them out in front of him, pointing his claws at Casper, drawing attention to himself.
“*But!* We need to design you a machine that will put us both in the history books and… *Not* leave you at the hands of the XixTech corpo-nation.” Declared Zeet, Casper nodding along until his brain caught up to the sentence.
“Wait… ‘Corpo-Nation’?” He asked, standing up again.
“Mm, they represent the eastern continental landmass on Bok. Our homeworld. They are their government representatives.” Explained Zeet matter-of-factly. Casper merely blinked, once again reminded this was not kansas. 
“Jesus… Yeah, let's not get dropped into that mess.” The young man agreed, already feeling his head spin. Qik settled herself, leaning against a wall, arms crossed as was her usual stance. Casper sat against the window frame with his back to the hanger below.
“So!” Zeet began. “Torso, Head, Arms, Legs and a Spinal mount. These are your rig’s modifiable options.” Zeet explained, turning to open a large cabinet where he produced three glasses. One tiny, the other two perfectly sized for Casper and Qik. The human glanced at the bottle of dark liquid, then to Qik who touched a long finger against her lips. She didn’t want him to ruin this. 
Zeet poured three healthy portions before taking a sip and giving a satisfied sigh, then continuing. 
“I already know what I’m doing for your chest, you don’t get a vote there.” He explained, swiping his hand through the air. Qik cleared her throat as she leaned in to pick up a spare glass.
“What’s your idea?” She asked calmly, seemingly trusting his good sense. 
“Maximum output. Heavier as an option, more so than an ultralight, but I think the way he modifies his output, it’ll be worth it.” Zeet explained, swirling the glass.
“I modify my output? What do you mean?” Casper asked, frowning somewhat. This apparently was an odd question. 
“Wha- My boy… You… It’s not a conscious decision? To pulse your power generation?” Zeet asked, seemingly very confused. Casper pulled a face and shrugged before reaching over and picking up the third and final glass. Taking a sip, it was like paint stripper with a smokey burn afterwards.
“Your power generation is not efficient, or it shouldn’t be! Your reactors ‘pulse’ instead of giving out a steady or constant amount. We thought it was a fault at first until the second and third time it happened. Every rig you hop in, it pulses.” Zeet explained shrugging his arms in defeated confusion, nearly, but not quite spilling his drink.
“Is it dangerous?” Qik asked, narrowing her eyes, but sipping at her own glass, it looked comically small in her hands. Zeet shook his head, sipping at his drink, a tiny red tongue dabbing at the murky liquid. 
“I don’t think so, although it was far, far faster when you took that hit.” The geckin conceded, pointing a finger over the rim of his glass. 
“Was it like a heartbeat?” Asked Casper, following a hunch. Zeet shook his head again, the corners of his mouth pulling up as if Casper had asked the same question as him.
“No. We thought so too, but it was too slow.” The geckin dismissed, looking into his glass with a contemplative frown. Unconvinced, Casper waited a second, considering what it could have been before getting an idea. Without speaking, Casper knocked his knuckles against the wall he was leaning on. Thump thump. Pause. Thump thump. Pause. The reaction was immediate, the engineer's feet jumping up in unison and briefly leaving the walking platform he stood upon as he pointed and did briefly spill his drink this time. . 
“Yes! That! That’s it! Two pulses and a pause. We racked our brains trying to figure that out!”
Casper merely smiled knowingly, closing his eyes and opening them again before speaking, pleased to have an answer for the older geckin.
“That’s *my* heartbeat Zeet.” Tapping his chest with his glass. ”Bigger heart, slower rhythm.” The young man explained. The tiny geckin stood there, motionless for a time. Before closing his eyes and placing his own drink down on the table.
“Your heartbeat. *Your*! Heartbeat. Argh! Rocks in my brain! Terminal rocks!” Zeet exclaimed, causing both Casper and Qik to grin as an apparent mystery was solved for him. The poor geek looked genuinely annoyed as he glared at the ceiling.
“So it’s not an issue?” Asked Qik.
“Huh! Hardly. It means he doesn’t run hot, but has access to power when he needs it. Works well with the rest of my plans.”
“Go on, you’ve ideas, I’m listening.” Casper said, grimacing as he slugged another mouthful of the drink down. It seemed to burn less with the third gulp. 
“Chest we go for power. Your spine mount, I suggest an advanced booster. It does mean you’re more vulnerable. One hit to your back and you’ve lost your main defence; not being where they fired at.” The geckin suggested, shrugging with the admission. 
“I mean if we’re engaging at range, I can move out of the way of the rounds, right?” Casper offered, looking to Qik for confirmation. She pulled a face and shook her head, her ears flopping with the movement. 
“Two problems with that; unreliable reactions and no one uses slug rounds anymore.” She explained. Casper frowned, specifically remembering a fairly solid round tearing through his chest not less than 24 hours ago. 
“What do you mean? The geckins do?” He pointed out, rudely pointing at Zeet who could care less as he tilted his head back, finishing off his own glass. He spoke next, pulling Casper’s attention. 
“We’re an exception, not a rule. The ursidains also use solid projectiles, but only when they’re firing a heavy hitter. Energy weapons are the name of the game these days. Most see solid projectiles as ‘old’, in the sense of ‘museum piece’ old.” Zeet offered honestly. 
Casper thought that was strange, solid projectiles were reliable, but this wasn’t his world. This was a galaxy in a vastly different period of their history than Earth was. He shook his head to clear his mind. 
“Okay fine, keep mobile. What about arms and legs? What about weapons?” He pressed, almost looking forward to hearing what toys Zeet was offering. 
“Legs wise, again, I’d go for speed. Extra vents for additional jet exhausts. Rather than running, you’ll end up ‘skating’ around the enemy. Good luck keeping up with you. You’ll need it too.” Zeet offered.
“Are the enemies quick?” Casper asked. 
“Fairly. Spider-Technicals.” Qik responded. 
“What are they?”
“Heavy armour, focused laser beam for their main cannon. Prolonged targeting will thermal shock the armour that gets hit, burrowing through whatever it's shooting at. The tanks are mobile, capable of keeping line of sight on their target and climbing up and around buildings to do so. The intention is to have a small army of them and they just overwhelm any target that approaches.” The lopel explained, polishing off her own glass and gesturing with her hands, as if she were spreading a model army out in front of her.
“So keep circling them?” Casper suggested.
“And they’ll have to track you. We keep you light and mobile, they focus on you…” Qik went on, trailing off to allow Casper to finish the thought. 
“...And you take them out while their back is turned.” The young man concluded, nodding at the idea. He could be bait, he didn’t even have to fight. Just wave his arms in the air and keep their attention. 
“He’s a fast learner.” Zeet pointed out, nodding to Casper but looking to Qik. She merely grinned and returned to her ‘arms crossed’ posture, smugness radiating off her.
“Thanks to his teacher.” 
Zeet was less than sure. 
“Mm. Sure.” He blinked slowly and turned his head back to the huma before opening them again. “Arms wise, we have options.“
“I did consider a plasma thrower, but it's heavy and drains a lot of power during charge up. Good against another mech, less so for tanks. We have similar options like sniper beams, but same thing. Line of sight and you’d need to be still.”
“So what would you suggest?”
“If we are going with this plan, we should actually keep you lightly armed. How do you feel about a solid sword?”
“Solid? But what about my lightsaber!”
“No, too draining. If we’re keeping you as fast as we intend, we need you using 100% of your reactor’s output. A solid sword, atomised edge, you’ll still be dangerous. Lightweight metal, no drain on your resources, there's no downsides besides no range. But that's not an issue this time.”
“Atomised edge?” Casper asked, just checking for clarification. Zeet nodded and hastened to explain before moving on. 
“An edge a few atoms thick. Blunts faster, but realistically, this is a blitz, you’re not going to be out there long enough to need to worry about that.”
“What could I cut through?”
“Anything with enough force behind your swing. Do *not* touch the edge with any part of yourself.” The geckin demanded with a serious tone and an accusing finger. Casper held his hands up in mock surrender. 
“Yes sir.”
Zeet merely nodded. Qik remained quietly thinking as she scratched her own chin.
“So, speed, speed, speed?” Casper summarised.
“Quite so. Qik, I trust you will just select your weapons as normal?” Zeet asked, turning to the lopel as he sat himself in a chair. The merc merely nodded and lay her palm up as if presenting her idea.
“I’m going for a swarm missile rig. If it’s just technicals, I don’t need anything else.” She explained with a carless shrug. 
“Swarm missile?” Casper prodded. 
“Line of sight lock on, you fire the swarm and they fire up into the air before raining down on the tanks. Doesn’t matter if they’re crawling on or around buildings. They’ll punch through their armour. The downside is I need to see them to lock on, which sucks when LOS works both ways.” Qik went on, but then leaned forward to emphasize her words. . 
“Buuut…” She drawled. 
“But if they’re looking at me, that doesn’t matter.” Casper replied, grinning back at the lopel. She held his gaze a moment longer than needed before straightening and giving him her approval. 
Casper considered his options, and turned back to Zeet. 
“So a sword? Nothing else?” He asked. 
Zeet, his hands on his head, turned the chair to face the larger human. 
“Did you have something else in mind?”
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saberswordseabass · 6 months
A Hidden Danger; Know your threat (3.5)
Soldiers began to bolt down a dark metal grated floor. The sturdy, metallic walls creak from a minor gravity difference. One of the soldiers shouted something unintelligible to the recording unit. The wall to their right begins to creak louder and warp from stress.
Blast doors begin to lower, trapping the two soldiers in the corridor as the wall bulges like it was hit by a freight train. The soldiers begin to obviously shake as they lower their helmets over their elongated fox like faces. They raise their laser rifles and steady it at the wall bulging.
After another moment, the wall explodes inward, but no explosive decompression followed. A bulky fox robot with stark white, like star-bleached armor, forced its way through. Lasers streak and sizz in the air as the soldiers begin to pelt the robot.
It seemed unfazed by the lasers, only focusing on them when one managed to shoot it in the optic sensor. The graviton ram of its right arm, hissed as it prepared to operate once again, while it raised its left arm, its fingers arcing with a green energy. The bot begins to march towards them intently.
The graviton ram began to glow with a green field as it launched forward with a wet squelch from the soldiers before the video seems to freeze as the recording device manages to show a soldier in horrible mixture of fused into the wall and crushed under a powerful gravitational force.
"So what are you thinking for lunch? I really want to try this Philly cheesesteak that the captive mentioned." A Ursidain spoke, gently scratching their belly as their unruly clothes suggested pirates.
"Eh, doesn't sound awful. You might have t-" The Taurian companion began to state before a warning light began to flash rapidly.
A warning began to echo from the P.A. system; "Prepare to be boarded! Don't recognize the ship, but it is probably the human savior team from the GC. Give them hell!" The P.A. warned as a few moments later, the ship violently shuttered as the boarding vessel rammed them.
The two pirates were caught off guard and had been knocked into the left side wall. "What the hell is wrong with them? Are they insane?!" The Taurian screamed as they grabbed their weapon. Right as they finish that thought, the wall to their right melts like butter. An intimated robot in height, having to lean down to fight in the hallway designed for Ursidains.
"Command: Give up human now, and your lives may be spared." The bot ordered as its stark white armored glistened in the dull, flickering florescent light. It held two massive clamp hands, like originally designed to carry around the cargo pods, but they were paired with some kind of unknown weapon, but the armored canister attached to it suggested a flame based weapon.
The pirates look at each other as the bot stares unmoving at the two, waiting for a reply. The Ursidain nodded to his Taurian companion before unslinging an old earth shotgun and firing a shot into the bot's ribcage area. "Eat ferrus insect!" The Ursidain roared as the bot stumbled back, its inner working exposed from the 'insect'.
"Hostile action has been taken." The bot spoke as its wide footing managed to stabilize. The bot's orange, almost yellow eyes, begun to rapidly shift color to a cool, icy blue. Its arms raise out, and frost began to coat its flamethrower like barrels. An icy stream connects with both organics. The Ursidain looks relatively unharmed but still affected by the flash freezing of his outer layer of fur and fat. His Taurian companion was not as lucky as half of her right side crystallized from the ice-thrower's very napalm; 'Neptunic Nictro'
The Ursidain rushes to close the gap, firing two more shots into the bot, which finally knocks the bot down onto its back. With another shot to it's fox like head makes the machine go limp.
From this device's recording, the screen begins to get hit with many white particulars, giving the recording a grainy resolution. A much smaller bot began to step through the hole left by its bigger cousin. Their rifle, which was glowing blue from an unknown source. Upon readying the gun at the Ursidain, who noticed it too late, the camera grows more grainy. The camera cuts out as the Ursidain attempts to rush the smaller bot, and a split frame of a blue pulse wave echos from its gun.
A deep-seated anger began to fill room, as all recording on each screen paused at a gruesome death. A dull grey fur inquistor sat at a desk in front of the screens. "I've spent 70 years making sure Octarus does not awaken. It is a massive threat to not just us, but all of the GC, if allowed, to get fully operational... again." Gloved hands gently rub the inquistor's face. "And if word gets out that we are the cause, that could cause an end to us, not just as an empire but also a species if what the GC did to the majority of humanity is to be noted."
"Get me on the line with Quilx." The old inquistor spoke to his help, who rushes off, only to return a moment later. "What's wrong?" The older inquistor asks as a worried frown fills his graying brow.
"Sir, Quilx has made a ground expedition to the planet where he believes Octarus' forces have been coming from." That made the old inquistor shoot up, only to grip his chest with a pained expersion. His body was old and failing as he was reaching a century in his Inquisitoral duties.
The help rushed to him before he shooed them away with another pained grunt. "Quilx will die if he steps foot on that planet! Warn him immediately to change his course of operations." The old inquistor gasped as his body forced him back down onto his padded chair.
"Maker, why?" The old inquistor gasped quietly to himself as he stared into space with horror of first-hand experience.
Decided to try another approach to this. I hope you enjoyed it! C&C is very much welcome and appreciated! Again, thank @wolven91 for creating this amazing universe to allow me to create this weird word soup :>
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hogletthe2nd · 26 days
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Tubbo fankids are so crazy cus like what’s going on
was originally gonna add all of the Tubbo fankids I’ve made onto one page but quickly realized I didn’t have the space so you get two.
What are they talking about? Idk, Lain is probably saying the most crazy shit ever and Tiny just wants to leave.
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missgreenkitty · 2 years
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Warm up doodle!!! Cuddleverse fanart bc it's such a soft and wholesome series.
Read it here!!
As always please click to see better quality
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random-snippets · 7 years
CuddleVerse Fic (1)
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[[ @scaredysanders​, hope you don’t mind...this post was too cute, I had to. ]]
“Hold the fuck up.” 
Roman paused, startled, and turned from where he’d been about to ascend the staircase. He blinked, squinting into the darkness. “What?” 
The living room was dark, but he thought he could see a sad huddled lump on one end of the couch. 
He turned around and walked into the room, setting the glass of milk that had been the object of his midnight venture on the end table. He squinted, willing his eyes to adjust, then said: “Virgil?” 
A pair of eyes glittered in the darkness, as the anxious side looked up at him from the corner of the couch. 
“Did you say, ‘hold the fuck up’?” Roman asked. 
Virgil nodded. 
“What does that even--?”
“It’s me. I’m the fuck up. Please hold me?” 
Roman blinked, then chuckled. “Oh, dear. Did you read that on Tumblr?” 
“Yeah.” Virgil’s voice was soft and he smirked up at Roman in the darkness, but when he spoke again he sounded a little bit sad. “Figured it was worth a try.” 
Roman’s heart melted. “Hmm,” he said thoughtfully, moving to sit on the couch next to Virgil. “I suppose as far as requests for affection go, it isn’t the worst I’ve ever heard.” 
Virgil looked up at him and offered a half-smile, sliding into Roman’s arms when Roman opened them in invitation. He laid his head on Roman’s shoulder and sighed softly, closing his eyes. “What was the worst?” he murmured. “Dare I ask?” 
Roman chuckled again, resting his cheek against the crown of Virgil’s head and running his hand lightly over his back. “If I told you you had a great body, would you hold it against me?” 
Virgil groaned. “That one’s older than dirt,” he mumbled. “At least I’m being inventive.” 
“Hmm. Very well. Points for originality.” 
“Thanks. And...um. Roman?” 
Roman closed his eyes and smiled, kissing Virgil’s hair. “You’re welcome.” 
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leon-scott-kennedy · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Leon S. Kennedy/Chris Redfield Characters: Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Chris Redfield Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Post-Resident Evil 2, Family Feels, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Sharing a Bed Series: Part 1 of Cuddleverse Summary:
Leon, Claire, and Sherry made it out of Raccoon City, but Claire still needed to find her brother. Somehow, Leon finds him first when he wasn't even looking, but he's sure as hell happy to have him.
Or, Chris and Leon meet for the first time.
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years
Stress Relief
Stress Relief by AmethystSongWrites
Hawks is stressed and overworked and finds comfort in Touya's cuddles and top tier tiddies.
Words: 2920, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Cuddleverse
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Civilian Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Politician Todoroki Touya, Hurt/Comfort, Cuddles, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Fluff, Bubble Bath, Trans Takami Keigo | Hawks, Overworked Takami Keigo, Stressed Takami Keigo, Touya's Tremendously Tantalizing Tempting and Titillating Top Tier Terrific Tender Titties
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38008540
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
hello!! i was just wondering if you had any destiel fic recs? i really like fanon destiel and was hoping to hear if u had any suggestions on what to start with
Ohhh thank you for asking! I haven’t read much Destiel lately but I read a ton of fic back in the day, so my Destiel recs will probably be a bit out of date (circa 2012-2014) but I’m happy to list some of my faves from back then! I mentioned this one in a tag rant the other day but “How Still My Heart” by Cadignan on AO3 is one of my favorites! https://archiveofourown.org/works/832691/chapters/1584275 It was started in the summer after s8 ended and before s9, so it’s about Dean trying to find Castiel after he falls and becomes human and the two of them adjusting to this new change and it’s really good! The whole time I was watching s9 I was just thinking about how much better this fic was than the actual show. But note - this fic is locked on AO3 which I believe means you can only read it if you have an AO3 account already. *From what I remember, I enjoyed all of Cadignan’s fics that I read, especially the Cuddleverse fics - some are pretty smutty if you are (or aren’t) looking for that. “They’ll Be Peace” by Englandwouldfall (https://archiveofourown.org/works/947751/chapters/1851573) This was pretty much my number one favorite Destiel fic! It’s a real world AU where Dean and Cas are both college students and bartenders at the Roadhouse, and it’s a great slow burn, character driven fic about Dean dealing with his mental health issues and learning he’s worthy of love and it just! made me feel soft and warm and good inside!  “Falling to Fly” by enigma_Kar (https://archiveofourown.org/works/917832/chapters/1781399) I’m actually so glad you asked me for recs b/c I had COMPLETELY forgotten about this fic but it’s a great Star Trek/Spn crossover which I loved back in the day. Pretty much what it says on the label - About Dean and Cas in Starfleet Academy, Cas is half Vulcan of course, all around good time. I don’t think I ever finished reading it but it is completely finished on AO3 so I’m looking forward to rereading it!  Holy Palmer’s Kiss by Typewriterlove (https://archiveofourown.org/works/914076) I apparently read this one five times so you know it must be good. A cute one-shot set in Night Vale (as in, Welcome to Night Vale) where Dean is a mechanical and Castiel is, of course, an angel. 
“Your Call Cannot Be Completed As Dialed” by eBob and K_K_TiBal (https://archiveofourown.org/works/811746/chapters/1533035) There was this phase in 2013 where the trope of “Accidentally text a stranger and become friends and fall in love” was popular (There was a very popular  Johnlock fic called “A Finger Slip” which kicked it off, I believe) and I loved this premise, so a Destiel fic about it was of course one of my faves! Another real-world AU where Dean and Cas are college students, cute and fluffy and a little angsty. 
(How 2013 is this list? I’ve got a s8-9 themed fic, a Star Trek crossover inspired by the Star Trek movies, a Night Vale crossover, and a texting fic. Ah, 2013...the flower of my youth...) I know I had some other faves back then, but since it’s been a while I can’t remember the name of most of them and I have 64 pages of history on AO3, so it would take me a while to come up with more - but if I do come across any more, I’ll add them on here! *Note - I don’t read smut too much so most of these are probably PG13ish, but I don’t not read smut either so there may be some. I don’t remember anything extreme or dark in any of these fics, but most of them I haven’t read in years, so I would advise to read responsibly and check the ratings and tags first :) **Note - If anyone who wrote any of these fics comes across this and would like me to remove from their fic from the list, please let me know and I will be happy to do so! I hope these are a good starting place! Enjoy~ 
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randomslasher · 6 years
*slides a 20 and lowers voice* do you have any Logan angst you’ve written or could recommend
Hmmm...there’s just a smidgen of Logan angst in part 2 of my Cuddleverse story--like, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it but it’s there--but otherwise most of my angst is Virgil-centric. 
Anyone else got some Logan angst recs for anon?
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Ikers MacPherson, Lord of the Cuddleverse, Stealer of Seats, My Master
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wolven91 · 2 days
Drifting - Part 12
“Drop zone approaching. Get ready.” Called the dropship’s pilot from far up in a cockpit somewhere. Casper’s body was encased in his own pilot casket and felt none of the violent shaking and sudden drops as the craft rapidly dropped into the atmosphere, heating its belly until it glowed a brilliant orange. 
However, the rig that the young man was piloting, still shook and rattled in its clamps. Thanks to the fearless sensations of piloting such a sturdy piece of machinery, unlike his body that was fallible; he never felt worry or fear from these worrying judders.The optics of the mech were already online and scanning the bay carefully. He’d zoomed in on the only other creature, a geckin, that was in sight too many times to count already. Casper shut off the optics as the geckin, unaware it was being observed, picked its nose before happily consuming the prize it had retrieved. 
[Grim.] Casper sent, mildly annoyed that emotions never came across in the text-like messages the two pilots could exchange without speaking. 
{What?} Qik returned, in a separate craft that likewise, was dropping into the combat area.
[Our benefactors. Just watched one put their whole ass hand up one nostril.]
{Yummy. Looked like your breakfast, didn’t it?}
The nutrient slop, or ‘slurry’ as they oh so appetisingly called it, was what Casper had to eat both in the morning and at night if he wanted to maintain his already drastically lowered weight. It had the consistency of the word ‘goop’ and, now it had been pointed out to him, the colour of geckin snot. 
[I am literally never going to eat again.]
Casper didn’t get a reply, but clicked his optics with the feeling that Qik was laughing or grinning in her own rig at his words. They remained in silence for a minute more before the geckin Casper was watching touched a hand to his own ear before making his way to the exit. 
“Inbound! Ten seconds!”
The digging geckin fled the room as moments later the floor beneath Casper’s feet opened and a roaring wind blasted up and into the space. The young pilot couldn’t tilt his body down, so most of his view was obscured by his own body, but he could see a dark, grey landscape far below what would be his dangling feet. 
{I’m dropping after you, my original LZ is no good. Get eyes on the operation area, don’t approach yet.}
[Yes ma’am.]
{You’re going to make a fine merc.}
Despite not ‘having’ a stomach, Casper still felt a phantom one fall out from beneath him as the sturdy metal clamps that had held his rig steady during the transport, released him as one. Gravity took hold of him, along with inertia and both he and his rig were launched from the dropship at great speed toward an infinite ground. As soon as the mech was cleared, the craft did a sharp upward swing, arcing into the clouds and away from any danger that lurked below.
Casper kept himself upright as he fell despite feeling himself tilt forwards and backwards. Blue streaks of his boosters fired in short, sharp bursts, righting himself perfectly as he threatened to tumble. As he careened toward the pockmarked terrain at speed, the man checked he was coming in at an angle, roughly forty five degrees to ensure he could slide to a stop, bleeding his speed without pummelling the ground at full force. 
It wasn’t a danger to do that, but he wasn’t specifically built for that.Some rigs could dramatically enter like that, and it was overall better for them to punch straight down, some even incorporating an air burst landing deployment, igniting the surrounding area of the drop point in an explosion that would merely liquidise the internals of anything organic in the area. Those rigs were super heavies, designed for ‘hot’ drops. 
But that wasn’t Casper. He’d never wanted that style of machine. Zeet and he, along with Qik, had chosen from a wide selection of parts to create the mech that ‘felt’ closest to what he would be, if ‘he’, Casper, were a mech and not merely piloting one.
The result? As he fell, he felt light, like he could almost glide down if he wanted to. He felt as if one arrange twitch of his shoulder would get the same from his metal body. 
He felt ‘right’. 
It took a scant few seconds before his legs hit the terrain with such force it sent rocks and dirt flying all around in a great cloud that obscured him from suddenly awake and watching eyes in the distance for a moment. A fraction of a second later, those eyes watched a dark grey machine fly out of the dust cloud on skis, trailing smoke and dirt in its wake that followed it like vapour trails from a jet. 
The mech skidded to a halt a hundred metres away from its landing site, its legs bracing into the skid and a series of three large blue cones of fire slowing him to a halt. It remained still, its two optic ports, scanning and watching the city where the unseen eyes watched it back, undetected by the interloper. The long blade in its hand was not ignored, the machine held it out to one side, the metal perfectly flat. The rain that hadn’t ceased in three weeks, merely pinged and beaded along the perfect edge. 
The fisheye lens that was watching, clicked its aperture beforing zooming in rapidly and reading the stencilled text across the interloper’s chest, reporting it to its absent masters. 
Meanwhile, Casper kept low. He used one hand to brace the front of his mech against the ground as he lowered himself further. Chances were, if there was anyone in the bombed out mega city in the distance, they would have noticed the giant walking mech falling from the sky and causing the same size dust cloud as a building falling over would.
Then again, they also could have dismissed his landing as another shell fired from the distant geckin artillery that had peppered the city with a sustained bombardment before he and Qik arrived for the last forty eight hours. The enemy wouldn’t know when the bombardment would stop, they could use this ignorance to gain a brief element of surprise. 
{Spectre, I’m down and inbound. Anything?}
A friendly ‘blip’ began to grow in Casper’s perception. The motion radar, or ‘MR’, along with both ‘friendly’ signals still felt strange to Casper, but it was one of the aspects he had demanded from Zeet. A low profile for himself, but a more sensitive sensor suite for him. He wanted to see the enemy, but not have them see him. 
What it meant was, he could ‘tell’ where something was, without needing to look away at a radar readout, or even flick his eyes to a compass with markers. A tiny advantage, but one that had already served him well, way back when he had first fought Qik. 
At this time, there was no movement from the dead city.
[Negative Scrub. No one is moving.]
A red mech appeared at Casper’s side, its recon unit briefly turning his way, nodding before turning back. Qik’s mech, compared to Casper’s, felt clunky to the human now. It had none of the articulation his has. When he turned her way to nod back at her, his shoulder pulled back, his arm dropped a fraction. He was fluid. Her whole torso turned, her ‘head’ bobbed, then her whole frame twisted back. It wasn’t her fault, but now the man knew what to look for, he had access to whole other level of movement compared to hers. 
She knelt, her body remaining upright, while he stayed low, his legs supporting him, but his whole body brought low by his efforts. His profile was far lower than hers. Still, she knew combat better than him.
He’d seen her in a fight through several of their training sessions. It was one thing to be able to move out of the way of incoming shots, it was another not to expose oneself in the first place.
Casper, or rather, ‘Spectre’ as was his code name on mission, focused up.
The pair of them began to systematically scan the seemingly dead city. Spires and towers were burnt out, some having toppled over. There were ssypno forces in the area, the geckin intel had explained that. Since ssypno equipment was high end and dangerous, it was harder for them to replace it.
Their job was to make this planet expensive for the noble conducting this battle. It was the only language that kind of person understood. 
[Scrub, I got a question.]
{Go on.}
[Why ‘Scrub’ of all things?]
When Qik had offhandedly told Casper that her own callsign was ‘Scrub’ she was offended and confused when he barked a single coughing laugh before getting a reign on it. She was deadly serious and rather proud of her callsign. The young man, besides an errant comment, had left it there, but now felt as good a time as any to ask; why ‘Scrub’ of all things?
{Because I scour the battlefield clean. My ops are always described as the cleanest, unless I'm working with someone. They’re always the messy ones.}
[I’m just saying, humans might interpret it differently.]
{You said, but I didn’t spend my career building a name for myself to just change it on a whim. You read?}
[Aye aye Scrub.]
{Right, let's get this done and then we can get paid and you can get a taste of the good life. You ready?}
[When you are.] 
Casper urged himself forward as he felt Qik’s ‘blip’ move away to the west, taking a wide route around the edge of the city itself. His ‘feet’ were elongated, turning them into skis that glided across the terrain with amazing ease. His spinal mount, a dedicated jetpack pushed him forwards with vents that could open and close in an instant, allowing him to adjust and change direction with a single thought. He could still walk and run, if he wanted to, but the idea was the ability to lean into the slide and ‘skate’ across the landscape, pushing against the ground with the side of his feet.
The speed at which the city approached and became large, imposing buildings that suddenly dwarfed him, was alarming. He slowed and dropped into  a run, then walk, as he made it into the city proper, using the wide streets to fit his mech between the buildings with ease. He kept his blade held low, in both hands, ready to bring it up and swing at a moment’s notice. 
Before reaching this planet, Casper had never held a weapon before, but now, with copious amounts of software all feeding him instincts and knowledge that wasn’t his, there was a vague sense of longing for a long range weapon, instead of being limited to the length of his blade. 
That said, there was nothing for him to attack. He raised the blade to step around another building before lowering out and ready down the next street, but it was just, yet another, empty thoroughfare. 
He didn’t need military software to tell when something felt… off.
[Scrub, do you read?]
{Loud and clear Spectre, what's the situation?}
[Zero contacts. MR isn’t picking anything up and there's nothing in the streets. No sign of any mechanised forces. Are we sure we’re in the right place? Are we getting played?]
Casper couldn’t help but think of the contract the geckins had forced him into. In a desperate need to get something more from the human and his unprecedented lack of drifting when mentally piloting a machine, the geckins had not taken it well when he had expressed he wanted to leave. So much so, the only way for him to ‘win’ his freedom, was to complete the op, without getting disabled. If he wasn’t able to walk away from the op, then the geckins, or more specifically, one of their corpo-nations would *own* Casper outright, changing his designation from a person, to a ‘thing’. 
Whilst the geckins hated the ssypno with a passion, a trick or trap to retain access to Casper, might not be outside their morals.
{I wouldn’t put it past the geckins to try something, but if the op is a wash, then they still have to pay us and we’re free and clear. They wouldn’t have fed us bad intel for us to go out here for nothing.}
The Spectre mech peered down street after street, holding the blade out, ready to cut anything that moved or scuttled in half, yet each time; it was devoid of life until he found himself, quite deep into the city. 
Closing his optics for a moment, Casper willed himself to send a ping out, searching for *anything* that might show where his enemy was hiding. All he needed as a fraction of movement. 
He focused, his mind mentally tuning the sensitiveity of his radar, it sensed the rain, a beehive of noise that was too much, so with an errant twitch of his head, he tuned out the rain. He sensed himself, receiving false reports of a mech, but it was only him. He removed that too. Blind to the outside world, he stayed in place, reaching out with invisible hands, groping blindly for anything. 
There were creatures, things that scuttled and things that moved. Living organic creatures of small size. They reminded him of rats, but no rats survived the destruction of Earth to his knowledge. The things were squidgits, vermin if left unchecked, cattle if desired. They scurried and hid in the sewers far beneath Casper’s mech’s feet. Oddly, whilst plenty of the buildings still had these creatures inside, several, were *devoid* of movement. Not a single living thing could be felt by his sensitive suites. 
The optics snapped open, and clicked again. Turning his head towards the nearest towering building, he leaned forwards, trying to peer through the destroyed structure to the otherside, but found it dark and unable to see the whole way. This was only one of the nearby buildings that the squidgits avoided for some reason. The building was a husk, burnt out from some unchecked fire, most likely caused by the geckin shelling. The inside was too dark to see anything.
With a mere thought, a floodlight attached to Casper’s head, winked on and bathed the building and its bombed out floors in a brilliant white light. 
The sea of cyclops eyes constricted to tiny points as the sea of fisheye lenses reacted to the sudden wash of bright light. In turn, the countless laser cannons strapped to their spines whined as electricity suddenly washed through them. 
The MR was suddenly bombarded with with a crowd of movement as the buildings all around Casper came to life.Casper merely ducked as the space his mech had occupied only moments before was dissected by no less than seven beams, all wishing to decapitate him in one fell swoop. 
[They’re in the buildings!] He sent frantically, as a wave of scuttling mechanised bots surged from the building and landed on his mech. 
Not wanting them on him for a single second, Casper brought his arm up to protect himself and braced his shoulder. Spectre’s main booster, sitting firmly in the dead centre of his back, roared to life and launched the human’s rig into the building and out the other side in a shower of destroyed rebar and materials. The smaller multi-legged technicals were sent flying in all directions, having no hope of holding onto the mech as it punched through a building. 
[Jesus!] Casper exclaimed as he turned his head back and  watched the buildings suddenly come alive as each floor seemed to disgorge multiples of the round, bulbous, skittering machines in a manner that reminded the man of infestations from Earth. If his rig had skin, the young man was certain it would be crawling.
Remembering his sword, Casper swung it in a downward swipe along the edge of one of the buildings, cutting clean through two with zero feedback as his sword found zero resistance. The metal hulls sparked and fizzled before burning brightly as they fell despite the rain even as they hit the street below. 
Bright lines of light lit up the air between the buildings and scorched down the front of Casper’s mech, leaving deep valleys of burnt metal in their wake. Gritting his teeth,a side vent snapped open and a gout of blue flames pushed his mech sideways by pure instinct, breaking line of sight with the swarm and preventing further damage. 
{Spectre, report.}
[Contacts! Lots of contacts!]
{I see them, locking on but I need to see more. Just keep moving!}
[They’re crowding me, how are they this organised?!]
{They’re computers, no living crew. They seem smart, but it’s just a swarm. Stick to the plan!}
Casper barely made it to the next intersection where his rig could fit before he saw the bright yellow lines of the spider tank’s weapons cutting into the concrete like material of the surrounding buildings. He practically dove down the next street and picked up the speed again. 
As he glided down the road, he saw yet more of the machines breaking through the exterior walls of the buildings and began crawling down towards the ground. 
{Head west; towards me. Try and get as many as you can in one long line.}
[Wilco. One conga line, coming up!]
East, North, East, North, South. 
Casper used his boosters to jump from corner to corner, flitting from side to side, avoiding and evading the growing crowd that was mere feet behind him. Any building, or even corner of a building that was in his way was destroyed. He felt like a cannonball, fired from its home and would merely bust through anything foolish enough to get in his way. 
The bright streaks of line that burnt and destroyed the concrete around him only served to remind him that the enemy was still on his tail. Despite his confidence, he couldn’t let his guard down. Overconfidence would mean his and Qik’s destruction. 
West, North, East, North, West. 
When he turned down what had to have been a main artery for the destroyed city in the past, Casper could feel that Qik was roughly in front of him in the far distance, she was just on the very edges of his sensor suite’s range. Firing his boosters, his skis slid him down the road until the spider tanks began to pour onto the main thoroughfare from either side. 
Using his sword in an upwards sweeping motion, he cut several through their centre mass, but it was a mere handful out of the seemingly endless hoard that was following. He speared several more on the tips themselves, not slowing his escape in the slightest. 
From the distance, Casper watched as countless red lights suddenly appeared on the horizon in a beautiful dazzling sunburst. They hung there for a second before the lights turned into red streaks that raced up into the rainy sky, leaving behind white trails of smoke. They then seemingly paused before Casper’s entire early warning system lit up that he was in the direct path of this bombardment, his fiddling with his sensor suite had left him blind to such threats and had him duck in the very last second as they screamed towards their true targets.
They hadn’t been pausing in the sky, they were arcing towards him. 
Spectre leaned forward, nearly toppling forwards, and willed itself onwards, increasing its speed until it began to pull away from the amazingly agile spider tanks. 
Moments later, Casper could see the bright flashes of explosions somewhere behind him illuminate the surrounding buildings for a brief second. That didn’t matter. If it was behind him, it wasn’t hitting *him*. Relief washed over him as several of the moving, angry ‘blips’ that had been racing after him winked out of existence. 
{Brilliant! Just got a few to mop up, but that was excellent!} Qik sent, as Casper rapidly approached where she waited at the city’s edge. From her bulky torso, several flaps opened as he approached and yet more of the red lights were launched from her. The lights were the burners for the rockets that streaked into the sky before taking a harsh turn and streaking into the city, where Casper suspected that they would rapidly meet some of the creepy, crawling tanks. 
The Spectre mech shuddered as one, its various metal parts and hydraulics complaining with a loud crash. Scrub ponderous turned to face Spectre expectantly as the remaining targets seemed reluctant to approach, having had their numbers vastly cut down.
[I hate those things!]
{Yeah, MGUs or AATMGUs to be correct. Automated, all terrain mechanised guard units. Nobody likes them, they’re annoying to get out of an area because you have to expose yourself.}
The two machines stood there a moment, facing the city, scanning for any of the MGUs that decided to pop their head out. Whilst they were constantly scuttling, demanding both of their attention, they were staying out of sight for the moment. 
{Thanks for being bait.} Qik sent without prompting. Having Casper’s head turn to face her. 
[No worries, I knew you had my back.] 
Casper was turning to look back into the city and question if they were going to have to mop up the remaining MGU when there was a flicker of a ‘blip’ in his mind’s eye. He had messed with so much of the sensor suite’s settings and was so focused on the city that he couldn’t make out what he was perceiving straight away. 
He didn’t even get a chance to send the [What was that?] as a long missile streaked into the side of Qik’s mech, forcibly sending the rig into the buildings and launching Casper backwards with the force of the blast. He rolled in the air, having his legs go over his head, supported by the jets as they turned him rapidly until the bottom of his skis slapped against the ground again. Sparks and debris flew up into the air as his optics searched for the threat, all the while his sensors pinged Scrub. 
Casper watched as a new machine, undetected by his own system until now, flew in from the sky. It had solid wings that jutted out of its back, but before he could even observe more of the aircraft, it flew low, close to the ground before it unfolded into a mech, skidding to a halt at the city’s outskirts. 
Two study legs slammed into the asphalt of the landscape. Its arms unfurled and without saying a word or even hesitating for a moment, the two arms opened fire with a rain of flashing lasers that peppered the surrounding buildings and Casper’s mech with hits. 
The strikes were damaging, several connections and wires were burnt and fused instantly, forcing Casper to reroute connections and energy as he spun away from the gunfire and slipped into the city. Pressing his back against the building that weathered the new storm from the new threat. 
He turned his head and saw the smoking remains of Scrub, the mech that contained Qik. Her legs were missing and the torso portion was scorched all along one side. She had been through into a now collapsed building. She didn’t move.
[Qik?] He sent, dumbfounded as laserfire continued over the sound of sizzling rain.
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saberswordseabass · 9 months
A Hidden Danger pt2
After a few solid minutes of Nellion's continuous alien swearing, they turn back to look at Carrion. The poor human left out a soft nervous chuckle as the predatory eyes of Nellion stared deep into Carrion's darkened visor. Trish placed her hand between the two while Tur gently placed his gloved paw onto Nellion's shoulder.
"It was an accident. None of us could've known that the door would break." Tur rumbled through their speaker, pulling Nellion closer to their stomach. "We just need to find a way to open the door from this side."
"Right. Carrion, because you got us into this, go find a prybar or...something!" Nellion ordered with a very obvious hint of agitation. Carrion reared his head back as if he was just hit.
"My fault?! None of you needed to come in besides Trish because of her job. I'm going to find a generator so we can leave WITHout damaging this place more!" Carrion turns 180° before marching down the hallway. Trish gave a small glare at the rude, suited cat. Her cloven boots clicked loudly against the grating, letting Carrion know she was behind him.
Nellion hissed in agitation as the two were swallowed by the endless darkness. "Let's find something to hope the door with." Tur rumbled as the two would turn down a side corridor, away from the clopping from Trish's hooves.
Once out of earshot, "So you used to work with them?" Carrion asked, breaking the silence, besides the dull hum from their lights. Trish stayed quiet for a few moments, thinking.
"... Yeah. I did a few years ago. Before I met you in the Guardian program." She opened a sidedoor before groaning as it was an empty office room. "It wasn't a long time, but we did get along for the most part."
"Yeah? The last expedition you went on with them, anything interesting happened?" Carrion asks as he turns back to look at her before stopping at a door with a sign that the universal translator glitches and jumples up the works beyond comprehension.
"Uh, I would say less interesting and more scaring. The last one I went on was the reason why we have the H.E.N.S.."
"Yeah? If it's okay for me to ask, what happened?" Carrion asks in a curious tone while trying to sound comforting to his Guardian. She shakes her head softly, metaphorically shaking the memories out.
"No offense, Carrion, but I don't feel comfortable talking about it." She spook with a somber tone the first Carrion has properly heard from her.
"Let's drop that conversation chain then!" Carrion spoke with a hint of strain in voice. Trish turns to look at Carrion, who was trying to now brute force the stuck door. She raises an eyebrow as she goes to help before the door screeches loudly, echoing through the hallway.
"Anything in there?" She asks as peers in with Carrion. Carrion was silent as the two found the petrified remains of a large melted body, fused to the floor and looking like it was reaching towards the ceiling with a clawed hand, now removed of most flesh.
Carrion's light slowly raised up as a drop of something fell onto the hand and 'sizzled' through it. An all black, chitin covered, scorpion like creature stared at Carrion, now recoiling from the sudden light on it.
"Uh... yeah. RUN!" Carrion shouts in a panic right as Trish wraps her suited arm around his waist and yanked him against her chest. This caused him to avoid a stinger that punctured a half a foot wide hole into the grating. Trish lifts him up over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and begins to just bolt down the explored corridor.
The strange scorpion like creature brutally breaks through the door frame as it lets out a high-pitched screech. Tapping of its chitinous feet were following behind her, slowly gaining. She continues to pass by door covered in alien gibberish, and the deeper they get into the corridor, the more carnage is laid bare.
"I hate this planet!" Carrion states in rage as he looks up to see how far away the creature is. Upon getting light on it, it screams in agony before slowly as it recoils. He blinks before grinning widely. "HEY! Trish? Does the H.E.N.S. have a brighten light function?!" He asks as they make a turn, Trish's boots sliding on the strange tile.
"Yeah! Large door incoming! Brace!" Trish shouts as she continues to rush at full speed, bringing her right shoulder to break through the door. The creature turns the corner, still chasing after them only to meet with a flash bang of a sudden light change. It collapsed in a writhing mass of flailing claws.
Trish winced as she shoulder checked the door. The door opened as the original barricade that kept it closed collapsed from her strength. She clenched her right hand as her arm was more than likely hurt, if not broken.
In the room laid more corpses of similar horrific deaths to the first. A large center pillar stood, covered in screens and a large web of cables connecting the top elsewhere unseen. Large rust covered statues completely covered the walls in little arched alcoves.
Carrion jolts in surprise as the creature had let out an earpiercing scream that rattles some of the old debri from the now broken barricade. Trish turned and grabbed a piece of debri that she could wield singlehandedly.
Right as the creature entered the doorway, its tail is about to strike. All the screens on the center tower flicker to life, and the lights follow suit. It screeches in pain as it goes out into the hallway and bursts into the ceiling.
"Power up finished, generator repairs needed soon. Octarus online. Systems need immediate attention.."
After a few moments, a blue eye appeared on the screens. "Greetings...Organics?" The voice from the screens sounded almost hopeful. "Oh, joyous day by the creators! I have new pups to take care of!"
"I'm sorry, what?" Carrion asked as Trish looked also as befuddled the voice but was keeping an eye out at the ceiling.
"I am Octarus, but you pups may call me mother or mommy." Octarus spoke in a gleeful tone as the screen focused on Trish for a moment. "Oh no, you are hurt! Was it that annoying pest that harmed all my old pups?"
"The creature that hates the light? Not technically, I hurt myself getting in here and protecting my Carrion." Trish spoke as the eye focused on Carrion, and he gave a nervous grin under his helmet.
The color of the eye began to turn red as Trish stepped in front of Carrion. The statues began to shift as their eyes in their fox like head begun to glow red. "Children, excute that annoying thorn in my side."
The statues, now robots, begin to step out from their arches, with another robot appearing behind them. They begin to march to the door in synchronization, and they turn to look at Trish and Carrion before moving past. The first one after the door climbs into the damaged ceiling and disappears from view.
"Don't worry. Mommy will protect you adorable pups~."
C&C is welcome! This will be the last of the hidden danger! Ya'll are getting left with a cliffhanger and mommy Dom A.I. with nothing you can do about it! *evil laugh*
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hogletthe2nd · 24 days
“lain is real and she will come for you next”
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halloweenfor · 5 years
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Star Wars Costumes - Toddler Darth Vader Costume
Theme Halloween Costumes
Darth Vader Costumes
There’s an odd pattern that we’ve taken note of between otherwise disconnected items that the collective of mankind finds cute. At first, we were sure it was coincidence, so we experimented with a lot of different subjects to verify its truth. Who knew? Tiny things are just adorable. Would you like to have a 20 oz. bottle of water? Yes? How about a little and squished version of that with this tiny single serve 8 oz bottle!? Let us tell you that we have to dodge the masses running to grab that cute little thing!Of course, that’s the extreme. The more common adorable tiny thing comes in baby versions of already cuddy animals. What’s cuter than a dog or cat? A puppy or kitten. How about your favorite cartoon character? Make them chibi with giant eyes and snuggly little bods and we go collectively nuts for them. Well, how about something dangerous? How about this giant, ferocious, grizzly bear! … Yup. Cuddly li’l teddy bear cub just needs his little schnootz squished!So, we’ve decided to give one of the most frightening and enigmatic figures in cinematic history his day in the cuddleverse, too. Be ready to absolutely fall in love with the dark side of the Force with this Toddler Darth Vader costume. A black polyester jumpsuit (complete with Velcro diaper access) has embroidered designs for the Squish Lord’s biomechanical control panels. The cape attaches with Velcro and the hard and intimidating helmet is even made snuggly worthy by being made of felt. May the Squee be with you!
See Details & Get More Deals at: Best Halloween Costumes 2019 :: Shop
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Tummy Troubles
Tummy Troubles by AmethystSongWrites
While trying to surprise Touya at his office, Hawks gets hit with a quirk that gives him horrible stomach pains. Luckily Touya is there to cuddle him and make him feel all better.
Words: 3884, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Cuddleverse
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Civilian Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Touya is a Politician, Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Sickfic, Trans Takami Keigo | Hawks, Touya's Tremendously Tantalizing Tempting and Titillating Top Tier Terrific Tender Titties
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40106541
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wolven91 · 2 months
The Eyes Are On The Front
Wesk snarled as he dabbed at the openly bleeding wound across his forehead. The shrapnel had obviously done damage to his face and eye. No matter what he did, the canid just couldn't see out of it.
At least he'd retrieved the human from the slaver camp. This was meant to have been a silent break in, snatch and run. So much for that plan...
Wesk had cased the tiny outpost for several days. All their comings and goings. Knowing where the guards were, how they patrolled, which ones took their job seriously and which ones liked to sit on the hidden chair behind the depleted uranium rod holders.
Chained avians, damaged chintians by the crate load. All more than enough evidence with recordings to count as a payday per head for each slaver Wesk removed with his high powered rifle.
It was only when the human appeared through Wesk's scope that his plans had changed so suddenly. The canid recalled blinking several times just to confirm the bounty hunter was indeed, seeing, what he was seeing.
Gone from merely picking them off one by one, now there was a hostage to rescue. One that Wesk had successfully pulled off, if not messily.
The human, a grubby but still feisty thing, was glancing around the den that Wesk had been using as a base. It was embedded into the side of the cliff that overlooked the outpost nestled and hidden in the valley.
Wesk held what amounted to a medical stapler to his forehead and pinched the flesh closed.
"They're coming..." The human quietly warned.
Wesk dropped the stapler and nearly bowled the tiny creature over as he tried to focus through his scope.
But he couldn't see through it. Aberrations in his vision caused it to swim and blind him to the magnified images of his scope.
"Dammit, I can't see! We jave to run." Wesk decoded and span away from the rifle to quickly grab his bug out bag.
The crack of gunfire caused the canid to throw himself down onto all fours and spin round, fully expecting to launch himself at a threat.
Only it was the human that had shouldered the deployed rifle and was now peering through its scope with her finger on the trigger.
It was far too large for her and was not calibrated for one if her kind!
"Hey! You're giving away our pos-"
"One down."
The canid blinked as he watched the human breathe out and squeeze the trigger again. The whole device lurched into her shoulder which took the blow.
"Second down."
"But you need... you need a predator's eyes for that. You're a.."
"Eyes on the front mate. My eyes are on the front."
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