#Sushi sarai
gucciwins · 2 years
maybe it's best...
paris is known as the city of love, but why is your heartbreaking
Word count: 10740
A/N: Hi friends! As you can see by the word count i have no control when it comes to harry and bel. this was requested by a lovely anon about wanting some angst and well i hope i delivered.
Warnings: panic attack, angst
you can read more of harry and bel here love on tour series sending you lots of love 🤍🤍🤍
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New York City, New York
There’s always something new happening in your life. The never-ending cycle of work, rest, and repeat. As much fun as you had with Harry during his Wembley shows in London, getting to celebrate with friends and families, you had to leave. Work did not wait for you as much as you wished it did.
The only good thing about leaving Harry was that there was already a set date for when you would see him again. Paris is where you would reunite as Harry decided he wanted to spend a few days with you in the City of Love as cheesy as he was because after you had to begin pre-production for a new movie. You’d head out early and leave the day after the show as he would be heading to Belgium.
Luckily for you, both would be busy, meaning time would move faster. Harry had stadiums to sing and dance to while you had scripts to memorize and photoshoots to be taken. You were in New York shooting with Tyler Mitchell for your cover of Harper’s Bazaar. The interview had already taken place; the last part was the photo session. You were glad Tyler was available as he is someone you loved working with, as he had a way of capturing the subject through his lens. 
You were glad to be back in New York for a week enjoying all the walking you got to do. Many paparazzi are lingering around, but you have proved stealthy when moving around. Naomi and Sarai were busy camping in Yosemite, getting ready to hike Half Dome, a hike that could take up to 10-12 hours. You did not envy them. All you wished for was they had a great time and returned home safely. 
New York alone would not be a problem. It meant you had time for things you hadn’t done in the longest time, such as visiting a Broadway show or visiting your god-daughter Violet and her father, Alex. There were new restaurants you wanted to try, and you were happy to do that alone. 
You had finally finished with your shoot. It was outfit after outfit. It was fun when you started, but new hairstyles and makeup get repetitive after the first few hours. Thankfully, the team you were working with made it fun, and as soon as they called it for the day, everyone cheered for a job well done. You made sure to say goodbye to the entire crew as you were leaving, thanking them for being part of the project. 
Silas, your driver, had asked if you wanted to go back home or out for some dinner when your phone rang. You felt your heart rate pick up at the chance of it being Harry but looked at the time on the dash and knew it wouldn’t be him as in Oslo sleeping off another successful show. You spoke with him earlier in the day before the shoot wishing him luck and that you’d be thinking of him. Harry sent you a photo of him in his outfit for the day, and you were left in awe of how gorgeous he looked.
Instead, the caller read Genesis, your co-star in the newest season of The Umbrella Academy, that your friends and family had congratulated you on the show’s success. You had to do a few interviews because the story was not focused on you. That’s something you reminded Viola, who assured you that the number of talk shows and interviews would be smaller, and thankfully they had been.
“Hi lovely, how are you?” You greet when you connect the call.
“Y/N, amor. I’m good. Heard you’re in New York,” Genesis cuts straight to the point.
You laugh, “I am. Wrapped up for the day, deciding what to eat for dinner.”
Someone is whispering beside her; it sounds oddly familiar. “How great. Would you like to join us at Sushi Seki for dinner?” 
“On first?” 
“The very one.” 
“I can be there in twenty,” you offer. 
“Who’s us?” 
There’s arguing, then a new voice reaches your ear as you finish giving Silas directions to the restaurant. 
“It’s your favorite person,” the voice greets. 
A smile overtakes your face, “David!”
“The one and only.” 
“Oh, I can’t wait to squeeze you both.” 
“Feeling is mutual,” they both shout. 
You make it under the promised time. Silas says he’ll only be a few blocks away to call or text him when you’re ready to go home. He’s an older man who loves telling stories about the city he moved to at eighteen. His wife and kids are his pride and joy, and as much as you offered him time to retire to spend time with his wife, he says she’s not ready to be done teaching and needs something to do for the time being. 
“Have a great dinner, Miss Belmonte.” 
“You’re welcome to come in,” you offer.
He shakes his head, laughing, “as always, thank you, but not today.” 
“Another time,” you make him promise. 
“Of course.” 
You head into the restaurant giving Genesis’ name; the young hostess walks you, assuring you that your waiter will be over soon. 
“Y/N Belmonte!” David shoots out of his seat, pulling you into a bear hug and knocking the wind out of you. Genesis bumps him out of the way, takes you into her arms, and then ushers you into the seat.
You laugh because these are your friends, you missed having them around. As actors, they understand the constant travel from location to location and the never-ending press interviews. But here, you get to just tell dumb stories and catch up. 
You and Genesis have not spoken as often, but it’s clear time is not a factor as she fills you in on her life. While you and David are constantly communicating, from emails to texts to having your assistants in contact. You are starring in a romance film that begins filming in Spring 2023. You and David are similar; both Hispanic, embracing your culture and showing that part of ourselves in each role we play. You’ve admired his work for a long time, but after working with him, you’re an even bigger fan. He will say the same about you, always making sure to sing your praise even when you tell him not to.  
You remember speaking with Matthew Lopez, the screenwriter and director of this romantic movie, and how he approached you to be the lead after letting you read the script, and you were hooked. The screentest with David was easily the best you had, and it was a no-brainer to you and Matthew, who deserved the role. All three of you were excited to embark on this journey, as your Hispanic background was something you all shared. It would make for an even more safe and more diverse set. 
David said you spoke a lot about your boyfriend, Harry, but he didn’t blame you because he sounded like a fantastic partner. He admitted to being a fan and hopefully would get to meet him soon. This project was still under wraps, not a single word out about it, and you were all hoping for it to stay that way until next year after Matthew had finished filming his directorial debut, Red White and Royal Blue. Not a single soul knew about the project besides your managers and assistants that had to coordinate the shooting days. 
You shared a knowing smile with David as Genesis demanded to hear all about your boyfriend and how you bought a house in London. 
“She is half English, you know,” David tells her.
Genesis reaches over to slap his shoulder. “Cabrón. Claro que se.” 
“Hey, no need to call me a dumbass,” he pouts. 
“Be nice. He wears his heart on his sleeve, remember,” you joke because as much as you love David, you never know what’s going on in his head.
“Ha ha.” David rolls his eyes. 
“Back to Bel,” 
You pout, “I feel like all I’ve done is talk.” 
“That’s cause we never see you anymore,” Genesis reminds you.
“Miss booked and busy,” David teases.
“Always a phone call away.” They give you a stare, and you sigh, “fine, always a text away.” 
After dinner, you all called it quits having busy days planned for tomorrow. Silas says he should be there in five, while Genesis says you must get breakfast together alone before leaving. You promise to squeeze her into your busy schedule. 
That leaves you and David chatting as he waits for your driver to arrive. He promises he doesn’t mind waiting for his mother would kill him if she knew he left you alone waiting for your ride. Conversation flows easy; you’re laughing at a dumb joke he made that you don’t notice a camera pointed in your direction or the flash that accompanied it. 
Your team would not inform you about the photos that were quick to spread through all types of fan accounts because it’s not something you ever worried about, and it wasn’t affecting you negatively for it to be mentioned. Social media is not something you concern yourself over; if anything, Instagram was the only form of media you used because you loved seeing all of Harry’s photos. Also, the easiest way to keep up with your friends and family.
Only a few more days in New York, then you’d finally be home.
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Oslo, Norway 
Harry loved performing. 
His mum always told him he was made for the stage, made to make an impact on everything around him. 
Here he was performing in sold-out stadiums filled for him. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d get to do this again, but here he is achieving these dreams. Even better is that he’s so loved by his family and friends but most importantly by his girlfriend, Bel. 
Bel was his best friend. You spoiled him by joining his US tour for a few months because now, whenever he turns a corner, he hopes to find you. Yet, knew that was not possible. He was lucky enough that Bel joined him for the start of the tour. Where Bel got to see him play his first stadium and meet more of his family and friends they didn’t see during the holidays. 
Harry had said goodnight to the band and headed to his room for the night, ready to travel to France tomorrow. 
As he lay in bed, he pulled out his phone seeing a text message from Jeff. It linked him to Twitter, where an E News headline was speaking about Bel; curious why Jeff sent it, he opened the link. 
There was a photo of Bel looking as beautiful as ever from one of her past red carpets and alongside her was someone that wasn’t familiar to Harry. He had a lovely face and an even nicer beard. 
The headline read: Y/N Belmonte and David Castañeda set to star in a Romance film set to start filming Spring 2023. Here’s what we know so far. 
He exited that one only to find another: Sparks lying between the newest co-stars.
Harry frowns at his phone; he doesn’t know about any new movies you’d be doing or who this person you were spotted with was. You had told him your upcoming schedule but not your future plans. He’d still be touring, and you’d be filming. It meant more coordinating schedules and facetime dates. He’d do anything for you, but there were times he wished he could have you at his sides. 
He went back online and saw your name trending, and right below you was David Castañeda. All everyone seemed to be talking about was Y/N and David. Harry was curious as to what fans were saying. 
@fan101 THIS IS THE BEST DAY!!!!! Hispanic actors taking over!!
@fan2 David y Y/N irán por el oscar (David and Y/N going for the oscar)
@fan3 First, we get David and Y/N having dinner. Now they’re in a movie together 
@fan44 why do they look like the perfect couple??? sorry to her boyfriend, but damn, you got competition.
The tweets were endless. All talking about what a lovely couple you’d made together with David and singing his praise about how he’s a respectable man who would treat her well as he didn’t ever post about his relationship. Harry felt his heart sink because their relationship was out there, yet they wanted to see her with someone else. 
Harry knew he should close the app and go to bed, but it’s like he couldn’t. Through scrolling, he found a fan account that tweeted a photo of Bel and David hugging and another where he helped her into the car. It looked intimate and like the fan invaded a private moment. He remembered you mentioned dinner with friends but didn’t know it was just one. 
Below that tweet was paparazzi photos from a few hours ago. There was a thread of images. The first showed Bel in a bookshop smiling down at a book. His pretty girl. 
The next few made him feel queasy. David was standing next to you, looking at the book you were holding. In his hand were around three or four more books. A few more showed you paying for your books and taking the bag. Except when you walked out, you were no longer holding the bag. No, David was seen holding the bag as he held the door open for you. A few more of you strolling away, oblivious to the cameras around you. 
Harry closed his phone after that. He had seen enough. It was clear what he was seeing. At least he thought it was. His mind was clouded, and he knew he was jealous. Going to sleep is what he should be doing as it was close to midnight, but instead, he pulled up your contact number and rang you. It was close to six pm for you. There was no way you wouldn’t answer.
He didn’t know what he wanted to say. You must have seen this; Viola must have shown you, or Emerson must have texted you to update you and address the situation. Harry had no idea what was going on, and he hated that. All he knew was that he wanted to hear your voice. You answered on the third ring. 
“Amor, hi. A bit late, no?” 
“Missed you, is all.” Harry sighs as he hears you giggle. 
“Miss you, too, amor.” 
“How’s New York?”
“Busy. You know the city never sleeps.” 
“Violet and Alex say hello.” 
“That’s sweet. You’ve only met up with them so far.” 
“No, I met up with other friends. Remember I mentioned it a day or so ago.” 
Harry notices you don’t name any names. 
“Anyone, I know?”
You frown; he’s never asked about that before. “No, actually, haven’t introduced you to them. They weren’t in the city when we were here in November.” 
You notice the tone in his voice now. Something is clearly going on. 
“Yes, love?” 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” he’s quick to reply. 
Another sign.
 After your fight in Los Angeles, he got better at communicating with you. He wasn’t as hesitant to share, and neither were you. The trust you had built together had come a long way. Which surprised you why now he wasn’t willing to continue to do the same. 
“Was it a bad show?” 
“No, it was a good night. Had the best time,” he mutters.
You sigh, “that’s great. I’m happy to hear that.” 
Silence falls between you both. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. I understand.” You pause, hoping he understands you don’t want to pressure him if he’s not comfortable. “I’m here for you. If you do.” 
“We can talk about the show. Or how Violet loves drawing now.” 
Harry knows you’re trying to help, but it only upsets him for some reason. You were out essentially with someone else, and everyone is calling it a date. He knows he shouldn’t listen to the media and how effortlessly they twist words and can manipulate photos, but this hit too close. He didn’t know how insecure he had felt until he saw the images. Until he felt like he might really lose you. 
“Alex says he had to stick construction paper along the walls because it’s her favorite place to draw. He didn’t want to risk the white walls to her wild drawings.” You share, laughing at the story, hoping to get him laughing with you as well. 
It doesn’t work. 
“I’m excited to see you, H.” 
Harry cracks a small smile, one he wishes you could see, “three days.” 
“Three days,” you repeat. 
“Paris is nice this time of year.” 
“Yeah, think we’ll have a chance to walk around? Visit a museum or two,” you sound excited at the thought, as if you’d both be able to blend in with no fans approaching you for the day. 
And just like that, all his feelings are back. Harry wants to take you on museum dates and not worry about who sees them. He wants to be a regular guy taking his girlfriend out on dates, but neither of them live normal lives. 
“Bel, I–”
“You alright, H?” Your voice is full of concern. 
“Saw the news about the new movie,” he says. 
“With Matthew Lopez as director.” 
Harry frowns at your response. “Did you not know you were cast?”
You chuckle under your breath, “I knew.” He hears a lot of shuffling before you talk again. “The news wasn’t supposed to break. The script is being finalized as well as securing shooting locations.” 
“Oh, that’s–” Harry doesn’t know what to say. Then why were you with your co-star?
“Fuck, Viola says it’s all okay. Only positive feedback,” you breathe out, relieved.
“Helps that you were spotted with your co-star,” Harry mutters under his breath.
“Your co-star David. Paparazzi photos of you online everywhere from when you had dinner together to your bookstore date,” Harry tells you, not holding back his anger anymore. 
That’s when it all clicks for you, as you pull up Twitter on your laptop and see everything everyone is saying. Nothing terrible, which makes things easier to navigate.
“David and I met when shooting Umbrella Academy, H. Beginning of the year, just friends.” You try to assure him. 
“You’re not spotted with any other of the cast,” he argues back. 
“Whoever took that photo must have not got when Genesis was there another co-star. He stayed until my car arrived only two minutes later.” You wait for a response but get nothing. 
Harry sits there, taking in all the information. Just a friend, he has lots of friends. He doesn’t have any friendships that look at him like David looked at you.
“And the bookstore?” 
“He was leaving the city today. He wanted a gift for his mother, and I found some I was interested in. That’s all. I met up with Alex after leaving him.” You feel sick to your stomach because you’re defending yourself. You have no idea what he’s thinking, but explaining who you were with and what the photo looks like leaves a nasty pit in your stomach. 
Harry stays silent. He believes you; of course, he does. There is no reason for you to lie to him. 
“You should post a photo or something,” he throws it out there. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
Harry seemed to have caught you off guard; he has no problem explaining what he means. “To remind them who you’re dating.” 
“That–that doesn’t seem necessary.” 
“It does if you’re being shipped with him.” His voice was stern, as if this wasn’t something he’d change his mind about.
“People online don’t matter. Who cares what they say?”
“I care,” Harry shouts.
“Since when,” he hates that your tone is neutral. He hates not being able to see you and see everything you’re feeling right now. “You just want to stake your claim, Harry.” 
He isn’t, right? That’s not why he asked you to do that. 
“It’s no one’s business.” You remind him, just as you had done many months before.
“It is when they are disrespecting our relationship.” 
“H,” you breathe softly, “it’s no one’s business but ours.”
“It’s like you’re hiding me,” he says, offended. 
“I’m not causing an uproar just because you’re feeling jealous.” 
“It’s not that.” 
“Yes, it is. You wouldn’t have called me if you didn’t see the photos. You didn’t want to talk to me. You wanted me to do as you said and make the world see that I’m yours and not his. Because you knew my words weren’t enough to assure you. And honestly, Harry, I don’t know what that says about us.” 
“Harry, you’re jealous. You should go to bed.” Your tone had no room for argument. 
“Bel, you aren’t listening!”
“No, I am. You’re jealous and have already decided how this should be fixed by photos of some PDA as if I’m not flying out to Paris to see you in a matter of days. As if your team doesn’t post behind the scenes of us.”
“This would fix everything.” 
“You just want me to agree.” You’re fed up. You heard enough.
“No, of course not.”
“But you’ll be upset if I don’t.”
His silence is answer enough. 
Harry can’t stop running his hand through his hair; he wishes you were having this conversation in person. 
“Maybe it’s best I stay here,” you whisper.
Harry lets the words sink in. Bel doesn’t want to come to Paris, doesn’t want to see him.
The silence must last too long because he hears a sniffle through the phone and feels his heart crack.
“What?” Harry pushes the covers off of him and paces the small room of his tour bus. “Bel, please come,” he pleads. 
It’s like you’re not even listening to a word he said. 
“You need to think this over.”
“No, please. Can’t leave it like this.” 
“I’ll let Luis know about the changes.” 
Harry feels the tears tumbling over because how did he mess this up so fast. 
How did he lose you?
“Darling, love, baby,” he begs. 
“It’s late. You should sleep.” 
“Bel,” Harry cries into the phone.
You clear your throat, and he knows you’re crying. It’s all his fault. He messed up. Now he can’t even fix it. 
“I love you.”
Bel hangs up before he can say it back. He stares down at his phone and cries. He crawls into bed and calls you back. It rings and rings until he gets your voicemail. He tries again. This time it’s straight to voicemail. 
Harry doesn’t know what to do. 
There’s no way he can get on a plane to fly to you. He would in a heartbeat if he knew Jeff wouldn’t kill him. If he didn’t have hundreds of people employed relying on him. 
All he can do is wallow in pity and hope you’d answer his call for lunch as you’ve done every day for the past week. 
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New York City, New York
At two o’clock, your phone rings just as it has since you left Harry. It was lunchtime for him and breakfast for you. Just yesterday, you would have answered the call in a heartbeat, but now you watch it ring until it stops. Everything in you wants to pick up the call and apologize to tell him that you’ll still be getting on the flight, but the hurt you felt last night wins over.
He rings you once more before he stops. It’s a new ringtone now, not the one you have designated for Harry, and you peek over to see who’s calling. First, it’s Jeff, followed by Tommy and Sarah. 
You sigh; of course, you won’t answer. Those are your mutual friends, but at the end of the day, they were Harry’s first. You were in no mood to hear from them. The two people you did want to talk to were in Yosemite with no signal. It felt like you were on your own, and you hated that.
You hadn’t felt this alone since losing your grandparents. There was no one you wanted to reach out to. No one could help. It was just you and all your feelings. So that’s what you did. You ordered take-out and cried in your apartment because you wished to never feel this alone ever again. 
It was consuming you. You knew it would if you didn’t do something about it. The thing was, right now, you didn’t care.
The days seemed to blink by. You were supposed to get on a plane to Paris in a few hours. Your suitcase had been backed long before your fight. There were endless messages from Harry and all his friends on tour with him asking how I was doing and that they were excited to see me. All messages were left unread, as were the calls. 
His sister called you, but you chose to ignore her as well. They were best friends, and you knew she had to know what was happening. Harry told her everything. A call with her and you’d be getting on a flight to Harry because that’s what a good sister does stand by your side through everything. 
You miss him, but that phone call hurt. 
You felt how much he questioned you and your relationship. You thought no one could hurt your relationship. You never expected each other to be the cause. 
Before you could continue wallowing in self-pity, your phone rings, and you’re quick to answer as you hear a familiar Spice Girls song fill the quiet room. 
“It’s safe to say you survived then.” A genuine smile takes over their face as Naomi’s laughter settles in.
“Haha, my body feels like it didn’t.” 
“Photos prove otherwise.” 
Naomi groans, “Sarai was adamant we posted. I was crying coming down the mountain, knowing I had all those miles back to camp.” 
“No wonder she captured your backside,” you tease. 
“Yeah, yeah. I was calling for something else.” 
You pout, although she can’t see. “Not because you miss me.” 
“Checked to see if you’re all packed for Paris.” 
And just like that, the facade is gone. Naomi’s call wasn’t random. It was a check-in. 
“What do you know?” 
“Hmmm, what do you mean?” You heard her voice rise an octave. She was always a bad liar. 
“Naomi, we both know you can’t lie. Should have let Sarai take the call.” 
“Fine, fine. He’s just worried, and so am I. Why didn’t you call me?” 
“Because you were in the forest with no signal.”
“Good point.” You hear her take a deep breath muttering to someone next to her. “Who did you call?” 
You fall silent. Think of a name, any name. 
“Bel,” she sighs in disappointment. 
“Who could I call? You and Sarai were unavailable, and as much as I know, I have other people they don’t know enough to understand. And those who do…were with him right now. I know they’d all have told me to get on a flight to him.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
“But I do. They’re his friend,” you remind Namoi.
“Don’t do this to yourself. They are your friends as well. You just haven’t given them the chance to prove that to you.” 
And that doesn’t sit well with you because Naomi is right. You thought they’d all side with Harry but knowing Harry, he wouldn’t have shared anything about your argument. They were trying to be good friends, and you foolishly pushed them away. 
“I–I didn’t think about it like that.” 
“And that’s okay. You’re not used to having people there for you, but they are.” 
It’s always been hard to accept others cared for you; with Harry, it came easy, yet you ran away from him at the first sign of trouble.
“Harry didn’t call me.” 
You frown, “then who did.” 
“Well, he did. But Mitch called first because you had ignored everyone’s calls, including his.” 
“I didn’t know Mitch called.” The grimace on your face grows because you know he must have called when you shut your phone off. 
“Listen, you don’t have to tell me about the fight, but you owe yourself to figure it out, whether by giving him a call or getting on that flight.” 
Naomi tells you no longer beating around the bush.
“Do you think he’d want me there?”
“I think if he didn’t have sold-out concerts lined up night after night, he would already be in New York asking you to talk.” 
“He is a big rom-com fan.” 
“We know,” she jokes. 
“Okay. I… I’m going to get on that flight in a few hours to Paris,” You tell her confidently, and for the first time in days, you feel peace settle over you but know you won’t be okay until you’ve spoken with him. 
“Take a nap. Knowing you, you probably haven’t slept since you last talked with him.” 
“I’ll do that.”
And with a clear head, you closed your eyes, knowing that you’d be on a flight to Paris in a few hours and one step closer to being with Harry. It would all be alright. 
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You woke up to a buzzing by your head and knew it was your alarm. Time to make it for your flight. The strange thing was that it didn’t keep on ringing and had you sitting up in seconds. You picked up your phone and saw the time. It read: 11:10. Your flight was at 11:30. The buzzing was a text from Harry.
I’ll be at the airport. xx 
Oh no. 
You were going to miss your flight.
Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Why did you decide to take a nap? Why didn’t your alarm go off? Why didn’t you wait to sleep on the plane? 
Silas tried to get you there quickly and safely, but you knew it’d be too late. Your flight would be leaving without you. Harry would think you gave up on him after a fight. A fight that you could both easily resolve. It broke your heart. 
Rushing into the airport, it was crowded, and there were people everywhere. You checked in and headed to your terminal, hoping it was delayed, but there had been no messages on your phone alerting you about delays, only a single message to enjoy your flight. 
The gate door was closed, and the worker lingering around gave you a pitied look and helped guide you to the counter to look for a new ticket. 
“What do you mean there’s nothing?” 
The lady named Suzan gave you a polite smile; this wasn’t her fault. It was yours. “France is a popular destination this time of year. I’m afraid all outgoing flights are full. I can get you a flight for Friday.” 
“That’s too late,” you whispered, feeling the tears coming but trying your best to hold them back until you stepped away from the counter and the long line behind you. 
“I’m sorry, Miss Belmonte. We can offer you flying credit if the new date doesn’t work.” 
Harry would be in Amsterdam by then. None of this was working out. You were tempted to call Harry, but a big part of you feared he’d think you did this on purpose because you didn’t want to fix this problem. 
You walked away from the counter, wandering until you found a quiet corner to sit in. It helped that it was late at night. No one was around. You should have left the airport but leaving felt like giving up. 
They could help. They always knew what to do. You pulled your phone out with a shaky hand and pulled up the second contact of your favorite list. 
“Please tell me you’re on a flight to Paris.” That is the first thing Saraí said to you. 
No words come out of you as you’re choking back a sob. You messed up. Now you were going to lose him. 
“I missed it. I missed the flight. I overslept, and there are no flights.” You sob into the phone. You don’t know what to do. “She says everything’s booked as of now. Until Friday.” 
“There’s always something we can do.” 
You cry harder because you’re at a loss. You’re alone in an airport. You’re tired of being alone. You want someone to hold your hand, wrap you in a hug, and assure you that he’ll be happy to see you even if you arrive later. 
“I’m going to call Jeff.” They try their best to assure you. 
“No–not Jeff. He’s with him, I know. Not him. Harry will be mad if he knew I missed the flight.” You’re sure of it.
“Bel, he wouldn’t.” Sarai tries to get the idea out of your head, but you’re insistent. 
Soon you can’t even hear a word they’re saying. Your chest feels heavy, and your ears are ringing. It’s been a while since you felt this way, and the tears won’t stop. 
You can’t breathe, and you’re all alone.
“Bel? Bel, what’s going on?”
“H-h-urts.” You choke out. 
“Cariño, necesito que respires.” 
Sarai’s voice sounds fuzzy, and you can only make out parts. 
“Respira profundo. Respira profundo, mi cielo.”
“Ple-e-ease,” you whimper. 
That’s enough to break the haze. 
“Sarai,” you mutter.
“Good girl, that’s me. Follow me, breathe in.” 
You try to do as they say, but it’s hard. “Can’t.” 
“You can. Remember to breathe in for four seconds. Hold for seven and out for eight. Think we can do that.” 
“That’s all I ask.”
You put your free hand over your heart, trying to find some strength. Saraí guides you, and you try to follow.
Breathe In. 
Breathe out. 
You don’t know how many times you do it, but you feel your heart slow down. The room no longer feels like it’s closing down on you.
You did it.
You’re okay. Or you will be. 
“Just meet breathing, cariño.” 
“Thank you,” you sniff. 
“Nothing to thank. You’d do it for me.” 
You feel even more comfort hearing their breathing on the other end. 
“Now, keep breathing, and we’ll get Glenne to help. Right, she was still in London.” 
You hum. Last you knew, she was. 
“Okay, I’m going to hang up. I have to talk with her.” 
You whimper at the thought of them hanging up on you. Saraí instantly hears it and backtracks.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ll stay with you. Naomi is going to call Glenne. We’ll get you to Harry, I promise.” 
Sitting alone in a quiet corner of the airport, crying into your knees, you didn’t have much hope. There was no way he’d forgive you for this. 
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Paris, France
Your flight is in a few hours. I’ll be at the airport. xx 
The message was left on read. He took that as a sign, at first as a positive one, that you were on your way to him. Harry waited for the text that said you boarded the plane, but it didn’t come. He had faith that you still go on the plane for him, for their relationship. All he had to do was wait a few hours. 
Harry had Tommy drive him to the airport, and together they waited. He was anxious as time ticked by, and he didn’t hear a word from Bel. An hour after your plane arrived, there was no sign of you, and that’s when Harry knew he really messed up. That you didn’t get on the plane with him because you were still upset, rightfully so. He couldn’t blame you. 
Harry climbs back into the black SUV and sighs. No one says a thing as they drive him back to his hotel. He had made plans for the entire day with you. First, it’d start with freshening up in the hotel and hopefully clearing everything up. Then after that, he booked a private tour at Musée Jacquemart-André. The estate turned mansion was filled with hundreds of paintings that housed paintings from Italian to French artists. After that, depending on how hungry you felt, he’d take you to one of his favorite restaurants that Helene had shown him a few years back. Followed by a macaroon class because you told him you always wanted to learn how to make some and what better way to learn than in France. The day would end with a private dinner on top of the Eiffel Tower, cheesy, he knows, but you would have indulged him. 
All that has gone to waste. Now he gets to sit with this misery that upset you so much you preferred to stay oceans away from him. 
Arriving at his hotel, Jeff was waiting for him, clearly eager to get him to work or talk more of tour, but he wasn’t in the mood, not when he could have been spending the day with you. 
“H, Bel—”
Harry cuts Jeff off, “she’s not coming.”
“That’s the thing she—”
“Jeff,” Harry sighs, defeated. “Enough. I fucked up, and she’s not coming. I don’t want to talk about it. Not with a show tomorrow.”
Jeff frowns but stays quiet, respecting his wishes. 
“Do you want to be alone then?” 
Harry thinks about it for a second. He doesn’t want to be alone but feels like he deserves to be because that’s how you are right now. 
“It’d be best.” 
And so he spent the day he should have spent with you by his side alone. No one would be able to cheer him up. 
Not that he wanted them to. Not if they weren’t you. 
Harry laid down on the bed he was looking forward to sharing with you and stared up at the ceiling playing back every moment he had with you. From first spotting you in the crowd to your first kiss to dancing with his mum and sister side-stage at Wembley Stadium. 
A knock on his door breaks him out of his trance, and his heart skips a beat. You could be behind the door, waiting for him to let you in. He hurries out of bed, removes the lock, and swings the door open, hopeful to see you, but instead, he sees Jeff and Tommy, who frown at him. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Everything,” he mutters, moving back to let them in, but they don’t budge.
“H, we got to go,” Jeff tells Harry, seeing his sluggish movement. 
“To the arena.” 
Harry sees Jeff mumble something to Tommy, but he’s too sad to care.
“Yes, uh, did you sleep last night, buddy?” Tommy asks.
Did he? He doesn’t think so. Maybe he did when he was thinking of Bel. Did he really not feel the hours go by? 
“That’s alright, H. We’ll get you a strong coffee, and Ayae will take care of this pretty face.” 
Harry nods because it’s all he can do. He goes into his room, slips on his shoes, and grabs his dead phone. 
“My phone’s dead.” He announces, not knowing if his friends are even listening. 
“I’ll charge it for you.” Tommy grabs it out of his hand and slips it into his pocket. 
One less thing to worry about. There was no one he wanted to talk to, not if they weren’t you. 
"My mum is coming down. Make sure everything is alright for her." Harry reminds them, he might be lost in his head but he wants everything to be smooth for those he can take care of.
"We got you, H. Anne will be in good hands." Tommy promises.
“Come on, there’s a show to get ready for,” Jeff told him, patting him on his back. He owed it to his fans as much as he didn’t have the energy.
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Paris, France
Murphy’s law was real and of all days to prove true was when you were traveling to meet your boyfriend and hoping this argument wasn’t enough to lose him. You knew it wouldn’t be, but a large part of you was scared that all he needed was a way out, and this was it.
You slept in the airport’s luxurious lounge room while waiting for your flight. By some miracle, Glenne was able to get you a flight. They told you something about her speaking with Viola, but you were too out of it to listen. All you were thankful for was that you’d be on a plane to Paris in a few hours. 
Except before it could be set to take off, it got delayed two times, making you depart three hours later. This means you were assigned to arrive an hour before the show was set to start, not enough time to talk with Harry like you wished. 
Upon a smooth plane ride where you slept too anxious to do anything else, there was a delay on the tarmac because of a standard security clearance inside the airport. The flight attendants assured everyone everything would be okay, but it wouldn’t be for you as you were trying to make it to Harry’s show before it started. The European Tarmac law was that they couldn’t begin to depart you until five hours had passed. 
That’s when you decided to try to call Harry, you didn’t know what he’d say, but you desperately needed to hear his voice. The phone didn’t even have a chance to ring. It went straight to voicemail. That hurt, and you know he must have felt the same when you ignored his calls. 
You went with the next best thing and sent Jeff a text updating him about what was happening. Jeff assured you a car would be there whenever you got out. One thing you could count on, enough to have hope. 
Two hours later, the all-clear was given, and the airport was as chaotic as you expected. As you tried your best to make it out of the airport thankful, you only packed your carry-on. The one Harry gifted you for Christmas a Gucci one-of-a-kind with different patches that held special meaning in your relationship. 
The show has now started, and you were just getting in the car. It was someone you didn’t know, but they assured you that you were in safe hands and to relax because the arena was at least thirty minutes away from the Paris Orly airport. 
on my way to the arena. wish me luck xx 
You don’t need it. I love you. 
fingers crossed. i love you xx
The closer you got to the arena, the faster you felt your heart rate speed up. The sound was loud even from the outside. 
“Miss, they’re waiting for you at the door,” Carl, the driver for the arena, told you, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“Thank you.” 
The door is opened for you, and Tommy pulls you into a tight hug as soon as you get out, swinging your bag over his shoulder. “I am so glad to see you.”
“Same here. I assume Glenne filled you in on my missed flight,” you wince, knowing how upset Harry must be.
“Don’t sweat it. The boss will be as good as new when he sees you.” 
You smile and hope that’s true. It never got old walking backstage and seeing all the work done as hundreds of members move around. You get a few stares and are stopped to say hi to a few people, but you don’t mind. That is until you hear Harry singing “Lights Up” loud and clear and know he must be prancing around everywhere. 
“Can I–where’s a good place to watch?” 
“Side stage is always good,” Jeff answers from behind you. 
Although you’ve had ups and downs with Harry’s manager, he’s been accommodating and understanding to get you here today. You grin at him and pull him in a brief hug. 
“Maybe with Anne and Ben,” Tommy offers.  
As much as you love Anne and were dying to see her, that’s not where you needed to be. You wanted him to see you, wanted him to know that you did make it. 
“Might sound crazy, but I actually…I want to be in the crowd.”
“Not happening.” 
Everyone is quick to say no, causing you to pout, but it doesn’t stop you. 
“Fine.” You cross your arms, staring them down, “how about where Lloyd and Anthony take photos? That walkway,” you propose.
Jeff and Tommy share a look, and you know it’s a yes.
“Great, what direction am I walking in?” You raise an eyebrow, ready for either of them to take you down there. 
Tommy sighs, “come on then.” 
You squeal, giving Tommy a tight squeeze, and wave bye to Jeff, who slips a pass over your head before you get too far. 
“Just in case,” Jeff shrugs.
You hurry, following close behind Tommy, who does his best to get you there quickly, and once you hear the start of “Satellite” and the roar of the crowd, you know you made it. That you’re in Paris supporting your boyfriend. 
No matter what happens, you’re proud of him. Seeing him do what he loves each night is always a privilege. 
You start bouncing, feeling the music pass through you. There’s something Harry had you start wearing was earplugs as he didn’t want your hearing to get affected as his had through the years. You forgot to get them out of your bag this time and were left to feel the heaviness of the guitar, felt Sarah’s drums pass through you. It felt louder than ever. 
Harry looked gorgeous on stage. He was wearing trainers that allowed him to run more than he ever had before. Jeff stated that he aged five years each night because of all Harry’s jumps and runs. It didn’t help that Harry already wore knee support under his trousers, but hey, as long as he wasn’t getting hurt, you were all for it. The bedazzled cherries on a white ringer tee shined bright under the arena lights. The outfit matched well with his black and white striped trousers. This was a look you were happy to see in person, not through a phone screen. 
Tommy stands with you, which you’re thankful for. A lot of fans had turned to look at you. They smiled and turned their phones to you, but ultimately all the attention went back to the man on stage. Satellite bought this new energy out of him as he was seen bouncing around. He jumps the steps with no second thought laughing as he sticks the landing. The band is brilliant, as always. Your eyes are zoned in on Sarah as she closes the song as Harry sneaks for a drink of water. 
He returns, faces the audience, and looks down at signs. Harry loved connecting with his fans; he always loved seeing a familiar face in the crowd. Europe was a place he stayed too far away from, and the crowd welcomed him back with open arms.
“Should I dump him? Good question! It’s a big moment, he might be lovely, we don’t know. My instinct says that you made a sign which makes me think you think you should dump him.” 
The crowd goes wild. 
“He’s jealous,” Harry frowns, and you know that might hit closer than he would like it to. He turns around, giving the audience a thumbs down. “Boo! What do we say to jealous? BYE-BYE!” Harry goes back to the fan, wanting to learn more. “Good jealous or bad jealous? Controlling? CONTROLLING JEALOUS? Oooh, she says no. It doesn’t sound good. I would say…” dramatic pause. “BYE-BYE! Goodbye, mystery man!” Harry shrugs, prancing away, “could’ve been the one, probably not.”
Harry was coming up the runway, scanning the crowd, trying to see what sign caught his eye next, when someone else entirely stopped him in his tracks. 
“Bel!” Harry didn’t realize he spoke that into the microphone until he saw you smile sheepishly as he noticed the cameras were turned on you. You looked perfect in the crowd. You weren’t dressed up. Your outfit was one he’d seen before. You called it your comfort wear. It was an old pair of leggings and his grey “The Face” hoodie that he knew you swiped after your last visit. 
Harry keeps walking until he is right in front of you. He can’t believe you’re here. You recognize that shine in his eyes and know he’s fighting back tears. You let yours fall, the smile on your face saying everything for you. You wave at him because it’s all you can do.
“Sorry-sorry I–I just spotted my girlfriend in the crowd,” Harry confesses as he turns to look at Mitch, who just raises his beer at him. The cheers are loud, and you cannot help but laugh, shaking your head. “You’re–last I heard, you were in New York.”
“Needed to come home,” you yell, hoping he could hear you and only him. 
Harry looks down at you and back at the crowd. He clears his throat bringing the microphone to his mouth, “give me a sec, okay.” 
You roll your eyes but stand right by the edge of the stage as he kneels down in front of you. Clearly, someone in his ear says something about not jumping down. Harry laughs and tries his best not to lose his balance.
“Hi Bel,” he whispers low enough for you to hear.
Hi, H.”
You reach a hand up to wipe your tears away, and you know he’s dying that he can’t take you in his arms and comfort you.
“You’re here,” he breathes out.
“I’m sorry you thought I wouldn’t be. It’s been,” you breathe out, shaking your head, “a long few days.” 
“That’s okay, baby. I deserved–”
“Shh,” you stop him. “Not here. Not now.” You look behind you as everyone waits for you to finish this private conversation. Tommy gesturing for you to wrap it up. “After,” you promise. “Not going anywhere. I love you, okay.” 
Harry, hearing those words, feels a weight lift off his chest. There’s a relief that he finally has you by his side. He can’t help himself. He reaches his hand and touches your cheek, and you melt at his touch. As hard as it was to tear himself away from you, he owed it to the fans who came to see him, who have supported him for years on end, and to you for making your way back to him. 
You turn your head to press a kiss to the palm of his hand, backing away slowly until it drops, encouraging him to go back. 
“I love you, Bel,” Harry tells you and happily skips away to Mitch, booping his nose, his happiness overtaking him. 
“Sorry about that. It’s not every day an Oscar and Emmy winner visits you on tour,” he jokes, causing the audience to cheer louder than before. 
“Yeah, yeah. Enough cheering. Remember who you all came for.” There was a Dramatic pause. “Me!” 
You chuckle, and it’s like he can hear you because he connects his eyes with yours in seconds. 
“Let’s dance, Paris!” 
You have the best time singing and dancing. You’re close to fans but far enough to have your own space. As Harry finished singing his closing song, serenading you most of the time. The tears start back up again. Tommy ushers you backstage when Harry waves goodbye, knowing you have him for a limited time before the encore.
Harry had been anticipating you walking in, pacing back and forth as Mitch and Sarah watched him. His head lifts as he hears someone walking his way. You give him a small smile as you walk toward him. Harry feels his heart skip a beat. It’s been too long since he’s seen you. There’s so much left unsaid, and there will be a time to speak on that, but right now, all he wants is to hold you until he has to be back on stage. 
“Bel, beautiful Bel,” he breathes out, eyes glistening under the light.  
You feel your face heat up because you don’t feel beautiful, not when you’re still in your airplane clothes, but Harry makes you believe it. Neither one of you has made a move to close the gap and embrace each other. The lingering fear is still hanging in the air for you both. 
You both try to speak simultaneously but stop sending you into a fit of laughter, enough to ease the tension. 
“Will you let me hug you, Bel?” 
“Please,” you mewl. 
It’s enough for him to open his arms and tumble into your hold. Your hands wrap around him tightly, fearing you would wake up from this dream if you let go. Harry’s hand rests on your back, moving up and down, providing exact comfort for you. You exhale against his neck and feel him rest his head on top of yours, pressing kisses to your hair. 
Not a word needs to be said. You both said a lot, but now being together, none of it matters. It’s meaningless because at the end of the day, you know you’d do everything in your power to remind him you love him. That you’ll never stop fighting for him. 
“Lo siento. Te amo. Tu eres mi vida.” You breathe against his neck. You kiss his pulse over and over again. His arms tighten around you, and you know he understood what you said, but you need him to know you mean it. “I’m sorry. I love you. You are my life.” 
That’s when you feel the tears, the wet tears slipping down his face as he buries his face deeper, letting himself feel all the emotions he had tucked away. 
“No, baby. Come on, no tears.” You try to pull back to look at him, but it makes him hold you closer. You sigh and give up, instead deciding that keeping your arms around him should be enough. 
“I’m so fucking sorry.” He chokes out. “You have to know.” 
“Forgive me. I—I can’t lose you, Bel. Not you, never you.” 
Harry’s breaking your heart. Hearing his cries doesn’t stop yours, but you know exactly what he needs. 
As much as you hate to, you pull back enough to see his face, his green eyes stormy and face wet. His hands now rest on your waist, grip tight. You move your hands up his chest to rest on his face. 
“Harry, listen to me.” Your voice is loud but still gentle enough to get his attention. He sniffs, and you know he wants to look away. Your thumbs wipe away at his tears. “I forgive you.” 
“You do?” 
“Baby, you’re the love of my life.” 
Harry cracks a smile, “yeah, lovie?” 
You hum, “course you are.”
“I’m lucky.” 
You giggle, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. “We both are.”
Harry grins, “I’m really glad you’re here.” 
“Styles, you’ve got two minutes,” Jeff yells, not entering his dressing room. 
You see, Harry’s smile falter, and that won’t do. “Cheer up, buttercup. I’m yours as soon as you get off that stage.” 
“I love you, Y/N Belmonte. I feel like I failed you, but I promise never again. Never again.” 
You feel yourself melt in his hold. This was your worst fight to date because of the distance because you weren’t sure how to solve an argument through a phone call. 
“I love you, Harry. I love you.” 
You’re not sure who leans in first, but your lips meet in a kiss. His slightly chapped lips moved against your cherry chapstick-flavored lips. The kiss starts slowly and then builds up. In the kiss, you were expressing your apologies and your love. You moved in perfect sync, neither aware of all the chanting outside for Harry or the pounding on the door calling for Harry for the final time. 
It was you, and Harry lost in your world. 
It was perfect.
“Go on, rockstar,” you breathed against his lips. “I’ll be watching.” 
Harry walked out with a massive smile on his face. The fans all knew the reason why. It was all thanks to his Bel. 
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As nervous as you are to have this conversation, you’re glad it’s finally happening. Harry went around giving his thanks while you caught up with the band. They all gave you tight squeezes and scolded you for not answering your phone. Anne would not stop fussing over you hearing about your awful journey here from Glenne. You knew if it wasn’t for everyone wanting to steal you for a chat, she’d still have her arm around you. You were thankful she cared so much. It was a comforting reminder you were loved.
Sarah, you noticed, was the one most standoffish towards you, not because she was mad at you but because you worried her. When no one heard a word from you, it caused panic. Sarah made you see that she does care for you. She does see you as a friend. If you took Harry out of the equation, they would still want you in their life. You didn’t catch a moment alone with Mitch, but you felt he knew how thankful you were that he reached out. That you appreciate him and care for him.
“I know,” is all Mitch said as Harry slowly began to pull you out of the room, knowing you would have spent a long time saying goodbye even if you were seeing them for lunch tomorrow.
You let out a deep sigh when Harry shut the door behind you. Finally, alone, no one to interrupt, just you and Harry. He dropped your bag right next to his. You slowly made your way inside, seeing how quick Harry was to make the room his. Clothes were thrown everywhere, and his shoes were lined up behind the couch to give him that slight sense of home.
“Bel? What are you doing?” Harry looks over at you, seeing you carefully toe off your shoes, standing by the entrance while he’s removed his sweater and now has a hair clip in hand. “Come on in.”
You’re not sure why you’re nervous. It’s obvious both your anger is gone, but you’re still hesitant.
Harry reaches his hand out for you to take. You look down at it, then up at Harry, who’s giving you a nervous smile. You take it without a second thought as he guides you to the couch. He waits for you to sit first, then follows, leaving a gap between you. It hurts seeing, but you hope you’ll be back in his lap by the end of the conversation.
“So, should we discuss the elephant in the room,” Harry opens his mouth, but you keep talking. “You played Medicine tonight.”
Harry chuckles, thankful for your lighthearted start to this conversation. “Felt right. You asked me for that the first time I spotted you in the audience back in St. Paul.”
You shoot him a timid smile because you did. That felt like a lifetime ago when it had been ten months, dating for nine. You’ve felt like you’d been with him for a lifetime, and you hope it never ends.
“It was a nice surprise.”
“I’m glad you appreciated it. It was for you.”
“Yeah, who was it for in Oslo?” You tease.
Harry throws his hands over his face trying to hide his red face. “I lost rock paper scissors.”
You can’t help but laugh, having seen the videos Pauli had saved from that night.
“Bel,” he breathes out, having felt the tension leave and ready to address the situation. “Feels like there’s a lot to discuss.”
“Where to start?” You joke, trying to ease the tension.
He chuckles lightly, “we can–uh, my phone call.”
Where the fight started.
Harry clears his throat, moving around on the couch until he’s directly facing you, the gap between you now smaller.
“I’m sorry. I called after a not so great day, and I guess,” he pinches his bottom lip looking down, trying to gather his words. “Seeing the positive articles and responses about you and someone else reminded me how easy it is to lose you. I was jealous, simple as that.”
The Harry sitting in front of you is the one you fell in love with, who can bear his heart to you because he wants to fight for you.
He loves you, simple as that.
“The call escalated quickly, and it could have been time zones, but we said so much. I love you, H.” You reach out for his hand, intertwining your fingers, letting them rest in your lap. “I don’t want you to doubt that, but I don’t want to display our relationship online when it’s unnecessary. I know you hate it. I love you, and I’ll tell anyone who asks, but we’ve got to remember to keep it ours and not anyone else’s.”
“Just ours,” Harry repeats.
“You’re right. I promise I’ll try to do better.”
You smile at Harry, “I promise too, H.”
“Now,” Harry squeezes your hand tight. “About ignoring phone calls.”
You grimace because this was you being hurt and petty. Too scared to hear what he had to say. “H–”
“Love, not hearing from you for days was awful, and I deserved it, but everyone else. No one had heard a peep from you, and that’s when I got scared.” Harry expressed, just as everyone did earlier.
You accept that you were wrong. Harry listens as you express how you didn’t want to go to anyone who wouldn’t listen to you. That they wouldn’t understand where you were coming from.
“Bel, I promise you that they care about you as a person and not only because you’re my girlfriend. Remember you befriended everyone before we started dating.”
The reassurance was all you needed, not only from Harry but his friends. Next was the story of missing your flight. Harry listened intently as you described your phone call with Sarai and briefly discussed your panic attack at the airport. Harry tensed, hating that happened, and squeezed your shoulder, closing the last bit of space between each other. By the end, Harry was close to tears, hating that he had you second guess about him wanting you at his show. There was lots more to speak on, but ultimately you both feel secure and assured that the worst is past. That you now get to enjoy each other for the next few days.
“I love you, you know that?” Harry asks you.
You giggle, shifting from your spot next to him and moving to sit on his lap instead. Your arms go up his chest to rest on his neck, playing with his growing hair. His hands settled on your waist, at least they did until he snaked one down to rest on your ass to bring you closer to him, leaving no space between you.
Staring at him, you lean down and bring your lips to his. Now that you have him in front of you, you want to make up for lost time. Harry is quick to take control of the kiss, not that you fight him on it. The kiss is building up as he asks for entrance which you happily grant him. As you kiss, you can’t help but rock your hips against his, feeling how hard he’s getting under you. Harry hisses, pulling away as you bite his bottom lip softly for ending the kiss much too quickly to your liking.
“Can I show you how sorry I am?” Harry sighs against your mouth, his hands now holding your face.
Harry nods, understanding. He’d never push you to do something you didn’t want to do.
“Show me how much you missed me,” you purred.
“Are you sure?”
“Please, make love to me, mi vida,” you breathe out.
“I’ll give you anything you ask,” Harry promises.
And you knew as long as you had Harry, everything would be alright.
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thank you for reading <3 I adore you.
if you were wish to see more of harry and bel be sure to send me a message.
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-my-sunflower @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @onlyamylee @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @thurhomish @thelovecayon @dontworrysunflower @shawnieeboyy
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silenzipienidirumore · 9 months
Sono più di sei mesi che non guardo i tuoi social.
Una parte di me muore dalla curiosità di vedere come sei diventata, ammesso che tu sia cambiata. Avrai cambiato di nuovo colore dei capelli? E il taglio? E la guerra col tuo corpo sarà finalmente terminata? Chi lo sa.
Se solo avessi avuto più coraggio avrei continuato a guardarti vivere nelle tue fotografie e in quelle dei tuoi amici. Avrei gioito dei tuoi piccoli traguardi, e applaudito da così tanti km di distanza i tuoi successi. Avrei guardato le tue stories con il cielo e le stelle ed avrei chiesto ad una di quelle di sfiorarti il viso da parte mia con una carezza.
Perdonami se non ci sono riuscita.
Sarai diventata di sicuro più intelligente, più bella e sarai cresciuta e maturata tanto e forse avrai visitato nuovi posti e mangiato sushi mai provati prima. Ti manca mai la panzarotto che ti prendevo io? Mi fa un po’ strano pensare che probabilmente senti più la sua mancanza che la mia ( o meglio: solo quella della pizza).
Ti abbraccio
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nonlodireanessuno · 2 years
Noi due sul tappeto di casa tua a parlare, parlare, parlare, l’attenzione che mi hai dedicato e hai messo nel leggere quei messaggi, i tuoi consigli preziosi che non dimenticherò mai. Saranno la luce quando non sarai più qui e sarà tanto buio, lo so già. Il film di Hannah Montana, l’ultimo sushi insieme, il Danubio metà con le gocce di cioccolato e metà senza niente, come piace a te - “ne prendo ancora una fetta”.
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Ovviamente sushi
Non lo do per scontato.. ma se sarai l'unico/a a rispondermi, andrò li
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miu-moonlight · 6 years
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To all the overseas Buck-Tick fans:
This last couple of days we have been talking about the health of Mr. Atsushi Sakurai, we all have been worried and would love to send him our love, support and gratitude for all the years of love towards music and the devotion shown on each concert. That’s why we have been thinking about a proper, respectful and not so obtrusive way (he is convalescent and must rest) to deliver a message of love and support from all his overseas fans.
After days of meditation we present to you:
“The Buck Tick Latin Cat Parade Project”
As many of you know, Mr. Sakurai is a fervent Cat Lover, so we couldn’t think of a better way to send him our unconditional love and support than through photos of our kittens (yours, your neighbor's , your boyfriend’s, mom’s, grandma’s, whoever you want) all of them with positive messages of gratitude, love, praying for his fast recovery etc. Trying not to sound “excessively fangirl” and always respectful with his person and the current situation.
“What do I have to do?”
Leave your favorite cat photo in the comment section of this post, with your message of support in english/japanese on a visible side of the photo (f you need any help on either language you can contact us via inbox). Remember to add a label with the name of your cat and your city on the lower left or right corner of the photo.
December 21 is the deadline to publish your photo. We want to do this as soon as possible to create a video with the collected photos and send it before the end of the year, since the members take the opportunity to rest and visit their families for the holidays.
Below you can check an example so you can have an idea of how to make it look. The more photos we receive, the more support we will be showing!!
“Where is this video going to be sent?”
When finished, we will upload it to YouTube and send it to the direct message mailbox for Atsushi Sakurai in the "Love and Media portable" and share it in all the social networks of the band and other fandoms so that everyone can see it. We will also send it to the fish tank email and Mr. Imai's blog, just in case.
We would love to have your participation and support, but above all, your love and all the positive energy for our dear Mr.Sakurai and all the band members!
Dear world fans, it's time to unite in a noble cause: Let's show the band how much we love and support them!
If you have any clarification or doubt please let us know.
Have a wonderful weekend!.
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libero-de-mente · 2 years
Cappuccetto Rosso e il lupo mainstream
- Chi è? - Cappuccetto Rosso, che ti porta tampone e lenticchie; apri. - Alza il saliscendi, - gridò la nonna: - io son troppo debole e non posso levarmi. - Oh nonna cos’hai? Ti sei provata la febbre? - Si Cappuccetto Rosso, ho anche la febbre. Mettiti la FFP2 prima di entrare in camera. - Nonna accidenti, per pronunciare FFP2 hai sputato fino in corridoio, anche la tua dentiera è arrivata qui. - Cappuccetto Rosso prima di entrare fatti la scansione per la temperatura corporea, poi mostra il Green Pass sotto il lettore a infrarossi e disinfettati per bene le mani. - Ma che nonna stai dicendo sul serio? Va beh.
Alla fine della procedura di accettazione Cappuccetto Rosso entrò nella stanza della nonna.
- Buon giorno! - ma non ebbe risposta. Allora s'avvicinò al letto e scostò le cortine: la nonna era coricata, con la cuffia abbassata sulla faccia e aveva un aspetto strano, mentre Cappuccetto Rosso pensava: “non capisco se mia nonna è pure sorda o stronza a non rispondermi”.
- Oh, nonna, che orecchie grosse! - Per sentire meglio i telegiornali che ci danno i numeri della pandemia, i numeri dei contagi, i numeri dei decessi, i numeri dei milioni di tamponi e i numeri delle millemila vaccinazi0ni al giorno. - Oh, nonna, che occhi grossi! - Sono gonfi vero? Mi si sono gonfiati a leggere la libertà di pensiero espressa dal popolo sui social. Sai a volte lacrimo anche sangue, dovresti vedere quanti congiuntivi omessi. - Oh, nonna, che grosse mani! - Per reggermi i c0gli0ni che non ho, altrimenti ci inciampo talmente sono scesi a terra. - Ma, nonna, che bocca spaventosa! - A Cappuce’ mo però stai a rompe poco poco li cojoni, nun te ce mette pure te. - Nonna che naso grande hai! - Sono i tamp0ni, me li stanno facendo di tutte le misure ogni ventiquattr’ore.
E subito il lupo balzò dal letto e si mostrò per quello che era davvero. Il lupo appunto.
- Ah, ma sei tu lupo, mi stavo spaventando. - Come sarebbe a dire Cappuccetto Rosso, non ti spavento? Chi credevi che fossi? - Ma no guarda per un attimo - risatina d’imbarazzo - per un attimo ho pensato che tu fossi Draghi. - Draghi? - sbottò il lupo. - Si Draghi o Speranza. - No aspe’ Cappucce’, va bene tutto ma confondermi co’ quei due anche no. - Lupo o lupo, ti sei mangiato la nonna? - Ma che scherzi? Ma per chi mi hai preso? Oggi i lupi sono vegani, mangiamo tofu e bacche di bosco. Basta con la carne umana, con tutto quello che vi iniettano chi si fida a mangiarvi? Mio cugino lupo nero ha mangiato una famiglia in campeggio e gli sono venute un sacco di trombosi, dicono che non c’è correlazione... ma io non ci credo. - Oh lupo! - con voce decisa - Mica sarai un N0 Vax?!? - No che non lo sono, ma permetti che dopo che ho visto dei prezzemolini televisivi in camice bianco cantare la canzone di Natale “Si, si vax”, dei dubbi mi vengano? - Beh, in effetti non posso darti torto. Ma allora la nonna dov’è? - La nonna è andata a ordinare un divano nuovo, prima che finisca la promozione dei saldi, sulle ventordicimila promozioni che come una catena di Sant’Antonio non finiscono mai. Però prima di andare mi ha chiesto di tenerle in caldo il letto. In cambio mi portava tanto sushi. Adoro.
Nel frattempo fece irruzione il cacciatore brandendo una fionda - Fermi tutti o sparo! - urlò. - Con la fionda? - chiese il lupo perplesso. - Eccerto - rispose Cappuccetto Rosso - la caccia è crudele, le armi vanno abolite, dobbiamo salvare il pianeta. - Ma Cappuccetto Rosso - chiese il cacciatore - levami una curiosità, perché ti chiamano Cappuccetto Rosso se in realtà indossi una mantellina con cappuccio gialla? - Sai che non lo so? Credo che qualche bontempone mi abbia additata come comunista, altrimenti non mi spiego. Che poi manco mi chiamo Cappuccetto Rosso io. - E come ti chiami - chiese il lupo. - Io mi chiamo Greta.
Il lupo e il cacciatore si guardarono, secondi che sembravano un’eternità. Gocce di sudore scendevano dalla fronte di entrambi. Sembravano terrorizzati.
- Senti lupo - disse il cacciatore rompendo un silenzio imbarazzante - vuoi venire con me? Ho saputo che a pochi minuti di cammino da qui, c’è Alberto Angela. Stanno registrando una puntata di Stanotte nel bosco incantato. - Alberto Angela? - grido il lupo scodinzolando - Sono un suo fan, me lo mangerei vivo! - Alberto Angela è patrimonio dell’umanità - gridò Cappuccetto Rosso (o Greta) - nun t’azzarda’ a tocallo. Te gonfio come ‘na zampogna se ce provi! - Mazza aò quanto sei burina - rispose il lupo - era pe’ dire, ve l’ho detto sono vegano ora.
Così il lupo e il cacciatore si misero sulle tracce del famoso divulgatore, mentre Cappuccett... ehm, Greta si mise seduta fuori dalla casa della nonna aspettandola. Con un cartello al collo con scritto: “SKOJONEN FÖR KITTEMUORTEN“.
E vissero felici e contagiati.
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binniedeactivated · 3 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫. || 𝐲𝐣🌪
Pt. 4 | m.list
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─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞
✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 3k
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭. 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭.
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“winter! it’s nice to see you”.  Pd-nim greeted as she walked in, sarai immediately drops her things to run and hug yeonjun’s legs. “junnie!”. 
“hey, same here!”. winter replies, peering over at yeonjun and sarai who happened to be already talking about god knows what. 
“thank you so much for letting sarai record again. she such a cute and bright girl. everyone loved her”. 
winter nods and smiles, “I’m grateful that my baby has this opportunity”. 
“yes! so sarai’s hair and wardrobe stylist is here. we thought we’d give her an even brighter, cutesy look today. we’ll be helping her get settled, you can watch the recording session or you can come back and pick her up. it’s all up to you”.
it was evident that winter’s smile was gradually fading when she casts her eyes on yeonjun and in exchange yeonjun was casting his eyes on her. he had this sullen, sorrowful aura in his eyes whenever he looked at her. it was almost as if he was apologizing through them. 
but apologies don’t work that way, choi yeonjun. 
she hadn’t noticed PD-nim had already walked off and now it was yeonjun’s turn to approach her while sarai got ready for the recording. “hey,”. he greeted hesitantly. if only he knew about the flames he sparked whenever winter saw his face. 
yeonjun looks around before he says something else. “I’m grateful that you’re letting me do this. regardless of how you feel about me”.  
“I’m only doing this because I know it’ll break sarai’s heart if I don’t let her. none of this is for you. and it will never be”.
“I said I don’t want you talking to me. why are you still going?”. she grumbles before turning and walking off. she’d rather pick sarai up later. there was no way she could stay here in the same presence as yeonjun. 
“mommy will be back later to get you okay? be good i love you”. she plants a kiss on the girl’s forehead before leaving shortly. 
yeonjun sat at the table diligently like he was told. he didn’t know what the content of the video was going to be today. but the camera crew knew at least. he drums his fingers on the table, trying to think of ways he could apologize to winter. 
“junnie i’m done!”. 
sarai runs her little legs to the table beside yeonjun. yeonjun thought she looked so cute in her two big curly puff ponytails and bright pink ribbons wrapped around them both. she had a bright pink shirt and a tutu on,it was clear to see that yeonjun wasn’t the star of the show here.
but he didn’t mind.
“Woahhh look at you!”. He hypes. She smiles with her hands on her hips. “thank you! I like these colors”.
within moments the camera men layered a whole bunch of food on the table, mostly famous korean food. they then gave them both two high definition microphones, and it was there were yeonjun figured they were doing an ASMR mukbang.
“Recording in 3, 2, 1!”.
“Hiii I’m yeonjun from tomorrow by together!”.
“Hii im Sarai!”.
Yeonjun smiles, “and today we’re going to be doing—“.
“an ASMR mukbang!!”.
The both of them screeched with excitement. Yeonjun thought it was kind of funny. Especially since the both of them never really rehearsed a real script, they were just really happy about food. Which the camera crew playfully scolded them about considering the fact that it was an ASMR so they would have to be whispering.
yeonjun picks up a black and red packet of noodles and holds it up the camera. He puts it against his microphone and crinkles the plastic. Sarai laughs at his dramatic behavior. “Do you know what these are Sarai?”. He whispers.
“this is jjajangmyeon. Black bean paste noodles. Also one of Korea’s most favorite dishes”. he grabs the bowl of already-made jjajangmyeon and stirs it with chopsticks. He was sure to wrap the noodles around them both just before holding them to Sarai’s lips.
She hesitantly slurps them in the microphone, making things louder and messier than they were supposed to be. Leaving yeonjun laughing and wiping her lips shortly after.
“Mmm! Thats—how do you say delicious in korean junnie?”. She whispers.
she gives the camera a thumbs up. “mah-shi-seo-yo!”.
Sarai then picks up a tray of sushi rolls, trying her hardest to read the name. “And this is gimbap! I have no clue what’s in it but I know it’s famous in korea! right junnie?”.
yeonjun laughs and then nods. “yes. It’s a seaweed wrapped—“. cutting him off was Sarai crinkling the plastic wrap into the mic after she took it off the tray. she grabs a pair of chopsticks and attempts to hold them like yeonjun taught her. she grabs a sushi roll and holds it to his lips.
he wasn’t expecting that of course but couldn’t help her cuteness so he ate it anyways, making sure to leave his munching for the microphone. Sarai leans over and plays with his cheeks while he was doing so. he chuckles a little,
“what are you doing?”.
“you have squishy cheeks!”.
“we’re supposed to be eating”. 
“you look like a chipmunk when you eat”. 
yeonjun laughs silently. “it’s your turn to try the gimbap”. he takes his chopsticks and swiftly picks one up and lets her bite into it. she chews weirdly trying to create a good review of the food. “it tastes funny”.
“you don’t like it?”.
“ummmm”. she hums kind of indecisive. she wanted to like it, it was just, the flavors were kind of new to her. 
“it’s okay if you don’t. just because you’re korean doesn’t mean you have to like all korean foods”. 
“well, what if people don’t think I’m korean because I don’t like gimbap?”. 
“that’s alright. you don’t have to care about what others say to you”. 
“but why not?”. 
“because you’re pretty, you’re funny, and you’re smart--you have to know who you are so when people say hurtful things it won’t hurt your feelings”.
sarai smiles a little and nods. she adored yeonjun so much. “my mommy says that. she says black is beautiful and that black is bold”. 
yeonjun scoots the bowl of bimbibap towards them. “it is. that’s one thing you should always be proud of before anything else. be proud of your skin color”. 
she laughs a little. “you should be proud of your skin color too junnie. even if you’re white”. 
he almost spit out his second serving of bimbibap. “hey! I’m not white it’s the makeup”. he harshly whispers. sarai continues her laughter. “in korea pale skin is the standard. so a lot of kpop stars wear lighter makeup”. 
“oh! so you’re light-skinned?”. 
yeonjun snorts and nods his head. “yes. yes I’m light skinned”.
“do the light-skinned face junnie!”. 
“light skinned face?”.
“yeah! squint your eyes together and make duck lips! like this”. she demonstrates, making yeonjun almost die laughing. he kept forgetting that this was supposed to be an asmr so they were supposed to be eating. but sarai was hilarious. 
“we have to eat now”. yeonjun encourages, forking his chopsticks through the bimbibap. sarai crosses her arms. “I’m not eating until you make the face”. 
yeonjun laughs, “but why?”. 
“because it’s funny!”.
“fine fine!”. yeonjun gives in. sarai sits on her knees in the chair anticipating it all. he quickly copies the face she was doing making her die laughing this time. not just her, but the camera crew and production team as well. yeonjun could only hope they were going to edit that out later if he looked as dumb as he thought he looked.
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“and cut! good job!”. the crew claps and yeonjun claps as well. for sarai mainly, she almost ate everything in one sitting. 
“you full yet?”. yeonjun asks. she holds her stomach. “am I! I feel like i’m going to explode!”. 
he holds his hand up for her to smack, “good job today. I think people are going to really like this video. everyone loves you so much”.
she smacks it and purses her lips shortly after. she looks around, thinking a bit. it was hard to feel good about anything these days with those school kids on her mind. “i wish everyone at school loved me like you guys do”. she mumbles. 
“really? why don’t they love you?”. 
she fiddles with the ruffles on her tutu. “because i don’t have a dad”. 
yeonjun blinks. “people can’t just not like you because you don’t have a dad, that doesn’t make sense and it isn’t fair to you. plus it’s not that you don’t have one, you just don’t know him yet”. 
she adjusts herself in her chair. “try telling those kids that. as soon as i told them that just my mommy takes care of me they started making fun of me”. 
yeonjun sighs, he realized he hated seeing her sad. it broke his heart. he saw why winter often gave her what she wanted. 
“can I hug you?”. he asks, and she raises her arms up. he slides into them perfectly, hugging her and rubbing her back little while doing so. 
that must’ve been what it felt like, sarai thought. 
yeonjun had the dad hug she wanted to feel. one that was full of love and warmth, one that she didn’t want to let go from. he pulls back.
“don’t let those kids mess with you. everyone’s life isn’t perfect so they have no business making fun of yours. plus you’re a star. who cares about what they think”. 
“if i get famous, do you promise you’ll still be my friend?”. 
winter stands at the doorway, overhearing them both. they hadn’t known she was even there. 
yeonjun holds up his pinky. “i promise I’ll always be your friend”. 
she loops her smaller one around his and smiles softly. “it’s a deal!”.
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kon-igi · 3 years
Salve Kon, personalmente con il vaccino non mi aspetto una grande luce che squarcia l'oscurità, Gandalf sul cavallo bianco targato Pfizer, ma solo, egoisticamente, vivere con meno senso di colpa. Non riesco a incontrare la mia ragazza senza sentirmi un'assassina, nonostante sia il mio unico contatto fuori di casa. Vorrei tornare al cinema, anche mascherata. E mangiare un sushino buono che non sia d'asporto mi piacerebbe un sacco. È sperare troppo, magari per aprile? Maggio? La ringrazio tanto
Con tanto affetto e sincera comprensione da parte mia, non credo.
Io penso che le persone giovani e senza patologie a rischio riceveranno il vaccino a estate inoltrata o addirittura in autunno.
Ma credo anche che tu debba disfarti di questo senso di colpa e tornare a vivere in modo positivamente emotivo la parte ‘sentimentale’ della tua vita di persona giovane e in modo razionale la parte rischiosa che essa può di conseguenza comportare.
Scegli con cura ciò che ti fa stare bene e fallo in modo intelligente.
Per esempio, smetti immediatamente di inquinare i momenti di gioia con la tua ragazza con questo generico senso di colpa virale, vai in un ristorante giapponese dove sai che i tavoli sono ben distanziati e sfondati di sushi fino a farti spuntare le branchie, esci e goditi delle passeggiate lontane dalla folla oppure fai shopping in momenti dove sai che incontrerai meno persone possibile. 
Fai quello che ti sto dicendo, perché anche una volta che sarai vaccinata non ci sarà la scomparsa immediata del virus e, soprattutto, nessuno avrà mai la certezza di essere sempre e comunque immune.
Il vaccino avrà un altruistico valore collettivo, non egoistico individuale.
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kingsephir · 3 years
Omg I’m still reeling I can’t believe I’m going back to Japan.
The calling, the yearning, its almost over. Filled with renewed sense of purpose, of desire, of hope. I want to drink hot canned boss coffee from vending machines out in the middle of fields under a single street light, I want to show my husband all I love and hate about Japan, I want to eat onigiri and take literally the best cold meds i’ve ever had when I’m sick. I want to drink those anti hangover shots in 711, walk down back alleyways and not be scared, eat really cheap coveyerbelt sushi, use my Japanese everyday, visit Turkish restaurants and Kebab trucks and make friends with the workers (Saray Asakusa, I’m comin for you), I want to eat realitively good priced fish, I hope I live somewhere with great fruits or veggies, I hope I live somewhere it snows and has mountains, forests or the sea. I’m so excited to be in my element again. It doesn’t have to be perfect, I’m not expecting it to be at all. But, I’ll have a job, and I’ll be reading and working on my translation abilities and my programming abilities. And someday, I’m gonna find a great paying job, have a family and live happily every after the end 😬😬😬😁😁😁😁
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I was tagged by the lovely @scarletxvision
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Ships: Warning, I have so many. Captain Swan (Once Upon a Time), Deckerstar (Lucifer), Kastle (The Punisher), Scarlet Vision (MCU), Richonne (The Walking Dead), Donnie (The Walking Dead), Winter Widow (Marvel comics), Eugene and Rapunzel (Tangled), Sherlolly (Sherlock), Pepperony (MCU), Ben and Leslie (Parks and Rec), Romione (Harry Potter), Remadora (Harry Potter), Feysand (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Wolflet (The Lunar Chronicles), Cresswell (The Lunar Chronicles), Jessa (The Infernal Devices), Sizzy (The Mortal Instruments), Guy and Marian (BBC Robin Hood) The Doctor and Rose (Doctor Who) and probably a few more I’m forgetting.
Last song: NFWMB by Hozier
Last movie: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Currently reading: Ghosts of the Shadow Market by Cassandra Clare
What food are you craving: Sushi
Tagging: @itsthwippingtime @gwendolinechristies @deathonyourtongue @lt-sarai @earthsbestdefnder
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kendineyazar · 4 years
Belgrad Rehberi [10 Günlük Turistik Gezi Sonrası]
Girişte COVID19 nedeniyle bir test istemiyorlar, vize durumundanda mükellef değilsiniz.
Girişte sadece düşük olasılıkla rezervasyon ve dönüş biletinizi soracaklar.
İngilizce yada Sırpça bilmemiz gerekli. İngilizce bilmiyor iseniz sorun yaşayabilirsiniz.
Havalimanının gelen yolcu bölümünden 72 numaralı otobüs ile Şehir Merkezine gidebilirsiniz, son durak Slavija. (Otobüs kartları küçük büfelerde satılıyor 2 3 euro, kapsadığı alan değişiyor ama sadece belgradda gezecekseniz Bölge 1 ve Bölge 2 yi seçmeniz yeterlidir. Otobüste kart okutulan menüde ENG/SRB diye seçenek var kirin alfabesini görünce küsmeyin).
Otobüse mutlaka biletli binin orada basmadan binen çok kişi göreceksiniz ama otobüsü durdurup bilet kontrolü yapıyorlar. Bu arada bir kez kart bastığınızda 100 dakika kadar tekrar basmadan binebilirsiniz. Ayrıca saat 9 dan sonra(denendi çalışıyor) kimse otobüsü kontrol etmiyor yani 9dan sonra bedava binebilirsiniz. (Küçük minibüsler hariç)
Eğer otobüs kartınız yok ise yine A-1 denilen küçük dolmuş tarzı minibüs sizi aynı şekilde götürür (Son durağı Otobüs Terminali)
Paranızı havalimaninda bozdurmayin. 5 10 euro 💶 bozdursanız yeterlidir, merkezde heryerde döviz bürolarına rastlamak mümkün.
Skadarlija (bize göre barlar sokağı) ya uğrayıp biranızı yudumlamayı unutmayın. Nikšićko veya Jelen birasını denemelisiniz. Sudan ucuz.
Skardalija : Belgrad şehir merkezinde bir bölge sokak sokak barlar restaurantlar ve küçük kahve dükkânları var. Yazın efsane oluyor.
Şehir merkezinden uzaklaştıkça bookin Airbnb kiraları ucuzluyor.
Örneğin Skadarlija ya 5 dakika mesafede ev için 10 Günlük 160 euro verdik ama Novi Beograd denilen yeni belgrad kısmında 120 130 euro idi günlük gel git masrafı ile aynı parayı buluyor. (kaldığım yer sanırım Knez-Miletina)
Walter denilen restoranlarda en güzel bosna cevabi yi yiyebilirsiniz.
Heryerde börek yiyebileceğiniz dükkanlar mevcut kimisinde 1 2 euroya iki kişi doyarken kimisinde 5 6 euroyu bulabiliyor. Yanınada ayran(yogurt) alabilirsiniz.
Ada ciganlija gidebilirsiniz, belgrad merkezden güneye doğru gittiğinizde kıyıda biryer biraları alıp oturup takılabilirsiniz.
Beograd Kalesini gezin.(Kalemegdan) Eski Askeri Silah ve Tankların, uçaksavar ve araçların olduğu bir açık hava müzesi (kalenin içerisinde).
Birde Sahat Kula var, aynı yerde yine Damat Ferit Türbesi var. Kale yada sur nasıl diyor iseniz, içeride birçok medeniyet ve kültürden miras var. Akşamı gecesi ayrı güzel gündüzü ayrı güzel biryer.
Yine kordon kısmından nehir kenarına inerek Tuna Nehrine karşı burada oturabilirsiniz.
Heryerde kulağa profesyonel gelen sokak sarkıcıları, balerinler var.
Tırnakcı dilenci kılıklı insanlardan (gypsy) uzak durun ne yapacakları belli olmuyor.
Yine Belgrad Üni Psikoloji Fakültesi yakınında Studentska park var orada bazı günler açık hava sineması oluyor parkın ortasında devasa bir ekran. İzlemesi ücretsiz.
Trg republičke meydanında National Museum var orayı gezebilirsiniz.
Oradan sağa dönerseniz karşınızda Knez-Mihailova yı göreceksiniz. Auora kafede oturup Yellow Fresh Jacket için, içimizi serinletir.
Knez-Mihailova caddesinde gezin. En gözde ve kalabalık cadde. Bir solundaki Sokak da ise Balkan Baklava var oradaki abimiz antepli kendisinden baklava yiyin. Çok lezzetli baklavaları.
Yine biraz ileride Restoran Kultura var orada Türk çayı yemekleri ve künefe var. Dışarıda oturup güzel sakin sokağın tadını çıkarın. İçeriye oturmayın içerisi çok basık ve boş.
Knez-Mihailova sonunda Kalemegdana giderken avm var. Orada Starbucks kahve için, kozmetik için (gratis benzeri) dm bulabilirsiniz. Yine - 1 katında Maxi market var. Burayı Türkiye deki BİM gibi değerlendirebilirsiniz gayet ucuzdur. Yine maxi benzeri aroma marketlerde uygun fiyatlı oluyor.
Çekinmeden kart kullanabilirsiniz. O anki kurdan hesaplanarak para çekiliyor.
Tasmejdan a gitmeyi unutmayın burada güzel bir kilise var mutlaka gezin yanındaki parkta güzel kafeler var ve akşamları canlı müziği harika. Yaşlı bir çift canlu müzik yapıyor.
Nikola Tesla Müzesine gitmelisiniz. Size deney yaptırıyorlar ve farklı bir tutku.
St. Sava Kilisesine gidin. Cidden harika bir yapı ve bakımda değil ise içine kesinlikle girin.
Aynı şekilde Knez-Mihailova sonunda bir Ortadoks kilise Müzesi var oradada ilahiler ve bolca dua eden insan göreceksinis diğer kiliselerden farklı hissettirecektir.
Yine Kalemegdan kenarında Sava nehrine bakan kısımda birsürü kafe ve restoran var Cafe Lavash da güzel bir kebab veya cevabi yiyebilirsiniz. Yine Crab sushi karides vs için birsürü mekan var. Cantine de Frida mekanında akşamları bar kısmı çok canlı oluyor.
Hotel Moskova da ödüllü moskov pastasını yiyin. Penceresinden Belgradı seyrederek piyano resitali yaşayabilirsiniz.
Little Bay restoranda fiyatlar makül ve et yemekleri övüldüğü kadar leziz. İç mekan tasarım vs harikulade.
Google Maps Çevrimdışı Harita ve Maps.me (Çevrimdışı harita) indirin. Heryerde wifi mevcut ve sorun yaşamazsınız.
Salon 1905 resmen bir saray da yemek yiyorsunuz fiyatlar biraz uçuk ama kalite arıyorum diyorsanız şiddetle tavsiye
Robroy 1884 : Bana göre Belgrad ın en güzel barı. Şef Boris i bulun size mukemmel kokteyller hazırlatsın. İsterseniz yemekte yiyebilirsiniz. Saat 23:00 den sonra gece klübü oluyor. Rezervasyon şart.
Bar central : Şehrin göbeğinde harika ürünleri olan bir var ne ararsanız var.
Drama Cevapi : Kaymaklı köfteyi kesinlikle burada yemelisiniz.
Bu arada rakija içmeden dönmeyin. Erikten kayısıdan herşeyden yapıyorlar. Harika.
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risplendiii · 5 years
Ti voglio da ogni punto di vista. Voglio svegliarmi con te la mattina e subito dopo fare l’amore, voglio preparare con te la colazione mentre magari vediamo il telegiornale ancora rimbambiti dal sonno, voglio fare lunghe passeggiate con te all'aria aperta in una giornata di sole, voglio tornare a casa e preparare una ricetta particolare per poi prendere il caffè mentre si fuma una sigaretta, voglio poi stendermi sul letto vicino a te e poi finire a far l’amore di nuovo perché sono follemente innamorata di te, voglio fare dei dolci con te e portarli agli altri o magari studiare in silenzio mentre ricopiamo appunti, voglio prendere la pizza o magari il sushi e mangiare davanti alla tv mentre vediamo netflix, voglio uscire e visitare Roma di notte ed esplorare vicoletti sconosciuti a chiunque e, infine, voglio tornare a casa e poggiare la testa sul tuo petto sapendo che il giorno successivo sarà comunque una giornata splendida perché ci sarai tu con me.
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daniela-sasso · 4 years
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Ho buttato vernice sulle pareti. Erano tutte così diverse, piene di colore e luce. Ho dipinto con le dita il tuo nome, l'ho strappato al silenzio. L'ho rivestito del tuo odore, quello che mi porto dentro da più o meno, tutta la vita. Ho chiuso gli occhi, un tuo bacio sulla fronte. Ci avrei giurato che era vero, l'ho sentito. Ho alzato la testa, ho camminato a passi indietro. Mille passi tra mille muri che hanno innalzato tra noi… Loro non sanno, non comprenderanno mai. Quegli stessi passi, quello stesso bisogno. Quella stessa cura. Non hanno gli occhi puliti come i nostri per vedere l'amore. Nessun muro, nessuna parola, nessun gesto crudele potrà mai separarci. Siamo legati dentro, in fondo al cuore. Nessun silenzio separerà le nostre anime. I nostri occhi complici resteranno in eterno e camminerai accanto a me, in ogni passo. Sarai fermo con me in ogni dolore, raccontandomi un'altra volta di quando, poco prima del nostro incontro, hai iniziato a immaginare la mia voce, a prendere la mia mano per abbracciarti la notte, a ridere da solo perché sapevi che ero buffa come te, a mangiare sushi per due, a scrivere parole su un letto enorme con l'odore del caffè che lentamente saliva, a raccogliere i miei capelli in una mano per baciarli. A guardare il mare senza paura di restare troppo in silenzio. Racconterai un'altra volta di quanto già esistevo nei tuoi occhi senza sapere nulla, ma con la certezza assoluta di possedere tutto. Saremo insieme. Sempre. Balleremo insieme, per l'eternità, un valzer senza fine. Abbracciati e forti. Perché è solo dopo un addio pieno zeppo d'amore, che cancella la via del ritorno lasciando uno spazio misero appena sufficiente per non soffocare, solo dopo averlo provato, si può dire di saper abbracciare veramente, di saper stringere con le ultime forze rimaste appese al chiodo affisso nell'anima, la persona che ami. Il resto poi... non conta nulla. Il resto, è solo silenzio che ci parla sulle labbra. Abbiamo vinto noi. Anche stavolta. Daniela Sasso & @andrew_faber_blog https://www.instagram.com/p/B74NbGhi6Lv/?igshid=1p4sq4y6w4asp
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scusami,scusa per tutte le volte che mi incazzo con te per nulla,o per le giornate senza neanche sentirci per i troppi impegni o per l'umore di merda,scusa se molte volte il mio carattere è una merda e so essere fastidioso fino alla fine.
ma ormai sei diventata un non so,hai presente quando hai bisogno di sentire tua sorella o tuo fratello per sapere anche solo come sta?ecco,mi basta sapere quello molte volte.
non credevo di arrivare fino a questo punto,cioè vorrei dire,tutte le mie amicizie son finite nel giro di 6/7 mesi.
ma la nostra no,molte volte ci perdiamo,ma ci ritroviamo,ci ritroviamo sempre.
magari non sarò bravo con le parole ma quando avrai,avremmo dei figli,una famiglia,sommersi di impegni ricorda queste parole,anche se sarà difficile,magari arriveremo a prenderci soltanto un caffè frettoloso il lunedì mattina per poi scappare a lasciare i figli a scuola lamentandoci di non avere tempo,ma ti prometto che i miei figli sapranno di te,di ciò che sei stata e di ciò che continuerai ad essere,sarai la loro zia.
ma in particolar modo vorrei ringraziare la tua famiglia,per l'avermi sempre accolto a braccia aperte e per avermi fatto sentire al mio agio,e i consigli di tua madre.
ma ancora l'adolescenza è lunga,ci faremo tante vacanze insieme,andremo per la prima volta in discoteca mandando a fanculo i presentimenti e bevendo alla faccia di sta vita del cazzo.
ci faremo i capelli blu,poi viola,poi bianchi,di nuovo neri e per poi ritingerli,andremo a vedere i film più stupidi al cinema e ti prenderò in giro buttandoti tutti i popcorn addosso.
urleremo per le strade senza paura dei pregiudizi e della gente che guarda male,ti stresserò con marilyn come ho sempre fatto e quando ne avremo l'occasione andremo al suo concerto anche se a te non piace,giusto così,per andare via di casa e andare a sminchiarci in giro.
andremo per i negozi in giro provandoci vestiti strani e facendoci rimproverare dalle commesse,correremo prendendo in giro il modo di vestire della gente.
andremo a sto fottuto sushi e sputeremo tutto per terra se fa schifo.
prenderai la macchina e andremo in giro senza una meta,a fermarci tra bar e gelaterie,tra terra e cemento,pensieri e paranoie da schiacciare,in autostrada, a cantare a squarciagola e mettere la musica a tutto volume.
guarderemo in tv film noiosissimi per poi addormentarci litigandoci per il plaid.
perchè ricordi?tu la mia nutria e io la minchia di mare
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miu-moonlight · 7 years
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Mr. Sakurai ♡
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holyzonkpartyplaid · 5 years
Vieni sotto casa mia e portami via, portami al sushi e poi magari sulle montagne russe. Comprami lo zucchero filato e fammi cantare a sguarciagola sul tetto della macchina. Portami a casa tua a guardare un film sotto le coperte. Portami al cinema a vedere un film che non guarderai perchè sarai troppo impegnato a guardare me. Trattami da principessa, trattami come una bambina, fammi sognare. Fammi ridere, ridere tanto. Sorprendimi. Stupiscimi. Io ho bisogno di questo.
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