#Steve does end up playing but he would much rather just watch from behind Eddie's screen
artiststarme · 1 year
No Steves Allowed!
Okay guys, I decided to the DnD one first today but I'll probably end up posting the parent fic today too. I've never actually played DnD so if this doesn't make sense, let me know! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Eddie wasn’t a big fan of rules, or setting boundaries, or partaking in any form of mass conformity. When he made his DnD club, he wanted it to be a safe space for all the outsiders and outcasts to relax and enjoy their high school years. (And join his DnD campaigns so he could torture them but that was neither here nor there). However, there was one rule that was non-negotiable and grounds for immediate character damage and death. 
There was to be no mention of Steve Harrington. 
It didn’t matter if he was your partner in chemistry for a project or if you were complaining about his crony bumping into you in the hall, no one was allowed to mention him by name or otherwise as soon as Eddie stepped into the drama room. This confused the original Hellfire members as well as their successors but everyone conceded eventually. Especially when mentions of Steve brought about the painful and horrific deaths of their characters. 
Gareth, the little shit that he is, tempted the rule the most, even still. Even after all of the characters he’s lost (one named Stephen that was beheaded by a griffin carrying a blade from a fallen half-elf soldier and several others that tried to work the name ‘Steve’ into a background story), he still liked to poke the bear at least once a campaign. 
“Galahad, it’s your play. What course of action will you take to persuade the innkeeper into allowing you and your friends a place of slumber for the night?” Eddie asked him, his voice firm and powerful as he enveloped his Dungeon Master persona. 
He already regretted giving him the chance to speak after he saw a slow smirk spread across his face. “Well, dear Dungeon Master, I think I’m going to go back to the bar and collect my friend Stephen Nicehair. Then I’ll use his looks and luscious locks to seduce the innkeeper into giving us beds.”
Eddie could feel his left eye twitching in annoyance. ‘Stephen Nicehair’? That’s the best Gareth could do?
“As you turn around to go back to the bar, you hear the innkeeper release a battle cry. He drops the pillows in his hands to reveal a cursed dagger with an obsidian blade. The previously friendly man plunges the dagger into your chest without hesitation and twists it in your heart to deliver maximum pain. Roll damage.”
Gareth sighed but rolled his dice, “six.”
“As the life fades out of your eyes, the innkeeper leans in closer to your face and whispers, ‘no one tries to outsmart me in my inn’. You die just as you lived… Pathetically. Galahad the Bad is now dead, existing on the floor of the inn in a pool of blood with the dagger still protruding from his rib cage. Your party is now cursed by the Goddess of Death because your blood was spilled on the cursed obsidian blade. ‘Til next time, boys.”
The entire Party was silent for a moment in shock until Dustin loudly erupted. “What the hell was that?! The innkeeper? Eddie, he’s an NPC that was supposed to offer us shelter after saving the town, what the fuck?”
Jeff shook his head at him and patted Dustin’s shoulder, “hey man, Eddie really doesn’t like it when people break his rules. It’s better not to question the consequences.”
“What rules?” He turned to Eddie to point an accusing finger at him. “You said that you hated rules because they forced conformity onto people outside the mold. And all he did was say he was going to get his friend Stephen to help!”
Eddie’s eyes flashed dangerously as he leaned in closer to Dustin. “Roll for initiative and persuasion.”
“Roll Henderson!” He screamed. 
Dustin sighed brattily but rolled the dice as directed, “fourteen for initiative and ten for persuasion with my modifier.”
Eddie grinned at him maniacally. “Elric steps up to the innkeeper to try and appease him of his anger only for the man to pull another dagger from his cloak and slice it across Elric’s neck. You can feel the warmth of the blood spill down your front and feel some of the traitorous liquid bubble into your mouth and through your lips. You can’t breathe and can only gurgle a single question. What do you ask?”
“I ask him why he killed me!” Dustin said, a mixture of alarm, shock, and outrage in his voice. 
Eddie leaned in close to him, the evil glint in his eye still fully present and terrifying. He switches his cadence to match the hoarse voice of the innkeeper and says, “‘You can’t speak of Stephen or any of his aliases and stay in the world of the living.’ Elric falls to the ground and bleeds out all over the floor. The innkeeper steps over your useless body and says to your Party, ‘It’s a no to the shelter, take the bodies of your compatriots and leave or face the same fate.’”
Mike looks pissed and Lucas looks shocked at the turn this relatively happy session took. Meanwhile, Jeff and Grant were busy alternating their glares between Gareth and Eddie. Dustin just looked flabbergasted that his bard was murdered so callously by what he thought would be an innocent NPC.
“Alright, let’s pause there for now and we’ll pick it up next week. Some of you have new characters to make. Also, as a reminder to the senior members and a precaution for the new members, there will be absolutely no mention of Steve Harrington. Thank you, you’re adjourned.” Eddie spoke and waved them off. 
“What? But Steve-”
“I said adjourned, Henderson!” And from that moment on, Steve wasn’t mentioned at Hellfire. The kids slipped up here and there, especially given their hero worship of the guy but no one said his name aloud again in fear of losing another character. But then Eddie experienced the Spring Break from hell, found out that Steve Harrington was actually a pretty good guy, and started dating him.
The rule posed a problem once Eddie was finally able to talk Steve into joining a one-shot campaign. It took months of dating and illicit promises to get Steve to make a character, honorably named Steeb Munsington, and sit down with all of Hellfire to play. 
“So how’s this supposed to work? Are we just ignoring Steeb the entire campaign?” Lucas asked him.
“What why? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?” Steve looked adorably alarmed and glanced concernedly between Lucas and Eddie. 
Lucas patted his hand from his seat next to him. “Eddie has a rule about bringing you up during a session. If we mention you, our character gets serious hit points. No offense man, but I’m not taking that chance.”
Steve turned to Eddie with a hurt look. Oh shit, he had to fix this quick. 
“Obviously it’s void now! Obviously guys, shut up.” He turned to Steve. “Don’t worry Stevie, that was a joke.”
“Oh was it a joke when you murdered Elric the Bard for questioning Galahad’s unfair demise?!”
“Henderson, shut your mouth right now or you can kiss Kalston the Killer goodbye right now.” When he opened his mouth to argue, Eddie cut him off again. “The rule is clearly void now! I only had the rule in the first place so you guys wouldn’t be able to tease me about my crush on Steve. Now we’re dating so it’s fine. The rule has been discredited, no more capital punishment for mentioning his name.”
“You’re dating?!” Dustin screamed in shock. Eddie sent a panicked glance at Steve who was glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. He wouldn’t be getting any help from him. 
“You’re gay?” Mike muttered in bafflement. Wow, nothing got past that kid. 
“You murdered eleven of my characters because of a crush?” Gareth shrieked, his face turning red in anger.
Will stared at the two of them in shock while the rest of the Party raised their voices in uproar. He was completely frozen while insults and accusations were thrown, thankfully more due to the fact that Eddie had gone on a rampage as DM rather than them being gay. How were they not focusing on the gay comment?
“Not just a crush anymore, he’s been my boyfriend for months! And if you had stopped violating my rule, they wouldn’t have died! Anyways, let’s let bygones be bygones and move along with our campaign. We only have eight hours to get this done today before the sheep have curfew.” Eddie clapped his hands and grinned. 
Jeff shook his head at him and Grant muttered angrily under his breath. Gareth, though, exploded. “You murdered a shit ton of my characters for even saying words that sounded like Steve! And now you just want us to move along because you’re dating the guy now! Congratulations by the way, we all noticed you seemed happier lately. Steve, if you hurt him, I’ll kill you like he killed all of my characters for even saying your name. What the fuck, Eddie?!” 
“Jesus Christ, it was a long time ago! If you drop this, I’ll give everyone extra XP to start, okay? Double.” Gareth was still glaring at him. “Triple.”
“Fine but deep down, I’m still pissed off.” Gareth muttered. 
“Noted, now let’s start. Stevie, I can help you out if you need it. Steeb is going to do great, I’m sure. I’m not above torturing my friends when it comes to you, okay?”
“Eddie!” Everyone besides him and Steve yelled. Ah yes, this was going to be a good gameday indeed. 
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
Tumblr media
twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which eddie munson and you absolutely hate each other's guts. what happens when your friends make a bet that you can't spend more than twenty four hours consecutively together?
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, eventual smut, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ pairings: modern!college!eddie x college!fem!reader
spotify playlist.
next part▷
0:00 ㅇ────────────────── 24:00
PROLOGUE: A BET (wc: 557)
“I hate you, I mean it. I hate your fucking guts, Edward Munson.” 
The room is hazy, clouds of smoke filling the crowded basement as the movie the friend group had originally been watching is left forgotten and playing out on the buzzing TV screen. Half full bottles of beer are scattered across the coffee table. 
“Oh, we’re using government names now, are we? Don’t tempt me with a good time, sweetheart.” 
It’s the way he says the nickname, sweetheart, that alights fresh hatred that pumps through your veins. He knows the way the pet name gets beneath your skin, the way it irritates you to no end. He’s saying it on purpose. 
“Don’t call me that,” you spit venomously, going red in the face from your rage now rather than the alcohol. 
He’s sitting in the chair across the table from you, reveling in the way you get riled up, smirking as he spreads his knees out and leans back in his chair comfortably. 
You nearly grab your own beer bottle in front of you and chuck it at his head. For a moment, you imagine the joy that would replace the vexation in your chest in seeing the glass shatter against his inflated ego. 
“Why? It’s just a friendly nickname, sweethe-” he starts to egg you on, but this time, someone else in the room has half the mind to interrupt. 
“Eddie, stop fucking with her,” Steve sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he stands, “God, you two always do this.” 
“He started it!” 
“She pissed me off first!” 
You both shout at the same time, heads snapping in Steve’s direction. Eddie’s cool exterior has finally begun to crack, his frustration for you seeping out. 
It’s palpable. Flaming ire fills the air, equal parts yours and his, meeting somewhere in the middle and nearly causing a catastrophic implosion that Steve barely manages to avoid. 
“You two sound like children!” he yells, matching the hysteria. Robin and Nancy share a look behind his shoulders. 
“That’s because he acts like one,” you retort. Your arms cross against your chest painfully tight, and you ironically are the one who now resembles a toddler mid-tantrum. 
Eddie’s eyes widen as he glances at you, sneering as he says, “Me? Jesus, get off your fucking high horse.” 
“I’m not on a high horse. I’m just stating a fact.” 
“Fact? I’m not the one who’s pouting like a petulant child.” 
“Can you go ten seconds without insulting me?”
“Can you?” 
“I’ll show you a fucking insul-”
“Enough,” Johnathan groans this time, leaning his head back on the loveseat he occupies with Argyle. Most of the clouds of smoke have come from their side of the room, the joint they’d been passing back and forth still lit as it hangs between Johnathan’s fingers delicately, “You know what? I bet you two couldn’t go twenty four hours without insulting each other. And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.” 
“I can do you one better,” Robin quips, sitting up as she sits cross-legged beside you, “I bet they couldn’t last twenty four hours straight being around each other without killing each other.” 
“How much?” Eddie suddenly asks.
“How much do you bet?”
And that’s how it starts. 
The beginning of the worst twenty four hours of your life. 
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runninriot · 3 months
no reason to hide
written for @steddie-week day 1 | prompt: secret relationship
rated: t | wc: 4.5k | tags: Max POV, Max & Eddie friendship, Max & Steve Friendship, Steve and Eddie are keeping secrets, coming out, post Vecna, everybody lives | complete fic on ao3
The first time she notices something strange is going on between Eddie and Steve, is when Max wakes up in the middle of the night from one of those ghastly dreams that have been haunting her since the whole Vecna fiasco went down.
She does what she always does when she can’t fall back asleep - goes to sit on the steps outside of her home to listen to the familiar sounds of the trailer park, looking at the sky, the stars and the moon, reminding herself that she’s back in the real world. That the Upside Down and all its monsters are a memory of the past.
It’s been almost a year and things have finally gone back to how they were. Well, mostly.
Sure, those nights where the monsters come crawling back into her subconscious are draining sometimes, but after everything that happened to her, nightmares, a walking stick, and glasses are a small price to pay. She could’ve paid a much higher one, could’ve lost it all. She’s fine. And at least the nightmares are a burden they all share.
Her friends have them too, those restless nights. And even if that doesn’t make it better, the fact that they are in this together makes it easier, at least.
Max knows she can always count on them – her now-again-boyfriend Lucas and the stupid but lovable dorks Dustin and Mike. Even El and Will, who went back to California, are always just one phone call away.
She has Steve, who – while Nancy and Robin went off to college – didn’t leave.
He’s still here, still taking care of them in his annoyingly loving way, even though they don’t need him to be their protector anymore, technically.
She’d never say it out loud, would rather eat her own tongue than to admit it, but to know that he’s part of her life is kind of... comforting. Because he’s graduated from babysitter to friend long ago, has proven time and again that he’s a good guy with a big heart. Max likes him a lot, can understand why Dustin was always so drawn to him.
And then, there’s Eddie.
Before being caught in a war against evil and nearly walking into the light at the end of the tunnel together, she never really cared much for him at all. (And no, she did not have a very stupid, very tiny crush on him when she learned about him playing guitar in this awesome band. Anyone who suggests otherwise can talk it out with her fist, okay?!)
She had often wondered how much truth was behind all the rumours, the Satanic Freak allegations. Because while he obviously liked to cause trouble every now and then, he always seemed... nice. A little boisterous, maybe, but never violent or evil.
And then she got to know him when they were trying to prove his innocence while being caught in their final battle against evil, and realised how much they had in common.
How Eddie, like her, wears a mask to protect his vulnerable pieces inside. Carrying the burden of a broken home and too much pent-up anger on his shoulders.
Max sees a version of herself in Eddie, and seeing how far he’s come – even if he himself doesn’t think he has – is encouraging, in a way.
She never told anyone, but out of everyone, Eddie might have played the biggest part in her recovery.
When she opened her eyes for the first time after being in a coma, the first blurry face she saw wasn’t Lucas or Steve or even her own mother.
No. It was Eddie.
Half his body in bandages, leaning heavy on his crutches holding him upright where he was standing beside her hospital bed, smiling down at her, which looked painful because of the stitches on his left cheek, but it was warm and friendly and honest.
And in that moment, when the memories came back and the world came crushing down, Max was glad it was him that watched her fall apart. Because with Eddie, she didn’t feel the need to pretend that she was fine. He let her cry and wince in pain without commenting on it, just took her hand – no words of pity, no promises of false hopes, just a tight squeeze of her hand in silent support.
Their friendship evolved from there, got even stronger when they were both fighting their way through physical therapy, from frustrating setbacks to miraculous accomplishments.
He’s annoying sometimes, like a brother, but he’s the kind of friend that you love to fight with because you know they’ll never hold a grudge; Eddie's friendship is unconditional and Max cherishes that more than she'd ever tell him.
Eddie, like her, finds it hard to sleep sometimes. So, more times than not, when she goes to sit on the steps in the middle of the night, she finds him outside his own trailer – smoking in silence or listening to music with his headphones on.
They don’t usually talk, just share a few moments together in peace until their minds have calmed enough for them to get ready to conquer another day.
This is why Max doesn’t startle when she hears the familiar squeak of the Munson’s trailer door. Only when a car door gets slammed close, does she look up.
Weirdly enough, it isn’t Eddie who’s going for a ride. It isn’t his van that slowly turns and rolls out of the driveway.
It’s Steve’s car; there’s no doubt about it. She knows that car better than Steve likes to be reminded of.
    What the hell is he doing at Eddie’s place at 2 in the morning?, Max wonders, worries that maybe something is wrong.
But moments later, the trailer door opens again and Eddie steps out, dressed in his pajama pants, lighting a cigarette like he always does. He seems calm, happy. Not at all like something bad has happened.
Until he notices her and his eyes widen in shock, mouth hanging open with the cigarette stuck to his bottom lip.
   “Max! How- how long have you been out here?”
She doesn’t exactly know why she doesn’t tell the truth but something about the way Eddie looks at her tells Max, he might not want her to know about his nightly visitor.
   “Just came out like, maybe a second before you did,” she lies, watching his shoulders drop as the tension in his body eases.
   “Oh, uh, okay. Nightmare?”
   “You wanna talk?”
   “Nah, just needed some fresh air. You?”
   “I- I’m good. Just, uh, just couldn’t sleep.”
They sit there for a while, both awkwardly looking anywhere but at each other, before Max can’t take it anymore, says her goodnight and goes back inside.
There is probably a good explanation for it all. Maybe Steve couldn’t sleep, too. Maybe he went to Eddie for some weed? (Don’t act so surprised. She might just be a teen but she’s not stupid, okay?)
Whatever it is, Max will never know because going by the way Eddie reacted when he saw her, she’s sure he doesn’t want to be questioned about it.
It’s fine. It’s none of her business anyway.
And Max forgets about it entirely until something strange happens again a few weeks later...
keep reading
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monellabella · 2 years
Dating Eddie Munson
a/n: (Reader is 19, works at family video with Steve and Robin) Was this totally self-indulgent? Absolutely.  (Reblogs and comments are much appreciated :))
Eddie makes you a D&D character in case u ever want to play one day
Begs you to make you own, “It’s fun! I swear.”
You start by sitting in on his campaigns after work and just watching and appreciating the story
You came to understand the game bit by bit and would lean in and whisper questions to Eddie throughout
Until one day you finally decide to play for real
Your character dies within the first 5 minutes but it’s cool bc now you can make a new one
Eddie’s disappointed his character for you died so quick, but when he sees how excited you are describing the character you came up with, he couldn’t be happier about it
You like to listen to him and his band practice
Just sitting around and admiring the way he looks so focused when he plays
Senior year, he tried to teach you guitar and you hated it bc you just couldn’t seem to get the hang of it
So he borrows his bandmate’s old bass figuring that it might be easier for you to learn
He goes crazy when, after a few weeks of practice, you play him a riff from a a Jimmy Hendrix song, and he just thinks you’ve never looked hotter
I mean, he’s just totally entranced by you 
It actually made him kinda horny
For Halloween that year you went as Joan Jett and Eddie damn near lost his mind
The smudged black eyeliner is what really did it for him
He requested you do the same look for him 
You though he looked unbelievably hot, but you would rather die than tell him that bc it would just fuel his ego
When you two started dating, you put eyeliner on him and painted his nails black and you couldn’t stop yourself from just pouncing on him
You get high together
A lot
He offers you the opportunity to be his fellow guinea pig when testing out new strains
You come with him to his drug deals
His funny little girlfriend perched near his shoulder (a/n not literally little so to speak)
Kicking leaves behind him as he does the deal
He likes to say you’re like a little bird
His nickname for you becomes birdie
His clients can’t help but be a little distracted by you 
“Hey,” Eddies snapped, “eyes up here. Ignore her, she’s not part of this.”
You’ll butt in with a joke when you can tell the person is nervous
He likes to play with your hands
And your hair
You teach him to braid and he practices on you
Likes to wrap his arm around you and give you a squeeze
But he especially loves sneaking up behind you and grabbing you in a hug
He just loves your reaction to it:
You scrunch up your nose and smile, pretending to hate it and chiding him for taking you by surprise (but obv you adore it even though it does really make you jump)
His hands are just always on you in really subtle ways even if you yourself are not a very “touchy” person (a/n can you tell that I’m touch-starved)
He makes you a hellfire shirt
But you prefer to just borrow his bc it smells like him
But you just tell him its bc its been worn more so its softer 
He complains that your shirt is a different size and tries to stretch it out in the wash
He ends up shrinking it in the dryer and now it’s a crop top
So at the next few Hellfire meetings, Eddie wore a shirt that was far too small on him
Needless to say, he was ruthlessly mocked by everyone
Especially Dustin.
you weren’t complaing though
He let you wear his dio vest and leather jacket just bc he likes to see it on you
He wants to get you into metal, so he’ll take you to record stores to just listen to tracks and then not buy anything
You spend half your time at the movie theater downtown, so you’re always sneaking him in to the theater to see new movies you think he’d enjoy and showing him your favorites down in your basement, getting so excited when your favorite scenes come on
He was never much of a movie guy, it’s hard for him to stay focused
It’s not that he isn’t interested, his mind just won’t calm down enough
But he tries for you and he ends up getting really into movies
He’s definitely not a film buff, but he’s learning to appreciate certain things like cinematography and sound design just from spending time with you and listening to you rant and rave about how good or bad a movie was
He did acid on one occasion and he had zero problems just staring at the cartoons on tv with you in his arms
He really doesn’t eat much that isn’t processed, frozen, or from a can
So you bring him leftovers from your mom’s cooking
You cook for him when you come over
You invite him over for dinner whenever you can
Your parents have no idea you two are together 
but they still don’t let him up in your room unless the door is open
No biggie, he just sneaks through your window later
the absolute nerd that he is, he quoted Romeo and Juliet the first time you did this  
like he memorized half a monologue
you threw at pillow at him 
He’s just a big softie and when he looks at you he’s just the personification of the heart eyes emoji
If you made it this far thank you I love you here’s a treat:
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toyboy-molloy · 4 years
reddie + practice date
These were the best nights, when it was just the two of them, Richie and Eddie, snuggled together under a large blanket watching their favourite childhood movies together. It was rare they got to do this anymore, what with Richie being busy with his comedy and Eddie meeting with lawyers finalising his divorce; they made a pact to always set aside at least one day for each other, like the old days. Best of friends.
They were halfway through The Princess Bride when Eddie began to get rather fidgety, occasionally glancing up at his friend. Richie was engrossed in the classic, shoving popcorn into his mouth every now and again. After a little while, Eddie cleared his throat nonchalantly.
“Hey, Rich?” Almost instantly, Richie sat forward and paused the movie, focusing his full attention onto Eddie. The other man was sidetracked by the action, frowning in confusion, “what did you do that for?”
"Eds, I’ve known you for years. I know you wouldn’t interrupt this unless it was something legit,” he smiled at the look on Eddie’s face when he mentioned his hated childhood nickname. He ruffled his hair playfully, “remember when we were fifteen and I said Westley was hot and you threatened to cut my dick off?”
"Oh, yeah,” Eddie mumbled, flushing slightly at the memory; he’d neglected to mention it had more to do with jealousy than anything else. Nevertheless, he continued somewhat nervously, “I just wondered, do you think it’s too soon for me to start...dating again?”
Richie had been dreading this conversation. Of course Eddie would want to start dating the second he was out and proud and free of his ex-wife. He wanted to say ‘no’, tell Eddie that he was wasting his time and he’d never fin anyone worthy of him, but even he knew that was selfish. Eddie was his oldest and dearest friend, he deserved the truth.
“that’s not my say, dude. Only you can say when you’re ready.”
“I think I’m ready,” Eddie contemplated, chewing his bottom lip. Richie had to look away, he was just too damn cute, “the thing is, I’ve never dated a guy before.”
“You’ll be fine,” Richie smiled tightly, trying not imagine Eddie on a date with some other man. He shook his head, “I can’t imagine there’s anyone out there who wouldn’t want to date you.”
Eddie looked up at him, his big eyes wide and hopeful, “would you go on a date with me?” Richie stared down at him in shock, his mouth agape. Before he could open his mouth, however, Eddie was speaking again, practically begging his stunned friend, “please, just so I know what to expect. I haven’t been on a date in years. I don’t know what I’m doing. Please, Richie.”
Jesus, he was so fucked. Richie wasn’t sure his heart could handle helping Eddie prepare to woo other men. But he couldn’t say no to him. Rolling his eyes, he shrugged, “sure, I’ll bro date you. I’ll sweep you off your feet with bromance, man.”
“Really?” At Richie’s affirming nod, Eddie flung himself at him, wrapping his arms around his neck, “thank you, Richie. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he pulled away, smiling, “you don’t have to go overboard, though.”
“No, no, you want a run through of what a real date will be like, you’re getting one,” if this was his only chance, Richie wasn’t about to ruin it. He held his hand out and Eddie took it, the two of them shaking on their agreement, “never let it be said Richie Tozier doesn’t know know how to treat a guy. I’m gonna spoil you like any dude worthy of you should.”
“Wow, I’m already a little wooed,” Eddie chuckled and settled back into his seat to resume the movie, cuddling up to Richie. Oh I haven’t started yet, Richie thought with a smirk as he pressed play.
They set a date for the weekend. Eddie had expected to be nervous but as the week drew to a close, he was more excited than anything. Richie told him he’d booked a fancy-ish restaurant and to wear ‘something pretty’. He rolled his eyes at the text but he couldn’t help but smile as he found his favourite suit - the smart blue ensemble he’d worn to Ben and Bev’s wedding reception (Richie had made one or two drunken comments about how good he’d looked that night).
Saturday night came quicker than he’d expected and Eddie found himself pacing frantically in front of his mirror, checking his watch. Richie had gone out hours ago, refusing to tell him where he was going only that he expected Eddie to be ready when he got back. He almost sprinted to the front door when he heard the doorbell chime. Eddie skidded to a halt and tugged on his jacket, taking a deep breath as he opened the door. He greeted by the largest bouquet of flowers he’d ever seen.
“Eddie Spaghetti,” a voice said from behind the flowers, “special delivery.”
“I said not to go overboard,” Eddie took the flowers, unable to stop smiling as he thought about Richie purchasing them, just to make him smile, “but thank you, they’re gorgeous.”
“Don’t get used to it. Most guys won’t make the effort,” Richie adjusted his glasses nervously, watching as Eddie placed the flowers on the kitchen table. And he was wearing the suit that had nearly made him confess everything all those months ago. He didn’t think he’d be lucky enough to get away with it again. He’d been so distracted by staring at Eddie he hadn’t noticed the other man staring at him intently. When Eddie didn’t say anything for a moment or two, Richie glanced down at his own floral-patterned red suit self-consciously, “what?”
Eddie shook his head, blushing, “nothing, sorry, you look amazing.”
Richie blushed, too, lost for words. He offered his arm to Eddie and led him outside towards the car that was waiting for them. Eddie recognised the driver as Steve, Richie manager, who’d clearly been bribed into doing Richie this favour. He mumbled a greeting and set off for the restaurant. Their conversation was casual and pleasant and Eddie found himself relaxing, enjoying himself. By the time they reached their destination, Eddie was holding Richie’s hand like they’d been doing it for years.
“A risk analyst?” Richie said enthusiastically, leaning over to swipe another fry from Eddie’s plate, “that sounds so interesting. What does that involve?”
Eddie smiled, “nice try but I’ve been informed my job’s rather boring. I’m more keen to hear about you being a comedian. I just can’t picture it.”
“Eds, baby, you wound me,” Richie playfully clutched at his heart, pouring himself another glass of wine as Eddie chuckled cutely. He didn’t expect to be enjoying himself as much as he was. He didn’t want the night to end, “if you must know, I’m very famous and hilarious. Not to mention modest.”
“I’ll have to look out for your stuff,” Eddie said with a smirk; he was starting to have fun with their little game. Something in the back of his mind was telling him it wasn’t going to be like this with anyone else but he ignored it. Instead, he watched Richie peruse the dessert menu, “if I can remember your name.”
“Oh, I’ll make sure you remember my name,” he said with a wink, snapping the menu shut. Eddie swallowed, taking an urgent sip of his wine. Richie seemed oblivious to his predicament, offering him the dessert menu, “I’m gonna get the chocolate cake.”
Eddie nodded, opting for the banana split. They always shared desserts anyway. The conversation turned casual again as they pretended to ask about each other’s family, hobbies and interests. Eddie ‘learned’ that Richie liked doing impressions and voices, even if he wasn’t that good at them. Their desserts arrived and they naturally halved portions, sharing without asking.
“Okay, real talk,” Richie said, waving a forkful of chocolate cake around as he spoke, “if this was a legit date-date, like not practice or anything, would you let me smash?”
Eddie paused, his own chocolate cake sitting forgotten at the end of his own spoon, “what?”
“I’m just saying, what are my chances here?” Richie said with a shrug, leaning back in his chair confidently. Eddie folded his arms, preparing to lie through his teeth.
“Well, you’ll have to work a little harder than this,” he gestured at their table, “I’m not easy,” he watched as a smile spread across Richie’s face. He waited until Richie was tucking into his dessert again before deciding to torture him a little bit, “but you’re cute, I’ll give you that.”
“You think I’m cute?”
Eddie gave a minute shrug, nonchalantly scooping a helping of banana split onto his spoon before popping it into his mouth, “I wouldn’t kick you out of bed.”
The sight of Richie’s dumbstruck gaping expression was incredibly satisfying and Eddie was going to carry it with him forever.
The walk home was nice. The night air was light and gentle but Eddie was too busy concentrating on how big Richie’s hand felt in his. He’d been the perfect date, offering him his coat as they began their walk back to the flat. They’d been walking in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company. But Richie was never one for being quiet for too long.
“so, how did I do?”
“Very well,” Eddie said honestly, squeezing Richie’s hand in reassurance, “I had a great time. I don’t remember the last time I went out and just had fun. Thank you,” he looked up at Richie, smiling warmly, “I really needed this.”
He nodded once, turning away. They were almost home when Richie spoke again, “did you wish I was anyone else?”
“No,” Eddie said honestly, smiling almost sadly, “I don’t think I’d have a good time with anyone else. Which was kind of the whole point really,” they reached their apartment building and Eddie followed Richie to their front door. He was deep in thought, his fears coming back as they reached their home, “it will be different with someone else. I just hope it’s...good different.”
“Yep,” was all Richie said. He immediately headed for the fridge, grabbing the bottle of wine and downing several gulps. Eddie just stood in the doorway, ringing his hands nervously. He wanted to tell Richie he didn’t want anyone else, that everything he’d ever wanted was standing right in front of him trying to drink himself to death. Richie suddenly span around, a desperate look on his face, “hey, you know what would be funny?”
Eddie blinked, confused at the sudden change in Richie’s attitude, “what?”
“If you, like, never meet anyone for real and we keep doing this? Just going out on dates all casual and shit. Wouldn’t that be nuts?”
“What, nothing changes?” Eddie questioned incredulously, moving towards Richie. The other man nodded frantically, replacing the wine bottle on the kitchen side. Eddie folded his arms, “we just keep going on these ‘bro dates’?”
“I’d love that,” thankfully Richie was slightly drunk and Eddie always knew when he was lying if he’d had a drink. He raised an eyebrow, smiling at the cute flush in Richie’s cheeks, “for totally non-selfish reasons, I’d love that.”
Eddie nodded, stepping that little bit closer, “I’d change one thing, though.”
“Yeah, like, like what?”
And Eddie kissed him. Richie, shocked as he was, kissed back with all the enthusiasm of a drunk guy reciprocating his feelings, his hands fumbling to hold Eddie close. The separated when it became apparent that Richie was crying.
“S-sorry,” he sniffed, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his suit. Eddie batted his hands away, gently wiping Richie’s eyes himself...which just made him cry even more, “I just- I legit thought you...you wanted someone better.”
“I think I’d die single if that was the case,” Eddie smiled, his own tears beginning to escape. He pulled Richie into a hug, leaning up to kiss his forehead, “I love you.”
Richie mumbled something that sounded a lot like ‘I love you too’ into his shirt. They stayed there in the kitchen, holding each other and swaying slightly as Eddie hummed a calming tune. They were going to be okay.
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rovewritesit · 4 years
Angel Of My Dreams (Chapter 1) John Deacon x Reader Series
I’ve read so many fan fics in the past four months and I thought it was high time to try my hand at it. I’ve created this side blog so that I can 1) Express my love for Queen and 2) Not annoy the randos from high school and college who still follow my main. This’ll be a slow burn folks, so hold on to your hats.
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Series summary: After reluctantly joining a band with your childhood best friends, you are thrust into oncoming stardom with no sea legs and an overwhelming sense of anxiety. But you just might find your way, thanks to some seasoned pros by your side. And the interest of one particular bassist.
This series is a work of fiction, and is loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
Pairing: John Deacon x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Warnings: Lots o’ curses
Chapter Summary: This is basically just some set up for the series. No Deacy yet, but a meet-cute to happen very soon! I got the band name with the help of some random band name generator so be kind. I’m hoping to introduce in some songs readers may not have heard - I was thinking of “Heart of the Night” by Juice Newton while writing this, hence the single name and album.
Song/Title Inspiration: Angel - Fleetwood Mac
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Days of Our Lives Documentary Shoot - 2010
(Brian May and Roger Taylor Joint Interview)
“The early 80s were huge for us, for sure. I believe we were at our biggest then, internationally speaking.” Brian states, glancing over to Roger.
“Yes, Another One Bites the Dust really set things a-flame I think. The traveling and playing were constant. The crowds getting bigger by the venue. Parties, hotels, girls, more parties. We were meeting just so many people.” Roger adds.
“And one of those being a certain American female rock singer.” The interviewer adds quietly from off-camera.
Roger glances over to him with a questioning look, but Brian catches on quick, like always.
“Ah yes, that particular rock goddess. We did meet her around then, I believe, yes. Maybe a few years after.” Brian says knowingly, still playing along.
Roger stares into space with a confused look on his face until the realization hits him. “Are we talking about Y/N?” Roger mutters to Brian. “Yes” Brian chuckles, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“Oh, what a spit-fire she is! Not back then though. Fred really worked some magic with that one. Almost inseparable those two were.” Roger laughs out, a wave of nostalgia washing over his face.
Brian raises his large eyebrows, “Deacy would beg to differ I think.”
Roger smirks, “Oh, well that’s a whole different story.”
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1982 - MTV Studios, New York City
You run your hands up and down your thighs, trying to will your left knee to stop repeatedly bouncing up and down. The satin of your pants does nothing for the layer of sweat on your clammy hands. You fold them together in your lap and gaze around the studio instead, taking in the bustling of crew members as they ready for the pre-taped interview. The god-like VJ, Alan Hunter, sits in a chair off to the side as someone artfully pieces his blonde locks into place. He grins over at you with a small wave. You limply lift your hand in a greeting, pasting on a small smile that doesn’t reach your eyes.
You catch your pained expression as you glimpse a monitor off-camera. A friendly woman backstage had painted your face to the point of being almost unrecognizable. Gone was the evidence under your eyes of the restless sleep you’d fought the previous night. They were wide and doed, rather than their normal crescent shape. Your lips full and vibrant, your hair bounced and fanned out around your face. And your skin seemed to be glowing, masking the spots that had popped up overnight from stress. You looked every bit the rock goddess the label hoped to paint you as, and the exact opposite of the nerves currently threatening to overtake your body.
“Y/N, I can feel you vibrating from here. Take a deep breath. It’s gonna be fine.” Rich commented from beside you. His legs were splayed out, his arms bent behind his head. Looking as relaxed as can be, as if he were on his couch at home catching a movie marathon, about to doze off.
“How can you be so calm right now?” You rush out. “Who knows how many people are going to see this interview. Do you know how many times a day I accidentally let the F word fly out of my mouth?”
Rich lets out a snort. “I happen to know exactly how much you curse, thank you. Yesterday you said fuck 3 times in one sentence. It was charming, my mom loved it.” He moves his right arm to squeeze around your shoulders. Usually, it would be a comforting display of friendship, but you shake it off.
“And look at those three. Already so at home, I see.” You nod to the three other members of the band. Steve is exuding energy like yourself, but it’s excitement that bubbles from him. His eyes flit around the room quickly as he taps out some unknown rhythm on his bent legs. A wide grin permanently fixed on his boyish features.
At the far end of the couch, Eddie and Lawrence are wrapped up in a not-so-silent game of knuckles.
“Son of a-- Will you take off those damn rings? It’s my turn and I’m still getting bruised.” Lawrence huffs. Eddie wiggles his long, skilled, silver-clad fingers in front of his face and raises his eyebrows. “It’s all about the look, baby. Gotta play the part of the guitar god.”
“Will you both knock it off.” You call over to them. “We need both those sets of hands in playing shape for tomorrow night.”
Eddie turns, probably to counter with some playful comment about how you mother them too much, but Alan approaches.
“Alright, guys. And girl.” He flashes his perfectly white teeth your way again. “We’re about 5 minutes out from going up. Anybody need anything? Water, vodka, beer…” He turns his gaze to Steve, who is still tapping lightly on his legs. “A Xanax, perhaps?”
“Waters all around would be great, thanks.” You offer. Alan nods to a twitchy PA waiting to his side and they hurry off.
“Oh wait up, a Bud Light too, if you have any!” Eddie calls after them. The other three boys echo the same as well.
“You can take the boys out of Long Island…” you mutter to yourself. Rich teasingly pokes your side. “And something stiff for the lady!” He shouts out.
“In all manner of ways” Steve giggles. You feign a shocked expression and reach over to place a gentle slap to the side of his head. He looks over with big apologetic eyes and you stifle a laugh.
In record time, the lanky PA rushes back over with a myriad of drinks, all threatening to topple over on the tray they were precariously balanced on. Another PA trails behind, handing you all water, which you’re in desperate need of. They hand the drinks out one by one and stop before you. “Your water, Miss. And I didn’t know what you liked so I have a jack and coke, a whiskey sour, and a gin and tonic.”
“The gin and tonic is great, thanks.” They hurriedly hand you the drink and go to turn away. “Love your hair by the way.” You tell them. “I’m absolute shit at styling mine. Guess I’ll have to learn now.” They smile back at you and run a hand through their short locks before disappearing amongst the rest of the crew.
“Okay, we’re ready to rock n’ roll!” Alan exclaims, getting the band’s attention as he sits down in a chair next to your side of the couch. “We’re going to start off with a few basics on the band. Your lower thirds will have your instruments labeled but feel free to explain how you guys started out, your influences, your process. I’ll prompt you in between and then we'll talk about the album and promote your upcoming tour towards the end. Should take 15 minutes tops, so keep your answers brief. But I won’t say no to any rowdy stories you want to throw in.” He finishes with a wink.
The band nods along as you gulp down a breath, your palms becoming even slicker. The stage manager’s high voice rings out around the studio. “Playback ready! Live to tape in 5.. 4...” Rich places a hand over your knee and gives a squeeze. “Light em’ up, Bun” he mutters in your ear.
“3.. 2..” She holds up a finger and then points it at Alan, a wide smile already set on his face. The camera light flicks red as the MTV open plays from speakers around the room. Alan beings as the song fades out.
“We’re here in the studio and boy, am I excited to get to know this next band. Over at MTV we’ve been watching the steady rise of their single “Heart of the Night” on the charts. And as an added surprise, they’re here to introduce their very first music video. I’m very pleased to welcome to the studio, Lo & The Limbs!”
You try to relax your face as a camera pans across the band and settles on a two-shot of you and Alan. You know your eyes are gleaming with anxiety so you glance down the couch, silently praying for one of the boys to take the lead.
“Thanks for having us Alan, it’s such a trip to be here.” Eddie says with ease, resting his forearms on his knees.
“So, I have to ask. Who is Lo? Is it you Lawerence?” Alan questions the piano player.
“Oh god, no.” Lawrence chuckles. “Our high school was affectionately called Lo High, for Long Island HighSchool of the Arts. So we sort of tacked that on while playing during those years to let people know where we were from. That and well, as you can see we’re all above 6 foot except for Y/N, so a lot of limbs going on here.”
Alan gives a short laugh. “You released your debut album, Quiet Lies, earlier this year to growing success. Why don’t you tell me how you all started out.”
“Well, the boys and I have been together for a few years. We’ve been friends since grade school and we always just used to jam about. As we got older we started playing local bars back on Long Island to mostly middle-aged crowds, trying to break in, but it wasn’t working. Then Rich had the idea to invite Y/N to join up and it’s all kind of all taken off from there.” Eddie explains.
“We needed a pretty face to balance out all these ugly mugs” Steve pipes up.
“It took a while for her to finally concede though. She was off being too studious for the likes of us.” Rich adds on with a smile and nudge to your side. Your eyes grow wide as you feel a question directed at you coming on.
“Is that true, Y/N?”
“I- I guess, I was at NYU studying documentary filmmaking.” You choke out, but continue on. “Love this lighting set up, by the way, it really hides all sins.” That gets a light chuckle out of the crew surrounding you.
“And these sins you’re hiding are…” Alan grins but quickly bounces to the next topic. “Certainly a good call, Rich. Heart of the Night is the only song off the album that Y/N is singing lead on and look how well it’s doing. How did that happen?”
“Most of our songs were already written from before when we finally got the money to record. We wanted Y/N to feel a part of it, so she went on and wrote Heart of the Night and we were all very pleasantly surprised that it’s become such a hit.” Steve explains. “She also directed the music video we’ll be debuting today. I can’t believe she let us do all the things we did in that… well, you’ll just have to see for yourselves. We can be a bit of a handful.” The boys all chuckle.
“That and she plays the weirdest collection of instruments. Rhythm guitar, any type of strings, the saxophone… She's a boss on the harmonica.” Eddie turns to you as he speaks. “You just need to get over those pesky little nerves about your singing, Bun!” He points in your direction.
You feel the heat rise behind your perfectly painted cheeks at the slip of your nickname. You cast your gaze down at your lap. Not liking how the conversation has turned directly onto you.
Alan quirks an eyebrow at you. “Bun?” He teases.
You have yet to lift your eyes when Rich answers for you. “Bunny, an affectionate nickname. It’s stuck around since grade school when she wandered into Lawrence's backyard in search of a rabbit she was chasing.”
“A rockstar called Bunny. There’s a first for everything.” Alan quips, but quickly notices your displeasure in the current topic. Sensing your growing panic, he addresses the rest of the group. “This has been quite the debut album, with more hits sure to come from it. Any bands you’ve taken inspiration from while writing and producing?”
Rich jumps at the question. “Fleetwood Mac would be a big one. The way they layer their sounds is just unmatchable. You catch something new with every listen of an album of theirs.”
“I can’t be a pianist from Long Island and not mention the granddaddy, Billy Joel.” Lawrence adds. “His songs take you on such a ride. They’re full stories, each one of them.”
“And you, Y/N?” Alan directs the next question. “Who will you be drawing inspiration from when you write your next hit single?”
You smile to yourself. “It’s gotta be Queen for me. I’ve loved every one of their albums. I mean, the way they’ve changed their sound just in the past few years alone. They’re always transcending. Never afraid to try out something new or weave a different genre into one of their songs. But you always know it’s a Queen song. I saw them 2 years ago when they played the Garden, and fu--” You catch yourself as you get more animated. “And they were all just so on. Perfectly in sync. There’s something so distinct about their sound, so practiced. I’d love to get to their level, to be able to experiment like that. To give joy in the way they’ve given it to me.” You finish. Realizing you’ve rambled for a bit, you turn your eyes downwards yet again.
“I think that’s the most I’ve heard you talk since you came into the studio!” Alan laughs. “Well, you heard it here first folks, Y/N L/N is a Queen fan, just like the rest of us. I’m sure you’re just as excited about their new album as well.” You nod quickly as Rich hides a smile. Knowing full well you’ll be first in line to purchase their new album, Hot Space when it drops.
“But before you get off to writing more hits, I believe you have a tour coming up!” Alan states, signaling that the interview is wrapping up.
“Yeah, we have a small American tour starting in February. But until then we’ll be opening up for Hall and Oates during their tour of the NorthEast next month.” Steve says excitedly, bouncing slightly in his seat.
“And with that, I think we’ll roll into the long-anticipated music video and directorial debut for the lovely Y/N L/N. Thank you all so much for coming in today and I can’t wait to see what’s next on the horizon for you. Here’s Lo & The Limbs with Heart of the Night!” Alan keeps his painted smile till the red light vanishes from above the lens on the large pedestal camera in front of him.
You breathe out the breath you’d been choking on as Rich puts an arm around your shoulders. He leans in and whispers lightly, “And only one hint of a fuck, ladies and gentlemen. She might just make it in this business after all.”
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One Month Later - Veterans Memorial Coliseum - New Haven, Connecticut
The Limbs bound off the stage in full force, glistening with sweat and excitement. It was the largest crowd they’d played for by far. 10,000 people cheered from the audience as roadies and crew moved around them to set up for the main act, Hall and Oates. Rich spreads his long arms and huddles the rest of the group into a family hug, your skin sticking to one another, the smell of sweat filling your noses.
“I just want us to all remember this moment.” He speaks to the group, foreheads touching. “Even if nothing happens past this album. That was insane.”
“Absolutely bonkers, dude!” Steve says and he bounces up and down beside you. You all take a deep collective breath and squeeze.
“Alright, get off of me you fucks.” You laugh, untangling yourself from their vast expanse of limbs. “We all stink and I have to get out of all... this” You gesture to the skin-tight bodysuit your best friend, Dawn, had insisted you wear. Eddie presses a light kiss to your temple as he lets you into the dressing room first to change out of their view.
You close the door and sigh, glancing at yourself in the mirrors that line one wall of the room. Your eyes are bright, your hair is two times the size of when you went out on stage an hour before, and your makeup looks like you’d been in a fight. Grinning to yourself, you start to unlatch the halter top of the bodysuit, excited for the air to cool your skin.
Just as you are about to shimmy out of the rest of the ensemble, the door bursts open.
“Shit! Lawrence, what the hell?!” Scrambling to cover your top half.
Lawrence trains his eyes to the ceiling as he speaks. “Bunny, you gotta… just cover up and get your ass out here. You just... You gotta see, c’mon.”
Flustered, you hurry to redress your sticky body. After making sure everything is properly covered, you step out into the hallway backstage, already glaring at the boys. They’re all tight-lipped, staring at one another. “Okay, someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?” You say loudly. “Shhhhh” Rich hisses as he gestures behind him with a shake of his head. You glance over his shoulder to see the backs of two men. John Hall and Daryl Oates.
“Yeah, okay... I don’t get it. We’ve hung out with them like 5 times. Why are we fangirling?”
Rich widens his eyes at you and you glance back at them again. This time they part and you can catch a glimpse of who they’ve been talking to.
The flash of a tight leather jacket, a mustache, and two front teeth shining while laughter erupts from behind them.
You gasp.
“Fucking, fuck. That’s Freddie fucking Mercury.” You say, a bit too loud.
The bold man in question locks eyes with you. Something mischievous dances behind them as he narrows his gaze. Daryl and John move to their roadies to get fixed up before heading out on stage and Freddie lets out a sharp burst of laughter as he makes his way over. Your stomach churns with embarrassment but you can’t tear your eyes from his.
“Quite the redundancy of expletives, my dear. All you had to do was say hello.” he grins at you, all teeth. You’re not one to get too clammy in front of other musicians, but your voice gets trapped in your throat. You pray to whatever gods are out there that your eyes don’t get any wider.
Eddie’s easy charm luckily saves you. “This beautiful songstress right here is Y/N L/N.” You barely lift your arms as Freddie pulls you in for a light hug and kiss on the cheek. “But you can call her Bunny.” Eddie grins. So much for easy charm you think as you stare daggers into the profile of his face.
“Ha! Bunny? Oh my, that is wonderful.” Freddie chuckles. “It sounds as if you’re a socialite... Or a stripper. I can’t tell.” He beams at you. You can’t help but beam right back.
“Come along. Let us watch the show and you can tell me which one it is.” He says with a wink. “And introduce me to these giants you call your band.” He grabs your arm and leads you off, the boys in tow. Bouncing with excitement for what’s to come.
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placetobenation · 5 years
Steve’s Box Office Report: June 2009
Top 10 Films for the Month of June:
1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – $402,111,870
2. The Hangover – $277,322,503
3. The Proposal – $163,958,031
4. The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3 – $65,452,312
5. Land of the Lost – $49,438,370
6. My Sister’s Keeper – $49,200,230
7. Year One – $43,337,279
8. The Hurt Locker – $17,017,811
9. Imagine That – $16,123,323
10. Away We Go – $9,451,946
Honorable Mentions:
1. My Life in Ruins – $8,665,206
June Winners: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the Hangover, and the Proposal
We now officially kick of the summer of 2009 with the month of June, and coming off a pretty successful May the year had some solid momentum going into June and the slate of films for this month seemed to be a wide range of films mainly focusing on adults. With some big films coming out at the end of May looking to keep building their gains into June, it was going to be interesting to see how the slate of films from this month would do in terms of success or failure. That said, we did have a few films that made it into this category with the first being the action film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the sequel to Transformers where the war between the Autobots and Decepticons continues with Sam Witwicky caught in the middle as the ancient Decepticon the Fallen looks to harvest energy from the sun. Coming off the success of the first film from two years ago, it was smart to strike while the iron was hot and despite the mixed reviews from critics who deemed this film inferior to the first, the film would be a huge success and finished well ahead of the first film which also meant the franchise was sure to continue. The next film from this month that makes it into this category is the comedy the Hangover, a film about a group of friends who can’t remember anything from their bachelor party in Las Vegas and they try to piece the night together while trying to find their friend. With a unique premise and a prime spot at the beginning of the month, the film would earn positive reviews from critics and managed to debut at number one in its opening weekend just barely edging out Up. It would go onto have a very lucrative run despite other comedies coming out during the month and it would set up the beginning of one of the most unlikeliest franchises in history. The third and final film from this month that makes it into this category is another comedy and that is the Proposal, a film about an executive who forces her assistant to pretend to be her fiancé to prevent her from being deported. Unlike the Hangover, this film received less favorable reviews from critics though they praised the chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, and it would still debut at number one in its opening weekend and went to have a fairly successful run by finishing in the top 3 for the month. So while it was a bit disappointing to only see 3 films from this month make it into this category, the three films did very well that they alone were able to carry the month of June to a sustainable level.
June Losers: The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, Land of the Lost, and Imagine That
Now while there were a few films from this month that did very well and got into the winners category, there were a couple of films that did not do as well and ended up being included in this category. There were a few films from this month that didn’t make a lot of money, but they were in a position where they could at times though the films included as the losers were in a position to do somewhat well and they didn’t. The first film from this month that makes it into this category is the action thriller the Taking of Pelham 123, a remake of the 1974 film of the same name about a train dispatcher who must negotiate with a criminal who takes possession of a subway car. Despite having some solid star power involved, the film would end up receiving mixed reviews from critics who deemed it not up to the level of the original 1974 film, and after a soft opening weekend it would fall rather quickly and ended up being forgotten amongst the mass audience. The next film from this month that makes it into this category is the adventure comedy Land of the Lost, based on the TV show of the same name where a paleontologist, his assistant, and a survivalist travel through a space-time vortex and appear in an alternate reality. Despite some decent hype going into its opening weekend, the film would receive negative reviews from critics and wound up bombing in the box office, particularly against fellow film the Hangover which performed far better despite not having as much hype behind it. It would quickly fall off in the coming weeks and ended up being one of the bigger bombs of the year. The third and final film from this month that makes it into this category is the comedy Imagine That, a film about a workaholic and his daughter as her imagination would help lead to his success. Much like Eddie Murphy’s last failed film Meet Dave one year ago, he once again heads up what ends up being a failure as this film also received negative reviews from critics though they weren’t as harsh towards this film as they were to Meet Dave. However, the end result ended up being the same as the film would become a flop and was another loss in a string of recent disappointments for the once profitable Murphy. There was no doubt that this trio of films were major disappointments and were unable to help prop the month of June up, but thankfully the winners of the month were successful enough to try and overcome these losers.
The Surprise/Story of June 2009: Transformers rules supreme again as Revenge dominates June 2009
We go back to July 2007 when the first Transformers movie came out and there was a lot of question as to whether that film would succeed or end up falling flat on its face, and in the end the film wound up being very successful as a solid summer blockbuster which meant that the franchise was going to continue. Flash forward now to June 2009 and we have the release of the second film Revenge of the Fallen, and once again it proves to be a tremendous success by making just over $400 million which tops the first one by a significant margin. Even though it came out at the end of the month, it was able to once again utilize the 4th of July holiday period to rake in a bunch of money and as a result, it was able to easily take the top spot for the month by a great margin. Even though the month was mainly controlled by the Hangover and the Proposal which both did very well, neither was able to compete with Transformers on a grand scale and once again it was pretty clear that the Transformers franchise was going to continue on as a third film most certainly had to be in the works by this point.
Overachiever of June 2009: The Hangover
In what seems to be a recurring trend for this year, we have another clear cut choice to be named the overachiever of the month. Going in, there were a couple of films that had some question as to what film could potentially break out and have a great run, and in the end the film that does just that is the Hangover. No doubt this was an interesting film given its plot of a group of friends who can’t remember what they did during their bachelor party in Vegas, and in addition the four main stars of the film had not really established themselves as major leads. Plus coming out the same weekend as Land of the Lost which had a bit more hype behind it and there were questions as to how this film would end up doing, but at the end of the day the Hangover proved to be the more successful film as it debuted at number one in its opening weekend. It would continue to play well over the month even against other big comedies and finished with an amazing $277 million which was way more than I think anyone ever expected, and because of that the Hangover is more than deserving to be the overachiever of the month and we will see if this spawns into something bigger for a potential Hangover franchise.
Underachiever of June 2009: The Hurt Locker
Now unlike the overachiever of the month which seems to be getting to become the easiest choice to make in these recaps, choosing an underachiever of the month is slowly becoming much more difficult in certain months. Looking at the films from this month, there were a few that did seem to have solid expectations though they didn’t deliver on them, but at the same time those expectations were not high enough to be included in this category. As a result, the film that receives this award is a pretty surprising one and that is the war film the Hurt Locker, a film about a EOD team who serve in the Iraqi War and the conflict between the newly installed Sergeant and his squad. The film had a lot of buzz behind it when it first came out in 2008 at various film festivals around the world, and by the time of its release this month there was plenty of solid hype going into it. The film would receive critical acclaim from critics who considered it one of the best films of the year, and as we will see in the next category it would go on and be one of the top dogs in awards season. However, the reason it is named the underachiever is because I feel like it never reached it maximum potential and part of the reason is because it peaked at showing in only 535 theaters. As a result, there was no way that the mainstream public even with word-of-mouth was going to help prop the film up to bigger heights, so it wounds up being named the underachiever of the month simply based on the prospect of what it could’ve been.
June 2009 Awards Watch: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the Hangover, the Proposal, Land of the Lost, the Hurt Locker, and Imagine That
As we head into the summer, the award contenders prior to this month had been pretty light in terms of all three big awards. However, that changes here as we have six films from this month that make it into this category and a few of them would become laden with at least one of the big three awards. The first film from this month that makes it into this category is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen as it would be nominated for one Academy Award (Best Sound Mixing) which it wouldn’t win, but on the flip side it would end up winning three Golden Raspberry Awards (Worst Picture, Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay) while also being nominated for four more (Worst Actress, Worst Supporting Actress, Worst Screen Couple, and Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off, or Sequel). The next film from this month that makes it into this category is the Hangover which would win one Golden Globe Award (Best Picture – Musical or Comedy), and that is a huge win for this film which also seemed to help push towards a potential franchise. The next film from this month that makes it into this category is the Proposal which would be nominated for one Golden Globe Award (Best Actress – Musical or Comedy) which it wouldn’t win, but fortunately for star Sandra Bullock her year was far from over. The next film from this month that makes it into this category is Land of the Lost which would win one Golden Raspberry Award (Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off, or Sequel) while being nominated for six more (Worst Picture, Worst Actor, Worst Supporting Actor, Worst Screen Couple, Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay), and it’s amazing that one month had two films in Revenge of the Fallen and Land of the Lost be so panned that they would control most of the Golden Raspberry Awards. The next film from this month that makes it into this category was the Hurt Locker which would win 6 Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Film Editing) while being nominated for 3 more (Best Actor, Best Original Score, and Best Cinematography). It would also be nominated for 3 Golden Globe Awards (Best Picture – Drama, Best Director, and Best Screenplay), and this would solidify its standing as one of the best reviewed films from the year. The final film from this month that makes it into this category is Imagine That which would win one Golden Raspberry Award (Worst Actor of the Decade) while being nominated for one more (Worst Actor), and it was interesting to see this month see a near 50/50 split in the films that were nominated for one of the good awards and ones that were up for the bad award.
Overall Thoughts of June 2009:
Overall, the month of June 2009 ended up being a pretty interesting month that saw some films success, but at the same time some films did fairly miserably and kept the month from reaching the heights it could’ve. It was pretty clear that the top 3 films from this month carried the majority of the month, but everything underneath did not do enough to help those 3 films out and many of them ended up being some of the worst bombs of the year. Compared to June of 2008 where that month had a lot more successes, this June was a bit of a step down which was fairly disappointing considering how well the month of May did. Now it wasn’t enough to completely bring down what 2009 had done to this point and with what was to come for the rest of the summer, it was going to be interesting to see how the rest of the summer would play out. As for the month of June 2009, it was a fairly successful month though it wasn’t up to what it could’ve been and it does end up feeling like a bit of a disappointment.
Final Grade: B+
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