skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2005 Italian Grand Prix - Juan Pablo Montoya, Fernando Alonso & Giancarlo Fisichella(my personal post-race highlights)
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wisheduponastar · 10 months
Confessions over breakfast (691 words, M/M)
For Day 26 of @danganronpashipmonths Saioma month. Inspired by the prompt : Fake Dating
Shuichi isn't sure why he signed up to Danganronpa : Salmon Mode. But he has been enjoying his time here, even if it's only because of a certain someone. And after he's barely awake, that certain special someone brings Shuichi breakfast.
Read on Ao3 or below
Shuichi still regretted signing up for… whatever he had signed up for. In fact, had he even signed up for ‘Danganronpa - Salmon mode’? He honestly couldn’t remember doing so, and it wasn’t exactly like Monokuma was a trustworthy source of information. Especially considering how odd the bear was… and how he seemed to defy all technological common sense. Even the Ultimate Inventor seemed surprised by his existence.
But this place hadn’t been too bad, so far. People had actually started to make friends. It was fairly obvious that Kaito and Maki liked each other, even if they didn’t exactly admit it. Other people had made friends as well, Miu and Keebo had been hanging out together - and he had actually found friends in this place as well; Kaede and Kokichi. Although, of everyone, he’d certainly been with Kokichi the most - out of everyone at least. They’d had a tea party together, played rock-paper-scissors for almost an hour, and Kokichi had even stabbed himself (maybe accidentally).
So when there was a sudden knock on his door, Shuichi could immediately tell who it was. Straightening up slightly, Shuichi called out, “Come in, Kokichi.”
“What if I’m not Kokichi?” the person at the door called out, before opening it. It was Kokichi, of course, with a large grin on his face and food in hand, “How d’you always guess it’s me?”
“You knock… very uniquely.”
“Aww, you pay that much attention to me?” Kokichi waltzed over, placing down the tray of food and then sitting on Shuichi’s bed, legs dangling off it, “I’m flattered.”
“It-it’s not that.” Shuichi said, averting his eyes slightly as he looked towards the desk instead. The tray Kokichi had brought up was surprisingly packed, with quite a bit of variety. Some more healthy breakfast options with yoghurt and granola, even some fresh fruit, and then also pancakes - and more traditional japanese cuisine.
“I suppose you memorising my knock is a detective thing as well as a obsessive lover thing,” Kokichi mused, “Kirumi made everything, by the way.”
“She did?”
“Well, I prepared the yoghurt and granola.” Kokichi suddenly pouted, “Apparently cause of the knife game, I’m not allowed around knives anymore.”
Shuichi let his eyes wander slightly to the finger Kokichi cut himself on, remembering the fear he felt when Kokichi cut himself. “Maybe it’s for the best?”
“Nuh-uh. Noooo way,” Kokichi darted up suddenly, taking some fruit before sitting back down, “Will you steal a knife for me Shuichi?”
“Absolutely not.”
“My beloved won’t even do it for me?” Kokichi’s eyes began to mist with tears, “Waahhhhh! You’re all so horrible!”
“Have a pancake.” Shuichi offered, holding out the plate and smiling as Kokichi immediately stopped crying - instead reaching out to grab a pancake and devour it. For a few minutes, the two ate in silence - companionable silence.
Eventually, Kokichi broke it, calling out, “Shuichi, can you pass me my juice?”
“Can’t you get it yourself?”
“I’m comfyyyyy.” Kokichi leaned back slightly more, as if to emphasise the point, “Besides, it’s what good house-husbands do.”
“Well, I can’t be the house-husband,” Kokichi sounded scandalised, “I’m too busy running the world, y’know.”
“So that means I have to be a house-husband why?”
“Well, you don’t have to be a house-husband…” Kokichi was looking at Shuichi from the corner of his eye now, “As long as I have you, I’m pretty much satisfied.”
“I-” Shuichi tried to convince himself the reason he couldn’t speak was because of the piece of pancake he’d just inhaled, not because of the fact he was incredibly red, “-Thank you, Kokichi.”
“Thank you?” Kokichi echoed, “Y’know, I thought you’d react stronger to my confession.”
This time, Shuichi really did choke on a piece of breakfast, his face also turning incredibly red as he forced out, “W-Wait - that was a confession? As in… you really like me?”
“Well, duh.” Kokichi had sat up now, “Weeeell, d’you like me back?”
“I,” Shuichi stopped for a second, it was odd because he hadn’t really thought about it - but he immediately knew the answer. His heart immediately knew the answer. “Of course - of course Kokichi. I like you.”
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retconomics · 2 years
Hi! I just had to say I came back to tumblr after years away and thought your art looked familiar on my dash but couldn't remember from where until it hit me! you were the artist for a game i used to play (and I think also you drew for some other games?) but youv'e improved so much!! it's nice to see you still around even after so many years of being away.
Anyway, that's all i wanted to say, hopefully it's ok that I send you this message. Have a nice day!
waahhhhh please u are v sweet <33 i get messages like this every now and again and each time its so heartwarming
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the good old mcl/eld*rya/s*** e*** days seem to have this nostalgia staying power for sososo many people; enough so that even tho I don't follow any of that content at all these days i still remember those old fandoms p fondly..
thanks so much for the message <33 and welcome back to tumblr lmaoo its p dead here but its also the only bearable social media site imo
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frootyrooties · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ!!! ILYSM 💕💓💝💗 i hope that you have a wonderful day and that you treat yourself to something sweet because that’s exactly what you are! and i hope eric and ray are there to join you during this momentous occasion! shine on, pretty girl <3
WAAHHHHH AMBER TYSM!!! and I love you too, dearie, and thank you for the kind words 😘 I’ve had loads of fun today, and I can honestly say this has been one of the best birthdays ever ✨ still kinda full from my cake tbh lol good thing i shared a huge chunk of it with Eric 😉
Eric, Ray, his brother Dave and I all went to the pub and got a little tipsy so we decided to stuff our faces with more food! man, this is the life. Couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.
Anyways, thank you for making my day with your beautiful message, love. The positivity you bring to my dash never fails to shine through and we need more of that in this crazy world 🫶🏻
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wrapped-up · 2 years
WAAHHHHH ITS DONE AND FINISHED AND I LOVED EVERY SECOND!!! (well. except maybe not when remus and sirius were being Stupid but i still enjoyed those parts)
this has truly been one of my fav fics you’ve written. it was just SOOSOSOSOS good and real and relatable and just so so gorgeous. i am obviously partial to wolfstar but having women perspectives was so so refreshing and i feel like no one does that! and you did it! and it was amazing! i truly truly loved getting to know marlene and lily a little better. it was just so so fucking and made me feel so seen and empowered and ugh! yes!
also this chapter was one of my favorites. the dialogue is truly hysterical and the whole time i found myself thinking ‘how did she come up with this? how did her brain create these situations??’ theyre so so so funny i genuinely giggled and smiled while reading.
i have been a fan of this fic for a long long time even before you published it and when it was just a little idea that you posted about and it truly hasn’t disappointed!! going to re read and enjoy it all over again.
i hope you’re doing well and being kind to yourself and all that good stuff. lots of love and congrats on finishing the fic!! you are amazing!!
Hello lovely ⭐️!
Thank you so so much. Your support and delicious long chapter reviews have been the best motivation! Thrilled that you enjoyed Marlene and Lily's perspective as much as I enjoyed writing them.
‘how did she come up with this? how did her brain create these situations??’ - I do a lot of stupid shit that serves as inspiration.
Thank you once more! x
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ellitx · 3 years
*reads last ask and immediately gets baby fever again and makes more Papa Himmel Hcs, Modern au, dont have to answer if it makes you uncomfy*
• I feel like it would take a while for you two to conceive, so he feels a bit guilty about being excited when you tell you have morning sickness but all thats running through his head is "Omg omg this could be it, it could finally be happening!!"
• Cautiously optimistic when you come out of the bathroom, trying hard not to let any of his excitement slip you could've just eaten something off the day prior
• Will make you soup and have any medicine you may need on hand, he's really good at handling a sick person since he's been through it once before, He also loves to just rub circles on your back, anything to comfort you probably won't let you out of bed
• Man about collapses when you tell him the news, almost ugly crying hes so happy pulling you in so close and swaying you back and forth, kissing you so gently and thanking you for giving him one of the best gifts he could ever ask for, dont think he let you go for about an hour.
• If you thought this man was clean before, omg he kicks it in to overdrive, you litterally have a butler on your hands, also very diligent about what and when you eat or do anything, he doesn't want anything bad to happen that could cause your baby to become ill like he did, so very protective and somewhat over bearing from the get go.
• Always has a hand on your tummy and gives it small kisses, Also must be the big spoon it makes him feel like hes protecting the both of you, making him feel more of the 'big papa' vibes from it.
•I feel like he'd be so cute with a daughter omg he'd be drowning them in soft pinks and yellows and loves to put little flower motifs, flower crowns, you and her are his world and its dyed in soft pastels.
• Sings them to sleep alot and probably has a weakness to "Papa can I sleep in with you and Mama..?" Definitely ends up with you 3 in the bed together some nights which neither of you are opposed to
• Will find candy wrappers in their shoes/pockets from a certain uncle, will confront them on it but will melt if they give them the puppy-eyes, hes just very health conscious over his little one
"I sowwy Papa.. "
He heaves a heavy sigh and bends down to their hight.
"Its okay.. I'm just going to have to have a talk with Uncle Venti, all that sugar will rot your teeth out"
"But papa I dun want my baby teef!" They pout puffing out their cheeks, He'll pat their head and exhale
"Yeah but once you get your big kid teeth they'll be the only ones you get, so you gotta take care of em! Plus you dont wanna ruin the dinner Mama made right?"
They shake thier had as their father lifts them up slinging them over thier should sending the child into a giggle fit
• Loves braiding and styling their hair and clothes and is a bit mortified when they come home dirty, you'll have to remind him thier still a kid
(Gonna end here since its getting long but omg I've got bard baby fever so bad help -💚)
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And also imagine doing braid train with his daughter and you 🥺💕💕
Like his wittle bb waddling to papa himmel and stretching out her arms to him so he can carry her then asks,
“Papa! I wanna braid yours and mama’s hair!!”
His heartstrings tugged at her cuteness and he can’t ever deny his little daughter. Himmel comically cried at her adorableness and calls for you
“Mama! Our princess says she wants to braid our hair!”
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vgckwb · 5 years
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 5: It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)!/Gargoyle
Judgement Wolf was standing over Adrien. He drew his sword.”Ladybug seems to put a lot of trust in you. Let’s see if that trust is correctly placed” he said. “Wolf Mist!” he called out. He threw the mist at Adrien.
Plagg woke up and saw what was happening. “ADRIEN!” He called out. He saw Judgement Wolf. “Why you!” he said, charging at him.
Judgement Wolf caught Plagg. “Hello there. Are you ready to see if Adrien passes or fails?” he asked. He then jumped into the mist.
Adrien woke up in the middle of the Champ-Elysees. “What happened?” he said. He looked, and saw Ladybug fighting a villain. “I gotta transform” he said. He then looked down and saw that his ring wasn’t there. He then remembered that earlier in the fight, he was knocked down. Hawk Moth then approached him and took his ring. Soon after, he passed out. “Oh no.”
“WAAHHHHH!” said Ladybug, being knocked over.
Adrien rushed to her side. “Are you OK, M’Lady?” he asked.
“Cat Noir” said Ladybug. “Take this” she slipped a note to him. She started to take off her earrings.
“What are you doing?” Adrien asked.
“Hawk Moth can’t have both of these” said Ladybug, who was now a figure bathed in light. “Take them and run.”
“But Ladybug” said Adrien.
“GO!” said Ladybug, and without thinking, Adrien took off.
Hawkmoth, and the Akumatized Villain approached Ladybug. The Akumatized villain looked like a stone goblin with a flag attached to its back. “Good job Gargoyle” said Hawk Moth. Hawk Moth saw that Ladybug didn’t have her earrings. “Where are they?!” he demanded.
“Gee, I forget” said Ladybug.
“You’ll be sorry you did” said Hawk Moth.
Adrien kept running. He heard a loud noise. He had hoped that everything was alright. But the next day proved him wrong.
Nadja Chamock was reporting. “I am sad to report that yesterday Paris lost one of its heroes. Ladybug, real name,” Adrien heard a guttural noise, “fell at the hands of Gargoyle and Hawk Moth. Needless to say, all of Paris is shook. Countless vigils are being held all over town for the fallen hero. The funeral will be held in three days.”
Adrien turned off the screen. He laid back down on his bed. He then felt the letter Ladybug had given him, and decided to read it. “Cat Noir, I know who Hawk Moth is. It’s,” the name was blurred. “Please take the Ladybug Miraculous and give it to someone you can trust so they can take him on.”
Adrien looked determined. This is Ladybug’s last request. He doesn’t want to let her down. He grabbed the earrings and left.
At the Dupain-Cheng bakery, Tom and Sabine were working on a cake for Ladybug’s funeral. Adrien walked in. “Hi” he said. “Is Marinette here?”
They nodded. “She’s upstairs in her room Adrien” Sabine told him. “Just try to be gentle. She’s been taking what happened hard.”
“We all are” said Adrien. He walked up stairs.
Marinette heard a knock on her door. “Come in,” she said in a sad tone.
“Marinette?” Adrien said, coming in.
“Adrien?” Marinette said surprised. “What are you doing here?”
Adrien sighed. He had to be honest with her. “Marinette, there’s something I have to tell you.”
“Wait” said Plagg in a box, watching what’s going on in an empty white area with Judgement Wolf. “If you’ve tested Ladybug already, then shouldn’t you know who she is?”
“So, you know as well?” said Judgement Wolf. “But Adrien doesn’t. This dream is the product of Adrien's imagination. I just begin with a thought. Adrien does the rest.”
Back in the dream, Adrien continued “The truth is, I am Cat Noir. Ladybug entrusted me with her miraculous. She also told me who Hawk Moth is. She asked me to find someone I can trust and give them to her. Marinette, do you want to be the next Ladybug and take down Hawk Moth?”
Marinette was stunned. She realized the gravity of the situation. Still, she nodded.
“OK” said Adrien, giving her the earrings. “Put them on and say ‘Tikki! Spots On!’”
Marinette put them on. “What’s a Tikki?” she asked.
“I am” said Tikki.
“AH!” said Marinette. “What is that?”
“It’s a kwami” said Adrien. “A magical being that gives people powers. My kwami’s name is Plagg.”
“It’s OK Marinette” said Tikki. “If Cat Noir trusts you, so do I.”
Marinette nodded. “Tikki! Spots On!” she called out. She transformed into Ladybug. “Great! Now it’s your turn.”
“Actually,” said Adrien, “I lost my miraculous in the fight. You’re going to have to do this alone.”
“WHAT?!” said Marinette. “I can’t do this by myself. Please can you come with me?”
Adrien looked at Marinette. He couldn’t say no. Marinette’s probably scared. He should be there to support his friend. “OK” he said. “But I need to keep my distance. I don’t have my powers anymore.”
“Thank you” she said hugging him. He gave her a hug back. “Now let’s go!” She picked up Adrien and lept through the window.
On their way to confront Hawkmoth, Adrien was explaining Marinette’s powers to her. “Do you think you understand?” he asked.
“I think so” she said.
“Good” said Adrien. “We’re here.” The two had approached the house of Hawk Moth. “Ready when you are” Adrien said.
Just then, Gargoyle appeared in front of them and roared. “Adrien! Run!” Marinette said.
Adrien began running, but then stopped for a brief moment. He turned around and said “The flag! The Akuma is in the flag!”
“Got it” said Marinette, keeping her distance from the monster. Adrien continued to run and hide. When Marinette decided she was far enough away, she called out “Lucky Charm!” She received a lighter. “This is odd” said Marinette. Gargoyle threw a punch at Marintte’s position, but she dodged it. Gargoyle’s fist got caught in the building Marinette was on. She noticed that Gargoyle was made out of stone. She approached Adrien. “Adrien, do you have anything I can set on fire?”
Adrien felt around in his pockets. He found the note Ladybug left him, but he didn’t want to set that on fire. “He took off his jacket. “Here” he said.
“Are you sure?” Marinette asked.
“It’s fine” said Adrien. “I have plenty.” Marinette nodded. She took the coat, set it on fire, and attached it to her yo-yo. Gargoyle broke free and then charged at the two. Marinette flung the on fire shirt at Gargoyle.
It landed in his mouth. Gargoyle wasn’t bothered by this and roared at the two of them, but then the smoke from the fire started to rise, blinding Gargoyle. Gargoyle flailed his arms around his eyes to dissipate the smoke. Marinette saw this, and took this opportunity to climb onto Gargoyle and take the flag out. She lept to solid ground and broke it.
An Akuma flew out. “No more evildoing for you, little Akuma” she said. “Time to de-evilize!” she captured the Akuma. She freed the butterfly and said “By By, little butterfly.” She threw up the lighter and said “MIraculous Ladybug!” The magic Ladybugs fixed the damage, caused by Gargoyle. Gargoyle turned back into a man, who was confused.
Hawk Moth walked out. “What’s going on?!” he asked. Marinette threw her yo-yo at him, knocking the miraculous off. She picked it up. “It looks like there’s no more evildoing for you either, Hawk Moth.”
“Ladybug?” said Hawk Moth, who was now a figure bathed in light.
Ladybug’s earrings started to beep. Adrien ran up to her. “That means you’re about to transform back. Run and find a safe place. I’ll catch up with you as soon as the police arrive.”
“Thank you, Cat Noir” she said. She left. Adren smiled.
“I know that wasn’t the actual Ladybug” Hawk Moth said.
“So?” said Adrien.
“Aren’t you mad?” said Hawk Moth. “I took your true love away from you. I’m the reason you’re so miserable. I am completely at your mercy right now. Don’t you want to punish me? Don’t you want me to feel as bad as you do right now? Don’t you want to take revenge?”
“That may be how you work, Hawk Moth, but I’m not like you” said Adrien. “Of course I’m upset. And angry. And yes, there’s nothing I want more right now than to Cataclysm you out of existence. But that’s not what she would have wanted. She would have wanted you to pay for your crimes the correct way.”
“She’s not here anymore. You don’t have to worry about what she thinks” said Hawk Moth.
“But if she was, she’d be disappointed in me if I acted on my negative emotions right now. I don’t want to let her down, even if she’s no longer here” said Adrien. Police sirens start heading this way. Adiren closed his eyes in a smug way. “Anything else you want to say as a free man? You only have a couple of minutes left.” When Adrien opened his eyes, he was in an empty white area, and surprised.
“Well done, Cat Noir” said Judgement Wolf. “You might want this back.” He threw Plagg.
“ADRIEN!” Plagg called out.
“It’s OK Plagg, I’m right here” said Adrien, giving him a hug. They broke the hug and Adrien stared down Judgement Wolf. “I assume that you’re Judgement Wolf.”
“So you’ve heard of me?” Judgement Wolf said.
“So, this was all just a test?!” Adrien said.
“Yes, and you passed with flying colors” said Judgement Wolf. “Aren’t you happy?” Adrien was staring him down. “For the record, the prompt I gave you was ‘What if Ladybug Wasn’t Around?’ You filled in all of the other blanks.”
Adrien gasped. “I killed Ladybug?”
“Relax. She’s fine” said Judgement Wolf. “And had I known you would have jumped to that, I would have done something different. I don’t mean to upset anyone. I just need to figure out what lies behind the mask.”
“Well, you could have done this easier” said Adrien.
“The wolf miraculous is the miraculous of doubt” said Judgement Wolf. “If I were to trust people easily, I wouldn’t have this power to begin with.”
“Fine” said Adrien. “But know this. If you hurt anyone for real, I will not hesitate to fight you.”
“Trust me. If that happens, I’ll wait for you” said Judgement Wolf. He left, and Adrien and Plagg fell back asleep.
“Sleep tight, Cat Noir” said Judgement Wolf, leaving Adrien’s room.
The next day during the free period, Adrien approached Marinette and asked “Hey Marinette, do you want to work on the project now?”
“Of course” said Marinette, blushing. She then spotted Beyyo. “Uh...you go on ahead, I’ll meet you there.”
“Alright” Adrien said. He left, and looked sad when he was alone.
Marinette approached Beyyo and made sure no one else was around. “What’s up?” Marinette asked.
“We tested Cat Noir last night” Beyyo told them “Things got intense. You should talk to him soon.”
“Will do” Marinette said as she nodded. Beyyo flew off. Marinette sped to meet Adrien to work on the project.
After school, Marinette transformed into Ladybug and swung to the rooftops of Paris. Adrien saw Ladybug swinging up. He hid and transformed into Cat Noir. Ladybug landed and Cat Noir was not far behind. “Ladybug?” said Cat Noir. Ladybug turned around. Cat Noir ran up and gave her a hug.
“Cat Noir, what happened?” she asked.
Cat Noir broke the hug. “Well, that Judgement Wolf character that Wayzz told me about appeared and tested me. In my dream, you had died. I was incredibly sad. I didn’t know what to do. I just kept following your lead.”
“It’s OK, Cat Noir” Ladybug said, hugging him. “I’m here.”
Cat Noir started to cry. “It’s just, I don’t know what I would do without you,” he said.
“I think you do” said Ladybug, comforting her partner.
Vlad and Beyyo were watching from the ground. “Looks like everything’s going to be fine,” said Vlad, walking away.
As Ladybug and Cat Noir were hugging, an explosion could be heard. “What was that?” Cat Noir asked.
“Sounds like another Akuma” said Ladybug. “Are you fine Cat Noir, or do you want to sit this one out?”
Cat Noir smiled. “And miss talking to you, buggaboo? Not a chance.”
Ladybug smiled. “Then let’s go!” Ladybug and Cat Noir raced to the action.
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Hi hi! Could I please request hcs for Kokichi Rantaro Shuichi and Kiibo treating their SHSL daycare teacher S/O who is getting to be so clumsy that she fell very badly at work and has an injured knee? anon has had a long week and may or may not be in bed with tea and an ice pack reading this blog for comfort so thank you for all you do!
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I hope you’re feeling at least a little better now anon! But please allow these boys to comfort you yeees
~ Mod Celeste
○ Que a super dramatic reaction the second he sees s/o’s injury. ‘I can’t believe my s/o is dying waahhhhh!!’ ‘Kokichi--’ ‘Sometimes I can still hear their voice.’ ‘this is so sad Alexa play despacito’
○ Of course, he only jokes because he can tell that the injury isn’t too serious. He’s gotten used to s/o being as clumsy as they are and he can generally tell just how much pain they’re in by their body language
○ He’ll set up a pillow fort around the couch so s/o has somewhere extra cozy to rest. Probably tries to prop them up on wayyy too many pillows but it’s still a nice gesture
○ Makes somewhat of a game out of it. He pretends that s/o is royalty and he’s their servant whenever he needs to bring them something. Occasionally he makes good-natured jabs at Kirumi while he does this
○ He probably even has a maid outfit tucked away that he’ll bring out if s/o is having a particularly rough time or is feeling particularly down. He got it for a prank initially, but he’ll wear it again if it’ll get s/o to smile
○ He will get a little whiny sometimes if s/o asks him to get something but it’s again, good-natured. He might complain about them being a slave driver or make a joke about them faking their injury so he’ll do all this for them, but he still won’t hesitate to actually get what they need
○ Sticks close to s/o’s side too. He doesn’t want them to be lonely but he knows they can’t strain themselves so he tries to keep himself occupied around the house, and even moves DICE’s secret meetings so he doesn’t have to be too far away from s/o
○ Gets a little pouty sometimes though. He gets bored with his partner in crime out of commission. He whines about it but it’s still half joking as he puts his head on s/o and whines about how he wants them to hurry up and get better already
○ It’s not the same as going out and doing the pranks, but the downtime does give Kokichi a lot of time to plan pranks with s/o, at least. It almost makes him antsier to carry them out, but with so much time to plan perfect pranks Kokichi knows it’ll be worth it to wait and do them together with s/o
○ The one upside for Kokichi is the snuggles. With s/o spending so much time sitting or laying down he has lots of opportunity to crawl on top of them and cuddle them. He spends a lot of time cuddling into their side or laying between their legs with his head on their stomach. Likes to pretend that he’s trapped s/o and they can’t run away because they’re stuck.
○ Honestly he’s not surprised when s/o comes home limping, holding an ice pack to their knee. He’s gotten used to how clumsy they are. He hates to see them hurt but he has, to an extent, gotten used to it
○ Immediately he’s up and helping s/o walk to the couch so they can rest the injury. He might even scold them lightly for not calling him to come pick them up so they didn’t have to walk/drive on their injured leg the whole way home
○ Since s/o is clumsy and Rantaro is used to their little injuries he has a pretty good idea of what to do right away. He’s getting them a fresh ice pack, some pain medication, and anything else they find particularly comforting (tea, snacks, ect)
○ He’s actually really good at wrapping or dressing injuries if anything needs to be put on it to keep the knee steady. If not, he’ll still probably have some kind of band or something to help the healing process handy.
○ Doesn’t baby s/o, but he’s happy to help out. He won’t do everything for them but if they ask him to get up and grab something, or do something to ease the pain he doesn’t mind. He’ll spoil them a little, but keeps it reasonable
○ Rantaro has a very calm demeanor so he’s very reassuring to be around. Any spiraling, worried thoughts that s/o may have are easily quelled by just how calm Rantaro is. His laid-back approach is contagious
○ Of course, he does show worry if s/o shows any signs of extra pain or discomfort. He’s always quick to ask what’s wrong and what he can do to help.
○ Arranges lots of movie nights and other lazy, stay-in dates. He knows s/o can’t go out much or exert themselves but he doesn’t want them to feel lonely or too bored
○ He always lets s/o pick the movie or what they have to eat - whether it’s take out or something he needs to cook. In his mind, it’s as close as he can get to making the fact that they can’t get out as much up to them
○ When he can’t be home or starts getting too stir-crazy himself he’s sure to video chat with s/o and show them what he’s seeing. That was it’s almost like they’re right there with him! Kind of, anyway.
○ Immediately worried when s/o comes home limping. His thoughts fly to worst case scenarios and he’s wondering if he should report your injury and find whoever hurt you, or do some detective work on his own and call Kaito for back up when he found the person...
○ He’s quite relieved to know that nobody hurt s/o though. He can’t help but sweatdrop a bit at their clumsiness, but at least it wasn’t anything more serious than a bad fall caused by accident.
○ No matter how often s/o’s clumsiness results in them hurting themselves Shuichi just can’t get used to it. He always worries, and frets over s/o a bit more than he needs to.
○ He’s always double checking to make sure the cabinets are stocked with medicine but he’s checking again anyway and maybe even running out to buy some extra stuff just in case.
○ Dotes on s/o, but mostly only if they ask. He’ll go out of his way to get anything they need and doesn’t really mind going out to get things they want either, as long as he’s not too wrapped up in a case.
○ Of course, he does check in on them from time to time. He’s not excessive, but if he’s running out he’ll make sure they don’t need anything and he just checks in every now and again to make sure they’re not in too much pain
○ Mostly leaves them to their own devices, to be honest. He doesn’t want to disturb them, and isn’t really sure how to keep them entertained. Of course, if s/o wants his company he’s more than happy to oblige. They just have to say something.
○ Shuichi probably ends up asking his friends about knee injuries. Maki and Tenko probably give some of the best advice as to how to help with the pain, and Shuichi will pass their suggestions along to s/o.
○ He does his own research too, on things he can do to help and on products that might be useful. He just wants to make s/o as comfortable as possible and help them heal as quickly as they can.
○ On one of his trips to the store to get something he ends up picking up an adorable teddy bear for s/o. He gives it to them saying he hopes it makes them feel better and keeps them company while he’s working. Literally he is an angel.
○ Super worried! He’s not overly familiar with human injuries quite yet so he has a hard time understanding the severity of them sometimes. Because of this he always assumes they’re worse than they are so he’s quite panicked.
○ Poor thing is easily calmed down by s/o’s assurances that it’s nothing overly serious (it’s not broken and they’ll be able to walk again) but they just need to rest it for now but he’s still worried. Mostly he’s worried about how much it hurts, seeing as he has no real concept as to what human pain is like and doesn’t want s/o to be suffering.
○ Downloads all the information he can on injuries of s/o’s type - though s/o does have to assure him that the internet isn’t always right and they do not, in fact, have a rare bone disease startign in their knee. He just wants to get all the information he can so he can nurse s/o back to health to the best of his ability
○ Rest is the main thing they need, so Kiibo is going to insist that they move as little as possible as not to worsen the injury. He’ll get them anything they need at the top speed his hardware is capable of - which is honestly slightly below average but… he’s trying
○ Super attentive to any of their needs. He’s a bit much, checking in on s/o near constantly to make sure they don’t need any pain medicine, anything else to drink, to replace their ice pack, ect. but he’s doing his best
○ S/o does need to draw the line when Kiibo tries to carry them to the bathroom, though, Like, they need to move some, for starters and that’s… a little personal.
○ He’ll come home from the store a day after s/o’s injury with actual armfuls of medicines he thought may help. Pain killers, topical treatments, some tea: anything he thought might make s/o feel even a little better
○ He’s definitely going to make them see a doctor, if they haven’t already. If s/o refuses to go he’ll find a doctor willing to make a housecall. He just wants to be sure it isn’t anything more serious than s/o thinks.
○ Kiibo calls work for them, explaining the situation and telling them s/o will be off for a few days. They are going to rest and he’s going to make sure they and their injury get all the time needed to heal!
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sehunned · 7 years
OMG DID I MISS IT???? I came back on a good day, just in time to tell you Happy Birthday!!!! I hope that your days will only get better better because I know you deserve so much happiness! ♡ we haven't talked in a while but I always love seeing you on my dash, I'm so proud whenever i see your works. I remember when you first became a sehun blog you told me you were nervous about making edits again haha. But look at you!! I love you and everything you do ♡♡♡ stay amazing, victoriiaaa
SARAHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE KIND AND SWEET WISH 💓💓💓thank you for sticking with me and being so friendly since the very beginning as well whjsbdkdkdd I’m so grateful for people like you 💕💕💕 I hope you’re doing super well sweet heart ☺️☺️☺️
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