#Sylvestri Yarrow
jewishcissiekj · 6 months
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Assorted Star Wars characters + assorted headlines I found Part 5
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steepedfoxglovetea · 10 months
Star Wars, more like Sapphic Wars am I right?
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 month
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Official art for the Japanese edition of Star Wars: The High Republic: Out of the Shadows, by 5health.
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jedilibby · 27 days
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queensaule · 4 months
minor Defy the Storm spoilers
Xylan Graf getting his ass kidnapped by Syl and Jordanna:
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apollodreams · 1 month
Sylvestri Yarrow realest girl in the world for being constantly on edge about the chance of running into her ex
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sapphicstarwars · 5 months
Sapphic Rarepair Tournament Round 1-4
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tremendouskoalachild · 2 months
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last one. the Out of the Shadows girlfriends, with their canon height difference. art by 5health for the Japanese edition.
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Theron Shan- Annihilation by Drew Karpyshyn
Louis de Pointe du Lac- The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Sylvestri Yarrow- Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland
Ty Blackthorn- The Dark Artifices trilogy by Cassandra Clare
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Avar Kriss/Elzar Mann/Stellan Gios
Propaganda Submitted: “A constellation of three stars.”
Canonicity: I don’t wanna talk about it
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Sylvestri Yarrow/Jordanna Sparkburn
Propaganda Submitted: heartbreak and jaded exes and getting back together and combat couple and-
Canonicity: yeah!!
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*The High Republic Spoilers!*
Re-Reading Out of the Shadows, and I just laughed out loud at Syl complaining the Jedi sent with her being too "old", even though the Jedi with her are Imri (15), Vern (17), Reath (18) and Cohmac (~40+), and then describing Cohmac a "skinny librarian", judging by the way he talks.
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Star Wars Pilots Tournament - Round 1A
Who's the better pilot?
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Luke Skywalker:
blew up the Death Star. twunk of all time
Sylvestri Yarrow:
none :(
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lowcountry-gothic · 1 month
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Japanese cover art for Star Wars: The High Republic: Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland, volumes 1 and 2. Art by 5health.
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queer-starwars-bracket · 10 months
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 2): General Bracket Match 4
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Leox Gyasi | Identity: aro/ace | Media: The High Republic Phase I
Leox Gyasi was the pilot/captain of the ship the Vessel, who ended up entangled in the discovery of the Drengir on the Amaxine station, a diplomatic mission with the Hutts, and the fall of Starlight Beacon, becoming a trusted ally of the Jedi. He was created to be an extreme subversion of the archetypical Han Solo-inspired scoundrel archetype. He’s a space hippie and what you’d get if Yoda wasn’t a Jedi and smoked spice instead. 
He crews the Vessel with his found family consisting of the living rock Geode (who does fuck) and the young Affie Hallow- who became the captain of the Vessel after the dissolution of the Bryne Guild. He’s a fun guy with an appearance inspired by 90s Mathew McConaughey.
Sylvestri Yarrow | Identity: lesbian | Media: The High Republic Out of the Shadows
Sylvestri Yarrow was raised by her mother, Chancy Yarrow, on her ship, the Switchback. She raised her daughter to be cynical and taught her a lot of navigational and survival skills. This training couldn’t destroy Sylvestri’s moral compass and good first instinct entirely, but made her distrustful of the Republic and Jedi. For a time, she lived on the planet Tikkae, where she fell in love with Jordana Sparkburn- a member of the San Tekka family who ruled the frontier planet. But Chancy always kept moving. When the Yarrows were about to leave, she asked Jordana to come with her to travel the galaxy, but Jordana decline because of her duties as a San Tekka. They left on poor terms.
Two weeks later, the Switchback was attacked by Nihil raiders, who seemingly killed Chancy. At eighteen, Sylvestri was on her own with nothing but her mother’s ship, a co-pilot, and an ancient security droid. Because of the trade instability caused by the Nihil and Great Disaster, her finances were not doing well when she was suddenly pulled out of hyperspace by the Nihil. 
To inform the Republic about this new Nihil weapon, she traveled to Coruscant where she met the wealthy Xylan Graf who revealed that her mother was a hyperspace scientist and possibly had been kidnapped rather than killed by the Nihil. To investigate the possibility that the Nihil were building a mass shadow generator, she ended up teaming up with the Jedi Vernestra Rwoh, Imri Canatros, Reath Silas, and Cohmac Vitus; Xylan Graf; and Jordana Sparkburn . The novel follows them as they investigate a tangled web of Nihil conspiracy and Sylvestri grapples with new revelations about her past.
In the end, Sylvestri and Jordanna take their new ship to take up a job opportunity with Maz Kanata. Jordana is willing to join her because the San Tekka settlement on Tikae was destroyed by the Nihil earlier in the book.
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jedilibby · 2 months
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queeruscant · 1 year
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Name: Sylvestri Yarrow Pronouns: she/her Era: High Republic Appears in: Out of the Shadows
Sylvestri Yarrow was a hauler during the High Republic era. She was the daughter of Chancey Yarrow, who raised Sylvestri to be a tough, intelligent, skilled person. Syl was emotional, had a heavy temper, and had romantic daydreams about Jordanna Sparkburn, whom she met during her time on Tiikae.
Learn more about Sylvestri in her profile video!
Full profile under the cut:
Sylvestri Yarrow has been described by creator Justina Ireland as “Han Solo with worse luck." She was a hauler and pilot during the High Republic era.
Syl is depicted with dark skin, kinky black hair, and seeming much larger than she actually was. That probably has to do with her big personality – Syl was a very emotional person. Yes, she dealt with a lot of grief and sadness, but she also had a big temper, she fell in love hard, and wasn’t the greatest at hiding her feelings. Emotional as she may be, Syl was also incredibly tough. She was a proficient fighter and carried a blaster rifle named Beti. She grew up on the fringes of the galaxy with her mother, Chancey Yarrow, who raised her to be strong and resilient. This included periodically dropping Sylvestri off on random planets to learn different skills, like hyperspace technology, or close combat – in which she was knocked unconscious and had multiple bones broken by Nihil Tempest Lourna Dee, learning that even at only 13 years old, no one would go easy on her.
Syl’s experiences made her an intelligent and adaptable person. Among all of the skills she had learned, she was incredibly resourceful and could fight her way out of most situations. That being said, she did not have a taste for politics or luxury, which made her very uncomfortable. She had strong opinions about the Jedi and the Republic: she did not like them. She couldn’t understand why they weren’t doing more to stop the Nihil and protect people in the Outer Rim.
Despite all of this, Sylvestri had a softer side. She was a daydreamer and a romantic, especially when it came to Jordanna Sparkburn. The two met when Sylvestri was left on the planet Tiikae, and they immediately fell in love. Unfortunately, Jordanna didn’t accept Sylvestri’s invitation to travel the galaxy with her, which broke Syl’s heart.
During Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland, Sylvestri finds herself roped into an investigation by hyperspace magnate Xylan Graf. Syl, who believes her mother to be dead, is informed that Chancey Yarrow is working with the Nihil on an artificial gravity well generator. On Xylan's request, Syl goes on a mission to the Berenge sector with him, Vernestra Rwoh, Imri Cantaros, Reath Silas, Cohmac Vitus, and Jordanna Sparkburn. On the mission, Syl and Jordanna talk about their past relationship and resolve some of the tension between them. Jordanna admits that she regrets not leaving Tiikae with Sylvestri.
Along with Imri and Reath, Syl is kidnapped by the Nihil and reunites with Chancey. Chancey asks Syl to stay with her and help her work on the gravity well generators, but Syl refuses. The group is rescued by the other Jedi and Jordanna. Upon her return to Coruscant, Sylvestri is gifted the ship the Vengeful Goddess by Xylan, and she plans to travel to Takodana with Jordanna.
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