#Spent wayyyy too much time trying to figure out the shading on the last one and got mad. Might redo it one day.
albino-parakeet · 4 months
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Jwct Countdown May 18-19 prompt: Roadtrip
No clue when these take place. Maybe it was an anniversary road trip before Brooklynn’s “death” happened. Just wanted to draw the Camp Fam going to different museums I’ve been to. @campbenji
Museums referenced: Denver Museum of Nature and Science -> Sternberg Museum of Natural History -> Burke Museum (specifically them chilling at the Off The Rez Cafe inside, it has this really cool hangar door that opens)
This list of museums was almost longer but I really shouldn’t burn myself out so soon.
Timelapse undercut (The duration is about 9 mins since it’s all three in one. Feel free to skip around it):
Songs used in order: Evergreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners -> With Me by Grand Pyres -> Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
Why these songs? Because they make me mentally flip through a photo album.
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giddyyj · 2 years
The File series; Part 111
The living and the dead
Trope/Topic - Concussed / Amnesia
Set after “The Ground”
Alberto is sixteen
Not sure how long this is, but might be longer than the previous one.
Third person pov:
Alberto’s eyes become glossy under his eyelids as the sudden brightness of what seems to be a light bulb shined brightly in the otherwise dimly lit room. His ears rung, hearing the beeps of the machines near by. As he slid his eyes open, he couldn’t help but shut them again, adjusting to the light. Once adjusted, he opened them yet again to see a young man seated in a chair next to the bed he layed in.
Who is that again? Where do I know them from? They do look oddly familiar…
The strange man held one of Alberto’s hands in his, cradling it like it was the most delicate thing in the world. As his senses slowly came back to him, he couldn’t help but notice that his hand was slightly moist. Possibly from the fact that the man was sniffing, proving Alberto’s guess that it was from tears. After a few minutes of trying to work up the courage to speak to him, Alberto finally cleared his throat.
“Um… Hi? Sorry, but uhh who exactly are you?”
The stranger’s head snapped up at the raspy voice that spoke. Alberto couldn’t help but notice that his beautiful grey eyes had a red rim around the edges. The tear stained man tried to hold back a smile, failing miserably.
“Alberto, my love! You’re finally awake. It’s been so long! It’s me, June, don’t you remember?”
You could tell the gears in Alberto’s brain was working, trying to bring any form of memory as to who this ‘June’ was. There were snippets of the raven head here and there but nothing more. As he came to, he apologised to June for not recognising him. June had reassured that it was okay and that he was determined to figure out a way for him to remember him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As days went by, they spent more and more time with one another. Alberto had tried contacting his family a few times, but soon find out they died in an unknown house fire, being burnt to a crisp soon passing afterwards. Alberto had asked June what importance he had in his life, shortly finding they had been lovers before he went into what must have been a coma. He had blushed a deep shade of red and became a stuttering mess, resulting in a few cute giggles escaping the other. As they talked more and more, June could feel himself falling in love all over again just like in their first year of high school. Alberto could feel himself falling too. I mean, it’s not that much of a surprise really. The guy was attractive, to say the least. Lean body, not too thin or too muscular, stunningly grey eyes, a mop of curly black hair resting on top of his head. The raven head also had a bubbly personality; outgoing, passionate, you name it! So it wasn’t a surprise for them to move to the next step.
Or a few more.
Wayyyy shorter than the last two (2), I know. I just felt like writing fluff since I had a pretty good day when I wrote this.
I am indeed upset with myself for not continuing this series. I’ve just been kinda busy with school and my other stories and/or books that I’ve been writing.
Again, would hope for you to enjoy and send in any requests to get me going! If I do manage to do your request it won’t always be done immediately, though I will get to it as soon as I can.
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