#mikoto looks alluring
dearkusuo · 4 years
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Synopsis: He was content with the simplicities life had to offer, while you sought out the world.
Pairing: Saiki Kusuo x artist!reader
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst
Word Count: 3.6k
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You first heard of him back in your second year of high school. There was nothing about Saiki Kusuo that stood out to you, but your good friend, Yumehara Chiyo, thought otherwise.
“Don’t you think Saiki looks like a prince? He’s so dreamy that I can’t keep my eyes off of him. He’s so cool and mysterious,” your friend blabbered. If by cool and mysterious, she meant cold and aloof, then you completely agreed. 
Even the popular pretty girl, Teruhashi Kokomi, seemed enraptured by him, despite Saiki’s unwillingness to shower her any attention like every guy in school. She never told you about her crush on him, but it was obvious through her body language alone that she was smitten by the pink-haired boy.
You didn’t understand their fleeting infatuation for someone they hardly knew - never experienced the feeling of falling hard for someone from the depths of your soul that they were the only person you could think about. And you were perfectly content with that. You had bigger dreams to achieve than a small high school romance that wasn’t guaranteed to last long anyway.
The Okinawa school trip was an outing that all the second years in PK Academy were looking forward to, you included. Although you had a feeling that your friends, Chiyo and Kokomi, had different intentions for tagging along. 
They must have been so elated that the three of you ended up in the same group with the boy they liked.
You carried on disregarding Kokomi and Chiyo’s painfully obvious antics to spend time with their beloved prince charming until later that evening when you decided to take a walk outside the hotel alone. You convinced yourself that a late-night stroll would be an enjoyable pastime, but really, you wanted to get away from the love-struck fantasies of your two friends who were oblivious of the fact that they were both pursuing the same boy.
You don’t know how long you’ve been wandering around, but by the time you returned, the hotel had disappeared from your sight. Two recognizable figures stood by a large hole torn on the ground. A battered ship had risen from the gap where the building used to be.
Toritsuka Reita from Class 2-2 stood next to your pink-haired group member while Saiki had a hand directed at the ship, indicating that he was the one causing it to float midair. Your jaw dropped in disbelief at the sight before you.
Saiki turned his head in your direction as if he knew you were there all along. He kept his usual blank composure, although you could recognize the wary look in his eyes as he stared at you. Toritsuka panicked upon the realization that you were there to witness the whole scene.
You didn’t know how you should've reacted when the two boys told you of their psychic powers. 
“I won’t tell a soul,” you promised.
‘I know,’ Saiki’s voice echoed into your mind.
The rest of the trip went by smoothly after that incident. Kokomi subsequently spoke out about the crush she had on Saiki, and Chiyo announced that she had fallen for Kaidou Shun. 
You shook your head in wonder at the orange-haired girl. It was astonishing how quickly she was able to abandon her feelings for one boy and move on to someone else so quickly.
You realized that love was brief and ever-changing like the ticking seconds on a clock. There was no point in wasting time on such a fickle emotion when the only thing you would devote yourself to were your ambitions for the future. 
Nevertheless, a subconscious bond had been formed between you and Saiki after you learned his secret. 
You shared a glance with the psychic from afar as Kokomi relayed to you the dream she had of the boy she liked.
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He was kinder and a lot less indifferent than you originally thought. Saiki wouldn’t admit it, but you would notice the subtle acts he performed to help out a troubled stranger and the small deeds he initiated to prevent harm from coming across the people around him.
 You finally acknowledged Saiki as a friend after he deliberately shared his umbrella with you during a particularly rainy day.
‘Good grief. I was feeling generous today, so this is nothing. Just make sure to come to school prepared next time,’ he had told you after you first rejected his help in worry of troubling him.
You found out much later that he could have stopped the rain with his abilities.
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The empty café was tranquil save for the scratching of your pencil as you scribbled on your sketchbook. Saiki sat across from you, paying you no attention just as you did to him. His usual stoic expression was abandoned as he blissfully devoured his coffee jelly.
“I have a dream. After high school, I’ll travel around the world for a bit. I’ll join a bunch of art competitions and win a bunch of awards. Then eventually, I’ll go to an art school in New York so I can major in Illustration. And maybe I might even make a best-seller manga one day,” you mused.
‘Isn’t it a little too early for us to think about the future?’ Saiki retorted.
“Maybe. But I’ve had this dream for as long as I can remember.”
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Art class was the subject you looked forward to the most in school. Not only because you excelled in many art mediums, but also because you took pride in the techniques you honed over the years of endless practice.
For the day’s lesson, you were to pair up with one person in the class and draw each other’s portraits. You casually looked around the room in search of anyone available.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed Kokomi rushing up to Saiki with an excited smile as she called out, “Saiki, do you want to-” a majority of the boys in class crowded around her before she could say her piece. Saiki walked up to you instead, asking if you wanted to pair up with him. 
You glanced briefly at Kokomi, feeling a tad bit guilty for stealing her choice of partner while she was being surrounded by her group of fans hoping that she would choose one of them. But you couldn’t bring yourself to reject the pink-haired boy’s request.
Taking a seat from across each other, you adjusted your easel so you could get a better view of Saiki’s face. Despite the red tint dusting your cheeks from the intimacy of his peering gaze, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from him. You perceived for the first time that Saiki was actually quite good looking.
You looked down at your page so you could sketch his appearance: the antennae on his head, his green glasses, soft pink hair, slender neck, smooth lips, chiselled face, sharp eyes. You looked up to take a quick peek at him again. 
 The constant blinking on his impassive face made your eyes widen in amusement and you frantically placed a hand over your mouth to prevent a snort from escaping.
‘Why are you laughing?’
“Because you’re blinking so much that it looks ridiculous,” you explained with a chuckle.
‘I have to keep on blinking so my x-ray vision resets. I’m trying to get a look at your face.’
You let out another coy giggle despite the heat rushing to the tips of your ears. He looked down at his paper to continue his piece with a warm smile barely present on his face.
You concentrated on your own illustration, marking down his affectionate expression before Saiki could return to his blank face, and showing it off as soon as you finished.
‘Not bad. Now take a look at mine.’
He flipped his paper over, exhibiting an intricate and beautiful portrait. The focused expression he depicted on your face while you drew him looked so alluring. You almost didn’t recognize it as your own, even though it was practically a mirror image.
"This looks way too realistic for someone who's trying not to stand out."
'It should be fine if it's you.'
You didn't understand what he meant, but his words caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
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‘I need your help,’ A familiar voice spoke in your mind.
You jumped in surprise at the unexpected appearance of the pink-haired boy you had grown fond of. Your sketchbook flew out of your lap, falling right at your feet.
“How did you know I was here?” You asked with a huff.
‘In case you forgot, I can hear your thoughts. I know that sometimes you like to come here to the school rooftop during lunch.’
“Oh,” you uttered. “Well, since you came all this way to see me, what can I do for you?” You raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
'I need you to help me reject Teruhashi.'
You pursed your lips in uncertainty.
"Kokomi is my friend, and as her friend, you can't expect me to hurt her feelings."
'As my friend, you can't expect me to lead her on when I don't ever intend on returning her feelings. She'll get hurt either way. All I'm asking is for you to help me avoid her so she'll get over me.’
You knew he was right, but you were still unsure of meddling in a situation you weren't a part of, especially when it involved the feelings of your close friend. You looked out the window in contemplation.
“Why are you asking me? Mikoto would be a better choice.”
‘I trust you more, so it has to be you.’
You ignored the churning in your stomach as you casually threw your hands up, giving in to his request.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
‘Thank you.’
Saiki bent down on one knee, reaching out to grab your fallen sketchbook. 
“I can pick that up myself, you know, or you if you wanted to help me that badly, you could’ve done that levitation thing you always do.”
‘I know.’
He held the book out, watching you through his glasses while he knelt by your feet. A saying Chiyo once told you a long time ago reverberated at the back of your mind: “Don’t you think Saiki looks like a prince?”
You gripped the sketchbook in his hand. Saiki’s gaze burned on your orbs as your image reflected off his green lenses. Neither one of you let go, even when your fingertips brushed against one another.
“What colour are your eyes?” You wondered.
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“Major in Economics at Sayftee University and major in Literature at both Komman University and Ahvraj University,” you read out Saiki's school survey. “These are all surprisingly in character for you, but do you really have no dreams beyond living an ordinary life?”
‘I’m too busy thinking of ways to stop the volcano eruption to worry about my future.’
“You have a point there. Any luck with that?” you inquired.
Saiki shook his head.
“I guess that means we’ll be second years again.”
You didn’t keep track of how long time had been looping, and you found that you didn’t really care since you were already accustomed to the familiarity of your seemingly endless high school life. You were happy, even if it meant that the dreams you’ve been chasing for so long were slipping farther away from your grasp with every day that passed.
‘No, it’s about time I put an end to this.’
Saiki’s determined expression was embedded in your mind.
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Your screams of disbelief were muffled by the pillow you held against your face. 
You had vowed to yourself since you were young that you wouldn’t grow attached to anyone. After all these years, you had to go back on your word just when you were about to leave.
Now was not the time. Not here. Not with him.
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Kokomi and Chiyo took it upon themselves to pay you a visit after you skipped school for five days without notice. The dark circles under your eyes and your sunken face visibly worried them.
“I’m in love with Saiki,” you murmured, gazing sullenly at your blue-haired friend. “I’m sorry.”
Kokomi’s face fell, but she showed no signs of surprise.
“I already knew that. It was obvious with the way you always look at him,” she lamented. Kokomi cupped your balled fists in her hands and looked at you wistfully. “He rejected me a few days ago, so you don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings. I think you two would look good together.”
You felt tears threatening to spill over your eyes. Whether it was from relief that Kokomi accepted you so easily or pain from your unfortunate situation, you didn’t know.
“I’m leaving Japan after we graduate,” you disclosed.
A dejected silence fell upon you three until Chiyo spoke up, “For how long?”
“An indefinite amount of time.”
“Are you ever coming back?”
“I don’t know.”
Their glum faces only worsened your mood.
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“Why have you been avoiding me?”
You tensed at the accusing tone directed at you. Saiki’s piercing gaze was pointed at your shrinking figure.
No matter how much time had passed since the loss of his abilities, you doubted that you would ever get used to the sound of his voice resonating out loud, or the enchanting shade of his eyes, even if they looked dangerously menacing at the moment.
“I wasn’t avoiding you. I was just busy studying for exams and doing other stuff,” you explained weakly.
Saiki’s deadpan expression indicated that he didn’t believe your lie.
After a few minutes of squirming underneath his scrutinizing gaze, you gave in and told him your worries, “I’m leaving the country soon. I think we should stop talking to each other so that it won’t be so hard for us to say goodbye.”
You pushed past him. You didn’t know where your feet planned on dragging you, but you figured anywhere was fine so long as you could get away from him.
The familiar warmth of Saiki’s hand wrapped around your own, stopping you from taking another step away. You didn’t dare turn around as you felt your heart thumping wildly.
“I won’t ever ask this of anyone else, so I’m begging you not to push me away,” he pleaded. He placed your hand over his chest, giving away the heavy pulsing of his heartbeat.
You could never say no to him.
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Memories of the last few years ran through your mind as you smiled at the nostalgia. You took one final glance at your high school building before turning your back on it, striding towards the exit. 
You stopped at the sight of a familiar figure standing under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. Saiki must have known that you were staying much later after the graduation ceremony, all thanks to his restored powers.
‘Good grief. Were you really planning on leaving without saying goodbye?’ His voice resounded in your head.
You didn’t respond as you watched the wind blow through his hair, the sun illuminating the affectionate smile on his face, the violet obscured by his green glasses, and the petals dancing around the two of you as they fell to the ground. The timing was right. The mood was right. Everything was right.
He rubbed the back of your hand while you reached out to intertwine your fingers with his. The warmth that radiated off his skin felt like home.
He knew, and you knew that he did. After all, you could never hide your secrets from a psychic, no matter how hard you tried. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him how you felt.
“Goodbye,” you pulled away from Saiki.
What was the point of confessing your feelings to someone you would never see again?
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Paris, France was one of your destinations out of many. Most people romanticized the capital as the City of Love, but the only reason you were even there in the first place was to visit the Louvre, the world’s largest art museum. 
Influenced by the art and the romantic ambience, you sketched out the scenery around you, deliberating how you could embody the city on paper. If you were to draw a picture of love, what would you envision? 
Maybe, it would look like pink locks tousled by the spring breeze, or the reflection of your eyes searching for violet orbs through tinted green glass. It might have been the lingering warmth on the fingertips of someone who trusted you enough to share their deepest secret, or the gentle smile that was reserved only for you during the most intimate of moments.
Your love was constant and unchanging. You realized that now. No matter how much time had passed or how many countries you visited, you always found yourself thinking about home.
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Ever since you were a young student in junior high, you had hated the thought of giving up on your dreams to pursue a flighty, insignificant relationship. Six years ago, you threw away your chance at love to focus on your aspirations. There was no point in thinking back on what might have been. You shouldn’t have.
 You made a name for yourself through the many art competitions you joined, winning a few awards here and there. A while back, you finished your Bachelor's Degree in Illustration at a famous art school in New York. Things were coming together quite nicely.
Your high school days almost seemed like a lifetime ago. The memories that used to be the center of your universe, the laughter you shared with your friends, and a not so ordinary boy with psychic powers were at the back of your mind. Everyday life without the only person you've ever loved became the norm for you.
You recently got a job offer from a famous publishing company in Japan after you posted a short comic that blew up in popularity. The editor in chief sealed the deal with you after you sent him a promising draft for a manga you had planned out. 
It had been years since you’ve been to the country, but your return and the nostalgic surroundings brought back old recollections that made you feel like you were a teenager again.
The chief took it upon himself to give you a tour around the company, showing you the work environment and the employees. He guided you through the different floor levels, offices and workrooms, and acquainted you with the higher-ups. But he had yet to introduce the editor you would be working with.
"There he is."
The chief led you towards the figure of a man who had his back turned to you. The pink tuft of hair on his head and the silly-looking antennae shaped into joysticks poking out of his scalp were noticeably familiar. But you couldn’t believe it.
He turned around, green-tinted eyes boring into yours with the same neutral expression you used to see every day. Even when you had anticipated who it was, you couldn’t help the breathless gasp that escaped your lips.
"This is Saiki Kusuo. He will be the editor in charge of overseeing your work,” the chief introduced to you.
You took the hand Saiki held out for you, shaking it courteously. His blank expression didn’t fade, but his eyes softened under your gaze. The warmth on his grip was just as comforting as you remembered, like the welcoming embrace for a loved one returning home. 
Neither one of you let go.
"Well, since it's already after work hours, you guys should grab dinner and get to know each other. You'll be working closely for a while, after all," the chief suggested before leaving you and Saiki alone.
A hushed silence washed over both of you as the world disappeared before your sight. The image of a cherry blossom tree on a sunny spring day was evoked in your mind.
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He sat next to you in a secluded booth of the café you used to frequent, away from prying eyes. 
"What happened to majoring in Economics and Literature?" you asked.
Your body was angled in his direction while you engaged him in conversation. Despite the many years apart, you and Saiki had fallen back to the easygoing relationship you once shared.
'I finally had time to think about my future, and I realized that this is what I wanted.'
“You wanted to be a manga editor like your dad?” you prompted.
‘Not quite.’
Saiki was composed as usual as he turned to face you.
'I have a dream. After you accomplished your goals, we would find each other again and spend the rest of our lives together. And maybe we might even make a best-seller manga one day,’ he mused.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest. The words you couldn’t bring yourself to say on the day of your graduation poured out unthinkingly from your throat.
“I love you.”
He placed a hand on the back of your neck, closing the distance between you.
‘I know.’
Your lips crashed into his, moulding perfectly as they moved against one another. You gripped his shoulders, pulling him in as he snuck an arm around your waist. Your eyelids fluttered shut, relishing in the sweet sensation of his taste.
You only pulled away minutes after to catch your breath. His forehead leaned against yours, the tip of your noses barely skimming each other. The look of adoration in his eyes revealed that he felt the same way.
No matter how long he waited, your love for each other was unchanging.
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nissakii · 3 years
Scent. A Haikyu!! Fanfiction pt.01
[want to read all chapters right now? Our fanfictions get updated every monday on our blog, click here to continue reading!]
I struggled against an Alpha who was not only stronger and obviously bigger than me, but one that was in his utmost determination to go through the door behind me.
Oikawa’s eyes were almost glazed over, his face flushed to an almost obscene amount.
My heart dropped, and I shifted my gaze behind him to see if anyone was approaching.
Panic only sullied my scent even more, giving it an almost sour touch.
This is not going to work at all, I really need to calm down.
At this point I was sure to be crushed or pushed away soon, the only thing that calmed me down was that the door was made sturdy for situations like these.
A fist slammed onto the door and landed right to my face which made me scream and slide down the door.
Tears pricked my eyes while the door kept rattling due to the Alpha.
This is pathetic. As a beta I should at least be able to get him a bit calmed down, but my own fear was clogging whatever scent should be calming normally.
Before I could hear the steps I found myself drowning in the smell of jasmine and faint vanilla.
My eyelids fluttered and a sigh escaped my lips.
The scent clouded around us thickly and every anxiety fell from me in an instant, my mind was full of calm and relaxing thought almost as if a close person to me held me close.
I hadn’t realised that I closed my eyes and slacked against the door until the scent of Jasmine came closer and made my head snap up.
Akaashi stood in front of me and rubbed his wrists together close to my neck without being too close. The smell engulfed me and I quickly realised he tried to calm me down in his own way.
Normally if it was a betas job to scent mark somebody to calm them down, be it a colleague or a friend they would connect their scent glands on their wrist with the other person's hand or even neck. It was a normalized gesture and typical for a beta to do.
Still, Akaashi seemed to shy away from the thought of touching me, which I was very grateful for.
“Are you okay? Can you stand?”, he asked calmly.
I nodded, afraid my voice would pull something weird and hoisted myself up with the help of the door behind me. Swallowing, I held my hand out as a thanks and motioned that I was really okay.
I rubbed my temples and looked next to me to find Akaashi holding Oikawa's shoulders who slowly staggered away with Kenma who trailed behind them with his vanilla scent focused on the Alpha.
“We’re getting him to the nursery and sending a beta nurse for Mikoto okay?”, Akaashi looked at me in reassurance and I smiled lightly.
I was just happy that the situation was over.
Turning to the door I slowly knocked and waited for an answer.
Mikoto knocked back, probably too strained to say anything.
As there was no impending situation now, I rubbed my wrist on the door to hopefully at least leave a trace of my supposedly calming scent. My nose twitched to check and the door in fact smelled like rosewater.
“Mikoto? I scent marked the door okay? Just focus on that”, I felt something pressing slowly against the door and hoped she leaned against it,” they’re bringing a nurse and Oikawa is doing fine okay?”.
“Okay”, her voice was shrill and high pitched and I felt a sting in my chest.
I should’ve been faster.
At least everything was resolved now I guess. Scratching my head and making my way towards the hall I spotted someone behind the glassdoor to the left at the far end of the hallway.
Starting to jog towards the figure I instinctively started sprinting as I picked up the familiar scent of Agarwood.
Normally the scent was rich and strong, wafting around with an earthy touch, but right now an rotten undertone was overshadowing it.
My scent reacted immediately and I caught Iwaizumi’s hand straining against the door framing, his veins popping out and holding onto for dear life.
With a rush I stood in front of him, checking for any indication of injury.
His back was pressed against the doorframe and his gaze was tilted upwards and away from me.
What is he doing?
“What are you doing here? I told you not to come back”, I stole Akaashi’s technique and rubbed my wrists together in an attempt to strengthen my scent. As a result, a long sigh came from him and his head dropped down to the floor. He let the door frame go and the flush in his face receded a little bit.
This couldn’t just come from me scenting the air. His self-restraint was unreal. Something that was designed to lure him in and capture his arousal and he still stood here straining against it.
Something broke a string in my heart. Alpha’s would always have a strong reaction to omegas. Always.
Iwaizumi gritting his teeth brought me back to this plane of reality. This wouldn’t help a lot.
This was always the case in the end.
Alphas need to be calmed down, Omegas need to be consoled. As a beta, it was merely my job to oblige.
I would rub my wrists and touch necks and even let others slump down on me. It was normal in this society and no one ever bat an eye at the beta touching the alpha, even if they were strangers.
"Oh no we're not involved, that beta just calmed me down."
It's always the same.
I was glad I could help my friends if they were in trouble, but I was tired of coming to the rescue and to get used like a last resort to save others .
I hated to touch people I don't know, but I didn't have a choice.
Awkwardly I stepped a bit forwards, my chest almost touching his torso. He gulped and I tilted my head to the side, my neck wafting in a wave, a smell that was made to soothe everyone else but me.
How could he resist? It's his nature to follow my scent. For a moment at least.
It was always just a moment.
I shuddered as he plopped his head on my shoulder and our scent glands touched.
He relaxed against me and I almost took too much pride in that. Despite not alluring anyone around me, in the end they always needed to calm down from their high.
But it's always just for a moment.
He inhaled deeply and somehow tears jumped into my eyes.
His scent resorted into the normal earthy smell I was used to and the stress dissipated completely when he retracted his head and looked at me.
Face no longer flushed and pupils a normal size his gaze snapped to the side in embarrassment.
Don’t apologize.
“I’m sorry”, he let out and I sighed.
“It’s okay, but I told you not to come back. Akaashi and Kenma took care of it”, I explained as slowly as possible. Everything in me screamed to run and escape.
“Is Mikoto okay?”
I hope so.
“Probably, yeah. I think the nurse is there already. Oikawa is fine as well”.
“Y-Yeah I know”.
Something gnawed at me and I was about to burst out and say it but I couldn’t. He would probably feel ridiculed or even worse, push me away.
“Are you okay?”, he asked and the sincerity in his voice caught me off guard.
My heart swelled but I immediately buried the feeling again.
“I’m okay”, I smiled a little but he wasn’t done.
“I can’t help it you know?”
I nodded, but I didn't quite get what he meant.
“I hate the effect it has on me. I try to go away from situations like these, but Oikawa and Mikoto were there and I-” , he didn't finish his sentence. His face scrunched and he turned away from me again.
I couldn’t help but smile more.
“Why are you apologizing? You wanted to get Oikawa away but you didn’t want to get too close right?”, I took a small step back.
He nodded.
“And you also brought Kenma and Akaashi? What are you apologizing for? You protected everyone and even came back, no need to apologize", my gaze trailed over the floor, "it's the betas job to calm you down. That's all we do".
His scoff made my head snap up.
He looked annoyed, and I knew I had said too much. The moment was over.
"That's all you do? You're basically tearing every beta down with you when you say that".
He turned around and slowly walked away.
What the hell was that?
I'm tearing every beta down?
His words followed me into the opposite direction, as I walked the hall to my down.
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splosh-crime · 5 years
Bnha x Saiki k
Kokomi Teruhashi
Quirk: Allure
With her quirk-powered looks she can bend almost everyone she meets to her will - drawback 1:) most people are only nice to her for her looks; she has no meaningful relationships in her life drawback 2:) not everyone will be affected by her beauty; such as blind people, children, apathetic individuals (i.e. Bakugou or Saiki), gays, Asexuals, aromantics, etc.
Kineshi Hairo
Quirk: Fired Up
The more excited or ‘pumped’ he is, the more powerful the fire around him is
Aren Kuboyasu
Quirk: Beserker
When enraged, Aren can call on the Ancient power of the Beserkers; a race of poweful, fury-motivated warriors - drawback: can easily lose himself to the fury if he loses even a second of concentration
Riki Nendou
Quirk: Ogre
No one can tell if this is truly his quirk or if he comes from a long line of literal Ogres, but assuming he does have one! His quirk gives him inhuman strength and speed that makes his eyes flare when he uses it - drawback is that it makes his intelligence extremely low
Shun Kaidou
Quirk: None (Quirkless)
Kaidou never had a quirk which normally would have gotten him bullied brutally but since Kaidou started to fake a quirk at a very young age, no one’s ever been completely sure he doesn’t (a friend helped him fake it; either Saiki or Aren but Kaidou’s unaware of their intervention) being that far deluded makes him a pretty convincing actor
Chiyo Yumehara
Quirk: Gossip Girl
Any information she hears about a person is saved to her brain for easy access, like a photographic memory but only for gossip/blackmail. People often underestimate the use of this power because it’s not physical and she seems airheaded.
Chisato Mera
Quirk: Reptile Stomach
Mera can live on almost no food for weeks on end :(
Mikoto Aiura
Quirk: Divination
With her quirk she can do almost anything a stereotypical street psychic can do - drawback: theoretically can’t see other auras if she’s shrouded in a big enough aura (luckily almost none are) which means she can’t do her job near Saiki
Reita Toritsuka
Quirk: Spirit Medium
Min*ta- I mean Toritsuka is able to see ghosts, allowing them to posess him - drawback: if he lets spirits posess his body more often than his own soul then he might be unable to get his body back
Kusuo Saiki
Quirk: God
Kusuo has around a dozen or so separate abilities; each with their own drawbacks. Since he doesn’t want to be kidnapped by the government and forced to become hero, he pretends his only power is curse (cus it’s one of the less powerful ones and is easy to control); the ability to inflict a specific type of misfortune upon the target
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angededesespoir · 3 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @tropical-gothic & @justanotherblonde !  TYSM!  💚
Rules: - List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). - See if there are any patterns. - Choose your favorite opening lines.
Then tag 10 authors!
First off, I’ll tag:  @agirlamonggeraniums , @frozenzippers , @abbacchiosbelt , @salvadoerena , @evilpenguinrika ,  @jacarandabanyan , @cityalienn , @crimsonrainseekingflower , @pierrotguru ,  @lacertae-dreamscape  (As always, you are not obligated to do this!)
Now on to the writing!   For mine, I gave the first few sentences for most of them. (I shall not be contained!  [But in all honesty, I didn’t know if by ‘First lines’ it was meant to be the first few lines or just the first line, so, uh... *Finger Guns*])
1. Set Fire To These Petals- Izutobi (Naruto) “He shouldn't be here. Despite his warnings, Hashirama had insisted on heading to the Uchiha compound and healing Izuna. So Tobirama followed, because this was his mess and he wasn’t going to allow his brother to die because of him. “
2. Goodnight Kiss- Kagatobi (Naruto)
“The bed dips as Kagami crawls in. Tobirama, still too engrossed in his book, hasn’t looked at him more than a couple of times -briefly- since he got home. When he gently places a kiss to his cheek, that changes.“
3. What we can knot say- Mikokushi (Naruto)
“Mikoto knocks on the door and waits patiently for Kushina to answer. There’s a banging sound inside and what sounds like muffled swearing, and she has to stifle the laugh that bubbles up. The door swings open to reveal her friend, slightly flustered, a smile blooming as they exchange their greetings.“
4. Care- Kagatobi (Naruto) [Injury, blood tw]
“Kagami watches as Tobirama returns, dividing his teammates into pairs before passing them their keys with instructions to their rooms. Dismissing them, they are all too eager to head off to their lodgings for the night. Kagami waits on the steps, one hand still pressed to his side (where he can feel the blood seeping through the bandages), the other massaging his leg.“
5. Awakening- Kagatobi (Naruto)
“When Tobirama regains consciousness, he is met with the presence of his distraught subordinate. His nerves prickle at the flaring chakra- too intense, too chaotic- so unlike the man, but so like his clan.“
6. Cut- Sakumo & Kakashi (Naruto)
“He had acted on impulse, again- a growing stain to his once untarnished record.  Sakumo rises, the lopped off ponytail clutched in one hand, the blade in the other. The absence of the hair leaves an unusual lightness at his back; the weight of his teammate’s stares taking its’ place.“
7. Blood Stains- Danzo & Kagami (Naruto) [Eye trauma, blood tw]
“You shoot up in bed, panting heavily. The room, typically covered in darkness too thick to see in during the night, is now dyed in shades of red and black. Your eye- his eye- aches and without thinking your (not yours, either) hand reaches up, feels the twitching muscle under the already drying blood.“
8. The Allure- Kagatobi (Naruto)
“I feel the stirring of my surroundings as the young man approaches. I have always been accustomed to ignoring most humans, content with observing from a distance and rarely interfering. But lately this one has been persistent in his offerings. His dedication has caught my attention.“
9. Waiting In Your Arms- Sakudai (Naruto) [Injury cw]
“Sakumo tries to hide the wound like he tries to hide the shame when he hears them whisper or the way his eyes sting when his son leaves without a word, living as if he does not exist (and perhaps he no longer does). “
10. Shenanigans- McSombra (Overwatch)
“At the exclamation, Sombra peeked out of her quarters, spotting her boyfriend (and newest partner in crime) in the living room. “Okay, this time I swear it was an accident.” Her laughter did not make for a convincing argument.“
11. We Are Mountains Meant To Crumble- Reaper76 (Overwatch) [Blood tw]
“The door slams loudly shut and Jack flinches as he jerks his head up.  Gabe’s leaning against the door to his office, slumping forward, his gloved hand rubbing wearily at his face. Dried blood covers his clothes and chestplate; flecks of it are still splattered on his face.“
12. Time is Short and Life is Long- Tracer & Soldier: 76; Reaper76 (Overwatch)
“He blinks- world a hazy grey. The details come to him in pieces. Whereever he is, there are lights, dimmed down, and an incessant beeping. He’s laying in a bed, he realizes. It’s firm, but still softer and more desirable than the living situations he’s been in half the time since the incident.“
13. Returning Home- McReyes (Overwatch) [Injury cw]
“Jesse wakes to a dimly lit room, feeling processing faster than sight. It’s cold and his body, especially his head, throbs and aches. He shivers, hissing at the pain the movement elicits.“
14. Don’t Take My Sunshine Away- Reaper76 (Overwatch) [Suicidal ideation tw]
“He’s lost count of how many times he’s held this very gun in his hand, thoughts- tempting- flickering through his head. He always put it away in the end. Shoved and buried the urge under a long to-do list and the knowledge that somehow, someway, he could still do right in the world, could still work to fix his and others mistakes.“
15. Like Lightning Striking A Nerve- Doomfist & Reaper; Past Reaper76 (Overwatch) [Body Horror cw kinda]
“Each burst is like thunder- the effect like lightning coursing through his skin, dismantling, disrupting.  His flesh disintegrates into plumes of smoke despite his effort to hold together under the assault of his senses.“
16. Ice Cream Memory- Genyatta (Overwatch)
“The bowl is set on the floor with a gentle clink.   “Eat, my student.”   He glares at the green ceramic, the pink lumps inside already melting even in the shade. He has the sudden urge to hurl the bowl against the pillar.“
17. Of Injuries and Dates- McReyes (Overwatch)
“Gabe looks up from his stitching when he hears the boots approaching. He knows who it is by the jingle that carries on the air. “Hey, Jesse. Enjoying your day of rest?”“
18. Rest- McHanzo (Overwatch)
“It’s not a surprise when he finds him on the balcony. They’re both no stranger to nights void of sleep, to the sun creeping over the horizon, burning weary eyes.“
19. And I Fear The Day My Nightmares Become Reality- Reaper76 (Overwatch)
“When he finally manages to open his eyes, all he can see is a darkness that he cannot trust. Gabe’s heart hammers, breath laboured as he manages to win the fight for control over his limbs and flips his body over.“
20. All is Fair in Love and War- Mc76 (Overwatch)
“A slight breeze blows by, biting at their cheeks.  Jack suppresses a shiver as he adjusts his scarf. “God, I haven't been in the snow for years. Not that I miss it that much.  More trouble than it’s worth. But- Jesse?”   His forehead crinkles in confusion- the man no where to be seen. “Jesse?”“
So uhhh some patterns for me is that half the time I open without the p.o.v. being immediately specified.  (Hope that’s not too confusing.  💦)  I also tend to open with an action or a sensory description.  Being in an injured state is common.  And it looks like the first sentence tends to be short. As for favs., I think I’ll go w/ the openings for Cut, The Allure, We Are Mountains Meant To Crumble, Time is Short and Life is Long, Don’t Take My Sunshine Away, & And I Fear The Day My Nightmares Become Reality.
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ @sasuhinabigflash2020​​ ​​​ || Day Twenty-Nine: A Musician’s Life ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Mikoto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: To Rule Them All ] [ AO3 Link ]
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When Sasuke descends from his room this morning, he finds himself given a task before he can even sit down for breakfast. Granted, he slept late and the meal is already done. But still...
“Would you be a dear and fetch a package for me?” his mother asks, busy clearing away and cleaning the dishes the rest of them used this morning.
“...a package?”
“I had a new dress tailored and it’s to be finished this morning.”
“But I haven’t even eaten.”
Glancing over her shoulder, Mikoto gives him a gentle look. “It’s only a few blocks. I’ll have something finished for you by the time you return, hm? I’d fetch it myself but I’m to travel to visit a friend soon this morning.”
Sighing, Sasuke bows his head and relents. “All right...I won’t be long.”
“Thank you, dear!”
Abandoning their manor along the outskirts of town, Sasuke takes a moment to look over the neighborhood. Nothing ever changes, but he always feels compelled to make sure. Then soft leather boots carry him further into the city.
While much of the place he was born has stayed the same, much too has changed. Ever-expanding, the outer rims of the city are becoming more and more enveloped as the boundaries grow. Crowds are bigger, streets are busier, businesses cropping up to sell their wares and services. Sasuke doesn’t indulge in many of them as a noble’s son, but every so often something new will catch his eye.
It’s a decent walk to the proper shop, and by the time Sasuke arrives, his appetite is starting to gnaw at him. A knock on the door is done automatically as his mind wanders back toward home where breakfast is hopefully waiting.
“Ah, you must be lady Mikoto’s son, yes?”
Glancing up as it opens and the shopkeep addresses him, he nods. “I’m here for a gown…?”
“Yes, yes - I’m just putting the finishing touches into the stitching! Could his lordship wait just a little while longer? I’ll be but a few minutes, sir!”
Internally souring but endeavoring not to show it, Sasuke just nods. He can’t exactly take home an unfinished dress. “I’ll wait just outside, then.”
“Your patience is much appreciated, my lord.”
Turning back to the thoroughfare, the young man sighs. Well...now what is he to do with himself?
It’s as he thinks that he notices something.
Gaze lifting to try and find the source, Sasuke’s ears perk at the sound of a string instrument. It seems a bard of some kind has decided to stop and play, likely for tips. A rather common practice in the busier parts of the city, attempting to lure patrons as they pass on their way.
Following his sense, Sasuke eventually finds it. One street over, perched along the edge of a fountain, is a young woman about his age. Her garments are of fine make, long dark hair pulled up into a tail. And just as he approaches, her song evolves as she adds her voice.
At her feet is an upturned hat where passersby have been leaving coins. Judging by the glint he can already see, she’s doing well. And it’s no surprise: she’s quite talented.
Still hovering along the other side of the road, Sasuke listens until the song ends. He’ll admit...she’s alluring in her own way. She almost looks nobly bred: a fine face, pale skin, and a graceful, soothing manner to her playing and movements. Add in her well-tailored garments and obvious skill in her trade, and it’s clear she’s had the resources to learn it comfortably. Probably professionally trained before being loosed upon the world.
A few people clap as she silences, nodding reverently at her guests as they leave tidings in her hat.
It’s then he decides to approach.
“You have a lovely voice,” he praises, drawing her gaze. “And you play very well. Is that a...lute?”
The woman gives a nod. “It is. Thank you for your kind words - it means all my years of practice have been worthwhile.”
“You look a bit out of place, I’ll admit. Most who peddle for coin with songs tend to look rougher than you do.”
At that, she seems to sober. “...I have been recently...removed from my household by my father. My fineries are only remnant, and...I now live a musician’s life through and through. This is all I have to earn my way, now.”
Sasuke’s brow draws. “...removed?”
“...I refused a suitor. And my father seems to feel that I...am soon to pass my prime. Calling me obstinate and ungrateful, he...removed me. But at least he had the dignity to leave me my things, though...they are now holed up in an inn rather than at home. I am still looking for a more...permanent place. Not easy to do when you…” She holds up her instrument, clearly signalling her dependence on an unsteady income.
“...I see.” He hesitates. “...may I know your name?”
“Oh, forgive me. I am Hinata.” She offers no surname, which...he can understand. Odds are, he knows of her family, given their seemingly similar ranks.
“Sasuke,” he supplies in return. “...would you...care for a more regular position?”
“What do you mean?”
“My father is a nobleman, and my mother a lover of the arts. I’m sure she would enjoy employing you and your skills, if you’d like. We have the means,” he replies honestly.
Hinata stares at him. “...you would…?”
“Sir? Sir!”
Turning, Sasuke spies the tailor. “Is it finished?”
“It is, sir. And your mother paid me in advance, so the gown is yours!” Bowing, the man offers the package.
“My thanks.” Watching him go, he then turns back to Hinata. “...would you like to meet her?”
“I...I would!” Taking to her feet, Hinata seems to regain her spirit, taking up her earnings and smiling. “...you are kind to offer me a way.”
“Honest talent should earn honest reward. Come, I’ll introduce you to my mother. I’m sure she’ll be quite taken with you and your music.”
Clearly ecstatic, Hinata gathers her hem and follows. To have a steady patron would indeed allay many of her fears.
And she can’t help but be curious over a man so keen to offer aid to a stranger.
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     This is...short and perhaps a bit lackluster for a last piece, but I will fully admit: I am burned the heck out, ahaha~ 2020 has been exhausting and frankly hasn’t really let me recover from the past year of writing this ship. While I still adore it, I’m just rather worn on creating things for it, if...that makes sense ^^; While I’ve really enjoyed this event, I think I underestimated how ready I was to hop back into writing so much content for one subject again.      But anyway, a bit about the piece: just a little medieval-type ditty. Hinata going full bard after being kicked out, and Sasuke deciding he can step in. I drew a little inspiration based on Assassin’s Creed 2, if you know it xD How Ezio’s mother helps support Leonardo Da Vinci, haha!      Anyway, I have the next two “pieces” done, but they aren’t written! So for my AO3 peeps, you’ll have to head over to the Tumblr to see them, I’m afraid. But I hope they’ll be a good enough offering. I’m really just...too burnt out to write anything more, I’m afraid. But I’ve made two moodboards / aesthetics for the ship that I’ll post here in a jiffy to give myself a writing break, and shake things up for the free days!      On that note, I thank you guys for sticking with me for this event! Apologies for falling so far behind and at times being a little underwhelming. But overall this was still a lot of fun, and I got to try some new fic ideas! Not sure when I’ll be back to create more on these accounts, but I know it’ll happen eventually. Until then, you all take care, stay safe, and keep lovin’ SasuHina x3      ~Sylvie
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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[Gakuen K] Kusanagi Izumo Route: Student Days Translation
*Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) *Gakuen K Masterlist *Spoiler FREE : Translations under cut !
Anna: --Class ends here today; we’ll continue tomorrow. Don’t forget to do your homework.
Anna: And I think everyone already knows, but Midterms start next week.
Misaki: Ack, for real!?
Anna: ...You didn’t know?
Misaki: It’s the first time I’m hearing of it!
Anna: ...Even if I don’t personally tell you so, you’ll know if you look at the calendar.
Misaki: Argh! I’ve never actually taken the time to look at one!
Misaki: I’m not the only one who didn’t know, right? Anyone?
Misaki: ...Hey, hey, hey!! Why’s no one agreeing with me here!?
Misaki: Kamamoto...You’re on my side in this, right?
Kamamoto: I am on your side, but I’m aware that the Midterms exist.
Misaki: Why!?
Kamamoto: Well...I can’t really say anything other than because it’s something that happens every year?
Fushimi: Oi, you’re making a fuss, Misaki! Sit the goddamned hell down else the class will never end at this rate.
Misaki: What did you say, Saru!?
Anna: It’s just as Saruhiko says. Misaki, sit back down.
Misaki: Mnnghghh…’Kay.
Anna: There will be no difficult questions, so you’ll do fine so long as you’ve been studying.
Anna: See you all tomorrow then.
Misaki: Haa~ I really didn’t hear nothing about there being a test…
Kamamoto: There, there. Isn’t it a good thing that you did? There’s still a week left at least!
Misaki: Idiot-moto! A week’s such a short amount of time! You can only sleep and wake for a total of 7 times before the time’s up!
Misaki: Just 7 times! There’s no way in hell I can come up with a Study Plan for it in such a short time! Haa~
Ran: (Yata-kun seems really downtrodden about it. I wonder if he’s bad at studying…?)
Kamamoto: Hey, got a minute?
Ran: What’s up?
Kamamoto: Yata-san’s feeling pretty blue, as you can see. So we’ll be turning up later than usual to Club.
Ran: Got it. I just have to relay that to someone else in our Club, right?
Kamamoto: Yup, that’s how it is. I’ll be relying on you.
Ran: Kamamoto-kun feels like Yata-san’s mother…
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Izumo: --I see. Yata-chan’s kickin’ up a fuss again, huh.
Ran: Again, you said?
Izumo: This happens every time a test comes ‘round, ya’ see? ...No, it appears that this happens all the time it does. We’ve never been in the same year and all that, so…
Izumo: It’s not like he’s gonna’ study anyway, so it’ll probably be the usual where he sleeps like a log through it all. My condolences that ya’ had to face that.
Ran: Haha...What kind of a High-Schooler were you though, Kusanagi-san?
Izumo: I was a normal, ordinary student...Well, I was a little of the bad-type.
⊳ Choice: I wanted to see.
Ran: I see. I wanted to see how you looked as a High-Schooler…
Izumo: My face just looked a lil’ younger so I don’t think it’s all that different from what you see standin’ in front of you right now.
Izumo: Oh, wait a lil’. I might have a photo or two in my phone…
Ran: Do you?
Izumo: Hmm...Sorry, nope. Seems like it disappeared along with the data I originally had after I changed phones.
Izumo: I think I can find my Graduation Album if I search for it back in my room. I’ll bring it here someday if I do happen to find it.
Ran: Whoa, thank you so much!
⊳Choice: Just a little? 
Ran: ...Really just a little bit?
Izumo: Judging by the way you’re looking at me...You’re doubting me, aren’t ya~? Unfortunately, I was really just a normal student. Compared to Mikoto, at least.
Ran: To Suoh-senpai?
Izumo: Yup. I remember that we’d always end up sitting next to each other all the time. And we did nothin’ but stupid things together.
Ran: Eh, wait a second. What do you mean that you’d always sit right next to each other?
Izumo: He’s a retained student, ya’ see?
Ran: I-Is that so...I never knew.
Izumo: Well, It’s not like he’d tell others that himself either.
Izumo: Mikoto’s like gasoline, he’ll get all flashy if you light his fire. Of course, there’s no way I could’ve caught up with that.
Izumo: Haha. Why, speakin’ of the past like that makes me feel real nostalgic of the good ol’ days.
Ran: Come to think of it, that’s quite a lot of alcohol you have lined up in front of you.
Izumo: I’m makin’ a Hidden Menu. You can drink them straight or enjoy mixin’ them around. I suppose that’s one of the allures of Alcohol.
Ran: Is it fun? How nice.
Izumo: I won’t let you drink a single drop even if you look at me with those eyes of yours.
Ran: I know; but let me drink some when I finally become an adult?
Izumo: ‘Course. I’ll treat you to some delicious Alcoholic Drinks once ya’ reach 20.
»» ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♔◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ««
Next Scene: Clubroom test cramming
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theredconversegirl · 5 years
Ink and Paper | SSM Day 17
SasuSaku Month 2019 Day 17: “Ink and Paper” Rating:  M
A/N: This is Part II, following the “Prayers” prompt written by my friend @birkastan2018 . This lovely lady was kind enough to bring to life one of my most embarrassing stories. ❤️😂
Check Part I first to get the full story, it’s hilarious! 😆😜
This two-part story was based in real life events that were adapted for SasuSaku month. There is also an intro on @birkastan2018 ‘s post, and if anyone is curious, feel free to send me asks too.
I have also posted this two-part collab on FanFiction and Ao3 :)
~ Happy Reading!
It was like a magnet.
Sakura Haruno found herself in yet another awkward situation. It seemed that they kept coming – these uncomfortable and embarrassing situations – especially after she finally got together with her crush, the love of her life, her one and only Sasuke-kun.
He was her boyfriend – finally!
Sasuke Uchiha, THE Sasuke Uchiha was her boyfriend. Hers.
It was not like she didn’t expect that ever happening, but considering the pace and mixed signals she received, she’d thought he either wasn’t that serious, or he’d take a few more years until he approached her in a more than friendly way.
And when it finally happened, it seemed that the universe conspired against her happiness. Like when she tried to have a single moment alone with her boyfriend, something prevented it.
Take last month’s incident for example, where Sakura tried to sneak out to meet her boyfriend – alone for once – only to be busted by her overprotective father in a very embarrassing way. She’d been avoiding the manga kissa like the plague since then.
When her father got home that night, he told her that he had a good talk with the Uchiha boy and that she was grounded. However, it seemed that whatever ‘talk’ that was, her father had eased his murderous glares whenever her boyfriend’s name came up.
After three weeks, Kizashi finally caved in and told his little girl (not so little anymore), that she could visit her boyfriend on Sundays, if only his parents were at home. Sakura was dumbfounded, as she never imagined this development in such a short period of time.
She had asked her Otou-chan several times about these visits before. Sasuke was constantly at their porch ever since he introduced himself to her parents as her boyfriend. Although he’d never go inside and only sat with her on the porch until the sun went down enough to tinge the sky with pink and lilac hues, at least he was there with her. Sakura had never stepped inside – or outside – his home before, then there was the T7 incident, and even Sasuke’s visits were limited. They were also laying low, not sneaking out for a while.
So, when her father said those words, eyes contemplative and gauging her reaction, she’d thought it was a prank.
“Where’s the camera, Otou-chan? This is not funny!” she’d said, and Kizashi only laughed.
🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸
One true fact about Sakura Haruno: she was a terrible liar – and everyone knew it.
She couldn’t lie to save her life. And the one time she was successful, the blunt lie didn’t do her any favors at all.
It was the third Sunday that she spent at the Uchiha’s that she noticed it. While Sasuke was helping Mikoto-san with the dishes, Sakura went back to Sasuke’s bedroom to pick up her bag when something shiny caught the corner of her eye.
The window was cracked open, allowing a stream of sunlight to enter the room. The partial opening created a holophote straight to Sasuke’s desk, beckoning to a rolled magazine beside his printer.
Curious like a cat, Sakura turned around to peek through the hallway and checked if she was safe. Not hesitating, she jumped back to the other side of the room and picked up the magazine, unrolling it in the process.
At the sight of the cover, she flung the offensive object out of her grasp, dropping it to the floor with a sharp thud.
Astounded, she glared at the splayed pages by her feet as if that alone would burn it from her sight.
Three questions popped into Sakura’s mind then: WHAT? HOW? WHY?
Because how did her Sasuke-kun, reserved and polite, have such an object in his possession?
Her face flushed as pink as her hair, the temperature rising and burning her skin. Her breathing hitched when she imagined what he used that item for. Why else would a teenage boy have such magazine in his bedroom?
She scooped the magazine up and closed it quickly before she could accidentally peek at anything she didn’t want to see. Holding it closed, she stared at the title, her thoughts racing and moving from possibility to possibility.
“Icha Icha Bunnies…” She whispered.
Why would Sasuke have such a perverted magazine in his bedroom?  
Realization dawning quickly, she rolled the item and stuffed it beside the printer again, swiping her hands up and down over her sundress.
Deciding to not intrude further, Sakura grabbed her bag and flew downstairs, ready to forget what she saw. She’d rather die than bring that up with Sasuke now.
So, she pretended nothing happened, omitting the fact that she knew his little dirty secret.
🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸
Several Sundays after the “zine incident” as she called it in her mind, she was again alone in Sasuke’s bedroom, waiting for him to finish his shower.
They had gone swimming earlier, as the weather was pleasant and the lake at the border of the property gleamed and reflected the sun, forming an alluring summer image.
Mikoto found them running back to the house all wet, as they had jumped into the lake with their clothes on.  She ushered Sasuke into her master bedroom to take a warm shower while Sakura used Sasuke’s bathroom.
Sakura didn’t want to impose, so she warmed up quickly, and put on the clothes that Mikoto had brought for her when she picked up Sakura’s wet ones with the weak whispered excuse of, “You can’t go home in different clothes or poor Sasuke’s really done for this time.”
Sakura flinched inwardly and only imagined that the woman was going to take her wet clothes to the dryer.
Once again, she was left alone, and she knew that her boyfriend was a Princess. He liked to take long hot showers, and then take his time to get ready. Sighing contently, she stepped inside his room and sat by his desk, enjoying the recline of the expensive office chair he had.
She was looking for some distraction, sweeping her eyes around the room when her traitorous eyes looked for a confirmation she didn’t want to see.
But there it was! Still by the printer…
To her surprise, she noticed the volume of the degenerate roll had increased exponentially. Scooting closer with her chair, she poked the pile as if it was a scared animal and it would jump and attack her at any moment.
Dragging a couple fingers, she swiped a little until the roll was half undone and she noticed there were new additions to the roll. Two more additions!
He now had three volumes! THREE!!!
How dare he?
They had gone to third base already, and things were only heating up! And he still needed to look and think about anything else – anyone else – other than her? Wasn’t she enough??? Sakura thought disturbingly.
Because even though she tried to keep an open mind, she’d expected him to share his little secret with her, or at least, that he’d stopped leaving it in obvious places after she started to frequent his house and his bedroom as often as now.
For God’s sake it was on his desk! His mom cleaned that desk!
That was it! She couldn’t take it anymore, because she could only stay quiet about this for so long. She would need to eventually come up with little lies to cover up the fact that she knew something about him, and he had no idea.
She would need to do the only thing that came to her mind - she would need to confront him and just ask. Otherwise, the questions would keep coming and the guilt that was building up – the one that pointed to her hiding something from him – would catch up with her.
With a newfound resolve, Sakura rolled the three magazines back and held them tight, tapping them to her crossed thighs as she waited for her boyfriend to return to his bedroom.
🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸
The picture that she painted was terrifying.
Barefoot and legs crossed, resting on top of his desk, Sakura reclined on the comfortable chair, clad in one of his black shirts and borrowed cotton shorts that were possibly too short – or were her legs that long?
Resting half of her weight on her elbow over the armrest while her head was nestled on the cushion of the chair, Sakura’s posture screamed relaxed and calm, if not for her maniac scary grin and her holding of sinful magazines.
Her eyes shifted into two tiny slits when she caught him flinching slightly after entering the room.
Calculating, she followed him with her jade orbs as he slowly approached her. Sasuke ran the tips of his fingers over her calves and knees, trying any tricks to get her to melt before she’d explode.
He travelled the length of her smooth leg, stopping mid-thigh only to draw little lazy circles before the hem of her cotton shorts. Usually by now, Sakura would be a mess of shivers and pants, anticipating the next touch, and asking him to just kiss her already.
But not today.
Today her eyebrows creased, and her frown deepened, her lips curled ready to snarl, and though her skin tingled with gooseflesh, her breathing only indicated how distraught she was.
Sasuke’s hand slackened and stopped its ministrations, he locked eyes with her after glancing to the fisted magazines by her lap. Wrong move, friend, his mind supplied.
“I-I can explain—” he started.
By the look on her face, a look that he had seen not so long ago, he thought – aimlessly – that her father would never need a paternity test in his life, for she had the spitting image of his murderous glare – and again he was on the receiving end of a Haruno’s wrath.
“You can now, can’t you? Mr. ‘I have an explanation for every question’.” She challenged, voice laced with heat and impatience. He wondered how long he had left her alone to dwell over her clear discovery in his room, and if she was at this point already – spitting fire and ready to pounce – he could only think it was long enough.
“They are not mine!” And this time, he glared because Sasuke Uchiha detested lies but he detested even more when he was telling the truth and the receiving end didn’t believe him.
“Oh? These—” Sakura shook the rolled magazines towards him, “—are not yours? These magazines that were rolled and tucked beside your printer, in your room? That’s a rich excuse even for you, Uchiha!”
“They are not! They weren’t there before—”
“Yeah, they weren’t—” Sasuke sighed, as it seemed she had listened for once, “—they were in the store before! How’d you get to buy 18+ magazines huh? This screams Kakashi all over it!”
“That’s not what I meant—”
“I know what you meant, Sasuke.” She whispered his name without the suffix, and he shivered, in excitement or fear, he didn’t know.
“Miss May over here,” Sakura unrolled the Magazine and picked the corresponding one without even checking and Sasuke swallowed then, because he knew she had spent a lot of time looking and overthinking this, “—has been on your desk since last month. Now we have Miss June and July. So, how long until I can expect Miss August to join the party?”
“WHAT?! Saku—"
She didn’t let him say anything else, lifting a finger while she tossed the promiscuous ink-and-paper bundle on the table. Uncrossing her legs slowly, she stood up and place a hand over her hip.
With the finger still mid-air, she extended her arm to push it against his chest, and he took a step back.
“Tell me Uchiha, what do you think when I touch you like this?” Sakura slid a finger through the thin material of his shirt, down to the planes of his stomach, stopping to play with the waistband of his boxers that peeked through his shorts. With a single finger, she had him panting in anticipation.
“Better yet,” she continued, crouching between his legs, and running her fingernail over the bulge prominent over his shorts, “did you think about me or Miss July over there earlier by the lake? Tell me...”
That snapped him back to reality, because as much as he was enjoying the minx before him, he could never let his Sakura believe that there was anything else – anyone else – in his mind while she was the only one that could render him speechless like this.
She was the only one that could set his skin on fire and burn him with desire. She was the only one that made him do crazy things like dry hump in public – images of them sneaking out to a private booth at T7 filled his mind and he groaned remembering the thrill of doing unspeakable things to his girlfriend and almost getting caught.
He couldn’t let her assume anything else.
Swiftly, Sasuke snatched her wrist, stopping her tantalizing movements. He snaked his free arm around her waist and hoisted her up, flushing her tight against him.
Cautiously, he dropped his forehead to the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply her scent if only it would give him enough courage to pour what he felt into words. He laid an open-mouthed kiss before inclining to reach the shell of her ear.
“It’s you. Only. You.” He whispered, punctuating each word with finality, feeling proud when it triggered a shiver that ran through her spine and she writhed in his embrace.
The silence following it faltered his tenacity, and Sasuke grasped her chin between his two fingers, raising it firmly to look in her eyes. When obsidian met viridian, he searched for that spark that she reserved for him but found only insecurity.
She didn’t believe him.
“You don’t believe me.” He stated softly and she parted her lips but instead of saying anything, she tried to mouth a question timidly. “They are my father’s.”
Sasuke saw three emotions passing through and morphing his girlfriend’s face then: Surprise, which switched to disbelief, and then indignation.
She needed to believe him. No, he needed her to believe him.
Stepping aside from her, he grabbed the magazines harshly, forming a stack of paper. “I will prove it to you then.”
If his version of pouring his heart out didn’t work, he’d have to do something else.
🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸
He didn’t turn the table, he flipped it.
Sakura saw a puppy turning into a wolf – in a span of two minutes – as Sasuke switched from inquisitive to mortified and then possessive. Her spell was broken – one second, she had him in the palm of her hand, and the next he had her panting at his mercy.
Lifting the pile with a hand, he used the other to grab her tiny wrist, tugging it to have her follow him.
She was still in shock, as if his determination and statement could ever make any sense right now. Fugaku-san’s? Pffft.
Everything was happening so fast, and Sakura knew she might have swung from emotion to emotion like a monkey swings from tree to tree – overestimating actions and assuming things, as much as Sasuke did.
It was stupid – childish and stupid. She cursed herself under her breath, muttering an intelligible string of colorful words regarding her stupid jealously, her stupid self-conscious moment, and her stupid teenage hormones.
Her boyfriend continued to march downstairs, tugging her along with his resolve and that pile of magazines.
When they reached the living room, Sasuke called his father a few times, until he heard the click of a door opening by the end of the hall. Not wasting any minute, he spun around and gestured her to follow him. And Sakura followed him, like a lost puppy followed a stranger, curious to see where he was going but afraid to see what they were going to do.
By the time they turned into the hallway, Fugaku opened his office door, a hand holding a stack of papers and the other a sleek black pen, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose and eyes down cast at the ink spreading and marking white.
The Uchiha patriarch continued to emblem his consent on paper and only huffed as his son called him one more time, confirming that he had heard him, despite the fact that he hadn’t replied or made eye contact yet.
Sakura stopped dead in her tracks. Her mind working quickly, she had an idea of the disaster she was about to step in.
Although she had been dating his son for months now, Fugaku was still a mystery. Sakura had no idea where she stood with him – did he even like her? Or her presence in his home? To be honest, Fugaku Uchiha intimidated her and she didn’t want to impose on his home, much less cause any commotion.
Green-green eyes swept from Sasuke to the stack of magazines, to the serious concentrated gaze of her possibly-future-father-in-law, and her presence in the middle of the hallway, dressed in Sasuke’s shirt and Mikoto’s short shorts, dumpy haired and barefoot.
She confirmed then, it was like a magnet; trouble followed Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha was the push and pull force that kept her on the edge of that magnetic field.
Everything went down like this:
Sasuke paced firmly, stopping in front of his father. Without any hesitancy, he shoved the infamous Icha Icha monthly magazines on Fagaku’s chest. “Here,” he had almost yelled, “you can have all your magazines back.”
She could see how distressed Sasuke was; shoulders moving up and down heavy with trepidation, pants leaving his parted lips, and strands of dark hair sticking to his neck.
Sasuke took his father’s silence and frown as a sign to go on – that was his second mistake in a row. “I never actually paid attention to them, and now I don’t need ’em either.”
No. No. No. No. No.
Sakura paled and then turned beet red. The smug tone added to the last part of her boyfriend’s sentence only fuelled the situation with insinuations and discomfort.
Trying not to make any sound, she backstepped gently, trying to go back from where they came from, so she could turn on her heels and just run, run, run – run far away from this mess! And then, when her dumbass boyfriend caught up, she’d pummel him into next Sunday.
Before she could place another foot behind her and continue her escape plan, there was a clunking noise where metal met the floor.
“What did you just say, young man?”
Behind Fugaku, stood Mikoto, flushed with anger or embarrassment, she didn’t know. By their feet, Sakura could see the cause of the loud noise she heard as a tray bringing Fugaku’s afternoon tea rested now on the floor.  
The Uchiha matriarch marched towards them, stepping in between her husband and younger son. By her lack of composure, Sakura could imagine that Mikoto had either understood everything that just happened, or she had at least picked up parts of the father and son’s interactions.
Sakura could see how both men’s necks turned red when Mikoto glanced between the two and caught sight of what caused the whole commotion. Fugaku tightened his hold on the stack of papers and magazines over his chest and Mikoto narrowed her eyes.
“What’s this?” Mikoto whispered, but her voice was anything but soft.
“That’s why I kept finding T7’s receipts, even after Sasuke had stopped—” The incredulous look her husband threw her way made her pause the detective binge. “Don’t give me that look, who do you think does the laundry?!”
“It’s not what you think,” Fugaku started while Sasuke walked backwards towards Sakura.
“No, it’s what I see! Save it, Fugaku, I’m not that naïve—” Mikoto spat back, and then with some hurt she added softly, “—and young, it seems.”
Sakura couldn’t see if her possibly-future-mother-in-law was actually hurt or feigning it to get a thorough explanation. Sakura was a woman, too, and she knew many persuasive tricks after watching her own parents’ ridiculous fights over the years.
“It’s not only pictures,” The Uchiha patriarch said securely, and glancing over Mikoto’s shoulder, he continued in a lower tone, “where do you think all those new tricks came from, woman? I’m not that creative!”  
Forget about running, Sakura wished the ground would swallow her up.
She felt Sasuke freezing beside her, and the choked sound that came from his throat could only be his gag reflex upon hearing such a comment from his parents.
A can of worms was opened in front of him – poor Sasuke-kun!
Taking the engrossed whispers happening between the older couple as a cue, Sakura snaked an arm around Sasuke’s middle and guided him away, back to his room. When he sat on the edge of his bed, shoulders slumped and limbs slackened, Sakura thought how adorable defeat and astonishment looked on him, even though there was a slight possibility of permanent trauma after such a series of disastrous events.
Stepping between his legs, Sakura hugged him affectionally, bringing his head to nuzzle her neck. She patted his head, threading her fingers through his dark locks, whispering sweet nothings as she told him everything would be ok.
🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸 🍅 🌸 
“You disappeared today.”
Sakura approached the edge of the bed while pushing one of her husband’s t-shirts over her head. She climbed in on all fours and cat walked playfully, a hint of mischief in her green eyes that were locked with onyx ones.
“Uh—this afternoon you mean?” She said, while pulling the duvet aside and sliding her legs under it. “Ah, I had to get away for a moment,” she remembered, “I ended up having another interesting, yet awkward conversation with your father.”
“Did you now?” Sasuke asked amused, with the nostalgia that her words brought.
Sakura nodded and tried to get comfortable in her husband’s embrace. He held the corner of the duvet up while she twisted and turned. With his free arm, he scooted her closer, cradling her lower back.
Impatient that his plan was not as successful as he imagined, he huffed, curling his lip into a pout. Sakura raised a manicured eyebrow, questioning his silly behaviour.
“I’m trying to get closer, but this little one,” he brushed her swollen belly gently, “is not letting me.”
Amused, Sakura chuckled as he tried to turn her around to have her back against his front. Sasuke knew by now how his wife loved to fall asleep whispering quietly in his embrace, brushing their noses and nuzzling his neck. Normally, they wouldn’t be spooning until later in the night when both were fast asleep.
“Wait, I want to finish this conversation looking at you, then you can man-handle me as you please.” She teased and then narrowed her eyes, noticing something he hadn’t yet. “Isn’t it weird that we’re back in your old room after so long? I could swear this bed was bigger back then…” Sakura trailed off, arching her eyebrows suggestively.
“Tch.” Sakura could faintly see a blush creeping up his neck. He might be a tease when it comes to physical affections, but Sakura was a tease with words, her mouth could undo him quicker than anything else. And she enjoyed the power she had over him with such a simple act. “Calm down, woman. I don’t want a repeat of other things.”
By other things, her husband was hinting at the times they were caught in this same bed, but in some compromising positions – first by Mikoto, which they did not talk about it, and then years later by Fugaku, who threatened to bring back the open-door-rule for his nineteen year old son’s bedroom.
They both shuddered, probably remembering the same memories.
“What did you two talk about?” Sasuke broke the silence.
“Let me see, something about a desperate phone call Fugaku-san received years ago about a certain someone hiding in a washroom…”
Sasuke sighed, running the hand that wasn’t caressing Sakura’s belly over his face. “Of course, he’d bring something like that up.”
“I didn’t get the whole story yet, Sasuke-kun. It’s been years, I think the mother of your child deserves to know. Just saying…”
Flustered, Sasuke tried to hide by resting his forehead as close as possible of hers. When he was unsuccessful, she teased lightly “I always thought defeat looked good on you.”
“Ok, only because I – I mean ‘we’ – wouldn’t be here if not for what I said to your father after I left that damned washroom.”
Sakura squealed victoriously and squirmed around his embrace, trying to get ready for the rare occasion where her reserved husband was going to tell her a story, their story.
“Quiet! You don’t want them coming over and thinking things.” He reprimanded and Sakura mimic a zipper being closed over her mouth. “Ok, you know everything before you escaped. When I opened that door, your dad was there waiting for me.”
“Go on.”
“Tch, I’m skipping to the conversation.”
“Ok, ok, just tell me already!”
“When your father cornered me with accusations and a talk about dignity and reputation and what a young lady deserves, I told him...” Sakura reached a hand when he paused, cupping his cheek. She brushed her thumb in a soothing way as to encourage him to continue. “I told him ‘Sir, I love your daughter, and I want what’s best for her. I wouldn’t do anything to harm her or her reputation. I would never do something she wouldn’t want me to do, and I respect her and your wishes. I will try to keep my distance as you asked, but I can’t promise you that.”
Wide eyes and mouth agape, Sakura was stunned by her husband’s declaration. A soft sniff followed by several others filled the silence in the room, and this time, it was Sasuke’s turn to brush a thumb over her cheek, collecting the tears that kept running down.
“Shh, see why I didn’t want to tell you?” He whispered.
“You—You’re all stoic and cold around everyone, but me of course! —”
“—but you.” He agreed, a smile tugging his lips.
“—you went all Romeo and said you loved me to my father, before you even said those words to me?!” Sakura paused, pulling the hem of her shirt up to clean her face. “Wow, you’re a real softie, Sasuke-kun.”
“What?! Am not!”
“Are too!”
���But you’re my softie.”
“I wonder now what talk you had with your father after the 'zine incident'…”
A deep groan escaped him as Sasuke turned his wife around and tucked her under his chin, her back pressed tightly against his chest. All patience and fluff gone with the unpleasant memory of Fugaku Uchiha trying to explain himself to his son after such a traumatizing discussion involving forbidden sinful magazines and the reason to buy them in the first place.
“Shh, sleep.”
“I think I heard steps; you shouldn’t have groaned so loudly.”
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karin-no-jutsu · 6 years
Mikoto regards the young red head with silent awe. She must be an Uzumaki, was her immediately thought. That hair was unmistakable. "Karin-san, pleasure to finally meet the young lady that kept my son safe for so long." She gently takes your hands in hers, and smiles at you, "I do hope you don't mind me asking what you think of my son, do you?" -mikoto-no-jutsu
This was something Karin always wanted to do, let’s face it. She’s had more than her share of the marrying Sasuke fantasies, meeting his mom and being accepted into his family, yada-yada.
The circumstances are much different in real life.
She’s just appreciative of the kind conversation. She can sense just where exactly his soothing, alluring chakra has come from. The woman before her was the spitting image of her best friend, he got all of his looks from her. It’s truly amazing to see this unfold before her eyes. She only wishes that she could maybe see her mother, too. 
There were so many things she could say about Sasuke. She’d be there all damn day if she were to really sit down and speak about just how much he’s impacted her life. But, with her ego, the desire to never truly open up to another human being, as well as the sheer laziness she had at the current moment stopped her from speaking that novel of a feeling.
 “Your son is beyond incredible, Mikoto-san.” She speaks. “He is a true hero. I will always be there to help aide him, if he needs.” 
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miketendo-64 · 6 years
Being an RPG, Dragalia Lost would not be living up to its genre if it didn’t make the players scratch their heads when it comes to one aspect of the game and for some, it might just be the Epithets.
But don’t worry, by the time you’re done with this guide, you will no longer be pulling your hair out and instead, you’ll be embarking on the wondrous journey of claiming the titles you seek. Let’s begin!
What are Epithets?
In Dragalia Lost, Epithets are obtainable titles that players can acquire via various means. Once obtained, you can set your favourite one to define yourself, especially when playing co-op mode.
  How do I change my Epithet?
From the home screen, press the More tab. A menu will then pop up and one of the options you’ll see, is Player Info.
Be sure to press on Player Info tab to bring up another menu and press on Profile. From there you should see a screen where nearer to the bottom of screen, you’ll see the word Epithet and a change tab next to it. Click on Change.
You should now see a screen where all the Epithets you have acquired, are presented. Press the one you wish to change to and touch Change when prompted to. If you have done as instructed, a prompt will pop up saying you have changed your Epithet. Congrats!
What are the Ways I can earn Epithets?
As stated, there are a few ways to get Epithets and you can see them listed below:
Read the fifth adventurer story (Episode 5) for any adventurer you have.
Reach Bond Level 15 with Dragons such as Mercury, Poseidon & more.
Meet specific requirements:
Begin playing Dragalia Lost
In the Main Campaign, clear Chapter 2’s “A Changed Alberia”
In the Main Campaign, clear Chapter 6’s “Diadem of Light”
Clear all Dragon Trials on Standard difficulty
Clear all Dragon Trials on Expert difficulty
Clear High Midgardsormr’s Trial
Meet specific Raid Event requirements:
Defeat King Archeole 25 times (Loyalty’s Requiem)
Defeat Phraeganoth 40 times (Loyalty’s Requiem)
Clear an Extra Raid Battle in under one minute
Is there a Big List of Epithets I can look at?
Of course there is and it’s divided into sections:
  Game Progression Epithets: (Including Main Campaign Epithets)
Dragonblood Prince –Available from the start
Traitorous Prince – In the Main Campaign, clear Chapter 2’s “A Changed Alberia”
Shining Light – In the Main Campaign, clear Chapter 6’s “Diadem of Light”
  Dragon Trials associated Epithets:
Dragon Hunter – Clear all Dragon Trials on Standard difficulty
Dragon Slayer – Clear all Dragon Trials on Expert difficulty
Conqueror of Wind – Clear High Midgardsormr’s Trial
  Raid Event associated Epithets: (Loyalty’s Requiem)
Sorrowful Kingslayer Hunter – Defeat King Archeole 25 times
Otherworld Beastslayer – Defeat Phraeganoth 40 times
Volcanic Fiendslayer – Clear an Extra Raid Battle in under one minute
  Adventurer associated Epithets:
Alluring Sniper – Read Malora’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Anointed Lance – Read Elisanne’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Arc in the Storm – Read Ranzal’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Bantam Hero – Read Linus’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Belle Healer – Read Cleo’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Bone Collector – Read Zace’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Born Ruler – Read Xander’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Captain Craven – Read Alain’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Charitable Lumberjack – Read Rex’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Cheerful Merchant – Read Francesca’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Child of Miracles – Read Amane’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Child of the Forest – Read Maribelle’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Crystalian Princess – Read Lily’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Curious Archer – Read Eleonora’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Devout Oracle – Read Hildegarde’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Dormant Demon – Read Ryozen’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Dragon Guardian – Read Xainfried’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Dreamer on Ice – Read Orsem’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Eager Assassin – Read Vice’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Elegant Gambler – Read Aurien’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Feral Noble – Read Erik’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Fire’s Fletcher – Read Joe’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Free-Spirited Pirate – Read Karina’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Frenzied Warrior – Read Berserker’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Genius of the Century – Read Ezelith’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Golden Armourer – Read Malka’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Greenhorn Samurai – Read Taro’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Guiding Seer – Read Verica’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Hero of Justice – Read Karl’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Honorable Treasure Hunter – Read Renelle’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Hopeless Narcissist – Read Zardin’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Hot-Blooded Instructor – Read Celliera’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Impassioned Ninja – Read Aoi’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Kindly Coward – Read Ricardt’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Knight of Heart – Read Hope’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Love Seeker – Read Philia’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Loving Preacher – Read Estelle’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Loyal Servant – Read Raenond’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Mad Scientist – Read Kleimann’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Maiden Protector – Read Orion’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Mana Observer – Read Sophie’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Mammonist Mercenary – Read Irfan’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Meandering Mage – Read Xania’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Menace of a Maid – Read Melody’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Mercurial Lancer – Read Aeleen’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Nature’s Avatar – Read Mikoto’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Nobel Thief – Read Waike’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Passionate Dancer – Read Luther’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Perfect Butler – Read Edward’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Queen of the Sands – Read Nefaria’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Red-Haired Warrior – Read Vanessa’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Shifty Sailor – Read Thaniel’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Sincere Giver – Read Rodrigo’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Solemn Stalwart – Read Jurota’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Staunch Avenger – Read Cibella’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Timed Researcher – Read Althemia’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Timorous Paladyn – Read Julietta’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Twilight Hunter – Read Hawk’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Untamed Warrioress – Read Johanna’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Walking Encyclopedia – Read Nicolas’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Wandering Samurai – Read Musashi’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Wild Hunter – Read Rawn’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
Woodland Archer – Read Luca’s fifth adventurer story (Episode 5)
  Dragon associated Epithets:
Accursed Vessel – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Zodiark
Adulated Protector – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Zephyr
Ancient Knight – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Stribog
Aquatic Guardian – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Mercury
Arbiter of Purity – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Unicorn
Bewitching Immortal – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Phoenix
Capricious Scamp – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Jupiter
Conductor of Storms – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon High Midgardsormr
Crimson Sweetheart – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Brunhilda
Death’s Reveler – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Nidhogg
Ephemeral One – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Vodyanoy
Ferocious Fighter – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Ifrit
Friend Eternal – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Silke
Grand Mercenary – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Roc
Ocean Voyager – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Agni
Placid Guide – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Poli’ahu
Rapacious Firelord – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Agni
Seeker of Beauty – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Lindworm
Standard Bearer – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Jeanne d’Arc
Stormbound Ally – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Midgardsormr
Violent Brute – Reach Bond Level 15 with the Dragon Juggernaut
   As always, we hope you found this guide helpful. But remember, in order to get adventurer and dragon specific epithets, you will need to have that character and/or dragon. Thanks for stopping by!
[Guide] #DragaliaLost: What are Epithets? How do I Unlock them? And How Many are There? This All-In-One Epithet guide should more than answer all your questions. Being an RPG, Dragalia Lost would not be living up to its genre if it didn’t make the players scratch their heads when it comes to one aspect of the game and for some, it might just be the…
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Kaikeidou Ibun: M.c.s. - Tale of Sea Searching, Conclusion Part 2
"You don't have to do anything... I... I won't ask for much, I swear... I just, *snf*... I just want to have, a peaceful, life..... *hic*"
 As I choke back the rest of my sentence, I feel something wrapping gently around me. It's such a soft feeling that I don't even bother to wipe my face; I just let myself relax into it without thinking.
".....Tsukushi, it's gonna be okay. You saved me when I was crying, so now I'm gonna be here to protect you too..."
 Tenpyou's voice is soft, as her cool hands gently stroke my hair. I bury my face against her as the floodgates open, and I start crying like a little kid.
"...I'm sorry, Tsukushi. You were so nice to me, and you saved me from Big Sis, but... I had no idea that you'd been through something like that."
"Not sure I like that 'saved' phrasin', but... well, I suppose that's it, then. I can hardly imagine anyone other than greedy humans doing something as awful as that."
"Yes... The power of an incarnate god must certainly be alluring to humans of the modern world. It would easily be a target of their greed..."
"Well, I can't say much one way or another, myself. Us sisters haven't gotten to know many humans yet."
"Hey... um, hey, Big Sis Kyouga? Lady Mikoto? I... I wanna help Tsukushi! She saved me, yeah, so now I wanna help save her too!"
"Y'know you already said that, right?"
"Oh, Tenpyou..."
 I listen to their discussion through the haze of tears, still leaning against Tenpyou's chest. Before long, I can make out what sounds like Shunkei-san and Suzutake-san joining in as well. After a few moments of words passing indistinctly to and fro, the discussion quiets as I-- and likely the others as well-- hear a new voice chime in.
"Well then! That sure makes things simple!"
 The unfamiliar voice cuts through the haze, and I open my eyes again to see who it is. Standing a few feet away from us is a small girl, wearing a kimono with vaguely geometric patterns printed on it.
"Ah, Lady Otohime...! You were watching us just now?"
"Yep! In fact, I was watching from the very start. Since before the new Kaikeidou even got built, to be precise. So, little Tsukushi Awakihara... long time no see, huh?"
 So says the tiny 'Lady Otohime,' as she peers back at me. As I look her in the eye, I suddenly remember a strange encounter I'd had several months before.
 I saw a girl standing on the shore, gazing out at the sea. She stuck out like a sore thumb in the chilly weather, dressed as she was for summer, and was standing next to a travel suitcase almost as big as she was. I called out to her, wondering at the sight.
"Um, excuse me-- are you perhaps a tourist?"
"Mm? Oh man, sorry, couldn’t hear you over the wind. Are you someone from around here, by any chance?"
"No, I’m just a student passing by here. Are you on vacation?"
"Well, I guess you could say that. I was hoping I could find someone who knows the lay of the land around here? Ask them a few questions, y'know?"
 Indeed... I had met this girl right before I saw that bizarre depression in the sea, all those months ago. The realization snaps me back to reality, and I hastily try to get up. But...
"Y-You... you're... wuh-- "
"T-Tsukushi, hey! Don't try to stand up so fast, yeah?!"
 ...my body refuses to move the way I want it to, and I topple back over onto Tenpyou in a matter of seconds.
"Woah there. Calm down, okay? You're totally beat up from that fight, so you ought to rest for right now. You can still talk to me while you're down there, right?"
"Y... yes. Right."
 I can't deny that resting against Tenpyou like this is quite comfortable, so I decide to settle down in place as I continue listening to the girl from that day.
"So then, Lady Otohime... Can Tsukushi really live in, like, peace and quiet? Down here?"
"Pretty much. If you're living in fear of the humans up on the surface, then all you've gotta to is disappear from the surface, right? In fact, we could even have your parents move down here too while we're at it, and then you'd have nothing to worry about up there..."
"W-wait, okay, just hang on for a moment. This is really starting to get out of hand. ...First, I haven't actually given the OK yet."
 I had almost forgotten as the conversation rushed along, but for starters, I still haven't agreed to become the Kaikeidou's shrine maiden. And, well...
"...Why are you offering to do all this for me? I mean, certainly, you're a family of mermaids and goddesses, but knowing what you do about my situation, why would you shelter me...?"
"The answer to that question's pretty simple, really."
 I turn to listen as Otohime answers my question.
"We... well, technically not me, but Mikoto's family can't survive without someone else's knowledge of them. That's where you and your Watatsumi come in. By accepting you into their home, they'll gain more strength... so, business reasons, basically."
 Lady Mikoto and the others silently nod.
"Meanwhile, you've had to deal with those evil human-looking things threatening your safety for your whole life, and want to live without any further trouble. A very pure wish, if you ask me. Right?"
 As Otohime continues, I silently nod as well.
"Those two facts finally fit together like puzzle pieces, right here in this spot. That's why Mikoto and I are giving you this offer! Also, you don't have to actually live here if you don't want to. It's already enough if you just know that Mikoto's family exists, and if even you only happened to stop by once in a while, you'd still be giving us an enormous amount of power!"
 Mikoto-san continues from where Lady Otohime leaves off.
"If you'll consent to becoming the Kaikeidou's shrine maiden, Tsukushi-san, then we'll welcome you with open arms. We'll see to it that you have every freedom you could possibly want. If you resent your family, then-- with the assistance of your Lord Nakatsu-Watatsumi-- I can even use my divine influence to make it so that none of them ever existed."
"Ooh, I could help with that too! Want me to Butterfly Effect 'em and free up some space?!"
"Woah, hey! Just... slow down for a minute there."
 Okay, that's a clear candidate for most disquieting statement of the year. I put my hands up in the air to try and quiet the two of them down. It's now much more obvious that neither they, nor any of the family members surrounding us, are human. Any ordinary human would probably start trembling at the knees upon hearing that, but...
"If they had the gall to try and capture such a precious human friend of ours, why don't I head out and swallow them with a tidal wave?"
"Shunkei. It's rather indiscrete to bring up the subject of tidal waves with most present-day humans."
"Aw, what? That makes most of my abilities into total non-starters, though."
 Well, I suppose that's mermaids for you. Their thought processes are fundamentally those of youkai.
 Lady Otohime, taking notice of how I'm glancing around at everyone, resumes speaking with me.
"Aaanyway, all joking aside... what are you going to do, Tsukushi? Either forget all about us, and live as a regular ol' human on the surface, constantly in fear of those 'things'... or accept the duty of the Kaikeidou's protector, and obtain an environment where you can live safely and proudly as an incarnate god...?"
 She looks straight into my eyes as she speaks. Now that I'm staring at them up close like this, Lady Otohime's eyes almost seem to have star designs in them, like the Milky Way... No, they're far too vivid to be called 'designs,' honestly. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that her irises had the whole world, the whole universe inside of them...
 And with those deep, spacious eyes, Lady Otohime grins brightly, and asks:
"So, what do you say? Pretty mean-spirited couple of options, aren't they?"
".....I have to agree. That is mean-spirited. It's a choice that you set up from the beginning so that I'd pick the one you wanted me to. Honestly, now..."
"Well, you've come all this way, so why not give that option of mine a whirl? I'm sure nothing bad will happen. ...Uh. Probably?"
"Pfft...! For someone who just foisted a rigged choice on me, you really don't sound sure of yourself."
 In that case, my decision is...
 It's been one month since the marine incidents occurred-- a month that passed in the blink of an eye. I'm walking along the shoreline and looking out at the sea, as usual.
"Okay then, see ya tomorrow~."
"Oh, yes! See you tomorrow!"
 I say a brief farewell to my friends from school, and walk down to the water.
".....All right then, Lord Watatsumi. Shall we dive?"
 With that brief word to Lord Watatsumi within me, I'm enveloped in a bubble, and glide out across the ocean's surface.
 We reach the edge of the open ocean in no time at all. I let myself relax, and sink beneath the waves. Diving deep down, towards the Kaikeidou at the very bottom.....
 I'm still living my life as a regular human, but I also visit the Kaikeidou fairly often to do my job as its shrine maiden.
 In the end, I agreed to Lady Otohime's second option, choosing to become the Kaikeidou's guardian... Officially, my job description is "Lady Mikoto's shrine maiden." I asked Lady Mikoto and Lady Otohime what I should do to serve them, but...
(I don't think you have to do anything in particular?)
(Yeah, there's nothing special that you have to do.)
 ...So they replied, incredibly optimistically. I'd had the impression that the job was a little more, you know, dangerous than that. Perhaps my fears were unfounded?
 I also told my parents about my decision; Lady Mikoto, too, briefly came ashore to talk things over with them. They stood stunned at first, and didn't seem quite able to follow what I and Lady Mikoto were saying. But as we discussed Lady Mikoto's desire to help us with our family situation, her promise to respect my and my parents' current way of life as much as possible, and-- above all else-- respecting my choice of future career path later on down the line, both my mother and father agreed to the arrangement. They said the whole "goddess" and "youkai" thing was hardly something to be surprised by, though, since I already exist in the first place.
"Right, then."
 I stop by the Kaikeidou every now and again, on my days off from school. I usually spend my time there with the Kai sisters, talking about various things and doing a bit of shrine maiden training. ...Well, it's actually pretty relaxed for something called 'training.' We mostly just compete at showing off beautiful danmaku patterns to each other. Shunkei-san's patterns are always gorgeous, I have to say.
 Tenpyou shoots through the water towards me, leaving a trail of bubbles in her wake. She flies straight down the Kaikeidou's castle thoroughfare like a torpedo, with the help of her fish tail; I call out to her in response, while quickly trying to decide which direction to dodge in today.
 Tenpyou's still in charge of guarding the castle town and the Kaikeidou's front gate. Now, though, little Ayaori and Suimei are there with her too, and the Kaikeidou has a trio of mermaids protecting it. Now that I've become the Kaikeidou's caregiver, the two of them don't need to provoke any rumors up on shore, after all.
" ...Big Sis Tenpyou sure likes Miss Tsukushi, doesn't she~?"
"Miss Tsukushi's not doing half bad, either~."
 And my very first motive, the marine incidents and rumors here in my town on the shore, naturally faded away as the Kaikeidou's residents returned to their seabed home. The town's residents, too, are all living their regular human lives. No strange incidents assail the sea-- none from the Kaikeidou, at least-- and the fishermen have successfully returned to their pre-incident level of business.
The marine incidents on the modern world's shores ended, the deep-sea Dragon Palace known as the "Kaikeidou" was saved, and the incarnate god of Awakihara blossomed into the shrine maiden of Watatsumi. 'S good for them, yanno. Real good. All's well that ends well. So... whadda ya say we pay their story a little visit too, sometime soon? We've been bored outta our freakin' skulls spendin' all this time down here, yeah? A'ight. Hey, you. Yeah, you. Miss Deep-Sea Shrine Maiden. Wanna go for a dip in the "NETHER SEA"?
Kaikeidou Ibun ~ Migration to the Conceptual Sea. "Tale of Shrine Migration / Sea Searching"... ALL STAGE CLEAR!!
And continue to EXTRASTAGE...
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