#Story-time Saturday
theindescribable1 · 10 months
Story Time Saturday #1
Can You See Me? ((Fiction))
((I wrote a little book for me and my family & friends only. It was called "Can you See Me?" It was a light horror book. I added disturbing and uncanny details in the book, but for your sake...I'll just write a tiny version of it with me and my frkends instead of the book protagonists. Its not that great, the book is better, but here you go!))
One time I was with my friends, just hanging out! It was a nice night, the stars were bright and twinkling. The moon was full and bright. Me and my friends decided to go on a river walk! How fun! We walked along the moonlit river and listened to the sounds of nature. We were enjoying our peaceful time together until I heard one of my friends ask; "can you see me?" I looked over to who I thought was talking and said "Of course we can see you!" But my friends gave me a strange look before saying "No one said anything, dude." I was about to tell them what I heard...But I didn't want to spoil the mood. We eventually came to a stop when we saw a large amount of ripples in the water. One of my friends said "Hey! I didn't know there was fish in this river." I was about to comment when I once again heard someone ask; "Can You See Me?" I looked around once more frantically. I looked over to my friends and asked if they heard the voice as well, but they all looked at me like I was crazy. I remained tense and nervous as we continued to walk about the river. Then I heard a whisper that sounded as if it was right in my ear... "I can see you..." I spun around and searched for the source of this whisper but I never saw anything. My friends decided that I must be having some sort of hallucinations, so they took me back home. I kept trying to convince them that I wasn't lying, but they all assumed I just needed sleep or I was straight up crazy. They left me back at my house, alone and still wondering... Who or what was talking to me? Why was it me? Why couldn't my friends hear it? I went to my computer and searched up the river that me and my friends were walking on and I saw an article on it. I searched through the article and daw that 3 children had drowned in that river. The children were very young, and they loved to play games by the river. They liked to play hide-and-seek, tag, and for the youngest child of all... Peekaboo! I see you!
Meh :p
Bonus: Go watch "Obey the walrus" tonight in complete darkness with headphones on :D
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skeletondoggy · 8 days
There's a cool hat in front of you, it looks to be from that friend who's always impressing you * Pick up the Hat <- * Let that Shit Hangout You've obtained item(s)! * Backwards Hat (Forward Facing) x1 * Cool Lice Colony x1
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a2zillustration · 6 months
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Tragedy in, tragedy out
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
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that-scorpio · 5 months
Y’all men getting too bold for my liking….
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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[Ch. 1, Page 17]
Hmm! This might be terrible! Who has that kind of time! (We do, now, apparently.)
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rosapexa · 1 month
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When Johnny was still just an engramm in Lexa's head he one day randomly started to play some songs while she was preparing to dive into the net.
He was kinda bored and didn't think any of it, allthough he already learned that usually before netrunning she liked it quiet, so she could focus more.
But this was different. Lexa liked listening to him playing. To her and his suprsise, it help her to relax and focus, which Johnny also felt.
None of them spoke that out at first of course. But from this day, he always played for her when she was netrunning. Lexa liked that she felt less alone, when she was in the net. She always heard him playing in the distance and knew he was there.
And Johnny, allthough technically knowing that she didn't need him, liked that he kinda had a purpose there. That for once he was not a stress factor, but a help. He felt useful again.
He played a lot of different stuff. Sometimes his own songs, sometimes he just jammed and sometimes he played songs from the time he was first alive and from bands he liked back then.
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Also later Lexa tried to find a solution for her and Johnny's situation by herself. She absolutely didn't trust Hellmann or Hanako and not even Alt and she also refused to believe, that his or her death were inevitable. So she started to dive deeper into the net, than ever before and even explored the Blackwall to find a cure. During this Johnny's play and his singing became some kind of an anchor for her. It was like no matter where she was, he helped her find her way back.
And even after Johnny got his body back, he sometimes would come with Lexa and sit next to her, while she was netrunning and kept playing for her.
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another bnuy frid
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softpine · 7 months
okay i just made maybe my favorite thing ever 🤭 i'm so excited i wish i could just post it now but there's still more to do, but i'm grinning ear to ear even though that's highly inappropriate for the subject matter
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justplaggin · 7 months
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« to the stray dogs »
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dragonbma · 1 year
“Why do I hear boss music?”
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Figured this blog needed more Admin!Vos content because I think he’s neat-
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heywoodvirgin · 1 year
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A bit of context : Vénus comes back from her first solo job alone that kept her away for a week. The night before her departure she got in a fight with Jackie because he didn't want to let her go alone. She kept him off ligne for a week and when she came back she texted but he didn't reply. Assuming he was still mad, she went straight to her apartment only to find him waiting for her there with food <3
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motziedapul · 4 months
Me when facing down an idiot on the subway screaming at me for no reason: NO YOU'RE THE BITCH SHUT THE F*CK UP YOU PIECE OF SH*T GET THE F*CK AWAY FROM ME
Me when facing down a spider that's crawling near me: Please sir 🥺👉🏾👈🏾 Please don't crawl on my stuff 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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“What happened in 2067?” Kerry asked.
V, still somewhat zoned out, needed a moment to register fully what he had said. It was oddly quiet in his apartment, as if the city hadn’t fully awoken yet either. Nibbles dozed on her favorite pillow on the sofa and the sun was shining, dust swirling in the light. Everything seemed strangely peaceful, normal even… as if there was anything normal about having Kerry-fucking-Eurodyne casually lounge in his bed after an emotional rollercoaster of a day and night yesterday. Yet, with all that had happened over the past two months, V grasped at every semblance of "normal" he could.
“I mean… don’t have to tell if ya don’t wanna,” Kerry added, sitting up properly now, and moving to join him at the edge of the bed, “Was just curious.”
He had every right to be… V had grown so used to being silent about his past, his private life, that it had become quite hard to open up when prompted. Even with people he felt safe around. To a degree, his silence felt unfair towards Kerry, whose life had been on public display for decades – more or less accurately depicted. He literally carried his past on his sleeve, but even if he didn’t, by Johnny’s presence alone V already seemed to know so much more about Kerry than the other way around.
Kerry trailed a finger or two down V’s spine, making him shiver in a pleasant way. A caress of something he had almost forgotten about, at least for a moment taking his mind off his uncertain future. Reminding him of where he once had been and how far he’d come, who he had become since then.
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“Ah, the tattoo…” he realized.
“Guess you can put two and two together ‘bout mine,” Kerry said with a sad smile, looking to the floor for a moment, “2023… hell of a year.”
“Pah, he can talk,” Johnny scoffed somewhere in the back of his mind, but V decided to not humor him right now. Honestly, he doubted Johnny really meant what he said half of the time. They weren’t so different after all, in that regard at least: hiding their hurt behind sarcasm and snark…
This thought alone made V want to spill his entire life’s story right then and there. But no matter how much he wanted to do it just to prove Johnny wrong, spite wasn’t strong enough a weapon to break down the walls he’d built up around himself. As much as he’d set himself free in 2067, it had somehow also marked the beginning of a downhill race – sure, with a few peaks in-between, but the overall trend hadn’t been that positive in hindsight. There was little glory in his past, and he dreaded the moment he’d have to come clean about his time with Arasaka. Not in the sense that he regretted having worked there, he still didn’t and probably never would… but not being sure at all about how Kerry would take it.
As if he could hear his thoughts, Kerry looked back up at him, almost expectantly, but V still didn’t know where to begin, or what he was even ready to share.
“Could say 2067 for me was what 2023 was for you, in a way,” he decided to say, lame as it was as a reply, “Something ended, and something new began.”
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Deep down he knew Kerry would understand. You didn’t get a year and wings tattooed across your whole back if it didn’t hold significant meaning, usually even in a painful way. Yet all that had happened then seemed so minor and unimportant to what was happening to him now… If he made it out of it alive, he’d have to get the six covered up with a seven.
He realized he’d been quietly staring at his own intertwined hands for a little too long now, abruptly turning to look Kerry in the eyes again. The thin golden rim around his gorgeous, piercing blue irises gleamed in the morning sunlight and the sight took V’s breath away for a moment.
“As I said, no need to tell right now. Or ever,” Kerry repeated softly, lips then curling into a cheeky grin, “Like me a man with secrets. Somethin’ to look forward to unravelling further down the line.”
V’s heart first jumped then sunk at that notion.
“Kerry…” he hesitated, voice barely more than a murmur. Then he sighed.
“In 2067… Felt like I was at a point of no return then. I thought I’d never be as scared and lost again as I was that year. But now…”
He hesitated for a moment.
“Ironically what scares me the most is knowing exactly what I’ll have to do next. My path is clear, seems to be set in stone, I didn't have that certainty back then… but at the same time it’s like I’m ‘bout to walk straight off a cliff.”
Kerry looked him in the eyes intensely, and V wanted to believe he recognized understanding and sympathy in his expression.
“I’m not gonna say I understand even half of whatcha goin’ through right now,” Kerry said and scooched a little bit closer, their hips and thighs touching now, his arm around V’s back. Kerry sighed, and his face was so close to V’s, his breath brushed past his cheek and neck and chest. Had he wanted to, he could have counted all his freckles, reminding him so much of the stars in the night sky he’d always been so desperately looking for as a kid.
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“You asked me yesterday if I was sure about this. Us,” Kerry said quietly, “Knowin’ what’s potentially gonna come.”
V’s heart was beating so hard, so fast, as if it wanted to climb out of his throat.
“Yeah,” he said, voice cracking slightly, grasping at his own fingers even more tightly now, shoulders tense. Then Kerry pulled him closer, just a tiny bit, less than an inch really… but it was still somewhat startling and unexpected. Kerry wasn’t shy about touch, that much was clear, and V was still somewhat overwhelmed by it now and then. But this now was different, subtle, soft… and he liked it a lot.
He looked back up at him.
“Still no doubts,” Kerry then said, gently and firmly at the same time. V was frozen in shock for a moment, but the warmth of Kerry’s smile started to melt his tenseness away, little by little.
“Thing is… ya never know what’s gonna come. Sometimes you just gotta take the leap and hope for the best. Take all chances you can, cause life’s only gonna throw so many at ya.”
He had a point. All he could really do was continue moving forward. No matter how much he wanted to put off the inevitable, it would arrive sooner or later.
Kerry tilted his head slightly and smiled, and V couldn't help but do the same, heart beating hard and fast again. Fuck... it was way too soon to say "I love you", but in this moment he was certain that this was exactly what he was feeling. He hadn't fallen so hard and so fast for someone in a while, hadn't even thought he'd ever be capable of it again.
"Guess the odds of us ever meeting and ending up here were pretty slim, too," he then said instead.
"Nothin's impossible if you set your mind on it. You've shown me as much, and I'll keep it in mind for sure..." Kerry smiled as he leaned in to capture V’s lips in a soft, warm kiss, his hand reaching out to hold V's, the sun embracing them.
Maybe it was worth risking it all, if on the other side of the abyss waited a future with more of this. And even if not… V was certain, whatever time he had left, he wanted to spend it at Kerry’s side.
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outeremissary · 3 months
For no reason in particular I think it's really important to note that as much as I am a pretty intense atheist irl in 2024 I do not blame Sarenrae for all of Tristian's fuckups and am generally disinclined to point fingers at the gods in Kingmaker for mortal affairs (someone at Owlcat just straight up hates Shelyn and whatever they are doing there is mildly incoherent). Is it best practice to leave your now ex-angel with Nyrissa? Definitely not, many things would have been solved by Tristian Not being there. But I don't think in the least that Sarenrae has "broken" Tristian out of malice or neglect. I believe that Tristian's divinity was an extraordinary privilege which was revoked for Tristian's failures to be worthy of that privilege (which I hardly think started with Nyrissa, that was just the breaking point).
I also think that there's a way of seeing being left at that moment as both a moment of harm reduction and a trial of faith. I don't think Nyrissa expected to find herself with an angel who had fallen. I think she had likely prepared to manipulate an actual outsider, had wanted someone in command of the full range of their supernatural abilities. And I think such a being could have enabled more damage much faster. And as for the trial of faith: I think there was a solve to this puzzle, a way to prove that one could hold themself to the extraordinary standards of a servant of the transcendent divine, and that was to have faith in the goddess regardless of fear and to refuse to cooperate no matter what. To as soon as aware refuse to be complicit in the slaughter of innocents, the assassination of a stranger. I'm not the world's biggest self-sacrifice advocate and Balthazar certainly reflects that about me but: these are the deeds of heroes and saints. Furthermore, the soul of a mortal can be recovered. If Tristian dies in chapter seven, the given explanation is that they can't be resurrected because Sarenrae has intervened- I firmly believe that if Tristian had died standing up to Nyrissa Sarenrae would have reclaimed them and restored their divinity. Tristian's failures are failures of first ego and then cowardice. When push actually came to shove, they could not be what they claimed to be. It's pitiable. It's very human. Huge fan of the angel who fails by being too human and too flawed. But I do not place this at the feet of Sarenrae. Not fully, at least. Not even mostly.
Of course, Balthazar would be a different matter: he's always happy to throw accusations to the heavens.
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deus-ex-mona · 11 months
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biannual reminder that this event sure was a ✨thing✨
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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[Ch. 1, Page 18]
There’s a joke in here about presents and futures, but we don’t have the time for it
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