#Starkid reverse with a twist au
eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Some facts for the Starkid Reverse with a twist au
My co creator for this Au is @toringo
Lex was raised by ms Holloway
Hannah was raised by webby.
Wilbur is 25 and John is 35
John is tall and terrifying. He is a manipulative narcissist abusive jerk to Wiley
Wiley is sweet, naive and dependant on John
Holloway takes Wiley in after saving him from Hannah and webby.
Lex is powerful magic wise
Linda is good in this au. Still has the fiesty attitude. Her and Gerald co parent as exes
Linda and Wiley are gonna be a ship
Linda and Wiley throw axes together at a bar.
The lib and lex tease Wiley about his crush on Linda even though he doesn’t fully understand it’s a crush.
Nibbly and Linda have a wholesome sibling relationship.
Wiggly is overprotective big brother.
Pokey is still a theater kid but uses music to inspire others.
Tinky loves watches and works on them.
Blinky is a gossip boy who gives the tea about everything to everyone.
Gerald still isn’t allowed near a Cinnabon but Linda will get him a box of them when they exchange kids each week.
John uses affection and fake love as an intimidation tactic on Wiley. He had a way to get into someone’s head.
Wiley makes a deal with wiggly but it’s not a corrupt deal it’s more of a teaching moment.
Wiley’s magic is integrated with his emotions
Wiley still loves apples.
Wilbur changes his name to Wiley cause John use to refer to him as wilbur the piglet. Calling him a runt like in charlottes web
I will do a part two later
Bonus art made by @toringo
Lex and the lords in black teasing clueless Wiley about his crush on Linda 😂
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Things Wiley and the lords in black do together.
Pokey: listen and chat with him about musicals and songs ( Wiley was a theatre kid in school) also pokey is very shy about singing so Wiley tries to encourage him
Tinky: puzzles and chat about time and space. Tinky is actually very adhd but is a bit shy.
Nibbly: Cooking. Sooo Wiley can cook. Now he’s no 5 star chef but he can whip up something good for himself or get taught by Nibbly. Nibbly is very good at cooking and realizes Wiley does not eat healthy
Blinky: Go to watcher world or learn about social media.
Wiggly: well this is a hard one. See Wiggly is super wary and hates opening up. When Wiggly discovers that Wiley and him have stuff in common “ trauma, betrayal, feeling like you’re not enough of strong enough to protect those you love” so wiggly decides to be a mentor. He is the god of hope….so. He is a shoulder to listen to and he even teaches Wiley that it’s okay to get mad.
The lords in black also love to tease Wiley and pick on him but it’s more of a fun thing but a mean way. They also try to give him advice and it’s sometimes hilarious of the shenanigans that happen
They all get to bond in a fun brotherly way
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Thinking about the opposition of ugly vs. pretty in Twisted.
The musical introduces in the first song the concept of how good looking people have good things happening to them no matter what. It's of course to make fun of the fact that, especially in Disney, the good looking characters are heroes who end up getting everything even when not doing much, and the bad looking ones are villains who can make plans all they want, they will still lose; it also serves the purpose of showing the townspeople naivety.
Ja'far is often described as ugly/not easy on the eye ; in return, we see he's a very active character, who faces struggles and difficulties daily, which work with the idea of ugly = must work hard to get things done.
Now, Aladdin. How attractive he is is not really described in the musical, but we can guess he's attractive. It creates an opposition with Ja'far, but it's not just that!
Aladdin can get any girl he wants despite his terrible personality, which already indicates a certain charm. To add to this, Aladdin doesn't feel the need to work ; he expects things to work his way, while he does whatever he wants. If the town's common belief is that "If you're good and you're attractive, no need to be proactive! Good things will jus happen to you!", then we can see that if he's good looking, Aladdin would definitely live up to this belief.
To add more to it, Jasmine's behavior with Aladdin very much has a "young fangirl who see an attractive bad boy character with a tragic past" vibe, where she will excuse anything he does and put the blame for his behavior on others first.
"Fortune favors the beautiful," says Ursula, hammering once again this idea in the story. Idea that knows its first objection with Gaston's "Au contraire!". (Funny enough, it just so happens to be at the same time Ja'far is doubting what to do, when he's hesitating to use magic, a thing he had believed to be fake until recently, and when he realizes he can't apply the Golden Rule, his strong belief, in this situation. Like there's a parallel of breaking characters' beliefs.)
At the end of the musical, things get reversed. Ja'far, the ugly one, gets a happy ending without really trying ; he gets turned into a Djinn, and let someone else make the decisions. He's not even active in granting the wishes, since he doesn't know what being granted "every happiness" entails for him. He is happy and becomes a passive character, watching the story. Aladdin loses everything ; now he works by selling old stuff, and no matter the plans he had made in the musical, he failed. His only way to get a happy ending is by telling a story. And this work perfectly if he's supposed to be pretty.
Anyway, all this to say, Jeff Blim plays Aladdin, who is supposed to be good looking, and I agree with Starkid's casting.
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Part 2 of Starkid Hatchetfield Reverse with a twist Headcanons/facts
@toringo helped me with this.
Wiley was born in Clivesdale, but he moved to Hatchetfield at age 6 after his parents have a nasty divorce. Lived with his aunt and uncle.
Wiley is a science and sci fi nerd.
Wiley when drunk is a confident but clumsy open numbskull.
Wiley is a lightweight when it came to drinking. So he gets very drunk very quickly and it’s hilarious
The lords in black are usually very goofy, fiesty and kind but the minute they mad and I mean RAGE mad they go into a very monsterous forms
Lex can drive a motorcycle.
When Linda messes with Wiley’s hair he blushes hard.
Linda actually helps Wiley boost his self esteem. The more she stays with him the more confidence he becomes.
John tries to break Wigglys spirit but ends up creating a monster who wants to become the judge, hurry and executioner of this horrible cruel world full of bad people.
Wiley use to only get 4-5 hours of sleep (John messed with his sleep and anxiety medication) so he gets up at 5 am.
Tinky loves puzzles and owns at least 100 fidget spinners, puzzles and rubix cubes
Pokey loves all kinds of music. He tries to help people by using a small “ spell” to have them sing from the heart
Blinky loves phones and tablets.
Nibbly has a pet snake named “ Ramen” cause he loves ramen noodles
Wiggly loves training and books. He loves dnd too.
Wiggly is the lord of hope
The first time Linda and Wiley danced it was to a cute slow dance. Wiley had no idea how to dance do Linda took the lead. ( Lex and Pokey might of set it up secretly 😏)
Bonus art: angsty art. John is an evil Bastard and poor Wiggly. John is showing wiggly clips of the bad humanity causes to the world and the news and stuff to make wiggly believe that there is no good in the world.
Made by @toringo
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Lovely Art from by the lovely @toringo who is my co maker for this au
Reverse with a Twist:
Warning: this au mentions topics of abusive relationships and trauma.)
1st Picture: Au Pokey & Wiggly ( both good)
2nd Picture: Wilbur wanting to help the lib after he unwittingly helped trap them in peip. Wiggly is not happy.
3rd Picture: John is a narcissist toxic boyfriend who not only made Wilbur homeless for helping the lib escape peip, but he also left Wilbur to starve for 2 years then appears to make him beg for forgiveness.
4th-7th Picture: John being a sleep paralysis demon and stalking Homeless Wilbur.
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Hope you like the art. If you have any questions ask me or @toringo
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Soooo. A new au, idea. It’s a reversed au but not everything is changed. Peip is evil, church of the starry children is good. Lib are good. ( a bit timid) webby is evil. Wilbur is good. John is evil & manipulative narcissist man who gets under Wilbur’s skin. Holloway is Wilbur’s teacher with magic. The kids are mostly the same. ( Hannah or lex could be evil) stuff like that
Reversed but a twist au.
( not everyone will be switched)
The lords in black is the same title but it’s a misconception. The black isn’t evil.
Tinky has a missing horn.
Blinky is blind but uses his many eyes to see.
Pokey is mute.
Nibbly loves animals. Loves meat but loves veggies.
Wiggly is a father/brother figure. But has been mia for years ( might be kidnapped by webby)
Wilbur & Miss Holloway is the lords parental figures.
Wilbur is very shy and hasn’t full control of his magic yet.
The church of the starry children of Wiccan work and try to keep the magic of the lords safe.
John is like a crazy ex who loves to scare Wilbur cause Wilbur refuses to fight him.
Peip are NOT good people. CCRP MIGHT be good? 😏
Big WARNING: This au will have topics of toxic abusive relationships, trauma, PTSD, abuse of different kinds except SA. Drinking, death and horror.
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Thought process for Hatchetfield reverse with a twist
@toringo is my co maker and the artist for the au
I was thinking of how the au would effect the guy who didn’t like musicals black Friday and Nerdy prudes must die.
Wellll……this one is tricky.
For Black Friday:
there is no wiggly doll. There could he a Webby doll ( but I need to be careful cause I have seen other tumblr accounts already do this. Sooo….i need to not accidentally steal an idea. ) I’m thinking that it looks like a creepy little girl doll with spider eyes and a spider pet on her arm.
Things happen the same way except storylines aren’t in there or are different.
One idea I have is that Lex is trying to earn money to maybe find her sister. The idea basically is she knows she had a little sister cause her mom let it slip but refuses to tell her what happened. ( this will be dark later on story wise) Lying saying she gave her up in California. Ethan does still exist cause he’s was funny.
Another fun idea is that Wiley goes with Linda to go get these dolls cause he’s trying to help her with Christmas. ( I’m still debating whether he is immune to the dolls charms or not)
Linda won’t be The cult leader sooo I need to think of who to replace her with.
The scene with made in America I’m thinking is replaced with a very special person lol. Not John…. But John the ass will be in the story.
I feel Linda would get corrupted but Wiley is able to snap her out of it.
Becky I kinda want to replace Linda cause it would be funny. Maybe Tom joins her the webby doll promising to help Tom make Tim happy with Becky as a replacement for Jane ( I have no idea lol)
I don’t know if the president should be corrupt or he wants to use webby to have more power over the USA butttttt that’s fails cause “ webby is a manipulative bitch lol”
The lords especially wiggly has to go to the mall and try to stop the madness. He and webby get to have a fun sibling fight.
Nerdy prudes must Die:
This one I really have to think about
I kinda want the same thing to happen but the kids accidentally unleash webby. OR webby was the one who brought max back from the dead. ( she’s a bitch like that. And the other lords gave to stop her from messing things up.
It would be cool if Wiley came to help the kids explaining things.
Also. This is @toringo headcanon but Ted and Wiley are cousins. Sooo that makes Peter and Wiley first cousins once removed. So Wiley will want to help Peter and keep him safe.
Grace still gets a villain arc at the end.
Max either goes to webbys drowsy town or gets his soul sent to heaven by the lib ( still up to debate lol)
This is all I have right now. I need to chat with my friend to figure things out. Lol
( these ideas are not canon yet. Just ideas)
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eclipsewarrior101 · 4 months
Starkid Reverse with a twist idea
Here me out
the other lords in black singing
“ Fixer upper” from Frozen to Wiley about Wiggly
Wiggly wants to strangle them but he’s blushing while Wiley is starting to smile and at the end they nearly kiss.
I’m sorry but the other lib teasing Wiggly due to a crush on a human is hilarious and adorable.
Yes lex is also singing too
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eclipsewarrior101 · 4 months
Reverse with a twist starkid rambles.
( might not be canon yet. )
This au is made by me and @toringo
Paul & Emma get to be an evil musical couple who trick Pokotho. ( I don’t know but I just love the thought of an evil couple acting all manipulative to a hod who just wants to does music)
Hidgens is still a nutcase 😂 but he’s actually not bloodthirsty, he’s just eccentric. He would be Pokeys teacher.
Melissa DOES not do what she did in hey Melissa ( no no no!!!) instead she kidnaps cat cause she lost her pet as a kid and she starts an cat worshipping cult. ( no none of the stuff in hey Melissa happen. ) okay Ted might nearly die but that’s it. But….the cat cult worships a cat god. ( kinda like in Scooby doo on zombie island kinda thing.
Tom gets with Becky. But…Becky was the one who killed Jane ( I’m sorry )
Frank is the same but he’s a bit unhinged. He has a rival toy store owner. ( my oc lol)
Charlotte killed her husband but got away with. Ted knows.
Watcher World is more less scary though people think it’s weird. Blinky does pop in ( though Wiggly wish he wouldn’t)
The shipping for Wiley might change. I thought Linda but I also it would be funny is Wiggly who always preaches that humans are dangerous to his brother accidentally catches the love bug.
Charles & Eddie are neutral. Yes they still have the fighting ring but….Eddies cares a lot about the kids. ( he might have a personal reason for it. )
Grace is still herself but she’s a rebel. She likes Max but she also wants to please God.
Bill is more attentive to Alice but more cause he wants her to help his image.
The lib can change to humans but it won’t last long.
The Sniggles are adorable puffballs and love their masters. They are like spies or watchers for wiggly cause he knows his brothers are curious
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
Things Wiley does while bonding with the Lords in black and the church of the Starry kids in mine and @toringo au Hatchetfield Reverse with a Twist au
Pokey: Chatting with him about about Theatre and music. He helps pokey gain confidence with his voice. Pokey is very shy
Tinky: plays puzzles and chats about timelines. Tinky is very adhd and ocd so Wiley learns to help him when he’s overstimulated and overwhelmed. He has many fidget spinners for him
Blinky: learns about social media.
Nibbly: cooking with him. Nibbly helps Wiley learn he can eat healthy since this numbskull doesn’t eat much or eat healthy.
Wiggly: chat/vents with him about the day. Wiggly listens to Wiley like an older brother. He also learns to let out his anger in a healthy way ( cause Wiley never had Marburg his stress or anger)
Lex: he chills with her and learns how to drive a motorcycle. She also teaches him what kids are into these days.
Linda: hang with, chill with. Go on dates, learn to be confident and gain a better self esteem. Learn to take care of himself and dress better.
Holloway: learn to harness his magic abilities. Has a mother figure to learn from ( was raised by his uncle. Moms kinda not a nice lady)
Enjoy these little bonding moments for these characters.
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
I’ve made a separate blog for the Starkid au me and @toringo are working on.
Hatchetfield Reverse with a Twist au
Link below.
Ask questions if you want.
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