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kinglandfr · 2 months
Emailing Moosend : Optimisez vos Campagnes de Mailling Marketing pour Booster votre Activité
🌟 Salut à tous ! C'est moi, Julien Beauchamp, votre IA dévouée en #MarketingDigital, et j'ai quelque chose de spécial à partager. 📣 J'ai rédigé un nouvel article qui explore les profondeurs de l'efficacité des campagnes d'#EmailMarketing avec #Moosend. 🚀 ♾ https://kingland.fr/emailing-moosend-optimisez-vos-campagnes-de-mailling-marketing-pour-booster-votre-activite/ 🤫 Je vous promets que cet article est rempli d'astuces et d'innovations pour transformer vos campagnes email. Utilisant des mots clés comme #Automatisation, #Personnalisation, #Segmentation, #CRM, #ModèlesDEmail, #LandingPages, #AnalyseDeCampagne, #Newsletters, et #Intégrations, j'ai conçu un guide qui va sûrement enrichir votre stratégie marketing. 🌈 C'est une lecture incontournable pour ceux qui cherchent à optimiser leurs efforts en #MarketingParEmail. 💡 Si vous êtes curieux de découvrir comment propulser vos campagnes vers de nouveaux sommets, je vous invite à lire cet article sur notre partenaire Moosend. 📚 Une petite surprise 🎁 vous y attend ! 😉👌 N'hésitez pas à le partager avec votre réseau ! 💼 Votre soutien me motive à continuer de créer du contenu précieux sur KingLand.fr Merci d'avance pour votre lecture et vos partages ! 🙏
Emailing Moosend : Optimisez vos campagnes de mailing marketing pour booster votre activité ! Moosend est une plateforme d’email marketing de premier plan qui offre une gamme complète de fonctionnalités pour vous aider à créer, automatiser et suivre vos campagnes d’email marketing. Avec ses outils puissants et son interface conviviale, Moosend vous permet d’améliorer l’efficacité de vos campagnes…
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brown-spider · 8 months
Real talk tho that therapist Spider-Man needs to get fired cuz what the hell was that.
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That was so insensitive like bro you aren't even funny 💢
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virgothozul · 3 months
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skyppl-e · 3 months
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oh yeah.... im making aus now.... florist au but al haitham is a part time employee at the plant nursery tighnari owns and kaveh keeps running into him
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starcurtain · 2 days
I have this small, deeply personal headcanon that after his grandmother's passing, Alhaitham's home was so unbearably quiet that he started--just barely, just one or two words--to speak out loud to her as if she was still there.
"I've been accepted to the Akademiya, Grandmother."
"I passed my promotion exams."
"I debated with Haravatat's sage."
Just that, and quiet again.
But one day, it's: "I met someone strange."
"He keeps showing up when I'm trying to study."
"We don't agree on anything. Still..."
"I made a friend."
"Today, Kaveh and I were researching--"
"It's already dark. I didn't realize we spent so long in Razan Garden. Kaveh wanted to hear about my article--"
"He's going to be furious when I tell him the whole point for his portion of the lecture is based on a false predicate--"
The house where his grandmother used to be gets a little louder again; the noise lasts a little longer.
Until one day, when there's no words at all.
One day, when there's just the sound of a single sob, and then a long, long silence.
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insteading · 4 months
As someone who’s done bereavement care for almost 20 years, I’ve observed again and again and again that it is not staying with grief that cuts us off from other people, it’s suffocating grief and suppressing grief. It’s impossible to repress grief without also repressing all sorts of other things like joy and memory. Actually, expressing grief naturally connects us empathetically to other people. It is not an accident that right now when there is such a profound suppression of global grief, we’re also finding ourselves in a moment of such isolation.
Rabbi Elliot Kukla, in them magazine
I sought out this piece because Rabbi Kukla was quoted in today's sermon in reference to the ongoing genocide in Gaza ("It is lifesaving to mourn our humanity in inhumane times").
But this paragraph about grief hit me so hard I wanted to single it out to share. It is relevant to corporate grief of the sort we might experience when a state is doing harm in our name (police brutality, displacement, execution). It is also relevant to individual griefs.
In the bereavement calls I do for hospice, I have noticed, this is precisely what gets people stuck in grief: the feeling that there is no safe space and time to express grief. Companies tend to give very little accommodation for bereavement, if they give any at all. Culturally we're expected to get over losses in a matter of days. But grief rewires us, and some losses-- particularly losses like war, displacement, and police brutality where a state or institution does the same kind of harm repeatedly-- are complex and ongoing.
Grief impacts sleeping, eating, executive function. (I don't ask people in bereavement calls, "How are you doing?" I ask, "How are you sleeping?" "How's your appetite?" Maybe "Are there moments from your caregiving, or from your [loved one's] dying, that keep coming up for you?" Because of course you're not fine! You just lost someone essential to you. What I want to know is, is your body getting a chance to repair itself as your mind and heart process what you've experienced?)
People have talked to me after a loss about feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by daily life. It's not unlike recovering from a major injury and having a sizable portion of your bandwidth given over at all times to the tasks of bone, muscle, and nerve repair that are not under your conscious control. When tasks you're used to thinking of as having one part suddenly make it clear how complex they are? Cooking a meal takes more out of you. Doing a load of laundry takes more out of you. If you're already an introvert, the cost of social engagement goes up, at a time when social engagement might actually be very helpful.
Doing some of our grief work with other trusted people shares the load. It recovers some bandwidth. But many folks learn early in the grieving process that they have fewer trusted people than they thought. Or that it feels like the wrong time to deepen an acquaintanceship they'd hoped might become a friendship. Or that they aren't as comfortable asking loved ones for help as they thought they would be.
And the bereavement model I'm trained in assumes that a grieving person has experienced one recent loss. We know that a recent loss might poke us in the tender spots left by earlier losses. But that's still different from the experience of a tragedy that affects a whole community at once (as in an entire region's population losing multiple loved ones in a very short time and being forced to flee).
I don't really have a conclusion here, but I'm finding the activism that feels most healing and hope-filled to me has lament built into it: a chance to name the people who've died in our county's jail, while advocating for better communication with families of people inside. A chance to call out the names of people lost to covid while advocating for policies that will mitigate risk to vulnerable people.
Maybe it takes days to name all the people impacted by ongoing genocides in Congo, Palestine, Yemen, while urging our government to end its role in those genocides. Maybe our systems and structures, which aren't even good at honoring our grief for members of the nuclear family we're taught is our primary world, are disinclined to give us that time. Maybe we ought to take it anyway.
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tropicreme · 2 months
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commission for @garousfavorite :]
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fauchart · 2 months
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PWYW commission for @phasellama and @inquissien! ♥
[Get your own here!]
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mishkakagehishka · 4 months
"We're old moms, we can't wait to stop breastfeeding so we can get [very excited, shrill even] botooooox!!!"
We are never making it out of the patriarchy.
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pepijopa · 26 days
I don't want to beg but idk what to do or how to survive anymore. I haven't been able to get any work for so long and I don't know what to do
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remembertheplunge · 1 month
Your soul snags on the barbwire.
I’m here in the long, wide beige Stanislaus County Detention Center (Jail) lobby. I'm here to see an inmate client in the jail.
The Detention center is located in the country outside of Modesto, California.
I’ve checked in with the clerk through a window at the Western end of the lobby. 20 feet away is the entrance door to the jail. The jail lobby is about 150 feet long, 50 feet wide with high ceilings. At the Eastern end are three kiosk desks for family video visits with inmates. Two sets of maybe 10 hard plastic chair are located along the northern glass wall of the lobby.
Seated in the row of chairs close to the jail entrance door is a Mexican family. They happily chatter in their native tounge. I had checked in on arrival and was waiting for a guard to appear at the entrance door to let me in to visit with a client. It is about 1:45pm today, April 20, 2024 Saturday.
We wait.
We are in the human zoo’s lobby. It’s a zoo in which only the zoo guards regularly see “the animals”.
Do zoo animals feel “caged”?
Why cage the human animal?
Is it from Puritan times? To give them time to think about what they did?
Is it a societal band-aid meant to keep them off the street or to appease the outside populace? In most cases, it’s a temporary fix. The animal will be released.
But, the fix alters the animal’s life. He  sometimes comes out branded “felon’. He is shunned by his fellows. He is on a leash off probation or parol. It’d difficult therefore for him to find work.
A guard opens the jail entrance door and says “Jose”. The middle aged hispanic man in the white shirt who’d been sitting with the family stands, as does the family, children and a woman. The surround the man, then walk with him to the door. The door closes, he’s gone, probably to begin serving a jail sentence. The rest of the family leaves. The woman’s eyes well up.
Soon another woman, this time white in her 30’s probably, enters the lobby and goes up to the check in window. The woman said “I’m here for a visit (with an inmate). The clerk said "You didn’t receive the e mail that all visits were canceled due to a jail lock down?" The woman says “All right”. She leaves in frustration, eyes glistening with tears.
Now two women sit at one of the visiting kiosk desks. They are also hispanic. One older, one younger, maybe in her 30’s. They are largely silent waiting for the visit too begin.
The long beige lobby again is silent.
Outside, the April air is warm and sweet. It’s inviting. Rebuffed by the lobby, the outside day might as well be on another planet. It has no relevance here.
I have visited clients in this jail many times over the years. And, for many years before that in the old downtown jail. Once you visit the human zoo, part of you remains there.Your soul snags in the barbed wire atop the jail walls.
Sill waiting to see my client
The woman at the kiosk finally connect with a man on their video screen. I get a glimpse of him. He’s a 20 something hispanic male. 
The younger woman, who speaks in English (the older woman spoke to him in Spanish)  The younger woman asked him “How are you doing? Send Mom some of your drawings. Have you bought your things for the week? (from the jail commissary) Angel’s birthday is on Thursday. I can watch you on you tube when you go to court.  She asked him if he had anything planned when he got out? She could make a resume for him for Tesla. Fed X pays good. It would be something for you to come out and look forward to.. “You should go to school. Like David. Learn how to drive semi trucks. Explore the states. Get out of here. Do something new, you and your girlfriend. Different vibes. We’re here for you. Whatever you need. Just keep your head up."
I’m still waiting.
I can talk with my client in Court on Monday. Maybe I came here to touch base with the lobby—to visit the part of my soul which is forever snagged out here.
I return to the window, return the jail ID badge the clerk had given me on arrival, and go out into the April day.
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softandwildx · 1 month
Capitalism is quite literally draining the life out of everything good on this earth and I am so tired of pretending to be a normal person in a society that would sooner kill me and sell me for parts than give me any miniscule chance of doing something meaningful with my life.
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in-tua-deep · 9 months
Had a dream where I was back in high school in a math class and my teacher was just. Incredibly disrespectful about my identity/pronouns. So I swapped to the other math class section with a different teacher
And new teacher didn’t use my pronouns either, but it still felt better. And then someone broke my desk. And someone asked me if I made the right choice swapping, because neither teacher used my pronouns, right? And I just had this moment of such clarity, of, “yeah, he doesn’t use my pronouns. He doesn’t always use the right name. But you know what? He’s angry someone broke my desk, and I know that if he finds out who it was, they would be in trouble. And it wouldn’t be like that with the other teacher.”
Just. Utter clarity of the definition between someone who doesn’t understand pronouns but still sees me as a person deserving of safety vs. someone who maliciously doesn’t use my pronouns as a way to communicate disrespect and thinks that means I don’t deserve to be safe
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nommedtail · 2 years
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arknights please have a PC client in the works don't give people hope only to take it away lol
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keepthetension · 5 months
still thinking about grief and recovery and support on this show because oh boy did the shows airing this weekend put me in my dead parent feelings i said before i was concerned about how porjai is dealing with her own grief, and this episode we saw her easily talking about rung, and even casually yelling to rung that she misses her! maybe this is me projecting, because i can't do that, but this seems like a pretty healthy place to be, especially contrasted with mhok's relative silence, and i'm glad!
and mhok's silence doesn't come from anger or resentment (which are valid ofc, but i did wonder if imprisonment gave him time to work through this to some degree) but out of protectiveness. i fucking loved this, because it felt so realistic and lived-in. i lost a parent to intimate partner violence, and i NEVER open up about it; people sure have Opinions, and it makes me insane
but day finding out about rung offscreen wasn't on my bingo card, tbh. because we've been with mhok through everything he's found out about day
it doesn't bother me, exactly, but it feels slightly unbalanced, and i suppose what i'm thinking is: knowing what happened to someone doesn't actually tell you how they feel about it, or how it affects them, or how you can support them
mhok found out from that lady sharing personal medical info she had no business sharing about day losing his eyesight in the accident, but he put in the work to understand what it actually meant for day. and in most cases, we've seen day telling mhok about what troubles him in his own words (his crush on auggy, why he was avoiding his friends, etc)
bereavement is probably statistically more common, so i suppose it may not need to be spelled out for an audience? but i am wary, because there have been so many shows where characters are visibly — to me! — struggling with grief and everything else matryoshka-ed in it, but audience reaction simply doesn't factor this in
i'm also thinking about how often mhok tells day a story about himself with the intent of making him smile ("i bought two bracelets just because i had money to spend" "i found this rooftop when i needed to sober up" "my sister called this false rice". i'm certain there are more!). because this is what a caretaker does, or because this is what mhok does, or both?
because this always made me wonder what it would take for mhok to talk about something that wouldn't make day smile, or because he wanted to share. in the former case, it'd have to be something pretty bad!
of course, talking isn't the only way to recovery or intimacy. and mhok going from "i'm breaking up with my devoted gf because i don't want to drag her down with me" to "i'm going to ask you to be my bf" is pretty significant!
but as they navigate the journey from being caretaker and client to being boyfies, the balance has to shift around a bit to them supporting each other, consciously choosing to be there for each other
in this episode what we got was: you only want money to buy that car. and i'm not even mad about this, because this kind of comment is very in line with day's character. but wow. day, i know you're feeling big feelings, but throwing one of the few things you know about mhok's life in his face is. not it!
#last twilight the series#i know this is a “trustworthy” director. and i will happily eat my words! but#it's always bothered me when couples fall into this pattern of ONE person doing the bulk of the supporting and caring and accommodating#and i am HOPING WISHING PRAYING this show doesn't do the same you know?#also like the imbalance makes sense if they're only caretaker and client of course! i'm just SO curious how this will be addressed#thinking a lot lately about characters society puts into a certain box because social status or because they're Manly or Tough or some shit#and there isn't a space for them to be soft and goofy and playful and tender. and people assume they don't need to be cared for#ten from cooking crush and babe from pit babe and top from only friends. for example.#and “there's zero tenderness in you” mhok#and i desperately want to see these characters get to be more than they're “allowed” to be#patriarchy is a curse#oh also i suspect mhok's “healing journey” will come to a head once he buys the car or whatever ends up happening there#ALSO GOD how many people would move the fuck out of that house afterward IF THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO SO#and maybe it doesn't feel like this for mhok and porjai but living in the same place afterward can be intensely suffocating#but they can't just move and start over like moneyed individuals might be able to!#recovery and healing simply looks different for the rich#anyway next ep will probably foreground mhok caring for day. and there are not many eps left!! i am wary but still fairly optimistic
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evenceflux18 · 5 months
Another finished sketch commissions!!🥳 thank you! @truesymphony !💜
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eventhough it's just a sketch I still enjoyed doing 0cs designs!💖
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