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some recent additions to my record collection
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suburbkid05 · 1 year
My delusions will either bring me success or will completely ruin me there is no in between
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ltwilliammowett · 11 months
For the safety of all, the figurehead must come down
Customary law in part of the Viking kingdoms required that the captains of warships remove the fierce, gilded figures of dragons and serpents that adorned their ships before entering domestic waters. It was generally agreed that the figureheads, which served to terrify victims, would also frighten benevolent native spirits.
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The Bayeux Tapestry
Indeed, the entire ship was designed to resemble a sea serpent (tip at the bow, tail at the stern, oars mimicking fins) to tame storms and frighten malevolent creatures from the deep. But in order not to offend the local, they took them off.
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fuzzyghost · 1 year
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grinchwrapsupreme · 2 years
I hate that they made Chase so fucking fascinating in later seasons because I just cannot find him interesting early on but my brain knows he's Complex so I can't not pay attention to him
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flowergirlmiwa · 1 year
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k3fanblog · 1 year
Best K3 song bracket!
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Link to the full bracket
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piovascosimo · 8 months
the waeve's album is almost as good if not better than the blur album, comparing things is stupid (even if i do it a lot), but i was so infatuated with everything blur that was happening last year, that i barely had any space for other things, still, it was impossible not to fall in love with the waeve. now that i'm having some time to breathe, i'm more and more impressed with this beautiful record, would love for it to get more love and recognition. i've always been a fan of graham's solo things (mostly the folkish, less so the indie), but i can see how it is not for everyone, for a number of reasons. i like his voice but it feels very niche, rose has an extremely beautiful velvety voice that carries the music so well, giving it more emotion, and he accompanies her, as he has done with damon for years, so well. it's a perfect combination. it is my favourite album that he's done outside of blur (and i'm a big fan of his early solo records). i also love his sax playing in this along with the guitar, i've always loved the sax even when it was uncool, and this is the first time we can really hear him express himself fully with it. damon said he wanted it for blur too this time, and i get why graham said no, but now i will be longing for the next blur album, full of graham's sax solos, they work so great here, so full of emotion, like his early guitar in blur worked, there is so much darkness, love and emotion, the arrangements are so beautiful.
anyway, there's nothing to this, just wanted to share an appreciation for it. and it's a dream that they are still putting out such great music, and all at the same time too, feels a little bit insane. but perfect.
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if y’all haven’t listened to this masterpiece of an album PLEASE do it’s so underrated and it really highlights how fucking talented Graham Coxon is
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felikatze · 2 years
I remember reading that if Morgan is the child of a second gen, than this means that FP is the result of what happens in the game timeline and that this would mean that in the OG timeline Robin was single, but that in the game timeline thanks to time travel, Robin could get married to someone and created a future where Morgan existed. Except this future would be FP. I also remember that in the FP cards, the Morgan had to fight character that could not be their parents : M Morgan can only be the child of a male 2nd gen so none of the girls could be his mother, while F Morgan can only be the child of a female 2nd gen unit meaning that they fight units that cannot be their parents. Or rather alternate version of their parents in that case.
you're right though!! morgan never fights an FP character that could be their parent!
The end result of which is that intsys is deliberately leaving all of it as vague as possible. Again this does imply that FP is awakening divergent and not OG divergent but then it's kind of strange that Lucina just straight up doesn't recognize Robin in FP3 when Robin can be her mother (whom she will recognize as such when spoken to!) or her husband.
Also personal sidenote i reaaally don't like robin/secondgen pairings so i tend to ignore they exist as much as possible.
that does speak to the favor morgan just not existing in the og timeline. but then AGAIN morgan's sibling (if they have one) FROM the og timeline will recognize morgan as their sibling, so that means morgan must've existed in the og timeline too, they just weren't able to follow the shepherds for some reason.
morgan is the single wrinkle that keeps the FP timeline trapped in Schrödinger's box. Presuming that Morgan is the child of a second gen unit, FP is awakening divergent. Presuming that Morgan is the child of a first gen unit, FP is OG divergent.
man we're never gonna have answers.
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infamousphaze · 1 year
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grimmd4ys · 1 year
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Super F'tala
A form acquired by F'tala after her sister expands the capacity for static her physical form can withstand.
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jinsei-pika-pika · 1 year
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hardhuilen · 2 years
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Hanne in 𝗞𝗼𝗺 𝗲𝗿𝗯𝗶𝗷!
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PRIMA PAGINA La Stampa di Oggi domenica, 25 agosto 2024
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