#Super editions
jayfrost-designs · 2 months
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This girl was a request from @michi-i! :D
You can find the reverse side of her design here.
For her physical design, Fury is described as a long-furred cat with one eye slashed away, a pelt seamed with many scars, and scars across her muzzle and her shoulders. The large scar (or bits of scar you can see through her fur) on her side is from the gash on her side that cost her the battle, and the leadership of BloodClan, in Graystripe's Vow. She's a big, intimidating sort of cat, with long ragged fur.
For her pattern, Fury is just described as a tabby. I went with a sort of medium brown for her, with a dark orange for her eye, partially inspired by her wiki design.
Overall, I'm really happy with how she turned out.
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clanslist · 1 year
Next Super Edition? 👀
While there has been no official confirmation, a German listing on Amazon lists the next Warriors super edition as Ivypool's Heart, alleged to release in September of 2024.
> Link here
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jayietheriverwarrior · 4 months
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Well. XD This wasn't planned out, I just felt like redoing Leafstar's design the other week 'cause it was old and I was never really happy with it and I felt like drawing a tortie/torbie. Then I realized it tied in well with all the recent Changing Skies announcements, and Tawnypelt's ref sheet needed an update too, so I decided to do a new one for her as well... and then today the description for Moonpaw dropped. XD So you're getting all three CS girlies from me today.
You can find the reverse side of her design here.
For her physical description, Leafstar is described as a she-cat with a long tail and a scar between her forelegs. She's on the lither side, with a neat square-ish head, and scars from a long LONG lifetime of leading her Clan.
For her pattern, Leafstar is described as a mottled pale cream-and-brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a brown tail. I always liked my one older Leafstar design better than the newer one because of the warmer colors and large brown/cream patches. I tried to incorporate that into her new design, as well as trying to make it somewhat resemble her SkyClan and the Stranger design with the placement of the brown patches over the cream.
Overall, I'm really happy with how she turned out. :D
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Moth lady number 1
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blorboclaw · 2 years
Adderfang. Kinda weird character.
Like he’s both seen as low-key war/fear-mongering, and a loving father to his kits. I think he’s not a bad guy, he just doesn’t agree with most main characters on what’s the best way to protect his clan.
He’s also Thistleclaw’s mentor tho, and I think we can blame him for a lot of the situation, although Thistleclaw was already a prick when he was a kit.
That’s the most interesting aspect of the guy I think: his indirect influence on Thunderclan.
On one hand he was the father of Patchpelt, Leopardfoot, Spottedleaf, Redtail and Willowpelt. So he was the grandfather of Graystripe, Darkstripe, and SorrelRainSoot, Swiftpaw, and Longtail... but also of Tigerstar! (yes Graystripe and Tigerstar are first cousins, just realized that)
And he was the mentor of Thistleclaw, who mentored Tigerstar, which means he’s both the grandfather of Tigerstar and... somehow, his “grandmentor”?? (his mentor’s mentor).
And sure, we can blame him for Thistleclaw (and by extension for Tigerstar) but he did a decent job with his own kits, and THistleclaw was crazy on his own, so... yeah, mixed impressions, mixed influence on the clan.
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poolface · 2 years
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onlyhereforpdfs · 1 year
spoilers for riverstar's home excerpt
if you saw this before i edited it, i got a specific detail VERY wrong please ignore it
im only on chapter two and im already disappointed at the lack of consistency with river ripple's backstory chapters in book 2 of dotc.
ripple's journey down the river during the bonus scene is completely retconed thanks to the new book. it doesn't take the time to flesh out his relationship with the river (which dotc already didnt have time to do) and erases every event that took place during it. the river doesnt save ripple from the kids throwing rocks or beavers(?) and ripple makes no association with arc's teachings which is CRITICAL to his relationship with the river.
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ripple's relationship with the river is just gone. in the excerpt he has no reason to name himself river ripple. he has no reason to trust water at all!
i really hope he comes to appreciate the river when the book gets released but i wont hold out hope. this is a warrior cat book after all.
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Mothflight has adhd, you can't convince me I'm wrong
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What SEs would you read if they existed? (Assuming its actually good)
good question!
I know the era has been done a few times before, but it just makes so much sense to write an SE from Blackfoot's perspective beginning with Brokenstar + Co exile in Into the Wild, leading all the way up to Blackstar's nine lives ceremony. Like we know Brokenstar and Tigerstar did Bad and Horrible things but GIVE ME THE DETAILS. THE BEHIND THE SCENES. And do it from a very interesting and complex morally gray character who was arguably the closest to both of those cats! You can even keep the title Blackstar's Reckoning (maybe change it to Blackfoot, since most of the story would be through his eyes as a deputy instead of a leader). Like this is a no-brainer to me. I can't believe they left this up to a fan vote, but SEs Crowfeather, Squirrelflight, etc, weren't up for debate. Absolutely wild.
Breezepelt's Redemption. Basically the plot of the Crowfeather SE (I don't even remember the title), but waaaay more interesting and necessary. It was wild when Breezepelt just showed up again after The Last Hope and was his typical douchebag self. That made no sense to me. And what, suddenly he and Heathertail have kits after she's rejected him for two straight arcs? What? No, this needed to be a SE (at the VERY LEAST, a novella!!!).
I read the SkyClan and the Stranger comics and I really enjoyed them, but I think they would have made an even better SE. You can keep the title, it's cool.
And I'll be honest, those are the only three that I can think of that I would look forward to reading.
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sunflowerkit · 2 years
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big boi for the first post
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jayfrost-designs · 5 months
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Well, I wasn't gonna change this guy's design, but then I saw his new designin the upcoming graphic novel and fell absolutely in love with his little mustache, so I just had to include it. I ended up shifting his eyes down and out to the sides a bit as they look off, and I played around with the face markings forever before I was finally happy with them, but here's the end result and I adore it. He has this perpetually sad, slightly mournful look to him, which fits with his backstory, but he just lights up whenever he's around Ravenpaw. <3
Yeah, couldn't help myself. ^^ Rileypool's lineart turned out so good, and looked so much like how I picture his uncle Barley, that I just had to make a quick new ref sheet for Barley. So here's our beloved farm boy.
You can find the reverse side of his design here.
For his physical description, Barley is described as a a short, long-furred, sturdy tom with a plump belly, big paws, broad shoulders, and a broad face. As mentioned, I just reused Rileypool's lineart for him. He had a really rough life with BloodClan before going loner, and fought some few but intense battles after that, so I scarred him up a lot. On his reverse side, you can see the scars from his broken leg in Secrets of the Clans. ^^
For his pattern, Barley is described as a black-and-white tom with blue eyes. I always based his pattern off of his depiction in the graphic novels, as that's how I always pictured him, but I've always struggled with marking the black stripe connecting his head patch to his nose look realistic, so here I just ditched it instead, so this is basically his graphic novel design minus that stripe and with slightly tweaked patches shape-wise. I played around with his head patch a lot to get it looking how I wanted, and I'm fairly pleased with the end result.
Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out.
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clanslist · 1 year
Future Super Edition Update: #17 and #18
The next SE will be a stand-alone story, one that connects to the one after it.
"This is a book that the story team is very excited about, for a number of reasons: It’s always somewhat freeing* to step away from the arc-based stories to tell a longer standalone narrative, and the 17th super sets that stage for the 18th super edition, and that’s a story about which we’ve all been very excited ever since we came up with the idea (about a year ago!). We really wish we could say more about what the 17th super edition will be about, but readers hopefully won’t have too long to wait to find out!
[* Well… we say that doing the supers is freeing, but we’ve just remembered, the 17th super edition was actually quite tricky to plot, since it is taking place at the same time as the sixth book in A STARLESS CLAN!]"
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Sorry it took forever to upload new art, I've been distracted, mostly by ClanGen to be honest. ^^ But at last, here's some new uploads. We'll start with some prequel SE leaders! :D Up first is an updated design for Pine/Pinestar of ThunderClan!
You can find the reverse side of his design here.
For his physical description, Pinestar is described as a thick-furred, massive tom with a muzzle criss-crossed with scars and a torn ear. I lost the Tigerclone lineart when my phone drowned last summer, so I had to trace over it from one of Tigerclone ref sheets. At least I was able to make a few small tweaks to make it look better and now it fits the larger canvas size I've been working with. I gave him similar scars to his last ref sheet, and this time I added his kittypet collar. ^^
For his pattern, Pinestar is described as a reddish-brown tom with green eyes. I used a lot of the same colors as his last ref sheet, but lightened his belly colors a lot, and added more lighter markings to his legs.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. ^^
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Sunstar beloved
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blorboclaw · 2 years
A side character getting a SE (or novella) that would be itneresting is Stonefur.
He died early enough in the series, and was from a clan in which we didn’t have povs while knowing there was DramaTM going on, that it wont be redundant regarding the main series itself (contrary to, say, Stormfur, whose entire life we know either from pov chapters or flashbacks or... etc).
Plus he was at the sunning rocks battle in which Redtail died. His father’s last words to him were “no thunderclan cat should hurt him” which must have puzzled him, particularly given that he never got the occasion to ask his father what that meant.
He mentored a half-clan little guy only to later discover he was one himself. Fireheart saved his nephews from the flood. He was asked to be deputy by Leopardstar. Fireheart and Graystripe fangirled on him at some point.
We’ve got basically no content for Riverclan (and for Graypool/Stonefur/Mistyfoot) between the moment they were brought in Riverclan and the moment he was sent into Halfclan Jail by Tigerclan.
And the best (heart-breaking) part is that it could be presented as a flash-back, his life flashing in front of his eyes during his fight against Darkstripe and Blackfoot.
And then last chapter he gives a life to Blackstar (and/or Mistystar? Idk who gave her lives but I hope he did) and epilogue... he welcomes Mistystar in Starclan.
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