bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Michael wordlessly gives T’Pring her jacket as they walk through a dense fog which sticks to their skin like frost. T’Pring asks if she’s cold once, planning on arguing the jacket back onto the other girl’s shoulders when she denies it but Michael merely says “It’s logical for you to have it, given the differences in our physiology,” her tone neutral though her voice trembles.  T’Pring never offers it back to her again and Michael doesn’t ask for its return.
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45780 · 1 year
I don't want your traditional drama that you get from cheating with Spock and T'Pring. I want this.
T'Pring finds out and she just stands there for a couple of minutes then:
T'Pring: I had sexual intercourse with Michael Burnham.
Chapel: *confused*
Laan: *confused because she distantly remembers that being the name of a Mutineer*
Spock: WHAT!!!?!!!!!
Pike: *panicking, desperately trying to find an exit, falls on floor, has heart attack*
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
The Aesthetic of Vulcan
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Home Decor:
Vulcan Architecture
A collection of canonical images depicting various structures and landmarks all across the planet, images provided by @capsfromtrek
Vulcan Home Decor
Analysis of Vulcan decorating habits from an anthropological standpoint in respect to the depicted emptiness of Sarek's home in Michael Burnham's memories of it in Star Trek: Discovery. Analysis provided by @captaincrusher and @unicorn-and-bluebells with a minor anecdote from me, and a even more insightful anecdote from @pepperpup86
Bronze Age Fashion (Masculine, Feminine)
Fashion aesthetics from Pre-Awakening T'Khasi, designs provided by @janey-jane
Vulcan Fashion: Personal Anecdotes
My take on the history of Vulcan fashion requested by @madllys
Vulcan Fashion History Analysis
A more educated fashion history take on the evolution of Vulcan fashion from the Enterprise era to The Original Series provided by @thornfield13713
Unraveling A Vulcan
Anecdote by @luftweht on the potential cultural practice of untying the various complex belts and knots common in Vulcan fashion as a courtship ritual.
Intricacies of Feminine Vulcan Hairstyles
Images and and an anecdote on the elaborate hairstyles of feminine Vulcans provided by @protectspock
Geometric Hairstyles of Black Vulcans
A collection of curated images depicting elegant and simple geometric and aesthetically mathematical black human hairstyles befitting of their Vulcan equivalents, provided by @wongbal, expanded upon by @parad0xysms
Click Here to Return to the Vulcantology Masterpost (Coming Soon)
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tinderbox210 · 1 year
So now that Spock screwed up, can Michael step in to sweep T’Pring off of her feet to the future?
I think I found myself a new ship.
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sporkandpringles · 10 months
does anyone else ever read for pairings they don't necessarily ship because it's the only way to get content about their favorite character?
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defendglobe · 1 year
this week's SNW episode will either piss me off or will be the best thing ever
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illegalpaladin · 2 months
I'm typically a BIG SNW fan. I think in general the show has a lot of the same heart as TOS. However, as a Vulcan Fanatic, I have some Opinions™️ on the new teaser.
1. Vulcan logic is a choice, not a trait. We even see this in SNW, with T'Pring's job of rehabilitating V'tosh Ka'tur/Vulcans that have embraced feeling their strong emotions. Spock's whole thing is struggling with balancing his emotions and humanity with Vulcan culture and expectations, and it's erasing a lot of his struggle to have the crew transformed and immediately the epitome of Vulcan logic.
2. Vulcan efficiency is also cultural and not hereditary. I've only seen one episode of Discovery, but in it we see Michael-- who was raised on Vulcan-- able to quickly compute how long, down to the second, until a storm reaches her. She's human, so this is clearly due to Vulcan schooling. The fact that the crew was able to complete this mission in record time because they're suddenly more efficient is... illogical.
3. If we are going the logical Vulcan route, the racism towards Spock doesn't make sense. Surely they could logically deduce that Spock isn't fully Vulcan, but they're also only temporarily Vulcan? Also, they didn't have the upbringing to think of Spock as "lessor," which makes it seem like they always see Spock as less and are just talking about it now.
4. Uhura's new hair looks so cute.
Anyways, I'd rather have had an episode where everyone becomes Vulcan for a mission, and then it's Spock trying to teach them to control their emotions so they can do what they need to do. It would have shown a side of Spock that he keeps hidden and would have added depth to his character.
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girddlepatchilles · 7 months
I know this will never happen, but I would really love to see a reunion between Spock and Michael where she sees how he's grown since he went back to the Enterprise! I want them to talk about T'Pring and how Spock kind of has a thing for Nurse Chapel. I want to see Spock congratulate Michael on becoming captain.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Star Trek Femslash Week Day 5: Learning your Language In which T'Pring & Michael conduct language lessons
The two of them were sitting in a tea room on the grounds of Michael’s home estate, detached from the house itself. It had, in the old days, been reserved for honored guests but the old days were very old indeed. A millenia or two lessened its grandiosity so much so that Sarek had waved his hand without looking up when Michael suggested they conduct their lessons within it.
“It’s nice to see children playing around here,” Amanda had smiled.
Michael had looked back at her, eyes dull. It was one of the hardest things to master - the eyes. It was said that a Vulcan child had truly come of age when they could look upon a corpse as if it were a smooth stone. The untranslated and ancient wisdom was macabre but T’Pring had thought about it frequently as a child. She’d thought of Michael Burnham, her guardians slain before her eyes. They hadn’t been dull then, she was certain. What might they have looked like?
“We are not playing.” Michael had corrected, walking off without another glance.
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quasi-normalcy · 4 months
Legacy character who have appeared on Paramount+ era Trek by series:
Kirk (SNW)
Spock (Disco & SNW, PRO kind of)
Pike (Disco & SNW)
Number One (Disco & SNW)
Uhura (SNW, PRO kind of)
Scotty (SNW, PRO kind of)
Sulu (LWD kind of)
Chapel (SNW)
M'Benga (SNW)
Harry Mudd (Disco & Short Treks)
T'Pring (SNW)
Sarek (Disco)
Amanda Grayson (Disco & SNW)
Khan (kind of) (SNW)
Romulan Commander (SNW)
Picard (PIC)
Riker (PIC, LWD)
Troi (PIC, LWD)
Worf (PIC)
Data (PIC)
Geordi (PIC)
Crusher (PIC, PRO kind of)
Wesley (PIC, LWD)
Ro Laren (PIC)
The Borg Queen (PIC, LWD kind of)
Bruce Maddox (PIC)
Lore (PIC)
Guinan (PIC)
Holodeck Moriarty (kind of) (PIC)
Jellico (PRO)
Okona (LWD & PRO)
Zephram Cochrane (kind of) (LWD)
Leah Brahms (kind of) (LWD)
Sonya Gomez (LWD)
Nick Locarno (LWD)
Sito Jaxa (LWD)
B4 (kind of) (PIC)
Literally a background Romulan (Disco)
Kira (LWD)
Quark (LWD)
Rom (LWD)
Leeta (LWD)
Martok (kind of) (LWD)
Odo (kind of) (PRO)
I guess Worf, technically? (PIC)
Seven of Nine (PIC)
Tom Paris (LWD)
Janeway (PRO)
Chakotay (PRO)
One of the refugee kids from "Counterpoint" (PRO)
Dr. Chaotica (LWD)
Fear the Clown (kind of) (LWD)
Michael Sullivan (LWD)
Lizard babies (kind of) (LWD)
Agent Daniels (Disco)
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shannyfishwriter · 4 months
SNW: "Untraveled Roads" - Chapter 2
Title: Untraveled Roads Pairing: Spock/Chapel Summary: A large party of ambassadors on board the Enterprise leads to a very interesting realization for Spock and Christine Chapel when it comes to what a possible future together may look like. ===========
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Spock hadn't expected to be sitting in his parents' temporary quarters on the Enterprise.  His father had remained neutral and mostly silent, which was not an unusual dynamic in the family.  In that moment, he found himself missing Michael.  However, he didn't vocalize it.  It was one thing to have such a discussion on Vulcan, but it wasn't something that could be done here.  
"I hope that this time around that we might make time to visit more and meet your friends here on the Enterprise," Amanda spoke up to Spock.  There was tea out and tea already poured for all.  
"I do not want to take you away from any diplomatic duties you might have while on board," Spock replied.
"Luckily, I am not the ambassador," Amanda commented.  "Though I will of course be at all of the social events on board."
"We all will," Sarek spoke up.  He looked from Amanda to Spock.  "Will we not?"
"We will," Spock agreed.  "Captain Pike has requested that the senior staff attend the social events as well, if possible.  We have already been given a list of which events require more formal dress."
It was all a bit awkward.  "Right, well, how about a tour?" Amanda asked Spock, getting to her feet.
"I will be unavailable to join at this time because I must prepare," Sarek told them.
Amanda smiled.  "Of course, it will give Spock and I time together."  Sarek's need to prep and have that quiet space was something that she'd expected and was ready to take advantage of.  "After all, it isn't everyday that we are on board the Enterprise."  The last time she was there was when she'd come to be a part of the V'Shal dinner between their family and T'Pring's family.  However, this was the first time that her husband, Sarek, was on board.  She had found herself missing her children and wanting to have that connection with Spock's life, which was harder when he was so far from Vulcan.  However, she was proud of him for how far he'd come and accomplished with Starfleet.  She also knew that he had a new found appreciation (or at least she thought he did) for his own human side.  
<read the rest here>
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loisfreakinglane · 4 months
tagged by my love @queenofattolia to answer: WHO ARE MY TOP 10 FAVORITE STAR TREK CHARACTERS!
ultimately an impossible question bc trek is so massive and my love for it is so all encompassing BUT LET'S GIVE IT A GOO
la'an noonien singh!
spock, obviously
nyota uhura
beckett mariner
kathryn janeway
ash tyler
julian bashir
and i will tag!!!!!!!! @rooftoptag @tchallaas @lodgeveronicaa @latrodectal @herasyndlla @ladytharen @mermaidsirennikita @saint-cecilias @bluetiefling @streussal
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mai-komagata · 1 year
vulcan control meta
Ok, so some theories on vulcans based on last episode (i mean i always had these theories, just nice to see them more explicitly shown). It isn't an issue just of emotional/mental control. Humans can develop emotional and mental control. And i think characters like Amanda and Michael prove humans can do that too. The thing is, Vulcans have much better physiological control over their bodies. I expect much less of their nervous system is autonomic or functions sympathetically. For example: if vulcan spock wants to appear skeptical, he can raise one eyebrow and one eyebrow only. They don't even realize they do it this way. It's just how their muscles work. If human spock wants to display an emotion, his whole face twitches uncontrollably. A lot of that humans can learn to do, they can train themselves to move muscles separately. But I'm guessing that level physiological response comes automatic for vulcans. Likewise, their tone of their voice is likely normally monotone, unless they force it not to be. But muscles, although they might move in groups without thinking, they are still largely voluntary nervous system actions. If a vulcan doesn't want to feel pain, they can just ignore it. Its like they have the pain sensor, they understand it is painful, but if they know it isn't hurting them, they can ignore it. They don't have the same reflex reaction to pain. If they find something arousing, they don't react to it without voluntary control. It is something they turn on voluntarily if it is the right situation. It seems like they can control how their kidneys function, for example as well. If they need food, they don't necessarily experience that as a constellation of disparate symptoms that affect their whole body, either. They know when they are low on fuel and they eat. They can enjoy food just as much (like T'pring's dad clearly does), but they don't have to -- it is another physical stimuli they can detach from. So what is my point here. That vulcans aren't less emotional, or more emotional, or more logical *genetically.* But they control their reactions to stimuli (whether mental or external) voluntarily, in a way human physiology cannot -- I cannot will my vasopressin levels to be different. And their philosophy is a stoic philosophy that views their bodily reactions with detachment. A human can follow a stoic philosophy and practice and learn that detachment. But their physiological reactions are different, and some of these things come as second nature to vulcans. Human spock is a bit like he was drunk (well he also was drunk in one scene). For the first time, he isn't voluntarily in control of all his bodily processes, and used it as an excuse to indulge in that feeling. He doesn't need to learn how humans react to humor and do all those movements to pretend to fit in. they just happen. But he can rally and keep it together if need be, and he could longterm learn that control. But it isn't a better or worse way of living and they aren't better people for it (sometimes it makes them worse). It is just something that societally comes easy to Vulcans b/c of their physiology. That said, ultimately, Vulcans are telepaths. They engage in emotional closeness via telepathic communication, not physical displays, so they can create personal connections in spite of their lack of physical displays. Spock feels disconnected from his mother without his telepathy b/c that is how he has been close to her all his life. That isn't something that can be learnt, but it is a reason michael (and even spock, to a smaller degree) would adapt to live differently when not around vulcans all the time, b/c it would get lonely. Vulcan control isn't *desirable* in a non-telepathic society.
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tinderbox210 · 5 months
Another Spocklaan AU idea:
It's basically a "What if La'an's family never boarded the SS Puget Sound?" AU.
It's interesting to think about how different La'an's life would be if her family didn't encounter the Gorn, how different La'an as a person would grow up to be from the character we've come to know. Would she still develop a similar personality and skill set? Would she still end up joining Starfleet or do security things or do something entirely different? Maybe she would become a singer at a bar on a random Starbase and one day stumble across a lonely half-Vulcan sitting in the audience?
Fantastic, now this AU idea is turning into 2 different ideas... but back to the original idea:
So prime La'an wakes up in an alternative reality in which her family is alive and she doesn't know how or why, but she still has her memories. Could be time travel shenanigans, could be another Boltzman brain situation...
Btw I still headcanon Lewis Tan as adult Manu, and I think maybe Ming-Na Wen and Robert Carlyle as the parents? (Wen needs to be in every franchise somehow, she already was in Star Wars so next stop should be the Enterprise).
At first, this new reality looks like a dream come true despite La'an living a very different life from what she's used to. She never got saved by Una and therefor never joined Starfleet. It would be interesting to learn more about her family and explore her struggles with peoples' prejudices against augments in this new setting.
Things start to turn south when she finds out that the Gorn are just as much a threat in this reality as in the prime timeline, attacking one colony after another while the Federation is still reeling from the Klingon war.
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It also turns out that, with La'an and her special knowledge of the Gorn missing, the Enterprise ended up being destoryed during that first confrontation with the Gorn (the one from "Memento Mori") 😱 and with the flagship of the fleet gone, Starfleet struggles even more with fighting off the advances of the Hegemony into Federation space.
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So La'an has to deal with the fact that while she got her old family back, her new family is gone and that if she stays here, she would condemn everyone on the Enterprise to their gruesome fate.
Everyone I say? Actually no, there's one person left.
While investigating what happened to the Enterprise (because that's still her thing), La'an discovers that one crew member left the ship months before the disaster and that would be Spock.
In this alternative reality Spock left the Enterprise to live with T'Pring on Vulcan when they got engaged - which turned out a big mistake and he's very unhappy with his life and that he had to give up his Starfleet career (they're basically one step away from divorce).
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La'an gains Spock's trust and convinces him that she's telling the truth about the timeline being all messed up by bringing up Michael (the DISCO stuff happened in this reality too) and performing another mind meld so that he can see her memories from the original timeline. While working together to figure out what happened to La'an, they start to have feelings for each other.
In the end La'an has to make the tough choice between staying in the new reality with her original family and a Spock she's fallen in love with or return to the prime timeline to be with her surrogate family and a Spock who's not romantically available - allthewhile the Gorn are closing in on her parents' colony and threaten to kill everyone she cares about once more...
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sporkandpringles · 9 months
✨Hello! T'Mina, here! ✨ I'm a queer, third-generation trekkie who loves Vulcans and Romulans. Welcome to my Star Trek Blog! About Me: she/they | 29 | AuDHD | Demigirl* | Bisexual* *subject to change. The gender and sexuality crisis has been ongoing since 2014. Star Trek Favorites: Favorite Episode: DIS 1x06 "Lethe" Favorite Series To Watch: Voyager Favorite Series to Write About: A tie between AOS and DISCO Favorite Captain: Kathryn Janeway Favorite Main Character: Michael Burnham Star Trek Ships: Kirk/Spock (Spirk, K/S) Sarek/Amanda Grayson Solkar/Zefram Cochrane Bochra/Geordi La Forge Michael Burnham/T'Pring Benjamin Sisko/Solok Kirk/Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Spock/Uhura/Gaila (my AOS OT4) Nyota Uhura/Gaila, Beckett Mariner/T'Lyn Christine Chapel/T'Pring Tuvok/T'Pel/Janeway Kira Nerys/Kimara Cretak (...and many, many more) More About Me: Multishipper | Sarek Apologist | Jack Crusher Hater - Canon-Divergence/Fix-It Enthusiast - I Didn't Say it Was Good I Said I Liked It - I enjoy nitpicking things I like. It's fun for me. Block the #gripes tag if you don't want to see that. Links:
Original Posts | Blog Lore | Art Blog | Ao3
End Notes: Feel free to DM me or send me asks! I love talking about Star Trek.
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73chn1c0l0rr3v3l · 4 months
So I did rare kink buffet & wrote 15 fic altogether! Instead of redating everything & flooding the tag, I'm gonna post it all here under the tag!
Chapel/La'an, D/s
Tilly/Michael, clothes sharing
Mirror Una/Mirror La'an, dressing up
Una/Christine, wing kink
Tilly/Mirror Georgiou, sadism
Una/Christine, anal
Original male ferengi/original human female, financial domination
La'an, fear kink
La'an/Una, bruise kink
T'Pring/Chapel, wax play
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