gammatrap · 2 years
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Leading up to Lightfall, I've made ALL class AND subclass icons as phone backgrounds or tattoo designs! Can't wait to add strand to this list!
If you'd like to get any of these (or all) you can do so here (gumroad link). Each pack has at least 2 versions of each file; one with border+background, and one without (for tattoo artists).
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vargurvargur · 9 months
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If our flame should one day flicker and die, let it be to set your history ablaze.
Commission for robotlover -- I had a stupendous amount of fun working on this
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bramblebrine-art · 4 months
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sunholder and his damaged guardian angel i managed to finally draw my titan before final shape :)
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customdestiny · 6 months
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Always enjoy indulging in these Destiny game design shenanigans.
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theavocadojam · 1 year
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Sunbreaker Titan 🔥
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tropicalscream · 1 year
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"...and lo in her left hand she held seven stars, and from her mouth came a burning two-edged Maul, her face was like score of suns shining in dread effervescent."
New Thiyae look!
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pxlatedtraveler · 2 years
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Parody from original Bee & Puppycat pilot.
One of husband’s favorite scenes.
And those are his favorite guns.
+20 points if you can name the guns.
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theclaravita · 2 years
DESTINY OC LORE: Fireteam Vitalia
None of my other characters are as in-depth as Adri, (she IS the main character, after all) so each subsequent post will have less images.
First up: the twins.
CONTENT WARNINGS spoilers | death
NAMES: Claros | Clara AGES: 9 | 9 (Destiny Year 1) GENDERS: Male | Female RACES: Awoken | Awoken CLASSES: Hunter | Titan SPECS: Gunslinger | Sunbreaker GHOSTS: Artemis | Apollo
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WEAPONS: Ace of Spades | Ager's Scepter ARMOR: Celestial Knighthawk | Armamentarium
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CHEYANNE --------
Cheyanne Villanova was a rowdy country girl born and raised on Earth. Before joining the Exodus Program, she'd never even been off-planet before. The training was rough, but she handled it; her brother... Not so much. A fact that she never let him forget.
Her placement on the Exodus Green was a momentous occasion. Her brother was mortified to discover that he hadn't been selected. Cheyanne, being the optimistic person she was, believed she could pull strings to allow her twin to join the crew as a civilian ride-along.
However, the Darkness did not care much for their plans and hopes. The Exodus Green was launched on a hail-mary out of the system in an attempt to flee the coming Collapse. Shay knew her brother was likely dead. But so would she be soon. She welcomed her death with open arms...
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CLANCY --------
Clancy Villanova was a shrewd man, deeply interested by mathematics and studying data. His dream was to join the likes of the Ishtar Collective or Braytech as a researcher. Knowing their recruitment requirements were quite strict, Clancy studied and published many theses for many years to catch the eye of some enterprising employee of his favored organizations... To no avail, unfortunately.
So when the Exodus Program began recruiting for colonization efforts outside the Sol System, Clancy jumped at the chance to put his substantial intellect to use for the betterment of humanity. His sister had already passed the trainings and was accepted for the Exodus Green crew. Clancy felt that he had a fair chance and threw his hat in the ring as well...
But once again, his endeavors met with failure.
Even as his sister reassured him that she would find a way to get him a place on the crew, even as a civilian colonist, Clancy fell into a deep depression and withdrew from his sister. He had resigned himself to the fact that he would lose his sister beyond the system and would fail in every attempt he made to leave his mark on history...
As the Collapse rose to a fever pitch around him, Clancy made a mad-cap attempt at infiltrating the Exodus Green and stowing away aboard the ship. He succeeded! He still had a great fate to fulfil, he felt it in his bones. This apocalypse would not be the end for him...
WAKE --------
Shay and Cy Vi awoke in the Distributory as all their people did. Mara Sov had saved them from oblivion, though they didn't know that yet. They had been given a chance to flourish in this new space... And flourish they did.
When the time came for Mara to take her people and leave the Distributory, the twins fell in with their Queen, ever loyal to her and her alone.
In the Reef, Shay became a great warrior of the Awoken people. Recognized by royalty as a powerful fighter, and loved by the people as a stalwart defender. On the frontier was Cy, one of Uldren Sov's most trusted operatives and a dear friend.
Though they always worked apart, Shay and Cy would regularly meet to discuss their recent travails and exploits, relishing in each other's victories and cringing together at their defeats. For many centuries, Shay and Cy served the Awoken people, gaining much repute for their deeds.
But as the Reef Wars heightened and the Fallen grew more bold in their attacks against the Awoken, it became obvious that the tides were shifting in their enemies' favor. And a key location to survey was the Old Russian Cosmodrome, the lair of the House of Devils.
The pair were given covert codenames to hide their identities: Claros and Clara, Fireteam Vita. Using Cabal-themed names seemed a good idea to mask the Awoken's presence in the area. Their normal identifiers were held in the Reef and they were granted scarlet coins that bore their codenames only.
This covert mission together was ill-fated. It was there they found their end, their bodies lost in the Russian winter.
RISE --------
The twin Ghosts Artemis and Apollo always wanted to find fellow twins for their Guardians. And when they found the pair of Awoken fighters, their remains laid side-by-side, their fraternal love still strong even in death, the two Ghosts knew their search was finally over.
"Eyes up, Guardians!" Apollo chirped as the bodies finished reforming.
The Hunter shook his head, dust and grime cracking off his armor in chunks. The Titan sat up slowly and looked around, senses dulled but still very much in tune with her surroundings.
"It... Worked..." Artemis almost hummed the words. "They're alive!"
"You don't know how long we've been looking for you!" Apollo swooped in close to the Titan, causing her to recoil slightly. "We're Ghosts... Actually--" He floated backward and nuzzled against Artemis. "--I believe we're now YOUR Ghosts!"
"And you..." Artemis's mechanical eye darted back and forth a bit, clearly agitated. "...you've been dead a long time... So you're gonna see a lot of things you're not gonna understand."
A guttural roar sounded off in the distance, echoing off of the tall, imposing wall to their right. Artemis and Apollo spun around, their eyes flicking across the landscape.
"This is Fallen territory!" Apollo whispers, clearly frightened. "We aren't safe here! We have to get you to the City..."
Artemis floats out toward the wall a bit, thinking. Then she swoops in close to the Hunter. "Hold still." And she vanishes. Apollo vanishes as well, sparkles of Light flickering in the predawn gloom.
"Don't worry, we're still with you!" Artemis's voice sounds within the Hunter's mind. He recoils, reaching up instinctively to his ear, then shakes his head. The two New Lights rise to their feet in unison, looking at each other.
"We need to move, fast!" Apollo urges the pair. "We won't survive long out in the open like this. Let's get inside the wall!"
Old instincts kick in as the Hunter flexes his hands and reaches for the dagger at his waist. The Titan rolls her shoulders, feeling the Arc Light tickle across her fingers. The pair cast a knowing sidelong look at each other, already in sync.
"A bit of live-fire exercise to shake off the gravedirt?" The Hunter's voice cracks several times, but he finishes the sentence before spitting into the sparse grass at his feet.
The Titan smirks, picking up her helmet from where it had lay for decades. "Just need to find me a gun." she rumbles.
FALL --------
Claros crept slowly through the underbrush outside Firebase Hades. The Shadow Legion caravan stomped and grumbled its way through the woods, leaving a brutish trail in their wake. It was like tracking actual rhinos; absolutely no tact. Made him wonder why they were plunging their way through the woods this far from any known outposts... Maybe some kind of secret base tucked in the trees? Or maybe they were setting one up...? He clicked his comms twice. After a beat, two clicks in return. They were both safe to talk freely.
"Either these dudes don't care about being followed... Or they're morons." Claros mused, a smile hinted in his tone.
"Cabal aren't known for their subtlety... Even with a name like 'Shadow Legion', they're not espionage experts at all." Crow's voice sounded almost musical; he was elated to be in the field again. Claros couldn't blame him; easy to forget the pain of loss when you have targets in your sights. Crow continued, "Just as you thought; they're breaking into the clearing now."
"I'll let our welcoming party know to prepare her gifts."
Clara leaned against a tree, carving a branch with a fine, curved knife, her helmet on the ground beside her boot. Petra had given the knife to her as a gift for being named Queensguard. Clara could tell that they had history, but tried not to dwell on the absence she felt when she tried to recall any of it. She was sure that both Petra and Mara were irate at their family members getting resurrected by the ball in the sky, but they were textbook Awoken; completely bottled it up and never acknowledged it.
But Clara's instincts with women was as keen as ever; amnesia had done nothing to dull that. She knew that Mara was still brooding over Uldren's new life, even if he did remember his old one. And Petra may as well have a tattoo on her forehead that said "f&^% the Traveler". Gotta sting a bit to put a bullet in a traitor's head only for him to now be one of your Queen's most trusted allies within a faction you didn't even like that much. Clara wondered if--
Two clicks over the comms. She clicked back once. Not ready to talk; she wanted to finish her carving. Just a couple more cuts and...
An Ahamkara skull. An effigy to Riven. Her fireteam slaying the Wish Dragon had never sat right with Clara... But she supposed there'd been nothing for it; Riven was out of control and a major threat to the system. Just a shame that she was the last one of her kind. Almost poetic in how tragic it was...
She tucked the piece into her pocket, kicked her helmet up to her hand, then smoothly slid it over her head. She took a deep breath, then clicked twice over the comms. Two clicks back, then her brother's voice.
"Welcoming party is a go. On your mark, partycrasher."
Arc energy crackled from her fists. Time to slam.
Crow eyed the Psions at the head of the group as the Cabal unpacked their cargo in the clearing. No hidden base... Yet. They were likely setting up shop here to make one. We can't have that, can we... Crow snorted slightly at his own reaction. Amanda would've--
He shook his head. Can't think about her right now. Focus on the mission.
Two clicks over the comms. He clicked back twice as he nestled back against his rifle and looked down the scope.
"Partycrasher inbound."
Crow smiled. Moving targets were more fun, and these Cabal would be scattering like scared cats when Clara--
An explosion blasted through the pre-dusk air as a dervish of Arc energy erupted into the sky across the clearing. Clara landed on top of the Psion Crow had sighted and his scope filled with Light. He swore, recoiling and readjusting to the edge of the Cabal's group. They'd already started running panicked toward the trees, a large group of them lancing gunfire toward the Amplified Titan in their midst...
Solar Light flashed ahead of the fleeing group as six shots lanced from the darkness, piercing the front few and incinerating the rest in Ignition fire. A searing knife spun through the air, landing at the feet of the leading Psions as they attempted to erect a barrier to protect themselves. The air sparkled with embers as the knife exploded, sending the Psions flying. Crow swore again; he'd not taken a single shot. He couldn't get shown up by these two again...
As he lamented his poor performance, the Hunter saw a lone Psion survivor dipping into the trees, vanishing from sight. Perfect target! He jumped from his perch, stowing his rifle and drawing his Void-charged Shadowshot bow. As he hit the ground, he tossed a smoke bomb in front of him, vanishing into the mist it produced. He flitted from shadow to shadow, the Light in his bow draining fast; he had only one shot.
The Psion left a trail of wreckage behind them as they ran through the underbrush, making Crow's job incredibly easy. He took a running leap up onto a large boulder, sighted down his arrow, and took a single shot blindly into the trees...
A moment went by, but it felt like eons before Crow heard his Deadshot anchor activate.
He dismissed his bow, then casually strode through the wake of the fleeing Psion. Within short order, he found them, trembling on the floor, tethered to the anchor he'd fired, not two feet away. Crow shook his head; he felt bad for the small creature, shuddering in fear and panic, clearly at its wits end... He gently tied the Psion's hands behind its back, then lifted it over his shoulder.
"I hope you're capable of listening to reason." Crow muttered, knowing that the Psion likely couldn't understand him. "This really isn't the way to go..."
And with his prey captured and bound, he made his way back toward the clearing and his allies.
STATUS: tracking and freeing prisoners of the Shadow Legion
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bellathetitan · 2 years
'Welcome home, Sunbreaker.' (Part 2 of 2)
In front of the construct lied a round platform with multiple burning stones at its edges. It made the young Titan stop, something told her that this thing was important and she carefully stepped around it before heading inside.
When Weathley caught up to her, she was standing in front of a spire in the middle of the construct. It had a brass coloured metal ring on it with a white light in the center. Beneath the ring was a pattern of multiple blue coloured, diamond shapes interlocking with each other. Bella-2's stare was demanding, as if she tried to intimidate the shapes to just tell her what they are. Her Ghost clicked his Shell in order to tell her that he was here now. Without turning around she asked dryly 'What is this?' 'I d-don't know b-but I c-can try t-to find out!' he floated in front of her with a smug look in his blue eye, that didn't look as good as he thought it would. His dirty and moss covered Shell diminishing his pride. But he assumed right that Bella-2 would be amazed by him being able to scan the alien architecture like it was nothing. 'You can just do that?' she clapped her hands together. 'Y-Yes! I c-can scan and h-hack and fix a-almost a-anything!' 'That is gonna be so useful! So? What is it?' 'W-Well it h-has power. M-Must be some-somekind of m-machine.' His eye widened in horror as he realised where they were. This was no other place than the home of the Sunbreak Order. Their hallowed Forge. He had heard rumours of Liu Feng holding the line alongside Lord Shaxx and Ana Bray at Twilight Gap. Their failed deal with the Vanguard and following hatred of Commander Zavala. How their current leader Ouros is one of the most powerful Titans to be alive. But surely they would let them go? After all, Bella-2 just got revived. The only thing to echo through the halls was Bella-2 exclaiming 'An alien machine? We need to figure out what it does!' 'Oh, I-I th-think maybe we sh-should leave...' he replied timidly, his Shell now clicking almost louder than his voice as he tried to ease the nervous itch of the moss within it. 'But I really wanna know what it does! If something goes wrong you can just fix it, right?' 'I mean....y-yeah pr-probably b-but it m-might a-attract enemies!' 'I'll just beat them up again. No problem.' she said casually in her chipper tone before going to explore the rest of this place. A similar spire just outside caught their attention. It's long shadow giving them a cool place to think in peace for a moment and yet they started to feel like they were being watched. Neither of them said a word about it. They just gave each other a knowing look. But another comforting smile from Bella-2 and Wheatley knew everything would be just fine. She breaks the silence 'I think we need to connect this one with the one inside.' she points with her left arm at the diamond shapes and with her right arm at the ring 'It has the same attachments. Can you scan it? Maybe it is just missing power?' After a quick scan he says 'It has p-power. M-Maybe it is-isn't aligned r-right?' Bella-2 quickly climbs ontop of the spire and grabs the ring, shaking it to do whatever it was designed to do. Her Ghost prayed to the Traveler for her to please not break it. And with one satisfying rusty crunch the ring had snapped into the right place. 'IT WORKED!' she celebrated as they watched a beam of light connect the two spires. Her look went from excitement to awe as she slowly climbed back down. The light had connected to a third thing. Another disc right in front of the plate she had avoided earlier. The stones that were carefully placed at its edges now started to glow in orange fire and formed a star. And created a big glowing orb of Solar light, just waiting in the middle of the plate. The display hypnotised her. It beckoned her. As she slowly walked towards it, her Ghost wanted to call out again. Calling her back and that they should leave. But he stopped himself. 'H-How are w-we sup-supposed to explore the S-Solar Sys-System together? If I al-always hold h-her back?' he thought.
She slowly submerged her hand into it. The heat felt like the a hundred stars had converged at a single point and yet she didn't flinch. Bella-2 embraced the heat as it curled around her every core, where the Void had left its mark earlier that day. Getting a hold on something she slowly pulls her arm back to reveal a hammer in her fist. She lovingly held it up, taking notice of its design. The head was shaped like a regal bird. With patterns adorning its grip and ending in a point tip. The ominous droning noise of arriving Vex broke her out of the moment. And she felt furious as the solar energy started to illuminate her entire body. How dare they interrupt her peaceful meditation? How dare they intrude this loving warmth? And how dare they set foot on these hallowed grounds? 'Wheatley! Come and hide!' she commanded. He did as asked, not questioning why she wasn't wondering what these things were or why they were here. Bella's instincts had kicked in and she would defend the Solar System from these invaders. The Goblins marched on only to burst into flames as the first hammer fell upon them. She loved the weight the throw. Then the Harpies tried to shoot her down before disintegrating from the second hammer. She loved the heavy sound it made as she created a new on in her hand. Three Minotaurs tried to get in close only to be burned in her new flames. She loved the feeling of being hotter than the sun itself.
That was only the prelude. They came in wave after wave. And once her Super ran out, she would just wipe them out with her bare hands. Ducking around cover. Using the bodies of the Minotaurs as metal shields. Grabbing the Harpies by their strange tentacles and just using them as makeshift weapons by throwing them into the other Vex. And immediately summoning more hammers once her energy would allow it.
After what felt like an entire war, there were no reinforcements. She ended the fight where it began. On top of the plate with the flaming stones forming the glowing star. And her hammer disappeared from her fist for now.
Bella-2 sat down, exhausted. Her Ghost sheepishly transmatting in front of her 'A-are you okay?' She stared at the first spire they had investigated 'Yes….I am okay.' she cleared her throat with a quiet mechanical click 'What was that?' she asked.
'That was a test and you passed.' said a regal voice from behind them. The two turned to see none other than Ouros, the third Empyreal Magistrate of the Sunbreakers. She offered her hand to help Bella-2 get up and she accepted. 'You have sought the forge and proven yourself worthy. What is your name?' the towering Titan asked. 'I am Bella-2 and this is Wheatley.' her Ghost had taken cover behind his Guardian. Ouros bowed down to meet her at eye level 'You are quite small for a Titan. How did you find us?' 'My Ghost found me and we just kinda walked straight in the hopes of finding something.' she said dryly. Wheatley started to shake at how casual she was being about this. Ouros' seemed bemused to say the least 'When did he find you?' Bella-2 shrugs looking at him 'Uhm…about a day ago?' There was a strange pause as Ouros processed what she had just heard. Wheatley trembled with anticipation, the only audible thing was the metal chitter of his broken parts bonking against one another.
The silence was broken by Ouros' laughter 'A New Light just wanders in here and proves herself worthy? The smallest Titan I have ever seen on top of that?' Bella-2 just started laughing along. It did sound funny once someone put it like that. Ouros put her hand on her shoulder 'Come, young Titan. You have much to learn. The others will be eager to meet you. Welcome Home, Sunbreaker.'
The bright blue light in Bella-2's smile never faultered as she followed her new teacher into Mercury's hot sands.
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grimmla-arts · 3 months
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I've been going through all my old monster hunter art
he was my favorite fight in all of sunbreak <3
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titanicfreija · 2 years
First Hammer
The as-yet-nameless ghost circled in the shiny shell as her guardian ventured into the wetlands of the EDZ. "Okay, so you've been doing great with the light in your hands, and I know you really like the sunspots, but there's another thing that Sunbreakers-- the Solar titans like you-- can do. You know how you make your grenades?"
"In what way?"
"In the, making a solid object with your hands way."
"Okay, yeah?"
"Okay, that, but it's a hammer."
"A hammer?"
"It'll form on its own, the energy likes the shape and it's pretty consistent between guardians, but you have to give it the idea."
"Imagine a hammer."
"Okay, like... the claw hammer or a sledge hammer?"
"Can you give a sledge hammer a point on one side?"
"And a short handle."
Freija held a hand out and called her fire into it, then formed it into the normal flaming stone of her grenade, then squeezed that in her fist--and promptly splattered herself with magma.
The ghost giggled wildly and whirled her petals. "Close! Try again!"
The titan summoned her flames, called upon them to solidify and closed her fist around the rock she made. "Alright," she muttered, and she tried again, heating the rock and adding to it. "This feels. Like. Making magma," she told her ghost, adding a layer to the hammer, and another, until she had a decent handhold of shaft.
"You're doing great!" cheered the ghost. "Magma is probably a pretty good example, yes," she agreed. "You think you have it?"
"I'm getting there."
"You're not the first to struggle, and you'll be able to whip it up in no time."
"Whip it up?"
As if on cue, they heard the sound of metal striking metal beyond the curve, and a flaming hammer flew through the air, struck water and the ground beneath and sent a jet of steam straight up, and a wave of boiling water swept outward from the impact.
And then another flew and did the same. And a third, and a fourth, and the Titan barreled into view around the corner. Flames coursed over the armor and plate, but the brightness was fading.
"I see," Freija mumbled.
"Wanna ask?"
"Not really."
"Too bad. Hey! Titan!"
They looked up, then trotted over without hesitation.
"Help mine out with the hammer, would you? She's new."
"Ooh, Kinderguardian, eh?"
Rise is the one that put me on middle tree, I was running top tree for the shoulder check, then then bottom tree for the sunspots, and I completely ignored middle tree. I also insisted that there was no way it was that strong. And I was incorrect.
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sneksnack · 6 months
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customdestiny · 7 months
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Had an idea to improve the other grenades that don't have an upgrade in an aspect. Really had to get silly with some of these ideas.
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modavc · 2 years
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冬の紫外線対策に #冬の紫外線対策 #サングラス #rh #sunbreaker #偏光サングラス #オプティコモダ #桜ノ宮 #都島区 #大阪 #予約優先 #reservationpolicy #qr決済出来ます😊 #クレジットカード使えます #大阪市プレミアム商品券 (オプティコ モダ(大阪府大阪市都島区中野町)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmaxO5OBkDp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sketchmatters · 4 months
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Gore Magala!
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rocketbirdie · 11 months
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guess what i learned yesterday.
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