#Sudation Treatment
rockythemonster · 2 years
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Scientifically when the atmospheric or surrounding temperature is above body temperature, radiation, conduction & convection, and heat in the body get raised. So automatically the body tries to cool the body by evaporating perspiration from the skin. It helps in the expulsion of toxins or waste from the body & also provides a cooling effect to the body.
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dheemahi · 25 days
Discover the Healing Power of Panchakarma - Your Path to Wellness
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Have you ever considered Panchakarma? This ancient Ayurvedic treatment from Kerala is designed to detoxify and rejuvenate your body. Let’s explore what Panchakarma is, its process, and why it could be the key to enhancing your health and wellness.
What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma is derived from two Sanskrit words: “pancha,” meaning five, and “karma,” meaning actions. It’s a comprehensive detox program aimed at cleansing your body, eliminating toxins, and balancing the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) that are essential for health.
The Three Stages of Panchakarma Treatment
Purvakarma (Preparation)
Oleation: Applying medicated oils to your body to start loosening toxins.
Sudation: Using steam to further mobilize those toxins.
Pradhana Karma (Main Treatment)
Vamana: Therapeutic vomiting to cleanse your stomach.
Virechana: Purgation to clear your intestines.
Basti: Medicated enemas to detoxify the colon.
Nasya: Administering medicated oils through the nose to clear the sinuses.
Paschatkarma (Post-Treatment Care)
Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments: Following personalized guidelines to maintain the benefits of Panchakarma.
Benefits of Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala
1. Comprehensive Detoxification
Panchakarma thoroughly cleanses your body, aiding organs like the liver, kidneys, and intestines. This detoxification enhances your metabolism and revitalizes cellular health.
2. Dosha Balance
Imbalanced doshas are a root cause of many health issues. Panchakarma helps restore balance through targeted treatments, promoting overall well-being.
3. Enhanced Mental and Emotional Health
Therapies such as Abhyanga (herbal oil massages) and Shirodhara (pouring oil on the forehead) are integral to reducing stress and improving mental clarity. These treatments calm the nervous system and stabilize your mood.
4. Strengthened Immunity and Vitality
Panchakarma boosts your body's natural healing processes, strengthening your immune system. It increases your energy levels and vitality, making you feel rejuvenated.
5. Anti-Aging and Longevity
Known for its anti-aging benefits, Panchakarma works at a cellular level to detoxify and rejuvenate. It promotes tissue regeneration and improves circulation, thereby slowing down the aging process and enhancing longevity.
Experience the Best Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala at Dheemahi Ayurveda
Seeking the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala? Look no further than Dheemahi Ayurveda. Here’s what sets us apart:
Expert Practitioners
Our dedicated team of doctors ensures your health is prioritized with daily consultations and thorough check-ups.
Supervised and Documented Therapies
Every treatment is meticulously supervised and documented, ensuring safety and effectiveness.
Management of Chronic Conditions
We offer routine follow-ups to manage chronic conditions effectively, ensuring long-term health benefits.
Understanding Panchakarma Treatment Cost in Kerala
Concerned about the Panchakarma treatment cost in Kerala? At Dheemahi Ayurveda, we provide top-quality care at a reasonable price. Investing in Panchakarma is a step towards long-term health and well-being, offering significant returns in your overall quality of life.
Panchakarma is a profound way to cleanse and rejuvenate your body. Its gentle, holistic approach can help you achieve balance and health. Experience the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala at Dheemahi Ayurveda, the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala. Discover the transformative benefits of Panchakarma and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today!
Ready to embark on a journey to better health? Try Panchakarma and feel the difference it can make in your life!
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datameris · 1 month
What Is the Positive Impact of Panchakarma in Life?
Dr. Athul B.A.M.S
Ayurveda rightly emphasizes that health is not just the absence of disease but the state of balance in Dosha, Dhatu, Agni, and Malakriya. It also encompasses a content soul (Prasanna Atma), healthy sense organs (Indriya), and a peaceful mind (Manas).
The three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—represent the nervous system, metabolic system, and nutritive system, respectively, and maintain the body’s balance. When the balance between these doshas is disturbed, disease can occur. The main goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore the original equilibrium between the doshas. To achieve this, Ayurveda recommends specific regimens and treatments, such as Rasayana–Vajikarana and Panchakarma.
Panchakarma is a method of cleansing the body of all unwanted waste after lubricating it. The term “Panchakarma” means “five procedures,” as it involves five key treatments. Panchakarma is unique because it includes preventive, curative, and promotive actions for various diseases.
What is Panchakarma
Indian Ayurveda has provided the world with numerous benefits, transforming lives and helping people transition from a state of illness to one of perfect health. The significance of Ayurveda is immense, making it a leading practice among alternative forms of medicine. One of the most renowned branches of Ayurveda is Panchakarma.
Panchakarma, which literally means “Five Actions,” involves five fundamental procedures: Vomiting, Purgation, Niruham, Anuvaasan, and Nasyam. These five actions help regulate the body and are essential to many Ayurvedic practices. Panchakarma serves as a cornerstone of Ayurvedic healing techniques, working best when combined with medicines that help eliminate impurities from the body.
The Three Steps of Panchakarma
Panchakarma, a comprehensive Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy, typically comprises five distinct stages:
Purvakarma (Preparatory Phase): This initial stage involves preparatory treatments aimed at preparing the body for the main detoxification process. Purvakarma includes practices such as Pachana (Digestion Therapy), Snehana (Oleation Therapy), and Swedana (Sudation Therapy), which help loosen toxins and doshas within the body.
PradhanKarma (Main Action): Pradhan Karma is the core phase where the main detoxification procedures take place. Various therapies such as Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis), Virechana (Purgation Therapy), Basti (Enema Therapy), Nasya (Nasal Therapy), and Raktamokshana (Bloodletting Therapy) are administered based on the individual’s constitution and health condition to eliminate accumulated toxins and restore balance.
PaschatKarma(Post-treatment Phase): Following the main detoxification procedures, Paschatkarma focuses on rejuvenating the body and restoring equilibrium. This phase includes dietary and lifestyle modifications, along with specific therapies to support the body’s healing process and prevent the recurrence of toxins.
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Purvakarma: Preparing the Body
Purvakarma, originating from the Sanskrit words “Purva” meaning foremost and “Karma” meaning action, constitutes the initial phase preceding Panchakarma therapy, typically spanning three to seven days. During this stage, the body undergoes preparation for treatment by initiating the loosening of toxins and excess doshas.
The root cause of ailments is attributed to “ama,” or undigested toxins, which form within the system due to various external factors and subsequently disperse throughout the body. Purvakarma aims to channelize and gather these toxins, facilitating their efficient removal during the subsequent Pradhanakarma stage.
Integral techniques employed during Purvakarma, essential across the five stages of Panchakarma, include Pachana (digestion), Snehana (oleation), and Swedana (sudation). These practices play a crucial role in readying the body for detoxification and rejuvenation. Indeed, Panchakarma treatment is incomplete without the preceding Purvakarma phase.
Pachana (digestion) :The primary cause of illnesses is attributed to “ama,” or undigested toxins. During the Pachana phase, the initial stage of Purvakarma, patients receive herbal mixtures aimed at aiding digestion. These formulations facilitate the expulsion of ama from the body, offering immediate relief from ailments.
Snehana, also known as Oleation Therapy, holds significant importance in preparing the body for specialized Panchakarma treatment. This therapy involves the application of medicated oils, ghee, and herbs both internally and externally over a period of three to seven days. By loosening amam (toxins) and doshas within the body, Snehana plays a crucial role in facilitating their expulsion during the subsequent Pradhanakarma stage.
Two primary types of Snehana are employed: Bahya Snehana (External Oleation) and Abhyantara Snehana (Internal Oleation). Abhyantara Snehana involves the regular ingestion of special herbal preparations, while Bahya Snehana entails medicated oil massages administered to the affected areas and surrounding regions of the body. Both methods are aimed at gathering and channelizing toxins within the body, utilizing any suitable body cavity for introducing medicinal herbs into the system.
Swedana, also known as Sudation Therapy, focuses on inducing sweat in the patient. This process aids in channelizing amam, or accumulated toxins within the body, to areas where they can be easily eliminated during the Pradhanakarma phase. Typically conducted as the final stage of Purvakarma, following Pachana (Digestion Therapy) and Snehana (Oleation Therapy), Swedana holds significance as an independent treatment as well.
This therapy serves as both a cleansing and stress-relieving technique, particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with conditions such as asthma, weight and digestion issues, and bodily inflammation.
Pradhanakarma: The Main Procedures
Pradhanakarma, meaning ‘Main Action’, follows the preparatory treatment phase of Purvakarma, during which toxins are eliminated, and the body undergoes healing.
Panchakarma therapies are meticulously scheduled in alignment with the individual’s inner doshas and environmental factors. Medications are introduced into the system at strategic points, tailored to optimize therapeutic effects. Thus, the initiation of Pradhanakarma occurs only when the timing is optimal for extracting the vitiated doshas. Throughout the treatment, patients are required to adhere to a prescribed diet regimen
Vamana: Therapeutic Vomiting
Ayurveda is a life science that emphasizes both preventive and curative aspects of an individual’s health. According to Ayurveda, being healthy means maintaining the equilibrium of doshas and dhatus in the body. It focuses primarily on healing by addressing the root cause of ailments. Here, we will discuss the concept of Vamana treatment in Ayurveda. One significant concept in Ayurveda is Panchakarma, a treatment that plays a crucial role in both curative and preventive actions.
Panchakarma, a vital part of Ayurveda, includes five major procedures designed to bring doshas and dhatus into equilibrium and correct an individual’s metabolism.
One of these procedures is “Vamana.” Vamana, or therapeutic vomiting, is a process where toxins are eliminated through the upper route. This purificatory or detoxifying therapy expels accumulated toxins through medicated emesis or vomiting.
Procedure of Vamana / How is Vamana Therapy Administered?
Vamana is administered in two ways: Sadyo Vamana, or instant therapeutic emesis, and Classical Vamana, or therapeutic emesis, depending on the condition’s severity and the patient’s needs.
Sadyo Vamana is a one-day procedure where the individual drinks medicated kashayams, milk, etc., to induce vomiting and expel doshas and toxins from the system.
Classical Vamana is a more elaborate process. Initially, medications are given to improve metabolism and facilitate the proper digestion of snehana dravyas.
The next stage involves administering medicated snehas in increasing dosages for internal oleation until specific signs of oleation are observed.
In the following phase, external oleation is performed through procedures like abhyanga (oil massage). A specific diet is also recommended during these procedures.
Vamana Treatment Diet
Before the day of Vamana treatment, certain foods that increase Kapha dosha, such as milk, urad dal, and sweets, are advised to enhance the treatment’s effectiveness.
On the day of Vamana, the procedure is conducted on an empty stomach in the morning, a time when Kapha dosha is predominant.
During the procedure, the individual drinks medicated kashayams, milk, and vamanopaga dravyas or emetic drugs under thorough monitoring to induce vomiting and expel doshas and toxins from the system.
Virechana: Purgation Therapy
Virechanam is a rigorous examination of spiritual emotions. Sodhana Virechana should be performed only after completing Snehasvedas, which are Purvakarmas. Early in the morning, on an empty stomach, the appropriate medicine should be administered as prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the symptoms and nature of the disease. After administering the medicine, the patient’s face can be washed with cold water.
Following the administration of the medicine, the patient should stay warm by drinking warm water frequently. If there is no proper bowel movement after 3-4 hours, the patient should drink hot water again and apply a hot water bottle or rubber bag to the stomach to induce sweating.
Basti: The Enema Therapy
Before doing Snehavati, the patient should bathe with oil in the morning and then have a light meal, which should be 1/4 of the usual amount. After some time, once they have had a bowel movement, they should lie down on their left side with the left leg extended and the right leg folded.
Next, the tip and the anus of the vasti instrument filled with the vasti mixture should be smeared with ointment. Expel any air trapped in the vasti instrument, and press the tip with a finger. The vasti instrument should be gently inserted into the anus parallel to the spine. Press the plastic bag with consistent force so the vasti mixture enters smoothly. Once most of the vasti mixture is administered, remove the vasti instrument, leaving a little of the mixture inside. Then, rub the body parts gently
Kashayavasti differs from Sneha Vasti by using honey, then Indhuppu, oil, kalkam, and kashayam. These ingredients are mixed in a specific ratio to create the decoction. Around ten o’clock in the morning, you can start the Kashaya Vasti procedure.
First, add honey, then Indhuppu, oil, kalkam, and kashayam, mixing them with a fork. Once well mixed, strain the mixture using a sieve and transfer it to another vessel, which should be heated with hot water until it sizzles.
The procedure for Vasti is the same as for Sneha Vasti. Vasti should be done neither too quickly nor too slowly, and not too much or too little. Avoid any discomfort mentioned in Sneha Vasti when performing Kashayavasti.
After Vasti, the patient should lie down and have a bowel movement as soon as possible. Once the bowel is clear, the patient should take a bath and eat light food.
Nasya: Nasal Administration
After performing Malamutradi Vega, have the patient sit on a chair and lay back. Thoroughly sweat the patient’s neck using a towel soaked in hot water. Once sweating is complete, lay the patient flat on a bed with legs straight, slightly elevated, and the head slightly lowered. Proceed to Gokarna (using clean cotton or a piece of medicine as prescribed by the doctor). If ghritam is used for nasyakarma, melt it in warm water.
Hold the patient’s mouth slightly open to inhale the ointment, and pour the required amount of medicine into the nose in a stream. First, close the left nostril and drop half of the medicine into the right nostril, then close the right nostril and drop the remaining medicine into the left nostril. Rub the patient’s forehead, inner hands, inner feet, and conjunctiva. While lying down, have the patient expel phlegm by turning first to the left and then to the right. Provide a vessel for this purpose.
After clearing the phlegm from the mouth, the patient should lie down for about a minute, then get up, wipe the phlegm from the forehead, and rub Rasnadi Churnam. Gargle with warm water to clear the throat, and then smoke. This can be done by adding turmeric and ghee to a cloth, twisting it and burning it, or by using camphor radi.
Post-Panchakarma: Recovery and Rejuvenation
Post-Panchakarma is not just about recovery; it is an opportunity to embrace a rejuvenated state of being. This phase can set the stage for long-term health and wellness by embedding new, healthy habits into daily life.
Dheemahi Ayurveda: Choosing the Right Panchakarma Treatment
Panchakarma treatments in Ayurveda are like a thorough cleansing for both your body and mind. They help get rid of toxins and stress that build up from daily life, making you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Whether you’re dealing with health problems or just want to boost your overall well-being, these treatments can be beneficial. They work for all kinds of health issues, whether long-lasting or starting. Lots of people with different health problems have found relief through these detox therapies in Ayurveda.
At Dheemahi Ayurveda, we’ve been mastering personalised Panchakarma treatments for five generations. Our experienced doctors create custom treatments after a detailed consultation and analysis of your body type. Our Panchakarma therapies cover everything from dietary advice and herbal recommendations to massages, lifestyle tips, and meditation guidance. Qualified and well-trained healthcare professionals administer these treatments under the supervision of our Ayurvedic physicians.
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rasayanaayurvedic · 2 months
Which is the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Kochi for spinal disc bulge problems?
Spinal disc bulge, a common ailment affecting a significant number of individuals, often leads to pain and discomfort, disrupting daily activities. In Kochi, the Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is renowned for its exceptional treatment of spinal disc bulge problems, setting a benchmark in Ayurvedic care. This center blends ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern techniques to offer effective and holistic treatment options. Here's an in-depth look at why Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is considered the best Ayurvedic hospital in Kochi for treating spinal disc bulge issues.
Expertise in Spinal Health Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre boasts a team of highly skilled Ayurvedic practitioners specializing in musculoskeletal disorders, particularly spinal issues. Their profound understanding of spinal anatomy and Ayurvedic pathology allows them to diagnose and treat spinal disc bulges with great precision and efficacy. The practitioners’ expertise is a pivotal element that contributes to the center’s reputation as a leading Ayurvedic hospital in Kochi.
Customized Treatment Plans Recognizing that each case of spinal disc bulge can vary significantly, the Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre emphasizes personalized treatment plans. After a thorough assessment of the patient's condition, lifestyle, and body type (Prakriti), the specialists design a treatment regimen specifically tailored to address the individual's unique health needs. This approach not only helps in effectively managing the symptoms but also aids in addressing the root cause of the problem.
Integrated Ayurvedic Therapies The treatment for spinal disc bulge at Rasayana involves a combination of several Ayurvedic therapies:
Snehanam (Oleation Therapy): Application of medicated oils through massage, which helps in lubricating the joints and softening the tissues around the spine.
Swedanam (Sudation Therapy): This involves the application of heat and steam to the affected area to reduce inflammation and pain.
Vasti (Medicated Enema): Considered the most effective treatment for Vata-related disorders in Ayurveda, Vasti involves administering medicated oils or decoctions into the rectum, which helps in relieving the compression and inflammation of nerves involved in spinal disc issues.
Kati Vasti: A specialized treatment where warm medicated oil is pooled in a herbal paste boundary and applied over the lumbar region. It is highly effective for reducing lower back pain and strengthening the spinal muscles.
Holistic Approach to Wellbeing Beyond just treating the spinal disc bulge, Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre ensures a holistic improvement in patients' overall health. Dietary recommendations are provided to support the body’s healing process, emphasizing foods that pacify the Vata dosha, which is often implicated in spinal issues. Moreover, yoga and meditation are integral parts of the treatment process, promoting mental and physical wellness, enhancing flexibility, and strengthening the spine.
Modern Amenities in a Serene Setting Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive their treatments in comfort and tranquility. The serene environment of the centre, combined with its modern amenities, plays a crucial role in the healing process, providing patients a peaceful retreat where they can focus on recovery.
Success Stories and Patient Satisfaction The effectiveness of the treatments offered at Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is reflected in the numerous positive testimonials and success stories from patients who have experienced significant relief from their spinal disc bulge symptoms. These endorsements underscore the centre’s position as a top Ayurveda treatment centre in Kerala.
Education and Continuous Care Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre also places a strong emphasis on patient education. Patients are taught about the nature of their condition, how various treatments help, and ways to prevent future spinal issues. This educational approach empowers patients, making them active participants in their healing journey. Furthermore, the centre provides ongoing support and advice, ensuring that patients continue to maintain their spinal health even after they leave the facility.
Conclusion With its comprehensive approach to treatment, highly qualified team of specialists, and excellent facilities, Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is undoubtedly the best Ayurvedic hospital in Kochi for treating spinal disc bulge problems. Patients at Rasayana can expect not only relief from their immediate symptoms but also a sustainable path to long-term spinal health and overall well-being, solidifying its reputation as a leader among Ayurveda treatment centres in Kerala.
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nezukooka · 2 months
Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment
Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment encompasses a holistic approach that addresses the underlying imbalances in the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), aiming to restore harmony and promote healing. Ayurvedic therapies for psoriasis typically involve a combination of dietary modifications, herbal remedies, detoxification procedures, lifestyle adjustments, and stress management techniques. Herbs like Neem (Azadirachta indica), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Aloe vera are commonly used in various formulations to reduce inflammation, purify the blood, and support skin health.
Ayurvedic treatment also emphasizes Panchakarma therapies, which include procedures like Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation) to eliminate toxins from the body and balance the doshas. Panchakarma aims to rejuvenate the body's tissues, strengthen the immune system, and alleviate symptoms of psoriasis. Additionally, Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend specific dietary guidelines, including avoiding spicy and fermented foods, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, and practicing mindfulness techniques such as yoga and meditation to manage stress, which is considered a significant trigger for psoriasis flare-ups. While Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis can offer relief and improvement in symptoms for many individuals, it's essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to receive personalized care tailored to one's unique constitution and needs.
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drsagarnarkhede · 3 months
Vasant Rutu, or the Spring season, is considered an ideal time for undergoing Vamana Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. Vamana is one of the five main purification therapies and involves therapeutic vomiting to eliminate excess Kapha dosha from the body.
During Vamana Panchakarma, individuals undergo a preparatory phase called Snehana (oleation) followed by Swedana (sudation) to liquefy and mobilize the toxins. After the preparatory phase, the person is given a specific medicinal formulation to induce controlled vomiting, expelling accumulated Kapha from the upper respiratory tract.
This therapy is believed to help balance the doshas, improve digestion, boost metabolism, and enhance overall well-being. It is crucial to undergo Vamana Panchakarma under the guidance of qualified Ayurvedic practitioners for personalized and safe treatment.
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kavya4321 · 9 months
Proven relief from neck pain is possible with Dr. Mini's Ayurvedic treatment.
Discover effective Ayurvedic treatment options for neck pain including oil massage, sudation, bastion the neck, and more with Ayurhealing. Book a session now for relief from neck pain with Dr. Mini's expertise.
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ayurveda-melbourne · 9 months
Effective Ayurveda Remedies for Whiplash Injury
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Whiplash injuries are a matter of significant concern in today’s fast-paced world, as they can have long-lasting repercussions on an individual’s health and well-being. The sudden and violent motion of the neck during a whiplash incident can lead to a range of symptoms, including neck pain, headaches, dizziness, and even cognitive issues such as memory problems and difficulty concentrating.
These injuries are not limited to any particular age group or demographic; anyone can be susceptible to whiplash under the right circumstances. Additionally, whiplash injuries can often go unnoticed immediately after an accident, as symptoms may not manifest until hours or even days later, making it essential to seek medical attention and diagnosis promptly after any event that might cause whiplash
Causes of Whiplash Injury
Car accidents often cause whiplash because of the sudden head jerking.
Playing sports, like football, can lead to whiplash when there are hard tackles or collisions.
Whiplash can harm different parts of the spine, like bones, nerves, ligaments, and discs, due to accidents.
Whiplash can happen when the spine quickly moves back and forth, tearing as it does.
Sometimes, whiplash can damage the brain, especially when the head is bent too far.
As people get older, their neck joints can wear out, causing pain. This can also happen if bone spurs form as the bones break down.
Conditions like meningitis and rheumatoid arthritis can make your neck hurt too.
Ways to prevent Whiplash injury
Maintain proper posture by keeping your shoulders aligned while sitting or standing. Quit smoking to reduce the risk.
Refrain from carrying heavy bags, as the weight can strain your neck.
Sleep in a comfortable posture with your head and neck aligned with your body. Consider using a small pillow under your neck.
When driving, always wear seat belts and sit upright to enhance safety.
Ayurvedic approach to managing Whiplash Injury
In Ayurveda, the primary cause of injury, known as “Abhigata,” is often attributed to the aggravation of the Vata dosha. When Vata dosha becomes imbalanced, it can result in pain and various other symptoms. Abhigata, in turn, exacerbates Vata dosha, leading to excessive pain and a range of associated symptoms. These symptoms may include restricted neck movement, headaches, dizziness, pain, and tenderness in the upper back and shoulder region, as well as blurred vision, among others.
Ayurveda offers several effective therapies, including Panchakarma treatments, to alleviate the discomfort experienced by patients.
Snehan and Swedan: Snehan involves both external and internal oleation therapies. External oleation therapies may include Snehadhara (the application of medicated oil to the neck region), Abhyanga (oil massage using specific oils), while internal oleation involves Snehapana (ingestion of specific medicated oils) and non-Nithya Snehapana (oral consumption of fats).
Sudation Therapy: This therapy includes Patra Pinda Sweda, which is prepared using certain leaves and combined with external oleation therapy.
Nasya: Nasya involves the instillation of medicated oils and ghee into the nasal passages. Different types of Nasya treatments are administered based on the patient’s condition, such as Masha Tailam, Ksheerabala Thailam, and Brmhana Nasya for chronic and recurring symptoms. In cases of sleep disturbances, Murdini Tail Nasya may be recommended.
Psychological Support: Ayurveda also recognizes the importance of addressing psychological aspects. For patients experiencing depression or memory-related issues, treatments such as Snehan, Virechan, Vasti, and specific Nasya therapies may be recommended.
Ayurclinic Point of View
At Ayurclinic, there is a holistic and patient-centered approach to the treatment of whiplash injuries. Our dedicated team of Ayurvedic doctors understands that whiplash can have a profound impact on an individual’s well-being, both physically and emotionally. Therefore, the treatment strategy is tailored to address not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and psychological aspects of healing. We begin with a thorough assessment to understand the unique needs of each patient, considering their constitution (Prakriti), current imbalances (Vikriti), and the specific nature of the whiplash injury.
Our treatment care involves a combination of traditional Ayurvedic therapies, including herbal remedies, specialized massages, and personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Throughout the treatment journey, we provide continuous support, monitor progress closely, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure a comprehensive and effective recovery from whiplash injuries.
For more information about Ayurvedic Treatment for Whiplash Injury, you can call us at +61 3 9078 2940 or Book an appointment with us
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vedamayurvedasblog · 1 year
Psoriatic Arthritis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment
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Ayurveda is a science that consists of a large variety of medicines that can be used to treat various diseases. Psoriatic arthritis is one of these conditions. It is characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. This condition can be treated through several different methods, including vasti, panchakarma and ayurvedic medicines. These medicines will help to alleviate the symptoms of this disease and help to cure it.
Ayurveda provides best arthritis treatment in bangalore. It aims to restore normal skin colour and reduce inflammation. Medicinal oils are used based on symptoms. This form of treatment can heal the joints completely.
During a Panchakarma, toxins from the body are removed through purgatory methods. In Ayurveda, the treatment is done using a combination of internal and external medicines. The main aim of the therapy is to detoxify the body.
Arthritis treatment in bangalore involve various techniques including herbal massages, poultices, and juices. Using these procedures, the toxins are removed from the deep tissues and channels of the body.
Ayurvedic treatments can help cure psoriatic arthritis by removing the toxins from the blood and bone channels. Moreover, the treatments can also extend the interval between relapses.
psoriatic arthritis treatment in ayurveda  is a disease that causes inflammation of the joints. The symptoms of this condition include red patches on the skin, swelling and pain.
Ayurveda offers a natural cure for this condition. Its techniques are based on the principles of vatashonita. These principles aim to maintain the balance of vata and rakta. This includes detoxification, purification, and lifestyle advice.
Medicated oils are applied on the affected areas. They are said to help reduce swelling and joint pain. Dhara therapy also helps. This therapy combines medicated oil with the sudation method.
The ancient Ayurvedic scriptures have laid out strict guidelines for treating psoriatic arthritis. These include cleansing the body on regular intervals. Virechana and Vamana are used for this purpose. Medicated liquids are also used for cleansing.
Vitiation of Rakta vaha srotas
Rakta vaha srotas play an important role in the delivery of nutrients and removal of waste products like carbon dioxide and hemoglobin. Vitiation of this system can lead to various disorders.
Ayurveda treats each person differently based on their constitution. As a result, the symptoms of a disease may vary among different people. The constitution is the root of health and a major factor in the treatment of disease.
Rakta vaha srotas are channels involved in blood circulation. They are said to originate from the spleen and the liver.
They also carry formed blood elements. In this way, they transport blood from the organs to the tissues. When they are blocked, this can be the first stage of the disease process.
Arthritis Mutilans
Arthritis mutilans is a serious form of psoriatic arthritis. It affects the joints in the hands, feet, and spine. The disease causes inflammation in the body, which is believed to accelerate bone mineral loss.
The disease can interfere with daily activities. Affected patients report a significant decrease in physical activity and self-care. In some cases, the disease can be severe and requires surgery.
If left untreated, the inflammation in the joint can result in changes in the shape of the joint. This can cause pain, stiffness, and the inability to move. With early treatment, the symptoms of arthritis mutilans can be halted, which can lead to better results.
The most common treatment for arthritis mutilans is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Other drugs include cyclosporine, methotrexate, and leflunomide. These are disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which are often used to treat other types of rheumatic diseases.
Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is an auto-immune disorder that affects the skin, joints and tendons. It is characterized by the formation of plaque-like scaly lesions on the skin and nails. A person with psoriatic arthritis may also experience pain and swelling in the affected area.
Although there is no cure for psoriatic arthritis, Ayurveda offers treatments that help to manage the symptoms of the disease. The ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis includes diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs.
Usually, psoriatic arthritis is a chronic condition that requires a long-term management plan. Psoriatic arthritis can affect the joints and cartilage of the bones. This can lead to inflammation of the affected areas and can even damage the nails.
In addition to the signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, you might also experience fatigue, depression and a decrease in your activity level. These effects can make it difficult to perform daily tasks. An occupational therapist might recommend changes in your routine to protect your joints.
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gamakbeauty1 · 3 years
Benefits of Ayurveda and herbal treatment why should we choose ayurvedic health massage.
Massage is highly effective in ailments affecting bones, joints, and the nervous system. The massage with heated boluses induces profuse sudation which helps in the fomentation process. Elakizhi is a part of panchakarma Ayurveda and herbal Treatment.
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dheemahi · 26 days
Panchakarma - Your Path to Health and Wellness
Panchakarma, a term from Sanskrit where "pancha" means five and "karma" means actions, is a complete detox and rejuvenation program. This Ayurvedic treatment aims to cleanse the body, remove toxins, and balance the doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—that govern our physical and mental functions.
Three Stages of Panchakarma Treatment
Purvakarma (Preparatory Procedures)
Oleation: Applying medicated oils externally to loosen toxins.
Sudation: Using steam therapy to further loosen toxins in the tissues.
Pradhana Karma (Main Procedures)
Vamana: Therapeutic vomiting to cleanse the stomach.
Virechana: Purgation to cleanse the intestines.
Basti: Two types of medicated enemas for colon cleansing.
Nasya: Nasal administration of medicated oils to clear sinuses and improve respiratory health.
Paschatkarma (Post-Treatment Measures)
Focuses on dietary and lifestyle changes to maintain the benefits of detoxification and support overall health.
Benefits of Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala
1. Detoxification and Cleansing
Panchakarma helps remove deep-seated toxins (ama) from your body. This purification process supports the liver, kidneys, and intestines, enhancing their functions. Clearing accumulated waste boosts metabolic processes and revitalizes cellular health.
2. Balancing Doshas
Ayurveda believes that health issues arise from imbalances in the doshas. Panchakarma's personalized treatments help restore this balance, promoting holistic healing.
3. Mental and Emotional Well-being
Treatments like herbal oil massages and Shirodhara (pouring medicated oil on the forehead) help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. These therapies calm the nervous system and balance neurotransmitters, enhancing cognitive function and emotional resilience.
4. Boosting Immunity and Vitality
By rejuvenating the body's healing mechanisms, Panchakarma strengthens the immune system. This increases resistance to diseases and infections, restores vital energy (Ojas), and imparts vitality and stamina.
5. Supporting Longevity and Anti-Aging
Panchakarma is known for its anti-aging benefits. It detoxifies and rejuvenates the body at a cellular level, promoting tissue regeneration, improving circulation, and enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients. This helps delay aging and supports longevity.
Experience Panchakarma at Dheemahi Ayurveda
If you are looking for the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala, Dheemahi Ayurveda is the place to go. Our resort is renowned for its authentic Ayurvedic treatments, drawing from five generations of wisdom.
Expert Doctors: Our team is committed to your health, providing daily consultations and thorough physical examinations.
Supervised Therapies: Every Panchakarma therapy is supervised by our doctors, with detailed documentation of your treatment.
Chronic Disease Management: Routine follow-ups ensure that we manage chronic diseases effectively and provide necessary symptom relief.
Ayurvedic Treatment Cost in Kerala
At Dheemahi Ayurveda, we prioritize your health and well-being without compromising on quality. While the cost of Ayurvedic treatment in kerala can vary, we ensure you receive the best care possible. Investing in your health through Panchakarma can lead to long-term benefits and a healthier life.
Panchakarma offers a straightforward yet powerful promise: to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore. With its gentle therapies and holistic approach, it provides a path to detoxification, balance, and well-being. Experience renewed vitality, clarity, and inner harmony with the best Panchakarma treatment in Kerala. For the ultimate wellness experience, visit Dheemahi Ayurveda, the best Ayurveda resort in Kerala.
By choosing Panchakarma, you can transform your health, revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit for a healthier, happier life.
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datameris · 8 months
Dheemahi Ayurveda The Best Ayurveda Hospital Ayurvedic Treatments for Migraine
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to treating migraines, focusing on balancing the doshas (biological energies) and addressing causative factors. Here’s a breakdown of the treatment options:
Nidana parivarjanam (avoiding causative factors)
Shamana chikitsa (treatment for pacifying dosha)
Shodhana chikitsa (treatment for purification)
These are the line of treatment.
Nidana Parivarjana (Avoiding Causative Factors): This involves identifying and avoiding triggers that lead to migraine attacks. Common triggers include certain foods, stress, and environmental factors. Prevention is crucial in Ayurvedic practice.
Shamana Chikitsa (Treatment for Pacifying Doshas): This stage aims to pacify the aggravated doshas responsible for migraine. It includes:
Internal medications like medicinal liquids.
Sudation (Swedana) to induce sweating, often using herbal decoctions.
Anointment (Lepanam) with medicinal paste applied to the forehead.
Shodhana Chikitsa (Purification Treatment): This involves deeper purification of the body and mind. Key methods include:
Shodhana Chikitsa ( treatment For Purification)
Nasyam: Nasal instillation of medicated substances such as ghee or oil, tailored to the predominant dosha.
Virechana: Purgation therapy, typically performed after internal oleation (Snehapanam).
Vasti: Enema therapy, including Asthapana (decoction enema) and Anuvasana (fat enema). These are administered after purifying the body and head.
Yoga: Yoga and meditation can complement Ayurvedic treatments for migraine. Practices that focus on relaxation, stress reduction, and improving overall health may be beneficial.
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saifkhnsks · 2 years
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Because of present day way of life that includes kept sitting, issues of the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues of neck and shoulder arise.The state GreevaBasti is from Sanskrit. The word Greeva alludes to neck and Basti represents holder or holding something inside. It is an Ayurvedic neck care and fundamentally a hot oil treatment. GreevaBasti is washing the neck district with sedated oil or newly pre-arranged natural decoction. The method does oleation and sudation around the neck area all the while. It decreases aggravation, greases up the cervical joints. Greevabastiimproves blood flow in neck region and eliminates spasm& solidness.
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nezukooka · 2 months
Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment
Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment encompasses a holistic approach that addresses the underlying imbalances in the body's doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), aiming to restore harmony and promote healing. Ayurvedic therapies for psoriasis typically involve a combination of dietary modifications, herbal remedies, detoxification procedures, lifestyle adjustments, and stress management techniques. Herbs like Neem (Azadirachta indica), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Aloe vera are commonly used in various formulations to reduce inflammation, purify the blood, and support skin health.
Ayurvedic treatment also emphasizes Panchakarma therapies, which include procedures like Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation) to eliminate toxins from the body and balance the doshas. Panchakarma aims to rejuvenate the body's tissues, strengthen the immune system, and alleviate symptoms of psoriasis. Additionally, Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend specific dietary guidelines, including avoiding spicy and fermented foods, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, and practicing mindfulness techniques such as yoga and meditation to manage stress, which is considered a significant trigger for psoriasis flare-ups. While Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis can offer relief and improvement in symptoms for many individuals, it's essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to receive personalized care tailored to one's unique constitution and needs.
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kashifathar03 · 2 years
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Card FrontDue to introduce day way of life that includes kept sitting, issues of the spine, muscles and skeletal tissues of neck and shoulder arise.The express GreevaBasti is from Sanskrit. The word Greeva alludes to neck and Basti represents compartment or holding something inside. It is an Ayurvedic neck care and fundamentally a hot oil treatment. GreevaBasti is washing the neck area with cured oil or newly pre-arranged home grown decoction. The methodology does oleation and sudation around the neck district all the while. It lessens irritation, greases up the cervical joints. Greevabastiimproves blood dissemination in neck region and eliminates spasm& firmness.
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