14dayswithyou · 1 year
hi saint <3 glad youre feeling better!
sending this again just incase it got eaten but i MUST know the main cast's bust/waist/hip measurements!!!!! for science. :]
MWAH keep taking care of yourself 🐶
✦゜ANSWERED: PUBBY!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad to see you ^^ and I hope you're takin care of yourself as well!!
Ren: B: pillow sized :) (41") W: 37" H: 39" Moth: B: DD cup (unless binding) W: 43" H: 45" Violet: B: B cup W: 34" H: 36" Elanor: B: DD cup W: 35" H: 38" Conan: B: No tiddie </3 (39") W: 38" H: 38" Jae: B: B cup (unless binding) W: 36" H: 37" Leon: B: Absolutely no tiddies in sight (37") W: 37" H: 38" Teo: B: wooden pillow sized :( (41") W: 40" H: 41"
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Small addition to the Professor Peem and Professor Q tag because I seriously need to focus on my studies but We Are knaws at my brain.
"You may know that since Professor Q has taken a sabbatical for the rest of semester and since his half of the syllabus is complete, your doubts can be taken up by me. Please feel free to approach me anytime, I'll be in my office." Peem ended the lecture and dismissed the class. Yet no one moved. He looked up with confusion to the lack of commotion, to see eyes of concern.
"What's wrong?" He asks, no answer.
"Guys, I said you were dismissed. Don't you have more classes today?"
"Professor Peem, are you okay?"
Peem doesn't know what his students are talking about. He looks to his feet, trying to observe what is wrong with his appearance. Yeah, his shirt is a little untucked and his tie isn't as proper as it should've been. Yeah, maybe he could've done a better job with his hair today morning. But that shouldn't be enough to warant concern from his students, to let them know that he is, in fact, very much not okay.
It was a month ago that Phum had to leave for Singapore for two months. It was a month ago that he had started to tell himself that this was not that big of a deal. It was a month ago that he was sure these two months would go by in a blink of an eye and his Phum would be back in his arms even before he could complete the blink. It wasn't until two days back, when Q and Toey left for their Europe trip did he realise that this blink felt more like an endless and painful coma.
Yet, what he doesnt realise that this syncing of his breakdown has, once again, fed the rumors of his and Q's apparent relationship.
When his students refuse to leave the hall, despite Peem's reassurances, he does so himself. The moment he does, the murmurs begin.
"Did they break up? Is that why Professor Q took a sabbatical?"
"He takes one every year, that can't be it."
"Didn't someone say that he was going on a Europe trip? Who goes on such a romantic trip without their boyfriend?"
"Maybe Professor Peem was supposed to go but they broke up so he didn't."
"That seems a little too cruel, even for Professor Q."
"Guys, you might want to look at this-"
Toey's instagram handle open on the mobile screen, it shows a photo of him and Q looking over the sunset at the Saimes River.
"A water body. Wow, maybe Professor Q is that cruel."
The next day rolls around and now that Peem has understood that his breakdowns have to be very strictly reserved for his house and Phum's daily videocalls only, he looks just as he did always. But what doesn't change still is the sympathetic looks he catches in class.
Is he still looking pathetic?
In the staff room, he catches a hold of Fai who tells him he certainly doesn't look like he spent the last night crying. Helpful.
His phone automatically calls Fang when it comes to advice regarding puffy eyes and dark circles, not because Fang cries a lot but because between the architecture firm and being in love with Tan, he does not sleep a lot.
"I told you, you need a break. Your routine is not healthy right now, and I'm sure the college will allow you a few days off."
"I have a lot of classes, Fang. And I've to take up any doubts regarding Q's half too. This is not the time for me to take a break. Now will you tell me what to do about my eyes, or should I tell Tan that you ate the donuts I brought for him?"
Ice packs after crying, eye cream and if need be so, a little bit of concealer. Concealer that he will have to buy since Fang is not sharing his, or even Tan's. "Infections, much? Plus you're not my shade nor Tan's."
He is at the department store that is supposed to have everything. Which includes his needs for today, ice cream, rose scent candles, eye cream, and his shade of concealer, and the cologne that Phum wears because he misses his boyfriend and at least the house can smell a little like him. It also includes everything one of his students had on their list as well, because he finds her trying to sneakily click a photo of Peem trying to find the cologne.
"Guys, he's buying the cologne Q wears. He misses him so much. I also saw him buy eye cream."
Actually Q does wear the same brand of cologne as Phum, mostly because Phum is the one who introduced it to him, but its not the same cologne itself. That's not a detail the fine arts student care about as much as the wrinkle count of Peem's forehead as he tries to figure out the reason behind his student's behavior before walking over to where she is.
"Can I help you Reem?"
He then watches as his student fumbles her phone to the ground, apologise repeatedly, pick up her phone which he is sure has a broken screen now, and run away.
He reiterates the whole tale to Phum when he reaches home, a long ten minute podcast of an audio. Exactly eleven minutes after, he recieves a call from the same person, the person he needs the most.
"Hey. Long day, huh?" The soft voice speaks and if Peem hadn't kept his ice cream in the fridge, it would've also melted with him.
After an hour, Phum agrees with Fang about Peem needing a break but he also knows better than to suggest it because he knows Peem couldn't bring himself to abandon his class a month before their exams. So he says, "I'll be back very, very soon. And then your students will see just how happy you can be. Okay?"
And Peem hangs on to that okay for the next month, hangs on as if for dear life. And in this month, unbeknownst to Toey himself because he really does not care for Instagram notifications when he has his P'Q in the most romantic setting of the century, Toey's instagram account gains about fifty new followers who all have the same goal- plot revenge on Q.
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obesericewrites · 2 years
The m ask tag on mobile tumblr is showing me 3 posts in total so I don't know how clearly I am retaining information and not mixing it up with other IF but
Is Ms wolf form smoochable? Can MC snuggle up to it? How would they react to MC smoochin their snoot and snuggling up to them?
I just checked the tag, it should be fixed now
Since you had a bit of difficulty due to a mistake on my part, here’s a lil treat with Talise~!
In any other situation, the wolf would’ve torn any human to shreds on sight. If anyone else dared to touch them, they would feel the sharp end of their canines; no hesitation was needed.
Yet here they are, mouth shut and teeth hidden.
Laying on their side with a human. Who had their arms, wrapped around their neck and face hidden in their fur. No one other than their pup had touched them like this.
From what they’ve put together, this human was their other halves….associate. They can’t tell if the human has no need for survival or they just assume they are touching M. Talise chose the former.
This human was brave enough to have just walked into their other halves' home and thrown themselves at Talise. Every nerve at that moment went alight to rip and tear, when !s presence made them stand down. Even now, they can feel Ms presence; as distant as it may be.
The wolf huffed when the human shifted and nudged their head with their own. Glancing at the human, they met their blurry eyes. The human yawning in their face. Talise couldn’t help but snort, it reminded them of the pup.
They froze when the human continued to lean forward, they assumed the worst. Perhaps this small creature is daring to do something? They barely had any time to conjure more thoughts before a soft peck was planted on their nose.
They stared at the human for a moment, feeling Ms presence flare up a bit; they calmly cooled down their other half and squinted. The human immediately settled back against them, cuddling more up against them.
Hm. Well, the little creature was as good as a fireplace anyhow.
Why not use it to their own advantage?
Talise lowered their head to the ground and shifted to make themselves comfortable.
Both wolf and human rested. One was passed out while the other was still conscious of everything around them.
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jrueships · 2 years
Fic you would 10/10 recommend
OKAY so i think or i heard or maybe i think i saw smthin abt this day being fic appreciation day or whatever so IM HURRYIN WITH THIS ONE so i might come back here later n reblog with some more fics i missed but I WILL GIVE YALL SOME!!! just to note tho im honestly not a big fic reader in just regular gen? I'd say I prolly read maybe like.. one fic over 2 months? And that's if a fandom gives birth to a new fic with people im intrigued by! Im a very picky reader so i don't do it often (as u can tell by my VERBOSE vocabulary of same one word showing up 50 times in one sentence i try to write) SO DON'T RLLY EXPECT LIKE. A BIBLE of recs! i also really like reading shorter fics!
You know for fic recs i GOTTA recommend the MOOTS writings!!!! btw if any other moot on here writes and posted a story that's not recommended here LEMME KNOW! LEMME READ THAT SHIT!! ANYWAYS from the moots ive read from: ok. Nevermind. I was gonna link each story and it would have been awesome but the links won't link so 😭 um. I'll just say the title of the fic and the author LMAO sorry im on mobile. OH ALSO most of these fics you're gonna need an ao3 account to read! But it's WORTH IT trrrust me paps!!
Wreck my plans (that's my man) : sunlightdappling!!! I think I read this b4 we became mooted or at the very beginning of moothood but!! The title ALONE made me excited to read it! I love titles with parentheses i love you song titles i love you two verses! The verses are unfamiliar to me but if i had to guess the title is from a swift song? Idk why! I've never really listened to her but i just get the feeling it's something she'd say? IDK what i mean is THE TITLE IS VERY SMOOTH AND ROLLING!! Which is very much how the whole story feels! It all flows so well and everyone is so real!! I love wall street exec/principal/dad/mom andre a ton here! So cool when authors include more teammates in the fic besides the two it's centered on! I'm personally not big on the warriors cause im attracted to poverty (spurs) BUT i LOVE this fic and tbh like all the warriors related stuff my moots bless me with because Warriors are Gay. And my moots? Gay. This is good stuff, everyone just IT IS JUST SOMETHING YOU WANNA AND SHOULD READ and my picky pallet self loved it VERY much! READ IT!!!!
Kdsburneraccount : <- author!! GO CHECK OUT THIS AUTHOR!!! Moot does it ALL! You see a fic in another language you really wanna read because it's like 1 outta the 4 fics your ship has? CHECK OUT KDSBA!!! (Not actually kd) translates the CUTEST stories with permission ofc so OTHERS can enjoy as well! ANDDD moot ALSO writes GREAT fics ! For very interesting ships!!! Includes lots of people in the fics without any being ooc! You can tell moot takes TIME with these!! If you're thinking of getting into nfl fic! This ur person! AND IM YOUR PLUG ‼️‼️
The whole kyle/demar tag. Read it . Just. Read it. 29 fics with love poured into each and every ONE of them (i think idk i read like half i don't remember) putting it in the moot section bcs there's gotta be some tumblr moots of mine established in these stompin grounds (or planning to set ship root here!! So just keep an eye out on this tag !)
Nahco3 : <- author! BRO. IF YOU ON SPORTS TUMBLR N NEVER READ A NAH FIC. DO IT. RN. Reading at least THREE sodium bicarbonate fics is required! Sorry! Either witness greatness or lag behind idk what to tell ya buddy! Moots ability to write like SO many 10k+ works where every single word sounds MWAH is so MWAH it's MWAH just CLICK ONNA FIC MAN!!! SEE FOR YOURSELF!!! my personal fav favs are the fics with russell just cus his personality and behavior are A1 both in real life AND fiction. Russell fics are just something to read if you like those kinda elegant but POPPIN personalities IDK lol READ IT!! Read a kyle/demar story and thank nah for being the strong pillar that ship needs to stop it from falling into the 'short one uwu smol bean baby tall one MEAN and emotionless daddy 🥺' trenches. Seriously. That's a real savior right there !!! Also james harden is so funny in the fics we hate him but we all agree a straight guy who is Straight can just be hilarious sometimes
Freaky Friday : hardlythewiser (sequinedfairy)/ just moots fics in gen also legally if you read nahco3 you read HTW too! TWO-PACKED DEAL!! it's like getting TWO ps5s for the price of ONE ps5! SERIOUSLY READ THIS FIC!!! READ THE FICS!!!! I included the one that got me into moots fics (b4 we were moots! It was just such a creative concept AND all done in one chapter too? The DEDICATION??? i HAD to check it out), but read them All. OR YOU ARE MISSING OOOUT!! writing main ships are HARD. Yet this account manages to knock em outta the park EVERY time!!
Of course i love ALL my moots AND ALL THEIR WORKS so if yall want to be included LEMME KNOW and i will add yall in the rec! I'm just writing this at night rn so im trying to go a lil fast n post!
Ok now just for fics in general hmm
Tonight : anonymous A BRAD/JOHN FIC!!!!! and the fic that encouraged me to join tumblr n scrounge up some fics of my own for the fandom! John n beal have such an interesting relationship and storyline which NEEDED to have a fic done on it! AND THIS ONE IS SO GOOD! i haven't read it in forever since my start here so i can't describe all the deets but! I like it :). It has my og fav there and the perfect melancholy kind of vibe beal/john gives off.
A little TLC : madina / madina fics overall. Madina was probably one of my first fav fic authors for the fandom. AND IDK IF I JUST HAVENT MET MADINA AS A MOOT HERE OR MADINA DOESNT USE TUMBLR OR SMTHIN BUT IM KINDA SAD I CANT BE MOOTS WITH MADINA! because i just wanna COMPLIMENT madina so BAD madina is a GENIUS i LOVE madinas fics i love how madina writes russ , (and yes i am biased because madina writes a lot of my favs but STILL), IF YOU LOVE RUSS.. you'll love madina! Madina just gets PEOPLE! So right! And knows how to write main ships AND rarer ships so well! Only weakness to madina i can think of? Lakers fan lol
Just read all the kd/russ fics they're like all so high quality and good concepts and it's all written about a really complicated relationship but the fics do it so well ! JUST READ EM!! (again tho i read like half and a long time ago so😭)
Football fics now I TOLDYOU I DONT READ ALOT anyways Prom King by playclock!!! When /I/ was rec this, i thought the authors name was playc*ck so i was a little confused 😭 waiting for that thing some writers do where they label it unexplicit or mature then it has l*wd in it LMAO but no! This one is just a really soft really cute fic about stef and allen! If you're looking into getting into nfl through that ship or just that ship, READ THIS FIC!!! it gets INSECURITY it gets PLAYFULNESS it gets FRIENDSHIP it gets LOVE!!! i love it im so glad i was recced it and now im reccin it TO YOU! guys
Easy like a [tuesday] morning : counselor. CUTE title for a somber soft fic!! I love sports fics that dive into issues athletes might have that no one really considers! This one was so understandable it was sad AND I LOVED IT!! a lovely lamar and hollywood fic, their friendship is shown so well!! READ.IT.
AGAIN i mainly read whatever catches my eye, whether that be interesting characters, title, coverart, booksleeve, SO TAKE MY RECS... however you wanna take em JUST KNOW i am no historian of literature or WHATEVER ! THESE ARE FICS I LIKE, you may not like em, who cares everyone knows everything is about me lol eat shorts
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varietysky · 3 years
hello! i saw your tags on my post about the brownface in horrible histories, and one of them mentioned that you have a theory of a resurgence in brown/blackface around that time, and if you'd be willing to talk about it I would love to hear your thoughts? It seems like an interesting (really terrible, but interesting) topic and so if you wanted to share your theory I'd love to listen!
AAAHHH okay!! So my theory on this will come at the end. the initial observation is that brown/black/yellowface was apparently okay around 2009-2011, because there were several instances of it that are just,,, not talked about? I don't know how to out a readmore on mobile so... Heads up, this is a long one. I didn't include any pictures of the examples, but you can look them up fairly easily.
I didn't grow up with Horrible Histories, so I didn't know about any of that until getting into ThemThere through Ghosts. But HH came out during that time, so that's one.
My mind then instantly goes to RDJ in Tropic Thunder. I was never okay with him in that role, and I was surrounded by people who tried convincing me that it was fine and why it worked (even other Black people were telling me this. Which is a good place to say that this is all in my opinion, as an individual Black person. Some POC seem fine with depictions of brown/black/yellowface in media. I am not one of them 🙃) Tropic Thunder came out in 2008 I just found out, but it's close to that 2009-2011 era I'm talking about. Edit: forgot to mention that RDJ's character is an actor who is in blackface, as a "method acting" thing. This means we get to see RDJ in blackface for a majority of the movie :)
Next Caller! One of the Monty Python dudes made a movie with Heath Ledger and Andrew Garfield, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009). I saw half of it on Netflix a couple years ago. One of the characters (not played by Heath or Andrew) did blackface, and it was explained in the movie that they were trying to be in disguise. I don't remember, because I shut off the movie after that. I was bored with the film anyway, so that was the last straw for me. No one talks about this movie??? Despite it being one of Heath Ledger's last films I think.
Next! Again, my range of 2009-2011 may have to be expanded to 2008-2012, because this next film Cloud Atlas came out in 2012, not 2009 like I previously thought. Regardless, Jim Sturgess (best known for Across the Universe) plays a character who appears East Asian, meaning he wore prosthetics to change his eye shape. And you wonder like... Why not hire an East Asian actor for the role? Unlike the other titles listed here, I haven't seen Cloud Atlas, so if anyone knows what bullshit excuse was used to rationalize this, please let me know.
Finally, we actually come to one of my favorite shows, Community. And no, I'm not talking about the episode that was removed from Netflix last year when brands were pretending to care about BLM. I'm talking about an episode in Season 3 (which aired in 2011 or 2012) when Chevy Chase's character was in brownface as part of a heist plot in the episode.
Here's where my theory comes in. During this period, which can now be extended to 2008-2012, many of these examples were rationalized in canon by having other characters tell them they're wrong. It seemed that the creators were like "Look, the other characters are saying it's wrong! This is a bad thing to do!" And yeah, it is. But you know it's wrong. And whatever satire you're trying to do is failing. It comes across as the creators not truly understanding why blackface (and brown/yellowface) is wrong, and just use it for cheap shock value. In the case of Horrible Histories and maybe Cloud Atlas, it seems that the creators genuinely didn't mean harm and were just ignorant. But again, 2008-2012. We knew that it was wrong then. So why do it?
TL;DR: Something foul was in the air during 2008-2012 that led creators to use black/brown/yellowface for shock value, or because of their own ignorance on the matter. Either way, it's lazy writing, it's tired, and it's not talked about enough why this was happening back to back during this era. I'm sure most of the people involved have their regrets. (I say most, because I don't think RDJ regrets that role at all.)
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can i say a sort of pointless rambly thing i was thinking about that i can't put under the cut bc i'm on mobile?
jk, i'm not actually asking. ramble below, not edited for clarity. the following is completely unclear and i will not fix it:
i've been thinking about how part of the reason i'm so chill about caryl is bc growing up as a queer woc 99% of my main ships were like, never gonna fucking happen bc they literally couldn't. it was like, "omg, they gazed at each other from across the room, let's analyze the homosexual subtext of this one scene for the next fifty years, that's not necessarily hyperbole." i've watched all my ships fuck other ppl/have other love interests, and i knew that my thing was never gonna be canon, so to see like, one thing being like, "one half of my ship fucked another person several years ago while pining for the other half of my ship," i'm like...#nice, bc that can and likely will be used as a plot point to get them together later on, whereas in other situations i've been in i just kinda had to deal with it. so my impulse when i see ppl losing their shit is to be like
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and to be slightly annoyed, tbh, bc the ship is still on track to be canon, and it's like, literally two white heterosexuals, they're prime candidates for juicy angsty pining that actually gets a resolution.
that being said, i recognize that that attitude isn't necessarily fair. for one thing, i'm not the only queer woc (or some variation thereof) in this fandom, and some ppl's impulse might be exasperation instead, bc like, "wtf, even my mayohet ship has dumb fucking drama," and that's valid as hell, and i get it.
and also, i get that, even if you didn't grow up shipping impossible ships (or mulder/scully, bc that's a brand of bullshit all its own), this has been a suuuuper drawn out process where sometimes it feels like they're legit sprinkling crumbs to keep you hooked, just to play you again, and when you are invested in something, like /rly/ invested, especially if it's a form of escapism or hyperfixation or whatever, that can be e x h a u s t i n g. and i get that. i truly do, and while i make a lot of snide comments about the fandom being bonkers, i do get where the bulk of you are coming from (unless you're one of those ppl who hate on actors and esp actresses for just doing their jobs, and attack them on social media, in which case i am very much judging you and you need to get your life together).
i also realize that in the scheme of things i'm still a newbie. i've been here, what, twoish/threeish years, whereas some of you have been here since the beginning, so i'm not as worn out as y'all. but i also think that gives me a bit of objectivity that some of y'all have (understandably) lost.
my positivity is not meant as a sleight against those of you who are feeling negative, but is more of a semi-objective viewpoint (i say semi, bc lbr, i'm invested af in this, so i definitely have bias), and to me the threads of the storyline they're crafting seem sort of obvious.
like, let's look at it, yeah? they have one season left of this show that has been on for over a decade. they need to cater to everyone to give them a satisfying ending, while still hanging on to carylers bc of the spin-off. darylrreah seems like a very calculated move, bc it gives them both something to make abcers happy, while also creating tension and suspense and pining for carylers (i think they might underestimate just how fed up some carylers are tbh, and are banking on us to hang on for one last ride, which, honestly? if they play it right will probably work.)
if they end up doing a dumb love triangle thing, which, without seeing the episode and gauging the subtext i can't confidently say if i think they will or won't, it will ultimately end in our favor. it has to, bc leah isn't going to third wheel them on the bike in the spin-off. we can say with good authority that whatever that relationship ends up being (again, idk if they'll drag it out or not) it will be temporary. which leaves caryl open to ride off into the sunset and then bone down in every state in the united states and in puerto rico for good measure.
it's a lot of cheap drama, but i really and truly do not think it's anything to worry about, and i still really and truly trust kang to not make it out of character. ik ppl still don't agree with me on that point, and i'm not gonna argue, but to me it really does make perfect sense.
and i also predict that they are gonna play it up hardcore in the promotional shit and talking dead, but when that happens, remember it's bc it gets attention. regardless of where the story is ultimately going, relationship drama gets attention, which gets viewers, which gets amc and twd producers nice and comfy with full pockets
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idk. to sum up ig i just wanted to clarify that i don't mean any harm with my relentless positivity. my history in fandom has just made this seem like nothing in comparison, bc while ppl are freaking out, i'm like, "oh damn, they're actually gonna get together by the end of this, aren't they? i didn't know that could happen!" and that makes me excited instead of upset
and you definitely don't have to listen to me. maybe i'm actually wrong. maybe i'm completely full of bullshit and am just good at making things sound confident. i got a lot of As on papers in college over books i never read, i know how to bs. but i also know how to analyze, and i while i will be the first to tell you i am not the best at a great many things, i do know that i am good at critically analyzing text while taking into account the context it was written in, and imho all signs point to canon caryl. when, i'm not entirely sure, but i see it happening. if it doesn't then they severely fucked up their storytelling, and that'd just be bad writing on their part.
(if you want proof that i'm good at reading writers'/producers' intentions, consider that i watched like, 8 seasons of supernatural before giving up, and said to myself, "i think they're gonna make destiel canon, but not until the very last second bc they are rly into catering to their fans but also have to consider their dumb fanboy audience so they can't do anything crazy overtly gay," and guess who hit the nail on the fucking head on that one)
none of this is important, but it was rattling around my mind grapes and i wanted to write it down into something vaguely coherent, and where else better to do it than here. i can word vomit and then send it into the ether and pretend i never said a thing. i love this horrible website, nothing can compare
i have no real conclusion to this, it was mostly stream of consciousness, but i hope it sort of helps y'all understand where i'm coming from, and why i am as chill as i am about things. not about y'all. y'all cause me so much anxiety i get physically sick and have to legit block tags, but with the actual show content i'm zen as hell
the end ig?
it feels weird even signing off on this, but w/e
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niawritess · 3 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 14
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(8 December)
10:12 am
"Y/n! Wake up! It's 10 already!"
You groaned in your sleep but then your lips twitching upward as you heard your mom's voice after more than a week which you missed so badly.
Changing your position to lay on your back, your eyes squinting as the sunlight hit your face. At first you panicked as you thought about your college but then relaxed as you remembered taking a leave for today.
Sitting up with your closed eyes, you let out a yawn with your palm automatically covering your mouth. You stretched your arms up and dropped on your back again with a sigh. Yesterday's scene left a impact on your mind as you couldn't get it out of your head, not to mention the sensation you felt which you have never felt before.
Your thoughts were interuppted when you got a notification on your mobile making you groan and shifted to your side before taking your phone from the nightstand.
It was your bestfriend saying that she would be here in an hour to meet your parents and there was another text which was from Rose saying that something came up so she'd be going to her town which means no Café today.
Smiling, you got off the bed and skipped to the washroom for your morning routine.
Whereas Baekhyun also got the same message from Rose and he sighed as he wouldn't get to see you at the café since you skipped today and that information he got from Ria a while ago.
It was like that day when you didn't came on the café and where he felt your absence. The feeling, the confusion was eating him as he wasn't able to come up to a conclusion of those feelings which was frustrating him as well.
As he told the boys about the no Café today casually and the boys came up with a plan of going to bowling. Baekhyun couldn't refuse since their graduation was this year and it's been long since they have been out then, when will they have time to do this so he agreed.
Not before, they asked him to ask you to tag along with him and hearing this Baekhyun gave them a look but they just made an excuse to see you as you were also becoming their friend.
You were heading downstairs after washing up and suddenly the door bell rang indicating your bestfriend was here already.
Your dad opened the door and Ria smiled greeting him before letting out a squeal as she ran up to your mom and they did some weird handshake before hugging eachother.
You rolled your eyes playfully but a smile was playing on your lips and you went to them who were totally ignoring you making you glare at them as they were doing it on purpose.
"OMG! JAE!" Ria exclaimed with her eyes popping out when she saw him coming out of his room and you also flinched not used to his presence.
Ria was your high school friend so, being comfortable with Jae was an understatement and he always treated her like his little sister just like you. Well, you always bicker with your brothers and they tease you but you know how protective they are over you.
Jae went out with his friends as he was meeting them after a long time and will go back in a week for his training Job. You sat on the couch comfortably with your mom and bestfriend talking about their favorite topic shopping which was not so favorite to you.
In that time, you got a notification on your phone, checking it to see it was from Baekhyun and unconsciously your heart beat quicken seeing his name but you immediately shook it off before opening the text.
Baekhyun : Hey, Are you alright? You didn't come today.
You : Yeah, I'm okay. Just skipped today.
Baekhyun: Okay. So I wanted to ask something. We boys decided to go bowling today so would you like to join us?
You read the message with a baffled expression before looking at Ria who was sitting alone as your mom went into the kitchen.
You: Are you sure? I mean won't I be intruding?
Baekhyun: Not at all. Even my friends want you to come.
You were contemplating wether to go or not since yesterday your had been occupied with those things wondering if it would get awkward but you also didn't wanted to lose a friend like Baekhyun just because of those awkwardness and decided to let it aside.
You : Is it okay, if my Ria tag along?
Baekhyun : Of course! So it's decided. I'll pick you up by 5. No excuses! See you later:)
You let out a sigh leaning against the couch getting the attention of your bestfriend as she eyed you suspiciously.
"We are going for bowling in a while." You told her casually and she frowned. "Are we?"
You nodded before your mom came back and sat on her spot with your brother who also was back from his school as he threw his school bag in your lap while plopping beside you.
You clicked your tongue before placing his bag on the couch while showing him a glare.
"Mum, we are going bowling today."
She just nodded nonchalantly not saying anything further but Daniel's eyes perked up hearing that as he eyed you surprised.
"Mom, Aren't you going to ask her anything? With whom she's going with?" He shoved her with his questions and you three looked at him weirdly.
You mom shrugged. "As far as I know her, she wouldn't go without Ria and it's actually a good thing that she's going out since we are the ones who always force her to go out."
"I'm really happy she's progressing with time and whom she's going with, I don't mind because it won't be her boyfriend since we aren't that lucky to have that privilege." She added with a fake hurt expression.
Your brother and bestfriend joined her in her laughter while you stared at her with a disbelief look. Sometimes you think your mom could've been a good actress if not for her catering business.
"Mum, you know me too much."
"That's why I'm your mom." She winked and you shook your head before smiling.
You and Ria got ready and Ria already had her clothes in your wardrobe since she stays here often. You got a notification and checked it to see it was from Baekhyun telling that he's already here.
You walked towards your window and saw his car before he got out and as he looked at your window direction you locked eyes with him.
Your eyes widened and you immediately backed off as if you got caught doing something wrong before going downstairs while mentally hitting yourself for doing that unaware of how Baekhyun smiled at this act of yours.
"Mum! I'm leaving!"
"Have fun and be safe!"
"Don't have too much fun!"
Your dad yelled and you rolled you eyes before walking out with Ria who was laughing.
You both approached him who was leaning against his car but instantly straightened himself when he saw you and flashed a smile to you which you returned.
He opened the door for you and you sat in the front seat and Ria settled herself in the back seat not before sending a smug look to you where you gave her a look.
You three arrived at the destination and followed Baekhyun who led you to where boys were already present. You both greeted them smilingly as you have gotten comfortable with them now.
Then your eyes caught another figure which belonged to none other than Lauren who was sitting with her boyfriend while her eyes were on Baekhyun which held something you couldn't tell and with you feeling weird inside which you also couldn't tell.
Ria and you both looked at eachother before going towards an empty seat and sat there as you started chatting with boys not before Baekhyun looking for his place to sit.
That's when Lauren shifted a little to give him space while flashing a sweet smile at him where again you felt that sensation and you instantly shrugged it off as you looked away. However, instead of going there Baekhyun walked towards your side and sat beside you with your shoulders almost touching making your breath hitched.
Chanyeol got up and stood in front of you all with an idea of having a competition with him and you have somewhat noticed that he's a competitive guy.
"So, who's gonna be in my team? Y/n?" He looked at you expectantly and you looked at him with a guilty smile. "I'm sorry but I'm not good at bowling but Ria is really good at it."
Ria almost spit out her water and you surpassed your giggle before she shot a glare at you but you just smiled innocently at her.
"Are you really not good?" You looked at Baekhyun who gave you a question look and you nodded. "I've been trying to do it but I don't think I'm suitable for bowling."
"Like her driving."
Ria popped her head forward as she told Baekhyun who just chuckled while you nudged her back with a death glare.
The game started between Chanyeol's team and Yixing's team and the team who loses has to treat tteokbokki (spicy rice cake).
They played for half an hour where both teams were tied and with the seriousness it was also funny to watch how they kept bickering like five-year old kids. Honestly, you were having fun with them as they kept the atmosphere joyful.
You excused yourself to the washroom and Ria was coming with you but stopped as her it was her turn so you went alone. Finishing your business, you made your way to them but a hard shoulder bumped into yours making you stumble back.
"I'm sorry- Y/n?"
You looked at the familiar voice person before your eyes widened. "Jae?!"
"Shut up." You made a dirty face on the name which always makes you feel cringe and he raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"
"I can ask you the same." You placed your hands on your waist standing confident.
"I asked first." He imitated you and you rolled you eyes.
"I'm here with my friends." You told him and earned a snicker from him making you frown as he gave you an amused look. "You have friends?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'll see you at home."
You tried to walk past him but he blocked you with a serious expression plastered on his face. "Are you here with your boyfriend?"
"What?! No." You made a weird face before sighing. "Jae, stop acting like a brother."
"New flash! I am your brother!" He gave a toothy grin before leaning in. "Where is he?"
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"And you're my cute little potato." He pinched your both cheeks and you cried holding his wrist to stop but when a pair of hands pulled his hands away.
You both looked towards the direction to see Baekhyun with clenched jaw and glaring at Jae before he stood infront of you like a shield.
"What do you think you are doing?" His tone was calm but you could sense an anger behind it which made you panick if some fight breaks out.
"Uh, Baekhyun, he is my brother." You spoke peeking from his shoulder not realizing that you took his name casually and Baekhyun's ear perked up.
He looked back at you with a confused face then to Jae who had a smug grin then back to you. "Brother?"
You nodded slowly and wanted to laugh at Baekhyun's confused face which looked so cute and resembled a lost puppy.
The atmosphere turned awkward and Baekhyun instantly stood beside you and Jae held out his hand.
"I'm Jaehyun, Y/n's big brother."
Baekhyun hesitantly shook his head and introduced him before apologizing but Jae waved it off as he liked how Baekhyun came to your rescue.
You three looked at the voice to see a guy calling Jaehyun and giving a nod, Jaehyun turned to you.
"It was nice meeting you, Baekhyun." He smiled genuinely at him which Baekhyun returned awkwardly.
"I'll see you at home." He gave a cheeky grin to you going to the cinema area not before mouthing nice catch where you shoot a glare at him.
Shaking your head you looked at Baekhyun who was lost and hesitantly tapped his shoulder where he immediately snapped out.
"I'm sorry about that." You smiled sheepishly and he chuckled.
"Don't be. I misunderstood so it's okay." You both started walking. "I guess I didn't really made a good impression on your brother."
You shook your head vigorously. "Not really, Jae seems to like you actually."
He lightly laughed shaking his head. "No way, seriously?"
You smiled nodding. "Hm, I know him."
"When did your family came back?"
"Yesterday, that's why I skipped today."
He nodded before you two joined your friends and the game was over with Chanyeol's team winning in the end which means the losing team has to treat something.
As everyone was eating and talking, you spotted Ria's phone on the seat beside you as she excused herself to the washroom.
Not long before, she came back and sat beside you before a frown crept on her face as she started searching for something.
"What's wrong, Ria? Did you lost something?" Jongin asked her drinking his juice.
"Yes, I can't find my phone." She started looking for it everywhere. "Y/n, have you seen my phone?"
You kept mum since she knows you can't lie or she would just catch you in a blink, so you avoided her eyes while munching and she didn't noticed since her attention was on her phone.
Feeling a little thirsty, you were about to take a juice bottle but a hand came forward to you with a juice bottle while it's cap opened and you looked at Baekhyun who was talking to Chanyeol and you looked at him surprised as without you saying, he knew it.
You smiled taking it before looking at your bestfriend with lost face. You actually felt bad for doing it but she has always pranked you and not to mention she always tease you in front of Baekhyun so you decided to prank her.
As a smile while was plastered on your face, you felt a stare on you causing you to lock eyes with Baekhyun who was eyeing you suspiciously and sensed the reason behind Ria's lost face.
You brought your index finger to your lips indicating him to keep mum and he chuckled shaking his head while you smiled sheepishly.
This scene was witnessed by Kyungsoo who was eyeing those two with a fondly smile and wondering when his idiot friend will realize his feelings.
The car pulled over to your house and you got out of the back seat with Ria before thanking Baekhyun and Chanyeol for inviting you two.
Seeing Ria's gloomy face, you couldn't help but feel guilty now. Taking her phone out from your purse, you held it out to her and she looked at you shook.
"You had it all along? Y/n!" She exclaimed chasing you inside with you shouting sorry and then giggling.
"Crazy." Baekhyun mumbled chuckling at you as you went inside before he turned back to his best friend giving him a teasing smile.
Chanyeol just shook his head at his stupid bestfriend before Baekhyun drove off.
@wooya1224 @buttercupbbh @jddcfc-blog
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being-worthy · 3 years
Sunday Home Cinema: Army of the Dead!!
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I haven't done one of these reviews in a long time (thanks to Covid-19 ¬¬) but I'm glad this film was the one to get me back in doing these reviews.
Honestly, I found out about the film about two weeks ago when I clicked on it on YouTube out of curiosity. It looked good and I'm an all big fan of zombie films and series and every zombie-themed film/series, even if it's extremely bad made (e.g. Z Nation but it's so funny to watch).
Sorry for any mistakes or things that make not much sense but I'm writing this at 2.30am and I just wanted to write this down while it's still fresh (I might review it later on if I feel like it).
Apparently, Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead (here's the trailer), which can be watched on Netflix, is the prequel of Dawn of the Dead from 2004 also directed by him, which was a remake of the George A. Romero classic. I've got a hard time seeing this due to the zombies being so different but well, let's just roll with it.
Scott Ward (played by Dave Bautista) is offered/hired for $50 million by Bly Tanaka (villain/businessman played by Hiroyuki Sanada) to break into a walled Las Vegas after it was overrun by a zombie outbreak starting at the outskirts of the city with patient zero aka alpha zombie Zeus (more to the different zombie types later on) to "apparently" retrieve $200 million that is stashed in a safe at the casino's basement. Basically, it's like Ocean's Eleven but with zombies giving the film a nice touch.
I knew from the moment Tanaka offered Scott this job that there was going to be more to it. Why else would a stinking rich guy like Tanaka need to have a group to retrieve some money when: a. the insurance paid him some of that money back. I know he mentions he can't use it but come on, people like him know how to find either a way around whatever rule there might be or even wash it. And b. he looks like a guy who understands how business works and is well off, so you're telling me he wants to send a group there just for $200 million? B*tch please, I'm sure that's just petty cash to him, and there's surely more to it, especially after one of his goons (Martin) "invites" himself to tag along with the group to "make sure" they get the job done.
If I was offered that kind of money to go to a completely sealed city ruled by zombies, I wouldn't accept it no matter how bad my situation might be. The probability that something might go sideways is too high not to mention the risk that the virus spreads out to the rest of the world, I wouldn’t be able to live with that on my conscience.
In order to pull off this heist Scott assembles a team for the mission:
Vanderohe, the tank and chainsaw man. There'll be a little paragraph for him since his fate doesn't make entirely sense to me.
Marianne Peters, the pilot.
Maria Cruz, the mechanic.
Kate Ward, a volunteer in the quarantine zone. She's Scott's daughter and the only (human) survivor in the film.
Geeta, the mother. She ventures into the zombie-infested Vegas to find money in order to pay for safe passage out of the quarantine zone for herself and her children. I believe she dies in the helicopter crash but we don't see her body, so she might be alive somewhat?
Ludwig Dieter, the thief/safe expert, and I love how he questions everything lol!
Lilly "The Coyote", "the one who knows her stuff" aka zombie expert. Somehow interesting that she's got a conscience/good heart.
Martin, the inside man, and Bly Tanaka's right hand and got the death he deserved by kitten Valentine.
Mikey Guzman, the Sharpshooter and a YouTuber.
Chambers, the muscles and Guzman's sidekick (sort of). Her death was very predictable and her own fault! Girl, why the hell would you tell Martin that you don't trust him directly to his face?! That's such a rookie mistake!!
Burt Cummings, also the muscle for like 5 minutes before turning into the bait/bargain chip for a "deal" with the zombies in order to pass their territory. Overall, he's just a big jerk.
We see the first five people are survivors of the outbreak when Vegas was "freshly" being overrun by zombies and barely made it out of the city before it was completely sealed off. The rest of them are new characters. Almost none of them have any deep character story/feeling/development, most of them are quite plain and you don't care whether they survive or not. I've got also a hard time seeing any father-daughter relationship between Scott and Kate. I get that they haven't talked to each other since Scott had to put down Kate's mother after she got turned into a zombie but if I hadn’t seen the beginning I'd say they're just two strangers who met during the outbreak and he saved her at some point.
I very much like the fact that they introduce different types of zombies! On one hand, we've got the standard zombies aka shamblers who move slowly and are dead if you blow their brains out and if they bite you you become a shambler too. Then, there are the alphas who are fast (so fast that they can dodge bullets), they can also think, take orders, and are very organised. If you're bitten by one you become an alpha too but they also die if they're shot in the head which is easier said than done! We've also got a zombie horse, that's more bone than anything else, and a big tiger kitten called Valentine who used to be part of Siegfried & Roy's show (which also throws in the question, during which year is this movie set? They've both already passed away and they haven’t been retired from the entertainment world for a while before they passed away, and we see Tanaka carrying a modern mobile, so it must be during the past 2-3 our years.)
Their leader is patient zero aka Zeus who we see at the beginning being transported by a convoy of soldiers from Area 51 to somewhere else but never makes it there because he breaks free due to part of the convoy crashing into a car of a recent married (while the guy gets a blowjob and doesn’t watch the road!). He also takes the Bride as his queen (later on she's beheaded and her head still alive), who we see to be pregnant!! HOLY COW!! This throws in sooo many questions! For instance, how do zombies reproduce? The same way as we humans? What will the baby look like? Full zombie? A hybrid, half-human half-zombie? What power would they have? Do I even want to know or see this? Probably. Probably not. How many times did I wish they'd have introduced something like this in TWD (before I stopped watching it). At some point the virus that makes people zombies is supposed to mutate, every virus mutates at some point. We did already see a zombie baby in Dawn of the Dead but that was different since the woman was already in the late stages of pregnancy when she got bit. This one was one that was produced from zombie sex. I’ve got a feeling that their sex must be quite violent to say the least. Also, they way how the care for each other, especially Zeus for his Bride and child and seeks vengeance for both their deaths showing they’re capable of feeling and caring for their people. Maybe, just maybe want to find a way to survive without having to turn people but I think they’ll still need humans as a source of food. I don’t think they’re capable to live from eating normal food.
I've to make a special mention about Vanderohe. Besides, the fact that he's very attractive, there are a few things that don't make entirely sense to me.
He survives the nuclear blast of Las Vegas since he was looked inside the safe, which I can see being possible but (a little more possible than Indiana Jones seeking shelter in an old-fashioned fridge from a nuclear blast in Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull)... the whole city was nuked! And I mean big smoke of mushroom nuke! So, shouldn't the place, I don't know, be radioactive or something like that? And shouldn’t he find the nearest decontamination shower? Furthermore, it doesn't make sense that he gets infected, i.e. bitten. He gets into a fight with Zeus while they're in front of the safe and I watched that part several times and in slow motion too and we don't see Zeus bit him. There's one time where Zeus almost bites him but his teeth don't end up sinking into the flesh. He has Van in his hold, dislocates his right shoulder, and almost bites him there but only almost! In that same moment, Dieter hits Zeus in the head and pulls Van into the safe closing the door behind him (and most likely gets killed/turned by Zeus). I repeat there's no "visible" scene of Van being bitten by Zeus or any other zombie in another scene. So, where the f*ck did he get the bite and from who? I've also read that there's a theory of Van being immune because he's not turning as quick as the soldiers at the beginning of the movie when Zeus escapes the convoy (he still might be able to infect others though). He starts to feel lightheaded/dizzy and his body feels cold to the touch on the plane, and around the bite we see the veins turning black but that's it.
As much as I love the concept of the movie, it's very predictable as well as easy to figure out who makes it out alive and who makes it out the other kind of "alive" and it also reminded me a bit of Resident Evil (the first film was good and the rest just a waste). Tanaka wanting a fresh sample of an Alpha to make a virus that enables him to create an army of zombies he can control and take over the world. He could be Wesker's twin and his company the equivalent of the Umbrella Corporation. It's worth to watch but it doesn't compare to other zombie films such as 28 Days Later or even Dawn of the Dead (the classic and newer version), and many others.
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aquadestinyswriting · 3 years
10 Songs Tag Game
Rules: use your WIP playlist (or any playlist) and put it on shuffle (no skipping). write the first 10 songs that come up and quote your favorite lyrics from each song and/or the lyrics that fit your WIP best (they might be the same lyrics), then tag 10 people.
Thank you for the tag @druidx. I'm going to use my general Emotional songs playlist because it covers pretty much all of my writing needs. Doing this on the youtube music on the mobile so I don't mess up the playlist order I prefer on Youtube itself.
under a cut so I can save people's dashes
Pieces by Red
I'm here again A thousand miles away from you A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am I tried so hard Thought I could do this on my own I've lost so much along the way
This whole first verse pretty much describes Selene as she is just before To Heal a Broken Soul. She's been trying so damn hard to fix Toreguarde's problems by herself that she is almost literally breaking herself up about it.
Brother to Brother by Van Zant
Do you know where we went wrong Tell me why the lines are drawn? And let us break our bound'ries down And live our lives on common ground Oh mothers and fathers Where will tomorrow's children be? Oh brother, my brother Let us live our lives in peace
This one covers two settings really damn well. The first is when Elowyn, Merri and co are trying to stop the attacks on the Dwarven people living in Toreguarde. The second is for the current d&d campaign Lankla is a part of when the Nezumi basically said "eff you" to the hengeyokai races regarding fighting against the Iron Legion together.
The Next Right Thing from Frozen II by Kristen Bell
Can there be a day beyond this night? I don't know anymore what is true I can't find my direction, I'm all alone The only star that guided me was you How to rise from the floor When it's not you I'm rising for? Just do the next right thing Take a step, step again It is all that I can to do The next right thing
OK so I added this one because of a speculative piece I was writing about a Curse of Strahd campaign I was a part of and listening and looking at the lyrics again... This could fit far too many of my 'Main Character OCs >_>. Let's just leave it at that.
Nothing's Gonna Change my Love for You by Westlife
Nothing's gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you One thing you can be sure of I'll never ask for more than your love
I initially had this as an Edwin/Selene song... but now that I think about it, taking it from a platonic love angle, it would seriously work for Elowyn and Merri too (though the vid that comes with this on my playlist is the second half of the UP opening sequence so... yeah ;-;)
Hand of Sorrow by Within Temptation
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise? Will all our sins be justified?
Ok so this is mainly for @druidx's OC, Alexis, but the chorus fits pretty much all the remaining original Heroes of Toregaurde as well. They all love the city they helped to build, and yet they can't seem to escape the seeming curse upon the place (something I'm gonna be exploring in my untitled Selene series)
After the War by Reinaeiry
This is a letter To the girl I was before You'll find that destiny It's not set in stone, it's yours to own
I know how it feels right now But you'll make it through somehow Learn to take and not just give The life you have, it's yours to live
OK, I am keenly aware that this is a fan song specifically written for a particular fandom and pairing, but the verses fit Selene, A'ashe and Lankla so well it's ridiculous. The second verse more specifically. Destiny is a bitch to all three of these amazing women and all three have issues around that (to varying degrees).
Show Yourself from Frozen II
Show yourself Step into your power Grow yourself Into something new You are the one you've been waiting for All of my life (All of your life) Oh, show yourself
Another Frozen II song (don't @ me, I love the film and the music). This one I chose to put onto the list for my Nezumi bard character from a previous d&d campaign. I haven't done an intro for her yet because that campaign ended... badly for her (you try taking care of a Tarrasque when all you can do is sing pretty songs at it). However, this song encapsulates how out of place she felt in her society and with the wider world and how she slowly grew to accept herself for who she was by the time the campaign ended.
Die for You by Otherwise
I would break, I would burn, I would suffer, There's nothing I wouldn't do, do for you. I would lie, I would steal, for no other, You make me feel so alive, So alive I'd die for you!
Honestly, this one is just because I love the sentiment behind it. The closest OCs this would fit are likely Merri and her entire, dumbass found family and husband or A'ashe and her crew. Both feel very deeply about the people they care about and would happily die for them (if the people they cared about would let them!)
When Forever Comes by Miracle of Sound
When I learn of the loss that defines me Can I hold to the promise that binds me And carry on into tomorrow's sorrow? When I'm facing the ghosts of my destiny Will I turn or remain in the memory And choose to stray or choose to follow?
And when forever comes to be Will I remain inside A little light of empathy To keep you unified Keep me inside
Now this one is definitely an Edwin/Selene song! I.... might have modified the lyrics and made it a duet for the sake of a songfic at one point (I totally did, no regrets). The above section fits the latter parts of To Heal a Broken Soul so perfectly that I can still see the 'movie scenes' in my head even just looking at the lyrics typed out.
The Rose by Westlife
Some say love, it is a river That drowns the tender reed Some say love, it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love, it is a flower And you, its only seed
Looks like we're closing out with yet another Edwin/Selene song ^_^; This one would purely be from Edwin's pov. With Edwin being a Cleric of a nature goddess, of course he would refer to love as a seed slowly blooming into a flower :P.
Alright so, tags. I think most people I would tag already have been so I am leaving this one open :P.
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cordonia-continued · 4 years
Chapter 22
AU - TRR Liam x MC (Riley Taylor)
A/N - Set after the Tariq scandal is cleared. Liam ends his engagement to Madeleine and proposes to MC as per the original story, but Riley turns him down. This AU follows their life from then on.
Word count - 2,528
@kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @amandablink @hopefulmoonobject @texaskitten30​ @mom2000aggie​ (let me know if you no longer want to be tagged)
catch up here
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Bastien pushes Madeleine up against the ballroom wall, his body moves closer in front of her, pinning her there with his hips, putting himself between her and the faceless and nameless attacker that’s stormed the palace. She lets out a sensual gasp as she feels his hard muscular body pressing into her soft curves.
“Like it a bit rough do you Your Grace?” He purrs into her ear, his rough beard scratching against the smooth porcelain skin of her neck.
“How very dare you.” She simpers. “You’re just here to protect me.” She presses her full breasts against his chest, grinding her curvaceous hips into him, she feels his arousal thick against her pelvis. Her eyes dart around the chaotic ballroom.
“Worried about being seen with me?” He whispers nuzzling into her soft fragrant skin. “What would the court think if they saw you with a commoner like me.” He raises his thick dark eyebrows, his chocolate brown eyes staring into hers with unabashed lust and desire. Madeleine’s heart beats wildly in her chest, she can’t remember Bastien ever grunting out more than five words to her before now. Without thinking about anyone around them she leans forwards and captures his lips in a passionate, hungry kiss all thoughts of the mystery attacker pushed aside. His beard tickles her face as his insistent hips grind into her core, she looks down at the large bulge in his pants with longing in her eyes. Bastien follows her gaze and smirks.
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you ride it Countess. I’ll show you how well a working class commoner like me can treat a posh pussy like yours.” His rough sultry words light a fire within her and send blood pulsing down to her centre, an ache throbs between her legs. His hands tangle in her hair as his lips meet hers again, his tongue demanding access to her mouth. Suddenly a loud alarm echo's out across the ballroom startling them both. Madeleine wonders why it sounds so loud, as if its right next to her head, and so familiar, as if its a sound she’s heard before...
Madeleine reaches a hand out to her bedside table as she blindly gropes around for her mobile phone. She immediately silences it as soon as she locates it and snuggles back down into the duvet, hoping her sleepy mind will wander back to the dream she’s just been rudely interrupted from.  She’s barely had time to nestle back into her cosy pillows before it rings out again, loud and shrill in the otherwise silent room. Groaning she pushes her silk sleep mask up onto her forehead and forces her eyes open. She glances at the illuminated clock on the table next to her, the neon green numbers dance and blur before her sleep filled eyes as she squints to make them out – 04:38 it reads. Whoever the hell is calling her before dawn is going to be on the receiving end of a piece of her mind she thinks to herself cursing under her breath. She answers without looking at the caller ID.
“What?” She barks into the handset. “Jim who?” Her patience is wearing very thin with this early morning wake up call already. “Jim Baxter? Oh Jim. Sorry, of course I know who you are, why on earth are you calling me at this ungodly hour?” Madeleine curses giving her personal number to the smarmy yet undeniably hard working media mogul, office hours to him are an unknown concept. Suddenly the fog clouding her sleep deprived brain clears and she bolts upright in bed. “What? Are you sure?” She asks incredulous at what he seems to be telling her. “No, no I don't have a comment or a statement at the moment. Where did you hear this?” Her usual professionalism has returned as she rises from her bed and makes her way into her dressing room. “Right. Leave it with me and I’ll find out what's happening and get back to you. Jim, how long have I got until this makes the news?” Her stomach drops when he gives her an impossibly short deadline. “I’ll call you within the hour.”
Madeleine takes a cold shower and dresses quickly, taking time to check her appearance in the mirror and carefully apply mascara and her trademark red lipstick. She finds her phone where she left it tangled in her bed covers and scrolls through her contacts, locating Jacob Henley’s number. He answers it with a croaky voice sounding thick with sleep.
“Is she with you.” Madeleine barks at him as soon as he says hello.
“Good morning to you too. How lovely to have a wake up call from you this morning countess.” He replies. Madeleine can hear the smug smile that she knows is on the cocky but undeniably good looking agents face.
“Jacob I don’t have time for your bullshit today.” She admonishes him.
“You know I love it when you talk dirty to me.” Madeleine bristles. His incessant flirting with her was enticing to begin with and she stupidly encouraged it, however right at this moment it’s infuriating.
“Jacob. Is. She. With. You?” She says enunciating each word slowly and purposefully with a hope to him understanding the gravity of the situation.
“Madeleine.” He purrs. “I have no idea what you are talking about. Is who with me? I’m guessing you mean Riley?” He sighs and shifts in his bed untangling himself from the brunette reality TV star who’s snoring softly next to him. Madeleine hears him let out a groan as he stretches his body out.
“I paid you to to get close to her, to get a few candid photos taken in public so they split up or to make her fall in love with you so that she leaves him. Now she’s done that you need to keep your end of the deal, send me pictures of her with you now, the more incriminating the better.” Madeleine snaps. “You’re causing me a headache right now. I need to issue a press statement clearing up this stupid issue of where she is, she’s with you isn't she?”
He sighs, as much as he hates to admit defeat it’s clear to him he will never be more than a friend to Riley, and if he keeps pushing his luck trying to get the pictures Madeleine wants he won’t even be that soon.
“Madeleine we both know that’s never going to happen, this plan of yours isn't working, she’s not going to leave him, she’s not with me.”
“Just shut up for a second will you.” She snaps pressing a hand to her eyes. “I paid you to get rid of her from Liam’s life, now what the fuck have you done with her? Where is she?”
Jacob bolts upright in bed as what Madeleine is saying to him sinks in. “What? What the fuck are you talking about? I only spoke to her yesterday morning, she said nothing about leaving him. Is this what the call from that gruff kings guard was about last night? What the hell has happened? Why is everyone asking me where she is?” He fires questions at her making her head spin.
“I don’t know what’s going on.” Madeleine admits. “I got a call from Jim Baxter, you know the media mogul who owns half of the newspapers and TV stations in Cordonia. They’ve had word that she’s missing. It must be one hell of a story if he’s calling me himself. If I find out you and her have some little scam going, I swear I will hunt you down, cut off your bollocks and wear them as earrings.” Jacob knows the countess doesn't make idle threats.
“Madeleine I swear I have no idea where she is. What’s Liam said about it? Let me know as soon as you hear from her, please? Despite what you think about me Madeleine, I do actually really care about Riley you know.” Jacob’s heart leaps from his chest to his throat, he doesn't just care about Riley, he admits to himself, he’s totally and utterly in love with her.
“Ugh whatever. Just call me if you hear from her. And do not engage with the press, leave that to me.” She hangs up without waiting for a response and makes her way to the palace offices to see if she can find out what’s going on.
Bastien’s team and the police work continuously through the night on locating Riley. Liam and Drake stay in the conference room with them the entire time, surviving on cups of strong coffee. Olivia finally retired to bed in the early hours insisting they wake her if anything happens.
As Madeleine enters the room her eyes dart around taking in the number of people and activity going on around her. She notices Liam and Drake slumped in armchairs at the back of the room and makes a beeline for them.
“Liam, you look like shit. What the hell is going on in here? Please tell me the rumours I’ve heard are not true.” She barks at him. He groans. He could do without her snark right now.
“Madeleine what exactly is it that you’ve heard?”
“That Lady Riley is missing. I guess from the activity in here that it’s true? Don’t tell me she finally left you and ran off with that cocky agent of hers?” Her full painted red lips curl up into a cruel smirk.
“Madeleine.” Drake warns her. “Not now ok.” She turns to him as if she’s only just noticed his presence and curls her lip in disdain.
“I am the Royal Communications Director, it is my job to know what’s going on. I shouldn’t have to hear it by being woken in the early hours by Jim god damn Baxter asking for a statement.” She folds her arms across her chest and sticks her chin up defiantly.
“We were trying to keep it quiet Madeleine.” Liam snarls through gritted teeth. “The police think she’s been taken.”
“As ever Liam, you have done a wonderful job of keeping your private life out of the media.” She states sarcastically. “What do you mean taken?”
Her voice is shrill and it hurts Liam’s sleep deprived brain. He winces as he replies.
“I mean kidnapped for fucks sake Madeleine, what the hell do you think I mean!” He shouts the last part at her. Madeleine’s eyes grow wide and Drake knows it has more to do with the normally placid kings uncharacteristic outburst than the fact that she’s hearing about Riley’s potential kidnapping. The agents working around them look up in surprise at the disruption. Liam lowers his voice again. “The police have agreed that they don’t want any news reports scaring whoever’s got her into doing something stupid.” He looks at the floor so she doesn’t see the tears pooling in his eyes.
“Why was I not informed of this! This is unacceptable. We need to work on a statement right away. My phone has been blowing up all morning. The press have obviously got hold of the story from somewhere. Something about a café owner on Main Street being questioned yesterday afternoon. Liam we need to take control of this before any news channels pick it up.”
“No!” He says firmly.
“Liam, they are going to run the story anyway. We need to get ahead of the curve and put our own spin on this.” She snaps back equally as firmly.
“Madeleine this is not some fucking PR stunt. Contact the Chief of Police, Officer Beckett. Work with him on what they want put out to the press. Do not do anything without his say so. Is that clear?” Liam orders.
She crosses her arms over her chest. “Liam, I need to get something out within the next half an hour or it’ll be speculated about on breakfast news. We need to draft something together. This should come from the palace not the police.”
He’s finally lost his patience with her and lets out an explosion of pent up anger.
“NO! Madeleine I have given you a direct order and I expect it to be followed!” He bellows. The police and agents working around them share sheepish glances with each other as activity around them ceases and the room goes deathly silent. He turns to his best friend in the chair next to him.
“Drake I can’t deal with her right now, get her out of here.” Liam’s normally kind blue eyes are cold, grey and steely and Drake immediately rises silently from his seat and leads a shocked and open mouthed Madeleine out of the room.
Olivia passes them in the hallway. “Drake, Countess Madeline. I assume from the lack of calls overnight that there’s no update?” Madeleine stalks off down the hall without pausing, ignoring them both.
“No Liv, nothing. I don’t even know if they are any closer to finding out what happened. The press have got a hold of the story. Maddie is off to draft a statement with the Chief of Police. Liam just tore her a new one, he had me escort her out.” He raises his eyebrows at Olivia.
“He’s still in a state then?” She questions, already knowing the likely answer.
“Yeah. Although he’s still putting on a brave face. I’m gonna go and shower and change and see if I can get my head down for an hour. See if you can get him to do the same. Call me if anything happens.” He walks off down the corridor as Olivia takes a deep breath and enters the conference room.
“Liam, you look like shit.” She kisses him on the cheek and sits in the chair next to him.
“Yeah, you’re not the first person to tell me that today.” He replies with no hint of humour or sarcasm in his voice.
“You need to go shower and change. Get something to eat. Try and sleep for a bit. I’ll stay here, I’ll call you if anything happens, ok.” Liam shakes his head.
“Olivia, I can’t. I need to stay here.”
Olivia takes both of his hands in hers.
“Liam, no one wants to see their king as a stinking mess, what would Riley think if she saw the state of you? Go and shower. Have some food. You’ll be no good to anyone if you burn out.” Liam knows if Riley was here she’d tell him to relax, to take deep breaths, to take care of himself. Stop worrying about me she’d say to him, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself, I’m a New Yorker remember. Liam stifles a sob.
“I look that bad huh?”
“Yes you do. Now go.” Olivia pushes him up out of his seat.
“Make sure you call me straight away if anything changes.” The cold grip of fear still hasn’t left his chest and Liam feels its fingers tightening around his heart.
“Of course I will. Go.”
“Thank you Olivia.”
“You don’t have to thank me Liam.” He nods at her and leaves the room.
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mcrmadness · 4 years
This is a tag game, just scroll past the post if you're going to get bored to death with my bullshit. (Can't add a read more link on mobile yay, that's why I'm writing this here.)
Maybe it’s time to do some tag games finally... I was tagged to this “Bill Clinton swag” meme twice, by @stufenlosregelbar and @hanhan156, and I guess it was good that I was procrastinating because now I can put these in the same post :D Anyway, the first one just said to post the meme and a selfie, but didn’t explain what albums. The second one then had just the meme and the rules were “generate a meme with this about albums you have recently listened to.” So, let’s see what can I do with these...
Okay so first of all: this was SO difficult to do as a POST because of Tumblr. I just figured that you can set photos side by side only on the app but not from the PC. And to do that, I had to send these images to myself BY EMAIL so that I could have them in my phone and add to a post to get them be in the middle of the post and NOT at the top of the post!!! Apparently the desktop version still throws these on top of each other if I open this here afterwards. Besides that, the photo post then again is not editable on the app, it just shows the HTML editor which is why I could not download the photos either but had to send them to myself. + I can't do read more link on mobile HNNNNNNGH fml. Unless the HTML Editor works but I bet it's gonna mess up the whole post if I try... Edit: NOPE no HTML editor so it's either read more link or my face filling the whole screen so the first one it is, then :)))))) I hate everything.
But anyhow, here’s my answer to this tag game finally:
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I chose some of my favorite albums to the first one and some of the albums I’ve been listening to recently on the other. DÄ’s Planet Punk is on both because I was recently listening to it again and it’s my favorite DÄ album and I might have fallen in love with it again a bit. (It does so good to have a little pause from the albums you like so much because later on they will sound even better :D)
And then, last AND DEFINITELY LEAST, there’s the selfie. Congrats people, it’s my first selfie ever on this goddamned website. And fortunately you cannot tell a shit of it :D I took so long with this tag also because of that, I was trying to decide whether to do a selfie or not and I tried to take many but I always looked terrible in every photo. Either it was my hair, my eyes, my nose or my chin. Or all of the above. And I still want to stay anonymous and not show my face here so here you go. It’s me but you wouldn’t recognize me if you walked past me on the street. Unless you saw someone dressed up in a Garfield scarf like that, Deadpool hoodie and a leatherette jacket (the zipper looks bigger than in real life, thanks, camera...), then it’s probably me... And no, the scarf was not because of the virus but because it was freaking cold here. It was +5°C but the wind was so damn cold I was freezing like hell (okay I don’t think that is a good comparison here but who tf cares) and it also made a good excuse for hiding the lower half of my face :D I still want a scarf with this... anatomy skull print? You know, that kind that'd make my face look like it was half bones, those are cool asf. Until that I’ll settle with this Garfield one I got from the Finnish Garfield comic book magazine thing as a “subscriber” gift probably 15-20 years ago. I just found it a few years ago from somewhere and it’s perfect for me, especially when it’s too warm for the other scarf (which has skulls and whatever on it, I’m not even into skulls or skeletons but apparently 20-something-years-old me thought that scarf was cool and needed to have it idk).
I'm gonna tag @cupcakecurl, if you don't mind. You can choose the one with or without a selfie and it's up to you if you want to just do albums you've been listening to recently or just some of your fave albums :D
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megatownac · 5 years
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I met the guy who created Hornpot and Clawdia, @piyotycho , this morning, at Sunshine City in Ikebukuro.
This wasn't random. I emailed him more than a week ago telling him I'd be in Japan and asking if he would be at any conventions or shows. He said he'd be at this one. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to wait until the con actually opened at 11 am, so instead he met me at the Subway (restaurant, not train station) in the same building and we talked for half an hour.
I tried asking him why Hornpot wraps up her arms and legs like a half-mummy, but he didn't give me an answer. He just agreed with me that it's very mysterious.
I can't possibly thank him enough. I couldn't even pay for his coffee, and he gave me this book (and signed it). I'm just some guy. Some thirty-something foreigner who showed up and was like "yoooo."
Apparently, he was really happy that I made the figurines that I did and learned to love making figurines (if you're on the mobile app, these links don't work nearly so well, because the app is garbage, but here's the tag I used on my main blog to describe in great detail how I made figurines of Hornpot and Clawdia), and that makes me happy, too.
It's silly, but making connections like these, even brief ones, makes trips like these worth it. Here's an artist living in Japan with nothing to gain by seeing my dumb ass, and he made the time to see and talk to me anyway. And give me a book! He did not need to do that! He did it anyway! Same as he didn't need to laugh at dumb joke about how I keep the figures in my kitchen so that I can see Hornpot's huge tits every morning and evening to feel refreshed (毎朝と毎晩ホーンポットの巨乳を見てすっきりします, if you want to learn how to say such a horrible, horrible thing), but he did.
I didn't take any pictures with him because he has kept pictures of himself off of the internet and it seemed rude to even ask for one. So you must take my word for it that I even met him at all. Maybe I stole the book from someone else. You will never know.
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New level pro wrestling 1 year anniversary
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This Saturday April 27th in Anniston Alabama at the YMCA New Level Pro will be hosting their one year anniversary. I have been to only one of their shows yet with having prior knowledge of most of the wrestlers there it amazes me the type of show NLP puts on for only being a year old. This card has a lot of intriguing match ups and all the belts are on the line. Without further talk let's get into the match ups and my predictions shall we. First up we have 2 debuts.
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Honestly never heard of either of them until their match was announced on NLP's Facebook. They both look fairly new on what footage I have seen. But new does not mean bad they both have shown Sparks of great potential in the ring and on Sunday in my showdown report I will let you know how good I truly think each of these athletes are after seeing them live in person. I believe though that Brayden toon is going to use his size advantage and power house his way in this match with Peyton Polson. Peyton Polson will try to use his speed and dexterity but I feel like Brayden Toon will be too much and get a clean pin after a big slam maneuver. Next we have the monster brawl.
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I have seen the 2 brutes in Jeremy Flight and The Mob but I have not seen Brax in person yet. These are truly monsters and beasts in the ring. I feel like Brax and Mob will be looking to whittle down Jeremy Flynt and keep him on the outside for the majority of the match. Half way through Jeremy Flynt will get back up and in the ring as he helps Mob throw Brax on the outside. Then after they teamed together for that brief second Flynt will turn around and get clotheslined by Mob. Mob will continue to dominate Flynt. Flynt will look defeated until he finally gets a second wind and really starts to attack Mob until Brax comes in throws Flynt back out and dismantled Mob and pick up the hard 3 count for the win. Next we have a hard hitting fatal fourway match for the new level pro middle weight belt.
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It will be a hard hitting match with non stop action as these 4 great athletes look to put on an amazing match. I have seen all 4 athletes perform and honestly I don't see many spots in any of there matches where they could of done anything better. The 3 competitors are looking to dethrone a champion who has heart like no other. Adam priest puts his body on the line every match as he looks to win the match in any way he can. With that being said though he has the biggest Target on his back and I see all 3 of his opponents looking to attack any weakness in Adam priest. In the early goings priest will get thrown out by Kalon Jay as Cameron and Ceretone are battling. Kalon Jay will then blindside both of them with a double clothesline to the back of their heads. Kalon will then roll Ceretone out of the ring as he looks to isolate Cameron Action. As Kalon picks apart Cameron Adam will roll back in looking to take Kalon down. Cameron will get hurt and roll out as Adam and Kalon lock up. Ceretone will look for a roll up on Adam after Kalon falls out of the ring. I see Adam ultimately retaining his title but he will have worked and fought hard for his win. Next is the women's championship match
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I honestly haven't seen much of Randi or Kenzie as of right now but I have seen some footage of both. Kenzie will be looking fast in the early goings as she looks to avoid the power of Randi. Randi will get a big clothesline that sends Kenzie to the outside. Kenzie will get pummeled on the outside then thrown back in by Randi. As Randi looks dominate I see Kenzie on her back playing hurt and as Randi comes in to grab her u see a roll up and quick 3 count to crown Kenzie as the new women's champion in new level pro. Next is Scott Morgan vs Leon Ruff.
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Scott Morgan will be coming into this highly anticipated match with Leon Ruff fired up after what transpired at Ides of March in his tag team match with his former partner Ayden Andrews after they list to wasted generation. Leon Ruff was at the first ever new level pro event so it seems very fitting for Leon Ruff to make an appearance at anniversary. Leon Ruff is a phenomenal athlete and I look for him to showcase his raw athleticism against the more technical and grounded opponent in Scott Morgan. Morgan will look to man handle and control Ruff but in the early goings Ruff is going to be too quick and mobile for Morgan to really land anything that will be of effect against Ruff. Morgan will eventually chip at the legs and single out a leg to slow him down. As he chips away Morgan will get his power moves easier and will ultimately secure a big win over a tough and crafty opponent in Leon Ruff. Next is the tag team championship match.
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This match I am very much looking forward to seeing because I have not seen neither of the tag teams in this championship match. From what I have searched on YouTube I am very impressed with Braxton Hunter and Dale Springs, The Uprising Gentleman, they mesh very well and are very dynamic as a duo. The bomb shelter goes for the more high energy yet aggressive in your face won't let you breath offense. I see the Uprising Gentleman controlling the early goings only to have the bomb shelter overturn the advantage and make it a 2 on 1 match as they isolate Dale Springs in their corner with Braxton on the outside trying to recover. Braxton will get a hot tag and clean house and he helps his team go on and retain their titles showing why they are one of the best tag teams in new level pro. But I see it setting up an inevitable match with arguably the best southeast tag team around, the wasted generation. Next is Chris Crunk vs King Bailey Blake.
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Now this match up will probably be the show stealer for me honestly. I absolutely enjoy both competitors and have seen both of them wrestle more then a handful of times now and they still show that they are learning in the ring by showcasing new maneuvers that they have not done or rarely do. With Bailey's deceiving and dirty tactics against Crunk's more technical and aggressive attacks it is a nice contrast in styles. It was hard picking who I thought was the better wrestler or who I just liked the most and I got to give the edge to Chris Crunk but by a slim margin. After having seen a lot of footage on both over these months that I have been shown them, I feel like this show will leave a lot of people leaving there wanting to see them wrestle each other again. You can just tell with how close of friends they are that they just will have a nice flow in the ring and will compliment each other's style very well making this a truly must see event with their match alone. Having said that, Bailey Blake will look to use every advantage he can get over Crunk. Crunk will try to make it a technical slow match but I feel like Bailey will keep the action flowing throwing move after move at Crunk leaving him no time to plot and plan out a strategy. Bailey will try to get a quick and cheap count out victory with Crunk making it in the ring at the 9 count. Crunk will hit a super kick following it up with one last breath for the clean 3 count and making a statement towards the new level pro heavyweight champion Kelvin hytes. Speaking of let's talk about his first defense against a good and crafty opponent in Zach Cooper
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This match is Kelvin hytes first defense after he took the belt from o'shay Edwards at Ides of March. Zach Cooper will be no slouch and could be a tough opponent for Kelvin. Both are big power houses but Zach has a little more mobility which could prove to be Kelvin Hytes kyrptonite. Zach will use his good agility to keep Kelvin guessing on what Zach will throw his way next. Kelvin will be looking to counter a lot but for most of the early goings I see Zach Cooper pretty much owning Kelvin until Kelvin slips a spear attempt in the corner turnbuckle by Zach Cooper forcing Zach to hit shoulder first hurting him. Kelvin will then Target that shoulder and use a lot of isolated attacks to the hurt shoulder. Zach will get a few close 2 counts but ultimately I see Kelvin Hytes being used to the main event and not crumbling under pressure as he pins Zach for a hard fought 3 count. Which could set up a potential Chris Crunk vs Kelvin Hytes at their may event.
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