#Striped cowfish
aticketplz · 10 months
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A. ホワイトバードボックスフィッシュ
B. ショーズカウフィッシュ
C. オルネートカウフィッシュ・オス
D. オルネートカウフィッシュ・メス
The pufferfish in the "Cold Sea Pufferfish" tank was vivid and nice.
Let's say the four photos are
A. White-barred boxfish
B. Striped cowfish
C. Ornate cowfish male
D. Ornate cowfish female
I thought B and D were a couple haha
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a-lil-perspective · 2 years
So I went to the aquarium with my male compatriot (XD) today and I started thinking about the Dad Batch, I’ve mentioned before how Tech in particular would love taking his babies to the aquarium and spending hours there and I have a few more thoughts excuse me.
Hunter: Mans is lugging a half dozen Huntlings in this cart/stroller thingy they rented there at the facility that costed an arm and a leg. And he is ready to get the heck out of there. All the people and the smells and the hot lights and his fussy babies; they make the rounds in 30 minutes or less. May or may not stop by the gift shop depending on how exhausted everybody is. May just have one of the Uncles pick the girls up something and he’ll Space Venmo them back. ‘Nuff said.
Wrecker: Loves the aquarium as much as his kiddos!!! He is such a fun dad!! Will sit them up on his shoulders so that they can see everything better and also when they are tired of walking. He doesn’t need to rent one of those strollers! Also, detour to the gift shop is a must!! They’re definitely picking out the cutest plushies. And of course getting snacks there at the little cafe is to be expected. <3
Tech: This brainy pops is reading every single fun fact there is, reading it aloud to his babies whether they understand it or not. He is taking the time to explain everything, taking many photos and saving all of the information on each species to later upload to his database. He very much looks forward to the trip because of how educational and how engaging it all is. Tech would critique the plushies at the gift shop, stating how they are not accurate to the species it is based off of or this one’s missing a certain stripe, etc etc. More than likely he will steer his children in the direction of the aquatic books on hand. And maybe grab a ball cap for himself.
Crosshair: Carries little Asher around on his shoulders as they quietly move from exhibit to exhibit. Asher is quietly marveling at all the wonders around him. Doesn’t miss a beat. Crosshair is relishing in his son’s wonder. It’s a relatively silent experience. Occasionally Crosshair will point something out to Asher, murmuring, “Look Ash, a cowfish.” and smile to himself when Asher makes a little sound of delight from above. Of course they pick a little something up from the gift shop. Probably a cute t-shirt for the little man, or maybe a space jellyfish lava lamp. <3
You know how I always say Crosshair watches his child(ren) like a hawk right well there is one (1) instance where Asher ventured off at the aquarium and it gave Crosshair a real scare. He felt really bad and was pretty sullen for the rest of the day because he felt like he didn’t do his job. He never told Dee this.
Of course the Ramser’ika was perfectly okay when Crosshair found him, staring up wide-eyed at the gigantic dome shark tank. He didn’t do it to be defiant, he’s just such a curious (and stealthy <3) kiddo and will sidle off if given the chance. But he never gets into any trouble. Still though, Crosshair was shaken.
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alphaimagine · 4 years
Class B is significantly harder. I don’t know why most of them just feel so...bland to me.  
Awase:  Barracuda, long silvery tail and terrible personality. His tongue is as sharp as his teeth and prefers to keep to himself. Has an odd fascination with shiny objects. 
Shoda: Silver dollar. Small and timid, you’ll only see the flash of his silver tail before he’s long gone.
Kaibara: Brook trout, long brown and yellow spotted tail. 
Juzo: Flounder
Kuroiro: Black Devil Anglerfish. Short but powerful tail as black as the deepest waters. You’ll see the light glimmering overhead long before you’ll see him coming. An absolute terror of the seas. 
Kendo: Mantis Shrimp. Stunning multicolored tail. Iridescent blues, greens reds and oranges. Her beauty hides her strength, easily able to knocking out any humans who stray too near to her nest. 
Fukidashi: ????
Kodai: Neon tetra, silver tail with red and blue stripes running the length of her torso. 
Reiko: Ghost shark
Komori: Cherry shrimp. Spends her days cleaning up overgrown areas of her pond. Cheerful but nervous when outsiders stray too near to her land. 
Shiozaki: Fugu Puffer fish. Her tail is covered in poisonous spikes that she can inflate at will. 
Shishida: Massive Catfish. Lurks deep under the mud in a remote lake. Locals tell stories of the monster catfish capable of swallowing a man whole. 
Pony: Long horned cowfish. 
Kamakiri: Lobster. Massive pincers that can crash bone and eviscerate any enemies. Not as mean as he looks, but he won’t take shit from anyone.
Tetsutetsu: Red sea stonefish. 
Setsuna: Axolotl. 
Bondo: ???
Monoma: Mimic octopus. Absolute trouble. Will tug on fishhooks just to fuck with the fishermen. Blends in so well you’d never know he was there, which is half the problem. 
Rin: ???
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marineexplorer · 5 years
Aracana aurita Shaw's Cowfish #marineexplorer #UNSWbees #GSRfieldtrip by John Turnbull Via Flickr: Similar to A ornata; both species can be found under the jetty at Port Noarlunga. In both cases the females are brown, orange/yellow and white striped, and the males add blue to the palette. See reeflifesurvey.com/species/aracana-aurita which has a neat "similar species" section
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felidaeng · 6 years
short mb stories because im Nostalgic and i miss that class: 
i was in charge of feeding the zebra moray (+ its tankmates, which was a 3 stripe damselfish for a while before going on to a lionfish + a foxface) and cleaning its tank for a few months. there was One Time during feeding where the eel pulled the feeding stick with more strength than i was expecting and ended up taking it and dragging the entire thing into its hide. i managed to get it out with a fishing net later when the eel got bored of it.
our longhorn cowfish was a tiny bastard that snuck up on people while cleaning tanks and rammed them with his tiny horns. I Loved Him
we took a porcupine puffer to the vet once. and somehow, even though the lady at the counter told us they didnt work with fish, dr b had an inside man who let us in and gave the puffer xrays
all of our stingrays had fun personalities. the southern ray 'stomped’ at us to tell us she was bored. she was a lot more well behaved than the roundrays who splashed anyone walking close to their tank sidhogdilg
we had an epaulette shark who was the class favorite!! she was cute and chubby and had a lot of personality too. i loved her sm heres a picture of her
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fishihavecaught · 6 years
South Florida Weekend
Met up with George again in Sebring on Friday evening to look for Brown Hoplo in nearby Charlie Creek to the west of Avon Park. Headed out there about an hour before sunset and after a handful of sunfish I finally pulled in a nice size Tilapia. Very shortly afterwards I pulled in a few of his smaller brothers.
Charlie Creek Tilapia
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Since we were leaving early for Miami in the morning we headed back home and I will continue my hoplo hunt another time.
In the morning we left early and headed to a spot near the Miami airport where there are supposed to be Hornet Tilapia. However after an hour of fishing I had only caught one Peacock Bass and we had to hit the road for our next spot.
At our next location, the University of Miami, there was a target of Crested Goby for me and Striped Mojarra for George. I was able to quickly catch the Crested Goby after we arrived.
Species #242 Crested Goby (Lophogobius cyprinoides)
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George on the look out for mojarra
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We actually caught several mojarra, but none of the ones George was looking for. I should have paid more attention to the ones I caught because in hindsight they could have been tidewater or big eye. However, since I did not check the head these will just be called Silver Jenny.
Probably just a Silver Jenny Mojarra
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We left for our next spot outside Homestead near the dump where there were supposed to be Pike Killifish. When we got there I saw one pike, but it was more than 25 feet away under brush and I could not lure it out. I did manage to get a nice Jaguar and Black Acara at the spot though. My pike killi hunt will continue.
Nice Jaguar Cichlid
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Black Acara
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We had finally exhausted our Miami spots and we headed for our primary mission of Channel 5 to try and load up on Angelfish, Parrotfish, and any other species that showed themselves.
However, after a full half day of fishing the bridge, there were no new species caught at this location. Just the typical crowd.
Porkfish were all over the place
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Scrawled Cowfish
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At the end of the day we decided to adjust our schedule for the next day and decided to head farther down the keys to check out spots for Hairy Blenny and Goldspotted Killifish.
We got up early and headed west. The Hairy Blenny spot was a bust but we continued on to Cudjoe Key to look for Goldspotted Killifish. Immediately after we got to the location I could see schools of them, but they kept spooking off. After some time I managed to finally find a school that didn’t run and was able to pull in species #243 the Goldspotted Killifish (Floridichthys carpio).
Species #243 - Goldspotted Killifish (Floridichthys carpio)
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George quickly caught several as well and we headed back east to Chanel 5, which again was disappointing. However, on the way back we made one final stop near the Everglades and I was able to pull in species #244 the Yellow Belly Cichlid (Cichlasoma salvini).
Species #244 - Yellow Belly Cichlid (Cichlasoma salvini)
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I got three new species and George got one, so we counted the trip as a success! It was a cool experience to get to travel around with George and his help was much appreciated!
Miami Airport     1 Peacock Bass University of Miami     1 Crested Goby     2 Mojarra Homestead Dump      1 Jaguar Cichlid      1 Black Acara Channel 5       25 Porkfish       2 Sailor's Choice Grunt       11 White Grunt       3 Puddingwife       1 Sergeant Major       2 Mangrove Snapper       3 Bluestriped Grunt       2 Bermuda Chub       3 French Grunt       1 Scrawled Cowfish West Summerland Key       1 Schoolmaster Cudjoe Key       2 Goldspotted Killifish Channel 5      4 Porkfish      5 French Grunt      5 White Grunt      3 Puddingwife      1 Dusky Damsel      1 Sergeant Major      1 Yellow Tail Snapper Markham Park      2 Salvini Cichlid      1 Jewelfish
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clearnoseskate · 4 years
Most Gorgeous Fishes Living in Ocean
Every fish is unique in its own way. Some fishes are known for their benefits and some for their harmful nature. Fishes are one of the most beautiful creatures living on this earth. Our oceans are the favorite homeland to most of the gorgeous fishes of the planet. Today we will talk about some of our favorite ocean fish and highlight their little known-facts.
Meet Six  Most Attractive Fishes in the World
Thousands of fish species live in the ocean. Fishes come in the most wonderful coloration, shapes, and sizes. Here is the list of the six most beautiful ocean fish. Let’s have a look.
1. Mandarin Fish
Mandarin fish is considered as one of the most beautiful fish in the ocean, belonging to the dragonet family. They are not only pretty but also creative. These fish have light-reflecting cells in their skin through which they can create magnificent hues and produce blue pigmented “cyanophones” to get their vibrant color. Mandarin fish is difficult to spot as they are good at hiding. They are small in size and reach up to 6 centimeters. Mandarin fish are mostly found on rocks, corals, or the ocean floor.
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2. Rainbow Fish
Rainbowfish are very colorful fish. They are small, energetic and can be kept in aquariums as pet fish. More than 50 species of rainbow fish have been found in tropical places. These fish can reach up to 4-6 inches, have silvery, blue-green bodies, and red-orange fins. Because of their vibrant colors, they are named as rainbowfish. They can live for 5 years and sometimes more than that. Rainbowfish are good swimmers and their color enhances with their age.
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3. Lionfish
Lionfish are native to the Pacific ocean. They are mostly found on coral reefs and in the rock crevices. Lionfish are called in different names like-” Spotfin lionfish”, “Dragonfish”. “Tigerfish”, “Scorpionfish”, “Turkeyfish”, etc. This fish can grow from 2--16 inches in length and weigh up to 1 to 2 pounds. Lionfish have beautifully colored bodies, zebra-like patterned stripes, and feathery pectoral fins. They are venomous and invasive creatures and mainly prefer a solitary life.
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4. Juvenile Emperor AngelFish
Juvenile is a popular fish that has a dark blue body and beautiful white rings. They are saltwater fish and mostly found in the Indo-Pacific Region. Angelfish is a type of marine fish and can reach up to 15 inches in length. These fish prefer to live on soft corals. Juvenile is known for its vibrant and iconic coloration. Due to this, most people keep this fish in their home aquariums to enhance their home interior.
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5. Clown Triggerfish
Clown Triggerfish are scientifically known as “Balistoides Conspicillum, belonging to the Balistidae family. They are closely related to families of cowfishes, puffers, filefishes, among others. These fish are native to the Indo-Pacific ocean and found in tropical and subtropical waters. Due to their fantastic colorations, they can be easily recognized when seen. They are usually dark in color and have large white spots in the lower part of their body and small yellow black dots on the upper part of the body. Triggerfish also have a dorsal fin and a white or yellow stripe crossing over the snout.
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6. Regal Tang
Regal Tang fish are the residents of the Pacific Ocean but also found in the Indian ocean. They are known for their oval-shaped body. This fish is bright blue in color and has a yellow tail and pectoral fin. Regal Tang fish can reach up to 14.96 in length and they weigh around 600 grams. They are commonly known as “Palette Surgeonfish”, “Blue Surgeonfish”, “Royal Blue Tang”, etc. Regal fish are mostly found on the coral reefs and protect themselves by using their sharp and venomous spine. They eat excess algae in the reef. The lifespan of a regal blue is thirty years or more than that.
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Ending Note
So there you have it- a collection of six beautiful ocean fish that are living on the planet. Hopefully, the aforementioned known-facts of fish will help you to fish identify in an ocean.
So if you want to know more, visit our site. Here you will get to know about different fish species along with their scientific names and characteristics.
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nexter2nd · 5 years
All these Jojo writers are talking about a Mer!AU and I like fish way too much so here’s my take on it (feat. Everyone in Part 5)
Giorno: Longhorn Cowfish
Bruno: Spotted Eagle Ray
Abbacchio: Black Knifefish
Mista: Mandarin Goby
Fugo: Spotted Moray Eel
Narancia: Flying Fish
Trish: Dumbo Octopus
Luca: Bonnethead Shark
Polpo: Blue Ring Octopus
Zucchero: Yellow Watchman Goby
Sale: Leopard Shark
Formaggio: Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish
Illuso: Axolotl
Prosciutto: Flying Gurnard
Pesci: Ocean Sunfish
Melone: Bargibant’s Pygmy Seahorse
Ghiaccio: Northern Pike
Risotto: Zebra Moray Eel
Sorbet: Blacktip Reef Shark
Gelato: Remora
Tiziano: Giant Pacific Octopus
Squalo: Tiger Shark
Carne: Fugo Pufferfish
Ciocolatta: Lionfish
Secco: Flounder
Doppio: Cuttlefish
Diavolo: Giant Squid
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fishihavecaught · 10 years
2014 - Year In Review
As an experiment this year, I decided to keep track of every fish caught by day and location. I have compiled and crunched the numbers are here are the results.
530 total fish 
73 different species 
44 new species 
57 saltwater species
16 freshwater species
Month with most fish - March (104)
Month with least fish - June & September (5)
Fished 21 different locations
Caught fish on 66 different days
Total days fishing - somewhere around 70
Fished off personal boat -- 1
Fished off pier -- 8
Fished off party boats -- 2
Fished off private Charter -- 1
Following are some of my favorite moments from the year, not necessarily in any order.
1 - Party boat trip on the Super Queen!
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We caught a bunch of White Grunt and Black Sea Bass
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2. Had a good year catching some nice sized Largemouth Bass.
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3, Broke my gar drought by catching 5 Florida Gar this year
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4. First Hogfish!
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5. My Smooth Trunkfish and Spotted Trunkfish.
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6. My first shark and also coincidentally my 100th species!
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7. My second species of Searobin
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8. All the cool exotic freshwater species caught this year
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9. Finally catching a Bowfin after losing so many
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Overall it was a great year in fishing and I realized my goal of reaching 100 species for the year. I can't wait for next year and what adventures it will bring.
Species Count
Atlantic Bumper 1 Atlantic Cod 1 Atlantic Mackerel 10 Bandtail Puffer 4 Bermuda Chub 10 Big Head Searobin 1 Black Acara 5 Black Crappie 1 Black Grouper 1 Black Sea Bass 4 Blue Runner 7 Blue Striped Grunt 12 Bluegill 125 Bowfin 1 Brown Bullhead 7 Doctorfish 2 Dog Snapper 2 Dusky Damsel 2 Eastern Mosquitofish 3 Florida Gar 5 French Grunt 74 Gag Grouper 1 Golden Shiner 3 Golden Top Minnow 7 Grass Porgy 1 Grey Gurnard 1 Gulf Killifish 3 Hogfish 1 Horse-eye Jack 1 Houndfish 1 Jack Crevalle 4 Lane Snapper 4 Largemouth Bass 9 Little Head Porgy 1 Longfin Damsel 1 Mahogany Snapper 1 Mangrove Snapper 9 Mayan Cichlid 2 Midas Cichlid 3 Oscar 1 Pigfish 16 Pinfish 44 Polluck 4 Porkfish 3 Puddingwife 12 Red Drum 1 Redband Parrotfish 1 Redear Sunfish 16 Redtail Parrotfish 2 Sailors Choice 4 Sand Perch 3 Sand Seatrout 4 Scaled Sardine 2 Schoolmaster 1 Scrawled Cowfish 1 Scrawled Filefish 1 Sheepshead 1 Silky Shark 1 Slippery Dick 9 Smallmouth Grunt 4 Smooth Trunkfish 1 Southern Puffer 3 Spanish Mackerel 1 Spot Tail Pinfish 20 Spotted Sunfish 1 Spotted Tilapia 1 Spotted Trunkfish 1 Threadfin Herring 1 Tomtate 1 Vermilion Snapper 2 White Grunt 29 Yellow Sea Chub 2 Yellowtail Snapper 5   530
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