gwendragonart · 2 years
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My redesigns for the Odyssey of the Dragonlords BBEGs, Sydon and Lutheria, the Twin Titans... I kinda didn’t like their art in the book so I remade them to fit more of the vibe the DM had been giving them; Lutheria as a dark and sadistic seductress and Sydon as a strong, martial military leader.
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thetunesclub · 2 years
The Bright and Talented Artist Sydon will Hypnotize You with His Extraordinary Hip-hop Song 'Wells Fargo'   
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aryll-of-the-wild · 4 months
@mightiestbanana liked this post for a starter
Well... Having an enemy hanging out at the camp with the champions was weird to say the least. Even more so considering it was the leader of a group of people who tried to murder her brother and his friends several time. Aryll used to think she would have liked to kick the Yiga boss in the face (if not worse) had she a chance to, a more than fair payback for all the trouble he had caused to Link and everyone else.
But now, seeing him slumped on the ground by the fireplace, short and hunched and looking miserable even with a mask covering his face, all Aryll could feel was pity. Especially after knowing how he had rushed to pray for the princess' help -- humbly, helplessly, honestly, without any trace of bruised pride.
It was a striking different image from the one she always carried in her mind.
She brought herself a step closer to the fireplace and leaned over, trying to take a better peek of the man. Wheter he had noticed her under his mask, she couldn't tell.
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"I, uh..." She murmured. "I'm sorry for what happened to your friend."
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navydream · 1 year
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It's so funny to me that Sydon is just gigantic, haha.
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syqkos · 3 months
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"The battle of Mytros against Sydon"
I can finally share this huge private commission I've been working on for two months!
Here's the character designs I've done for the group below 🖤
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jadewing-realms · 1 year
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so, me and my new dnd group are in the first arc of odyssey of the dragonlords. thought i’d share my boy in his full glory; i’m playing Ekho, a siren bard of epic poetry. he’s on the Cursed One epic path; you see his wings in all their beauty here, but in-game, they’re a shriveled, scorched mess. 
he defied Sydon in his youth and paid the price. his family paid worse, cursed into harpies. now he just wants to save them.
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
#fictober23 day seven
"Do you recognize this?"
original fiction (dungeons & dragons)
word count: 693
The journey from Mytros back to the Old Woods was one Darius was dreading. Not because of the long haul, or the fact that he was practically going it alone. 
It wasn’t that at all as he raised the hood of his dark brown cloak, hoping to conceal his face. He knew his anonymity was mostly gone, but he could still try. The sleeping silver wyrmling on his shoulders sure didn’t help either.
So far, he’d been successful, trekking through the forests off the beaten path. It was nice to have his feet on solid ground, amongst the trees again. But he was tired of rations and Goodberries, and Olea wanted to sleep in an actual bed. 
Darius approached the small tavern, the Leaky Oak. The tavern looked like it had seen better days, sign slightly askew. He figured if there was any place to go untraced, it would be here.
He slipped in after a pair of hunters, though his tall stature didn’t camouflage him. Inside, the tavern’s patrons were raucous, drinking and talking loudly. He was hyperaware that multiple people was a mixed bag. On one hand, it made it easier to slip to the sidelines. On the other, that just meant more people could recognize him. 
As he approached the bar, he kept his head down, hood still on. It didn’t help make him less conspicuous, but he hoped people would just want to avoid him.
Darius felt the shifting of scales against his neck, then Olea hissing, “We getting a drink?”
“I’m getting a drink,” he told the dragon.
Olea let out a chilly exhale. “Bummer.”
The tavernkeeper looked up when he approached the bar. “What can I get you?”
“Just a cup of wine. And a room for the night,” he answered in a low tone. 
“I can get you the wine. But the tavern’s full tonight.”
He felt Olea blow out another puff of cold air. “Nothing?”
“Nope. Sorry, we’re packed.”
Darius slumped his shoulders. As the tavernkeeper turned to pour him his cup of wine, he scratched Olea’s chin. “Sorry, guess we’re not staying here tonight.”
“Damn. You’d think they’d have more respect for an oathbearer.”
He regretted not teaching her Syvlan as he pressed a finger to her mouth. “Sh.”
“Oathbearer?” the patron next to him asked.
“Man, you haven’t heard about the Oathbearers? They just protected Mytros from Sydon and Kentimane,” his friend said. 
“I know that, dummy,” he said. He turned to Darius, and he knew he’d been made as the patron’s eyes widened. “Captain Darius.”
“No ‘Captain’,” he hissed. “It’s just Darius.”
“How do you know it’s really him? Could just be a random dryad,” his friend commented. 
“Nah, that pin’s the real thing.” The patron turned to the tavernkeeper and whistled. “Yo, Andreas! Come here!”
Darius tried to shrink further into his hood before Andreas turned around, looking at the patron with annoyance. “What is it, Theo?”
Theo grabbed his cloak, right where it was pinned in place. “Do you recognize this?”
It was hard not to - the silver heart-shaped pin was adorned with a large diamond, a heart-tipped arrow like the ones in his quiver serving as its fascinator. Many had replicas, but it was hard to mimic a revivify diamond. 
“Holy shit,” he said. “Captain, I’m so sorry. Let me get you that wine, and a room. No charge.”
Darius knew by now arguing had no use, but he still tried. “Nonsense, let me at least pay you something-”
“For the hero who slaid the Titan Lutheria? No need,” Andreas said. “Just wait here.”
He tugged his hood more around his face before Theo asked, “So, what was it like?”
“What was what like?” Darius asked. 
Theo had a massive grin on his face. “Killing a Titan.”
“Underwhelming,” he admitted. 
“Man, that’s disappointing,” he said. 
“You know what they say,” his friend said. “Never meet your idols.”
“Yeah. Well, you seem pretty cool.”
“Thanks,” Darius muttered. 
Olea’s tail beat against his shoulder, getting his attention. “Least we got a free room and drink.”
 “Sure.” But he was pretty sure he would have preferred another night on the forest floor.
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harpersheroes · 2 years
i need a numbered list of miruna's least favourite people actually. like. top 5 at least
Lutheria, obviously.
Sydon, obviously.
(This was Estor previously but we murked him so--) Chondrus, slimy asshole who talks in circles and sneaky words and is everything but straight forward.
Gaius, asshole husband armor stealer and also just a POS.
Taron. She's still mad she wasnt allowed to deck him in the face.
Acastus, apple & the tree. He skeeves her out. Also wants to punch him but he is a king.
The twins at the lutheria temple.
Moxena & her sister. Traitors. >:(
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Lace II  -  ABC  -   May 5–6, 1985
Drama / Miniseries (2 episodes)
Running Time:  Appx 240 minutes
Deborah Raffin as Judy Hale 
Brooke Adams as Pagan Trelawney
Arielle Dombasle as Maxine Pascal
Phoebe Cates as "Lili", born Elizabeth Lace
Anthony Higgins as Prince Abdullah of Sydon
Christopher Cazenove as Raleigh
James Read as Daryl Webster
Patrick Ryecart as Werner Graff
Michael Fitzpatrick as Nicholas “Nick” Cliffe Jr. 
Walter Gotell as General Zedd
Paul Shelley as Christopher Swann
Ed Wiley as Tom Schwartz
Francois Guetary as Pierre 
Peter Jeffrey as Nicholas Cliffe Sr. 
James Faulkner as Charles Chazelle
Simon de La Brosse as Alexandre Chazelle
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Apparently there’s another scene that you can see when you ditch actuals roads and just climb your way into the Zora’s Domain??? Like Sydon was like ‘A HYLIAN???? HERE????’
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fenomeno-invisible · 6 months
A while ago with my pal we were in the castle and decided to descend to the depths from there (we only had Sydon's sage) we went all the way down till we reached the place where Ganon was sealed by Rauru and we were ambushed by the army yada yada Sydon appears to support us and we reached the conclussion that we weren't ready to fight THIS fight yet. We needed the rest of the sages and we didn't even have the master sword DX
Anyway, long story shot, the castle music changed and now it's really intense and hand gloomy like all the time and we (I) can't go there without sweating buckets and checking every corner for a possible attack
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thetunesclub · 2 years
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kentnaturaltribrid · 1 year
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Bukariola Nyphormilia/Bukariola Nyphormalia, Prolictive. It’s looking a lot more plant-like and wisdomic than before, though, mostly it’s looking more bright than before, which should mean that it’s ready to head to reality and be part of the garden, though, it’s more than ready. One of the main 19 other traits is Rekaliance and Sydonic Wisdom, as two of them. Rekaliance is basically a rebound and revive strategy. Sydonic Wisdom is just that, high level wisdom that has yet to be reached.
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so uh, real fast summary of yesterday's session:
we get told "hey go kill this guy! he's a worshipper of sydon!"
so we go, get into the fight, after another fight so our two heavy melee hitters are down to less than 10 health
3/4 characters, including cyra, went unconscious, and cassandra, our warlock, had to save the party
thankfully, there wasn't a tpk! b u t i t w a s s o c l o s e
in more fun news (for me, not cyra) this was where cyra realized realized her own mortality. yes she did die before this. but this is when the realization happened
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wolcichyczas · 1 year
Ew. Marka 7:24-37
(24) I wyruszył stamtąd, i udał się w okolice Tyru. I wstąpił do domu, ale nie chciał, aby się ktoś o tym dowiedział; nie mógł się jednak ukryć. (25) Lecz niewiasta, której córka miała ducha nieczystego, skoro usłyszała o nim, przybiegła i padła mu do nóg. (26) A niewiasta ta była Greczynką, rodem z Syrofenicji, i prosiła go, aby wypędził demona z córki jej. (27) Ale On rzekł do niej: Pozwól, aby wpierw nasyciły się dzieci, bo niedobrze jest zabierać chleb dzieciom i rzucać szczeniętom. (28) A ona, odpowiadając, rzekła do niego: Tak jest, Panie, wszakże i szczenięta jadają pod stołem z okruszyn dzieci. (29) I rzekł do niej: Dla tego słowa idź, demon wyszedł z córki twojej. (30) A gdy wróciła do domu swego, znalazła dziecko leżące na łożu, a demona nie było. (31) A gdy znowu wyszedł z okolic Tyru, przyszedł przez Sydon nad Morze Galilejskie środkiem ziemi Dziesięciogrodzia. (32) I przywiedli do niego głuchoniemego, i prosili go, aby położył nań rękę. (33) A wziąwszy go na bok od ludu, osobno, włożył palce swoje w uszy jego, splunął i dotknął się jego języka, (34) i spojrzał w niebo, westchnął i rzekł do niego: Effata, to znaczy: Otwórz się! (35) I otworzyły się uszy jego, i zaraz rozwiązały się więzy języka jego, i mówił poprawnie. (36) I przykazał im, aby nikomu o tym nie mówili, ale im więcej im przykazywał, tym więcej oni to rozgłaszali. (37) I niezmiernie się zdumiewali, mówiąc: Dobrze wszystko uczynił, bo sprawia, że głusi słyszą i niemi mówią.
Jezus teraz opuszcza żydowskie ziemie i wkracza do Galilei pogan. To potem będzie wzorem drogi jaką obejmie apostoł Piotr podczas swoich podróży misyjnych, a potem również Paweł. Jezus idzie do Tyru i Sydonu, które były częścią dawnego narodu Fenicjan (w.24-30), tym samym pokazując, że Dobra Nowina miała być głoszona pogańskim narodom. Jezus opuścił żydowskie rejony żeby chronić swoje życie, tak, żeby w odpowiednim czasie mógł dobrowolnie oddać swoje życie na krzyżu (zobacz Ew. Jana 10:11, 15, 18.). Jezus właśnie powiedział faryzeuszom, którzy krytykowali Jego służbę, że byli jak “hipokryci”, których serce było “daleko od Boga” (7.1,6). Chociaż Jezus znajduje się nad śródziemnomorskim brzegiem  przy Lebanonie, Jego sława tak się rozeszły (zobacz 3:8), że “nie mógł się ukryć”. Tym razem, pogańska niewiasta błaga Pana żeby wygonił demona z jej córki. Na początek , reakcja naszego Pana zdaje się być szorstka kiedy mówi, że nie jest to słuszne żeby dać chleb dzieci szczeniętom. Jednak Jezus celowo zostawił szansę na nadzieję przyrównując ją do szczeniąt domowych (a nie dzikich psów). Również, widzimy jej wiarę kiedy ona ,będąc poganką, która nie ma prawa dostępu do Żydowskiego Mesjasza (zobacz Ew. Mat 15:27), rości sobie prawo do bycia domowym szczeniakiem, który je okruchy, które spadają pod stół! Mateusz dodaje, że Pan zobaczył jej wiarę ”Niewiasto, wielka jest wiara twoja” (Ew. Mat 15.28). Oczywiście, pogańscy czytelnicy Ew. Marka bardzo ceniliby tę historie, ponieważ mówi wszystkim ludziom, że Jezus był zainteresowany w potrzebach nawet tych najbiedniejszych z oddalonych regionów pogańskich.
Krok Życiowy
Być może czujesz się jako ktoś gorszy, który nie jest godzien zwrócić uwagi Pana na swoje problemy. Tylko pamiętaj, że Pan pozostawia otwarte drzwi nadziei również Tobie! Jeśli złożysz swoją wiarę w Jezusie, wtedy On jest całkiem chętny i zdolny rzucić kilka okruszków pod stół żeby zaspokoić Twoje potrzeby. Poświęć minutę na to żeby napisać mu prośbę o pomoc!
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martianjellyfish · 7 years
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Tiny Hydroid. Playing around with brushes, textures and filters. I wanted to finish this when his rework dropped but have it in celebration of his Prime's release instead.
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