#Spines Moon
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 300
Danny squirms and hisses, trying to dig his claws into dark scales as the clouds whistle by. “Wait- Ancients dammit- STOP!” he shrieked, cursing how tiny his own ghost form was compared to his other not-quite-future-self. Wings that could easily dwarf the entire Ops center beat through the air, fast enough to cause his eyes to sting. 
“Dan- bring me back- stop-” he wailed, despite the grip on his scruff not even loosening. Yet the larger dragon didn’t so much as twitch back towards Amity, the city disappearing into the distance like a speck. “We have to go back-” 
The GIW were- were- They had to go back! The portal was gone (exploded, broken and all of Fentonworks a smoldering mess, oh Ancients he’s gonna be sick-), no one could return to the Realms, they were all sitting ducks- 
“Jordan please-” he begged, even though he already knew that between the city, between every other ghost and them, Dan would always choose to keep them safe. But Jazz was hurt, she wasn’t waking up from where she lay limply cradled in Dan’s claws. 
There was so much blood, and he only knew she was still alive from the weak fluttering of her core, growing stronger as her heartbeat faded. She needed help, she needed doctors- he doesn’t know if she would be able to come back, not with how they were leaving the ecto-rich city behind and he didn’t want to lose her- Dan’s blank panic was swamping his own, drowning both of them in the emotion as the dragon tore through the sky. Some part of him knew they couldn’t stay in Amity anymore, but- But Jazz needed help- Danny couldn’t help the tears that dripped from his yes, pretending it was merely the clouds as they flew to places unknown to him.
If you are interested in their designs, here is a link: HERE
Heey mutual @radiance1 Dragon buddy o' mine & @hdgnj u might enjoy
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rustandsky · 2 months
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Every buck remembers his first hunter.
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lynaferns · 6 months
About that sun swimming post like what if he just tilts his head to use as a board cause the water keeps clashing with his head and makes him slow down so he just tilts his head whatever direction he's going moon too btw
(late response, sorry)
He was already looking up like animals do when they swim, Moon and Eclipse where just floating.
I drew the faces round, they aren't flat so it wouldn't slow them down much anyways.
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I just wanted to draw the boys swimming and pulling their rays back like puppies do because I thought it was cute. (I'm talking about the other post, Sun isn't pulling back his rays here because Moon is carrying him).
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isjasz · 1 year
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[Day 80]
Lil animation wip today (MAYBE ill color it) inspired by this hollow knight au :DDD
no i have no clue what the lore is yet cant wait to get destroyed once i actually watch/play the game more👍
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rinzay · 8 months
*Stomps my foot* That's it! I'm makin my own Bracken lore!!
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hehe lil 'guy,
ooo look! He's gonna have company!
as long as the company ain't letha-
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
Anyways have some cute lil gifs I spent so long making haha
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puppyeared · 2 years
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mmm, mmonkey
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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Moon poses give me life and back pain.
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starheirxero · 10 months
What if Lord Eclipse's joints glowed in the dark bc of the star...... like could u imagine him in a dark room and just seeing the white glow of every section of his body and ever space between his fingers and where his arms connect to the torso from across the room? could you imagine watching him slowly uncurl and more and more lights from his various hands and body segments shining through the dark?
now could you imagine looking up into a high domed ceiling and seeing that looming over you with his eye completely trained on you?
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That fork-faced replacement comes back and begins breaking Moon to replace him. Little does ForkFace know, Moon had just released Jigsaw Eclipse, who has been stalking Moon a little bit before going off on the ‘game’ to find the Creator. So when ForkFace starts breaking Moon and hurting him, Jigsaw swoops down and leaves ForkFace a pile of parts and is ‘forced’ to hug Moon to help him calm down until Sun comes back to find them snuggled up together.
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pearlyscribbles · 8 months
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If I wanna cuddle the killer robot I, I WILL!!!!
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moongothic · 8 months
I need to make a confession
I genuinely do not understand Buggy simps
Like I thought y'all were joking with the whole rooting for Buggy-thing but. No. People are actually seriously rooting for him. And I just don't get it.
Like. I can't tell if I'm missing something or if people are somehow completely misinterpreting his actual character. Like clearly it's meant to be one or the other and I can't tell which and I feel like I'm losing my mind because of it
'Cause the thing is that. Like. Until now, Buggy has been a pure gag character. He's no different from characters like Ceasar Clown and Spandam in that sense, he's just nowhere near as vile a human being as those other gag characters so he's marginally more lovable in what a pathetic fuck he is. But in the end, Buggy's just been there to be a punching bag (quite literally), because it's funny as hell to watch him eat shit And the reason it's funny IS because Buggy is a piece of shit. Again, not nearly as bad as Spamdam and co, but he's still a lying, cowardly, spineless douchebag who uses others for his own benefit and is willing to ditch anyone to save his own skin. Like Buggy was going to ditch his entire crew and flee by himself when the Shichibukai System was taken down and the Marines came for his head. He was going to leave his crew to die by themselves, without participating in the fight at all. Buggy was the one telling them to do the hard lifting while he'd escape, while the crew had no idea their beloved Chairman was going to abandon them. Literally the only reason Buggy failed to do that was because he was too slow and Crocodile got there before he managed to skedaddle.
He is essentially Usopp if Usopp wasn't willing to get beaten to death to protect his friends and their honor. Even fucking Luffy thinks Buggy is a pathetic idiot, and Luffy is the biggest indicator in the whole series on how to tell whether or not the readers should like a character or not. Not to mention, all the in-universe Buggy simps have been portrayed as (precious) idiots who can't see through Buggy's bullshit. Like every step of the story Oda has been trying to tell us that Buggy is an absolute loser.
So when people are like "Mihawk and Crocodile are going to see Buggy's ambition and become full Buggy supporters themselves!" I just
Are we reading the same comic???? HELLO????
Like I'll give you this, it would be objectively the funniest fucking outcome imaginable, which would be on-brand for Buggy and his trend of falling upwards.
But between Mihawk respecting people who are willing to abandon their honor to protect someone dear to them, and Crocodile's deep trust issues (possibly rooted in being betrayed in the past), I can not fucking fathom the two ever genuinely siding with Buggy the "I will leave you to die by yourself to save myself" Clown. Not when the two (and most other characters, including fucking Galdino and Daz) have been able to judge Buggy's character accurately (like how Crocodile was like "I thought you'd have ran away by now" when he arrived at Emptee Bluffs, and Buggy was like "yeah no shit")
Not unless Buggy grows enough of a spine that he'd be willing to sacrifice himself for someone (or at least get hurt on someone else's behalf to protect them), more specifically Mihawk and Crocodile. And let's be real, right now, Buggy probably wants nothing more than to run away from the two before they do actually kill him.
I just
Buggy simps. I do not understand you. I don't understand how you've reached your reading of the character.
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lookingforamandaa · 2 years
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current read (ebook) - the perishing by natashia deón
current read (physical) - spells for forgetting by adrienne young
recently read - an arrow to the moon by emily x.r. pan (4 stars)
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redfoxdude07 · 7 months
I drew my surprisingly huge nihilistic rabbit boyfriend
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cleo-serotonin · 2 years
h2o au where the development on mako island goes through and harrison begins building pearl sands island resort . the main trio have an evil arc doing everything in their power to halt the construction. At first lewis tries to stick to his morals but when he goes out on his dingy and sees the harm being done to the wildlife (and has a good long think about how it’s hurting his friends and especially cleo), he concedes and helps the girls.
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ratlesshonret · 1 year
people talk a lot about gebura having giant thighs in lobcorp but i never see anyone bring up malkuth's absolute dumptruck.
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