#Starbucks sunday
builder051 · 8 months
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It’s Starbucks Sunday. I got a haircut. I’m having a nap now. I will wake up this evening to do chores. I’ll find a game to play. And maybe I’ll write something. :)
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randombrowngirl · 8 months
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Spending Sunday studying at Starbucks.
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rachellaurengray · 3 months
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solitaire-sol · 1 year
Sunday Snippet
Thanks for the tag goes to @soup-of-the-daisies!
My offering is a tiny fragment of an Immortal Sirius x Reincarnated (?) James idea that currently exists as a little more than a few snippets in a WIP folder and a leaf-pile of ideas in my head.
Yes, I know you, Sirius wanted to say, the truth in those simple words resonating through his body until his heart shivered like a glass vessel on the verge of shattering. I've seen your hazel eyes in sunlight, in moonlight, in my dreams. I've watched the wind off the sea tousle your hair into a tangle of black curls, run my fingers through those glossy locks until you fell asleep in my arms. I've memorized every line and plane of your body, tasted blood on your lips and wine on your tongue and salt on your skin; I've laughed as you glared at your formal finery as if it personally offended you, placated only when I promised to personally remove it at the earliest opportunity.
I've loved you for so long, loved your kindness and your cruelty, loved you in your brilliance and your despair, loved you through Hell and into madness under skies a thousand worlds away. I've always loved you, James, he wanted to say. I love you, still.
A band of gold glinted under the artificial lights, drawing attention to James' left hand, and Sirius swallowed the words that beat against his ribs like the wings of maddened crows; his unspoken confession seared his spirit as a mouthful of glowing coals would have burned flesh.
"No," Sirius smiled pleasantly, accepting James' offered hand with a shake that's just right for a new acquaintance, and not at all like the grip of a drowning man. "I don't think I've had the pleasure."
I have no idea who to tag, so consider this an open tag to anyone who wants it!
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evillillad · 1 year
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WE HOMIES NOW??????????
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look out i eat all of my moots <333
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lunaplush · 11 months
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Selfcare Sunday
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ciggarettedaydream · 11 months
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sunday funday🛍️☕️🫧🪽
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holedyke · 2 years
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unfeelingmyself · 2 years
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storyknitter · 11 months
Six Sentence Sunday/Heads Up Seven-Up
Tagged by @starknstarwars and @commander-krios (and a handful of others that are so far back in my notes, they're near-impossible to find - I'm sorry!) for these fic-sharing memes. Please consider yourself tagged if you see this!
Since "Shan-anigans" came in second place in this poll, I'll share the last bit that I wrote of it! It's more than 6-7 sentences, but we'll consider it interest earned ;) This is set in approximately 40ATC in some nebulous SWTOR future where Sanna & Theron are still happily married but mostly RETIRED FFS, Amareesa is about 13 years old, and their youngest Lucca, is training to be a Jedi. The basic plot? Sanna's diplomatic meeting goes sideways and Theron rushes off to rescue her -- while Reesie tags along to help, unbeknownst to Theron at first. Then they team up, hence... Shan-anigans :D
“Are you ready?” 
The question, asked in a crisp Imperial accent, startled Reesie and she whipped around to find a man in uniform, hands clasped behind his back and posture impeccable. She reached for the dirk attached to her belt and froze as the man began to chuckle. Her mouth dropped open in recognition.
“Dad?” she hissed and he grinned, spreading his arms wide.
“What do you think: do I pass muster?” His regular speech pattern was back, thank the stars.
She took a moment, inspecting his cover: The brimmed, military-style hat hid most of his implants and hair, though a small amount of salt-and-pepper peeked out at his temples. The jacket fit snugly across his shoulders, belted at the waist, and the starched collar of the shirt underneath seemed determined to strangle him. The boots were shiny and looked like they’d pinch his toes.
“It looks uncomfortable.”
It also looked nothing like what he usually wore and it was weird.
“Unfortunately,” he said, tugging at the collar with a grimace, “it is uncomfortable, but I’ll blend in.” He gestured to the pins on the front left panel of the jacket. “High enough rank to not be questioned at every corner, but not high enough to draw too much attention.”
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builder051 · 1 year
And… my handwritten notebook is full of story, the ink still glistening on the pages. I will see about putting up a teaser tonight, but unfortunately I will have to upload the actual content tomorrow.
Sorry. I’m a headcase. But you already knew that, right?
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
(was working all day yesterday ((12hr days i did not miss ye)) and could not get my shit together so, here is get your shit together sunday where you post your to do list and get your shit together!:
-get off this plane and get home
-im getting new floors put in this week and everything has to be moved!!! What great timing for finals!!! But this really just means my bookshelves and taking everything off so the shelves can be moved by the floor folk
-write at least 2 pages of final paper
-organize clothes and put in car for donation
-clutter clutter clutter bye)
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solitaire-sol · 1 year
Sunday Snippet
Thanks to @groundzero-v for the tag! This is a bit from one of two Victorian Prongsfoot AUs in my WIP folder (well, the other might end up Regency, we'll see). This WIP, unlike the other one, is also a Muggle AU.
Sirius paged idly through the letters, the once-pristine stationary yellowed by the passage of time; the flickering firelight hardly made for the clearest illumination, but no matter. He had read those lines often enough to know them by heart, memorizing each stroke of ink, charting the way that the letters began as a neat but childish scrawl and slowly straightened, loops and whorls coming to stand at attention like a line of soldiers. They had started out as nothing more than a child's ramblings, little stories about the woods and the fields around Welspryng Grange and crooked sketches of the view from James' windows, and over time the content of the letters had shifted, easing into open words of fondness and veiled words of love. The last few letters, postmarked after Sirius' departure from England, were pleading and furious and remorseful by turns, until the last letter of them all, which contained only a handful of lines and a final farewell. 'I should have burned them,' Sirius thought, knowing even as he thought it that he could never bring himself to do so. 'I should have let that be the end.' It had been his intention, at the time, overflowing as he'd been with heartache and the righteous outrage of betrayal; Sirius had enough money that he could permanently set up house on the Continent, if he cared to do so, and never set food on England's gloomy shores again. Yes, he should have burned the letters and he should have stayed away, and yet, he had done neither. Perhaps it was some lingering sentiment from the boy who had devoured those silly little stories about chasing rabbits and splashing in brooks, from the youth who had eagerly awaited the end of the holidays and the return to school and to James, from the young man who had pressed those lines to his lips and longed for the chance to bestow such kisses on the hand that had written them. Perhaps it was cruelty, a malice born of a soul-deep wound, that had driven Sirius' return to England and his violent intrusion into James' proper little life. If the latter, then the embers of that bitter fire now burned low, for Sirius could no longer find it within him to take pleasure in his manipulations, and James had changed as well. He no longer resisted Sirius' provocations, but that impossibly honest gaze was no longer clouded with conflicting emotions: The violence of their coupling had diminished, though the vigor had not, and there were times when those clear hazel eyes were laden with such unspoken tenderness that Sirius was forced to look away. Sirius could lie to anyone, except to himself, and Sirius knew that it had never been about revenge, about the petty amusements with which he could so offhandedly ruin other peoples' lives. It had always been about James, about James and Sirius and the innocence that they had lost when the world had intruded into their humble London apartments, when Sirius had believed that the return of the luxuries lost when his family disinherited him would ease their life together, not bring it to an end.
I once again have no idea who to tag it always makes me feel like I'd be bothering people??? so an open invitation, I guess!
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umarthiels · 1 year
[...] Oh, Starbuck! is it not hard, that with this weary load I bear, one poor leg should have been snatched from under me? Here, brush this old hair aside; it blinds me, that I seem to weep. [...]
fuck i cannot get over ahab asking starbuck to brush the hair out of his eyes it's such a tender moment and for WHAT
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maddogmp3 · 8 months
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can the wifi in my apartment complex stop being a bitch I HAVE EMAILS I NEED TO SEND!!!
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value2society · 2 years
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my favorite treat x it’s Sunday.
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