#Suffice it to say I'm not even contacting those people ever again
deepspaceclawstation · 10 months
It's bewildering how often I get blindsided by acquaintances and relatives turning out to be bigots like I knew their political views weren't 100% golden but then they say something and it's like. OH. They actually believe THAT????
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mochiajclayne · 4 months
thoughts on sasusaku + sarada and their...family
Will start this out by stating that this is a combination of observation and analysis so take it with a grain of salt.
(If you like sasusaku/ss, this ain't for you so please do yourself a favor and scroll away.)
naruhina + boruto version.
This is definitely the most fucked up thing to ever come in fruition in the sequel and they weren't even justified in Gaiden. LMAO. 
Diving into this family's issue at hand, it's pretty much about Sasuke being an absent father and being away from his family for more than a decade--not to mention that Sasuke is able to freaking report to the Hokage but not even pay a visit to his family.
Gaiden was pretty much good at covering the topic already but let's break down how dysfunctional it is:
The lack of evidence signified about Sasuke and Sakura being married. We see pictures of Sakura and Sarada at important moments of her life but not a single wedding photo. Sarada pretty much asking Sakura if she's really Sasuke's wife is valid because she won't doubt from the beginning if there was telltale evidence supporting that information. There isn't.
The "family" photo. Sasuke was roughly seventeen in that photo, not to mention it's next to Sakura who is in her 30s at that point. Isn't it strange? No updated photo since they got married? What's fucked up is that she had to cover up the rest of Taka behind that photo. That raised more questions, specifically, Sarada asking who those people are and who is the one wearing glasses like she does.
And, yeah. The glasses thing. It was a simple yes or no question. Sakura saying that she doesn't know is inane because they had spent time as Team 7 in the past, not to mention the sporadic moment they see each other (Orochimaru's hideout, that bridge where she tried to kill him but failed), and during the war. I don't know where she's looking but Sasuke hasn't worn glasses at all and if she can't answer that simple question, that says more about her. Anyway, that fed the idea that she doesn't know a single thing about her husband at all and Sarada notices this. Naruto who was able to say information about Sasuke unprompted, pretty much what Sarada needed to hear--yeah, I know. Shocker.
Sasuke's first meeting with Sarada. I've seen enough takes about him being an absent father. I'm not disagreeing with that. However, I present another perspective: Sasuke doesn't even know what his daughter looks like even though it's been shown that he was in Konoha at the time that Naruto is already Hokage (which would mean Sarada would be around seven or eight years old) and Sakura is in that same room, too. You're telling me that she couldn't have at least fucking introduce Sarada and Sasuke to each other? It's easy to shift the blame to the absent father because he simply isn't there but when Sakura, who knows the mission and with uncertainties on its duration, couldn't have made the initiative to simply give the kid an assurance that yeah, this is your dad, he exists and to Sasuke, she's Sarada and she's seven and she wears glasses. If making them meet is too much, at least a fucking photo would suffice it. But no. Nothing of the sort coming from Sakura. Why? Because she's okay with Sasuke being absent. She doesn't see any issue with it.
Communication. This is a controversial take and I will keep it simple. If Naruto and Sasuke can communicate and contact each other, what's stopping Sakura from reaching out to Sasuke? Isn't she his wife? She could literally write her own letter and send it alongside Naruto's but no efforts had been made on that. This is the benefit of the doubt but if Sakura at least reached out, then it's up to Sasuke to either intentionally ignore that or respond to her. My point here is initiative--it has been shown time and time again that she can do that, we've seen instances of it in the prequel. Did she stop because she finally got what she wants and is content with whatever crumbs she could hold on to? 
Sarada's birth. The sketchiest of them all. Some people wrote excellent analysis on this so please do check them out. My two cents on this is Orochimaru discussing cloning to Naruto and pretty much piquing Sarada's curiosity about the concept (which later on led to DNA testing as courtesy of Suigetsu). Sasuke pretty much reacted this way:
Tumblr media
Usually, ellipsis in media is used when the character is pondering/thinking about something. It also represents speechlessness or a pause. Now tell me, if Sarada's birth isn't sketchy and was in some sort of way, normal, why did Sasuke casted that wayward side glance? The entirety of Gaiden as well as this page was meant to make the readers question Sarada's conception. For a backstory, Kishimoto sure left more questions than answers.
Everything is unconventional like Sakura not keeping the umbilical cord and Karin has it instead, no records at Konoha Hospital when Sakura works there and can coordinate with the proper department/s to handle paperworks, traveling while pregnant (ma'am you are a medic-nin, make it make sense), etc. I will leave this as it is, again, it has been discussed extensively by various blogs here.
In conclusion, even in adulthood, Naruto and Sasuke knows each other best. They become expert parents (at least) around each other's kids. In a fucked up way, I think it's a silent cry for help aka look I'm good with your kid and we could've been good parents together but we were forced into these marriages.
Sasusaku ended up canon but it still doesn't change the fact that Sakura knows little to nothing about Sasuke to the point that Sarada picked up on that and even threw it at her face. At the end of the day, Naruto remained as the one and only that knows Sasuke's heart best.
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
I'm sorry if I already requested this of you I honestly have the memory of a walnut. But can I request headcannons of the boys + dia who find out MC has an emotionally abusive husband? Like fluff with some murder maybe?
thank you
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Diavolo (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: abusive relationship mentioned, some are a bit murdery, I don't know how to write fluff for such a situation but I tried
A/N: If you are in an abusive situation in the USA and need to speak to someone, please call 1-800-799-7233. If you cannot call, you can also text “START” to 88788. If it is safe for you, you can also go to the website directly. Abuse takes many forms, but it is always about control.
Feel free to add the numbers/contact for other countries if you have them.
He got upset at MC once and they flinched when he yelled and they started apologizing like there was no tomorrow. That was how he found out something was wrong. They wouldn’t say anything, but he could tell that something was deeply wrong. Perhaps he had never noticed before the formation of their pact how MC shuddered around him whenever he got upset, but now he did.
He is very careful not to yell again and when he does he is quick to lower his voice the second MC shows distress, reassuring them that he is not angry at them and would not harm them. It sounds almost hollow after how he acted when they originally met, but he means it.
There was one time MC dropped a dish on the floor while cooking and it broke, spilling hot food everywhere. They started picking up the pieces in a hurry, not even paying attention to how the hot shards burned and cut up their hands.
Lucifer was quick to pick them up off the ground and tend to the fresh injuries, all while they kept apologizing and saying that they would clean it up as soon as they could and saying they would make something else. Lucifer forbade them from doing either and cleaned the mess himself. He did that a lot. Took care of their ‘mistakes’ and cared for them. They would almost believe he wasn't the same terrifying man they had first met.
It takes a long time for MC to get used to their new relationship with Lucifer and once they do they are far more comfortable and less skittish.
He is not pressuring the story out of them. He can wait, as difficult as it is, for them to open up. However, he is no fool. He knows who is to blame, and that man should be very afraid should Lucifer and he ever meet.
MC always spoke so well of their husband when they first met the brothers. Mammon was actually jealous and wished MC would talk about him that way. They would always say how kind their husband was and how he loved them and how he wanted the best for them. It sounded like some kind of cheesy romance novel.
Things started to get weird though when he and MC started to get even closer. He would invite them out, only to hear “I don’t think my husband would like that” or “I shouldn’t be alone with you”. It was weird the first time, but it quickly became a pattern. A very worrying pattern. Mammon knew abuse when he saw it. He was the family butt monkey and a witch punching bag, after all.
The difference is that he’s a fallen angel that is used to such treatment and, as a demon, the things done to him do very little in the long run. Humans are far more fragile though; their minds, bodies, and hearts. And then Mammon started to hate MC’s husband with a passion that could not be matched.
He cared less about making that bastard pay and more about taking care of MC. Such treatment can ruin a person, especially good people like MC. He would do anything to show them that they deserved better than that man, whatever that eventually meant.
He and MC have a little too much in common for his taste. It is actually almost disgusting how little self-worth they seem to have, but he can also see how that was trained into them.
They play down their worth a lot: “It’s nothing”, “It could be better”, “I failed again”, etc. They never say anything positive about themself. They are really good at picking out their flaws, but almost incapable of pointing out their merits.
It goes against everything Levi believes in, but he has to start praising them since they won’t praise themself. He likes hanging out with them, the stuff they make is nice, they are a really quick learner. It feels weird to praise someone, but it’s nice to see MC start to feel a little better about all the things they do.
Although, he also has the mild thought of showing MC’s husband that there are more terrifying things in the world than the horrors a human is capable of. After all, Levi has seen the monsters that dwell in the deep; he is one of those monsters and there is a reason humans fear the darkest depths.
There are some wonderful upsides to being the avatar of wrath. Normally, Satan wouldn't be so crass as to give into them, but sometimes humanity is just so vile that he can't help himself.
One of those upsides is a mind filled to the brim with the instinctual desire to rip and tear anything he can get his hands on to pieces. It's an instinct he fights off constantly with his centuries of training and self-discovery, but just this once he doesn't mind becoming the beast he was born as.
MC's husband squeals like a stuck pig throughout the entire night, only the winds, spiders, and Satan being able to hear and appreciate the sound. And appreciate it he does, until the screaming stops and his hands are drenched with blood.
He really needs to get himself cleaned off before he sees MC again, otherwise they will be terrified. He needs to look his best when they come running to him worried about their missing husband. It’s sad how much they worry about him despite everything.
MC was always so calm and docile when he wanted to spend time with them. He didn’t really get it at first but it was easier to dress them up and take them out, so he didn’t question it. At least, not until someone (read: Solomon) not so subtly pointed out that it is unusual for someone to be so passive, almost to the point of being doll-like.
Asmo didn’t believe it at first. How could anyone treat someone as sweet as MC so cruelly, especially someone that is supposed to love them? But from that day onward, his eyes were opened up and he started to notice things.
The way they didn’t put forth their own opinions and let him take the lead on everything, how they stuck close to him when they both went out, the subtle way their fingers reached out then drew back when they liked something.
“Do you like it?” He would ask and their response was “do you?”
It was so difficult to get them to start putting their own wants and desires above what they thought he’d like. When they showed interest in something, he would fawn all over it. If they liked something, he liked it too. He would buy them things they even glanced casually at, told them they were worthwhile and lovely, anything that other man would never say to them.
He tore them down so completely, but Asmo would work tirelessly to build them back up.
He is the softest man in the world, and sometimes MC just lets things slip out. He’s very easy to open up to and they don’t think about what they say. He was the first person that they opened up to about what was happening to them.
Suffice it to say, Beel was shocked when they mentioned how terrified they were for the exchange program to end. Despite everything that they had been through over the past year, they didn’t want to go back.
Beel had only felt so powerless one other time in his life. He couldn’t go with them to protect them and they couldn’t stay in the Devildom forever to stay safe. It was painfully cruel just how much he couldn’t help them.
All he could do was hold them and listen to them get everything off of their chest, dreading the day that the exchange program would end.
MC has to hurry up and learn how to summon him, because he wants to keep them safe from that awful situation. He would never allow another person it the world to hurt them again.
Belphie likes exactly one human in the three realms and every other one is none of his concern. Or, they wouldn’t be his concern if it weren’t for the fact that the one human he cared about was the victim of this particular instance.
He’s not like some of his other brothers. He doesn’t do comfort and he isn’t the best at torture, prefering to get everything over with quickly so he doesn’t have to expend all the extra energy. But, for such a special occasion, he is more than willing to put in the effort.
Humans really do create their own worst fears. Their minds run a mile a minute and they have the strangest way of finding how their own terrors can overpower what little defenses they have.
He may not be able to touch MC’s husband, but he can certainly return every slight against his favorite human. Long, sleepless nights wracked with unending horrors that only that man can truly appreciate.
All the while, he will gladly hold MC when their own nightmares overtake them, trying to put their mind at ease for just this moment. How he wished that his powers could control the waking world as well as their dreams...
“Don’t go back.” It was the first time Diavolo had brought up the idea. It was one he had been considering for a long time, knowing that it was extreme given that MC was a human and had to live in the human realm. However, he couldn’t live with himself knowing the kind of life MC would return to once they left.
The shouting, the insults, discarding everything MC liked because their husband doesn’t care for it… Diavolo would never feel right knowing he sent someone dear to him back there.
He had the means to help them get literally anywhere but back to that man. Diavolo could help set them free from that life, even if they didn’t want to stay in the Devildom. He knew MC would have the support of everyone they had met.
All they had to do was say yes and he would move the Devildom itself to get them out of there.
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21 27?
fanfic end of the year asks
Below the cut for length.
21. most memorable comment/review
That's hard to say because I've gotten a fairly large number this year with how some of my WIPs have turned out.
I've gotten a lot of comments that stood out. Which one had stood out the most because my brain just... does not have that information without trolling through my AO3 inbox (which needs some more filtering options when you've got 700+ in there imo) is tricky to answer. I wish I could filter by fic or commenter or something, anything to make finding them again a little easier.
So how about a recent one that really stuck with me (by @justroddy on Reforged (chapter 55):
“Even Megatron hadn’t escaped unscathed, streaks of black up and down his arms and across his chest.” Is this possibly because... of Megatron perhaps crushing a certain speedster in a relieved hug?
“Rodimus had been comfy on a familiar lap when Prowl wasn’t demanding Megatron’s attention for repairs. Rodimus opted instead to take hold of the large black hand nearby. For now, he would focus on the tingling warmth where their palms touched.” Hey fellas is it gay to sit on your co captains lap and hold his hand
“But being lovingly—protectively—scooped up while coated head to toe in grime tends to leave contact transfers. Proof that he hadn’t imagined it, that he’d been missed and worried over.” *breathes in deeply* *screeches*
“Rodimus wondered what it would be like to feel around underneath the plating when this mech had been at his peak millions of years ago. That thought made his engine turn over with an excessively eager rumble.” Watch out rodimus you’re being horny on main
“He figured out what it was that made his spark spin itself dizzy, that made his plating tense and tingle, that made him want to reach out and simply hold, that made him feel comfortable and safe whenever his co-captain was nearby.” Hoo boy is it happening? Is it happening?
Okay I can’t copy and paste the ENTIRE ENDING of this so it will have to suffice for me to say that ALL of the kiss scene and bits thereafter were PERFECT and SWEET and BEAUTIFUL,,, Rodimus being such an absolute GOOF trying to be dramatic about it but screwing it up and worried Megs will toss him off but instead Megs just,, gently readjusts them so they can kiss properly,,,,
And. Megatron saying he doubts their “relationship” was ever really pretend, and the soft little smile,, auuuIUuugHHHHHh,,,,
This fic is one of the only three things keeping me sane rn and god do you deliver the serotonin
That gave me incalculable glee.
For funsies, I've pulled another fun one from another fic of mine by @cili-ai on An Unintentional Voyage (chapter 4):
Aw, Ratchet is to value to disregard. How kind of Megatron to bodyguard him. 🥺😂
“At best, you’ll find some remains. Those… rocks that organics have inside their bodies instead of proper endoskeletons.” omg, organic internal rocks, I love it!! At first I thought he was going to be talking about fossils but--- bones! XD !!! <3
“Helping other people is good, even if all you can do is your best, even if that best is to be present. This line is so sweet, and so true! Sometimes all you can do is show up and stand for what is right, and its so important for people to be there for each other, I love this! Poor G1 Megs, ratchet wont be intimadated by any counter and the words are so foreign!
Its nice to read that megs doesn't want to physically hurt Ratchet. (what a high bar for the ship, they have a ways to go still! XD <3)
Their sass and bickering argaf, loving it all so much!
Ratchet is going to ask for the signal's hand in spark? The twist! You better work fast megs!! XD
That cliffhanger! What a way to leave us! Thanks for updating, I'm super loving this fic and ahhh so curious to see what happens next and where you take it! <3
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
Let's see. Lemme check my read history really quickly to try and remember what I've read.
I think I'm going to actually have to go with doomspoon888 (Spoon888 on Tumblr). I'm not tagging them because I've never interacted with them at all and don't want to be weird about it. I binged so much of their stuff this year. Just absolutely inhaled almost all of their stuff. Heck, I've reread a lot of it too.
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fardiorin · 2 years
Northern Lights
I'm just curious.
Why do I always feel like I will never amount to anything? It's like nothing I do is ever enough for anyone. Every time I look at other people, they don't have to do anything to be loved by essentially everyone around them. They can just go by their day and people would talk to them, think about them, and basically initiate first contact with them. It's been bothering in a way that, wow, I never have that kind of feeling and reciprocity.
I never blame anyone, though. I don't ever want to be treated like a snowflake where they would shower me with compliments. No, who in their right mindset would want to be having special attention? If anything, I want to receive the normal attention because for me, never once in my life somebody, someone, initiate the feeling of wanting/needing me in their life. I'm not the first, or even one, anyone confide in so yeah, it's suffice to say that that's evidence no one has a space in their mind for me.
I mean, I could understand that I'm disposable. Like I don't occupy a space in anyone's mind and life. And that's okay. Everyone's got someone already so I don't have to force them to make a more space for me. I'm happy that they're happy. I just wish I could've been a part of that happiness sometimes.
This begs the question, for me of which I have been asking myself for a couple years back, what don't I have that others do? Good looks? Stellar academic performance? Exhilarating social performance? A set of useful skills? Diamond showers? Uncheck. Uncheck. Uncheck. Uncheck. Uncheck. See, practically anyone doesn't have all that or even one yet that person is still desirable to be included in another's life. I don't check any of those boxes but still this bare minimum self of mine isn't worth to be a part of someone's happiness.
God knows I've tried harder to check those boxes in ways that I could. I don't have money, so there it goes. I don't have good looks, so there it flies. I don't have any applicable skills, so there it disappears. What I could do is to strive better in my academics, the one that I could really rely on to help me.
Guess what? It backfires horribly. My grades are just meh. I don't ever win that many competitions that actually matter. Yes at some points perhaps I get what I long for so long, but they are but a fleeting moment of illusion. I never actually get anything out of anyone. But there are other kids in school which have been blessed with this and yeah, for certain, affections from others are their daily meals and bitch they last. I wish I could have that, nonetheless it's a wake up sign that I must do better.
My goal was simple before going to college. I would be the best student here. That was more like a wishful thinking rather than a concrete achievable dream. So it happened, folks. I failed two times in two years when I placed second. I truly hoped that it was gonna be the last straw to tether myself to others, but yeah God said no two times.
I don't know at this point I have a thing that could make others want me to be a part of their life. I could be useful only when we're bound for work, like in group project or organization but that's it. The next thing I know the emptiness of my bed is my daily truth to live in.
I have tried to make peace with God and myself that I don't have to try for the sake of pleasing others, instead I have to please me first. Then again, what pleases me the most is when people consider me as someone they could their slice of life with. It's a cruel positive feedback loop I could never escape.
The last thing that still bounds me to the Earth and prompts me to wait for what the future holds is that I could eventually fly away from this history and place and start a new life somewhere with a new identity. I don't want to remember anyone from this life because I only hurt whenever I see them. I believe the next life is the life where who I am now is wiped away, for good and for gone. That's why, starting from now, I must focus on that, and that only.
The image of the Northern Lights in the middle of January winter in a small town on the Arctic Circle is the one I imagine I will truly find my happiness, eventually.
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