#Spellman siblings
dirtytransmasc · 2 years
the little warrior (spider fic)
What if spider sacrificed himself for jake? what if his family was forced to watch him die? what would spider see in his afterlife?
based off of this post
mother/father is ronal and tonowari, mom/dad is zdog and quaritch. It just feels right in my soul. I didn't beta this, I tried, got bored, and y'all are gonna just have to be ok with that. more notes at the end. 
The shock of spider taking a bullet for jake was enough to stop the entire battlefield in its tracks. Think hector and patrolcus; the RDA had messed with spider a few times before and each time they learned only one thing came form messing with spider, and that was carnage. Spider was the heart and soul of the little platoon, he held it all together, bringing once enemies into one family. They knew that touching a hair on his head would get them all killed, but killing him? They knew to start saying their prayers. The intent was to kill jake, collapse the unit; whether it happened then and there or shortly after the fact, it hadn’t mattered to them. But now there was little hope any of them would make it out of there alive. 
The first to react was Ao’nung, his instinct to protect his baby brother cutting through the shock and hazy disbelief. He has to push past jake to get to his brother before he hits the ground, screaming, curses and prayers alike, all the while. He knows spider knew what he was doing, saw his face ease as he saw jake turn around unscathed, he hated it, hated how selfless his brother was, wanted to scream at him for being so stupid (he never dropped his grudge with jake, it had been months since spider became his brother, but he would never forget what led up to it). But as the fear and adrenaline catch up with spider, his face freezing up as he registered the pain, he can't help but pull him closer and slowly to the ground, trying to ignore the sharp smell of blood, his brother's blood. It’s ok, it’s ok, mama will fix it, I promise she’ll make it better. He frantically hummed an answer, clinging to him as pain blossomed in his chest like a crude burn.
Their parents and sister are quick to follow - a war-seasoned chief, a tsahik, and a healer in training - all 3 trying to stay calm for their son and brother, but its hard when the light and life is so quickly draining from his face. 
he tries to talk to them but between the pain and the blood pooling in his lungs, he can't get anything out. he seeks his mother's hand and his father's touch, but he can't ask for it and his strength is waning so he can't reach for it either. All he can do is listen to his mother's cries, and  focus on his sister's hands on his legs or his father's big hands on his chest. he knows his brother's holding his head up, he tries desperately to keep his eyes open, to follow his coaxing, even if he would much rather settle into the warmth of his hands and let sleep take him. But he knows it would upset him if he went without a fight, that it would break his parents hearts.
His mother is be praying desperately, unable to pull herself way from her child, but her mind too clouded with grief to do much else. Same with his sister though she was attempting to apply what her mother had taught her. His father and brother could only focus on the blood, all the blood, pouring from his chest and his mouth and nose; that and the tears they couldn't wipe because of the mask he so desperately needed. He felt his father trying to keep pressure on the wound but the bleeding went deeper then he could have any effect on, and ao'nung was trying to keep spider airway open so he didn't drown on the blood pooling in his mouth. It hurt. He wanted it to end.
spider can see from just behind his mother, jake and neytiri in each others embrace watching with distant eye as he suffers the same fate as neteyam. it made him feel sorta guilty, but if jake was alive, the battle would live on, and his family had a chance at peace. 
more faces, voices rather, join the scene. he hears his dad, hears reyzi screaming, but she doesn't grow closer. quaritch was struggling to hold her back, begging through his own tears for her to calm, that she could see him, she just needed to be calm for her brother. ravi and ro'eyk are standing next to their adoptive dad, ravi leaning into his arm, seemingly numb, though his anger is boiling him alive, and he's one wrong move away from ripping his skin off and using it to strangle his brothers killer to death. ro'eyk is similar to his brother, the craze in his eyes multiplying by the second as he is forced to watch his baby brother bleed out.
its quaritch who approaches his greiving family first, tapping tonowari's shoulder, their eyes meeting. 
he's too far gone - both of their respective glances say, though neither can voice it. "there's no exit wound, the bleeding is in his lungs," tonowari says quietly, trying to avoid the children's ears "the bleeding is slow, but the damage is done. it won't be quick, but he won't make it back to camp either…" 
quaritch nods, he couldn’t think about how much time his boy had left, or more so, how little. he kneels next to his son, the siblings gathering at his sides. Reyzi takes her brother’s hand, trying to smile when he weakly squeezes back; Ravi nudges against ao’nung, the two had grown close, helping the other boy shift their brother to lay between them; ro’eyk clings close to his dad, one hand holding onto him, the other on spiders leg. 
The sounds are so intense, people speaking, crying, praying, begging. everyone’s moving around him, people are moving him, someones putting pressure on the wound and it hurts like hell. 
his eyes float around; first to his dad, he’s crying, fingers fiddling with the braid behind his ear, miles had put in himself, the beads he carved by hands, spider never took it out. then to his brother’s, seeing his 2 big brothers embracing eachother, ao’nung hiding his face into the crook of ravi’s neck, both boys desperately trying to stay strong, ro’eyk eyes were analyzing him, trying to find a solution, because he was never one to back down. Then it was his mother and father that he looked to, the pain in his mothers eyes as she prayed to Eywa, as she held onto his body as if to hold him there; he’d never seen his father so distraught, like all his strength and was gone, his face no longer holding a sense of calm, there was only pain and anger now. His sisters both held a sense of rage, one he was very familiar with, reyzi wasn’t afriad to turn her anger on the world, but tsireya? He can’t think of a time he’s ever seen her truly angry, let alone filled with wrath, and he feels sorry that his death will introduce to such a horrible feeling. he tries to focus on jake and neytiri, but end up falling on the sully kids, more tears forming in his eyes; he was leaving them again, he was leaving lo’ak alone, kiri without her person, tuk with one less big brother, again. his breaths come fast and he starts to shake as sobs force their way out of his broken body realizes they’re all here, they’re all going to watch him die. 
he's scared, he feels so alone, despite being surrounded by people, because his vision is going and he can barely feel or hear a thing. he just wants to be held, he doesn't care about the wound anymore, he just wants someone to make the cold and pain go away. 
he must have made some sort of noise, a sign of discomfort because the aching stopped; whoever had been putting pressure on the wound let up a little, then his dad is talking to him, leaning over him to speak into his ear, I love you, he says gently, trying to hide the shake in his voice, I love you so much, and spider wants to say it back, he wants to cling to his dad and beg him to make it stop, but he can only stare up at him, weakly nod his head, let the tears fall down his cheeks. He hates this, he hates it so much. 
He closes his eyes for just a second, trying to ease the tired ache in them, but then he hears his mother shriek, feels her hands on his face, my son, she cries over and over again, great mother please, please do not take him. He feels his gut churn as he remembers what neytiri had said the day she lost neteyam. He watches his father try to comfort her, but he knows it would be no use, nothing quells the pain of a mother’s grief. 
He tries to speak again, but chokes, and his chest burns with something awful, he feels his brothers tense beneath him, sobs coming from the younger of the two. He wants to tell her that its ok, to bring her comfort like she has for him the last few months, anything to bring her any amount of ease. Shhh, my child, it’s ok, don’t speak, his father comforts, not even attempting to hide his pain, only focusing on easing his child. Spider tries to not be angry, tries not to scream at the situation; he’s dying and he can’t even say goodbye to his family, can’t talk to them, his body won’t let him, they won’t let him try, it’s not fair. 
There’s movement at his side, his dad is leaving, he doesn’t want him to go. His eyes track him as he scoots behind his brothers, both like his sons in one way or another, wrapping an arm around both of them, ro’eyk joining there little group hug. Reyzi stays where she is, holding his hand, and the gap left by his dad and brother is filled by his mom, 2 of the strongest woman he has ever known embracing eachother like life lines. He’s really happy to see her, he just wishes she wasn’t crying. 
She doesn’t hesitate from kissing the top of his head, pressing her forehead against the mask, the gap between their faces made by the glass lets him see the anguish on her face. How’s my strong boy doing, she says, trying to smile, lighten the mood, despite the pain it causes her. He’d say he’s right as rain, just like she did, but he knew he couldn’t, didn’t think it was worth trying. So he did his best to push into her, to make his need for her comfort known, pulling a sob from his lips as he strained to be closer. She peppered any skin she could get to with kisses, knowing she couldn’t hug him or hold him as she wanted, not without hurting him even more. I’m so sorry, my little soldier, I’m so so sorry, she says to him, as she tries to figure ouu where to put her hands, settling them against the sides of his face. He doesn’t want her to be sorry, his choice is what got him here, her being there wouldn’t have stopped him. 
He hears ikran, assumes the other recoms had spotted the vigil from the skies. He’s pretty sure he heard his mom say something about them letting her go to her boy while they handled the remaining RDA soldiers who hadn’t given up. He saw all of them, all their ikran too, that was good, that meant his family was ok, all of them, that was good. 
Mansk and lyle had gotten close to the sully kids, lo’ak in particular, as kiri was more often too busy her own world to pay them any mind, and neytiri kept tuk close to her, so spider wasn’t surprised when he saw his brother break from jakes hold, running into mansk’s side, accepting lyles arm to hold onto as well. Kiri followed, now that she knew she could in fact wander from her parents grasp without getting pulled back, though she went to zdog instead of following her brother, sitting opposite to reyzi. Hey monkey boy, he wished she said it like she aways did, not in the sad defeated voice that she had. though one thing was the same as always, she had her hand over his heart; she said he was na’vi in his heart, that his body didn’t matter, that to eywa, he would be her child just as much as she and their siblings and the rest of their family were. 
The thought brought him comfort, that he would be with eywa soon, with the people his family had lost over the years. He didn’t want to trade out one for the other, and he definitely didn’t want to think about his family joining him, but there was some amount of peace easing his heart to calm, his breath to come a little slower. Part of him knew that shock was taking hold of him, but chose to let it happen rather then fight it, the calm eased his pain, the lack fo fear let his muscles relax. 
He could tell people were shifting again, which meant more goodbyes, more words he couldn’t understand, more tears. He thinks its jake at his side now, neytiri behind him, tuk somewhere in the mix (he can hear her voice, though he can’t see her). I’m so sorry kid, shouldn’t have been you, you should have let it happen… none of this should have happened… I’m sorry I didn’t apologize sooner. Hearing jake apologize was weird, he never expected one, part of him wanted to keep thinking he didn’t deserve one, cause it was easier to forget what his life used to be like, then to dwell on it. Then tuk was hugging his neck before he could even form a reaction to what jake had said, forcing him to change his chain of thought to her; she shouldn’t be here, not on a battlefield, not watching another brother die, he wanted to push her off, tell her to run and keeping running till she was free of the smoke and rubble. I don’t want yout to go, you already left once, why are you leaving again? She asks, and he has no answer. Why was she still here? 
Someone pulled her away and lo’ak took her place, he looked conflicted, and spider knew why; he didn’t want to regret his last words. Lo’ak was haunted by what he said to neteyam, he didn’t want to suffer that again. I see you, all of you, spider. You will always be my brother, always have been, and no matter what, there was never a moment I didn’t love you, even when I was angry and even if I didn’t act like it, I always love you Spi. even if it was hard, he hung onto every word, he could do that for his brother, after everything, he could do him the decency. He tried to quirk his lips up into a smile, hoping lo’ak would find comfort in it, but lo’ak only started to cry harder, hovering over him, why did you do that, you skawng, though he was probably attempting to scold him, there was no anger in his voice. 
Eventually his brother pulled away, squeezing his shoulder before he rejoined the recoms who were both silently mourning and keep watch over the vigil. they didn’t do goodbyes, so he wasn’t surprised or even disappointed, he almost liked it better this way. He knew they mourned him, knew they would die to avenge him, he didn’t need them to go out of there way to do something that would only bring him more pain. He doesn’t even think he would be able to understand them had they tried.
His last few moments are hazy, his pulse in his ears, and the tears in his eyes so thick he can just barely make out the beginning of eclipse. He knew he was in his father’s arms, he wasn’t talking, not words at least, spider almost thinks he might be humming; it's a song sung to mighty warriors when they fall, as a way to tell them they can rest, that war is over. He knows his mother is next to her mate, sleep now, my little miracle, she's crying, he can barely tell what she's saying, you were the greatest gift I could ever be given, thank you, for being my son, for every moment we shared. his eyes burned, she was thankful for him, when he should be thankful for her, it wasn't right. he was slipping, thinking about his mama took his  away from his focus on staying awake, and suddenly his dad was talking, I'll take care of her spi, don't worry, you go on now, everything will be alright here, his dad comforts, knowing spider is more worried about her than himself. his dad was across from his mother, the both of them holding his hands, their own hands over lapping. He knows zdog is next to him, whispering I love you, over and over again. 
his brother’s were at his head, he could feel someone tucked into his neck, another pressing their head against his, I love you, I love you so much my brother, don't- (you have have to let him go) I… I'm gonna miss you, I'm gonna miss you so much, ao'nung he thinks, then Ravi, then ao'nung again. Ravi was taking care of the younger boy. good, he thinks, his brothers won't be alone. His sisters are gathered at his feet, collapsing in on one another; reyzi’s stiff upright posture and cold, thousand yard stare sticking out eerily amongst his hazy recollection. Kiri looked… peaceful wasn't the right word, she looked like she accepted it, she had tsireya and tuk pulled into her sides, Reyzi was behind her, accepting no comfort; he was sure that if he could get his eyes to focus he would see her wringing her hands, pulling her fingers until they hurt. he wished she would be able to move on, he knew it wasn't possible, it wouldn't be possible for her or her brother's, no matter how well they were holding themselves in the moment. Lo'ak was pacing the stretch of land that acted as an opening to the aclove, he was cursing, punching at the rubble, he didn't deserve this, not again. 
he saw the recoms standing gaurd as well, someone was trying to keep Lo'ak from the rubble, earning a sharp jab to the ribs, which was redirected into in awkward hug of sorts, but he couldn't tell who it was anymore. 
he couldn't tell who anyone was, his vision had faded to much. he whimpered, felt the burn in his chest as a result. he felt like he was sinking away, like when you have the bad dream of falling into the abyss. he was scared, he was so scared, he didn't want to die. he tried to grip onto something, but he's not even sure he was moving, but he felt his bubble get tighter, he tired to remember be wasn't alone. 
the last thing he remembered was a choked cry, probably his mother, and then nothing.
then Neytiri, smiling at him sadly amidst of bright white. no, no it wasn't Neytiri… it was Neteyam, his big-little brother - spider was technically older him, by a little over a year, but aged slower, hense earning him the title of little- big brother and Neteyam the opposite - standing a few feet away from him. 
"I didn't expect to see you so soon." Neteyam talks in a way that is much older and much wiser then his age lets on, more so then he did in life. he keeps his smile, but his voice and eyes let on his sadness. 
"neither did I," spider makes no attempts to move or interact more than he needs to, not until he knows this ain't a trick of his dying mind
"why did you do it, you could have let dad take the hit, he had a better at surviving it," 
"I wasn't letting another person get shot in front of me." 
"It wasn’t your fault brother,” neteyam stepped forward, placing a hand on spiders cheek, wiping a tear he didn’t know was there. 
“Am I really dead?” he asks, wanting to accept that this was really the end, he needed this to be the end, because he couldn’t stay standing much longer. 
“Yes… I’m sor-” Neteyam tensed at the question, 
“No, no thats… that’s good, was just worried… worried I wasn’t gone yet and that my mind would start playing tricks on me.” he closed the gap, leaning into the taller figure, he was tired, he was so tired. “Please, ‘teyam, please tell me this is real.”
He felt himself being pulled down, surrounded in a ligth warmth, almost like a blanket of sand warmed by the light of the sun. he kept his eyes closed, unsure if he wanted to see the space around him, if he wanted to know what would be there. He just clung tight to his big-little brother and prayed The Great Mother showed him mercy. 
“Its’s real, I promise you it’s real, open your eyes.” 
When he did, because he trusted his brother, he was home, he was on a familiar beach, the beach his father would take him to, it was on the far side of the village, a place only really known by the chief and his family. 
“What is this place, spi, it’s the place The Great Mother thinks you should rest, tell me about it.”
“This is where tonowari told me I was his son… it was the family beach in a way… its where me and ao’nung would train and tsireya taught me the stories of our people, where mother taught me to heal. This is my home.” he was too caught up in the relief to think about how neteyam may feel about him considering someone else family. 
“You deserved more time with them, they were good to you,” he spoke softly, tracing his finges in the sand, “you were meant to be theirs, but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re brothers. It’s ok spider, I’m happy that you were happy with them, you deserved that.”
“You saw?” 
“Everything, had to watch over you and my other skawng brother, ao’nung too, make sure you didn’t get into to much trouble; though it doesn’t seem I kept that from happening… I watched you all, you did good brother.” 
His stomach dropped. He knows, he knows what he did, why wasn’t he angry.
“I saved him… why aren’t you angry?” 
“Because you were right. You felt the good in him, you saved him, and then let him pick his path. You saved him, all of them, preserved life; thats the way of eywa. By saving him, you brought them all together… and evne if you didn’t, even if he didn’t change, he was your dad spi, he did better then our- my dad… you had every right to want to save him. I can’t judge you for that.” 
This felt wrong, something wasn’t right, there was no way this was going to be this easy. 
“I… I don’t understand.” 
“You will, it takes time.”
“Eywa will show you what you need to know to find peace, sometimes you need to see what happens first. You were bound to kiri for a reason, you were bound to tonowari and ronal for a reaosn, you were bound to the recoms for a reason. She will show you, it just takes time.” 
Neteyam was holding him by the shoulders now, pulling him into a hug once more. Spider thinks he was crying. “You don’t understand yet, but I am so proud of you spider.”
That’s when spider cracked, he couldn’t do it anymore, he couldn’t stay strong. He crumbled in his brother’s arms, letting him hol all his pieces together. He falls apart into the sand, as his brother moves away from him.
“I have to go now, so do you,” his brother says distantly, spider only catching a glimpse of him before he disappears. 
Before he can even call out for him, he hears another voice, one much more ethereal, layered and consisting of many tones; “you have places to be, my child.”
“What?” he searches the beach for a source, but comes up with nothing. “Who are you?”
“You know who I am,” the voice shifts, sounding almost like his mother
“The Mother of mothers I suppose,” the voice was closer to what it had been before, though it kept its feminine pitch
“Eywa.” his voice was more a whisper then anything else, unsure of what should have been obvious. 
“Yes, my child,” a woman appeared, emerging from the forest that surrounded the beach, she looked like his mother, which made some sense. She could look like anything, different to each person, so of course she would take the form of the woman he loved and trusted the most in his life. 
“Where am I going?”
“You ask too many questions, always have,” she smiled, an airiness to her voice, almost like a laugh, “what do our people believe?” 
Oh. “Every person is born twice,” 
“That’s right little one,” the deity came closer, her ‘hand’ caressing his cheek.
He felt his heart begin to race, how that was possible considering he was dead, he didn’t know and didn’t care. He didn’t want to go, he wanted to stay with his family, with neteyam. He wanted to find the other’s, kiri’s mom, his mother’s spirit sisters, his ancestors; human, omatikaya, and metkayina alike. He’s so tired and just wants to stay here, just for a little.
“Don’t worry my child, you,” she points to his head, his mind, “will stay here, your soul,” she points to his chest, “will be reborn. You will rest, but your fire, courage, and loyalty will be given back to the world. You were born to be a great warrior, it is ingrained in you, and you fight for me and all of pandora with all of yourself and all of your strength. You will be sent back to finish what you began, to the end of the war. You will protect you’re family, and you will have my guidance to do so, that I promise.”
He was confused, unsure of how the whole ‘born twice’ thing worked logistically, but he knew better to argue with a mother, let alone The Mother. So he suppressed his weariness, his longing for his family, and accepting Eywa’s task. Little warrior, gift of Eywa. what were once terms of endearment now had meaning.
“Yes, Great Mother,”
“Your mother taught well, she is a good tsahik, her and your father, even the lost spirits that make up your dad, you call him and your mom,” hearing the Na’vi goddess use english words was so unnerving, and he found himself grinning a little harder then he should, and she grinned back in response, “they prepared you well, very well.”
“They did, I am forever greatful for them”
“Of course you are, you are a grateful child, your heart is larger then most, its what a great warrior, the respect you have for the enemy, even when you feel such immense hatred. It is what lead you to save him, what lead your siblings to him, what turned the tides of this battle. It is what made you protect the Toruk Makto, despite the battle he put you through so young. It is you’re heart that will live on…are you ready?” her words were so motherly, it sounded like a story he would hear from his mother, except it was no story, not yet, it was his life. 
“I think,” he was honest with her, he had no idea what was going to happen, and therefore could not honestly tell her if he was afraid or not.
“When your soul is sent back to your family, finding a place to be reborn where it is needed most, you will join your ancestors; you will watch with them, both your living family and your ancestors, you will learn to be a guide as they are and when your soul has returned to you, living its second life, you will be a guide as well. Do you understand my child?” she explained with care.
So that’s what his brother meant, he will see in time, learn what he most learn, be show what he must be shown. He would watch the remainder of his family’s lives, watch the war, watch the effects of his actions play out. He would watch his soul live on, finishing what he began. He would learn from his ancestors, everything he needed to know. Maybe he would learn from his Mother as well, he couldn’t assume this was the last he would be seeing of her. He felt ease wash over him, his Mother embracing him fully now. 
“You will be reborn to her, that I promise. Good luck little warrior.”
And with that the figure disappeared, he felt something leave him, more then just Eywa’s presence, and suddenly he was alone, still on the secluded beach. He had a feeling he had a lot to figure out, and that the tulkun calls in the distance were the calls of his first teacher, Roa.  
So a few things. The only people I’m sorry for right now are fictional. chest wounds under the right circumstances can be slow inevitable death sentences; I milked that for every ounce of angst I could (his death took at least 10-15 minutes of agony just for a little perspective for him and his family; they couldn’t do anything so they just had to watch him fade). Finally, the only explanation for why the siblings don’t go hog wild immediately (this explanation is for all of 3 people, you know who you are/pos) is because their civility is directly linked to spider. If they don’t stay calm, there will be no stopping them, and they didn’t want spider to see that; basically, the only way they stopped themselves from going ballistic, was to go numb, practically comatose, which will fuel their anger later.
I kept the dialogue limited to put the reader in spider perspective, he’s so out of it he can really only hear what's being said when he’s putting effort into it. Just because the dialogue isn’t mentioned doesn’t mean its happening, which is my nice way of saying; he’s being talked to the whole time, he just isn’t “hearing” it. This is the same for character focus, he’s only really able to pay attention to the activity around him, so characters are only really mentioned when they are actively interacting with him/are the main point of his focus. angst via writing style is my favorite flavor of angst I toiled with the ending of this for like 3 days, I don't love it love it, but I'm content with it. I have complicated feelings for how the spirit world works in canon (as far as we know) and how I want it to work, so we're just gonna take the mess that I created and enjoy it. also eywa is based on my interpretation of our world's 'true mother' who takes many forms and names in different mythologies; think, fun mom, who's crunchy in the cool fun way. like will drive her kid to the ER at 2 in the morning for running a fever, but will also slather them in essential oils the entire way there. is the cool mom that everyone loves and always wants to hang out with. like I didn't want her to seem overly untouchable, so I made her have a mild sense of humor. so enjoy that
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So in the Spellman sibling AU, what are all the Na’vi names for the recoms? And how do Jake and Neytiri react to the Siblings using these names?
Personally, I think the Spider and recoms cherish these names and use them more than other names, because it was given to them due to the trust and love that the Siblings have in them.
You are right in that the recoms do cherish the names they were given by the Siblings, specifically Reyzì who was the one who 'chose' the names.
(Reyzì got the names with guidance from Eywa)
Now onto the names.
Quaritch ➳ Txuran Lyle ➳ Lo'eyngan Mansk ➳ Kxusok Z-dog ➳ Zävatsa Prager ➳ Hawnu Ja ➳ Zeyko'ek Lopez ➳ Narame
So to start off, the recoms still use their human names with the Omatikaya and reserve using their na'vi names to when it's just them and the siblings. The names are deeply personal for them, as they represent their connection to the siblings, so the use of them is reserved to only those they are closest to. All the recoms use the Siblings' family name of Le'ey as well.
Now Jake, Neytiri, and the Clan are aware of these names but know better than to use them (outside of any ceremonial occasions.) as the siblings and the recoms are quite possessive of those names.
Overall, the names really solidify the relationship the siblings have with the recoms to Jake and Neytiri.
(Random Fact: Reyzì and Mansk do end up mated/married)
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destroyabez · 2 years
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Fluff and shenanigans!!!!
• When Spider was a toddler he used to cry on and on into the night, you would've thought he was getting murdered if you heard it. The other scientists tried everything but nothing could work. Not hot milk, not being rocked, not being given a stuffy, not even promises of being able to go outside the next day could calm the tiny toddler down. Excepttttt Norm! It took everyone including Norm himself by shock when a very very tired Norm just kinda went into Spiders room and laid down with the toddler in bed. Hugging him close as both Norm and surprisingly Spider as well fell asleep in each others embrace (Spider denys this ever happened)
• Norm was the one to teach Spider how to cook, he taught him how to make one of Spiders favorite foods (P.s its cherry pie)
• Norm does adopt Na'vi children and when Spider first met them he was practically vibrating with excitement (he was young when Norm adopted the kids! I also have names for them but that will come later) and the kids were just as happy to meet him too.
• Aungia and Spider are the closet in age with Aungia being only one season older than Spider (He uses this against Spider all the time)
• Fwäkì and Spider get into all sorts of shenanigans despite Fwäkì being two years younger than Spider
• Letswal'herwì is very shy but gets along with Spider none the less, though she typically is the one to tell them to calm down and not hurt themselves or eachother despite her being the youngest
• Norm loves all his children equally! (Jk his favorite is Leswal'herwì)
• Aungia means Sign, Omen while Fwäkì means Mantis and Leswal'herwì means powerful snow
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A little angst before my phone dies nyehehehe
• When Spider was taken all Norm wanted to do was storm into Bridgehead and kill anyone or anything that came in his way, he didn't know what to do with this feeling because he never had it before. He also felt rage, rage so deep he could feel it in his bones. Rage that Neytiri and Jake didn't go back for his son, that they just let him be taken. He had to wait though because if he acted too hastily he would risk Spiders life and he would never forgive himself if anything happened. And he never did when he found out what they did to his son, his poor brave son who even though he was left to get tortured didn't give up any information on where the high camp was and anything about the Sullys or him. He never forgave himself and he never will, he knew he should've just gone to get Spider when he first heard he was kidnapped but he didn't and now he had to live with that fact
• Aungia just shut down, he didn't want to talk to anyone, he didn't want to get up for food, he didn't want to go outside. He wanted his brother back but knew he couldn't do anything and that left a great deal of pain for him to deal with
• Similar to her father Fwäkì wanted to go to where the demons were and rip out each and everyone of their throats to get her brother back safely but unlike her father she didn't think of what might happen if she just stormed into Bridgehead, what could happen to her brother and her, so she made up a plan and was going to go through with it. She had gathered a few other kids who loved Spider and they made a plan to get her brother back
• Leswal'herwì was the most confusing one of all of the siblings. She carried on with everything like normal but if you knew her well you could tell she was in a great deal of pain but she wouldn't talk. No matter how much she wanted to. She was also the reason that Fwäkì and the other kids didn't initiate their plan sooner
Ok now time for sleep and to charge my phone bye bye!
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
when someone insults you (child)
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There are many ways to cause problems and tension, within the clan and between Navi themselves. One way would be insult someone of the clan and thinking their family and friends, will not do anything about it. Once that insult had come out of their mouths there was no, taking back what had been spoken.
Jake x Neytiri
demon blooded girl
Those words had been said toward you by an older Navi women, you had been carrying some basket when a group kids had ran into you. resulting with the kids fall to the ground and getting some scraps of their keens and arms, you and rush to help the kid up. Taking the kids to healer hut, and have the kids attend to as well. The children were okay after the tears had ended but that didn’t save you from the rage of their mothers. As they had been told and thought you had pushed their kids. They had started scolding your outside of the hut, one od them hissed at you tried to grab you arm, soon throwing the insult at gained everyone near by attention.
women “ you demon blood child you have cause not only my kid pain but all these other kids pain” the women soon had came at you with her blade making you doge her and soon, fall down into ground.
Y/n “ please stop and hear me out there a misunderstanding” the women was looking down at you as she was standing tall, but she was not standing tall for that much longer until someone had attacked her.
neytiri “ don’t you dare lay hands on my daughter” neytiri had come right away soon kicking the women away from her child.
???? “ sister” you had been helped onto your feet by Loak and spider, as neteyam had stood between you and the other women.
Kiri “ you are bleeding”
neytiri “ you dare make my child bleed I will make you pay” before neytiri could do anything else Tsu’tey and Jake had stopped her.
Jake " neytiri no justice will be handed out in another way"
moat “ my granddaughter what has happened”
y/n “ there was accident with some kids and I took them here to get healed … ahhh”
Kiri “ grandma her injury”
moat “ come inside I will attend to you” you and kiro followed moat, as the rest of your siblings stood outside waiting. It easy to hear neytiri voice as she yelled at the group, as Jake tried his best to make sure she didn’t do anything else. Your grandmother and norm had been able to heal you up after the incident. They are mad as well and so are your siblings, the mother had been sent to their homes and away from you and everyone else.
neytiri " daughter are you okay"
y/n " I'm fine mom the cut will go away in days"
neytiri " how dare that women lay a hand on you if I was not for your father, and uncle I will taught her a good lessons"
neytiri " I will make them pay for what they have done to you my daughter"
y/n " mother please no we don't need anymore trouble"
Jake " sweetie I and your mother will handled this but you can share you side, of what has happened"
y/n " yes father"
Jake " good and your are not in trouble some witness had told us what happened, but we wish to hear from you as well"
y/n " yes father"you had nodded your head and told them everything, this had made your mom even more mad. As the women and her friends had no good reason to fight you a child and insult you as well. The mothers had been forbidden by your father and mother forming coming near you, for a very long time. They had been in major trouble with your family and the clan, for what had happened today. Their husband had came by your home with offers for forgives and to repay you as well, they had been checked careful by your mom and grandmother. You had forgave the husband and kids but stay away from their mothers for some time.
Jake x neytiri x Tsu’tey
Demon spawn
The day had started off normal for you as you had been doing your task, for the day as you had done every other day. It seems like your day was not going to stay normal. As you had been doing some fishing for your family and grandmother, by the river when some tension had came around. As you are about to hit a fish when you spotted another group arrive, you had smiled and went back to fishing. The group of kids had been to close to edge of the river bank, worrying you as you had called out to them and told them to move a bit. You even help them find a good place to fish and good position to use while fishing, and they seem to love your advice and help. You had been able to caught some big fish and started walking home, you had been that far from home when someone shoved you to the ground.
y/n " hey"
Navi teen boy " don't your dare speak to my brother and his friends like that demon spawn' You had got up not wish for a fight right now and tried to collect your fishes, when the boy had shoved you again onto the ground as the other kids came.
navi teen boy 2 " you heard what you told me demon how dare you tell them what do to do"
y/n " I was helping them that all and making sure they didn't get hurt, and making sure they were able to bring some fish back as well"
navi teen boy 3 " you are a freak and have no right to tell us how to live and do anything, and you dare lay your demon hands on my brother"
y/n " leave me alone so let walking away or this will become a bigger problem"
navi teen boy " we will never obey the words of demon girl that ...." the boy had been punched in the face by no one other then, lo'ak who was mad right now.
lo'ak " hands off my sister" the second boy had been kicked by someone who was spider.
spider " hands off of her"
????? " y/n" neteyam had been seen as he soon helped you stand he was mad as well.
navi boy teen " " the demo. Spawn started it first"
lo'ak " don't your dare call her at and or speak to her like that"
navi boy teen " demon spawn" A fight soon broke out between the boys.
???? ' enough " your dads had shown up with the other kids fathers breaking up the fight.
neytiri " what the matter here"
lo'ak " this boy was looking over my sister as she was laying on the ground, as him and his friends yelled at her fathers"
Tsu’tey " what"
spider " they insult her and called her demon spawn" soon all eyes were on you and it easy to say that you had been shoved to ground.
Neytiri " you dare lay a hand on my daughter to hurt you, you boys are shameful"
Jake " what happened y/n"
y/n " I was walking home when I was shoved to the ground, all because I help their younger siblings with their fishings"
tsu'tey " this that true"
boys " ....."
navi father " olo'eythan Tsu’tey our boys ......"
Tsu’tey " I was speaking and they will answer me"
boys " yes"
Jake " how dare you all do this over our daughter being helpful, and then you insult her as well"
neteyam " insult our sister is insult us all" the boys who were once acting like they were all that, were now not saying anything as all eyes are on them.
Jake " you boys will stay away from my daughter and my kids, after the events today until you came come up with a good apology to her" no one dare say anything else boys and their fathers had been escorted home by some of the warriors.
y/n " I'm sorry but it seems like dinner for us and grandmother is gone" your family looked at the fish they there was no saving them for later.
lo'ak " I will caught some later with the boys" you had nodded your heads as your mother had taken you and your boys to healer hut, to get checked out and soon enough home as well. Your brothers and spider had been able to caught new fishes for the family, but there was still tensions as your whole family had become mad about the insult tossed your away. They soon clam down after dinner but there was still issues here and there, the boys had stayed away from you until they came to say sorry with their siblings and your siblings there as well.
Tonowari x ronal
shameful girl
since the arrival of the sully family and their clan life in your clan and village changed, dramatically and you enjoyed it. You had made sure to be helpful for your village and the new arrivals, even learning some stuff from the humans as well. Soon become close friends with the sully kids and spider, along with the rest of the humans as well. You had given them a chance to show they are good and will be allies during the fight with the evil humans. One day you are walking to meet with your siblings and friends, when you had walked pass some of your clan members who were that happy with you.
Y/n “ good morning” you smile and look towards the group as they didn’t say anything else.
Navi women “ are you proud of yourself child” you had stopped and looked at the women.
y/n " proud of what if you don't mind me asking"
navi women 2 " proud of yourself for being friends with the family and clan, ruining your reputation and image by being with them"
y/n " I know we all have our own feelings about them and I don't blame you, but they are not like them and if you give them a chance you can see that"
navi women " you are such a shameful child and the whole clan knows that, It good you are out the tshaik and olo'eythan as you will be ruining their blood"
y/n " I'm going to leave right now before anything else is said"
navi women 2 " Such a shameful child you will ruin our clan and your family" You did nothing as you soon started walking away from them right away.
Navi teen girl " You will never be their daughter just some shameful child that will never be loved, and once I become mates with your brother you will be gone ... no more freaks and no shameful ones as well like you and them"
y/n "It will be best if you stop talking and following before anything else happens"
Navi girl 2 " you shouldn't be speaking to your future tshaik like that, it rude and you have nothing to hold over us we all know that freak"
navi girl 3 " no more freakish girl good I love that"
????? " what going on here" everyone had gotten spooked when they hear someone speaking up, they soon saw your siblings and older sully kids and spider there. none of them looked happy your sister and brothers went to you.
tsreyia " sister are you okay did they hurt you"
navi girl 3 " we will never hurt her"
rotxo " my sister was not speaking to you she was speaking to y/n"
y/n " I'm good they aeee just speaking their minds"
neteyam " they were being rude and disrespectful towards you y/n for no good reasons, and you being the olo'eythan and tshaik daughter"
lo'ak " yes they were coming from what we heard and saw"
kiri " you all are rude for being mean towards y/n"
spider " yes"
navi women " we were telling her the truth how dare she ruining your family and our clan by being friendly towards them, we were doing your parents a duty by dealing with this freak girl"
aonung " you have no right to speak to her like that"
navi women " my daughter and you are arranged I'm doing what bets for both, our family your parents will thank me"
???? " that is lie I will never thank you"attention had soon changed the parents who arrived, and ronal along with tonowari are very mad.
navi women " ronal I was ...."
ronal " don't your dare utter another word right now hoe dare you speak to my daughter like that, you are foolish women and rude as well"
navi women " I was doing what I thought was good for my daughter future"
tonowari " well now you have done something for your daughter future, my son and her are no longer promised to each other"
navi girl " no that not fair"
ronal " yes it fair you have not rights to become tshaik and have failed, to prove yourself as well as my daughter have done that perfectly"
navi women 2 " that clan will not love this"
ronal " the clan will understand what has happened now you will never go near my daughter again, after today until I deemed your worthy along with the great mother as well"
navi girl 2 " we didn't mean no harm we will telling her the truth"
Jake " you all were acting like green eye monsters .... jealousy is ugly things to have I came here to thank y/n for being helpful to my family and clan"
navi women 3 " we are sorry lease this will look bad on our families"
navi girl 3 " please"
Neytiri " it to late to be sorry you most learn from this"
ronal " now leave my husband will speak to your mates later on and we will see what happens later on. but there is no more promise of marriage"
tonowari " get them out of our sight" the mothers and daughters had been taken away. As they had been given glares by everyone else for what they had done.
tonowari " my daughter dont listen to them I love you and you make me proud"
ronal " yes your father is right my daughter"
y/n " thank you mom and baba but please don't punish their whole family"
tonowari " yes I can make that happen" you had nodded your head feeling better about everything that happened, your siblings and friends had spent the day with you making sure everything that you are good and happy. True to their word the promise between aonung and the girl had been called off, and when the mother made a scene to the whole clan the truth was revealed to everyone which made matter worst for the mothers and daughters. They had been official told to stay away from you and if they dare do anything else, there will be trouble and they were already in enough trouble with your family and clan.
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csilis · 8 months
Children of Lucifer
Now that I have watched Hazbin Hotel and met another child of Lucifer I could imagine something like this:
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But with them instead:
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This would make a great sitcom indeed!
If there's more (because I remember Supernatural also having a child of Lucifer?) feel free to tell me so I can add them into the group🤣
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movietimegirl · 2 years
Avatar: TWOW fanfiction prompts
You guys are welcome to use these prompts. The prompts take place before and after TWOW. I came with all of these, lol.
The Sully family meets Spider for the first time.
Lo'ak talks about Neteyam with Payakan after his death.
Kiri and Spider catch up after being apart for so long.
Jake and Neytiri reflect on what happened.
Spider talks about his time with Quaritch with Jake.
Spider asked Jake what Earth is like.
Jake confronts Neytiri about her relationship with Spider.
Jake and Neytiri comfort Tuk after Neteyam death.
The Sully siblings reflect on the events.
Norm visits the Sully family.
Spider asks Quaritch what his mom was like.
Lo'ak talks to Tsireya about Neteyam.
Neteyam babysits his siblings while their parents are out.
Norm is struggling taking care of baby Spider.
The Sully siblings explore Pandora.
Spider learning the ways of the Metkayina Clan.
Quaritch reflects on Spider after his son didn't come with him.
Tuk has a nightmare and Jake comfort her.
Jake adopts Spider in a bittersweet moment.
The Sully family thinks about the future.
Kiri talks to Jake about seeing Grace in the tree of souls.
Neytiri's first pregnancy.
Kiri meets Spider for the first time and get along very well.
The Sully siblings play many Earth game. Hide and seek, Simon Says, Tag, etc.
The Sully siblings watch Disney movies.
The Sully siblings celebrate their Birthdays.
Neteyam survives.
Lo'ak and Neteyam have a brotherly moment.
Spider talks Quaritch's ear off.
The Sully siblings time travel to past.
Tuk says a swear word.
Lo'ak hangs out with Spider.
The Sully family holds out during a thunder storm.
Quaritch bonds with his Ikran.
Neteyam patches up Lo'ak after scrapping his knee.
Spider confronts Quaritch about his obsession with Jake Sully.
The Sully family has a family movie night.
Jake teaches Lo'ak and Nateyam how to use a gun.
The Sully siblings play Truth or Dare.
Neytiri has a chat with Ronal.
Spider makes video journals.
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zeldaspellmaniswife · 9 months
Are You Alright?
Reader is Ambroses' twin and is feeling a bit under the weather Imagine
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You wake up around two in the morning around three in the morning feeling sick to the stomach and run to the closest bathroom and practically puke your guts out, your sounds of pain are heard through the entire Spellman household and your older brother Ambrose comes to your aid holding your hair as you throw up. "Are you alright?" he asks in a soft comforting tone.
He'll tell your aunt Hilda you're not feeling well and she helps Ambrose take care of you
Cuddles and kisses 24/7 he wouldn't want his sibling to feel sad and it breaks his heart to see you sad or anything that isn't a happy mood
He'll bring you soup and medicine while you're ill and he'll stay by your side in case of anything
Ambrose will be watching you like a hawk to make sure you're okay
When you're completely better he takes you out to go to the park for a nice walk and ice cream.
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snakeunderyourboot · 7 months
Okay, so I am on the second season ninth episode of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and my biggest gripe right now IS THAT THERE IS NO FRIENDSHIP
I mean, yeah, there is but it isn't really great:///
Harvy moved on from Sabrina to Rose in a span of a month, Rose, who in the first season didn't show any signs that she felt something towards Harvy, is suddenly into him. Theo is my literal mood every time Harvy and Rose kiss
I am not against romance and I am not against HarvyxRose, but dammit I feel like it just takes all attention from the relationships between characters. I want genuine friendship between those people, not some half-broken love triangle
Let me see a scene where Harvey, Rose and Theo are talking about Sabrina being a witch, let me see a scene where Rose and Theo help Harvey to come up with terms of what happened. Let me see them wanting to be friends with Sabrina, but letting her know that the way she acted at the beginning of the second season (while being completely understandable) still hurt them. Let them all talk about it, give them all individual moments between al of them and only then start involving them in all of witch stuff.
The romance here is completely out of place and the show would have been better If they all stayed friends. Maybe give some hints at the end of second season that Harvey and Rose start feeling something toward each other and that Sabrina is falling for Nick, but let it come gradually and not so sudden
Anyway. I heard, that Theo will get a boyfriend in the third season, so here is my hope that at least his romance is going to be better
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hunted-moth · 1 year
Forest Of Dreams PT3: Deja Vu
Wordcount // 6k
Summary // Y/n goes on her first expedition but when she and Jake mess around it causes an angry animal to detect them, which causes an even angrier and deadlier animal to find and chase them. Jake and Y/n get separated, and while lost she gets surrounded by viper wolves a mysterious girl saves her and takes her to her home
Warning // language, animal violence (all in self-defense), violence, getting lost, use of weapons, minor mention of a school shooting (they visit graces old school), reader panics a bit, Jake gets super sad in this chapter
A/N // Ahhh I'm so excited about this chapter!!! Been waiting to write it but also I haven't jumped it as soon as I was done cus I was kinda scared but whatever I'm writing it now :D
Speaking Na’vi
*mini time skip, like a small location change
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As you got up you did your morning routine and put on some comfy clothes since you'd be in your avatar most of today doing your first field mission.
You walked out of your room and headed to the mess hall to eat with the other science people. You saw Norm there already, same with Jake, they were talking a little bit. You were glad because you got the impression that Jake didn't like Norm a lot.
When you sat down you heard what they were talking about “So these na’vi people, are they that dangerous?” Jake asked with a bit of uncertainty in his voice, “well I mean if a bunch of aliens came to earth you bet your sweet ass we’d protect it or at least a few hundred years ago we would” you answered for Norm, beating him for once “yeah, there actually
very friendly people and only defend their land” Norm added.
You all finished your food and went to the link pods, you went to the same one as yesterday and went in, and when you opened your eyes again, you woke up in the lodge where the other avatars slept.
You rolled to your left and grabbed some clothes you'd wear on the expedition. A green RDA jacket and a black shirt underneath and some shorts. You also had some knee pads on since you knew you'd be in the mud and dirt a lot with rock around. Then walking over to Grace you waited for Norm and Jake, when they finally came over you all went over to the tarmac where all the Sampsons were.
There you saw the same women from yesterday, the same with the soldier who you and Jake met. She introduced herself as Trudy Chacon and the soldier as Lyle Wainfleet.
And with the introduction out of the way, you all boarded the Sampson with you and Jake on one side, Grace and Wainfleet on the other, and Norm in the cab of the Sampson
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The Sampson flew over the water with flying animals around it, they were purple with yellow arms under them, as one screeched at the Sampson you looked at it with amazement. As Trudy kept flying, you'd pass giant trees that no doubt had been there for centuries, housing different animals and supplying food to the fauna around. Flying into the canopy to start getting closer to the ground, Trudy spotted a Stermbeest herd on the right
“Got it thanks,” Norm switched from his position with you and Jake to where Grace was to see the herd “Looks like a bull, a dozen cows, and some juveniles,” Grace informed Norm as she pointed at them. One let out a mighty roar as you passed by. The Sampson then flew over a waterfall, to which you and Jake cheered like the two of you were at a theme park.
After a time the Sampson landed on the ground, and you saw a few deer-looking animals run away. You swung your feet over the ledge preparing to jump off after Jake. He and Wainfleet surveyed the area to make sure that there were no threats around, once they deemed it ok they lowered their weapons. Grace went over to Trudy, telling her to turn the Sampson off, as you all would be staying a bit. She walked over to Jake and noticed that Norm didn't have his pack and sent him back to get it, she also noticed that Wainfllet was heading with them
“stay with the ship! One idiot with a gun is enough” She was referring to your brother, you wanted to be a little mad but it was kind of funny, you also had a gun, just a small one though nothing like the big one Jake had. “You're the man, doc” was all you heard as you four trekked into the thick forest.
As you were making your hike to get supplies you heard something loud in the trees, Jake looked up pointing his gun at the noise. It was an animal, they were blue with yellow stripes on its body. It had two upper arms and four forearms.
“Prolemuris, their non-aggressive,” she said trying to calm Jake down, eventually she walked in front of him and pushed his gun down, getting impatient with him “Relax marine, you're making me nervous” and continued walking to the storage house
As you walked closer, you could see the house in sight, it looked rundown like something attacked it and then left it to rot.
"So uhh, how do we know the Navi aren't here?" Norm asked, nervous about running into one on his first day out here "Oh, I'm sure they're watching us right now,” when Grace said that Norm stopped to look around
“Oh so their good hiders huh? Bet they’re wicked good at hide n seek” you joked, “oh yeah, once I thought I lost a kid till she popped out from the rafters like a sting bat” she laughed at the memory
As you walked into the building, Grace informed you all that this was the school, but now it was just storage
“The kids were so bright and eager to learn” She picked up a book and dusted it off “They picked up English faster than I could teach it,” she finished as she put the book back.
You looked around a bit, looking at the desks with little arts and crafts on them, you went over to collect some stuff you'd need like a rock hammer, pick ax, probing rod, and a hand lens. You went over to Norm and Grace and filled your pack with other important stuff.
When you got over there you saw Norm pick up a very old book called the ‘Lorax’, it was a book about saving trees, warning people about deforestation, ‘So much for that,’ you thought
“Oh yeah, they loved this one, the sting bats keep knocking them down'' you looked up to see some on the rafters then you saw Jake messing with some stuff when he also noticed them, he was startled and you laughed walking back over to him.
“I keep hoping someone will come in and read them,” she said with such sorrow “Why don't they come back?” Norm asked as he asked, You pulled Jake out of the gaze of the stingbats, Graced sighed “The Omatikaya” she paused and learned as much as they needed about us”.
You and Jake noticed something weird about the blackboard, it had bullet holes in it, and looked like it came from the doorway too “What happened here.” Jake asked seriously, you were curious as well, who would shoot at a school?
Grace looked up at you two near the blackboard, she looked annoyed and even a bit angry “Are you gonna help us with the gear or just stand there? We've got a lot to do”
The two of you looked at each other, sharing knowing glances, then walked over to help them
As the expedition officially began, the four of you went off deeper into the forest. Norm would often just stand there looking around, probably looking for na’vi people, and Jake would tell him to keep moving, you would giggle at this whenever it happened.
“And here I go” Grace had put a rod into a root “Scanning” Grace and Norm finally found what THEY were looking for, while you had to wait a bit, you wanted to find rocks by the river to see how the water affects the erosion time. So in the meantime, you just stuck next to Jake.
Grace and Norm were studying some roots from a tree, looking at how the signal transduction worked with the surrounding roots. Jake sighed as he was already bored, he turned around and went to walk off, so you did too. The two of you began to walk away, Jake must have found something interesting because he tilted his head, and walked faster.
The two of you came across a clearing of a spiral plant. You walked deeper into the clearing and Jake touched one and it shrunk, the two of you stepped back and looked at the other two, to see they didn't notice.
He walked to the other one to touch it and it shrunk the two you giggled, and he looked over to you, silently asking if you knew what it was “Umm I think it's a Helicoradian” He nods at the information and goes to touch one more, but suddenly they all go down in a chain reaction, revealing a startled Titanothere it roars at you two, prompting Jake to raise his gun up, you only opened the holster to yours ready to grab it if need be.
It charged at you two causing you two to step back, then Grace comes on the throat coms
“Don't shoot, don't shoot you’ll piss em off” Graced instructed Jake, the animal roared again this time taking a few trees down with it, “it already pissed off,” Jake said to Grace “Jake, its armor too thick, trust me” Grace reasoned with Jake, he listens and pulled his gun away.
The beast smashes a few trees in its way “It's a territorial threat display, do NOT run or he’ll charge” You look at Grace with a ‘hell we supposed to do then’ face cause you knew you couldn't win.
“So what do I do? Dance with it” “Yeah, the hell do we do” you both shot back at her which she replied “Just, stand your ground” Norm looked scared out of his mind, more scared than you two, his tail going haywire, while Grace was calm no doubt for you three.
Then the Titanothere finally charged at you two, Jake went at it yelling so you did too. The two of you screaming seemed to scare it off, you and Jake laughed, even taunting it a bit
“Yeah come on whatchu got” “that's right, who's in charge here bitch!,” you turn around to find the real reason it backed off, your eyes go wide and you stood frozen,
“Yeah why don't you go back to your mommy, you punk ass bitch” and with that, it finally turned around back to its heard, Jake kept taunting it till you pulled on his sleeve when he turned his head he saw you frozen in fear, he looked up to see a snarling Thanator
The beast roared and jumped over you guys, putting itself in between the Titanothere and you. It roared at the other animals and then faced you, it seemed to lock in on you in particular
“So what about this one, run don't run, what!” Jake looked at Grace as you slowly backed away, an uneasy feeling rising in your stomach, “RUN, DEFINITELY RUN” and with that, the two of you booked it the other way.
You jumped over a branch and weaved through some bamboo-looking plant, it would get stuck a few times but it would quickly find another way through to you. All you could hear behind was the beast snarling at you and the breaking of wood.
You and Jake eventually found a tree with an exposed root that you two could hide under. As you two leaped in the animal leaped after you clawing at you both, you crawled deeper in trying to avoid its claws, but it just kept following you. When you had enough room you pulled out your gun, both you and Jake firing at it, but it only seemed to piss it off.
It stuck its head in the hole and ripped Jake's gun out of his hands and threw it down somewhere, then it borrowed its way in, you and Jake crawled out and ran past different plants.
You were in front of Jake when the Thanator jumped out and grabbed his pack. He unlatched and fell to the ground hard, knocking him out when he noticed him and started towards him.
You noticed this, and you began to shoot at it unloading the remaining bullets and trying to get it away from your brother, cause you sure as hell weren't losing him too.
“OVER HERE YOU ASSHOLE, OVER HERE!!!” your yelling and shooting seemed to alert it and it chased you now “shit” You turned around and dropped the empty gun and unloaded everything on you, only leaving the 2-pound hammer you could use later.
You kept running till you got to a waterfall, and you jumped off just in time, cause if you had hesitated you surely would have been dead due to the beast.
As you were falling you prepared yourself to dive. When you went underwater you were swept away by the strong current, hitting rocks on your way down the streambed, but you managed to swim up to the surface, though you were still struggling a bit to stay afloat.
You could still hear the animal screaming after you as you grabbed onto a root sticking out, you looked over at it, seeing if it could just jump in and get you, but when it saw it couldn't it just screamed at you. You just stuck your middle finger up in retaliation.
You dragged yourself to the riverbed and just plopped down and rolled over on your back to catch your breath but it was difficult when something wanted to poke at you. You sat up and grabbed whatever was poking you to see it was a river stone, the thing you came here for, to study. Oh the irony
You laughed a bit, from exhaustion and annoyance of the shitty day
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Jake's link pod opened as he awoke from being knocked out in his avatar body. When he realized where he was he demanded to talk with Grace, or hell at least Norm, someone who was down there.
When he got in contact with Grace he yelled into the com “Y/N IS STILL OUT THERE! WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW!” “WHERE ARE YOU!” Grace yelled back “I'm at the lab right now, the animal picked me up by my pack, and I dropped down to the ground and I woke up here” “ok do you know where your avatar is? If we can find yours we might be able to find Y/n” grace explained to the panicked Jake
When he was finished explaining where they could find his avatar, he sat at your link pod, praying you’d come up, so that he could comfort you if you were scared, but you never did.
He'd look at your vitals to see your heart rate was high meaning you were on edge out there, all alone. ‘Damn it, why couldn't it have been me, why her god’ he yelled at himself in his head, he felt so guilty. Cause if your avatar died while you were still connected it could cause major trauma to your psyche.
He had heard about a former avatar driver, he killed himself while connected and was basically a zombie after. He didn't want that for his baby sister, he’d never forgive himself.
“JAKE, Jake are you there” Grace's voice comes through the walkie talkie “Yeah I'm here, did you find her!” panic and hope laced his voice “no, but we found your avatar. Listen Jake Trudy says she has to fly back, meaning we have turned back, well look for her in the morning”
“But what if she doesn't make it through the night” Jake pleaded he couldn't understand “I'm sorry Jake we’ll have to look tomorrow” and with that grace signed off. Grace hated that she had to give up the search, Trudy tried to comfort her but it didn't help much.
Jake laid his head in his hands, praying that this was all just some bad dream and he'd wake up to you poking him in his bed, saying he had to get ready for the mission.
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You got up from the bank and trekked deeper into the forest to try and find your way back. But you realized something, you were alone, in the forest, and had nothing to defend yourself.
With that realization in mind, you grabbed a stick and hid under some big leaves. You sharpened it with your knife. Looking up at every little sound your ears picked up. Your heartbeat was so loud, it felt like it was beating directly in your ears.
When you got the spear you continue your way to find safety. Alone you looked around whenever an animal squawked too loudly for your comfort. It felt like something was watching you, waiting to strike, you thought the Thanator had come back with how on edge you were.
Your insects were right however, something was watching you, well more like someone. In the treetops, there was a girl, she laid down on a branch to not be seen by you as you passed under it.
When she could see you again, she raised her body slowly before hopping up without making a sound. Drawing an arrow, aiming for your head, she had a look of both disgust and hatred for you.
She was about to release it when she noticed a wood sprite. It floated down onto her arrow as if it was urging her to not release it. As it floated away she drew it back to watch it float away, she looked at you for a brief second before running off.
As night fell over Pandora, new creatures in the night awoke, suddenly taking interest in you. As it was getting dark you took off your jacket and wrapped it around the other end of the makeshift spear. Then dipped it in some flammable sap to try and make a torch.
Then you heard something, in the bushes you heard animals yip around you, you tried to calm down thinking it was just a random animal passing by like other noises you heard throughout the day.
Then it happened again when you squatted down to light the spear on fire, this time it sounded like it was circling you. The noises were happening more frequently now, it just confirmed in your mind that you were dinner tonight if you didn't get out of there.
You struggled to light the match, striking it over and over, only getting sparks till it finally lit, quickly you lit the jacket and it soared with light as you got up. You swung it behind you to see dozens of dog-like creatures surrounding you. ‘Goddammit’ you thought. Thinking you could scare them off you tried waving the torch in front of you, but they just kept moving forward.
Trying to get away, you walked backward but they just kept following, some even went into the trees without you noticing.
You just ran. They eventually have you surrounded on all sides, and your attempts at just scaring them with the fire aren't working as they got bolder. The noises they made almost sounded taunting like they were laughing at you.
Instead of just waving it at them, you swung it at them, trying to get them away from you. As you looked around, you saw them clearly now, they were viper wolves. They had black shiny skin with a red stripe down its side, and six legs with white paws, their mouths were dripping with saliva, waiting to get a taste of meat.
Growing impatient you yelled at them “Just add to my shitty day already, COME ON '' You challenged them, one hissed from behind you, It lept at you as you swung at it, knocking it to the ground.
Another came at you from the trees, you just pointed your spear at it impaling it, stabbing it through the chest. When both of you fell, you lost hold of the spear and before you grabbed it
another one came at you, grabbing your hammer instead, you wrestled it before whacking it at it knocking it out.
Running to the spear a Wolf grabs your foot, tripping you. You pulled yourself up in time to kick one away. But as soon as you got up another one jumped on you, this time near your face. As it snapped at your face you could feel another one biting your exposed legs.
As you yelped in pain, the girl from before came back and shot at the viper wolf on top of you killing it, then you kicked the one that was biting your leg. You sat up , grabbing your knife when you noticed the arrow.
You looked around to see a na’vi girl jump over you, shooting at one coming for you.
When she landed she started to wack at them, beating them away with her bow. She hisses at one when it jumps up and tackles her to the ground. They rolled on the ground till she was on top, she grabbed her knife and killed the animal. She grabbed her bow again and swats at a few more till they all fled as she gave a final hiss.
She stood there for a second, listening for them, making sure none came back. You just sat there amazed she dealt with them all on her own. You knew how to fight, the fights you won in high school told you that much. But these viper wolves, damn near killed you if it wasn't for her.
When she turned around she groaned from how bright the fire was and moved towards it mumbling something under her breath. She picked it up and threw it into the water. You tried to stop her, but your pleas went unheard “Wow, wonderful” you grumbled and went to grab it from the water.
The na’vi woman ran to a yelping viper wolf, as it lay dying she grabbed her knife and put her knee on its neck, she stabbed its neck putting it out of its misery then saying a prayer.
You walked into the water and grabbed the piece of wood then headed back to the land. When you got back you saw how the plants lit up, then you remembered something from your training, the plant life was bioluminescent, meaning everything glowed.
You just stood there admiring the forest around you, everything glowed with blues, teals, or purples, it was beautiful, hell even you glowed, the white dots on your body showed you that. The woman came into your view, as she knelt down next to the dead animal, and she put her hands on its corpses
“Uhh, you probably don't understand me but-” she ignored you and started her prayer “That was kinda cool, where you learn to fight like that-” she cuts you off again saying her prayer louder then stopped to get up, she grabbed her bow and left.
you, not noticing you continued “I would be dead right now if it weren't-” you looked up to see she was leaving. So you got up to follow her “he-HEY where ya going, wait a sec” You chased after her.
“Hey wait up, I'm trying to talk to you” She tried to ignore you, but found herself rolling her “I wanted to say thanks for killing those things-” You tried to grab her wrist but she turned around to smack you with her bow, knocking you down
“AHH, what the fuck” You held your cheek while you looked up at her, but you saw her walking to you with her bow pointed down “dont thank, you dont thank for this, this is sad. VERY sad only,” she said it like she lecturing a child
“ok, alright I'm sorry” you try to apologize, but she just looked more annoyed and she raised her hand “all of this is your fault, they did not need to die” her face looks disgusted and her tail swishes behind her.
You only laughed and justified your actions “My-my fault, they attacked me first, I was just defending myself” You looked up at her “How am I the bad guy-” she pointed her bow at you again this time more aggressively
“Your fault” *woah, easy there* “your fault” she continued “your like a baby, making noise, don't know what to do” you tried to move the bow away but she whipped it away from your hands, you flinched a bit *woah*
You finally got up “ok fine, alright fine” you rose to her eye level holding your hands up “If you like your little friends back there, why don't you just let them eat me, hmm?” you looked at her for a bit then rose to your full height,
“What's the logic behind that huh,” you said so softly, she was kind of taken aback “why save you?” she asked “yeah why, I’m clearing not worth it in your eyes” she looked down to think for a moment, she looked conflicted before saying
“You have a strong heart, no fear” You were taken aback for a second, as she walked towards you “But stupid, ignorant like a child” And with that, she walked off leaving you behind, you chuckled and bent down for your spear and chased after her
“well if I'm a child, why don't you uhh teach me or something” chased after her, she was ahead of you by a lot “The sky people can not learn what they can not see” was her justification for not teaching you
“Well teach me to see then” she ran on to a long branch “No one can teach you to see”
When you got on the branch yourself, stopped for a second, amazed by the forest. You looked for her again to see she was a good distance away once more
“Ahh hey wait up, can we talk or something, like uhh where did you learn English? Did you go to grace school or something? I know her, she kinda my-” your spear got caught on a vine, it flung you backward, you almost fell but she caught you “You're like a baby” She then said some na’vi under her breath, it was too quick and quiet for you understand
“Look, I need some help,” you tried to reason with her “You should not be here” she flicked her hands in your face “I got separated from my brother, he's probably worried sick about where I am” You tried to reason with her
“So can you just help me, take me with you-” you thought she would understand but “NO, go back” “no i-” “no” she pushed you back “go back,” she said behind gritted teeth, clearly getting impatient.
But something caught her attention as she looked up, you looked up to see white jellyfish-looking things floating down towards you two. Some of them were close, you held out your hand, but she took a hold of it, thinking you were gonna smack it away.
Being a little petty, you went to touch another one, just to piss her off. She grabbed your other arm before you could get it, and she shouted NO at you, she gripped your arm tighter “Atokirina” You slowly held out your arm, for a few when they came towards you.
She looked at them with wonderment as they landed on you. The ‘Atokirina’ as she called them, tickled your skin, and they were cold to the touch. It made you flinch as they landed.
You held out your arms when you realized many more were coming, “wha-what are they exactly?” “seeds of the sacred tree, very pure spirits” “neat” More were landing on you, they were practically covering your body.
While you were silent freaking out thinking dead people were landing on you, she looked on with amazement. When the final one landed, they all floated back up into the air to find something new.
“What was that all about?” you looked to her for an answer, but she looked at you “Come” You just looked at her “Come” This time she grabbed your wrist, and off the two of you went.
“Hey, where are we going-” You hit a plant that glowed from the impact, getting sidetracked you hit a few more, even drumming on one. She waited for you to catch up. “Come” With that, you were reminded of that fact you were supposed to follow her to who knows where.
You noticed how the earth under you reacted to your steps, now that you weren't side-tracked by animals trying to kill you and trying to talk to the girl who saved you, you could finally experience the wonders of the forest.
You jumped from branch to branch with her
“hey what's your name-” you were cut off by something hitting your feet “shit.” you tried to grab onto the branch but you quickly slid off, you landed on your stomach and groaned.
‘Well ain’t this the cherry on my shitty day’ you thought to yourself as you sat up.
You took the rope that tripped you off when you saw what you think are Direhorse coming towards you with riders on top. You quickly got up and drew your knife and retreated back, trying to find safety, when you were met with something not safe, arrows in your face.
They surrounded you on all sides. You put your hands up trying to come off as non-threatening. And a nervous laugh came out of you which only put them on edge more.
You dropped the knife when the girl came down “Calm down people, calm down” she looked at them all. Then she stopped to look at one guy, he dismounted from his horse and stalked toward her
“What are you doing tsu’tey” she asked him angrily “These demons are forbidden here!” he retorted “There has been a sign, this is a matter for tsahik” whatever she said had seemed to stop him, making him think.
he looked at you and then the girl before turning around “Bring her” With that, he walked away “Hey what's going on” You felt someone put their hands on you “Wait- AHH” They dragged you away harshly, you feel one put a knife under you queue “Hey what's happening” as you said that, the riders sped off as the rest of you had to catch up.
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When the rest of you caught up you saw where they were taking you, their home tree. It was huge, easily dwarfing the Renaissance Center in Detroit. There were people at the entrance trying to see what sudden commotion was.
The closer you got to the tree, the tighter the grip on your bride was, as they held the knife under your queue. The crowd of people parted making way for you all.
They all hissed at you, identifying you as one of the ‘sky people’ as she called you earlier. They tried to grab at you but they would be pulled away or blocked by the people leading you.
You looked forward to seeing a spiral in the center of the tree, and you saw other people at the base of it, mainly the guy and a man, the two were talking to one another. The man wore more flamboyant clothes.
Girls noticed them and went to grab your bicep to lead you further to them.
“Father, I see you” she greeted him, it was a simple phrase, but you were too distracted, looking around instead. He walked towards you, and the closer he got the more nervous you were. You smiled from the nerves but quickly dropped it to nod your head to him.
“This creature, why do you bring her here?” he asked her “I was going to kill him but, there was a sign from Eywa”
“I have said no dream walker will come here” he addressed the people, you were having a hard time catching up, he way spoke too fast for you,
Yes, you studied it, but one: it wasn't your strongest subject, and two: you've never been put in a situation where you actually had to practice what you learned. “Her alien scent fills my nose” What he said apparently was very funny as the other people laughed, especially the guy from earlier
“Hey what's going on” you for a final time “My father is deciding whether to kill you” Your eyes widened a bit at the mention of ‘father’ “That's your father?” she nodded,
you panicked a bit, and went into ‘oh shit, met the GFs dad by mistake’ mode “uhh nice to meet you sir” you went to shake his hand when a crowd of people stopped you, even Neytiri told you to stop.
“Releases this creature! Step back” All heads swiveled to the source of the sound, and an older lady, also dressed in flamboyant clothes, came down the spiral “I will look at this alien” As she stepped closer you could hear Neytiri say “That is Mother, she is tsakhik, the one who interprets the will of Eywa” “oh that's nice” you said nervously, honestly she sacred you more
you watched as the lady circled you, inspecting you. She grabbed your braid, then your tail twisting it around.
“What are you called,” she asked sternly, her accent coming through “Y/n Sully” She looked at you then pulled a knife out of her headpiece and stabbed your shoulder, as you yelped in pain, she licked the blood off.
“Why did you come to us” looking into eyes, well more like a soul with how deep she looked. “I came to learn” You weren't lying, you came to learn and study the rocks but they didn't need to know that. “We have tried to teach other Sky People, it is hard to fill a cup that is already full.”
she looked you in the eyes, challenging you “Well mines not full yet” you said back to her “I mean just ask my brother-” she interrupted “what are you?” you don't know how to answer her “well I'm a scientist, but a uhh…I was a former warrior from the umm jarhead…clan” You wanted to cringe into yourself
“A warrior, ha I could kill her easily” the guy from before interrupted “No, this is the first warrior dream Walker we have seen. We need to learn more about her” the man known as the girl's father spoke, the people talked amongst themselves about what he said.
“My daughter, you will teach her our ways-” the girl gasped at the news “To speak and walk as we do” The girl looked upset from what you could tell, “Why me? That's not fair-”
she was interrupted as her mother walked to you “It is decided, my daughter, will teach you our ways, learn well Y/n Suil, then we can see if your insanity can be cured” You bowed your head “Thank you, ma’am”
The girl roughly took your arm and led you to a tent, she pushed you in and closed the flap. You looked around, there were racks that held different items on them. She walked over to it and picked some clothes out.
Turning around to you she said “Take off the sky demon clothes, now!” she demanded with some clothes in her hands “Uhh what” you asked a bit flustered “Take your clothes off!” getting impatient, you could see her tail swish behind her
“umm no, I'd rather keep these on” you chuckled, currently all you had on were your shoes, shorts, and your shirt that looked like it was barely holding on.
“If you are going to learn the ways of the people, you will change” That was her final demand before she walked over to you “Woah Woah!! calm down ok! i'll take my damn clothes off” She handed you the clothes, it was a simple loin cloth and top.
“Can I at least get some privacy?” she looked at you confused “What do you mean, the entranced is blocked” she pointed towards the flap “True, but you're in here hehe” She just stared at you, sighing you turned around and started to take your shirt off by grabbing the end of your shirt and lifted it above your head.
You could feel her staring at you “Take a picture it’ll last longer” you joked, you went to face her but she looked away embarrassed, you went back to change into the new clothes “there done, happy now” you to towards her with you hands on you hips, ti felt weird to be so exposed like this.
You looked at the girl, she tried to keep her gaze on your face but you saw your eyes dart to your legs, no doubt surveying the bite mark. You also saw how her cheeks darkened a bit. She finally replied while raising her head in a confident action.
“Yes, you look a little normal now” she then turned around waiting for you to follow her
“ouch, that hurt” you joked at her little dig at you and followed her out of the tent. “Come, I will take you to my mother, she will help your leg” and with that you both sent out to the Tsahik of the Omitakya.
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Next // PT 4 New Kid In Town
Previous // PT 2 New Life, New Dreams
// Masterlist //
A/N // 14. Pages. On. Google Docs o m g. In the last section, I typed so much that my hands hurt I finished it at midnight after writing this chapter all day, i had to stop for myself really cause this would’ve been waaaaay longer lol
But umm yeah I hope you enjoyed part three of my little series, cruelty working on part four, and hopefully I won't forget to tag this one lol
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habrina-was-wronged · 2 years
Sabrina and Ambrose » "The last Spellmans"
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
What would the reactions of tonowari Ronal Quaritch recoms tsyrea and aonung lo'ak Kiri tuk spellmin siblings Jake and Neytiri to spider death like in the battle against the RDA
Spider takes a stray bullet for Jake a fatal shot spider can't speak his lungs got shot he's on his death bed and they all watch him slowly die
Like the angst I feel it would be personal absolutely personal all out war against the RDA not a single one of them is going to be left alive meanwhile ewya gives rebirth to spider
Like Ronal gets pregnant miraculously or Neytiri ( eywa giving her a second chance) or zdog or he's reborn into a Navi clan ( ash people)
there is going to be a part 2, more of a fic type thing, it'll be out in a few hours if my adhd agrees.
The anguish that would be felt by ronal and tonowari would be excruciating; they had just received this child, just begun to love him (they had loved him from the moment they decided to make him theirs, but that wasn't long enough for them, no amount of time would ever be enough), just began to bring spider out of his shell (they thought they knew the boy when they first adopted him, but the more and more they cared for him, the more he showed, and the more he changed. they would never truly know him now). he was theirs, had wormed his way into their hearts, Eywa's will bound them, the short time they had together was perfect, like it was always meant to be like that, spider as their child. how where they supposed to heal from losing a child willed to them yet kept away for so many years? how were they supposed to move on when they only had him for such a short time, if it was meant to be? it wasn't fear. the rage they feel would be unstoppable, it's feral and illogical and hellbent on making the demons pay for what they did, for taking their son. they have nothing to hold them back because even their other children are the same; even tsireya who barely picked up a spear even for her coming-of-age ceremonies was ready to fight the humans to avenge her brother. ao'nung was even more violent, had he not been held back by what remained of his parent's and sister's logic, would have charged the RDA by himself the second spider stopped moving.
I think lo'ak would go numb with anger, glowing with the ferocity of a hot ember, just waiting to be sparked up once again into an inferno; he lost 2 brothers to the same fucking people, he would ruin them in ways that would make them regret being born. tuk would be heartbroken, as she had been too young to understand why spider left, his death would hurt twice as much; she lost him twice, and both times no one was willing to explain it to her. Kiri is heartbroken because spider was her person, both gifts from eywa, they understood each other in a way no one else did, so to lose him felt like she was losing part of herself. the rage of the 2 eldest siblings paired with the protectiveness of their youngest and remaining sibling (because they both consider themselves so empty, they no longer exist) would be palpable.
jake and neytiri feel so wrong and gutted by his death; they never loved him, not like they should have. they never mended the broken bond after he was taken in as Hi'i'tsyil, never even apologized for the pain they caused him, and still, spider took a bullet to protect their family, to protect the father that never truly loved him. its like an irreversible weight is placed on their shoulders, never to be removed, like a debt that can never be repaid.
for the recoms it's like losing their baby. for quaritch and zdog, even lyle, it is like truly losing their baby, and a rage that was long tamed and bridled by the kids is unleashed, they thought they escaped the RDA, they thought they wouldn't lose anything else to that evil fucking company, and they were wrong; they would make them pay for it. the other recoms are crushed, spider was their baby, he was family, it was him who set the course for their freedom.
and the spellman siblings are robbed vacant, spider had been their purpose, the reason they kept going for almost 2 decades, and he was gone in then blink of an eye. what wasn't taken from them when spider stopped breathing, they took from themselves; they blamed themselves, they had promised to always keep spider safe, they ran through scenario after scenario as to always be prepared, and they still failed. ravi would crack, like genuine psycosis mixed with such immense grief, it'd be like a mindless soldier. Reyzi's anger would no longer be contained, she'd go fucking feral. Ro'eyk cranks up the violence from crazed scientist to an actual maniac.
they all agree they've lost too much, it's all or nothing following spider's death, cause he had become the heart of the little platoon, uniting previously opposing groups into one strong army. his death would be the catalyst for a suicide mission.
if spider were to be reborn it'd be a thing that ronal would feel the moment it happens. if he was born to her, neytiri, or even zdog, she probably would have sensed that it was spider's spirit being born again by the time of the birth, and it would probably be the one thing keeping the whole family from devolving; even if spider was no longer spider, they would cherish him, take care of him, make sure he never knows the life he had the first time.
if he was born to another clan, ronal would trust they would be brought to them again if it was meant to be, but it wouldn't stop them all for searching for him. its a time of war, the clans coming together to fight the demons invading their soil, and each time they travel, each time they meet someone new, they look for their son, their brother, their baby, wherever they go.
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Facts about the Spellman Siblings
Another gift for @dirtytransmasc because, yes, I do enjoy spoiling them rotten.
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Most would assume Rävi is the 'leader' of the siblings, and they are almost right. Rävi will make the final decision, but he always gets Reyzì's agreement/approval first.
Reyzì, like her paternal grandmother, is tiretu and thus has a strong natural connection to Eywa.
The Clan, for the most part, is unaware that Reyzì is tiretu.
The siblings as a general rule of thumb don't trust adults.
They have a complicated relationship with Norm, but they do genuinely care about him in their own way.
All the Siblings are Neurodivergent (even Spider).
Ro'eyk doesn't really remember his parents when they were alive, he only knows them from visiting the Tree of Souls.
Rävi is older than Reyzì.
The Twins are 6 years older than Spider, and Ro'eyk is 2 years older.*
Rävi and Ro'eyk's full name is - Rävi/Ro'eyk te Le'ey Tìhun'itan
Reyzì's full name is Reyzì te Le'ey Rohoza'ite
They secretly gave Spider a na'vi name; Ri'tsyìl te Le'ey Tìhun'itan.
No one outside the siblings, the sully kids, and Norm know about the name.
The recoms are told about it once it's clear they are sticking with the Siblings.
The Tìhun'itan in Spider's name is eventually changed to Miles' na'vi name.
The Siblings give the recoms na'vi names, along with their family name of Le'ey.
The siblings don't fully identify as Omatikaya anymore.
Ro'eyk is actually good friends with Lo'ak and Neteyam.
Ro'eyk has a small sorta crush on Neteyam. He is just very relaxing for Ro'eyk to be around.
They actively encourage Lyle to get with Norm.
When the war with the RDA is over (for good) the Siblings and the recoms return to live at the Avatar Compound for a bit before they move into the old village nearby, with a shack for Spider until his Avatar is ready.
Yes, the siblings do manage to get (steal) the tech needed to grow Spider an Avatar.
Reyzì kills Ardmore.
The Siblings (and later Spider as an Avatar) all share a unique shade of amber eyes they inherited from their Mother.
Each of the siblings Ikrans have been trained to accept Spider as a rider, and if needed Spider could ride on each without his siblings.
When the kids were young, Rävi found four orphaned viperwolf pups and brought them home to the Avatar Compound. The siblings did actually manage to train and raise them without being caught for a full four months before Norm walked in on them.
Norm had never ratted any of the siblings out and has covered for them multiple times, including when an experiment went wrong, and he temporarily died.
Spider got the nickname Spider because of the siblings joking he climbed like Spider-Man.
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xstarsdiary · 9 months
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ミ day 002 : 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 ❦
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@neteyamsyawntu 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐬 2023
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 : slight nipple play, pet names, cum shot, i don’t even know- i’m tired as fuck.
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 : ao’nung x fem avatar reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : aged up ao’nung, not proofread, very rushed at the end, 𝐦𝐝𝐧𝐢 𝟏𝟖+
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When your avatar was created it really inherited your dna. The scientists in the lab were shocked to say the least when they saw how different your avatars body was from most.
You were a curvy girl, with bigger breasts and plumper thighs but nobody could’ve expected for your avatars body to be so simular to yours, it wasn’t usual for a navi woman to have such large breasts.
You weren’t complaining though, many men and women in the clan loved and worshiped your body and nobody really minded that you were actually a tawtute.
You assumed that it was because when growing up you were very close with the sully family, especially Neteyam. The two of you have been two peas in a pod since he was born only a few months after you.
Even Neytiri didn’t seem to mind your presence. She was grateful for you, for how hard you worked for the clan and for the joy you bought to her family, she couldn’t help but have the smallest soft spot for you.
Most nights consisted of getting your pussy pounded and pleasured by somebody, anybody in the clan that you could find who was needy enough to want you.
However, after you and the Sully family had to flee everything changed. You had gone with the family as Neteyam insisted, after having a gun pointed to your head by one of the vrrteps, he didn’t want you to leave his side ever. You were his best friend.
The trip to the Metkayina clan was long and rough, you could remember it like it was yesterday. You had traveled in your human body on Neteyam’s ikran with him, your avatar body in the helicopter which belonged to norm behind you.
Norm Spellman. A scientist well known around the lab. He had taken care of you since you and your friend Spider were born all the way up until your early adult years. He had suggested bringing a small link pod and transportable shack for you so that you can live there with your human and avatar body.
Everybody had immediately agreed to the idea though they were all unsure of how other navi would react to a tawtute living within their clan. Ronal, the tsahik of the metkayina was sceptical at first, worried and angered that the family of forest navi had bought a demon with them. It took a lot of convincing and pleading from Toruk Makto himself for her and the Olo’eyktan to allow you to stay.
You and the Sully’s had been living in Awa’atlu for a few months now and let’s just say that you’ve had your fair share of men and women. Definetly not as many as you had back in the forest as people were still wary of you but you still enjoyed the pleasure.
You did have a favourite though.. Ao’nung. At first you hated his guts, he was constantly picking on you and the Sully siblings but after a few beatings from Neteyam and Lo’ak themselves, he eventually grew out of his immature bully phase.
The first time you and Ao’nung really hit it off was a bit awkward, he was the very first of the Metkayina to ever lay a hand on you in such a sexual way and you didn’t know how to feel about that at first.
After a while though, more people of the clan began to seek pleasure in you and you began to seek pleasure in them, taking out all of your anger and stress with their skilful mouths and large dicks that could fill you up just right.
But you would always remind yourself that nobody could ever fill you up how Ao’nung could, no.. His cock was seemingly magical, a gift from Eywa herself.
The shape, size and every little detail of his pretty dick was imprinted in your mind, permanently stuck in there. You always catch yourself romanticising about him, thinking about how slowly he pushes inside of you, making sure that you feel every single inch of him fill you.
Those thoughts always made your loincloth or panties wet and some days, whenever you were in your human body - you were desperate for him to fill your tight little hole up.
You pushed that thought aside every time though, you had lost your virginity already in your avatar body but nothing except for your own fingers had ever breeched your pussy in your human body and you weren’t sure if it would stay that way forever or not.
Usually it was always you who would go running to Ao’nung, seducing him into pleasuring you.. however, today that was not the case.
Ao’nung had barged into your mauri, wide eyed and with a large and extremely visible bulge in his tewng. You had nearly drooled at the sight, eyebrows raised as you were stunned that he had just barged in like this.
“Ao’nung?” Your voice reached his ears as he groaned, his loincloth only seemingly getting tighter by the second. You watched as he lightly palmed the bulge in his loincloth, trying to give himself a little bit of pleasure as he continued to let out soft pants and groans.
“Need you- Need you right now, syulang..” he had rasped out, his voice so unbelievably sexy and luring, his face scrunched up in slight pain as he helplessly stared into your amber eyes.
You could already feel yourself becoming wet, knowing that your tewngwas also soon enough going to become moist as you took small steps towards the metkayina boy, him walking towards you as well before your lips crashed together.
It was a very heated and needy kiss, your fangs scraping against one another’s as both of your tongues fight for dominance inside of each others mouths.
He wasted no time in untying your pretty top which was made of string, beads and leaves from the forest. You felt his hot breath fanning your lips as he pulled away, watching his left hand grope your plump tit as you let out an airy moan.
His fingers slightly pinched and brushed over your nipple, every so now and then giving it a small tug as you let out soft moans, your hands roaming his body from his muscular biceps to his hard chest and all the way down to his slim waist.
“Fuck-“ his gruff voice comes you as your hand brushes against the huge bulge in his loincloth, ever so slightly teasing him. “Get on your knees f’ me, syulang.”
You do as he says immediately, gracefully dropping to your knees with your smaller hands holding onto his thighs, your face just above his dick. You had already lowered yourself, now face to face with his cock but your brows furrow when he shakes his head.
His fingers hook under your chin, your body following as he uses them to guide you up to the right height. Looking up at him, you can see the smirk on his face, the lust in his eyes and his fangs lightly biting his bottom lip as he hastily unties his loincloth.
In an instant his pretty teal cock springs out, his hand immediately reaching to give it a few strokes as to give him some sort of release from the torture he’s endured. Your pupils widen as you watch a drop of pre-cum leak from his pink tip, dripping onto the marui’s floor.
His hand leaves his cock as he moves to grab both of yours, guiding them to your perky tits as he uses your hands to push your tits together. At first you’re confused, about to ask what he’s doing before his cock thrusts upwards and in between your breasts, sliding in between them easily as he uses his spit as lube.
You quickly catch on to what he’s doing, sitting more upright and pushing your boobs even closer together as you listen to his grunts and groans, a whimper leaving his lips every now and then as he mercilessly thrusts.
The two of you had never done something like this before so you weren’t sure of what to do and how to act, the only thing you could think of doing is meeting his thrusts with small bounces to make it easier for him, your tits jiggling in your hands slightly as you hold them tighter.
The tip of his dick reaches just up to your mouth every time he thrusts upwards, just neatly hitting your pretty pink lips before disappearing into your cleavage. Your tongue instinctively sticks out so that his tip hits it, your saliva lubricating him even more as he glides easier between your tits.
This action only drives him crazy, feeling his release begin to build up. “So fuckin’ good. My girl, all pretty for me..” He praises you through groans and heavy breathes, his dick twitching every single time your tongue touches it in the slightest.
You can tell that he’s getting close, the taste of precum on your tongue causing your to smile and let out a breathy laugh, your chest bouncing with every giggle that leaves your lips as you push your boobs even closer together, creating a tighter space for his cock.
He’s nearly over the edge now, his hands finding their way into your loose hair as whines begin to leave his throat. He bites his lip as hard as he can to stop the lewd noises from coming out but he just couldn’t stop himself when you’re in front of his like this.
“Fuck- oh shit!” His release hits him like a truck, making his vision go spotty as his eyes roll to the back of his head, spurts of white cum painting your chest and tongue as his thrusts turn sloppy and uneven.
You’re a mess now, hair tangled and still his his hand which is now balled into a fist, face and chest messy, sticky with a thin layer of glistening sweat. You smile up at him, almost innocently- as if the two of you hadn’t just done what you’d done.
Ao’nung’s chest heaves with deep, raggedy breaths, his hand loosing its tight grip on your hair as he calms himself down. He peers down at you, face slightly flushed and his body also sweaty as he helps you stand, your perky tits which are still covered in his cum on display for him.
He moves over to his loincloth, picking up the piece of clothing and tying it around his waist as you continue stand there, watching as his muscles flex and glisten with sweat before watching as he walks back over to you.
Now standing directly in front of you, one of his hands moves to your right breast, groping it as his thumb swipes over your hardened nipple a few times. “We should do this again sometime, vrrtep evenge.”
And with that, he gives you one finally kiss, his tongue barely swiping against yours before he swiftly makes his way out of the marui, leaving you a sticky- horny mess as you sigh.
@plooto ❥
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
what the future holds for the twins and Jake
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When it comes to the future of the twins and Jake, most of it is unknown because right now they are starting their journey of becoming one of the metkayina. They, along with everyone else they know, will begin the recovery of moving on from the pain that has been caused. They will have a better chance of becoming one of the people and the humans/avatars that also came with them.
Lo'ak will be having a romance with tsireya like he did in the movie, but this time he will be able to win over tonowari and Ronal more easily. They will not see him a problem child or demon blood like from the movie.
Y/n will be having a relationship with soya who is the twin brother of aonung. She and him will be getting closer as the story goes on for them. Soyoa parents will be welcoming of this relationship and the other relationships that their daughter has with lo'ak, seeing the twins as one of great mother children.
Tisreya and Soya will be worried about winning over Jake sully and the rest of the dreamwalker clan that came to the reef. They will not be the only one worried about winning them over as well, as everyone else will be trying to make a good relationship with the humans and avatar.
spider will soon come back and he will become some of aww and shock among the reef and ocean navi, but he will soon become part of the teen group right away. He will be dealing with the thought of his father being navi once again and now looking on pandora for Jake sully and everyone else.
Jake will be dealing with everything that has happen over the year and longer, he will do anything to keep his family and clan safe. He will also might be given a chance of love again, after all that has happen between him and his exes. The support from the kids and everyone else he might official move on from neytiri and tsu'tey for the betterment of the kids and himself in the end of day.
heck if eywa on their side maybe everyone will soon started making changed in their lives and giving chances for love and happiness once again. After all that happened maybe it was time for everyone to do what the old clan and asked them to do, and maybe the great mother will be the final judge on that at the end of the day.
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fun-k-board · 2 years
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER with a Moth from Sky Children of the light Pt. One.2
Prologue - Part One.1
Inspired by : @dizzythediasy
Characters included : The Sully family, Spider and Norm Spellman. Mention of Grace and Eywa.
Pronouns used : They / Them
Note(s) : Writers block is hitting hard, if there's any inconsistencies please tell me so I can correct them. Na'vi language in bold.
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The Sully family stood by the child sleeping soundly in Kiri's lap, given they seemed to have an iron grip and refused to let go of her, they all chose to sit and wait for the young one to wake up. When the scientists had tried removing their small wooden mask on the outside of the lab, they thrashed and seemed to be uncomfterable with the thought, constantly slapping and hitting the oxygen mask that would drift their way. Norm let them have their mask, as long as he got to make sure they could properly breathe.
"They aren't a human." Norm said, who looked at confusion at the snoring one. At first most in the room had believed they were just a strange looking sky person, but Jake and Norm confirmed that to not be the case.
"Then what could they be? Another creation, like dreamwalkers?" Neytiri looked between Norm and Jake in fear for her clans safety, while she wasn't opposed to leaving them behind if they proved to be difficult, she has compassion. Jake hmm'd.
"No, I do not think so. They do not seem human at all, science can only be based on existing DNA, neither me or Norm have seen anything like this before." He insisted, sighing and gently holding Neytiri's hand. "We should teach them our ways, they don't seem to have relation to sky people." Neytiri was reminded of her and Jake's time, still unsure, she sighed and gently wrapped an arm around him.
"We shall see, ma jake. We shall see."
Kiri moved to sit atop her mothers tank, carefully placing you in her lap and gently playing with your hair. Speaking to Lo'ak, Neteyam, Tuk and Spider while their parents spoke with Norm about you on the other side of the lab. Unconsciously, you began moving your head from side to side, slowly opening your eyes. They trailed up at your comfterable pillow to see brilliant blue skin and shining yellow eyes, shyly, your finger moved upwards and gently poked her cheek. Kiri smiled and laughed, and so you done it again.
"They seem to like you." Lo'ak laughed at your actions, leaning against Grace's Avatar's tank and grinning at your curious eyes that bore into him as he spoke.
Tuktirey noticed the new attention on you and ran over to her sisters side, her sharp fangs showing as she smiled brightly. You tilted your head and gently put your hands on her cheek, squishing them. All the siblings melted at the adorable interaction, her hands moving to your cheeks and squishing them yourself. The boys laughing as you tugged on Kiri's tail when it entered your point of view.
Three pairs of footsteps and a masculine cough quieted the laughter, only Tuk and you still curiously poking each other. Too enraptured in childhood innocence to understand your enigma of an appearance.
Your eyes drifted to see two very large Na'vi and an Avatar, though to you, the differences weren't too noticeable. Neytiri picked up the youngest Sully and moved her off Grace's tank to the ground, now Jake was right in front you and Kiri.
"Hello." He whispered, assuming you'd understand him if you were related to humans given English was the most widespread language humans used on Pandora. From what Kiri had told him, she wasn't sure if it was English or her careful and slow actions that'd earned their trust.
Tilting your head, instead of responding you reached a hand out and pinched his nose. Neytiri held a hand over her mouth to silence a laugh. Lo'ak and Neteyam looked at each other and tried to silence their own laughs like their mother, however, the young Tuk didn't have that thought and pointed at her dads wince, loudly laughing. Kiri grinned and tried prying the young ones hand off, who just pinched harder as a result.
"I'm not sure they know English." He quietly spoke, voice nasaly from their pinching of his noise, Neytiri's eyes softened at the adorable sight, hardening when she had a sudden thought.
"Maybe another sky person will be of comfort." Looking down on Spider, motioning for him to go forward. He awkwardly shuffled forward and smiled, trying to appear unthreatening as he moved next to Jake.
"Hello? Uh, the name's Spider." Lo'ak snickered and muttered a 'bro', proceeding to get slapped in the back of the head by Neteyam. You still didn't seem to know what was going on. Grabbing his nose like you did with Jake's, reaching your other hand to said Na'vi, leaning your head to study them and their differences.
"I don't think this is working." Spider's voice, now nasaly, spoke. Kiri laughed and pet your head which tipped up to look at her. Even if you didn't have a mouth, your bright eyes could show a thousand smiles if only for a moment.
While Neytiri had a sudden soft spot for you, she gently held her hand on Jake's shoulder. Words unspoken yet understood perfectly, not only through the couple, but through the entire family. Kiri tapped your hand, making you let go of the poor guys noses.
"We need to talk about this." Neytiri looked between the family, eyes studying your figure with an almost regretful suspicion. Kiri jumped down from the tank, gently trying to pry you off holding onto her torso, but you whined and gripped hard onto her, afraid of being left alone.
"Norm will take care of you, okay?" Kiri freed one of her arms and pointed to the very awkward Avatar, huffing but seemingly satisfied with at least not being left alone, you let go of her and she let you stand on the ground. You held out your hand for Norm to hold, but they could all see your eyes locked into Kiri as she left.
Nobody understood the connection you had with her, you felt like a piece of her and she felt the same way, unsure of what you were but all she knew was that she needed to protect you. Kiri heard Eywas mighty heartbeat thump louder than it ever had when you were with her. Your own heartbeat making you feel as if she was your only home.
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folgerscoded · 28 days
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did the shipcest meme @familyromantic made. took a while to think about some of them, especially picking favorites.
First incest ship: Dave Strider and Rose Lalonde from Homestuck. Theres so many moments between these two that it was hard not to ship them, even before the narrative pulled a George Lucas
Most recent ship: Hansel and Gretel from Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, good movie, great vibes.
Favorite incest ship: took a while to think this one over but its probably Claire x Lance from pokemon, they are cousins and grew up together, love them
Favorite canon ship: Ashley and Andrew from TCOAAL. cannibal siblings!
Unpopular incest ship i like: Carly Jones and Nick Jones from the remake of House of Wax. its not like a super popular movie so like their amazing chemistry goes unnoticed, sad.
Popular incest ship i like: Despaircest, pretty clear cut like they are obviously into each other. in a toxic way sure but still...
Popular incest ship i dont like: Sam and Dean from Supernatural. i feel i dont need to explain, i dont like supernatural in general so...
Incest ship I only like in AU/Fanfic: Dipper x Mabel. I only ship them in the Reverse Pines AU where they are the Gleeful twins who perform magic in the tent of telepathy. i like the vibes in that, in canon i think idk they dont seem incestious to me.
Sibcest you like: N and Cyn from Murder Drones. its admittedly shakey because like, they are robots but they call each other brother and sister so, thats what i go by. I just like their victorian vibes in the flashback and the whole plot around Cyn sort of makes it viable as canon in a roundabout way haha
Avunculicest ship i like: Admittedly generally dont ship that dynamic that much. But Zelda and Sabrina Spellman are idk, i think they have potential
Parent/Child ship i like: Okay im kinda cheating here since they are both each others mother and daughter at the same time due to plot shenanigans but still counts. Rose and Roxy from Homestuck, love them and they have opposite mommy issues and i think they should explore those...haha
Other ship: Blackthornshipping again, see above, love them
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