#Studio 3HZ
drilanime · 1 year
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anicutexd · 6 months
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courseandrough · 2 years
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I miss Healer Girl... Studio 3Hz never misses
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operationrainfall · 3 months
Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online II Airs in October
Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online II, the follow up to the 2018 Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online TV anime, will begin airing in October 2024. The main cast returns to reprise their roles, including Tomori Kusunoki as LLENN. Studio 3Hz also returns as the anime’s production company. The cast and staff is as follows:  [ CAST ] LLENN: Tomori Kusunoki Pitohui: Yoko Hikasa M:…
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heronetworkgg · 4 months
¡Confirmado! Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II se estrenará en 2024
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Los fans de Sword Art Online están de enhorabuena, ya que se ha confirmado que la esperada segunda temporada de Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online llegará a la televisión japonesa en 2024. La noticia fue anunciada a través de los medios oficiales del anime, junto con una nueva imagen visual que presenta a […]
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hybridreviews · 1 year
TIME of the SEASON Spring 2023 Edition: The MARGINAL Service
Yeah, we got one more before the last show coming tomorrow.
Welp, we’re down to the slim pickings of the season and we got ourselves one title for the day and it’s something all right. This is The Marginal Service. Director: Masayuki Sakoi Series Composition: Kenta Ihara Episode Director: Yuichi Nakazawa (ep 1) Music: Yūsuke Seo (a.k.a Starving Trancer/Xceon) Character Design: Yoshio Kosakai Art Director: e-caesar Yukihiro Watanabe Chief Animation…
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Per iniziare il 12 aprile, la nuova misteriosa serie originale di STUDIO 3HZ (Healer Girl, Flip Flappers) ce ne ha messo di tempo per mostrarsi e tuttora non ne ho ben afferrato la trama.
Perché i protagonisti erano nudi nella prima locandina? Don’t know. Perché sono vestiti come operai edili, ma con i colori dei Power Rangers? Don’t know. L’unica cosa che ho capito è che dovrebbero essere una sorta di Men in Black, che però non trattano casi legati ad alieni, ma a creature leggendarie.
A dirigere il tutto c’è Masayuki Sakoi (Cautious Hero, Matoi the Sacred Slayer), mentre la sceneggiatura è in mano a Kenta Ihara (Uncle from Another World, Saga of Tanya the Evil).
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animehajime · 2 years
The Devil is a Part-Timer!! ⬢ 9 Years, A Poor Return
Check out the latest review from Anime Hajime, The Devil is a Part-Timer S2. Be sure to follow and don't next week's coverage of #Don'tHurtMeMyHealer. #anime #DevilIsAPartTimer
The Devil is a Part Timer Season 2 Having settled in Japan, the once-feared demon king Sadao Maou (voiced by Ryouta Oosaka) lives a mundane human life. Still, having once been an all-powerful ruler, “normal” doesn’t come easy. Still, Sadao makes the best of his situation. Even if that means juggling daily interactions with loyal subordinates and ardent rivals. Besides wondering when denizens…
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otakutale · 2 years
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Hataraku Maou-sama! Season 3 Announced for January 2023
Following the broadcast of the final episode in the second season anime adaptation of Satoshi Wagahara and 029’s Hataraku Maou-sama!…
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transboykirito · 2 months
Moon Cradle might be animated soon. Insiders say between MAPPA and Studio 3Hz. 🍵
god please let a1 have fumbled that badly that reki said fuck it and went to a new studio
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drilanime · 1 year
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animebw · 2 years
What is it with devil part timer? I wasn't ever going to watch it but now i am curious.
Short version, it's an anime from 2013 that's sort of a reverse-isekai: instead of a normal person getting teleported to a fantasy world, a demon lord and a couple of his minions get teleported to our world and have to work at McDonalds (sorry, MgRonalds) to make a living. It's basically a sitcom about super-powerful demons and angels adjusting to the life of a low-wage service worker, with some occasional action thrown in for good measure. I wasn't in the anime fandom when it was released, but it apparently got quite a passionate following. And they suffered for almost a decade with no season 2 announcement until a new studio finally picked it up just this season. So people were excited.
And then they saw what the new season was actually gonna look like.
See, the first season was produced by White Fox, the studio behind Steins;Gate and Re:Zero. And while it wasn't a visual masterpiece or anything, it was very well put together on a technical front. Solid action, solid direction, solid editing from shot to shot, and- and this was the real ace up its sleeve- some of the best damn expression work of its time. So much of this show's comedy works before of just how damn expressive and intense everyone's faces are. It's just the right balance of snappy and over-the-top. And while the studio producing season 2, 3Hz, isn't a bad studio by any stretch, the style they chose to go with was a lot softer, a lot rounder, and a lot less suited to the style of comedy it's going for.
Like, this is how the average punchy expression looks in season 1:
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And this is the baseline for season 2:
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Like... there's just no personality to the second one. It's the most generic anime face of concern imaginable. Plus now every female character has that godawful perma-blush that way too many female character designs have nowadays, and there's so much less animation overall, and the production quality really sinks as the season goes on, and... look, this whole season just looks so bland. There's no imagination or energy to any of the visual choices, and the first season had both of those in spades.
And unfortunately, once you take away the strong visual presentation, you're forced to confront the fact that The Devil is a Part-Timer... really kind of sucks in the story department. Yeah, it's a neat premise, but the execution of that premise mostly just results in every overused anime trope you were already getting tired of back in 2013. Half-baked lore, unnecessary love triangle/harem, the main guy being somehow completely oblivious to the girls' interest in him (despite one of them LITERALLY TELLING HIM TO HIS FACE SHE LIKES HIM AND HE STILL DOESN'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND SERIOUSLY), groan-inducing fanservice, casual fatphobia, That One Scene From Sword Art Online, you get the picture. But at least the first season had enough energy that you could mostly overlook those things for the sake of a well-produced comedy. Season 2, though? It's so lifeless and aimless that the flaws in the writing become impossible to ignore. This is just not a good story, and it doesn't even have enough style to be passable anymore.
...man, I had more thoughts on this than I realized, lmao.
Anyway, we'll see if the last two episodes turn things around. But in all likelihood, this season is going to end up a 3/10 for me. And even if you're a fan of the first season, I wouldn't recommend it, because basically everything that made the first season work is gone now.
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anytubenews · 1 year
Original TV Anime "THE MARGINAL SERVICE" - New Key Visual & PV
This anime is scheduled for April 11, 2023 (Studio: 3Hz)
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Feral Lizard Shifter - CR 1 Shifter
Insert Jungle Book song of your choice here.
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Artwork from Flip Flappers by Studio 3Hz, badly edited by me.
A feral lizard shifter is a wild feral child, who has learned to fight as the beasts do.  Perhaps a family of wild fire drakes found this orc girl as a baby and nurtured her, raising the feral child.  She uses supernatural powers granted to her by the gods, emulating the abilities of the creatures that cared for her.
In combat, this NPC is likely to fight alongside wild beasts, using combat maneuvers to grapple, push and trip her targets.  Raised among drakes, she’s comfortable with heights and will attempt to lure her enemies near cliffs to push them off, since she understands that her own strength is limited.  She relies on her stealth to get a surprise round.
Usually the young template is worth -1 challenge rating, but this is still very much a CR 1 enemy.  It didn’t have any natural armor to lose, and it has Agile Maneuvers so the strength penalty doesn’t mean as much.
Feral Lizard Shifter - CR 1
Dressed only in what appears to be a tablecloth that she seems to have bitten a hole in the middle of and used as a poncho, this feral orc child snarls at you.  She can’t possibly be more than five or six years old.
XP 400 Young orc shifter 2 CN Small humanoid (orc) Init +6 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 12 (+6 Dex, +1 size, +1 Wis) hp 13 (2d10-2) Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +1 Defensive Abilities defensive instinct, feral ferocity Weaknesses dayrunner
Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +3 (1d3+1) Special Attack minor lizard aspect
Str 13, Dex 22, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5 Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 18 Feats Agile Maneuvers Skills Linguistics -2, Survival +5 (+6 to follow tracks), Stealth +14 Language Draconic, Druidic SQ shifter’s claws, wild empathy Gear none
Minor Lizard Aspect (Su) The feral lizard shifter can shift into her lizard aspect’s minor form for 5 minutes per day, gaining gain a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks.  The duration need not be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments.  Shifting into a minor form is a swift action, while ending the effect is a free action that can be taken only on the shifter’s turn.  This is not a polymorph effect, and the shifter does not lose the benefits of a minor form while affected by polymorph effects.
Wild Empathy (Ex) The feral lizard shifter can improve the attitude of an animal.  This ability functions as a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person.  The feral lizard shifter rolls 1d20-1 to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the feral lizard shifter and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another and under normal conditions.  Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The feral lizard shifter can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Feral Ferocity (Ex) The feral lizard shifter possesses the ferocity ability which allows her to remain conscious and continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0.  The feral lizard shifter is still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and loses 1 hit point each round as normal.  Additionally, the feral lizard shifter gains a +1 racial bonus on melee weapon attack and damage rolls when at negative hit points.
Dayrunner (Ex) The feral lizard shifter suffers a –2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls.
Defensive Instinct (Ex) When unarmored, not using a shield, unencumbered, and conscious, the feral lizard shifter adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her AC and CMD. If she is wearing nonmetal armor or using a nonmetal shield, she instead adds half her Wisdom bonus to her AC (minimum 0). This is already calculated into her statistics.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks and when the shifter is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless.
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heronetworkgg · 11 months
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online anuncia la producción de una segunda temporada
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Durante la celebración del décimo aniversario de Project -BEYOND-, se ha confirmado la producción de una segunda temporada para el anime Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, el cual es parte del universo Sword Art Online, y que se basa en el videojuego de realidad virtual Gun Gale Online, el que pudimos observar a […]
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stillinaincrad · 2 years
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OK, so I've known about this new season of Hataraku Maou-sama! for a while now, and have kept my mouth shut about it because I wasn't sure which way it was going to go. When I first started seeing the art releases from 3Hz I got defensive because it's so watered down and Sims4 compared to the amazing characters White Fox gave us. That, and it's been almost an entire decade now, and seeing how the sequels with even a few years between them have been going lately, I was petrified of what it was going to be like given how much I have grown attached to the original.
Tonight I finally swallowed my apprehensions and started it.
And, for the most part, a lot of those fears were not unfounded - the characters are oversimplified artistically. Without a doubt the best thing about the original series was the multitude of different faces everyone made. Emi was far dryer and infinitely more fixated. Sasaki was more frenetic. Suzuno was more skeptical of everything that anyone did. And their faces showed it, most often hilariously. I applaud 3Hz for trying, some have been shark jumps but there have been some well done moments, too - but it's nowhere close. It's far less snark, far more warm 'n fuzzy. The art style and the overall execution is just a little too shallow so far. For me, at least.
But it's not bad. Having gone back and read the light novels (the first season ends in Vol5 btw - there's now 18!) I kind of know what happens next so am almost more curious how well they stick to it than anything, because I'm already a pretty big fan of the lovable, highly dysfunctional synergy that goes on between this ensemble the vast majority of the time.
So, this new season doesn't really pull me in like the original did right from the beginning, and I do feel like a few of the characters have been glossed over a little too much, but it's not like it's bad. It's been fun so far and I do want to see how this new studio does.
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