yanderemommabean · 9 months
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-Mommabean ((I felt cute! Hi!!))
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mightbebobbie · 8 months
I love you. This is a threat.
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idk why i imagined a shadow creature saying this. maybe bc it is 2 am, maybe bc it is halloween. either way i am flattered dear shadow creature. you make me nervous but i love you too
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angelnumber27 · 8 months
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toherlover · 9 months
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sep 26 2023 - happy pjo day!!! thank you new york for a chilly drizzle- work from home means read in bed now:)
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sesamestreep · 1 year
50 jyn/cassian? 👀
50. the hands of fate (from this prompt list)
After such a crushing defeat, Cassian decides that what he and his teammates really need is another round, and since everyone else is still arguing over the finer points of the last question, he decides it’s up to him to make that happen. Luckily, the bar is not particularly crowded at that moment, so he’s able to get the attention of the bartender right away.
“What can I get for you?” she asks, leaning slightly across the bar to hear him better.
It takes him a minute to remember why he’s there, because he’s been doing trivia at this bar for the last few months and he’s never seen this bartender before, which is only notable because she’s exceptionally pretty. She’s got bright green eyes, and hair that manages to be messy in a way he suspects might actually be fashionable, and she’s wearing a black tank top that shows off some very cool-looking tattoos on her biceps. The usual Thursday night bartender barely even looks at him when she takes his order, let alone going so far as to actually speak to him in full sentences.
“Did you want to order something?” she asks, warily, and her expression shutters in the way of an experienced customer service professional who’s used to dealing with drunk people and skeevy men with alarming frequency.
Cassian shakes his head, as if to clear his mind so he doesn’t (rightfully) earn this bartender’s wrath by staring for another minute. “Yeah, sorry,” he says, adopting what he hopes is a genial expression. “We just got our asses handed to us at trivia, so my cognitive function hasn’t fully returned yet.”
The bartender offers him a half-smile at that and nods. “Take your time.”
“Uh, I think I’m just going to get another round for everyone,” Cassian says, and then rattles off his team’s drink orders. The bartender nods and, even though she doesn’t stop to write it down, he has a feeling she’s got it memorized.
She starts making a drink in front of him, and only looks up a moment later when she realizes he’s still there. “I can bring them over when I’m done,” she says, pointing her chin in the direction of his table while her hands are occupied pouring vodka into a cocktail shaker.
“Oh, right,” Cassian says, stupidly. “That would be great. I, uh, already mentioned my brain’s not working, right?”
She laughs a little, which feels sort of like a victory, and shakes her head. “Must have been a tough loss.”
“We came this close to winning for once!” he can’t help griping. “But no one on my team knew the names of the three Fates in Greek mythology.”
The bartender tosses the shaker from side to side in a practiced motion, and gives him a barely interested look. “You mean, the Moirai?” she asks.
Cassian barely stops himself from gaping at her. “I, uh, think they wanted the individual names, actually.”
“Oh, so like Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, then?”
“Jesus, do you write the questions?”
She smiles and pulls a glass out from under the counter. “No,” she says, as she deftly pours the contents of the shaker into the glass. “I just went through a very intense Greek mythology phase when I was a kid.”
“Thank god. I was beginning to think I was just stupid!”
“The two ideas are not mutually exclusive,” she replies, breezily, as she tosses an olive into the drink. “I’ll bring your drinks right over, unless you want me to keep talking to you about mythology.”
There actually isn’t anything Cassian wants more at the moment, but he’s already lost so much dignity at trivia that he can’t afford to lose anymore getting shut down by this beautiful bartender, so he nods and thanks her before he heads back to his table. Bodhi has finally stopped reading Wikipedia on his phone (a time-honored post-loss tradition for them) and is sitting with his head resting on Taidu’s shoulder. Melshi, on the other side of the table, is slumped in his chair, staring into the dregs of his beer.
“Another round incoming,” he says, clapping Melshi on the shoulder.
“Thank god,” Melshi replies, sitting up.
“We are bad at trivia,” Bodhi proclaims, which is also a time-honored tradition.
“We did better this time,” Taidu counters.
“Yeah, but we still lost.”
“Progress over perfection.”
“Stop being reasonable,” Melshi groans. “The wound is still too fresh.”
“You know what’s great for treating wounds?” a voice over Cassian’s shoulder asks. “Alcohol!”
The beautiful bartender appears then, with their drinks on a small tray and starts depositing them on the table, where Taidu immediately helps divvy them up to their respective recipients.
“What are you doing here?” Bodhi asks her, which seems like an odd response. Cassian looks between the two of them, puzzled.
“I told you I was working tonight,” the bartender replies, resting the now-empty tray on her hip.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I sent you a text!”
“Oh,” Taidu says. “That was your first mistake. He never reads his texts.”
“Shut up,” Bodhi says, thumping him lightly on the shoulder. “I read texts! I even reply to them! I am a functional person!”
Taidu and the bartender scoff at the same time, and Cassian is definitely missing something.
“So, why are you working tonight?” Bodhi asks, before Cassian can figure out a way to ask what’s going on without seeming rude. “I mean, I read your text, for sure, but like…remind me?”
“Kennel no-call, no-showed and Baze asked me to fill in.”
“What?! Tell me everything!”
“I just did. She didn’t call out or give notice so I have no idea what happened.”
“Okay, that’s more boring than I expected,” Bodhi says, sounding disappointed. “I always thought she’d get fired for coming after you with a knife or something.”
“You and me both, buddy,” the bartender says.
“Kennel is the usual Thursday night bartender?” Taidu asks, speaking for all of them.
“Yeah,” Bodhi says. “She’s fucking nuts.”
“Good riddance,” she agrees. Then, she turns her attention to Cassian, pointing at him with her elbow. “I put the drinks on your tab, by the way.”
Cassian blinks at her in surprise. “Oh, right. Yeah. Good. Did I—sorry, I don’t think I gave you my name, so…”
“No, but I know Bodhi, which means I also know Taidu, naturally, and I’ve met Melshi before, so I guessed you were probably Bodhi’s other co-worker, Cassian, who he does trivia with but whom I’ve never met and there was a card with that name behind the bar, so…”
“Okay, seriously, are you some kind of savant or something? Between this and knowing all of the trivia answers…”
She smiles. “I have the distinct advantage of being more sober than almost everyone in the room, which gives the impression of genius where there is none.”
“Bodhi, you didn’t tell Cassian your roommate worked here, did you?” Taidu asks suddenly, sounding amused.
Bodhi smacks himself on the forehead. “She doesn’t normally work Thursdays,” he admits, miserably, before looking up. “Cassian, this is my roommate, Jyn. She works here.”
“Jyn. Right,” Cassian says, feeling some puzzle pieces slot into place. “I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet.”
“Same,” she says, extending a hand for him to shake and giving him a mysterious smile. “Though Bodhi did say you were the ringer on the trivia team, and you didn’t even know the names of the Moirai.”
“Cassian is the ringer,” Melshi says, “which just goes to show how terrible the rest of us are.”
“I think Kay was technically our ringer,” Cassian replies.
“Until he got perma-banned,” Bodhi adds, dejectedly.
“Kay?” Jyn asks. 
“My roommate,” Cassian specifies. “It was for the best, he argued with the host too much.”
“Oh, that guy,” she says, nodding. “Baze and Chirrut have his picture hung up in the office. We throw darts at it, uh, lovingly.”
Cassian waves away the sheepish look she gives him. “I live with him. I understand the impulse. Anyway, that’s how Taidu ended up joining us.”
“Lucky them,” he says, raising his glass in a mock toast. “I know nothing, it turns out.”
“I mean, if they ever need someone to answer a question about the intricacies of Formula 1, you’re their man,” Jyn says.
“Taidu watches a lot of F1 at our apartment,” Bodhi explains. “He’s trying to get Jyn into it.”
“It’s not nearly violent enough for my tastes,” she says, mildly. “Anything else before I go back to the bar? Need me to name all the Argonauts, perhaps?”
“Oh, you’re going to be insufferable about this, aren’t you?” Bodhi asks, covering his face with his hands.
“It’s going to be like the eagle, pecking out Prometheus’s liver every day, only it’ll be me taunting you with Greek mythology facts.”
“Mythological facts, huh?” Melshi asks.
“I’m sorry,” Jyn says, leaning in close. “I have trouble hearing people who’ve never won bar trivia in their lives.”
“You’re right,” he replies, holding his hands up in defeat. “You got us there.”
“Next week,” Cassian says emphatically, “is going to be our week. I’m calling it.”
The pitying look Jyn gives him before she leaves their table does nothing to bolster his confidence—nor does it quell the spark of attraction he felt when he first saw her. He was really hoping the revelation that she’s Bodhi’s roommate might help with that, but no such luck. If anything, he likes her more now; Bodhi has always talked about Jyn in glowing terms and Cassian can see now that she lives up to her reputation. 
He realizes only a little belatedly that he’s been watching her walk away, which feels like a bridge too far, and catches Melshi giving him an unimpressed look. He schools his expression into something overly innocent and Melshi snorts before returning his attention to his beer.
They hang around, replaying their demoralizing defeat for the tenth time and vowing (as always) to do better next time, until their drinks are finished and then everyone gets ready to leave. Melshi heads off for the train with a sardonic salute and Taidu and Bodhi head off in search of a cab, while Cassian lives close enough that he’s just going to walk home. He is already halfway out the door when he realizes he left his credit card at the bar.
He does a heel turn and heads back in, waiting at the least crowded corner of the bar until he can get someone’s attention. He’s seen a few people milling around behind the bar all night, but as far as he can tell Jyn is the only bartender on and she’s the only one there now, which means she’s busy, so he settles in to wait once he catches her eye and she gives him a nod to say she’ll be right with him.
“Sorry about that,” she says, when she finally makes her way over to him around five minutes later. “We’re short-staffed, as you know. I didn’t know Thursdays were this busy!”
“No problem,” Cassian says, signing his receipt and handing it back to her while he pockets his card. “I’ve got nowhere to be.”
Jyn drums her fingers on the bar as she considers him. “You should know,” she says, after obvious deliberation, “I only date people who win at bar trivia.”
He could not possibly have heard that correctly. “I…what?”
“I think it’s only fair that you know this about me, since you’re making your interest known.”
“I wasn’t—that’s not what—I wasn’t saying I’ve got nowhere to be like that, just that I wasn’t in a hurry! I was not trying to—”
“I’m serious. It was just an expression!”
She treats him to the most exaggerated, patronizing nod of all time. “Right. And you were absolutely not checking me out earlier.”
“I was not doing that,” Cassian says, and it’s frankly embarrassing how transparent of a lie it is.
“I don’t blame you,” Jyn says, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m very cute.”
“Huh. Now that you mention it…”
She smiles, one of those mysterious, knowing ones he finds so intriguing. “Bodhi did always say he thought you and I would get along if we ever met.”
“Too bad you have such high standards,” he replies, easily. “I could think of a few ways we could get along better.”
“Well, there’s always next week,” she offers.
“You mean, next week when we’re going to win trivia and you’re going to give me your number? That next week?”
Jyn shakes her head, but he can see she’s fighting a smile. “I admire your optimism.”
“Get ready to admire my intellect too,” he says, “when I win bar trivia.”
“Whatever you say, Cassian.”
“So,” Cassian says, as he leans up against the bar a week later after trivia has wrapped up, “are you absolutely sure you couldn’t be talked into dating someone much much dumber than you?”
Jyn’s answering laugh, surprised and delighted and unrestrained, makes him feel so much prouder of himself than winning trivia ever could. Not that he knows for sure, of course, never having done the latter, but if he had to guess.
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foreos · 3 months
sometimes i look at the they/them pronouns in my bio and feel an overwhelming sense of joy
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directorial-voyage · 4 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME: Amelie Elenonora Flag
AGE: 29
DATE OF BIRTH: 21.12.1994
ZODIAC: Sagittarius
SPECIES: human
SEX: female
SIBLINGS: an older brother, @suicdesqad
INTERESTS: jogging, music, movies, the beach, the ocean, the stars, books
PROFESSION: director
Eyes: blue / green
HAIR: blonde and long
SKIN: light skin
FACE: warm smile, snub nose
POSTURE: casual
HEIGHT: 165cm | 5'5
VOICE: light, friendly
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: black crop top and mom jeans
STRENGTHS: playing the piano, working overtime ( hah ), making my brother mad
WEAKNESSES: overthinking, sensitive, quiet
COLORS: black and red
FRUITS: strawberries, raspberries ( whatever all of berries!)
DRINKS: tons of coffee, black tea, water
well that was intense, but thank you for tagging me my little ray of sunshine @nuit-sanglant ❤️☀️
I’m tagging: @blackshadow-t ‚ @suicdesqad, @eviys, @skylightnings, @nghtxshroud & @wckdwtchx ❤️
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myorgansaremelting · 2 months
Puppy boy…
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m0rtisxfuchs · 2 months
Me when they got “27-30(+)” in their bio
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clingylilhoneybee · 3 months
Screaming crying throwing up that I have to boop you all from my main blog
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invisi-bill-blog · 3 months
wait Invisibill canon????
That’s me!
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toherlover · 3 months
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happy piping plovers & happy me!!
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sailermoon · 11 months
seeing my name in fiction like 🫵🏼
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betweenrageandserenity · 10 months
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Salon Mirror v. Work Mirror
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deityofhearts · 1 year
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>:3c heheh
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I don’t understand how someone can see humans being their funky selves and think it’s wrong
I’m just sitting here watching humans do their thing like I’m an alien observer and thinking it’s the neatest thing on the planet
Other kin? Righteous dude
Non-binary? Fuckin killer
Agender/gendervoid? Good for you!!
Polyamory? Love it!
There’s so many more communities and identities that I haven’t listed just because I don’t even know a lot of names but these funky lil dudes are pretty cool
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