#swedanam therapy
james4roger · 1 month
Find our specialized treatments tailored to address your unique health needs, includes Panchkarma, abhayanga, cupping therapy, potli swedanam, udvartana & many more.
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rasayanaayurvedic · 5 months
Which is the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Kochi for spinal disc bulge problems?
Spinal disc bulge, a common ailment affecting a significant number of individuals, often leads to pain and discomfort, disrupting daily activities. In Kochi, the Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is renowned for its exceptional treatment of spinal disc bulge problems, setting a benchmark in Ayurvedic care. This center blends ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern techniques to offer effective and holistic treatment options. Here's an in-depth look at why Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is considered the best Ayurvedic hospital in Kochi for treating spinal disc bulge issues.
Expertise in Spinal Health Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre boasts a team of highly skilled Ayurvedic practitioners specializing in musculoskeletal disorders, particularly spinal issues. Their profound understanding of spinal anatomy and Ayurvedic pathology allows them to diagnose and treat spinal disc bulges with great precision and efficacy. The practitioners’ expertise is a pivotal element that contributes to the center’s reputation as a leading Ayurvedic hospital in Kochi.
Customized Treatment Plans Recognizing that each case of spinal disc bulge can vary significantly, the Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre emphasizes personalized treatment plans. After a thorough assessment of the patient's condition, lifestyle, and body type (Prakriti), the specialists design a treatment regimen specifically tailored to address the individual's unique health needs. This approach not only helps in effectively managing the symptoms but also aids in addressing the root cause of the problem.
Integrated Ayurvedic Therapies The treatment for spinal disc bulge at Rasayana involves a combination of several Ayurvedic therapies:
Snehanam (Oleation Therapy): Application of medicated oils through massage, which helps in lubricating the joints and softening the tissues around the spine.
Swedanam (Sudation Therapy): This involves the application of heat and steam to the affected area to reduce inflammation and pain.
Vasti (Medicated Enema): Considered the most effective treatment for Vata-related disorders in Ayurveda, Vasti involves administering medicated oils or decoctions into the rectum, which helps in relieving the compression and inflammation of nerves involved in spinal disc issues.
Kati Vasti: A specialized treatment where warm medicated oil is pooled in a herbal paste boundary and applied over the lumbar region. It is highly effective for reducing lower back pain and strengthening the spinal muscles.
Holistic Approach to Wellbeing Beyond just treating the spinal disc bulge, Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre ensures a holistic improvement in patients' overall health. Dietary recommendations are provided to support the body’s healing process, emphasizing foods that pacify the Vata dosha, which is often implicated in spinal issues. Moreover, yoga and meditation are integral parts of the treatment process, promoting mental and physical wellness, enhancing flexibility, and strengthening the spine.
Modern Amenities in a Serene Setting Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that patients receive their treatments in comfort and tranquility. The serene environment of the centre, combined with its modern amenities, plays a crucial role in the healing process, providing patients a peaceful retreat where they can focus on recovery.
Success Stories and Patient Satisfaction The effectiveness of the treatments offered at Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is reflected in the numerous positive testimonials and success stories from patients who have experienced significant relief from their spinal disc bulge symptoms. These endorsements underscore the centre’s position as a top Ayurveda treatment centre in Kerala.
Education and Continuous Care Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre also places a strong emphasis on patient education. Patients are taught about the nature of their condition, how various treatments help, and ways to prevent future spinal issues. This educational approach empowers patients, making them active participants in their healing journey. Furthermore, the centre provides ongoing support and advice, ensuring that patients continue to maintain their spinal health even after they leave the facility.
Conclusion With its comprehensive approach to treatment, highly qualified team of specialists, and excellent facilities, Rasayana Ayurvedic Centre is undoubtedly the best Ayurvedic hospital in Kochi for treating spinal disc bulge problems. Patients at Rasayana can expect not only relief from their immediate symptoms but also a sustainable path to long-term spinal health and overall well-being, solidifying its reputation as a leader among Ayurveda treatment centres in Kerala.
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rahaayurveda · 1 year
Ayurvedic Interventions for Elderly Care: A Comprehensive Approach to Wellness
As we progress through the natural process of aging, our bodies experience several physiological transformations that can lead to chronic health problems and diminished quality of life. While conventional medicine often targets symptoms, the overall well-being of an individual can sometimes be overlooked. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian health system, offers a comprehensive solution by addressing both symptoms and their root causes. By emphasizing longevity, functional ability, and enhanced quality of life, Ayurveda presents an optimal strategy for elderly care. This article sheds light on various Ayurvedic interventions for elderly care and their associated benefits.
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Abhyangam Abhyangam, a key Ayurvedic treatment, entails a full-body massage using warm, medicated oil. The oil is selected based on the patient's Dosha (body type) and is softly massaged into the skin, reaching deep into the muscles & tissues. This therapy enhances blood circulation, reduces joint stiffness, and improves overall health. In elderly care, it proves particularly efficient in boosting physical stability and mitigating the impacts of aging. Pizhichil Pizhichil, deemed the 'king of Ayurvedic therapies,' merges two classic Ayurvedic treatments: Snehana (oil massage) and Swedana (induced sweating). The process involves pouring friendly medicated oil over the patient's body while simultaneously conducting a gentle, rhythmically coordinated massage. Pizhichil promotes relaxation, anxiety reduction, and improved mobility. This therapeutic method is highly beneficial for older adults dealing with stress and mobility challenges. Siro Dhara Siro Dhara is an essential Ayurvedic treatment aimed at the mind's wellness. In this treatment, warm oil is gently and continuously poured onto the forehead from a set height for a defined duration. The steady flow of warm oil on the 'third eye' region helps soothe the mind, reduce stress, and enhance sleep quality - all integral components of mental health, especially in elderly care. Swedanam Swedanam, or Ayurvedic steam therapy, is a detoxification treatment aimed at expelling toxins from the body. Typically performed after Abhyangam, the body, warmed and receptive to the oils' medicinal properties, is exposed to steam under a controlled environment. This stimulates sweating, aiding in the removal of accumulated toxins, improving circulation, and alleviating joint pain. Swedanam offers relief for seniors battling arthritis, muscle stiffness, and other age-related issues. Kizhi Kizhi involves massaging the body with small bags filled with herbal leaves, medicated powders, and warm oils. This massage technique aids in reducing inflammation, enhancing mobility, and promoting relaxation. It can be customized to address specific complaints in elderly patients, such as arthritis, backache, or joint stiffness.
As we progress through the natural process of aging, our bodies experience several physiological transformations that can lead to chronic health problems and diminished quality of life. While conventional medicine often targets symptoms, the overall well-being of an individual can sometimes be overlooked. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian health system, offers a comprehensive solution by addressing both symptoms and their root causes. By emphasizing longevity, functional ability, and enhanced quality of life, Ayurveda presents an optimal strategy for elderly care. This article sheds light on various Ayurvedic interventions for elderly care and their associated benefits. Abhyangam Abhyangam, a key Ayurvedic treatment, entails a full-body massage using warm, medicated oil. The oil is selected based on the patient's Dosha (body type) and is softly massaged into the skin, reaching deep into the muscles & tissues. This therapy enhances blood circulation, reduces joint stiffness, and improves overall health. In elderly care, it proves particularly efficient in boosting physical stability and mitigating the impacts of aging. Pizhichil Pizhichil, deemed the 'king of Ayurvedic therapies,' merges two classic Ayurvedic treatments: Snehana (oil massage) and Swedana (induced sweating). The process involves pouring friendly medicated oil over the patient's body while simultaneously conducting a gentle, rhythmically coordinated massage. Pizhichil promotes relaxation, anxiety reduction, and improved mobility. This therapeutic method is highly beneficial for older adults dealing with stress and mobility challenges. Siro Dhara Siro Dhara is an essential Ayurvedic treatment aimed at the mind's wellness. In this treatment, warm oil is gently and continuously poured onto the forehead from a set height for a defined duration. The steady flow of warm oil on the 'third eye' region helps soothe the mind, reduce stress, and enhance sleep quality - all integral components of mental health, especially in elderly care. Swedanam Swedanam, or Ayurvedic steam therapy, is a detoxification treatment aimed at expelling toxins from the body. Typically performed after Abhyangam, the body, warmed and receptive to the oils' medicinal properties, is exposed to steam under a controlled environment. This stimulates sweating, aiding in the removal of accumulated toxins, improving circulation, and alleviating joint pain. Swedanam offers relief for seniors battling arthritis, muscle stiffness, and other age-related issues. Kizhi Kizhi involves massaging the body with small bags filled with herbal leaves, medicated powders, and warm oils. This massage technique aids in reducing inflammation, enhancing mobility, and promoting relaxation. It can be customized to address specific complaints in elderly patients, such as arthritis, backache, or joint stiffness.
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rockythemonster · 2 years
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Scientifically when the atmospheric or surrounding temperature is above body temperature, radiation, conduction & convection, and heat in the body get raised. So automatically the body tries to cool the body by evaporating perspiration from the skin. It helps in the expulsion of toxins or waste from the body & also provides a cooling effect to the body.
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Best ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis – KSAC Hospitals
Treatment in ayurveda for cervical spondylosis is comprehensive that may include taking internal ayurvedic medicines and external applications for mild cases. Ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis through panchakarma may be recommended in moderate to severe cases by the doctors of KSAC hospitals.
 The panchakarma treatment or therapies include, but not limited to Abhyangam, swedanam, Elakizhi, Nasyam, Shirovasti, Sarvangadhara, Greevavasti etc. These treatments helps in pacifying the aggravated vatadosha and provides pain relief.
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healthy4lifeonline · 5 years
Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurveda is known as one of the oldest forms of medicine that is more than 5,000 years old and originated in India. The word itself means ‘life-knowledge’. Ayurvedic supplements and medicines primarily focus on the wellness and health of the individual by blending the human spirit, body, and mind.
The whole foundations of Ayurdeva are based on finding the root of the disease and eradicate it totally. This type of restorative healing is wary of the body framework and does not only remove the disturbing component of the disease. Instead, the treatment penetrates deep into the origin of the disease and cures it completely, which is changeless. While the disease might occur again after a certain point of time, the disease-causing root is destroyed completely.
Some benefits of Ayurveda medicines include:
Glowing and healthy skin
It has been proven from time and time again that Ayurvedic medicines help in softening the skin and making it glow. These supplements contain purifying properties, Omega-3 fatty acids, and healthy fats, all of which are important for lowering inflammation in certain skin conditions and maintaining healthy skin.
Weight maintenance
Ayurvedic medicines help in reducing body weight without engaging in other types of supplements. Additionally, Ayurveda has also developed techniques that can help get rid of excess body fat. These supplements and medicines are aimed to detoxify the body and internal organs, thereby resulting in a successful weight loss.
Stress reduction
Excessive emotional and physical stress can greatly reduce the immunity of the human body. Ayurveda teaches to reduce anxiety and stress through herbal treatments, yoga, and meditation. There are also a lot of Ayurvedic treatments such as Shiroabhyangam, Kayashudhi, Abhyangam and Swedanam, Shirodhara, and Padabhyangam that can help reduce anxiety and depression.
Body cleansing
Ayurvedic medicines and supplements aid in internal cleansing to enhance health. Also known as Panchakarma, it is a way of disposing off poison and food that works against the normal working of the human body. Alternatively, massage therapies, oils, and purifications help to get the body working normally by removing the poisons from the tissues and expel them from the body.
Curing insomnia
A lot of actions such as eating an overwhelming feast for dinner, gazing at the telephone, sitting in front of the television, or having a late dinner can contribute to upsetting your sleep cycle. Ayurvedic medicines and supplements can help instigate a soothing and comfortable feeling. Rubbing coconut oil or jasmine on the bottoms of the feet, drinking chamomile tea, etc. can help cure a sleeping disorder.
Minimizing inflammation
Inflammation is a condition that is caused by inadequate digestion, less-than-normal eating routine, and insufficient sleep. Ayurvedic medicines mix various herbal treatments into a blend that can help in digestion and even potentially keep away cancer-causing agents. In turn, your inflammation reduces and vitality increases.
The above are just some of the many benefits of Ayurvedic medicines. While it might look out of time, Ayurveda is a practice that is performed by thousands around the world. Ayurveda has proved itself every time, be it in the form of herbal supplements and medicines or yoga and meditation.
from Healthy4LifeOnline https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/benefits-of-ayurvedic-medicine/
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Ayurveda categorised spine related problems as one of the diseases caused by vitiation Vata, which is responsible for the movement and functionality of the body. The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spinal ailments are globally accepted and appreciated. Since, it addresses the root cause of the issues, the results are better than the surgical procedures. In fact, our treatments are with different types of therapies. e.q. Ayurvedic herbal medications, Abhyanga, pinda swedanam, basti and other therapeutic procedures are proven to be very beneficial in offering the much-needed relief in spine disorders.
We have special treatments for all the below medical conditions:
* Sciatica
* Slipped Disc
* Backache
* Ankylosing Spondylosis
* Disc Degenerative diseases
* Cervical Spondylitis
* Scoliosis
* Disc Bulge / Herniation
* Disc Protrusion
* Spinal Stenosis
* Accidental Disorders
For more info, please contact us:
Rejoice Ayur Health Clinic
9 Roccella Avenue, Truganina Vic 3029
0411114403, 03 8716 3940
(Only by appointment)
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#AccidentalDisorders #frozenshoulder #bursitis #Shoulderpain #herbs #ayurvedicmedicine #authenticayurveda #ayurvedaaustralia #Rejoiceclinic #Dranmol
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drjasnasclinic · 3 years
Monsoon health care by Ayurveda | Dr.Jasnas Ayurveda Clinic
Monsoon is considered a season of diseases. It is because the chance of getting diseases and spreading them is 2 times faster. During monsoons, Vata and Pitta doshas aggravate and weaken body systems. Hence human beings need a strong immune system to protect us from diseases. Ayurveda is an ancient branch of medicine that originated in India and mostly depends on natural substances like herbs for medicinal purposes. 
Panchakarma is an intense 5 step detoxifying method to cleanse the body of accumulated impurities over the ages. The stages are Vamana(induced vomiting), Virechana(induced bowel movement), Basti(Medicated Enema), Nasya(cleansing through the nose) & Rakthamokshana(blood purification).
Other than Panchakarma Ayurveda prescribes the following therapies as well during the monsoon season:
Abhyanga: Sesame Oil and herbs are mixed together and this mixture is used in the ayurvedic massage to help relieve muscle pain, poor circulation, and digestive problems.
Shirodhara: Warm milk, oil, or medicated buttermilk is poured on the forehead to reduce headaches, stress and erratic sleep. It also helps memory loss problems.
Pizhichil: It refers to the process of bathing in oil after the massage to keep your skin away from dryness, reduce fatigue and fight neurological disorders.
Swedanam: Sweating out impurities by subjecting to steam with medicated herbs.
Ayurvedic Tips for Monsoons
Bath Rituals
Take oil massage and hot baths during monsoon. This will help in pacifying Vata dosha, and also helps in keeping the body clean. 
Diet Tips in Monsoons
 The digestive system during monsoon will be weak when compared to other seasons. So follow a light and nutritious diet. 
Do light exercises and practice yoga. Create a simple routine and follow it strictly. 
 Dr Jasnas Ayurvedic Clinic is a famous and leading Ayurvedic treatment centre in Dubai. So if you have a persistent migraine or body pain and you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment in Dubai, feel free to get a consultation with Dr Jasnas Ayurvedic Clinic at the earliest.
 Visit: https://drjasnasayurveda.com/
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drniteshkhonde · 5 years
Paralysis Ayurvedic Treatment with Assurance and Efficiency
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In paralysis, there is a complete or incomplete loss of movement and sometimes sensation in any one or several body parts. As we know that according to Ayurveda the body is governed by three main Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Paralysis occurs when the Vata Dosha is aggravated, especially in the brain.
Causes of Paralysis
Paralysis is commonly known as Pakshaghat in Ayurveda. This takes place when there is an aggravation of Vata dosha due to which nerves dry up and cannot keep up with their normal functioning. The most common causes of paralysis are:
Continuous exposure to stress
Strenuous exercise
Obstructions of channels in the brain
Nerve damage due to improper functioning of the spinal cord
Trauma with nerve injury
Cerebral palsy
Peripheral neuropathy
Parkinson's disease
ALS, botulism
Multiple sclerosis
Guillain–Barré syndrome
Paralysis Cure in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, there is a definite cure for this ailment, provided the nerves are not severed or damaged in a major way.
Ayurveda usually cures the paralysis caused by stroke or any ailment. However, there may be a problem in curing the ailment if it is caused due to trauma resulting in the severing or damage of nerves in a major way.
If you are looking for the treatment of paralysis for yourself or any known person then the best thing to do is look for an ayurvedic hospital that provides treatment for not only paralysis but many so-called incurable ailments.
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis
Paralysis Ayurvedic treatment is done with both internal treatment with the help of herbal medicines and external treatment with the help of therapies like panchakarma. Ayurveda aims at reducing the symptoms of paralysis and restoring movement to the impaired muscle tissues and nerves.
Each Ayurvedic hospital has its own decoctions of herbal and mineral medicines which are to be taken orally. These Ayurvedic decoctions contain many herbs that restore the balance of the Vata dosha and help in bringing back normal movement and sensation to the affected body parts.
Apart from this the treatment of panchakarma is also taken into consideration and administered to the patient. Panchkarma literally means five actions. However, when administering the treatment to a patient of paralysis there may be more than 5 treatments used in practice.
The following treatments are given to the patient as external treatments along with panchakarma:
Shiro abhyanga is a therapy involving pouring of medicated oils on the head of the patient and then a massage sometimes.
Shareraabhyanga is an application of medicated oils to the body which also is followed by massage most of the time.
Shirodhara treatment is also an oil application to the head
Sarvangadhara is the application of steam-heated bundles of herbs tied in cotton cloths and applied gently to the affected parts of the body.
Pindsweda treatment this is an application of oil and rice and milk herbal preparation on the affected parts.
 As far as panchakarma is concerned you may well know that it consists of treatments like:
Virechana is purgation with the help of herbal medicines.
Vamana which is induced vomiting.
Swedanam which is sweating induced by steam with herbs added to the water for better effect.
Nasya is a treatment in which oils and decoctions are administered through the nose.
Vasthi is the ayurvedic name for herbal enemas.
The aim of the Panchakarma therapies is to remove all the toxins from the body through different means. At the same time, panchakarma also balances the three doshas of the body.
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ayurvilla · 5 years
Fitness through Ayurveda
The modern lifestyle is the mother of many unhealthy phenomenon – the most common affliction being weight gain. It is also associated with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnoea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, etc..You may have tried gruelling gym sessions, deprivation diets or other weight loss therapies and discovered that can do you more harm than good. Come to Ayurvilla for the authentic, holistic solution!
We gently but very effectively help you to lose excess weight with relaxing herbal massages and prescribed natural medicines which promote proper digestion and metabolic processes within your body. Unlike many weight loss therapies which result in fatigue, this authentic Kerala Ayurvedic therapy will have you feeling lighter and rejuvenated starting on day one!
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Who is this package suitable for ? If you have been trying to lose weight and are tired of the gyms and restrictive diets, Ayurvilla is the place for you. Our treatments are tailored to remove the excess toxins and waste from your body, increase your metabolism and help you restore your health along with becoming slimmer, fitter and more toned.
The Weight Loss Journey (Duration:28 Days.) One of our expert doctors will tailor the weight loss therapy to your Doshas and nature and prescribe a range of treatments. During your consultation, the doctor will also provide diet and lifestyle guidelines, as per Ayurvedic traditions. These should be followed to maximise the benefit of this therapy. Nourishing & Toning
1.Abhyangam: A deeply relaxing full body massage performed with warm oils to nourish your body 2.Swedanam: Exposure of your body to steam to unclog pores, eliminate toxins and tone your body
Detoxification & Elimination
1.Vasthi:Administration of Herbal decoction or oil through the anus to induce purging of toxins from the body 2.Nasyam:Careful administration of Herbal oils or powders through the nostrils to nourish and cleanse the bronchus 3.Vamana:Administration of natural Ayurveda herbal medicines orally to induce emesis or vomiting to eliminate the vitiated kapha dosha from its roots 4.Virechana:Cleansing of small intestine, liver & gall bladder with the purging process induced by natural herbs
Exfoliation, Toning & Increasing Metabolism 1.Elakizhi:Herbal poultice massage to exfoliate skin to get rid of dead cells and increase metabolism 2.Udhwarthanam:Powder massage to burn fat & increase metabolism.
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Ayurvedic Treatments to Cure Infertility
As stated by Ayurveda, infertility happens when the reproductive tissue or Shukra Shatu is not provided enough nutrition. The particular cause could be anxiety, poor digestion, some toxins inside the body, depression, insomnia, and many other various factors. Ayurveda holds a holistic survey of health and tends the body as a whole rather than a particular illness. On the visit to good Ayurvedic Doctors in Delhi, people are often asked questions before the diagnostics. Once the root of the problem is known, the treatment is started instantly. 
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Here are a few treatments utilized for infertility in Ayurveda: 
SWEDANAM: In this treatment, patients are made to sweat a lot in order to get rid of impurities with the help of sweat glands. It is an effective therapy for curing the vata dosh and done by external application of heat or by a heat chamber with medicated steam. Ayurveda Doctors perform this method to generate sweating in patients enduring from infertility with the help of exercises and heavy blankets. It is performed in order to push out the toxins from the body. 
VAMANAM: In this treatment, the waste products or vitiated dishes are dealt with the upper gastrointestinal tract. It is also called as therapeutic vomiting which assists in cleaning Kappa, Pitta, and undigested food. Some elements used in Vamanam are a sweet flag, emetic nut, and licorice. However, it is not comfortable yet detoxification generates vomiting in order to let the undigested food out of the body. 
BANYAN TREE BARK: Many Ayurveda Doctors prescribe the intake of dry fig tree bark powder mixed with sugar to take care of infertility problems. It is quite effective for patients suffering from such issues.  
There are many other treatments and medicines to cure Infertility. Consult an expert at SKK Ayurveda and Panchkarma to know more about the treatments and get the best and suitable one.
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Ayurvedic Treatment is one of the Traditional Holistic Healing method. It is based on the trust that health and Well-being depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and soul. Jambira Pinda Swedanam: Jambira Pinda Swedanam is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and the refreshing Aroma of medicated lemons will revive your senses. Ayurvedic treatments are done only after consultation with our experienced doctors. We offer a number of Ayurvedic Treatments which consist of authentic exercises, massage therapies and other practices. For booking Ayurvedic therapies contact us on 7506650605/ 04. #ayurveda #jambeerapindasweda #ayurvedalifestyle #healthyliving #ayurvedalife #ayurvedic #healthylifestyle #ayurvedaeveryday #wellness #india #meditation #painmanagement #kapha #pitta #vata #nature #healthy #ayurvedatreatment #holistichealth #doctorsofinstagram #agniayurvedicvillage #agniwayoflife #rejuvenate #ayurvedamassage #wellnessthatworks #painrelief #healthcare #healthiswealth #ayurvedalifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CQBGOc6p7iD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tomsonktj · 4 years
At Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital, we offer safe and effective treatment for stroke and paralysis cure. The ayurvedic treatment procedures have proved to be one of the most safest and effective treatment methodologies for the best and fastest possible recovery from a severe paralysis condition. We offer excellent Panchakarma therapies including Abhyangam, Swedanam, Nasyam, Virechanam, Shiro vasti, Sarvanga dhara (Pizhichil), Pichu, Njavarakizhi and Vasti. The treatment plans are customized depending on the cause and severity of the condition and also takes into account the health condition of the affected patient. The treatm
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An Ancient Solution To Restore Your Emotional Wellbeing
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In the wake of World Mental Health Day and with National Stress Awareness Day approaching, these key events will have many of us reflecting on the status of our own emotional wellbeing. As our lives become increasingly hectic, and the pressures of modern life often seem overwhelming, it’s no surprise that the levels of stress, anxiety and depression are sky rocketing. In fact, mixed anxiety and depression is now the most common mental disorder in Britain* and the World Health Organization has cited that "if we don’t act urgently, by 2030 depression will be the leading illness globally."
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Whilst counselling, CBT, talking therapies and of course drug interventions play an important role in helping to alleviate anxiety and depression, often these treatments simply tackle or control the symptoms of poor mental health. For many, treating the cause of these conditions is vital and that’s where the ancient practice of Ayurveda could provide a helping hand in restoring your wellbeing. 
CGH Earth Wellness, the brand behind a collection of leading luxury Ayurvedic hospitals in beautiful Kerala, India believes that the curative approach of Ayurveda could offer a solution when it comes to tackling the cause of modern-day stressors that significantly impact our mental health. 
In the Ayurvedic principals, poor mental wellbeing comes in three forms and each is treated differently: 
• Vata – stemming from the colon, vata-type is categorized by feelings of fear, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia 
• Pitta – arising from the intestine, pitta-type is more dangerous and is associated with feelings of anger, fear of failure or losing control. This format is also vulnerable to seasonal-affective disorder 
• Kapha – coming from the stomach and associated with a feeling of heaviness, drowsiness, weight gain and a general sluggishness. 
In all three cases, these enter the general circulation and lodge in the nervous system, interfering with its functioning. 
To counterbalance this impaired function, CGH Earth Wellness recommend Manashanthi Chikitsa – a treatment that literally means mental peace and seeks to tackle stress management with a view to relieve the ill-effects that come from the burden of mental strain, insomnia, lack of concentration, fatigue and headaches. 
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The treatment course for Manashanti chikitsa follows the 3 stages, Poorvakarma- preparatory phase, Shodana – cleansing or eliminating phase and finally Samana which is the corrective and rejuvenation phase. 
1. Poorvakarma 
During the first stage, the body is prepared for removing toxins through Snehanam (internal and external oleation), followed by Swedanam (therapeutic sweating) 2. Shodana 
Once the body is prepared, the doctor will determine the cleansing or panchakrma treatment based on each individual’s body constitution and medical condition. These two stages of treatment will ensure that the imbalances in the doshas (body constitution) are stabilized 3. Samana 
The third and final stage of treatment where the body is slowly brought out of the intense cleansing and elimination stage by giving corrective medicines and moderate therapeutic treatments, appropriate diet and yoga aasanas to correct and rejuvenate the body 
Every treatment at CGH Earth is adapted and personalised to adopt a holistic healing approach tailored to each individual. According to Ayurvedic principles, treating conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression requires intervention that considers the crucial totality of our overall well- being. 
Across its various retreats, CGH Earth offers the peace and quiet you need to reset your mental wellbeing and thrive, whether you choose to revitalise your health within the stunning palace setting of Kalari Kovilakom, alongside the gentle caress of the Paravur backwaters at Kalari Rasayana or within the walls of SwaSwara’s villas. No matter which destination you choose, you can enjoy uninterrupted rest in the abode that resonates best with your inner voice. 
About CGH Earth Wellness Destinations 
“God lies in the details, waiting to be discovered”, is the thought that has inspired CGH Earth from the very beginning, and the non-negotiable core values of Environmental Sensitivity, benefiting community and being local have always been our constant guide. These values provide, not just the invisible pillars on which their efforts stand, but also serve as daily inspirations, made visible in a hundred little details. Over the years, with 16 unique holiday experiences and 4 well-being and curative retreats created across Southern India, this boutique chain discovered themselves through nature and community. Learnt that less is more. That luxury lies in simplicity. And that reality is more enchanting than fantasy. CGH Earth offers guests a string of experiences that are pure, unexpected and inspiring. It is true when they say that it is these details that collectively create the singular mosaic that is a CGH Earth Experience. 
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Sukhayubhava care is an initiative by Dr. Garima Saxena to provide Authentic Ayurveda for blessing health. Sukhayubhava Care: Holistic Ayurveda & Panchkarma is one of its own kind Ayurveda treatment centre in Gurgaon. Sukhayubhava Care follow principles of 5000yrs old science i.e. Ayurveda: Science of life. Panchkarma: The shodhana therapy which includes procedures that eradicate the vitiated doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) from the body by 5 types of karmas (measures): Vamana (Emesis) Virechana (Purgation) Vasti (Enema) Nasya (Nasal errhines) Rakt Mokshan (blood letting) Apart from these 5 karmas there are other supportive therapies like Abhyangam (body massage). Shirodhara, pizinchil, potli swedanam, askhi tarpan etc. According to the diseases, therapy or combination of therapies are chosen to give best results. At Sukhayubhava care there are experienced doctors who does the Nadi Parikshan to analyse prakriti & vikriti & well trained panchkarma therapist who give their personal touch for easy healing. Dr.Garima believes that Mind, body & soul are interlinked, for being in healthy state all three should be maintained. If suffering from any disease then also there is involvement of all 3, so mind, body & soul should be taken care of simultaneously for early healing. Sukhayubhava Care: Holistic Ayurveda & panchkarma is the only Ayurveda centre which serves all the 3 types of chikitsas (treatments) to provide complete physical, psychological & spiritual health the Ayurveda way.
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