beauzos · 4 months
uteruses were a mistake
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dioneq · 2 years
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“quizá... yo podría cantarte algo, una serenata” .
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fiddletwix · 1 year
SSBS - Cardfight!! Vanguard Episode 23: Fateful Encounter Review
Plot: Aichi, Kamui and Misaki (And Morikawa) head to Card Shop Psy and meet the National Champion of Vanguard, Ren. Aichi experiences odd visions when Ren gets a weird glowing look in his eyes. Kourin challenges Ren to a match using identical decks, allowing the others to spectate. Is Ren really as good as his reputation suggests? Breakdown: Aichi’s getting visions now? Okie dokie. To my…
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MST3K - Gypsy Doesn't Get Crow
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bm-pancake · 2 years
Tina…. Starts with T. Incredibly common to see Grindr, etc. usernames like “parTy” as in “party and play” aka drugs and fucking. At least in the meth / H / opioid endemic areas of the US.
Capitalising the T in certain words to wink wink nudge nudge makes sense, yes, but has the letter T on its own ever been a significant signal for meth???
I've never seen the T in "I'm on T/t" or "Just got my T/t!" mean anything other than testosterone??
But hey if you've got lived experience with the specific example I brought up then fuck me I guess /shrug /not mad
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Kitty (part 7)
Parts 1 - 6 here. Rei x (afab) reader fluff
You wake up to the sunlight streaming through the curtains, thankful for what turned out to be a dreamless sleep. You sit up in the bed, stretching, when it hits you. Wait… The last thing you remember was being in the car, on the way back to the apartment with Kazuki, so how did you get here?
It’s late, or late for you, as you note from the alarm clock displaying that it’s already half past nine. You’re still in your clothes from yesterday, so you quickly get changed and hurry out of the room. Rei often pops in to retrieve fresh clothes in the morning when you’re downstairs and you’re slightly worried your lie-in has thrown him off his routine.
You open the door and step out into the hall, where you can hear Kazuki humming away in the kitchen and Rei is sweeping around the ground floor – he must’ve heard the door open as he looks up in your direction, smiling shyly. There it is again – your stomach flips as you smile back before descending the stairs.
You pause at the bottom, feeling a little like a spare part due to your late wake-up. “M-m-morning.”
“Good morning!” Kazuki chimes back, a bright smile on his face as always. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Y-yes, thank you,” you nod. “H-how did I get t-to bed?”
“Well,” Kazuki scratches the back of his head, “you fell asleep in the car on the way home – you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. I carried you in and then Rei here tucked you up in bed.”
You look over to Rei, but now he’s concentrating particularly hard on one spot of the floor in a continuous sweep. The negative thoughts start to rise up – what a burden you are, can’t even wake up to walk up to the apartment, sleeping in… His voice pipes up in your head. Lazy, useless, worthless, waste of space… You bite your lip, trying to quell the unhelpful voices with distraction. Pain is a good one. You know if you were to voice these aloud that Kazuki and Rei would reassure you, that it’s fine, and that must be tiresome to repeat themselves. But you can’t help it – it’s a 180 whiplash-inducing turn from the past few years.
“Kitty?” Rei’s in front of you now, a hesitant look on his face as he breaks through your thoughts. He’s so good now at telling when you’re caught in your head. “Sorry if that wasn’t okay, you were really out of it.”
It clicks that he’s worried he’s overstepped a line by carrying you up there, and it’s sweet. “N-no, that w-w-was ve-very kind of you. T-t-thank you.”  
The shy smile appears back on his face. “That’s okay.”
“I saved you breakfast.” Kazuki interrupts. He’s removing containers from the fridge. “I’ll admit I went a little overboard trying to hit all the nutritional groups.”
“C-can I h-help?”
“Nah, just take a seat.” He points to the table. “It won’t take long.”
You sit down, feeling a little awkward as Kazuki continues retrieving things from the fridge and laying them out on the counter. You can’t believe he’s done all of this for you. Rei finishes sweeping and, after grabbing his mug and filling it with some juice, he hovers beside you.
“Mind if I join you?”
You shake your head.
He takes the seat next to you, bumping your leg with his own as he does so. You’re not sure if it was deliberate.
“How did you find the clinic?”
“It w-was g-g-good.” You pause, and close your eyes, preparing yourself mentally for the next sentence. “S-said the s-stutter was maybe psy-psycho-log… logical.” You force out, before opening your eyes. Thankfully he isn’t looking at you.
“Mm,” Rei takes a sip from his mug. “You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished so far too. It can’t be easy.”
Kazuki comes over with a loaded plate. It is a lot. He chuckles as he sets down a plate in front of you – you guessed you’d let your shock show on your face. “Don’t worry – I don’t expect you to eat all of it! Just a little bit of everything, hm?” He starts pointing around the plate, explaining what’s what and why it’s good for you. “I’ll grab the vitamins too – I put them up in the bathroom cupboard.”
“He made me and Miri eat everything too – said my diet could use it, probably.” Rei confides as you start on the food.
Kazuki returns with the paper bag in his hand and sits opposite you, digging out different bottles and consulting the instructions. It’s quiet for a few moments – just the sounds of Kazuki opening the pill bottles and removing a tablet, lining them up in front of you as your chopsticks scrape the plate.
He then retrieves what you presume is the anxiety medication – it’s in a cardboard box rather than a bottle – and reads through the leaflet carefully.
“What’s that one?” Rei asks, curious.
“Oh, I mentioned the panic attack the other night. Doctor said it could take the edge off. It’s obviously up to you, though, Kitty, if you want to take them. I know it’s not the most professional set-up there. I think the vitamins are a good idea though, but, again, it’s your choice.”
“N-no, v-vitamins s-sound good.” You set down the chopsticks. The doctor had listed symptoms last night of vitamin deficiency and they’d all rang true with you – fatigue, aches, bruises and wounds taking a long time to heal. There had been times when you’d got up too fast from cleaning the floors and felt woozy, having to sit with your head between your knees until it passed, hoping that no-one would see you and accuse you of slacking off. “I’m n-not sure on t-these ones.” And you pause, always bracing for a backlash, even though you know he’s said it’s your choice. “W-will t-they make my h-h-head feel w-w-weird?”
“Mm. There are a fair few potential side effects, that’s for sure. It’s what you feel is best for you.” He reassures again, passing over the box for you to take a look.
“Did he make you take something that made your head feel weird?” Rei asks, quietly.
“A-at the be-begin-ning, h-h-he made me t-take s-s-something to-to relax.” It was to stop you screaming and struggling, really, while he mulled over exactly what he was going to do with you.
“Relax?” Kazuki raises an eyebrow. Rei’s clenching his fists. He wishes the man wasn’t already dead so he could shoot him all over again and not make it as quick as a death as he’d had.
“It m-made m-me sleepy a-and f-f-fuzzy.” You swallow. “I d-d-don’t w-want to f-feel like that a-again.”
“Yeah, I think I can understand that. We’ll just keep these aside, as an option, okay? You all done there?” He gestures to the plate.
“Mm. It w-was r-really nice, thank y-you.” There’s still things left on the plate but you made a decent dent in it, more so than you would’ve a week ago.
“Good! Here,” he slides your glass of water closer to you. “You’ll probably want to wash those pills down with something.”
He stands up and takes your plate, pausing as he scrutinizes Rei. “Hair’s getting long again, man. Want me to do a trim?”
“Sure,” Rei nods. He’s gotten used to Kazuki’s haircuts. It keeps it easier to manage.
“Y-you can c-cut hair?”
“Eh, I kinda have the one style,” he gestures at Rei’s cut. “Your hair bothering you?”
It has been bothering you. It’s so long, seems to tangle constantly and the ends are particularly dry, splitting when you braid it. It feels heavy on your head, really, like it’s weighing you down. It wasn’t something you ever thought much about in the house – there was no way they’d let you have access to scissors and they were hardly going to sit you down and cut your hair. Your showers had been sporadic at best– you managed to get one usually once a week when you were cleaning bathrooms, but never a relaxing experience. Here, though, it was nice to wash every day and not have to worry about when the next one was coming.
“Mm, it’s s-s-o l-long.”
“Well, I can book you in at a proper salon?” you shake your head furiously at the idea. “Yeah, maybe still out of the comfort zone. Hm. I reckon I can cut in a relatively straight line by now, if you like.”
“If t-t-that’s okay, I t-think I would l-l-like that.”
“Of course! I can book you both in for today,” he winks.
Kazuki makes another snip. “What are you thinking for your next move, then?” You’re in the bathroom, washing your hair in preparation for your haircut. Rei’s staring into space – Kazuki won’t let him use his phone whilst he cuts in case it goes wonky.
“With Kitty.”
“Oh. I…” he hesitates. “I don’t know. Am I meant to be doing something?”
“That depends. Like, would you like to kiss her?”
Rei feels the blood fill his cheeks as Kazuki continues snipping away at his hair, though he’s not sure why. It’s not like he hadn’t kissed a girl before. His father had hired escorts for his 18th birthday – not that it was something he’d ever shown an interest in, but the other men in the compound had seemed pleased. An escort had dragged him back to his bedroom and there had been some kissing but that’s as far as it went. He wasn’t one for a honeytrap – what need was there for it?  He was skilled and stealthy enough to complete jobs without the need for seduction. As if he could seduce anybody…
“Well, I think your next move should be working up to that. You gotta handle this delicately, though. She’s been through a lot.”
“I… I don’t want to hurt her. Sometimes…” A pause, this is exactly the type of feeling his father would tell him to ignore – to feel at all is to show weakness, but he trusts Kazuki. “Sometimes it feels like all I’m good for is hurting people.” He stares at his hands.
“Hey, that’s not true, buddy.” Kazuki pauses the trim to place a hand on his shoulder. “You make Miri really happy, for one. And, for what it’s worth, having you around makes me happy too.  You’re not going to hurt Kitty. Come on, Rei, remember how I had a freak out about how she wouldn’t say my name and then there was you with your research and listening and all that?”
“I guess.”
“Uh-uh, no guessing about it.”
“What did you do the other night, when she panicked?” It’s been bugging him what happened in the bathroom. He’s wanted to ask – of course he’d searched up on panic attacks as soon as he’d heard the term, but he wants to know what Kazuki did specifically because it seemed to have really worked.
“Oh, yeah - it was a breathing exercise. Breathing’s an unconscious action mostly, so it helps you really focus on it. You inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold the breath in another four, exhale out your mouth for four, hold for another four. Repeat. It can take a fair few goes but it usually works.”
He goes to nod but knows that Kazuki will tell him off for jeopardizing the haircut. “Thanks.”
There’s another spell of silence. “Rei, you do believe me right? You’re more than just your family’s name. Plus, it’s not like Kitty doesn’t know what you and I do for work.” He continues snipping away as he talks. “The most important thing, I think, is to make sure you’re going at her pace.”
“Her pace?”
“I mean, you’re not, like, throwing yourself at her.”
“She held my hand.” He confesses.
“She did?” Rei swears he can hear the smile in his voice, somehow.
“The other day, when we were walking home. She reached out for my hand…” He flexes his fingers. “It felt different from when Miri’s held it before. I didn’t want to let go.”
“Ugh,” Kazuki sniffs loudly and Rei doesn’t even need to look to know he’s crying. “I’m a sucker for a good romance. This is so sweet! Think of the story you’ll tell your kids…” Rei stiffens. “Okay, okay, I’m jumping the gun. It’s still sickeningly sweet though.”
He wipes his sleeve across his eyes before he continues the haircut. “Hey, I know - you could take her to the zoo.”
“The zoo?”
“Yeah, you said you hadn’t been before when we went, and we were kinda too preoccupied on the mission for you to see the place properly. I bet she’d like that, it’d make a great first date.”
“Yeah, that could be nice.” He’s ignoring the date part, but he can’t help a dig. “When you say mission, though, you do mean when you made us stalk Miri to get her lunch?”
“It was a mission.”
The bathroom lock clicks and you exit, your hair partially dried and hanging loose to your lower back - you’ve thoroughly brushed it out too, ridding it of all knots and tangles. Rei’s haircut looks to be coming to an end.
Kazuki whistles, “That is long – I guess I hadn’t realized since you have it up all the time.”
“I w-wasn’t s-sure what would b-b-be easier to cut. S-should I br-braid it?”
“Yeah, I think braided would be easier to get a symmetrical length off it.”
You nod and head over to the sofa, tucking your legs underneath you before you part your hair. You make quick work of the two braids, securing them with elastic bands. Your hair is pretty thin – another possible side effect of vitamin deficiency, you’d learned.
“Right,” Kazuki whips the cloak off Rei with a flourish. “Next customer, please.”
Rei gives you a smile before immediately heading to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes out of the laundry pile to be folded on the way, muttering about how itchy he was – you’d guessed some hair had made its way down his back despite the cloak.
You sit down on the chair and Kazuki drapes the cloak over your shoulders. “Now, Kitty, you’re sure about this?”
“Where do you want me to cut to?” He crouches a little, his hands on his knees to get level with you.
Your fingers wrap round one of the braids and you tug it forward, trying to picture a length. “H-here, I t-think.” You press your finger against your collar bone.
“And, again, you’re absolutely 100% positive?” Kazuki seems nervous as he picks up the scissors.
“Pos-positive.” You give him what you hope is an encouraging smile.
“Okay, here we go…” He takes hold of the braid, gently, and snips through in one smooth motion. “Here, hold on to it for me.”
It feels weird to hold it in your hand, almost a physical representation of your last few years. Cutting off dead weight, things holding you back. It isn’t long until the other one is gone too, and you feel lighter. Kazuki runs his fingers through your hair to free it from the braids and sets about evening things up until he seems happy with his work.
“I think that does it.” The bathroom lock clicks and Rei emerges, freshly showered and dressed. “Ah, perfect timing. Go have a look in the mirror though to make sure you’re happy.” He pulls the cloak from your shoulders and lays it on the table, before laying the cut braids on top.
“I think it looks pretty cute, though. Don’t you agree, Rei?” Kazuki winks behind your back as you head towards the vacated bathroom.
“Y-yeah,” Rei stutters as he stares, “Really cute.”
There it is again – the heat in your cheeks. You duck your head in thanks and walk a little faster to the bathroom. It’s steamy in there after Rei’s shower, so you have to rub some condensation off the mirror to see at first. There’s a weird sense of déjà vu as you see your reflection. It’s almost as if you’ve had this haircut before, and maybe you have - is that why you asked for that length, a subconscious reflex? You smile as you admire it in the mirror. It sounds silly in your head so you’ll keep the thought to yourself, but you feel like you - more so than you have in whoever knows how long, even if you still didn’t remember your name.
Kazuki is hovering at the bathroom door now, looking tense. “Is it okay?”
“I l-l-love it, Z-Zuki.” You smile, brightly, and the blonde bursts into tears.
“Not again,” Rei sighs.
Rei and you headed to pick Miri up later that afternoon. Kazuki had pretty much hounded the two of you out the door earlier than usual. You could’ve sworn he’d whispered “Ask her,” in Rei’s direction as you stepped out the door. Ask her what? Are you the her?
You’d be a liar if you said you weren’t nervous about facing an inquisition into Kazuki’s whereabouts from the daycare mothers, but having Rei with you again is reassuring at least. You step into the elevator and as the doors slide close, his hand brushes up against yours, hesitantly.
“Is it okay if I…?” He murmurs, softly, but before he finishes his question you lace your fingers with his and squeeze in affirmation.
You walk the route to Miri’s daycare at a slow pace, in a companiable silence – it doesn’t feel awkward or clumsy, just as if the two of you savoring in each other’s company. As the daycare comes into sight – mothers already in the playground with a few kids already out - you feel his grip slip out, before he stops in his tracks completely and your heart sinks a little. Does he not want them to see? Is he embarrassed?
“I need to ask you something.”
You are the her. Immediately, your mind skips to what you could’ve done wrong to be questioned about - a trained reflex.
“Oh?” You try to keep your voice steady, trying to reason with the doubt in your mind. This is Rei, kind, sweet Rei who was just holding your hand.
“Would you like to go to the zoo? With me, I mean. On a date.”
“I would.” The words are out of your mouth before you can even think about it – no hesitancy, no stutter.
“Great.” He nods, smiling, before he grabs hold of your hand again and walks at speed towards the daycare. As you reach the gaggle of mothers, he does drop your hand again, but only to wrap his arm around your shoulders as last time to keep you close as he navigates his way through the crowd, ignoring all remarks thrown his way.
Miri waves as she spots the two of you, hugging Ms Anna’s legs before she sprints over, eyes wide in wonder.
“Kitty, your hair!”
You crouch down so she can see it better and her small hands grab at the ends in fascination.
“D-do you l-like it, M-Miri?”
“Yes! It’s pretty. Isn’t Kitty pretty, Papa Rei?” She giggles at her rhyme.
“She is,” Rei murmurs in agreement, placing his hand affectionately on Miri’s head. “Very pretty. You both are.”
“Thank you! You’re…” She stops, frowns and leans into the side of you, cupping her mouth in a theatrical whisper directed into your ear. “Can boys be pretty too?”
“Mm-hm, or h-han-handsome.” Miri giggles at your response, a glint of something in her eye.
“What’s the big secret?” Rei looks down at the two of you.
“Kitty says you’re handsome, Papa Rei!” The little girl squeals. You don’t even need to look around to know the mothers are frantically texting each other and you get to your feet, wanting to make a quick exit. Rei grabs both yours and Miri’s hands and walks speedily to the gate, pulling you both along but Miri’s already seen Rei’s face.
“Papa Rei, you’re so red again! Red like an eucky tomato.” Miri giggles as she points up at the black-haired man.
“Am not.”
“Are so!” --
Author's note: I hope the slow burn isn't getting too boring, but I feel it's necessary for the both of them. When I started writing this, I didn't think it would end up being so long, but I'm sitting at over 26,000 words cos they're just adorable. I have started working on how to wrap this series up but, who knows, maybe we'll return for some one-shots... Thank you for all the support so far - please, like, reblog and follow if you can. Love reading all your comments too <3
EDIT: Part 8.
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Not sure how often it's posted here, but is claiming apartheid in Israel antisemitic?
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"Israel is an apartheid ethnostate" canard was started by soviet russia to get anti-racist protesters in america to turn against Israel
It WAS super successful psy-op that survives today. Russia truly the best exporter of antisemitic psy-ops.
It's also a straight up lie would you say that Canada is an apartheid for not letting Americans visting to vote (ignoring their actual racial redlining and voter disenfranchisement for a moment)?
So why is claiming why Gazan or the Palestineans or the West Bank or Jordanians or Lebanese not having the rights of full citizens because they AREN"T ISRAELI CITIZENS somehow South African Apartheid somehow not antisemitic?
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booskwan · 6 months
targeted boycotts are as we know the most efficient and this isn’t me calling for a boycott, but to keep people informed below the cut are lists of kpop artists with affiliations to labels mentioned on zionistsinmusic on twitter
UMG (under an american umbrella label it owns or has joint shares in highup ent [kor releases only], yg ent [bp kor releases only], the black label [somi and taeyang's kor releases only]; under capitol music group it owns or has joint shares in sm ent; under republic it owns or has joing shares in big hit [txt kor releases only], jype [twice, skz, and itzy's kor releases only], under universal music japan it has u-cube a "joint venture with" cube ent, virgin music > republic records > used as an imprint for txt jp releases; through third party distribution umg is affiliated with yuehua ent) - 4minute, apink, ateez, beast, bigbang, blackpink, boys republic (actually managed by umg), btob, bts, dean, everglow, snsd, infinite, iu, iz*one, kep1er, lim youngwoong, loona (japan), miss a (since 2012), monsta x, nct 127, p1harmony, psy (since 2012), rainbow, stray kids, shinee, somi, stayc, super junior, t-ara, the rose, triples, tri.be, twice, txt, wonder girls, xikers, and zerobaseone
note: a lot of these have (south korea) next to the name, i don’t know if that means they only have a deal for that country because other artists like stray kids and lim youngwoong don’t have that specification
REPUBLIC (owned by umg) - itzy, nayeon, nmixx, stray kids, txt, tri.be, twice, vcha
SONY (owns columbia, wakeone, dreamcatcher company; distributes modhaus, chrome ent, kq ent, starship, top media, wakeone, wm ent) - riize, ive, ateez, bts, brown eyed girls, wjsn, crayon pop, dreamcatcher, everglow, exid, monsta x's i.m (astrisked, can't find why), kep1er, lim youngwoong, stayc, tfn/t1419, the rose, triples, wings, xikers, zerobaseone
COLUMBIA (owned by sony) - ateez, ive (usa), kep1er, p1harmony, stayc, triples, treasure (usa), xikers, zerobaseone
VIRGIN (owned by umg) - nct 127, shinee (japan)
WARNER (through warner records it owns or has shares in sm [aespa kor releases only]; included in their international labels is warner music korea which is an international copyright holder and distributor for brand new music [younite, ab6ix, as one, eluphant, miss s] and keystone ent [blank2y]) - aespa (outside of sk), b1a4, bigbang, cherry bullet, choi junhee/choi seoah/juniel (taiwan and japan), cn blue, day6, ft island, got7, iu, jyj, kep1er, loossemble, loona, p1harmony, sf9, twice
ATLANTIC (owned by warner) - got7, iu, kep1er, loossemble, p1harmony, sf9
as always if any of this information is incorrect or outdated, please feel free to correct me in a reblog or an ask and i'll update the information in this post. i'll try to keep up with any new companies that are brought up on the twitter account mentioned at the beginning of this post. i'm not here to call for a boycott of every artist mentioned here because i don't feel i am in the position to do so, but i'm not discouraging you from choosing to do so. in fact i encourage you to listen to these artists unofficially at the very least.
i'm not sure the extent to which these companies get revenue from these artists, i don't know if it's just streams or if other things like merch sales and youtube views contribute but quite a few of these artists' companies are being boycotted currently or in the near future anyway, so i would suggest you not buy any merch or watch youtube videos officially from them. this post has more info on downloading music, youtube videos (with subtitles), and the boycotts i mentioned so i hope you all will check that out too. tris @bandzboy has also been posting about and sharing twitter posts about zionism in music, especially in the kpop industry so i suggest you check out her blog as well
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pinazee · 2 months
Season 2 final thoughts:
My apologies to my Psych mutuals, my hyperfixation took me on a trip to Hatchetfield and very soon it’ll be in cinderellas castle. It can’t be helped. I plan on finishing my rewatch, especially because I’m about to get into one of my favorite seasons, but it’ll probably be sporadic at best.
Here are my final thoughts on season 2!
This is the official season of lassie stumbling upon shawn and gus by happenstance. He does it in american duos, dis-lodged, black and tan, and im counting lassie standing in front of his pic at the museum. He can push them away as much as he wants but shawns like a boomerang.
I find it incredibly disrespectful that shawn and gus took credit for finding that dinosaur when that one guy literally died for it . Also im pretty sure it would be impossible for a t-rex to be discovered in california because it was all underwater at that time. But thats neither here nor there.
Shawn being a forgery/handwriting expert brings up a funny/depressing image of little shawn having to write lines but in different peoples handwritings
Shawn is an incredibly fast thinker! He saw this scene
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And not only deduced what actually happened, but also came up with a cover story for him at the same time.
Word of the day Abulic: abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions. Psych writers just casually dropped that little pearl in the middle of a scene in the finale
Overall it was a great season! Juliet got some more scenes, plus her character is beginning to get fleshed out, Gus was even funnier than i remembered, the heartfelt moments were very well acted especially by james who nailed the whole avoidant turmoil of it all. Henry, though, as ive stated in previous posts, is a lot harder to watch as a full fledged adult. He’s just such a prick to shawn any chance he can get. I’m so curious if I’ll be able to forgive him myself down the road. I mean, no wonder Shawn split when he turned 18 and hardly spoke to him again. Man, i wish we could’ve seen Shawn right after he left cause that is one juicy peach. He’d just be all angsty, jumping from one job to the next, getting fired or losing interest (or my personal headcanon is that his gifts of seeing everything kept getting him in some sort of trouble kind of like Poker Face (with natasha lyonne)).
Shawns add’l talents/ random knowledge:
-forgery/ handwriting
-can operate a forklift (i think thats what it was lol)
-Spanish (honorable mention- he knows enough to speak it passably so i added it) and possibly Portuguese though i bet he just learned the one random phrase to try to trap jann
-airport codes
Gus niche interests:
-reality tv/ spanish soap operas
-legal tender
-santa barbara models/fashion
The Blueberry Tier
American duos
Shawn (and gus) of the dead
Sixty five million years off
Black and tan: a crime of fashion
Nectarina Dulce Tier
Bounty hunters!
Lights, Camera, Homicidio!
Green Apple Jacks t-shirt tier
If you’re so smart then why are you dead
Rob a bye baby
Gus’ dad may have killed an old guy
Theres something about Mira
And down the stretch comes murder
Psy vs. psy
Genocide of color Tier (somewhere a rainbow is weeping)
The old and the restless
Zero to murder in sixty seconds
Meat is murder…but murder is also murder
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ripempezardexerox · 5 months
Dices Merzbow, yo digo Justin Beiber
Dices Boredoms, yo digo Katy Perry
Dices Gerogerigegege, yo digo Skrillex
Dices Coil, yo digo Lady Gaga
Dices Throbbing Gristle, yo digo Black Eyed Peas
Dices Whitehouse, yo digo Taylor Swift
Dices Nurse With Wound, yo digo Bruno Mars
Dices Einstürzende Neubauten, yo digo Maroon 5
Dices Brainbombs, yo digo Drake
Dices Egor Letov, yo digo One Direction
Dices Death in June, yo digo LMFAO
Dices Current 93, yo digo Beyonce
Dices La Monte Young, yo digo Carly Rae Jepsen
Dices Moondog, yo digo Kelly Clarkson
Dices Lou Harrison, yo digo Coldplay
Dices Henry Cowell, yo digo PSY
Dices Luigi Russolo, yo digo Imagine Dragons
Dices Popol Vuh, yo digo Lana Del Ray
Dices Fishmans, yo digo Ellie Goulding
Dices Jean Jacques Perrey, yo digo P!nk
Dices Les Rallizes Dénudés, yo digo Owl City
Dices Rainbow Caroliner, yo digo Carrie Underwood
Dices Taj Mahal Travellers, yo digo Christina Aguilera
Dices Fushitsusha, yo digo Ariana Grande
Dices Peter Brötzmann, yo digo Rihanna
Dices John Cage, yo digo Jennifer Lopez
Dices Scott Walker, yo digo Ed Sheeran
Dices Unwound, yo digo Mumford & Sons
Dices Dead, yo digo Tyga
Dices Frank Zappa, yo digo Shakira
Dices Morton Feldman, yo digo Macklemore
Dices Captain Beefheart, yo digo Big Time Rush
Dices Pharoah Sanders, yo digo Akon
Dices Albert Ayler, yo digo Foster the People
Dices Ornette Coleman, yo digo The Weeknd
Dices Alice Coltrane, yo digo Panic! at the Disco
Dices Arnold Schoenberg, yo digo Florida Georgia Line
Dices Pierre Boulez, yo digo Big Sean
Dices György Ligeti, yo digo Gym Class Heroes
Dices Karlheinz Stockhausen, yo digo Miley Cyrus
Dices Nang Nang, yo digo The Lumineers
Dices Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, yo digo Jay-Z
Dices Nara Leão, yo digoCharlie Puth
Dices Basic Channel, yo digo Mac Miller
Dices Raymond Scott, yo digo Twenty One Pilots
Dices Delia Derbyshire, yo digo Harry Styles
Dices Daphne Oram, yo digo Charli XCX
Dices Noah Howard, yo digoBTS
Dices Terry Riley, yo digo Iggy Azalea
Dices Peter Sotos, yo digo John Legend
Dices Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, yo digo OneRepublic
Dices Boyd Rice, yo digo Migos
Dices Mahmoud Ahmed, yo digo Logic
Dices Henry Flynt, yo digo Bastille
Dices Kazumoto Endo, yo digo Five Seconds of Summer
Dices David Tudor, yo digo Pentatonix
Dices Aporea, yo digo The Chainsmokers
Dices Half Japanese, yo digo Fall Out Boy
Dices Mega Banton, yo digo David Guetta
Dices Secret Chiefs 3, yo digo Greta Van Fleet
Dices Keiji Haino, yo digo Alicia Keys
Dices Ramleh, yo digo Kanye West
Dices Otomo Yoshihide, yo digo T-Pain
Dices John Zorn, yo digo Lizzo
Dices Joe Meek, yo digo WALK THE MOON
Dices Robbie Basho, yo digo Cardi B
Dices Phil Spector, yo digo EXO
Dices Faxed Head, yo digo Solange
Dices Harry Partch, yo digo Lil Nas X
Dices Wesley Willis, yo digo Disclosure
Dices Fred Frith, yo digo Sam Smith
Dices The Residents, yo digo Michael Buble
Dices Sun Ra, yo digo Paramore
Dices Sun City Girls, yo digo Linkin Park
Dices Hans Krüsi, yo digo Florence + The Machine
Dices Royal Trux, yo digo Rascal Flatts
Dices Jandek, yo digo Eminem
Dices Yat-Kha, yo digo Chance the Rapper
Dices Loren Mazzacane Connors, yo digo Mariah Carey
Dices Pärson Sound, yo digo Snoop Dogg
Dices The Dead C, yo digo Adele
Dices Comus, yo digo Shawn Mendes
Dices Cromagnon, yo digo Chris Brown
Dices Eliane Radigue, yo digo Camilla Cabello
Dices Arthur Doyle, yo digo Halsey
Dices Shizuka, yo digo The 1975
Dices The Red Krayola, yo digo Billie Eilish
Dices Henry Cow, yo digo A$AP Rocky
Dices Magma, yo digo Dua Lipa
Dices Opus Avantra, yo digo Kendrick Lamar
Dices Pan.Thy.Monium., yo digo Nicki Minaj
Dices Murmuüre, yo digo Madonna
Dices Ksiezyc, yo digo Britney Spears
Dices Gong, yo digo Post Malone
Dices Cukor Bila Smert', yo digo Jonas Brothers
Dices cLOUDDEAD, yo opino que te calles
Dices Muslimgauze, ¡¡ YO GRITO POP!!
Dices Kaoru Abe, y te parto la madre
El 92% de la juventud está escuchando Avant Garde Noise. Si eres parte de ese 8% que aun escucha música de verdad, comparte este post a tus contactos de facebook.
¡¡¡¡ No dejes que el espíritu del POP muera !!!!
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beauzos · 6 months
shirt Ema Skye most certainly owns
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dioneq · 2 years
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♡ 𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒆 asiste al mystery murder party . 
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aiura-stan · 4 months
Ah, the Toritsuka chapter. I actually kind of love his introduction. If only he hadn’t been such a slimeball. But then again, that would undermine the entire purpose of his character.
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XD Master Saiki.
This once again reminds me of Mob Psycho. I can’t help but wonder if the two series influenced each other, both being highly successful comedies about vastly overpowered psychic teenagers and their journey to self discovery. I do wonder sometimes why Mob Psycho was so much more successful than Saiki k, at least here in the States. Maybe they *are* equally popular in Japan, but that’s not the case if the internet fandom is anything to judge by (Mob Psycho is much, much more popular. There’s so much more fanart, if you search for it using the Japanese words and fan slang.)
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I do enjoy both Aiura and Toritsuka using their powers, each of them ostensibly unimpressive compared to his but both about the only major supernatural abilities he lacks, to find out about him. Lovely situational irony.
Ghosts gather to see Psy users… has anyone ever discussed that this might be the cause of Saiki’s bad luck? But ghosts are by nature well-intentioned according to Toritsuka, so you would think he would have much better than average luck… hmm
Or maybe evil spirits are a thing, and not discussed in the manga for one reason or another. Maybe because they are not human ghosts but Yokai, another kind of spirit.
I do love that Toritsuka comes into the whole thing knowing exactly how many powers saiki has and just how powerful he is, but Toritsuka isn’t put off by it in the least (rather the opposite.) It obviously throws Saiki off. He even seems intrigued… at first. Until Toritsuka reveals his motivations unhesitatingly. He may know everything about Saiki’s powers, but obviously knows nothing of his personality.
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From the events of PSIowdown later on in the comic regarding demonic possession and literally stealing people’s bodies, I like the implication that Toritsuka could probably learn other powers… if he was even remotely motivated to do so. So he probably could banish ghosts, if only he’d stop thinking about tits for half a second. I mean, he did learn possession channeling in the first place, for the sole purpose of picking up girls.
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this brings up the question, does Toritsuka have relatives? where are they? We never see them. I mean, everyone has relatives, but where are Toritsuka’s real parents? What about his grandparents?
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still a really funny panel. Yes half of Toritsuka perv jokes aren’t funny, but this one is perfect.
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one thing that I do like about Saiki k is it makes an effort to demonstrate that looks can be deceiving. You have a character like Toritsuka who has pure, clear eyes and good looks (headband aside) who by all social indicators should be a paragon of society, who turns out to be a total creep within 5 minutes of meeting him, and then you have people like what’s the teachers name Iguchi sensei who turns out to be a really good person, even though he looks like a pervert. I think you see this a little with all of the characters, Saiki included. His words never quite match his actions; he looks like a surly average kid but he’s secretly extraordinary and of course very kind.
And Aiura, someone with seemingly low regard for social rules, who by all rights should have a reputation as the school slut, and a failure for her grades, is one of the strongest characters and has a lot of integrity. People respect her for her powers and her self confidence. She’s not who she appears to be either. Even someone like Kurumi turns “monstrous” when her ire is provoked. It gives these characters a layer of complexity that so many gag characters just don’t have, and that’s what sets it apart.
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I do wonder if what Saiki says is true. Can’t they be taught? I imagine not. Maybe Toritsuka could approximate something similar to x-ray vision with his own abilities if he was dedicated and studied how he might expand his powers.
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despite all of that he still invites Toritsuka over again? Japanese politeness, even from Saiki who has no respect for the kind of person that Toritsuka is? Or maybe it’s a quirk of translation. Let me see.
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Okay, to me it looks more like, “yeah, yeah, go home already.” (hai, hai, kae-ta kae—) So, more of a dismissal than an acknowledgement.
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Another underutilized power… come on now this is so useable in ship fics. And gen fics too. Saiki would make an entertaining detective character.
Also, if Saiki experiences all five senses live, does that mean…?
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XD old man ass. hahaha
end of 2-17💫
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kluskinoodles · 4 months
Okay okay so the characters are as follows: Redemption Done Subpar: Main Characters: Yi Suchong, Brigid Tenenbaum, Jack Antagonists: Frank Fontaine, Reggie, Fontaine's Goons Background characters: Nurse Chavez, J.S. Steinman, a bunch of Rapture citizens Three's A Crowd: Main Characters: Gilbert Alexander, Eleanor Lamb Supporting Character: Augustus Sinclair Antagonist: Sofia Lamb Background/Side Characters: Stanley Poole, a bunch of Rapture's Citizens and Lamb's Followers, multiple Fontaine Futuristics' Employees Give Me Freedom Or Give Me Death: Main Characters: Kyle Fitzpatrick, Silas Cobb, Martin Finnegan, Hector Rodriguez Supporting Character: Anna Culpepper Antagonist: Sander Cohen Background/Side Characters: Jasmine Jolene, multiple of Fort Frolic performers Note: Characters and locations may change, still working out the kinks
More random headcanons that don't matter but kinda do: -Sinclair legally adopted Jack, Eleanor, and Kyle for tax write offs -Kyle was homeschooled, up until his father took him to Rapture -Down the hill there is this one neighbor that is super suspicious of Sinclair but not Jack who literally has glowing yellow eyes 😭 -Silas got arrested for resisting arrest with violence and assault, Sinclair bailed him out but now he has a court date 😕 -Alexander is super paranoid that his family will track him down like Silas' mother found Silas. He does NOT want to see them, any of them. They are part of the reason he went to Rapture in the first place. Sadly, his family has found his info and whereabouts, and are on their way, send Gil thoughts and prayers cause he's not gonna be mentally well. 😬 -Eleanor does arts and crafts with Martin, the things she creates are a little wonky but Martin keeps all of them on his trinket shelf -Hector taught Eleanor and Jack swears in spanish, he got yelled at by Sinclair -The house is a multi language house hold. The languages that are spoken are Spanish, Korean, German, French, English, and Italian I'LL THINK OF MORE LATER Anyways anyways, NEXT QUESTION "Do the children have nicknames for the adults?" Yes. Jack can't say most of their names but Suchong is Papa, Tenenbaum is Mama (she hates it but is warming up to it). Jack heard Sinclair call Gilbert, Guppy, once and he will NOT STOP CALLING GIL THAT. Like they've tried to get him to stop, albeit he can only say it like "Gubby" (he can't say his P's that well yet) but still. He does stop when he's older. Sinclair is Poppy Auggie or just Poppy. Eleanor is Ellie. Kyle is Ky and Ky-ky, Silas is Sy (pronounced Psy) , Martin is Mari (pronounced Mar-ee), and Hector is fucking Tío (he taught him to say it). Some of these nicknames change after he grows up. Eleanor after a while she started calling Gilbert dad, the first time she called him dad, he sobbed for an hour. Sinclair is Papa Augustus/August. Suchong and Tenenbaum are Uncle and Aunt. Jack is well Jack. And the other 4, she just calls them by their first names. When Silas' mom finds him, Jack calls her Gigi (pronounced Gee-Gee) and Eleanor calls her Grandma Cobb. I will add to this post if need be with reblogs but that's it for now. I am going to grab this au and throw it around like a ragdoll. Me currently vvvv
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People-- @js-sexchange-surgeon-steinman @yuro-skell @arsont-t
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xenosaurus · 7 months
regret????? ABBY IM ALREADY OBSESSED TELL ME E V E R Y T H I N G. how many races are there? do humans have preventive measures? do any of the other races? is it known? how ingrained is it socially to work around or work with? are there laws or smth connected to it? how do families deal with bondings ala joining families or..? how fucked up do humans get by a bond?
I’ll answer a lot of these in more detail in the main post, but here are the races and their psychic profiles!
In addition to elves and humans, the setting has dwarves, goblins, centaurs, merfolk, and wolfmen!
Dwarves are psychically shielded, so they’re immune to elven psy bonds. They also can’t communicate with merfolk, who use psychic energy to “talk”. Merfolk tend to be very wary of elves, as the two-way bond makes it difficult for the bonded individual to talk to other merfolk at all.
Culturally, goblins and centaurs are one voting block, so to speak, as they’ve gone past interspecies harmony all the way into symbiosis. Their psychic capabilities (which require physical contact) have evolved to work BETTER between a goblin and a centaur than two goblins or two centaurs, fostering deep mutual understanding and a sense of kinship. The fact that centaurs are the size of a horse and goblins rarely reach 4 feet tall is considered a positive, as it enables them to accomplish tasks together that they couldn’t alone. They rarely get bonded to elves, as it requires physical contact, but there is generally community outrage when it DOES happen.
Wolfmen, who are shapeshifters akin to werewolves, use voluntary-access psychic “group chats” for their packs, which are generally a family and any close friends. An elven bond yanks an individual from their family, and the common response is to kill the elf involved, as this is a form of kidnapping and forced marriage by wolfman standards.
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mumblesplash · 1 year
my most toxic dream is to be one of those artists whose take on a specific piece of media gets so popular that a notable subset of the fanbase just frothing-at-the-mouth hates me for no reason. i’m talking there’ll be viral textposts like ‘[trend i started/popularized] is RUINING this fandom’ and all the replies are ‘sksksj you can just say t*psy’ that’s when i’ll know i’ve made it
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