foreverethereal123 · 2 years
Okay I have been admiring this one privately for a while but it NEEDS to be out there because LOOK. AT. THIS. BEAUTY.
I was incredibly lucky to win @bayleedrawsx's giveaway and I requested something for my OH babies and I am OBSESSED with the way it came out😭😭😭😭😭
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Thank you so so so much, Baylee for this amazing piece and for letting me have this opportunity even when I was so indecisive dkjdkdkdk sorry about that lol CONGRATULATIONS on your milestone!!! You deserve that and so much more!! 💕💕💕💕
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tessa-liam · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week
Day 4: Childhood/Family
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When I commisioned @bayleedrawsx with this idea, I was blown away on how perfectly she showcased Liam's love for his Princess as he dances with Eleanor in the ballroom. Thank you again, Baylee for your beautiful artwork and attention to detail!
⚜️"She's perfect, Riley."
"I can't believe that just happened! This moment...it's just so amazing. I'm just so happy to be here with you right now...and with our baby!"
"A little girl...It's been a long time since we had a princess running around the palace. I'm going to give you the world, my little princess."⚜️
Thank you @sazanes & @lizzybeth1986 for hosting 🤎🤎🥂!
@kingliamappreciationweek @choicesficwriterscreations
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txemrn · 2 years
Dalton, Party of 4
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Look at my precious Dalton family! Just look at my sweet boys! Dhsjakkdjbbd! I can't stop staring at this! I love every single bit of this! It's just so absolutely perfect! 😍🥰😍
Y'all... our very talented @bayleedrawsx hosted an art giveaway a few weeks back, and I was one of the lucky winners! ❤️
First of all, do you know Baylee? Have you talked with her before? This is your sign to go say, "hello!" She is such a doll, and such an important part of the Choices fandom!
Second, her art speaks for itself (go check out her tumblr for more examples and styles. And then order a commission from her!). She is so incredibly skilled, and fun to work with. I am so grateful to have had several chances to work with her.
Baylee, thank you again for this BEAUTIFUL gift! It means the world to me! ❤️
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lamp2003 · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAYLEE!! sorry i’m late i hope it was so good …. in 7 months we will be the same age again but please keep me updated on how 21 is so i can pre for it
PREING FOR 21. yay thank you del i’ll let you know how it goes i’m excited to be the same age again #young #foreveryoung
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bravomckenzie · 1 year
[to the tune of question…?] can i ask you a question?
anyways, i was just wondering out of nowhere how you feel about ciwyw now. you’ve been gone officially for like two years or so, so you’re obviously older and stuff like that. your interests have changed. do you ever look back at it?
this question made me kinda 🥹 idk why.
n e wayz - i look at ciwyw so fondly. still. every now and then, i’ll go back and read a chapter. i had so much fun writing that stupid story with my closest fandom friend at the time, hannah. and we worked so hard together in those early months when it was still all being planned. i was flying mostly solo on the end parts, but only because hannah had already done her end of the work, the heavy lifting - crafting the story. i just had to write out what we had come up with together. sure, i came up with filler bits on my own. but that story never would’ve been what it was without her and i wouldn’t have chosen anyone else. i love her sm still. we’re still friends.
you wanna hear something SO funny about my interests changing? right now as we speak, there are FOUR fully finished chapters of a bobby fic that were written in the last three months currently saved to my computer. whole new story, whole new MC. her name is shawn. i was writing that bitch literally just for baylee (john redporn) and hannah. i’ll finish it eventually but i’m taking my time lmao. hmu if you want them lol i’ll share idc. i haven’t played litg in YEARS. i just still love bobby himself that much. also hilariously it includes a partial villa rewrite when my last scandal was “shitting” on villa rewrites LMFAO.
but yeah genuinely i’m so goddamn proud of that story still. and i’m so proud of the numbers i achieved with it. when i meet new people and they eventually get to earn the lore of my fanfic glory days - i mention those numbers first. i’m woman enough to admit it. i won’t admit what fandom it was at first, but i sure as hell will tell them it’s second most popular to this day. and thank y’all again for that. and for keeping me there. it may be a micro fandom, but that accomplishment is one i’ll always be a lil proud of, even if it’s dumb.
sure, my writing has improved objectively. i’m sure i could do a better version today (ciwyw (presley’s version)) but i stand by that story. i will forever i think. i love bobby and i love liv and i love the world we built them. they were such a source of light for me during the darkest time of most of our lives.
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wtfnoie · 2 years
Valentines Day Gifts
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Hiya Bean @ittybittylittlebit-hot​! Because I am hella extra and avoiding hw, pictures of their card with what each note reads!
Hi Jellybean, you're probably just waking up and wondering why im not next to you. That’s due to your next surprise. As much as I love waking up next to you, I have to get a head of the game and make sure, you're day goes more than perfect. I love you husband. You're the best decision I've ever made, you're the best husband, partner, father, grandfather, great grandfather. I love you more than I can say or express. Now that you’re more awake and done reading, come down stairs and see your first surprise. I love you. xx Shawn
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I swear someone heard us fight about this. Happy Valentine's baby. It’s been years and you still don't know how the dishwasher works, you still leave clothes everywhere, you still can't cook, you hate the word grandpa, and you still put up with my love for pets. I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world. I love you David, even when you ignore me for video games, and you don't listen. I’d rather fight with you about dirty dishes than have someone who does it the first time I ask them to do it. You’re my favorite Goodmorning and goodnight. I love you Babe. Jax
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Luca & X: 
Happy Vday baby cakes! I love you hottie. Heres to our first vday! xx Luca
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CT & Jack: 
Hey baby! Happy love day baby!! I can’t believe we’re dads now. I couldn't do this without you baby. You're the reason I am the person I am today. Love you much! Jack x
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JT & Bryant: 
Baby, we’ve been married for almost 2 months now, and I still can't believe I get to wake up next you every day for the rest of my life. I love you, and your crazy love for tacos, and the way you love not just me but my family too. Thank you for everything you've done babe. I love you, and happy valentines day. Bry xx
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JJ & Crystal: 
Happy Valentines day baby! Here we are doing round two, with 2 already under 2. If someone told me two years ago this would be my life, and that I would be married to you, I would have laughed. Now I can’t see my life without you or any of our kids. Thank you for loving me the way you do, and giving me the greatest gifts in the world. I love you Jace, more than anything. xx Crys
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Cody & Olivia:
Hiii. (: Thank you for everything, and being there when I needed you. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to me and im so glad I listened to my crazy cousins and went on a blind date. I love you babe! xx livvy
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Lara & Jordan:
You amaze me day after day. I will never understand how I have been so blessed to even know you, let alone be married to you. Watching you become a mother has been the greatest sight. The way you love Yelly, and how you are with her. I will never not watch you two together. Happy Valentine's day baby, you deserve the world and more. 
Love,  Jordan
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Emmy, Thank you for picking me up. I never would have thought id be married, and in love. But you taught me how to love, and even better you taught me to love myself again. You helped me find myself again, and I can't wait to see where the rest of our story goes. I love you more than anything, even when the club gets all your late nights. I love the way you, you care about your club and you family. You’re my favorite forever. Happy Valetnines day em, I love you. xx L
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Husband, my Kiki. Happy vday babe. Thanks for keeping me grounded and level headed when I need it. love you. seb x
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HI baby. Happy valentines to the other person who gets me sappy. I love you Thomas. I can't wait to enter the next stage of our life with you. Being dads together is all I look forward to. I love you more than you know baby. 
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B, Thanks for putting up with me. Thank you for being the most amazing father to our babies. Getting to you be a dad shows me a whole new side of you. I feel like I fall more and more in love with you everyday. You’re not just my husband, and father to our children. But you're also my best friend and I love you more than you know B. Happy Valentines day bay. xx
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Henny baby! Happy Vday. I love you. As the card says, you can give me the D tonight. I love you baby! -Dani xx
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Baby daddy, husband, love of my life, pain in my ass. You drive me crazy, and sometimes you piss me off and I swear you do it on purpose. I love you though, even when you make me so bad, I wanna lock your office door from the outside. I love you jax. Always and forever. Happy vday lover. -Izzy. xx
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AJ, I love you. Happy valentines baby. -Lana xx
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Baby! Next vday, we’ll be married and I can't wait till then. I love you and im looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. - Rissa x
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Baby. You’re the only one who could have made me want to be a husband, and a dad. So thank you. I only ever wanted this with you and only you. I love you. -Brook x
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Thanks for sticking by me baby. I love you more than you know. Love being your husband, and can't wait to spend more vdays together. KC
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BABBBBYYY, another valentines day together. I love you baby! My husband, life partner, spouse, and father to our babies. I love you. My favorite vday date for life. Waiting for you at home is me, the same way we spent our first vday. so hurry home babe, it melts fast. -Josh xxx
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Jude, baby. I love you. Happy valentines day.- Jay x
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Chris, baby. I love you. You scare me with your reckless ways sometimes. but I hope our keeks get your adventurous side. Love you and love getting to go halves on a mini us. Love you Cam. Happy Vday. 
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Babe, Hi. I love you. I know I probably don't tell you that enough but I do. I love getting to be parents. You’re my everything and you've given me everything I didn't know I needed. Thank you Elil. Happy valentines day. Mon xx
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Dear Ry, 
Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life. For trusting me to love your daughter. I love you Ryland, happy valentines day. -Luna xx
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Happy love day baby! I love you! Be ready to be naked for 24 hrs. Our honeymoon all over again. -Noah x
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Happy Valentines day babe! I love you, and can't wait to marry you!
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Happy valentines day baby. I love you babe. -Gi xx
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Ky, all yours babe. Happy valentines day. 
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I love you baby, thanks for putting up with my crazy life. I love you today and always. Happy vday babes. -O
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Nate, I know I tell you this all the time and it could get overwhelming. But I love you. A lot probably more than you know. I can't wait to move into together. Thank you for putting put with my family, and all the crazy. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, happy valentines day. -Lexi xx
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Happy vday baby. -Con
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jerzwriter · 2 years
A Unique Blend
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There is only one thing I love as much as the Ethan/Tobias bromance, and that is this adorable rendition of that bromance by the incredibly talented @bayleedrawsx !
Thank you so much to @lilyoffandoms for holding a contest where I was lucky enough to win this! Lily and Baylee are both gems in our little community, and I'm so grateful to both!
I wrote a little ficlet to accompany this, I hope you enjoy it!
Title/Book: A Unique Blend / Open Heart (Post Series) Characters: Ethan Ramsey / Tobias Carrick Words: 702 Rating: Teen Summary: Tobias insists he's found a coffee that tops Derry's, but Ethan isn't buying it.
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Ethan sat at his desk, carefully removing the cup of coffee Tobias brought him from the crumbled brown paper bag. Carefully removing the lid, he examined the contents as he slowly stirred. He was about to lift the bitter brew to his nose for a whiff when he spotted his friend staring at him with a mocking glare.
“Can I help you?” Ethan barked.
Tobias chuckled and reclined further back in his seat. He crossed his legs casually; his signature smirk adorned his lips as he made a show of taking an exaggerated gulp of his brew.
“You see, my friend, that’s how you’re supposed to drink coffee. Not this nonsense you have going on. What is this sniffing crap? It’s a paper cup, not a brandy snifter!”
“Mock if you will! But if you expect me to determine if this swill is the equivalent of Derry’s, it will take more than scoffing it down like an animal to make that determination.”
“Oh, come on, Ethan,” he laughed. “Just take a sip. Knowing you, you’ll dismiss it as… what was it, swill… instantly, then you can spare us both the rest of this pretentious little show. Unless… you’re worried that I’m right and this place is better than your beloved Derry’s.”
“Doubtful,” Ethan scoffed.
“Then drink the damn thing. It’s getting cold. It’s quality coffee. Not only quality coffee, free quality coffee, thanks to me!”
“Hmm… in that case, I should be inspecting to see if it's been laced with a laxative.”
“For crying out loud, Ethan, I’m not going to do that. Maybe five years ago, if you had an important meeting or date to get to, sure, I may have considered it, but not now… Nah.”
Ethan twisted his lips in disgust. He wasn’t certain if his best friend again was serious, not that it really mattered. What did matter was not letting Tobias one-up him in the coffee stakes.
Tobias rolled his eyes as Ethan stubbornly rose the cup to his nose and inhaled. He couldn’t hide his shock. It was a lovely, aromatic blend. Further, Kaycee had already been to the new shop with Tobias, and she reported that the coffee was indeed top-notch. But did she think it was better than Derry’s?
“For the love of all that is holy, Ramsey. Would you drink the damn coffee?”
Ethan took the cup to his lips, his brow raised at the first sip… it wasn’t bad. He took another, longer drink, and he closed his eyes. Shutting out all distractions… especially Tobias… so he could properly enjoy the experience as the flavorful liquid warmed him. When he opened his eyes, his best friend stared at him with a shit-eating grin.
“I’ve seen that smile before! So, at least as good as Derry’s, eh?” he smiled.
“We’re late for our meeting,” Ethan deflected and walked toward the door, “Let’s go.”
The two friends made their way down the hospital corridor side by side, but few words were spoken as they sipped their delicious treats.
“It may be good,” Ramsey finally confessed, “but I’m still the connoisseur, not you. I was the one who stayed behind to drink Kona in Hawaii while you were off engaged in who knows what kind of pedestrian activity.”
“Mmm. I was off at the beach, boogie-boarding and having the time of my life because I was in Hawaii. Oh,” he smirked, raising his coffee for another sip. “And I was with your girlfriend to boot.”
He laughed silently as he watched his friend's jaw clench. He was too easy.
“Relax! Relax, buddy! I love Kaycee, but not in that way. And, even if I did, that woman has eyes for no one but you.”
He watched as his friend's cheeks turned a light shade of red, knowing that had nothing to do with the coffee’s temperature.
“I question her judgment at times,” Ethan whispered, “but I think you’re right.”
“You’re a lucky man,” Tobias said, patting his friend's back. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and meet someone that amazing who adores me like that someday.”
“Yeah, well, not in this universe, buddy. Maybe in another, but not in this one. But I’ll admit….”
“What’s that, buddy?”
“This coffee kicks Derry’s ass.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @openheartfanart
@choicesjuly2022challenge - Day 9 - Fluff
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greengrayeyeswrites · 3 years
shit-faced in love (chapter six)
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Title: shit-faced in love
Pairing: Corpse Husband x OC (fem!youtuber!reader)
Word Count: 1,066
Warnings: Mental Health/Mental Illnesses are a big topic in this story. Mentions of depression, bpd and other mental illnesses. Angst, Fluff.
Note: This may be a Corpse x OC story but feel free to insert yourself into the main girls role. If Corpse ever announces that he doesn’t like fanfics about him, I’ll delete this.
Prologue — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2 — Chapter 3 — Chapter 4 — Chapter 5 — Chapter 6 — Chapter 7
— — —
It took Imogen two days to reach Greenville, North Carolina. After multiple mental breakdowns while getting lost, she finally reached her destination; the driveway of a pretty normal looking house. Turning the engine off, she grabbed her phone and scrolled through her contacts.
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Not even a second later, the young male stepped out of the door and toward the grass green Wrangler. Imogen jumped out of the drivers seat and practically flew into Karl’s arms.
Imogen and Karl got to know each other through Corpse, who invited both of them to a match of Among Us a few months prior and the two of them soon clicked.
Imogen was amazed by Karl’s positivity—something she didn’t really possessed. She liked how energetic Karl was and loved him in the MrBeast videos.
When they started to befriend each other, it took Karl a bit of time to get along with Imogen. He was a bit overwhelmed about how open she was with her mental health—especially her illness. But once the first awkwardness dissolved the two of them started to become inseparable. 
Karl laughed into Imogen’s hair, while the older female hugged him. „God, I almost lost hope“, Imogen started. „I got lost at least three times!“ Imogen chuckled and slowly let go of Karl. 
The younger male laughed and watched Imogen free Buddy from the car. The husky immediately went to Karl and started sniffing his legs. Karl bend down and held his hand towards the emotional support pet.
Buddy tilted his head before sniffing the boys hand. Sneezing once he bumped his head against Karl’s palm. Imogen chuckled. „That means he approves of you“, the 28-year-old explained, while taking out her baggage from the trunk.
Karl ruffled Buddy’s fur and went over to help Imogen. „I already cleaned the guest room for you. You can use the streaming equipment to your liking!“ He smiled and Imogen grinned.
Her heart felt safe being around Karl—even though she just met him in person. „Thanks for letting me crash over at your house“, she started and Karl laughed carrying one of Imogen’s suitcases into his house.
„You’re welcome!“, he quickly announced and Imogen bit her lip. „I could’ve rented an AirBnB“, she exclaimed but Karl shook his head. „You’re my friend so you get to stay in my house.“
Karl led Imogen up the stairs to the guest bedroom. Buddy followed the adults upstairs. „Especially since we’re starting to work together from tomorrow on“, Karl continued and Imogen nodded.
„What exactly are we doing for the video?“ Imogen asked, when Karl opened the door to the guest room and the YouTuber was presented with a clean and wide bedroom. 
Next to the window was a huge streaming set up with a computer, two monitors, a microphone and a tripod for a camera. Next to the computer stood a Play Station 5 and opposite of the desk was a huge bed.
„I hope this is okay“, Karl said, when Imogen turned quiet. „This is more than enough, Karl. I really appreciate it!“ Imogen grinned at Karl and whistled for Buddy, who entered the room and started sniffing around until he laid down on a sunny spot in front of the window and closed his eyes.
„The drive drained him“, Imogen spoke and walked over to her dog, patting him. „Imma leave him here for a while.“ The older woman put her suitcases next to the bed and followed Karl out of the guest room. 
Karl showed her around the house and introduced her to his roommates, where Imogen turned shy again. Karl chuckled at her behavior. 
The two of them decided to cook together for dinner and Imogen told Karl everything about her best friend Baylee. „God, it was healing staying with her. But life has to go on, right?“, she asked while watching Karl checked the chicken in the oven.
„But you can always come back and visit her. You know that, Mo?“ - „I do… but god! I have to send her a selfie of us! She has a massive crush on you!“ Imogen laughed and went to get her phone.
„She has a crush on me?“, he asked, slightly blushing. Imogen chuckled. „Don’t act like your fans don’t crush on you. I mean look at you, Karl!“ Imogen pointed at Karl. „Baylee loves your style! Sometime she goes thrifting and finds things similar to your wardrobe!“
„Why send her a selfie when you can FaceTime her? I wanna see the girl that has a crush on me!“ Karl laughed and Imogen rolled her eyes. She quickly texted Baylee, asking if it’s okay to FaceTime her. Baylee send an ‚Okay‘ emoji and Imogen dialed her number.
Once the face of her best friend appeared on the screen, Imogen’s heart did a little spin. „Hey Bay!“, she greeted her friend, who immediately asked how the drive has been. „Man… sounds stressful. Especially the getting lost part!“ Baylee was rolling her eyes, when Karl appeared behind Imogen.
The face Baylee made, when she saw the streamer, was priceless. She froze and Imogen thought the connection broke when Baylee started stuttering.
„H-Hi Karl Jacobs“, she spoke and Imogen laughed. „Hi Imogen’s Best Friend“, Karl greeted Baylee who started having a full blown fangirl attack.
„You didn’t lie when you said she has a crush on me“, Karl laughed when they had dinner. Imogen chuckled. „I may be mentally ill but I don’t lie!“ She stuck out her tongue and looked at Karl. „Hey Karl… I have a question?“
Buddy was lying by Imogen’s feet, watching the two of them eating their chicken. „Would you like to help me shoot some TikTok’s?“ Karl immediately noticed Imogen’s sinister smile and coughed. „We’re not speaking of thirst traps, right?“ He asked and Imogen grinned wide.
„I mean I promised my viewers that I’ll go pole dancing when I reach 2 mil and when we’re already planning to hoe on a pole, why not make some thirst traps!“ Imogen’s cheeks were tomato red and Karl gulped.
„Are you sure?“ - „Yeah… I always wanted to do a few traps… show my fans I am more than just a depressed mentally ill chick.“
„You want to show them you’re a hot depressed girl?“ Karl asked and Imogen grinned. „Yes… that’s the plan. And you my pretty friend, have the honor to help me!“  
to be continued…
Taglist: @wineandionysus​ @chanbaeol​ @rexit-mo​ 
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
to build a home [leah rilke]
leah rilke x fem reader 
requested: I love your works so much I have read all of them many times! I had an au where maybe Toni’s younger biological sister who happens to be Leah’s gf was also on the plane and when they crash Leah and Toni do everything to find her and keep her alive when they see she’s in bad shape 
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*not my gif*
You sat at the cool metal table from where you and the rest of the girls were being quarantined under. 
There were two men sitting in front of you. They said they were your friends, but after you’ve been through on the island. All of the conspiracies you went through...there’s no way that they’re actually FBI agents.
“So you and Leah Rilke are dating?” Agent Faber asks and you just nod, “How did you two meet?” he asks again.
You took a bite of the sushi that they brought you after you requested it, “I was in the foster care system for a long time in Minnesota. I went around lot, but somehow someway I was in California. That’s where I met my adoptive parents and Leah.” 
“Your adoptive parents were originally only supposed to foster you right?” they ask and you nod, “Seems like you made quite the impression.”
“I guess you could say that.” 
“Kids this is Y/N, your new foster sibling.” Mrs. Baylee says, introducing me to the rest of their kids, “This is Atticus, Lincoln, and Elizabeth.”
I just wave at the three kids. Atticus seemed around my age, Lincoln was slightly younger, and Elizabeth looked like she could be in third grade or something of the sort. 
“You’ll be staying in Elizabeth’s room and going to school with them tomorrow. Atticus here is in the same grade as you so he’ll help you manage.” Mr. Baylee explains and you nod softly. 
He laughs to himself, “Don’t talk much, do ya?” 
“Hudson!” Mrs. Baylee exclaims and you just laugh.
“Don’t worry it’s completely okay. I get that a lot.” you say, talking for the first time. 
“Well we’re happy to have you and I hope to change that not talking thing.” Mr. Baylee says with a smile. 
You look at the two men, “And you met Leah at school that day?” 
Again just one nod. 
“Alright well this is where your homeroom is. I don’t know if you need anything, but I’m here. Just give me a shout.” Atticus says and I nod, “I’ll see you around.” 
He walks away down the hall towards the rest of his friends. You enter your classroom and see a bunch of hipster girls wearing cool clothes. And here you were wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans.
“Crazy, right?” a voice says to you and you turn your head to find the sound, “It’s like required that the girls here have to be hipster posting on their Instagram 24/7.” 
You were met with a beautiful brunette with bright blue eyes, “It makes me feel boring.” 
“But the best girls out there are boring and beautiful.” she smiles at you coyly, “I’m Leah,” she says, extending her hand out to you.
“But there was more to your story than what meets the eye. You had an older sister, that you were separated from in the foster system.” Agent Faber says and you nod. 
“How did the two of you meet again?” Agent Young asks.
You scratch the back of your head, “My foster parents said that we had to get a signature from my birth mom to officially adopt me. They asked a lady to help us, I think her name was Gretchen, to find my birth mom. Gretchen said that she was in Minnesota and that I have an older sister.” 
“But you already knew that you had an older sister?” Agent Young questions and you nod.
“I was 7 when we were separated, I couldn’t forget the girl who always protected me.” 
You sat at the cafeteria table in the rehab center your mom was in with your foster parents. Twiddling your fingers that was in your lap. Another girl with brunette hair came in with what looked like to be her mom. And then another middle aged lady came in. 
All of us sitting at the table. No one willing to speak to each other. 
The middle aged lady spoke up, “Hi girls.” 
Me and the other girl who looked a little older than me stared at each other, “Toni?” was all you could whisper.
“You remember?” she asks and you nod.
“How could I forget my big sister?” you reply. 
The both of you stand up crashing into each other’s arms in a hug. She put her hair in my hand and tighten my arms around her. 
“I’ve missed you kiddo.” Toni whispers.
“I’ve missed you too.”
You don’t know why they were asking you all these questions. They would be more focused on the island than what happened before. So you decided to tell them the truth, but once it comes to the island...you’re gonna hide as much as you possibly can.
“Were you dating Leah before or after this?” he asks.
“Shortly after.” you reply simply.
The two of you were laying on the rough floor at the campsite you and your friends decided to go to. 
Your foster parents let you go. After months of being with them they’ve grown quite fond of you. They really brought you into their home with open arms and even Hudson loosened you up and got you talking to them more. And the kids they’ve been nothing but sweet to you, but no one can replace your actual sister.
You turned your head to look at the beautiful brunette next to you. To find that she was already staring at you. 
“Whatcha looking at?” you ask her softly.
“You.” she replies, “You’re so beautiful.” 
Leah’s hand reaches out towards you. She cups your cheek softly and you lean into the soft touch of her hand. Her beautiful blue eyes staring at you in awe as they slowly drift down to look at your lips. 
She does it once more, asking permission to kiss you. You nod subtly and the two of you slowly start to lean in, like two magnets being completely drawn to one another. 
The two of you finally connect your lips moving in perfect harmony. And it felt like coming home. Kissing her felt like coming home after a long trip, finally getting to sleep in your own bed for the first time. In your whole life full of uncertainty, you finally felt at home. With Leah.
“Be my girlfriend?” you blurt out after the two of you pull apart.
Leah chuckles softly, brushing a strand of hair away from your face, “Take me on a date first and we’ll go from there. Deal?”
“Deal.” you say with a wide smile on your face before leaning back in to kiss her again.
Agent Young starts reading your file as you take yet another bite of the sushi they sent you. You twiddle your hands in your lap looking around the small interrogation room.
“So how did you two find out about the trip?” Agent Fader asks, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
“My parents thought it would be cool if me and Toni went on a trip together. Since we’ve been separated for so long. Toni told them about Martha’s trip that her mom signed her up for.” you explain.
Agent Fader cuts you off, before you could continue, “Where was Toni staying at the time?” he asks.
“Martha’s parents were fostering her. She was the lady who came with her when we went to visit our birth mom,” you answer, “Anyway, Martha’s mom told my parents all about the trip. She signed Toni up,  they signed me up, and eventually Leah convinced her parents to sign her up so we could spend the summer together.” 
“But it didn’t go as planned.” Agent Young chimes in.
You nod with a tight-lipped smile, “Yeah it didn't.” 
The two of you were in the backseat of your parents minivan. Your siblings were up in the middle seat, while you and Leah squished in the back. 
“Why am I nervous? Should I be nervous?” Leah rambles.
You told Toni all about Leah and being the protective sister she is, she did not react well.
 Saying things like: “If I see her be rude to you in anyway, I will not hesitate to throw my piss at her.” 
You grab Leah’s hand intertwining your fingers together, before kissing her hand softly, “Lee, baby, breathe.” you say softly, “She’s gonna realize how happy you make me and everything will be okay.” 
She lets out a deep breath, closing her eyes a little, “Thank you.” she whispers and you nod in response, kissing her cheek softly. 
The two of you reach the airport. Your parents helping you guys get your luggage out of the trunk. They hug you tightly, kissing the top of your head.
“Be safe please.” your mom says to you, squeezing you a little tighter.
You nod, “I will, I promise.”
“Leah, look after this one. She’s a handful. If she ever gets too much just feed her to the sharks.” your dad jokes, giving her a hug.
“Oh I will not hesitate to do so Mr. Baylee.” she replies, returning his hug.
You stare at the two of them with an incredulous look on your face. Both of them laugh at your face before giving each other a high five. Your dad walks up to you and wraps his arms around you, ruffling your hair in the process.
“I’ll see you in a month, don’t be too much trouble.” he says and you tighten the hug.
“I’ll see you later.” 
You give each of your siblings a hug, ruffling the boys hair which causes them to let out a groan in response. 
You and Leah make your way to the gate of the private jet. Where Toni was already sitting in her basketball tank top. 
“Oh God.” Leah mumbles. 
“You got this!” you say to her, kissing her cheek to ease the tension.
You catch Toni’s eyes, running up to her to give her a big hug. When the two of you pull away she looks at Leah, extending her hand out to her.
“Toni.” she says simply. 
Leah shakes her hand and I could see her swallow back her nervousness, “Leah.” 
“And you must be Martha!” you exclaim at the girl who was sat next to Toni’s seat.
She stands up to give you a small hug, “Hi Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!” 
You and Leah take a seat across from your sister and her best friend. Waiting for the chance to be able to board the plane. 
“She scares me.” Leah murmurs under her breath, low enough for only you to hear.
“So the plane crashes, then what happened?” Agent Fader asks.
“I almost died.” 
“Y/N!” Leah screams as she starts swimming back to shore, “Y/N!!” she yells out again.
Searching frantically for where you were. The last thing Leah remembers is holding onto you for dear life before passing out. The rest of it is a big blur. 
“Leah!” Toni yells, running towards her, limping slightly.
“Have you seen Y/N?!” the two girls yell at the same time.
“Shit.” Leah says.
“Fuck.” Toni says at the exact same time. 
The two run along the shore desperate to find your body. Until they see Dot doing CPR on a girl, the two instantly make their way towards her. Only to see Jeanette passed out and not you.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Leah asks, out of breath.
Dot shakes her head, “No sorry.” 
“Help! We need help over here!” Rachel yells. 
She was carrying a limp body in her arms running towards the rest of the group. Leah and Toni take one look at each other before taking off towards Rachel, meeting her halfway. Only to see you lying in her arms passed out.
Rachel lays you down on the floor, “She was drowning. I went in and I pulled her out.” 
Toni immediately starts doing CPR, a little too fast. But she tries to get her posture under her control to save you. 
“C’mon baby. Wake up please.” Leah pleads, tears filling her eyes.
Toni starts murmuring under her breath something incoherent. But she keeps mumbling it over and over again. Leah notices drops falling onto your lifeless face, she leans down a little more to see Toni crying.
“Toni let me take over.” the blue eyed girl says.
Toni just shakes her head, “No I’m fine!” she yells.
But she just goes back to murmuring under her breath. Martha and Shelby come up and everyone’s staring at the sight in front of them.
“Y/N I just got you back!” Toni finally screams, “You can’t die on me!” 
“Please. You’re my home Y/N. I need you.” Leah whispers.
After endless amounts of CPR from Toni. The rest of the girls take turns when exhaustion starts to take over all of them. It’s weird that everyone here knows CPR. 
Dot was about to give up when you start coughing up water. Leah immediately cups your cheek in her hand as you continue coughing. 
“Oh thank God!” Shelby exclaims.
Toni looks at you with a worried look on her face. The ocean water making your hair wet as it plasters onto your face, “Are you okay?” 
“I’m okay.” you say with a nod.
She lets out a relieved breath before hitting your arm hard, “Ow what the fuck?!” you yell at your sister.
“You can’t scare me like that.” she whispers, tears filling into her eyes.
She takes you into a hug, rubbing her back softly. You turn to look at your girlfriend who still had tears dripping down her face. You take her face in your hands, wiping away the tears.
“When I told your dad I’d get rid of you I was just kidding.” she says with a small chuckle.
You match her laugh, smiling at her softly. You kiss her forehead softly, “You can’t get rid of me that easily, Rilke.” 
“All of the girls knew CPR. If just one of them didn’t, I don’t think I’d be here right now.” you state bluntly.
“What happens next?” Agent Young asks, looking at you intrigued.
“That’s what started our two months in Hell.” 
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mellowmoppin · 3 years
hey! how you doin'? hope your doing super well! i just want to ask what are Baylees, Leos and Penelopes traits? maybe youve sent a tumblr about it, idk, i havnt been on tumblr for a while😅 but, yeah, just wondering hope theres alot of joy for you today!
Hello again! I am doing well:) thanks for asking! I think I've only posted Baylee's traits when I first started this save file but that's been a minute lol so here's everyone's traits!
Baylee May Summers - dog lover, child of the ocean, & clumsy
Leo Summers - Bro, dog lover, & child of the islands
Penelope May - child of the islands & art lover
hope this answered your ask & have an amazing day love🥰
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paws-on-contact · 4 years
I feel so sorry about Rylee's death. I've been there. One day the pain will fade and the sweet memories of her will remain. But you still pray, one day when your time comes, you'll be reunited.
Thank you. It’s been really hard without her. But I had her cremated and that helped a lot. It feels good knowing she’s still nearby in a way.
I’m grateful for having Baylee and Rune by my side too. They are the glue that has been holding me together. Especially since we also lost Mushu (my family’s 7 year old Himalayan Cat) to heart disease on October 16, 2020.
Losing two fairly young pets within 2 months of each other was absolutely devastating. But I really hope I’ll see Rylee and Mushu again some day. I miss them terribly.
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orionsces · 4 years
Formal Retraction
I want to send my sincere apologies to those involved in this month-long mess; it was never an intention to cause this drama. I am sorry that you were hurt; I genuinely am. Never would I ever think of harassing you; It pains me that it did happen; as for that, I am sorry. 
I had no idea that people from Tumblr began to use me as an excuse to harass Sam and Baylee. I didn’t find out people were using me and my statements until recently when someone told me about it.
It upsets me to no end that this has happened; it hurts my heart to know that people I care about deeply have been hurt. 
As I never intended for that to happen, it was a mistake on my part, and I shouldn’t have done it. When I made those statements, I was still upset by the situation as, at the time, it was still recent. The whole situation that happened made me very stressed out; what I said was very biased; I thought that the server I joined was full of trustworthy people who I thought wouldn’t leak out the information, so I let out some steam. I had no idea that they were already angry about Sam beforehand, I should’ve realized this, and I also apologize for that.
I want to clarify that no one in the crew wants to cancel Sam, I included. All of us agree that we just want this drama to be done with as it’s old, and there isn’t a need to continue with it as both parties have moved on. 
My formal apologies for having leaked the info that I did, it was a significant mistake on my part, and I only did it because I thought I could trust people on the server. I didn’t have any idea that they would use my statements to cancel, harass, and continuously create more stress and drama for both parties. 
It was never an intention of mine to hurt anyone who got stirred into this. I really am sorry. I never wanted to hurt anyone. It horrifies me to know how people got hurt by this, as I never intended or wanted that to happen. 
What I said back then does not reflect on how I feel today. I was angry and I did irresponsible things. I formally retract all my statements as I want this drama to be done. Please, all I can ask is for everyone to stop continuing this. As this situation was blown way out of proportion, is very old, and both have moved on. 
The one last thing that I can say is, please do not harass either party. It makes me saddened to know how people have used me as an excuse to do so. That goes against my wishes as I never wanted there to be any harm between either party. Thank you, and please respect my wishes as I want nothing to do with this. I’ve moved on and never thought this would happen again, please, and finally, thank you. 
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when i instantly regret giving you the idea to let me choose 😬
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this year had been more than eventful but aj wouldn’t change any part of it for the world. he was a father and soon to be husband. being a parent was taking a lot of adjustment but he felt like he was learning more everyday. it was hard at times and sometimes he felt incompetent but seeing lana and jasmine either in his arms or just them being together made him feel better instantly. or when his older brother brooklyn would give him brook-like compliments about how he was doing. this new years they were at his fathers’ house and had already set up to stay the night in one of the spare bedrooms to return to their home the following day, just wanting to be safe and avoid drunk drivers on the road. jasmine was already asleep and in his father’s arms, so lana was at aj’s side, one arm loosely around her waist, the other hand holding a glass of champagne. as the clock struck midnight, he leaned over and kissed his fiance. “happy new year baby. it’s crazy to think about that next new year’s we’ll be married already,” he blushes and kisses her again, their wedding coming up in just a few months.
---- diff time period but same party----
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this past month had been quite stressful for his husband and cj just always did his best to make things better. he liked to think he did well with that, the male having been with his husband for over 20 years and josh did always seem to be in better spirits after time with cj. cj was just grateful to have been home the night news broke about their son and that he’d be home for new years. due to his hectic schedule he didn’t always get lucky and have holidays off, but when he did, he was very grateful. tonight they were at their kids’ new years eve party and cj was enjoying himself, especially because this party got him to see chris, ct and bay with their new significant others in a new setting and he had to admit, he had become a fan of each in different ways. sure, chris and cam were still new, but seeing chris in general being affectionate with an actual human compared to a burrito was pretty amazing. when the clock hit midnight though, his eyes were on one man and one man only. his husband, father of his children and the love of his life. joshua cooper. his lips instantly touched josh’s and as he pulled away, he kept their foreheads close as he looked back at him. “happy new year baby. i love you so much.”
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sure, the day before when chris and jack got back, chris and cam’s time together wasn’t as extended as he’d like, especially because chris’ parents had stayed a few hours longer than expected. chris understood that they had been worried but he had reassured them that he was more than okay. he always was! it was just a broken wrist that would go away in 2 months at the most! finally, in the evening they got some alone time and were able to be in the same bed again. chris had missed cam a lot and now that they were a couple, it felt more special just lying beside him and talking to him. it wasn’t easy finding a comfortable position due to chris’ new cast but they made it work. now it was new years eve and everyone was at their house! chris was grateful that his dads were great with cam and being nice compared to the welcoming that jack got. now the the countdown was coming up, cameron was sitting on the kitchen counter, chip bowls around him and chris standing between his legs with a drink in his cast-free hand. his arm with the cast was as around his waist as it could be. chris smiled wide at cameron counting down with him in sync before pressing his lips against his boyfriends happily. “happy new year and thank you for making me a happy taco to start the new year off,” he chuckles then kisses cam again. he then pouts, “i really hate that i can’t jump in the pool right now,” he laughs. 
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brandon and baylee were very much in the honeymoon phase. everyone that came across them could easily see it, even her parents who were starting to warm up to him! brandon honestly felt so accomplished but he also knew he had a lot of work ahead of him, but it was fine! it was worth it. baylee was worth it. he truly was in this for the long run and he was willing to put the time and effort to show that. baylee made it easy though because in brandon’s eyes, she truly was the best person he could pick for his other half. his lobster. everyday he fell more for her if that was even possible. he had just been talking with her and her fathers when the countdown began. he was a bit nervous when it came to kissing her in front of them but they also had seem to be enjoying his company tonight, especially after a few drinks. so he was going to keep it pg at least. once they all yelled “1! Happy New Year!” he brought her closer to him and pecked her lips with the usual big grin he had on his face when he kissed her. “Happy New Year baby,” he said against her lips, “happy to be a taken moriarty this year.”
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CT’s life had changed over the last two months. He had always just focused on family and school but then he and jack started talking and now they were a couple. CT had always been scared to open himself up to someone again but Jack made it easy. Not everyone agreed with their pairing, especially his parents, but CT felt confident in Jack. The way the male looked at him and the how patient he was with him, it just made CT feel safe, which was something he had never felt with someone he liked. CT believed in Jack and he believed in them as a couple and it was the greatest decision he had ever made. CT had never been happier. The last week had been a bit rough though, CT missing Jack while he was on his trip, but he understood entirely. Hell, sometimes CT had to study for a week for a test so they couldn’t really see each other plus jack had a job. There would be weeks/days like this and CT knew that, but it just made him pout being in a different time zone that jack. He got to facetime him though which helped and now they were at the Gucci Gang House New Years Eve Party and it was really fun! CT drank a bit so he had a good buzz going on, just enjoying himself with his family and their friends in the same place. CT was talking to his twin when the countdown started and his eyes widened. “ah! jack!” he called out, not realizing how long he had been talking to his twin. it was his first new years with a boyfriend and someone proper to kiss. he spotted his boyfriend talking to JJ and quickly wrapped his arms around his waist as the countdown reached ‘4′. he mouthed the words ‘sorry’ to his brother but then reached up to touch jack’s cheek to make him look at him as the countdown hit 1. “happy new year handsome boy,” he blushed and kissed him happily, his cheeks warm with happiness. 
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
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twink-fuery · 4 years
41, 46, 69
Thanks baylee I care u
41: top 10 favorite songs
I had to dig for this one but currently (in no particular order)-
Cars that go Boom - L'Trimm
More than Words - Extreme
Daydreams - YOHIO
Runaway Baby - Bruno Mars
You'll be Fine - Payale Royale
From Eden - Hozier
Homage - Mild High Club
Do It Again - Smash Mouth version
Escuela de Calor - Radio Futara
Dead! - My Chemical Romance
46: whats your go to hair style?
Okay so basically normally I just have it half up half down (I have short hair) but sometimes.... I swish all my hair to the right (my sides are shaved so it's easier 😌)
69(nice): do you play an instrument?
Fun story! Yeah! I can play like. One song on the guitar and I played the trumpet in middle school! I vibe with percussion tho
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shiverhq · 4 years
thank you for the detailed response, but i’m concerned by your solution. your solution is not to change any current fcs who are still all white but to change an open skeleton that may or may not be taken in the future while the frankly, disturbing, dynamic is still going to be written out? i’m very sorry but that is not actually changing anything that’s currently happening?
You’re absolutely right, and I’m glad you’re back! Our members had some character/revamp ideas in motion before your original question, and they have now been finalized – so the solution has been furthered. Our current ratio is 3 hunters who are characters of color, and 4 white hunters – Elm, Gorse, Hawthorn, Laurel, Mistletoe, Oleander & Yew are our hunters / hunter-adjacents. I myself will also be picking up Sycamore, who will be nonbinary and have Zoë Kravitz as the FC!
That said, our priority lies with the safety and comfort of our members, specifically those of color, so we will be opening up the floor for discourse on this matter in our Discord group.
Again, thank you for bringing this to us! I am new to being an admin here, but all three of us are dedicated now more than ever to making Shiver the best, most inclusive place that it can be, and I want to stress that every piece of feedback we receive is taken seriously.
–– Baylee
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worshipinglove · 5 years
Tim McGraw - the first time i heard it, i was listening on a little silver stereo that i got for my birthday, i was listening to country music station and heard it come on. i had no idea who taylor swift was. i spent WEEKS watching the CMT and GAC music channels super late at night when they would play music videos to see the video. once i finally did, i stayed up every single night hoping to hear it again.
Our Song - quite possibly the moment i discovered i wasn’t straight so that’s an important milestone i guess. i begged my parents for roses so i could recreate that video. wisely, they did not allow it - but the did buy me taylors debut album. thanks dad.
Mary’s Song - i was in 5th grade and we had this cute dance for the end of elementary school. i requested mary’s song and even brought my cd just in case they couldn’t play it. i was PREPARED. i dedicated it to my crush, troy. my best friend told him i wanted to marry him in paris. he never spoke to me again. awkward. *cue my teardrops in my guitar phase*
Fifteen - i had just turned 13 and i was going into high school the next year, but i wanted SO BADLY to be fifteen. thanks for teaching me to NEVER date a boy on the football team, saved me a lot of trouble... for a little while.
White Horse - my first breakup. singlehandedly traumatized me. this song got me through a lot of days and realizing one day i’ll be someone’s everything and thank god i convinced myself the world wasn’t ending because a boy named shawn broke my heart.
Last Kiss - the night i lost a very important part of my life to a boy who never spoke to me again. i still think about it till this day. how i immediately called my best friend baylee after it happened .. how we laughed and awkwardly made it through the night. and then to know he was cheating on me the entire time, how i meant nothing to him. it’s haunting how cruel people can be.
Dear. John. - probably one of the most memorable songs that i relate to a very specific time in my life. i’m about to be a sophomore, in dating a senior. his name ... yep, you guessed it. john. i also highly relate to the movie john tucker must die, as his name was actually john tucker. anyways, he broke my heart. he broke many, many, MANY girls hearts. this song became my anthem. so many shady lyric posts on facebook directed towards him came out of this song ... thank you.
I Knew You Were Trouble. - i had just won 1st place in the science fair. i came home to call my long distance boyfriend (only a couple towns over but still) and he basically tells me he wanted to be friends with this girl who i knew liked him. i said i wasn’t okay with it. he said he didn’t care and they were just friends. lmao, sure. i very, very, very vividly remember SCREAMING this song in my bedroom the night i found out my boyfriend cheated on me. i remember crying so loudly that i literally woke my mom up. the girl he cheated on me with is now one of my best friends. i love u autumn. yeah, i got a best friend named autumn and i relate it directly to the autumn album of the universe.
Blank Space - i want to put all of 1989 on here but specifically this one. i know blank space is a character that isn’t real ... but god, i’m not gonna pretend i didn’t relate big time to that. i took time to be single and accidentally met my, now, fiancé. he had to listen to literally nothing but 1989 for a good solid two years so thanks jeffrey. love you.
You Are In Love - the song that made me realize i was in love with him. i played it and lip synced it that night and refused to say love each time it came up in the song. he told me he loved me that night.
reputation - i have to put the entire album. it was the worst time in my life and this album is the only reason i am alive. thank you, taylor. literally thank you so much. i’ll never be able to express how much reputation meant to me. it wasn’t even a specific lyric, just the fact you put the album out and it just gave me the push to keep living. thank you for getting me through an awful break, homelessness, a sexual assault case, and losing everything important. you were always there. and that’s why i’ll always be here.
I’m sure Lover will provide me many memories, specifically ones at my future wedding. I just want to take time to thank Taylor, for not only helping me get through these things, but for growing up with me. I learned so many lessons I could never have learned without you. I’ll never be able to fully express how much you mean to me, but I hope one day you see this and it makes you smile; I’m not the only one who feels this way. You’ve done this to us all. You’re the biggest role model I’ve ever had and I’ll never stop loving and supporting you. I strive every single day to be a better person because of you. Thank you.
i love u @taylorswift
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