#Stagiaire Arc
motsimages · 1 year
I have commented on how we don't speak enough of the tv series genre Señoras que investigan where usually an older woman gets into detective work either as a hobby or as her real job.
Those series that go under the radar because they play on tv, they're easy going, they may have very simple plots and are not usually made by masterminds tend to have a surprisingly good representation.
There are mainly two subgenres: the idealisation of the job and the realism. The idealisation often comes with some light comedy and handsome, kind and affectionate men. The realist version tends to be more serious, while still light-hearted.
People want many things of series that often can be found in Señoras que investigan. You will find all kind of people, young and old, fat and thin, LGBT representation... Surely some of them offer more variety of characters than others, depending on the country of origin, the time period in which they were made and the style, but they are generally very open minded and not judgy, which is already a must.
And generally this is due to the fact that women write those series and participate in the creation of them, actively. They are for women too, so they have to be comforting for their audience and address the problems their audience (women) have. They may have an asshole character who is very sexist, but it is treated as such. Women get along, they help each other, they partner up with each other. They show a reality that other series don't know how to deal with and they really care for their audience.
I don't know, I love Señoras que investigan, even the average ones. You know how they will play out (they'll solve the crime, manage the situation), but can you tell what the everyday life problems of the protagonists will be? These series are full of tiny stories of everyday people and how to care about them and for them.
Probably because of all of this, they dare to show some characters or some arcs with a certain respect and taste, particularly when it comes to LGBT situations. This person they are showing could be you or your neighbor, the audience care about them.
I will now name some that I know (whether I have watched them or not) so that you can get into them too:
Murder she wrote
Los misterios de Laura ( This show was a success in Spain, so much so that it sold rights to be either translated or adapted to other countries. I actually watched some episodes of the Russian version, Mama Detektiv, until it either disappear from my streamings or got cancelled)
La Stagiaire
Candice Renoir
Agatha Raisin
My life is murder (in this one the detective is played by Lucy Lawless)
Deadloch (currently watching, it has an amazing cast full of queer women and it is funny and intriguinig)
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yeong--hwa · 9 months
La Vénus d'argent - Héléna Klotz
Ange déchu
Dans un vibrant éclat de néons, au cœur des tunnels nocturnes reliant la banlieue à La Défense, Victor Seguin façonne les contours évanescents de La Vénus d'argent, métaphore cinématographique de la célèbre icône rollsienne, la Spirit of Ecstasy. Notre vénus à nous, Jeanne, est incarnée par l'effervescente Claire Pommet. Elle émerge tel un astre errant, chevauchant un modeste scooter, l'allure libre. Comme Takeshi dans le tunnel hong-kongais de Fallen Angels, elle recherche sa liberté, avec une ambition différente : celle de filer vers les hautes sphères du monde financier parisien.
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Très tristement, et comme un obscur clin d'oeil au titre de Kar-wai, ce grandiose départ à l'esthétique splendide, s'échoue dès la quatrième coupe du film. Fallen Angel. Cette fracture qui surgit est symptomatique du film entier : de belles idées qui s'effritent sous des choix narratifs superficiels. Jeanne, qui doit se rendre à un entretien d'embauche, brise dans un geste énigmatique les vitrines d'une bijouterie pour s'approprier un modeste costume, une action incongrue face à l'évidence d'une alternative plus plausible. Cette dissonance, telle une rhapsodie absurde, s'étend au-delà, questionnant la crédibilité de chaque acte qui s'égrène à l'écran. La toile du récit se déchire ainsi davantage chaque fois que le scénario tente maladroitement d'ériger son arc, se révélant dans un manège nauséabond d'incohérences toutes de plus en plus flagrantes.
Cela aurait pu en être tout autrement : le premier geste incompressible de Jeanne aurait presque su s'évaporer lorsqu'on comprend qu'elle vient du monde d'en-dessous, issue d'une modeste famille logée dans une caserne de gendarmes. Les fulgurances électriques de la finance d'un côté, avec ses chiffres interminables, ses hauts-lieux de rencontres et ses dérives de richesse ; les péripéties terre-à-terre de la gendarmerie de l'autre, avec ses immeubles presque désuets, son monde clos, ses difficultés, bref, sa réalité crue. Et Pomme, incarnant un insouciant mais habile personnage, totalement irréel et donc cinématographique à souhait, prêt à en découdre. Tout semblait là réuni pour sculpter une bâtisse authentique et habile.
Mais il a fallu réduire toute l'ambition de cette fondation à néant, en érigeant sans cesse Jeanne au milieu d'événements impossibles, comme cette scène où, fraîchement diplômée de l'ESCP, et tandis que, stagiaire, elle sert du café dans un moyen fond d'investissement, elle façonne subitement un algorithme complexe d'un simple effleurement de doigt. Une symphonie improbable dans l'orchestration des possibles, s'éloignant des rythmes réalistes de la finance. On pourrait défendre que filmer les chiffres n'a jamais été chose simple : beaucoup se sont égarés en chemin. Mais dans Margin Call, une fiction pourtant, le jeune ingénieur financier qu'incarne Zachary Quinto, au parcours brillant, prend presque une nuit entière à reprendre les analyses de son chef pour remettre en cause un modèle financier complexe. Jeanne, La Vénus d'argent, modestement diplômée, trace un algorithme de trading automatisé performant en l'espace de quelques heures.
Bien loin est alors reléguée la promesse initiale, qui s'effiloche à toute vitesse dans les plis d'un scénario fragile, égaré dans les dédales de l'irréalité. C'est d'autant plus triste que l'art cinématographique demeure remarquable de bout en bout : la symétrie des architectures, les faces filmées bord-cadre, et l'opposition flagrante entre artifices grandiose des couleurs du côté du monde de la finance, contre réalisme terne du côté de la caserne de gendarmes, sont tout autant d'atouts perpétués par un montage lui-aussi correct. Pour faire un film, premièrement, une bonne histoire, deuxièmement, une bonne histoire, troisièmement, une bonne histoire. Jamais la citation de Clouzot n'a semble-t-il aussi bien été illustrée.
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Il faut dire que les veines tentatives d'à-côté sont aussi bâclées. Jeanne, trop immaculée dans son aisance, s'égare dans les méandres d'une réalité qu'elle peine à appréhender. Son éclat brille, mais ses failles se révèlent comme autant de constellations voilées, notamment lors de son inconfortable tentative de séduction d'une riche héritière pour lever des fonds, éclairant les fractures de son essence. Elle affirme à son boss être non genrée, comme les chiffres, et condamne dans des péripéties inutiles son ex-compagnon pour l'avoir forcée à l'acte. Plus tard, le film la fait revenir à ses côtés. Par quelle utilité ? À quoi diable sert ce personnage, sinon à donner à Jeanne la possibilité de trouver un nouveau regard, alors que le sien est autrement plus pertinent, plus complexe, et plus subtil ?
L'invraisemblance contamine même jusqu'aux décors mêmes, pourtant somptueux dans leurs états. Les opulents lieux filmés, comme la suite du Shangri-la, ne trouvent pas l'écho justifié dans les nuances évoquées, soulevant des interrogations sur la justesse de la représentation : si le n+1 de Jeanne semble être le grand patron des lieux, la réalité le foudroierait en poisson dans une moyenne marre, et il est peu probable qu'un tel homme puisse se loger en permanence dans une suite à 20 000 euros la nuit. Mais qu'importe, car La Vénus d'argent semble parfois vouloir s'incarner en illusionniste, vendeuse de Longines alors qu'elle pourrait simplement faire comme tout le monde : continuer à passer des entretiens.
C'est ainsi que la plume d'Helena Klotz, accompagnée de ses scénaristes égarés, se perd dans les méandres de l'incompréhension du monde de la finance, tachant la pureté du sujet par des éclats d'approximations. Cette lacune, comme une note dissonante, trouble l'harmonie de cette production, tandis que le cinéma français, dans un bal hésitant entre conscience et inertie, semble buter sur des thématiques maladroitement abordées, entre relations lacunaires et identités en quête de clarté. Critique ou soutien au monde frénétique du capital, le plus incroyable est qu'on ne sait pas où se situer, car le film se veut neutre de jugement. Il préfère initier des idées sans les approfondir, c'est bien plus confortable.
Un dernier espoir émerge néanmoins de cette mer d'inconstances : l'apparition éclairée de Mathieu Amalric en banquier d'affaires offre un contrepoint salvateur. Un éclair de lucidité, parmi les tumultes d'une narration défaillante, résonnant comme une poignée d'espoir dans ce panorama éclaté. La force indéniable de la caméra, capturant des entretiens d'embauche d'une surréaliste vérité, émerge comme un îlot de réalisme dans ce flot d'incohérences, suscitant une ambiguïté troublante, reflétant, peut-être, les tourments de ce monde financier impitoyable.
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pdj-france · 1 year
Des fragments de corail Elkhorn sauvés de pépinières océaniques en surchauffe reposent dans une eau plus froide au Keys Marine Laboratory. NOAAArmés de brosses à récurer, de jeunes plongeurs se sont rendus dans les eaux de l'Alligator Reef de Floride fin juillet pour tenter d'aider les coraux qui luttent pour survivre à l'extraordinaire vague de chaleur marine de 2023. Ils ont minutieusement gratté les algues nuisibles et les prédateurs qui empiètent sur les fragments de corne de cerf, sous la supervision et la formation de stagiaires d'Islamorada Conservation and Restoration Education, ou I.CARE. Normalement, les plongeurs bénévoles d'I.CARE transplanteraient des coraux dans les eaux au large des Keys de Floride à cette période de l'année, dans le cadre d'un effort national pour restaurer le récif de Floride. Mais cette année, tout va à l'envers. Bien que la température de l'eau augmentait dans les Florida Keys, des scientifiques d'universités, des groupes de restauration des récifs coralliens et des agences gouvernementales ont lancé un effort héroïque pour sauver les coraux. Des plongeurs ont été dans l'eau tous les jours, collectant des milliers de coraux dans des pépinières océaniques le long du récif des Keys de Floride et les déplaçant vers des eaux plus froides et dans des réservoirs géants sur terre. Le scientifique marin Ken Nedimyer et son équipe de Reef Renewal USA ont déplacé toute une pépinière d'arbres coralliens des eaux peu profondes au large de Tavernier vers une zone de 60 pieds de profondeur et de 2 degrés Fahrenheit (1,1 Celsius) plus fraîche. Même là, les températures tournaient autour de 85 à 86 F (30 C). Le scientifique marin Ken Nedimyer recueille des fragments de corail corne d'élan encore sains pour les déplacer. La structure arborescente protège les coraux des algues nocives. Reef Renewal États-Unis Leurs efforts font partie d'une intervention d'urgence d'une ampleur jamais vue auparavant en Floride. Le récif de Floride – un arc de près de 350 milles le long des Florida Keys qui est crucial pour l'habitat des poissons, la protection contre les tempêtes côtières et l'économie locale – a démarré à connaître des températures océaniques record en juin 2023, des semaines plus tôt que prévu. La chaleur continue a déclenché un blanchissement corallien généralisé au large de la Floride en particulier, mais aussi au-delà. À la mi-août, un blanchissement des coraux avait été signalé aux Bahamas, à Cuba, au Mexique, au Belize, au Salvador, au Costa Rica, au Panama et en Colombie, ainsi qu'à Porto Rico et dans les îles Vierges américaines. Ceci est particulièrement dévastateur car certains des récifs coralliens restants les plus sains se trouvent dans le sud des Caraïbes. Les chercheurs craignent de voir le sixième blanchissement massif des coraux des Caraïbes depuis 1995 et le troisième au cours des 12 dernières années, et la chaleur devrait se poursuivre. Un monticule de corail blanchi sur le site de surveillance de Cheeca Rocks dans le sanctuaire marin national des Keys de Floride qui avait été précédemment étiqueté montre le squelette de corail. AOML de la NOAA Bien que les coraux peuvent se remettre d'un blanchissement massif, de longues périodes de chaleur élevée peuvent les affaiblir et les rendre vulnérables aux maladies qui peuvent finalement les tuer. C'est ce que les scientifiques et les volontaires se sont efforcés d'éviter. Le battement de coeur du récif Le récif de Floride a lutté pendant des années sous la pression de la surpêche, des maladies, des tempêtes et du réchauffement climatique qui ont décimé ses coraux vivants. Un effort massif de restauration des coraux - la mission de la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : Iconic Reef - est en cours depuis 2019 pour restaurer le récif avec des coraux transplantés, en particulier ceux qui résistent le mieux à la hausse des températures.
Mais même les greffes de coraux les plus résistantes sont désormais menacées. Les plongeurs impliqués dans la mission de la NOAA : Iconic Reef montrent comment les coraux cornes de cerf et cornes d'élan sont transplantés pour aider le récif de Floride à se rétablir. Les coraux constructeurs de récifs sont les espèces fondatrices des eaux tropicales peu profondes grâce à leur relation symbiotique unique avec les algues microscopiques dans leurs tissus. Pendant la journée, ces algues effectuent la photosynthèse, produisant à la fois de la nourriture et de l'oxygène pour l'animal corallien. La nuit, les polypes coralliens se nourrissent de plancton, fournissant des nutriments à leurs algues. Le résultat de cette relation symbiotique est la capacité du corail à bâtir un squelette de carbonate de calcium et des récifs qui abritent près de 25 % de toute la vie marine. Toutefois, les coraux sont très sensibles à la température, et la chaleur extrême de l'océan au large du sud de la Floride, avec certaines zones de récifs atteignant des températures dans les années 90, les a soumis à un stress extraordinaire. Un corail cerveau boulder, Colpophyllia natans, avant et après le blanchiment pendant la vague de chaleur marine de 2014 dans les Florida Keys. Photos de Michael Childress et Kylie Smith Quand les coraux deviennent trop chauds, ils expulsent leurs algues symbiotiques. Les coraux apparaissent blancs - blanchis - car leur squelette carbonaté apparaît à travers leur tissu clair dépourvu de cellules d'algues colorées. Les coraux peuvent récupérer de nouveaux symbiotes algaux si les conditions de l'eau reviennent à la normale en quelques semaines. Toutefois, l'augmentation des températures mondiales due aux effets des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des activités humaines provoque des périodes de blanchissement des coraux plus longues et plus fréquentes à travers le monde, ce qui suscite des inquiétudes pour l'avenir des récifs coralliens. Une unité MASH pour les coraux Cette année, les Florida Keys ont atteint un niveau d'alerte 2, indiquant un risque extrême de blanchiment, environ six semaines plus tôt que la normale. Les premières alertes et prévisions du réseau de surveillance des récifs coralliens de la NOAA ont donné aux scientifiques le temps de commencer à préparer les laboratoires et l'équipement, à suivre les emplacements et l'intensité de la chaleur marine croissante et, surtout, à recruter des volontaires. La température maximale de surface de la mer de cette année (graphique du haut) et les semaines de chauffage en degrés (graphique du bas), une mesure du stress thermique accumulé, sont les plus élevées depuis le début de la tenue des registres. Adapté de NOAA Au Keys Marine Laboratory, des scientifiques et des volontaires formés ont déposé des milliers de fragments de corail collectés dans des pépinières offshore menacées par la chaleur. La directrice Cindy Lewis a évoqué les réservoirs géants du laboratoire comme ressemblant à "une unité MASH pour les coraux". Des volontaires là-bas et dans d'autres laboratoires de Floride nourriront à la main les minuscules créatures pour les maintenir en vie jusqu'à ce que les eaux de Floride se refroidissent à nouveau et qu'elles puissent être renvoyées dans l'océan et éventuellement transplantées sur le récif. Les degrés-semaines de chauffage sont une mesure du stress thermique accumulé au cours des 12 semaines précédentes. À 4 degrés Celsius-semaines (7,2 semaines Fahrenheit), les coraux subissent un stress qui a la capacité de entraîner un blanchissement. Au-dessus de 8 semaines C (14,4 semaines F), ils sont susceptibles de subir un blanchiment. Montre NOAA Coral Reef Protéger les coraux encore dans l'océan I.CARE a lancé un autre type d'intervention d'urgence.
La co-fondatrice d'I.CARE, Kylie Smith, écologiste des récifs coralliens et ancienne étudiante en sciences marines, a découvert il y a quelques années que les greffes de corail avec de grandes quantités d'algues charnues autour d'elles étaient plus susceptibles de blanchir pendant les périodes de température élevée. L'élimination de ces algues peut donner aux coraux une meilleure chance de survie. Les jeunes membres de Diving With a Purpose assistent à une session de formation et à une plongée d'entretien des coraux avec l'équipe d'éducation à la conservation et à la restauration d'Islamorada à Islamorada, en Floride. I.CARE Le groupe de Smith travaille généralement avec des opérateurs de plongée locaux pour former des plongeurs récréatifs afin d'aider à la transplantation et à l'entretien de fragments de corail dans le but de restaurer les récifs d'Islamorada. À l'été 2023, I.CARE a formé des bénévoles, comme les jeunes plongeurs de Diving with a Purpose, pour éliminer les algues et les prédateurs de coraux, tels que les escargots et les vers de feu mangeurs de coraux, afin d'augmenter les chances de survie des coraux. Surveillance des coraux en danger Pour aider à repérer les coraux en difficulté, des plongeurs bénévoles sont par ailleurs formés en tant qu'observateurs de récifs dans le cadre du programme BleachWatch de Mote Marine Lab. Les plongeurs sont depuis longtemps attirés par les récifs des Florida Keys pour leur beauté et leur accessibilité. Le laboratoire les forme à reconnaître les coraux blanchis, malades et morts de différentes espèces, puis à employer un portail en ligne pour soumettre des rapports sur l'eau de Javel dans tout le récif de Floride. Plus il y a d'yeux sur le récif, plus les cartes montrant les zones les plus préoccupantes en matière de blanchissement sont précises. Ian Enochs, écologiste de recherche et responsable du programme de coraux du laboratoire océanographique et météorologique de l'Atlantique de la NOAA, a découvert que tous les coraux de la région de Cheeca Rocks avaient blanchi au 1er août 2023. NOAA AOML Reconstruire le récif Bien que la vague de chaleur marine dans les Keys tuera inévitablement certains coraux, beaucoup d'autres survivront. Grâce à une analyse minutieuse des espèces, des génotypes et des sites de récifs subissant un blanchissement, les scientifiques et les praticiens apprennent des informations précieuses alors qu'ils travaillent à protéger et à reconstruire un récif corallien plus résistant pour l'avenir. C'est ce qui donne de l'espoir à Smith, Lewis, Nedimyer et à des centaines d'autres qui croient que ce récif corallien vaut la peine d'être sauvé. Les bénévoles sont essentiels à l'effort, qu'ils aident à l'entretien des récifs coralliens, signalent le blanchissement ou sensibilisent à ce qui est en jeu si l'humanité ne parvient pas à arrêter le réchauffement de la planète. Ce post a été mis à jour le 18 août 2023, avec des cas de blanchiment signalés dans d'autres pays. Michael Childress ne travaille pas pour, ne consulte pas, ne détient pas d'actions ou ne reçoit de financement d'aucune entreprise ou organisation qui bénéficierait de ce post, et n'a divulgué aucune affiliation pertinente au-delà de sa nomination universitaire. Source
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alexthegamingboy · 4 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 04/18/2020
My Hero Academia U.A. School Festival Arc Season 4 EP#83 (20) - Gold Tips Imperial: It's Saturday, Bakugo and Shoto don't have to go provisional license training. Everyone is prepped up for the concert, but before they could practice, Eri is getting a tour around the school. Principal Nezu worked hard to make sure that no villains can interfere in the festival. If an alarm goes off, even if it's a false one, they'll be forced to evacuate and cancel it. Meanwhile, Gentle and La Brava are in pursuit of a legendary tea.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#22 - The 'G' in Guts: While Bucciarati's remaining crew stops for lunch, Narancia accidentally splashes red wine onto a man's white suit. When the man demands compensation, the paranoid crew thinks he is an enemy and savagely beats him up. Meanwhile, Trish reveals that her father's origins are in Sardinia and they decide to travel there after leaving Venice. While eating, Narancia finds the metallic fish Stand Clash in his soup; it suddenly attacks him, biting off his tongue and rendering him speechless. He sees that Clash is able to teleport between nearby bodies of liquid, but he is unable to warn the others. After Giorno replaces Narancia's tongue, Narancia starts giving them false information, forced to do so by the Stand Talking Head which has latched itself onto the base of his new tongue. The group are observed from afar by Squalo and Tiziano, Clash and Talking Head's respective users and members of the boss's elite guard squad. While the others try to figure out what is happening with Narancia, he directs them into a washroom where he tries to remove all traces of liquid, even his blood, to stop Clash from reappearing. Just as the others leave the room, a leaking pipe enables Clash to emerge from a puddle on the floor and attack Giorno, biting him on the neck.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Functional Recovery Training Arc EP#24 - Rehabilitation Training: Rengoku leaves on a mission, believing an Upper level Twelve Moon has been located. Murata visits Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. Tanjiro and Inosuke begin Rehabilitation Training while Zenitsu rests but joins them two weeks later. It includes forcing them into stretches, testing reflexes against Kanao, and playing tag with her and Aoi. While they win against Aoi, none can come close to defeating Kanao. After enough time of this, Zenitsu and Inosuke stop coming to training, not seeing the point as they can't win. As Tanjiro walks back to bed he is met by triplet Kocho girls who admire how he keeps coming and tells him Kanao uses Total Concentration Breathing - Constant, maintaining that state all day and night, even when sleeping. Right now, he does it only when in battle and it strains his body. The Hashiras and Kanao have mastered it, giving them their edge. He starts to work on mastering it and the triplets tell him Shinobu made Kanao breathe into special gourds so hard they exploded. He also runs around the mansion's garden and practices his sword drills. A few weeks later, he has noticed he has become stronger. That night while sitting on the mansion's roof, Shinobu joins him. Shinobu wishes to entrust her dream with Tanjiro - that humans and demons can live peacefully. He detects an angry scent from her and she says her older sister was killed by a demon and her revulsion for demons grows the more she sees the damage they cause. Yet her sister pitied demons and though Shinobu tries, she can't feel the same. For her sister's sake, she will find a way to live in peace with demons as she wishes and never stop smiling, for her sister loved her smile. She had become tired of trying, but then Nezuko came, and Shinobu says she can feel at ease with Tanjiro to carry on her sister's dream.
Food Wars: The Second Plate Stagiaire Arc EP#37 Season 2 Finale  - Pomp & Circumstance: At the end of the pre-open's final day, Shinomiya calls in and serves food to his fellow alumni and his mother, recalling what inspired him to pursue French cuisine. During the competition, Soma uses everything he's learned to put together a French take on a chicken and egg rice bowl using a quail stuffed with risotto. Despite deciding that the dish is not good enough as it is, Shinomiya helps Soma refine the recipe so that it can become a dish on the menu. Soma passes the Stagiaire and returns to Totsuki, ready to take on anyone who challenges him to a Shokugeki.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#113 - Storming the Shadow Palace: Gueldre Poizot and Revchi are tempted to sneak inside the Shadow Palace to see if there are magic items worth stealing. Charmy and Mimosa help everyone recover with food and recovery magic. Noelle and Mimosa become jealous over Sally's new closeness to Asta. Two elves try a sneak attack while everyone is distracted but are instantly caught by Fuegoleon and Mereoleona. Magna notices the entrance portal starting to shrink while more possessed Golden Dawn members arrive. The Bulls decide to fight the elves, relying on Charmy and Vanessa to keep them alive, while all the captains, Asta, Noelle and Mimosa enter the palace. Solid wakes up in time to acknowledge Noelle's strength and that he wants her to survive so he can one day surpass her. Inside the palace everyone ends up magically separated and Mimosa ends up alone with Asta. Mimosa determines that the elves are spread throughout the palace, as are the captains, and they will all need to defeat at least one Apostle of Sephira to reach Patry and Licht. Asta and Mimosa confront the elf Lira, possessing Captain Rill Boismortier. Noelle is confronted by Fana, Mereoleona by Vetto and Fuegoleon by the Purple Orca's new captain, Kaizer Granvorka. Through sheer determination both Mereoleona and Fuegoleon manage to land the same powerful flame attack on both of their opponents.
Slightly Damned Page 959: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/959
Paranoia Agent will premiere on Toonami April 25, 2020.
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justminawrites · 3 years
Why Souma and Erina make Great Foils but Terrible Lovers (ft. EiRin)
See, there’s a very simply explanation for this: they never got to be friends. And with the way the series has progressed, it’s hard to imagine that they ever will, even in the future. Let me tell you why.
Souma’s character development is fairly standard throughout seasons 1 and 2, but starts to get worse halfway through season 3, when the story becomes heavily Erina-centric. 
He wants to be the best, he wants to prove everyone in this uppity school wrong for looking down on diners and small scale restaurants, especially one of the first people he ever meets there, his examiner Nakiri Erina, who fails him just because he  presents her with a low class dish. Along the way we meet multiple side characters who help him grow on his journey, notably: Tadokoro Megumi, Isshiki Satoshi, Shinomiya Kojiro, Mimasaka Subaru, Hayama Akira, and Arato Hisako, who teach him various lessons that help expand his world view. There may be a few others but these are all the main ones that I could think of. 
He goes from no small scale is The Best Way to Hold Up maybe these weird rich people are onto something after all. His interactions with these characters put him in difficult positions from where he always learns something, and we as an audience get to explore Souma’s personality through the way he reacts. 
With Isshiki we see his willingness to fight and since Isshiki is one of the first people he comes to respect in the academy, the first person who’s cooking skill absolutely floors him, we see Souma immediately humbled but still eager to learn from his gifted senior. Isshiki becomes a sort of standard here, not a real rival. 
With Megumi we see his protectiveness, his courage that borders on recklessness and when he’s put into a situation where he has to let her take the lead and just support (during the Shokugeki at camp) we see him finally come to terms with the consequences of that reckless behaviour. 
With Hayama we see his deep competitive streak, and his willingness to put aside his pride so that he can learn from someone who he considers his rival (Takumi doesn’t  count  because Souma doesn’t take him seriously 90% of the time). This is actually one of his more emotionally intelligent moments, which is rare to see in a character with such a one track state of mind.
With Mimasaka we see him start to question what really defines his own cooking; although this plot point is explored further in later seasons, the shokugeki with Mimasaka is where the seeds are sown because he has to compete with someone who is essentially a perfected copy of him. We even get IMO one of his best lines here: “It’s almost like I’m chasing myself.”
With Arato Hisako we see him come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t trying to surpass his father all this time, but just chase after him, content to remain one step behind like Hisako had so often done for Erina. 
With Shinomiya Kojiro we really really see him humbled (during the stagiaire) as he finally gets the feel of what it’s like being in a gourmet restaurant, where he’s completely out of his depth in every possible way, but doesn’t let it stop him from pouring his heart and soul into ingraining such an experience. Here, we really get to see his passion for cooking and how devoted he is to his craft. We also get to see his first speciality.
So all the way through your the first few seasons not only do we see how brave, smart, eager and persistent Souma is, we also see by contrast how Erina is none of these things. 
Blessed with her God Tongue ability and trained in Totsuki curriculum since she could walk, Erina has a kind of overpowered superhero energy- she never really has to work for any of her victories, making her the exact opposite of Souma. She wins everything with incredible speed, barely breaks a sweat during hell camp and to top it all off, she’s the only freshman who’s considered a part of the Elite 10, essentially one of the best students in this entire school.
Even during her Stagiaire arc we see that Erina has no intention of adapting or learning anything from the industry professionals, (technically failing the second intention of the exercise but I digress), preferring to run the kitchen herself like a queen and deliver results- but she does notably learn something from Megumi here. 
Souma and Erina don’t really have a good relationship in these first few seasons, what with her general dislike of any food she considers not gourmet, the clubs she closes down, and with his constant struggle to prove her wrong but there’s something lacking in this dynamic that really hits home once we get into the third season. 
It’s clear in nearly every situation they’re put into, Souma at the very least respects Erina as a chef. She, however, does not. No matter who he wins against, Erina refuses to acknowledge his cooking, actively being against him competing in the Autumn elections and expecting him to fail at camp. Her opinion of him is so low that she subsequently loses respect for people who fail to beat him, i.e. the way she abandoned Mito Ikumi after her Shokugeki. 
All of this comes to a head when, during the third season, Erina is forced to accept Souma’s help by hiding out in the Polar Star Dormitory when she “runs away” from home. This is the beginning of her redemption arc, and the beginning of Souma’s really bad character development. 
Once we learn about her backstory, Erina’s behaviour is a bit more explainable, bad parenting and brainwashing takes a heavy toll on a teenager indeed and while everyone else is immediately sympathetic towards our main heroine, Souma is not. 
When Senazaemon straight up BEGS for his help, the LITERAL DIRECTOR of Totsuki begs for his help, he responds with an indeterminate way of handling things which was along the lines of: “...their family situation seems pretty wack but that’s none of my business. But at the same time I’m not going to abandon her either so dw.”
He basically leaves her in the care of the dorm, and let’s not forget that at this point he barely knows anything about Erina except for the fact that she’s really pretentious and a stickler for that gourmet life. There’s no friendship here, there’s a borderline truce at best. 
During the advancement exams we see Erina take front and centre stage as she coaches the other PSD students and friends alike on how to pass it, and while it does seem that Souma is also benefiting from this exercise, their relationship doesn’t progress much. So we can assume their truce is in effect. We don’t see her outright respect him as a chef, but we don’t see her put him down either.
Once they go up against the elite 10 and everyone fails however, the focus shifts entirely. Here we see Souma’s confrontation with the latest member of the Elite 10, Hayama Akira, and this is where we start drawing parallels to the fifth season. 
Souma and Hayama’s relationship during the Bear meat arc is very similar to his relationship with Erina during the BLUE tournament, albeit for different reasons. 
When Souma finds out how Hayama lost his home and fell into Azami’s clutches, his first reaction is to yell at him about focusing on the match. Similarly, when he finds out Erina’s reasons for participating under duress in BLUE, her mother, he comes off as extremely cynical and just mean about the whole thing. 
This behaviour is extremely tone deaf from a guy who we know has the ability to be kind and sympathetic when the situation calls for it. He’s been kind with Megumi, with Takumi, even with Hisako on occasion. So why is he being so insufferable here? 
Why is his character taking such a downward turn from the original arc?
Most of it can be attributed to really bad writing, tension for tension’s sake and all that but I can argue that isn’t really out of left field for him to be so unbothered. This is because of his relationship between the two people in question. Hayama Akira and Nakiri Erina are arguably the only two people in the whole series that Souma genuinely considers his Rivals, i.e, the only two people he’s hell bent on proving wrong or showing up. 
They are in his opinion, everything wrong with Totsuki; both extreme purists when it comes to cooking, while Hayama does creatively make use of fragrance, both with Hypersensitive Gifts that give them an enormous advantage in their respective fields, and both who fail to acknowledge him as a chef. Hell, the two even say really similar things when they first meet him: “You don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of surpassing me.”
In Hayama’s arc, he doesn’t take Souma seriously even after the autumn elections, relegating himself to top of the pyramid in line for the tenth seat after Erina, and sidelining the other two contenders: a fact that drives both Ryō and Souma quite mad. Even after he suffers crushing defeat during the Bear meat duel, he’s still completely unable to comprehend why Souma would go to such lengths, only for the other boy to turn around and tell him to his face that it was all for him. To beat him. For him to actually stop and recognise Souma as his equal, as his contender. 
This is one of the only two times where Souma goes out of his way to cool for a specific person, like his dad has been saying all along. 
We see this parallel drawn again in the fifth season where Erina, a chef he definitely respects, is pinning all her hopes on some magical dude who’s skill literally makes no sense (but I don’t want to talk about that), instead of trusting her own abilities which can definitely beat him. She’s undermining herself and by extension, him, and it irritates him because even After he beat Asahi, she doesn’t change. 
Obviously this is because she’s going through her own self doubt and abandonment issues but Souma doesn’t consider any of that, the same way he didn’t think about how losing the Shiomi seminar would affect Hayama either. 
So the second time he makes a dish for another person, to once again remind them of who they are (note: he used Hayama’s own subtract and emphasise technique in the bear meat), he uses Erina’s very first dish, the Eggs Benedict that she made at camp. This works, bringing Erina’s character development in full circle, she went from snooty elitist to bearable rich kid to someone so lost in herself that she’s forgotten what the core of her personality was: the actual culinary queen. 
Souma was always essential to Erina’s growth as a character, she wouldn’t have changed if it wasn’t for him- but Erina is only useful as a foil to him. There are lots of moments where instead of helping or giving any actually advice, she works as an instigator instead (note: Mimasaka’s Beef Stew arc) which doesn’t teach him anything on its own, but pushes him to learn from elsewhere. 
By sacrificing any possible harmony between these two, the story has continually driven the plot further than before; in fact, the show itself addresses this during the final Team Shokugeki battle between Souma and Erina against Rindou and Tsukasa, in season four. 
All throughout the season we saw what Rindou gives up for Tsukasa, so she doesn’t lose him: She votes for Azami despite deeply disagreeing with his views, she enforces the new curriculum even though she thinks it’s stupid, in the manga she even gives up the possibility of first seat just so she doesn’t get in the way of Tsukasa’s dreams! We never see her compete with him once, not even through booths during the Moon Banquet festival! 
But Rindou is an important part of his character arc nevertheless. She pushes him to grow as a person, to be more confident, to put more of himself in his food while he helps temper her otherwise fiery and impulsive nature. They compliment, not just challenge one another- there is a natural balance between them, which isn’t there for SouEri. 
That’s not to say they don’t have their faults too. Their relationship scales have been tipped with the introduction of Azami and we can see this clearly with the first and last meal Rindou is asked to make during the season. 
Her first match against Megishima had her make something that was 100% show stopper of a main dish, but when she was tasked to work with Tsukasa, Rindou was assigned the appetiser. Even though it was just an appetiser she still managed to add her own little signature twist (ants!), showing how even if she has to play second fiddle, she’s able to do it for Tsukasa. 
(This pairing was very well handled in season 5, where Tsukasa was relegated to the decoy as Rindou went and put an end to the Noir chef’s plans, but since we still got more screen time of Tsukasa it felt kinda like a cop out ngl.)
Relationships, like Set Meals, require understanding and compromise. In contrast Souma and Erina were a wreck of a team.
 I was actually very invested in this because this is the first time we see Souma actively not wanting to work with someone throughout the whole series. During the prior team battle, we see him, Takumi and Megumi flawlessly execute their respective dishes under due pressure without breaking a sweat, even borrowing one another ideas, so we know Souma isn’t disagreeable or anything. He’s perfectly fine working in a team or solo- but he particularly doesn’t want to work in a team with Erina. 
Souma even goes so far as to spell it out for the audience when he says, “How can there be any teamwork between us?”, and “This is a Shokugeki between me and You.” And for that most part that was true. They completely disregarded the aim, which was to create a Set Meal, and opted to instead create individual masterpieces- obviously they won because the food was just excellent, but it doesn’t change the fact that they were never a team. And it certainly doesn’t change the fact that he didn’t want them to be. 
He doesn’t want any kind of cohesion between them; she is his rival and that’s all there is to it. During the BLUE tournament this happens again, every time she seeks sympathy or understanding, that the others give her readily, Souma refuses to sympathise with or understand her. It’s not because he can’t- sure, he’s not great at comforting people, but he comforted Megumi to the best of his ability in season 1- but because he doesn’t want to. 
This hurts her. There’s no two ways about it. Erina almost never opens up. She never makes excuses for herself and always holds her food to the highest of standards, and the only few times she’s sought help are under extreme pressure situations but he still refuses to give up his prejudice. 
It sounds pretty bad at first but you have to remember that Souma tried to befriend her. In the beginning during the second season he admits that he can’t really get along with Erina because of her prickly personality and the awkwardness between them. While his relationship with Hayama improved marginally, Erina still continued to tsundere her way into distancing him from her quite a bit until her dad came along and flipped tables.
So for Souma it’s probably just flat out weird seeing Erina make such a drastic shift between how she normally is and her trauma response, and he straight up doesn’t want to get into why. He just wants her to go back to normal, all smug and critical so he can wipe the smile off her face with one of his dishes.
He cares about her as any normal person would but he doesn’t care about her feelings and she’s never really cared about his either. 
Souma’s chosen method of communication is FOOD. It’s his cooking that speaks for him 90% of the time, because that’s the only language he’s become fluent in under his Dad’s tutelage. If Erina understands this about him (doubtful), she doesn’t show it even once; she puts her pride above complimenting his food, even if it’s well deserved, and comes off as ungrateful solely so she doesn’t admit defeat. 
To be fair, she’s like this with everyone in PSD, so it’s safe to assume it’s just her personality- possibly even her way of showing affection, giving critique freely when it’s been something she’s paid to do. But with Souma it’s turned up to 100 and there’s barely any critique and a whole lot of pettiness. 
The way these two communicate is at such extreme odds of the spectrum that quite frankly it’s like they’ve been built to compete. Built to one up the other, but not really built to understand each other at all. It’s Pride and Prejudice forever. No middle ground between the two of them, which is ridiculous because the way to solve their problem is right there. 
In Souma’s mom. 
People who haven’t read the manga probably have no idea but Yukihira Tamako passed away from a terminal disease that was hereditary, leaving Souma and his dad all alone when he was around 5 ish. TERMINAL DISEASE. Literally similar to how Mana wasted away because of the God Tongue until she picked up and abandoned Erina and her father too. The answer was RIGHT THERE bro. 
If SnS had just had these two bond over their parents and going through similar experiences during season 5, the transition between rivals to begrudging friends to ohmygod-this-person-actually-understands-me-more-than-I-first-thought would have been iconic. It would’ve been a Zuko/Katara moment: the true enemies to lovers trope. 
But the author sacrificed all of that for the sake of the plot (and Asahi ig idk I hate him.) so the story just chugged on like it always did before a six month time skip and suddenly Erina admitting she loves him or something? How? From where???  When did that happen??? Did you just realise one day when you woke up?? 
How did Erina win BLUE in the first place- didn’t the castle explode??? What is even going on??? 
It would have been so EASY to fix the writing in season 5, because all you had to do was have them realise that they have more in common than they thought, and then have Erina act like a slightly more petty version of Ikumi (MY QUEEN) and you have yourself a solid foundation for a romance at least. 
Okay it doesn’t fix ALL the problems in their dynamic but it gives them a starting point to work with for sure. It’s not a relationship, but it’s not whatever the hell it was after the BLUE tournament either. I can even live with the fact that they basically threatened chefs with eating good food, so that they could report them to the police. I can live with that. 
TLDR: Anyway long story short, canon SouEri ain’t it. Have a nice day everyone. 
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ihateuverymuch · 4 years
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Stagiaire Arc: Shino's Tokyo
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polar-stars · 3 years
You literally said "maybe shoot me some asks on SnKimiko?" Oh girl you have opened this Pandora's box, sooooo
-I think I have never asked you, is azami going to have an appearance in the fic?
Since most of the 92Gen didn't go to camp, will we see them at stagiaire arc?
(ok now leaving aside the future of the fic let's go to the past)
Bc of the way you wrote hiroshi's side story, the children of the polar star-115gen never met when they were little?
who from the polar star have michelin stars and how many?
Thanks for asking some things ☺️✨
1. Question (Azami): Yes. He will make an appearance. 
2. Question (Stagiares): You’ll see some members from the 92nd Gen in the Stagiares for sure, but not all of them. I scattered the appearances of the canon characters over multiple arcs, one is about to happen rather soon actually 😉
3. Yasu & Chieko are childhood friends and Daisuke and Hideyoshi are as well. Yasu and Chieko have possibly met the other two as well back when they were children but they don’t remember because that encounter was just too brief. 
4. Out of Polar Star? Megumi! Her Ryokan has earned three stars over the years. 
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takoyakitenchou · 4 years
can i have headcanons of seijuro and auden, pls?
yus here are some random hcs strewn about my google drive (and the margins of a few midterms lol) 
everything under the cut bc it’s kinda long
Ibusaki Seijuro, fuckboy extraordinaire
height in 2nd year: 5′11 (180 cm) 
weight in 2nd year: 160 lbs (73 kg)
preferred clothing brand: does not care as long as they’re Hawaiian shirts
favorite movie/show: Fight Club
favorite book: Shogun (Clavell)
top song on Spotify he’s on the Kurokiba family plan lol: 3 Nights by Dominic Fike
non-culinary activities: billiards and breaking (pop culture calls it breakdance but that is not the right term)
Sei is the first son of Ibusaki Shun and Sakaki Ryoko. He has his mother’s magenta hair and father’s slate grey eyes
Hawaiian shirts and Totsuki ties. Hawaiian shirts. He has an incorrigible belief that there is not enough color at Totsuki (obviously he hasn’t seen his hair lol) and therefore only wears the brightest colors possible. Sei can typically be seen in the early morning running daily laps around Legislation wearing his prized Birkenstocks
When he’s in the dorm or at Nakiri Mansion, however, he wears turtlenecks and sweatpants (with Birkenstocks)
Cooking in front of an audience is Seijuro’s true forte. He makes an elaborate live show out of every dish, spinning around in his basketball shorts, Hawaiian shirt, Totsuki tie, and Birkenstocks. Sei does not wear aprons lol but at the Autumn Elections, the Nakiri cousins persuaded Auden to coerce Seijuro into wearing at least semi-formal attire but he showed up in a flamboyant flannel instead. Wild af
He started getting into Spanish cuisine after he discovered Dia de los Muertos and the colorful calaveras, and he makes a point of making pan de muerto for the Nakiri-PSD members every year to celebrate the holiday. The only death he’s celebrating, though, is the death of Auden’s sanity (more on that later)
By virtue of his parents’ sake and smoked foods empire, he also dabbles in their specialties but he won’t be the heir to their company (working title IbuSakaki if I can arrange the kanji properly LOL). His max is fermenting sake for gang parties but after the SenAudpocalypSei (Sena + Auden + Seijuro + apocalypse), he starts smoking cigarettes and this is what really drives the final wedge between him and Auden
Sei and Auden stagiaire with the brothers Aldini and they learn how to use a mezzaluna. Extremely proficiently
One night he and his best bro Auden get on the drunker side despite both of them being notorious heavyweights, and they go to a tattoo shop and Sei gets six piercings in one ear. And two on the other. He doesn’t even notice until like six days later when one of the helixes on his left ear gets infected
Sei is the girl magnet of the school, and most people assume that he has like 593 girlfriends (or at least 593 girls that he fools around with), but in reality he’s almost always been in love with Marui Sena, and he’s actually not as much of a fuckboy as his reputation explicity states implies. But rep is rep, and he loves being the center of attention, so he lets the rumors spread like wildfire. And he does have a hoe-ish personality but this is completely repressed as soon as Sena transfers into gen 120 for high school
Sei’s one true weakness is his loyalty to Auden and his affections for Sena. Ultimately, his attempt to keep both on either side of him will serve as a catalyst for the SenAudpocalypSei and they’ll tear Totsuki up by its roots
He hangs out with Nakiri Jouichirou a lot (Asahi’s son, 117th gen and serving as the youngest lecturer in the history of Totsuki) and eventually learns the Crossed Knives technique from him. Jou acts more like an older brother than a professor to Sei and they grow extremely close
Kurokiba Auden, would-be Planet Earth narrator
height in 2nd year: 6′0 (183 cm)
weight in 2nd year: 165 lbs (75 kg)
preferred clothing brand: Billabong
favorite movie/show: Planet Earth
favorite books: Fountainhead (Rand) and The Prince (Machiavelli) his choices were heavily influenced by the Sorina and Akisako children
top song on Spotify: Wonderlust by Will Post
non-culinary activities: swim
Auden is the only child of Kurokiba Ryo and Nakiri Alice. When he was born, Souma and Erina were in that hazy pre-dating phase and so Alice and Ryo were unsure if the Sorina baby would be named Nakiri or Yukihira. They decided not to name their kid Nakiri Auden because Alice would do anything to avoid a repeat of the Nakiri cousins conflict (she inevitably has lingering resentments from being in Erina’s shadow for the first 18 years of her life) but Auden is the legal heir to the Nakiri-Totsuki Group. Obviously, Ryoali had no idea that Yukihira Kaede would end up not even being in the culinary business lol
The only potential competition for Auden’s inheritance ends up becoming Nakiri Jouichirou, who is the only one in the family from the next era who carries the Nakiri name. But Jouichirou is completely disinterested in running the empire so Auden has no trouble assuming the throne later on
Auden’s eyes are different reds. His heterochromia isn’t as noticeable as Kaede’s but his left eye is a few shades darker than his right. Especially after he joins the Elite Ten and gets no sleep (dark circles lol), he looks exactly like his dad but with shorter hair (think Central Arc but shorter). He uses his dad’s bandana on occasion but it only returns him to normal function. His voice is literal heaven. He could’ve been a narrator for Planet Earth.
He’s extremely soft and mild mannered, with none of his mother’s (and his father’s, to be fair) eccentricities. Auden is the most responsible out of the Elite Ten and pretty much the entire cast of the Genesis verse, 92′ers included. He has no emotional extrema (part of the reason why the bandana hardly affects him) and this is a relief for his parents, because it lessens his chances of dissociation and fugue
Auden specializes in Danish cuisine from a bit of a molecular standpoint, resulting from his time in the lab with his mom
In his second year of middle school, he dips a week to compete at national swim competition in Osaka and easily wins. He’s sponsored by Totsuki’s Sports Association and its founder/pres, Luc Tadokoro-Aldini
When he was younger, Auden spent a lot of time with Auntie Hisako, who drilled a whole bunch of medicinal knowledge into him because being a Ryoali child is a hazardous occupation so later when he meets Sei he finds out abt his smoking (Auden thought smoking as in cigarettes but Sei meant smoking as in food) and makes Sei promise not to smoke. It’s their first and only promise as best bros, and Sei picking up cigarettes in 3rd year pretty much destroys their friendship
Auden cuts the sleeves off of every t-shirt he owns, and ripped jeans are kind of his thing. Unlike Seijuro, who at least wears the Totsuki tie, Auden does not own a single article of the school uniform lol but Dean Hayama pretends not to notice
His goal is to be head chef for one of Tsukasa Eishi’s restaurants. This is pretty much the trigger for SenAudpocalypSei
I won’t go into too much detail about the SenAudpocalypSei bc that’ll take center stage in Renaissance anyhow but a vague summary is that Auden puts his career over his friends and Sei completely loses faith in him. Although the conflict stems from Auden’s career goals, it ends up revolving mostly around the love triangle between Seijuro, Auden, and Sena; ultimately they destroy a lot of the Totsuki dynamic that developed under Arato-Hayama Hikari’s tenure as first seat
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stalkerkyoko · 5 years
Stagiaire Arc is gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Shokugeki no Soma: Fifth Plate - OP analysis
Hi guys! 
Since this week’s episode will be the last before the delay that has touched half of this Spring Season’s aired shows, let me present you the analysis of Shokugeki no Sōma’s last opening, “Last Chapter” by nano.RIPE. Keep in mind that this analysis will contain spoilers, so...
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If this doesn’t stop you, then let the fun begin.
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The OP starts with a purple curtain with Tōtsuki’s emblem, showing that the story happens in the theatre called the Tōtsuki Academy. It’ll be important a bit later.
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This shot (and some smaller ones concentrating on smaller groups) presents the established after the Regiment de Cuisine Elite Ten Council and new Headmaster. From right to left, it shows them in their seat order:
10th Seat: Megumi Tadokoro playing plates, which represent her famous hospitality
9th Seat: Nene Kinokuni playing a roller used in soba preparation
8th Seat: Etsuya Eizan shaking expensive wine bottles, showing his “Alchemist” side
7th Seat: Takumi Aldini holding his mezzaluna
6th Seat: Alice Nakiri dancing with a fork and a spoon, used in eating her molecular cuisine
5th Seat: Ryō Kurokiba with a pot used in cooking sea food
4th Seat: Akira Hayama playing on a frying pan with cinnamon
3rd Seat: Terunori Kuga playing his wok
2nd Seat: Satoshi Isshiki with chopsticks and a plank to serve his signature Japanese food
1st Seat: Sōma Yukihira holding his knife
Dean: Erina Nakiri conducting them with a ladle
The lyrics in this sequence is worth noting (source: https://www.animesonglyrics.com/food-wars-the-fifth-plate/last-chapter):
How beautiful the melody has to be To be able to reach that girl who's been hurt The girl is obviously Erina, hurt by her father’s ‘teaching’ and people’s attitude towards her becasue of the God Tongue, who, thanks to Sōma’s and their friends’ (but mostly Sōma’s) cooking, starts to enjoy cooking. This is the beautiful melody - sincere cooking.
One last note about the lyrics, because if I analysed it in its entirety, it would take me ages - the song is sung most likely from Sōma’s persperctive.
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The next shot shows Tōtsuki Academy hill on spring, sigifying the new year (most of our chefs are second years now) and new beginnings. At the front are the three Headmasters, though from Nakiri household, each of them is different. Senzaemon stands tranquil and firm, looking at the Jewel generations students, Azami looks as if he was trying to convince the world to change their ways - both of them are sure of their work, unlike Erina, who’s hands hugging her body and darkened eyes show her uncertainty.
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Next is the title panel, swiftly transitioning from fire to snow to finally sparkles and cherry blossom, showing Sōma’s path from conquering (usually he was the one to bring fire) to protecting - this will be important later. Also, Sōma seen in this frame has just begun to cook his dish.
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After the title, let’s skip to the big character exposition panels! First we have the peach themed frame with Nakiri girls: Erina, Alice, Ikumi (who, at the beginning, was working for the God Tongue) and Hisako. The peach may represent feminity, as there are only girls in here, and luck.
Next one’s the Polar Star Dormitory group shot with all of its residents present, with apples in the background. While apples may refer to various dishes cooked by Sōma and Megumi that included these fruits, apple symbolises youth, which is often brought up by Isshiki, Madame Fumio and Jun Shiomi. 
Then we have a lemon-themed shot with Sōma’s “rivals” (apart from Isami, he never was battling Sōma on his own - it’s a reference from their first encounter during the Hell Camp). One of lemon’s symbolisms is freshness, which perfectly fits each of their meetings, bringing freshness into their lives.
Finally, with cherries signifying maturity, we get to see the original Elite Ten Council members. 
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Each group pannel is separated by a dish frame. It’s important that only the white backgrounded frame has dishes prepared by various cooks - the rest were cooked by (from upper left to right) Sōma, Erina, Megumi and Takumi. This shows their strong connection forged in the Tōtsuki Train arc, where they were together, and predicts all of them participating in BLUE.
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Until now there was no clear shots focusing on strictly Sōma - now’s the time they are here. We get shots from his early past, reminding us also of the Karaage Wars arc, and from Stagiaire. Each time he’s standing in the bright light, surrounded by cherry petals, symbolising him being ‘spring’, beginning of the new era. The light here is very bright and yellom, as if he was standing on a stage - remember the opening shot with the curtain? Sōma is this story’s main hero, the one that iniciated the whole process of change in Tōtsuki.
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The contrast between Eishi and Sōma in this frame is spectacular - gourmet cuisine vs family diner, autumn vs spring, showing how Sōma became Eishi’s successor to the First Seat in the Elite Ten Council. Look at how gorgeous they look with flying maple leaves and cherry petals flying around them!
(keep in mind Tsukasa’s red kerchief/tie, this will be important later)
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The sequence right before the chorus is so full of hidden meanings! The first frame of this sequence is Sōma, standing in the light, probably on the top, reminescenting. His signature headband, now on his left wrist, is connected to...
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... his late mother, Tamako Yukihira! This is the first time we actually get to see her, besides the covered in light family photo from the very first episode. I love the gentle difference of colour shades between Sōma and Tamako - Sōma is bright as the light around him while dim shades of Tamako imply her being already in the realm of shadows, however she returns for a brief moment to life everytime he starts cooking. The frame is full of love and support Sōma got from her, showing how important she was in his life. His signature headband is most likely a memento of her - it’s the thing that keeps them tied after all these years.
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It quickly changes to Erina tasting one of Sōma’s dishes, seemingly taking pleasure from it. This screen (and two others, each getting closer to Erina’s blushed face) indicates Sōma’s desire to make Erina say ‘delicious’ - she’s the one he wants to make happy with his cooking. His mother was first btw :)
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Sōma’s knife is brightened by cherry petals - it shows his power coming from his cooking, cumulated in the cutting edge. This is the blade of change.
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Finally, Asahi Saiba appears! As you can see, he’s the one surrounded by flames, it’s not Sōma anymore. The leader of Noirs is the one who wants to disturb the balance. There is also some similarities between him and Sōma - their cooking look is similar, probably because both of them were raised (though differently) by Jōichiro. Also, he has a signature red kerchief around his neck, similarly to Eishi, however his kerchief isn’t loose on his neck, it’s tight and Asahi used it to cover his face, also covering his true intentions.
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This shot presents the famous BLUE fortress where the contest takes place. The frame shows the entire building, particularly the final building where the Bookmaster is staying, in the fantastic blue light, not calming as it may look like, but giving the one looking at it chills of excitement. The moon also reminds of the Autumn Selection and the Moon Banquet, taking place at approximately the same time as BLUE.
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Erina, held by Asahi surrounded by Noirs, is clue to one of this arc’s plot, as her freedom depends on Sōma’s ability to win against Asahi. Yes, it looks like she’s the damsel in distress - it’s direct parallel to Erina being ‘imprisoned’ by her father.
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There’s also a group shot of all of the WGO judges that we have met and the ones that we’ll meet during BLUE, of course on a blue background.
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This frame is very intriguing. There is a silhouette visible behind the two fighting cooks - it’s Mana Nakiri, Erina’s mother and the Bookmaster, the one behind all of this. There is an astonishing contrast between Asahi and Sōma - Yukihira wields a single, pink (like the cherry petals) blade while Saiba has two, which refers to his special ability, the Cross Knives.
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Finally, FINALLY Sōma gets his presenting shot. It’s worth mentioning that Erina was the first one to be presented - this is yet another way of showing their connection. She’s the beginning, he’s the end. Or maybe the other way? 
In both this and the following frame we can also see Sōma being on the top/looking at his opponent from the top, foreshadowing his victory against Asahi in BLUE.
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This screen presents the two possible destinies of Erina: the upper is with Sōma by her side - most of their bonding moments take place under the starry night, so this shot is really meaningful, the nether - Erina as Asahi’s bride. While they both stand in the same place, the upper destiny seems more realistic, as the nether looks like a mere reflection of what could happen and the duo from the top is the one that moves a bit the water.
Note: Sōma and Erina were supposed to get married at the end of the series, but creators didn’t have enough space. The couple however has been claimed as canon.
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This is the final group shot of all Tōtsuki students we came to love, watching sakura blossom at night. It’s simply beautiful, watching their silhouettes near the bright water, cherry blossom and Tōtsuki Academy. This frame is full of love and reminescense...
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The penultimate frame is a direct continuation of the ‘destiny’ shot. Sōma and Erina are standing here, together. It’s gorgeous, beautiful, showing how close they have become and that a bright future awaits them, written in the stars. The lighting of this frame, warm and delicate, gives us a sense of intimacy and fondness.
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The last shot presents a dim silhouette of Sōma who ended his cooking (it’s the position we often got to see either on the episode’s numer frame or at the end of the episode) and, most importantly, Sōma walking away in the sunlight. It predicts Sōma’s parting from Tōtsuki to travel around the world, just like Jōichiro once did, but with a difference.
There is no storm to swallow chefs who want to reach the top.
Sōma and his cooking dispersed it, saving himself, his friends and Erina from it.
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pdj-france · 1 year
Des fragments de corail Elkhorn sauvés de pépinières océaniques en surchauffe reposent dans une eau plus froide au Keys Marine Laboratory. NOAAArmés de brosses à récurer, de jeunes plongeurs se sont rendus dans les eaux de l'Alligator Reef de Floride fin juillet pour tenter d'aider les coraux qui luttent pour survivre à l'extraordinaire vague de chaleur marine de 2023. Ils ont minutieusement gratté les algues nuisibles et les prédateurs qui empiètent sur les fragments de corne de cerf, sous la supervision et la formation de stagiaires d'Islamorada Conservation and Restoration Education, ou I.CARE. Normalement, les plongeurs bénévoles d'I.CARE transplanteraient des coraux dans les eaux au large des Keys de Floride à cette période de l'année, dans le cadre d'un effort national pour restaurer le récif de Floride. Mais cette année, tout va à l'envers. Bien que la température de l'eau augmentait dans les Florida Keys, des scientifiques d'universités, des groupes de restauration des récifs coralliens et des agences gouvernementales ont lancé un effort héroïque pour sauver les coraux. Des plongeurs ont été dans l'eau tous les jours, collectant des milliers de coraux dans des pépinières océaniques le long du récif des Keys de Floride et les déplaçant vers des eaux plus froides et dans des réservoirs géants sur terre. Le scientifique marin Ken Nedimyer et son équipe de Reef Renewal USA ont commencé à déplacer toute une pépinière d'arbres coralliens des eaux peu profondes au large de Tavernier vers une zone de 60 pieds de profondeur et de 2 degrés Fahrenheit (1,1 Celsius) plus fraîche. Même là, les températures tournaient autour de 85 à 86 F (30 C). Le scientifique marin Ken Nedimyer recueille des fragments de corail corne d'élan encore sains pour les déplacer. La structure arborescente protège les coraux des algues nocives. Reef Renewal États-Unis Leurs efforts font partie d'une intervention d'urgence d'une ampleur jamais vue auparavant en Floride. Le récif de Floride – un arc de près de 350 milles le long des Florida Keys qui est crucial pour l'habitat des poissons, la protection contre les tempêtes côtières et l'économie locale – a démarré à connaître des températures océaniques record en juin 2023, des semaines plus tôt que prévu. La chaleur continue a déclenché un blanchissement corallien généralisé. Un monticule de corail blanchi sur le site de surveillance de Cheeca Rocks dans le sanctuaire marin national des Keys de Floride qui avait été précédemment étiqueté montre le squelette de corail. AOML de la NOAA Alors que les coraux puissent se remettre d'événements de blanchissement massif comme celui-ci, de longues périodes de chaleur élevée peuvent les affaiblir et les rendre vulnérables aux maladies qui peuvent finalement les tuer. C'est ce que les scientifiques et les volontaires se sont efforcés d'éviter. Le battement de coeur du récif Le récif de Floride a lutté pendant des années sous la pression de la surpêche, des maladies, des tempêtes et du réchauffement climatique qui ont décimé ses coraux vivants. Un effort massif de restauration des coraux - la mission de la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : Iconic Reef - est en cours depuis 2019 pour restaurer le récif avec des coraux transplantés, en particulier ceux qui résistent le mieux à la hausse des températures. Mais même les greffes de coraux les plus résistantes sont désormais menacées. Les plongeurs impliqués dans la mission de la NOAA : Iconic Reef montrent comment les coraux cornes de cerf et cornes d'élan sont transplantés pour aider le récif de Floride à se rétablir. Les coraux constructeurs de récifs sont les espèces fondatrices des eaux tropicales peu profondes à cause de leur relation symbiotique unique avec les algues microscopiques dans leurs tissus. Pendant
la journée, ces algues effectuent la photosynthèse, produisant à la fois de la nourriture et de l'oxygène pour l'animal corallien. La nuit, les polypes coralliens se nourrissent de plancton, fournissant des nutriments à leurs algues. Le résultat de cette relation symbiotique est la capacité du corail à fonder un squelette de carbonate de calcium et des récifs qui abritent près de 25 % de toute la vie marine. Toutefois, les coraux sont très sensibles à la température, et la chaleur extrême de l'océan au large du sud de la Floride, avec certaines zones de récifs atteignant des températures dans les années 90, les a soumis à un stress extraordinaire. Un corail cerveau boulder, Colpophyllia natans, avant et après le blanchiment pendant la vague de chaleur marine de 2014 dans les Florida Keys. Photos de Michael Childress et Kylie Smith Quand les coraux deviennent trop chauds, ils expulsent leurs algues symbiotiques. Les coraux apparaissent blancs - blanchis - car leur squelette carbonaté apparaît à travers leur tissu clair dépourvu de cellules d'algues colorées. Les coraux peuvent récupérer de nouveaux symbiotes algaux si les conditions de l'eau reviennent à la normale en quelques semaines. Cela dit, l'augmentation des températures mondiales due aux effets des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des activités humaines provoque des périodes de blanchissement des coraux plus longues et plus fréquentes à travers le monde, ce qui suscite des inquiétudes pour l'avenir des récifs coralliens. Une unité MASH pour les coraux Cette année, les Florida Keys ont atteint un niveau d'alerte 2, indiquant un risque extrême de blanchiment, environ six semaines plus tôt que la normale. Les premières alertes et prévisions du réseau de surveillance des récifs coralliens de la NOAA ont donné aux scientifiques le temps de commencer à préparer les laboratoires et l'équipement, à suivre les emplacements et l'intensité de la chaleur marine croissante et, surtout, à recruter des volontaires. La température maximale de surface de la mer de cette année (graphique du haut) et les semaines de chauffage en degrés (graphique du bas), une mesure du stress thermique accumulé, sont les plus élevées depuis le début de la tenue des registres. Adapté de NOAA Au Keys Marine Laboratory, des scientifiques et des volontaires formés ont déposé des milliers de fragments de corail collectés dans des pépinières offshore menacées par la chaleur. La directrice Cindy Lewis a évoqué les réservoirs géants du laboratoire comme ressemblant à "une unité MASH pour les coraux". Des volontaires là-bas et dans d'autres laboratoires de Floride nourriront à la main les minuscules créatures pour les maintenir en vie jusqu'à ce que les eaux de Floride se refroidissent à nouveau et qu'elles puissent être renvoyées dans l'océan et éventuellement transplantées sur le récif. Les degrés-semaines de chauffage sont une mesure du stress thermique accumulé au cours des 12 semaines précédentes. À 4 degrés Celsius-semaines (7,2 semaines Fahrenheit), les coraux subissent un stress qui a la capacité de entraîner un blanchissement. Au-dessus de 8 semaines C (14,4 semaines F), ils sont susceptibles de subir un blanchiment. Montre NOAA Coral Reef Protéger les coraux encore dans l'océan I.CARE a lancé un autre type d'intervention d'urgence. La co-fondatrice d'I.CARE, Kylie Smith, écologiste des récifs coralliens et ancienne étudiante en sciences marines, a découvert il y a quelques années que les greffes de corail avec de grandes quantités d'algues charnues autour d'elles étaient plus susceptibles de blanchir pendant les périodes de température élevée. L'élimination de ces algues peut donner aux coraux une meilleure chance de survie. Les jeunes
membres de Diving With a Purpose assistent à une session de formation et à une plongée d'entretien des coraux avec l'équipe d'éducation à la conservation et à la restauration d'Islamorada à Islamorada, en Floride. I.CARE Le groupe de Smith travaille généralement avec des opérateurs de plongée locaux pour former des plongeurs récréatifs afin d'aider à la transplantation et à l'entretien de fragments de corail dans le but de restaurer les récifs d'Islamorada. À l'été 2023, I.CARE a formé des bénévoles, comme les jeunes plongeurs de Diving with a Purpose, pour éliminer les algues et les prédateurs de coraux, tels que les escargots et les vers de feu mangeurs de coraux, afin d'aider à augmenter les chances de survie des coraux. Surveillance des coraux en danger Pour aider à repérer les coraux en difficulté, des plongeurs bénévoles sont par ailleurs formés en tant qu'observateurs de récifs dans le cadre du programme BleachWatch de Mote Marine Lab. Les plongeurs sont depuis longtemps attirés par les récifs des Florida Keys pour leur beauté et leur accessibilité. Le laboratoire les forme à reconnaître les coraux blanchis, malades et morts de différentes espèces, puis à employer un portail en ligne pour soumettre des rapports sur l'eau de Javel dans tout le récif de Floride. Plus il y a d'yeux sur le récif, plus les cartes montrant les zones les plus préoccupantes en matière de blanchissement sont précises. Ian Enochs, écologiste de recherche et responsable du programme de coraux du laboratoire océanographique et météorologique de l'Atlantique de la NOAA, a découvert que tous les coraux de la région de Cheeca Rocks avaient blanchi au 1er août 2023. NOAA AOML Reconstruire le récif Bien que la vague de chaleur marine dans les Keys tuera inévitablement certains coraux, beaucoup d'autres survivront. Grâce à une analyse minutieuse des espèces, des génotypes et des sites de récifs connaissant un blanchissement, les scientifiques et les praticiens obtiennent des informations précieuses alors qu'ils travaillent à protéger et à reconstruire un récif corallien plus résistant pour l'avenir. C'est ce qui donne de l'espoir à Smith, Lewis, Nedimyer et à des centaines d'autres qui croient que ce récif corallien vaut la peine d'être sauvé. Les volontaires sont essentiels à l'effort, qu'ils aident à l'entretien des récifs coralliens, signalent le blanchissement ou sensibilisent à ce qui est en jeu si l'humanité ne parvient pas à arrêter le réchauffement de la planète. Michael Childress ne travaille pas pour, ne consulte pas, ne détient pas d'actions ou ne reçoit de financement d'aucune entreprise ou organisation qui bénéficierait de ce post, et n'a divulgué aucune affiliation pertinente au-delà de sa nomination académique. Source
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alexthegamingboy · 4 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 04/04/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld (Alicization Awakening) EP#36 (12) - Ray of Light: With 30,000 American players having dived into the Underworld, they begin to relentlessly slaughter everyone from both armies. Asuna, Alice, Bercouli, Renly, and Sheyta work to combat the American players. Vecta spots Alice and commandeers a Dark Knight's dragon and flies towards her. Meanwhile, Iskahn is infuriated with the sight of his guild being mercilessly slaughtered as soon as they finished crawling across the ravine. With the seal in his right eye being triggered, he grabs the eye, rips it out, and destroys it. With a fit a burning rage and determination, he jumps across the ravine. Iskahn makes a deal with Asuna to fight with the humans if she builds a bridge for his guild to cross. As Alice pulls ahead of the rest of the knights, she suddenly finds herself in a dark void and loses consciousness. Vecta's dragon grabs Alice and flies off towards the World's End Altar, with Bercouli giving chase. While the Pugilists and the Dark Knights remain to fight off the Americans, the decoy force pursue after Vecta. Back in the real world, Critter prepares to deploy another 20,000 American players to surround the decoy force. Vassago decides to dive in again on a "special" account. Back in the Underworld, the Americans spawn around the decoy force, with Sinon appearing shortly after and annihilating almost all of them.
My Hero Academia U.A. School Festival Arc Season 4 EP#82 (19) - Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part: Class 1-A assigns roles for their performance at the school festival, and Gentle starts preparing his next scheme. Meanwhile, Deku is in One For All training with Toshi talking about using wind pressure with his fingers. Finally, Eri arrives at U.A. with a new set of clothes.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#21 - The Mystery of King Crimson: Back on the boat, Bucciarati's crew wait for their leader while Giorno tracks the boss by following the ladybug. However, Giorno realizes that the group is experiencing erased time, with none of them remembering what had happened in between. Meanwhile, inside the church, Bucciarati lies bleeding from King Crimson's attack. Just as the boss is about to kill Trish, he is suddenly encased within a turtle made by Giorno's Gold Experience that replicates Coco Jumbo's Stand ability. Bucciarati drops the turtle through the floor into an underground stream. However, King Crimson quickly reappears and prepares to attack again, but Bucciarati uses his remaining energy to grab Trish and uses Sticky Fingers to lift them both to the floor above. Giorno finds them and heals Bucciarati; while Bucciarati's body appears to be deceased for a few seconds, he eventually begins moving again. Giorno signals the others, who arrive before King Crimson can reach Giorno and Bucciarati. The boss determines that he cannot fight them all without revealing his identity and decides to withdraw, allowing them to escape with Trish. On the dock, Bucciarati pierces himself on a metal spike but doesn't react in pain, confusing Giorno. Bucciarati explains his decision to protect Trish, and gives his crew the choice of following him or the organization. One by one they join him, with the exception of Fugo. Later, a mysterious person orders Squalo, a member of the boss's elite guard squad, over the phone for Bruno Bucciarati and Giorno Giovanna to be taken dead or alive.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Functional Recovery Training Arc EP#23 - Hashira Meeting: Tanjiro is pinned by Obanai but uses a breathing technique to break the ropes on his wrists and run to Nezuko, Giyū grabbing Obanai so he doesn't interfere. He stops by the porch and calls out to her, knowing he can't interfere directly. Nezuko remembers her family and controls her instincts, looking away from Sanemi. The Master takes that as proof she can be trusted and Sanemi stops, shocked. The Master tells Tanjiro and Nezuko to go out and defeat demons and prove themselves and Tanjiro declares the siblings will defeat Kibutsuji, though the Master gently points out he's so ill-equipped he'd better start with a Twelve Moon, embarrassing him - though the Hashiras warm up to him some, admiring his spirit. Two Kakushi take Nezuko (again in her box) and Tanjiro to the Kocho mansion. Tanjiro tries to come back to headbutt Sanemi for stabbing Nezuko again but Muichirō knocks him down with a well-placed pebble to the head. He is taken away again. As he leaves, the Master tells Tanjiro to give Miss Tamayo his regards, making Tanjiro realize he knows there are good demons. At the Butterfly Manor, the Kakushi look for someone to ask permission to enter and find Kanao, a Tsuguko (a swordsman trained by a Hashira). When they ask permission, she smiles but doesn't speak, confusing them. A Kocho girl interrupts them and escorts them to the infirmary. In it, Zenitsu is whining about the bitter medicine he must take to regrow his limbs, still deformed from the venom. Zenitsu and Tanjiro happily greet each other, and Zenitsu points out Inosuke, silently laying in a bed next to him. Tanjiro is relieved he survived and Inosuke hoarsely says not to worry, his voice damaged from the wounds he was given by Father. He's depressed and apologizes for being so weak. Nezuko is given a room of her own and she only makes it part way out of her box before falling asleep. Tanjiro affirms his promise to turn her into a human. The Hashira, meanwhile, resume their meeting. The demons are in an active phase right now and the Corps needs to recruit new members, and train them, as Mt. Natagumo made it clear the caliber of non-Hashira has plummeted. It's difficult to recruit in this era though as many don't believe demons exist and the more humans there are, the less unified they become. Only those who have lost loved ones to demons or those descendant from demon slayers are joining the Corps. The Master believes Rui's drastic actions confirm Kibutsuji is nowhere nearby as whenever the progenitor wants to hide something, he creates a diversion somewhere else that can't be ignored. After everyone leaves, the Master vows they will bring Kibutsuji down without fail.
Food Wars: The Second Plate Stagiaire Arc EP#36 - The Magician Returns: The next step of the Stagiaire reunites Soma with Shinomiya, who is opening a Tokyo branch of his French restaurant, Shino's. As the restaurant begins its first pre-open day, Soma witnesses firsthand the intensity of working in Shinomiya's kitchen and struggles to keep up with the rest of the staff. Thinking over his failures, Soma spends the rest of the week getting prep work done early so he can ask the other staff members for advice on how to become more efficient in the kitchen and learn new techniques. On the final day, Soma decides to enter a competition to create a dish for Shino's menu that he can call his specialty.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#112 - Humans Who Can Be Trusted: Reve prevents the exit doors from opening with chains. Luck suggests making Reve defeat herself by creating a doll that resembles Reve's human body, tricking her into thinking about and summoning a non-possessed version of Captain Dorothy Unsworth. Dorothy, who is normally asleep, turns out to be hyperactively cheerful within the Dream World. Meanwhile Asta finds it impossible to attack Droit while avoiding his lasers and Eclat's paralysing eyes. Henry throws himself at Droit and Eclat, draining their magic while sacrificing himself. Asta urges him to live and Henry realises he wants to live. He is saved by his friends while Asta manages to attack Droit. Droit recalls that when the elves were being murdered human royals used a magic item to steal their magic for themselves, and yet he realises Asta and the Bulls are nothing like the ancient humans and decides to allow Asta to nullify his and Eclat's reincarnations. As Gauche awakes he berates the Bulls for risking themselves for him when he only ever cared about Marie and not them, though the Bulls insist they consider him a friend anyway. Reve's Dream World begins to collapse from the magic of Reve and Dorothy colliding inside it. Dorothy disappears but urges Reve to consider that good humans exist, especially the Bulls. As the Dream World collapses, everyone reappears in the normal world and Asta nullifies Reve's reincarnation. With all the Bulls back together, Asta declares it is time to find Captain Yami.
Slightly Damned Page 957: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/957
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shokugekiocweek · 6 years
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So, it’s time for ShokugekiOCWeek, where you can create for your very own designed characters for the manga “Shokugeki no Soma”
It will take place 7. January 2019 - 13. January 2019 + one Bonus Day
Please remember to read the rules
And now, let’s get to the Prompts (you don’t have to necessarily follow them, but they may help to let the creativity bloom a bit or cast a nice challenge)
The prompts are sorted into: “Basic OC-Establishment Prompts”, “Shokugeki Arcs” + “One Radom Word Prompts”
You can only choose one of them, or combine two or...if you manage even all three, that’s totally up to you.
Day 1: Introduction / Entering Totsuki / Gold
Day 2: Cooking Class  / Trainings Camp /  Flowers
Day 3: Generation / Autumn Elections / Storms
Day 4: Ambitions / Stagiaire / Stars
Day 5: Free Time / Moon Banquet Festival / Fireworks
Day 6: Shokugeki / Central / Ice
Day 7: Friendship / Promotions Exams / Cinnamon
+ Bonus Day: Someone Else’s OC / Ink
Remember to tag your workpieces as #shokugekiocweek and/or #shokugekiocweek2019
Bonus Day is meant as a little extra thingie to bring the community a little bit closer together. But please, if you do that and create for an OC that belongs to someone else. Credit that someone as the owner of the OC.
If there remain any questions, don’t hesitate to ask
I look forward to your creations!
Mod would like to apologize for her uncreative editing, but this is really the best she could come up with after thinking about it for 3 hours or so.
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harumaki03 · 6 years
Dunno if anyone has thought about it but...
A few days ago I catched up with SnS (I was basically surviving with other's reviews and spoilers) because I had ZERO energy to read what started after the RdC arc. Uh, so yeah, I read since 263 to 288 in one day, thank you.
So, without the anxiety, the ships and all that stuff (reading calmly helps a lot to notice things) this doubt came to me: when BLUE started, Asahi told Sōma that the WGO checks the past history of battles and victories for each competitor, well yeah, I understand that "Dark Chefs" have a very risky life and probably have won a lot of battles more than all the Light Chefs that were invited BUT, ¿how they truly measure this? ¿How they keep a "history" of the battles of chefs that they didn't recognized until now? ¿The Dark Chefs have a database or something to keep a track of their stuffs?
Asahi went ahead thanks to his good history of battles and winnings but in the case of the Light Chefs, ¿none of them had enough in their pasts to get them the chance to at least go directly to the 2nd stage?
For example: Tsukasa Eishi, he was the 1st seat, he probably got challenged a LOT while in Tōtsuki and won, and of course with this he brought a greater recognition to Tōtsuki and the Elite Ten outside Tōtsuki too, so... Why he didn't started directly from the 2nd task or passed directly to the 3rd?
Also, not all of the Light Chefs that were invited to BLUE were part of Tōtsuki now or in the past (even for the Dark Chefs, the Shokugeki is something new and like heaven sent to them) so, ¿how the WGO can truly measure their "past history of battles and victories" to determine where they will start?
Because I can't honestly think that everyone go challenging other chefs to see who's the best and go writing their victories and defeats in a notebook (yeah, just like Sōma and Joichiro...)
Why didn't Sōma started, at least, from the 2nd task? When he returned from his Stagiaire he defeated a lot of people at Shokugekis, was at the final of the Autumn Election, during his Stagiaire did an amazing job at the two places he was sent, defeated a few Elite 10 seats and on so... Where's the trick here?
Probably I've been thinking too much about this, and maybe these questions will never be answered, but I'm certainly curious about it.
Maybe I'm the only one who got her head troubled with all this xD, but if anyone have any ideas/theories, please share it with me ^^.
That's all~, byebye~
PS: I got the feeling that the "Bookmaster" is a woman... ¿And you?
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ideographikbretagne · 2 years
Bilan n°1
Cette première partie chez idéographik a été très enrichissante sur plusieurs points.
Le domaine associatif, c’est la première fois que j’effectuais un stage dans ce domaine. La présence et le volontariat des bénévoles sont essentiels au bon fonctionnement. C’est ce qui fait également ses valeurs.
L'accessibilité, l’objectif principal de l’association est de permettre une communication accessible à tous par le design inclusif, l’esthétique est très importante également. Cela m’a permis d’avoir une nouvelle réflexion autour du design, différente de ce que j’ai pu voir dans mes précédents stages.
Partage de connaissance, j’ai la chance d’être en stage en même temps qu'Océane. Également en DSAA, elle est plus spécialisée vers le motion design et donc les logiciels d’animation comme After Effect. C’est grâce à ses conseils et le partage de ses méthodes que j’ai pu réaliser les animations sur la vidéo LSF. Idéographik accueille à chaque fois plusieurs stagiaires pour leur permettre des échanges de connaissance et le travail en équipe.
La vidéo, étant spécialisée dans les médias imprimés et numériques, je n’ai jamais touché à Premiere pro jusqu’au jour où Sabrina et Émeline m’ont appelé pour me présenter le projet. J’ai donc découvert le logiciel pour avoir un maximum de compétences avant mon arrivée. J’ai pu aussi utiliser avec de l’aide, After Effect. Cela me permet aujourd’hui d’ajouter ces nouvelles cordes à mon arc.
Je suis très enthousiaste à l’idée de retourner dans les locaux de idéographik pour faire la communication de cette vidéo à travers un article sur le site et une synthèse explicative. Et peut-être la vidéo du tome 2, mais nous verrons ça au prochain épisode.
Bonnes vacances idéographik !
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ihateuverymuch · 4 years
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Shokugeki no Soma Season 2 - Stagiaire Arc: Quail Stuffed with Risotto and Egg, Cheeky Youngster Style
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