#Stogie T
fidjiefidjie · 4 months
Bon Soir 🆕️ 💿 🎧 💙
Chinese Man, Stogie T, KT Gorique & FP 🎶 Too Late
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barzonlinemag · 20 days
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@Stogie_T released his latest extended play titled #ShallowEP that's currently available
#ShallowEP (released 24.05.24) has 6 tracks with singles such as #Zimkile, #BikosGhost, x #80sLove etc, check it out
Streaming available:
So always remember to #GoHardOnline with @barzonlinemag
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plattenabendonline · 5 months
Chinese man - too late feat. Stogie T, KT Gorique & FP (2024)
DJane Luzie
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Chinese Man - Too Late feat. Stogie T, KT Gorique & FP
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votava-records · 7 months
Chinese Man - We've Been Here Before feat. Stogie T, Isadora & Miscellaneous
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Cigar Boy by Maelstrom (2001)
… a domination, forced change story
A boy gets more into cigars than he ever anticipated.
I had decided to treat myself to a night in the local leather bar, I had been spending more and more time there of late, the sight of the leather men surrounding me, the rich scent of their cigar smoke mixed with the masculine reek of sweat was working on me like a drug. And like a drug, I found I craved it in larger and larger doses.
After I entered, I found a little alcove I have become fond of. It's a little niche with a mirror on one wall and a chest high shelf on the other, facing the bar. I could stand behind the shelf and watch the rest of the bar, without being easily seen.
I got a beer and moved into my accustomed spot. The bar had a good crowd tonight, the sight of all those hairy, leather-clad men stirring the start of a reaction in my denim-clad crotch. Just beyond the ledge I notice a group of men talking and smoking, their words punctuated with draws on their big black stogies. I had always been fascinated by cigars and had recently been getting more so. I never seemed to go home with a man anymore unless he was puffing on one of those big tobacco cocks, sex without the ever-present smell was becoming incomprehensible to me. I had tried them once or twice, but it had never seemed right, my place was to be the cigar's worshipper, not its master.
One man in particular caught my eye, tall, with a naturally tan skin, covered with a thick coat of hair and beard. The sight of his heavy musculature moving under leather chaps and vest was making me hot and I rubbed my crotch against the ledge, feeding off the sight of my fantasy top.
Without warning the master met my eyes and smiled faintly. I could feel his gaze like a firm grip running up and down my body, evaluating me like a fine animal. I felt a faint sense of foreboding, some primitive instinct clamoring for attention. It went ignored as the master began to walk over, trailing a cloud of thick cigar smoke.
Moving into my little lair, the cigar master slammed the me against the far wall, moving us back into the alcove. His body was hard and rough against mine, the metal and leather of his vest pressing deep into my flesh. The end of his smoldering stogies was less than an inch from my face, the smoke drifting off the end and wrapping itself unnaturally around me. He took a long slow draw and breathed the smoke into my face, the white cloud emerging in a curling flow from his nose and mouth, working through his beard and mustache.
My cock swelled in my jeans, fighting the confinement of the tight denim. His presence was like a physical force, the ripple of dark skin and hair over his tight musculature a hypnotic pattern. "The boy likes cigar men, does he?" came his deep voice, his breath thick with smoke, "Yes, sir" I barely managed to whisper.
I felt his hands on my pants, ripping open the jeans with a quick motion. My heat engorged cock and balls flipped out as I moaned faintly with pleasure. I knew his friends were probably watching but the lightning rush when his put his hands on my dick drove out everything else. My attention was focused on his regular rubbing of my anxious meat. I could feel my cock swelling under the pressure of his regular motions, a curious stiffening sensation. This other hand rubbed my balls, separating them and pulling. My hands moved over his body, running through the thick hair of his chest. I buried my face in his beard, coarse and heavy with the scent of cigars. I wanted to lick every inch of his dusky skin, tasting the hot sweat and stale cigar smoke. The waves of pleasure moved my body in a sympathetic rhythm to his rubbing motions and I road it for several minutes before a the sound of faint scratching brought my attention back. "Feel good when I rub your cigar dick boy?" he asked his hands still moving on my incredibly stiff dick. "Yes, sir" I responded. My dick felt like iron, hard and rough. I could feel my balls swinging with our motion, they felt incredibly heavy, tugging on my crotch. "Yeah, you got a nice cigar dick, cigar boy" he returned and moved back a few inches, allowing me to look down at this hands on my genitals.
I was confused for a few seconds as I saw a huge black cigar in his hands, wondering how he had gotten it down there. Then I saw the other end emerging from my thick pubic hair and realized that the scratching was the sound of his hands moving over the cigar, hands I could feel on my dick. My hands shot down and grabbed at the cigar, easily 10 inches long and a 60 ring or better. I could feel my hands on my cigar dick, feel my fingers moving over the rough texture of my tobacco skin. I ran my thumb over the cut end, feeling the fine rolled tobacco where the mushroom head of my cock had resided moments before, feeling the rough grade of the tobacco, inside and out. With a small, animal moan my hands moved down, reaching beneath my tobacco dick to where my balls had once been. Instead of the warm sack I was used to, I found two hard rubber stems, pipe stems, leading to large, heavy bent bowls. My balls were two large bent briars, their stems feeding into my hairy crotch. The weight of the heavy pipes tugged as I swayed, sending small waves of pleasure through me as they lightly knocked together with my movements.
My master ran his hands across my cigar dick, running his fingers down and into the bowls of my pipe balls. I could feel every movement and the sight of my genitals turned into tobacco excited something deep inside of me. Where their should have been horror and disbelief were only pale shadows of those emotions and a deep, fear induced sexual rush. My tobacco cock rose in response and rubbed against his hairy abdomen. I wanted to rub my tobacco flesh through this hair, feel its rough texture on my cigar cock and hard briar balls. The master laid his mouth over my tits and began to suck, a strange but intense sensation that left me sweating and running my hands over his chest and crotch, wanting to pleasure him in return. When he removed his mouth to reveal a two inches length of wide cigar where my nipple had been I was not surprised. He began on my other tit and my body arched under the sensation as flesh became tobacco. My stogie dick pulsed and throbbed as I rubbed at it. Fondling it as I had other cigars, running my hands over my briar balls wishing I could stuff them with tobacco. As if on cue, my master pulled a pouch from his belt and began filling my pipe balls. I watched him slowly stuff rich dark leaf into my newly transformed pipe balls. The sensation made my cigar dick and tits jump as he packed the bowls. "Time for the cigar boy to smoke.", he said as he snapped two lighters next to my firmly packed briars. Taking my cigar dick in his mouth he began to suck, his tongue moving over the tobacco of my cock, drawing the smoke from the pipe balls into his mouth and releasing it through his lips and nose. The feeling of the smoke being sucked through me and the sight of him puffing on my cock, clouds of thick white smoke drifting through his beard and my dark public hair had me moaning in a combination of shock and lust. I began to rub the stogies projecting from my nipples, sliding my cigar dick back and forth as my master smoked his boy's tobacco cock.
Abruptly standing, my master rotated me to see myself in the mirror. "Look at yourself tobacco boy" he whispered smokily in my ear. The shock of the sight brought me back from the trance I had been in. In a fascinated horror I ran my hands over the huge cigar hanging from my crotch, rubbing the hard briar of my new balls. Smoke drifted in thick clouds from the smoldering pipes of my balls and from the end of my transformed cock. Once again the deep excitement came over me and drove out the other emotions. There was no way my tobacco genitals were ever going to fit into a pair of pants, but somehow the idea of spending the rest of my life this way excited me, I found I wanted to be my master's tobacco boy, the huge rods of tobacco jutting out of my crotch and tits excited me beyond turn on I had ever experience before. My master put a lit cigar between my teeth and I began to puff heavily, the smoke breathing in easily and flowing out of my lips and mouth, running down over the rest of my body. The cigar in my mouth felt natural and the breathing of the harsh smoke normal, sinking deep into my lungs and feeding my tobacco parts. I began to rub my cigar dick in a hard regular pattern, watching myself masturbate my tobacco cock in the mirror. My master stood behind me, rubbing his hands over my body and twisting my stogie tits. The sight all those cigars jutting out of my mouth and body pushed me my beyond my limit and I felt myself cum, huge clouds of smoke pouring from my crotch.
"You like being tobacco, don't you boy" he demanded of me. "Yes, sir", I found myself returning. He rotated me and forced his tongue into my mouth, the thick taste of his cigar breath adding to the taste of the stogie still lodged in my own teeth. "You want to go all the way, you want to be a real tobacco boy?" Part of me wanted to scream No! to run with what humanity remained to me, but I found myself answering "Yes, sir, I want to be your tobacco boy, sir". "That's master's good cigar slave, boy, your going to satisfy me for a long time." His thick bearded lips moved from my mouth to my neck and down my chest, leaving a trail of thick cigar spit to warm my already sweat covered flesh.
My master began licking my body, covering it with a thick coat of cigar spit. I ran my hungry mouth over his in return, tasting his smoky sweat, running my tongue through his heavy underarms to such out every drop of his masculine sweat. By body felt stiff, and there was a curious prickling sensation in my skin but I ignored it in my quest to taste over exposed inch of him, to lick every drop of salty, cigar heavy sweat from his hairy skin.
He released me suddenly, moving back. I tried to reach for him, to grab his arms and bury my face in his thick smoky chest hair, but found I couldn't. With a quick turn he rotated me so I could see my body and a small cry of shock escaped from my lips. From the neck down was nothing but a huge black cigar, easily five feet long and a foot wide. I craned my head down, looking at the rough black tobacco of my new body, the sight of the rolled tobacco at the end, the large paper ring just below my neck. "Oh shit, I'm a cigar", found myself repeating over and over to myself, my mind refusing to accept the idea while another part of me was unbearably excited. I felt my master lay me in the corner, propping my cigar body so I could see myself in the mirror. "I'd fuck you boy, but you ain't got an ass anymore, do ya boy?" His huge erection, released during my tongue bath, was throbbing visibly under the regular rubbing of his hands as he moved to stand over me, his cock rubbing my tobacco flesh, sending hot arcs of pleasure. My new body was supersensitive, like a long dark dick, and everywhere he contacted my rough, dry black flesh created an almost painful pleasure.
He lowered me down between his legs and held my head in his hands, ramming his 10 inches of rock hard meat down my throat. "You are my tobacco boy, suck my big cock, cigar boy", he began chanting in rhythm to his thrusting. I felt his meat down my throat, utterly unable to resist him as he jammed himself again and again into my face. I could hear my cigar end scraping against the floor rhythmically and I wrapped my lips around him, craving the taste of his huge cock. I felt his meat begin to kick and throb and began sucking harder, looking forward to his heavy load. Suddenly he dropped me on the floor, his hand moving over his dick as it shot an inhuman amount of thick white cum over me and the floor. Wave after wave of semen splattered over my tobacco body, staining the dark leaf. I lay on the floor, completely unable to move, watching him cum all over my new body. The spurting torrent seemed to go on and on, the volumes getting larger and larger. I watched his dick over me, growing strangely greater and larger as it coated me in torrents of thick semen. Finally it jerked to a stop, hanging massively above me, small drops of fluid escaping from a piss slit that looked like it could devour me whole.
He slowed to a stop and knelt over me. "That was good boy, but you know the best thing after a good cum, is a good cigar". His now huge hand reached down and picked me up. He held me in front of the mirror for a moment, allowing me to see that I was now completely a cigar. 10 inches long and very wide, possibly an 80 ring or more, it was hard to judge from my perspective. He placed me in his mouth and I felt his warm lips close over my cigar butt. The feeling of being his cigar, an inanimate tobacco object completely in his control called to something inside me and pleasure welled through my new body. His teeth bit off my end and spit it out, but there was no pain, just a light euphoria as I knew my master was preparing to smoke me. He place me back in his mouth, his teeth clenching on my tobacco. With a click he brought up his lighter and for a moment I was afraid, but being lighted produced only a tingling sensation, followed by a deep rush as he drew smoke through me. "This is your new life boy, your a cigar now and there's no going back" I could hear him whisper to me, "I'll smoke you down and then grow back up again. Again and again for a long time boy. Your masters a heavy smoker and he's going to make good use of you. Then, when I'm tired of you I'll pass you around to my friends, you want to be smoked by all those leather men boy?" The sight of myself in the mirror, a huge tobacco cock in my master's mouth kept a constant air of sexual excitement, I wanted to be smoked by him and any other hot leather man he choose to give me too. I hoped my master would give me a few moment in my old body now and then, so I could pleasure him in other ways, but I knew that it was as a cigar that I could best serve my master, and that it was as a cigar that I would do so for a very long time to come.
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It’s been forever since I’ve written /anything/. I hope someone out there enjoys what I have so far! :) 
‘If luck had been so unspeakably cruel, and yet graciously kind to one person in particular- it was Michelle Foyer. Born stillborn to chemical weapons criminals and re-animated through hybrid toxins, only to be forged into a lethal weapon of mutative-nature.’ 
“Gotham, the world’s greatest shit-hole.” Michelle’s register less-than thrilled; monotone as it flittered up and over the empty apartment she had just signed off on. The lingering, putrid, waft of cheap stogies settled on abandoned; trapped furniture. Gifts left over from the previous tenants no doubt. 
“Oh, Look-I’ve been graced with carpet!” Michelle boasted rather sarcastically about the ashen carpet that had specs of green surfacing here and there of when it had surely once been a solid tealish-green. Meandering from the entrance of her new residence Michelle couldn’t help but leer over and judge her surroundings with contempt. The walls were yellowed and peeling from neglect and years of caked nicotine tar; the window in her bedroom just off the side as you first enter was rendered shut- possibly from the last crack-head to have occupied the space. 
With a few hearty heaves, Michelle was content to leave the window for another day. Surveying the dinky bedroom, Michelle spied a relatively decent closet with only the right side door usable and rain-checked on the space sure enough to fit a twin and work desk at max. Puffing out air that resembled a trill, Michelle sauntered out of her retirement quarters and across the living area to idle in the frame of the kitchen.
Dazzling oceans of blue hazed over as Michelle temporarily zoned, her tongue clicking behind teeth as a dull headache threatened to throb at her temporal lobe. Her pasty flesh heated with underlying seething annoyance Michelle couldn’t quite seem to rattle. Black-and-white checkered tiling began to tint red with the stress she suppressed within her heart, ‘He plucked me out of my den and shat me out here; and for what?!’ Michelle mulled over the predicament her father had appointed her. 
“It better be fuckin’ grand, that’s for sure.” She stated, coming out a little rough- the frustration having knotted her throat in the process. Coming-to, Michelle realized she needed to air herself out as she relinquished the vice grip she had enacted on the keys she withheld. Conveniently, Michelle knew her bastard-father had sent men here earlier in the day to equip the apartment with things, and she was certain she would obtain the liquor she desired; and she went for just that. 
After brandishing herself a drink, Michelle didn’t even bother to glance around the rather pitiful bathroom for more disappointment as she rummaged and acquired bandages to coddle her wound. Michelle swished her drink around a few times before tilting her head back to down the brownish liquid- the burning tingle pleasant as opposed to the dull sting from the laceration imprints in her right hand.
The window just above her kitchen sink permitted her quite the view of the city's lights and the hustling of civilians below eager to rush to late-night festivities. Well- normal, late-night escapades anyway. Gotham was alluring in its own way. At least it certainly had its way of sucking Michelle in time and time again. For a fraction of time Michelle’s pure blue’s glossed over with yearning, gingerly setting her glass down upon the granite countertop. 
Even with the setup outside her father’s sight, Michelle was still very much under his thumb. Couldn’t have his backup and ace child fleeing after all. With this tucked away in her heart Michelle set out to raid the dinky closet she was sure her clothing had been stowed in. Michelle didn’t even wait before she started stripping, leaving a trail of clothes to show her path from kitchen to bedroom. Thankfully, all she had to do was show up to tonight’s meeting.
Her father allotted her siblings earlier in the day to seek out certain individuals for tonight’s special occasions. Michelle, herself, was giddy for one in-particular. In their younger years, when Gotham had first been under siege, Michelle had crossed paths with a lanky teenage boy with a Scarecrow persona. Their encounter and brawl between them had been miniscule; but it left an imprint. Neither of you had seen each other’s face, but the energy and high he gave you while fighting had stayed with you.
Michelle finished slipping on a plain gray-tee and sweats before shoving on her sneakers. In reality there were two reasons Michelle had been fully entertained by tonight's ordeals. After Ra’s demise the League divided itself into three separate branches by familial lineage. If she was correct in her assumptions, Gotham was only a means to a beginning in her father’s eyes. 
With final touches Michelle pinned back her inky tresses and skimmed over the address once more before extinguishing the lights and securing her apartment. With a few turns through shady and dimly-lit hallways Michelle found herself out on the streets. The air was nippy, but nothing she couldn’t handle. 
It came as no surprise when a black impala slid up next to the curb and popped the door open, only for a brother of hers to greet her with one of his shit-eating grins, “I’d offer you candy, but I’m not into little girls.” Russ teased, his voice naturally low and raspy.
“If we weren’t related I’d put a bullet between your eyes.” Michelle cooed, a smirk tugging at the edges of her plump lips as she got in. Laughter erupted throughout the vehicle as Michelle leaned over and yanked the door, allowing gravity to close it fully. In the space between herself and Russ, Michelle eyed a bag she was certain was dinner and delved in as Russ threw the stick into drive and peeled out in the direction of their rendezvous point. 
“Who’d you say was supposed to be there again?” Michelle asked stiffly, almost regretting asking in the first place. It wasn’t as if she cared in the first place. 
“Pops was looking for someone called Penguin. Thought Dennis had this Nygma guy under wraps….ummmm….some fucking wackjob called Zsazz…oh! And this freak they call Scarecrow, or sum shit…. Swear there was one or two more but I uhh either don’t care….or I don’t remember.” Russ responded dryly, much to the contempt and excitement of Michelle. 
‘So he is going to be there, ey?’ Michelle pondered to herself, curious what ten years has done to change the teenage boy she had once had an entanglement with. ‘This is going to be deliciously interesting….’
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eswynn · 2 years
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"Meanwhile in the Periphery" Completed this fun piece which has an even more interesting back story. Captain Mac "Stogie" MacGregor's Rifleman may look like it's beat to hell, but that's a Clan UAC 10 on its right arm and an SLDF gauss rifle on its left. The rest is there just to scare the sh!t out of infantry. * This is one of those Macross Raider X destroids that came out as part of the Exo-Squad toy line in 1994. I was ten years old, a rabid fan of Macross and Battletech, and so I had to have this guy. As a kid, I played with this thing until it was worn out and dirty, and then, when I was sixteen, I played a game where I took a pellet gun to all of my old robot toys and blew them apart in a kind of 28mm Battletech campaign in the mud with live fire. Surviving countless missions, Stogie's rifleman took a lot of damage, but with the magic of superglue, I repaired the mech between sorties using the blown-off chunks of his fallen enemies. It was a hot, brutal summer. At the end of that year, I put him in a zip lock bag and there he stayed for 22 years. When I found him again the other day, I knew what I had to do. Art! I gave him the Gaslands treatment using lots of 3d printed bits and turned him into a proper miniature, enshrined for wargaming use forever. Love this guy. Old toys are the best, man. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf78nSGrIpM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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new-nublaccsoul · 2 years
Stogie T (formerly known as 'Tumi' from the now disbanded band, 'Tumi and The Volume'). Sotra Freestyle
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cbmchannel · 23 days
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Stogie T – Shallow EP http://www.curteboamusica.info/2024/05/stogie-t-shallow-ep.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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vintagebuddha · 5 months
Chinese Man - Too Late feat. Stogie T, KT Gorique & FP (MAKING OF)
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barzonlinemag · 8 months
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@TumiMolekane a.k.a 'Stogie T' released his single titled #80sLove (feat. @BrittneyCrush) currently available
Streaming available:
So always remember to #GoHardOnline with @barzonlinemag
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Chinese Man - We've Been Here Before feat. Stogie T, Isadora & Miscellaneous
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soundofstories · 7 months
Chinese Man - We've Been Here Before feat. Stogie T, Isadora & Miscellaneous
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24africannews · 2 years
“Black Coffee Is Fronting For A Zimbabwean Businessman”-Nota Baloyi Makes Startling Revelation
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South African controversial music executive Nota Baloyi has debunked claims circulating alleging that Black Coffee bought Gallo Music Investment.
Taking to Twitter, Nota Baloyi stated that Black Coffee did not buy Gallo but was just fronting for a Zimbabwean businessman Takunda Jinda who is one of the shareholders.
Gallo Music Investment is South Africa’s largest and oldest independent music label.
In 2020, Black Coffee was reported to have acquired a significant stake in Gallo Music Investment through his investment holding company FlightMode Digital.
Nota however refuted those claims and said Black Coffee was neither a shareholder nor an investor at Gallo.
“Correction @JjSesing Black Coffee did not buy Gallo… He’s fronting for a Zimbabwean businessman by the name of Takunda Jinda. Black Coffee is not an investor nor is he a shareholder at Gallo. If he was, he would’ve been named in the liquidation of Gallo by Clive Hardwick Trading!” Nota Baloyi stated.
Black Coffee was not named in the liquidation of Gallo by Clive Hardwick Trading. Instead, Takunda Jinda was one of the names that were listed on the documents.
A Zimbabwean businessman who allows Black Coffee to front as a shareholder of the owners of “@Eusebius on Times” so that they can call South Africans xenophobic for objecting to rampant criminality caused by lack of law enforcement in the new organized crime capital of the world.
Nota Baloyi who was on a rant went on to diss Black Coffee’s musical career saying that he hasn’t made any hits in a long time.
Black Coffee hasn’t made a hit song this decade… Drive was the last time he really shook up the charts & it was wasted on that American girl who nobody has heard from ever since. The one-handed DJ freak show can only go so far & it’s run its course. People want music. Amapiano!
He added that he is finishing 2022 strong by settling all his beefs as he fired shots at Black Coffee.
Your idol @RealBlackCoffee has been warned… It’s on sight when I see him. He’ll need to run off to Austria with Stogie T when I’m done with him. I’m finishing 2022 off strong by settling all my beefs once & for all. The police know where to find me, ARREST ME DAWG, NGIDUBULE KE!
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“Kishh me
under the broadway junction stair case ,,
N let my . balls….
Swing swing ,
Oh so freeeee-eeely .”
i reAlized after snorting K mi friendz nailz in the dress aisle of Goodwill dat i will aLwayz AGREE TO THA golden Rule of Lyfe which is to NEVER step on the black part of the crosswalkz U can ONLY step on the white lineZ or u will LITERALLY DIE . N y is it more often than not , the things that we want r not the things we need and i feel like i’ll always be yearning for something more in store but the emptiness can’t b filled w just more of this n less of that n elaine says no one has good or bad luck just more or less of it .
Tha nxt time a strangwrr in a fox- pikachu costume cums up to meh n mi fwendz Wiff a guitar in tha wick n asks to sing Meh a song i will NO LONGER LIsten But buttle it by more fart jokez. Bc it has been yrs i hav had theese shower thoughts/questions/water based introspection: If u fart is it a culmination of all the farts around u cuz Ur breathing recycled farts in the air in side u ???? N on a. philosophical lvl. Nothing is original bitch. No one is original . Not even ur fooking fartsz.
Im tired of being so sexy and also so funny and also people expecting me to be the intimidating and mysterious and sexy person . I believe in kindness and being an internet troll n i grew up ugly n barely am making it to be kind of sexy within the last few years . So stop putting so much pressure on me Bith . Im literally an empath .
im Nvr going to party with scary Ukrainian fashion photographers again in greenpoint even tho they Hav free pizza <best food group> n their bosses r retired sexy models and also the closest deli near them has a free compOoter . N im done being strangers who drink old coffee at 2am’s outlets n shulder to cry on ab their exs w bpd . Cuz im empathetic to dat but also im tryna strictly VIOBE . N the vibeZ were not there . Plus i had an allergy attack n cried in the bathroom . :-/
i <3 waking up to phone calls at 7am/8am after i tried to induce sleep to myself w my 12MG mellytonin dissolvable tabletz N goin to get happie hour b4 it opens n debating new piercings n brainstorming new tattooz n stealing salt shakerz from restaurants w moi best fwendzzzz. It is so fukin Kold in Nyc n im waiting for my seattle he they cutie to move back to nyc so we can give each other allergy attacks by sniffing 2 many flowers at maria hernandez n then claritin n chill . N show them mi plushies . Cuz rn meow dating lyfe is like casual but I don’t need messy ass ppl . N i don’t believe in ghosting bc every1 deserves to have a convo but Meh . Thts objective lol . n It’s pointless to argue or submerge myself in a convo ive already had w someone where they have historically been defensive n Ugh lames . Only dating ppl like 23+ yr old n up now . :-]
I almost slapped the doggone giv a dog a bone dog shit out of the bouncer at purgatory N also this Girl who accused me of “cutting the line” at Elsewhere when i was guestlisted N also this person who narced on me the beg of the Yr at tha party but i chose world peace . N zen . N kava over stogies now . Smh . Miso soup over mala base , red hot chili peppers over deftones . Hot cheetos over takiz. Smh . i rly need my karma to reverse .
werk has been alrite n im soooo sad sag season is almost over . I realized i love cucumbers so much the last few wks n i am not afraid to show n tell ab it . i Love all the saggitiusrss in my life n i hav luved the consecutive bday parties ive gone to the last few weekz in which ppl have fallen asleep in their wolf costumes after doing One bump of K and screaming at Alexa to play Sleeping wiff sirenz. N trying to go to tinas but their hours r weird now apparently so we all end up at Sum random Dunkin Donut Hole place where my ex used to yell at meh at 6am . N i luv all of the he theys i hav met within the last few weekz who drink white clawz n have pretty faces n All the goth girls who also have snakebites who Kiss me n tell me if i wanted a sprite they would buy me a sprite . tho the tru drug of choice here is Vanilla coke , i Am extremely flattered . <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ive been spending alot more time on tumblr cuz it Just feelzz rite n wayyyy better cuz now PORN ;0 isback here. n idk if yall rly kno but ya . tumblr is likebACK cuz twitter is kinda lamess now. sigh . playing in Parks w ex situationships r fun n even fugging in Bars called Bar r fun but i almost got choked out by my Ali express vivienne westwood necklace at the playground N tht shuld hav been a sign I shuld hav went home. idk y i alwayzz put mi heart on tha line 4 Ppl i kno kant rly take kare of it the way i want 2. Im Goin to b working my last shift at holiday market Thurs evening then going to LA p much rite after s000000. Ima try to pull sum rockstar shit there nalso make 100 dumplings w my mummy for xmas even tho Lunar yr is technically way better n Idk why We as taiwanese ppl even care ab xmas so much butt.
My boy butt says BYE!!!!!!! n Til nxt week ?! <3
xoxoxoX0 , meunster cheeze is not monsterous Believer/civil rites activist/where do i find gahndi fan fiction online/lactose intolerance lactaid pills thtr expired dnt work save urself n ur liver advocate , renny ;]]
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