tadpole-apocalypse · 2 months
1. When did you start creating art? (And to add to that, when did you feel like you came into your voice as an artist? Plus any details of your journey you're willing to share. The more the merrier! 😊)
Sounds fun! Let’s do a journey with some visual aids. This got long, so under a cut this goes:
I started very young! Enough for my mom to notice and stick me into summer art programs once I was old enough. I didn’t really do much with it as a hobby until I became obsessed with Sailor Moon in middle school, and then other anime series later on. So I drew a lot of anime fanart for years, but struggled a lot when I took high school art classes because I wasn’t willing to put in the work for art fundamentals, because I just wanted to draw anime. Thankfully I got over that.
From my Naruto rp era…
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Next up was college; I didn’t finish art school, but I took a fair amount of courses and found my advanced figure drawing, portrait drawing and cartooning classes to be major turning points in my journey. Just…so many good techniques and fundamentals I still use and think about with everything I’m working on even today. I miss taking courses, and have thought about going back to finish but i don’t really have the money and realistically at my age I don’t know how useful a fine arts degree will be nowadays.
Here’s my final project for my cartooning class; a copy of a Gris Grimly piece. Most of my art finals were just to copy a masterwork. Sorry for the potato quality, it was the late 2000s!
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Then in 2010 the iPad came out, I got one right away (I was working for Apple at the time) and then a new world of digital art was upon me. It was rough at first; there was no apple pencil or even pressure sensitivity, but we made do with what we had!
Some examples from this era:
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Then I had a brief stint trying to be an instagram artist (in the verrrrry early days of insta), getting annoyed with instagram as a platform, switched to tumblr at the suggestion of my friend who told me I should make a dragon age blog, and now here we are a decade later, thousands of drawings later. 😵‍💫
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Right now I’d say I’m in my wet marker brush era. I love u wet marker brush 🥰
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boabelboo · 5 months
hello i saw your reblog so i’m here to bother you with questions!! do you have any thoughts on district 9/what life was like there during the original trilogy?
YES I DO!!!! im gonna break this down into sections because it's gonna be a LONG post (sorry in advance)
daily life:
district nine is the third poorest district of panem, with each person taking out approximately 4-5 tesserae each year. this means that their living conditions aren't necessarily the best.
most houses tend to be situated close to where jobs are done, with children choosing a trade to work in and eventually moving/building a house to where that trade is located. the main trades are farming, grain transport and mill work. there are other trades, though, inherited from parent to child such as bread making and alcohol production. the houses are very hut-like and are predominately made out of wood, which is quite inconvenient considering that the extreme heat causes fires quite regularly but wood is the cheapest material they can afford.
the food in the poorer part of district nine mainly consists of grain ration (tesserae) and things that are grown/scavenged from the land like wild onions, chives and such and things they trade with peacekeepers/people who live in town which is technically illegal but everyone turns a blind eye to it. though, starving is quite common among the poorer people of district nine. the richer upper-class tends to live in the main (and only) town, where the reaping happens. their diet consists of more expensive things like honey, some forms of meat and bought vegetables/fruits.
hunger games:
i personally headcanon district nine to have four victors (one deceased by the time of the 3rd quarter quell), here are their names:
- anona ryan who won the 20th games (deceased before quarter quell)
- ceres miller who won the 47th games
- angus flaxon who won the 48th games
- thérèse "thea" vaughn who won the 68th games
district nine didn't do the best in the hunger games, but not nearly as bad as some other districts such as twelve, six and eight. children in district nine start their profession at the age of thirteen, but have school trips and lessons to teach them how to farm grain before that.
they excel at scythe and sickle work and occasionally use pitchforks, which could be useful in the hunger games. they also know a vast range of knowledge about the grain they farm, and about food in general which could also come to use. they tend to be physically lean and can carry quite alot due to their profession, but tend to be on the smaller side due to their district being the third poorest.
district nine is a very musical district, which values bars and taverns and places like the hob for people to perform in. there will always be a singer and multiple dancers on the stage who also know gymnastics. it's more performance-based than say the covey in district twelve. those sorts of things boost morale among citizens of district nine, since their jobs are so rigorous. the love of music tends to come from the mockingjays, which exist in district nine as well as eleven and twelve.
there are also many festivals celebrated in district nine, such as harvest festival and new year. those are mainly celebrated by wearing the best clothes they own, having a day off of school and going to a performance where they honor the harvest.
weddings are also very important, with newlyweds weaving wheat into eachothers hair to signify their bond. there are lots of other rituals like this (similar to the setting the bread on fire in d12) that district nine citizens perform during other holidays such as birthdays or summer festival.
district nine's people tend to wear practical, but subtly colorful clothing during the day when at work, but when they are at home or if they perform they wear colorful skirts/clothing. they tend to make most of their clothing themselves, usually using the crochet technique.
sorry for the long rant, im definitely sure i missed something so i may add on to it later <3
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discordantwritings · 6 months
Hi hi! For the writer truth & dare ask game:
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work? 🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
🛼 (Describe your latest WIP with 5 emojis): 🤡🎸🫴🤫🥵
🏜️ (What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?): Really any comments are my favorite but there is something about keysmashing/ lots of emojis/ screaming that makes me happy. Or just the really thoughtful long ones. And all the other ones.
🐚 (Do you like or dislike surprises?): I’m like 50/50 on surprises. I really like plans and schedules so I don’t like when events are sprung on me. However like surprise gifts or things like that I love!
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eyes-of-nine · 1 month
For blorbo bingo: razumovsky or captain flint? 👀
ah yes the ginger arsonists not that I have a type of favs or anything ..what haha that would be silly anyways....
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didn't know if i wanted to go with movie or comic sergey so ummm have a weird amalgamation of both but either way it's honestly embarrassing how much i enjoy this idiot and his shitty fashion sense.
i feel like there's definitely ups and downs when it comes to his characterization, with PD probably having my favorite. it's the perfect line between genuinely skilled vigilante/antihero/ex-villain (whatever the hell he has going on currently) and kind of a dork who barely has his life put together. he is the worst, has made so many bad decisions, his only crime is being a millionaire that one time and i want to see him in all the situations
he doesn't get "pretty privilege" checked purely wearing cheetah print on multiple occasions and that's unforgivable. you would think i wouldn't discuss him often irl bc well there's basically no fandom but i keep being put in situations where i do including uni and idk how to feel about that.
also ummmm he's inadvertently a reason i went into art professionally thanks to that one phobs phase i had in middle school so do with that knowledge what you will
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listen these two show perfectly that i love a blorbo who goes a bit too far with their ideology and maybe blows up a city once or twice but flint does it in such a way that no matter how insane he sounds you still believe him. genuinely CHARACTER OF ALL TIME i could not fix him nor make him worse i am nowhere near his level of freak to achieve that.
actually scratch that add pretty privilege to flint bc nothing is hotter than him getting covered in blood in ep1
sometimes i think about flint and have to physically lie down and i'll truly never be over the ending fr i don't write a lot of black sails meta bc i genuinely don't think i can put my thoughts about it into coherent thoughts but flint is so important to me in all his insanity and grief and love and-
so ummm know no shame and"the Empire survives in part because we believe its survival to be inevitable"
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21 - sweet poison with darcy? :D
Pallet asks anyone?
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Perfect pallet for him honestly 10/10
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hauntedvulcan · 4 months
For evelyn: 📚 books, drop of blood, 🧡orange heart, 🌈rainbow
For evie: 🎻 violin,🔺️red triangle pointing up, 🌈rainbow, 💯hundred points
For kara: drop of blood, 💤sleeping sign, 🍃leaves fluttering, 🍝spaghetti
📚- She's a starfleet officer so she's attended Starfleet academy. She originally was planning on getting an undergraduate degree in musical theater before she got into starfleet academy, but that degree remains unfinished
🩸- She has human blood for sure. Not sure of her official blood type tho. I can see her being a more rare blood type.
🧡- She has a complicated relationship with her family, leading to her prioritizing friends. She has tried to include Kara but she can't control Kara's reclusive behaviors.
🌈- She's a lesbian. She uses she/her pronouns
🎻- Surprisingly, she doesn't play an instrument! But I'm sure she'd like to learn. I can see her dabbling in singing showtunes casually (not an instrument but a musical activity)
🔺- I'm sure she could aim a phaser but she's not as good with physical weapons because she's used to relying on her powers as a Q
🌈- She's pansexual, she likes all genders. She likes to take the physical form of a woman, and likes to use she/her pronouns
💯- 1) She lived in the midwest for a while! Shes a Kansas girlie!! 2) She's lonely. She feels kind of isolated as a Q and longs for the connection she observes other mortals having with each other 3) Evie has a BIG secret. She has an alter ego. However this information currently remains a spoiler...
🩸- Oooooof I'm not sure. She's Vulcan so her blood would be completely different! Her blood is copper based and green
💤- I see her being a heavy sleeper
🍃- Her favorite subject was a science subject. I see her being a biology girlie.
🍝- Hmmm. I will say as she is Vulcan, she is vegetarian. I see her liking tomato soup tbh. It has her vibes
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makeyoumine69 · 6 months
i just finished reading call me babydoll (LOVE THAT FUCKING STORY BTW) and for some reason, y/n’s character reminds me of priscilla presley from the movie priscilla… idk maybe its y/n’s kindness or softness when it comes to patrick but … i love it sm sm sm
Hello dear anon! 😘 OMG, yes! I can feel some Priscilla vibes in y/n. Also, that Lana song reminds me of the dynamic that Patrick and Reader have:
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hadesbullshit · 7 months
2, 11, 30?
2. Favorite and/or comfort character
i'd have to go with q!Cellbt bc i am a sucker for a charaitor who is cat coded, insecure and a cannibal. (though this is a bit biased by the fact I only really know him from clips/other people's POVs / fanfics.)
11. Favorite POV(s) to watch
Tubbo, Quakcity and Phil. i watch Foolish and Bad more but Tubbo's suttle lore style, lack of american ascent /hj and dynamics are great. aslo i love Sunny so I'm biased. then Phil bc ive been watching him the longest and Quakcity bc when he does lore he does LORE
30. Favorite character design or detail you like seeing in fan works
qPissa shipper until death so i love seeing people draw Missa with one of Phil's feathers wether its on an earing or necklass or just in his hair.
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adrienisweird · 1 year
👀 for hypothetical reasons, lee!heizou or ler!heizou?
Well, hypothetically.. Absolutely lee!heizou, he has completely exposed ribs and sides for goodness sake👀
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You've visited meme centre, where I give a meme i got from a youtube video with most asks. Thank you for your visit 🦍
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artichow · 2 years
Hey! It’s CureDeity (sorry tumblr makes me ask from my main). I am here, in your inbox today, to rattle my little empty coin can and ask you to list some of your favorite beyblade fanfics! I’m going around asking a lot of people this, so feel free to ignore it if you want, but I thought this might be a good way for people to shout out some of the fanfic they really enjoy! Btw, if you can, I thought it would be helpful to list which site this fic was on so others could find it easier if they wanted to. Also, if you’ve written any fic (or have fic ideas, as we all know, imagining the same scene over and over again is the bread and butter of a writer), please also take this chance to have a massive, amazing ego and tell us which of your fics you're most proud of/is your favorite/etc.
oooohh yes yes yes!!!
i'll preface this by saying that i haven't/don't read as much fanfics as i want to and there are just so many amazing stories being made in this fandom honeslty!! also as a non native english speaker i'm always blown away by certain phrases or paragraphs that just scrtch my brain just right it's really inspiring to see what people can do with words in different ways and styles.
So first i thought about @little-christmas-song's secret santa gift to me so this is christmas (the war is over) because TFRGEHYSJ IT IS!!! so good!!! i loved reading it, the ideas and just the feeling of the setting being so well built around me while i read it!! the characterization was so good and that's really amazing because ryuga is a hassle to write right imo,, anyway really amazing style and i can't wait for other pieces from Song (i can confidently say the next one will be a banger :>)
then from @artisadie, her fic the previous wielder (is just a guy) was so emotional and like so nuanced too? like grhjesk i loved it the vibes were really good and the structure made it really pleasant to read
so many others i have to read (i'm sorry guysss) but one fic from @lady-lazagna that i felt was really on point character wise was Pumpkin head it is such a good Yu characterization me think and also Tsubasa's character is really interesting when laz writes him!! makes me appreciate him so much more
I really really loved @andro-dino's toby fic this body of mine, it's been a while and i forgot a lot of it unfortunately but i remember being just !!!!!! aaaaa so touched by that fic like,, it's so well written and just hits close to home in subtle ways and just makes you love Tioby even more if that's possible
But but but i also really loved constants because,, hyoma. And axel writes hyoma so well and i just love him so much
okay now for your fic deity!!! i have,, a lot but i tried to make it a little smaller selection, here it is: first i think aquario's refrain (and also aquario's reawakening) really marked me it's such a good read and expendation on hikaru's character and just,, so so good,, the way you write hikaru's mental health issues and fights is just amazing!!
then i looked through ao3 real quick just now and i thought back to mayblade, the last day actually!! chapter 18: moon this. this gingka, the way he is written and also just how you managed to write so many characters and keep the rythm going and just write an amazing conclusion in general aaaa i still love it immensely
and last but not least Gingka's also adopted?! because man... MAN!!! this fic kncked me down kicked me and brought me back to life and gave me just one of the best aus and ryo characterization ever i just love it it's so good i think it might be my favorite deity fanfic! everything, the different times it takes place in, the phoenix bit especially and just,, the feels so many feels
alright and also i want to take this opportunity to thank the people i've talked to and shared my silly headcanons, ocs and au ideas with, it really is a huge source of joy for me to connect with people through art, through this weird 13yo show we're invested in for one reason or the other. And even though i struggle with writing/can never finish any wip or plan any story for some reason i just love thinking about aus and my shoyo being part of this world too, thinking way too deeply about hyoma or ryuga's characters :') so thank you everyone who has let met talk about all of that with them i love you <3 and thank you for sharing your little aus, ideas, your ocs and everything in between with me too, it's really an immense pleasure to read and exchange about them every time!!
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callmecams26 · 1 year
⛔️,🎖 and 💖 for the ask game!
HII <333 thank you sm for the ask. This is probably gonna be a bit long, bc I’m opinionated. Hope that’s ok.
⛔️ a rider you dislike?
Ouuhhh love questions like these! As of right now, I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t really like Johann Zarco. I’ve just heard really awful things about him, and I think he’s kind of arrogant in interviews. Might’ve just gotten a wrong impression of him.
I DONT like Jack Miller. I think he talks too loudly about things he shouldn’t even focus about. That comment he made about riders “shutting up and just riding” rubbed me the wrong mf way. It’s tasteless and disrespectful to the people who are struggling on their bikes rn (Fabio, Mir, Marc etc). Especially since he sat on a Ducati last year, and is now on a KTM. Both super great bikes. There’s just no sympathy, it angers me a lil.
For a while, I didn’t like the Espargaro brothers. I thought they were like Jack - speak about things that doesn’t concern them. Aleix has always had a direct approach with his words, I feel like. But I’m ngl, Aleix has grown on me! And for Pol, well, I never disliked him, I just clowned him for saying he was hopefully gonna “be better than Pedrosa or Lorenzo” on the Honda.
Lorenzo, sure. But Dani??….
🎖 favourite podium?
I feel like an airhead bc when I saw this question I was like “the ppl, or are we talking layout?”. Well, for the people, I’m super biased. I just always hoped that either Lorenzo or Pedrosa would get on the podium, because I love watching press conferences with them. They’re my boos <33
And for layout, I’ll say Spielberg, just because I’ve been there tee hee.
❤️‍🔥 favorite rivalry?
Im guessing you meant this one, but if not, I’m so sorry </3
My favorite rivalry gotta be Pedrosa and Lorenzo, just because they’re my faves (sorry). Like 2010 and 2012 were literally GOLDEN years for me, because they were just going at it every damn time. It also kinda broke my heart, though, because Dani was so unlucky those years.
It’s just also funny hearing them think back to the 250cc days where they TRULY didn’t like each other, and Dani wouldn’t shake Lorenzo’s hand and stuff. Love it!
I also kind of like Marquez and Rossi’s rivalry, but that’s just because Rossi is always so dramatic with his rivalries. My mans really goes all in, even at press conferences, so it always just felt very much like “the girls are fighting”.
But yeah. Again. Thank you for the ask!.
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oneirataxia-girl · 1 year
Back with more OC Bingo questions, my love!! This one's about your Stranger Things OC Faith Fortier, because I'm super curious about her!!
Okay, so my question is: does Faith have a love interest, or is she gonna be an independent lesbian baby?? And if she does have a love interest, please tell me whatever you want to about their relationship! How they met, how they got together, whatever you want to share!!
Hope you're doing well, my beautiful Alvita!! 🤍🤍🤍
*cracks knuckles* this is going to make me think about Faith the entire day bc i actually haven't gotten her quite worked out yet haha
as usual, under a cut for easier scrolling!!
Faith does have a love interest -- Eleven!! they officially meet when the Byers + El move to California, where the Fortiers just happen to live next door and sent Faith and her brother Valor over with cookies and homemade waffles, it also helps that Faith and Eleven (with Will in tow) end up in the same class AND are even assigned to sit next to each other! Faith is El's first California friend (and the only one tbh, even though Faith has other friends they get unnerved by Eleven) and she stands up for El against Angela every time that bitch tries to put her best friend down. Faith falls first, one sleepover where the two girls try making waffles and ended up having a mini food fight, El's wide smile even when Valor scolds them for messing up the kitchen and makes them clean up their mess while he sits in the living room with chocolate ice cream made Faith's heart skip a beat -- and the "oh shit" sinks in, Faith chooses to not confess though, knowing that Eleven has Mike; it's only until after S5 that they get together, but even i'm not sure how they confess to each other yet haha
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person4924 · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️ - What Flag do you think has the best color scheme?
this is hard but i have to say the aroace flag bc it’s just really pretty and reminds me of the beach and ocean :)
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melanodis · 1 year
(@riftwalker-limbro here hi!)
you need more aria lore you say? could i have 8, 9 and 12 for aria pls? >:)
(@riftwalker-limbro not sure if it would tag you just via the ask) 8. Do they have any hobbies? Due to his right arm, and by extension, his hand, being completely replaced by (supposedly…) Orokin sculpted porcelain and gold, it's quite difficult for Aria to partake in any hobbies that involve fine motor skills such as drawing or arts and crafts. He still has full function of his leftmost extremities, but teaching yourself to be ambidextrous is just about as difficult as regaining that fine motor control. Outside of that, he enjoys playing shawzin and keyboard type instruments even if he doesn't actually know anything about music. 9. Do they keep in contact with old classmates/friends/other Tenno? What is their connection? Already answered here! 12. What focus school are they in, if any? For any specific reason? Zenurik. Due to his "condition", this allows Aria to disperse the excess void energy that his body generates into a usable medium for himself and allies. This way, he can use it to support others as opposed to allowing the excess to ravage his body the way it already did to his arm and leg, as well as focus it into devastating effect against those who would dare cross his path.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
i'm curious about ninara's favorite plants!! if needing to be more specific, perhaps a favorite flower, tree, or shrub?
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"I~I like a lot of plants... I~I don't know if I've got any favorites... B~But I hope this answers your question...!" "F~Flower wise...? I~I really like poppies and daisies...! I~I liked to collect daisies when I was grub apparently... M~My lusus told me so... And um.... T~Trees is an interesting one. But I guess I like weeping willows... T~They just seem so pretty, yet so sad... M~Makes sense considering the name if you t~think about it..." "And a~as for shrubs... R~Raspberry shrubs... They look so cute...! J~Just little leafy friends...!"
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hadesbullshit · 7 months
8, 23, 31 ask game :D
8: favorite egg & why?
i was hoping for this one :) ok i have 2 tied for 1st. Pomme bc i relate to her so much its insane- like please give my girl a break. and sunny bc she's both very silly & cute and also heart breaking too think about too much (after that its chay, and dapper tied for 2nd)
23: Which POV would you like to watch more? Whether this lack of watching is caused by language barriers, their stream schedule, or simply them not streaming on the smp enough.
I dont live in the same time zone as anyone i watch (wooo Australia) so pretty much everyone but with language i wish i could watch Missa (when he streams), Pac and Cellbit
31: What lore/arc have you enjoyed the most?
i havnt been in the fandom for a while so th eonly avent i was there for was prison but as someone who's hobbys enjoy drawing epople coverin in blood and thinking about blorbos covered in blood; i love purgatory (mostly team bolas) but I'm aslo very exited to see how Tubbo's 'came back wrong' thing will play out
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