#Still undecided on whether or not I consider this 'canon'
mightymizora · 6 months
So @y-rhywbeth2 asked about Manva and views on motherhood after reading Blood and Bone, Bone and Blood
And I’m gonna use it as an opportunity to dive into a bit of Manva lore! Because reproductive stuff and parent stuff is really key to her.
It's going under the cut for length and for discussions of bodily trauma, bhaalist style incest and breeding nonsense, and some dub-to-non-con stuff.
Manva has a complicated relationship to the idea of motherhood (ha, what an opening sentence.) There's a great deal of thematic work around the idea of the mother in Blood and Bone, Bone and Blood and honestly there could have been a lot more in there that I ended up cutting. I'll come to that later, but let's start at the top.
Manva like most Dark Urge's that adhere to canon was not born but made, but unlike some in canon she also didn't have proper foster parents - she was left at the temple of Ilmater and due to the fact she didn't cry and had red hair (red being a sacred colour) and they had just taken in a woman who had lost her baby, they took her to be a gift to the temple. The woman nursed her, but then left again to rejoin her husband and left Manva behind. Manva grew up being told that she had been wetted with the tears of grief and swallowed the pain from her wet nurse. Everything in the temple of Ilmater conditioned her to understand taking on sacrifice, and she saw herself as absorbing the sadness of her wet nurse/mother figure so that she could leave and live her life again.
Then when she goes to the Bhaalist temple aged 13, after coming into her majority (getting her first blood which incidentally is when Sceleritas is born from her in a quasi birth from her period) she steps into a new world again, where she is told about her holy mission and purpose, and dedicates herself to it. But Bhaal does not rule with the carrot only. He is always keen to stir up competition in his ranks. "Grandfather" Sarevok tells Manva when she is still very young that should she fail, should she fall, he is tasked with filling her with the next generation of spawn, making her an endless vessel and it understandably fills her with fear, especially with the recent horror of Sceleritas crawling from her fully formed (I'm still undecided whether this is Bhaal's instruction, or a mind game, but for this purpose it doesn't really matter.) But it's also the first time she's ever considered sex, and with her understanding that she must take on great sacrifice, she also begins to slightly fetishise this fear. The idea of being desired and sacrificing her body in that way is a little sexy, even if the reality is not. Thanks, religious trauma. This is combined with her relationship to the then chosen, Torlin Silvershield, makes for a complicated time in her life.
Torlin is quite a traditional Bhaalist in a lot of ways. A man of means, connected and erudite, whose Bhaalist life is almost a fun club away from his real life. He is handsome and charming and belongs to a world that neither Manva or Orin understand at this point in their lives. He has his own family, his own life away from them. Both of them want to impress him and, vain man that he is, he indulges this. Eventually Manva wins out for his favour during her time as the Butcher of Baldur's Gate, but it is a bitter win; she wants him to be a mentor, a father-figure, and he sees the purest Bhaalspawn as a prize potential mistress, and his sexual attentions are devastating to her.
When he does lose his status, and when she can finally make decisions for herself, she decides to maintain her perceived celibacy (after all who needs sex when you have Bhaal's gift of ecstatic murder, and also the things she does to Orin in a fit of anger don't count.) She does right until she meets Gortash. And, I guess, she maintains it, as she does not allow anything that would risk getting with child, and he doesn't do anything to her that might risk her losing control of her strength and accidentally killing him. His desire for her is both tantalising and terrifying to her. He is a great risk.
Then Ketheric comes into the picture and all of these threads pull apart.
Ketheric can see the growing intimacy between her and Gortash, and he needles at it softly because he sees how ridiculous it is. These are broken children who are playing up for his attention, and it's pathetic to him. She's never really seen a person who loved their child before - Torlin was the closest, but he kept his children and life so far away from them - and she is fascinated by it. He would do all of this because he loves his daughter. All of it! He would become undead, he would sacrifice his very soul. She's envious, and wants his attentions as the father figure, but it also makes her think for the first time about what it would be like to choose to have a child. Around this time Gortash is also considering whether he will take a patriar wife pretty much only to have children and a legacy, and they are bringing back Isobel. It makes her have the first thread of desire for something truly for herself. Why do they get the opportunity to feel that feeling, and she doesn't?
I think, whether she realises it fully or (likely) not, that there is a part of her that would like a simple life that she has constantly been denied. The opportunity for love, and to nurture life, to feel secure and to feel seen. She has been a servant to others' needs her whole life, even before she knew she was the Bhaalsdaughter, and by the time she instigates the most toxic sexual relationship of all time with Ketheric (daddy AND daughter issues? literally pulling each other apart during and after? All of the damage caused by Bhaal, Sarevok and Torlin and the desire she cannot have sated by Gortash all coming out at once? Delicious) the strain of that and the desire for more is starting to show.
In the end, it is the Netherbrain that gives her that opportunity. The Brain reads her deepest desire and agrees to be the surrogate for her. The tadpoles will be birthed across the world, and she will be the all-mother to all the creatures it creates. Manva is part of her design, the co-parent, the nurturer of the end of everything, so that something may be born anew.
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aipilosse · 3 months
Was Tuor granted immortality when he went to Valinor? I thought it was just some of Luthien’s descendants who got to choose. Yet they say Tuor was counted amongst the Noldor in Valinor? Was that just a way of saying that he was so close to them that they thought of him as one of them? Not really granted immortality? Sorry for the lore type question but I’m genuinely undecided as to what happened to him in canon.
Don't apologize! this finally gave me the impetus to crack open Arda Reconstructed which I'd checked out from the library.
Anyway, my interpretation of the Silm had always been that Tuor was granted immortality. Which I didn't think made sense when I was 11 and still doesn't make sense now, but that's what it sounds like to me:
But in after days it was sung that Tuor alone of mortal Men was numbered among the elder race, and was joined with the Noldor, whom he loved; and his fate is sundered from the fate of Men.
That last part, "his fate is sundered from the fate of Men," is what makes it sound like he was given immortality, and was not merely sort of adopted into the Noldor.
Arda Reconstructed pointed me towards The Quenta II in the Shaping of Middle-Earth for where this comes from. And, yeah, it's pretty similar:
But Tuor alone of mortal Men was numbered among the elder race, and joined with the Noldoli whom he loved, and in after time dwelt still, or so it hath been said, ever upon his ship voyaging the seas of the Elven-lands, or resting a while in the harbours of the Gnomes of Tol Eressëa; and his fate is sundered from the fate of Men.
I think the gist here is the same, and the 'sundered from the fate of Men' also still implies he's become immortal.
What's different here is it seems that Tuor cannot actually set foot in Valinor, maybe not even on Tol Eressëa. He's in a fairy-tale like situation of perpetually sailing the enchanted seas of Aman.
As the end of legend, it's good. Very mythic, he's forever sailing with Idril, suitable for the forefather of Númenoreans. But considered in the light of Tolkien's more metaphysical musings, especially about the sundered fates of Elves and Men, it doesn't fit imo. I really go back and forth and whether I like for things to fit the mythic sweep or the metaphysical details, but in this case, I tend to go with Tuor dying, having never set foot on Valinor, which isn't explictly in any version (in the BoLT era story, I think he's lost forever, but that's a bit different).
Anyway, I'll leave you with a very short rec (600-ish words) that explains exactly why I, a lover of Tuor, prefer him to have died at sea:
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supermarine-silvally · 2 months
Ace and Yara if they had kids? 🧸
alsdkasdlakjsd Portada-as-parents my beloveddddd (this got so long I had to put it below a cut lmao)
OC x canon ask game
🧸 Would they want to have kids together? If so what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
Firstly, I should acknowledge just how OP any potential Portada offspring would be-- like, they’d have hella strong genes, especially considering who their grandfathers are lmao the World Government and the Marines would be shitting themselves just thinking about it.
Anyways, Ace and Yara would absolutely want to have kids, but there are certainly some hesitations around the matter. Ace loves the idea of having children with Yara, but it also scares the hell outta him. Does he want to condemn them to sharing his bloodline? What if they hate him as much as he hates his own father? What if something happens to Yara, and he loses her in childbirth the way he lost his own mother? What if the World Government comes after his family? He knows they’d never know a moment’s peace, especially after his secret is unveiled to the world at Marineford. But Yara assures him that she knows the risks, and that he won’t be an awful father, and that nothing will happen to her in the process. She’s actually the one who’s initially more on board with the idea of having kids. She loves Ace, and she also loves the idea of pissing off the World Government by continuing [redacted]’s bloodline. Marineford was a powerful motivator for her in that regard. 
Overall, they’d have about 2-5, I’m still undecided (Yara only really wanted one, but Ace is insatiable when it comes to his gorgeous wife lol I’m just not sure where the point is when she puts her foot down and says ‘that’s it, no more kids’). Their first one wasn’t planned, but wasn’t exactly unplanned, either. It just sort of… happened while in the process of negotiating whether kids would be a good idea for them. Ace is the most stressed about it, waiting on Yara hand and foot while she’s pregnant. He’s a constant mixture of excited and terrified, but the further along she gets, the more he falls in love with the idea of having a family, and Yara constantly assures him he’ll be an amazing father. During the pregnancy, he’s glued to Yara’s side and won’t let her lift a finger (much to her annoyance sometimes). He talks to the baby constantly, telling them stories about his childhood on Mt. Corvo with Luffy and Sabo, his adventures as the short-lived Captain of the Spade Pirates, and how he met and fell in love with Yara, as well as humming sea shanties occasionally, too. He gets super excited every time he feels the baby kick (and definitely cried a bit the first time he felt it and it really hit him that wow, he’s gonna be a dad). 
Once their first baby (their eldest son, Shiro, named after Whitebeard) is born, Ace takes to fatherhood immediately. He’s so good with literally everything, from feeding to diaper changing to rocking the baby to sleep. Yara, on the other hand… actually struggles with being a mother at first. She hates the constant crying and not getting enough sleep and finds herself getting really frustrated that it’s not coming to her very easily. She wonders if her own father felt like this-- it gets bad enough that she actually starts to sympathize with Mihawk lol. Ace reminds her that he’s good at it because he has a lot more experience with kids than she does-- he practically helped raise Luffy, after all. He reassures her that she’s doing a great job and that it’s okay to not get it all immediately. But Yara doesn’t start to feel like she’s suited to being a mother until Shiro gets sick for the first time, and she throws all her effort into nursing him back to health, realizing that the fact that she’s so worried about him must mean that despite her earlier reservations, she actually does have a strong bond with her baby. And when he calls her “Mama” for the first time, she cries. 
We all know Ace is the fun parent, but weirdly enough, he’s also the stricter one, too, just because his parenting style is way more hands-on than Yara’s so he’s more likely to be the one to tell the kids ‘no’ when they want to do something they shouldn’t. Yara is more inclined to let her kids learn by experience. That’s how she was raised, and she turned out just fine (according to her). She’s very much the ‘I don’t want to deal with this right now, go ask your father’ style parent.
Ace loves playing with his kids-- in a way, he’s making up for the early childhood he never really had. Any little accomplishment of theirs, no matter how small, he treats like it’s the best thing ever. They drew him a picture? He’s running around the ship showing absolutely everyone he can find, beaming with pride the whole time. Ace as a big brother was already a lot, but Ace as a dad? He’s committed to it 10000%. Being a father gives Ace a whole new reason to want to live. When he was younger, he never could have imagined he’d have a family someday, and he wants his kids to never ever feel like they didn’t deserve to be born.
Yara might not be as outwardly expressive of her love as Ace is, but she very much loves and is proud of her kids in her own way. She might not react too strongly when her kid hands her a drawing they did other than a ‘oh, you drew this? This looks nice’, but within the day, the drawing will be neatly framed up on the wall. Yara does a lot of the behind-the-scenes parenting, preparing snacks and making sure they have clean clothes that fit and stitching up their favourite stuffed animals. Ace and Yara are a great parental team, playing to their strengths and making sure that between them, all the bases are covered for their kids to have as best a childhood as they can offer. 
The kids all take the Portgas name-- and the D, of course, too, since they end up inheriting the Will of D. I only have set ideas for the first two, but I might come up with more at some point later. As mentioned above, their firstborn is Portgas D. Shiro. He looks quite a bit like Ace when he was younger, with wavy black hair and freckled cheeks, but he’s got the Dracule hawk eyes. Personality-wise, he’s quite a bit like Ace, too-- cheerful, stubborn, headstrong, and has a bad habit of never retreating from a fight, but he inherited his mother (and grandfather)’s prowess with a blade, becoming a swordsman. Yara tries training him when he gets a bit older, but they end up butting heads so often that she ends up giving him to Zoro as a student, hoping he might actually listen to someone who’s not his mother. Shiro’s goal is to surpass Zoro as the World’s Greatest Swordsman one day, and ends up inheriting his grandfather’s blade Yoru. 
Their secondborn is Portgas D. Relie, their (potentially eldest) daughter. I named her after her step-grandmother in my crossover with Evie (@auxiliarydetective)’s OC, La Donna Dracule Aurelia, since Aurelia is a really important person in Yara’s life and she gave her daughter the name to honour her (but everyone calls the younger Aurelia “Relie”). She has violet hair like her mother, though it’s a bit more wavy, and soft brown eyes (the same colour as Yara’s right eye). She also got Ace’s freckles-- some even say that her face is the spitting image of her grandmother, Portgas D. Rouge. She definitely has more of the Dracule personality, quiet and reserved. At some point, she gets her hands on a Logia fruit (my idea was for it to be volcano-related somehow, perhaps volcanic ash, but I’m too lazy to check if that Devil Fruit concept already exists in canon lol). Also, she notably inherits Ace’s narcolepsy. 
Mihawk, as the only living grandparent, is surprisingly involved with his grandkids’ lives. As the now-retired former World’s Greatest Swordsman, he spends his time chilling on some secluded island where he can peacefully farm for the rest of his days. He babysits the kids fairly regularly when their parents are off having adventures that are too dangerous to have children around for (or when Ace and Yara just need some Alone Time), and they have a great time with their Grandpa Mihawk. Plus, Mihawk’s involvement makes the Marines hesitant to try any funny business, sort of like how Whitebeard protected Ace. 
These kids have SO MANY aunts and uncles between Ace’s brothers and their crewmates/associates in the Straw Hats and the Revolutionary Army, the other WBP division commanders, and former Spade Pirates-- not to mention Zoro and Perona as well. Luffy and Sabo spoil them rotten whenever they come visit, and retired Marine Hero Great-Grandpa Garp has been known to visit every now and again. (Garp has no idea how he got roped into caring for his old rival’s descendants, but the kids like him and he even tolerates the great-grandpa label, even though it makes him feel reeeeally old lmao). If Whitebeard is still alive at that point, he’s the best grandpa ever. It’s a huge, chaotic extended family, but Ace and Yara are extremely grateful for all the support-- it really does take a village (or a few pirate crews), after all.
also tagging @daughter-of-melpomene @oneirataxia-girl @box-of-bats in case you want some Portada-being-parents headcanons since I haven't really touched on this much heheh
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ell-arts · 6 months
Do your stories have a connection? Like, are any of them connected?
Mmmm it depends on the story I guess! (spoilers ahead if you haven't read my fics)
Most of my smaller stories (Just This Once, Babysitting the Fuzz, Thursday is Rubber Fishday, etc), were written to be stand-alone fanfics that do not have any kind of connection to each other. I also have an in-limbo comic called The Throne, which is based on a what-if idea and is thus entirely its own thing with no connection to any of my other stories whatsoever.
However, The Veil and Call Me Cyli might have some overlap with each other.
I'm still a bit undecided on how much overlap they'll have. Call Me Cyli is my take on the first two episodes, sort of like a fan-made prequel for the series. The Veil, on the other hand, takes place a year after the events of the season 2 finale, like a sequel.
Therefore, Call Me Cyli could be considered a distant prequel to The Veil, but only in terms of the fanon/altered canon I've come up with for the show.
For example, some events or relationships in Call Me Cyli could be canon to the timeline in The Veil. If you were to ask Cyli in The Veil if she had any friends before meeting Pac and Spiral, then she would say Poly, Tetrah, Cubo, Rubix and Skeebo.
Through this logic, it would also mean that the specific bullying phase that Pac went through in CMC is also canon in The Veil's lore. That includes the whole dilemma of Cyli staying on Skeebo's side until it had become blatantly apparent to her that Skeebo was a bully, and the consequences it had on Pac. The whole issue was the reason there was a feud between Cyli and Pac & Spiral at the start of their friendship. If you were to ask any of the Pac-trio in The Veil about it, then they'd remember it fully (with embarrassment and shame lol)
And it's kinda because of that reason why I'm a bit undecided on whether or not Call Me Cyli and The Veil should be connected.
Since The Veil is still a story that's being written, some things might come along that change the plot and lore completely, which could make the events in CMC incompatible with the events in The Veil.
For now, I'd say that minor things like Cyli's past relationships are canon/connected to The Veil. But some of the bigger things like CMC's plot points may not be relevant to The Veil's ongoing plot.
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aroacemisha · 2 years
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He considers himself genderless, but still prefers masculine terms and he/him pronouns.
Also, I’m undecided on whether I want him to have fangs, but I think it’s cute.
[Edit: just to clarify, because some people seem to have missed this, but this is my AU version of Belos. But I hc the canon one as agender too]
Please reblog my work.
(And feedback is also appreciated)
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daybreakrising · 2 days
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just for clarification, this hc is going to refer only to those i believe he has an actual blood connection with (however thinly spread) and NOT to those he considers his chosen family (aka, his lupical).
since our knowledge of his parents is still fairly limited - we know that they were members of the adventurer's guild, we have a rough idea of what they looked like, and that they entrusted a box of items to v.arka - there's a lot of potential regarding their families. so, until canon tells me otherwise, these are my hcs for actual blood connections razor has (whether he knows it or not).
until we actually get to see him in game, i'm undecided on his exact connection to razor. currently, there are two options i am considering based on what model he'll be given in future:
biological uncle
biological grandfather
i'm currently leaning towards the former over the latter, even if he does get a more typical "older man" model when we eventually get to see him in-game. and since hyv is allergic to giving their characters ages, i'm saying he's likely to be within the 40-50 age range regardless, given that razor is likely to be around 16-18 (i personally hc 16).
it just makes sense to me that his parents would entrust something so personal to someone in their family. i have other hcs about why razor was raised by a.ndrius and the wolves instead of v.arka himself, but that's for another post in the future. and, it gives something of an explanation as to why v.arka takes an interest in training the boy.
v.arka is the elder brother of razor's mother (based on my hc that varka has the same colour hair), who has no family of his own(?) and has semi-adopted the boy as his own, in the sense that he watches over him from afar and makes sure he's thriving well. the fact his name means "wolf" is not a coincidence and i will die on this hill.
i know a lot of people assume c.yno and razor are brothers based on a number of similarities both in their designs and in their game mechanics / constellations. whilst i do believe they are connected in some way, i am undecided on whether or not they are that closely related due to the differences in their heritages.
that being said, given the information in c.yno's second story quest and the assumption it refers to c.yno rather than s.ethos, it could be possible that the adventuring couple found themselves in s.umeru when they had their first child, and it could be possible that this child was sold to the temple of silence (perhaps they felt incapable of raising a child at that time? and given they leave razor to the wolves, it would be on brand-). so, if a c.yno wants to explore that as a plot, i'm not saying no.
by default, however, i will say that they are cousins. perhaps another sibling of razor's mother (to explain the hair colour), or perhaps v.arka has a secret he's not telling anyone (unlikely). since i am also leaning towards razor's father being s.umerian (hyv also being allergic to skin pigmentation, as ever), i hc that c.yno is a cousin on razor's paternal side - we know it's not uncommon for lighter hair colours to appear in s.umeru natives, after all.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 10 months
STOP! THANK YOU! I love when someone says skmeth8ng about art!
Also drop those spark notes, I’m too impatient 😭🤭
IT’S SO PRETTY YOU’RE SO TALENTED!!! Sorry for taking forever to respond the sparknotes were extensive 😭
— with may ducat’s help, Y/N escapes solitary confinement and they go to help rescue eren from reiner and bertholdt
— Y/N pretends like she reciprocates bertholdt’s feelings so that he lets down his guard and she manages to free eren but is injured in the process, the scream scene is basically the same as it was in promise i think but I’m undecided whether she and eren would’ve kissed and gotten together at that point or not
— the first part of season 3 is also generally the same as promise was except levi is the one that kills rod reiss as he promised to do so right after Eren’s trial and Y/N becoming the commander of the first interior squad wasn’t a surprise, it was actually historia’s condition for becoming queen
— after rod reiss dies, levi gives Y/N a dagger so that in some way or another he’s always protecting her
— she confronts lord maiar (the one she was like engaged to??) and he threatens her life, which allows her to lawfully kill him as because she is his fiancée, by threatening her he is technically attempting to end his own family’s line of succession, so as his fiancée she is able to attempt to kill a family member of equal importance to him as herself (which is him) (it’s complicated but it’s basically the same rule that gave lord maiar control over her father’s family line after he killed her mother, lmk if you want me to add the direct quote explaining the law)
— during return to shiganshina, Y/N is ‘killed’ while fighting the beast titan with levi. floch saves her instead of erwin and levi has to choose between her and armin; he ends up choosing Y/N so she inherits the colossal titan instead of armin
— when they reach the sea, Y/N finds an oyster and decides to keep it because she thinks it’s a cool shell or something idk it’s just a memento for her
— while visiting marley with the scouts, Y/N and levi end up together by themselves while everyone is drunk because they’re the #responsible friends, she asks him if things between them would’ve been different if she wasn’t a lady/noble and he’s surprised but tells her no, eren then leaves as per canon which ofc upsets everyone especially Y/N
— attack on marley follows canon but it’s Y/N instead of armin, sasha is the one who dies at gabi’s hand
— during the table scene eren tells Y/N that she would be nothing without bertholdt and that she took everything from him (she is still wearing the black cloak at that point as well as having the colossal titan) and she also is the reason armin died and she’s unable to protect anyone
— Y/N is the one to find levi and save him from the jaegerists, they are together when the rumbling begins and consider just hiding away but they both know they can’t ofc
— i believe the rest of season 4 would’ve progressed like it did in canon
— once everyone else has been turned into titans and Y/N enters the paths, she meets eren and he tells her that armin was the true savior of humanity before having her open the oyster she found at the sea, revealing a pearl in it (pearls in this story represent justice), Y/N realizes that she has to find justice no matter what and returns to the present timeline
— on falco’s back, she thanks levi for helping her believe in herself, helping her be strong, and for giving her his dagger. She then takes off her black cloak and gives it to him before going into the mouth of Eren’s titan and apologizing before swearing that she won’t leave him ever again
— using Levi’s dagger, she stabs herself through the heart and uses the pain to transform on final time, knowing that it’ll end the curse of Ymir and she won’t be able to regenerate, effectively killing both herself and eren
— the reason why it works is because ymir chose levi to watch over, and when he chose Y/N over armin back in Shiganshina, he chose love over justice; however, when he doesn’t try to stop Y/N from killing herself for justice his mistake is fixed because he chose justice over love the same way that Y/N did
— the first epilogue shows the aftermath of everything, levi marries may ducat, everyone else i’m not quite sure about but i do think i planned on tullia and reiner getting together?? idrk i think that’s one of those things that would’ve developed naturally with the story ykwim
— the second epilogue is Y/N and eren in the afterlife sitting next to each other at the beach; Y/N says that it feels familiar and asks eren if there’s any universe where they’re happy
— eren tells her that them meeting and losing each other in every universe is inevitable while they watch scenes from their past lives reflected in the water; the scream scene from promise comes up and eren tells Y/N that that was the moment that their fates were set in stone because his soul formed a contract with hers, causing the repetition of their reincarnation cycle
— eren reveals that the reason why things never work out for them is because they are not each other’s soulmates; Y/N’s soulmate is levi but she is forced to be apart from him because of the promise eren made to her. however because she made the choice to die with eren instead of fully losing him, she has the chance to break free from the promise and be with her actual soulmate. the visions in the water change to show her having a peaceful and/or happy life with levi, but she refuses, saying she doesn’t care about who her soulmate is as she only wants eren
— they sit in silence for a while before eren warns her that she’s condemning herself to an eternity of pain if she continues to abide by the contract as there’s no chance for them to ever be happy together and there might not be another opportunity for her to break free from it again. Y/N says that she can bear any amount of pain as long as he finds her in every life they lead; eren swears he will and she swears to always stay by his side, as long as she can
— they sit for a little while longer and contemplate things and wonder where they will go next; they end up hugging, Y/N asks if they can stay there together for a little while longer, to which Eren agrees and says there’s no rush
Hostis Humani Generis
— this fic was tough because the problem with Y/N Ackerman is that she was just too strong; several of the problems in canon simply wouldn’t have occurred if she was there
— most of the fic followed canon; jean had a crush on Y/N and mikasa liked eren, tullia reiss was in love with armin and he loved her as well (they had a relationship)
— the ackermans don’t have hosts but they are born with innate protective desires and wills to fight; they usually associate their desire with one person, hence the host misconception, as it’s usually someone who they have strong feelings for — for Y/N in this fic it was tullia reiss as Y/N was illiterate due to coming from the underground and tullia taught her how to read and write so that she wasn’t kicked out of the cadet corps
— right after trost, it’s revealed that levi is Y/N’s ‘brother’ (to the characters, obviously we as the readers know based on context clues), levi tells her that farlan and isabel are dead and that she should stop going by “Y/N Church” as that’s not really her last name and it’s okay to not have a last name as he doesn’t either
— post-stohess, Y/N sees eren and mikasa together right after he wakes up so she decides to leave the room as she believes eren deserves better than her and she thinks that eren and mikasa are in love (she knew that mikasa cared for eren since the cadet corp but didn’t think eren liked mikasa back until just then)
— during the scream scene, Y/N confesses all of her crimes — of which there are MANY because she was a little murderer in the underground — and tells him that she probably deserves to die for everything she’s done. Eren gets angry and tells her that she can’t die because she is the kind of person that will change the world someday. She is in disbelief, and he tells her that they will do it together before punching dina
— the only super notable thing that happens in the first half of season 3 is that Y/N sees Kenny again, revealing that he is her father (again, to the characters — it was obvious to the readers based on context clues) and finds out that she is an Ackerman as well as discovering that although levi isn’t her literal brother, he IS her biological cousin
— oh wait also tullia reiss is denied the throne in favor of historia because the military officials thought she would be too hard to control and she was too close to rod reiss as a child; they are afraid she will turn on them somehow
— during return to shiganshina and the conflict between choosing erwin and armin, Y/N gets into a fight with mikasa for pinning levi — she is loyal to her brother above all else and doesn’t give the others time to convince him to pick armin, leading to erwin being revived instead (i promise i don’t hate armin LMAOO idk why he dies in shiganshina in both fics)
— when zeke is trapped in the forest with levi, tullia somehow manages to inherit his titan, severely injuring levi in the process (he’s in a similar state as in canon); her beast titan has a deer-like form
— it turns out that Y/N, tullia, and eren have been planning to start the rumbling, and with tullia inheriting the beast from zeke, she fulfills the requirement of a royal-blooded titan. during the battle in shiganshina, Y/N manages to block gabi’s shot, so eren reaches tullia unharmed after she screams and they go into the paths and start the rumbling with 0 fuss
— Y/N wanted the rumbling because she didn’t want anything to hurt her brother or her friends, eren wanted it for freedom and safety for his friends and somewhat for himself?? and tullia wanted it to get revenge on the world for what they suffered and for what was taken from her (they are not meant to be seen as morally just reasons LMAO that’s just how they justify it to themselves)
— Y/N disappears at this point while the rest of the characters do what they did in canon
— when mikasa breaks into the mouth of eren’s titan, she finds Y/N is there waiting for her; once again, they get into a fight, which Y/N wins. Y/N taunts mikasa by reminding her of what happened in shiganshina and how Y/N won, how she will always win in any match between the two of them because she is stronger. She almost kills mikasa but at the last moment lets her go, remembering that they are sisters in a sense due to being from the same family
— once the rumbling is completed, the genocidal trio emerges and they are immediately punished for their crimes; eren is fed to reiner, tullia to erwin, and Y/N is locked away in prison for the rest of her life
— the epilogue is Y/N reflecting on her time in prison. She hasn’t spoken since the day that eren and tullia were executed — the only thing she does is sit in the jail cell and think. She remembers that reiner used to visit and sit with her in silence (likely because he had some sympathy for her) but he hadn’t come for some years; it’s implied that this is because his term ended and somebody else got his titans as the curse of ymir was not ended. Jean used to visit her due to being in love with her; his last visit is her telling her he married mikasa, and he never comes back afterwards. Connie occasionally comes just to yell at her.
— at one point, people trying to revive the jaegerist cause broke her out of prison in the hopes that she will help them overthrow the government and the monarchy, but all she did was sit in the grass until she was caught and sent back to the jail cell. she is very apathetic about life now that the rumbling is over and doesn’t seem to care about anything or react to anyone
— despite how many years it has been, levi has never visited Y/N. as she thinks that, the story returns to the present and levi appears in his wheelchair. he tells her that she looks awful and, in the first time in years, she speaks, begging him to kill her. he unlocks the door to her jail cell and enters it, she sits at his feet and lays her head in his lap like she used to when she was a child; beginning to cry, she asks him if he hates her now
— he tells her that although she might have been an enemy of humanity, she would always be his little sister. she closes her eyes and smiles slightly; he wipes away her tears and then stabs her in the back
— fun fact: Y/N escaped the underground because she wanted to see the sun; however, she spends the last few years and honestly probably the majority of her life in the dark/underground, even dying there. at least she had her brother in her final moments?? lol
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niofo · 6 months
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canon compliant amell-hawke family tree. feel free to use it as a base for your own. characters we don't know anything about and i named for my uses are revka's husband and their 5 children, that are all mages. (kinloch hold amell would probably be a bit younger than 22, as they're only getting their harrowing, but it wasn't fitting my timeline otherwise)
under the cut some background on the characters in my worldstate:
marian started as blue hawke, then aften death of carver in lothering and bethany in the deep roads she moved to red hawke. she's still kind to everyone she considers her family, but very protective of them, and often rude to outsiders. supports mage rebellion and anders' actions. she's a lesbian in a poly relationship with isabella and merrill. her weapon of choice is two handed ax, but she's proficient with all melee weapons.
lucas marin, son of antivan small-scale pearl merchants. his parents went into conflict with a competitor who had contacts amongst the house nero of antivan crows, who were then contacted to eliminate marin family. lucas managed to escape antiva fearing for his life, and in kirkwall met revka amell and tried to start a new life. when his eldest daughter showed magic potential and was taken by the templars, and soon after his wife's family collapsed and revka herself disappeared, he took remaining four children and kept moving: first across the marches, then to ferelden and finally orlais, but every single one of his children showed magic potential and ended up being taken by the chantry no matter how he tried to protect them. when he lost the youngest, twins, he decided to stay in orlais, not seeing the point of running any longer.
aderyn, eldest amell daughter, was taken into the gallows at some point in 9:10. by the time of 9:30s she was an enchanter specializing in force magic, she was also involved with the mage underground, helping other mages escape, especially ones that had the biggest threat of being made tranquil. she had the opportunity to escape herself, but stayed to secure a few more escapes, and was killed in the templar raid in 9:37, soon before anders blew up the chantry, at the age of 42.
yorath, the 2nd child, was brought to the ostwick circle where he befriended idris trevelyan and vivienne. unfortunately he was not skilled with magic enough for the circle's high standard and the templars decided him not able to attend his harrowing. he was made tranquil in 9:16 and worked in different circles since then. in 9:41 he was the first person to have his tranquility reversed by the inquisition, using the knowledge found in seekers' book of secrets.
gareth was early showing an impressive talent for spirit healing and learned under the tutelage of senior enchanter wynne even before taking his harrowing. yet soon after he helped his friend jowan escape, which marked him as a potential blood mage. knight-commander was still undecided whether to sentence him to tranquility or sent to aeonar along with initiate lily, but he decided to wait for the return of the templars and mages dispatched to ostagar. as soon as that happened though, uldred rebellion started, templars locked the tower until the arrival of the hero of ferelden. as tabris cleared the tower he encountered gareth fighting for his life, and learning about the situation, he invoked the right of conscription to get him away from the tower. gareth didn't go through the joining, but his close friendship with the warden and his actions during the blight granted him temporal immunity from the accusations. later he joined the rebellion alongside most of kinloch mages, and then became inquisition's main healer.
hefina was sent to the white spire and studied elemental magic under senior enchanter adrian, who also recruited her into libertarian fraternity. after the rebellion started hefina was dispatched to look for any displaced or abandoned mages andtranquil around the free marches. she was ambushed by a group of templars, but surprisingly saved by two passing antivan crows. the crows had an ulterior motive as they needed a help of a mage in their current mission and traded her life for assisting them. incidentally she also learned that her father was not, in fact, hunted in antiva, the hit was just for his parents and there was nothing personal going on. hefina helped the crows and then decided to stay in antiva to work with them more, giving the mage rebellion useful ties to the organization.
merfyn, twin bother of hefina, went to montsimmard circle where he aligned himself with the loyalist fraternity. he was progressing in his studies to become a knight-enchanter when the rebellion started and he joined first enchanter vivienne as a part of loyal mages staying with the chantry. he encountered a group of antivan crows who first took him for his sister hefina, which was when he learned that she is with crows, but he assumed that she was kidnapped. he asked vivienne for permission to go rescue his sister, hoping to recruit her to their cause, which vivienne allowed. when the twins finally reunited hefina explained that she is actually working with the crows willingly, and more than that, she is also a part of the rebellion. they were in the middle of a political argument when the news of the conclave explosion reached them, pushing their discussion to a later date.
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murdaughter · 7 months
important vanessa emily things below the cut
extreme tw for child death and child abuse given that em is the daughter of a serial killer and just in keeping with f.na.f lore
-so in my canon, vanessa's mother dies somewhat mysteriously when she's about six years old. i personally don't feel the need to expand upon the, like, where and how of it, but vanessa definitely saw something to incriminate william
-it was definitely something at night, where she was like groggy and confused and for that reason it's very easily written off by teachers, therapists, etc.
-vanessa tries to report what she saw but given that in her canon timeline it was the 1970s (she was born in 1973, making her around 27 at the time of the movie) no one took her very seriously. even in a contemporary timeline, the lack of evidence does her no favors
-things calm down, mainly because william realizes he cut it WAY too close. he also realizes he needs to regain vanessa's trust, especially as she gets older
-we'll say that vanessa was around 10 when freddy fazbear's pizza opened up (which would be a grand opening in 1983), and the murders happened around 1985 (which i believe is like canon to the timeline?? idk man)
-because it was a new business venture (and as vanessa would later learn, a trap) william spent most of his time there, which meant vanessa did too. it became an oasis. her dad seemed happy there, and all the staff liked her and looked out for her. nothing seemed wrong, so to her nothing was wrong
-while she still harbors an underlying fear of her father, he has been working very hard to erase it, and by the time fazbear's is open (i'm not including the diner in my canon bc i simply dont have the bandwidth ahh im sorry) vanessa has largely compartmentalized her fear of her father, considering it just like general teen angst
-but when the 1985 murders happen, vanessa is very, very aware
-i'm undecided on whether she witnessed them because this blog is still in its infancy and i need to do more research on ptsd in general but also like what van's trauma would look like specifically as the child of a murderer, etc
-but either way, vanessa knows about the murders within days of them happening (if not The day of) and william knows she knows
-he then becomes an extremely unstable presence in her life, alternating between manipulation, outright threats, and gaslighting. as a result, vanessa is extremely loyal to him and to freddy's out of sheer fear
-its rare that vanessa is at the pizzeria very late, but she has been there after hours and has encountered the animatronics when they are possessed by william's victims
-vanessa quickly figures out how to communicate with them. like we see in the movie, they aren't really violent unless provoked/under william's influence, especially when it comes to kids.
-it's not the healthiest thing, but vanessa actually develops relationships with the kids, and starts to take solace in them. sometimes, she regards them as siblings.
-the bite of 87 closes the place down right when vanessa is entering high school. she has a weird reputation because of it (she definitely goes from being somewhat popular among classmates just because she like has the hook up to like kind of a pariah just because people are freaked out)
-obviously the murders are never connected to afton but there are very likely rumors and that shit does come down on vanessa in school, especially once the place shuts down
-vanessa has a few outcast friends but again, there is a lot of fear that if she gets to involved william might hurt them too
-once she graduates, she goes to state school (idk if fnaf has a canon location but! i'll pick a state eventually probably) but she is very much under william's thumb the entire time
-william brings her into the fold once she graduates college, as he has learned that it's difficult to keep the security guards alive
-vanessa just straight up is not a cop. she's trained in first aid and knows how to use a gun, but this is all by william's design. all her gear is stolen and/or forged and she has had some close calls
-aside from still being deeply afraid for her life, vanessa is almost entirely dependent on william financially, and he does basically pay her as a full time employee keeping the guards in line, etc.
-vanessa has looked for ways out very frequently but often feels too afraid to pursue them or is otherwise intimidated out of it by her father.
-the events of the film go down in my canon as they go down in the movie
-vanessa eventually Does wake up from the coma, and as william is dead (that's right!! he's dead im not letting that bastard survive lol) the case gets opened up and all that
-im gonna look into whether or not she would go to jail for life lmao. realistically she totally might. even though vanessa is a victim of lifelong abuse and threats against her life she is still an accomplice to a lot of crime so? idk man
-BUT for convenience and rp's sake, vanessa undergoes the trial, faces public ridicule and vitriol, and eventually comes out the other side as emily laughlin. the legal name change doesn't protect her from all of the fallout of the pizzeria, but it does help)
-she becomes a barista and tries to keep her head down. shes dealing with a huge amount of trauma and is just generally all over the place, as she's never been given the opportunity to live her own life before.
-she definitely has a continuing relationship with mike (whether that's romantic or platonic is open to whatever) and of course abby, though they are probably her only links to Being Vanessa. i'm still deciding if the ghost kids remain, but i'm thinking with afton dead, they're able to pass on. which on one hand is beautiful, but it's also another loss for emily.
-all in all, emily is definitely very damaged from her ordeal, but at once is very eager to connect once she feels someone is trustworthy. her relationship with mike definitely has a lot to do with that, as he has proven to her that people Can Be trustworthy
-anyway that's my story and im sticking to it! pls love my baby i care her very much ok bye
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subukunojess · 9 months
OCs for the Phantom Moth AU
Hey guys. Trying to get this out of my head before it disappears, but I finally got an idea for some of my OCs for the Mario + Rabbids AU I came up with, The Phantom Moth. It took some research and reading great fics from mutuals to get something going. A few musical terms here and there as well!Without further ado, here are the OCs that will appear in my AU Fics:
Brio Harper (They/Them)
The Main Character and Protagonist for the AU! I'm still undecided whether or not to keep them or experiment with reader fic. I had never written the latter before. Well, maybe once a few years ago. But I'll figure it out. Brio is a gender-neutral musical name meaning vitality. Brio is a genderfluid nonbinary human who loves entertaining and creating things as well as living life and making new friends. They love several types of music and the supernatural/monsters. Due to their small rise in popularity, a childhood bully has placed a monster curse on them. The main focus in the AU is Brio coming to terms with their identity and what happens when the curse affects them in more ways than one.
Otieno the Rabbid (He/Him)
A black and white Rabbid who acts like the MC's bodyguard, agent, and advisor. He is loosely based on my past pet rabbit Marceline. To describe him, if he were in the Mario and Rabbids canon, he'd be similar to Edge but a little more energetic. Maybe not a Spark Hunter, but a Spark Defender? In this AU, Otieno is a rebel/vigilante type who's somewhat retired and somehow became friends with MC/Brio to the point that he helps them out however he can whether it would entail being a spokesperson or escorting someone out if they were making MC/Brio uncomfortable. Otieno left behind his shadows, but the shadows are on the hunt for revenge.
Chanson the Peek-A-Boo (He/Him)
Phantom's Right-Hand Ghost! Before being Phantom, Thomas Phan was a normal Rabbid outcast who would sometimes hang out in the lonely parts of the city. Near a graveyard/sewers, Thomas met two supernatural beings who had forgotten their names. One of them was a Peek-A-Boo who Thomas took a liking to because he could lure in anyone and enjoys talking about literature and the arts. He and the eccentric being love hanging out with Thomas. One night, something happens, and the two see Thomas in a ditch, wounded with a large bat and a phonograph. They both try to help but to no avail. They then witness Thomas's death and his transformation into Phantom. Still feeling enraged and confused at what happened to him, the Phantom unconsciously makes his only friends grow as well. After the breakdown, the Phantom decides to make a new name for himself and employ his friends into being his staff, also naming them. Chanson (French for Song) is the second in command and Phantom's advisor. He is the one who helps organizes the contest for Phantom to get a partner. Strict and Serious but understanding. He is used to Phantom's antics and has similar but minor siren powers like Phantom.
Misfix the Medician (They/Them)
The Healer of Phantom's staff. They along with Chanson are friends of Phantom when he was Thomas Phan. Unlike the others, Misfix gave a name for themself. It's a mixture of "misfit" and "fix". They are a nonbinary Medician who is in charge of healing anyone despite their eccentric and excited personality akin to the mad scientist trope. They are the wild card, but the best at what they do. In the main fic, they examine MC/Brio after the contest. They have three siblings who stay with them and are also employed by Phantom. Misfix is the second oldest. Along with Chanson, Misfix is the other giant of the staff who loves their size.
Deciso the Spellraiser (She/They)
The supposed holder of the brain cell for the staff besides Chanson. She is unrelated to the Spectral Siblings but is friends with Adagio. Deciso (Musical term meaning firm) is a living mage who can float, cast spells, and summon anything. She is considered a recent hire when one night she visits Adagio and discovers that he and his siblings are part of a comeback plot for some giant monster ghost bat. She joins the staff mainly to help the siblings out, but to also not make Phantom upset/eat her. Deciso acts like a mediator and deals with the relations between the upper/daily world and the dark underworld they live in. Out of the staff, Deciso is the only one who keeps her regular size, so she gets carried around a lot. Despite her initial worries, Phantom does not want to mess around with her. Mostly no-nonsense, but she does know how to let loose once in a while.
Glissando the Oozer (He/Him)
The Sniper of Phantom's staff. Misfix's younger brother. He is also the apothecary/poison master of the staff, able to detect poisons and create potions along with Deciso's help. Whenever there is an enemy monster that Phantom cannot handle or they need to kidnap someone, Glissando (musical term meaning to slide) is on the job to poison the monster or make elixirs with side effects. He is sly and sneaky. A chill kind of guy. He, Libero, and Adagio are size shifters curtesy of the Phantom.
Libero the Ghostly Walker (He/They)
An Extra Assistant to Phantom. The youngest of the siblings. Unlike his siblings, Libero (musical term meaning free) is a pure ghost who wears chains. While he and the rest of the staff liked to sing, he was the one who sang beautifully/the most. While Phantom's power grew back in the early stages of his transformation, there was an incident that made Phantom weak and damaged his phonograph. Libero comes to help but during this vulnerable time, he gets absorbed into Phantom. With the help of his family, he does get back out, but without a voice. His voice was unconsciously taken by Phantom which was used to repair him. Although Libero was saddened, he would gladly sacrifice his voice for an amazing ghost such as Phantom. Since he does not have any distinctive powers like his siblings, Libero acts as moral support and helps in the background whenever he can. He is mute and he uses sign language and writing to get his thoughts across. He can hum, but it would mostly sound like a ghostly moan with no distinct voice to it. Very curious, kind, and shy. Phantom (and eventually MC/Brio) would be the only ones who could hear him speak in their minds. Phantom can use Libero's voice in addition to all the others he absorbed in his voicebank to his advantage. Libero's voice is of a higher/lighter register.
Adagio the Depleter (He/Him)
The assassin of Phantom's staff and the Eldest of the Spectral Siblings. He is the typical brooding big brother type who doesn't want to deal with anyone and would protect his younger siblings with his life or afterlife as it were. He initially went against working with Phantom, saying that Misfix should get out of the situation by themself but after much convincing (ie. Hypnotism/Persuasion and threats), he reluctantly joined the staff. Adagio (musical term meaning in slow tempo) works along with Glissando in dealing with enemies of Phantom's plot. He knows how to steal the life force of his victims and has given pointers to Phantom on the matter. He along with Chanson acts like the foil to Otieno; bodyguards who would do whatever it takes to protect their charges.
Until next time! I can't wait to write these characters. Which one is your favorite so far?
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doodlingbot · 2 years
Wait wait wait wait wait
Tell me more about this original species with fused mask faces.
You utter fool, straight into my trap card. You have no fucking idea what you've just unleashed.
Alright below are some VERY OLD info panels that I need to update sometime soon. They aren't incorrect information wise or anything, it's just old old old art.
I'm still undecided on If I need to change the species name at some point, but for now we can call them Aurians or alternatively, by their subspecies, Daylings, Nightlings, and Dusklings.
They came about because I needed a special race for a medieval fantasy setting of mine, moon and sun themed specifically. They are an open species and I try to allow everyone as much freedom with them as possible. Whether it be for people to make their own and even use them in stories if they really want to, or to make adopts and sell them. I'm pretty chill with what others want to create with them, provided no one claims the species as a whole as their own.
The sun god Soline and the moon god Nicto fled from the mainland to get away from the humans hunting down the various main deities across the continent, presumably imprisoning or killing them, history doesn't seem to know which one it was. They both settled on a distant island, then both cried over what they assumed to be the deaths of their deity friends. Those tears changed shape and turned into intelligent beings with extreme magical capabilities.
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Some extra facts!: Aurian's can reproduce without the tears of either of their deities. They will take a sort of special tub or vat, fill it with water, place their soon to be child's mask in, and will add their own blood to the water. It's tradition for would be parents to sacrifice their ring finger.
Because of how they reproduce, biological sex, isn't much of a thing. Some may still have what could resemble sexual organs but its considered a mutation. Their language mostly uses gender neutral terms but some may still go by more gendered terms, This isn't a thing of "they are all canonically nonbinary" and more so of "nonbinary is considered a default for them".
I draw them as mostly humanoid but honestly, be as shapey as you want. Make furries, make abominations. Just got to make sure their masks are gold/silver, can't be taken off without killing them, and that their skin resembles the day, night, or dawn/dusk skies respectfully.
concerning the skin of Nightlings, feel free to give them galaxy skin. It wasn't shown in those simple drawings but I do often draw them with galaxies on their skin.
Although they were created for a medieval fantasy setting, I also use them for modern and, will eventually use them, for sci fi space settings as well. No issues with others using them in non medieval settings either.
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yuesya · 2 years
I just had this thought, would Shiki and Panda be able to become friends early on and have “play dates”? I haven’t read the manga or fully watched the anime, but it seems likely that Panda was raised at or near Jujutsu Tech, so if Satoru brings her with him at some point, they could meet.
Obviously, they aren’t play dates whatsoever, Satoru is just helping Yaga with a socialization experiment, clearly /s.
Still undecided, but I have a few ideas regarding this! Has Panda's age been confirmed anywhere? Considering that he's a second year by the time the canon timeline starts, it's possible that he's 16-7?
In the current timeline of zenith, (currently 2006; canon starts 2018) Yaga is a sorcerer teaching second years at Tokyo Jujutsu High, about to be appointed as the next headmaster. It's unclear whether he was named headmaster before or after it was discovered he could create sentient cursed corpses (Panda), but if we go by the idea that Panda is 16-7 then currently Panda is 4-5 so Yaga would've already gone and done his thing. Which conflicts slightly with a potential plot point I'm considering, so I'm still debating whether or not to tweak Panda's age/mental development for Plot Purposes.
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superhollymag · 1 year
Location Swap AU - It Lives Anthology
Pretty late but this is for day 7 - Wildcard.
I recently got a case of a brain rot for an AU for the It Lives Anthology. Couldn’t resist writing it down even though it’s not in fic form so here we are.
I’d call it...
The Location Swap AU
Yeah it’s a lame name but it describes what the AU is about the best.
Basically, the Pine Springs crew and the Westchester childhood friends swap backstories and locations where their stories take place. That’s about it but I do have several ideas for how things would be different here. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Let’s start with the crew from Pine Springs.
- Harper and Elliot are still half-siblings here. I may make Marie and Todd live in this AU or I could have them dead before the story begins and have Arthur be their guardian, though the former option is more like how the original story of ILITW plays out, with the parents overseas and unable to interfere.
- Kyle/one of Danni's cousins would take Jane’s place as the friend who got killed. I haven’t decided on which one to choose yet since whoever I choose will be the main motivation for betrayal for one of the girls. Danni was considered since she can betray the group out of love for her family if her nerve is too low, and Imogen is considered to sort of parallel her and Noah. (They lose someone important to them, though one of them keeps a cool head while the other goes off the deep end)
- Tom and Andy are still childhood friends. Andy just never met the other friends here until he moves to Pine Springs.
- I’ve had thoughts of having Josephine and Redfield switch places here though it would clash with canon and the timeline quite a lot. So it’s kinda undecided on what the spirit the gang encounters when they were kids here so let’s just call it the spirit.
- Robbie could be like Connor in ILITW or become apart of the main squad with a nerve score. Haven’t decided yet.
- No idea how Elliot can be fitted into the story, but I do imagine he would try to support Harper and possibly ends up in a coma and possessed.
- I have no idea whether or not I would want the bully trio (Britney, Cody and Jocelyn) to be switched. In the end, I decided no. But I do think Britney needs to be replaced or something since Lily’s not here.
- The cultists from the Society would get switched here. Kelley takes Bhatt’s place for example, and Imogen’s parents will swap with Noah and Jane’s mother.
As for the Westchester childhood friends...
- Mayor Green’s role here would probably be like Astrid’s. The leader of the Society keeping things under wraps and has been torturing a soul for years now. She, like Astrid, still cares for her children and gives her life to protect Stacy when she’s about to be killed.
- Connor would be like Elliot here, since Devon doesn’t have any siblings that can be used in his place. The lake ghost would try and use him against Mayor Green, but he gets dragged below the dam instead. In turn, any scene that has Harper trying to contact or worrying over Elliot will be replaced by Stacy and her worrying over Connor’s safety.
- Noah and Jane is exactly like Imogen and Kyle. Jane dies from the lake ghost and Noah has to accept that fact, though he would probably have it worse than Imogen since he grew up with Jane from the moment they were born. Like Imogen, he loses nerve more easily than the rest of the group.
- Group nerve is increased 800 since you know, more people here. In exchange, there will be more scenes and opportunities to boost nerve for everyone. Plus probably lower nerve check thresholds.
- Who gets tempted with an offer, I have no idea. I narrowed down the candidates to Stacy and Noah but I’m still unsure.
- Bhatt would probably remain as a professor here but her role would be like Kelley. She helps Lucas from his issues from his parents and taught him that he deserves more than them, essentially acting like a mother figure to him.
- Sheriff Cunningham is quite a challenge to figure out. I have no idea what he should be, clueless about everything or be apart of the Society? Though I probably lean more into having him be apart of them for more drama and angst and stuff.
- I decided that for the fight on the boat in chapters 11 and 12, you would make choices that would determine who remains on the boat and who gets thrown off. No matter what, at least three or four people which includes Devon must be remaining on the boat until chapter 12.
- Though if I do have to default who gets thrown off and who gets to stay, I would have Dan and Lily get thrown off, whoever else gets thrown overboard will depend on who your love interest is. (Ex: Ava is your LI, that would result in Lucas and Andy getting thrown into the water. Stacy is the only one immune to this, even if she is tossed into the water, her mother would probably try and find her, in which case all the other LIs gets dunked into the sea.)
- The chapters would probably be longer and have more scenes in order to give players more time to build up nerve.
- I have two solutions to the collectibles thing. The first is to give everyone an item and a weapon tailored to them, the second is to only give four people weapons and four people items. No idea which is better but if the first one is chosen, then some weapons and items will be free.
- Soooooo, the Arthur thing huh...decided that Cid would be the best alternative. I have no idea why, it just makes sense to me since Devon doesn’t really know anyone else in the family. So eh. Best I can come up with is: parents get killed, Cid adopts Devon, Devon keeps last name and they move to Pine Springs.
- If I were to have Redfield take Josephine’s place here, he and Cid would be friends until the ‘betrayal’ thingy.
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Stranger Things?
And the winner is...
Mike Wheeler!
Also sorry for the delay, Anon. Got hit with the Real Life Crazies (in a good way)
Mike is actually still undecided in my main verse, though I've narrowed it down to alpha or beta, though I've been leaning towards alpha because I think that lends a specific flavor to his clashes with Lucas in particular that works well with my overall plan.
I also think they both fit the general mold of "Mike's gender isn't really every something he's had to think about much or in depth," which in the context of my Stranger Things worldbuilding (that I talked about more on the post for Robin) leans a bit more beta actually.
You see my dilemma. XD
Mike is, at least at the beginning of the show, the leader of the party, as befits the DM. (Remember that the primary narrative structure of Stranger Things is D&D and that does have to be considered.) He tends to be the one to take charge and make decisions for the party as a whole, though whether or not the whole party agrees and goes along with it varies wildly.
In the context of the party as a pack, specifically a baby pack/puppy pack/First Pack/whatever terminology you go with, it does mean he is probably, as he gets older, a bit more aware of the emotional states of his packmates then in canon. It doesn't mean he knows any better what to do about said emotions (Pack Alpha or not he is still a teenager figuring his shit out with the rest of them) so the overall fallout is more or less still the same.
Alpha!Mike would mean that he also struggles a lot more in-between seasons 3 & 4 when the party is split up, especially with Will and El, his pack omega and girlfriend respectivly, outside his territory and away from him. He would have even more anxiety about it and, ironically, be more determined to hide that from both of them.
The Party as a whole has a slightly off-beat view of gender and gender roles, using the 80s repressed mindset as the norm, because of their immersion in the sci-fi and fantasy oriented sub-culture. (This does mean there are some grossly exaggerated misconceptions they do have, in opposition to the extreme minimization of a good portion of the distinct alpha/omega traits in particular. They'll figure it out eventually.)
It adds an extra layer of tension to Mike and Lucas' clashes, and also Mike and Max's. Little baby alpha's butting heads.
in the shipping context:
For El, who does not really understand gender as a concept and is still figuring all that out and how it relates to her, it honestly doesn't really effect them that much, except maybe reducing Mike's obliviousness just a smidge (though not doing anything about either of their awkwardness)
For Will, it would actually make that pairing a bit more socially acceptable. Not totally, but it would be less of a "likely to get hate-crimed" and more of a "people would dance around it in conversation and a lot of people would probably feminize Will because they are all about their manufactured dicotimies." So ultimeately it would come down to how Will felt about that last point probably.
(I don't put a whole lot of thought into shipping for The Party tbh. They're awkward baby teenagers figuring themselves out in-between trying not to die. I support them and hope to survive the continuing saga of second-hand embarassment.)
my askbox is open to having fandoms and/or characters yeeted at me
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sdc-stats · 1 year
The Official Masks Stats Post (December 2022)
Like its Suth counterpart, this was originally meant to be posted in October, and I also have the hope of making it an annual end-of-the-year feature.
(Cut for length.)
Abbreviations used:
BR: blood-rank
BR U: undecided blood-rank
GE: God Emperor
ML: main liner
NML: non-main liner
UL: undecided lineage
Any apparently absent groups were likely excluded because of a sample size too small to get a good idea of data distribution.
On a similar note, BR 3 NML characters are grouped together with BR 2 ones, and BR 0s with BR 1s, in almost all sections, because the first and third groups are too small to be worthy analysing individually (and I feel that “higher-ranked NMLs” and “lower-ranked NMLs” is still a plausible enough separation criterion).
Marumaga children are included where applicable — it is of course likely most if not all of these lords would have many marumaga children starting at a young age, but this is a stats post, and not really the place to make any guesses. So the only marumaga children who are included are those whose parentage is canonically known or are specified as children of a particular lord in fanon.
Regarding the “age at birth of first child” section, marumaga children specified as the children of a certain lord but who lack a set age themselves will be disregarded, since it’s unclear whether they’d be older than the lord’s Chosen child(ren) or not, and the lord’s age at their birth cannot be calculated.
In addition, a marumaga child of a certain lord will be counted as a surviving child of theirs if they lived at least to the approximate age at which they would have gotten their House tattoos.
When it comes to total/surviving children, only characters who were ever in a position where having children was a possibility in the first place (i.e. characters who lived to/past majority and who had at least one match during their lives; possible and not extant marumaga children are disregarded in the lords’ case, to avoid skewing the data with the inclusion of many characters with zero children) are included.
Similarly to what is stated below in relation to lifespans, to avoid overly skewed data, any underage children who were still alive by the time Chosen society would have ended are counted among the number of their parents’ surviving children (with the assumption that they would have indeed lived past majority under normal circumstances being made).
Regarding wives: yes, I know practically any Masks lady would technically count as such when it comes to the GE, but for simplicity purposes, within the context of this post, “wife” will only refer to any ML wives of the GE, any ML lady who had children by a non-GE ML lord, or any lady (from the Masks or other House(s)) that had a match with a NML lord.
In addition, some atypical cases from earlier generations (namely, any GC lady in a match with a non-GE ML lord) will be included as well.
Still on the topic of wives, I decided to count non-Masks children from these ladies’ earlier/later matches among the totals, and to consider their ages at the birth of their first child as those relating to their actual firstborn, and not first Masks child. Maybe it skews the data somehow, but I feel the wives are on more equal footing with their husbands this way (and there aren’t many situations like this, in any case).
In the “matches” section, however, only Masks/non-Masks matches are counted. OG Kumatuya’s male consorts are also disregarded for this specific section, since I wanted it to be a closer equivalent to the one in the Suth post (and Kumatuya’s situation is atypical anyway).
Since there are no concrete dates for RL elections specified, the ages at which any RLs were elected or the length of time for which they ruled are approximations by necessity.
The same is true of GEs regarding their ages at Apotheosis (even if Apotheoses, unlike RL elections, usually occur at a specific time of year, the exact date can still vary) and reign duration.
Lifespans which are approximately but not accurately known, for instance, when the character has a definite day, month and year of birth, but the day/month of death (but not the year) is unspecified, will still be included in the data (since the approximate values can be used). Characters in this situation will also be listed as the shortest-/longest-lived of a particular group if they were clearly such, even if the exact full lifespan remains unknown.
However, characters with unknown/not fully certain months of death will be disregarded for the “death month” section.
On a similar note, any deaths that happened as a direct consequence of the end of Chosen society will be disregarded  — I feel that including them skews the data too much in several ways. Anyone who died before that and due to different causes, though, is fair game (unless, of course, they fall into the incomplete data situations mentioned above).
Also, intercalated new octad days are not going to be counted when it comes to total lifespans of characters (I’m sorry, but I just don’t want to have the extra trouble of working it all out, and the changes would likely not be very significant anyway). 
Current total number of Masks: 250
Current number of canon Masks: 30 (12.0% of total)
Current number of fanon Masks: 220 (88.0% of total)
Current number of Masks lords: 114 (45.6% of total)
Current number of Masks ladies: 136 (54.4% of total)
Current number of Masks MLs: 91 (36.4% of total)
Current number of Masks ML lords: 49 (~53.8% of MLs)
Current number of Masks ML ladies: 42 (~46.2% of MLs)
Current number of BR 4 Masks ML lords: 15 (~16.5% of MLs)
Current number of BR 4 Masks ML ladies: 10 (~11.0% of MLs)
Current number of BR 3 Masks ML lords: 14 (~15.4% of MLs)
Current number of BR 3 Masks ML ladies: 19 (~20.9% of MLs)
Current number of BR U Masks ML lords: 20 (~22.0% of MLs)
Current number of BR U Masks ML ladies: 13 (~14.3% of MLs)
Current number of GEs: 29 (~31.9% of MLs)
Current number of GEs with specific or at least approximate reign dates: 26 (~89.7% of GEs)
Current number of Masks NMLs: 158 (63.2% of total)
Current number of Masks NML lords: 65 (~41.1% of NMLs)
Current number of Masks NML ladies: 93 (~58.9% of NMLs)
Current number of BR 3 Masks NMLs: 4 (~2.5% of NMLs)
Current number of BR 3 Masks NML lords: 1 (25.0% of BR 3 NMLs)
Current number of BR 3 Masks NML ladies: 3 (75.0% of BR 3 NMLS)
Current number of BR 2 Masks NMLs: 96 (~60.8% of NMLs)
Current number of BR 2 Masks NML lords: 39 (~40.6% of BR 2 NMLs)
Current number of BR 2 Masks NML ladies: 57 (~59.4% of BR 2 NMLs)
Current number of BR 1 Masks NMLs: 52 (~32.9% of NMLs)
Current number of BR 1 Masks NML lords: 25 (~48.1% of BR 1 NMLs)
Current number of BR 1 Masks NML ladies: 27 (~51.9% of BR 1 NMLs)
Current number of BR 0 Masks NMLs: 3 (~1.9% of NMLs)
Current number of BR 0 Masks NML lords: 0 (0.0% of BR 0 NMLs)
Current number of BR 0 Masks NML ladies: 3 (100.0% of BR 0 NMLs)
Current number of BR U Masks NMLs: 3 (~1.9% of NMLs)
Current number of BR U Masks NML lords: 0 (0.0% of BR U NMLs)
Current number of BR U Masks NML ladies: 3 (100.0% of BR U NMLs)
Current number of Masks ULs: 1 (0.4% of total)
Current number of Masks UL lords: 0 (0.0% of ULs)
Current number of Masks UL ladies: 1 (100.0% of ULs)
General stats for comparison:
Average age of Chosen fathers at birth of first child(ren) [N=610]: 32.75 ± 10.94 years
Oldest first-time father: Surya Karna (II) (83 years, 174 days)
Youngest first-time father: Tyatxungo of the Masks (II) (12 years, 50 days)
If including marumaga children: average 32.66 ± 11.00 years
Oldest first-time father: Surya Karna (II) (83 years, 174 days)
Youngest first-time father: Suth Sardian (11 years, 395 days)
Average age of Chosen mothers at birth of first child(ren) [N=608]: 23.02 ± 4.78 years
Oldest first-time mother: Nahanya of the Masks (I) (40 years, 381 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Imago Urkare (12 years, 392 days)
Masks stats:
Average age at which Masks in general had their first child(ren) [N=155]: 26.19 ± 10.11 years
Average age at which Masks lords had their first child(ren) [N=55]: 29.49 ± 14.01 years
Oldest first-time father: Korin (79 years, 68 days)
Youngest first-time father: Tyatxungo (II) (12 years, 50 days)
Average age at which Masks ladies had their first child(ren) [N=100]: 24.38 ± 6.53 years
Oldest first-time mother: Nahanya (I) (40 years, 381 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Kagaxe (14 years, 304 days)
Average age at which Masks MLs in general had their first child(ren) [N=58]: 26.26 ± 8.31 years
Average age at which Masks ML lords had their first child(ren) [N=27]: 24.78 ± 9.74 years
Oldest first-time father: Jayane (43 years, 229 days)
Youngest first-time father: Tyatxungo (II) (12 years, 50 days)
Average age at which Masks ML ladies had their first child(ren) [N=31]: 27.55 ± 6.73 years
Oldest first-time mother: Nahanya (I) (40 years, 381 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Angqanye (14 years, 342 days)
Average age of GEs at birth of their first child(ren) [N=24]: 26.13 ± 9.47 years
Oldest first-time father: Jayane (43 years, 229 days)
Youngest first-time father: Kumatuya (12 years, 234 days)
Average age of GEs at birth of their first ML child(ren) [N=23]: 31.48 ± 12.91 years
Oldest first-time father: Uronksur (65 years, 32 days)
Youngest first-time father: Molochite (14 years, 212 days)
Average age at which Masks NMLs in general had their first child(ren) [N=97]: 26.15 ± 11.09 years
Average age at which Masks NML lords had their first child(ren) [N=28]: 34.04 ± 16.05 years
Oldest first-time father: Korin (79 years, 68 days)
Youngest first-time father: Kise (II) (14 years, 284 days)
Average age at which Masks NML ladies had their first child(ren) [N=69]: 22.96 ± 5.95 years
Oldest first-time mother: Amigara (39 years, 16 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Kagaxe (14 years, 304 days)
Average age at which BR 3+BR 2 Masks NMLs in general had their first child(ren) [N=71]: 25.89 ± 10.86 years
Average age at which BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lords had their first child(ren) [N=20]: 33.95 ± 15.51 years
Oldest first-time father: Korin (79 years, 68 days)
Youngest father: Kise (II) (14 years, 284 days)
Average age at which BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML ladies had their first child(ren) [N=51]: 22.73 ± 6.13 years
Oldest first-time mother: Amigara (39 years, 16 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Kagaxe (14 years, 304 days)
Average age at which BR 1+BR 0 Masks NMLs in general had their first child(ren) [N=26]: 26.88 ± 11.89 years
Average age at which BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lords had their first child(ren) [N=8]: 34.25 ± 18.45 years
Oldest first-time father: Bismite (64 years, 98 days)
Youngest first-time father: Oxaquentha (II) (16 years, 68 days)
Average age at which BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML ladies had their first child(ren) [N=18]: 23.61 ± 5.55 years
Oldest first-time mother: Sunmin (38 years, 158 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Siruxa (15 years, 327 days)
Average age at which Masks wives had their first child(ren) [N=63]: 25.19 ± 6.77 years
Oldest first-time mother: Nahanya (I) (40 years, 381 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Imago Urkare (12 years, 392 days)
Average age at which ML Masks wives had their first child(ren) [N=36]: 26.42 ± 7.33 years
Oldest first-time mother: Nahanya (I) (40 years, 381 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Imago Urkare (12 years, 392 days)
Average age at which GEs' ML wives had their first child(ren) [N=35]: 26.60 ± 7.35 years
Oldest first-time mother: Nahanya (I) (40 years, 381 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Imago Urkare (12 years, 392 days)
Average age at which NML Masks wives had their first child(ren) [N=27]: 23.56 ± 5.68 years
Oldest first-time mother: Shelvi Kinabar (36 years, 139 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Phainon Erinya (17 years, 57 days)
Average age at which BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML wives had their first child(ren) [N=20]: 22.60 ± 4.39 years
Oldest first-time mother: Aurum Vanadia (34 years, 88 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Phainon Erinya (17 years, 57 days)
Average age at which BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML wives had their first child(ren) [N=7]: 26.29 ± 8.18 years
Oldest first-time mother: Shelvi Kinabar (36 years, 139 days)
Youngest first-time mother: Actasi Faujas (17 years, 168 days)
General stats for comparison:
Average no. of total children per Chosen individual [N=1271]: 1.936 ± 1.608
If including marumaga children: average 1.946 ± 1.642
Average no. of surviving children per Chosen individual [N=1271]: 1.910 ± 1.540
If including marumaga children: average 1.919 ± 1.575
Average no. of total children per lord [N=635]: 1.986 ± 2.076
Lord with the most total children: Nuhuron of the Masks (33)
If including marumaga children: average 2.005 ± 2.129
Lord with the most total children: Kumatuya of the Masks (34)
Average no. of surviving children per lord [N=635]: 1.959 ± 1.977
Lord with the most surviving children: Nuhuron of the Masks (31)
If including marumaga children: average 1.978 ± 2.030
Lord with the most surviving children: Kumatuya of the Masks (32)
Average no. of total children per lady [N=636]: 1.887 ± 0.927
Lady with the most total children: Nitra of the Masks (7)
Average no. of surviving children per lady [N=636]: 1.860 ± 0.916
Lady with the most surviving children: Nitra of the Masks (7)
Masks stats:
Average no. of total children per Maskling [N=167]: 2.539 ± 3.777
Maskling with the most total children: Nuhuron (33)
If including marumaga children: average 2.563 ± 3.880
Maskling with the most total children: Kumatuya (34)
Average no. of surviving children per Maskling [N=167]: 2.443 ± 3.586
Maskling with the most surviving children: Nuhuron (31)
If including marumaga children: average 2.467 ± 3.689
Maskling with the most total children: Kumatuya (32)
Average no. of total children per Masks lord [N=62]: 3.710 ± 5.894
Lord with the most total children: Nuhuron (33)
If including marumaga children: average 3.774 ± 6.061
Lord with the most total children: Kumatuya (34)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks lord [N=62]: 3.613 ± 5.567
Lord with the most surviving children: Nuhuron (31)
If including marumaga children: average 3.677 ± 5.734
Lord with the most surviving children: Kumatuya (32)
Average no. of total children per Masks lady [N=105]: 1.848 ± 1.045
Lady with the most total children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks lady [N=105]: 1.752 ± 1.026
Lady with the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of total children per Masks ML [N=69]: 3.754 ± 5.548
ML with the most total children: Nuhuron (33)
If including marumaga children: average 3.797 ± 5.713
ML with the most total children: Kumatuya (34)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks ML [N=69]: 3.623 ± 5.250
ML with the most surviving children: Nuhuron (31)
If including marumaga children: average 3.667 ± 5.414
ML with the most surviving children: Kumatuya (32)
Average no. of total children per Masks ML lord [N=34]: 5.706 ± 7.412
ML lord with the most total children: Nuhuron (33)
If including marumaga children: average 5.794 ± 7.643
ML lord with the most total children: Kumatuya (34)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks ML lord [N=34]: 5.529 ± 6.982
ML lord with the most surviving children: Nuhuron (31)
If including marumaga children: average 5.618 ± 7.211
ML lord with the most surviving children: Kumatuya (32)
Average no. of total children per Masks ML lady [N=35]: 1.857 ± 0.845
ML lady with the most total children: Ykoriana (4)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks ML lady [N=35]: 1.771 ± 0.808
ML lady with the most surviving children: Ykoriana (4)
Average no. of total children per GE [N=27]: 6.296 ± 8.184
GE with the most total children: Nuhuron (33)
If including marumaga children: average 6.407 ± 8.441
GE with the most total children: Kumatuya (34)
Average no. of surviving children per GE [N=27]: 6.074 ± 7.706
GE with the most surviving children: Nuhuron (31)
If including marumaga children: average 6.185 ± 7.962
GE with the most surviving children: Kumatuya (32)
Average no. of total ML children per GE [N=27]: 2.704 ± 1.409
GE with the most total ML children: Jayane & Hunaksatha & Nuhnaral & Nuhuron* (5 each)
Average no. of surviving ML children per GE [N=27]: 2.593 ± 1.338
GE with the most surviving ML children: Hunaksatha & Nuhnaral (5 each)
Average no. of total children per Masks NML [N=99]: 1.677 ± 1.018
NML with the most total children: Nitra (7)
If including marumaga children: average 1.687 ± 1.017
NML with the most total children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks NML [N=99]: 1.606 ± 0.998
NML with the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
If including marumaga children: average 1.616 ± 0.997
NML with the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of total children per Masks NML lord [N=28]: 1.286 ± 0.460
NML lord with the most total children: Dia & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira & Cryos (II) & Aspasar (2 each)
If including marumaga children: average 1.321 ± 0.476
NML lord with the most total children: Dia & Papaxira & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira & Cryos (II) & Aspasar (2 each)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks NML lord [N=28]: 1.286 ± 0.460
NML lord with the most surviving children: Dia & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira & Cryos (II) & Aspasar (2 each)
If including marumaga children: average 1.321 ± 0.476
NML lord with the most surviving children: Dia & Papaxira & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira & Cryos (II) & Aspasar (2 each)
Average no. of total children per Masks NML lady [N=71]: 1.831 ± 1.134
NML lady with the most total children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks NML lady [N=71]: 1.732 ± 1.121
NML lady with the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of total children per BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML [N=72]: 1.833 ± 1.113
BR 3+BR 2 NML with the most total children: Nitra (7)
If including marumaga children: average 1.847 ± 1.109
BR 3+BR 2 NML with the most total children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML [N=72]: 1.778 ± 1.091
BR 3+BR 2 NML with the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
If including marumaga children: average 1.792 ± 1.087
BR 3+BR 2 NML w/ the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of total children per BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lord [N=20]: 1.300 ± 0.470
BR 3+BR 2 NML lord with the most total children: Dia & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira (2 each)
If including marumaga children: average 1.350 ± 0.489
BR 3+BR 2 NML lord with the most total children: Dia & Papaxira & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira (2 each)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lord [N=20]: 1.300 ± 0.470
BR 3+BR 2 NML lord with the most surviving children: Dia & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira (2 each)
If including marumaga children: average 1.350 ± 0.489
BR 3+BR 2 NML lord with the most surviving children: Dia & Papaxira & Kalomes & Asaar & Yarex & Xeran & Yarexira (2 each)
Average no. of total children per BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lady [N=52]: 2.038 ± 1.220
BR 3+BR 2 NML lady with the most total children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lady [N=52]: 1.962 ± 1.204
BR 3+BR 2 NML lady with the most surviving children: Nitra (7)
Average no. of total children per BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML [N=26]: 1.269 ± 0.533
BR 1+BR 0 NML with the most total children: Azami (3)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML [N=26]: 1.154 ± 0.464
BR 1+BR 0 NML with the most surviving children: Tellus & Cryos (II) & Aspasar & Umyara & Siruxa (2 each)
Average no. of total children per BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lord [N=8]: 1.250 ± 0.463
BR 1+BR 0 NML lord with the most total children: Cryos (II) & Aspasar (2 each)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lord [N=8]: 1.250 ± 0.463
BR 1+BR 0 NML lord with the most surviving children: Cryos (II) & Aspasar (2 each)
Average no. of total children per BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lady [N=18]: 1.278 ± 0.575
BR 1+BR 0 NML lady with the most total children: Azami (3)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lady [N=18]: 1.111 ± 0.471
BR 1+BR 0 NML lady with the most surviving children: Tellus & Umyara & Siruxa (2 each)
Average no. of total children per Masks wife [N=71]: 1.775 ± 0.929
Wife with the most total children: Lumi Daeira (5)
Average no. of surviving children per Masks wife [N=71]: 1.732 ± 0.910
Wife with the most surviving children: Lumi Daeira (5)
Average no. of total children per ML wife [N=42]: 1.881 ± 0.968
ML wife with the most total children: Lumi Daeira (5)
Average no. of surviving children per ML wife [N=42]: 1.810 ± 0.943
ML wife with the most surviving children: Lumi Daeira (5)
Average no. of total children per GE's ML wife [N=37]: 1.919 ± 0.983
GE's ML wife with the most total children: Lumi Daeira (5)
Average no. of surviving children per GE's ML wife [N=37]: 1.838 ± 0.958
GE's ML wife with the most surviving children: Lumi Daeira (5)
Average no. of total children per NML wife [N=29]: 1.621 ± 0.862
NML wife with the most total children: Liria (4)
Average no. of surviving children per NML wife [N=29]: 1.621 ± 0.862
NML wife with the most surviving children: Liria (4)
Average no. of total children per BR 3+BR 2 NML wife [N=21]: 1.762 ± 0.944
BR 3+BR 2 NML wife with the most total children: Liria (4)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 3+BR 2 NML wife [N=21]: 1.762 ± 0.944
BR 3+BR 2 NML wife with the most surviving children: Liria (4)
Average no. of total children per BR 1+BR 0 NML wife [N=8]: 1.250 ± 0.463
BR 1+BR 0 NML wife with the most total children: Lumi Tiassa & Nirxa Nuhqentha (2 each)
Average no. of surviving children per BR 1+BR 0 NML wife [N=8]: 1.250 ± 0.463
BR 1+BR 0 NML wife with the most surviving children: Lumi Tiassa & Nirxa Nuhqentha (2 each)
(*While Nuhuron would likely have had more than 5 total ML children (namely, any children of Tiye’s who didn’t survive to majority would be missing from this analysis), only those currently listed in the Masks doc are included.)
General stats for comparison**:
Average age at RL election [N=294]: 29.59 ± 12.44 years
Oldest overall RL: Akana Meteorite (67)
Youngest overall RL: Argentum Arguerien (0)
Average RLship length [N=298]: 32.82 ± 16.10 years
Longest overall reign: Aurum Zircon (I) (75 years)
Shortest overall reign: Avitana Lilium (under 1 year)
(**Yes, arguably RLs and GEs are only comparable to some extent, but still, in my opinion this is the closest equivalent when it comes to data concerning the Chosen population in general.)
Masks stats:
Average age at Apotheosis [N=26]: 25.81 ± 13.91 years
Oldest GE: Jirikxan II (55)
Youngest GE: Qusata (0)
Average length of reign [N=26]: 30.27 ± 17.93 years
Longest reign: Ruyutxa II (71 years)
Shortest reign: Uronqaya & Osidian (under 1 year each)
General stats for comparison:
Average Chosen lifespan [N=1112]: 65.40 ± 14.92 years
Longest overall Chosen lifespan: Minnaso Kyuriz (100 years, 136 days)
Shortest overall Chosen lifespan: Oxaquentha of the Masks (I)*** (9 days)
Average Chosen lord lifespan [N=602]: 62.64 ± 16.20 years
Longest lord lifespan: Minnaso Kyuriz (100 years, 136 days)
Shortest lord lifespan: Oxaquentha of the Masks (I) (9 days)
Average Chosen lady lifespan [N=510]: 68.65 ± 12.51 years
Longest lady lifespan: Onara of the Masks (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest lady lifespan: Urpaya of the Masks (II) (123 days)
(***Changing this character’s name was considered in the past, but since it hasn’t yet happened, for the time being he’s referred to by the name he is currently listed under.)
Masks stats:
Average total Masks lifespan [N=145]: 58.34 ± 23.17 years
Longest overall lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest overall lifespan: Oxaquentha (I) (9 days)
Average Masks lords lifespan [N=67]: 49.64 ± 24.30 years
Longest lord lifespan: Jirikxan II (84 years, 159 days)
Shortest lord lifespan: Oxaquentha (I) (9 days)
Average Masks ladies lifespan [N=78]: 65.82 ± 19.37 years
Longest lady lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest lady lifespan: Urpaya (II) (123 days)
Average total Masks ML lifespan [N=67]: 52.27 ± 25.25 years
Longest ML lifespan: Ilruya (86 years, 346 days)
Shortest ML lifespan: Oxaquentha (I) (9 days)
Average Masks ML lords lifespan [N=37]: 45.24 ± 23.08 years
Longest ML lord lifespan: Jirikxan II (84 years, 159 days)
Shortest ML lord lifespan: Oxaquentha (I) (9 days)
Average Masks ML ladies lifespan [N=30]: 60.93 ± 25.48 years
Longest ML lady lifespan: Ilruya (86 years, 346 days)
Shortest ML lady lifespan: Urpaya (II) (123 days)
Average GE lifespan [N=25]: 57.20 ± 15.47 years
Longest GE lifespan: Jirikxan II (84 years, 159 days)
Shortest GE lifespan: Molochite (16 years, ? days)
Average total Masks NML lifespan [N=78]: 63.56 ± 19.95 years
Longest NML lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest NML lifespan: Kakanxan (221 days)
Average Masks NML lords lifespan [N=30]: 55.07 ± 25.06 years
Longest NML lord lifespan: Korin (81 years, 30 days)
Shortest NML lord lifespan: Kakanxan (221 days)
Average Masks NML ladies lifespan [N=48]: 68.88 ± 13.76 years
Longest NML lady lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest NML lady lifespan: Idrie (18 years, 174 days)
Average total BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lifespan [N=62]: 62.45 ± 21.61 years
Longest BR 3+BR 2 NML lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest BR 3+BR 2 NML lifespan: Kakanxan (221 days)
Average BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML lords lifespan [N=25]: 52.12 ± 26.11 years
Longest BR 3+BR 2 NML lord lifespan: Korin (81 years, 30 days)
Shortest BR 3+BR 2 NML lord lifespan: Kakanxan (221 days)
Average BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML ladies lifespan [N=37]: 69.43 ± 14.57 years
Longest BR 3+BR 2 NML lady lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest BR 3+BR 2 NML lady lifespan: Idrie (18 years, 174 days)
Average total BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lifespan [N=16]: 67.88 ± 10.92 years
Longest BR 1+BR 0 NML lifespan: Lazar (79 years, 225 days)
Shortest BR 1+BR 0 NML lifespan: Left-Ikaru & Right-Ikaru (48 years, 61 days)
Average BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML lords lifespan [N=5]: 69.80 ± 11.78 years
Longest BR 1+BR 0 NML lord lifespan: Bismite (77 years, 179 days)
Shortest BR 1+BR 0 NML lord lifespan: Right-Hanus (49 years, ? days)
Average BR 1+ BR 0 Masks NML ladies lifespan [N=11]: 67.00 ± 10.99 years
Longest BR 1+BR 0 NML lady lifespan: Lazar (79 years, 225 days)
Shortest BR 1+BR 0 NML lady lifespan: Left-Ikaru & Right-Ikaru (48 years, 61 days)
Average total Masks wives lifespan [N=52]: 65.71 ± 17.54 years
Longest wife lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest wife lifespan: Iaret (19 years, 259 days)
Average total Masks ML wives lifespan [N=33]: 64.76 ± 18.92 years
Longest ML wife lifespan: Ilruya (86 years, 346 days)
Shortest ML wife lifespan: Iaret (19 years, 259 days)
Average total GEs' ML wives lifespan [N=32]: 65.03 ± 19.15 years
Longest GEs’ ML wife lifespan: Ilruya (86 years, 346 days)
Shortest GEs’ ML wife lifespan: Iaret (19 years, 259 days)
Average total Masks NML wives lifespan [N=19]: 67.37 ± 15.20 years
Longest NML wife lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest NML wife lifespan: Kirinya Eilura (31 years, 168 days)
Average total BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML wives lifespan [N=15]: 65.73 ± 16.74 years
Longest BR 3+BR 2 NML wife lifespan: Onara (100 years, 112 days)
Shortest BR 3+BR 2 NML wife lifespan: Kirinya Eilura (31 years, 168 days)
Average total BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML wives lifespan [N=4]: 73.50 ± 4.04 years
Longest BR 1+BR 0 NML wife lifespan: Lazar (79 years, 225 days)
Shortest BR 1+BR 0 NML wife lifespan: Aurum Argiria (70 years, 11 days)
General stats for comparison:
Most common overall birth month [N=1760]: Gua (204)
Least common overall birth month [N=1760]: Siral (118)
Masks stats:
Most common total Masks birth month [N=250]: Tuta (28)
Least common total Masks birth month [N=250]: Siral (11)
Most common Masks lords birth month [N=114]: Ohrana (15)
Least common Masks lords birth month [N=114]: Matu & Siral (6 each)
Most common Masks ladies birth month [N=136]: Arula & Tuta (15 each)
Least common Masks ladies birth month [N=136]: Siral (5)
Most common Masks ML birth month [N=91]: Sural (12)
Least common Masks ML birth month [N=91]: Mandara (4)
Most common birth month of GEs [N=29]: Tuta (5)
Least common birth month of GEs [N=29]: Matu (0)
Most common Masks NML birth month [N=158]: Ohrana (19)
Least common Masks NML birth month [N=158]: Siral (6)
Most common BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML birth month [N=100]: Arula & Paja & Tuta (13 each)
Least common BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML birth month [N=100]: Siral (4)
Most common BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML birth month [N=55]: Ohrana (8)
Least common BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML birth month [N=55]: Siral (2)
Most common Masks spouses birth month [N=81]: Sural & Arula & Jalod (9 each)
Least common Masks spouses birth month [N=81]: Paja (4)
Most common ML spouses birth month [N=52]: Sural (7)
Least common ML spouses birth month [N=52]: Mandara & Matu & Siral (3 each)
Most common birth month of GEs' ML spouses [N=46]: Sural & Arula (6 each)
Least common birth month of GEs' ML spouses [N=46]: Gua & Mandara (2 each)
Most common NML wives birth month [N=29]: Jalod (4)
Least common NML wives birth month [N=29]: Paja (0)
General stats for comparison:
Most common overall death month [N=1328]: Siral (124)
Least common overall death month [N=1328]: Mandara (96)
Masks stats:
Most common total Masks death month [N=164]: Siral (22)
Least common total Masks death month [N=164]: Tuta (7)
Most common Masks lords death month [N=75]: Sural (16)
Least common Masks lords death month [N=75]: Arula (1)
Most common Masks ladies death month [N=89]: Siral (13)
Least common Masks ladies death month [N=89]: Paja & Zaru & Tuta (4 each)
Most common Masks ML death month [N=83]: Sural (14)
Least common Masks ML death month [N=83]: Arula & Hahor & Paja & Zaru & Tuta (5 each)
Most common death month of GEs [N=27]: Siral (5)
Least common death month of GEs [N=27]: Arula & Hahor (0 each)
Most common Masks NML death month [N=80]: Siral & Jalod (10 each)
Least common Masks NML death month [N=80]: Tuta (3)
Most common BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML death month [N=57]: Jalod (9)
Least common BR 3+BR 2 Masks NML death month [N=57]: Tuta (2)
Most common BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML death month [N=15]: Siral (5)
Least common BR 1+BR 0 Masks NML death month [N=15]: Sural & Mandara & Paja & Jalod & Tuta (0 each)
Most common Masks spouses death month [N=67]: Gua (11)
Least common Masks spouses death month [N=67]: Paja (0)
Most common death month of ML spouses [N=48]: Gua (10)
Least common death month of ML spouses [N=48]: Paja (0)
Most common death month of GEs' ML spouses [N=43]: Gua (9)
Least common death month of GEs' ML spouses [N=43]: Paja (0)
Most common death month of NML wives [N=19]: Arula & Hahor (4 each)
Least common death month of NML wives [N=19]: Paja & Zaru & Matu (0 each)
Number of distinct Houses of ladies marrying into the Masks [N=35]: 24
House(s) most frequently marrying into the Masks (total): Kirinya (4)
House(s) most frequently marrying into the Masks (ML) [N=14]: Kirinya & Miyakare (2 each)
House(s) most frequently marrying into the Masks (NML) [N=21]: Actasi & Aurum & Kirinya & Surya & Yaxare (2 each)
Number of distinct Houses Masks ladies have married into [N=47]: 30
House(s) Masks ladies have married most frequently into: Surya & Suth (4 each)
0 notes
sapphire-strikes · 4 years
Okay first your ending to that story was *mwah* perfect 👌. Second I remember you saying one time you didn't know whether to make Pabit sentient or not. What if he was and FK and Kamal freaked out seeing it for the first time and Boris just was kinda like "I thought you guys knew." I feel Pabit would be a second pair of eyes for Boris such as at "beddy time" if he was fast asleep and say FK/Kamal managed to get by and Pabit pops up yelling whichever one was up.
I've been meaning to write some about Pabit for a while but I was never quite decided on whether or not I considered him to be his own person (much like the Carlas) or just a regular puppet. There's something really endearing about him being a mini mischievous version of Boris though and I think there's a lot of potential for the dynamic between Him, Boris, the FK and Kamal.
• In the event that Pabit really was alive, it was another one of those things Boris just never got around to bringing up. Everyone already knew about the Carlas and much like his shadow form, he just never really questioned the strangeness of it all.
• Honestly, Kamal probably knows or at least suspects something. He was freaked out enough by the Carlas so he just avoided the subject of the puppet all together. Sometimes self care is pretending your roommate isn't keeping a sentient puppet replica of himself in your house.
• That brings us to Pabit himself. The cheeky, attention hungry, smile happy puppet of Boris Habit.
• When Pabit speaks his voice is higher than Boris' and lacks the Russian accent. Pabit is capable of moving and talking on his own but his voice is actually one Boris is capable of doing himself. It's unknown whether Boris is good at mimicking Pabit or Pabit speaks that way because that's the voice Boris gave him. Probably the latter.
• Even if you knew Pabit was alive it would be hard to tell sometimes whether Boris was talking through Pabit or Pabit was talking himself. The difference usually being that Pabit is much more expressive when he's talking on his own.
• Pabit is a little mischief maker but he's desperate for attention and interaction. Most of the time he's happy to let Boris puppet him around when in front of people but he's desperate for the opportunity to talk to them himself.
• He already loves you and Kamal but Boris prefers not to let him alone with either of you and has asked him not to interact with anyone when he's not around. Boris knows what a troublemaker he can be and doesn't want him to do anything to annoy his friends.
• Despite his unhappiness with this rule Pabit does listen to Boris most of the time but still finds little ways to interact with the people he grows attached to.
• Maybe the keys that you'd lost reappeared out of nowhere, setting inconspicuously next to the satisfied looking puppet. Sometimes when you leave papers on the table you come back to see them adorned with little doodles of flowers, pictures of Boris and even Pabit himself. Most of the time you chalked this up to Boris trying to be sneaky.
• On the other hand, Kamal's things tend to go missing when Pabit is bored, resulting in Kamal marching right into Boris' room and fishing them out of the puppets arm hole where they had been stashed. Gives Pabit the "I'm watching you" hand motion as he walks backwards out into the hall.
• One day you stumbled upon the puppet sitting innocently on the living room coffee table unsupervised. Giving into your base instincts you slipped it onto your hand.
Maybe that was an overstatement. It was a pretty big puppet so you just placed it over your forearm. The inside was clearly made for much bigger hands but you were still able to slip your fingers into the right spots and make it do a little chomping motion. You giggled then gazed down at the little replica of Boris, "You're a cute little guy aren't ya? Boris really did a good job on you." If you didn't know any better you could have sworn it was smiling wider than it was before.
When Boris walked in on your little playtime you lifted one of Pabit's little arms to make him wave, "Boris, we were just talking about you!" You remark jokingly.
Boris looked shocked at first but his expression soon softened when he looked down at the puppet on your arm, "Oh really? I'm sure he had a lot to say."
"Nah, I don't think he's much for conversation"
"You have no idea how wrong you are" There was a clear trace of exasperation in his voice that caught your attention.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Oh? Ah, never mind" He waved you off "It's about time for him go back to 'bed' anyways. I just finished cleaning his stand so I can put him back in my room now". You nodded and Boris reached for the puppet on your arm, gently attempting to pull it off. As soon as he did however you swear you felt something resist and the puppet stayed put on your arm despite his attempt to remove it.
Boris retracted his grip in surprise to stare at the puppet. It all happened so fast you weren't sure what really just happened but Boris looked like someone had just walked into his flower shop and smashed his prized tooth lilies. His expression shifted to annoyance and he crossed his arms, "So you're going to be like that? You know if you can't behave, I won't bring you out to play with Y/n and Kamal anymore."
Now you were the one that looked shocked. Was he talking to the puppet? I mean, he always talked to the puppet or through the puppet, usually both at the same time, but this was different. "Boris, what are you talking about?"
It seemed like Boris had finally remembered you were there as he sighed and looked disappointedly down at his felt doppelganger. "Oh it's nothing, Pabit is just being stubborn." His expression finally settle back into a smile, "Though I am a bit surprised. He usually never even lets other people put him on but I guess he always has been pretty 'attached' to you." He covered his mouth to laughed at a joke that only he seemed to understand.
You were still confused but Boris seemed to be acting normal again so you decided to brush it under the rug. You moved to pull the puppet off your arm yourself and it came off with no trouble. When you handed it to Boris he stared at it for a second before letting out a relenting, "Oh, very well" and slipping it on himself.
He turned to you with Pabit and smiled, closing the distance between you by holding the puppet out closely to your face, "Goodnight, Y/n!" It spoke cheerily. It then reached out, held onto your face and pressed it's mouth to the bridge of your nose. Letting out a drawn out, "Mmwwah!", sound before being pulled back to smile at you proudly. After saying your goodbyes both Boris and Pabit headed off to bed.
• You had to smile, Boris could be so silly sometimes. You'd have to ask him later how he got the arms to move without the wires.
• Not long after that you found more of those silly little doodles decorating the pages of the notebook that you'd left on the table. The scribbles depicted you and Pabit together with the puppet happily hugging the side of your face from his place on your arm.
• I can absolutely see Pabit being Boris' little tattletale. Kamal has caught on enough to move the puppet out of the room before doing something he doesn't want Boris to know about but you on the other hand don't catch on for a while.
• You cut your hand pretty bad one day and Boris asked you how it was later that evening. Even though you were home alone when it happened and you hadn't mentioned it to anyone.
• How did Boris know that you didn't eat breakfast this morning or that you snuck out of bed last night to watch tv? Boris's only explanation is that he "has his ways" but he's too busy lecturing you for you to press him further.
• One night you successfully snuck out of bed again and thought you were in the clear. What you didn't notice however was the puppet that seemed to get closer and closer to you each time it was out of your line of sight.
By the time you finally noticed it it was sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. It actually caused you to jump when you turned around to see it almost directly behind you but quickly regained your composure and laughed it off.
Picking it up you turned it around a few times before placing it over your hand like you'd done once before. Feeling confident in yourself for your successful escape so far you decided to play around a bit. "You really spooked me, little guy! How'd you get out here huh? Did Boris forget to take you to bed?" You asked jokingly.
The puppets felt eyes stared up at you lifelessly and you let out a small laugh. "Hey now, don't look at me like that. You'll keep this between the two of us right?"
"Good boy, knew I could count on you!" Maybe you were just tired but you could see how Boris had so much fun with this. It was childish sure but you were certainly entertaining yourself.
Once you were satisfied with the puppet’s "agreement" to keep quite you moved to take it off your arm. "Okay, I've had my fun. So, you want to watch TLC or Cartoon Network?" You asked, not expecting an answer as you set the puppet back on the coffee table.
What you were expecting even less however was for the puppet's expression to shift to a scowl as its little arms wrapped around your hand when you went to pull it away.
"YoU shyOuld bEe in Bed!"
• Boris jumped up in alarm and Kamal fell out of bed at the scream that sounded from outside their rooms.
• You had literally thrown Pabit across the living room in surprise and were currently frozen in shock as it picked itself up, brushed itself off and hopped its way back over to climb back up on top of the coffee table.
"W-what did you just say?!"
It crossed it's arms and cocked an eyebrow at you as if sarcastically asking 'did you really not hear me? '. "I saYeD; u shYould bee in bEd! StAying up lAyte is bad 4 yor smile!"
There was a long moment of silence between the two of you as the puppet looked at you expectantly. After a second you finally found the strength to speak, taking a step closer once you decided that it didn't really seem dangerous. "...You can talk?"
Your question seems to surprise it a bit and its angry expression shifted to one of pride. "I cAn do a lott moore than thyat!" It pointed at the sides of it's cheeks as it gave you a big smile. You went silent again and the puppet seemed to be inspecting your face, it's smile fading when it focused on your own worried expression.
"Sea? U stAyed up 2 layte and now you R all frowny :-(" It made it's way across the coffee table to where you were standing and hugged your knee. "It's okee! I'm hear 2 mayke u happie so tUrn thyat frowny upside downy!"
This wasn't exactly comforting considering that the puppet itself was the cause of your fear and you were quick to jump away when it touched you. This action was quickly followed up by guilt however when it looked genuinely surprised and then hurt by your rejection of its affection. It seemed as if it was about to speak again when Boris and Kamal both came clamoring out into the hallway.
"Kid, what happened?! We heard a scream is everything okay?"
They were both quick to approach you and check you over but your eyes were still locked on the puppet who was now looking at you sadly. Their worried questions were soon answered when they followed your gaze to the puppet sitting on the coffee table.
Boris was quick to gasp and lift the puppet up by the back of its coat like you would with the scruff of a kitten, "Pabit, did you wake them up?!"
"No, I folloWed thyem out here! " The puppet waved it hands in front of itself in defense but it seemed to forget about Boris quickly when it's eyes fixed of Kamal. "Oooh, hi, Karmal!" it yelled as it waved excitedly at him. Kamal responded by running a hand down his face.
"Oh, boy... Hi, puppet--Pabit, I mean..." The puppet seemed pleased by his acknowledgement but its attention was pulled back to Boris who seemed to be telling it off about something. You'd moved to almost hide behind Kamal who placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, "You okay?"
"I'm fine, I just...It can talk?" You looked at him for answers and he gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Yeah, tell me about it."
You were both pulled from your little moment of understanding by the voices that were being raised beside you.
"You shouldn't have scared them, Pabit" Boris's tone sounded disappointed.
"Eet wAsn't on porous, I swears it! I just wanTed 2 makE sure they waz gEtting enough syleep!" The puppets eyes moved back to you and it shook both it fists, "Y/n, yous been stayiNg up every nyight and knot geTting up 2 smile!"
"It said my name.. " Was your only response as you continued to shield youself behind Kamal. Your fear once again caused the puppet to deflate, it now hanging limply in Boris's grip with it's arms crossed as it looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry if he scared you, Y/n" Boris finally spoke to you.
"It's...it's okay, it just surprised me that's all..." You finally stepped out from behind Kamal. "How long has it been...alive?"
"Oh, since I made him." Boris answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "He doesn't usually talk to people unless I'm around though."
"I see..." Boris seemed to finally be taking note of your discomfort and said he was going to take Pabit aside for a moment, leaving you standing in the living room with Kamal.
"Yeah, the little guy used to cling to my leg when I’d work around the office back at the Habitat."
"So it really has been alive this whole time?"
"Yep, been dead silent since my fight with Boris though. First time I've seen him up and about since then. Been totally inanimate around anyone but Boris I guess. Until, now at least. Guess you have a knack for bringing things out of people and puppets!"
You both laughed and you turned to him quizzically, "Okay, but...how?"
Kamal raised a hand to stop you, "You think I got the know-how to answer that?" He smiled at you again "That's just more of Boris and I don't think even he could answer you to be honest."
"Heh, I guess you're right." You relented and Kamal wrapped and arm around your shoulder, offering you a comforting pat.
You both looked in the direction of the cough and there stood Boris, holding something behind his back. "I had a talk with Pabit and I believe the two of you got off on the wrong foot. So..." He was looking at you hopefully and when you didn't look hesitant he took a few steps closer to you, "There is someone I'd like you to meet!"
You already knew what was about to happen next when he pulled the puppet out from behind him. The puppet fit perfectly over his forearm as he held it out to you. It was a very familiar sight but with much different implications since you now knew his little secret. Pabit himself looked to be a mixture of annoyed, nervous and sad and it refused to look directly at you despite your close proximity.
There were a few second of silence before Boris gave his arm a small shake, "Go ahead and introduce yourself, Pabit!", he whispered. Pabit remained silent, crossing his little arms once again and keeping his gaze fixated on the floor. "Pabit?"
The puppet muttered something under it's breath that none of you could make out. "What was that?" Boris asked
"I sayed; we already knows each other..." The puppet spoke out again more clearly. Clear enough that you could make out the hurt in its voice.
Oh, so that's what this was about. Thinking back now, you guess he was kind of right. The amount of times Boris brought out that puppet to cheer you up or just mess around were immeasurable. It was weird to think about; during a lot of the special moments you shared with Boris, Pabit was technically there too. He knew you at least, probably almost as well as Boris and Kamal did.
Before Boris could respond you spoke up, "I guess he's kind of right." This seemed to catch Pabit's attention and he finally looked at you again. "I'm sorry for throwing you, Pabit. I hope you can forgive me and hope we can...talk more in the future?" You gave a nervous smile and Pabit squinted at you suspiciously for a moment.
"Off course!" Boris let out an 'oof' when Pabit pulled his arm forward so he could hug your face, making the extra effort to rub his cheek against yours. "I still Luv u, Y/n!"
The shock must have finally been beginning to wear off because you were able to stop yourself from jumping away this time. You even reached up to to pat his head, “I uh, love you too, I guess?” Your words were spoken with uncertainty but they seemed to make Pabit happy as he let out an excited squeal and continued to cuddle your face. 
It was definitely a strange sight to behold; three people standing in a dimly lit living room with one of them holding out a puppet that was hugging one of the others faces. Boris was using his free hand cover his mouth as he smiled widely and Kamal was standing behind you with a tired but content look on his face.
• Now that you knew about Pabit, Boris loses him as a spy but gains him as a guard dog. Now there are two of them lecturing you about staying up late.
• Unlike Boris though you can actually bribe Pabit to stay quiet with cartoons, candy or just bringing him along if you're going somewhere. Now Boris is disappointed in both of you. 
• Pabit doesn't need to sleep but he can if he wants to. It's a little creepy because if he doesn't close his eyes beforehand they'll stay open. When sleeping he basically becomes a regular inanimate puppet until he wakes up.
• If you put him on he can actually prevent you from taking him back off. Tends to do it just to play around but lets go if the person whos arm he's on gets angry at him.
•Loves being used as a teddy bear. You feel something crawling up through your covers in the middle of the night and almost have a heart attack? It's just Pabit coming for snuggles.
Thanks so much for the request! Sorry, everyone, for the lack of content I appreciate all the requests I’ve been getting I’ve just been super busy lately so I appreciate your patience!
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