#Sui Claude Saigu
kamyru · 1 year
If I got a nickel for every time Voltage Inc created a blonde that rocks a strange haircut, is an orphan/was abandoned, a genius with an identity crisis, acts like an extrovert while being an introvert, has an unexpected childish obsession, disses MC without considering her feelings, has tyranical inclinations that are kept a secret, instead shows his "prince-like" fake personality to everyone, can't say "I love you" even with a gun on his temple, yet has a soft side inside him only for his girl, and chose his job for questionable reasons, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange that it happened twice.
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hamhamki · 1 year
PLUST Loving U So True
The Appeal of Mature Love • Part 1
Completion Illustration
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jubilantgamer27 · 1 year
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I would love to see the squad do finger hearts 😂
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sterkeyra · 1 year
PLUST Secrets
So now that all routes are released in JP we can narrow down what the Secrets on their introduction sheets are.
Mikoto Amamitsu: CEO's son
His father is not happy about him pursuing his career as idol, and throws a lot of stones in his way. Like canceling concerts etc.
Ryoga Buto: Former Punk
In the past he witnessed his friend getting abused by some people and he knocks them out to teach them a lesson and protects his friend. He's not really a punk but he was labeled like one from then on.
Wataru Ebisu: Wants to Quit
While being the leader of PLUST he takes on more of a background position and handles everything with the manager. His popularity falls down and because he has not as much time to train he thinks Plust does not need him and would be better of without him.
Kotoha Dozono: Trendy Streamer
Kotoha is secretly a popular gaming streamer, with his room consisting of plenty monitors and recording devices. If it came out that he was the streamer it would cause a huge scandal and would get him banned from Plust
Claude Sui Saigu: ??? Idol
I read his story however I'm still not sure what his secret word could be? Does someone else know?
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annicaax · 2 years
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danniquila · 2 years
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I bought their CG's. 💕✨
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kokoa707 · 1 year
PLUST - Claude Walkthrough
I decided to write down the Japanese guide I followed in order for EN-only players to have an easier time!
The Super Happy Ending is achievable without spending any hearts.
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1: B
2: C
3: C
4: C
5: A (7 hearts) or B
6: A (12 hearts - CG) or C
7: C
8: A (8 hearts) or B
9: B
10: A (10 hearts) or C
11: C
12: A (13 hearts) or B
13: A
14: A (12 hearts) or B
15: C
16: A (18 hearts) or B
17: B
18: A (22 hearts - CG) or C
19: A
20: A (16 hearts) or B
21: A (21 hearts - His PoV) or B
22: C
23: A (23 hearts - CG) or B
24: A (22 hearts) or B
Last Track: A (24 hearts - CG) or B
Special Story after the Super Happy Ending: 23 hearts
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syun0acute · 2 years
Short Review: PLUST
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Love 365's new release, PLUST Loving U So True Prologue is out today!
This post only contains spoiler from the Prologue.
First look at PLUST and I am heavily reminded of SITS' Revance. That is because PLUST is a pop band.
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As the description says in-game, the story starts with you having to live with the members of PLUST. The big difference here from SITS is that you are a huge fan of their rival group, ThrONE. Well, PLUST finds out eventually about it in the Prologue and vows to win you over.
Here is PLUST's opening movie in Japanese, you can find the English version of the video in-game.
There is a lot to take in from the Prologue itself, from learning all the characters' names to knowing the roles they play in the band. It is fast-paced and straight to the point, of course, with a little one-on-one fan service from each of the characters.
Overall, I love the Prologue and the graphics of the game, as well as how the MC is a fan of the rival group xD Looking forward to more updates from this game in terms of more character main story releases to get a better grasp of the story.
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Along with the Prologue release, Mikoto's Main Story is available to play. It is a Love Choice route with 24 episodes, excluding Normal End, Supper Happy End and Special Track. You can play up to the Super Happy Ending for free!
I will be playing Mikoto's route to learn more of the game and other characters, since I still don't have a favorite yet xD Thank you for reading my short review/first impression of the game!
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hellocupie · 1 year
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call me delusional but i’m interpreting this as a kop reference
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So… Iori but blonde.
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Also pinkie looks like he’s TWELVE I’m sorry. Taka looked older when he was 18 in episode 0 than this guy looks now.
This is almost disrespectful 😂 I can’t take them seriously
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kamyru · 1 year
I can't believe that the company who intended to create Blood Moon from King of Paradise and masked his true identity so good, is trying to convince us that MC didn't understand Shu Hasunuma is the man in the green track suite, Tsumugu Kido is her roommate, and is also trying to tell us that a hat and sunglasses are enough for Revance's and Plust's members not to be recognized in public.
K-pop fans recognize their idols in the reflection of a spoon. There's no way Claude can walk on the streets with black sunglasses and be okay.
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jubilantgamer27 · 8 months
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Poor Wataru’s probably right 😂 😂
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sterkeyra · 2 years
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Hahahah i love their interactions! Claude tries to convince Tsugaru to join his fandom, winks, and Tsugaru is even more convinced to stay Team Wataru. I would share that opinion xD Though I gotta say I love how these two bond over being annoying afterwards!
Tsugaru certainly didnt expect to get flirted with
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annicaax · 1 year
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Claude's MS was soooo good. As expected of the main stories in this title. I think while being a slow burn, the attraction and the growing closeness between him and MC is one they both acknowledge secretly, tho they don't admit it yet... (this wasn't the case with Mik or Ryo). I totally loved how flawed Claude was and how he changed towards the end. How he forged bonds with MC and all of the PLUST. This story is worth killing my wallet again (thats ikesen kenshin in me, lmao)
It was one whole satisfying story! Choose the SHE, you won't regret.
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kamyru · 1 year
My top 10 Voltage Guys. Ordered as favorites and as most likely to get along with in real life (2023 Version)
Now that so many stories I have been waiting for are out, I can continue my tradition with this top. I can't believe it took me so long to do it. Yet, I had a hunch Togo Daimon would be a bias wrecker. So, yes. Here we are again.
P.S. In the “Most likely to get along with me in real life”, the first brackets are the comparison with the results from the last year. The second bracket shows how the characters changed places compared to their rank in my favorites.
P.S.S. You can request fics with all characters on this list. 
2021 Version; 2022 Version
My Favorite Voltage Inc Guys
Dropped out from the last year: Taro Akuchi, Takaomi Tsugaru, Toshiki Kasumi
10. Mikoto Amamitsu (New Entry)
9. Jun Araki (-6)
8. Sui Claude Saigu (New Entry)
7. Suzumu Mado (-1)
6. Kuranosuke Kiba (+2)
5. Hyogo Kaga (+5)
4. Hideki Ishigami (-2)
3. Munechika Takado (+4)
2. Toshiaki Kijima (-1)
Togo Daimon (New Entry)
My favorite Voltage Inc. guys ordered as I’m most likely to date/get along in real life:
10. Hyogo Kaga (=)(-5)
Don't get me wrong, I do love him a lot, especially in his newest seasons. I think he has the biggest character development out of all the characters I have read their stories for. However, he is working well with MC. He would work awful with me. I'm stubborn, independent, and bratty to rely on someone else as he wants his love to do. 
9. Sui Claude Saigu (New Entry)(-1)
This one is strange. If you ask me about his main story, I will struggle to answer. All I know is that I loved him the most out of all PLUST members, which was unexpected because I didn't even want to read his story. But from what I remember, he is empathetic and hard-working, with a secret soft side. However, we both are too stubborn to work well together. 
8. Jun Araki (-4)(+1)
Wanna laugh? When I started doing these tops in 2021, he was in this place. I won't change my words from last year about us two having a similar approach to work. Yet, the others are too good for this alone to make him higher. Plus, his sex-centered characteristics scare the shit out of me, considering that I don't like touches from men. 
7. Toshiaki Kijima (+2)(-5)
Toshiaki is the love of my life, and I adore him to death. Recently, I don't even remember in which story, he said something along the lines that he can also be naughty and full of surprises. And this is what made me put him higher this year. I am the biggest homebody in all my groups of friends. However, I'm that crazy friend who is up for nearly everything. So, discovering his naughty side made me want to "corrupt" him a little. 
6. Mikoto Amamitsu (New Entry)(+4)
He is one of the characters I have the most in common. I'll say something strange, but after reading the first three MSs for PLUST (I haven't read Wataru's yet), I headcanon that all PLUST members are introverts. And here is Mikoto, the center, the flirt, the favorite. Damn, this man reminds me of myself due to how many random skills and knowledge he has. Also, his love for literature is gold. Plus, he's super empathetic, smart, ambitious, and ready to help everyone. Can I marry him? He is one of the characters I want to be most like. 
5. Suzumu Mado (-2)(+2)
I will never stop yelling from every hill that this man has one of the healthiest ideas about love and relationships I have seen. Okay, maybe only in my opinion. If I were his girlfriend, we would be a couple of lazy cats, randomly helping our friends while pretending we don't care. Can you see the pattern? If not, wait for Kuranosuke where I explain it. 
4. Kuranosuke Kiba (+2)(+2)
It's pretty strange how Kuranosuke with his dominant nature is higher than Suzumu & Mikoto, who are more carefree than him. At least they don't show everyone how much they worry. And taking into consideration my personality that dislikes to listen to others' rules, it doesn't make sense, does it? Yes, because we have the same family dynamic, and both are family-orientated (in a way). That's the thing that overturned Suzumu & Mikoto. Also, the reason why these three are so high is that they are a lot like me. I can understand how they are working, their ideas, and their plans. But this also means that we have similar cons and even traumas. We would work well together, but not the best. 
3. Hideki Ishigami (-1)(+1)
Is someone surprised? Not me! During every top, he was pretty high on this list. As always, his only problem is he has a dangerous job while I'm a worrywart. But his humor, hidden kindness, and attitude towards MC = gold. Love him till death.
2. Munechika Takado (-1)(+1)
This is where you have to be surprised because for two years he was the first. He is everything I want in a man: kind, smart, funny, stoic but soft with you, serious about his relationship, supportive, and caring. Plus, Takado is taller than me and a doctor! If I met a doctor like him, I would fall for him more than definitely. Poor thing he is fictional. But you know what thing makes him fall from his 1st spot? The fact that the next one isn't as harsh with words. And my "words of affirmation"-craving heart made its choice. 
Togo Daimon (New Entry)(=)
For the first time in three years, my favorite is also the first in this top. Don't even dare to tell me that the man who loves you from the start, protects you, is a feminist (at least considering his actions), can do everything for you, can take care of the house, is cute, isn't afraid to admit his relationship in front of others, isn't perfect! But why do I think that we can work well together besides the fact that he is already perfect when I'm more than definitely not? We were the youngest kids who cared for the rest of the family while bottling up their feelings. He is more in control of this trauma than me. He may be the perfect boyfriend, and I may not be the perfect girlfriend. Yet, I'm the perfect boyfriend, too (according to all my friends). There would be a war of who takes better care of each that would be even worse than in his story due to me being a lot more stubborn than MC. Plus, I have a carefree, yet responsible attitude towards life that he sometimes lacks. 
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sterkeyra · 2 years
Kotoha would like to have a word about his long lost twin Suzumu!
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Like come on pink and purple, similar hair style how are they not brothers! Even their hair twirl is opposite to each other!
Seriously though, I am pouting just like Kotoha that they put Tokyo Love Hustle on hiatus xD I'm looking forward to Kotohas and Watarus stories but afterwards pleaaase Voltage continue with our TLH weirdos! Taros Part 2 and all the other characters stories are still dearly missing.
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