#Streamlined Experience
astrobei · 1 year
every byler creator who has ever felt unappreciated or has never seen their work on a rec list or has stayed awake for hours working on something for it to get no interaction or has had their work passed up in favor of the big fandom favorites or has never been taken a chance on or has ever come last in a poll they didn’t ask to be on or has felt self conscious about posting or about calling themselves a creator if what they’re posting is not a magnum opus or has created something for themselves and still hoped deep down that people would love it: get behind me. i’ll protect u
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derpiedoxie · 8 months
HAPPY (slightly belated) HALlOWEEN!!
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katsettee · 5 months
Studying for my biology finals by associating everything with how I think it would apply to Shadow the Hedgehog
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strangesickness · 2 months
swimmer!richie definitely LOVES putting his arms behind his head when he's not wearing a shirt so his lats stick out the sides because it freaks eddie the fuck out even though his do that too LOL he's just like. hey. hey. eds. eds look. and then bam his lats are just. there like he's growing a sad freaky pair of wings <3
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1327-1 · 2 months
maybe i am getting old but the whole microsoft xbox minecraft stuff is driving me insane
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transmutate · 2 months
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Glad that 4 the words tracks time spent working on documents and also tallies them together for like projects cause I got to remember theres a time tracker and get jumpscared with 12 hours spent on a beast war fic
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moomoomooing · 3 months
someone needs to create and or find me a class abt media literacy and picking apart a media of our choice as the final project, and or religious themeing in videogames, any religion or even philosophy really (for some reason, despite having an aversion to discussing or getting near religion growing up, im now utterly facsinated with it in video games and some other media forms)
i just desprately wanna talk abt my fav games with academic pressure being my motivation for writing these papers yk?
even more specifically: the xianzhou loufu and their culture, society, the game quests written for that ship, the different races, mara, their history
i could not pinpoint an exact reason why, but the xianzhou ships are by far the most interesting of all the locations so far (i do love penacony tho for the whole dreamscape themes)
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i messed up the stupid multimedia essay comic for the fellowship application because procreate doesn’t remember undo and i didn’t back up all my lineart as a procreate file bc i NEVER have to do that (the mistake happened in coloring on the first page and it’s. kind of unsalvageable because i would have to apply that to the rest of the pages and i just feel so sick that i don’t even want to try anymore.)
it’s less than six days out from the deadline and i’m just ready to take the L. i’ve never felt more like crying in my life and my stomach hurts and i feel like shit that i feel like shit at all because look i don’t have much of a chance for this fellowship anyway so i’m trying not to get emotionally involved. but it’s a chance to work on the a320 however slim and i have this stupid hope that maybe i’ll succeed despite being woefully underqualified in my view and… sigh. picking my battles never felt so awful
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monstertsunami · 2 years
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day 5: human experimentations
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otherviosmainblog · 2 years
Would you ever consider moving the files for your Vio shimeji to a site other than DeviantArt? I would love to download it, but you have to have an account on the site to do so (and I don't have one). I just wanted to ask before I go ahead and make an account. No pressure either way!
Oh, sure thing! I'd honestly completely forgotten about it. Here you go!
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(Screenshot from my deviantart) 2018... It's wild to think I made this so long ago. Anyway, enjoy!
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woundedheartwithin · 1 year
Just for reference, since the naming convention for the series has changed, I tag all games in the Yakuza/Like a Dragon universe (including je/lj) #yakuza
Mainline games are tagged #yakuza [number]. Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth will be tagged #yakuza 8 for just general posts about the game, and spoilers will be tagged both #yakuza 8 spoilers #spoilers. Spoiler tags are generally only used to denote major plot and/or substory spoilers, so if you want scorched earth blockage of information about the game, I suggest filtering both the spoiler tag and the game tag.
Spin-offs are tagged #yakuza #[subtitle/title] (ie #yakuza #judgment, #yakuza #ishin, etc), with the exception of Gaiden, since there are many games with the subtitle Gaiden and I don’t want to blur tags. For that reason, that particular game is tagged #yakuza #yakuza gaiden
This convention goes for all posts, past and future, and believe me, if I could go back and redo my tagging system to just rgg I would, but that’s thousands of posts at this point. One day I’ll make a full guide to my tagging system, but for now, for spoiler purposes given all the new information about y8 and gaiden (praise be), here’s the current fandom specific version
As a general rule, my tagging convention for all my posts is: fandom, game, character, ship, spoiler tags, archival tags, my dumbass thoughts
Character names for rgg follow East Asian convention (surname first, given name last), with the exception of canonically western characters and/or characters using western naming convention, such as Ryan Acosta and Nick Ogata
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thelvadams · 11 months
enjoying final fantasy xvi but it really needs to pick up the pace
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queencvbra · 1 year
I'm so stubborn that I'm still on a windows 7 computer bc I refuse to learn a new pc layout.
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thrushppelt · 11 months
Been rereading wings of fire and browsing tumb ppl are always “why do they act like they’re bipedal even tho they aren’t” “blah blah” and it’s like
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Begrudgingly trying to look for a new phone because my current one (which I’ve had for 8 years) is having some issues but like......hhh.. Every person I know who has a newer phone like.. theirs SUCKS lol.. you can’t take the back off/battery out, some you can’t even change out the microSD because apparently they expect you to just use evil ~~cloud storage~~ or whatever nonsense, they come with so many apps built in which you can disable but not fully delete (wasting space on the phone), can’t control when updates happen, one of my friend’s has to be connected to the internet just to get voicemails??? like having to be connected to wifi or mobile data just for some BASIC functionalities is insane (I prefer to keep my internet disabled at all times unless using it, hate the idea of just being internet connected constantly in the background and having all these apps sending and receiving data and giving dumbass notifications when I’m not even actively using them), SOME of them don’t even have a built-in GENERIC notes app or media player (like I’m just supposed to download spotify instead of using my collection of youtube to mp3 files?? lmao) or photo viewer (I know someone who doesn’t have a generic ‘photos’ app, just “Google Photos’ which prompts them to make an account and login every time they open the wretched thing), etc. etc. etc. 
Genuinely, if it weren’t for my need to be able to use the internet to map and check bus directions/look up things on the go when needed, organize/transport files, and take photos on a whim when I may not have my camera with me - I would legit just get one of those basic non-smart phones where you can only text and make calls lol ... alas... ToT
#like i just hate simplification i hate everything being online i hate making accounts i hate cloud storage#i hate not having full control and customization of my experience i hate being forced to be connected#to the internet i hate siri or ok google or whatever the hell i hate being sent random notifications#i didnt ask for because the phone updated by itself and downloaded or enabled some shit i never wanted on there#i hate doing anything on a mobile device and everything being an app when desktop useage is so superior and so much easier#to process and do things that way and jthat i cant even open the back if i want to or change out sim cards like you used#to be able to or all this extremely easy and perfectly normal stuff that USED TO BE a function forever but it's like choice is gradually#being removed... w h y#Its the same thing with websites being oversimplified like WHY take away options and functionality to 'streamline' things and make them#more 'mobile friendly' when previously there has been both a mobile and a desktop version of websites for a long time??#what is the problem with having MORE choice? if people dont WANT to utilize the extra options and functionality then allow them#to choose to simplify things#but if people WANT increased choice and customization then the options are still present#what if i WANT  a more detailed complicated ~difficult to navigate~ view of a website?? what if i want to send 45 paragraphs#of text instead of short quick messages and emojis chat style where pressing enter sends a message instead of just doing a line break#etc. etc. which yes now I'm getting away from the topic of mobile phones and just speaking in general lol but its like#I just feel frustrated that everywhere I go it seems like things I used to be able to do which were USEFUL and functional - now the option#is gone or limited or made worse. And it's not just being afraid of change like some new things are fine when they make an experience#BETTER and actually HELP but like what the hell is helpful about having 4GB of my total 8GB built in storage#taken up by pre-installed apps that I literally cannot delete and that is space I will never use.. ??? and some of the other#changes it's like.... ok?? and for WHAT?? lol#AND i know like.. you can hack your phone and make your own changes to it and stuff but I shouldnt have to do that!!!#it should be EASY to customize and have it function however I WANT it's literally something I'm PAYING for..!!#and that cloud storage shit I do not care HOW the world changes you are never going to talk me into storing important stuff on some#fucking server somewhere that I don't have control over. same thing with live service or online fucntioning video games. I will find every#possible work around to keep 'physical' copies of anything that is actually important to me. 2087 in the word war 5 google amazon#fire world wasteland I'm still going to be clinging to my little usb stick in an undergound tunnel listening to 70 yr old mp3s#and playing downloaded copies of games that are mine that i payed for and own and can play however whenever i like lol#ANYWAY .. hggh.........maybe I can find a good 2018 or 2019 phone on ebay instead of buying a new one in store#would still be an upgarde technically since mine is from 2014 lol
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philicheesecake · 2 years
*vibrating rabidly*
Dudes. DUDES. I’m nearing the final scene in the comic. I’m so freakin close.
Mapped out the comics up to page 85, and it looks like it’ll be over 100 pages once I’m finished. And THEN I’ll be done with the FIRST comic.
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