#Starlit Starfish
projectpeak · 4 months
The fashionista, and somewhat leader for the Starlit Starfish is here! Everybody welcome Cee!
She was born in Inkopolis in a mansion with her family members. Because of her wealth, she was a bit oblivious to real life problems until becoming an adult. Watching her older cousin gradually reach the top as an idol brought out some competitive urges in her, and she began looking for bandmates of her own. She's in charge of the visuals and artistic design, as well as the lead guitar and vocals. Lots of responsibilities! Although hardworking, she tends to daydream and envision scenarios, as well as focusing a bit too much on how she presents herself. Her focus on such details occasionally messes with her playing on stage.
Otherwise, she's very loving of her bandmates, a bit strict, and very fashionable.
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Some news my sweet baby starfishes,
Nothing bad I promise, this is just because i don’t want anyone to think i’m lost in a ditch or anything
I’m going on a school retreat for the rest of the week so as of tomorrow afternoon i’m gonna be on a little bit of a hiatus until sunday (maybe saturday if i’m not sleeping and catching up on all my work)
but i just wanted to let you guys know so you don’t think i’m ignoring you because i promise i would never ever! (also so that if i don’t come back you’d know to call the vatican because one of the ghost nuns got me and my ghost will haunt the mansion forever)
Anyway, my asks are always open, as are my dms so if any of you ever need anything or just want to scream into the void i’ll be right here <3
and also I’m gonna have a mini celebration for 200 followers (because i still have like 100 requests from my first one)
moots because i love you mwah: @loving-and-dreaming @loverliner @sw34terw34ther @beezywriting @writtenbyldr @munsonsreputation @honeymunson @babyrunsforfanfic @steveharringtonsleftshoe @harringtonssangel @the-eternal-seeker @ishqhai-aapse @remen-nyoodles @i-live-you-die-i-tell-your-story @dori-and-gray @shadesofsteve @just-another-godless-god @toadstool-amongst-the-tulips @nutellani @starlit-epiphany @unadulterated-syd @woahlifehitsyahuh @siriusblackstwin @diorgirl444 @sp1rit-realm @nyxxxxxxxx @new-romqntics @l0ttiee @esperisdrunkinwonderland @masivechaos @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @puppy-coded @auroracalisto
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By the light of the stars
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Pairing: Varda x Uinen (Varinen)
Themes: Soft | Fluffy
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.1K words
Summary: Varda finds Uinen on the beach, singing. What happens when she stays a little longer? 
Want to be tagged? Want to know the rules? Read all here. 
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The sky was clear. Uinen watched it come alive with a million stars, their light illuminating a field of inky black. She marveled at the sights around her, at the skill that went into creating them. The light from the trees was beautiful, but in her mind, nothing was as beautiful as the light of the stars.
The queen had outdone herself. No one thought such beauty was possible, but Varda proved them all wrong. Uinen looked at the sky again. The long tail of a shooting star was visible as it flashed across the sky. She lay back, her head resting over folded arms, and watched as one shooting became two, and two became three. Three quickly turned into a shower of shooting stars, their tails blazing brilliant white trails against the darkened sky. It was breathtaking. Overwhelmed by the beauty she was witnessing, Uinen started to sing. It was a haunting melody that carried through the air and mingled sweetly with the seagrass that swayed in the wind and the waves that lapped at the shore.
"Ulmo spoke highly of your singing, but I confess, I did not believe him until now."
Uinen rose to her feet with a start. "Your grace," she said, dusting her skirts and fixing her hair. Then she remembered her manners and dropped into a deep curtsy. "My pardons. I did not know you were here." 
Varda stood barely a foot away from her. Her hair, black as the sky, moved in the wind like ink spilled into water. Every time it caught the light of the stars, it glittered as if each strand had stars hidden within. She wore no crown; a crown was not needed. A dress of the deepest, richest blue clung to her fana, its colour popping out against the soft amber of her skin. This was the first time Uinen had seen the queen in person, and she was in awe.
"There is no need to apologize," Varda said. A dazzling smile lit up her starry grey eyes. "Truth be told, I should be the one apologizing. After all, it was I who disturbed you. May I join you, Lady Uinen?"
Uinen nodded and sat down. The grass was soft and smelled sweet. She looked around after making room for the queen. Varda was alone. "Pray where is the king? Your heralds?"
"Last time I saw the king, he was chasing his herald through the halls of Ilmarin, laughing like anything." Varda's eyes glinted with amusement. "My own heralds are occupied with the Eldar."
"So it is true, then? The Lord Commander is the Elder King's consort?" Despite being chosen and crowned, Varda and Manwë had little inclination to wed each other. They preferred to look for love and companionship elsewhere, and one appeared to have struck good fortune on that score. The king had taken his herald and general as a companion. The revelation filled Uinen with curiosity. Who would the queen take for her own?
“Very much so," Varda said. She glanced at the Maia curiously. Uinen's hair was the colour of a starlit sea, all black and blue with streaks of silver. It flowed past her waist in thick waves.  A tiara of pearls and seashells and starfish, prettily wrought in gold, sat amidst her hair. Burnished copper skin brought out the turquoise in her eyes.  
One day, some fortunate soul will get to drown in those eyes. Varda looked away, her cheeks aflame. The thought had come unbidden. Still, it was true. Uinen had the most beautiful eyes Varda had ever seen. They were soft and dreamy and filled with delight. And her voice... Varda had never heard anything more haunting in her entire existence. Each note was like a dark hook, burying itself deep within her spirit and pulling her in. Instead of fighting its call, she yielded instead. 
"The sky is all the more beautiful now because of the stars." Uinen laid back again and sighed. She heard the cries of elves nearby. The fishermen of Alqualondë were bringing their boats in. A good catch, by the sounds of it. "Even the light from the trees cannot compare."
"Best not tell Lady Yavannah then." Varda smiled, her chest puffing with pride. The stars were her favourite creation. "She will be most wounded if she hears."
Uinen smiled back. "Tell me, Lady Uinen." Varda lay down as well, her head resting over her folded arms. "What do you do when you are by yourself?"
"I sing," she admitted. "It is the only thing that calms Ossë's temper. Sometimes I go over there..." She pointed to a walled city by the sea. Blue-white light shone out of lamps wrought in filigree silver, illuminating white walls and beautiful white ships. "And stay with the elves that live there. Sometimes I just lay here and watch the stars."
Varda felt her hands turn into fists. Ossë was Ulmo's herald and rumoured to be Uinen's lover. It meant Uinen sang to him. Soothed him when his temper was a fearsome thing to behold. Held him and comforted him, all while he gazed into her eyes. She could only listen and envy Ossë's good fortune. It shamed her. Varda was queen, yet she envied a Maia she met only once or twice, and over another Maia she had the pleasure of meeting only a few moments ago. And yet... and yet... Ulmo never said Ossë and Uinen were lovers. Perhaps she should ask and learn the truth of it all for herself. 
"My Lord Ulmo is grateful for my singing," Uinen said. She kept looking at the stars, ignorant of the turmoil in the queen's mind. "For even he cannot calm Ossë's many moods sometimes."
"Ossë is a most fortunate Maia to have one such as you for a companion," Varda quickly eased into what she wants to say. She listened with eager anticipation. Everything depended on Uinen's answer.
Uinen laughed merrily. Varda thought the sound was as sweet as her singing. "Ossë is far too unpredictable and temperamental for my tastes. One of us is bound to drive the other to madness before long. Do not get me wrong; he is good and kind and generous, to be sure," she said, "but far from what I am looking for in a companion. I am still searching, your grace."
How it pleased Varda so. And how she seized the opportunity with eager hands. She needed to get to know Uinen at least before approaching her more formally. After that... she would leave the outcome in Eru's hands. 
"Can I come here again?" Varda asked her. "I will not get in the way, I promise."
Uinen turned and looked at her. She saw hope in the queen's eyes and something else. Something rather sweet. It spoke of many promises and wonderful things that lay ahead. All she had to do was say yes.
"Yes," she said, her smile quick and warm. "It would honour me if you did."
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Tags: @cilil | @asianbutnotjapanese​ | @fictionfordays​ | @floraroselaughter​  
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writings-by-m · 2 years
Aurora Borealis glimmers overhead, standing in awe
Late night hikes with the dogs, enjoying an endless starlit sky
A night out to dinner with friends, sharing food and fun
Skiing down mountains at Alyeska, riding the lift in the evening and watching the sunset
Kayaking at Orca Island, spotting starfish stuck to the cliffside
All anyone could ask for in a dream home
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universalinfo · 10 months
Unforgettable Family Vacations in Hawaii: Discover 7 Kid-Friendly Wonders
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Ever dreamed of sinking your toes into the sun-kissed sands of Hawaii with the sound of waves playing a melodious lullaby in the background? If yes, you're about to embark on an exciting virtual journey to one of the world's most captivating destinations. 
Family vacations in Hawaii are nothing short of magical, with the perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural exploration. In this blog post, we’ll unravel seven awe-inspiring adventures that cater to tiny tots, teens, and every age in between. Let’s take a look, shall we?
1. Beach Bonanza: Sun, Sand, and Surf
Hawaii boasts a spectrum of beaches, each with its unique charm. Picture this: Golden sands stretching infinitely, the ocean sparkling under the sun, and a serene horizon beckoning you.
For the younger members, Hawaii's beaches are a giant sandbox. Let their imaginations run wild as they craft majestic sandcastles, hunt for seashells, or simply chase the gentle waves. 
Teenagers? They're in for a treat. Surfing lessons from local experts will get their adrenaline pumping. They can ride their first wave under the warm Hawaiian sun, with the Pacific wind cheering them on. And let’s not forget a family game of beach volleyball or frisbee, followed by a cozy evening bonfire.
2. Luau Love: Dive into Hawaiian Culture
The heartbeat of Hawaiian culture can be best felt at a traditional Luau. Picture a warm evening under starlit skies, torches illuminating the night, and the rhythmic sound of drums echoing in the distance.
Kids will be entranced by the tales of ancient Hawaii, narrated through dynamic dance moves of hula dancers. Their vibrant costumes, fluid dance moves, and expressive storytelling are an absolute visual treat. 
But that's not all. Participate in craft demonstrations, watch the unearthing of the pig from the imu (underground oven), and wrap up the night with a sumptuous island feast. With poi, kalua pork, and coconut haupia on your plate, your tastebuds are in for a dance too.
3. Hiking Heaven: Explore Nature's Best
Nature’s masterpiece awaits those who seek it in Hawaii. Verdant rainforests, fragrant eucalyptus groves, and trails lined with colorful flora beckon families to embark on a hiking adventure.
For starters, how about a leisurely walk in the bamboo forests? Listen to the soothing sound of bamboo stalks swaying with the breeze. Seek out hidden waterfalls where you can take a refreshing family dip. 
If your clan is more into challenges, take on the trails that lead to panoramic summits, gazing upon the vast expanse of the ocean and the quilt-like pattern of the islands. Remember to pack some snacks. You’ll find countless scenic spots to sit, relax, and relish a delightful family picnic.
4. Marine Magic: Underwater Wonders
Hawaii's underwater world is like a vibrant canvas painted with a palette of colors. Dive into this aquatic wonderland to discover a world that’s bustling with life.
Snorkeling is an adventure that’s both fun and enlightening. Float on the water's surface and peek into a universe where corals form intricate designs, and fish of all shapes, sizes, and hues dart around playfully. If you're lucky, you might even spot a friendly sea turtle gliding gracefully.
For the little ones, tide pools along the shores offer an opportunity to spot tiny marine creatures in their natural habitat. Crabs, starfish, and little fishes become the stars of their fascinating stories.
5. Volcano Ventures: Discover Earth's Wonders
Imagine standing at the edge of nature’s most thrilling masterpiece: a volcano. Hawaii’s Volcanoes National Park is a place where Earth's fiery power meets the skies, creating a landscape both awe-inspiring and humbling.
Begin with the captivating sight of the active Kīlauea volcano. With its hissing steam vents and simmering lava lakes, it's a vivid reminder of our planet's dynamic nature. Children can turn into little geologists for a day, collecting volcanic rocks and learning about the Earth's crust. 
As the day proceeds, drive down the Chain of Craters Road, a route filled with lava flows, scenic vistas, and memories waiting to be captured. And when night blankets the park, a starry canopy unfolds above, perfect for some family stargazing.
6. Historical Hubs: Travel Back in Time
History isn’t just in books; in Hawaii, it's etched in every corner, every monument, and every folklore. Delve into tales of bravery, discovery, and cultures intertwining at places like the Pearl Harbor National Memorial.
Here, stories of the past come alive. Guided tours paint vivid images of events that have shaped not just the islands, but the world. Interactive exhibits, replete with audio-visuals, offer an immersive experience for kids. They're not just learning; they're time-traveling.
And it’s not just about wars and sailors; ancient Hawaiian temples, or Heiaus, tell tales of a rich cultural tapestry that predates any written history. Let the stones, artifacts, and ancient structures take your family on a journey through the centuries.
7. Adventures in the Air: Helicopter Rides
The islands, stunning from the ground, are a breathtaking spectacle from the sky. A helicopter ride over the diverse landscapes is an adventure your family will reminisce about for years to come.
Soar over emerald valleys carved by ancient rivers, hover beside cascading waterfalls that seem to pour straight from heaven, and get a bird’s eye view of volcanic craters that once roared with molten fury. Each twist and turn in the air unveils a new vista, a fresh perspective. It's Hawaii like you’ve never seen before. And with the pilot sharing intriguing tidbits and island secrets, it’s an educational joyride too.
Dreams and Wishes Travel: Crafting Memories in Hawaii
Every moment in Hawaii is a memory in the making. But ensuring those moments are seamless, magical, and tailored to your dreams? That's where we come in. At Dreams and Wishes Travel, we craft not just vacations but experiences.
From choosing the right beach resort with kid-friendly activities to ensuring you have the best seats at the most authentic Luau, our expertise transforms your vacation into a storybook adventure. 
Thinking of a surprise sunrise picnic for the family? Or a private tour of hidden gems? We've got you covered. Our meticulous planning means you get to relish every Hawaiian sunset, every splash in the ocean, and every hiking trail without worry. We're here to sprinkle that extra magic, ensuring your Hawaiian vacation is truly a dream come true.
Hawaii is not just a destination; it's an experience. From its rich history and vibrant culture to its awe-inspiring landscapes and thrilling adventures, Hawaii promises an unforgettable family vacation. And with Dreams and Wishes Travel by your side, every moment in this paradise will be meticulously planned, leaving you free to soak in the magic.
 Let’s embark on this wondrous journey together and turn your dream Hawaiian vacation into reality. Ready for an adventure?
Read More:
Discovering Hawaii
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Once upon a time in a bustling underwater world, lived a tiny shrimp named Shelly. Shelly was known for her vibrant colors and playful nature, always exploring the nooks and crannies of the coral reefs. One sunny day, while swimming near the surface, she spotted a massive figure casting a shadow over the ocean floor. It was James, a very large man who sported a ridiculously small mask on his face and had a reputation for being super weird.
Despite the odd appearance and behavior of James, something in Shelly's heart fluttered whenever she saw him. She couldn't explain it, but she found herself drawn to his uniqueness. James, on the other hand, had a soft spot for the underwater world and its inhabitants. He often wandered the shores, wearing his small mask, and talking to seashells as if they were his confidantes.
One day, Shelly mustered the courage to approach James. To her surprise, he welcomed her with a wide smile. As they spent more time together, Shelly discovered that James had a fascination for the mysteries of the deep and an unmatched sense of humor. Their conversations were filled with laughter, as they shared their thoughts on everything from starfish fashion to the wisdom of jellyfish.
As their friendship grew stronger, Shelly's feelings for James deepened. She found herself falling in love with his quirks, his laughter, and the kindness he showed to all creatures. And, just as James accepted the underwater world for what it was, he embraced Shelly for who she was.
One day, a grand event was organized in the underwater city, featuring a special guest performer: Ja Rule, the famous musician and now a proud transgender woman. The event brought together creatures from all corners of the sea, including Shelly and James. As they danced to the rhythm of Ja Rule's music, Shelly's heart swelled with joy, realizing that love had a way of transcending boundaries.
In the end, Shelly and James's unconventional love story became an inspiration to all who witnessed it. They showed that it's okay to be different and that sometimes, the most unexpected connections can lead to the deepest bonds. As they swam together beneath the starlit waves, Shelly and James knew that their love was a testament to the beauty of embracing the weird and finding love in the most unexpected places.
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Dreams (Dad!Maul, tomato kids and Starlight
Anyone want some angst???
@apocalypticwafflekitten @dvthomir @patchiefrog @phantomofthenormandy @tupdidtherightthing @vinciwolf
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“It was nice to be part of your dream.” Danica says joyfully to Maul.
He furrows his brow, “ That’s an odd thing to say, Dani.”
The family sits under the stars, Starlight asleep and head resting on his shoulder. Aster and Cress also asleep with the stars shining on them. His family close at hand...
“ Your dream. All of this...all of us.” She smiles up at him, unfazed by his growing confusion.
“All dreams end...and when the sun rises even the stars go away.” She closes her eyes, “ You had such a nice dream I wanted to be a part of it.”
Maul feels panic begin to rise, “Danica what are you talking about?”
“It’s time to wake up, Maul”
The stars are gone, replaced by mounds of dirt and junk.
Trash heaped about and the bones of whoever has fallen.
Starlight has vanished from his side. Cress and Aster are no longer under the stars...they aren’t anywhere near just a rat that scurries past.
“I told you.” Danica now sits by the fire.
Maul screams as he finds his body once again in the state it was on Lotho Minor. His outstretched arm wiry and nails elongated. Leg...legs out. The spider appendages...
A dream?
How can it be a dream if Danica was still here? His little Star...proof of his life away from this place.
She shakes her head, “You made it all up...a nice dream and right now it’s ending.” She looks up, “The sun is coming up...”
Danica named after the morning star does as all stars do as the sun rises.
She’s disappeared...not that she was ever there to begin with. None of them ever were.
He screams out their names and tears through the trash.
“ Maul wake up...” a panicked voice, “oh my Dawn wake up...”
Starlit eyes are what he sees. He shakes. “Are you real?”
Starlight whispers something as their face echoes sadness, “I’m real. “ they take his hand to press to their chest, a thruming heart beat.
“You are on Dathomir. It’s been 15 years since we left Mandolore. We have three children who are all in bed. You are home Maul.”
He needs to be sure and walks to each room. Cress spread out like a starfish as he sleeps. Aster with long hair draped over her pillow. Little Danica with her bear and fairy lights.
He’s home. He isn’t dreaming....
Starlight brings him back to their room and holds him close, “ This is real...it’s real”
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bibbumblebee · 3 years
Whoa, I’m actually doing it again! Another Friday, another excerpt of a much larger fic I hope to begin posting regularly…and soon!
Have some more Elliott (guest starring farmer Charlotte).
“Who’s there?” Charlotte asked, approaching the figure. Whoever it was, they were sitting on the edge of a tidal pool overlooking the sea. In the distance, the ocean roared and chewed away at the sand on the shore in an endless feast. While the sea was beginning to turn as black as the sky above, the water in the tidal pool, Charlotte noticed, was nearly glowing, as if it had absorbed the light of the sun and moon and reflected it back to the stars.
The shadow turned at her voice, and suddenly a large gust of wind ripped across the shore. Charlotte noticed long hair billow out from begind the figure and knew suddenly who it was.
“Elliott?” she asked.
When she was able to make out features, she found the writer sitting with his legs stretched out along the rocky rim of the tide pool. His pants, as usual, were rolled up to his calves, his feet bare and covered with sand. Charlotte quietly took a seat at his feet and watched him carefully.
His eyes remained trained on the glowing tide pool. The greenish blue hue illuminated both within and without the water, illuminating the features on Elliot’s face—all his angles and curves. Charlotte was reminded of the pre-Raphaelite paintings she studied in school, how perfect and sharp their faces were. His cheeks were dark along the sides, the slant of his jaw, his nose, his brow lit nearly white by the starlit water. His shirt, Charlotte noticed, was a little too big for him, and it hung loosely around his neck and shoulders. Charlotte could glimpse the curve of his collarbone and the thin cords of muscle in his neck as he titled his head, gazing intently into the mystic shallows of the tide pool.
“Elliott…?” her voice could barely be heard over the roar of the ocean behind her, but she noticed the slight twitch in Elliott’s arms at the sound of his name. “What is it?”
His eyes moved upward from the water and rested on her face. A chill went down Charlotte’s spine as she held Elliott’s gaze. His eyes, usually the color of spring, were now the color of undiscovered planets, of secret forests and whispering spirits. His copper hair shone.
“What’s the matter?” she asked. She shivered in the cool night air and hugged herself for warmth.
“Nothing.” He held her gaze for a moment more before glancing away.
She paused, unsure of what to make of this new, sullen Elliott. “I, um, do want to come back to the party with me?”
“Party?” his voice held no interest, which surprised Charlotte. Elliott was nothing if not vocally expressive.
“Yeah,” she said. “Abigail, Seb, Sam, Emily, and I got some beers and have a big bonfire up the shore. Leah’s there now too. It’s warm there.”
Elliott looked up the shore where the light of the fire was just a rippling dot on the horizon. “Are you cold?”
She stared at his bare arms and feet and noticed, then, that he was soaking wet. “Aren’t you?”
“Doesn’t matter about me,” he replied. “Are you cold?”
Charlotte stretched her legs and carefully slid off the side of the rocky pool. Minding the sharp rocks and seashells, she made her way to Elliott’s side and felt his arm. He was freezing cold, as cold as the ocean.
“Did you go swimming?” she asked, feeling the goosebumps on his forearm.
He pulled his arm away from her touch. “It helps clear my head.”
She sighed. “It’s a good way to catch a cold, too.”
He folded his arms across his chest and watched as a starfish took one long stride across the bottom of the tidal pool. “I’ve been writing.” He did not look at her as he spoke.
“Oh,” she said. She followed his gaze to the starfish, and together they watched it settle itself down into the nook of a large rock. Elliott seemed fascinated by the creature, but Charlotte could feel the tension rolling off of him in waves, hardening the lines of his body and pulling him tight, like an instrument waiting to snap. She had never seen the writer like this before.
“‘The starfish clings to its life as I cling to this rock,’” Elliott said, sounding as though he was reciting some long-forgotten fable. “”We both grasp something we cannot comprehend. We simply know we cannot let it go, for we exist here and only here, on the border of isolation and the unknown.’”
“Grasp something you can’t comprehend…” Charlotte thought about Leah, and the way she had sunk to her knees in the sand, tears in her eyes. Of course, Sam had asked her what was wrong, but all Leah had said was, He’s being ridiculous. I don’t understand it.
It couldn’t be a coincidence, could it?
Elliott turned and looked at Charlotte then. His eyes, now turned away from the glowing pool, were as dark as the sea beyond. “Did you know that nearly 300,000 different species live in tidal pools?” he asked abruptly. “And without these pools, those creatures would simply cease to exist?”
“Elliott…” Charlotte began. Her voice sounded worried, even to her own ears. “Are you okay? Are you sick?”
Elliott shrugged, and, she noticed, had begun to shiver a little in the cold night air. His hair dampened the front of his loose shirt, and his hands, usually large and solid, turned nervously over one another in his lap. He glanced between her and the sand, as though looking at her caused him some inexplicable pain. “Is it better to be alone in the familiar or thrust into the company of the unknown?”
“Are you…are you asking me?”
“I don’t know.” His voice fell so low Charlotte could barely hear him. “I thought I did, but I don’t.”
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illia-ast · 5 years
Character Features : Illia
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Fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by. Repost & tag away!
Joyful. ๑  An air of peace.  ๑  Inquisitive.  ๑  Wanderlust
Strangers, a polite nod and a smile.  ๑  Familiar folk, a smile and a small wave.  ๑  Those she’s fond of, a hug.
Mint  ๑  Tan  ๑  Rolanberry Red  ๑  White  ๑  Black  
Spices  ๑  Old Parchment  ๑  Clean fabrics.   ๑  Leathers.
Stockings and hose  ๑  High-heels  ๑  Leather  ๑  Detailed fabrics  ๑  Skirts and shorts.  
Her spear  ๑  Hunting knives  ๑   Glasses.  ๑ Travel bag.  ๑  Sketchbook. 
Keeping people at arm’s length.  ๑  Burying pain and negative feelings/thoughts.   ๑  Is tea a vice?   ๑  
Open/unguarded stance.  ๑  Almost always smiling.  ๑  Very expressive with her ears and tail.  ๑  Talks with her hands. 
Getting lost in the forest. ๑  A cozy library ๑  Rainy days with tea.  ๑  Nap? Nap. All the naps, all the cozy spots. 
TAGGED BY: @a-sharlayan-abroad thank you! ♥
TAGGING: uhhh... who hasn’t done this yet?! @gildedandgolden @trc-xiv @tales-of-wanderer-sal @starfish-ffxiv @starlit-cat @sophicpriestofmenphina and whomever is reading this that hasn’t done it yet!
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zamboxious-sims · 6 years
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Pool | §68,892 | 30x20 | 3bath
Cats and Dogs | Get Together | Get to Work | Jungle Adventure | Dine Out | Spa Day | Outdoor Retreat | Toddler Stuff | Backyard Stuff | Kids Room Stuff | Perfect Patio
I'm giving Oasis Springs an "Island Getaway" makeover! This is a community pool for the family rentals neighborhood. Even made a seashell and starfish in the pool out of lights!
Originally on the Agave Abode lot in Oasis Springs
moveobjects cheat is enabled
No CC used!
Download: [simsfileshare] (tray file) | [s4gallery]
Available on the Sims 4 Gallery, Origin ID: zamboxious-sims
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projectpeak · 2 months
It appears that not just Out Cold is having some fun in the sun! The jazzy quintet, the Starlit Starfish have reported they are taking a break from their on-stage activities to enjoy the last half of the summer warmth, and brainstorm future albums.
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projectpeak · 5 months
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Introducing The Starlit Starfish! A quintet band that go after anything shiny and valuable. The two leads, stage names Cee and Blue, supposedly started their career as a duo, and when that didnt go as well as they thought, they seeked out other opportunities, landing themselves in the band you see today! From left to right, Aoiki, Macho, "Cee", "Blue", and Serpena.
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projectpeak · 5 months
Born in the tropical archipelago known as "The Inku Isles", without any assistance or family members to guide them, Aoiki ventured on by themself and taught themself how to survive in the wild. From infant to teenager, they learned how to fight for their territory and scavange for resources. Through starved nights and shedded blood, they were able to escape the island and departed for the city. ...At least, it WAS true, until their fellow bandmates discovered the so called "Inku Isles" couldn't be located on any map, nor was it talked about on the news or given a name in the first place. With holes now in Aoiki's story, whether or not they were actually raised that way remains a mystery. But what is confirmed 100% true, is that they are one impressive saxaphone player! They dont talk as much as their partners do, but their love for music is apparent in both their body language and jazzy sax playing. Introducing..Aoiki the blue crab!
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projectpeak · 4 months
Even though singing has always been Serpena's interest, she has a fear of being on stage and disappointing those around her.
Not much is known about her past, for she doesn't speak about herself too often. She was introduced into the band by Aoiki, who accidentally heard Serpena's singing before, stating that it was that of an angels. When the band's eyes were now laid on her, she couldn't do anything but let out a squeak of terror. They didn't give up though, through building up trust and courage they helped Serpena come out of her shell and feel more confident in her vocals. She's found a home in her friends, and it helps soothes her worries. Everybody turn to Serpena! The water snake backup singer.
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projectpeak · 4 months
Blue is the youngest in the group, but there's no doubt he holds just as much talent as the rest. He grew up in a very small and humble environment with his mom, who was bed-ridden for most of his teenage years. He never participated in turf wars and usually spent most of his time taking care of her and making sure she was okay. He sung her songs and tried out a few instruments, giving himself enough skill to show it off to the world when she got a little better. Currently, she stops by the studio to drop off lunch for him, or to tell his bandmates stories from when he was little, some more embarrassing than others. And although they poke fun at him for it, he really wouldn't have it any other way.
Here's Blue! The bassist and vocalist!
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projectpeak · 4 months
Former actor and currently, the drummer for the Starlit Starfish, Macho is strong-willed and independent. He takes great pride in both his movies and drum skills. And although his buff, slightly intimidating exterior, and his bulbous....personality, he has a kind heart with a drive for creation. He was born in Inkadia, in a section of Inkopolis known for its acting and entertainment focus. He often jumps from hobbies and careers, and he only ever got big as an actor. When he got bored of shooting movies, he switched to music and found an indie band in search for a drummer. They hit it off, and it's where he is now. It's unknown if he'll stick on this path or turn to a different interest, but for now, he seems happy with his bandmates. Lights! Camera! Action! It's Macho!
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