#Super Silver Haze
the-blunt-diaries · 1 year
photo dump from recently, am in a lot of pain and have to keep my leg up so I'll probably be posting a little more ❤️‍🩹
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gotemforthalow · 2 years
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queef-attack · 2 years
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Sundays are for trimming in the hammock in sweatpants
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petkittymeowmeow · 8 months
setting around thinking smoking super silver haze on the set as set and setting goes and in the center of the ripple I see the concentric circle are echoing me singing out I love Paul McCartney. That. Is. All.
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You know what I mean.
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s22mmy · 11 months
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yabutsuba · 4 months
Tag masterpost, part 2
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hugshughes · 5 months
Liquid Courage J. McCarthy
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JJ McCarthy x fem!reader
synopsis - JJ calls you in the middle of the night, inebriated and affectionate. His confessions leave your heart heavy as he sleeps off his drunken haze on your couch. It isn't until the next morning JJ realizes the extent of what he's admitted.
wc - 3.4k
contains - UNEDITED! super cute! alcohol consumption, underage alcohol consumption, JJ gets drunk, eating, hugging. ALL WHILE SOBER: kissing, touching, makin out kinda. reader is insecure about herself (even though she's so cute and pretty), drunk confession, reader gets sad, cursing, i think that's it! oh takes place like october of last year! Rushed ending sorry
an - based on THIS request! LOVEEEEEEDDDDD THIS REQUEST SO MUCH! this was so cute loved it!! #imnotdead :D
You hummed to yourself as you pranced around your kitchen, the banana bread you just put in the oven leaving the aroma of your apartment warm. Your hair was in a braid down your back, your adorable pink striped Victoria's Secret pajamas soft against your skin. Music played from your Alexa, your nighttime playlist floating through the air, one of Olivia Rodrigo's new songs gracing your ears.
The thick socks covering your feet kept them from the cold of the linoleum in your bathroom. You took out your contacts, throwing them out before slipping on your glasses. You grabbed your phone off the counter after exiting the bathroom, seeing a couple Snapchat notifications, some from TikTok, and a few messages from your best friend. All three of her texts had said something along the lines of how you should've come out tonight. The third one said how JJ McCarthy was asking where you were. You sighed, turning your phone back off and checking on your banana bread.
JJ had been your friend since freshman year. He was very sweet and so kind. He was so mature and was one of the most polite people you knew. You'd always thought he was extremely cute, I mean, who didn't think that? He had the cutest smile, and the softest dirty blonde hair. His blue eyes were gorgeous. He'd started his little flirting game with you about halfway through sophomore year. He'd compliment you endlessly whenever you saw him, he'd randomly ask you out in the middle of a conversation. That same smile on his face, bright as ever. You, of course, took it all as a joke, a cruel one at that. You assumed JJ was just a flirty guy with a flirty personality, you'd experienced it before. There was zero chance someone like JJ McCarthy would like you.
"Come on. You guys really think he's being serious when he says that stuff?"
"Yes! We do, because he likes you, and it's so obvious. He doesn't talk to us like that, does he?"
You rolled your eyes. Starting to get pissed with them. Your brain could not compute the idea of JJ really liking you.
"Why in the world would JJ McCarthy, probably the most eligable bachelor on the campus of Michigan, like me? I'm not one of the prettiest girls at Mich, let alone am I the prettiest girl that likes him!"
Sometimes you would wonder that if you thought you were pretty, then maybe you'd believe them. You had bad underlying insecurities that stopped you from believing that any guy would like you, let alone someone like JJ.
You leaned your forehead against your silver fridge, the cool of the metal relaxing you. You could hear its low whirring and humming with your proximity to it. The sound occupying your brain as a white noise, leading you to close your eyes. You might've actually fallen asleep if the timer for your bread didn't go off, you scrambling to shout at your Alexa to, 'Please, stop!' You grabbed oven mitts and grabbed the tray after sticking a toothpick into it to check the middle. You set the pan down on your cooling rack, sliding your gloves off. You grabbed your phone and paused your music, going to sit on the couch while your bread cooled.
You stalked your friends Snapchat stories, they were all having fun at the big party everyone seemed to be attending. You halted when you saw your best friend's private story, you knew it only had a handful of people so she posted silly and random things on it.
What she'd posted was a zoomed in photo of what resembled JJ McCarthy with his head thrown back against the couch of whatever frat house they were in. His face looked miserable, and the caption on the photo was saying how that's how she too reacted when you didn't come to parties. You immediately slid up, typing in all caps telling her to shut up. You said how he was not upset over you, and how she was stupid and drunk. It was all lighthearted, you both knew it.
She immediately typed back to you, claiming he'd drunkenly asked her at least four times where you were and why you didn't want to come see him. You giggled to yourself, believing it for just a few moments. You typed to her for a few more minutes before your phone started vibrating in your hand, JJ's contact coming onto your screen. You were met with the photo you'd had him saved with, him smiling that bright beautiful smile across the table from you at Panera sometime during last school year. What was JJ calling you for? You slid to answer, holding your phone to your ear. It was oddly quiet on his end, though he was actively attending a party. He called your name, and you called his.
"JJ? What's up? Are you alright?"
"Hi! Oh my gosh, hi. I can't believe you aren't here right now, I was only excited to see you."
You smiled sadly, he was endearing, and so totally plastered.
"Aw, JJ, I'm sorry. Where are you? It's pretty quiet for a party."
"Oh, yeah. I'm just in the bathroom, standin' around. I got bored. Ya' know, I miss you."
He was so drunk, his words were melting together, but his happiness stayed solid throughout.
"Jay, are you alright? Do you need someone to help you leave? Is Blake there? Colston?"
"You should, we can hang out! But yeah, he's 'round here somewhere. Lemme go get 'im."
You said okay, letting the boy look for his friend. The noise on his end got louder as he left the bathroom. You giggled when you heard him shout hey at random people around the house. You heard JJ call your name into his phone, then again.
"JJ, I'm still here. Any luck finding Colston?"
"Why don't you jus' go marry Colston if he's all 'yer gonna talk about"
You barely heard it, he muttered it with the phone a few inches from his mouth. You were shocked at the words JJ said. What?
"What, JJ?"
"Wish y'were talkin' about me."
You smiled, still a bit confused. His drunk mind was extremely silly.
"I'm talking to you, aren't I? The only boy's call I'd pick up this late."
JJ was ecstatic, smiling brightly as he continued through the party, looking for his teammates.
"I see him! Colston! Come here buddy, she wants to talk to you."
You heard a confused colston mutter 'Who's she?' before he took the phone from JJ, seeing your contact before talking to you.
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"JJ is like, absolutely plastered if you couldn't tell. Are you all good? I asked him and he told me he wanted me to pick him up. If I come get him can you bring him to my car? I'm already in my pajamas."
"Yeah, think Jay'll definitely love that. Kid hasn't stopped asking about you since we got here. I'll have him outside whenever 'ya get here."
You responded with an affirmative, thanking Colston. He handed the phone back to JJ, who was very happy to hear your voice again.
"Hey! What's up? Colston said you're coming to get me."
"Yeah, I'll see you in a couple minutes, okay Jay?"
He hung up and you giggled. How did you go from an innocent call with the boy to asking him if he needed to be picked up? You shook your head at yourself, standing and grabbing your keychain.
You left your apartment and drove to the house you knew the party was at. Your friends had told you which house it was in case you changed your mind and came. It was less than ten minutes before you were in front of the bustling house, seeing two boys standing on the sidewalk.
You rolled down the window as they walked over, shouting hey to them. JJ was visibly drunk, stumbling just a little as he leaned into your car, a big smile on his face.
"Hi, pretty."
"Hi, JJ."
Colston helped his teammate into the car, making sure you were good to take care of the boy.
"Yeah, we'll be fine, Colst. I'll let 'im have my couch for tonight. I'll text you if I need anything!"
He nodded, lightly slapping the side of your car twice before retreating to the house. You turned your music back on, leaving it at a low volume as you turned around to drive home. You glanced at JJ and noticed the biggest pout on his face.
"JJ McCarthy. I know I didn't just drive over here to get you just for you to be pouting when you get in my car."
"Just text Colston about it, why don't you?"
You busted out giggling. Drunk JJ was such a treat. His jealousy over your friendship with his teammate was incredibly hilarious.
"I might if you don't start bein' nice t'me."
"Sorry 'm being mean."
He barely murmured it, though it was all you needed. You smiled brightly at him, laughing to yourself. JJ never got drunk, he usually opted for just a drink or two, or being the designated driver.
You got home quickly, making small talk with the now sleepy boy. You parked in your spot, hopping out of the car and walking around the hood to help JJ out. He'd stayed at yours after a party once or twice before, but it had always been with a couple other people. Tonight it was just you two.
You walked in, stepping into the elevator right behind JJ. The two of you stepped out of the elevator as the machine dinged and the doors slid open. JJ grabbed your hand as you walked down the hall to your door. You glanced at him, softly smiling. His eyes were barely open, but he still had a smile on his face. You didn't take the action as anything serious, JJ was a physical touch kind of person. He was always hugging people, patting shoulders, bumping fists. He was extra physical with you though, not that you noticed. You were the only girl he ever really acted like that with, again, not to your acknowledgment.
You wouldn't let yourself believe he liked you. Convinced it would hurt too much when eventually he got a prettier, skinnier, bubblier, more likable girlfriend and left you in the dust. JJ had eyes solely for you, though. He only ever looked at you. He asked anyone and everyone if they knew where you were or if you were coming to the party for God's sake.
You closed the door behind JJ and locked it, telling him to make himself at home. He took his shoes off, trying to neatly organize them in your shoe cubby. He wandered over to the couch as you kicked your shoes off and entered your kitchen. You grabbed a cold water bottle, two Ibuprofen tablets and two Tylenol tablets, the perfect hangover cure. You noticed your still warm banana bread sitting on the counter, perking up.
"Jay, do you want some banana bread?"
You heard his footsteps then saw him come around the corner, his eyebrows raised.
"Hell yes."
You giggled, gesturing for him to come stand by you. You flipped the pan over onto the cooling rack, opening the drawer directly in front of you, pulling out a bread knife. You felt a head slip into the crook of your neck, warm breath on your neck. Heat rushed your face, JJ's contagious smile spreading to you.
"Hi, crazy."
You pointed to the water and pills on the counter as you swerved out of his reach, going to grab a cutting board and a plate.
"Take those and your head won't hurt in the morning. Well, I don't know how much you drank, but that'll definitely make it better."
He nodded, immediately following your directions. He gulped down half of the water bottle while you came back over, laying the loaf of bread on the cutting board. You cut a couple pieces off, setting one onto the plate before sliding it over to JJ. He smiled at you, beginning to devour his snack. Hopefully it would absorb some of the alcohol in his stomach.
"You're amazing, you know."
He said it in a way that made it seem like he meant it on a deeper level than you'd usually assume. He said it like he truly did believe that, and it wasn't just because you fed him warm banana bread. You shook your head, brushing it off as you tore of pieces from your slice.
"No, don't shake your head a'me. You are. You act like you're not but y'are."
He was too good at making you feel special. You were just too scared to believe any of it.
"I just like to take care of people I like."
You smiled innocently at him, shrugging your shoulders as you moved to grab a proper storage container for your bread.
"And I just like when the girl I like believes me when I tell her she's amazing."
You froze in your spot. Sure, JJ had flirted with you for about a year. But, he'd never downright told you he liked you. He's drunk out of his mind. You sighed when you turned around, trying to smile at the boy as you stared into his sleepy eyes.
"You're so sleepy, JJ, and drunk."
He nodded a little, his eyes never leaving yours, that smile never leaving his face. He didn't really notice that you'd downplayed his feelings, he'd noticed even less that he'd straight up told you you were the girl he liked. All he could really notice was how beautiful you looked in the dim light of your kitchen, in your cute pajamas and glasses, hair in a messy braid.
You set JJ up on your couch, getting him another water and some thick and soft blankets and a pillow. You ran your hand through his messy hair as he laid in the couch beneath you. His eyes were begging to close, but he still smiled at you. You quietly told him to go to sleep, turning to leave. You'd only made it to the light switch before he called your name.
"I really do like you, 'm not just drunk. Just get too nervous to tell you, 'm sorry."
Your heart was heavy. You wanted to believe him, but how could you? JJ had never shown what you deemed as genuine interest in you when he wasn't inebriated. All he did was toss flirty comments around, throwing his arm over your shoulder every once in a while.
You couldn't lie and say you didn't notice the different look in JJ's eyes as he peered over the back of your couch. The truth in them.
"If you even remember this in the morning, we can talk about it. Alright?"
"That's perfect."
He smiled at you one last time before sinking below the back of your couch, out of sight.
"Goodnight Jay."
"Night night, pretty."
His words made your heart squeeze. You knew that the affection you felt for JJ wouldn't change, no matter if they were just drunk fibs.
You switched the living room lights off, heading into the kitchen. You set out another water and more pills for whenever JJ woke up in the morning. You checked the locked once more before turning all of the lights off. All you heard as you headed back to your bedroom was JJ's heavy breathing, it calmed your racing heart. You left your door cracked open incase JJ woke up needing something.
Your glasses slid up your head as your rubbed your eyes, sighing. You kept reminding your heart that JJ didn't really know what he was saying, that he would regret it.
The bed you slept countless nights in was uncomfortable as ever tonight, you tossed and turned for most of an over before climbing out of bed. You threw your cute pajamas onto the hardwood floor and traded them for a Lululemon bra and some shorts.
You fell asleep after another forty minutes of shifting every minute or so. Your sleep was light and poor. You woke up a little after four am, just three hours after finally falling asleep. Sleep finally took you again for a couple more hours, just until a little after nine.
After lying and staring at your ceiling for half an hour, you slowly sat up in bed, getting up. You exited your room, dragging yourself to the living room. The couch was empty, the blanket JJ had used folded neatly on top of the pillow. How sweet was he? You turned and walked into the kitchen, finally spotting the dirty blonde boy you wanted to see.
He turned at the sound of your footsteps, smiling. He was holding a water bottle, his eyes tired and his hair still messy.
"Good morning, JJ."
You felt nerves wash over you. This was it, where he either apologizes and regrets everything he said last night, or you got everything you'd hoped for. You went over to where he was leaning against your counter, hopping up to sit on the counter by him. His head fell to your shoulder as if by reflex.
"How do you feel, Jay?"
"Good, better 'cause y'took care of me."
"I just gave you some meds, Jay."
You smiled, leaning your head on his. Maybe it would all be okay. Maybe he would be in love with you. You took a deep breath, now or never.
"Jay, do you-"
You pulled your head from his, turning to give him a look.
"You don't even know what I was gonna say."
"I remember what I said."
You bit your lip, still nervous. You look to where your feet dangled in the air, suddenly scared of his gaze on you.
JJ was nervous as hell too, though. You hadn't said that you liked him back, he definitely remembered that. He was beginning to take your silence as disinterest. He just stared at you, waiting for some indication of how you felt.
"'And?' And, I like you."
Your nerves escaped from your body in a giggle, the churning of your stomach now butterflies. JJ did not appreciate the laughter though, taking it the complete wrong way.
"You don't have to laugh at me, shit."
He reached his hands to his eyes, rubbing hard as he started off, away from you. You giggled again, realizing your mistake. You jumped from the counter, sighing JJ's name out.
"Wait, wait Jay, I'm sorry. It's not like that."
You grabbed his arm, trying to halt the taller and stronger boy wasn't easy without his compliance. You shouted his name again and he stopped, turning to you.
"I'm not laughing 'cause you like me. I'm laughing 'cause I barely slept last night worried that you wouldn't like me."
JJ finally looked at you. His eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"What's do you mean? I literally told you I liked you!"
"JJ! You were so drunk! I wasn't about to convince myself that JJ McCarthy liked me just 'cause he said so while he was plastered."
"I wasn't plastered! And, what do you mean when y'say it like that?"
You rolled your eyes, halfway annoyed. He didn't get it.
"JJ, you could probably get with any girl on the Michigan campus if you wanted to. I wasn't convinced that out of all of them you'd actually want me."
"How could I not like you?"
The truth in JJ's eyes made you feel seen. Like he actually knew you. You smiled sappily, pulling the boy down by his shoulder, kissing him deeply. One of JJ's hands gripped the back of your head, the other pulling you closer by the small of your back.
There you were, standing in your kitchen kissing the boy you could've sworn never liked you. The boy you'd been infatuated with for a year. He was finally yours.
JJ pulled away from your lips, his hands moving to cup your face. His smile was brighter than ever. You both laughed, looking into each other's eyes for just a few seconds before JJ pulled you back in.
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sativasunrises · 7 months
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silver jackkkkkkk ❤️ jack herer & super silver haze ..
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
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18+ 1.8k. homelander x f!reader. established relationship. abuse of super strength. overstimulation. excessive orgasming. 69ing. cunnilingus. blowjobs. just a lot of oral.
An exhaustive demonstration of Homelander's insatiable yearning for love, intimacy, and pussy. 🖤
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Homelander is a voracious lover.
Nothing is ever enough, or even near to it. If not firmly checked, chaste kisses spill easily into leisurely makeout sessions, which inevitably stoke the perpetual embers of his need into a roaring fire. He runs preternaturally warm, the heat beneath his skin indicative of the ever present undercurrent of his appetite.
His touches always come with a sense of yearning for more, whether it’s an embrace that lingers a second too long or a simple brush of his knuckles up the bare skin of your arm during a moment of your inattention.
He craves, he craves, and he craves, and never do you believe he is fully satisfied.
Never is his hunger more prevalent than when he’s nestled between your thighs, spreading the rose petal soft lips of your pussy apart with two fingers in a wide V. You can feel his eagerness in the heat of his breaths as they waft over your sensitive skin, as hot as mid July’s burning sun. With those simple huffs, he riles you up before his tongue ever touches you.
He spends a while inhaling the nectar sweet smell of you before finally, wonderfully, his tongue drags a scalding line from your cunt to your clit, licking up the wetness that he’s coaxed from you with nothing more than anticipation.
He never fails to moan at that first blissful taste of you.
“Mm, fuck,” he says, voice low and savoring. He swirls his tongue in a circle over your clit, collecting your slick on his tongue like caviar from a silver spoon before he swallows. The muscle of his tongue is unlike anything you've ever experienced before. It's just as inhumanly strong as the rest of him, and longer than most, plunging into you with supernatural dexterity before sliding up to rub firm, relentless circles over your clit.
The earnestness of his desire for you, the sincerity with which he devours you elevates you within your own body, leaves you feeling resplendent and coveted in a way you never knew you could.
Homelander doesn’t do this as a means to an end. He does it because he enjoys every rapturous second of you on his tongue. He always holds you still through your climax, presses his tongue flat to the gentle flutter of your clit. You can feel him watching you, but you’re too far gone, back arched, head thrown back. 
While it’s always good the first time you come, orgasms are like fireworks. The first handful are only a warm up before the real show begins. By the fifth, the sensation is euphoric, so intense that you lose control of your vocal chords. By the eighth, there comes a dull burn that chases closely behind each one. By the twelfth, the line between pleasure and pain has blurred, but like him, you are addicted to the heat of it all. You tell him that it’s too much, you beg him, but until you specify what for, he will not stop.
You fist your hands in his hair and you sob with the sixteenth orgasm. You would have lost count by now if not for the fact he whispers each number against your skin like a trophy.
“Almost there,” he murmurs, giving your throbbing clit a brief reprieve while he scissors his fingers inside you, thrusting them languidly against the warm, velvety walls of your pussy. “Four more.”
Right. Through the addled haze of pleasure and overstimulation, you remember that he had promised you twenty.
“I can’t,” you whisper, blinking through the blur of tears. You laugh mirthlessly, a hint of mania in your voice. “I can’t–it’s too much.”
“Then tell me to stop,” he whispers in turn, the heat of his words ghosting over your sensitized clit enough to make your whole body jerk, every inch of your skin tingling.
You say nothing. You swear you hear his slick lips split into a grin before you very nearly scream at the returning swelter of his mouth on your cunt.
After twenty orgasms, your entire body aches with pleasure. The muscles in your abdomen suffer with every deep breath you take, thoroughly worked. Your thighs shake uncontrollably. Homelander kisses your own taste into your mouth, and holds you steady while you quiver like a leaf in his arms.
“Holy fuck,” you say eventually, when enough time passes that you’re capable of speech again. You shift tenderly, spread your legs. You’re too sensitive to keep them closed. “You’re insane.”
“And you’re delicious,” he purrs in response, every bit the proverbial cat that got the cream.
After such a marathon, you’d think he would be satiated. At least for a couple of days.
Not even twenty four hours later, Homelander holds you upside down, his nose once again buried in your cunt, your bent knees braced on his shoulders. He has you moaning around his cock, the blood pooling in your skull making you dizzy while his tongue has you squeezing his head between your thighs.
His strength allows him to hold you effortlessly like this, one arm looped around your waist while the other loosely cradles the back of your bobbing head. He’s much less concerned with fucking your face than he is with eating you out, sucking relentlessly on your clit. 
You’re still sensitive, scorched by the heat of his tongue, but when you pull your head back to say as much, his hand flexes against your skull and he pushes you right back down onto his cock, burying himself so deeply into your throat that your nose brushes the thatch of hair that beds his cock, and you gag. 
Maybe it shouldn’t turn you on, but it instantly hurdles you closer to your inevitable release. You grip his hips, moaning loud and lewd. You clench your thighs with every ounce of strength you can muster, but you may as well be trying to drown a fish. Homelander is utterly dissuaded, devouring you with all of the same unrestrained vigor.
You have no choice but to succumb, light headed and overcome with sensation. Your orgasm builds and hits you with the force of a tsunami, erupting from beneath his tongue and radiating out to every part of you. You choke out noises of pleasure, muffled by his cock in your mouth, but no less shameless.
As he always does, he flattens his tongue to your clit to feel it pulsate like the tender beating heart of a songbird as you come. You relish in the stillness of him, the heat of his mouth, and the crashing wave of your own release. You’re so lost in it that the sudden flood of salty come that pools in your mouth catches you completely off guard, spilling from the corners of your lips. 
There was no warning to it, just the release followed by the pitious, desperate way he moans against you as his cock unloads down your throat. He climaxed just from the motionless warm wet of your mouth and the taste of your orgasm against his tongue.
Homelander eases you off of his cock, and you suck in a gasping wet breath, practically delirious with the experience. He shifts you in his grasp until you’re upright again, bridal in his arms. Your head lolls instantly against his chest, the whole world continuing to spin while you’re held perfectly still.
He kisses you. Predictably, it is no less ravenous. He uses that insatiable devil’s tongue to clean yours of his own come, kissing you as much as he’s consuming you.
“I love you,” he says between the insistent press of his lips. He kisses and kisses and kisses, and in each one, you feel how, even directly after coming, he’s still hungry.
“Love me less,” you respond flatly, dead weight in his arms. Your muscles feel like wobbling gelatine and your abdomen is still contracting with the afterwaves of your orgasm. It feels as much a punishment for your hubris as it does a reward.
Unwavering, he laughs, bringing you to the bed. “No can-do. Besides, keeps you nice and docile,” he says, pulling back the covers before he lays you on the bed.
You snort. “Docile? What am I, a 40s housewife at risk for hysteria?”
“Well, you're not a housewife yet,” he says, for which you smack his arm. Incorrigible, he settles in beside you, tugging at you until you flop onto his chest. “But this way, I get you all to myself.”
“Only because I can’t stand the feeling of underwear long enough to leave the house. You’ve maimed me,” you accuse, voice tired and affectionate, lacking any bite at all. Your sleepy smile does little to add any venom.
Homelander cups the side of your face and bumps his nose affectionately against yours before he kisses you. His lips are soft and languid against yours, temporarily robbed of that underlying tension, telling you that he’s put a leash on his hunger.
For now.
“I love you, too,” you say belatedly. His eyes flicker open, as blue and watery as the ocean. 
He is a painfully obvious man at times, wearing his love and sentimentality like the scars his impervious body will never show. There is a woundedness to the way he loves you. He claws at you like an animal, consuming your love and attention with the gluttonous appetite of a beast who fears every meal will be his last. No matter how often he indulges in you, a part of him seems shocked that there’s still something left to eat. Shocked that your love for him has neither rotted nor run dry.
Your limbs slot together with his like jigsaw pieces. Not because you were made for one another, but because you chose to fit. It is romantic to think of love as an inevitable thing, that there is one single person out there who will snap to you like a magnet and contour instantly to your every curve. In reality, love feels much more like masonry. Steel against stone, and the conscious choice to change something as immutable as solid rock.
The raw fire heat of him cools to a simmer, and you lay on him like a reptile over a sun warmed stone. You trace idle patterns with your fingers through the smattering of hair on his chest while he memorizes the plains of your body with slow sweeps of his palms. You write phrases on his skin. You laugh when he guesses wrong, and kiss him when he guesses right.
Homelander’s hunger is not only in the consumption, but in being consumed. He aches to feel you yearn for him in turn. You reciprocate his longing in leisurely naps entangled with one another, and in allowing yourself to desire him without reservation. You’ve never played hard to get with him, or made him feel as though he needs to earn your love. You made it clear time and time again that it is unconditional, and that it belongs to him alone.
You wonder if he will ever realize, amidst this frenzying love of his, that you are as starved for him as he is for you.
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danneroni · 1 year
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Super Silver Haze 🌿💨🚀
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kenny-the-ken · 2 years
Stoned to the Bone
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Just before I start I wanted to write a little disclaimer, in this fic everyone is aged up, they are all 18 and this fic is not suitable for minors!! There are mentions of drugs, alcohol, smut, sexual content, swearing and a lot of innuendos. Also this is my first fic so please be nice ☺️
You sat in the dingy upstairs apartment that you lived in with your boyfriend Kenny. You two had been together from fourth grade and you couldn't imagine your life without your orange parka clad boyfriend with his cute fluffy blonde hair that you loved running your hands through. He'd been out for quite a while now trying to score you guys some MDMA for your house warming party. Everyone that was anyone at South Park High was invited.
Y/N: Kenny, where are you?! Xx
Kenny🧡: Omw now, plug took his sweet ass time. Pour me a drink for coming home, and make sure it's got an extra measure in it! Also, got an ounce of weed, can't wait to smoke up next to you tonight 😉 xx
Y/N: You really do know how to make a girl feel special, huh? I'll see you soon, be safe and remember, if those blue lights appear, never fear, just drop a gear and disappear xx
Kenny🧡: I'm right around the corner babe, don't worry, cops have never caught me this far, I doubt they will now xx
You knew better than to reply to him, he was a quick walker and knew plenty of shortcuts. You both still lived in the shittier part of town, the rent was cheap enough for you both to afford, even if you did both work awful, barely meeting minimum wage jobs.
You heard the door clicking open and then shut, the noise of someone walking up the stairs, and there he was, hood up, a shit eating grin on his face. "Who's ready to get fucked up~?" He sang through the house, before entering the living room and spotting you standing in the adjoining kitchen, pouring him a large glass of vodka and coke, although it may as well have just been vodka. You had one poured for yourself and two shots of tequila lined up for both of you. "Tell me Ken, in all the years we've known each other, when am I not ready to get fucked up?" You answered him, handing him his drink as he sauntered into the kitchen, taking the glass from you and giving you a quick kiss on the head.
"He said this MDMA was top notch shit, straight from Europe! The ounce is Super Silver Haze, so we are set for at least a few days darling." Kenny said, his voice muffled due to his hood still covering most of his face. You smiled at him, even when only his blue eyes were visible, he was the most beautiful guy you'd ever laid eyes on, you swore you got lost in his eyes back in fourth grade and you still haven't escaped the maze yet, not that you were complaining.
"Take your coat off, babe, we can afford heating now!" You said, taking a sip from your own glass and shuddering, vodka did not taste good, but it got you fucked up and that's all that mattered. "If you want me to strip for you babe, you gotta return the favour." Kenny laughed out, unzipping his parka and taking his gloves off. Out of his pocket he pulled a baggy, a rock of pure MDMA sitting in it as he placed it on the kitchen counter. From his larger inside pocket he pulled out the aforementioned ounce of cannabis and sat it down beside the baggy. "Fancy a quick bump to start us off?" He asked, taking out his wallet and a bank card from it, starting to crush the rock inside of the baggy. "Is that even a question?" You winked towards him, coming closer to watch his skilful hands at work. You guys have done anything and everything together, you trip sat each other and knew how most drugs affected you, because let's face it, you guys have tried most. When the rock was finally a fine, yellowish looking powder you could feel the excitement building within you, and Kenny noticed. "Babe, I know you're excited but I'm taking the first hit, if I die from it you know I'll be back tomorrow morning anyway, you on the other hand, that doesn't happen to." He stated, and you knew it was true. He always took the first hit of anything you guys scored, he just wanted you to be safe. You smiled warmly at him. "I love you." You muttered softly, giving him a small kiss on the lips. "I love you too, sugar tits." He smirked before pulling out the key to your shared apartment and placing it into the baggy. He scooped up and balanced a small amount of the powder upon it and placed it to his nose, covering his other nostril and snorting the substance in one go. He then placed the key on the counter, sniffing a few times and then made a face like he was going to be to be sick. "Kenny, what's wrong?!" You asked, hurriedly holding his face as you stared at him. "I'm fine, just that drip, man! That is nasty!" He said, gagging slightly. And he wasn't wrong, you took a quick bump yourself and found that you were soon after gulping down your vodka and coke to try and rid the taste that was emanating at the back of your throat. You noticed Kenny was staring at your tits in the low cut top you wore, your skinny black jeans hugging your figure, and boy could he not tear his eyes away from you. "Like what you see?" You teased, a small smirk on his face. "Y/N, my eyes have been glued to you since fourth grade, of course I like what I see." He joked back, and you knew it was true. You were the only two impoverished kids in school, you basically grew up together. You remembered when Kenny used to steal pads and tampons from the local pharmacy for you when you got your period, and how you used to swipe whatever food you could get away with from the grocery store, you both raised each other. You realised you were fading in and out of reality, the drug starting to take effect. Kenny's pupils were large and round, and you soon found yourself cupping his face with both hands and gazing dreamily into his eyes, a small blush dusting his cheeks. "What's wrong, babe? Love buzz getting to you already?" Kenny flirted, wrapping his long, slender arms around your waist, picking you up and setting your ass on the cold countertop. "I don't know babe, I always feel this in love with you so it's hard to tell." You said, your pupils large too. You felt Kenny bring his lips to yours, biting your bottom lip cheekily, and as a small gasped escaped from you, he quickly slid his tongue into your mouth, a small moan coming from both of you as you both passionately made out. Time stood still till you heard a car pulling up, parking and all four doors slamming.
A knock could be heard at the door and you both already knew it was your friends. You could already hear Eric and Kyle bickering outside and Stan sighing. "Hey, Kenny! Get your dick in your pants and open the door!" Stan shouted through the letterbox as you both reluctantly parted your lips from one another. "You better believe I'm taking that ass straight away as soon as they're either gone, or we're in bed!" Kenny said, a small huff of annoyance at having to wait, and at having to try and conceal his already pre cum leaking cock in his tight jeans. He ran downstairs, opening the door and bowing playfully. "Welcome to my Playboy mansion." He joked, stepping aside to let the guys in.
Your apartment was nothing special, it was still decorated how the previous tenants had it, pale grey walls in the living room with black and silver wallpaper, the kitchen was red with white tiles going round it, and the bathroom was blue with a shower in the corner. Your bedroom was the only place you both could afford to decorate yet, and that was for yours and Kenny's eyes only!
"Sweet apartment guys!" Kyle said, waving to you as you added four more shot glasses to the worktop, filling them with tequila and bringing them out, along with the two you and Kenny had forgotten about. "Here's to best friends, amazing relationships, freedom and getting fucked up guys!" You exclaimed as everyone took a shot glass. "Cheers!" You all said in unison, throwing your heads back to take the shots. You all grimaced at the potent taste and the burning sensation in your throats.
Time felt like an enigma, more people arrived, Wendy, Bebe, Clyde, Craig, Tweak, Butters and more that you weren't even aware were coming. Kenny was in the kitchen chatting with Kyle and Stan about some video game while rolling a blunt. You wandered in, looking at your boyfriend with a smile. He winked at you and patted the countertop, signalling for you to sit beside him. You hopped up as Kyle and Stan took a seat at the table. You could hear Eric laughing at some poor, unfortunate girl in the living room, and you gave your boyfriend that knowing look, like a secret language between you both. He handed the half rolled blunt to you. "You're so good with your hands, think you could finish rolling that for me, baby while I rack us a line each?" He cooed, biting down on his lower lip just to tease you. "You read my mind." You said softly. Kenny hopped off the counter and to the opposite side of the kitchen, his back to you three. "What are you guys on this time?" Stan asked, he didn't particularly like weed, his dad had ruined that for him long ago, but it didn't mean he wasn't fascinated in trying other drugs. Kyle wasn't too sure how to feel, it goes completely against his religion to do any of this, but you're only young once, right? "Purest MDMA in South Park!" Kenny exclaimed. "Straight from Europe, you guys want some?" He asked, turned to face you three, bank card in hand, and two skinny, long lines already racked up for you both. "You know what, I'll do it if you do it, Kyle!" Stan declared, feeling butterflies in his stomach, his nerves always got the better of him. "Yeah, fuck it! It's been a shit week and it's Saturday! Let's make the end of this week amazing!" He said, both boys high giving each other, then turning to fist bump Kenny. He racked two more lines for Stan and Kyle and turned once again to face you all, making deep eye contact with you as you stick your tongue out to like the skin you were rolling the blunt in, sending him a flirty wink, which he gladly smirked back at. "Damn girl, you really gonna tease me like that?" He flirted back, a smile on his face.
Rolling up a bank note he placed it up his nose, snorting the line he prepared for himself. He sniffed again a few times after, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. "Who's next?" He said, holding up the bank note. "I'll go!" Said Kyle, doing the same thing Kenny did and then coughing slightly afterwards. "It tastes like shit, man!" He shouted, downing whatever drink he had in front of him. "Yeah dude, that's the drip!" You said, laughing slightly before taking the bank note yourself and sniffing the powder in one swift motion. You passed the note to Stan who nervously did the same and reacted almost the same as Kyle. "Just stay away from Wendy for a few minutes dude, the drip makes you wanna throw up and you do that when you're completely sober around her!" Kenny said, laughing slightly before picking you up and spinning your round, his hands wrapped tightly around your waist, your thighs coming up to his sides. "You look so fucking hot right now." He said, kissing you gently before pulling away to stare at you once more. Your cheeks were flushed, a mixture of what Kenny had just said and done and the drugs and alcohol you had taken. He carried you into the living room, Stan and Kyle quickly following, Kenny placed you on the sofa and quickly connected to the speaker, handing you a lighter to spark up your blunt with, you inhaled the thick smoke and exhaled it with a long sigh, you hadn't felt this amazing since the last time you two did MDMA together, and that was one messy night.
The four of you sat and chatted, taking a few bumps here and there while you all smoked the blunt in rotation. It was as if the rest of the party didn't matter. Other people were taking their own drugs, people on ketamine, ecstacy, and god knows what else, it was South Park after all. And they knew you and Kenny didn't give a fuck.
Before you knew it you had finished the entire baggy between the four of you, the party heating up as the place was packed with people. Outside was dark and the street lamps shone brightly. "Hey guys, a new nightclub has opened down the street, it's supposed to be amazing! Wanna go?" Eric shouted loudly over the music. Everyone stared at him, mulling the words over in their fucked up minds. "Fuck yeah! Why not?!" Kenny shouted, turning off the music. "I could dance, let's go guys!"
The walk felt like a blur, you don't even remember how you got there, just how soft Kenny's hand felt in yours as you walked together down the street. The nightclub luckily let you all in without ID, and surprisingly didn't think any of you were on anything. When inside the place was huge, hundreds of people on the dance floor, flashing lights and loud techno music filled the air, this night was turning out to be one to remember. Stan was finally talking to Wendy with enough confidence in his fucked up, MDMA filled brain without throwing up on her, result! Kyle was chatting to some random girl in the corner of the dance floor when you and Kenny heard one of your favourite songs come on, you knew it was a sign from the gods above as the song blasted loudly through the speakers. He took your hand in his, his fluffy blonde hair reflecting the flashing lights in the club, you swore he looked like angel sent from above as he gripped your waist tightly almost scared to lose you as you both started dancing, first giggling and playing around and soon enough grinding against each other needing some sort of contact through the buzz you guys were feeling. Fuck, this felt unreal.
"Kenny." You moaned loudly enough for him to hear. "You like that baby?" He asked, pushing his hard cock against you a bit harder. "And what if I do this?" He whispered into your ear, a long stripe licking up the front of your throat, before his mouth attached to the side of your neck, licking, biting and sucking on the skin that was sensitive when sober, so this felt like you could touch the stars. The song had changed and you still both remained on the dance floor, practically eye fucking each other, hands roaming everywhere, anywhere, just to get some sort of friction.
"Fancy a bump of coke?" He whispered to you, a confused look on your face. "You really think I'd leave us with nothing?" He laughed, as you both, hand in hand made your way to the smoking area, standing at one of the tables. "I'll get us drinks, you crush that shit and I'll be back asap!" He said, pointing to the bar in the smoking area, you just nodded obediently.
You got to work, crushing it up in the baggy and smiling to yourself. You heard Eric shouting behind you with Kyle, Wendy, Stan and Butters. They approached your table, watching you carefully make two thick lines on the table as Kenny came back, two double vodkas in hand, no mixers. "Where'd you all come from?" He joked, handing you your drink and rolling up one of the notes he had received back as change. He snorted it quickly so you all wouldn't get caught and thrown out, you did as he did and giggled slightly after taking it, both of you downing your drinks. "How the fuck are you both not dead?!" Butters shouted loudly, Tweak and Clyde finding your group in the crowd, and all of you chatting among each other. Kenny handed you a cigarette and put one between his lips, lighting it and passing you the lighter, as you lit it you felt an arm snake around your shoulders, pulling you close to his body. You looked up at your boyfriend, giggling to yourself. He whispered something to Stan and Kyle as they all nodded, the music too loud for you to know what they were talking about. They began laughing as Eric too joined in the conversation. "I'm getting some more drinks!" You shouted loudly, as you walked over to the bar, everything spinning round you, boy you loved this feeling, and knowing Kenny felt the same was even better.
You turned around to see Kenny standing a few meters from you, staring at you as you came back to hand him a drink, a soft smile on his face as he stared at you. Fuck, he was the luckiest guy in this club, in South Park, fuck it, in the world to be able to call you his. You both understood each other like no one else did, not even your parents, you guys had been through everything together, and that's why he was going to make sure you were his girl for life. He had a ring back in your apartment and wasn't sure when to propose, but he was going to, just not while you were both fucked up. "I told the guys after this drink that we're gonna go home, my cock and I have some unfinished business to attend to." He said, winking and stealing a kiss from you. "Can we all dance before we go?" You pleaded, and Kenny just simply nodded. "Whatever you'd like, Princess." He said. He knew clubs like this would never end well with a pretty girl on your hip, some other douche always had to press their boundaries, and you were his girl, no one else's.
Your large group headed back to the dance floor, as a throwback banger came on. The first song you guys listened to together at the very first party you had all ever been to, it was like a movie, you all sang (shouted) along, badly. "DON'T YOU WORRY CHILD, SEE HEAVEN'S GOT A PLAN FOR YOU!" You all screaming in unison, dancing like lunatics when the beat dropped. You truly did have the best group of friends that anyone could ask for, and to top it off, the best partner in the entire universe, he little would and has died for you, just to make sure you were safe.
Your eyes became hyper fixated on your partners face as you sang to each other, tears of joy both steaming down your faces. Kenny couldn't believe how beautiful you looked as he turned to give the guys a knowing look, he let go of the grip he had on you and got on one knee, giggling to himself, not even having the ring on his possession. "WILL YOU MARRY ME, Y/N AND MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST GUY IN THE WORLD?!" He shouted and you swore your heart skipped a beat, the guy you got married to in the playground all those years ago now finally asking you for your hand in marriage, together, both of you, together, forever. "OF COURSE I WILL!" You shouted back, as he picked you up, spinning your round with him on the dance floor, all of your friends chanting and cheering loudly.
"Now if you'll all excuse us, I'm gonna go home and fuck my fiancée!" Kenny exclaimed loudly. Everyone erupted into laughter as you both made your way out of the club, not even making it home. Kenny had pinned you against a wall in a dark alleyway, two streets away from the club, one hand gripping your thigh up to his side, the other massaging your boob, his cock already buried deep within you, your moans filled the air, it wasn't long before you were both reaching orgasm together, Kenny chanted your name like a mantra, and you screamed his name loudly, your thighs pulling him as deep inside you as he could manage, his cum painting your insides, both equally as breathless as each other.
"How 'bout we go home, we smoke a fat blunt each, order some takeout and cuddle the rest of the night?" Kenny suggested, a small smile on his lips as he watched you pulling your jeans up, still breathless and legs weak. "That sounds fucking perfect." You replied, giving him a passionate kiss before taking his hand in yours. "You better be careful kissing me like that, baby, you know how high my sex drive is, I'll end up fucking you the rest of the night." He said, a smirk on his face, throwing you a quick wink. "Oh, I'm aware Mr McCormick." You flirted back. "Won't be long till you're Mrs McCormick." He replied, a large and genuine smile on his face, you could see his little tooth gap and your heart soared. You get to spend eternity with the only guy you've ever loved, and if that isn't perfection, I don't know what is.
sorry it was so long!! I really hope you enjoyed it!! I'm gonna try writing some more, so please let me know what you think and if you have any requests, hit me up!!
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fiapartridge · 3 months
in my mind hazel is one of those super cool girls who wears so much jewelry she jangles when she walks
maybe for an anniversary beckett buys her some really expensive jewelry like tiffany and while hazel is like “omg he actually bought me tiffany!!!!!!!” she’s also looking up the necklace or ring or bracelet to see how much it was. she sees that it was like $600 or something and she’s so pissed he would spend that much on her but HE BOUGHT HER TIFFANY so she can’t be too mad
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omg hazel is the coolest. i feel like she wears so much colorful + gold jewelry and she even makes some of it herself. she's our creative girl 🥲
but yes beckett noticed how much jewelry she wears and when he was asking his sister for suggestions for their anniversary, she suggested jewelry. "can't go wrong with a necklace," she said, smiling. though piper has never formally met hazel, piper knew all about the girl from the way beckett talked so candidly about her. and considering the fact that beckett has never talked to her about girls before, she knew this one was special.
"a necklace," beckett nodded, digesting it. "okay, i can do that."
so, on their anniversary, nestled in a small celeste blue box, shined a glistening silver star necklace. gasping, hazel wrapped her arms around beckett's neck, not being able to believe that he got her such a gift.
she also felt a bit bad. her gift felt measly and unthoughtful in comparison to his. she had bought him a box of chocolates and a pair of gloves that he had been having his eye on for a while. and even then, they were on sale for $100, so she felt a bit guilty.
"you got me tiffany?" she asked incredulously, a smile planted on her beaming face.
beckett laughed, his hands running up and down her sides. "piper helped me."
she smiled, standing on her tippy toes as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. he closed his eyes, chasing her lips as she pulled back. "i'll be sure to say thank you to her then."
he rolled his eyes. "hey, it came out of my bank account."
hazel laughed, pecking his cheek with a kiss. "then thank you," she said, planting another kiss on his nose. "thank you, thank you, thank you," she repeated, spacing out each appreciation with a kiss somewhere on his happy, blushing face.
"you missed a spot," he beamed back.
"oh, really? where?"
"right here," he smiled, leaning down and kissing her lips.
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later that night, she scoured the tiffany website, trying to find the exact necklace he had bought her. it wasn't that she was trying to make him look bad, but she was, out of pure self deprecation, trying to figure out how guilty she should feel.
but when she saw that number, somehow that guilt she was already feeling multiplied by a thousand.
because beckett spent $875 on her.
hazel's never even seen that much in her bank account, let alone in any of the jewelry she's worn. not even the ducks internship paid her that much.
knowing he stayed up late, she called him as she sat in bed, wondering what she should say to him. she was grateful, of course she was, but she also knew it was way too much to be spent on someone, especially her. he answered after the first ring, happy to see her name pop up on his phone.
"hey, haze," he smiled, his voice fuzzy over the line. "you okay?"
she nodded, forgetting that he can't see her before she responded, this time out loud. "yeah, i, um, i just wanted to ask you a question."
hearing the seriousness in her voice, he sat up in bed, turning on his bedside lamp. "okay...shoot."
she bit her lip, trying to think how to go about this. "how much was the necklace?"
he didn't want to lie to her, because if beckett sennecke was anything, he wasn't a liar. he sighed. "can i just say it was a lot?" he asked quietly.
hazel sighed. "you know you don't have to do that for me."
"what if i said i wanted to?"
"then i would tell you that i would still be obsessed with you if you got me a rock that you found on the side of the road. i mean, beck, you're living alone out here. i know you need this money for yourself."
"the ducks pay me a lot," he rebutted.
"i know, and i'm so grateful for that, and i'm so grateful for you and this gift, but beck, i'm not the kind of girl that--deserves this."
his heart broke hearing how she talked about herself. he knew hazel wasn't the most confident girl in the world, but he also didn't think she felt undeserving of love and gifts and anything, really. he knew she had insecurities but he didn't know they delved this deep.
"you do deserve this though. hell, you deserve the entire world, hazel. and i'll be damned if i never give it to you someday...just let me give it you, because you deserve it so fucking much."
all he heard was her breathing on the other side of the line, which scared him. maybe it was too much for her to hear. they hadn't been dating for that long. maybe she thought he was too attached to her; that he was moving too fast too soon; that he shouldn't like her as much as he did, but then he heard her cry and all he wanted to do was put on his shoes and go to her.
"i'm sorry," she spoke quietly, sniffles taking over her side of the line.
he shook his head. how could she still be sorry for him? "for what?"
"for just getting you gloves and chocolate," she laughed softly.
"they're my favorite gloves i have ever received in my whole entire life, if that makes you feel better?" he laughed, too.
she smiled, another sniffle escaping her. "you're not just saying that?"
"no, i'm not just saying that, baby," he chuckled, holding the phone closer to his ear. "i'm so grateful for you," he whispered. "and i'm gonna get you a rock next year."
"it better be from the side of the road," she smiled.
"i'll do you one better," he grinned. "i'll get it from a ditch."
"oh, thank you," she giggled. "yeah, i'll get you some trash from the dumpster."
"thank you, i appreciate it."
"you're very welcome."
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taglist! (@bunbunbl0gs)
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the-blunt-diaries · 1 year
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Super silver haze 😍
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indica-illusions · 9 months
✨️🍃the signs | cannabis strains:
aries: super silver haze
taurus: tahoe og
gemini: pink runtz
cancer: SFV
leo: animal cookies
virgo: gelato 45
libra: zkittlez
scorpio: chemdawg
sagittarius: purple punch
capricorn: white widow
aquarius: blue dream
pisces: dosidos
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littlelesbinonny · 1 year
The Devil's Den
Chapter 24: In Which Fates Begin to Spin Pt. 3
You can read this also on Ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46831621/chapters/117962293
::TRIGGER WARNING:: This chapter contains violence and gore. It's not super duper gross or explicit, but if you're squeamish please read carefully.
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There was no response time as the next violent slam took her.
Whatever air had been left in her lungs was now completely depleted.
The force and shock of the blow to the rocks caused complete surrender to Alcina and her reflexes.
She was dazed and barely able to make a sound.
All she was currently aware of was the crack and fall of her body into what she assumed was a tree trunk and to the forest floor, all before being grabbed again and thrown into another, and another.
As her consciousness shook itself free and became vastly alert, the sparks of rage and awareness began to flame. Fast.
The breath she took before once more being slammed front first into the boulders allowed her to cry out, not just in pain but with utter fury. Blood-rage began to explode in her system and she felt the heat wrap her up in its searing grip as her teeth and fingernails grew, eyes swallowed in black abyss, and her senses billowed into full-fledged animalistic terror.
Her assailant was still a blur but she was able to make out the white glowing eyes through the chaos. 
Alcina had only a brief moment between blows, but she rose solidly as it came towards her once more. With her feet planted in the forest floor she stood and met the attack with claws slashing and guttural screams gushing from her throat.
She could not tell what was up and what was down as the fight ensued. Her body was aching and burning with pain but her blood-rage kept her encompassed in the moment enough she could finally feel each slash of her own to her opponent. One of hers matched two of its. She could not, however, tell if her blows were making enough damage to slow this fucking thing down. Its strength had not seemed to wane in the slightest as it continued to toss her around and slam into her again and again. The burning stinging sensation all over her body was starting to become unbearable and it reminded her too much of what Mother Miranda had put her through long before. 
At least it fueled her will to win.
The blunder of the chaotic attack left everyone on the sidelines nearly unusable. 
Karl perceived his men with their guns locked on the battling crisis before them and panicked.
"HOLD YOUR FUCKING FIRE!" he shouted as he himself could not make out who was who. 
There was no way to fire into the quarrel without the very likely possibility of hitting Alcina. Every gun was loaded with bullets Karl himself designed to take down even the strongest of enemies. Liquid UV radiation and gamma infused silver beads that exploded on impact. No rogue vampire or lycan could withstand them and live to tell about it.
Karl, Gerard, and Mateo began to lunge forward in a vain effort to help but they were too late.
Alcina's scream pierced the air as she was once more slammed face first into the boulders. Her attacker, still a haze of black and nothingness, took its claws and dug them into the tops of her shoulders and tore them down her flesh to her lower back, then vanished up and over the cave and into the darkness.
Alcina could feel the world come to a severe jolting halt as her blood-rage instincts took control to numb and overpower the agony that was setting it. The lightning strike of blinding white pain was more than she could handle.
Without any choice of her own everything went dark and her body fell to the ground and lie limp as death.
"FOLLOW IT!" Sylvia shouted, giving into her lycan transformation and swiftly following her comrades with determination.
Blood began to paint the forest floor and Karl grabbed for Alcina the moment he came upon her.
"Fucking move!" he shouted to the two vampires hot on his heels as he rose with complete haste, morphing quickly himself and dashing with her limp body out of the clearing and back towards the camp.
When Karl burst into the medical tent he was covered in blood. Alcina's blood.
Without a word the medics jumped up from their table and cleared a bed as Karl lay down the incapacitated vampire Matriarch.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Sable, the head medic blurted as she immediately began removing Alcina's corset, "is she still alive?"
Karl, who was easily 4 times his usual size in his lycan form, was hovering over the table taking deep ragged breaths. 
"Yes, but I don't know for how much longer - hurry," his voice, much deeper and rougher, sounded.
"Gabe!" she shouted over her shoulder, "get the black trauma kit, I don't know what I'll need but bring it all."
For Sable to remove the rest of the corset she had to roll Alcina on her side which is when she saw the depths of the situation.
She didn't mean to gasp but there was no other reaction to have.
Alcina's suit was shredded like it had been caught in a boats propeller blade which wasn't pretty to begin with, but when her back was revealed Sable could see clearly the reason for haste. The gashes in Alcina were so deep and torn apart the white of her shoulder blades and ribs were glaring through the ripped flesh. Her very bones had even been gouged. Sable immediately grabbed for Gabe's assistance in propping her carefully in a manner she could tend to her.
"How the fuck... was this just one of them?" she asked hurriedly as she worked, handing him the torn corset.
Karl couldn't find a word to utter. He was growing bristly cold. His large clawed hands looked down at the fabric that was designed to withstand even the sharpest spear. This thing, this rogue vampire, had cut through it as if it was paper. Alcina's blood had soaked the material and he chucked it to the side as he watched with the stoking rage building in his gut.
"We're not dealing with anything we've ever encountered," he stated with a tone that was starch enough it sounded like it could break, "save her. Save. Her. I don't care what you have to do."
Sable looked up to respond but he was gone.
"Hand me the diamond cutters, this suit has to come off," she muttered to Gabe quietly, "get the the sutures and every pack of blood we have in this place, I also need the saline wash and gauze... and if you believe in a god, ask them for help." 
Evening began to feel denser as the sun continued to crawl towards the horizon.
The day itself hadn't been too bad after your time outside but things were starting to feel uncomfortable and you weren't sure why.
You were worried for Alcina, of course, and while she gave you no details as to what these matters were, you had a decent hunch that they weren't as mediocre as she tried to pass them off as.
Still, it was none of your business but it sucked being left in the dark. All you could do was wait and trust in your lover.
The trusting part, that was easy.
The waiting? Not so much.
You were changing into your comfies as that familiar annoying tapping that had been absent for a while sounded again. This time you were right next to it.
Grabbing for the curtain on your door, you pulled it back and there at the bottom of your balcony was a crow looking up at you. Expecting it to dash off you stilled, but it did nothing aside from regard you with a tilted head.
And then you noticed the rest of them - 5 more perched on your balcony ledge.
Daring to open the door, you slid the glass slowly and the one at your feet hopped itself up to join the rest. That's when you noticed the myriad of new trinkets at your feet.
Another key, some more coins, 3 dollar bills, and a bright blue bottle opener.
When you peered back up they immediately took flight leaving you there to put the pieces together.
"Is... is this for real," you murmured as you picked up the items, "I'm apparently a Disney fuckin' princess now and didn't know it. I'm blaming this on Alcina, I dunno why, but I don't know who else to blame," you began to chuckle.
Looking out to the big tree in front of your apartment and not seeing them there, you shrugged your shoulders and sighed.
"My life is so weird, my life is so weird," you said shaking your head as you went back inside.
But, you figured if these were the crows you'd helped in the alleyway and they had somehow followed you home and adopted you unknowingly, you may as well play along.
When you returned with a plate of blueberries you set it out on the ledge and smiled, "I gotta teach these dudes how to swipe bigger bills," you cackled stepping back inside.
The bit of relief you had found from the discovery of your little crow family dwindled fast. If you thought the evening had felt dense, the nightfall felt heavy as shit. Were you just missing Alcina? Not knowing was making it increasingly difficult to fall asleep and no matter how you tossed and turned you couldn't get comfortable. And it was of course too late to take a sleeping pill so you had to accept it was just going to be a shitty night without rest and tomorrow you'd need 4 or 5 shots of espresso to make it through the day.
If only that was where your unease ended.
At some point you had dozed off, but in the recesses of your subconscious, shrill distant screams that you'd never heard before but somehow knew echoed through your skull. There was nothing you could see but you could hear it.
And then you felt it.
A pain unlike anything you had ever experienced sent you bolting up from your bed and tumbling over onto the floor. You couldn't catch your breath. You could barely move, and the whine that forced its way from your throat didn't even sound like your own. The sensation gnawing at your back had you all but riddled in a contorted position that was desperately grasping for relief.
Muscle spasms? No fucking way in hell was this muscle spasms.
You lie there wide-eyed searching for the ability to take in deeper breaths until the sensation finally began to dwindle. Your body began to relax but holy fucking shit you wanted out of it's lingering grip and now.
When you were finally able to move, you noticed once again the silence of what should be a bustling Manhattan below you. Instead it felt like you were in some kind of air-tight container that only allowed you to hear your own breath and heartbeat. Hunched for a moment you unsteadily reached for your phone and looked at the time; 3:23 AM. You were unable to hold your phone and it dropped to the floor as your muscles began to quiver.
What in the fuck was going on with you?
Alcina remembered next to nothing after the last boulder to the face. Until she tried to move.
The agonizing pain thrashed through her whole body but the burning numbness of a sting she couldn't release grabbed her breath from her. The next one she finally took came in as a pitiful moan.
"Lady Dimitrescu," came a voice she didn't recognize.
Alcina tried to blink her vision free of the haze but her pupils were still dilated from blood-rage. She was still in the thick of it. The memories of tonight flooded back with a hefty punch.
An unfamiliar face came into view. Lying propped up on her front inside a dimly lit tent, naked and covered with nothing but a bedsheet, she felt so laden that any movement at all was near impossible.
"Lady Dimitrescu... I'm Sable, I'm the medic here - please do not move, I know you're in a lot of pain and I'm doing everything I can to ease it, but please do not move. Putting you back together was not easy.
Putting her back together... was it that bad?
Alcina swallowed and the bitter metallic flavor and scent in herself made her want to gag. 
This was nauseatingly familiar.
"Th-the - group -" she tried to ask through gritted teeth, trying hard to hide her discomfort.
Sable grabbed for a chair and perched in front of her, "everyone is fine," she reassured as she reached to the nearby table for a pack of blood, "I want you to remain still and I'm going to help you drink this, ok?"
Unable to do much else than obey her command, Sable placed the straw of the bag to Alcina's dry lips and helped push the liquid to her.
Cold blood was absolutely fucking awful but it was better than what she was currently tasting. It took very little time for her to drink the 20 ounce packet and her death grip on the thin mattress lessened slightly.
"What - h-happened?" Alcina croaked.
"You killed him, if that's what you're asking," Sable smiled as she grabbed a giant cotton ball and a bottle of betadine, "they found his body not too far from where you were attacked, his head was barely attached... you sliced him up real good. They're examining the body a couple tents down."
Alcina barely felt the sheet being pulled back from her battered body as the news swam through her mind. She got him, thank god. Now hopefully they could get some answers as to what this 'thing' is, where it came from, how many more, and how to fucking kill them.
She hissed as the brown liquid hit the wounds on her back. It was cold and they were hot and angry.
"664 stitches and staples. That's what it took to close these wounds. The rest seem to be healing on their own... I haven't had the blessing of treating someone from these rogue vampires yet so I apologize now if I hover too much. I'm very interested to see how you heal. And I will warn you; you are covered in slashes... I don't know how you're still alive Lady Dimitrescu, but we're all exceptionally grateful."
That wasn't exactly the news she wanted to hear, but there was very little she could do about it. Yes, at least she was alive.
"Heis - Heisenberg?"   "He's off doing only god knows what. He's barely taken a moment to rest since he brough you in. Don't tell him I told you this, but I haven't seen him this rattled in a very, very, long time. Last night was... well, terrifying and rewarding at the same time. What too many of our soldiers failed to do, you succeeded and lived, now we can start moving forward with a proper defense I hope."
Sable finished the application of the betadine on the major injuries and sat back down on the stool, gazing warmly at the Matriarch.
"You and I are locked up in here for the duration of the day though I'm afraid. I can't risk someone coming in and spreading the daylight. We couldn't move you back to the warehouse before the sun rose, you were in critical condition and I wasn't willing to chance it. Mateo and Gerard went back, but they'll return when the sun sets."
Alcina was still trying to digest her memories, mangled thoughts and questions, and the information Sable had given her. She had so many goddamn questions and was too weak to ask any of them. Nothing was worse in her mind than being laid up when things needed to be done.
Mustering as much strength as she could, she peered back to Sable and huffed as gently as possible, "tell... tell me - ev - rything."
With a soft smirk Sable folded her arms across her chest, "you can't be upset with me because I did help save your life, but you really need to rest and recuperate. There will be plenty of time tonight to hear everything. I'm going to get you one more big pack of blood and then you must rest. I'll be right by you if you do need anything though."
Alcina, for once, did not argue.
The day would have otherwise been absolutely beautiful and enjoyable, except that Karl (and anyone else for that matter) had been banned from the medical tent where Alcina was and he had no news on her condition. He was in knots. He couldn't see her, he couldn't help, and his mind was spiraling with what if's, shoulda, coulda, and woulda's.
Donna was in quiet hysterics. She was easily the most composed out of everyone he knew and while he couldn't see her on the other end of the radio, he heard her physically crumple when he told her the news. He was sure the next thing she did after getting off the line was to contact Mother Miranda, and he'd be damned, but he would almost extend some gratitude to this bitch if she could help Alcina. Or them. Any of them.
Alcina could not fall. She couldn't. If she did that would mean the worst of all scenarios and he would be doubly damned to see the empire they built go back under Mother Miranda's rule. The peace would disappear, he had no doubt. Contention would return and so would war. It was no secret Miranda didn't like the lycans anymore than any of them liked her.
Alcina was the backbone, the pillars, the very embodiment and structure of their kinds continued coexistence. 
And, she was his friend. Regardless of their shared picking banter.
If she died, that bode for a future he didn't want to be a part of going forward.
Everyone in the camp was very quiet today. He had finally sat himself down on the grass outside the medical tent and waited. There was not much else to do at the moment. 
The sun was taking it's sweet fucking time setting and Karl was growing more and more agitated. He was on edge for another ambush, stressed about Alcina, annoyed being out in the middle of nowhere without his shop and all his explosives and other weapons. He was still cursing himself for not packing more. There was enough ammunition back at the underground city to blow this entire state to oblivion. The temptation to grab half of that and throw it in the mouth of that cave was just about to win out the level-headed choice to remain here.
Eventually the unzipping of the light proof tent sounded and he shot up.
Sable looked tired but she met him with a small grin.
"She's fine."
Had he not been in view of others he would have very likely celebrated with a howl.
Instead, Karl released his shoulders and nodded repeatedly.
"Good, that's good news - great news, actually. When can I see her?" he asked inching towards the entrance.
"Ah ah, she's still resting, which she needs immensely, and I need to see to it she's decent before anyone goes barging in there," she said grabbing his arm, "besides, we need to talk."
Karl's eyes lost a bit of their light and he gave her a stern look, "about?"
Sable sighed and stepped in closer, unsure how many other ears should hear this just yet.
"This attack is strange to me. Her injuries; she was wounded on nearly every inch of her body except her face. It makes no sense to be in a life or death match and bother to spare one part of their body... it seems calculated. Which, truthfully, makes this all a hell of a lot worse."
Unable to really chew on that for long, Karl combed both of his hands through his hair and huffed, "so, you're tellin' me this fucker knew Alcina or some shit?"
Sable shrugged, "I can't say that for certain, it's just bizarre. The other lycans were attacked blindly with no signs of any body parts being spared - I mean, Blake and Mitch for instance; they both sustained injuries to the face, which, in hindsight were almost nothing like hers. The soldiers we lost, men and women, those attacks were much more precise. Yes, the struggle of battle lead to several wounds but ultimately ended in a quick death, but she was damn near ripped to shreds and not once did he go for her neck, other arteries, or anything that would actually kill her. It seems like a completely conscious decision. From what I was told about the fight there was no reason this vampire couldn't have killed her several times, and, assuming he knew he was going to die from the wounds she inflicted on him... why spare her and flee."
He stared blankly at her. What the hell could he say to this? His thoughts went spiraling again and his gaze dropped to the ground.
If Alcina's attacker had done this with pure intention, then that would mean this was a planned attack, and that meant someone was behind this and it wasn't a happenstance, or some other fucked up mutant clan trying to weasel their way into the territory, which meant -
"Karl," Sable muttered placing her hand back on his forearm, "she's healing which is the important part, and she's healing quite quickly aside from her back... those may take a bit."
He nodded solemnly, "alright... come get me when she's up, ok?"
Sable agreed and he set off to grab the comm. He needed to talk to Donna. Immediately.
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scarrypossmscribs · 1 year
Scars ~ BLD Mini-Fic
content warnings: tw scars, tw abuse (could be interpreted that way) tw self harm (tried to make it ambigious to fit with whatever oc you imagine to be in this fic) tw bad accidents (could also be interpreted this way) (Y/n in this has scars)
While this mini-fic doesnt have any NSFW things, this fandom is still heavily 18+. Please respect the author's wishes and DNI.
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You yawned, the early morning sun and subtly refreshing breeze filling you with a sense of calm. It was so rare to have a perfectly nice day to enjoy. Work taking up a lot of your life, now that you'd moved into this small, but bustling town.
As you thought up ways to fully enjoy your day off, a shadow loomed over your shoulder. The finger poking you sending your heart into a split-second coma, shoulders jumping in confusion and fear. "Heh...", A slight chuckle escaped from your mystery stranger.
"Morning, Y/n. It's just me." Mr. Mystery stranger- Your new friend James, teased. His voice reverberated next to your ear, sending your head to snap in his direction. "Holy fuck-" You exclaimed, heart once again stuttering in your chest as you stared at the green eyes in front of you. Your expression must have been funny, from the way James seemed to smirk. It was a bit hard to tell from his mask, but the amused chuckles that followed made it clearer.
You let out a relieved breath, "Jeeze you asshole...", his laughter infecting you as you let out a small chuckle of your own. Your thoughts quickly turned to confusion, though. How did James know where to find you? You'd just stepped out of your apartment complex...
"Morning to you too, James. But eh.. How'd you know i was here?" You asked curiously, looking up at him. James was a pretty attractive person. His black and red hair, long and wild, was eye catching, reminding you of the night you both met. His dark green eyes seeming to pierce through anyone who met it's gaze, unraveling everyone's intentions onto a silver platter for him to see. Snapping you out of your daze and replying to your question, James gave a noncommittal shrug, "Just looking for somewhere to get breakfast.", he blinked, gaze turning back to you, "Why?You live here?" Ah...that made sense. Jeeze.. look at you overthinking things again.
Your mouth formed into a smile as you nimbly dodged the latter question, "Why not get breakfast together!", you offered cheerily. He glanced at you for a hearbeat before responding. The feeling of being read crawling up your skin. "Sounds good to me." James finally replied. And you felt like you could hear a smile in his tone as a shiver of relief washed away that eerie feeling.
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You and James went to the local diner. Nothing super fancy, but it was full of familiar and comforting smells, which made it good enough for you and James to grab a quick bite. Well...more like for you to grab a quick bite, and James to grab something to drink. James never took his mask off around you... or anyone as far as you could tell. Putting down the menu after choosing what you wanted to order, your thoughts drifted, as you waited for a waiter or waitress to come over. Your thoughts inevitably decided to focus on James. I wonder why he never takes off his mask around me... You mumbled wordlessly to yourself, trailing your fingers on the spine of the menu. Weak immune system, maybe? Or... perhaps.. facial scars? What ever it was, though, you promised yourself not to pester him about it. Having a weak immune system was personal medical stuff. And you'd had first hand experience with the shame that came with scars. Your gaze trailed down to your hands, which had some cuts here and their. All from different life experiences and situations. Some from accidents. Some with...different backstories. "Are you okay?" The words brought you out of your haze. You looked up at James, and then noticed the waiter at the side of the table, eyes nervously flitting between you and James. "Oh... oh yeah I'm alright!" You said, waving your hand in dismissal, as you took the chance to relay your order to the waiter. James ordered a mint choc chip milkshake, one of his go to drinks. "A milkshake at this hour?" You lightly teased, watching him roll his eyes in response. A beat of familiar silence rose up, as your gaze trailed back to your hands. Tracing them with your eyes. "Y/n." James called out. Once again pulling you out of your thoughts. "Huh-? Yeah?" You responded, half confused...until you saw him glance at your hands for a second, before his green eyes landed on yours.
"I want a real answer this time. Are you alright?" Jame's tone was stern, but held a genuine softness inside it. "Pfft...", You let out a small laugh, "I'm fine. I really am." But with one glance at his face, you could tell he didn't take any of your words seriously. Your eyes shift back down to your hands, the second time today. Taking a small breath in, you add, "It was a long time ago. I don't see them the way I used to.", you pause, searching for a way to articulate your feelings, "To me now...it's proof that I survived. That I was able to move forward." You look back up, looking in Jame's eyes. They were slightly unfocused, but still trained on you. He let out a soft, but ambiguous hum of acknowledgement. Smiling, you looked to ease the heavy fog of awkward gloom. "So yeah..I guess you could say these are battle scars from duking it out with life and coming on top." You chirped, your smile turning into a satisfied grin. His gaze softened at that. An amused eye roll telling you that your efforts were at least slightly successful.
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James stared at you as you ate, the conversation from earlier... despite bringing up some bad memories...making him feel a soft fuzzy feeling only you could give to him. Maybe you wouldn't question his scars once he revealed them to you. Maybe you wouldn't look at him like he was...disgusting. Maybe you wouldn't judge him. He could feel his patience starting to thin. The deepest part of his mind telling him, yelling at him, to take you away. He had to make you his. No... you already were his. And he would never let you go.
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James belongs to the amazing -> @hotpinkmoon aka Moonie!
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