cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
if you're still doin the character ask thing, i wanna know how you feel about jack atlas!
YESS oh hell yeah jack is one of my 5ds favs let's GOOOO
favorite thing about them: ok im not done watching all of the ygos but Jack is really one of my favorite ygo rivals, if not my top favorite (it's a close match, I also love chazz and shark...) I just... love that he's this rival character who Does move from being a pompous class traitor cunt to this Still Kind of Cunty But Very Openly Loves His Friends So Much guy (i mean. they did fuck his character up a little bit especially in the absolute final stretch but.i take what i can get.) I love the duel against Fake!Jack, this concept that a ygo rival has to fight a personified physical embodiment of all his worse traits and outwardly proclaims that he Cares About His Loved Ones RULES!!!! hes also hilarious and i love his Resonators--little freaks!!
least favorite thing about them: the aforementioned way they Fucked Up His Character in the second half of the show, just that way they made him Weird About Women and dismissive of Carly ESPECIALLY IN LIKE THE LAST 2-3 EPISODES?!?! :( Like the Carly thing sucks in general but that ship's been sailed. There were definitely better ways they could have 'reset' Jack's character in the second half...sigh. At least there's the aforementioned Fake!Jack duel which rocks hard...and his Arc Cradle duel which is. My Favorite :,)
favorite line: god everything out of dub jack's mouth is so fucking funny. "Like in the dirt." "I'll serve them up a barrelfull of Jack Attack!!" HE'S JUST A BIG DOOFUS. IT'S SO GOOD.
brOTP: his dynamic with yusei and crow is soooo so good ;__; they are BROTHERS!!!!!!!!! i think about his relationship with yusei a lot especially...... like they love each other but also jack fucked things over real bad but he's trying to be better. despite how much they screwed up jack's character in the last like. three episodes. the last 5ds duel with him and yusei does make me cry. it's just a real good duel.
OTP: gotta be that scoopshipping sorry tails if this looks straight to the viewers <3 there is nothing better or funnier than this Mr. Cool Toughguy and his Cringefail Loser Girlfriend that he loves more than anything. He can pick her up in the biggest bear hug i just know it.
nOTP: not big on yusei/jack or jack/crow myself....they are simply foster brothers to me and im vastly more interested in that read. sorry. also dont really like jack/rex goodwin lol that one uhhh kind of sucks!!!!! in the manga thats his fucking dad!!!!!
random headcanon: ive been thinking about transhet jack ever since someone mentioned it in the tags of one of my posts. rex goodwin-funded top surgery. i also know in my heart jack is jacked (lol) and huge. built like gaston. this isnt even subtext this is just text. he can pick up two 12 year olds one handed. also i think he doesnt tip
unpopular opinion: he's a good character and a really solid rival and despite the way they biffed the landing with him in the end game theres still merit to be found in him in the second season!!!! Dx I LIKE HIM....
song i associate with them: i dont know if i have one for him!! it's been hard for me to find songs for the kizuna boys for whatever reason. :(
favorite picture of them:
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littleoddwriter · 4 years
Issues with Reader Fics
Okay, I'm probably going to be a bit controversial here. Yet, I'm asking you to hear us out, please. Fanfic writers, specifically those who write "x Reader" fics, please read this. My dear friend Jack has already made a post, where I and others have contributed our experiences and feelings towards certain issues with these fics. Those issues still prevail and therefore I've decided to make my own post, which is more of a PSA, I think. Anyway. You can and should read Jack's (@mlmxreader) post here, please. It is long, yes, but it is extremely important and will say a lot of things we will not talk about here again. Now, what this is mostly about is the tagging of those fics. Every single time, we (men and non-binary people) come across Reader fics and they're tagged with just "Reader", so, naturally we assume they'll be gender neutral then. Well, they basically never fucking are. Every time, in the first few sentences or in later paragraphs something like "baby girl, girlfriend, wife, she/her" will come up and it is frustrating, can be triggering (for trans people, like myself, especially because it can cause dysphoria), and is honestly just very excluding and rude. By doing that, you show us that you do not consider anyone but women to read those fics. Even though that isn't the case. Men who like men exist and we read fics. And we want to be able to read some that don't make us feel bad or excluded. We're not asking you to suddenly write Male!Reader fics. We're asking you to tag properly. If your reader is female, tag it as "Female!Reader" or "Fem!Reader". It doesn't take more than two seconds to do that. So, please for the love of everything good, take those two seconds and type in that one word, even the abbreviation is enough. But tag it! Please! Also, please, stop tagging "male reader" or "gender neutral reader" when it's a female reader. You won't get more notes from it. All it does is clog the tags and push down fics that are actually targeted towards those groups. So, don't do that, please, thank you. One thing I personally wanted to ask actually. Why do women read "Male!Reader" fics? This is a genuine question. Why do you, if you're a woman, read those fics? They aren't targeted at you, and frankly, I don't understand it. If I were cis and not dysphoric, I still wouldn't read "Fem!Reader" fics. They aren't for me, and I wouldn't be interested in it, even if those were the only fics for a certain character. So, if anyone could answer me this, genuinely, then I'd actually appreciate that a lot, I'm truly just curious, as I have noticed women reading my "Male!Reader" fics, too. Which is cool, as we've said, you may interact, as long as you're not creepy or fetishistic, but I still don't understand why you would read that in the first place. Now, onto what my two wonderful friends have said, when I asked them if they had anything to add to this issue, or perhaps overall, still: @iscariot-rising said, "It's just disrespectful for writers and readers alike to assume that everyone reading their fanfics is inherently female, to the point where for some it has become the standard that any fic has female reader - leading to writers not tagging their fics as female readers or mentioning in their descriptions that reader is female, instead only titeling it as "character x reader", before then three sentences in referring to reader as some sort of female term. This isn't just rude, it can also be triggering for people or make them dysphoric, if not just plain uncomfortable. Fandom spaces are something that is shared across all genders and sexualities and it is only courteous to respect this and tag your fics accordingly, since it doesn't take a long time and saves a lot of trouble for readers." And you know what? He is absolutely right and he should say it. You need to listen to us, please. @mlmxreader said a lot, too. For example, he's mentioned that there is a reluctance to even write Gender Neutral Reader fics, which is true. Even though it would be much easier, to be perfectly honest. Yet, people seem not to do it. Do y'all not want people of different genders to enjoy your fics without feeling excluded? He also said, "oh! yeah! there's also the whole thing about lingerie, too, like putting men in women's lingerie and talkin about panties and stuff, which comes off as extremely fetishising (when it's not written by mlm) as well as just... really gross bc like that stuff can trigger dysphoria and half the time it's not even tagged? Like it wouldn't be so bad if y'all tagged it; on top of that, there's also the whole fact that they assume that all mlm relationships revolve around sex and that that's all that matters. But then also using (m/n) standing for "male name" instead of (y/n), like, what the FUCK is up with that?? /gen" Again, he is absolutely right. Tag your shit, please. I know it can be tiring to pick out everything relevant, but trust me; you'll do a lot of people a big fucking favour when you tag your stuff properly. And frankly, I agree with him. I don't understand the whole '(m/n)' thing because if we're men, our names are automatically male because, well, we're male. It doesn't really make sense. That might just be a thing that personally bugs us, though, I honestly don't know. TLDR; Tag your fics properly, be respectful, don't assume everyone is female and therefore exclude everyone who isn't, just say (y/n)???, and yeah, that's basically it. Just be more considerate, please! That was it. I don't mean to personally attack anybody, but if you do feel attacked, that probably means that you're guilty of doing something I've listed here, and perhaps should consider changing that. I also wanna note that if you consider sending me threats or hate of any kind, I will delete it and not engage with it. If your first response to this post is something rude and hateful, you should take a step back and reconsider why you're about to do something so senseless. Does it help you in any way? No, it doesn't. So, what's the point, other than acting like a complete dick? Anyway, have a lovely morning/day/night; cheers!
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