I love trans Jin Ling but I specifically love trans Jin Ling in a way where Jingyi calls him Young Mistress and Jin Ling rightfully gets pissed about it, but as time passes and the two become totally-not-friends-shut-up the name changes and Jin Ling actually sort of starts to definitely-not-like-it because he knows Jingyi doesn’t mean it like that and anyway it’s Jin Ling’s gender and he gets to decide how precious he wants to be about it.
Then Jingyi finds out Jin Ling is trans and he is appalled. He’s been? Misgendering him?? This entire time??? He didn’t know he didn’t mean to. He presents himself to the disciplinary pavilion for punishment and refuses to tell the disciple in charge the specifics of why he needs to be punished but he’s insistent that it’s A Big Deal and ends up kneeling in the courtyard for days, because the least-Lan Lan who ever lived is still, at his core, a Lan.
When Jin Ling asks what Jingyi got in trouble for this time Sizhui just does that Thing where he’s not rolling his eyes but somehow radiating exasperation and tells Jin Ling not to even worry about it, Jingyi is being dramatic, and Jin Ling lets it go only to notice, weeks later, that Jingyi no longer calls him Young Mistress.
Nothing else about their dynamic has changed. Jingyi is still the worst, and Jin Ling still endures it with all the grace, poise, and long-suffering patience expected of a man of his status, and if he does occasionally very rarely slip up just a little bit and express a totally reasonable amount of frustration with Lan Jingyi’s Everything then that’s still Jingyi’s fault because Jingyi was provoking him and Jin Ling has a responsibility to his clan and sect to defend his honor and therefor that of the Jin at large!
The only thing that’s different is that one, stupid name. And Jin Ling doesn’t care about it! Of course he doesn’t! Why should he even be curious about changed? He isn’t curious! It doesn’t matter to him At All!
Anyway other Plot happens and then they both do eventually end up in a situation where it comes up and Jingyi explains that he found out Jin Ling was trans and felt like a great big piece of shit because there’s bullying and there’s bullying and he has never once wanted to be that kind of person, and Jin Ling confesses that actually he kind of liked it before because he knew that Jingyi wasn’t trying to treat him like less of man, he was just being a jerk, and it felt easy and playful and dumb, and...
And Jiujiu used to say that Jin Ling looked like his mother. Not -- not a lot, not like, identical to her or anything, but. But that little girl he used to be, she was... unhappy, most of the time, for a lot of reasons, and he doesn’t regret... letting her sleep. He doesn’t regret burying her. But Jiujiu seemed almost relieved to have her gone, to not constantly be looking at a reminder of the sister he misses so much, and Jin Ling obviously is endlessly grateful for his uncle’s support and validation and he’s so much more comfortable in his body now and he never wants to be that little girl again, but. Sometimes, he feels like, maybe someone should mourn her. Like maybe there should be someone who... not wanted her back, really, but was still... aware that she was gone, and... was grateful for what she did. Respected the sacrifice she made, so that Jin Ling could be Jin Ling. There should be somebody who knew she existed, and thought of her fondly, on occasion.
And Jingyi looks at Jin Ling for a long, long moment, and says “Okay, Young Mistress. I can do that.”
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elkian · 3 years
Apparently I’m becoming an ATLA theory blog? Lmao.
So not sure if this is canon or just prevalent fanon, but something I see in fic a lot is Zuko being born on the Winter Solstice. Now, to be clear, I like this idea! I think it’s a good base for why Ozai in particular and the Fire Nation/Imagined Fire Nation in Zuko’s low-esteemed life would consider him weak or questionable from the start.
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[Image of the ATLA world map.]
So we’ve got a couple of factors I’m gonna get into here, but a big one is: the Fire Nation/Isles are firmly along the equator.
Yes, there’s some up and down, and according to one map I found the FN capitol is visibly North of the Equator. However, my point is this: what we see of the Fire Islands is hot, balmy, tropical.
The problem at hand here is that, even the FN isles take note of a solstice, winter in general doesn’t seem like it’s going to be much of an issue. More specifically, along the exact Equator (which imo seems like the place the FN capitol would be in the first place, like on purpose), wouldn’t there be no winter/summer or solstices, etc., at all?
Now, to be clear, while I do live close to the Actual Earth Equator, I don’t live on it. So it’s entirely possible I’ve gotten something wrong here. Additionally, while a lot of stuff on the ATLA planet seems pretty Earth-analogue, it’s entirely possible to have a different axis tilt/seasonal shift/etc. than us.
(Sidenote, my frustration at the primary plots of Kyoshi Island and Sokka’s Master being explicitly one day long has turned into a spitecanon of sorts, that a day - and perhaps other units of time - are much longer on the ATLA planet than Earth. Otherwise Aang’s deadline is crazy harsh, right? But then that would make the long-living people even older so who knows.)
So Problem the First is that the FN very likely does not take note of solstices, at least along the equatorial line, even with the whole Sun thing. Like I can see them mentioning it, but Ozai going “He was born in the heart of Winter“ while it’s 90F/32C and sunny outside is just... not very convincing lmao.
Problem the Second is mainly just feeding into the first: in canon, solstices come up a few times. The Winter Solstice has Roku warning Aang to beat the Fire Lord before the Summer ends. (Note: Thanks to the efforts of several fans, it’s determined that the Eclipse takes place on the 1st day of the 8th month. Ziran Jay Zhao mentions that Sokka checked four months worth of dates while Toph was holding the Library up, so in Earth time that’d be April in the Library and August for Black Sun. Plus like a week or two??? of training and prep after, the show was moving pretty fast at that point.)
The first Episode involves Sokka claiming he has “midnight sun madness”, and the sun is up for the entirety of the episode iirc. This doesn’t strictly mean it’s Summer in the Southern Hemisphere when the show starts, but it’s a possibility.
It’s not really clear where The Winter Solstice takes place, but presumably it’s in the same hemisphere where the show ends, because otherwise that’s a pretty impossible task, right?
My point is that the show jumps the equatorial line and, while not explicit about it, this does affect the Gaang and their surroundings in notable ways.
Back To Zuko - I think the best way to make the Winter Solstice thing work for his birthday is if, say, his mother took a trip North or South while pregnant, and got taken by surprise by going into labor, thus making the Solstice bit a bit more reasonable and notable. Plus, this is a great setup for Zuko to be a premature birth - possibly to the point of serious concern for his survival.
A great setup for Ozai be disappointed as soon as Zuko’s born.
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jumpboy-rembrandt · 4 years
hey i’m obsessed w this list and i’m on a long car ride so guess what i’m doing
obvious conclusion: in the pre-gerblins bonus episode, taako keeps accidentally transmuting the table into different materials, including meat. at any point in canon, griffin would have allowed taako to attempt transmuting any material into steak.
events off-screen during canon: the entirety of stolen century angus mcdonald was in fact investigating lup after the ck-eh lunar interlude and making lucretia VERY uncomfortable with his questions
duct tapes together canon: the reason kravitz possessed a robot at the end of ck, but appeared in his own form with no problem for the rest of the series, was bc he had seen what merle did to magic brian et al’s derobotified souls and was lowkey terrified
make it relatable: i have a whole post frozen in my drafts abt taako, magnus, merle, barry, and davenport having specific memory issues. a slice off of that particular pie: barry gets dreams mixed up with memories bc both are equally hazy.
make it (more) entertaining: merle is banned from greenhouses in SEVERAL realities*. lucretia put it in her journals. if he points out that it’s only 33%, everyone now has lucretia’s footnote ingrained in their minds that the only reason it’s that low is bc of all the parleys.
how much bullshit can i get away with: “kravitz” is a train name
critical response: the whole “faerun is so close to twosun that merle is literally related to people here” is such a ridiculous stretch but it’s the best griffin could do to justify that one element of htbg and i respect it. but. it means that blood magic in the taz universe is scientifically based. there is no other connection merle and cyrus rockseeker could POSSIBLY have since the latter died before merle touched down properly. is all magic scientifically based? barry and davenport have all these phds for a reason dammit! at least one thesis was on the effects of polymorph on dna!
spitecanon: the caleb cleveland novels are actually widely considered trash. very few people know of them, and those who do think little of them. angus had low standards and sticks to them out of nostalgia.
hey, you know what would be really fucked up? in wonderland, lucretia had to give up some of her own memories. she didn’t fight it. yes, it may have hurt to forget lup’s face, but it was nothing compared to the pain she subjected barry and taako to.
* only a handful are over indecency. there’s also “making plants grow too fast” “literal green revolution” and “who’s been growing psychedelics in the back”
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
White Lady spleencanon?
I don’t really have as much of a gripe with Team Cherry’s lore as I do with much of the fanbase’s interpretation of her tbh?? My one big issue with Team Cherry’s lore for her is mostly just that we don’t get enough of her. Like I get that Ghost is estranged from their parents, and rightfully so but like,,,she’s the QUEEN of HALLOWNEST. I WANT THE LORE
But anyways spitecanon to shoo off the whole fandom interpretation of her being upset/threatened by the Herrah dalliance?? She’s poly. PK is as well, but he tends to be more quiet about it because wyrms are kinda famous for cycling between mates to keep up with their breeding cycles (the safest time to cuddle), and he doesn’t want to give anyone the impression that he has on-and-off seasons where he loves his wife and loses interest bc he’s basically set to Love Wife All The Time. She thinks that’s adorable, so when Herrah comes along and is like ‘yo i need to fuck your husband to get a super swole dank ass child for politics’ WL was just like 
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Like, seriously, these are godly bugs and godly trees married to each other, they’re not gonna comply with heteronormative stereotypes and I highly doubt that they comply to a human definition of romance, either. WL loves her tiny husband and no spider coochie is gonna change that, y’all, plus it’s not like PK himself stuck around to have more kids with Herrah so it’s not a big deal
Send me headcanons, heartcanons, gutcanons, spleencanons and junkcanons! 
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Hey I know you said this a while ago, but I just to throw it out there that headcanons can contradict canon. Your SPOP headcanons can reign eternal and canon can't do shit about it. (I'm also a fan of like, spitecanoning things to specifically contradict canon, esp for shit where it turns out the creator sucks- looking at you JK, turns out you have to be trans and/or NB to be magical, our world now) - genderfaer anon
You're right, but it's at risk of pissing off lesbians everywhere. I think Adora is pan and Catra is bi and I'm attached.
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