#Stella Korazon/Reilly Mosswolf
author-a-holmes · 2 years
Okay give me the rundown on Stella because I think I'll love her
*vibrates with excitement*
Okay, okay, okay, Stella is my baby, so I'm afraid, since you asked about her, I might end up drowning you in details.
Stella is my main character for Stolen. She starts off the book as, what's known in world, as a Jack-Thief. This is a freelancer thief, unaffiliated with a guild, who dabbles in all types of thievery.
(Stolen Spoilers beneath the cut...)
Through plot events, she finds herself alone and in a strange city, and is approached by someone who wants her to steal some documents. They claim the documents belong to them, and that they're just reclaiming property that's already been stolen from them. Stella doesn't quite believe them and refuses the job.
She then finds this same person has broken into her room later that night, and realises this wasn't something she actually had a choice in.
The whole starting inspiration for Stella was I wondered what would happen, how things would play out, if an amature thief successfully stole plans from a guild master, in the very heart of their own guild, and then tried to sell those same plans back to him.
And that's what Stella does. She steals the papers, because she doesn't have a choice, and then tries to trade them back to the guild master she took them from in exchange for help escaping the city.
What my poor baby doesn't know is she's just stepped into the middle of a turf war between two guilds, and escaping the city isn't in any way, shape or form, a possibility. The group she's just betrayed has a network across the land, so there's nowhere for her to run.
The guildmaster offers her protection instead, and she takes it, and that's really the foundation of the plot.
Stella's wonderful to write though, she's truly so much fun, because there's so much dichotomy to her character.
She was raised in a very particular manner that gives her an unusual outlook on the world. Some things she's very worldly about, she's not shocked by sexual advances, or open flirting, or lying, or betraying people... and other things she's been kept very sheltered from. Like genuine caring relationships. Support and positive encouragement. Trust based relationships. Murder and violence.
And while it doesn't come up in the first book, until the very, very, end, and Stella herself doesn't become aware of it until Book Two, there's a very specific reason why she was raised in the way she was.
My other MC for Stolen, Reilly Mosswolf, will spend a great deal of time undoing the damage that's been done by her isolation, and when Stella finally realises how she was manipulated, it may or may not break her, just a tiny bit *evil smile*
And have some gorgeous art I had commissioned of Stella and Reilly, just because you asked about her, and I can't stop sharing this piece. It's gorgeous, and it was done by @knuttydraws
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knuttydraws · 2 years
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Can't remember the last time I drew something unrelated to Dragon Age, but @author-a-holmes broke the spell 😆 So here they are, Reilly and Stella from the unpublished "Stolen" novel. They were absolutely delightful to draw and now I love them ❤
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indecentpause · 3 years
"Never seen me before? It doesn’t matter, if you’re comfortable, you are still welcome to tell me all about any projects you’re working on!"
*Nervously clears throat, and steps up to the podium*
Hi there! I'm Ari and I'm here to ramble about Stolen!
It's my baby, and it's taken over my life. It started as a stand alone novel idea, but then I got about 1/3rd of the way through it and realised that I had waaaay too much plot for one book, so I went back to my outline and figured out I had at least enough for three books. Then my best friend (FaelanVance) said it felt unfinished, and I should probably do a fourth, so I took another look at the plot and now it's a 6-book epic Fantasy series, with heavy romance undertones.
*blows out breath*
So Stolen is actually book one in the series, Stolen Stories. My main character, Stella Korazon, is a jack-thief. A thief unaffiliated with a guild, that can turn their skills to a variety of different types of thief jobs. When she finds herself in the City of Antillune, she is approached by someone from a local guild and is bribed/coerced/blackmailed into stealing some plans from a second guild in the city.
Halfway through the job, she decides that she can take the plans, sell them back to the guild master she's taken them from, in exchange for the gold to run from the guild that initially hired her. Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for me or I wouldn't have a book, it doesn't quite go according to plan! Instead she ends up under the protection of Guild Master Reilly Mosswolf (Spoilers, her eventual love interest).
90% of my cast are thieves of one stripe or another, and the book is full of heists and rescue missions, and Stella learning about how a guild works and functions, or at least how Reilly's guild works and functions. She's unknowingly stumbled into the middle of a turf war between the two guilds, and inadvertently has become a powerful piece on the board.
Which will become much more obvious in book two, when things begin to heat up between Vine and the original Antillune Thieves Guild! Book two, Takeover, is my current writing project, while I edit Stolen. I'm only about 40k into book two but it's already ramping up to be a lot more tense, both on the rivalry front between the two guilds, and the slowburn budding romance between Reilly and Stella.
My goodness you have so much going on!! That’s impressive! I love thieves and charlatans and rascals and I’ve always liked the idea of a thieves guild, and a turf war is always interesting to read about! ALSO HEISTS YES I LOVE A GOOD HEIST
I’m so glad you were brave and reached out! I’ll definitely keep an eye on this and anything you might share about it!
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Stolen Stories;
Prequel - The Lost Mosswolf
Book One - Stolen
Book Two - Takeover
Book Three - Origin
Book Four - Loyalty
Book Five - E
Book Six - N
The Stolen Stories are a Romantic Epic Fantasy series. The manuscript for book one, Stolen, is already completed, but I didn't want my first, bumbling, foray into the world of self publishing to be done with this series.
This series, and the characters of Stella and Reilly specifically, are my darlings, and I love them too much to use them as a learning experiance.
A combination of learning, and finances, means that I don't plan to publish Stolen until the first half of 2025. With six books in the series, at two books a year, the Stolen Stories publication should span 2025-2027, with the prequel "The Lost Mosswolf" replacing the Fey Touched Trilogy's free prequel story on my newsletter.
The Lost Mosswolf
Blurb Pending
It had been a long couple of weeks for Stella Korazon.
When a simple pickpocket job that goes horribly wrong sends her entire life spinning into chaos, Stella must figure out how to navigate the treacherous world of Moryann alone.
Finding herself in the City of Antillune she is quickly pulled into the middle of a brewing war between two thieves guilds when she finds herself coerced into stealing from Guild Master Mosswolf.
Surrounded on all side by rogues, liars, spies and betrayal, it's a constant struggle to know who she should trust, but standing in the heart of it all, can she find somewhere, or someone, to call home?
Blurb Pending
Blurb Pending
Blurb Pending
E- Currently Unnamed
Blurb Pending
N- Currently Unnamed
Blurb Pending
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author-a-holmes · 15 days
OC Musical Tag Game
Thank you @noblebs for the tag (HERE).
Tagging Forward, with no pressure, to; @sleepyowlwrites, @jasmineinthenight, @tyne-sharrow, @rumeysawrites
@cycleofash, @innocentlymacabre, @aalinaaaaaa, and anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag :D
How To Play: I want to know what 1-3 songs you feel best embody a character from your WIP/s, either in general or at this moment in the plot.
Day 3/3 for these, and I'll track down a few songs for Stella Korazon. I have a bit of a twist with Stella, because I enjoy creating music videos with clips, so... I have a couple of her already put together.
Rachel Platten - Fight Song
I found this song for Stella when @faelanvance asked me what Stella's "Soundtrack" would be if Stolen was made into a move or tv series. Couldn't resist making a music video to it after I tracked it down.
Like a small boat on the ocean Sending big waves into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make an explosion
Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart A Break
This one still feels like a Stella Song to me, but it's a very niche perspective, in relation to how she feels about Reilly as the books progress. Again, a song I couldn't resist making a video to for the characters.
Now here we are so close yet so far Haven't I passed the test? When will you realize Baby I'm not like the rest Don't wanna break your heart Wanna give your heart a break I know your scared it's wrong Like you might make a mistake
Daughtry - Wild Heart
The only one here I haven't made a music video to (yet). This just gives me such strong Stella Vibes. She's been stifled for a long time, and over the course of the books, she's allowed to grow and blossom into this person with so much live and vivacity in her.
Take me back To that fire in your eyes 'Cause I know it ain't gone too far Take me back to you and to your wild heart, yeah To your wild heart, yeah You used to be the girl that set the world on fire And they doused your soul in water, but the flames reached higher You'll always be the one that keep me crazy inside And if you got a wild heart, don't you let it die
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Find The Word Tag Game
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the Tag!
Tagging forward, with no pressure, to: @wordsacrossemptypages @amewinterswriting @talesofsorrowandofruin @talesfromaurea @blind-the-winds @faelanvance @ambiguouspuzuma @sleepyowlwrites @authoralexharvey @ashen-crest and @serialephemera -- Also OPEN TAG to anyone who wants to play.
Your Words Are: Wet, Cold, Grey/Gray, Broken, and Tired.
My words were Frost, Dust, Burst, and West. I only had 2 of these in Changeling, and only 1 in Darkling, so I've gone back in time a little and done a "Find The Word" tag game for Stolen.
Stella, my beloved, I have missed you...
Taglist for Stolen: @josephinegerardywrite @strangerays @minamoroz @sleepyowlwrites General Taglist: @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @athenswrites @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea @minamoroz @faelanvance
Frost Ice (No frost, only ice)
Stella watched a whirlwind of emotions swirl their way across Indre's features at Nilions words. A splash of confusion, a dash of anger, and a wisp of fear. Frustration, annoyance, nervousness, determination, all vying for a place within her eyes, before she tightened her shoulders and the emotions vanished behind the kind of mask that Stella had seen soldiers wear hundreds of times.
"Then if you're heading for the basement, you'd best be on your way, girl," Indre ordered, a bite of ice in her tone that had Stella backing up another step in spite of herself.
If she hadn’t already known that the building was a base for a guild, the moment that her booted feet sank into a thick plush carpet would have told Stella something wasn’t right.
No dust rose around her as she stepped across the room, and the bed in the corner had fresh sheets. She paused at the door, listening intently for any movement on the other side, and when all she could make out was silence, Stella slipped out of the room and into a wide hallway with various doors scattered along both sides and a flight of stairs at the far end.
"Time to call the mother hen, then," he grumbled, "get Dara's fussing out of the way sooner rather than later."
"Honestly, you could do with some mother henning," Stella teased, "you look like shit."
He gaped at her for a moment in surprise, until she burst into delighted giggles, and he took a single self indulgent moment to just watch the blonde laugh before he forced a scowl on to his face, despite the ache it sent through his cuts and bruises.
"Thank you, Stella, you really know how to stroke a mans ego," he growled, sending her into fresh peals of laughter as he shook his head...
There was a flicker of recognition in his expression before his features settled back into stoic indifference, and Stella snatched her hands away and took a step back, stuttering an apology.
"Ah, you're Reilly's newest project," the elf said, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, and crossing his arms as he studied her, "I thought he'd have you shut up inside a glass box, protected from even the mere mention of 'Vine'."
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author-a-holmes · 5 months
Hi detective
Your characters go to a hat shop because for plot reasons they need fancy/silly hats to survive a Situation. What do each of them get?
Hello Sleepy, darling. Thank you for the fun ask, and apologies as always for the delay <3
Lizzy would hate this so much because she'd feel like everyone was staring at her. And the last thing she wants is to be the centre of attention. So she'd probably pick something that she'd be able to use to hide behind...
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For Andric, I'll admit to this one being entirely self indulgent. I don't think it's possible for a man can look bad in a leather fedora with a braided band.
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Reilly would absolutely lean into the silly. This is the man who dressed as a female prostitute to complete a pick-pocket job once. He has no shame, and would probably think it's a great, hilarious, game. Something very Mad Hatter-esque. Maybe with a veil of some sort. He'd claim is was for anonymity, but really it would just be because he could.
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Stella! Stella wouldn't even know what sort of hat to buy if she was looking for fancy, and for silly she wouldn't know where to shop. She's nothing if not practical, so she'd probably let Dara pick for her... which would end up with a fancy hat. Dara likes nothing more than dressing Stella up in silks and lace and velvets, just to watch Reilly's jaw bounce off the floor.
I've grabbed this image from the 1969 Hello Dolly! with Barbra Striesand specifically for the warm colours since I think it would go with Stella's golden yellow hair, but honestly, any of the hats from the costumes in that film would be something Dara would pick out for Stella.
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And now I may have to put the DVD on because I have all the songs stuck in my head lol <3 Thank you for the ask lovely.
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Hi detective love
Pick one (or a few) ocs and describe a typical outfit. And, of you're feeling fancy, a nicer outfit for some event. Reference photos are optional.
Hello Sleepy, darling <3
How. How did you know that I'm actively working on compiling Artist Reference Sheets for my characters right now? :D
I don't actually have any set up for my Fey Touched project (yet!) but I do have some for Stolen, specifically Stella and Reilly.
And, since I know you've expressed an interest in Stella before, lemme share some of her preferred outfits...
Shoving it below a cut because it's image heavy <3
Stella Korazon (Stolen)
By choice, Stella dresses for simplicity and effectiveness. She dresses in muted browns to help her blend in, and likes clothes with pockets to keep her thief tools easily to hand.Her boots are her most expensive item, because she travels across Moryann. They have to be sturdy, hard wearing, comfortable, and also silent when she’s breaking into people's homes.
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Her leather trousers are also well worn with travel. Stella’s pants are laced closed, and also have lacing on the lower half of the leg so they can be adjusted around boots, or for riding.
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For shirts, Stella is partial to long tunic style shirts. Usually in linen or wool, and still in muted tones although she sometimes departs from brown to other natural dyed colours such as greys, greens, or blues.
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Her tunics are usually long enough to hit the pubic bone/half way down the ass. The sleeves will be narrow, or tight. She can’t have loose sleeves when picking pockets. The reference image below has open sections on the sleeves, but they might also be solid fabric. Her shirts are really the area Stella has a variety of styles.
The neckline could be wide, as in the reference image, or it might be close to the neck, or it might be v-neck and laced.
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Stella also wears a thin brown leather belt. It’s long, and wraps around her waist twice, before being tied off in a loop-like knot.
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Attached to her belt, usually on the left hand side, is one small brown leather pouch. It’s where she keeps her thieves' tools.
Stella's never really had an opportunity to wear a nice outfit to a special event, until Book Two, Takeover.
I send her and Reilly to a ball and have to put my scrappy little thief into a gown so I may or may not have put my Highschool textiles design class to use and drawn her a dress...
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The dragonfly brooch is worn on her hip and can be used to hold back the skirts to give her a larger range of movement. Additionally, hiding beneath it's tail and wing segments, this dragon fly is hiding an intricate set of lockpicks.
The lovely Knutty (@knuttydraws) accepted a commission of Stella (And Reilly) based on these details, so I'm just going to show that picture off at the end, because I never get tired of staring at it...
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author-a-holmes · 10 months
Happy STS! I'm turning your question back on you cause I really wanna know. What's a line or scene from your works that you're proud of?
Hello hun! Thank you for the ask <3 I hope your weekend's going well!
I'm not gonna lie, I thought this would be an easy one to answer but I've been staring at my screen for ages trying to pick just one line/scene.
Do I share my most recent one? Or the first time I remember reaading back a line and falling in love with my own words? Or something in the middle of all that?
I've finally settled on a scene in book two of my 'Stolen Stories' series, where Stella runs across a creature I've designed called the Krilla-Setika. I really love this scene in part because it was quite fun to write Stella just falling back in base insticts, her fear overiding thought when she's usually very held together, but I also just really loved describing the creature I'd created.
It was great fun adding details for the reader, the longer Stella stared at it, and just upping the creep-factor as it advanced on her...
They retraced their steps back towards the window they'd used to enter the building, moving quickly but not quite falling into a run as Reilly pulled them both to a stop at every corner so he could carefully check the next hallway. It was the soft clicking sound of claws against stone made them both pause, but Stella could already tell it wasn't coming from the hallway Reilly was in the middle of checking, her free hand landing against his shoulder as she glanced behind them and froze. It looked like a weasel, with large bat shaped wings, but it was huge. Almost twice as large as the mountain lions that roamed the peaks to the north and as Stella stared at the creature that seemed to be dripping shadows of smoke, its clawed feet clung to the wall and it skittered up to hang from the ceiling, it's wings spreading wide as the finger-like hooks at the wing tips embedded into the walls, bracing the creature and keeping it in place as Stella backed away. "Don't run," Reilly hissed in her ear and she shivered, eyes transfixed by the creature before her, but the longer she stared the more she saw. Scales covered its body, but it was somehow still translucent. She could see the hall behind through it's smokey form, and she shook her head, her skin crawling with the desire to get as far away as fast as possible. "Stella, don't run," Reilly warned again, his hand still curled around hers, but the creature tipped it's head at Reilly's voice, and she took another step back at the movements of a hunter, a predator, and she wanted nothing more than to flee. "Walk, don't run..." Stella could hear Reilly, knew the man well enough to know that he had to have a reason for the recommendation, but as the mass of dripping shadows began advancing slowly, her control snapped and she turned on her heel, dashing for their exit with Reilly's hand still grasped in hers.
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author-a-holmes · 1 month
Hug! I love you.
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Love you too, Sleepy one <3 <3
"Why did you have to knock over the bloody vase?" Stella grumbled as she and Reilly ran through the streets of Antillune, the city guards barely a street behind them, and gaining. "It's not like I knew it was there!" he shot back, but Stella could hear the laughter in his voice and rolled her eyes as the pair of them spun around another corner. Piles of autumn leaves, slick with fresh rain almost sent Stella's feet skidding and only the firm grasp of Reilly's hand on her elbow stopped her from going over entirely. "No," Stella growled at him once she was sure she was going to stay on her feet, "It's not like I said anything like 'Be careful as you clamber in after me, there's a bloody great vase on a side table'!" "Can... can we argue about this later?" Reilly asked, laughing outright as he tried to catch his breath between his chuckles and staying ahead of the guards but as Stella shot him a fresh glare over her shoulder it just sent the guild master into a fresh round of snickers.
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author-a-holmes · 6 months
Belated OC Kiss Week
I was sick when Kiss Week was on this year, and I was very VERY much looking forward to those prompts.
So I'm taking advantage of the fact that I need some promotional posts next week across all my socials, and completing the prompts a month late.
And I'm loving some of these prompt fills I've come up with tonight.
My favourite part about OCKissWeek is that I get to play with characters that are either on the back burner, or who don't always have POV scenes of their own within the main books I'm working on.
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author-a-holmes · 10 months
Hi detective
In honor of Thanksgiving (for me) what are some things your blorbos are thankful for?
Hello Sleepy, Darling. I hope you're having a lovely holiday with the family etc etc.
As for the characters, and what they're grateful for...
Fey Touched Trilogy
Lizzy's grateful for Booker specifically. Lizzy can count her friends prior to coming to the mortal realm on one hand. On one finger, in fact, and she relies of Booker a lot.
Andric is grateful for a lot of things. His work, his friends, his training. He's grateful that he's settle in a job he can find fulfillment in, that he gets to protect people. He's grateful that he has a handful of good, reliable friends, and that above all of them Nameer will always have hsi back. He's grateful that his training means he's capable of managing complex situations alone, that he doesn't have to rely on his family, but he's also grateful that his family will support him, should he ever need it.
Booker is thankful to Madeline Hail, Lizzy's mother, for taking him in as a child. He was half dead from grief when Maddy came for him, and he absolutely knows he wouldn't have survived without her intervention. Even if he wasn't grateful for it at the time.
Stolen Stories Series
Stella Korazon is a tougher one to answer for. The way she was raised she was specifically taught not to be thankful to anyone except her Da', so early-days-Stella that would be where the answer might stop. Later stages, when she begins to question some of the ways she was brought up, Stella might be inclined to be thankful that some of the choices she made panned out the way they did. And be thankful that Reilly didn't decide to kill her for the way their first meeting went down. So, ultimately, she's probably grateful that the guild master's an inner softie.
Reilly Mosswolf is thankful that he's surrounded by people who care about him. That the guild was left to him by his mentor, and that Stella walked into his life just when he needed a bright ray of sunshin. Reilly tends to live in the moment, so the things he's thankful for are things that actively affect him now, rather than long-term gratefulness.
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Hi detective
It's blorbsday! How tired are your ocs? Are any of them insomniacs? Do they ever get eight hours of sleep? (In this economy? In any economy?) Have they been Questing and therefore are rather bedraggled? Tell me.
My OC's are all tired. Mostly of me, tbh :D
Jokes aside, Reilly Mosswolf is an insomniac. He doesn't sleep well at all, and on the rare instances he does fall asleep, all of the members of his inner circle know to just cover him with a blanket wherever he's curled up, and leave him be.
Most of the time, he has a potion that will knock him out for a few hours, to help him get enough rest to function, but without it he'll wake every hour or so with nightmares.
There is a scene in book two where he's shocked to find that sleeping with Stella beside him seems to ward off his night terrors, but although her presence does help Reilly to relax enough to fall into sleep, Stella's presence isn't a cure-all long-term.
Stella doesn't have nightmares until book 2, Takeover. She has to do something that horrifies her and she avoids sleep for a while until Reilly helps her face what's scaring her so much. In general she sleeps well, but always wakes early. A Lifetime spent travelling on the road has trained her body to wake with the sun, even when she's not had enough hours sleeping.
As for the others, I don't think anyone in the Fey Touched Trilogy struggle with sleep at the moment, that may change in the future and post-the-end-of-the-books in particular. They're going to go through some things that, I think, resulting in nightmares might be a realistic expectation. *evil grin*.
Disclaimer: Answered August 10th. Scheduled for September 12th
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author-a-holmes · 2 years
Find The Word Tag Game
Thank you @sleepyowlwrites for the tag!
My words were; example, explain, exit, excite. and BONUS: extreme, exalt.
I'm going to use Stolen for this. I've not done a find the word for Stolen in ages, and I know you've taken a liking to Stella :D
"It's not like she joined their Guild and flipped on them, Reilly."
"No, but if we can protect her, and prove that leaving Vine for our guild is safe? We could get hold of some of their actual members who might be willing to defect," Reilly explained, surprised when Dara frowned.
"So... you're making an example of her?"
"What?" Reilly squawked, "No! I'd protect her even if we had nothing to gain, you know that! She's got potential, she's a good thief, and she got taken advantage of; she doesn't deserve to die."
Dara watched him splutter as he tried to explain himself, and shook her head with a sigh, "Perhaps, then, you should make a point of asking if she minds being paraded around as an example of how safe our guild is? Otherwise, the girl's liable to run out on us in the middle of the night."
“Ah yes, we never really got around to the introductions, did we?” the man by the window asked rhetorically, a note of amusement to his voice, “You may call me Hawk since that’s how closely I’ll be watching you. My friend over there is Backup, and that’s all you need to know about him,” Hawk explained lightly, indicating the large and still hooded shadow behind her.
Stella risked another glance at the man by the door to her room, and when she did, he made a show of cracking his knuckles slowly, each joint making a sharp snapping sound that seemed to echo around the quiet room.
“He’s a bit on the dramatic side, but he has his uses,” Hawk spoke again, drawing Stella’s attention back to him
"I was just heading to grab some lunch..." Stella began, but the abruptly expressionless look that Indre shot her had her forcing a small smile onto her lips and agreeing regardless, "but I suppose I can grab some food later. It's fine. Where are we going?"
"Just one of the meeting rooms," Indre explained, and Stella continued to follow half a step behind the woman, making note of exactly where she was being led.
When Indre finally stopped and opened a seemingly random door, she held out an arm for Stella to enter ahead of her, and after only a tiny moment of hesitation, the blonde stepped past her and into the room, eyes already seeking out any available exits.
"You missed dinner," Reilly said softly, concern and relief fading from his voice now in the face of her unbridled excitement, and when she blinked at him in shock, the only expression on Reilly's features quickly became amusement.
"You missed lunch, and then you missed dinner, and no one had seen or heard from you... I was about ready to activate the tracker on your ring," he told her, and if it hadn't been for the hint of laughter in his voice, that Reilly barely seemed capable of holding back, Stella would have thought the man had been scared for her.
No 'Extreme' or 'Exalt' in Stolen <3
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Hi detective
Your ocs are now flowers in a bouquet. Tell me about it/them.
I'm going to do some fast googleing on the Victorian Language of Flowers to answer this ask, but since I'm not particularly confident in my googling powers, I'm going to put the meaning I've found under each one as well. So potential... hints? of spoilers? beneath the cut :D
From Fey Touched there's...
Lizzy Hail: Brugmansia aka Angel's Trumpet
Vivacity, vibrancy, health, danger. The flowers which grow on the brugmansia are part of the nightshade family, meaning that they have slightly toxic properties. Because of their size and unusual shape, the angel's trumpet represents vivacity and vibrancy.
Booker Reed: Queen of the Night
"Enjoy small moments because they do not last". The symbolic character of the epiphyllum is its short flowering time, therefore, people commonly used the blooming epiphyllum as a metaphor for how good things don't last. On the other hand, because of this rarity, it's also a sign of luckiness for those who see its bloom.
Andric Roche: Protea
The primary symbolic meanings of the protea flower are strength, courage, and resilience since the plant survives in extreme climate conditions. Proteas also symbolize diversity, due to the hundreds of variations in color and shape found within their genus.
Cara Evelyn: Pansy
"Thoughtfulness, remembrance, you occupy my thoughts". Pansy flowers are known to symbolize several things, including love, affection, free thinking, and happiness. The pansy's heart-shaped petals and bright, bold colors are often associated with love and affection, and the flower is often given as a gift to express these sentiments.
Mia Harris: Morning Glory
"Love in vain; affection". Morning glories have symbolized love that was never returned, but have also been seen as a sign of undying love.
Nameer Khatri: Violets
Violets signify wisdom, loyalty, hope, and faithfulness. Giving someone a violet let's them know that you'll always be there for them.
From The Stolen Stories there's...
Stella Korazon: Aster
In Victorian culture, the aster represents daintiness, patience, and charm. Aster meanings include love and wisdom. With a rich history in Greek mythology, it’s said that the aster was created by the tears of the Greek goddess, Astraea. One day, she was so upset by how few stars there were in the dark sky, that she began to cry. As she wept, her tears fell to the ground and turned into star-shaped aster flowers. Thus, the flower was named after her, with aster meaning star.
Reilly Mosswolf: Sunflowers
Sunflowers symbolise loyalty, adoration, a long life and lasting happiness, also good fortune and positive opportunities. Sunflowers symbolize unwavering faith and unconditional love.
Eryn Mosswolf: Purple Hyacinth
Purple hyacinths can symbolize multiple things, including sorrow and a desire for forgiveness. The fragrant purple blooms could be a way to let others know you're thinking about them after a death in the family.
Dara Brookor: Zinnia
While zinnia has many different meanings, it is usually associated with friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness, and lasting affection. Zinnias are one tough bloom! Zinnias also symbolize a “joyous endurance.” They are happy to bloom in the steaming heat of summer and really any other trials it encounters, such as drought and bugs, yet they never fail to produce vibrant, beautiful blooms!
Tanar Orinan: Gladiolus
The gladiolus flower typically symbolizes honor and remembrance, but it has many other meanings too such as: Strength of character. Faithfulness, sincerity, and integrity.
Myris Orinan: Blue Daisy
Blue daises have a meaning of long-term loyalty and trust so you can send them to a friend, a long-term partner or a family member who you care very much for. These daisies are pretty rare to find but not impossible.
Nillion Kurez: Dahlia
Finding inner strength, graceful, dignity and commitment. Also embracing positive changes. Some colours of Dahlia display negative connotations including instability or dishonesty. Dahlia make good gifts for someone you admire or percieve as a strong person.
Indre Larieth: Rhododendron
Victorians sent the flower as a warning or with the meaning of ‘beware.’ It was commonly used to indicate that you were worried someone was making the wrong choice, especially when dealing with potential romantic partners.
Lauralai Morten: Cypress
Signifies death, mourning, and despair. In the language of flowers, cypress flowers may also stand for eternal love, memories of past love, or even unrequited love in vain.
Disclaimer: Answered August 10th. Scheduled for September 2nd
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author-a-holmes · 6 months
Belated OCKiss24; #4
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Prompt: "Lost"
Reilly Mosswolf & Stella Korazon
“And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars, And why I’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words. ‘Cause you can hear it in the silence. You can feel it on the way home. You can see it with the light out. You’re in love. True love. ” — You Are In Love by Taylor Swift
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The silence was deafening.
Reilly hadn’t said anything since they’d escaped the estate by the skin of their teeth. A crossbow bolt had torn through Stella’s cloak, but she’d managed to twist out of its path, dragging Reilly down a side street and using narrow passageways known only to the thieves to escape.
But escape they had, and she couldn’t figure out why Reilly still felt so tense at her side. Why she could practically see the glare being directed at her, even though his face was hidden in the shadows.
It was only when he pulled her to a stop halfway back to the guild, that she began to realise it was fear that had held his tongue. Relief that made his hands shake.
“I thought I’d lost you, darling,” he said, crowding her until her back hit the wall of the nearest building, and Stella’s voice died in her throat.
“Do you know—? Can you understand—?” Reilly’s voice broke. Choked with tears, and Stella felt her heart pound in her chest because, yes. She did. She remembered how it felt to think he’d been killed... but it was still so new, and so fresh, to have that care directed at her.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, gently lifting a hand to knock back his hood and cradle his jaw, brushing her thumb across the stubble that shadowed his face as she was finally able to meet pitch-black eyes, shimmering with tears he refused to let fall.
They held her trapped, but she waited. Letting him see her, hear her, feel her. Letting him remind himself that they’d got away. That they were alive. That she was alive.
The frozen moment lasted longer than she’d expected, but eventually, Reilly seemed to collapse in on himself. He dropped his forehead to rest on her shoulder, burying his face against her neck and breathed her in as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and wordlessly pressed butterfly kisses of love and reassurance everywhere her lips could reach.
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