#tag properly
ilikepotatoesthings · 2 months
Why people invent other tags?
I don't wanna ser Sasusaku content, so I go to settings and I write in the content i don't wanna see Sasusaku and every famous tags that is related to the shipp.
I block the blogs that post that kind of content (the popular ones) and go with my life.
But for some reason Sasusaku content KEEPS SHOWING UP TO ME!! I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT!!!
BECAUSE they don't add the tag with Sasusaku, instead they write just the names of the characters and some really weird names for the shipp that no one uses.
I don't wanna see your stuff, and I'm sure that people who want to see aren't bc you don't take your things properly.
Use the popular tag so it can be delivered to those that want to see it and not even mentioned to people who don't want your stuff
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usiel21 · 10 months
Non-Wenclair Content
Every time i see something that is not explicitly Wenclair in the Wenclair Tag i am going to report it. Its going beyond the realm of reason now, majority of posts is now no longer Wenclair.
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imakatperson22 · 4 months
PSA to all you Tommy/Lou hating weirdos out there (and the anti buddies too):
If you don’t properly tag your garbage as anti so that my tag filters work as god intended, I will simply resort to blocking your entire account. So now instead of not seeing just your bad takes, I will also not be seeing any good takes you may possibly have as well.
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thecouncilofidiots · 1 month
Fun fact!
Censoring/altering trigger warning tags makes them useless!
Adding #tw (Tr!gg3r) or #tw (+r1gg3r) or #tw (✝️r!gg3r) makes it so that they don't get filtered out by people who have #tw (trigger) filtered!
They don't count as trigger warnings anymore!
And I think you're a piece of shit for purposefully going around filter tags whilst pretending to care about triggers/trigger warnings!
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short-wooloo · 11 months
A Reminder
Justice League x RWBY part 2 released on blu ray and DVD today
So spoilers should still remain in effect for a week or so
Some people opted to wait for the physical release, be respectful, tag your shit as such
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sallyastral · 1 year
Next time I see a post completely unrelated to ChaiFlower under its hashtag I'll commit a crime
Can y'all learn to tag your posts properly? If you're going to talk about ChaiPunk or GhostFlower or even shit on Pavitr x Miles, why tagging it ChaiFlower??
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atla-confessions · 19 days
I'm realizing that I hate when Zutara's (insert whatever) actually translates to I rage scrolled the Zutara tag, found something I didn't like and I'm here to complain about it.
Ha. I rage when I see ztr. In general. I blocked the tag, I'm trying to avoid it in any possible ways and if this thing still appears in the wrong tagged post I will complain.
I'm not touching ztr fans, I am not writing hateful comments, but I don't want to see it.
Please tag correctly.
Yeah I need to touch the grass, come back to real life etc. I know. Still I physically can't stand it and if it exist I want at least to avoid it.
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ilywrites · 6 months
Say it with me!
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dreamcaught · 10 months
Okay. Okay. You know what? I don't want them to talk about Rose or Tentoo in the new special. I don't want them touched at all. They can live happily forever in their world and never be discussed again, all safe and sound in the original RTD era-land where nothing can ever harm or change them.
For context.
I'm reading a fic which suddenly sprang Tentoo/River on me as a viable solution to keep Doctor/Rose together and I'm dying. That's -- that's Tentoo -- that's Rose's Doctor, you're not allowed to do that, what's happening, how have you betrayed me Ao3?
(Please tag relationships properly in fic to prevent reader mental breakdown.)
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honeychocolatemilk · 4 months
Istg, if I see one more LGBTQ shit on my home page, I'm gonna go crazy.
Because for some FUCKING reason, I already filtered any tags related with it, BUT SOME FUCKING PEOPLE DIDN'T TAG THEM PROPERLY.
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Tag your AO3 fics properly!!
I’m talking about the Gerudo!Link (Gerudo Link) tag in the Legend of Zelda fandom specifically. You should only be using that tag when Link is a Gerudo, whether Vai or Voe, not because he’s wearing either of the outfits! That’s when you use the Gerudo Vai outfit or Gerudo Voe outfit tags as needed. And in the event that he’s only being raised among them for whatever reason than you’re supposed to use the Raised Gerudo!Link (Raised by Gerudo Link) tag. That was the whole point of having those types of tags people! (EX: Zora!Link, Goron!Link, Sheikah!Link, Yiga!Link; granted the first two are referring to when he’s wearing the respective mask but he’s still the Race while wearing them so...) All that also applies to Zelda or any other character you’re changing the Race of, BTW people! (EX: Yiga!Impa or Yiga!Paya, Hylian!Mipha, Gerudo!Zelda, Kokiri!Hestu)
I’m just getting real tired of trying to find fics where Link is the Lone Gerudo Male/King, I strangely have not found one where he’s born a Gerudo woman who might or might not be Wrong Bodied/Trans whether as in spite or despite having the Soul of the Hero but it might be that I haven’t looked closely enough (that, or no one’s thought to write one), and finding that it’s just one more where he’s being admired or fantasized about in either or both outfits by Zelda. Which isn’t bad, mind, I love those fics as much as the people who wrote them, I just want to be able to find what the tag is supposed to have in the story, not what people are mistaking it to mean. TL;DR: Author’s on AO3 should only be using the Gerudo!Link tag when he is Gerudo in the story, not because he’s wearing either of the Gerudo outfits.
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thatlovelydove · 7 months
im getting tired of people acting like someone using anti tags are dramatic or chronically online, i mean some people may be but not all of them
if you want to talk shit about something use: the anti tags
if you want to talk about how much you love a thing: use the pro tags or the normal fandom tags
that way people can filter out what they do or dont like
do not post things you like in the anti tags and do not post things you hate in the pro tags
if you want to talk shit about people who use anti tags: DONT USE THE ANTI TAGS
if you are going to complain about people tagging incorrectly AND THEN DONT TAG CORRECTLY IM GOING TO EAT YOUR KNEES
also if you like something but then keep going in the anti of that thing please stop and just block the tag dont try and debate people who use the tag you're not going to change their mind there's a reason why they're posting in that tag
btw if you see a random anti post out in the wild that isnt tagged properly you have full right to get upset, im just asking for yall to not just go in the anti-tags to complain use the General tags or the pro-tags instead
(sorry if this comes off as rude or harsh im just annoyed with how often this happens)
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jimothantheclown · 8 months
i am fucking begging people to use the gag system correctly
i am so fucking tired of this shit
for the love of fuck. just tag properly so I don't have to fucking see that shit oh my god
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kiingbiing · 1 year
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Hi! I hope it’s okay to hop into your ask box to talk about tagging. I feel like we’ve been on tumble for a similar amount of time, and I just wanted your thoughts or opinions on what I feel like is incorrect tagging. The 2 main sides I’ve seen have been on people that are tagging their content but they are tagging it as “s*x” or “p*wp*w” or something with a cutesy name that makes it more g rated. But they do not tag it as sex or gun violence as well. Which in turn mean that people are not able to filter this content or make an informed choice on weather they want to engage with that content. And then the second is where people are tagging with specific tags, such as character a x character b with the goal of getting as many people to read or engage with their content, but it has nothing to do with this character. I’ve been comparing it to false advertising. And I understand that tagging on Tumblr has never been great (it’s not AO3), but I really feel like with the fall of other sites Reddit and Twitter being the main that come to mind and this resurgence of Tumblr that the issue has become more pronounced. I feel like the 1st is a safety concern and the second is just rude/inconvenience especially when creators are called out multiple time by different blogs and refuse to except that the way they are tagging is not the way that tagging works on Tumblr or otherwise. I guess I was just wonder if others were seeing the issues or if I was just becoming the grouchy old man screaming at the neighbor kids to get off the lawn. And if it’s not just me, if you or your followers have come up with a way to filter these out. I’ve just resorted to blocking accounts that refuse to tag in a safe or appropriate manner.
It’s always okay to hop in my ask box!
I’ve definitely seen other discussions about the problems of tagging, or lack thereof.
If I’m totally honest, I need to preface my response with saying that I’m perhaps one of the lucky ones in that it is very rare for words or content to trigger me in some debilitating way (I might be too numb to the world, which is concerning in its own right but a topic for another day), but I have loved ones who have had genuine traumas and have been subjected to unexpected triggers. Having not experienced the extreme of it first hand (for me I usually feel strong annoyance at the worst), I have seen how damaging it can be to other people and that makes me very aware of it online, especially Tumblr.
That being said, I wholly agree with you that censoring words in the tags defeats the whole purpose of tagging. You can censor all you like in the post itself or text images, whatever, but the tag blockers simply won’t work if the word in its proper spelling isn’t there. So when people are using asterisks in place of vowels (like s*x) with the intention of being careful and protecting someone? It’s doing the exact opposite.
I agree with the second thing too, about characters and their ships being tacked on to a buttload of other tags for the sake of exposure, even though it isn’t relevant. It’s definitely false advertising! It’s basically click bait. I’m sure there are cases where it was not intentional, perhaps the characters and their ship have a small role in a longer fic, so the author or op thought it was important to include them, but if they aren’t the focus, and if they aren’t important enough to the rest of the story if it’s a fic, I think it’s probably best to leave it out of the tags. Worst case scenario for not tagging it is the people who like it will be pleasantly surprised. The people who don’t like it can keep scrolling or for fics will just have to tolerate it for the small part that it’s included in the story.
Tagging on Tumblr is very much a unique animal. I never see it translate well onto other platforms, so a lot of newbies on this site probably go the Tik Tok or Instagram route where the more tags the better, even if they’re just barely relevant. I once put my own comments in hashtags on Instagram, and someone called me out on it not understanding why I was writing long tags that don’t even exist in the algorithm. LMAO oops
Block tags when you can, block accounts when you have to. I’ve done it here and there, because in a place like Tumblr, the more comfortable you can make it for yourself the better. It’s not always worth the fight or the argument in this wild west site.
Also, I know I am not always the best at tagging things. Usually I get lazy when it comes to tagging specific fandoms, but I do try because I know some of the things I like may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay!
I am also always open to anyone who needs to kick me in the ass to tag better or something. Scrolling Tumblr half awake most of the time does not make for a conscientious reblogger…
Thank you for the ask! I don’t always voice my opinions on things here, but I don’t want you to be the only old man screaming at those kids on your lawn. I’m right there next to you shaking a fist at them. You’re not alone in this, Anon, I agree all the way around and I know there are others who agree as well.
I’d love to hear everyone else’s thoughts on this too!
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ihhfhonao3 · 1 year
Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tags filled with people/ideas I do not like/have repulsion towards that I have to block and then block any variant of such (like having to block #proana, #pro ana, #pro-ana, #pro 4n4, etc)
Tumblr media
And some of them are so asinine that I’m like. I shouldn’t have to block that in the first place because why does it even exist. I shouldn’t have to block #rape fantasy because it shouldn’t fucking exist
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